{$DEFINE ASM_VERSION} //{$DEFINE VARIANT_USED} {$IFDEF ASM_VERSION} {$IFDEF PAS_VERSION} {$UNDEF ASM_VERSION} {$ENDIF} {$ENDIF} {=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- KKKKK KKKKK OOOOOOOOO LLLLL KKKKK KKKKK OOOOOOOOOOOOO LLLLL KKKKK KKKKK OOOOO OOOOO LLLLL KKKKK KKKKK OOOOO OOOOO LLLLL KKKKKKKKKK OOOOO OOOOO LLLLL KKKKK KKKKK OOOOO OOOOO LLLLL KKKKK KKKKK OOOOO OOOOO LLLLL KKKKK KKKKK OOOOOOOOOOOOO LLLLLLLLLLLLL KKKKK KKKKK OOOOOOOOO LLLLLLLLLLLLL Key Objects Library (C) 2000 by Kladov Vladimir. mailto: bonanzas@xcl.cjb.net Home: http://kol.nm.ru http://xcl.cjb.net http://xcl.nm.ru =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-} { This code is grabbed mainly from standard SysUtils.pas unit, provided by Borland Delphi. This unit is for handling exceptions, and to use it just place a reference to exceptions unit in uses clause of any of your unit or dpr-file. } { Copyright (C) 1995,99 Inprise Corporation } { Copyright (C) 2001, Kladov Vladimir } unit err; {* Unit to provide error handling for KOL programs using efficient exceptions mechanism. To use it, just place a reference to it into uses clause of any unit of the project (or dpr-file). |<br><br> It is possible to use standard SysUtils instead, but it increases size of executable at least by 10K. Using this unit to handle exceptions increases executable only by 6,5K. } interface uses Windows, KOL; {$I KOLDEF.INC} {$IFDEF _D6orHigher} {$WARN SYMBOL_DEPRECATED OFF} {$ENDIF} {$IFDEF _D7orHigher} {$WARN UNSAFE_TYPE OFF} {$WARN UNSAFE_CODE OFF} {$ENDIF} {+} // These resource strings are grabbed from SysConst and changed a bit to make it smaller. //{$DEFINE USE_RESOURCESTRING} {$IFDEF _D2orD3} {$IFDEF USE_RESOURCESTRING} {$UNDEF USE_RESOURCESTRING} {$ENDIF} {$ENDIF} {$IFDEF _D2orD3} type LongWord = DWORD; {$ENDIF} {$IFNDEF USE_RESOURCESTRING} const {$ELSE} resourcestring {$ENDIF} SUnknown = '<unknown>'; //SInvalidInteger = '''%s'' is not a valid integer value'; //SInvalidFloat = '''%s'' is not a valid floating point value'; //SInvalidDate = '''%s'' is not a valid date'; //SInvalidTime = '''%s'' is not a valid time'; //SInvalidDateTime = '''%s'' is not a valid date and time'; //STimeEncodeError = 'Invalid argument to time encode'; //SDateEncodeError = 'Invalid argument to date encode'; SOutOfMemory = 'Out of memory'; SInOutError = 'I/O error %d'; SFileNotFound = 'File not found'; SInvalidFilename = 'Invalid filename'; STooManyOpenFiles = 'Too many open files'; SAccessDenied = 'File access denied'; SEndOfFile = //'Read beyond end of file'; 'End of file'; SDiskFull = 'Disk full'; //SInvalidInput = 'Invalid numeric input'; // {-} Seems for console input only SDivByZero = 'Division by zero'; SRangeError = 'Range check error'; SIntOverflow = 'Integer overflow'; SInvalidOp = 'Invalid floating point operation'; SZeroDivide = 'Floating point division by zero'; SOverflow = 'Floating point overflow'; SUnderflow = 'Floating point underflow'; SInvalidPointer = 'Invalid pointer operation'; SInvalidCast = 'Invalid class typecast'; SAccessViolation = 'Access violation at address %p. %s of address %p'; SStackOverflow = 'Stack overflow'; SControlC = //'Control-C hit'; '^C'; // {-} for console applications only SPrivilege = 'Privileged instruction'; SOperationAborted = 'Operation aborted'; SException = 'Exception %s in module %s at %p.'