#include "_globals.h" #include "column_timeline.h" /* * ColTimeline */ ColTimeline::ColTimeline() : m_nSource(0), m_nSourceType(2), m_nIgnoreOld(0), m_bDetail(true), m_nDays(7), m_hSource(NULL), m_hIgnoreOld(NULL), m_hDetail(NULL), m_hDays(NULL) { } void ColTimeline::impl_copyConfig(const Column* pSource) { const ColTimeline& src = *reinterpret_cast<const ColTimeline*>(pSource); m_nSource = src.m_nSource; m_nSourceType = src.m_nSourceType; m_nIgnoreOld = src.m_nIgnoreOld; m_bDetail = src.m_bDetail; m_nDays = src.m_nDays; } void ColTimeline::impl_configRead(const SettingsTree& settings) { m_nSource = settings.readIntRanged(con::KeySource , 0, 0, 2); m_nSourceType = settings.readIntRanged(con::KeySourceType, 2, 0, 3); m_nIgnoreOld = settings.readIntRanged(con::KeyIgnoreOld , 0, 0, 1000); m_bDetail = settings.readBool (con::KeyDetail , true); m_nDays = settings.readIntRanged(con::KeyDays , 7, 1, 1000); } void ColTimeline::impl_configWrite(SettingsTree& settings) const { settings.writeInt (con::KeySource , m_nSource ); settings.writeInt (con::KeySourceType, m_nSourceType); settings.writeInt (con::KeyIgnoreOld , m_nIgnoreOld ); settings.writeBool(con::KeyDetail , m_bDetail ); settings.writeInt (con::KeyDays , m_nDays ); } void ColTimeline::impl_configToUI(OptionsCtrl& Opt, OptionsCtrl::Item hGroup) { m_hSource = Opt.insertCombo(hGroup, TranslateT("Data source")); m_hIgnoreOld = Opt.insertEdit(hGroup, TranslateT("Drop everything older than (days, 0=no limit)"), _T(""), OptionsCtrl::OCF_NUMBER); m_hDetail = Opt.insertCheck(hGroup, TranslateT("Details for every bar (tooltip)")); m_hDays = Opt.insertEdit (hGroup, TranslateT("Number of days to group"), _T(""), OptionsCtrl::OCF_NUMBER); static const TCHAR* sourceTexts[] = { LPGENT("Characters (incoming)"), LPGENT("Characters (outgoing)"), LPGENT("Characters (all)"), LPGENT("Characters (in/out ratio)"), LPGENT("Messages (incoming)"), LPGENT("Messages (outgoing)"), LPGENT("Messages (all)"), LPGENT("Messages (in/out ratio)"), LPGENT("Chats (incoming)"), LPGENT("Chats (outgoing)"), LPGENT("Chats (all)"), LPGENT("Chats (in/out ratio)"), }; array_each_(i, sourceTexts) { Opt.addComboItem(m_hSource, TranslateTS(sourceTexts[i])); } Opt.setComboSelected(m_hSource , 4 * m_nSource + m_nSourceType); Opt.setEditNumber (m_hIgnoreOld, m_nIgnoreOld ); Opt.checkItem (m_hDetail , m_bDetail ); Opt.setEditNumber (m_hDays , m_nDays ); } void ColTimeline::impl_configFromUI(OptionsCtrl& Opt) { m_nSource = Opt.getComboSelected(m_hSource) / 4; m_nSourceType = Opt.getComboSelected(m_hSource) % 4; m_nIgnoreOld = Opt.getEditNumber (m_hIgnoreOld); m_bDetail = Opt.isItemChecked (m_hDetail); m_nDays = Opt.getEditNumber (m_hDays); // ensure constraints utils::ensureRange(m_nIgnoreOld, 0, 1000, 0); } int ColTimeline::impl_configGetRestrictions(ext::string* pDetails) const { if (pDetails && m_bDetail) *pDetails = TranslateT("Details for every bar (tooltip) are only available with HTML output."); // m_bDetail "on" means we need tooltips and they are not available with PNG output return crHTMLFull | (m_bDetail ? crPNGPartial : crPNGFull); } ext::string ColTimeline::impl_contactDataGetUID() const { return ext::str(ext::format(_T("timeline-|")) % m_nSource); } void ColTimeline::impl_contactDataPrepare(Contact& contact) const { TimelineMap* pData = new TimelineMap; contact.setSlot(contactDataSlotGet(), pData); } void ColTimeline::impl_contactDataFree(Contact& contact) const { TimelineMap* pData = reinterpret_cast<TimelineMap*>(contact.getSlot(contactDataSlotGet())); if (pData) { delete pData; contact.setSlot(contactDataSlotGet(), NULL); } } void ColTimeline::addToSlot(Contact& contact, bool bOutgoing, DWORD