#include "stdafx.h" #include "statistic.h" #include #include "utils.h" #include "utf8buffer.h" #include "resource.h" #include "column.h" #include "main.h" #include "mirandahistory.h" #include "mirandacontact.h" /* * Statistic */ bool Statistic::m_bRunning = false; void Statistic::prepareColumns() { m_ActiveCols.clear(); m_AcquireCols.clear(); m_TransformCols.clear(); std::map dataGUIDToSlot; bool bOutputPNG = m_Settings.isPNGOutputActiveAndAvailable(); upto_each_(i, m_Settings.countCol()) { Column *pCol = m_Settings.getCol(i); if (pCol->isEnabled()) { int restrictions = pCol->configGetRestrictions(nullptr); // MEMO: checks for columns having no HTML-only support if (!bOutputPNG && !(restrictions & Column::crHTMLMask)) continue; m_ActiveCols.push_back(pCol); pCol->setHelpers(this, &m_Settings, &m_CharMapper); if (pCol->getFeatures() & Column::cfAcquiresData) { ext::string dataGUID = pCol->contactDataGetUID(); std::map::iterator g2s = dataGUIDToSlot.find(dataGUID); if (g2s == dataGUIDToSlot.end()) { dataGUIDToSlot[dataGUID] = m_nNextSlot; m_nNextSlot++; m_AcquireCols.push_back(pCol); } pCol->contactDataSlotAssign(dataGUIDToSlot[dataGUID]); if (pCol->getFeatures() & Column::cfTransformsData) { m_TransformCols.push_back(pCol); pCol->contactDataTransformSlotAssign(m_nNextSlot++); } } } } } void Statistic::prepareContactData(Contact& contact) { iter_each_(std::vector, i, m_AcquireCols) { (*i)->contactDataPrepare(contact); } } void Statistic::freeContactData(Contact& contact) { iter_each_(std::vector, i, m_AcquireCols) { (*i)->contactDataFree(contact); } iter_each_(std::vector, i, m_TransformCols) { (*i)->contactDataFree(contact); } } void Statistic::mergeContactData(Contact& contact, const Contact& include) { iter_each_(std::vector, i, m_AcquireCols) { (*i)->contactDataMerge(contact, include); } } void Statistic::transformContactData(Contact& contact) { iter_each_(std::vector, i, m_TransformCols) { (*i)->contactDataTransform(contact); } } Contact& Statistic::addContact(const ext::string& nick, const ext::string& protoDisplayName, const ext::string& groupName, int nSources) { Contact* pContact = new Contact(this, m_nNextSlot, nick, protoDisplayName, groupName, 1, nSources); prepareContactData(*pContact); m_Contacts.push_back(pContact); return *pContact; } const Contact& Statistic::getContact(int index) const { assert(index >= 0 && index < m_Contacts.size()); return *m_Contacts[index]; } DWORD Statistic::getFirstTime() { if (!m_bHistoryTimeAvailable) { // put _all_ available contacts (including omitted/total) in one list ContactListC l; upto_each_(i, countContacts()) { l.push_back(&getContact(i)); } if (hasOmitted()) l.push_back(&getOmitted()); if (hasTotals()) l.push_back(&getTotals()); if (l.size() > 0) { DWORD nFirstTime = con::MaxDateTime, nLastTime = con::MinDateTime; citer_each_(Statistic::ContactListC, c, l) { if ((*c)->isFirstLastTimeValid()) { nFirstTime = min(nFirstTime, (*c)->getFirstTime()); nLastTime = max(nLastTime, (*c)->getLastTime()); } } if (nFirstTime == con::MaxDateTime && nLastTime == con::MinDateTime) m_nFirstTime = m_nLastTime = 0; else { m_nFirstTime = nFirstTime; m_nLastTime = nLastTime; } } else m_nFirstTime = m_nLastTime = 0; // mark data as available m_bHistoryTimeAvailable = true; } return m_nFirstTime; } DWORD Statistic::getLastTime() { if (!m_bHistoryTimeAvailable) // trigger calculation getFirstTime(); return m_nLastTime; } DWORD Statistic::getHistoryTime() { if (!m_bHistoryTimeAvailable) // trigger calculation getFirstTime(); return m_nLastTime - m_nFirstTime; } ext::string Statistic::createFile(const ext::string& desiredName) { if (!m_Settings.m_OverwriteAlways && utils::fileExists(desiredName)) { wchar_t tempBuf[MAX_PATH]; UINT nUnique = GetTempFileName(m_TempPath.c_str(), L"his", 0, tempBuf); if (!nUnique) abort(); ext::string tempName = tempBuf; m_ConflictingFiles.push_back(std::make_pair(desiredName, tempName)); return tempName; } ext::string desiredPath = utils::extractPath(desiredName); if (!utils::pathExists(desiredPath)) { if (!utils::createPath(desiredPath)) { m_ErrorText = ext::str(ext::kformat(TranslateT("HistoryStats couldn't create a required folder (#{folder}).