unit ImportThrd; interface uses Classes, Windows, SysUtils, StrUtils, PerlRegEx, m_api, general, ImportT, ImportTU, KOLEdb {ADODB if want to use ADO}; const ITXT_THREAD_BASE = $8000 + $2000; // WM_APP + $2000 ITXT_THREAD_START = ITXT_THREAD_BASE + 1; // ����� ���������� (0,0) ITXT_THREAD_MAXPROGRESS = ITXT_THREAD_BASE + 2; // ��� �������� (0, MaxProgress) ITXT_THREAD_PROGRESS = ITXT_THREAD_BASE + 3; // �������� (Current, 0) ITXT_THREAD_ERROR = ITXT_THREAD_BASE + 4; // �������� ������ (PWideChar(ErrorString),0) ITXT_THREAD_FINISH = ITXT_THREAD_BASE + 5; // ���������� �����, ���������� ����������� (Added, Duplicates) ITXT_THREAD_START_FILE = ITXT_THREAD_BASE + 6; // ������ �������� � ������(PWideChar(FileName),0); ITXT_THREAD_DEST_CONTACT = ITXT_THREAD_BASE + 7; // ���������� ������� (hContact,0) ITXT_THREAD_ALLSTARTED = ITXT_THREAD_BASE + 8; // �������� ITXT_THREAD_ALLFINISHED = ITXT_THREAD_BASE + 9; // �� ��������� :) type TSendMethod = (smSend, smPost); type TImportThrd = class(TThread) private { Private declarations } RegExpr: TPerlRegEx; hMapedFile: THandle; hFile: THandle; pFileText: Pointer; FolderName: WideString; FileName: WideString; FileLen: Cardinal; fContact: TDestContact; // Contact recognised by filename AddedMessages: integer; Duplicates: integer; function DoMessage(Message: Longword; wParam: WPARAM; lParam: LPARAM; Method: TSendMethod = smSend): Boolean; function DoMapFile: Boolean; procedure DoUnMapFile; Procedure PreMessageSP(var src: AnsiString; CSP: integer); procedure AddMsgToDB(hContact: THandle; Direction: integer; MsgTimeStamp: Longword; const Text: AnsiString; var AddMsg, Dupy: integer); procedure TextImportProcedure; procedure BinImportProcedure; protected procedure Execute; override; public FileNames: WideString; // File Names OffsetFileName: integer; // offset name of file in FileNames WorkPattern: RTxtPattern; // Pattern for work DContact: TDestContact; // Recognised or defined contact Destination: TDestProto; // destination protocol ParentHWND: Longword; // HWND of parent window end; function IsDuplicateEvent(hContact: THandle; dbei: TDBEVENTINFO): Boolean; function PassMessage(Handle: THandle; Message: Longword; wParam: wParam; lParam: lParam; Method: TSendMethod = smSend): Boolean; implementation // Returns TRUE if event already is in base function IsDuplicateEvent(hContact: THandle; dbei: TDBEVENTINFO): Boolean; var hExistingDbEvent: THandle; dbeiExisting: TDBEVENTINFO; dwFirstEventTimeStamp: Longword; dwLastEventTimeStamp: Longword; dwPreviousTimeStamp: Longword; begin result := FALSE; if not CheckForDuplicates then exit; hExistingDbEvent := db_event_first(hContact); if hExistingDbEvent = 0 then begin result := FALSE; exit; end; FillChar(dbeiExisting, SizeOf(dbeiExisting), Byte(0)); dbeiExisting.cbSize := SizeOf(dbeiExisting); dbeiExisting.cbBlob := 0; db_event_get(hExistingDbEvent, @dbeiExisting); dwFirstEventTimeStamp := dbeiExisting.timestamp; hExistingDbEvent := db_event_last(hContact); if hExistingDbEvent = 0 then begin result := FALSE; exit; end; FillChar(dbeiExisting, SizeOf(dbeiExisting), Byte(0)); dbeiExisting.cbSize := SizeOf(dbeiExisting); dbeiExisting.cbBlob := 0; db_event_get(hExistingDbEvent, @dbeiExisting); dwLastEventTimeStamp := dbeiExisting.timestamp; // If before the first if (dbei.timestamp < dwFirstEventTimeStamp) then begin result := FALSE; exit; end; // If after the last if (dbei.timestamp > dwLastEventTimeStamp) then begin result := FALSE; exit; end; dwPreviousTimeStamp := dwLastEventTimeStamp; if (dbei.timestamp <= dwPreviousTimeStamp) then // search from the end begin while (hExistingDbEvent <> 0) do begin FillChar(dbeiExisting, SizeOf(dbeiExisting), Byte(0)); dbeiExisting.cbSize := SizeOf(dbeiExisting); dbeiExisting.cbBlob := 0; db_event_get(hExistingDbEvent, @dbeiExisting); // compare event if (dbei.timestamp = dbeiExisting.timestamp) and ((dbei.flags) = (dbeiExisting.flags and not DBEF_FIRST)) and // fix for first event (dbei.eventType = dbeiExisting.eventType) and (dbei.cbBlob = dbeiExisting.cbBlob) then begin result := true; exit; end; if (dbei.timestamp > dbeiExisting.timestamp) then begin result := FALSE; exit; end; // get the previous hExistingDbEvent := db_event_prev(hExistingDbEvent); end; end; end; Procedure TImportThrd.PreMessageSP(var src: AnsiString; CSP: integer); var i: integer; ls: integer; PSP, ASP: integer; begin ls := -1; repeat i := ls + 2; PSP := 0; while (src[i + PSP] = ' ') do inc(PSP); if PSP > 0 then case WorkPattern.PreMsg.PreSP of 0: PSP := 0; -1: ; -2: if PSP > CSP then PSP := CSP; else if PSP > WorkPattern.PreMsg.PreSP then PSP := WorkPattern.PreMsg.PreSP; end; // case Delete(src, i, PSP); ls := PosEx(#$0D#$0A, src, i); ASP := 0; while (ls > 1) and (src[ls - ASP - 1] = ' ') do inc(ASP); if ASP > 0 then case WorkPattern.PreMsg.AfterSP of 0: ASP := 0; -1: ; -2: if ASP > CSP then ASP := CSP; else if ASP > WorkPattern.PreMsg.AfterSP then ASP := WorkPattern.PreMsg.AfterSP; end; // case Delete(src, ls - ASP - 1, ASP); Until ls <= 0 end; Procedure TImportThrd.AddMsgToDB(hContact: THandle; Direction: integer; MsgTimeStamp: Longword; const Text: AnsiString; var AddMsg, Dupy: integer); var dbei: TDBEVENTINFO; proto: AnsiString; s: WideString; begin FillChar(dbei, SizeOf(dbei), Byte(0)); dbei.cbSize := SizeOf(dbei); dbei.eventType := EVENTTYPE_MESSAGE; dbei.flags := Direction; proto := GetContactProto(hContact); dbei.szModule := PAnsiChar(proto); dbei.timestamp := MsgTimeStamp; dbei.cbBlob := Length(Text) + 1; dbei.pBlob := PByte(AllocMem(dbei.cbBlob)); try Move(Text[1], dbei.pBlob^, dbei.cbBlob); if not IsDuplicateEvent(hContact, dbei) then if db_event_add(hContact, @dbei) <> 0 then inc(AddMsg) else begin s := 'Error adding message to database'; DoMessage(ITXT_THREAD_ERROR, wparam(PWideChar(s)), 0); end else begin if ShowDuplicates then begin if (dbei.flags and DBEF_SENT) > 0 then s := '>' else s := '<'; s := TranslateWideString('Duplicate:') + ' ' + s + ' ' + TimeStampToWStr(dbei.timestamp); DoMessage(ITXT_THREAD_ERROR, wparam(PWideChar(s)), 0, smSend); end; inc(Dupy); end; finally FreeMem(dbei.pBlob); end; end; function PassMessage(Handle: THandle; Message: Longword; wParam: wParam; lParam: lParam; Method: TSendMethod = smSend): Boolean; var Tries: integer; begin result := true; case Method of smSend: SendMessage(Handle, Message, wParam, lParam); smPost: begin Tries := 5; while (Tries > 0) and not PostMessage(Handle, Message, wParam, lParam) do begin Dec(Tries); Sleep(5); end; result := (Tries > 0); end; end; end; function TImportThrd.DoMessage(Message: Longword; wParam: wParam; lParam: lParam; Method: TSendMethod = smSend): Boolean; begin result := PassMessage(ParentHWND, Message, wParam, lParam, Method); end; function TImportThrd.DoMapFile: Boolean; var s: pWideChar; begin result := true; hFile := CreateFileW(PWideChar(FileName), GENERIC_READ, 0, nil, OPEN_EXISTING, 0, 0); if hFile = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE then begin result := FALSE; s := 'Error opening file'; DoMessage(ITXT_THREAD_ERROR, wparam(s), 0); exit; end; FileLen := GetFileSize(hFile, nil); hMapedFile := CreateFileMapping(hFile, nil, PAGE_READONLY, 0, 0, 'ImportTXTmapfile'); if hMapedFile = 0 then begin result := FALSE; s := 'Error mapping file'; DoMessage(ITXT_THREAD_ERROR, wparam(s), 0); exit; end; pFileText := MapViewOfFile(hMapedFile, FILE_MAP_READ, 0, 0, 0); if pFileText = nil then begin result := FALSE; s := 'Error mapping'; DoMessage(ITXT_THREAD_ERROR, wparam(s), 0); exit; end; end; procedure TImportThrd.DoUnMapFile; begin UnmapViewOfFile(pFileText); pFileText := nil; CloseHandle(hMapedFile); CloseHandle(hFile); end; procedure TryDetermContact(var DContact: TDestContact); begin if DContact.ProtoName <> '' then begin if DContact.ContactUID <> '' then begin DContact.hContact := GetContactByUID(DContact.ProtoName, DContact.ContactUID) end else if DContact.ContactNick <> '' then begin DContact.hContact := GetContactByNick(DContact.ProtoName, DContact.ContactNick); end else DContact.hContact := INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; end else DContact.hContact := INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; end; procedure TImportThrd.TextImportProcedure; var PosCur, LenCur, PosNext: integer; TextLength, h1, h2: integer; PRN, ARN, j: DWORD; msg_flag: integer; DT: Longword; TxtMsg: AnsiString; s: WideString; tempstr: PAnsiChar; tempwstr: PWideChar; begin AddedMessages := 0; Duplicates := 0; Case WorkPattern.Charset of inANSI: begin if WorkPattern.Codepage <> 0 then tempstr := ANSIToUTF8(PAnsiChar(pFileText), tempstr, WorkPattern.Codepage) else tempstr := ANSIToUTF8(PAnsiChar(pFileText), tempstr, cp); RegExpr.Subject := tempstr; FreeMem(tempstr); end; inUTF8: RegExpr.Subject := PAnsiChar(pFileText) + 3; inUCS2: begin GetMem(tempwstr, FileLen + 2); lstrcpynW(tempwstr, PWideChar(pFileText), FileLen); tempwstr[FileLen div SizeOf(WideChar)] := #$0000; // file is not ended dy #0000 tempstr := WidetoUTF8(ChangeUnicode(tempwstr), tempstr); RegExpr.Subject := tempstr; FreeMem(tempstr); FreeMem(tempwstr); end; end; // case if (WorkPattern.UseHeader and 1) = 0 then // If the information on a direction is not present that we will transform a line begin tempstr := ANSIToUTF8(PAnsiChar(WorkPattern.Msg.Incoming), tempstr, cp); WorkPattern.Msg.Incoming := tempstr; FreeMem(tempstr); tempstr := ANSIToUTF8(PAnsiChar(WorkPattern.Msg.Outgoing), tempstr, cp); WorkPattern.Msg.Outgoing := tempstr; FreeMem(tempstr); end; if (WorkPattern.UseHeader > 0) then begin tempstr := ANSIToUTF8(PAnsiChar(WorkPattern.Header.Pattern), tempstr, cp); RegExpr.RegEx := tempstr; RegExpr.Options := [preMultiLine, preUTF8]; FreeMem(tempstr); if not RegExpr.Match then begin s := TranslateWideString('Header not found'); DoMessage(ITXT_THREAD_ERROR, wparam(PWideChar(s)), 0); exit; end else begin if (WorkPattern.UseHeader and 1) = 1 then begin WorkPattern.Msg.Incoming := RegExpr.SubExpressions[WorkPattern.Header.Incoming]; WorkPattern.Msg.Outgoing := RegExpr.SubExpressions[WorkPattern.Header.Outgoing]; end; if (WorkPattern.UseHeader and 2) = 2 then if (DContact.hContact = 0) or (DContact.hContact = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) then begin if WorkPattern.Header.InUID <> 0 then DContact.ContactUID := RegExpr.SubExpressions[WorkPattern.Header.InUID] else DContact.ContactUID := ''; if WorkPattern.Header.InNick <> 0 then DContact.ContactNick := RegExpr.SubExpressions[WorkPattern.Header.InNick] else DContact.ContactNick := ''; TryDetermContact(DContact); end; end; end; // Whether if it has not turned out to define in header then we look it was defined in a file if (DContact.hContact = 0) or (DContact.hContact = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) then if (fContact.hContact <> 0) and (fContact.hContact <> INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) then DContact := fContact; if (DContact.hContact <> 0) and (DContact.hContact <> INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) then begin DoMessage(ITXT_THREAD_DEST_CONTACT, DContact.hContact, 0); DoMessage(ITXT_THREAD_START, 0, 0); tempstr := ANSIToUTF8(PAnsiChar(WorkPattern.Msg.Pattern), tempstr, cp); RegExpr.RegEx := tempstr; RegExpr.Options := [preMultiLine, preUTF8]; FreeMem(tempstr); TextLength := Length(RegExpr.Subject) - 1; // Position of last symbol DoMessage(ITXT_THREAD_MAXPROGRESS, 0, TextLength); RegExpr.State := [preNotEmpty]; // search for regular expression if not RegExpr.Match then begin s := TranslateWideString('No messages in this file'); DoMessage(ITXT_THREAD_ERROR, wparam(PWideChar(s)), 0); end else begin PosCur := RegExpr.MatchedExpressionOffset; // get the position of RegExpression repeat LenCur := RegExpr.MatchedExpressionLength; // get the length of RegExpression // Further we define a message direction (incoming or outgoing) if RegExpr.SubExpressions[WorkPattern.Msg.Direction] = WorkPattern.Msg.Incoming then msg_flag := DBEF_READ else msg_flag := DBEF_READ or DBEF_SENT; msg_flag := msg_flag or DBEF_UTF; // make timestamp if WorkPattern.Msg.Seconds <> 0 then DT := timestamp (StrToInt(RegExpr.SubExpressions[WorkPattern.Msg.Year]), StrToInt(RegExpr.SubExpressions[WorkPattern.Msg.Month]), StrToInt(RegExpr.SubExpressions[WorkPattern.Msg.Day]), StrToInt(RegExpr.SubExpressions[WorkPattern.Msg.Hours]), StrToInt(RegExpr.SubExpressions[WorkPattern.Msg.Minutes]), StrToInt(RegExpr.SubExpressions[WorkPattern.Msg.Seconds])) else DT := timestamp (StrToInt(RegExpr.SubExpressions[WorkPattern.Msg.Year]), StrToInt(RegExpr.SubExpressions[WorkPattern.Msg.Month]), StrToInt(RegExpr.SubExpressions[WorkPattern.Msg.Day]), StrToInt(RegExpr.SubExpressions[WorkPattern.Msg.Hours]), StrToInt(RegExpr.SubExpressions[WorkPattern.Msg.Minutes]), 0); if RegExpr.MatchAgain then PosNext := RegExpr.MatchedExpressionOffset // search for next regexpr else PosNext := TextLength; // if not then end of file h1 := PosCur + LenCur; // The message text beginning presumably h2 := PosNext - PosCur - LenCur - 2; // its presumably message length // working with message text if WorkPattern.UsePreMsg then PRN := DWORD(WorkPattern.PreMsg.PreRN) else PRN := DWORD(-1); if PRN <> 0 then begin j := 1; while ((RegExpr.Subject[h1] = Char($0D)) and (RegExpr.Subject[h1 + 1] = Char($0A))) and (j <= PRN) do begin inc(h1, 2); Dec(h2, 2); inc(j); end; // remove carriage return in the beginning end; if WorkPattern.UsePreMsg then ARN := DWORD(WorkPattern.PreMsg.AfterRN) else ARN := DWORD(-1); if ARN <> 0 then begin j := 1; while ((RegExpr.Subject[h1 + h2] = Char($0D)) and (RegExpr.Subject[h1 + h2 + 1] = Char($0A))) and (j <= ARN) do begin Dec(h2, 2); inc(j) end; // remove carriage return in the end end; // get the message text TxtMsg := Copy(RegExpr.Subject, h1, h2 + 2); // remove spaces if needs if WorkPattern.UsePreMsg