unit KOLEdb; {* This unit is created for KOL to allow to communicate with DB using OLE DB. |<br> ======================================================================== |<br> Copyright (C) 2001 by Vladimir Kladov. |<p> This unit conains three objects TDataSource, TSession and TQuery to implement the most important things: to connect to database, to control transactions, to perform commands (queries) and obtain results or update tables. |</p> } interface uses Windows, ActiveX, KOL, err; type INT64 = I64; PInt64 = PI64; tagVariant = packed Record vt: WORD; reserved1, reserved2, reserved3: WORD; case Integer of 0: ( bVal : Byte ); 1: ( iVal : ShortInt ); 2: ( lVal : Integer ); 3: ( fltVal : Extended ); 4: ( dblVal : Double ); 5: ( boolVal : Bool ); 6: ( scode : SCODE ); //7: ( cyVal : CY ); //8: ( date : Date ); 9: ( bstrVal : Pointer ); // BSTR => [ Len: Integer; array[ 1..Len ] of WideChar ] 10:( pdecVal : ^Decimal ); end; (* typedef struct tagVARIANT { VARTYPE vt; unsigned short wReserved1; unsigned short wReserved2; unsigned short wReserved3; union { Byte bVal; // VT_UI1. Short iVal; // VT_I2. long lVal; // VT_I4. float fltVal; // VT_R4. double dblVal; // VT_R8. VARIANT_BOOL boolVal; // VT_BOOL. SCODE scode; // VT_ERROR. CY cyVal; // VT_CY. DATE date; // VT_DATE. BSTR bstrVal; // VT_BSTR. DECIMAL FAR* pdecVal // VT_BYREF|VT_DECIMAL. IUnknown FAR* punkVal; // VT_UNKNOWN. IDispatch FAR* pdispVal; // VT_DISPATCH. SAFEARRAY FAR* parray; // VT_ARRAY|*. Byte FAR* pbVal; // VT_BYREF|VT_UI1. short FAR* piVal; // VT_BYREF|VT_I2. long FAR* plVal; // VT_BYREF|VT_I4. float FAR* pfltVal; // VT_BYREF|VT_R4. double FAR* pdblVal; // VT_BYREF|VT_R8. VARIANT_BOOL FAR* pboolVal; // VT_BYREF|VT_BOOL. SCODE FAR* pscode; // VT_BYREF|VT_ERROR. CY FAR* pcyVal; // VT_BYREF|VT_CY. DATE FAR* pdate; // VT_BYREF|VT_DATE. BSTR FAR* pbstrVal; // VT_BYREF|VT_BSTR. IUnknown FAR* FAR* ppunkVal; // VT_BYREF|VT_UNKNOWN. IDispatch FAR* FAR* ppdispVal; // VT_BYREF|VT_DISPATCH. SAFEARRAY FAR* FAR* pparray; // VT_ARRAY|*. VARIANT FAR* pvarVal; // VT_BYREF|VT_VARIANT. void FAR* byref; // Generic ByRef. char cVal; // VT_I1. unsigned short uiVal; // VT_UI2. unsigned long ulVal; // VT_UI4. int intVal; // VT_INT. unsigned int uintVal; // VT_UINT. char FAR * pcVal; // VT_BYREF|VT_I1. unsigned short FAR * puiVal; // VT_BYREF|VT_UI2. unsigned long FAR * pulVal; // VT_BYREF|VT_UI4. int FAR * pintVal; // VT_BYREF|VT_INT. unsigned int FAR * puintVal; //VT_BYREF|VT_UINT. }; }; *) {============= This part of code is grabbed from OLEDB.pas ================} const MAXBOUND = 65535; { High bound for arrays } DBSTATUS_S_ISNULL = $00000003; type PIUnknown = ^IUnknown; PUintArray = ^TUintArray; TUintArray = array[0..MAXBOUND] of UINT; HROW = UINT; PHROW = ^HROW; PPHROW = ^PHROW; HACCESSOR = UINT; HCHAPTER = UINT; DBCOLUMNFLAGS = UINT; DBTYPE = Word; DBKIND = UINT; DBPART = UINT; DBMEMOWNER = UINT; DBPARAMIO = UINT; DBBINDSTATUS = UINT; const IID_NULL : TGUID = '{00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000}'; IID_IDataInitialize : TGUID = '{2206CCB1-19C1-11D1-89E0-00C04FD7A829}'; CLSID_MSDAINITIALIZE: TGUID = '{2206CDB0-19C1-11D1-89E0-00C04FD7A829}'; IID_IDBInitialize : TGUID = '{0C733A8B-2A1C-11CE-ADE5-00AA0044773D}'; //IID_IDBProperties : TGUID = '{0C733A8A-2A1C-11CE-ADE5-00AA0044773D}'; IID_IDBCreateSession: TGUID = '{0C733A5D-2A1C-11CE-ADE5-00AA0044773D}'; IID_IDBCreateCommand: TGUID = '{0C733A1D-2A1C-11CE-ADE5-00AA0044773D}'; IID_ICommand : TGUID = '{0C733A63-2A1C-11CE-ADE5-00AA0044773D}'; IID_ICommandText : TGUID = '{0C733A27-2A1C-11CE-ADE5-00AA0044773D}'; IID_ICommandProperties: TGUID = '{0C733A79-2A1C-11CE-ADE5-00AA0044773D}'; IID_IRowset : TGUID = '{0C733A7C-2A1C-11CE-ADE5-00AA0044773D}'; IID_IRowsetChange : TGUID = '{0C733A05-2A1C-11CE-ADE5-00AA0044773D}'; IID_IRowsetUpdate : TGUID = '{0C733A6D-2A1C-11CE-ADE5-00AA0044773D}'; IID_IColumnsInfo : TGUID = '{0C733A11-2A1C-11CE-ADE5-00AA0044773D}'; IID_IAccessor : TGUID = '{0C733A8C-2A1C-11CE-ADE5-00AA0044773D}'; // Added By ECM !!! ================================================== IID_ITransaction : TGUID = '{0FB15084-AF41-11CE-BD2B-204C4F4F5020}'; IID_ITransactionLocal: TGUID = '{0C733A5F-2A1C-11CE-ADE5-00AA0044773D}'; IID_ITransactionOptions: TGUID = '{3A6AD9E0-23B9-11CF-AD60-00AA00A74CCD}'; // =================================================================== // for version 1.5 of OLE DB: //DBGUID_DBSQL : TGUID = '{c8b522df-5cf3-11ce-ade5-00aa0044773d}'; // otherwise: DBGUID_DBSQL : TGUID = '{C8B521FB-5CF3-11CE-ADE5-00AA0044773D}'; DBGUID_DEFAULT : TGUID = '{C8B521FB-5CF3-11CE-ADE5-00AA0044773D}'; DBGUID_SQL : TGUID = '{C8B522D7-5CF3-11CE-ADE5-00AA0044773D}'; DBPROPSET_ROWSET : TGUID = '{C8B522BE-5CF3-11CE-ADE5-00AA0044773D}'; DB_S_ENDOFROWSET = $00040EC6; type // *********************************************************************// // Interface: IDBInitialize // GUID: {0C733A8B-2A1C-11CE-ADE5-00AA0044773D} // *********************************************************************// IDBInitialize = interface(IUnknown) ['{0C733A8B-2A1C-11CE-ADE5-00AA0044773D}'] function Initialize: HResult; stdcall; function Uninitialize: HResult; stdcall; end; // *********************************************************************// // Interface: IDBCreateCommand // GUID: {0C733A1D-2A1C-11CE-ADE5-00AA0044773D} // *********************************************************************// IDBCreateCommand = interface(IUnknown) ['{0C733A1D-2A1C-11CE-ADE5-00AA0044773D}'] function CreateCommand(const punkOuter: IUnknown; const riid: TGUID; out ppCommand: IUnknown): HResult; stdcall; end; (*--- { Safecall Version } IDBCreateCommandSC = interface(IUnknown) ['{0C733A1D-2A1C-11CE-ADE5-00AA0044773D}'] procedure CreateCommand(const punkOuter: IUnknown; const riid: TGUID; out ppCommand: IUnknown); safecall; end; ---*) // *********************************************************************// // Interface: IDBCreateSession // GUID: {0C733A5D-2A1C-11CE-ADE5-00AA0044773D} // *********************************************************************// IDBCreateSession = interface(IUnknown) ['{0C733A5D-2A1C-11CE-ADE5-00AA0044773D}'] function CreateSession(const punkOuter: IUnknown; const riid: TGUID; out ppDBSession: IUnknown): HResult; stdcall; end; (*--- { Safecall Version } IDBCreateSessionSC = interface(IUnknown) ['{0C733A5D-2A1C-11CE-ADE5-00AA0044773D}'] procedure CreateSession(const punkOuter: IUnknown; const riid: TGUID; out ppDBSession: IUnknown); safecall; end; ---*) // *********************************************************************// // Interface: IDataInitialize // GUID: {2206CCB1-19C1-11D1-89E0-00C04FD7A829} // *********************************************************************// IDataInitialize = interface(IUnknown) ['{2206CCB1-19C1-11D1-89E0-00C04FD7A829}'] function GetDataSource(const pUnkOuter: IUnknown; dwClsCtx: DWORD; pwszInitializationString: POleStr; const riid: TIID; var DataSource: IUnknown): HResult; stdcall; function GetInitializationString(const DataSource: IUnknown; fIncludePassword: Boolean; out pwszInitString: POleStr): HResult; stdcall; function CreateDBInstance(const clsidProvider: TGUID; const pUnkOuter: IUnknown; dwClsCtx: DWORD; pwszReserved: POleStr; riid: TIID; var DataSource: IUnknown): HResult; stdcall; function CreateDBInstanceEx(const clsidProvider: TGUID; const pUnkOuter: IUnknown; dwClsCtx: DWORD; pwszReserved: POleStr; pServerInfo: PCoServerInfo; cmq: ULONG; rgmqResults: PMultiQI): HResult; stdcall; function LoadStringFromStorage(pwszFileName: POleStr; out pwszInitializationString: POleStr): HResult; stdcall; function WriteStringToStorage(pwszFileName, pwszInitializationString: POleStr; dwCreationDisposition: DWORD): HResult; stdcall; end; (*--- { Safecall Version } IDataInitializeSC = interface(IUnknown) ['{2206CCB1-19C1-11D1-89E0-00C04FD7A829}'] procedure GetDataSource(const pUnkOuter: IUnknown; dwClsCtx: DWORD; pwszInitializationString: POleStr; const riid: TIID; var DataSource: IUnknown); safecall; procedure GetInitializationString(const DataSource: IUnknown; fIncludePassword: Boolean; out pwszInitString: POleStr); safecall; procedure CreateDBInstance(const clsidProvider: TGUID; const pUnkOuter: IUnknown; dwClsCtx: DWORD; pwszReserved: POleStr; riid: TIID; var DataSource: IUnknown); safecall; procedure CreateDBInstanceEx(const clsidProvider: TGUID; const pUnkOuter: IUnknown; dwClsCtx: DWORD; pwszReserved: POleStr; pServerInfo: PCoServerInfo; cmq: ULONG; rgmqResults: PMultiQI); safecall; procedure LoadStringFromStorage(pwszFileName: POleStr; out pwszInitializationString: POleStr); safecall; procedure WriteStringToStorage(pwszFileName, pwszInitializationString: POleStr; dwCreationDisposition: DWORD); safecall; end; ---*) // *********************************************************************// // Interface: ICommand // GUID: {0C733A63-2A1C-11CE-ADE5-00AA0044773D} // *********************************************************************// ICommand = interface(IUnknown) ['{0C733A63-2A1C-11CE-ADE5-00AA0044773D}'] function Cancel: HResult; stdcall; function Execute(const punkOuter: IUnknown; const riid: TGUID; pParams: Pointer; // var pParams: DBPARAMS; pcRowsAffected: PInteger; ppRowset: PIUnknown): HResult; stdcall; function GetDBSession(const riid: TGUID; out ppSession: IUnknown): HResult; stdcall; end; (* { Safecall Version } ICommandSC = interface(IUnknown) ['{0C733A63-2A1C-11CE-ADE5-00AA0044773D}'] procedure Cancel; safecall; procedure Execute(const punkOuter: IUnknown; const riid: TGUID; var pParams: DBPARAMS; pcRowsAffected: PInteger; ppRowset: PIUnknown); safecall; procedure GetDBSession(const riid: TGUID; out ppSession: IUnknown); safecall; end; *) // *********************************************************************// // Interface: ICommandText // GUID: {0C733A27-2A1C-11CE-ADE5-00AA0044773D} // *********************************************************************// ICommandText = interface(ICommand) ['{0C733A27-2A1C-11CE-ADE5-00AA0044773D}'] function GetCommandText(var pguidDialect: TGUID; out ppwszCommand: PWideChar): HResult; stdcall; function SetCommandText(rguidDialect: PGUID; pwszCommand: PWideChar): HResult; stdcall; end; (* { Safecall Version } ICommandTextSC = interface(ICommand) ['{0C733A27-2A1C-11CE-ADE5-00AA0044773D}'] procedure GetCommandText(var pguidDialect: TGUID; out ppwszCommand: PWideChar); safecall; procedure SetCommandText(rguidDialect: PGUID; pwszCommand: PWideChar); safecall; end; *) // *********************************************************************// // Interface: IRowset // GUID: {0C733A7C-2A1C-11CE-ADE5-00AA0044773D} // *********************************************************************// IRowset = interface(IUnknown) ['{0C733A7C-2A1C-11CE-ADE5-00AA0044773D}'] function AddRefRows(cRows: UINT; rghRows: PUintArray; rgRefCounts: PUintArray; rgRowStatus: PUintArray): HResult; stdcall; function GetData(HROW: HROW; HACCESSOR: HACCESSOR; pData: Pointer): HResult; stdcall; function GetNextRows(hReserved: HCHAPTER; lRowsOffset: Integer; cRows: Integer; out pcRowsObtained: UINT; {var prghRows: PUintArray} prghRows: Pointer ): HResult; stdcall; function ReleaseRows(cRows: UINT; rghRows: PUintArray; rgRowOptions, rgRefCounts, rgRowStatus: PUintArray): HResult; stdcall; function RestartPosition(hReserved: HCHAPTER): HResult; stdcall; end; (* { Safecall Version } IRowsetSC = interface(IUnknown) ['{0C733A7C-2A1C-11CE-ADE5-00AA0044773D}'] procedure AddRefRows(cRows: UINT; rghRows: PUintArray; rgRefCounts: PUintArray; rgRowStatus: PUintArray); safecall; procedure GetData(HROW: HROW; HACCESSOR: HACCESSOR; pData: Pointer); safecall; procedure GetNextRows(hReserved: HCHAPTER; lRowsOffset: Integer; cRows: Integer; out pcRowsObtained: UINT; var prghRows: PUintArray); safecall; procedure ReleaseRows(cRows: UINT; rghRows: PUintArray; rgRowOptions, rgRefCounts, rgRowStatus: PUintArray); safecall; procedure RestartPosition(hReserved: HCHAPTER); safecall; end; *) // *********************************************************************// // Interface: IRowsetChange // GUID: {0C733A05-2A1C-11CE-ADE5-00AA0044773D} // *********************************************************************// IRowsetChange = interface(IUnknown) ['{0C733A05-2A1C-11CE-ADE5-00AA0044773D}'] function DeleteRows(hReserved: HCHAPTER; cRows: UINT; rghRows: PUintArray; rgRowStatus: PUintArray): HResult; stdcall; function SetData(HROW: HROW; HACCESSOR: HACCESSOR; pData: Pointer): HResult; stdcall; function InsertRow(hReserved: HCHAPTER; HACCESSOR: HACCESSOR; pData: Pointer; phRow: PHROW): HResult; stdcall; end; (* { Safecall Version } IRowsetChangeSC = interface(IUnknown) ['{0C733A05-2A1C-11CE-ADE5-00AA0044773D}'] procedure DeleteRows(hReserved: HCHAPTER; cRows: UINT; rghRows: PUintArray; rgRowStatus: PUintArray); safecall; procedure SetData(HROW: HROW; HACCESSOR: HACCESSOR; pData: Pointer); safecall; procedure InsertRow(hReserved: HCHAPTER; HACCESSOR: HACCESSOR; pData: Pointer; phRow: PHROW); safecall; end; *) // *********************************************************************// // Interface: IRowsetUpdate // GUID: {0C733A6D-2A1C-11CE-ADE5-00AA0044773D} // *********************************************************************// DBPENDINGSTATUS = DWORD; PDBPENDINGSTATUS = ^DBPENDINGSTATUS; PPDBPENDINGSTATUS = ^PDBPENDINGSTATUS; DBROWSTATUS = UINT; PDBROWSTATUS = ^DBROWSTATUS; PPDBROWSTATUS = ^PDBROWSTATUS; IRowsetUpdate = interface(IRowsetChange) ['{0C733A6D-2A1C-11CE-ADE5-00AA0044773D}'] function GetOriginalData(HROW: HROW; HACCESSOR: HACCESSOR; pData: Pointer): HResult; stdcall; function GetPendingRows(hReserved: HCHAPTER; dwRowStatus: DBPENDINGSTATUS; pcPendingRows: PUINT; prgPendingRows: PPHROW; prgPendingStatus: PPDBPENDINGSTATUS): HResult; stdcall; function GetRowStatus(hReserved: HCHAPTER; cRows: UINT; rghRows: PUintArray; rgPendingStatus: PUintArray): HResult; stdcall; function Undo(hReserved: HCHAPTER; cRows: UINT; rghRows: PUintArray; pcRowsUndone: PUINT; prgRowsUndone: PPHROW; prgRowStatus: PPDBROWSTATUS): HResult; stdcall; function Update(hReserved: HCHAPTER; cRows: UINT; rghRows: PUintArray; pcRows: PUINT; prgRows: PPHROW; prgRowStatus: PPDBROWSTATUS): HResult; stdcall; end; (* { Safecall Version } IRowsetUpdateSC = interface(IRowsetChange) ['{0C733A6D-2A1C-11CE-ADE5-00AA0044773D}'] procedure GetOriginalData(HROW: HROW; HACCESSOR: HACCESSOR; pData: Pointer); safecall; procedure GetPendingRows(hReserved: HCHAPTER; dwRowStatus: DBPENDINGSTATUS; pcPendingRows: PUINT; prgPendingRows: PPHROW; prgPendingStatus: PPDBPENDINGSTATUS); safecall; procedure GetRowStatus(hReserved: HCHAPTER; cRows: UINT; rghRows: PUintArray; rgPendingStatus: PUintArray); safecall; procedure Undo(hReserved: HCHAPTER; cRows: UINT; rghRows: PUintArray; pcRowsUndone: PUINT; prgRowsUndone: PPHROW; prgRowStatus: PPDBROWSTATUS); safecall; procedure Update(hReserved: HCHAPTER; cRows: UINT; rghRows: PUintArray; pcRows: PUINT; prgRows: PPHROW; prgRowStatus: PPDBROWSTATUS); safecall; end; *) // *********************************************************************// // Interface: ICommandProperties // GUID: {0C733A79-2A1C-11CE-ADE5-00AA0044773D} // *********************************************************************// DBPROPID = UINT; PDBPROPID = ^DBPROPID; PDBPropIDArray = ^TDBPropIDArray; TDBPropIDArray = array[0..MAXBOUND] of DBPROPID; PDBIDGuid = ^TDBIDGuid; DBIDGUID = record case Integer of 0: (guid: TGUID); 1: (pguid: ^TGUID); end; TDBIDGuid = DBIDGUID; PDBIDName = ^TDBIDName; DBIDNAME = record case Integer of 0: (pwszName: PWideChar); 1: (ulPropid: UINT); end; TDBIDName = DBIDNAME; DBPROPOPTIONS = UINT; DBPROPSTATUS = UINT; PPDBID = ^PDBID; PDBID = ^DBID; DBID = packed record uGuid: DBIDGUID; eKind: DBKIND; uName: DBIDNAME; end; TDBID = DBID; PDBProp = ^TDBProp; DBPROP = packed record dwPropertyID: DBPROPID; dwOptions: DBPROPOPTIONS; dwStatus: DBPROPSTATUS; colid: DBID; vValue: tagVariant; // OleVariant; end; TDBProp = DBPROP; PDBPropArray = ^TDBPropArray; TDBPropArray = array[0..MAXBOUND] of TDBProp; PPDBPropSet = ^PDBPropSet; PDBPropSet = ^TDBPropSet; DBPROPSET = packed record rgProperties: PDBPropArray; cProperties: UINT; guidPropertySet: TGUID; end; TDBPropSet = DBPROPSET; PDBPropIDSet = ^TDBPropIDSet; DBPROPIDSET = packed record rgPropertyIDs: PDBPropIDArray; cPropertyIDs: UINT; guidPropertySet: TGUID; end; TDBPropIDSet = DBPROPIDSET; PDBPropIDSetArray = ^TDBPropIDSetArray; TDBPropIDSetArray = array[0..MAXBOUND] of