Each template begins with template name, which is a special kind of HTML comment, for instance: <!--HTMLStart--> or <!--MessageIn--> A template ends whenever a new template begins or EOF is reached. The following templates may be defined: <!--HTMLStart--> <!--MessageIn--> <!--hMessageIn--> <!--MessageOut--> <!--hMessageOut--> <!--File--> <!--hFile--> <!--URL--> <!--hURL--> <!--Status--> <!--hStatus--> <!--MessageInGroupStart--> <!--MessageInGroupInner--> <!--MessageInGroupEnd--> <!--hMessageInGroupStart--> <!--hMessageInGroupInner--> <!--hMessageInGroupEnd--> <!--MessageOutGroupStart--> <!--MessageOutGroupInner--> <!--MessageOutGroupEnd--> <!--hMessageOutGroupStart--> <!--hMessageOutGroupInner--> <!--hMessageOutGroupEnd--> <!--HTMLStartRTL--> <!--MessageInRTL--> <!--hMessageInRTL--> <!--MessageOutRTL--> <!--hMessageOutRTL--> <!--MessageInGroupStartRTL--> <!--MessageInGroupInnerRTL--> <!--MessageInGroupEndRTL--> <!--hMessageInGroupStartRTL--> <!--hMessageInGroupInnerRTL--> <!--hMessageInGroupEndRTL--> <!--MessageOutGroupStartRTL--> <!--MessageOutGroupInnerRTL--> <!--MessageOutGroupEndRTL--> <!--hMessageOutGroupStartRTL--> <!--hMessageOutGroupInnerRTL--> <!--hMessageOutGroupEndRTL--> All templates of which names begin with 'h' are used to display historical events. If a template is not present the corresponding event will not be shown in the log at all ! The following variables are available in all templates EXCEPT HTMLStart: %base% - base URL %name% - contact's name or user's name (depends on context) %time% - event's time %date% - event's date %text% - event's text %cid% - contact's ID or user's ID (depends on context) %avatar% - link to contact's picture file or user's picure file (depends on context) %avatarIn% - link to contact's picture %avatarOut% - link to user's picture %nameIn% - contact's name %nameOut% - users's name %proto% - protocol name %uin% - contact's ID or user's ID %uinIn% - contact's ID %uinOut% - user's ID %nick% - contact's nick name or user's nick name %nickIn% - contact's nick name %nickOut% - user's nick name %statusMsg% - contact's status message %fileDesc% - file description The following variables are available in HTMLStart: %base% - base URL (this variable should be used in <base> tag) %avatarIn% - link to contact's picture %avatarOut% - link to user's picture %nameIn% - contact's name %nameOut% - users's name %nickIn% - contact's nick name %nickOut% - user's nick name %uinIn% - contact's ID %uinOut% - user's ID %proto% - protocol name All tokens are also available in Javascript friendly (escaped) form. In that case please use the follwoing token names: %\base%, %\time%, %\name% etc.