/* IEView Plugin for Miranda IM Copyright (C) 2005-2010 Piotr Piastucki This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ #include "ScriverHTMLBuilder.h" #include "Options.h" #include "Utils.h" // srmm stuff #define SMF_LOG_SHOWNICK 1 #define SMF_LOG_SHOWTIME 2 #define SMF_LOG_SHOWDATE 4 #define SMF_LOG_SHOWICONS 8 #define SMF_LOG_SHOWSTATUSCHANGES 16 #define SMF_LOG_SHOWSECONDS 32 #define SMF_LOG_USERELATIVEDATE 64 #define SMF_LOG_USELONGDATE 128 #define SMF_LOG_GROUPMESSAGES 256 #define SMF_LOG_MARKFOLLOWUPS 512 #define SMF_LOG_MSGONNEWLINE 1024 #define SMF_LOG_DRAWLINES 2048 #define SRMMMOD "SRMM" #define SRMSGSET_SHOWLOGICONS "ShowLogIcon" #define SRMSGSET_HIDENAMES "HideNames" #define SRMSGSET_SHOWTIME "ShowTime" #define SRMSGSET_SHOWDATE "ShowDate" #define SRMSGSET_SHOWSTATUSCHANGES "ShowStatusChanges" #define SRMSGSET_SHOWSECONDS "ShowSeconds" #define SRMSGSET_USERELATIVEDATE "UseRelativeDate" #define SRMSGSET_USELONGDATE "UseLongDate" #define SRMSGSET_GROUPMESSAGES "GroupMessages" #define SRMSGSET_MARKFOLLOWUPS "MarkFollowUps" #define SRMSGSET_MESSAGEONNEWLINE "MessageOnNewLine" #define SRMSGSET_DRAWLINES "DrawLines" #define FONTF_BOLD 1 #define FONTF_ITALIC 2 #define FONTF_UNDERLINE 4 #define FONT_NUM 10 static const char *classNames[] = { ".messageOut", ".messageIn", ".nameOut", ".timeOut", ".colonOut", ".nameIn", ".timeIn", ".colonIn", ".inputArea", ".notices" }; ScriverHTMLBuilder::ScriverHTMLBuilder() { setLastEventType(-1); setLastEventTime(time(NULL)); startedTime = time(NULL); } bool ScriverHTMLBuilder::isDbEventShown(DBEVENTINFO * dbei) { switch (dbei->eventType) { case EVENTTYPE_MESSAGE: return 1; case EVENTTYPE_STATUSCHANGE: // if (dbei->flags & DBEF_READ) return 0; return 1; case EVENTTYPE_URL: return 1; case EVENTTYPE_FILE: return 1; } return 0; } void ScriverHTMLBuilder::loadMsgDlgFont(int i, LOGFONTA * lf, COLORREF * colour) { char str[32]; int style; DBVARIANT dbv; if (colour) { wsprintfA(str, "SRMFont%dCol", i); *colour = DBGetContactSettingDword(NULL, SRMMMOD, str, 0x000000); } if (lf) { wsprintfA(str, "SRMFont%dSize", i); lf->lfHeight = (char) DBGetContactSettingByte(NULL, SRMMMOD, str, 10); lf->lfHeight = abs(lf->lfHeight); lf->lfWidth = 0; lf->lfEscapement = 0; lf->lfOrientation = 0; wsprintfA(str, "SRMFont%dSty", i); style = DBGetContactSettingByte(NULL, SRMMMOD, str, 0); lf->lfWeight = style & FONTF_BOLD ? FW_BOLD : FW_NORMAL; lf->lfItalic = style & FONTF_ITALIC ? 1 : 0; lf->lfUnderline = style & FONTF_UNDERLINE ? 1 : 0; lf->lfStrikeOut = 0; wsprintfA(str, "SRMFont%dSet", i); lf->lfCharSet = DBGetContactSettingByte(NULL, SRMMMOD, str, DEFAULT_CHARSET); lf->lfOutPrecision = OUT_DEFAULT_PRECIS; lf->lfClipPrecision = CLIP_DEFAULT_PRECIS; lf->lfQuality = DEFAULT_QUALITY; lf->lfPitchAndFamily = DEFAULT_PITCH | FF_DONTCARE; wsprintfA(str, "SRMFont%d", i); if (DBGetContactSetting(NULL, SRMMMOD, str, &dbv)) lstrcpyA(lf->lfFaceName, "Verdana"); else { lstrcpynA(lf->lfFaceName, dbv.pszVal, sizeof(lf->lfFaceName)); DBFreeVariant(&dbv); } } } char *ScriverHTMLBuilder::timestampToString(DWORD dwFlags, time_t check, int mode) { static char szResult[512]; char str[80]; char format[20]; DBTIMETOSTRING dbtts; szResult[0] = '\0'; format[0] = '\0'; dbtts.cbDest = 70;; dbtts.szDest = str; dbtts.szFormat = format; if ((mode == 0 || mode == 1) && (dwFlags & SMF_LOG_SHOWDATE)) { struct tm tm_now, tm_today; time_t now = time(NULL); time_t today; tm_now = *localtime(&now); tm_today = tm_now; tm_today.tm_hour = tm_today.tm_min = tm_today.tm_sec = 0; today = mktime(&tm_today); if(dwFlags & SMF_LOG_USERELATIVEDATE && check >= today) { strcpy(szResult, Translate("Today")); if (mode == 0) { strcat(szResult, ","); } } else if(dwFlags & SMF_LOG_USERELATIVEDATE && check > (today - 86400)) { strcpy(szResult, Translate("Yesterday")); if (mode == 0) { strcat(szResult, ","); } } else { if(dwFlags & SMF_LOG_USELONGDATE) strcpy(format, "D"); else strcpy(format, "d"); } } if (mode == 0 || mode == 2) { if (mode == 0 && (dwFlags & SMF_LOG_SHOWDATE)) { strcat(format, " "); } strcat(format, (dwFlags & SMF_LOG_SHOWSECONDS) ? "s" : "t"); } if (format[0] != '\0') { // CallService(MS_DB_TIME_TIMESTAMPTOSTRINGT, check, (LPARAM) & dbtts); CallService(MS_DB_TIME_TIMESTAMPTOSTRING, check, (LPARAM) & dbtts); //_tcsncat(szResult, str, 500); strncat(szResult, str, 500); } Utils::UTF8Encode(szResult, szResult, 500); return szResult; } void ScriverHTMLBuilder::buildHead(IEView *view, IEVIEWEVENT *event) { LOGFONTA lf; COLORREF color; char *output = NULL; int outputSize; ProtocolSettings *protoSettings = getSRMMProtocolSettings(event->hContact); if (protoSettings == NULL) { return; } if (protoSettings->getSRMMMode() == Options::MODE_TEMPLATE) { buildHeadTemplate(view, event, protoSettings); return; } if (protoSettings->getSRMMMode() == Options::MODE_CSS) { const char *externalCSS = protoSettings->getSRMMCssFilename(); if (strncmp(externalCSS, "http://", 7)) { Utils::appendText(&output, &outputSize, "<html><head><link rel=\"stylesheet\" href=\"file://%s\"/></head><body class=\"body\">\n", externalCSS); } else { Utils::appendText(&output, &outputSize, "<html><head><link rel=\"stylesheet\" href=\"%s\"/></head><body class=\"body\">\n", externalCSS); } } else { HDC hdc = GetDC(NULL); int logPixelSY = GetDeviceCaps(hdc, LOGPIXELSY); ReleaseDC(NULL, hdc); Utils::appendText(&output, &outputSize, "<html><head>"); Utils::appendText(&output, &outputSize, "<style type=\"text/css\">\n"); COLORREF bkgColor = DBGetContactSettingDword(NULL, SRMMMOD, "BkgColour", 0xFFFFFF); COLORREF inColor = DBGetContactSettingDword(NULL, SRMMMOD, "IncomingBkgColour", 0xFFFFFF); COLORREF outColor = DBGetContactSettingDword(NULL, SRMMMOD, "OutgoingBkgColour", 0xFFFFFF); COLORREF lineColor = DBGetContactSettingDword(NULL, SRMMMOD, "LineColour", 0xFFFFFF); bkgColor= (((bkgColor & 0xFF) << 16) | (bkgColor & 0xFF00) | ((bkgColor & 0xFF0000) >> 16)); inColor= (((inColor & 0xFF) << 16) | (inColor & 0xFF00) | ((inColor & 0xFF0000) >> 16)); outColor= (((outColor & 0xFF) << 16) | (outColor & 0xFF00) | ((outColor & 0xFF0000) >> 16)); lineColor= (((lineColor & 0xFF) << 16) | (lineColor & 0xFF00) | ((lineColor & 0xFF0000) >> 16)); if (protoSettings->getSRMMFlags() & Options::LOG_IMAGE_ENABLED) { Utils::appendText(&output, &outputSize, ".body {padding: 2px; text-align: left; background-attachment: %s; background-color: #%06X; background-image: url('%s'); overflow: auto;}\n", protoSettings->getSRMMFlags() & Options::LOG_IMAGE_SCROLL ? "scroll" : "fixed", (int) bkgColor, protoSettings->getSRMMBackgroundFilename()); } else { Utils::appendText(&output, &outputSize, ".body {margin: 0px; text-align: left; background-color: #%06X; overflow: auto;}\n", (int) bkgColor); } Utils::appendText(&output, &outputSize, ".link {color: #0000FF; text-decoration: underline;}\n"); Utils::appendText(&output, &outputSize, ".img {}\n"); if (protoSettings->getSRMMFlags() & Options::LOG_IMAGE_ENABLED) { Utils::appendText(&output, &outputSize, ".divIn {padding-left: 2px; padding-right: 2px; word-wrap: break-word;}\n"); Utils::appendText(&output, &outputSize, ".divOut {padding-left: 2px; padding-right: 2px; word-wrap: break-word;}\n"); Utils::appendText(&output, &outputSize, ".divInGrid {padding-left: 2px; padding-right: 2px; word-wrap: break-word; border-top: 1px solid #%06X}\n", (int) lineColor); Utils::appendText(&output, &outputSize, ".divOutGrid {padding-left: 2px; padding-right: 2px; word-wrap: break-word; border-top: 1px solid #%06X}\n", (int) lineColor); Utils::appendText(&output, &outputSize, ".divInRTL {text-align: right; direction:RTL; unicode-bidi:embed; padding-left: 2px; padding-right: 2px; word-wrap: break-word;}\n"); Utils::appendText(&output, &outputSize, ".divOutRTL {text-align: right; direction:RTL; unicode-bidi:embed; padding-left: 2px; padding-right: 2px; word-wrap: break-word;}\n"); Utils::appendText(&output, &outputSize, ".divInGridRTL {text-align: right; direction:RTL; unicode-bidi:embed; padding-left: 2px; padding-right: 2px; word-wrap: break-word; border-top: 1px solid #%06X}\n", (int) lineColor); Utils::appendText(&output, &outputSize, ".divOutGridRTL {text-align: right; direction:RTL; unicode-bidi:embed; padding-left: 2px; padding-right: 2px; word-wrap: break-word; border-top: 1px solid #%06X}\n", (int) lineColor); } else { Utils::appendText(&output, &outputSize, ".divIn {padding-left: 2px; padding-right: 2px; word-wrap: break-word; background-color: #%06X;}\n", (int) inColor); Utils::appendText(&output, &outputSize, ".divOut {padding-left: 2px; padding-right: 2px; word-wrap: break-word; background-color: #%06X;}\n", (int) outColor); Utils::appendText(&output, &outputSize, ".divInGrid {padding-left: 2px; padding-right: 2px; word-wrap: break-word; border-top: 1px solid #%06X; background-color: #%06X;}\n", (int) lineColor, (int) inColor); Utils::appendText(&output, &outputSize, ".divOutGrid {padding-left: 2px; padding-right: 2px; word-wrap: break-word; border-top: 1px solid #%06X; background-color: #%06X;}\n", (int) lineColor, (int) outColor); Utils::appendText(&output, &outputSize, ".divInRTL {text-align: right; direction:RTL; unicode-bidi:embed; padding-left: 2px; padding-right: 2px; word-wrap: break-word; background-color: #%06X;}\n", (int) inColor); Utils::appendText(&output, &outputSize, ".divOutRTL {text-align: right; direction:RTL; unicode-bidi:embed; padding-left: 2px; padding-right: 2px; word-wrap: break-word; background-color: #%06X;}\n", (int) outColor); Utils::appendText(&output, &outputSize, ".divInGridRTL {text-align: right; direction:RTL; unicode-bidi:embed; padding-left: 2px; padding-right: 2px; word-wrap: break-word; border-top: 1px solid #%06X; background-color: #%06X;}\n", (int) lineColor, (int) inColor); Utils::appendText(&output, &outputSize, ".divOutGridRTL {text-align: right; direction:RTL; unicode-bidi:embed; padding-left: 2px; padding-right: 2px; word-wrap: break-word; border-top: 1px solid #%06X; background-color: #%06X;}\n", (int) lineColor, (int) outColor); } Utils::appendText(&output, &outputSize, ".divNotice {padding-left: 2px; padding-right: 2px; word-wrap: break-word;}\n"); Utils::appendText(&output, &outputSize, ".divNoticeGrid {padding-left: 2px; padding-right: 2px; word-wrap: break-word; border-top: 1px solid #%06X}\n", (int) lineColor); Utils::appendText(&output, &outputSize, ".divNoticeRTL {text-align: right; direction:RTL; unicode-bidi:embed; padding-left: 2px; padding-right: 2px; word-wrap: break-word;}\n"); Utils::appendText(&output, &outputSize, ".divNoticeGridRTL {text-align: right; direction:RTL; unicode-bidi:embed; padding-left: 2px; padding-right: 2px; word-wrap: break-word; border-top: 1px solid #%06X}\n", (int) lineColor); for(int i = 0; i < FONT_NUM; i++) { loadMsgDlgFont(i, &lf, &color); Utils::appendText(&output, &outputSize, "%s {font-family: %s; font-size: %dpt; font-weight: %s; color: #%06X; %s }\n", classNames[i], lf.lfFaceName, abs((signed char)lf.lfHeight) * 74 /logPixelSY , lf.lfWeight >= FW_BOLD ? "bold" : "normal", (int)(((color & 0xFF) << 16) | (color & 0xFF00) | ((color & 0xFF0000) >> 16)), lf.lfItalic ? "font-style: italic;" : ""); } Utils::appendText(&output, &outputSize, "</style></head><body class=\"body\">\n"); } if (output != NULL) { view->write(output); free(output); } setLastEventType(-1); } void ScriverHTMLBuilder::appendEventNonTemplate(IEView *view, IEVIEWEVENT *event) { bool showColon; DWORD dwFlags = DBGetContactSettingByte(NULL, SRMMMOD, SRMSGSET_SHOWTIME, 0) ? SMF_LOG_SHOWTIME : 0; dwFlags |= !DBGetContactSettingByte(NULL, SRMMMOD, SRMSGSET_HIDENAMES, 0) ? SMF_LOG_SHOWNICK : 0; dwFlags |= DBGetContactSettingByte(NULL, SRMMMOD, SRMSGSET_SHOWDATE, 0) ? SMF_LOG_SHOWDATE : 0; dwFlags |= DBGetContactSettingByte(NULL, SRMMMOD, SRMSGSET_SHOWLOGICONS, 0) ? SMF_LOG_SHOWICONS : 0; dwFlags |= DBGetContactSettingByte(NULL, SRMMMOD, SRMSGSET_SHOWSTATUSCHANGES, 0) ? SMF_LOG_SHOWSTATUSCHANGES : 0; dwFlags |= DBGetContactSettingByte(NULL, SRMMMOD, SRMSGSET_SHOWSECONDS, 0) ? SMF_LOG_SHOWSECONDS : 0; dwFlags |= DBGetContactSettingByte(NULL, SRMMMOD, SRMSGSET_USERELATIVEDATE, 0) ? SMF_LOG_USERELATIVEDATE : 0; dwFlags |= DBGetContactSettingByte(NULL, SRMMMOD, SRMSGSET_USELONGDATE, 0) ? SMF_LOG_USELONGDATE : 0; dwFlags |= DBGetContactSettingByte(NULL, SRMMMOD, SRMSGSET_GROUPMESSAGES, 0) ? SMF_LOG_GROUPMESSAGES : 0; dwFlags |= DBGetContactSettingByte(NULL, SRMMMOD, SRMSGSET_MARKFOLLOWUPS, 0) ? SMF_LOG_MARKFOLLOWUPS : 0; dwFlags |= DBGetContactSettingByte(NULL, SRMMMOD, SRMSGSET_MESSAGEONNEWLINE, 0) ? SMF_LOG_MSGONNEWLINE : 0; dwFlags |= DBGetContactSettingByte(NULL, SRMMMOD, SRMSGSET_DRAWLINES, 0) ? SMF_LOG_DRAWLINES : 0; char *szRealProto = getRealProto(event->hContact); IEVIEWEVENTDATA* eventData = event->eventData; for (int eventIdx = 0; eventData!