TDBPropIDSet; PDBPropSetArray = ^TDBPropSetArray; TDBPropSetArray = array[0..MAXBOUND] of TDBPropSet; ICommandProperties = interface(IUnknown) ['{0C733A79-2A1C-11CE-ADE5-00AA0044773D}'] function GetProperties(cPropertyIDSets: UINT; rgPropertyIDSets: PDBPropIDSetArray; var pcPropertySets: UINT; out prgPropertySets: PDBPropSet): HResult; stdcall; function SetProperties(cPropertySets: UINT; rgPropertySets: PDBPropSetArray): HResult; stdcall; end; (* { Safecall Version } ICommandPropertiesSC = interface(IUnknown) ['{0C733A79-2A1C-11CE-ADE5-00AA0044773D}'] procedure GetProperties(cPropertyIDSets: UINT; rgPropertyIDSets: PDBPropIDSetArray; var pcPropertySets: UINT; out prgPropertySets: PDBPropSet); safecall; procedure SetProperties(cPropertySets: UINT; rgPropertySets: PDBPropSetArray); safecall; end; *) PDBIDArray = ^TDBIDArray; TDBIDArray = array[0..MAXBOUND] of TDBID; PDBColumnInfo = ^TDBColumnInfo; DBCOLUMNINFO = packed record pwszName: PWideChar; pTypeInfo: ITypeInfo; iOrdinal: UINT; dwFlags: DBCOLUMNFLAGS; ulColumnSize: UINT; wType: DBTYPE; bPrecision: Byte; bScale: Byte; columnid: DBID; end; TDBColumnInfo = DBCOLUMNINFO; PColumnInfo = ^TColumnInfoArray; TColumnInfoArray = array[ 0..MAXBOUND ] of TDBColumnInfo; // *********************************************************************// // Interface: IColumnsInfo // GUID: {0C733A11-2A1C-11CE-ADE5-00AA0044773D} // *********************************************************************// IColumnsInfo = interface(IUnknown) ['{0C733A11-2A1C-11CE-ADE5-00AA0044773D}'] function GetColumnInfo(var pcColumns: UINT; out prgInfo: PDBColumnInfo; out ppStringsBuffer: PWideChar): HResult; stdcall; function MapColumnIDs(cColumnIDs: UINT; rgColumnIDs: PDBIDArray; rgColumns: PUintArray): HResult; stdcall; end; (* { Safecall Version } IColumnsInfoSC = interface(IUnknown) ['{0C733A11-2A1C-11CE-ADE5-00AA0044773D}'] procedure GetColumnInfo(var pcColumns: UINT; out prgInfo: PDBColumnInfo; out ppStringsBuffer: PWideChar); safecall; procedure MapColumnIDs(cColumnIDs: UINT; rgColumnIDs: PDBIDArray; rgColumns: PUINTArray); safecall; end; *) PDBBindExt = ^TDBBindExt; DBBINDEXT = packed record pExtension: PByte; ulExtension: UINT; end; TDBBindExt = DBBINDEXT; PDBObject = ^TDBObject; DBOBJECT = packed record dwFlags: UINT; iid: TGUID; end; TDBObject = DBOBJECT; PDBBinding = ^TDBBinding; DBBINDING = packed record iOrdinal: UINT; obValue: UINT; obLength: UINT; obStatus: UINT; pTypeInfo: Pointer; //ITypeInfo; (reserved, should be nil) pObject: PDBObject; pBindExt: PDBBindExt; dwPart: DBPART; dwMemOwner: DBMEMOWNER; eParamIO: DBPARAMIO; cbMaxLen: UINT; dwFlags: UINT; wType: DBTYPE; bPrecision: Byte; bScale: Byte; end; TDBBinding = DBBINDING; PDBBindingArray = ^TDBBindingArray; TDBBindingArray = array[0..MAXBOUND] of TDBBinding; const DBTYPE_EMPTY = $00000000; DBTYPE_NULL = $00000001; DBTYPE_I2 = $00000002; DBTYPE_I4 = $00000003; DBTYPE_R4 = $00000004; DBTYPE_R8 = $00000005; DBTYPE_CY = $00000006; DBTYPE_DATE = $00000007; DBTYPE_BSTR = $00000008; DBTYPE_IDISPATCH = $00000009; DBTYPE_ERROR = $0000000A; DBTYPE_BOOL = $0000000B; DBTYPE_VARIANT = $0000000C; DBTYPE_IUNKNOWN = $0000000D; DBTYPE_DECIMAL = $0000000E; DBTYPE_UI1 = $00000011; DBTYPE_ARRAY = $00002000; DBTYPE_BYREF = $00004000; DBTYPE_I1 = $00000010; DBTYPE_UI2 = $00000012; DBTYPE_UI4 = $00000013; DBTYPE_I8 = $00000014; DBTYPE_UI8 = $00000015; DBTYPE_FILETIME = $00000040; DBTYPE_GUID = $00000048; DBTYPE_VECTOR = $00001000; DBTYPE_RESERVED = $00008000; DBTYPE_BYTES = $00000080; DBTYPE_STR = $00000081; DBTYPE_WSTR = $00000082; DBTYPE_NUMERIC = $00000083; DBTYPE_UDT = $00000084; DBTYPE_DBDATE = $00000085; DBTYPE_DBTIME = $00000086; DBTYPE_DBTIMESTAMP = $00000087; DBTYPE_DBFILETIME = $00000089; DBTYPE_PROPVARIANT = $0000008A; DBTYPE_VARNUMERIC = $0000008B; type // *********************************************************************// // Interface: IAccessor // GUID: {0C733A8C-2A1C-11CE-ADE5-00AA0044773D} // *********************************************************************// IAccessor = interface(IUnknown) ['{0C733A8C-2A1C-11CE-ADE5-00AA0044773D}'] function AddRefAccessor(HACCESSOR: HACCESSOR; pcRefCount: PUINT): HResult; stdcall; function CreateAccessor(dwAccessorFlags: UINT; cBindings: UINT; rgBindings: PDBBindingArray; cbRowSize: UINT; var phAccessor: HACCESSOR; rgStatus: PUintArray): HResult; stdcall; function GetBindings(HACCESSOR: HACCESSOR; pdwAccessorFlags: PUINT; var pcBindings: UINT; out prgBindings: PDBBinding): HResult; stdcall; function ReleaseAccessor(HACCESSOR: HACCESSOR; pcRefCount: PUINT): HResult; stdcall; end; (* { Safecall Version } IAccessorSC = interface(IUnknown) ['{0C733A8C-2A1C-11CE-ADE5-00AA0044773D}'] procedure AddRefAccessor(HACCESSOR: HACCESSOR; pcRefCount: PUINT); safecall; procedure CreateAccessor(dwAccessorFlags: UINT; cBindings: UINT; rgBindings: PDBBindingArray; cbRowSize: UINT; var phAccessor: HACCESSOR; rgStatus: PUintArray); safecall; procedure GetBindings(HACCESSOR: HACCESSOR; pdwAccessorFlags: PUINT; var pcBindings: UINT; out prgBindings: PDBBinding); safecall; procedure ReleaseAccessor(HACCESSOR: HACCESSOR; pcRefCount: PUINT); safecall; end; *) // Begin Added By ECM !!! ======================================================= PBoid = ^TBoid; BOID = packed record rgb_: array[0..15] of Byte; end; TBoid = BOID; PXactTransInfo = ^TXactTransInfo; XACTTRANSINFO = packed record uow: BOID; isoLevel: Integer; isoFlags: UINT; grfTCSupported: UINT; grfRMSupported: UINT; grfTCSupportedRetaining: UINT; grfRMSupportedRetaining: UINT; end; TXactTransInfo = XACTTRANSINFO; PXactOpt = ^TXactOpt; XACTOPT = packed record ulTimeout: UINT; szDescription: array[0..39] of Shortint; end; TXActOpt = XACTOPT; // *********************************************************************// // Interface: ITransactionOptions // GUID: {3A6AD9E0-23B9-11CF-AD60-00AA00A74CCD} // *********************************************************************// ITransactionOptions = interface(IUnknown) ['{3A6AD9E0-23B9-11CF-AD60-00AA00A74CCD}'] function SetOptions(var pOptions: XACTOPT): HResult; stdcall; function GetOptions(var pOptions: XACTOPT): HResult; stdcall; end; // *********************************************************************// // Interface: ITransaction // GUID: {0FB15084-AF41-11CE-BD2B-204C4F4F5020} // *********************************************************************// ITransaction = interface(IUnknown) ['{0FB15084-AF41-11CE-BD2B-204C4F4F5020}'] function Commit(fRetaining: BOOL; grfTC: UINT; grfRM: UINT): HResult; stdcall; function Abort(pboidReason: PBOID; fRetaining: BOOL; fAsync: BOOL): HResult; stdcall; function GetTransactionInfo(out pinfo: XACTTRANSINFO): HResult; stdcall; end; // *********************************************************************// // Interface: ITransactionLocal // GUID: {0C733A5F-2A1C-11CE-ADE5-00AA0044773D} // *********************************************************************// ITransactionLocal = interface(ITransaction) ['{0C733A5F-2A1C-11CE-ADE5-00AA0044773D}'] function GetOptionsObject(out ppOptions: ITransactionOptions): HResult; stdcall; function StartTransaction(isoLevel: Integer; isoFlags: UINT; const pOtherOptions: ITransactionOptions; pulTransactionLevel: PUINT): HResult; stdcall; end; const XACTTC_SYNC_PHASEONE = $00000001; XACTTC_SYNC_PHASETWO = $00000002; XACTTC_SYNC = $00000002; XACTTC_ASYNC_PHASEONE = $00000004; XACTTC_ASYNC = $00000004; // End Added By ECM !!! ========================================================= // Begin Added By azsd !!! ====================================================== (* type PDbNumeric = ^tagDB_NUMERIC; tagDB_NUMERIC = packed record precision: Byte; scale: Byte; sign: Byte; val: array[0..15] of Byte; end; *) // End Added By azsd !!! ======================================================== {============= This part of code is designed by me ================} type PDBBINDSTATUSARRAY = ^TDBBINDSTATUSARRAY; TDBBINDSTATUSARRAY = array[ 0..MAXBOUND ] of DBBINDSTATUS; //'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' // TDataSource - a connection to data base //,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, type PDataSource = ^TDataSource; TDataSource = object( TObj ) {* This object provides a connection