; Common strings that belong to many files
;[Added %d contacts and %d groups.]
;[All Files]
;[Import completed in %d seconds.]
;[Importing groups.]
;[The given file does not exist. Please check that you have entered the name correctly.]

; ../../plugins/Import/main.cpp
;[Added %s contact %s]
;[Added %s contact %s, '%s']
;[Added contact %u (found in history)]
;[Failed to add %s contact %s]
;[Ignored event from/to self]
;[Skipping duplicate group %s.]

; ../../plugins/Import/mirabilis.cpp
;[Added %d events and skipped %d duplicates.]
;[All groups may not have not been imported.]
;[Attempting to parse group list, type %d.]
;[Attempting to parse property block at offset %u.]
;[Attempting to parse property block list at offset %u.]
;[Attempting to parse sub list at offset %u.]
;[Attempting to parse wav file list at offset %u.]
;[ERROR: An error occurred while importing groups.]
;[ERROR: Failed to find contact list groups.]
;[ERROR: Failed to find owner information.]
;[Error: Unknown datatype (%u) at offset %u.]
;[Error: Unknown sub list type (%u) at offset %u.]
;[Failed to open database file]
;[Failed to open index file]
;[Failed to read Property block.]
;[Group import was not completed.]
;[ICQ account is not installed.]
;[Ignoring msg from user %d at ofs %d.]
;[Ignoring msg with no text from %d ofs %d.]
;[Import aborted]
;[Importing contacts]
;[Importing history (this may take a while)]
;[Mirabilis ICQ database indexes]
;[Mirabilis Import]
;[No ICQ contacts or history will be imported.]
;[Skipping 'Auth. accepted' msg, ofs %d.]
;[Skipping 'Auth. denied' msg, ofs %d.]
;[Skipping 'Birthday' msg (?), ofs %d.]
;[Skipping 'Chat request' msg, ofs %d.]
;[Skipping 'Contact' msg, ofs %d.]
;[Skipping 'Email Express' msg, ofs %d.]
;[Skipping 'Phonecall' msg (?), ofs %d.]
;[Skipping 'Request for auth.' msg, ofs %d.]
;[Skipping 'SMS' msg (?), ofs %d.]
;[Skipping 'System message', ofs %d.]
;[Skipping 'WWW Pager' msg, ofs %d.]
;[Skipping 'You were added' msg, ofs %d.]
;[Skipping 29 msg, ofs %d.]
;[Skipping 32 msg, ofs %d.]
;[Skipping contact with unsupported version.]
;[Skipping duplicate ICQ contact %u]
;[Skipping duplicate ICQ contact %u, %s]
;[Skipping event with ID < 2001.]
;[Skipping file message offset %d.]
;[Skipping inactive contact.]
;[Skipping message type 0xE3 at offset %d.]
;[Skipping non-ICQ contact %u.]
;[Skipping unknown 0xE0 subtype (%d), ofs %d.]
;[Skipping unknown event type %d at offset %d.]
;[Skipping unrecognizable contact.]
;[This database does not contain any contact groups.]
;[This database is an unknown version.]
;[This looks like a ICQ 2000a database.]
;[This looks like a ICQ 2000b database.]
;[This looks like a ICQ 2001, 2002 or 2003a database.]
;[This looks like a ICQ 99a database.]
;[This looks like a ICQ 99b database.]

; ../../plugins/Import/miranda.cpp
;[Added %d contacts, %d groups and %d events.]
;[Could not open file.]
;[DEBUG: Deleted setting treated as 0-length setting]
;[ERROR: Chain broken, no valid contact at %d]
;[ERROR: Faulty settings chain]
;[Failed to add message]
;[Failed to find module %s]
;[Failed to find setting %s]
;[Found module: %s]
;[Getting type %u value for setting: %s]
;[Group import failed.]
;[Ignoring module: %s]
;[Ignoring setting: %s]
;[Importing contacts.]
;[Importing history.]
;[Importing system history.]
;[Miranda IM database]
;[Miranda Import]
;[Modulename corrupted]
;[No owner found.]
;[Number of contacts in database: %d]
;[Read failure.]
;[Signature mismatch]
;[Skipped %d contacts.]
;[Skipped %d duplicates and %d filtered events.]
;[Skipped %d duplicates.]
;[Skipping %s contact, ID not found]
;[Skipping contact with no protocol]
;[Skipping contact, %s not installed.]
;[Skipping duplicate %s contact %s]
;[Skipping history import.]
;[Skipping new contacts import.]
;[Skipping non-IM contact (%s)]
;[Skipping system history import.]
;[This is not a valid Miranda IM database.]
;[This looks like a Miranda database, version or above.]
;[Unknown error while adding %s contact %s]
;[Version mismatch]
;[Warning: Found module with no name]

; ../../plugins/Import/resource.rc
;[&Next >]
;[&Other Database...]
;[&Other Profile...]
;[< &Back]
;[Choose how you would like to import:]
;[Click \"Next\" to choose the information you wish to import, or click \"Cancel\" to exit the wizard and continue using Miranda.]
;[Custom import]
;[Do not load the import plugin at startup again]
;[File Transfers]
;[From a Mirabilis ICQ (99a - 2003a) database.]
;[From a Miranda IM database.]
;[If at a future date you wish to use the wizard again, you can make it load again by going to the Plugins section of the Options dialog box.]
;[If you want to change the way Miranda handles server-side contacts at a later time, you can do this in the \"ICQ Contacts\" page in the Miranda options.]
;[If you wish to import more information, click \"Next\" to return to the start of the wizard, otherwise click \"Finish\" to start using Miranda.]
;[Import Information Wizard]
;[Import all contacts and all messages]
;[Import completed]
;[It is recommended that you create a backup of your current Miranda profile before importing.]
;[Miranda has found Mirabilis ICQ databases corresponding to the following ICQ numbers. Please select the one you wish to import, or click \"Other Database\" if your database is not listed.]
;[Miranda has found Miranda profiles with the following names. Please select the one you wish to import, or click \"Other Profile\" if your profile is not listed, or if the list is empty.]
;[Miranda has now been configured to automatically download the contacts in your server-side contact list the next time you connect to ICQ.]
;[New contacts && groups]
;[Now importing...]
;[Only import contacts]
;[Only since:]
;[Select items to import:]
;[Select this if you want to customize what to import.]
;[Select this if you want to import as much data as possible. This is the recommended option.]
;[Select this if you want to import contacts but don't want to import any message history.]
;[System history]
;[This wizard will help you import contacts and message history from Mirabilis ICQ, as well as letting you import from other Miranda IM profiles.]
;[Use the Find/Add contacts tool to populate my contact list.]
;[Warning: Mirabilis ICQ running. Import may not be reliable.]
;[You will probably never need to use this wizard again, so you can save memory by not loading it every time you start Miranda. This will mean that the import menu item will no longer be available.]

; ../../plugins/Import/wizard.cpp