\r\n\r\nPlease check the output filename and additional output folder you have chosen for correctness. Additionally, please check whether the file, folder, and/or disk is writable.")) % L"#{folder}" * desiredPath); } } return desiredName; } bool Statistic::newFile(const wchar_t* fileExt, ext::string& writeFile, ext::string& finalURL) { ++m_nLastFileNr; finalURL = m_OutputPrefix + utils::intToString(m_nLastFileNr) + fileExt; writeFile = createFile(m_OutputPath + finalURL); // convert relative filename to relative URL utils::replaceAllInPlace(finalURL, L"\\", L"/"); return true; } bool Statistic::newFilePNG(Canvas& canvas, ext::string& finalURL) { Canvas::Digest digest; if (!canvas.getDigest(digest)) return false; ImageMap::const_iterator i = m_Images.find(digest); if (i == m_Images.end()) { ext::string writeFile; if (!newFilePNG(writeFile, finalURL)) return false; canvas.writePNG(writeFile.c_str()); m_Images.insert(std::make_pair(digest, finalURL)); return true; } finalURL = i->second; return true; } void Statistic::handleAddMessage(Contact& contact, Message& msg) { contact.addMessage(msg); iter_each_(std::vector, i, m_AcquireCols) { (*i)->contactDataAcquireMessage(contact, msg); } } void Statistic::handleAddChat(Contact& contact, bool bOutgoing, DWORD localTimestampStarted, DWORD duration) { if (duration >= m_Settings.m_ChatSessionMinDur) { contact.addChat(bOutgoing, localTimestampStarted, duration); iter_each_(std::vector, i, m_AcquireCols) { (*i)->contactDataAcquireChat(contact, bOutgoing, localTimestampStarted, duration); } } } INT_PTR CALLBACK Statistic::staticProgressProc(HWND hDlg, UINT msg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM) { Statistic* pStats = reinterpret_cast(GetWindowLongPtr(hDlg, GWLP_USERDATA)); switch (msg) { case WM_INITDIALOG: TranslateDialogDefault(hDlg); SendMessage(hDlg, WM_SETICON, ICON_BIG, reinterpret_cast(LoadIcon(g_hInst, MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDI_HISTORYSTATS)))); return TRUE; case WM_DESTROY: PostQuitMessage(0); return TRUE; case WM_COMMAND: if (LOWORD(wParam) == IDOK) { EnableWindow(GetDlgItem(hDlg, IDCANCEL), FALSE); SetEvent(pStats->m_hCancelEvent); } return TRUE; } return FALSE; } void Statistic::setProgressMax(bool bSub, int max) { SendDlgItemMessage(m_hWndProgress, bSub ? IDC_SUBBAR : IDC_MAINBAR, PBM_SETPOS, (WPARAM)0, (LPARAM)0); SendDlgItemMessage(m_hWndProgress, bSub ? IDC_SUBBAR : IDC_MAINBAR, PBM_SETRANGE, (WPARAM)0, (LPARAM)MAKELPARAM(0, max)); SetDlgItemText(m_hWndProgress, bSub ? IDC_SUBPERCENT : IDC_MAINPERCENT, (max > 0) ? L"0%" : L""); if (!bSub) { setProgressMax(true, 0); setProgressLabel(true, L""); } } void Statistic::setProgressLabel(bool bSub, const ext::string& label) { SetDlgItemText(m_hWndProgress, bSub ? IDC_SUBTEXT : IDC_MAINTEXT, label.c_str()); if (!bSub) { setProgressMax(true, 0); setProgressLabel(true, L""); } } void Statistic::stepProgress(bool bSub, int step /* = 1 */) { int pos = SendDlgItemMessage(m_hWndProgress, bSub ? IDC_SUBBAR : IDC_MAINBAR, PBM_GETPOS, (WPARAM)0, (LPARAM)0); int max = SendDlgItemMessage(m_hWndProgress, bSub ? IDC_SUBBAR : IDC_MAINBAR, PBM_GETRANGE, (WPARAM)FALSE, (LPARAM)NULL); pos += step; SendDlgItemMessage(m_hWndProgress, bSub ? IDC_SUBBAR : IDC_MAINBAR, PBM_SETPOS, (WPARAM)pos, (LPARAM)0); SetDlgItemText(m_hWndProgress, bSub ? IDC_SUBPERCENT : IDC_MAINPERCENT, utils::ratioToPercent(pos, max).c_str()); if (!bSub) { setProgressMax(true, 0); setProgressLabel(true, L""); } } bool Statistic::stepInit() { // file management wchar_t tempPath[MAX_PATH]; int nRes = GetTempPath(MAX_PATH, tempPath); if (nRes > 0) m_TempPath.assign(tempPath, nRes); m_OutputFile = m_Settings.getOutputFile(getTimeStarted()); m_OutputPath = utils::extractPath(m_OutputFile); m_OutputPrefix = m_Settings.getOutputPrefix(getTimeStarted()); // init column info prepareColumns(); // figure out minimum/maximum date/time to include m_TimeMin = 0; m_TimeMax = 0xFFFFFFFF; if (m_Settings.m_IgnoreOld != 0) m_TimeMin = getTimeStarted() - 86400 * m_Settings.m_IgnoreOld; if (m_Settings.getIgnoreBefore() != 0) { if (m_Settings.m_IgnoreOld != 0) m_TimeMin = max(m_TimeMin, m_Settings.getIgnoreBefore()); else m_TimeMin = m_Settings.getIgnoreBefore(); } if (m_Settings.getIgnoreAfter() != 0) m_TimeMax = m_Settings.getIgnoreAfter() + 86399; return true; } bool Statistic::stepReadDB() { if (shouldTerminate()) return false; iter_each_(std::vector, i, m_AcquireCols) { (*i)->contactDataBeginAcquire(); } // prepare some data MirandaHistory history(m_Settings); setProgressMax(true, history.getContactCount()); upto_each_(contactIndex, history.getContactCount()) { MirandaContact& hisContact = history.getContact(contactIndex); setProgressLabel(true, hisContact.getNick()); Contact& curContact = addContact(hisContact.getNick(), hisContact.getProtocol(), hisContact.getGroup(), hisContact.getSources().size()); // signal begin of history for this contact hisContact.beginRead(); curContact.beginMessages(); // init data for chat detection DWORD lastAddedTime = 0; DWORD chatStartTime = 0; bool bChatOutgoing = false; Message curMsg(m_Settings.m_FilterRawRTF && RTFFilter::available(), m_Settings.m_FilterBBCodes); // iterate through all events while (hisContact.hasNext()) { const DBEVENTINFO& dbei = hisContact.getNext(); bool bOutgoing = bool_(dbei.flags & DBEF_SENT); // only messages, no URLs, files or anything else // filter logged status messages from tabSRMM if (dbei.eventType == etMessage) { // convert to local time (everything in this plugin is done in local time) DWORD localTimestamp = TimeZone_ToLocal(dbei.timestamp); if (localTimestamp >= m_TimeMin && localTimestamp <= m_TimeMax) { if (dbei.flags & DBEF_UTF) { char* pUTF8Text = reinterpret_cast(dbei.pBlob); int nUTF8Len = utils::getUTF8Len(pUTF8Text); curMsg.assignTextFromUTF8(pUTF8Text, nUTF8Len); } else { char* pAnsiText = reinterpret_cast(dbei.pBlob); int nAnsiLenP1 = ext::a::strfunc::len(pAnsiText) + 1; WCHAR* pWideText = reinterpret_cast(pAnsiText + nAnsiLenP1); int nWideLen = 0; int nWideMaxLen = (dbei.cbBlob - nAnsiLenP1) / sizeof(WCHAR); if (dbei.cbBlob >= nAnsiLenP1 * 3) { for (int i = 0; i < nWideMaxLen; ++i) { if (!pWideText[i]) { nWideLen = i; break; } } } if (nWideLen > 0 && nWideLen < nAnsiLenP1) curMsg.assignText(pWideText, nWideLen); else curMsg.assignText(pAnsiText, nAnsiLenP1 - 1); } curMsg.assignInfo(bOutgoing, localTimestamp); // handle messages handleAddMessage(curContact, curMsg); // handle chats if (localTimestamp - lastAddedTime >= (DWORD)m_Settings.m_ChatSessionTimeout || lastAddedTime == 0) { // new chat started if (chatStartTime != 0) handleAddChat(curContact, bChatOutgoing, chatStartTime, lastAddedTime - chatStartTime); chatStartTime = localTimestamp; bChatOutgoing = bOutgoing; } lastAddedTime = localTimestamp; } } // non-message events if (dbei.eventType != etMessage) curContact.addEvent(dbei.eventType, bOutgoing); hisContact.readNext(); } // post processing for chat detection if (chatStartTime != 0) handleAddChat(curContact, bChatOutgoing, chatStartTime, lastAddedTime - chatStartTime); // signal end of history for this contact curContact.endMessages(); hisContact.endRead(); stepProgress(true); if (shouldTerminate()) return false; } iter_each_(std::vector, i, m_AcquireCols) { (*i)->contactDataEndAcquire(); } return true; } bool Statistic::stepRemoveContacts() { if (!m_Settings.m_RemoveEmptyContacts && !m_Settings.m_RemoveOutChatsZero && !m_Settings.m_RemoveInChatsZero) return true; if (shouldTerminate()) return false; vector_each_(i, m_Contacts) { bool bRemove = false; Contact* pCur = m_Contacts[i]; if (!bRemove && m_Settings.m_RemoveEmptyContacts) bRemove = (pCur->getTotalMessages() == 0); if (!bRemove && m_Settings.m_RemoveOutChatsZero) bRemove = (pCur->getOutChats() == 0 && (!m_Settings.m_RemoveOutBytesZero || pCur->getOutBytes() == 0)); if (!bRemove && m_Settings.m_RemoveInChatsZero) bRemove = (pCur->getInChats() == 0 && (!m_Settings.m_RemoveInBytesZero || pCur->getInBytes() == 0)); if (bRemove) { freeContactData(*pCur); delete pCur; m_Contacts.erase(m_Contacts.begin() + i); --i; } } return true; } bool Statistic::stepSortContacts() { if (shouldTerminate()) return false; ContactCompareBase cmpLast; ContactCompareStr