with data base. You create it using NewDataSource function and passing a connection string to it. The object is initializing immediately after creating. You can get know if the connection established successfully reading Intitialized property. } private fSessions: PList; fIDBInitialize: IDBInitialize; FInitialized: Boolean; protected function Initialize( const Params: String ): Boolean; public constructor Create; {* Do not call this constructor. Use function NewDataSource instead. } destructor Destroy; virtual; {* Do not call this destructor. Use Free method instead. When TDataSource object is destroyed, all its sessions (and consequensly, all queries) are freed automatically. } property Initialized: Boolean read FInitialized; {* Returns True, if the connection with database is established. Mainly, it is not necessary to analizy this flag. If any error occure during initialization, CheckOle halts further execution. (But You can use another error handler, which does not stop the application). } end; function NewDataSource( const Params: String ): PDataSource; {* Creates data source objects and initializes it. Pass a connection string as a parameter, which determines used provider, database location, user identification and other parameters. See demo provided or/and read spicifications from database software vendors, which parameters to pass. } //'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' // TSession - transaction session in a connection //,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, type PSession = ^TSession; TSession = object( TObj ) {* This object is intended to provide session transactions. It always must be created as a "child" of TDataSource object, and it owns by query objects (of type TQuery). For each TDataSource object, it is possible to create several TSession objects, and for each session, several TQuery objects can exist. } private fQueryList: PList; fDataSource: PDataSource; fCreateCommand: IDBCreateCommand; // Added By ECM !!! ================== fTransaction: ITransaction; fTransactionLocal: ITransactionLocal; // =================================== protected public constructor Create; {* } destructor Destroy; virtual; {* Do not call directly, call Free method instead. When TSession object is destroyed, all it child queries are freed automatically. } // Added By ECM !!! ==================================== function StartTransaction(isoLevel: Integer): HRESULT; function Commit(Retaining: BOOL): HRESULT; function Rollback(Retaining: BOOL): HRESULT; function Active: Boolean; // ===================================================== property DataSource: PDataSource read fDataSource; {* Returns a pointer to owner TDataSource object. } end; function NewSession( ADataSource: PDataSource ): PSession; {* Creates session object owned by ADataSource (this last must exist). } //'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' // TQuery - a command and resulting rowset(s) //,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, type TRowsetMode = ( rmUpdateImmediate, rmUpdateDelayed, rmReadOnly ); TFieldType = ( ftInteger, ftReal, ftString, ftDate, ftLargeInt, ftOther ); PQuery = ^TQuery; TQuery = object( TObj ) {* This is the most important object to work with database. It is always must be created as a "child" of TSession object, and allows to perform commands, open rowsets, scroll it, update and so on. } private fSession: PSession; fText: String; fCommand: ICommandText; fCommandProps: ICommandProperties; fRowsAffected: Integer; fRowSet: IRowset; fRowSetChg: IRowsetChange; fRowSetUpd: IRowsetUpdate; fColCount: UINT; fColInfo: PColumnInfo; fColNames: PWideChar; fBindings: PDBBindingArray; fBindStatus: PDBBINDSTATUSARRAY; fRowSize: Integer; fAccessor: HACCESSOR; fRowHandle: THandle; fRowBuffers: PList; fEOF: Boolean; fCurIndex: Integer; fChanged: Boolean; fMode: TRowsetMode; procedure SetText(const Value: String); function GetRowCount: Integer; function GetColNames(Idx: Integer): String; procedure SetCurIndex(const Value: Integer); function GetRowsKnown: Integer; function GetStrField(Idx: Integer): String; procedure SetStrField(Idx: Integer; const Value: String); function GetIntField(Idx: Integer): Integer; procedure SetIntField(Idx: Integer; const Value: Integer); function GetFltField(Idx: Integer): Double; procedure SetFltField(Idx: Integer; const Value: Double); function GetDField(Idx: Integer): TDateTime; procedure SetDField(Idx: Integer; const Value: TDateTime); function FieldPtr( Idx: Integer ): Pointer; function Changed( Idx: Integer ): Pointer; function GetColByName(Name: String): Integer; function GetSFieldByName(const Name: String): String; procedure SetSFieldByName(const Name: String; const Value: String); function GetIFieldByName(const Name: String): Integer; procedure SetIFieldByName(const Name: String; Value: Integer); function GetRFieldByName(const Name: String): Double; procedure SetRFieldByName(const Name: String; const Value: Double); function GetDFlfByName(const Name: String): TDateTime; procedure SetDFldByName(const Name: String; const Value: TDateTime); function GetColType(Idx: Integer): TFieldType; function GetColTypeByName(const Name: String): TFieldType; function GetIsNull(Idx: Integer): Boolean; procedure SetIsNull(Idx: Integer; const Value: Boolean); function GetIsNullByName(const Name: String): Boolean; procedure SetIsNullByName(const Name: String; const Value: Boolean); function GetFByNameAsStr(const Name: String): String; function GetFieldAsStr(Idx: Integer): String; procedure SetFByNameFromStr(const Name, Value: String); procedure SetFieldFromStr(Idx: Integer; const Value: String); function GetI64Field(Idx: Integer): Int64; function GetI64FldByName(const Name: String): Int64; procedure SetI64Field(Idx: Integer; const Value: Int64); procedure SetI64FldByName(const Name: String; const Value: Int64); function GetFixupNumeric(Idx: Integer): Int64; //add by azsd function GetRawType(Idx: Integer): DWORD; function GetRawTypeByName(const Name: String): DWORD; function GetFieldAsHex(Idx: Integer): Pointer; function GetFieldByNameAsHex(const Name: String): Pointer; protected fDelList: PList; procedure ClearRowset; procedure ReleaseHandle; procedure FetchData; procedure NextWOFetch( Skip: Integer ); public destructor Destroy; virtual; {* Do not call the destructor directly, call method Free instead. When "parent" TSession object is destroyed, all queries owned by the session are destroyed automatically. } property Session: PSession read fSession; {* Returns owner session object. } property Text: String read FText write SetText; {* Query command text. When You change it, currently opened rowset (if any) is closed, so there are no needs to call Close method before preparing for new command. Current version does not support passing "parameters", so include all values into Text as a part of string. } procedure Close; {* Closes opened rowset if any. It is not necessary to call close after Execute. Also, rowset is closed automatically when another value is assigned to Text property. } procedure Execute; {* Call this method to execute command (stored in Text), which does not open a rowset (thus is, "insert", "delete", and "update" SQL statements do so). } procedure Open; {* Call this method for executing command, which opens a rowset (table of data). This can be "select" SQL statement, or call to stored procedure, which returns result in a table. } property RowCount: Integer read GetRowCount; {* For commands, such as "insert", "delete" or "update" SQL statements, this property returns number of rows affected by a command. For "select" statement performed using Open method, this property should return a number of rows selected. By for (the most) providers, this value is unknown for first time (-1 is returned). To get know how much rows are in returned rowset, method Last should be called first. But for large data returned this is not efficient way, because actually a loop "while not EOF do Next" is performed to do so. |<br> Tip: to get count of rows, You can call another query, which executes "select count(*) where..." SQL statement with the same conditions. } property RowsKnown: Integer read GetRowsKnown; {* Returns