/* Import plugin for Miranda NG Copyright (C) 2012 George Hazan This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ #include "import.h" #include time_t dwSinceDate = 0; HWND hdlgProgress; static DWORD nDupes, nContactsCount, nMessagesCount, nGroupsCount, nSkippedEvents, nSkippedContacts; static MIDatabase *srcDb, *dstDb; ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// static int myGet(HANDLE hContact, const char *szModule, const char *szSetting, DBVARIANT *dbv) { dbv->type = 0; DBCONTACTGETSETTING dgs = { szModule, szSetting, dbv }; return srcDb->GetContactSetting(hContact, &dgs); } static TCHAR* myGetWs(HANDLE hContact, const char *szModule, const char *szSetting) { DBVARIANT dbv = { DBVT_TCHAR }; DBCONTACTGETSETTING dgs = { szModule, szSetting, &dbv }; return ( srcDb->GetContactSettingStr(hContact, &dgs)) ? NULL : dbv.ptszVal; } static BOOL myGetS(HANDLE hContact, const char *szModule, const char *szSetting, char* dest) { DBVARIANT dbv = { DBVT_ASCIIZ }; dbv.pszVal = dest; dbv.cchVal = 100; DBCONTACTGETSETTING dgs = { szModule, szSetting, &dbv }; return srcDb->GetContactSettingStatic(hContact, &dgs); } static void mySet(HANDLE hContact, const char *module, const char *var, DBVARIANT *dbv) { DBCONTACTWRITESETTING dbw; dbw.szModule = module; dbw.szSetting = var; dbw.value = *dbv; dstDb->WriteContactSetting(hContact, &dbw); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// static HANDLE HContactFromNumericID(char* szProto, char* pszSetting, DWORD dwID) { HANDLE hContact = dstDb->FindFirstContact(); while (hContact != NULL) { if ( db_get_dw(hContact, szProto, pszSetting, 0) == dwID) { char* szProto = (char*)CallService(MS_PROTO_GETCONTACTBASEPROTO, (WPARAM)hContact, 0); if (szProto != NULL && !lstrcmpA(szProto, szProto)) return hContact; } hContact = dstDb->FindNextContact(hContact); } return INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; } static HANDLE HContactFromID(char* szProto, char* pszSetting, char* pszID) { HANDLE hContact = dstDb->FindFirstContact(); while (hContact != NULL) { char* szProto = (char*)CallService(MS_PROTO_GETCONTACTBASEPROTO, (WPARAM)hContact, 0); if ( !lstrcmpA(szProto, szProto)) { mir_ptr id( db_get_sa(hContact, szProto, pszSetting)); if ( !lstrcmpA(pszID, id)) return hContact; } hContact = dstDb->FindNextContact(hContact); } return INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; } static HANDLE HistoryImportFindContact(HWND hdlgProgress, char* szModuleName, DWORD uin, int addUnknown) { HANDLE hContact = HContactFromNumericID(szModuleName, "UIN", uin); if (hContact == NULL) { AddMessage( LPGEN("Ignored event from/to self")); return INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; } if (hContact != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) return hContact; if (!addUnknown) return INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; hContact = (HANDLE)CallService(MS_DB_CONTACT_ADD, 0, 0); CallService(MS_PROTO_ADDTOCONTACT, (WPARAM)hContact, (LPARAM)szModuleName); DBWriteContactSettingDword(hContact, szModuleName, "UIN", uin); AddMessage( LPGEN("Added contact %u (found in history)"), uin ); return hContact; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// static HANDLE AddContact(HWND hdlgProgress, char* szProto, char* pszUniqueSetting, DBVARIANT* id, TCHAR *nick, TCHAR *group) { HANDLE hContact; char szid[ 40 ]; char* pszUserID = ( id->type == DBVT_DWORD ) ? _ltoa( id->dVal, szid, 10 ) : id->pszVal; hContact = (HANDLE)CallService(MS_DB_CONTACT_ADD, 0, 0); if ( CallService(MS_PROTO_ADDTOCONTACT, (WPARAM)hContact, (LPARAM)szProto) != 0) { CallService(MS_DB_CONTACT_DELETE, (WPARAM)hContact, 0); AddMessage( LPGEN("Failed to add %s