/* Import plugin for Miranda NG Copyright (C) 2012-22 Miranda NG team (https://miranda-ng.org) This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ #pragma once enum SQL_CTC_STMT { SQL_CTC_STMT_COUNT = 0, SQL_CTC_STMT_EXISTS, SQL_CTC_STMT_NUM }; static char *ctc_stmts[SQL_CTC_STMT_NUM] = { "SELECT count(*) FROM dbrw_contacts;", "SELECT id FROM dbrw_contacts WHERE id = ? LIMIT 1;" }; enum SQL_EVT_STMT { SQL_EVT_STMT_COUNT = 0, SQL_EVT_STMT_BLOBSIZE, SQL_EVT_STMT_GET, SQL_EVT_STMT_GETFLAGS, SQL_EVT_STMT_GETCONTACT, SQL_EVT_STMT_FINDFIRST, SQL_EVT_STMT_FINDFIRSTUNREAD, SQL_EVT_STMT_FINDLAST, SQL_EVT_STMT_FINDNEXT, SQL_EVT_STMT_FINDPREV, SQL_EVT_STMT_NUM }; static char *evt_stmts[SQL_EVT_STMT_NUM] = { "SELECT count(*) FROM dbrw_events where contactid = ?;", "SELECT blobsize FROM dbrw_events where id = ? LIMIT 1;", "SELECT * FROM dbrw_events where id = ? LIMIT 1;", "SELECT flags FROM dbrw_events where id = ? LIMIT 1;", "SELECT contactid FROM dbrw_events where id = ? LIMIT 1;", "SELECT id FROM dbrw_events where contactid = ? ORDER by id LIMIT 1;", "SELECT flags, id FROM dbrw_events where contactid = ? ORDER by id;", "SELECT id FROM dbrw_events where contactid = ? ORDER by id DESC;", "SELECT id FROM dbrw_events where contactid = ? AND id > ? ORDER by id LIMIT 1;", "SELECT id FROM dbrw_events where contactid = ? AND id < ? ORDER by id DESC LIMIT 1;" }; enum SQL_SET_STMT { SQL_SET_STMT_READ = 0, SQL_SET_STMT_ENUM, SQL_SET_STMT_ENUMMODULES, SQL_SET_STMT_SETTINGCHECK, SQL_SET_STMT_NUM }; static char *set_stmts[SQL_SET_STMT_NUM] = { "SELECT type, val FROM dbrw_settings WHERE setting = ? AND module = ? AND id = ? LIMIT 1;", "SELECT setting from dbrw_settings where id = ? AND module = ? ORDER by setting;", "SELECT DISTINCT module from dbrw_settings;", "SELECT count(*) FROM dbrw_settings WHERE setting = ? AND module = ? AND id = ?;", }; struct TSqlMessage { int op; sqlite3 *pDb; sqlite3_stmt *pStmt; int retCode; const char *zIn; HANDLE hDoneEvent; }; struct CDbxSQLite : public MDatabaseReadonly, public MZeroedObject { private: sqlite3 *m_sqlite; int sql_prepare_len; char **sql_prepare_text; sqlite3_stmt ***sql_prepare_stmt; sqlite3_stmt *ctc_stmts_prep[SQL_CTC_STMT_NUM] = { 0 }; sqlite3_stmt *evt_stmts_prep[SQL_EVT_STMT_NUM] = { 0 }; sqlite3_stmt *set_stmts_prep[SQL_SET_STMT_NUM] = { 0 }; void sql_prepare_add(char **text, sqlite3_stmt **stmts, int len); void sql_prepare_statements(); static void CALLBACK sql_server_sync_apc(UINT_PTR dwParam); void sql_server_sync(TSqlMessage *msg); int sql_step(sqlite3_stmt *stmt); int sql_reset(sqlite3_stmt *stmt); int sql_exec(sqlite3 *sql, const char *query); int sql_open(const char *path, sqlite3 **sql); int sql_close(sqlite3 *sql); int sql_prepare(sqlite3 *sql, const char *query, sqlite3_stmt **stmt); int sql_finalize(sqlite3_stmt *stmt); void FillContacts(); public: CDbxSQLite(); ~CDbxSQLite(); int Open(const wchar_t *profile); STDMETHODIMP_(BOOL) IsRelational(void) override { return FALSE; } STDMETHODIMP_(void) SetCacheSafetyMode(BOOL) override; STDMETHODIMP_(int) GetContactCount(void) override; STDMETHODIMP_(int) DeleteContact(MCONTACT contactID) override; STDMETHODIMP_(MCONTACT) AddContact(void) override; STDMETHODIMP_(BOOL) IsDbContact(MCONTACT contactID) override; STDMETHODIMP_(int) GetContactSize(void) override; STDMETHODIMP_(int) GetEventCount(MCONTACT contactID) override; STDMETHODIMP_(MEVENT) AddEvent(MCONTACT contactID, const DBEVENTINFO *dbe) override; STDMETHODIMP_(BOOL) DeleteEvent(MEVENT hDbEvent) override; STDMETHODIMP_(BOOL) EditEvent(MCONTACT contactID, MEVENT hDbEvent, const DBEVENTINFO *dbe) override; STDMETHODIMP_(int) GetBlobSize(MEVENT hDbEvent) override; STDMETHODIMP_(BOOL) GetEvent(MEVENT hDbEvent, DBEVENTINFO *dbe) override; STDMETHODIMP_(BOOL) MarkEventRead(MCONTACT contactID, MEVENT hDbEvent) override; STDMETHODIMP_(MCONTACT) GetEventContact(MEVENT hDbEvent) override; STDMETHODIMP_(MEVENT) FindFirstEvent(MCONTACT contactID) override; STDMETHODIMP_(MEVENT) FindFirstUnreadEvent(MCONTACT contactID) override; STDMETHODIMP_(MEVENT) FindLastEvent(MCONTACT contactID) override; STDMETHODIMP_(MEVENT) FindNextEvent(MCONTACT contactID, MEVENT hDbEvent) override; STDMETHODIMP_(MEVENT) FindPrevEvent(MCONTACT contactID, MEVENT hDbEvent) override; STDMETHODIMP_(BOOL) EnumModuleNames(DBMODULEENUMPROC pFunc, void *pParam) override; STDMETHODIMP_(BOOL) GetContactSettingWorker(MCONTACT contactID, LPCSTR szModule, LPCSTR szSetting, DBVARIANT *dbv, int isStatic) override; STDMETHODIMP_(BOOL) EnumContactSettings(MCONTACT hContact, DBSETTINGENUMPROC pfnEnumProc, const char *szModule, void *param) override; STDMETHODIMP_(BOOL) MetaMergeHistory(DBCachedContact *ccMeta, DBCachedContact *ccSub) override; STDMETHODIMP_(BOOL) MetaSplitHistory(DBCachedContact *ccMeta, DBCachedContact *ccSub) override; STDMETHODIMP_(MEVENT) GetEventById(LPCSTR szModule, LPCSTR szId) override; STDMETHODIMP_(DATABASELINK *) GetDriver(); };