unit general; interface uses Windows, Messages, SysUtils, IniFiles, m_api, ImportT, ImportTU; var cp: cardinal; var AppPath: array [0 .. MAX_PATH] of Char; TxtPatterns: array of RTxtPattern; Protocols: array of TDestProto; ProtoCount: integer; CheckForDuplicates: boolean; ShowDuplicates: boolean; const BIN_PROCEDURE_COUNT = 6; // ���������� ������������ �������� ��������� ������� const {$EXTERNALSYM PBM_SETRANGE} PBM_SETRANGE = WM_USER + 1; {$EXTERNALSYM PBM_SETPOS} PBM_SETPOS = WM_USER + 2; const IMPORT_TXT_MODULE = 'ImportTXT'; IMPORT_TXT_SERVICE = IMPORT_TXT_MODULE + '/Import'; IMPORT_WIZ_SERVICE = IMPORT_TXT_MODULE + '/Wizard'; // keys IMPORT_TXT_AS = 'AutoStart'; IMPORT_TXT_LP = 'LastPattern'; type TOnAccountListChange = procedure(); var OnAccountListChange: TOnAccountListChange; procedure ReadPatterns; procedure ExtractFilePath(fName: PAnsiChar); function GetContactProto(hContact: THandle): AnsiString; function GetContactByUID(const proto: AnsiString; const id: AnsiString): THandle; function GetContactByNick(const proto: AnsiString; const Nick: WideString): THandle; procedure EnumProtocols; function GetContactID(hContact: THandle; proto: AnsiString = ''; Contact: boolean = false): WideString; function GetContactNick(hContact: THandle; proto: AnsiString = ''; Contact: boolean = false): WideString; function DBReadByte(hContact: THandle; szModule: PAnsiChar; szSetting: PAnsiChar; default: byte = 0): byte; function DBWriteByte(hContact: THandle; szModule: PAnsiChar; szSetting: PAnsiChar; val: byte): integer; procedure SetLastPattern(lp: byte); function GetLastPattern: byte; function TimeStampToWStr(ts: DWORD): WideString; function StrToTimeStamp(STime: PAnsiChar; len: integer): DWORD; function RLWord(adr: integer): word; function RLInteger(adr: integer): integer; implementation procedure ExtractFilePath(fName: PAnsiChar); var p: PAnsiChar; begin p := fName; if p <> nil then begin while p^ <> #0 do inc(p); while p^ <> '\' do dec(p); inc(p); p^ := #0; end; end; function ReadPattern(const FileName: String): boolean; var TI: TIniFile; tempstr: String; pattern:pRTxtPattern; begin TI := TIniFile.Create(FileName); try if not TI.SectionExists('General') then exit; pattern:=@TxtPatterns[High(TxtPatterns)]; // if "General" exists if TI.ValueExists('General', 'Name') then pattern^.Name := TI.ReadString('General', 'Name', '') else exit; if TI.ValueExists('General', 'Type') then pattern^.IType := TI.ReadInteger('General', 'Type', 1) else exit; case pattern^.IType of 1: begin if TI.ValueExists('General', 'Charset') then begin tempstr := TI.ReadString('General', 'Charset', 'UTF8'); if tempstr = 'ANSI' then pattern^.Charset := inANSI else if tempstr = 'UTF8' then pattern^.Charset := inUTF8 else if tempstr = 'UCS2' then pattern^.Charset := inUCS2 else exit; end else exit; if pattern^.Charset = inANSI then begin pattern^.Codepage := TI.ReadInteger('General', 'Codepage', 0); if not IsValidCodePage(pattern^.Codepage) then pattern^.Codepage := 0; end; pattern^.UseHeader := TI.ReadInteger('General', 'UseHeader', 0); pattern^.UsePreMsg := TI.ReadBool('General', 'UsePreMsg', false); // Read message section if TI.SectionExists('Message') then begin if TI.ValueExists('Message', 'Pattern') then pattern^.Msg.Pattern := TI.ReadString('Message', 'Pattern', '') else exit; pattern^.Msg.Incoming := TI.ReadString('Message', 'In', ''); pattern^.Msg.Outgoing := TI.ReadString('Message', 'Out', ''); if TI.ValueExists('Message', 'Direction') then pattern^.Msg.Direction := TI.ReadInteger('Message', 'Direction', 0) else exit; if TI.ValueExists('Message', 'Day') then pattern^.Msg.Day := TI.ReadInteger('Message', 'Day', 0) else exit; if TI.ValueExists('Message', 'Month') then pattern^.Msg.Month := TI.ReadInteger('Message', 'Month', 0) else exit; if TI.ValueExists('Message', 'Year') then pattern^.Msg.Year := TI.ReadInteger('Message', 'Year', 0) else exit; if TI.ValueExists('Message', 'Hours') then pattern^.Msg.Hours := TI.ReadInteger('Message', 'Hours', 0) else exit; if TI.ValueExists('Message', 'Minutes') then pattern^.Msg.Minutes := TI.ReadInteger('Message', 'Minutes', 0) else exit; pattern^.Msg.Seconds := TI.ReadInteger('Message', 'Seconds', 0) end else exit; // if need read header section if (pattern^.UseHeader > 0) then if TI.SectionExists('Header') then begin if TI.ValueExists('Header', 'Pattern') then pattern^.Header.Pattern := TI.ReadString('Header', 'Pattern', '') else exit; if (not TI.ValueExists('Header', 'In')) and ((pattern^.UseHeader and 1) = 1) then exit; pattern^.Header.Incoming := TI.ReadInteger('Header', 'In', 0); pattern^.Header.Outgoing := TI.ReadInteger('Header', 'Out', 0); pattern^.Header.InNick := TI.ReadInteger('Header', 'InNick', 0); pattern^.Header.OutNick := TI.ReadInteger('Header', 'OutNick', 0); pattern^.Header.InUID := TI.ReadInteger('Header', 'InUID', 0); pattern^.Header.OutUID := TI.ReadInteger('Header', 'OutUID', 0); if ((pattern^.UseHeader and 2) = 2) then if (pattern^.Header.InNick = 0) and (pattern^.Header.InUID = 0) then exit; end else exit; // if nead read PreMessage section if pattern^.UsePreMsg then if TI.SectionExists('PreMessage') then begin pattern^.PreMsg.PreRN := TI.ReadInteger('PreMessage', 'PreRN', -1); pattern^.PreMsg.AfterRN := TI.ReadInteger('PreMessage', 'AfterRN', -1); pattern^.PreMsg.PreSP := TI.ReadInteger('PreMessage', 'PreSP', 0); pattern^.PreMsg.AfterSP := TI.ReadInteger('PreMessage', 'AfterSP', 0); end else exit; end; // 1 2: begin pattern^.BinProc := TI.ReadInteger('General', 'BinProcedure', 0); if (pattern^.BinProc > BIN_PROCEDURE_COUNT) then exit; end; end; // case pattern^.DefExtension := TI.ReadString('General', 'DefaultExtension', 'txt'); pattern^.UseFileName := TI.ReadBool('General', 'UseFileName', false); // if nead read FileName section if pattern^.UseFileName then if TI.SectionExists('FileName') then begin if TI.ValueExists('FileName', 'Pattern') then pattern^.fName.Pattern := TI.ReadString('FileName', 'Pattern', '') else exit; pattern^.fName.InNick := TI.ReadInteger('FileName', 'InNick', 0); pattern^.fName.InUID := TI.ReadInteger('FileName', 'InUID', 0); if (pattern^.fName.InNick = 0) and (pattern^.fName.InUID = 0) then exit; pattern^.fName.OutNick := TI.ReadInteger('FileName', 'OutNick', 0); pattern^.fName.OutUID := TI.ReadInteger('FileName', 'OutUID', 0); end else exit; finally TI.Free; result := true; end; result := false; end; procedure ReadPatterns; var SR: TSearchRec; FileAttrs: integer; i: integer; begin FileAttrs := faAnyFile; i := 0; if FindFirst(AppPath + '\importtxt\*.ini', FileAttrs, SR) = 0 then begin repeat SetLength(TxtPatterns, i+1); if not ReadPattern(AppPath + '\importtxt\' + SR.Name) then inc(i); until