cmpName(&cmpLast, &Contact::getNick); int cmpDepth = 3; upto_each_(i, Settings::cNumSortLevels) { if (m_Settings.m_Sort[i].by == Settings::skNothing) { cmpDepth = i; break; } } ContactCompareBase** ppCmps = new ContactCompareBase*[cmpDepth]; ContactCompareBase* pCmp = nullptr; ContactCompareBase* pPrev = &cmpName; for (int i = cmpDepth - 1; i >= 0; --i) { switch (m_Settings.m_Sort[i].by) { case Settings::skNick: pCmp = new ContactCompareStr(pPrev, &Contact::getNick); break; case Settings::skProtocol: pCmp = new ContactCompareStr(pPrev, &Contact::getProtocol); break; case Settings::skGroup: pCmp = new ContactCompareStr(pPrev, &Contact::getGroup); break; case Settings::skBytesOut: pCmp = new ContactCompare(pPrev, &Contact::getOutBytes); break; case Settings::skBytesIn: pCmp = new ContactCompare(pPrev, &Contact::getInBytes); break; case Settings::skBytesTotal: pCmp = new ContactCompare(pPrev, &Contact::getTotalBytes); break; case Settings::skMessagesOut: pCmp = new ContactCompare(pPrev, &Contact::getOutMessages); break; case Settings::skMessagesIn: pCmp = new ContactCompare(pPrev, &Contact::getOutMessages); break; case Settings::skMessagesTotal: pCmp = new ContactCompare(pPrev, &Contact::getTotalMessages); break; case Settings::skChatsOut: pCmp = new ContactCompare(pPrev, &Contact::getOutChats); break; case Settings::skChatsIn: pCmp = new ContactCompare(pPrev, &Contact::getInChats); break; case Settings::skChatsTotal: pCmp = new ContactCompare(pPrev, &Contact::getTotalChats); break; case Settings::skChatDurationTotal: pCmp = new ContactCompare(pPrev, &Contact::getChatDurSum); break; case Settings::skTimeOfFirstMessage: pCmp = new ContactCompare(pPrev, &Contact::getFirstTime); break; case Settings::skTimeOfLastMessage: pCmp = new ContactCompare(pPrev, &Contact::getLastTime); break; case Settings::skBytesOutAvg: pCmp = new ContactCompare(pPrev, &Contact::getOutBytesAvg); break; case Settings::skBytesInAvg: pCmp = new ContactCompare(pPrev, &Contact::getInBytesAvg); break; case Settings::skBytesTotalAvg: pCmp = new ContactCompare(pPrev, &Contact::getTotalBytesAvg); break; case Settings::skMessagesOutAvg: pCmp = new ContactCompare(pPrev, &Contact::getOutMessagesAvg); break; case Settings::skMessagesInAvg: pCmp = new ContactCompare(pPrev, &Contact::getOutMessagesAvg); break; case Settings::skMessagesTotalAvg: pCmp = new ContactCompare(pPrev, &Contact::getTotalMessagesAvg); break; case Settings::skChatsOutAvg: pCmp = new ContactCompare(pPrev, &Contact::getOutChatsAvg); break; case Settings::skChatsInAvg: pCmp = new ContactCompare(pPrev, &Contact::getInChatsAvg); break; case Settings::skChatsTotalAvg: pCmp = new ContactCompare(pPrev, &Contact::getTotalChatsAvg); break; case Settings::skChatDurationMin: pCmp = new ContactCompare(pPrev, &Contact::getChatDurMinForSort); break; case Settings::skChatDurationAvg: pCmp = new ContactCompare(pPrev, &Contact::getChatDurAvgForSort); break; case Settings::skChatDurationMax: pCmp = new ContactCompare(pPrev, &Contact::getChatDurMaxForSort); break; } pCmp->setDir(m_Settings.m_Sort[i].asc); ppCmps[i] = pPrev = pCmp; pCmp = nullptr; } std::sort(m_Contacts.begin(), m_Contacts.end(), ContactCompareOp(ppCmps[0])); upto_each_(i, cmpDepth) { delete ppCmps[i]; } delete[] ppCmps; return true; } bool Statistic::stepPreOmitContacts() { if (shouldTerminate()) return false; iter_each_(std::vector, i, m_ActiveCols) { (*i)->columnDataBeforeOmit(); } return true; } bool Statistic::stepOmitContacts() { if (!m_Settings.m_OmitContacts) return true; if (shouldTerminate()) return false; m_pOmitted = new Contact(this, m_nNextSlot, L"", L"", L"", 0, 0); prepareContactData(*m_pOmitted); // omit depending on some value if (m_Settings.m_OmitByValue) { static const struct { int type; // 0 = int, 1 = double, 2 = DWORD double factor; // factor to multiply function output with int (Contact::*int_fn)() const; double (Contact::*double_fn)() const; DWORD(Contact::*DWORD_fn)() const; } valueMap[] = { { 0, 1.0, &Contact::getInBytes, nullptr, nullptr }, { 0, 1.0, &Contact::getOutBytes, nullptr, nullptr }, { 0, 1.0, &Contact::getTotalBytes, nullptr, nullptr }, { 1, 604800.0, nullptr, &Contact::getInBytesAvg, nullptr }, { 1, 604800.0, nullptr, &Contact::getOutBytesAvg, nullptr }, { 1, 604800.0, nullptr, &Contact::getTotalBytesAvg, nullptr }, { 0, 1.0, &Contact::getInMessages, nullptr, nullptr }, { 0, 1.0, &Contact::getOutMessages, nullptr, nullptr }, { 0, 1.0, &Contact::getTotalMessages, nullptr, nullptr }, { 1, 604800.0, nullptr, &Contact::getInMessagesAvg, nullptr }, { 1, 604800.0, nullptr, &Contact::getOutMessagesAvg, nullptr }, { 1, 604800.0, nullptr, &Contact::getTotalMessagesAvg, nullptr }, { 0, 1.0, &Contact::getInChats, nullptr, nullptr }, { 0, 1.0, &Contact::getOutChats, nullptr, nullptr }, { 0, 1.0, &Contact::getTotalChats, nullptr, nullptr }, { 1, 604800.0, nullptr, &Contact::getInChatsAvg, nullptr }, { 1, 604800.0, nullptr, &Contact::getOutChatsAvg, nullptr }, { 1, 604800.0, nullptr, &Contact::getTotalChatsAvg, nullptr }, { 2, 1 / 3600.0, nullptr, nullptr, &Contact::getChatDurSum }, }; int valueKey = m_Settings.m_OmitByValueData; double fLimit = static_cast(m_Settings.m_OmitByValueLimit) / valueMap[valueKey].factor; for (int i = m_Contacts.size() - 1; i >= 0; --i) { Contact& cur = *m_Contacts[i]; bool bDoOmit = false; switch (valueMap[valueKey].type) { case 0: bDoOmit = (static_cast((cur.*valueMap[valueKey].int_fn)()) < fLimit); break; case 1: bDoOmit = ((cur.*valueMap[valueKey].double_fn)() < fLimit); break; case 2: bDoOmit = (static_cast((cur.*valueMap[valueKey].DWORD_fn)()) < fLimit); break; } if (bDoOmit) { if (m_Settings.m_OmittedInTotals && m_Settings.m_CalcTotals || m_Settings.m_OmittedInExtraRow) { m_pOmitted->merge(cur); mergeContactData(*m_pOmitted, cur); m_bActuallyOmitted = true; } freeContactData(cur); delete m_Contacts[i]; m_Contacts.erase(m_Contacts.begin() + i); } if (shouldTerminate()) return false; } } // omit depending on message time if (m_Settings.m_OmitByTime) { for (int i = m_Contacts.size() - 1; i >= 0; --i) { Contact& cur = *m_Contacts[i]; if (!cur.isFirstLastTimeValid() || (getTimeStarted() > cur.getLastTime() && getTimeStarted() - cur.getLastTime() > m_Settings.m_OmitByTimeDays * 86400)) { if (m_Settings.m_OmittedInTotals && m_Settings.m_CalcTotals || m_Settings.m_OmittedInExtraRow) { m_pOmitted->merge(cur); mergeContactData(*m_pOmitted, cur); m_bActuallyOmitted = true; } freeContactData(cur); delete m_Contacts[i]; m_Contacts.erase(m_Contacts.begin() + i); } if (shouldTerminate()) return false; } } // omit depending on rank if (m_Settings.m_OmitByRank) { while (m_Contacts.size() > m_Settings.m_OmitNumOnTop) { Contact& cur = *m_Contacts.back(); if (m_Settings.m_OmittedInTotals && m_Settings.m_CalcTotals || m_Settings.m_OmittedInExtraRow) { m_pOmitted->merge(cur); mergeContactData(*m_pOmitted, cur); m_bActuallyOmitted = true; } freeContactData(cur); delete m_Contacts.back(); m_Contacts.pop_back(); if (shouldTerminate()) return false; } } return true; } bool Statistic::stepCalcTotals() { if (!m_Settings.m_CalcTotals) return true; if (shouldTerminate()) return false; m_pTotals = new Contact(this, m_nNextSlot, L"", L"", L"", 0, 0); prepareContactData(*m_pTotals); setProgressMax(true, m_Contacts.size() + 1); // normal contacts vector_each_(i, m_Contacts) { Contact &curContact = *m_Contacts[i]; setProgressLabel(true, curContact.getNick()); m_pTotals->merge(curContact); mergeContactData(*m_pTotals, curContact); stepProgress(true); if (shouldTerminate()) return false; } // omitted contacts setProgressLabel(true, TranslateT("Omitted contacts")); if (m_Settings.m_OmitContacts && m_Settings.m_OmittedInTotals && m_bActuallyOmitted) { m_pTotals->merge(*m_pOmitted); mergeContactData(*m_pTotals, *m_pOmitted); } stepProgress(true); return true; } bool Statistic::stepPostOmitContacts() { if (shouldTerminate()) { return false; } iter_each_(std::vector, i, m_ActiveCols) { (*i)->columnDataAfterOmit(); } return true; } bool Statistic::stepTransformData() { if (shouldTerminate()) return false; setProgressMax(true, m_Contacts.size() + 2); // normal contacts vector_each_(i, m_Contacts) { Contact& curContact = *m_Contacts[i]; setProgressLabel(true, curContact.getNick()); transformContactData(curContact); stepProgress(true); if (shouldTerminate()) return false; } // omitted contacts setProgressLabel(true, TranslateT("Omitted contacts")); if (m_bActuallyOmitted) transformContactData(*m_pOmitted); stepProgress(true); // totals setProgressLabel(true, TranslateT("Totals")); if (m_Settings.m_CalcTotals) transformContactData(*m_pTotals); stepProgress(true); return true; } bool Statistic::stepWriteHTML() { if (shouldTerminate()) return false; bool bInterrupted = false; // Init output. setProgressMax(true, countContacts() + 2); // Create output stream. ext::a::ofstream ofs(utils::toA(createFile(m_OutputFile)).c_str()); if (!ofs.good()) { m_ErrorText = ext::str(ext::kformat(TranslateT("HistoryStats couldn't open the output file (#{file}) for write access.\r\n\r\nPlease check the output filename you have chosen for correctness. Additionally, please check whether the file, folder, and/or disk is writable.")) % L"#{file}" * m_OutputFile); return false; } UTF8Buffer utf8_buf(ofs); ext::ostream tos(&utf8_buf); // Inform active columns about beginning output. iter_each_(std::vector, col, m_ActiveCols) { (*col)->outputBegin(); } // Output HTML init sequence. std::set additionalCSSSelectors; std::vector additionalCSS; Column::IDProvider idProvider; iter_each_(std::vector, col, m_ActiveCols) { Column::StyleList cssList = (*col)->outputGetAdditionalStyles(idProvider); iter_each_(Column::StyleList, css, cssList) { if (additionalCSSSelectors.find(css->first) == additionalCSSSelectors.end()) { additionalCSS.push_back(css->first + L" { " + css->second + L" }"); additionalCSSSelectors.insert(css->first); } } } additionalCSSSelectors.clear(); tos << L"" << ext::endl << L"" << ext::endl << L"" << ext::endl << L"" << ext::endl << L"" << ext::endl << L"" << ext::kformat(TranslateT("Statistics for #{nick} - HistoryStats")) % L"#{nick}" * utils::htmlEscape(m_Settings.m_OwnNick) << L"" << ext::endl << L"" << ext::endl << L"" << ext::endl << L"

" << ext::kformat(TranslateT("Statistics for #{nick}")) % L"#{nick}" * utils::htmlEscape(m_Settings.m_OwnNick) << L"

" << ext::endl; tos << L"" << ext::endl; additionalCSS.clear(); // Output header. SIZE headerSize = { 0, 1 }; iter_each_(std::vector, col, m_ActiveCols) { SIZE colSize = (*col)->outputMeasureHeader(); headerSize.cx += colSize.cx; headerSize.cy = max(headerSize.cy, colSize.cy); } if (m_Settings.m_TableHeader) { for (int j = 1; j <= headerSize.cy; j++) { tos << L"" << ext::endl; iter_each_(std::vector, col, m_ActiveCols) { (*col)->outputRenderHeader(tos, j, headerSize.cy); } tos << L"" << ext::endl; } } // stop if problem creating files/folders if (!m_ErrorText.empty()) bInterrupted = true; if (shouldTerminate()) bInterrupted = true; // Output contacts. if (!bInterrupted) { upto_each_(i, countContacts()) { tos << L"" << ext::endl; const Contact& curContact = getContact(i); setProgressLabel(true, curContact.getNick()); iter_each_(std::vector, col, m_ActiveCols) { (*col)->outputRenderRow(tos, curContact, Column::asContact); } tos << L"" << ext::endl; if (shouldTerminate()) { bInterrupted = true; break; } // stop if problem creating files/folders if (!m_ErrorText.empty()) { bInterrupted = true; break; } if (m_Settings.m_TableHeader && m_Settings.m_TableHeaderRepeat != 0 && ((i + 1) % m_Settings.m_TableHeaderRepeat == 0)) { for (int j = 1; j <= headerSize.cy; ++j) { tos << L"" << ext::endl; iter_each_(std::vector, col, m_ActiveCols) { (*col)->outputRenderHeader(tos, j, headerSize.cy); } tos << L"" << ext::endl; } } stepProgress(true); } } // Output omitted contacts. if (!bInterrupted && m_Settings.m_OmitContacts && m_Settings.m_OmittedInExtraRow && m_bActuallyOmitted) { setProgressLabel(true, TranslateT("Writing omitted contacts")); const Contact& omittedContact = getOmitted(); tos << L"" << ext::endl; iter_each_(std::vector, col, m_ActiveCols) { (*col)->outputRenderRow(tos, omittedContact, Column::asOmitted); } tos << L"" << ext::endl; // stop if problem creating files/folders if (!m_ErrorText.empty()) bInterrupted = true; if (shouldTerminate()) bInterrupted = true; } stepProgress(true); // Output totals. if (!bInterrupted && m_Settings.m_CalcTotals) { setProgressLabel(true, TranslateT("Writing totals")); const Contact& totalsContact = getTotals(); tos << L"" << ext::endl; iter_each_(std::vector, col, m_ActiveCols) { (*col)->outputRenderRow(tos, totalsContact, Column::asTotal); } tos << L"" << ext::endl; stepProgress(true); // Finish output. tos << L"