localTimestamp, int toAdd) { if (toAdd > 0) { TimelineMap* pData = reinterpret_cast<TimelineMap*>(contact.getSlot(contactDataSlotGet())); InOut& io = (*pData)[localTimestamp / 86400]; (bOutgoing ? io.out : io.in) += toAdd; } } void ColTimeline::impl_contactDataAcquireMessage(Contact& contact, Message& msg) { if (m_nSource == 0) { addToSlot(contact, msg.isOutgoing(), msg.getTimestamp(), msg.getLength()); } else if (m_nSource == 1) { addToSlot(contact, msg.isOutgoing(), msg.getTimestamp(), 1); } } void ColTimeline::impl_contactDataAcquireChat(Contact& contact, bool bOutgoing, DWORD localTimestampStarted, DWORD duration) { if (m_nSource == 2) { addToSlot(contact, bOutgoing, localTimestampStarted, 1); } } void ColTimeline::impl_contactDataMerge(Contact& contact, const Contact& include) const { TimelineMap* pData = reinterpret_cast<TimelineMap*>(contact.getSlot(contactDataSlotGet())); const TimelineMap* pIncData = reinterpret_cast<const TimelineMap*>(include.getSlot(contactDataSlotGet())); citer_each_(TimelineMap, i, *pIncData) { (*pData)[i->first] += i->second; } } Column::StyleList ColTimeline::impl_outputGetAdditionalStyles(IDProvider& idp) { StyleList l; if (!usePNG()) { m_CSS = idp.getID(); l.push_back(StylePair(_T("div.") + m_CSS, _T("position: relative; left: 50%; margin-left: -") + utils::intToString(m_nTimelineWidth / 2) + _T("px; width: ") + utils::intToString(m_nTimelineWidth) + _T("px; height: 49px;"))); if (m_nSourceType != 3) { l.push_back(StylePair(_T("div.") + m_CSS + _T(" div"), _T("position: absolute; top: 0px; width: 3px; height: 49px; overflow: hidden;"))); l.push_back(StylePair(_T("div.") + m_CSS + _T(" div div"), _T("position: absolute; left: 0px; width: 3px; background-color: ") + utils::colorToHTML(con::ColorBar) + _T(";"))); l.push_back(StylePair(_T("div.") + m_CSS + _T(" div.l"), _T("position: absolute; top: 24px; left: 0px; height: 1px; width: ") + utils::intToString(m_nTimelineWidth) + _T("px; background-color: ") + utils::colorToHTML(con::ColorBarLine) + _T("; z-index: 9;"))); } else { l.push_back(StylePair(_T("div.") + m_CSS + _T(" div"), _T("position: absolute; top: 0px; width: 3px; height: 49px; overflow: hidden; z-index: 9;"))); l.push_back(StylePair(_T("div.") + m_CSS + _T(" div div.o"), _T("position: absolute; left: 0px; width: 3px; background-color: ") + utils::colorToHTML(con::ColorOut) + _T(";"))); l.push_back(StylePair(_T("div.") + m_CSS + _T(" div div.i"), _T("position: absolute; top: 24px; left: 0px; width: 3px; background-color: ") + utils::colorToHTML(con::ColorIn) + _T(";"))); l.push_back(StylePair(_T("div.") + m_CSS + _T(" div.l"), _T("position: absolute; top: 24px; left: 0px; height: 1px; width: ") + utils::intToString(m_nTimelineWidth) + _T("px; background-color: ") + utils::colorToHTML(con::ColorIOLine) + _T("; z-index: 8;"))); } } return l; } void ColTimeline::impl_outputRenderHeader(ext::ostream& tos, int row, int rowSpan) const { static const TCHAR* szSourceDesc[] = { LPGENT("incoming characters"), LPGENT("outgoing characters"), LPGENT("all characters"), LPGENT("in/out ratio of characters"), LPGENT("incoming messages"), LPGENT("outgoing messages"), LPGENT("all messages"), LPGENT("in/out ratio of messages"), LPGENT("incoming chats"), LPGENT("outgoing chats"), LPGENT("all chats"), LPGENT("in/out ratio of chats"), }; if (row == 1) { ext::string strTitle = str(ext::kformat(TranslateT("Timeline for #{data}")) % _T("#{data}") * TranslateTS(szSourceDesc[4 * m_nSource + m_nSourceType])); writeRowspanTD(tos, getCustomTitle(TranslateT("Timeline"), strTitle) + _T("<div style=\"width: ") + utils::intToString(m_nTimelineWidth) + _T("px;\"></div>"), row, 1, rowSpan); } } void