FindNext(SR) <> 0; FindClose(SR); end; // cut unneded SetLength(TxtPatterns, i); end; function GetContactByUID(const proto: AnsiString; const id: AnsiString): THandle; var Contact: THandle; otherproto: AnsiString; ci: TCONTACTINFO; idnum: integer; tempwstr: PWideChar; ws: WideString; begin if not TryStrToInt(id, idnum) then idnum := 0; tempwstr := UTF8ToWide(PAnsiChar(id), tempwstr); ws := tempwstr; FreeMem(tempwstr); Contact := db_find_first(); while (Contact <> 0) do begin otherproto := PAnsiChar(CallService(MS_PROTO_GETCONTACTBASEPROTO, Contact, 0)); if otherproto = proto then begin ci.cbSize := SizeOf(ci); ci.dwFlag := CNF_UNIQUEID or CNF_UNICODE; ci.hContact := Contact; ci.szProto := PAnsiChar(otherproto); if CallService(MS_CONTACT_GETCONTACTINFO, 0, lparam(@ci)) = 0 then begin case (ci._type) of CNFT_BYTE: if ci.retval.bVal = idnum then break; CNFT_WORD: if ci.retval.wVal = idnum then break; CNFT_DWORD: if ci.retval.dVal = DWORD(idnum) then break; CNFT_ASCIIZ: if ws = ci.retval.szVal.w then break; end; // case end; // if end; // if Contact := db_find_next(Contact); end; // while if Contact=0 then result := INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE else result := Contact; end; function GetContactByNick(const proto: AnsiString; const Nick: WideString): THandle; var Contact: THandle; otherproto: AnsiString; ci: TCONTACTINFO; begin result := INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; Contact := db_find_first(); while (Contact <> 0) do begin otherproto := PAnsiChar(CallService(MS_PROTO_GETCONTACTBASEPROTO, Contact, 0)); if otherproto = proto then begin ci.cbSize := SizeOf(ci); ci.dwFlag := CNF_NICK; ci.dwFlag := ci.dwFlag or CNF_UNICODE; ci.hContact := Contact; ci.szProto := PAnsiChar(otherproto); if CallService(MS_CONTACT_GETCONTACTINFO, 0, lparam(@ci)) = 0 then begin if Nick = ci.retval.szVal.w then begin result := Contact; break; end; end; // if end; // if Contact := db_find_next(Contact); end; // while end; procedure EnumProtocols; var i, iProtoCount: integer; ppAccounts: ^PPROTOACCOUNT; temps: WideString; begin ProtoCount := 0; SetLength(Protocols, 30); CallService(MS_PROTO_ENUMACCOUNTS, int(@iProtoCount), int(@ppAccounts)); for i := 1 to iProtoCount do begin temps := GetContactID(0, ppAccounts^^.szModuleName, false); if temps <> '' then begin Protocols[ProtoCount].ProtoName := ppAccounts^^.szModuleName; Protocols[ProtoCount].ProtoUID := temps; Protocols[ProtoCount].ProtoNick := GetContactNick(0, ppAccounts^^.szModuleName, false); inc(ProtoCount); end; inc(ppAccounts); end; SetLength(Protocols, ProtoCount); end; function GetContactProto(hContact: THandle): AnsiString; begin result := PAnsiChar(CallService(MS_PROTO_GETCONTACTBASEPROTO, hContact, 0)); end; function DBFreeVariant(dbv: PDBVARIANT): integer; begin result := db_free(dbv); end; function GetContactID(hContact: THandle; proto: AnsiString = ''; Contact: boolean = false): WideString; var uid: PAnsiChar; dbv: TDBVARIANT; tempstr: PWideChar; begin result := ''; if not((hContact = 0) and Contact) then begin if proto = '' then proto := GetContactProto(hContact); uid := PAnsiChar(CallProtoService(PAnsiChar(proto), PS_GETCAPS, PFLAG_UNIQUEIDSETTING, 0)); if (uid <> pAnsiChar(CALLSERVICE_NOTFOUND)) and (uid <> nil) then begin if db_get(hContact, PAnsiChar(proto), uid, @dbv) = 0 then