/* IEView Plugin for Miranda IM Copyright (C) 2005-2010 Piotr Piastucki This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ #include "ieview_common.h" TextToken::TextToken(int _type, const char *_text, int _len) { next = NULL; tag = 0; end = false; type = _type; text = mir_strndup(_text, _len); wtext = mir_a2t(text); link = NULL; wlink = NULL; } TextToken::TextToken(int _type, const wchar_t *_wtext, int _len) { next = NULL; tag = 0; end = false; type = _type; wtext = mir_tstrndup(_wtext, _len); text = mir_t2a(wtext); link = NULL; wlink = NULL; } TextToken::~TextToken() { mir_free(text); mir_free(wtext); mir_free(link); mir_free(wlink); } void TextToken::setLink(const char *_link) { replaceStr(link, _link); mir_free(wlink); this->wlink = mir_a2t(_link); } void TextToken::setLink(const wchar_t *_link) { replaceStrW(wlink, _link); mir_free(link); link = mir_u2a(_link); } static int countNoWhitespace(const wchar_t *str) { int c; for (c = 0; *str != '\n' && *str != '\r' && *str != '\t' && *str != ' ' && *str != '\0'; str++, c++); return c; } TextToken* TextToken::tokenizeBBCodes(const wchar_t *text) { return tokenizeBBCodes(text, (int)mir_wstrlen(text)); } // TODO: Add the following BBCodes: code #define BB_TAG_NUM 10 TextToken* TextToken::tokenizeBBCodes(const wchar_t *text, int l) { static const wchar_t *bbTagName[] = { L"b", L"i", L"u", L"s", L"img", L"color", L"size", L"bimg", L"url", L"code" }; static int bbTagNameLen[] = { 1, 1, 1, 1, 3, 5, 4, 4, 3, 4 }; static int bbTagArg[] = { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, 0 }; static int bbTagId[] = { BB_B, BB_I, BB_U, BB_S, BB_IMG, BB_COLOR, BB_SIZE, BB_BIMG, BB_URL, BB_CODE }; static int bbTagEnd[BB_TAG_NUM]; static int bbTagCount[BB_TAG_NUM]; int i, j; TextToken *firstToken = NULL, *lastToken = NULL, *bbToken = NULL; int textLen = 0; for (j = 0; j < BB_TAG_NUM; j++) { bbTagCount[j] = 0; bbTagEnd[j] = 0; } for (i = 0; i <= l;) { int k, tagArgStart = 0, tagArgEnd = 0, tagDataStart = 0, newTokenType = 0, newTokenSize = 0; bool bbFound = false; if (text[i] == '[') { if (text[i + 1] != '/') { for (j = 0; j < BB_TAG_NUM; j++) { k = i + 1; if (!wcsnicmp(text + k, bbTagName[j], bbTagNameLen[j])) { tagArgStart = tagArgEnd = 0; k += bbTagNameLen[j]; if (bbTagArg[j]) { if (text[k] != '=') continue; k++; tagArgStart = k; for (; text[k] != '\0'; k++) { if (text[k] == ']') break; } tagArgEnd = k; } if (text[k] == ']') { k++; tagDataStart = k; if (k < bbTagEnd[j]) k = bbTagEnd[j]; for (; k < l; k++) { if (text[k] == '[' && text[k + 1] == '/') { k += 2; if (!wcsnicmp(text + k, bbTagName[j], bbTagNameLen[j])) { k += bbTagNameLen[j]; if (text[k] == ']') { k++; bbFound = true; break; } } } } if (bbFound) break; } } } if (bbFound) { bbTagEnd[j] = k; switch (bbTagId[j]) { case BB_B: case BB_I: case BB_U: case BB_S: case BB_CODE: case BB_COLOR: case BB_SIZE: bbTagCount[j]++; if (bbTagArg[j]) { bbToken = new TextToken(BBCODE, text + tagArgStart, tagArgEnd - tagArgStart); } else { bbToken = new TextToken(BBCODE, bbTagName[j], bbTagNameLen[j]); } bbToken->setTag(bbTagId[j]); bbToken->setEnd(false); newTokenType = BBCODE; newTokenSize = tagDataStart - i; break; case BB_URL: case BB_IMG: case BB_BIMG: bbToken = new TextToken(BBCODE, text + tagDataStart, k - bbTagNameLen[j] - 3 - tagDataStart); bbToken->setTag(bbTagId[j]); bbToken->setEnd(false); newTokenType = BBCODE; newTokenSize = k - i; if (bbTagArg[j]) { wchar_t *urlLink = mir_tstrndup(text + tagArgStart, tagArgEnd - tagArgStart); bbToken->setLink(urlLink); mir_free(urlLink); } break; } } } else { for (j = 0; j < BB_TAG_NUM; j++) { k = i + 2; if (bbTagCount[j]>0 && !wcsnicmp(text + k, bbTagName[j], bbTagNameLen[j])) { k += bbTagNameLen[j]; if (text[k] == ']') { k++; bbFound = true; break; } } } if (bbFound) { bbTagCount[j]--; bbToken = new TextToken(BBCODE, bbTagName[j], bbTagNameLen[j]); bbToken->setEnd(true); bbToken->setTag(bbTagId[j]); newTokenType = BBCODE; newTokenSize = k - i; } } } if (!bbFound) { if (i == l) { newTokenType = END; newTokenSize = 1; } else { newTokenType = TEXT; newTokenSize = 1; } } if (newTokenType != TEXT) { if (textLen > 0) { TextToken *newToken = new TextToken(TEXT, text + i - textLen, textLen); textLen = 0; if (lastToken == NULL) firstToken = newToken; else lastToken->setNext(newToken); lastToken = newToken; } if (newTokenType == BBCODE) { if (lastToken == NULL) firstToken = bbToken; else lastToken->setNext(bbToken); lastToken = bbToken; } } else textLen += newTokenSize; i += newTokenSize; } return firstToken; } TextToken* TextToken::tokenizeLinks(const wchar_t *text) { TextToken *firstToken = NULL, *lastToken = NULL; int textLen = 0; int l = (int)mir_wstrlen(text); for (int i = 0; i <= l;) { int newTokenType, newTokenSize; int urlLen = Utils::detectURL(text + i); if (i == l) { newTokenType = END; newTokenSize = 1; } else if (urlLen > 0) { newTokenType = LINK; newTokenSize = urlLen; } else if (!wcsncmp(text + i, L"www.", 4)) { newTokenType = WWWLINK; newTokenSize = countNoWhitespace(text + i); } else if (!wcsncmp(text + i, L"mailto:", 7)) { newTokenType = LINK; newTokenSize = countNoWhitespace(text + i); } else { newTokenType = TEXT; newTokenSize = 1; } if (newTokenType != TEXT) { if (textLen > 0) { TextToken *newToken = new TextToken(TEXT, text + i - textLen, textLen); textLen = 0; if (lastToken == NULL) firstToken = newToken; else lastToken->setNext(newToken); lastToken = newToken; } if (newTokenType == WWWLINK || newTokenType == LINK) { TextToken *newToken = new TextToken(newTokenType, text + i, newTokenSize); newToken->setLink(newToken->getText()); if (lastToken == NULL) firstToken = newToken; else lastToken->setNext(newToken); lastToken = newToken; } } else textLen += newTokenSize; i += newTokenSize; } return firstToken; } TextToken* TextToken::tokenizeSmileys(MCONTACT hContact, const char *proto, const wchar_t *text, bool isSent) { TextToken *firstToken = NULL, *lastToken = NULL; int l = (int)mir_wstrlen(text); if (!Options::isSmileyAdd()) return new TextToken(TEXT, text, l); SMADD_BATCHPARSE2 sp; sp.cbSize = sizeof(sp); sp.Protocolname = proto; sp.flag = SAFL_PATH | SAFL_UNICODE | (isSent ? SAFL_OUTGOING : 0); sp.wstr = (wchar_t *)text; sp.hContact = hContact; SMADD_BATCHPARSERES *spRes = (SMADD_BATCHPARSERES *)CallService(MS_SMILEYADD_BATCHPARSE, 0, (LPARAM)&sp); int last_pos = 0; if (spRes != NULL) { for (int i = 0; i < (int)sp.numSmileys; i++) { if (spRes[i].filepath != NULL && mir_strlen((char *)spRes[i].filepath) > 0) { if ((int)spRes[i].startChar - last_pos > 0) { TextToken *newToken = new TextToken(TEXT, text + last_pos, spRes[i].startChar - last_pos); if (lastToken == NULL) firstToken = newToken; else lastToken->setNext(newToken); lastToken = newToken; } TextToken *newToken = new TextToken(SMILEY, text + spRes[i].startChar, spRes[i].size); if (sp.oflag & SAFL_UNICODE) newToken->setLink((wchar_t *)spRes[i].filepath); else newToken->setLink((char *)spRes[i].filepath); if (lastToken == NULL) firstToken = newToken; else lastToken->setNext(newToken); lastToken = newToken; last_pos = spRes[i].startChar + spRes[i].size; } } CallService(MS_SMILEYADD_BATCHFREE, 0, (LPARAM)spRes); } if (last_pos < l) { TextToken *newToken = new TextToken(TEXT, text + last_pos, l - last_pos); if (lastToken == NULL) firstToken = newToken; else lastToken->setNext(newToken); lastToken = newToken; } return firstToken; } TextToken* TextToken::tokenizeChatFormatting(const wchar_t *text) { TextToken *firstToken = NULL, *lastToken = NULL; int textLen = 0; int l = (int)mir_wstrlen(text); wchar_t* tokenBuffer = new wchar_t[l + 1]; for (int i = 0; i <= l;) { int newTokenType = TEXT; int newTokenSize = 1; int newTokenTag = 0; int newTokenTextLen = 0; const wchar_t * newTokenText = NULL; bool endToken = false; if (i == l) newTokenType = END; else { if (text[i] == '%') { newTokenSize = 2; switch (text[i + 1]) { case '%': break; case 'B': endToken = true; case 'b': newTokenType = BBCODE; newTokenTag = BB_B; break; case 'U': endToken = true; case 'u': newTokenType = BBCODE; newTokenTag = BB_U; break; case 'I': endToken = true; case 'i': newTokenType = BBCODE; newTokenTag = BB_I; break; case 'C': endToken = true; case 'c': newTokenType = BBCODE; newTokenTag = BB_COLOR; if (!endToken) { newTokenText = text + i + 2; newTokenTextLen = 7; newTokenSize = 9; } break; case 'F': endToken = true; case 'f': newTokenType = BBCODE; newTokenTag = BB_BACKGROUND; if (!endToken) { newTokenText = text + i + 2; newTokenTextLen = 7; newTokenSize = 9; } break; default: newTokenSize = 1; } } } if (newTokenType != TEXT) { if (textLen > 0) { TextToken *newToken = new TextToken(TEXT, tokenBuffer, textLen); textLen = 0; if (lastToken == NULL) firstToken = newToken; else lastToken->setNext(newToken); lastToken = newToken; } if (newTokenType == BBCODE) { TextToken *newToken = new TextToken(newTokenType, newTokenText, newTokenTextLen); newToken->setEnd(endToken); newToken->setTag(newTokenTag); if (lastToken == NULL) firstToken = newToken; else lastToken->setNext(newToken); lastToken = newToken; } } else { tokenBuffer[textLen] = text[i]; textLen++; } i += newTokenSize; } delete[] tokenBuffer; return firstToken; } wchar_t *TextToken::htmlEncode(const wchar_t *str) { wchar_t *out; const wchar_t *ptr; if (str == NULL) return NULL; int c = 0; bool wasSpace = false; for (ptr = str; *ptr != '\0'; ptr++) { if (*ptr == ' ' && wasSpace) c += 6; else { wasSpace = false; switch (*ptr) { case '\n': c += 4; break; case '\r': break; case '&': c += 5; break; case '>': c += 4; break; case '<': c += 4; break; case '"': c += 6; break; case ' ': wasSpace = true; default: c++; } } } wasSpace = false; wchar_t *output = new wchar_t[c + 1]; for (out = output, ptr = str; *ptr != '\0'; ptr++) { if (*ptr == ' ' && wasSpace) { mir_wstrcpy(out, L" "); out += 6; } else { wasSpace = false; switch (*ptr) { case '\n': mir_wstrcpy(out, L"<br>"); out += 4; break; case '\r': break; case '&': mir_wstrcpy(out, L"&"); out += 5; break; case '>': mir_wstrcpy(out, L">"); out += 4; break; case '<': mir_wstrcpy(out, L"<"); out += 4; break; case '"': mir_wstrcpy(out, L"""); out += 6; break; case ' ': wasSpace = true; default: *out = *ptr; out++; } } } *out = '\0'; return output; } void TextToken::toString(CMStringW &str) { wchar_t *eText = NULL, *eLink = NULL; switch (type) { case TEXT: eText = htmlEncode(wtext); str.Append(eText); break; case WWWLINK: case LINK: eText = htmlEncode(wtext); eLink = htmlEncode(wlink); { const wchar_t *linkPrefix = type == WWWLINK ? L"http://" : L""; if ((Options::getGeneralFlags()&Options::GENERAL_ENABLE_EMBED)) { wchar_t *match = wcsstr(wlink, L"youtube.com"); if (match != NULL) { match = wcsstr(match + 11, L"v="); if (match != NULL) { match += 2; wchar_t *match2 = wcsstr(match, L"&"); int len = match2 != NULL ? match2 - match : (int)mir_wstrlen(match); match = mir_wstrdup(match); match[len] = 0; int width = 0; int height = 0; int Embedsize = Options::getEmbedsize(); switch (Embedsize) { case 0: width = 320; height = 205; break; case 1: width = 480; height = 385; break; case 2: width = 560; height = 349; break; case 3: width = 640; height = 390; break; }; str.AppendFormat(L"<div><object width=\"%d\" height=\"%d\">\ <param name=\"movie\" value=\"http://www.youtube.com/v/%s&feature=player_embedded&version=3\"/>\ <param name=\"allowFullScreen\" value=\"true\"/>\ <param name=\"allowScriptAccess\" value=\"true\"/>\ <embed src=\"http://www.youtube.com/v/%s&feature=player_embedded&version=3\" type=\"application/x-shockwave-flash\" allowfullscreen=\"true\" allowScriptAccess=\"always\" width=\"%d\" height=\"%d\"/>\ </object></div>", width, height, match, match, width, height); mir_free(match); break; } } } str.AppendFormat(L"<a class=\"link\" target=\"_self\" href=\"%s%s\">%s</a>", linkPrefix, eLink, eText); } break; case SMILEY: eText = htmlEncode(wtext); if ((Options::getGeneralFlags()&Options::GENERAL_ENABLE_FLASH) && (wcsstr(wlink, L".swf") != NULL)) { str.AppendFormat(L"<span title=\"%s\" class=\"img\"><object classid=\"clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000\" \ codebase=\"http://active.macromedia.com/flash2/cabs/swflash.cab#version=4,0,0,0\" >\ <param NAME=\"movie\" VALUE=\"%s\"><param NAME=\"quality\" VALUE=\"high\"><PARAM NAME=\"loop\" VALUE=\"true\"></object></span>", eText, wlink); } else str.AppendFormat(L"<img class=\"img\" src=\"file://%s\" title=\"%s\" alt=\"%s\" />", wlink, eText, eText); break; case MATH: eText = htmlEncode(wtext); str.AppendFormat(L"<img class=\"img\" src=\"file://%s\" title=\"%s\" alt=\"%s\" />", wlink, eText, eText); break; case