#10'%s%s'; //SExceptTitle = 'Application Error'; //SInvalidFormat = 'Format ''%s'' invalid or incompatible with argument'; //SArgumentMissing = 'No argument for format ''%s'''; SInvalidVarCast = 'Invalid variant type conversion'; SInvalidVarOp = 'Invalid variant operation'; SDispatchError = 'Variant method calls not supported'; SVarArrayCreate = 'Error creating variant array'; SVarNotArray = 'Variant is not an array'; SVarArrayBounds = 'Variant array index out of bounds'; SVar = 'EVariant'; SReadAccess = 'Read'; SWriteAccess = 'Write'; //SResultTooLong = 'Format result longer than 4096 characters'; //SFormatTooLong = 'Format string too long'; SExternalException = 'External exception %x'; SAssertionFailed = 'Assertion failed'; SIntfCastError = 'Interface not supported'; SSafecallException = 'Exception in safecall method'; SAssertError = '%s (%s, line %d)'; SAbstractError = 'Abstract Error'; SModuleAccessViolation = 'Access violation at address %p in module ''%s''. %s of address %p'; {SCannotReadPackageInfo = 'Cannot access package information for package ''%s'''; sErrorLoadingPackage = 'Can''t load package %s.'#13#10'%s'; SInvalidPackageFile = 'Invalid package file ''%s'''; SInvalidPackageHandle = 'Invalid package handle'; SDuplicatePackageUnit = 'Cannot load package ''%s.'' It contains unit ''%s,''' + ';which is also contained in package ''%s''';} SWin32Error = 'Win32 Error. Code: %d.'#10'%s'; SUnkWin32Error = 'A Win32 API function failed'; SNL = 'Application is not licensed to use this feature'; {-} type { Generic procedure pointer } TProcedure = procedure; { Generic filename type } TFileName = type string; { Exceptions } Exception = class; TDestroyException = procedure( Sender: Exception ) of object; TError = ( e_Abort, e_Heap, e_OutOfMem, e_InOut, e_External, e_Int, e_DivBy0, e_Range, e_IntOverflow, e_Math, e_Math_InvalidArgument, e_InvalidOp, e_ZeroDivide, e_Overflow, e_Underflow, e_InvalidPointer, e_InvalidCast, e_Convert, e_AccessViolation, e_Privilege, e_StackOverflow, e_CtrlC, e_Variant, e_PropReadOnly, e_PropWriteOnly, e_Assertion, e_Abstract, e_IntfCast, e_InvalidContainer, e_InvalidInsert, e_Package, e_Win32, e_SafeCall, e_License, e_Custom, e_Com, e_Ole, e_Registry ); {* Main error codes. These are to determine which exception occure. You can use e_Custom code for your own exceptions. } Exception = class(TObject) {* Exception class. In KOL, there is a single exception class is used. Instead of inheriting new exception classes from this ancestor, an instance of the same Exception class should be used. The difference is only in Code property, which contains a kind of exception. } protected FCode: TError; FErrorCode: DWORD; FMessage: KOLString; FExceptionRecord: PExceptionRecord; FData: Pointer; FOnDestroy: TDestroyException; procedure SetData(const Value: Pointer); public constructor Create(ACode: TError; const Msg: string); {* Use this constructor to raise exception, which does not require of argument formatting. } constructor CreateFmt(ACode: TError; const Msg: string; const Args: array of const); {* Use this constructor to raise an exception with formatted Message string. Take into attention, that Format procedure defined in KOL, uses API wvsprintf function, which can understand a restricted set of format specifications. } constructor CreateCustom(AError: DWORD; const Msg: String); {* Use this constructor to create e_Custom exception and to assign AError to its ErrorCode property. } constructor CreateCustomFmt(AError: DWORD; const Msg: String; const Args: array of const); {* Use this constructor to create e_Custom exception with formatted message string and to assign AError to its ErrorCode property. } constructor CreateResFmt(ACode: TError; Ident: Integer; const Args: array of const); {* } destructor Destroy; override; {* destructor } property Message: KOLString read