begin case dbv._type of DBVT_BYTE: result := intToStr(dbv.bVal); DBVT_WORD: result := intToStr(dbv.wVal); DBVT_DWORD: result := intToStr(dbv.dVal); DBVT_ASCIIZ: begin tempstr := ANSIToWide(dbv.szVal.a, tempstr, cp); result := tempstr; FreeMem(tempstr); end; DBVT_UTF8: begin tempstr := UTF8ToWide(dbv.szVal.a, tempstr); result := tempstr; FreeMem(tempstr); end; DBVT_WCHAR: result := dbv.szVal.w; end; // free variant DBFreeVariant(@dbv); end; end; end; end; function GetContactNick(hContact: THandle; proto: AnsiString = ''; Contact: boolean = false): WideString; var dbv: TDBVARIANT; tempstr: PWideChar; begin result := ''; if not((hContact = 0) and Contact) then begin if proto = '' then proto := GetContactProto(hContact); if db_get(hContact, PAnsiChar(proto), 'Nick', @dbv) = 0 then begin case dbv._type of DBVT_BYTE: result := intToStr(dbv.bVal); DBVT_WORD: result := intToStr(dbv.wVal); DBVT_DWORD: result := intToStr(dbv.dVal); DBVT_ASCIIZ: begin tempstr := ANSIToWide(dbv.szVal.a, tempstr, cp); result := tempstr; FreeMem(tempstr); end; DBVT_UTF8: begin tempstr := UTF8ToWide(dbv.szVal.a, tempstr); result := tempstr; FreeMem(tempstr); end; DBVT_WCHAR: result := dbv.szVal.w; end; // free variant DBFreeVariant(@dbv); end; end; end; function DBReadByte(hContact: THandle; szModule: PAnsiChar; szSetting: PAnsiChar; default: byte = 0): byte; var dbv: TDBVARIANT; begin If db_get(hContact, szModule, szSetting, @dbv) <> 0 then result := default else result := dbv.bVal; end; function DBWriteByte(hContact: THandle; szModule: PAnsiChar; szSetting: PAnsiChar; val: byte): integer; var cws: TDBCONTACTWRITESETTING; begin cws.szModule := szModule; cws.szSetting := szSetting; cws.value._type := DBVT_BYTE; cws.value.bVal := val; result := CallService(MS_DB_CONTACT_WRITESETTING, hContact, lParam(@cws)); end; procedure SetLastPattern(lp: byte); begin DBWriteByte(0, IMPORT_TXT_MODULE, IMPORT_TXT_LP, lp); end; function GetLastPattern: byte; begin result := DBReadByte(0, IMPORT_TXT_MODULE, IMPORT_TXT_LP, 0); if result >= Length(TxtPatterns) then result := 0; end; function TimeStampToWStr(ts: DWORD): WideString; var dbtts: TDBTIMETOSTRING; s: WideString; begin SetLength(s, 20); dbtts.szFormat.w := 'd s'; dbtts.szDest.w := PWideChar(s); dbtts.cbDest := 20; CallService(MS_DB_TIME_TIMESTAMPTOSTRINGT, ts, int(@dbtts)); result := s; end; function StrToTimeStamp(STime: PAnsiChar; len: integer): DWORD; var hour, min, sec, Day, Month, Year: integer; begin sec := 0; Day := (ord(STime[0]) - $30) * 10 + (ord(STime[1]) - $30); Month := (ord(STime[3]) - $30) * 10 + (ord(STime[4]) - $30); Year := (ord(STime[6]) - $30) * 1000 + (ord(STime[7]) - $30) * 100 + (ord(STime[8]) - $30) * 10 + (ord(STime[9]) - $30); hour := (ord(STime[11]) - $30) * 10 + (ord(STime[12]) - $30); min := (ord(STime[14]) - $30) * 10 + (ord(STime[15]) - $30); if len > 15 then sec := (ord(STime[17]) - $30) * 10 + (ord(STime[18]) - $30); result := Timestamp(Year, Month, Day, hour, min, sec); end; function RLWord(adr: integer): word; begin result := PByte(adr + 1)^ + (PByte(adr)^ * $100); end; function RLInteger(adr: integer): integer; begin result := PByte(adr + 3)^ + (PByte(adr + 2)^ * $100) + (PByte(adr + 1)^ * $10000) + (PByte(adr)^ * $1000000); end; begin GetModuleFileName(hInstance, @AppPath[0], MAX_PATH); ExtractFilePath(@AppPath); ReadPatterns; end.