and ((WorkPattern.PreMsg.PreSP <> 0) or (WorkPattern.PreMsg.AfterSP <> 0)) then PreMessageSP(TxtMsg, UTF8Len(PAnsiChar(RegExpr.MatchedExpression))); AddMsgToDB(DContact.hContact, msg_flag, DT, TxtMsg, AddedMessages, Duplicates); // adding in base PosCur := PosNext; DoMessage(ITXT_THREAD_PROGRESS, PosCur, 0); until (PosNext = TextLength) or Terminated; end; // RegExpr.Exec end else begin s := TranslateWideString('Can''t determine destination contact'); DoMessage(ITXT_THREAD_ERROR, wparam(PWideChar(s)), 0); end; end; procedure TImportThrd.BinImportProcedure; var i: integer; s: WideString; tempstr: PAnsiChar; var dbei: TDBEVENTINFO; proto: AnsiString; pt: int_ptr; fsz: cardinal; {$DEFINE BIN_IMPORT_} {$I BmContactIP.inc} {$I BqhfIP.inc} {$I BICQ6IP.inc} {$I BICQ5IP.inc} {$I BRMSIP.inc} {$I BbayanIP.inc} {$UNDEF BIN_IMPORT_} begin AddedMessages := 0; Duplicates := 0; case WorkPattern.BinProc of 1: // mContactImport {$I BmContactIP.inc} 2: // QHF {$I BqhfIP.inc} 3: // ICQ6 {$I BICQ6IP.inc} 4: // ICQ5 {$I BICQ5IP.inc} 5: // Nokia midp-rms {$I BRMSIP.inc} 6: // BayanICQ {$I BbayanIP.inc} end; end; procedure TImportThrd.Execute; var i: integer; s1: WideString; tempstr: PAnsiChar; begin DoMessage(ITXT_THREAD_ALLSTARTED, 0, 0); FolderName := Copy(FileNames, 1, OffsetFileName - 1); i := OffsetFileName; while (FileNames[i + 1] <> #0) and not Terminated do begin // ������ ����� �� ������ s1 := ''; inc(i); while FileNames[i] <> #0 do begin s1 := s1 + FileNames[i]; inc(i); end; if (s1 <> '') and (s1 <> #0) then begin // �������� �������� � ������ FileName := FolderName + '\' + s1; DoMessage(ITXT_THREAD_START_FILE, wparam(PWideChar(FileName)),0, smSend); pFileText := nil; hFile := INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; DContact.ProtoName := Destination.ProtoName; fContact.hContact := INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; RegExpr := TPerlRegEx.Create; // ������ ������ ��� ������ � ���. ����������� try // ���������� � ������ ����� if WorkPattern.UseFileName then if (DContact.hContact = 0) or (DContact.hContact = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) then begin tempstr := WidetoUTF8(PWideChar(FileName), tempstr); RegExpr.Subject := tempstr; FreeMem(tempstr); tempstr := ANSIToUTF8(PAnsiChar(WorkPattern.FName.Pattern),tempstr, cp); RegExpr.RegEx := tempstr; FreeMem(tempstr); RegExpr.Options := [preUTF8]; if RegExpr.Match then begin fContact.ProtoName := Destination.ProtoName; if WorkPattern.FName.InUID <> 0 then fContact.ContactUID := RegExpr.SubExpressions[WorkPattern.FName.InUID] else fContact.ContactUID := ''; if WorkPattern.FName.InNick <> 0 then fContact.ContactNick := RegExpr.SubExpressions[WorkPattern.FName.InNick] else fContact.ContactNick := ''; TryDetermContact(fContact); end; end; // ��������� ��� ���� // [preMultiLine] ����������� ��� ���������� �������������� ������ if DoMapFile then // ��������� ���� begin CallService(MS_DB_SETSAFETYMODE, wParam(FALSE), 0); case WorkPattern.IType of 1: TextImportProcedure; 2: BinImportProcedure; end; // case end; // DoMapFile finally CallService(MS_DB_SETSAFETYMODE, wParam(true), 0); DoMessage(ITXT_THREAD_FINISH, AddedMessages, Duplicates); DoUnMapFile; RegExpr.Free; end; DContact.hContact := INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; Sleep(10); // ����� ��� ��������� ����� �� ���� end; // ��������� �������� � ������ end; // ����� �� ������ DoMessage(ITXT_THREAD_ALLFINISHED, 0, 0); end; end.