/* IEView Plugin for Miranda IM Copyright (C) 2005-2010 Piotr Piastucki This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ #include "stdafx.h" TemplateHTMLBuilder::TemplateHTMLBuilder() { iLastEventType = -1; startedTime = lastEventTime = time(nullptr); groupTemplate = nullptr; } TemplateHTMLBuilder::~TemplateHTMLBuilder() { } char* TemplateHTMLBuilder::getAvatar(MCONTACT hContact, const char *szProto) { DBVARIANT dbv; wchar_t tmpPath[MAX_PATH]; wchar_t *result = nullptr; if (Options::getAvatarServiceFlags() == Options::AVATARSERVICE_PRESENT) { AVATARCACHEENTRY *ace; if (hContact == NULL) ace = (AVATARCACHEENTRY *)CallService(MS_AV_GETMYAVATAR, 0, (LPARAM)szProto); else ace = (AVATARCACHEENTRY *)CallService(MS_AV_GETAVATARBITMAP, hContact, 0); if (ace != nullptr) { if (ace->cbSize == sizeof(AVATARCACHEENTRY)) result = ace->szFilename; else // compatibility: in M0.9 it will always be char* MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, 0, (char*)ace->szFilename, -1, tmpPath, _countof(tmpPath)); } } if (!db_get_ws(hContact, "ContactPhoto", "File", &dbv)) { if (mir_wstrlen(dbv.ptszVal) > 0) { //wchar_t *ext = wcsrchr(dbv.ptszVal, '.'); if (result == nullptr) { /* relative -> absolute */ mir_wstrcpy(tmpPath, dbv.ptszVal); if (wcsncmp(tmpPath, L"http://", 7)) PathToAbsoluteW(dbv.ptszVal, tmpPath); result = tmpPath; } } db_free(&dbv); } char* res = mir_utf8encodeW(result); Utils::convertPath(res); return res; } TemplateMap *TemplateHTMLBuilder::getTemplateMap(ProtocolSettings * protoSettings) { return TemplateMap::getTemplateMap(protoSettings->getSRMMTemplateFilename()); } int TemplateHTMLBuilder::getFlags(ProtocolSettings * protoSettings) { return protoSettings->getSRMMFlags(); } char *TemplateHTMLBuilder::timestampToString(DWORD dwFlags, time_t check, int mode) { static char szResult[512]; szResult[0] = '\0'; wchar_t str[300]; if (mode) // time TimeZone_ToStringT(check, (dwFlags & Options::LOG_SHOW_SECONDS) ? L"s" : L"t", str, _countof(str)); else { // date struct tm tm_now, tm_today; time_t now = time(nullptr); time_t today; tm_now = *localtime(&now); tm_today = tm_now; tm_today.tm_hour = tm_today.tm_min = tm_today.tm_sec = 0; today = mktime(&tm_today); if (dwFlags & Options::LOG_RELATIVE_DATE && check >= today) wcsncpy(str, TranslateT("Today"), _countof(str)); else if (dwFlags & Options::LOG_RELATIVE_DATE && check > (today - 86400)) wcsncpy(str, TranslateT("Yesterday"), _countof(str)); else TimeZone_ToStringT(check, (dwFlags & Options::LOG_LONG_DATE) ? L"D" : L"d", str, _countof(str)); } mir_strncpy(szResult, T2Utf(str), 500); return szResult; } void TemplateHTMLBuilder::buildHeadTemplate(IEView *view, IEVIEWEVENT *event, ProtocolSettings *protoSettings) { if (protoSettings == nullptr) return; DBVARIANT dbv; char tempStr[1024]; char *szNameIn = nullptr; char *szNameOut = nullptr; char *szUINIn = nullptr; char *szUINOut = nullptr; char *szNickIn = nullptr; char *szNickOut = nullptr; char *szStatusMsg = nullptr; MCONTACT hRealContact = getRealContact(event->hContact); char *szRealProto = getProto(hRealContact); char *szProto = getProto(event->pszProto, event->hContact); TemplateMap *tmpm = getTemplateMap(protoSettings); if (tmpm == nullptr) return; char tempBase[1024] = { 0 }; mir_strcpy(tempBase, "file://"); mir_strncat(tempBase, tmpm->getFilename(), _countof(tempBase) - mir_strlen(tempBase)); char *pathrun = tempBase + mir_strlen(tempBase); while ((*pathrun != '\\' && *pathrun != '/') && (pathrun > tempBase)) pathrun--; pathrun++; *pathrun = '\0'; char *szBase = mir_utf8encode(tempBase); getUINs(event->hContact, szUINIn, szUINOut); if (getFlags(protoSettings) & Options::LOG_SHOW_NICKNAMES) { szNameOut = getEncodedContactName(NULL, szProto, szRealProto); szNameIn = getEncodedContactName(event->hContact, szProto, szRealProto); } else { szNameOut = mir_strdup(" "); szNameIn = mir_strdup(" "); } mir_snprintf(tempStr, "%snoavatar.png", tempBase); wchar_t szNoAvatarPath[MAX_PATH]; wcsncpy_s(szNoAvatarPath, _A2T(protoSettings->getSRMMTemplateFilename()), _TRUNCATE); wchar_t *szNoAvatarPathTmp = wcsrchr(szNoAvatarPath, '\\'); if (szNoAvatarPathTmp != nullptr) *szNoAvatarPathTmp = 0; mir_wstrcat(szNoAvatarPath, L"\\noavatar.png"); if (_waccess(szNoAvatarPath, 0) == -1) mir_snprintf(tempStr, "%snoavatar.jpg", tempBase); else mir_snprintf(tempStr, "%snoavatar.png", tempBase); char *szNoAvatar = mir_utf8encode(tempStr); char *szAvatarIn = getAvatar(event->hContact, szRealProto); if (szAvatarIn == nullptr) szAvatarIn = mir_strdup(szNoAvatar); char *szAvatarOut = getAvatar(NULL, szRealProto); if (szAvatarOut == nullptr) szAvatarOut = mir_strdup(szNoAvatar); if (!db_get(event->hContact, "CList", "StatusMsg", &dbv)) { if (mir_strlen(dbv.pszVal) > 0) szStatusMsg = mir_utf8encode(dbv.pszVal); db_free(&dbv); } ptrW tszNick(Contact_GetInfo(CNF_NICK, event->hContact, szProto)); if (tszNick != NULL) szNickIn = encodeUTF8(event->hContact, szRealProto, tszNick, ENF_NAMESMILEYS, true); tszNick = Contact_GetInfo(CNF_NICK, NULL, szProto); if (tszNick != NULL) szNickOut = encodeUTF8(event->hContact, szRealProto, tszNick, ENF_NAMESMILEYS, true); Template *tmplt = nullptr; if (tmpm) { tmplt = tmpm->getTemplate(((event->dwFlags & IEEF_RTL) && tmpm->isRTL()) ? "HTMLStartRTL" : "HTMLStart"); if (tmplt == nullptr) tmplt = tmpm->getTemplate("HTMLStart"); } CMStringA str; if (tmplt != nullptr) { for (Token *token = tmplt->getTokens(); token != nullptr; token = token->getNext()) { const char *tokenVal; tokenVal = nullptr; switch (token->getType()) { case Token::PLAIN: tokenVal = token->getText(); break; case Token::BASE: tokenVal = szBase; break; case Token::NAMEIN: tokenVal = szNameIn; break; case Token::NAMEOUT: tokenVal = szNameOut; break; case Token::AVATARIN: tokenVal = szAvatarIn; break; case Token::AVATAROUT: tokenVal = szAvatarOut; break; case Token::PROTO: tokenVal = szRealProto; break; case Token::UININ: tokenVal = szUINIn; break; case Token::UINOUT: tokenVal = szUINOut; break; case Token::STATUSMSG: tokenVal = szStatusMsg; break; case Token::NICKIN: tokenVal = szNickIn; break; case Token::NICKOUT: tokenVal = szNickOut; break; } if (tokenVal != nullptr) { if (token->getEscape()) str.Append(ptrA(Utils::escapeString(tokenVal))); else str.Append(tokenVal); } } } if (!str.IsEmpty()) view->write(str); mir_free(szBase); mir_free(szRealProto); mir_free(szProto); mir_free(szUINIn); mir_free(szUINOut); mir_free(szNoAvatar); mir_free(szAvatarIn); mir_free(szAvatarOut); mir_free(szNameIn); mir_free(szNameOut); mir_free(szNickIn); mir_free(szNickOut); mir_free(szStatusMsg); groupTemplate = nullptr; iLastEventType = -1; } void TemplateHTMLBuilder::appendEventTemplate(IEView *view, IEVIEWEVENT *event, ProtocolSettings* protoSettings) { if (protoSettings == nullptr) return; DBVARIANT dbv; char tempBase[1024]; char tempStr[1024]; char szCID[32]; char *szNameIn = nullptr; char *szNameOut = nullptr; char *szUIN = nullptr; char *szUINIn = nullptr; char *szUINOut = nullptr; char *szNickIn = nullptr; char *szNickOut = nullptr; char *szStatusMsg = nullptr; char *szAvatar = nullptr; const char *tmpltName[2]; bool isGrouping = false; MCONTACT hRealContact = getRealContact(event->hContact); char *szRealProto = getProto(hRealContact); char *szProto = getProto(event->pszProto, event->hContact); tempBase[0] = '\0'; TemplateMap *tmpm = getTemplateMap(protoSettings); if (tmpm != nullptr) { mir_strcpy(tempBase, "file://"); mir_strcat(tempBase, tmpm->getFilename()); char* pathrun = nullptr; if (pathrun = strrchr(tempBase, '\\')) *(++pathrun) = '\0'; else if (pathrun = strrchr(tempBase, '/')) *(++pathrun) = '\0'; isGrouping = tmpm->isGrouping(); } char *szBase = mir_utf8encode(tempBase); if (event->hContact != NULL) getUINs(event->hContact, szUINIn, szUINOut); if (event->hContact != NULL) { szNameOut = getEncodedContactName(NULL, szProto, szRealProto); szNameIn = getEncodedContactName(event->hContact, szProto, szRealProto); } else { szNameOut = mir_strdup(" "); szNameIn = mir_strdup(" "); } wchar_t szNoAvatarPath[MAX_PATH]; wcsncpy_s(szNoAvatarPath, _A2T(protoSettings->getSRMMTemplateFilename()), _TRUNCATE); wchar_t *szNoAvatarPathTmp = wcsrchr(szNoAvatarPath, '\\'); if (szNoAvatarPathTmp != nullptr) *szNoAvatarPathTmp = 0; mir_wstrcat(szNoAvatarPath, L"\\noavatar.png"); if (_waccess(szNoAvatarPath, 0) == -1) mir_snprintf(tempStr, "%snoavatar.jpg", tempBase); else mir_snprintf(tempStr, "%snoavatar.png", tempBase); char *szNoAvatar = mir_utf8encode(tempStr); char *szAvatarIn = nullptr; if (event->hContact != NULL) szAvatarIn = getAvatar(event->hContact, szRealProto); if (szAvatarIn == nullptr) szAvatarIn = mir_strdup(szNoAvatar); char *szAvatarOut = getAvatar(NULL, szRealProto); if (szAvatarOut == nullptr) szAvatarOut = mir_strdup(szNoAvatar); if (event->hContact != NULL) { if (!db_get(event->hContact, "CList", "StatusMsg", &dbv)) { if (mir_strlen(dbv.pszVal) > 0) szStatusMsg = mir_utf8encode(dbv.pszVal); db_free(&dbv); } } ptrW tszNick(Contact_GetInfo(CNF_NICK, event->hContact, szProto)); if (tszNick != NULL) szNickIn = encodeUTF8(event->hContact, szRealProto, tszNick, ENF_NAMESMILEYS, true); tszNick = Contact_GetInfo(CNF_NICK, NULL, szProto); if (tszNick != NULL) szNickOut = encodeUTF8(event->hContact, szRealProto, tszNick, ENF_NAMESMILEYS, true); IEVIEWEVENTDATA* eventData = event->eventData; for (int eventIdx = 0; eventData != nullptr && (eventIdx < event->count || event->count == -1); eventData = eventData->next, eventIdx++) { if (eventData->iType == IEED_EVENT_MESSAGE || eventData->iType == IEED_EVENT_STATUSCHANGE || eventData->iType == IEED_EVENT_FILE || eventData->iType == IEED_EVENT_URL || eventData->iType == IEED_EVENT_SYSTEM) { CMStringA str; bool isSent = (eventData->dwFlags & IEEDF_SENT) != 0; bool isRTL = (eventData->dwFlags & IEEDF_RTL) && tmpm->isRTL(); bool isHistory = (eventData->time < (DWORD)getStartedTime() && (eventData->dwFlags & IEEDF_READ || eventData->dwFlags & IEEDF_SENT)); bool isGroupBreak = true; if ((getFlags(protoSettings) & Options::LOG_GROUP_MESSAGES) && eventData->dwFlags == LOWORD(getLastEventType()) && eventData->iType == IEED_EVENT_MESSAGE && HIWORD(getLastEventType()) == IEED_EVENT_MESSAGE && (isSameDate(eventData->time, getLastEventTime())) && (((eventData->time < (DWORD)startedTime) == (getLastEventTime() < (DWORD)startedTime)) || !(eventData->dwFlags & IEEDF_READ))) isGroupBreak = false; if (isSent) { szAvatar = szAvatarOut; szUIN = szUINOut; mir_snprintf(szCID, "%d", 0); } else { szAvatar = szAvatarIn; szUIN = szUINIn; mir_snprintf(szCID, "%d", (int)event->hContact); } tmpltName[0] = groupTemplate; tmpltName[1] = nullptr; groupTemplate = nullptr; char *szName = nullptr, *szText = nullptr, *szFileDesc = nullptr; if (event->eventData->dwFlags & IEEDF_UNICODE_NICK) szName = encodeUTF8(event->hContact, szRealProto, eventData->pszNickW, ENF_NAMESMILEYS, true); else szName = encodeUTF8(event->hContact, szRealProto, eventData->pszNick, ENF_NAMESMILEYS, true); if (eventData->dwFlags & IEEDF_UNICODE_TEXT) szText = encodeUTF8(event->hContact, szRealProto, eventData->pszTextW, eventData->iType == IEED_EVENT_MESSAGE ? ENF_ALL : 0, isSent); else szText = encodeUTF8(event->hContact, szRealProto, eventData->pszText, event->codepage, eventData->iType == IEED_EVENT_MESSAGE ? ENF_ALL : 0, isSent); if (eventData->dwFlags & IEEDF_UNICODE_TEXT2) szFileDesc = encodeUTF8(event->hContact, szRealProto, eventData->pszText2W, 0, isSent); else szFileDesc = encodeUTF8(event->hContact, szRealProto, eventData->pszText2, event->codepage, 0, isSent); if (eventData->iType == IEED_EVENT_MESSAGE) { if (!isRTL) { if (isGrouping && (getFlags(protoSettings) & Options::LOG_GROUP_MESSAGES)) { if (isGroupBreak) tmpltName[1] = isHistory ? isSent ? "hMessageOutGroupStart" : "hMessageInGroupStart" : isSent ? "MessageOutGroupStart" : "MessageInGroupStart"; else tmpltName[0] = isHistory ? isSent ? "hMessageOutGroupInner" : "hMessageInGroupInner" : isSent ? "MessageOutGroupInner" : "MessageInGroupInner"; groupTemplate = isHistory ? isSent ? "hMessageOutGroupEnd" : "hMessageInGroupEnd" : isSent ? "MessageOutGroupEnd" : "MessageInGroupEnd"; } else tmpltName[1] = isHistory ? isSent ? "hMessageOut" : "hMessageIn" : isSent ? "MessageOut" : "MessageIn"; } else { if (isGrouping && (getFlags(protoSettings) & Options::LOG_GROUP_MESSAGES)) { if (isGroupBreak) tmpltName[1] = isHistory ? isSent ? "hMessageOutGroupStartRTL" : "hMessageInGroupStartRTL" : isSent ? "MessageOutGroupStartRTL" : "MessageInGroupStartRTL"; else tmpltName[0] = isHistory ? isSent ? "hMessageOutGroupInnerRTL" : "hMessageInGroupInnerRTL" : isSent ? "MessageOutGroupInnerRTL" : "MessageInGroupInnerRTL"; groupTemplate = isHistory ? isSent ? "hMessageOutGroupEndRTL" : "hMessageInGroupEndRTL" : isSent ? "MessageOutGroupEndRTL" : "MessageInGroupEndRTL"; } else tmpltName[1] = isHistory ? isSent ? "hMessageOutRTL" : "hMessageInRTL" : isSent ? "MessageOutRTL" : "MessageInRTL"; } } else if (eventData->iType == IEED_EVENT_FILE) { tmpltName[1] = isHistory ? isSent ? "hFileOut" : "hFileIn" : isSent ? "FileOut" : "FileIn"; Template *tmplt = (tmpm == nullptr) ? nullptr : tmpm->getTemplate(tmpltName[1]); if (tmplt == nullptr) tmpltName[1] = isHistory ? "hFile" : "File"; } else if (eventData->iType == IEED_EVENT_URL) { tmpltName[1] = isHistory ? isSent ? "hURLOut" : "hURLIn" : isSent ? "URLOut" : "URLIn"; Template *tmplt = (tmpm == nullptr) ? nullptr : tmpm->getTemplate(tmpltName[1]); if (tmplt == nullptr) tmpltName[1] = isHistory ? "hURL" : "URL"; } else if (eventData->iType == IEED_EVENT_STATUSCHANGE || (eventData->iType == IEED_EVENT_SYSTEM)) tmpltName[1] = isHistory ? "hStatus" : "Status"; /* template-specific formatting */ for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) { if (tmpltName[i] == nullptr || tmpm == nullptr) continue; Template *tmplt = tmpm->getTemplate(tmpltName[i]); if (tmplt == nullptr) continue; for (Token *token = tmplt->getTokens(); token != nullptr; token = token->getNext()) { const char *tokenVal; tokenVal = nullptr; switch (token->getType()) { case Token::PLAIN: tokenVal = token->getText(); break; case Token::INAME: if (getFlags(protoSettings) & Options::LOG_SHOW_NICKNAMES) tokenVal = szName; else tokenVal = " "; break; case Token::TIME: if (getFlags(protoSettings) & Options::LOG_SHOW_TIME) tokenVal = timestampToString(getFlags(protoSettings), eventData->time, 1); else tokenVal = " "; break; case Token::DATE: if (getFlags(protoSettings) & Options::LOG_SHOW_DATE) tokenVal = timestampToString(getFlags(protoSettings), eventData->time, 0); else tokenVal = " "; break; case Token::TEXT: tokenVal = szText; break; case Token::AVATAR: tokenVal = szAvatar; break; case Token::CID: tokenVal = szCID; break; case Token::BASE: tokenVal = szBase; break; case Token::NAMEIN: if (getFlags(protoSettings) & Options::LOG_SHOW_NICKNAMES) { if (event->hContact != NULL) tokenVal = szNameIn; else tokenVal = szName; } else tokenVal = " "; break; case Token::NAMEOUT: if (getFlags(protoSettings) & Options::LOG_SHOW_NICKNAMES) { if (event->hContact != NULL) tokenVal = szNameOut; else tokenVal = szName; } else tokenVal = " "; break; case Token::AVATARIN: tokenVal = szAvatarIn; break; case Token::AVATAROUT: tokenVal = szAvatarOut; break; case Token::PROTO: tokenVal = szRealProto; break; case Token::UIN: tokenVal = szUIN; break; case Token::UININ: tokenVal = szUINIn; break; case Token::UINOUT: tokenVal = szUINOut; break; case Token::STATUSMSG: tokenVal = szStatusMsg; break; case Token::NICKIN: tokenVal = szNickIn; break; case Token::NICKOUT: tokenVal = szNickOut; break; case Token::FILEDESC: tokenVal = szFileDesc; break; } if (tokenVal != nullptr) { if (token->getEscape()) str.Append(ptrA(Utils::escapeString(tokenVal))); else str.Append(tokenVal); } } } setLastEventType(MAKELONG(eventData->dwFlags, eventData->iType)); setLastEventTime(eventData->time); mir_free(szName); mir_free(szText); mir_free(szFileDesc); view->write(str); } } mir_free(szBase); mir_free(szRealProto); mir_free(szProto); mir_free(szUINIn); mir_free(szUINOut); mir_free(szNoAvatar); mir_free(szAvatarIn); mir_free(szAvatarOut); mir_free(szNameIn); mir_free(szNameOut); mir_free(szNickIn); mir_free(szNickOut); mir_free(szStatusMsg); view->documentClose(); } time_t TemplateHTMLBuilder::getStartedTime() { return startedTime; }