/* Import plugin for Miranda NG Copyright (C) 2012-20 Miranda NG team (https://miranda-ng.org) This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ #include "stdafx.h" #include static int mc_makeDatabase(const wchar_t*) { return 1; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // JSON text driver, read-only static int CompareModules(const char *p1, const char *p2) { return mir_strcmp(p1, p2); } class CDbxJson : public MDatabaseReadonly, public MZeroedObject { JSONNode *m_root = nullptr; LIST m_events; LIST m_modules; public: CDbxJson() : m_events(100), m_modules(10, CompareModules) {} ~CDbxJson() { if (m_root != nullptr) json_delete(m_root); for (auto &it : m_modules) mir_free(it); } void Load() { // json operates with the only contact with pseudo id=1 m_cache->AddContactToCache(1); } int Open(const wchar_t *profile) { HANDLE hFile = CreateFile(profile, GENERIC_READ, 0, 0, OPEN_ALWAYS, 0, 0); if (hFile == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) return EGROKPRF_CANTREAD; DWORD dwSize = GetFileSize(hFile, nullptr), dwRead; ptrA szFile((char*)mir_alloc(dwSize + 1)); BOOL r = ReadFile(hFile, szFile, dwSize, &dwRead, nullptr); CloseHandle(hFile); if (!r) return EGROKPRF_CANTREAD; szFile[dwSize] = 0; if ((m_root = json_parse(szFile)) == nullptr) return EGROKPRF_DAMAGED; for (auto &it : m_root->at("history")) m_events.insert(&it); return EGROKPRF_NOERROR; } // mcontacts format always store history for one contact only STDMETHODIMP_(LONG) GetContactCount(void) override { return 1; } STDMETHODIMP_(LONG) GetEventCount(MCONTACT) override { return m_events.getCount(); } STDMETHODIMP_(BOOL) GetEvent(MEVENT iEvent, DBEVENTINFO *dbei) override { JSONNode *node = m_events[iEvent - 1]; if (node == nullptr) return 0; dbei->eventType = (*node)["type"].as_int(); dbei->timestamp = 0; std::string szTime = (*node)["time"].as_string(); if (!szTime.empty()) { char c; struct tm st = {}; int res = sscanf(szTime.c_str(), "%4d%c%2d%c%2d %2d:%2d:%2d", &st.tm_year, &c, &st.tm_mon, &c, &st.tm_mday, &st.tm_hour, &st.tm_min, &st.tm_sec); if (res == 8) { st.tm_mon--; st.tm_year -= 1900; time_t tm = mktime(&st); if (tm != -1) dbei->timestamp = tm; } } else { szTime = (*node)["isotime"].as_string(); if (!szTime.empty()) { struct tm st = {}; int res = sscanf(szTime.c_str(), "%4d-%2d-%2dT%2d:%2d:%2dZ", &st.tm_year, &st.tm_mon, &st.tm_mday, &st.tm_hour, &st.tm_min, &st.tm_sec); if (res == 6) { st.tm_mon--; st.tm_year -= 1900; time_t tm = _mkgmtime(&st); if (tm != -1) dbei->timestamp = tm; } } } if (dbei->timestamp == 0) dbei->timestamp = (*node)["timeStamp"].as_int(); dbei->flags = 0; std::string szFlags = (*node)["flags"].as_string(); for (auto &c : szFlags) switch (c) { case 'm': dbei->flags |= DBEF_SENT; break; case 'r': dbei->flags |= DBEF_READ; break; } std::string szModule = (*node)["module"].as_string(); if (!szModule.empty()) { dbei->szModule = m_modules.find((char*)szModule.c_str()); if (dbei->szModule == nullptr) { dbei->szModule = mir_strdup(szModule.c_str()); m_modules.insert((char*)dbei->szModule); } } std::string szBody = (*node)["body"].as_string(); if (!szBody.empty()) { int offset; switch (dbei->eventType) { case EVENTTYPE_ADDED: case EVENTTYPE_FILE: offset = sizeof(DWORD); break; case EVENTTYPE_AUTHREQUEST: offset = sizeof(DWORD)*2; break; default: offset = 0; } dbei->flags |= DBEF_UTF; dbei->cbBlob = (DWORD)szBody.size() + offset + 2; dbei->pBlob = (PBYTE)mir_calloc(dbei->cbBlob); strcpy((char*)dbei->pBlob + offset, szBody.c_str()); } return 0; } STDMETHODIMP_(MEVENT) FindFirstEvent(MCONTACT) override { return 1; } STDMETHODIMP_(MEVENT) FindNextEvent(MCONTACT, MEVENT iEvent) override { if ((int)iEvent >= m_events.getCount()) return 0; return iEvent+1; } STDMETHODIMP_(MEVENT) FindLastEvent(MCONTACT) override { int numEvents = m_events.getCount(); return numEvents ? numEvents-1 : 0; } STDMETHODIMP_(MEVENT) FindPrevEvent(MCONTACT, MEVENT iEvent) override { if (iEvent <= 1) return 0; return iEvent-1; } }; static int mc_grokHeader(const wchar_t *profile) { return CDbxJson().Open(profile); } static MDatabaseCommon* mc_load(const wchar_t *profile, BOOL) { std::unique_ptr db(new CDbxJson()); if (db->Open(profile)) return nullptr; db->Load(); return db.release(); } static DATABASELINK dblink = { 0, "mcontacts", L"mContacts file driver", mc_makeDatabase, mc_grokHeader, mc_load }; void RegisterJson() { RegisterDatabasePlugin(&dblink); }