=NULL && (eventIdx < event->count || event->count==-1); eventData = eventData->next, eventIdx++) { const char *className = ""; int outputSize; char *output; output = NULL; int isSent = eventData->dwFlags & IEEDF_SENT; int isRTL = eventData->dwFlags & IEEDF_RTL; showColon = false; if (eventData->iType == IEED_EVENT_MESSAGE || eventData->iType == IEED_EVENT_STATUSCHANGE || eventData->iType == IEED_EVENT_URL || eventData->iType == IEED_EVENT_FILE) { int isGroupBreak = TRUE; if ((dwFlags & SMF_LOG_GROUPMESSAGES) && eventData->dwFlags == LOWORD(getLastEventType()) && eventData->iType == IEED_EVENT_MESSAGE && HIWORD(getLastEventType()) == IEED_EVENT_MESSAGE && (isSameDate(eventData->time, getLastEventTime())) && (((eventData->time < startedTime) == (getLastEventTime() < startedTime)) || !(eventData->dwFlags & IEEDF_READ))) { isGroupBreak = FALSE; } char *szName = NULL; char *szText = NULL; if (eventData->dwFlags & IEEDF_UNICODE_NICK) { szName = encodeUTF8(event->hContact, szRealProto, eventData->pszNickW, ENF_NAMESMILEYS, true); } else { szName = encodeUTF8(event->hContact, szRealProto, eventData->pszNick, ENF_NAMESMILEYS, true); } if (eventData->dwFlags & IEEDF_UNICODE_TEXT) { szText = encodeUTF8(event->hContact, szRealProto, eventData->pszTextW, eventData->iType == IEED_EVENT_MESSAGE ? ENF_ALL : 0, isSent); } else { szText = encodeUTF8(event->hContact, szRealProto, eventData->pszText, event->codepage, eventData->iType == IEED_EVENT_MESSAGE ? ENF_ALL : 0, isSent); } /* Scriver-specific formatting */ if ((dwFlags & SMF_LOG_DRAWLINES) && isGroupBreak && getLastEventType()!=-1) { if (eventData->iType == IEED_EVENT_MESSAGE) { className = isRTL ? isSent ? "divOutGridRTL" : "divInGridRTL" : isSent ? "divOutGrid" : "divInGrid"; } else { className = isRTL ? isSent ? "divNoticeGridRTL" : "divNoticeGridRTL" : isSent ? "divNoticeGrid" : "divNoticeGrid"; } } else { if (eventData->iType == IEED_EVENT_MESSAGE) { className = isRTL ? isSent ? "divOutRTL" : "divInRTL" : isSent ? "divOut" : "divIn"; } else { className = isRTL ? isSent ? "divNoticeRTL" : "divNoticeRTL" : isSent ? "divNotice" : "divNotice"; } } Utils::appendText(&output, &outputSize, "<div class=\"%s\">", className); if ((dwFlags & SMF_LOG_SHOWICONS) && isGroupBreak) { const char *iconFile = ""; if (eventData->iType == IEED_EVENT_MESSAGE) { iconFile = isSent ? "message_out.gif" : "message_in.gif"; } else if (eventData->iType == IEED_EVENT_FILE) { iconFile = "file.gif"; } else if (eventData->iType == IEED_EVENT_URL) { iconFile = "url.gif"; } else if (eventData->iType == IEED_EVENT_STATUSCHANGE) { iconFile = "status.gif"; } Utils::appendIcon(&output, &outputSize, iconFile); } if (dwFlags & SMF_LOG_SHOWTIME && (eventData->iType != IEED_EVENT_MESSAGE || (dwFlags & SMF_LOG_MARKFOLLOWUPS || isGroupBreak || !(dwFlags & SMF_LOG_GROUPMESSAGES)))) { char* timestampString = NULL; if (dwFlags & SMF_LOG_GROUPMESSAGES) { if (isGroupBreak) { if (!