" << ext::endl; tos << L"
" << ext::kformat(TranslateT("Created with #{plugin} #{version} on #{date} at #{time}")) % L"#{plugin}" * L"HistoryStats" % L"#{version}" * utils::versionToDotted(m_Settings.m_VersionCurrent) % L"#{date}" * utils::htmlEscape(utils::timestampToDate(getTimeStarted())) % L"#{time}" * utils::htmlEscape(utils::timestampToTime(getTimeStarted())) << L"
" << ext::endl; tos << L"" << ext::endl; } // Inform active columns about ending output. iter_each_(std::vector, col, m_ActiveCols) { (*col)->outputEnd(); } // Close output stream. tos.flush(); ofs.close(); // Handle conflicting files. if (bInterrupted) { iter_each_(ConflictingFiles, fi, m_ConflictingFiles) { DeleteFile(fi->second.c_str()); } m_ConflictingFiles.clear(); } if (m_ConflictingFiles.size() > 0) { int nResult = DialogBoxParam( m_hInst, MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDD_CONFLICT), m_hWndProgress, staticConflictProc, reinterpret_cast(&m_ConflictingFiles)); if (nResult == IDOK) { iter_each_(ConflictingFiles, fi, m_ConflictingFiles) { if (!MoveFileEx(fi->second.c_str(), fi->first.c_str(), MOVEFILE_COPY_ALLOWED | MOVEFILE_REPLACE_EXISTING)) { if (!MoveFile(fi->second.c_str(), fi->first.c_str())) { CopyFile(fi->second.c_str(), fi->first.c_str(), FALSE); DeleteFile(fi->second.c_str()); } } } } else { iter_each_(ConflictingFiles, fi, m_ConflictingFiles) { DeleteFile(fi->second.c_str()); } } m_ConflictingFiles.clear(); } return !bInterrupted; } Statistic::Statistic(const Settings& settings, InvocationSource invokedFrom, HINSTANCE hInst) : m_Settings(settings), m_CharMapper(m_Settings), m_hInst(hInst), m_hWndProgress(nullptr), m_hThreadPushEvent(nullptr), m_hCancelEvent(nullptr), m_InvokedFrom(invokedFrom), m_pTotals(nullptr), m_pOmitted(nullptr), m_bActuallyOmitted(false), m_nNextSlot(0), m_nLastFileNr(0), m_TimeMin(0), m_TimeMax(0xFFFFFFFF), m_bHistoryTimeAvailable(false), m_nFirstTime(0), m_nLastTime(0) { m_TimeStarted = TimeZone_ToLocal(time(0)); m_MSecStarted = GetTickCount(); m_AverageMinTime = settings.m_AverageMinTime * 24 * 60 * 60; // calculate seconds from days } bool Statistic::createStatistics() { // Prepare event for cancel. m_hCancelEvent = CreateEvent(nullptr, FALSE, FALSE, nullptr); if (m_hCancelEvent == nullptr) return false; m_hWndProgress = CreateDialog(m_hInst, MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDD_PROGRESS), nullptr, staticProgressProc); if (m_hWndProgress == nullptr) { CloseHandle(m_hCancelEvent); m_hCancelEvent = nullptr; return false; } SetWindowLongPtr(m_hWndProgress, GWLP_USERDATA, reinterpret_cast(this)); // Init progress dialog. utils::centerDialog(m_hWndProgress); UpdateWindow(m_hWndProgress); HANDLE hThread = mir_forkThread(threadProcSteps, this); bool bDone = false; MSG msg; while (!bDone) { while (PeekMessage(&msg, nullptr, 0, 0, PM_REMOVE)) { if (msg.message == WM_QUIT) { bDone = true; break; } if (msg.hwnd == nullptr || !IsDialogMessage(msg.hwnd, &msg)) { /* Wine fix. */ TranslateMessage(&msg); DispatchMessage(&msg); } } if (bDone) break; DWORD result = MsgWaitForMultipleObjects(1, &hThread, FALSE, INFINITE, QS_ALLINPUT); if (result == WAIT_OBJECT_0 + 1) // there is a message in the queue continue; // thread is signaled, i.e. terminated DestroyWindow(m_hWndProgress); } // Cleanup. CloseHandle(m_hCancelEvent); m_hCancelEvent = nullptr; m_hWndProgress = nullptr; if (m_bResult) { // Save last successfully created statistics g_pSettings->setLastStatisticsFile(m_OutputFile.c_str()); // Open afterwards, if requested. bool bOpenAfterwards = (m_InvokedFrom == fromOptions && m_Settings.m_AutoOpenOptions) || (m_InvokedFrom == fromStartup && m_Settings.m_AutoOpenStartup) || (m_InvokedFrom == fromMenu && m_Settings.m_AutoOpenMenu); if (bOpenAfterwards) m_Settings.openURL(m_OutputFile.c_str()); } return