BBCODE: if (!end) { switch (tag) { case BB_B: str.Append(L"<b>"); break; case BB_I: str.Append(L"<i>"); break; case BB_U: str.Append(L"<u>"); break; case BB_S: str.Append(L"<s>"); break; case BB_CODE: str.Append(L"<pre class=\"code\">"); break; case BB_IMG: eText = htmlEncode(wtext); if ((Options::getGeneralFlags()&Options::GENERAL_ENABLE_FLASH) && eText != NULL && (wcsstr(eText, L".swf") != NULL)) { str.AppendFormat(L"<div style=\"width: 100%%; border: 0; overflow: hidden;\"><object classid=\"clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000\" \ codebase=\"http://active.macromedia.com/flash2/cabs/swflash.cab#version=4,0,0,0\" width=\"100%%\" >\ <param NAME=\"movie\" VALUE=\"%s\"><param NAME=\"quality\" VALUE=\"high\"><PARAM NAME=\"loop\" VALUE=\"true\"></object></div>", eText); } else { if (eText != NULL && wcsncmp(eText, L"http://", 7) && wcsncmp(eText, L"https://", 8)) str.AppendFormat(L"<div style=\"width: 100%%; border: 0; overflow: hidden;\"><img class=\"img\" style=\"width: expression((maxw = this.parentNode.offsetWidth ) > this.width ? 'auto' : maxw);\" src=\"file://%s\" /></div>", eText); else str.AppendFormat(L"<div style=\"width: 100%%; border: 0; overflow: hidden;\"><img class=\"img\" style=\"width: expression((maxw = this.parentNode.offsetWidth ) > this.width ? 'auto' : maxw);\" src=\"%s\" /></div>", eText); } break; case BB_BIMG: eText = htmlEncode(mir_ptr<wchar_t>(Utils::toAbsolute(wtext))); if ((Options::getGeneralFlags()&Options::GENERAL_ENABLE_FLASH) && (wcsstr(eText, L".swf") != NULL)) { str.AppendFormat(L"<div style=\"width: 100%%; border: 0; overflow: hidden;\"><object classid=\"clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000\" \ codebase=\"http://active.macromedia.com/flash2/cabs/swflash.cab#version=4,0,0,0\" width=\"100%%\" >\ <param NAME=\"movie\" VALUE=\"%s\"><param NAME=\"quality\" VALUE=\"high\"><PARAM NAME=\"loop\" VALUE=\"true\"></object></div>", eText); } else str.AppendFormat(L"<div style=\"width: 100%%; border: 0; overflow: hidden;\"><img class=\"img\" style=\"width: expression((maxw = this.parentNode.offsetWidth ) > this.width ? 'auto' : maxw);\" src=\"file://%s\" /></div>", eText); break; case BB_URL: eText = htmlEncode(wtext); eLink = htmlEncode(wlink); str.AppendFormat(L"<a href =\"%s\">%s</a>", eLink, eText); break; case BB_COLOR: eText = htmlEncode(wtext); str.AppendFormat(L"<font color =\"%s\">", eText); break; case BB_BACKGROUND: eText = htmlEncode(wtext); str.AppendFormat(L"<span style=\"background: %s;\">", eText); break; case BB_SIZE: eText = htmlEncode(wtext); str.AppendFormat(L"<span style=\"font-size: %s;\">", eText); break; } } else { switch (tag) { case BB_B: str.Append(L"</b>"); break; case BB_I: str.Append(L"</i>"); break; case BB_U: str.Append(L"</u>"); break; case BB_S: str.Append(L"</s>"); break; case BB_CODE: str.Append(L"</pre>"); break; case BB_COLOR: str.Append(L"</font>"); break; case BB_SIZE: str.Append(L"</span>"); break; case BB_BACKGROUND: str.Append(L"</span>"); break; } } break; } if (eText != NULL) delete[] eText; if (eLink != NULL) delete[] eLink; }