actual number or selected rows, if this is "known" value, or number of rows already fetched. } property ColCount: UINT read fColCount; {* Returns number of columns in opened rowset. } property ColNames[ Idx: Integer ]: String read GetColNames; {* Return names of columns. } property ColByName[ Name: String ]: Integer read GetColByName; {* Returns column index by name. Comparing of names is ANSI and case insensitive. } property ColType[ Idx: Integer ]: TFieldType read GetColType; {* } property ColTypeByName[ const Name: String ]: TFieldType read GetColTypeByName; {* } function FirstColumn: Integer; {* by Alexander Shakhaylo. To return an index of the first column, containing actual data. (for .mdb, the first can contain special control information, but not for .dbf) } property RawType[ Idx: Integer ]: DWORD read GetRawType; {*} property RawTypeByName[ const Name: String ]: DWORD read GetRawTypeByName; {*} property EOF: Boolean read fEOF; {* Returns True, if end of data is achived (usually after calling Next or Prev method, or immediately after Open, if there are no rows in opened rowset). } procedure First; {* Resets a position to the start of rowset. This method is called automatically when Open is called successfully. } procedure Next; {* Moves position to the next row if possible. If EOF achived, a position is not changed. } procedure Prev; {* Moves position to a previous row (but if CurIndex > 0). } procedure Last; {* Moves position to the last row. This method can be unefficient for large datasets, because implemented as a loop where method Next is called repeteadly, while EOF is not achieved. } property Mode: TRowsetMode read fMode write fMode; {* } procedure Post; {* Applyes changes made in a record, writing changed row to database table. } procedure Delete; {* Deletes a row. In rmUpdateDelayed Mode, rows are only added to a list for later deleting it when Update called. } procedure Update; {* Allows to apply all updates far later, not when Post method is called. To use TQuery in this manner, its Mode should be set to rmUpdateDelayed. } property CurIndex: Integer read fCurIndex write SetCurIndex; {* Index of current row. It is possible to change it directly even if specified row is not yet fetched. But check at least what new value is stored in CurIndex after such assignment. } property SField[ Idx: Integer ]: String read GetStrField write SetStrField; {* Access to a string field by index. You should be sure, that a field has string type. } property SFieldByName[ const Name: String ]: String read GetSFieldByName write SetSFieldByName; {* } property IField[ Idx: Integer ]: Integer read GetIntField write SetIntField; {* Access to a integer field by index. You should be sure, that a field has integer type or compatible. } property IFieldByName[ const Name: String ]: Integer read GetIFieldByName write SetIFieldByName; {* } property LField[ Idx: Integer ]: Int64 read GetI64Field write SetI64Field; {* } property LFieldByName[ const Name: String ]: Int64 read GetI64FldByName write SetI64FldByName; {* } property RField[ Idx: Integer ]: Double read GetFltField write SetFltField; {* Access to a real (Double) field by index. You should be sure, that a field has numeric (with floating decimal point) type. } property RFieldByName[ const Name: String ]: Double read GetRFieldByName write SetRFieldByName; {* } property DField[ Idx: Integer ]: TDateTime read GetDField write SetDField; {* } property DFieldByName[ const Name: String ]: TDateTime read GetDFlfByName write SetDFldByName; {* } property IsNull[ Idx: Integer ]: Boolean read GetIsNull write SetIsNull; {* } property IsNullByName[ const Name: String ]: Boolean read GetIsNullByName write SetIsNullByName; {* } property FieldAsStr[ Idx: Integer ]: String read GetFieldAsStr write SetFieldFromStr; {* } property FieldByNameAsStr[ const Name: String ]: String read GetFByNameAsStr write SetFByNameFromStr; {* } property FieldAsHex[ Idx: Integer ]: Pointer read GetFieldAsHex; {* Access to field data directly. If you change field data inplace, call MarkRecordChanged by yourself. If field IsNull, data found at the address provided have no sense. } property FieldByNameAsHex[ const Name: String ]: Pointer read GetFieldByNameAsHex; {* See FieldByNameAsHex. } procedure MarkFieldChanged( Idx: Integer ); {* See also MarkRecordChangedByName. } procedure MarkFieldChangedByName( const Name: String ); {* When record field changed directly (using FieldAsHex property, for ex.), use this method to signal to record set container, that record is changed, and to ensure that field no more marked as null. } end; function NewQuery( Session: PSession ): PQuery; {* Creates query object. } // Error handling routines: function CheckOLE( Rslt: HResult ): Boolean; function CheckOLEex( Rslt: HResult; const OKResults: array of HResult ): Boolean; procedure DummyOleError( Result: HResult ); var OleError: procedure( Result: HResult ) = DummyOleError; implementation type PDBNumeric = ^TDBNumeric; TDBNUMERIC = packed record precision: Byte; scale: Byte; sign: Byte; val: array[0..15] of Byte; end; PDBVarNumeric = ^TDBVarNumeric; TDBVARNUMERIC = packed record precision: Byte; scale: ShortInt; sign: Byte; val: ^Byte; end; PDBDate = ^TDBDate; TDBDATE = packed record year: Smallint; month: Word; day: Word; end; PDBTime = ^TDBTIME; TDBTIME = packed record hour: Word; minute: Word; second: Word; end; PDBTimeStamp = ^TDBTimeStamp; TDBTIMESTAMP = packed record year: Smallint; month: Word; day: Word; hour: Word; minute: Word; second: Word; fraction: UINT; end; var fIMalloc: IMalloc = nil; (* procedure DummyOleError( Result: HResult ); begin MsgOK( 'OLE DB error ' + Int2Hex( Result, 8 ) ); Halt; end; *) procedure DummyOleError( Result: HResult ); begin raise Exception.Create( e_Custom, 'OLE DB error ' + Int2Hex( Result, 8 ) ); end; function CheckOLE( Rslt: HResult ): Boolean; begin Result := Rslt = 0; if not Result then OleError( Rslt ); end; function CheckOLEex( Rslt: HResult; const OKResults: array of HResult ): Boolean; var I: Integer; begin Result := TRUE; for I := Low( OKResults ) to High( OKResults ) do if Rslt = OKResults[ I ] then Exit; Result := FALSE; OleError( Rslt ); end; { TDataSource } function NewDataSource( const Params: String ): PDataSource; begin new( Result, Create ); Result.Initialize( Params ); end; constructor TDataSource.Create; var clsid: TCLSID; begin inherited; fSessions := NewList; //if CheckOLEex( CoInitialize( nil ), [ S_OK, S_FALSE ] ) then OleInit; if CheckOLE( CoGetMalloc( MEMCTX_TASK, fIMalloc ) ) then if CheckOLE( CLSIDFromProgID( 'SQLOLEDB', clsid ) ) then CheckOLE( CoCreateInstance( clsid, nil, CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER, IID_IDBInitialize, fIDBInitialize ) ); end; destructor TDataSource.Destroy; var I: Integer; begin for I := fSessions.Count - 1 downto 0 do PObj( fSessions.Items[ I ] ).Free; fSessions.Free; if Initialized then CheckOLE( fIDBInitialize.UnInitialize ); OleUnInit; inherited; end; function TDataSource.Initialize( const Params: String ): Boolean; var DI: IDataInitialize; Unk: IUnknown; begin Result := FALSE; if Initialized then begin Result := TRUE; Exit; end; if CheckOLE( CoCreateInstance( CLSID_MSDAINITIALIZE, nil, CLSCTX_ALL, IID_IDataInitialize, DI ) ) then if CheckOLE( DI.GetDataSource( nil, CLSCTX_ALL, StringToOleStr( Params ), IID_IDBInitialize, Unk ) ) then if CheckOLE( Unk.QueryInterface( IID_IDBInitialize, fIDBInitialize ) ) then if CheckOLE( fIDBInitialize.Initialize ) then begin Result := TRUE; FInitialized := Result; end; end; { TSession } function NewSession( ADataSource: PDataSource ): PSession; var CreateSession: IDBCreateSession; Unk: IUnknown; begin new( Result, Create ); Result.fDataSource := ADataSource; ADataSource.fSessions.Add( Result ); // Modified by ECM !!! =============================================================================== if CheckOLE( ADataSource.fIDBInitialize.QueryInterface( IID_IDBCreateSession, CreateSession ) ) then begin CheckOLE( CreateSession.CreateSession( nil, IID_IDBCreateCommand, IUnknown( Result.fCreateCommand ) ) ); Unk := Result.fCreateCommand; if Assigned(Unk) then begin