m_bResult; } void Statistic::createStatisticsSteps() { static const struct { bool (Statistic::*stepFn)(); wchar_t* stepMsg; } stepsInfo[] = { { &Statistic::stepInit, LPGENW("Initializing") }, { &Statistic::stepReadDB, LPGENW("Reading database") }, { &Statistic::stepRemoveContacts, LPGENW("Removing contacts") }, { &Statistic::stepSortContacts, LPGENW("Sorting contacts") }, { &Statistic::stepPreOmitContacts, LPGENW("Precollecting column data") }, { &Statistic::stepOmitContacts, LPGENW("Limiting number of contacts") }, { &Statistic::stepCalcTotals, LPGENW("Calculating totals") }, { &Statistic::stepPostOmitContacts, LPGENW("Postcollecting column data") }, { &Statistic::stepTransformData, LPGENW("Transforming data") }, { &Statistic::stepWriteHTML, LPGENW("Creating HTML") } }; m_bResult = false; setProgressMax(false, _countof(stepsInfo)); array_each_(i, stepsInfo) { setProgressLabel(false, TranslateW(stepsInfo[i].stepMsg)); if (!(this->*stepsInfo[i].stepFn)()) return; stepProgress(false); } // Last step: We are done. m_bResult = true; setProgressLabel(false, TranslateT("Done")); } void __cdecl Statistic::threadProc(Statistic* pStats) { Thread_SetName("HistoryStats: Statistic::threadProc"); SetEvent(pStats->m_hThreadPushEvent); // perform action pStats->createStatistics(); // check for errors if (!pStats->m_ErrorText.empty() && !Miranda_IsTerminated()) MessageBox(nullptr, pStats->m_ErrorText.c_str(), TranslateT("HistoryStats - Error"), MB_ICONERROR | MB_OK); // free statistics delete pStats; m_bRunning = false; } void __cdecl Statistic::threadProcSteps(Statistic *pStats) { Thread_SetName("HistoryStats: Statistic::threadProcSteps"); if (pStats->m_Settings.m_ThreadLowPriority) SetThreadPriority(GetCurrentThread(), THREAD_PRIORITY_BELOW_NORMAL); pStats->createStatisticsSteps(); } INT_PTR CALLBACK Statistic::staticConflictProc(HWND hDlg, UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { if (uMsg == WM_INITDIALOG) { TranslateDialogDefault(hDlg); SendMessage(hDlg, WM_SETICON, ICON_BIG, reinterpret_cast(LoadIcon(g_hInst, MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDI_HISTORYSTATS)))); utils::centerDialog(hDlg); HWND hWndFiles = GetDlgItem(hDlg, IDC_FILES); ConflictingFiles *pFiles = reinterpret_cast(lParam); LVCOLUMN lvc; lvc.mask = LVCF_TEXT | LVCF_WIDTH | LVCF_FMT; lvc.fmt = LVCFMT_LEFT; lvc.cx = 400; lvc.pszText = const_cast(TranslateT("Already existing file")); ListView_InsertColumn(hWndFiles, 0, &lvc); int nIndex = 0; iter_each_(ConflictingFiles, fi, *pFiles) { LVITEM lvi; lvi.mask = LVIF_TEXT; lvi.iItem = nIndex++; lvi.iSubItem = 0; lvi.pszText = const_cast(fi->first.c_str()); ListView_InsertItem(hWndFiles, &lvi); } } else if (uMsg == WM_COMMAND) { switch (LOWORD(wParam)) { case IDOK: case IDCANCEL: EndDialog(hDlg, LOWORD(wParam)); return TRUE; } } return FALSE; } Statistic::~Statistic() { iter_each_(ContactList, i, m_Contacts) { freeContactData(**i); delete *i; } m_Contacts.clear(); if (m_pOmitted) { freeContactData(*m_pOmitted); delete m_pOmitted; } if (m_pTotals) { freeContactData(*m_pTotals); delete m_pTotals; } } void Statistic::run(const Settings& settings, InvocationSource invokedFrom, HINSTANCE hInst, HWND) { // check if running and make running if (m_bRunning) { MessageBox(nullptr, TranslateT("HistoryStats is already generating statistics. Please wait for the already running process to be finished or cancel it and try again."), TranslateT("HistoryStats"), MB_ICONINFORMATION | MB_OK); return; } m_bRunning = true; HANDLE hEvent = CreateEvent(nullptr, FALSE, FALSE, nullptr); // create event for thread stack unwinding if (hEvent == nullptr) { m_bRunning = false; return; } // create object holding and performing the statistics Statistic *pStats = new Statistic(settings, invokedFrom, hInst); pStats->m_hThreadPushEvent = hEvent; // create worker thread HANDLE hThread = mir_forkThread(threadProc, pStats); // wait for thread to place itself on thread unwind stack if (hThread != nullptr) WaitForSingleObject(pStats->m_hThreadPushEvent, INFINITE); else m_bRunning = false; CloseHandle(pStats->m_hThreadPushEvent); pStats->m_hThreadPushEvent = nullptr; }