FMessage; // write FMessage; {* Text string, containing descriptive message about the exception. } property Code: TError read FCode; {* Main exception code. This property can be used to determine, which exception occure. } property ErrorCode: DWORD read FErrorCode write FErrorCode; {* This code is to detailize error. For Code = e_InOut, ErrorCode contains more detail description of input/output error. For e_Custom, You can assign it to any value You want. } property ExceptionRecord: PExceptionRecord read FExceptionRecord; {* This property is only for e_External exception. } property Data: Pointer read FData write SetData; {* Custom defined pointer. Use it in your custom exceptions. } property OnDestroy: TDestroyException read FOnDestroy write FOnDestroy; {* This event is to allow to do something when custom Exception is released. } end; {* With err unit, it is possible to use all capabilities of Delphi exception handling almost in the same way as usual. The difference only in that the single exception class should be used. To determine which exception occure, use property Code. So, code to handle exception can be written like follow: ! try ! ... ! except on E: Exception do ! case E.Code of ! e_DivBy0: HandleDivideByZero; ! e_Overflow: HandleOverflow; ! ... ! end; ! end; To raise an error, create an instance of Exception class object, but pass a Code to its constructor: ! var E: Exception; ! ... ! E := Exception.Create( e_Custom, 'My custom exception' ); ! E.ErrorCode := MY_MAGIC_CODE_FOR_CUSTOM_EXCEPTION; ! raise E; } ExceptClass = class of Exception; { Exit procedure handling } { AddExitProc adds the given procedure to the run-time library's exit procedure list. When an application terminates, its exit procedures are executed in reverse order of definition, i.e. the last procedure passed to AddExitProc is the first one to get executed upon termination. } procedure AddExitProc(Proc: TProcedure); { System error messages } function SysErrorMessage(ErrorCode: Integer): string; { Exception handling routines } function ExceptObject: TObject; function ExceptAddr: Pointer; function ExceptionErrorMessage(ExceptObject: TObject; ExceptAddr: Pointer; Buffer: PKOLChar; Size: Integer): Integer; procedure ShowException(ExceptObject: TObject; ExceptAddr: Pointer); procedure Abort; //procedure OutOfMemoryError; { RaiseLastWin32Error calls the GetLastError API to retrieve the code for } { the last occuring Win32 error. If GetLastError returns an error code, } { RaiseLastWin32Error then raises an exception with the error code and } { message associated with with error. } procedure RaiseLastWin32Error; { Win32Check is used to check the return value of a Win32 API function } { which returns a BOOL to indicate success. If the Win32 API function } { returns False (indicating failure), Win32Check calls RaiseLastWin32Error } { to raise an exception. If the Win32 API function returns True, } { Win32Check returns True. } function Win32Check(RetVal: BOOL): BOOL; { Termination procedure support } type TTerminateProc = function: Boolean; { Call AddTerminateProc to add a terminate procedure to the system list of } { termination procedures. Delphi will call all of the function in the } { termination procedure list before an application terminates. The user- } { defined TermProc function should return True if the application can } { safely terminate or False if the application cannot safely terminate. } { If one of the functions in the termination procedure list returns False, } { the application will not terminate. } procedure AddTerminateProc(TermProc: TTerminateProc); { CallTerminateProcs is called by VCL when an application is about to } { terminate. It returns True only if all of the functions in the } { system's terminate procedure list return True. This function is } { intended only to be called by Delphi, and it should not be called } { directly. } function CallTerminateProcs: Boolean; {$IFNDEF _D2} function GDAL: LongWord; procedure RCS; procedure RPR; {$ENDIF} { SafeLoadLibrary calls LoadLibrary, disabling normal Win32 error message popup dialogs if the requested file can't be loaded. SafeLoadLibrary also preserves the current FPU control word (precision, exception masks) across the LoadLibrary call (in case the DLL you're loading hammers the FPU control word in its initialization, as many MS DLLs do)} {$IFNDEF _D2orD3} function SafeLoadLibrary(const Filename: KOLString; ErrorMode: UINT = SEM_NOOPENFILEERRORBOX): HMODULE; {$ENDIF} implementation {procedure ConvertError(const Ident: string); begin raise Exception.Create(e_Convert, Ident); end; procedure ConvertErrorFmt(ResString: PResStringRec; const Args: array of const); begin raise Exception.CreateFmt(e_Convert, LoadResString(ResString), Args); end;} { Memory management routines } function AllocMem(Size: Cardinal): Pointer; begin GetMem(Result, Size); FillChar(Result^, Size, 0); end; { Exit procedure handling } type PExitProcInfo = ^TExitProcInfo; TExitProcInfo = record Next: PExitProcInfo; SaveExit: Pointer; Proc: TProcedure; end; var ExitProcList: PExitProcInfo = nil; procedure DoExitProc; var P: PExitProcInfo; Proc: TProcedure; begin P := ExitProcList; ExitProcList := P^.Next; ExitProc := P^.SaveExit; Proc := P^.Proc; Dispose(P); Proc; end; procedure AddExitProc(Proc: TProcedure); var P: PExitProcInfo; begin New(P); P^.Next := ExitProcList; P^.SaveExit := ExitProc; P^.Proc := Proc; ExitProcList := P; ExitProc := @DoExitProc; end; { System error messages } function SysErrorMessage(ErrorCode: Integer): string; var Len: Integer; Buffer: array[0..255] of KOLChar; begin Len := FormatMessage(FORMAT_MESSAGE_FROM_SYSTEM or FORMAT_MESSAGE_ARGUMENT_ARRAY, nil, ErrorCode, 0, Buffer, SizeOf(Buffer), nil); while (Len > 0) and ((Buffer[Len - 1] <= ' ') or (Buffer[Len - 1] = '.')) do Dec(Len); SetString(Result, Buffer, Len); end; { Exception handling routines } {var OutOfMemory: EOutOfMemory; InvalidPointer: EInvalidPointer;} type PRaiseFrame = ^TRaiseFrame; TRaiseFrame = record NextRaise: PRaiseFrame; ExceptAddr: Pointer; ExceptObject: TObject; ExceptionRecord: PExceptionRecord; end; { Return current exception object } function ExceptObject: TObject; begin if RaiseList <> nil then Result := PRaiseFrame(RaiseList)^.ExceptObject else Result := nil; end; { Return current exception address } function ExceptAddr: Pointer; begin if RaiseList <> nil then Result := PRaiseFrame(RaiseList)^.ExceptAddr else Result := nil; end; { Convert physical address to logical address } function ConvertAddr(Address: Pointer): Pointer; assembler; asm TEST EAX,EAX { Always convert nil to nil } JE @@1 SUB EAX, $1000 { offset from code start; code start set by linker to $1000 } @@1: end; { Format and return an exception error message } {$IFDEF _D2} // this code is luck in D2 system.pas {type PLibModule = ^TLibModule; TLibModule = record Next: PLibModule; Instance: Longint; ResInstance: Longint; Reserved: Integer; end;} function FindResourceHInstance(Instance: Longint): Longint; begin Result := Instance; end; {$ENDIF} type PStrData = ^TStrData; TStrData = record Ident: Integer; Buffer: PKOLChar; BufSize: Integer; nChars: Integer; end; function EnumStringModules(Instance: Longint; Data: Pointer): Boolean; begin with PStrData(Data)^ do begin nChars := LoadString(Instance, Ident, Buffer, BufSize); Result := nChars = 0; end; end; {$IFNDEF _D2} function FindStringResource(Ident: Integer; Buffer: PKOLChar; BufSize: Integer): Integer; var StrData: TStrData; begin StrData.Ident := Ident; StrData.Buffer := Buffer; StrData.BufSize := BufSize; StrData.nChars := 0; EnumResourceModules(EnumStringModules, @StrData); Result := StrData.nChars; end; {$ENDIF} {$IFDEF _D2} function LoadStr(Ident: Integer): string; var Buffer: array[0..1023] of Char; begin SetString(Result, Buffer, LoadString(HInstance, Ident, Buffer, SizeOf(Buffer))); end; {$ELSE} function LoadStr(Ident: Integer): string; var Buffer: array[0..1023] of KOLChar; begin SetString(Result, Buffer, FindStringResource(Ident, Buffer, SizeOf(Buffer))); end; {$ENDIF} function FmtLoadStr(Ident: Integer; const Args: array of const): string; begin //FmtStr(Result, LoadStr(Ident), Args); Result := Format(LoadStr(Ident), Args); end; function ExceptionErrorMessage(ExceptObject: TObject; ExceptAddr: Pointer; Buffer: PKOLChar; Size: Integer): Integer; var MsgPtr: PKOLChar; //MsgEnd: PChar; //MsgLen: Integer; ModuleName: array[0..MAX_PATH] of KOLChar; //Temp: array[0..MAX_PATH] of Char; Fmt: array[0..255] of KOLChar; Info: TMemoryBasicInformation; ConvertedAddress: Pointer; begin VirtualQuery(ExceptAddr, Info, sizeof(Info)); if (Info.State <> MEM_COMMIT) or (GetModuleFilename( THandle(Info.AllocationBase), {Temp} ModuleName, SizeOf({Temp} ModuleName)) = 0) then begin GetModuleFileName(HInstance, {Temp} ModuleName, SizeOf({Temp} ModuleName)); ConvertedAddress := ConvertAddr(ExceptAddr); end else Integer(ConvertedAddress) := Integer(ExceptAddr) - Integer(Info.AllocationBase); //StrLCopy(ModuleName, AnsiStrRScan(Temp, '\') + 1, SizeOf(ModuleName) - 1); {-} // Why to extract unit name from a path? Isn't it well to show complete path // and to economy code for the extraction. MsgPtr := ''; //MsgEnd := ''; if ExceptObject is Exception then begin MsgPtr := PKOLChar(Exception(ExceptObject).Message); //MsgLen := StrLen(MsgPtr); //if (MsgLen <> 0) and (MsgPtr[MsgLen - 1] <> '.') then MsgEnd := '.'; {-} // Isn't it too beautiful - devote ~40 bytes of code just to decide, // add or not a point at the end of the message. end; {$IFNDEF USE_RESOURCESTRING} {$IFDEF UNICODE_CTRLS} WStrCopy {$ELSE} StrCopy {$ENDIF}( Fmt, SException ); {$ELSE} LoadString(FindResourceHInstance(HInstance), PResStringRec(@SException).Identifier, Fmt, SizeOf(Fmt)); {$ENDIF} //MsgOK( ModuleName ); {$IFDEF UNICODE_CTRLS} WStrCopy {$ELSE} StrCopy {$ENDIF} ( Buffer, PKOLChar( Format( Fmt, [ ExceptObject.ClassName, ModuleName, ConvertedAddress, MsgPtr, '' {MsgEnd}]) ) ); Result := {$IFDEF UNICODE_CTRLS} WStrLen {$ELSE} StrLen {$ENDIF}(Buffer); end; { Display exception message box } procedure ShowException(ExceptObject: TObject; ExceptAddr: Pointer); var Buffer: array[0..1023] of KOLChar; begin ExceptionErrorMessage(ExceptObject, ExceptAddr, Buffer, SizeOf(Buffer)); {if IsConsole then WriteLn(Buffer) else} begin {LoadString(FindResourceHInstance(HInstance), PResStringRec(@SExceptTitle).Identifier, Title, SizeOf(Title));} MessageBox(0, Buffer, {Title} nil, MB_OK {or MB_ICONSTOP} or MB_SYSTEMMODAL); end; end; { Raise abort exception } procedure Abort; function ReturnAddr: Pointer; asm // MOV EAX,[ESP + 4] !!! codegen dependant MOV EAX,[EBP - 4] end; begin raise Exception.Create(e_Abort, SOperationAborted) at ReturnAddr; end; { Raise out of memory exception } {procedure OutOfMemoryError; begin raise OutOfMemory; end;} { Exception