CheckOLE(Unk.QueryInterface(IID_ITransaction,Result.fTransaction)); CheckOLE(Unk.QueryInterface(IID_ITransactionLocal,Result.fTransactionLocal)); end; end; // ================================================================================================= end; // Added By ECM !!! ============================================== function TSession.Active: Boolean; var xinfo: TXactTransInfo; Ret: HRESULT; begin if not Assigned(fTransaction) then Result := FALSE else begin FillChar(xinfo,SizeOf(xinfo),0); Ret := fTransaction.GetTransactionInfo(xinfo); Result := Ret = S_OK; CheckOLE(Ret); end; end; function TSession.Commit(Retaining: BOOL): HRESULT; begin Assert(Assigned(fTransaction)); Result := fTransaction.Commit(Retaining,XACTTC_SYNC,0); CheckOLE(Result); end; // =============================================================== constructor TSession.Create; begin inherited; fQueryList := NewList; end; destructor TSession.Destroy; var I: Integer; begin for I := fQueryList.Count - 1 downto 0 do PObj( fQueryList.Items[ I ] ).Free; fQueryList.Free; I := fDataSource.fSessions.IndexOf( @Self ); fDataSource.fSessions.Delete( I ); // Add By ECM !!! ================ // if Active then Rollback(FALSE); //================================ fCreateCommand := nil; inherited; end; // Added By ECM !!! =============================================== function TSession.Rollback(Retaining: BOOL): HRESULT; begin Assert(Assigned(fTransaction)); Result := fTransaction.Abort(nil,Retaining,FALSE); CheckOLE(Result); end; function TSession.StartTransaction(isoLevel: Integer): HRESULT; begin Assert(Assigned(fTransactionLocal)); Result := fTransactionLocal.StartTransaction(isoLevel,0,nil,nil); CheckOLE(Result); end; // ================================================================ { TQuery } function NewQuery( Session: PSession ): PQuery; begin new( Result, Create ); Result.fSession := Session; Session.fQueryList.Add( Result ); CheckOLE( Session.fCreateCommand.CreateCommand( nil, IID_ICommandText, IUnknown( Result.fCommand ) ) ); end; function TQuery.Changed( Idx: Integer ): Pointer; begin fChanged := TRUE; Result := Pointer( DWORD( fRowBuffers.Items[ fCurIndex ] ) + fBindings[ Idx ].obStatus ); PDWORD( Result )^ := 0; // set to NOT NULL end; procedure TQuery.ClearRowset; var I: Integer; AccessorIntf: IAccessor; begin ReleaseHandle; if fAccessor <> 0 then begin if CheckOLE( fRowSet.QueryInterface( IID_IAccessor, AccessorIntf ) ) then AccessorIntf.ReleaseAccessor( fAccessor, nil ); fAccessor := 0; end; if fRowBuffers <> nil then begin for I := fRowBuffers.Count - 1 downto 0 do FreeMem( fRowBuffers.Items[ I ] ); fRowBuffers.Free; fRowBuffers := nil; end; fRowSize := 0; if fBindings <> nil then begin //for I := 0 to fColCount - 1 do // fBindings[ I ].pTypeInfo := nil; FreeMem( fBindings ); fBindings := nil; FreeMem( fBindStatus ); fBindStatus := nil; end; if fColInfo <> nil then fIMalloc.Free( fColInfo ); fColInfo := nil; if fColNames <> nil then fIMalloc.Free( fColNames ); fColNames := nil; fColCount := 0; fRowSetUpd := nil; fRowSet := nil; fRowSetChg := nil; fRowsAffected := 0; fEOF := TRUE; end; procedure TQuery.Close; begin Update; ClearRowset; end; procedure TQuery.Delete; var Params, Results: array of DWORD; begin //if fRowHandle = 0 then Exit; CASE fMode OF rmUpdateImmediate: begin SetLength( Results, 1 ); SetLength( Params, 1 ); Params[ 0 ] := fRowHandle; CheckOLE( fRowSetUpd.DeleteRows( 0, 1, @ Params[ 0 ], @ Results[ 0 ] ) ); end; rmUpdateDelayed: begin if fDelList = nil then fDelList := NewList; fDelList.Add( Pointer( fRowHandle ) ); end; END; end; destructor TQuery.Destroy; var I: Integer; begin Close; //ClearRowset; I := fSession.fQueryList.IndexOf( @Self ); if I >= 0 then fSession.fQueryList.Delete( I ); fText := ''; fCommandProps := nil; fCommand := nil; fDelList.Free; inherited; end; procedure TQuery.Execute; begin ClearRowset; // first set txt to fCommand just before execute if CheckOLE( fCommand.SetCommandText( @DBGUID_DBSQL, StringToOleStr( fText ) ) ) then CheckOLE( fCommand.Execute( nil, IID_NULL, nil, @fRowsAffected, nil ) ); end; procedure TQuery.FetchData; var Buffer: Pointer; begin if fRowHandle = 0 then Exit; if fRowBuffers.Items[ fCurIndex ] = nil then begin GetMem( Buffer, fRowSize ); FillChar( Buffer^, fRowSize, 0 ); //fixup the varnumberic random bytes by azsd fRowBuffers.Items[ fCurIndex ] := Buffer; CheckOLE( fRowSet.GetData( fRowHandle, fAccessor, fRowBuffers.Items[ fCurIndex ] ) ); end; end; function TQuery.FieldPtr(Idx: Integer): Pointer; begin if (fRowSet = nil) or (fCurIndex < 0) or (DWORD(Idx) >= ColCount) then Result := nil else Result := Pointer( DWORD( fRowBuffers.Items[ fCurIndex ] ) + fBindings[ Idx ].obValue ); end; procedure TQuery.First; begin if fCurIndex = 0 then Exit; ReleaseHandle; fCurIndex := -1; if CheckOLE( fRowSet.RestartPosition( 0 ) ) then begin fEOF := FALSE; Next; end; end; function TQuery.FirstColumn: Integer; var i: integer; begin Result := -1; for i := 0 to fColCount - 1 do begin if fBindings[i].iOrdinal > 0 then begin Result := i; exit; end; end; end; function TQuery.GetColByName(Name: String): Integer; var I: Integer; begin Result := -1; for I := 0 to fColCount - 1 do begin if AnsiCompareStrNoCase( Name, ColNames[ I ] ) = 0 then begin Result := I; break; end; end; end; function TQuery.GetColNames(Idx: Integer): String; begin Result := fColInfo[ Idx ].pwszName; end; function TQuery.GetColType(Idx: Integer): TFieldType; begin Result := ftOther; if fBindings = nil then Exit; case fBindings[ Idx ].wType of DBTYPE_I1, DBTYPE_I2, DBTYPE_I4, DBTYPE_BOOL, DBTYPE_UI1, DBTYPE_UI2, DBTYPE_UI4 : Result := ftInteger; DBTYPE_I8, DBTYPE_UI8 : Result := ftLargeInt; DBTYPE_BSTR, DBTYPE_WSTR, DBTYPE_STR: Result := ftString; DBTYPE_R4, DBTYPE_R8, DBTYPE_CY, DBTYPE_NUMERIC, DBTYPE_VARNUMERIC, DBTYPE_DECIMAL : Result := ftReal;// no need new cate here,moved to GetFieldAsStr DBTYPE_DATE, DBTYPE_FILETIME, //DBTYPE_DBFILETIME, DBTYPE_DBDATE, DBTYPE_DBTIME, DBTYPE_DBTIMESTAMP : Result := ftDate; else Result := ftOther; end; end; function TQuery.GetColTypeByName(const Name: String): TFieldType; var Idx: Integer; begin Idx := ColByName[ Name ]; Assert( Idx >= 0, 'Incorrect column name (' + Name + ').' ); Result := ColType[ Idx ]; end; function TQuery.GetDField(Idx: Integer): TDateTime; var P: Pointer; ST: TSystemTime; pD: PDBDate; pT: PDBTime; TS: PDBTimeStamp; pFT: PFileTime; begin P := FieldPtr( Idx ); if P = nil then Result := 0.0 else begin FillChar( ST, Sizeof(ST), 0 ); case fBindings[ Idx ].wType of DBTYPE_DATE: Result := PDouble( P )^ + VCLDate0; DBTYPE_DBDATE: begin pD := P; ST.wYear := pD.year; ST.wMonth := pD.month; ST.wDay := pD.day; SystemTime2DateTime( ST, Result ); end; DBTYPE_DBTIME: begin pT := P; ST.wYear := 1899; ST.wMonth := 12; ST.wDay := 31; ST.wHour := pT.hour; ST.wMinute := pT.minute; ST.wSecond := pT.second; SystemTime2DateTime( ST, Result ); Result := Result - VCLDate0; end; DBTYPE_DBTIMESTAMP: begin TS := P; ST.wYear := TS.year; ST.wMonth := TS.month; ST.wDay := TS.day; ST.wHour := TS.hour; ST.wMinute := TS.minute; ST.wSecond := TS.second; ST.wMilliseconds := TS.fraction div 1000000; SystemTime2DateTime( ST, Result ); end; DBTYPE_FILETIME: begin pFT := P; FileTimeToSystemTime( pFT^, ST ); SystemTime2DateTime( ST, Result ); end; else Result := 0.0; end; end; end; function TQuery.GetDFlfByName(const Name: String): TDateTime; var Idx: Integer; begin Idx := ColByName[ Name ]; Assert( Idx >=0, 'TQuery: incorrect column name (' + Name + ').' ); Result := DField[ Idx ]; end; function TQuery.GetFByNameAsStr(const Name: String): String; var Idx: Integer; begin Idx := ColByName[ Name ]; Assert( Idx >=0, 'TQuery: incorrect column name (' + Name + ').' ); Result := FieldAsStr[ Idx ]; end; function TQuery.GetFieldAsHex(Idx: Integer): Pointer; begin {if IsNull[ Idx ] then Result := nil else} Result := FieldPtr( Idx ); end; function TQuery.GetFieldAsStr(Idx: Integer): String; begin if IsNull[ Idx ] then Result := '(null)' else case ColType[ Idx ] of ftReal: //added optimize by azsd begin case fBindings[ Idx ].wType of DBTYPE_NUMERIC,DBTYPE_VARNUMERIC: if ShortInt(PDBNumeric(FieldPtr(Idx)).scale)<>0 then Result := Double2Str( RField[ Idx ] ) else Result := Int64_2Str( LField[ Idx ] ); else Result := Double2Str( RField[ Idx ] ); end; end; ftString: Result := SField[ Idx ]; ftDate: Result := DateTime2StrShort( DField[ Idx ] ); ftLargeInt: Result := Int64_2Str( LField[ Idx ] );//add by azsd //ftInteger: else Result := Int2Str( IField[ Idx ] ); //else Result := '(?)'; end; end; function TQuery.GetFieldByNameAsHex(const Name: String): Pointer; var Idx: Integer; begin Idx := ColByName[ Name ]; Assert( Idx >=0, 'TQuery: incorrect column name (' + Name + ').' ); Result := FieldAsHex[ Idx ]; end; function TQuery.GetFltField(Idx: Integer): Double; var P: Pointer; begin P := FieldPtr( Idx ); if P = nil then Result := 0.0 else case fBindings[ Idx ].wType of DBTYPE_R4: Result := PSingle( P )^; DBTYPE_R8: Result := PDouble( P )^; DBTYPE_CY: Result := PInteger( P )^ * 0.0001; //TODO: DBTYPE_DECIMAL DBTYPE_NUMERIC, DBTYPE_VARNUMERIC: begin Result := Int64_2Double(GetFixupNumeric(Idx)); if PDBNumeric(P).sign=0 then Result := 0 - Result; if PDBNumeric(P).scale<>0 then Result := Result * IntPower( 10, 0 - Shortint(PDBNumeric(P).scale)); end; else Result := 0.0; end; end; function TQuery.GetFixupNumeric(Idx: Integer): Int64; var P: Pointer; begin P := FieldPtr( Idx ); Result := MakeInt64( 0, 0 ); if P=nil then Exit; case fBindings[ Idx ].wType of DBTYPE_NUMERIC: Result := PInt64( DWORD(P)+3 )^; //131 filled with 00 DBTYPE_VARNUMERIC: begin Result := PInt64( DWORD(P)+3 )^; //139 containing some shit bytes //vn := P; //if vn.precision> then //fix-up done in Fetchdata end; else Result := MakeInt64( PDWORD( DWORD(P)+3 )^, 0 ); end; end; function TQuery.GetI64Field(Idx: Integer): Int64; const His: array[ 0..1 ] of Integer = ( 0, -1 and not 255 ); var P: Pointer; B: Byte; begin P := FieldPtr( Idx ); Result := MakeInt64( 0, 0 ); if P <> nil then case fBindings[ Idx ].wType of DBTYPE_I8, DBTYPE_UI8, DBTYPE_CY: Result := PInt64( P )^; DBTYPE_I1: begin B := PByte( P )^; Result := Int2Int64( Integer( B ) or His[ B shr 7 ] ); end; DBTYPE_UI1: Result := MakeInt64( PByte( P )^, 0 ); DBTYPE_I2: Result := Int2Int64( PShortInt( P )^ ); DBTYPE_UI2: Result := MakeInt64( PWord( P )^, 0 ); DBTYPE_I4: Result := Int2Int64( PInteger( P )^ ); DBTYPE_NUMERIC, DBTYPE_VARNUMERIC: begin if ShortInt(PDBNumeric(P).scale)<>0 then Result := Double2Int64( RField[Idx] ) else Result := GetFixupNumeric(Idx); end; //DBTYPE_UI4: else Result := MakeInt64( PInteger( P )^, 0 ); end; end; function TQuery.GetI64FldByName(const Name: String): Int64; var Idx: Integer; begin Idx := ColByName[ Name ]; Assert( Idx >=0, 'TQuery: incorrect column name (' + Name + ').' ); Result := LField[ Idx ]; end; function TQuery.GetIFieldByName(const Name: String): Integer; var Idx: Integer; begin Idx := ColByName[ Name ]; Assert( Idx >=0, 'TQuery: incorrect column name (' + Name + ').' ); Result := IField[ Idx ]; end; function TQuery.GetIntField(Idx: Integer): Integer; var P: Pointer; begin P := FieldPtr( Idx ); if P = nil then Result := 0 else case fBindings[ Idx ].wType of DBTYPE_I1: begin Result := PByte( P )^; if LongBool( Result and $80) then Result := Result or not $7F; end; DBTYPE_UI1: Result := PByte( P )^; DBTYPE_I2, DBTYPE_UI2, DBTYPE_BOOL: Result := PShortInt( P )^; DBTYPE_NUMERIC, DBTYPE_VARNUMERIC: begin if ShortInt(PDBNumeric(P).scale)<>0 then Result := Round( RField[Idx] ) else Result := GetFixupNumeric(Idx).Lo; end; //DBTYPE_I4, DBTYPE_UI4, DBTYPE_HCHAPTER: else Result := PInteger( P )^; end; end; function TQuery.GetIsNull(Idx: Integer): Boolean; var P: PDWORD; begin Result := TRUE; if (fRowSet = nil) or (fCurIndex < 0) or (DWORD(Idx) >= ColCount) then Exit; P := Pointer( DWORD( fRowBuffers.Items[ fCurIndex ] ) + fBindings[ Idx ].obStatus ); Result := P^ = DBSTATUS_S_ISNULL; end; function TQuery.GetIsNullByName(const Name: String): Boolean; var Idx: Integer; begin Idx := ColByName[ Name ]; Assert( Idx >=0, 'TQuery: incorrect column name (' + Name + ').' ); Result := IsNull[ Idx ]; end; function TQuery.GetRawType(Idx: Integer): DWORD; begin Result := 0; if fBindings = nil then Exit; Result := fBindings[ Idx ].wType; end; function TQuery.GetRawTypeByName(const Name: String): DWORD; var Idx: Integer; begin Idx := ColByName[ Name ]; Assert( Idx >=0, 'TQuery: incorrect column name (' + Name + ').' ); Result := RawType[ Idx ]; end; function TQuery.GetRFieldByName(const Name: String): Double; var Idx: Integer; begin Idx := ColByName[ Name ]; Assert( Idx >=0, 'TQuery: incorrect column name (' + Name + ').' ); Result := RField[ Idx ]; end; function TQuery.GetRowCount: Integer; begin {if fRowsAffected = DB_S_ASYNCHRONOUS then begin // only for asynchronous connections - do not see now end;} Result := fRowsAffected; end; function TQuery.GetRowsKnown: Integer; begin Result := fRowsAffected; if Result = 0 then if fRowBuffers <> nil then Result := fRowBuffers.Count; end; function TQuery.GetSFieldByName(const Name: String): String; var Idx: Integer; begin Idx := ColByName[ Name ]; Assert( Idx >=0, 'TQuery: incorrect column name (' + Name + ').' ); Result := SField[ Idx ]; end; function TQuery.GetStrField(Idx: Integer): String; var P: Pointer; begin P := FieldPtr( Idx ); if P = nil then Result := '' else if fBindings[ Idx ].wType = DBTYPE_STR then Result := PChar( P ) else Result := PWideChar( P ); end; procedure TQuery.Last; begin while not EOF do Next; //WOFetch( 0 ); if RowsKnown > 0 then fCurIndex := RowsKnown; Prev; //FetchData; fEOF := FALSE; end; procedure TQuery.MarkFieldChanged(Idx: Integer); begin Changed( Idx ); end; procedure TQuery.MarkFieldChangedByName(const Name: String); var Idx: Integer; begin Idx := ColByName[ Name ]; Assert( Idx >=0, 'TQuery: incorrect column name (' + Name + ').' ); MarkFieldChanged( Idx ); end; procedure TQuery.Next; begin NextWOFetch( 0 ); FetchData; end; procedure TQuery.NextWOFetch( Skip: Integer ); var Obtained: UINT; PHandle: Pointer; hr: HResult; begin ReleaseHandle; PHandle := @fRowHandle; if (fCurIndex = fRowsAffected) and (Skip = -2) then hr := fRowSet.GetNextRows( 0, -1, 1, Obtained, @PHandle ) else hr := fRowSet.GetNextRows( 0, Skip, 1, Obtained, @PHandle ); if hr <> DB_S_ENDOFROWSET then CheckOLE( hr ); Inc( fCurIndex, Skip + 1 ); if Obtained = 0 then begin fEOF := TRUE; if fRowBuffers <> nil then fRowsAffected := fRowBuffers.Count; end else begin if fRowBuffers = nil then fRowBuffers := NewList; if fCurIndex >= fRowBuffers.Count then fRowBuffers.Add( nil ); end; end; procedure TQuery.Open; const DB_NULLID: DBID = (uguid: (guid: (D1: 0; D2: 0; D3:0; D4: (0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0))); ekind: 1 {DBKIND_GUID_PROPID}; uname: (ulpropid:0)); var ColInfo: IColumnsInfo; AccessorIntf: IAccessor; I: Integer; OK: Boolean; PropSets: array[0..0] of TDBPropset; Props: array[ 0..0 ] of TDBProp; begin ClearRowset; if CheckOLE( fCommand.SetCommandText( @DBGUID_DBSQL, StringToOleStr( fText ) ) ) then begin if Mode = rmReadOnly then begin if not CheckOLE( fCommand.Execute( nil, IID_IROWSET, nil, @fRowsAffected, PIUnknown( @fRowSet ) ) ) then Exit; end else begin // Add by ECM !!! {$IFNDEF IBPROVIDER} if fCommandProps = nil then begin if CheckOLE( fCommand.QueryInterface( IID_ICommandProperties, fCommandProps ) ) then begin PropSets[0].rgProperties := @ Props[ 0 ]; PropSets[0].cProperties := 1; PropSets[0].guidPropertySet := DBPROPSET_ROWSET; Props[0].dwPropertyID := $00000075; //DBPROP_UPDATABILITY Props[0].dwOptions := 0; //DBPROPOPTIONS_REQUIRED; Props[0].dwStatus := 0; //DBPROPSTATUS_OK; Props[0].colid := DB_NULLID; Props[0].vValue.vt := VT_I4; Props[0].vValue.lVal := 1; //DBPROPVAL_UP_CHANGE; end; end; CheckOLE( fCommandProps.SetProperties( 1, @ PropSets[ 0 ] ) ); {$ENDIF} if not CheckOLE( fCommand.Execute( nil, IID_IROWSETCHANGE, nil, nil, PIUnknown( @ fRowSetChg ) ) ) then Exit; if not CheckOLE( fRowSetChg.QueryInterface( IID_IROWSET, fRowSet ) ) then Exit; if Mode = rmUpdateDelayed then CheckOLE( fRowSetChg.QueryInterface( IID_IROWSETUPDATE, fRowSetUpd ) ); end; if fRowsAffected = 0 then Dec( fRowsAffected ); // RowCount = -1 means that RowCount is an unknown value if fRowSetChg <> nil then begin OK := CheckOLE( fRowSetChg.QueryInterface( IID_IColumnsInfo, ColInfo ) ); end else begin OK := CheckOLE( fRowSet.QueryInterface( IID_IColumnsInfo, ColInfo ) ); end; if OK then if