#if !defined(HISTORYSTATS_GUARD_STATISTIC_H) #define HISTORYSTATS_GUARD_STATISTIC_H #include "stdafx.h" #include "_consts.h" #include <vector> #include <map> #include <set> #include <list> #include "settings.h" #include "message.h" class Contact; // forward declaration instead of #include "contact.h" class Statistic : private pattern::NotCopyable<Statistic> { public: enum InvocationSource { fromOptions, fromStartup, fromMenu, }; enum DBEventTypeRaw { EVENTTYPE_AVATARCHANGE = 9003, // from pescuma EVENTTYPE_WAT_REQUEST = 9601, // from WATrack EVENTTYPE_WAT_ANSWER = 9602, // from WATrack EVENTTYPE_WAT_ERROR = 9603, // from WATrack EVENTTYPE_STATUSCHANGE = 25368, // from NewXStatusNotify }; enum DBEventType { // messages etMessage = EVENTTYPE_MESSAGE, // other events etFile = EVENTTYPE_FILE, etURL = EVENTTYPE_URL, etICQSMS = ICQEVENTTYPE_SMS, etICQWebPager = ICQEVENTTYPE_WEBPAGER, etICQEMailExpress = ICQEVENTTYPE_EMAILEXPRESS, // authorization and contacts etAuthRequest = EVENTTYPE_AUTHREQUEST, etAdded = EVENTTYPE_ADDED, etContacts = EVENTTYPE_CONTACTS, // status/avatar/nick/... changes etStatusChange = EVENTTYPE_STATUSCHANGE, etAvatarChange = EVENTTYPE_AVATARCHANGE, // WaTrack events etWATRequest = EVENTTYPE_WAT_REQUEST, etWATAnswer = EVENTTYPE_WAT_ANSWER, etWATError = EVENTTYPE_WAT_ERROR, }; typedef std::vector<Contact*> ContactList; typedef std::vector<const Contact*> ContactListC; typedef std::pair<ext::string, ext::string> ConflictingFile; // (desired, temp) typedef std::list<ConflictingFile> ConflictingFiles; typedef std::map<Canvas::Digest, ext::string> ImageMap; private: static bool m_bRunning; private: // settings and the like Settings m_Settings; Settings::CharMapper m_CharMapper; // handles for windows and synchronisation HINSTANCE m_hInst; HWND m_hWndProgress; HANDLE m_hThreadPushEvent; HANDLE m_hCancelEvent; InvocationSource m_InvokedFrom; // list of contacts ContactList m_Contacts; // special 'contacts': omitted, totals Contact* m_pTotals; Contact* m_pOmitted; bool m_bActuallyOmitted, // did we really omit something m_bResult; // result of calculations // start time for statistics DWORD m_TimeStarted; DWORD m_MSecStarted; // minimum/maximum date/time to include DWORD m_TimeMin; DWORD m_TimeMax; // error processing and the like ext::string m_ErrorText; // column management int m_nNextSlot; std::vector<Column*> m_ActiveCols; std::vector<Column*> m_AcquireCols; std::vector<Column*> m_TransformCols; // file management ext::string m_TempPath; ext::string m_OutputPath; ext::string m_OutputFile; ext::string m_OutputPrefix; ConflictingFiles m_ConflictingFiles; int m_nLastFileNr; // PNG management ImageMap m_Images; // first/last message bool m_bHistoryTimeAvailable; DWORD m_nFirstTime; DWORD m_nLastTime; // misc data DWORD m_AverageMinTime; private: // contact handling void prepareColumns(); void prepareContactData(Contact& contact); void freeContactData(Contact& contact); void mergeContactData(Contact& contact, const Contact& include); void transformContactData(Contact& contact); Contact& addContact(const ext::string& nick, const ext::string& protoDisplayName, const ext::string& groupName, int nSources); // misc routines DWORD getTimeStarted() { return m_TimeStarted; } bool shouldTerminate() { return (WaitForSingleObject(m_hCancelEvent, 0) == WAIT_OBJECT_0) || bool_(Miranda_IsTerminated()); } void handleAddMessage(Contact& contact, Message& msg); void handleAddChat(Contact& contact, bool bOutgoing, DWORD localTimestampStarted, DWORD duration); // progress dialog handling static INT_PTR CALLBACK staticProgressProc(HWND hDlg, UINT msg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam); void setProgressMax(bool bSub, int max); void setProgressLabel(bool bSub, const ext::string& label); void stepProgress(bool bSub, int step = 1); static INT_PTR CALLBACK staticConflictProc(HWND hDlg, UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam); // statistics creation steps bool stepInit(); bool stepReadDB(); bool stepRemoveContacts(); bool stepSortContacts(); bool stepPreOmitContacts(); bool stepOmitContacts(); bool stepCalcTotals(); bool stepPostOmitContacts(); bool stepTransformData(); bool stepWriteHTML(); // private constructor & main statistic creation routine explicit Statistic(const Settings& settings, InvocationSource invokedFrom, HINSTANCE hInst); bool createStatistics(); void createStatisticsSteps(); static void __cdecl threadProc(void *lpParameter); static void __cdecl threadProcSteps(void *lpParameter); public: ~Statistic(); public: static void run(const Settings& settings, InvocationSource invokedFrom, HINSTANCE hInst, HWND hWndParent = NULL); int countContacts() const { return m_Contacts.size(); } const Contact& getContact(int index) const; const Contact& getTotals() const { assert(m_pTotals); return *m_pTotals; } const Contact& getOmitted() const { assert(m_pOmitted); return *m_pOmitted; } bool hasTotals() const { return (m_pTotals != NULL) && m_Settings.m_CalcTotals; } // MEMO: only makes sense after 'calc totals'-step bool hasOmitted() const { return (m_pOmitted != NULL) && m_Settings.m_OmitContacts && m_Settings.m_OmittedInExtraRow && m_bActuallyOmitted; } // MEMO: only makes sense after 'omit'-step DWORD getFirstTime(); // MEMO: only makes sense after 'calc totals'-step DWORD getLastTime(); // MEMO: only makes sense after 'calc totals'-step DWORD getHistoryTime(); // MEMO: only makes sense after 'calc totals'-step DWORD getAverageMinTime() { return m_AverageMinTime; } // file management ext::string createFile(const ext::string& desiredName); bool newFile(const wchar_t* fileExt, ext::string& writeFile, ext::string& finalURL); bool newFilePNG(ext::string& writeFile, ext::string& finalURL) { return newFile(L".png", writeFile, finalURL); } bool newFilePNG(Canvas& canvas, ext::string& finalURL); }; #endif // HISTORYSTATS_GUARD_STATISTIC_H