{$IFDEF BIN_IMPORT_} var qhfver: byte; szMsgHd: word; UIDstr: UTF8String; UIDLen, NickLen: word; NickStr: UTF8String; function DecodeQHFMsg(ver: byte; adr: integer; cSize: word): AnsiString; function get1(c: AnsiChar): byte; begin if ShortInt(c) >= 0 then Result := byte(c) else Result := byte(c) + 256; end; function get2(b: byte): AnsiChar; begin if b < 128 then Result := AnsiChar(b) else Result := AnsiChar(b - 256); end; var i: integer; begin SetLength(Result, cSize); for i := 1 to cSize do begin Result[i] := PAnsiChar(adr + i - 1)^; if ver <> $01 then begin inc(Result[i], i); Result[i] := get2(255 - get1(Result[i])); end end; end; {$ELSE} begin pt := uint_ptr(pFileText); if FileLen >= $2E then if (PAnsiChar(pt)^ = 'Q') and (PAnsiChar(pt + 1)^ = 'H') and (PAnsiChar(pt + 2)^ = 'F') then begin qhfver := PByte(pt + 3)^; if qhfver >= $03 then szMsgHd := $23 else szMsgHd := $21; fsz := RLInteger(pt + $04); UIDLen := RLWord(pt + $2C); SetLength(UIDstr, UIDLen); if qhfver <= 2 then lstrcpynA(PAnsiChar(UIDstr), PAnsiChar(pt + $2E), UIDLen) else lstrcpynA(PAnsiChar(UIDstr), PAnsiChar(pt + $2E), UIDLen + 1); NickLen := RLWord(pt + $2E + UIDLen); SetLength(NickStr, NickLen); if qhfver <= 2 then lstrcpynA(PAnsiChar(NickStr), PAnsiChar(pt + $2E + UIDLen + 2), UIDLen) else lstrcpynA(PAnsiChar(NickStr), PAnsiChar(pt + $2E + UIDLen + 2), UIDLen + 1); inc(pt, $2E + UIDLen + 2 + NickLen); if fsz <> FileLen - ($2E + UIDLen + 2 + NickLen) then fsz := FileLen - ($2E + UIDLen + 2 + NickLen); if (DContact.hContact = 0) or (DContact.hContact = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) then begin DContact.ContactUID := UIDstr; DContact.ContactNick := UTF8Decode{UTF8ToWideString}(NickStr); TryDetermContact(DContact); end; if (DContact.hContact = 0) or (DContact.hContact = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) then if (fContact.hContact <> 0) and (fContact.hContact <> INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) then DContact := fContact; if (DContact.hContact <> 0) and (DContact.hContact <> INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) then begin proto := GetContactProto(DContact.hContact); DoMessage(ITXT_THREAD_DEST_CONTACT, DContact.hContact, 0); DoMessage(ITXT_THREAD_START, 0, 0); DoMessage(ITXT_THREAD_MAXPROGRESS, 0, fsz); i := 0; while Cardinal(i) < fsz do begin fillchar(dbei, sizeof(dbei), 0); dbei.cbSize := sizeof(dbei); dbei.szModule := PAnsiChar(proto); dbei.timestamp := RLInteger(pt + i + $12); dbei.timestamp := dbei.timestamp - (Cardinal(CallService(MS_DB_TIME_TIMESTAMPTOLOCAL, dbei.timestamp, 0)) - dbei.timestamp); // �������� � GMT if PByte(pt + i + $1A)^ = $00 then dbei.flags := DBEF_READ or DBEF_UTF else dbei.flags := DBEF_READ or DBEF_UTF or DBEF_SENT; // � ������ ����� � utf8 � ������������� ��� ��������� dbei.eventType := EVENTTYPE_MESSAGE; dbei.cbBlob := RLWord(pt + i + szMsgHd - 2) + 1; // ������ ������ ��������� � #0 dbei.pBlob := AllocMem(dbei.cbBlob); try Move(DecodeQHFMsg(qhfver, pt + i + szMsgHd, dbei.cbBlob - 1)[1], dbei.pBlob^, dbei.cbBlob - 1); if not IsDuplicateEvent(DContact.hContact, dbei) then if db_event_add(DContact.hContact, @dbei) <> 0 then inc(AddedMessages) else begin s := 'Error adding message to DB'; DoMessage(ITXT_THREAD_ERROR, wparam(PWideChar(s)), 0); break; end else inc(Duplicates); finally inc(i, szMsgHd + dbei.cbBlob - 1); FreeMem(dbei.pBlob); end; DoMessage(ITXT_THREAD_PROGRESS, i, 0); end; end else begin s := TranslateWideString('Can''t determine destination contact'); DoMessage(ITXT_THREAD_ERROR, wparam(PWideChar(s)), 0); end; end else begin s := WideFormat(TranslateWideString('Its not %s file'), ['QHF']); DoMessage(ITXT_THREAD_ERROR, wparam(PWideChar(s)), 0); end else // file len end; {$ENDIF}