CheckOLE( ColInfo.GetColumnInfo( fColCount, PDBColumnInfo( fColInfo ), fColNames ) ) then begin fBindings := AllocMem( Sizeof( TDBBinding ) * fColCount); for I := 0 to fColCount - 1 do begin fBindings[ I ].iOrdinal := fColInfo[ I ].iOrdinal; fBindings[ I ].obValue := fRowSize + 4; // fBindings[ I ].obLength := 0; fBindings[ I ].obStatus := fRowSize; // fBindings[ I ].pTypeInfo := nil; // fBindings[ I ].pObject := nil; // fBindings[ I ].pBindExt := nil; fBindings[ I ].dwPart := 1 + 4; //DBPART_VALUE + DBPART_STATUS; // fBindings[ I ].dwMemOwner := 0; //DBMEMOWNER_CLIENTOWNED; // fBindings[ I ].eParamIO := 0; //DBPARAMIO_NOTPARAM; fBindings[ I ].cbMaxLen := fColInfo[ I ].ulColumnSize; case fColInfo[ I ].wType of DBTYPE_BSTR: Inc( fBindings[ I ].cbMaxLen, 1 ); DBTYPE_WSTR: fBindings[ I ].cbMaxLen := fBindings[ I ].cbMaxLen * 2 + 2; end; fBindings[ I ].cbMaxLen := (fBindings[ I ].cbMaxLen + 3) and not 3; // fBindings[ I ].dwFlags := 0; fBindings[ I ].wType := fColInfo[ I ].wType; fBindings[ I ].bPrecision := fColInfo[ I ].bPrecision; fBindings[ I ].bScale := fColInfo[ I ].bScale; Inc( fRowSize, fBindings[ I ].cbMaxLen + 4 ); end; fBindStatus := AllocMem( Sizeof( DBBINDSTATUS ) * fColCount ); if fRowSetChg <> nil then begin OK := CheckOLE( fRowSetChg.QueryInterface( IID_IAccessor, AccessorIntf ) ); end else begin OK := CheckOLE( fRowSet.QueryInterface( IID_IAccessor, AccessorIntf ) ); end; if OK then CheckOLE( AccessorIntf.CreateAccessor( 2, //DBACCESSOR_ROWDATA, // Accessor will be used to retrieve row data fColCount, // Number of columns being bound fBindings, // Structure containing bind info 0, // Not used for row accessors fAccessor, // Returned accessor handle PUIntArray( fBindStatus ) // Information about binding validity ) ); fEOF := FALSE; fCurIndex := -1; First; end; end; end; procedure TQuery.Post; var R: HResult; {P: PChar; I: Integer;} begin if not fChanged then Exit; if fRowSetChg = nil then Exit; R := fRowSetChg.SetData( fRowHandle, fAccessor, fRowBuffers.Items[ fCurIndex ] ); if R <> HResult( $00040EDA {DB_S_ERRORSOCCURED} ) then CheckOLE( R ) { // � ���� ������ ������ DBSTATUS_E_INTEGRITYVIOLATION ���������� 0-� �������, // ������� ����� �� ������ ��������� �� ����� �������. else begin asm int 3 end; for I := 0 to fColCount-1 do begin P := Pointer( DWORD( fRowBuffers.Items[ fCurIndex ] ) + fBindings[ I ].obStatus ); ShowMessage( fColInfo[I].pwszName + '.Status=' + Int2Hex( PDWORD( P )^, 8 ) ); end; end}; fChanged := FALSE; end; procedure TQuery.Prev; begin if CurIndex > 0 then begin NextWOFetch( -2 ); //*** //Dec( fCurIndex ); fEOF := FALSE; FetchData; //*** end; end; procedure TQuery.ReleaseHandle; begin if fRowHandle <> 0 then CheckOLE( fRowSet.ReleaseRows( 1, @fRowHandle, nil, nil, nil ) ); fRowHandle := 0; end; procedure TQuery.SetCurIndex(const Value: Integer); var OldCurIndex: Integer; begin OldCurIndex := fCurIndex; if fCurIndex = Value then begin if fRowHandle = 0 then FetchData; if fRowHandle <> 0 then Exit; end; if Value = 0 then First else if Value >= fRowsAffected - 1 then Last; fEOF := FALSE; while (fCurIndex < Value) and not EOF do Next; while (fCurIndex > Value) and not EOF do Prev; if fCurIndex = Value then FetchData else fCurIndex := OldCurIndex; end; procedure TQuery.SetDField(Idx: Integer; const Value: TDateTime); var P: Pointer; ST: TSystemTime; pD: PDBDate; pT: PDBTime; TS: PDBTimeStamp; pFT: PFileTime; begin P := FieldPtr( Idx ); if P = nil then Exit; case fBindings[ Idx ].wType of DBTYPE_DATE: PDouble( P )^ := Value - VCLDate0; DBTYPE_DBDATE: begin pD := P; DateTime2SystemTime( Value, ST ); pD.year := ST.wYear; pD.month := ST.wMonth; pD.day := ST.wDay; end; DBTYPE_DBTIME: begin pT := P; DateTime2SystemTime( Value, ST ); pT.hour := ST.wHour; pT.minute := ST.wMinute; pT.second := ST.wSecond; end; DBTYPE_DBTIMESTAMP: begin TS := P; DateTime2SystemTime( Value, ST ); TS.year := ST.wYear; TS.month := ST.wMonth; TS.day := ST.wDay; TS.hour := ST.wHour; TS.minute := ST.wMinute; TS.second := ST.wSecond; TS.fraction := ST.wMilliseconds * 1000; end; DBTYPE_FILETIME: begin pFT := P; DateTime2SystemTime( Value, ST ); SystemTimeToFileTime( ST, pFT^ ); end; else Exit; end; Changed( Idx ); end; procedure TQuery.SetDFldByName(const Name: String; const Value: TDateTime); var Idx: Integer; begin Idx := ColByName[ Name ]; Assert( Idx >=0, 'TQuery: incorrect column name (' + Name + ').' ); DField[ Idx ] := Value; end; procedure TQuery.SetFByNameFromStr(const Name, Value: String); var Idx: Integer; begin Idx := ColByName[ Name ]; Assert( Idx >=0, 'TQuery: incorrect column name (' + Name + ').' ); FieldAsStr[ Idx ] := Value; end; procedure TQuery.SetFieldFromStr(Idx: Integer; const Value: String); begin if StrEq( Value, '(null)' ) and (ColType[ Idx ] <> ftString) then IsNull[ Idx ] := TRUE else case ColType[ Idx ] of ftInteger: IField[ Idx ] := Str2Int( Value ); ftReal: RField[ Idx ] := Str2Double( Value ); ftString: SField[ Idx ] := Value; ftDate: DField[ Idx ] := Str2DateTimeShort( Value ); end; end; procedure TQuery.SetFltField(Idx: Integer; const Value: Double); var P: Pointer; begin P := FieldPtr( Idx ); if P = nil then Exit; case fBindings[ Idx ].wType of DBTYPE_R4: PExtended( P )^ := Value; DBTYPE_R8: PDouble( P )^ := Value; DBTYPE_CY: PInteger( P )^ := Round( Value * 10000 ); //TODO: DBTYPE_NUMERIC, DBTYPE_VARNUMERIC, DBTYPE_DECIMAL else Exit; end; Changed( Idx ); end; procedure TQuery.SetI64Field(Idx: Integer; const Value: Int64); begin end; procedure TQuery.SetI64FldByName(const Name: String; const Value: Int64); begin end; procedure TQuery.SetIFieldByName(const Name: String; Value: Integer); var Idx: Integer; begin Idx := ColByName[ Name ]; Assert( Idx >=0, 'TQuery: incorrect column name (' + Name + ').' ); IField[ Idx ] := Value; end; procedure TQuery.SetIntField(Idx: Integer; const Value: Integer); var P: Pointer; begin P := FieldPtr( Idx ); if P = nil then Exit; case fBindings[ Idx ].wType of DBTYPE_I1, DBTYPE_UI1: PByte( P )^ := Byte( Value ); DBTYPE_I2, DBTYPE_UI2: PShortInt( P )^ := Value; DBTYPE_BOOL: if Value <> 0 then PShortInt( P )^ := -1 else PShortInt( P )^ := 0; else PInteger( P )^ := Value; end; Changed( Idx ); end; procedure TQuery.SetIsNull(Idx: Integer; const Value: Boolean); var P: PDWORD; begin if not Value then Exit; if (fRowSet = nil) or (fCurIndex < 0) or (DWORD(Idx) >= ColCount) then Exit; P := Changed( Idx ); P^ := DBSTATUS_S_ISNULL; end; procedure TQuery.SetIsNullByName(const Name: String; const Value: Boolean); var Idx: Integer; begin Idx := ColByName[ Name ]; Assert( Idx >=0, 'TQuery: incorrect column name (' + Name + ').' ); IsNull[ Idx ] := Value; end; procedure TQuery.SetRFieldByName(const Name: String; const Value: Double); var Idx: Integer; begin Idx := ColByName[ Name ]; Assert( Idx >=0, 'TQuery: incorrect column name (' + Name + ').' ); RField[ Idx ] := Value; end; procedure TQuery.SetSFieldByName(const Name: String; const Value: String); var Idx: Integer; begin Idx := ColByName[ Name ]; Assert( Idx >=0, 'TQuery: incorrect column name (' + Name + ').' ); SField[ Idx ] := Value; end; procedure TQuery.SetStrField(Idx: Integer; const Value: String); var P: Pointer; begin P := FieldPtr( Idx ); if P = nil then Exit; if fBindings[ Idx ].wType = DBTYPE_STR then StrLCopy( PChar( P ), @ Value[ 1 ], fBindings[ Idx ].cbMaxLen ) else StringToWideChar( Value, PWideChar( P ), fBindings[ Idx ].cbMaxLen ); Changed( Idx ); end; procedure TQuery.SetText(const Value: String); begin // clear here current rowset if any: ClearRowset; {// set txt to fCommand -- do this at the last moment just before execute CheckOLE( fCommand.SetCommandText( DBGUID_DBSQL, StringToOleStr( Value ) ) );} FText := Value; end; procedure TQuery.Update; var Params, Results: array of DWORD; I: Integer; begin if Mode <> rmUpdateDelayed then Exit; if (fDelList <> nil) and (fDelList.Count > 0) then begin SetLength( Params, fDelList.Count ); SetLength( Results, fDelList.Count ); for I := 0 to fDelList.Count-1 do Params[ I ] := DWORD( fDelList.Items[ I ] ); CheckOLE( fRowSetUpd.DeleteRows( 0, fDelList.Count, @ Params[ 0 ], @ Results[ 0 ] ) ); Free_And_Nil( fDelList ); end; if fRowSetUpd = nil then Exit; CheckOLE( fRowSetUpd.Update( 0, 0, nil, nil, nil, nil ) ); end; end.