/* Import plugin for Miranda NG Copyright (C) 2012-21 Miranda NG team (https://miranda-ng.org) This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ #include "stdafx.h" HWND g_hwndWizard, g_hwndAccMerge; bool g_bServiceMode = false, g_bSendQuit = false; CMPlugin g_plugin; CImportBatch *g_pBatch; ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// static PLUGININFOEX pluginInfoEx = { sizeof(PLUGININFOEX), __PLUGIN_NAME, PLUGIN_MAKE_VERSION(__MAJOR_VERSION, __MINOR_VERSION, __RELEASE_NUM, __BUILD_NUM), __DESCRIPTION, __AUTHOR, __COPYRIGHT, __AUTHORWEB, UNICODE_AWARE, // {2D77A746-00A6-4343-BFC5-F808CDD772EA} {0x2d77a746, 0xa6, 0x4343, {0xbf, 0xc5, 0xf8, 0x8, 0xcd, 0xd7, 0x72, 0xea}} }; CMPlugin::CMPlugin() : PLUGIN(IMPORT_MODULE, pluginInfoEx), m_patterns(1) { } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // MirandaInterfaces - returns the protocol interface to the core extern "C" __declspec(dllexport) const MUUID MirandaInterfaces[] = { MIID_SERVICEMODE, MIID_LAST }; ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Performs a primary set of actions upon plugin loading static int ModulesLoaded(WPARAM, LPARAM) { // menu item CMenuItem mi(&g_plugin); SET_UID(mi, 0x20ffaf55, 0xafa0, 0x4da3, 0xa9, 0x46, 0x20, 0x51, 0xa0, 0x24, 0xb, 0x41); mi.hIcolibItem = g_plugin.getIconHandle(IDI_IMPORT); mi.name.a = LPGEN("&Import..."); mi.position = 500050000; mi.pszService = MS_IMPORT_SERVICE; Menu_AddMainMenuItem(&mi); SET_UID(mi, 0x4D237903, 0x24F1, 0x41AD, 0x82, 0xeb, 0x8f, 0xff, 0xb7, 0x3c, 0x28, 0xcc); mi.pszService = MS_IMPORT_CONTACT; Menu_AddContactMenuItem(&mi); if (!g_plugin.getByte(IMP_KEY_FR, 0)) { // Only autorun import wizard if at least one protocol is installed if (Accounts().getCount() > 0) { CallService(MS_IMPORT_SERVICE, 0, 0); g_plugin.setByte(IMP_KEY_FR, 1); } } return 0; } static int OnExit(WPARAM, LPARAM) { if (g_hwndWizard) SendMessage(g_hwndWizard, WM_CLOSE, 0, 0); if (g_hwndAccMerge) SendMessage(g_hwndAccMerge, WM_CLOSE, 0, 0); return 0; } static INT_PTR ServiceMode(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM) { g_bServiceMode = true; if (wParam == 1) { ptrW wszFullName(Utils_ReplaceVarsW(L"%miranda_userdata%\\%miranda_profilename%.dat.bak")); if (!_waccess(wszFullName, 0)) { g_pBatch = new CImportBatch(); g_pBatch->m_iOptions = IOPT_ADDUNKNOWN + IOPT_COMPLETE; wcsncpy_s(g_pBatch->m_wszFileName, MAX_PATH, wszFullName, _TRUNCATE); RunWizard(new CProgressPageDlg(), true); } return SERVICE_CONTINUE; } g_bSendQuit = true; g_pBatch = new CImportBatch(); RunWizard(new CIntroPageDlg(), false); return SERVICE_ONLYDB; } static INT_PTR CustomImport(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM) { MImportOptions *opts = (MImportOptions*)wParam; g_pBatch = new CImportBatch(); wcsncpy_s(g_pBatch->m_wszFileName, MAX_PATH, opts->pwszFileName, _TRUNCATE); g_pBatch->m_iOptions = opts->dwFlags; return RunWizard(new CProgressPageDlg(), true); } static INT_PTR ImportCommand(WPARAM, LPARAM) { if (IsWindow(g_hwndWizard)) { SetForegroundWindow(g_hwndWizard); SetFocus(g_hwndWizard); } else { // no default options, lauch the dialog g_pBatch = new CImportBatch(); RunWizard(new CIntroPageDlg(), false); } return 0; } int CMPlugin::Load() { CreateServiceFunction(MS_IMPORT_CONTACT, ImportContact); CreateServiceFunction(MS_IMPORT_SERVICE, ImportCommand); CreateServiceFunction(MS_SERVICEMODE_LAUNCH, ServiceMode); CreateServiceFunction(MS_IMPORT_RUN, CustomImport); RegisterIcons(); HookEvent(ME_SYSTEM_MODULESLOADED, ModulesLoaded); HookEvent(ME_SYSTEM_PRESHUTDOWN, OnExit); INITCOMMONCONTROLSEX icex; icex.dwSize = sizeof(icex); icex.dwICC = ICC_DATE_CLASSES; InitCommonControlsEx(&icex); LoadPatterns(); RegisterDbrw(); RegisterMContacts(); RegisterJson(); return 0; }