Unit ImportTU; interface Uses windows, StrUtils, m_api; type PDayTable = ^TDayTable; TDayTable = array[1..12] of Word; const MonthDays: array [Boolean] of TDayTable = ((31, 28, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31), (31, 29, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31)); function Timestamp(Year,Month,Day,Hour,Min,Sec:Word; toGMT:boolean = true):LongWord; {function TimestampICQ(Year,Month,Day,Hour,Min,Sec:Word):LongWord;} function DateTimeToTimeStamp(const DateTime: TDateTime; toGMT: boolean = true): DWord; {***** Authtor of this procedures Alexey Kulakov aka Awkward*****} function ChangeUnicode(str:PWideChar):PWideChar; function UTF8Len(src:PChar):integer; function WideToANSI(src:PWideChar;var dst:PChar ;cp:dword=CP_ACP):PChar; function ANSIToWide(src:PChar ;var dst:PWideChar;cp:dword=CP_ACP):PWideChar; function ANSIToUTF8(src:PChar ;var dst:pChar ;cp:dword=CP_ACP):PChar; function UTF8toANSI(src:PChar ;var dst:PChar ;cp:dword=CP_ACP):PChar; function UTF8toWide(src:PChar ;var dst:PWideChar;len:cardinal=dword(-1)):PWideChar; function WidetoUTF8(src:PWideChar;var dst:PChar ):PChar; {*****} implementation uses SysUtils; function IsLeapYear(Year:Word):Boolean; begin Result:=(Year mod 4=0) and ((Year mod 100<>0) or (Year mod 400=0)); end; function Timestamp(Year,Month,Day,Hour,Min,Sec:Word; toGMT: boolean = true):LongWord; var i:Integer; DayTable:PDayTable; DT,D:Longword; begin //fix for 2 digit year if year>0 then if year<90 then inc(year,2000) else if year <100 then inc(year,1900); // DayTable:=@MonthDays[IsLeapYear(Year)]; for i:=1 to Month-1 do Inc(Day,DayTable^[i]); I := Year - 1; D := I * 365 + I div 4 - I div 100 + I div 400 + Day - (1969*365 + 492 - 19 + 4 +1); DT:= (D*24*60*60) + (Hour*3600+Min*60+Sec); //�������� � GMT...���� �� ����� ������� ������ ���������� � GMT if toGMT then Result := DT -(PluginLink.CallService(MS_DB_TIME_TIMESTAMPTOLOCAL,DT,0)-DT) else Result := DT; end; function DateTimeToTimeStamp(const DateTime: TDateTime; toGMT: boolean = true): DWord; begin Result := Round((DateTime-UnixDateDelta) * SecsPerDay); if toGMT then Result := Result -(PluginLink.CallService(MS_DB_TIME_TIMESTAMPTOLOCAL,Result,0)-Result); end; function ChangeUnicode(str:PWideChar):PWideChar; var i,len:integer; begin result:=str; if str=nil then exit; if (word(str^)=$FFFE) or (word(str^)=$FEFF) then begin len:=lstrlenw(str); if word(str^)=$FFFE then begin i:=len-1; while i>0 do // str^<>#0 begin pword(str)^:=swap(pword(str)^); inc(str); dec(i); end; // str:=result; end; move((result+1)^,result^,len*SizeOf(WideChar)); end; end; function WideToANSI(src:PWideChar;var dst:PChar; cp:dword=CP_ACP):PChar; var len,l:integer; begin if (src=nil) or (src^=#0) then begin GetMem(dst,1); dst^:=#0; end else begin l:=lstrlenw(src); len:=WideCharToMultiByte(cp,0,src,l,NIL,0,NIL,NIL)+1; GetMem(dst,len); FillChar(dst^,len,0); WideCharToMultiByte(cp,0,src,l,dst,len,NIL,NIL); end; result:=dst; end; function ANSIToWide(src:PChar;var dst:PWideChar; cp:dword=CP_ACP):PWideChar; var len,l:integer; begin if (src=nil) or (src^=#0) then begin GetMem(dst,SizeOf(WideChar)); dst^:=#0; end else begin l:=lstrlen(src); len:=MultiByteToWideChar(cp,0,src,l,NIL,0)+1; GetMem(dst,len*SizeOf(WideChar)); FillChar(dst^,len*SizeOf(WideChar),0); MultiByteToWideChar(cp,0,src,l,dst,len); end; result:=dst; end; function ANSIToUTF8(src:PChar;var dst:pChar;cp:dword=CP_ACP):PChar; var tmp:PWideChar; begin AnsiToWide(src,tmp,cp); result:=WideToUTF8(tmp,dst); FreeMem(tmp); end; function UTF8Len(src:PChar):integer; // w/o zero begin result:=0; if src<>nil then begin while src^<>#0 do begin if (ord(src^) and $80)=0 then else if (ord(src^) and $E0)=$E0 then inc(src,2) else inc(src); inc(result); inc(src); end; end; end; function CalcUTF8Len(src:pWideChar):integer; begin result:=0; if src<>nil then begin while src^<>#0 do begin if src^<#$0080 then else if src^<#$0800 then inc(result) else inc(result,2); inc(src); inc(result); end; end; end; function UTF8toWide(src:PChar; var dst:PWideChar; len:cardinal=dword(-1)):PWideChar; var w:word; p:PWideChar; begin GetMem(dst,(UTF8Len(src)+1)*SizeOf(WideChar)); p:=dst; if src<>nil then begin while (src^<>#0) and (len>0) do begin if ord(src^)<$80 then w:=ord(src^) else if (ord(src^) and $E0)=$E0 then begin w:=(ord(src^) and $1F) shl 12; inc(src); dec(len); w:=w or (((ord(src^))and $3F) shl 6); inc(src); dec(len); w:=w or (ord(src^) and $3F); end else begin w:=(ord(src^) and $3F) shl 6; inc(src); dec(len); w:=w or (ord(src^) and $3F); end; p^:=WideChar(w); inc(p); inc(src); dec(len); end; end; p^:=#0; result:=dst; end; function UTF8toANSI(src:PChar;var dst:PChar;cp:dword=CP_ACP):PChar; var tmp:pWideChar; begin UTF8ToWide(src,tmp); result:=WideToAnsi(tmp,dst,cp); FreeMem(tmp); end; function WidetoUTF8(src:PWideChar; var dst:PChar):PChar; var p:PChar; begin GetMem(dst,CalcUTF8Len(src)+1); p:=dst; if src<>nil then begin while src^<>#0 do begin if src^<#$0080 then p^:=Char(src^) else if src^<#$0800 then begin p^:=chr($C0 or (ord(src^) shr 6)); inc(p); p^:=chr($80 or (ord(src^) and $3F)); end else begin p^:=chr($E0 or (ord(src^) shr 12)); inc(p); p^:=chr($80 or ((ord(src^) shr 6) and $3F)); inc(p); p^:=chr($80 or (ord(src^) and $3F)); end; inc(p); inc(src); end; end; p^:=#0; result:=dst; end; end.