contact %s"), szProto, pszUserID ); srcDb->FreeVariant( id ); return INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; } mySet( hContact, szProto, pszUniqueSetting, id ); CreateGroup(group, hContact); if (nick && *nick) { db_set_ws(hContact, "CList", "MyHandle", nick ); AddMessage( LPGEN("Added %s contact %s, '%S'"), szProto, pszUserID, nick); } else AddMessage( LPGEN("Added %s contact %s"), szProto, pszUserID); srcDb->FreeVariant( id ); return hContact; } static int ImportGroup(const char* szSettingName, LPARAM lParam) { int* pnGroups = (int*)lParam; TCHAR* tszGroup = myGetWs(NULL, "CListGroups", szSettingName); if (tszGroup != NULL) { if ( CreateGroup( tszGroup, NULL )) pnGroups[0]++; mir_free(tszGroup); } return 0; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// static int ImportGroups() { int nGroups = 0; DBCONTACTENUMSETTINGS param = { 0 }; param.szModule = "CListGroups"; param.pfnEnumProc = ImportGroup; param.lParam = (LPARAM)&nGroups; srcDb->EnumContactSettings(NULL, ¶m); return nGroups; } static HANDLE ImportContact(HANDLE hSrc) { HANDLE hDst; char* pszUserName; char id[ 40 ], szProto[100]; // Check what protocol this contact belongs to if ( myGetS(hSrc, "Protocol", "p", szProto)) { AddMessage( LPGEN("Skipping contact with no protocol")); return NULL; } if ( !IsProtocolLoaded(szProto)) { AddMessage( LPGEN("Skipping contact, %s not installed."), szProto); return NULL; } // Skip protocols with no unique id setting (some non IM protocols return NULL) char* pszUniqueSetting = (char*)CallProtoService(szProto, PS_GETCAPS, PFLAG_UNIQUEIDSETTING, 0); if ( !pszUniqueSetting || (INT_PTR)pszUniqueSetting == CALLSERVICE_NOTFOUND ) { AddMessage( LPGEN("Skipping non-IM contact (%s)"), szProto ); return NULL; } DBVARIANT dbv; if ( myGet(hSrc, szProto, pszUniqueSetting, &dbv)) { AddMessage( LPGEN("Skipping %s contact, ID not found"), szProto); return NULL; } // Does the contact already exist? if ( dbv.type == DBVT_DWORD ) { pszUserName = _ltoa(dbv.dVal, id, 10); hDst = HContactFromNumericID( szProto, pszUniqueSetting, dbv.dVal ); } else { pszUserName = NEWSTR_ALLOCA(dbv.pszVal); hDst = HContactFromID( szProto, pszUniqueSetting, dbv.pszVal ); } if (hDst != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { AddMessage( LPGEN("Skipping duplicate %s contact %s"), szProto, pszUserName ); srcDb->FreeVariant( &dbv ); return NULL; } TCHAR *tszGroup = myGetWs(hSrc, "CList", "Group"), *tszNick = myGetWs(hSrc, "CList", "MyHandle"); if (tszNick == NULL) tszNick = myGetWs(hSrc, szProto, "Nick"); hDst = AddContact(hdlgProgress, szProto, pszUniqueSetting, &dbv, tszNick, tszGroup); mir_free(tszGroup), mir_free(tszNick); if ( hDst != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { // Hidden? if ( !myGet(hSrc, "CList", "Hidden", &dbv )) { mySet(hDst, "CList", "Hidden", &dbv); srcDb->FreeVariant(&dbv); } // Ignore settings if ( !myGet(hSrc, "Ignore", "Mask1", &dbv )) { mySet( hDst, "Ignore", "Mask1", &dbv ); srcDb->FreeVariant(&dbv); } // Apparent mode if ( !myGet(hSrc, szProto, "ApparentMode", &dbv )) { mySet( hDst, szProto, "ApparentMode", &dbv ); srcDb->FreeVariant(&dbv); } // Nick if ( !myGet(hSrc, szProto, "Nick", &dbv )) { mySet( hDst, szProto, "Nick", &dbv ); srcDb->FreeVariant(&dbv); } // Myhandle if ( !myGet(hSrc, szProto, "MyHandle", &dbv )) { mySet( hDst, szProto, "MyHandle", &dbv ); srcDb->FreeVariant(&dbv); } // First name if ( !myGet(hSrc, szProto, "FirstName", &dbv )) { mySet( hDst, szProto, "FirstName", &dbv ); srcDb->FreeVariant(&dbv); } // Last name if ( !myGet(hSrc, szProto, "LastName", &dbv )) { mySet( hDst, szProto, "LastName", &dbv ); srcDb->FreeVariant(&dbv); } // About if ( !myGet(hSrc, szProto, "About", &dbv )) { mySet( hDst, szProto, "About", &dbv ); srcDb->FreeVariant(&dbv); } } else AddMessage( LPGEN("Unknown error while adding %s contact %s"), szProto, pszUserName ); return hDst; } // This function should always be called after contact import. That is // why there are no messages for errors related to contacts. Those // would only be a repetition of the messages printed during contact // import. static HANDLE convertContact(HANDLE hContact) { // Check what protocol this contact belongs to char szProto[100]; if ( myGetS(hContact, "Protocol", "p", szProto)) return INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; // Protocol installed? if ( !IsProtocolLoaded(szProto)) return INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; // Is contact in database? char* pszUniqueSetting = (char*)CallProtoService(szProto, PS_GETCAPS, PFLAG_UNIQUEIDSETTING, 0); // Skip protocols with no unique id setting (some non IM protocols return NULL) HANDLE hDst = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; if ( pszUniqueSetting && ( INT_PTR )pszUniqueSetting != CALLSERVICE_NOTFOUND ) { DBVARIANT dbv; if ( !myGet(hContact, szProto, pszUniqueSetting, &dbv)) { if ( dbv.type == DBVT_DWORD ) hDst = HContactFromNumericID(szProto, pszUniqueSetting, dbv.dVal); else hDst = HContactFromID(szProto, pszUniqueSetting, dbv.pszVal); srcDb->FreeVariant( &dbv ); } } return hDst; } static void ImportHistory(HANDLE hContact, PROTOACCOUNT **protocol, int protoCount) { // Is it contats history import? HANDLE hDst = (protoCount == 0) ? convertContact(hContact) : NULL; //system history import // OK to import this chain? if (hDst == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { nSkippedContacts++; return; } int i = 0, skipAll = 0; DWORD cbAlloc = 4096; BYTE* eventBuf = (PBYTE)mir_alloc(cbAlloc); bool bIsVoidContact = dstDb->GetEventCount(hDst) == 0; // Get the start of the event chain HANDLE hEvent = srcDb->FindFirstEvent(hContact); while (hEvent) { int skip = 0; // Copy the event and import it DBEVENTINFO dbei = { sizeof(DBEVENTINFO) }; dbei.cbBlob = srcDb->GetBlobSize(hEvent); if (dbei.cbBlob > cbAlloc) { cbAlloc = dbei.cbBlob + 4096 - dbei.cbBlob%4096; eventBuf = (PBYTE)mir_realloc(eventBuf, cbAlloc); } dbei.pBlob = eventBuf; if ( !srcDb->GetEvent(hEvent, &dbei)) { // check protocols during system history import if (hDst == NULL) { skipAll = 1; for (int i = 0; i < protoCount; i++) if ( !strcmp(dbei.szModule, protocol[i]->szModuleName)) { skipAll = 0; break; } skip = skipAll; } // custom filtering if (!skip && nImportOption == IMPORT_CUSTOM) { BOOL sent = (dbei.flags & DBEF_SENT); if (dbei.timestamp < (DWORD)dwSinceDate) skip = 1; if (!skip) { if (hDst) { skip = 1; switch(dbei.eventType) { case EVENTTYPE_MESSAGE: if ((sent ? IOPT_MSGSENT : IOPT_MSGRECV) & nCustomOptions) skip = 0; break; case EVENTTYPE_FILE: if ((sent ? IOPT_FILESENT : IOPT_FILERECV) & nCustomOptions) skip = 0; break; case EVENTTYPE_URL: if ((sent ? IOPT_URLSENT : IOPT_URLRECV) & nCustomOptions) skip = 0; break; default: if ((sent ? IOPT_OTHERSENT : IOPT_OTHERRECV) & nCustomOptions) skip = 0; break; } } else if ( !( nCustomOptions & IOPT_SYSTEM )) skip = 1; } if (skip) nSkippedEvents++; } if (!skip) { // Check for duplicate entries if ( !IsDuplicateEvent( hDst, dbei )) { // Add dbevent if (!bIsVoidContact) dbei.flags &= ~DBEF_FIRST; if (dstDb->AddEvent(hDst, &dbei) != NULL) nMessagesCount++; else AddMessage( LPGEN("Failed to add message")); } else nDupes++; } } if ( !