(dwFlags & SMF_LOG_MARKFOLLOWUPS)) { timestampString = timestampToString(dwFlags, eventData->time, 0); } else if (dwFlags & SMF_LOG_SHOWDATE) timestampString = timestampToString(dwFlags, eventData->time, 1); } else if (dwFlags & SMF_LOG_MARKFOLLOWUPS) { timestampString = timestampToString(dwFlags, eventData->time, 2); } } else timestampString = timestampToString(dwFlags, eventData->time, 0); if (timestampString != NULL) { Utils::appendText(&output, &outputSize, "<span class=\"%s\">%s</span>", isSent ? "timeOut" : "timeIn", timestampString); } if (eventData->iType != IEED_EVENT_MESSAGE) { Utils::appendText(&output, &outputSize, "<span class=\"%s\">: </span>", isSent ? "colonOut" : "colonIn"); } showColon = true; } if ((dwFlags & SMF_LOG_SHOWNICK && eventData->iType == IEED_EVENT_MESSAGE && isGroupBreak) || eventData->iType == IEED_EVENT_STATUSCHANGE ) { if (eventData->iType == IEED_EVENT_MESSAGE) { if (showColon) { Utils::appendText(&output, &outputSize, "<span class=\"%s\"> %s</span>", isSent ? "nameOut" : "nameIn", szName); } else { Utils::appendText(&output, &outputSize, "<span class=\"%s\">%s</span>", isSent ? "nameOut" : "nameIn", szName); } showColon = true; if (dwFlags & SMF_LOG_GROUPMESSAGES) { Utils::appendText(&output, &outputSize, "<br>"); showColon = false; } } else { Utils::appendText(&output, &outputSize, "<span class=\"notices\">%s </span>", szName); } } if (dwFlags & SMF_LOG_SHOWTIME && dwFlags & SMF_LOG_GROUPMESSAGES && dwFlags & SMF_LOG_MARKFOLLOWUPS && eventData->iType == IEED_EVENT_MESSAGE && isGroupBreak) { Utils::appendText(&output, &outputSize, "<span class=\"%s\">%s</span>", isSent ? "timeOut" : "timeIn", timestampToString(dwFlags, eventData->time, 2)); showColon = true; } if (showColon && eventData->iType == IEED_EVENT_MESSAGE) { Utils::appendText(&output, &outputSize, "<span class=\"%s\">: </span>", isSent ? "colonOut" : "colonIn"); } if (eventData->iType == IEED_EVENT_MESSAGE) { if (dwFlags & SMF_LOG_MSGONNEWLINE && showColon) { Utils::appendText(&output, &outputSize, "<br>"); } className = isSent ? "messageOut" : "messageIn"; } else { className = "notices"; } if (eventData->iType == IEED_EVENT_FILE) { if (isSent) { Utils::appendText(&output, &outputSize, "<span class=\"%s\">%s: %s</span>", className, Translate("File sent"), szText); } else { Utils::appendText(&output, &outputSize, "<span class=\"%s\">%s: %s</span>", className, Translate("File received"), szText); } } else if (eventData->iType == IEED_EVENT_URL) { if (isSent) { Utils::appendText(&output, &outputSize, "<span class=\"%s\">%s: %s</span>", className, Translate("URL sent"), szText); } else { Utils::appendText(&output, &outputSize, "<span class=\"%s\">%s: %s</span>", className, Translate("URL received"), szText); } } else { Utils::appendText(&output, &outputSize, "<span class=\"%s\">%s</span>", className, szText); } Utils::appendText(&output, &outputSize, "</div>\n"); setLastEventType(MAKELONG(eventData->dwFlags, eventData->iType)); setLastEventTime(eventData->time); if (szName!=NULL) delete szName; if (szText!=NULL) delete szText; } if (output != NULL) { view->write(output); free(output); } } if (szRealProto!=NULL) delete szRealProto; view->documentClose(); // view->scrollToBottom(); } void ScriverHTMLBuilder::appendEvent(IEView *view, IEVIEWEVENT *event) { ProtocolSettings *protoSettings = getSRMMProtocolSettings(event->hContact); if (protoSettings == NULL) { return; } if (protoSettings->getSRMMMode() == Options::MODE_TEMPLATE) { appendEventTemplate(view, event, protoSettings); } else { appendEventNonTemplate(view, event); } }