ColTimeline::impl_columnDataAfterOmit() { // AFTER, i.e. contacts are trimmed to what user will see m_nFirstDay = getStatistic()->getFirstTime() / 86400; m_nLastDay = getStatistic()->getLastTime() / 86400; // honour ignore setting if (m_nIgnoreOld > 0 && m_nLastDay > m_nIgnoreOld && m_nLastDay - m_nFirstDay > m_nIgnoreOld) { m_nFirstDay = m_nLastDay - m_nIgnoreOld + 1; } m_nTimelineWidth = 3 * (1 + (m_nLastDay - m_nFirstDay) / m_nDays); } void ColTimeline::impl_outputRenderRow(ext::ostream& tos, const Contact& contact, DisplayType display) { if (m_nSourceType != 3) { outputRenderRowInOut(tos, contact, display); } else { outputRenderRowRatio(tos, contact, display); } } void ColTimeline::outputRenderRowInOut(ext::ostream& tos, const Contact& contact, DisplayType display) { const TimelineMap* pData = reinterpret_cast<const TimelineMap*>(contact.getSlot(contactDataSlotGet())); int top = 0; int curDay, partDay, part_top; for (curDay = m_nFirstDay; curDay <= m_nLastDay; curDay += m_nDays) { for (part_top = 0, partDay = 0; partDay < m_nDays; partDay++) { TimelineMap::const_iterator i = pData->find(curDay + partDay); if (i != pData->end()) { part_top += getValue(i->second); } } top = max(top, part_top); } if (top == 0) { top = 1; } if (usePNG()) { tos << _T("<td class=\"img_middle\">"); // draw graph Canvas canvas(m_nTimelineWidth, 49); canvas.setTrans(con::ColorBack, true); HDC hDC = canvas.beginDraw(); SetBkColor(hDC, con::ColorBar); for (curDay = m_nFirstDay; curDay <= m_nLastDay; curDay += m_nDays) { for (part_top = 0, partDay = 0; partDay < m_nDays; partDay++) { TimelineMap::const_iterator i = pData->find(curDay + partDay); if (i != pData->end()) { part_top += getValue(i->second); } } int bar_len = (24 * part_top + top - 1) / top; int from_left = 3 * ((curDay - m_nFirstDay) / m_nDays); if (bar_len != 0) { ExtTextOut(hDC, 0, 0, ETO_OPAQUE, &utils::rect(from_left, 24 - bar_len, from_left + 3, 25 + bar_len), NULL, 0, NULL); } } SetBkColor(hDC, con::ColorBarLine); ExtTextOut(hDC, 0, 0, ETO_OPAQUE, &utils::rect(0, 24, m_nTimelineWidth, 25), NULL, 0, NULL); canvas.endDraw(); // write PNG file ext::string strFinalFile; if (getStatistic()->newFilePNG(canvas, strFinalFile)) { tos << _T("<img src=\"") << strFinalFile << _T("\"/>"); } tos << _T("</td>") << ext::endl; } else { tos << _T("<td class=\"bars_middle\">") << _T("<div class=\"") << m_CSS << _T("\">") << _T("<div class=\"l\"></div>") << ext::endl; for (curDay = m_nFirstDay; curDay <= m_nLastDay; curDay += m_nDays) { part_top = 0; for (partDay = 0; partDay < m_nDays; partDay++) { TimelineMap::const_iterator i = pData->find(curDay + partDay); if (i != pData->end()) { part_top += getValue(i->second); } } int bar_len = (24 * part_top + top - 1) / top; if (m_bDetail) { DWORD rightDay = min(curDay + m_nDays - 1, m_nLastDay); tos << _T("<div title=\""); if (rightDay != curDay) { tos << utils::htmlEscape(ext::str(ext::kformat(TranslateT("[#{start_date}-#{end_date}] #{amount}")) % _T("#{start_date}") * utils::timestampToDate(curDay * 86400) % _T("#{end_date}") * utils::timestampToDate(rightDay * 86400) % _T("#{amount}") * utils::intToGrouped(part_top))); } else { tos << utils::htmlEscape(ext::str(ext::kformat(TranslateT("[#{date}] #{amount}")) % _T("#{date}") * utils::timestampToDate(curDay * 86400) % _T("#{amount}") * utils::intToGrouped(part_top))); } tos << _T("\" style=\"left: ") << (3 * ((curDay - m_nFirstDay) / m_nDays)) << _T("px;\">"); } else if (bar_len != 0) { tos << _T("<div style=\"left: ") << (3 * ((curDay - m_nFirstDay) / m_nDays)) << _T("px;\">"); } if (bar_len != 0) { tos << _T("<div style=\"top: ") << (24 - bar_len) << _T("px; height: ") << (1 + 2 * bar_len) << _T("px;\"></div>"); } if (m_bDetail || bar_len != 0) { tos << _T("</div>") << ext::endl; } } tos << _T("</div></td>") << ext::endl; } } void ColTimeline::outputRenderRowRatio(ext::ostream& tos, const Contact& contact, DisplayType display) { const TimelineMap* pData = reinterpret_cast<const TimelineMap*>(contact.getSlot(contactDataSlotGet())); int curDay, partDay, part_out, part_in; if (usePNG()) { tos << _T("<td class=\"img_middle\">"); // draw graph Canvas canvas(m_nTimelineWidth, 49); canvas.setTrans(con::ColorBack, true); HDC hDC = canvas.beginDraw(); SetBkColor(hDC, con::ColorIOLine); ExtTextOut(hDC, 0, 0, ETO_OPAQUE, &utils::rect(0, 24, m_nTimelineWidth, 25), NULL, 0, NULL); for (curDay = m_nFirstDay; curDay <= m_nLastDay; curDay += m_nDays) { part_out = part_in = 0; for (partDay = 0; partDay < m_nDays; partDay++) { TimelineMap::const_iterator i = pData->find(curDay + partDay); if (i != pData->end()) { part_out += i->second.out; part_in += i->second.in; } } int part_sum = part_in + part_out; int bar_len = 0; if (part_sum > 0) { bar_len = -24 + 48 * part_out / part_sum; bar_len += (part_out > part_in) ? 1 : 0; } int from_left = 3 * ((curDay - m_nFirstDay) / m_nDays); if (bar_len < 0) { SetBkColor(hDC, con::ColorIn); ExtTextOut(hDC, 0, 0, ETO_OPAQUE, &utils::rect(from_left, 24, from_left + 3, 24 - bar_len), NULL, 0, NULL); } else if (bar_len > 0) { SetBkColor(hDC, con::ColorOut); ExtTextOut(hDC, 0, 0, ETO_OPAQUE, &utils::rect(from_left, 25 - bar_len, from_left + 3, 25), NULL, 0, NULL); } } canvas.endDraw(); // write PNG file ext::string strFinalFile; if (getStatistic()->newFilePNG(canvas, strFinalFile)) { tos << _T("<img src=\"") << strFinalFile << _T("\"/>"); } tos << _T("</td>") << ext::endl; } else { tos << _T("<td class=\"bars_middle\">") << _T("<div class=\"") << m_CSS << _T("\">") << _T("<div class=\"l\"></div>") << ext::endl; for (curDay = m_nFirstDay; curDay <= m_nLastDay; curDay += m_nDays) { part_out = 0; part_in = 0; for (partDay = 0; partDay < m_nDays; partDay++) { TimelineMap::const_iterator i = pData->find(curDay + partDay); if (i != pData->end()) { part_out += i->second.out; part_in += i->second.in; } } int part_sum = part_in + part_out; int bar_len = 0; if (part_sum > 0) { bar_len = -24 + 48 * part_out / part_sum; bar_len += (part_out > part_in) ? 1 : 0; } if (m_bDetail) { DWORD rightDay = min(curDay + m_nDays - 1, m_nLastDay); tos << _T("<div title=\""); if (rightDay != curDay) { tos << utils::htmlEscape(ext::str(ext::kformat(TranslateT("[#{start_date}-#{end_date}] #{out_amount} (out) / #{in_amount} (in)")) % _T("#{start_date}") * utils::timestampToDate(curDay * 86400) % _T("#{end_date}") * utils::timestampToDate(rightDay * 86400) % _T("#{out_amount}") * utils::intToGrouped(part_out) % _T("#{in_amount}") * utils::intToGrouped(part_in))); } else { tos << utils::htmlEscape(ext::str(ext::kformat(TranslateT("[#{date}] #{out_amount} (out) / #{in_amount} (in)")) % _T("#{date}") * utils::timestampToDate(curDay * 86400) % _T("#{out_amount}") * utils::intToGrouped(part_out) % _T("#{in_amount}") * utils::intToGrouped(part_in))); } tos << _T("\" style=\"left: ") << (3 * ((curDay - m_nFirstDay) / m_nDays)) << _T("px;\">"); } else if (bar_len != 0) { tos << _T("<div style=\"left: ") << (3 * ((curDay - m_nFirstDay) / m_nDays)) << _T("px;\">"); } if (bar_len < 0) { tos << _T("<div class=\"i\" style=\"height: ") << -bar_len << _T("px;\"></div>"); } else if (bar_len > 0) { tos << _T("<div class=\"o\" style=\"top: ") << (25 - bar_len) << _T("px; height: ") << bar_len << _T("px;\"></div>"); } if (m_bDetail || bar_len != 0) { tos << _T("</div>") << ext::endl; } } tos << _T("</div></td>") << ext::endl; } }