( i%10 )) { MSG msg; if ( PeekMessage(&msg, NULL, 0, 0, PM_REMOVE)) { TranslateMessage(&msg); DispatchMessage(&msg); } } // skip this chain if needed if ( skipAll ) break; // Get next event hEvent = srcDb->FindNextEvent(hEvent); i++; } mir_free(eventBuf); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void MirandaImport(HWND hdlg) { DWORD dwTimer; char* pszModuleName = NULL; // Just to keep the macros happy hdlgProgress = hdlg; if ((dstDb = GetCurrentDatabase()) == NULL) { AddMessage( LPGEN("Error retrieving current profile, exiting.")); return; } DATABASELINK* dblink = FindDatabasePlugin(importFile); if (dblink == NULL) { AddMessage( LPGEN("There's no database driver to open the input file, exiting.")); return; } if ((srcDb = dblink->Load(importFile)) == NULL) { AddMessage( LPGEN("Error loading source file, exiting.")); return; } // Reset statistics nSkippedEvents = 0; nDupes = 0; nContactsCount = 0; nMessagesCount = 0; nGroupsCount = 0; nSkippedContacts = 0; SetProgress(0); // Get number of contacts int nNumberOfContacts = srcDb->GetContactCount(); AddMessage( LPGEN("Number of contacts in database: %d"), nNumberOfContacts ); AddMessage( "" ); // Configure database for fast writing dstDb->SetCacheSafetyMode(FALSE); // Start benchmark timer dwTimer = time(NULL); // Import Groups if (nImportOption == IMPORT_ALL || (nCustomOptions & IOPT_GROUPS)) { AddMessage( LPGEN("Importing groups.")); nGroupsCount = ImportGroups(); if (nGroupsCount == -1) AddMessage( LPGEN("Group import failed.")); AddMessage( "" ); } // End of Import Groups // Import Contacts if (nImportOption != IMPORT_CUSTOM || (nCustomOptions & IOPT_CONTACTS)) { AddMessage( LPGEN("Importing contacts.")); int i = 1; HANDLE hContact = srcDb->FindFirstContact(); while (hContact != NULL) { if ( ImportContact(hContact)) nContactsCount++; // Update progress bar SetProgress(100 * i / nNumberOfContacts); i++; // Process queued messages MSG msg; if (PeekMessage(&msg, NULL, 0, 0, PM_REMOVE)) { TranslateMessage(&msg); DispatchMessage(&msg); } // Get next contact in chain hContact = srcDb->FindNextContact(hContact); } } else AddMessage( LPGEN("Skipping new contacts import.")); AddMessage( "" ); // End of Import Contacts // Import history if (nImportOption != IMPORT_CONTACTS) { // Import NULL contact message chain if (nImportOption == IMPORT_ALL || (nCustomOptions & IOPT_SYSTEM)) { AddMessage( LPGEN("Importing system history.")); int protoCount; PROTOACCOUNT **accs; CallService(MS_PROTO_ENUMACCOUNTS, (WPARAM)&protoCount, (LPARAM)&accs); if (protoCount > 0) ImportHistory(NULL, accs, protoCount); } else AddMessage( LPGEN("Skipping system history import.")); AddMessage( "" ); // Import other contact messages if (nImportOption == IMPORT_ALL || (nCustomOptions & 2046)) { // 2 - 1024 types AddMessage( LPGEN("Importing history.")); HANDLE hContact = srcDb->FindFirstContact(); for(int i=1; hContact != NULL; i++) { ImportHistory(hContact, NULL, NULL); SetProgress(100 * i / nNumberOfContacts); hContact = srcDb->FindNextContact(hContact); } } else AddMessage( LPGEN("Skipping history import.")); AddMessage( "" ); } // End of Import History // Restore database writing mode dstDb->SetCacheSafetyMode(TRUE); // Clean up before exit dblink->Unload(srcDb); // Stop timer dwTimer = time(NULL) - dwTimer; // Print statistics AddMessage( LPGEN("Import completed in %d seconds."), dwTimer ); SetProgress(100); AddMessage((nImportOption == IMPORT_CONTACTS) ? LPGEN("Added %d contacts and %d groups.") : LPGEN("Added %d contacts, %d groups and %d events."), nContactsCount, nGroupsCount, nMessagesCount); if ( nImportOption != IMPORT_CONTACTS ) { if (nSkippedContacts) AddMessage( LPGEN("Skipped %d contacts."), nSkippedContacts ); AddMessage((nImportOption == IMPORT_CUSTOM) ? LPGEN("Skipped %d duplicates and %d filtered events.") : LPGEN("Skipped %d duplicates."), nDupes, nSkippedEvents); } }