; Common strings that belong to many files ;[] ; ../../plugins/ImportTXT/ImpTxtDlg.rc ;[Choose a file...] ;[Close] ;[Import history to ] ;[Start] ; ../../plugins/ImportTXT/ImpTxtWiz.rc ;[&Next >] ;[< &Back] ;[All previous chosen files will try to import to this protocol.] ;[Cancel] ;[Choose type of imported files:] ;[Click \"Next\" to choose the information you wish to import, or click \"Cancel\" to exit the wizard and continue using Miranda.] ;[Click \"Next\" to start Import or \"Cancel\" to Abort.] ;[Directory...] ;[Files...] ;[Files:] ;[Import Text Files Wizard] ;[It is recommended that you create a backup of your current Miranda profile before importing.] ;[Now importing...] ;[Path:] ;[Progress1] ;[Select files or the whole directory for import:] ;[Select protocol or account:] ;[This wizard will help you import message history from some other clients and Miranda plugins, stored in text files.]