class } constructor Exception.CreateResFmt(ACode: TError; Ident: Integer; const Args: array of const); begin FMessage := Format(LoadStr(Ident), Args); end; destructor Exception.Destroy; begin if Assigned( FOnDestroy ) then FOnDestroy( Self ); inherited; end; procedure Exception.SetData(const Value: Pointer); begin FData := Value; end; constructor Exception.Create(ACode: TError; const Msg: string); begin FCode := ACode; FMessage := Msg; //FAllowFree := TRUE; end; constructor Exception.CreateCustom(AError: DWORD; const Msg: String); begin FCode := e_Custom; FMessage := Msg; FErrorCode := AError; end; constructor Exception.CreateCustomFmt(AError: DWORD; const Msg: String; const Args: array of const); begin FCode := e_Custom; FErrorCode := AError; FMessage := Format(Msg, Args); end; constructor Exception.CreateFmt(ACode: TError; const Msg: string; const Args: array of const); begin FCode := ACode; FMessage := Format(Msg, Args); end; { EHeapException class } {procedure EHeapException.FreeInstance; begin if AllowFree then inherited FreeInstance; end;} { Create I/O exception } function CreateInOutError: Exception; type TErrorRec = record Code: Integer; Ident: string; end; const ErrorMap: array[0..5] of TErrorRec = ( (Code: 2; Ident: SFileNotFound), (Code: 3; Ident: SInvalidFilename), (Code: 4; Ident: STooManyOpenFiles), (Code: 5; Ident: SAccessDenied), (Code: 100; Ident: SEndOfFile), (Code: 101; Ident: SDiskFull){, (Code: 106; Ident: SInvalidInput)} ); var I: Integer; InOutRes: Integer; begin I := Low(ErrorMap); InOutRes := IOResult; // resets IOResult to zero while (I <= High(ErrorMap)) and (ErrorMap[I].Code <> InOutRes) do Inc(I); if I <= High(ErrorMap) then Result := Exception.Create(e_InOut, ErrorMap[I].Ident) else Result := Exception.CreateFmt(e_InOut, SInOutError, [InOutRes]); //Result := Exception.Create(e_InOut, SInOutError + Int2Str( InOutRes ) ); Result.ErrorCode := InOutRes; end; { RTL error handler } type TExceptMapRec = packed record ECode: TError; EIdent: String; end; const ExceptMap: array[1..24] of TExceptMapRec = ( (ECode: e_OutOfMem; EIdent: SOutOfMemory), (ECode: e_InvalidPointer; EIdent: SInvalidPointer), (ECode: e_DivBy0; EIdent: SDivByZero), (ECode: e_Range; EIdent: SRangeError), (ECode: e_IntOverflow; EIdent: SIntOverflow), (ECode: e_InvalidOp; EIdent: SInvalidOp), (ECode: e_ZeroDivide; EIdent: SDivByZero), (ECode: e_Overflow; EIdent: SOverflow), (ECode: e_Underflow; EIdent: SUnderflow), (ECode: e_InvalidCast; EIdent: SInvalidCast), (ECode: e_AccessViolation;EIdent: SAccessViolation), (ECode: e_Privilege; EIdent: SPrivilege), (ECode: e_CtrlC; EIdent: SControlC), // {-} Only for console applications (ECode: e_StackOverflow; EIdent: SStackOverflow), {$IFDEF VARIANT_USED} (ECode: e_Variant; EIdent: SInvalidVarCast), (ECode: e_Variant; EIdent: SInvalidVarOp), (ECode: e_Variant; EIdent: SDispatchError), (ECode: e_Variant; EIdent: SVarArrayCreate), (ECode: e_Variant; EIdent: SVarNotArray), (ECode: e_Variant; EIdent: SVarArrayBounds), {$ELSE} (ECode: e_Variant; EIdent: SVar), (ECode: e_Variant; EIdent: SVar), (ECode: e_Variant; EIdent: SVar), (ECode: e_Variant; EIdent: SVar), (ECode: e_Variant; EIdent: SVar), (ECode: e_Variant; EIdent: SVar), {$ENDIF} (ECode: e_Assertion; EIdent: SAssertionFailed), (ECode: e_External; EIdent: SExternalException), (ECode: e_IntfCast; EIdent: SIntfCastError), (ECode: e_SafeCall; EIdent: SSafecallException)); procedure ErrorHandler(ErrorCode: Integer; ErrorAddr: Pointer); var E: Exception; begin {case ErrorCode of 1: E := OutOfMemory; 2: E := InvalidPointer; 3..24: with ExceptMap[ErrorCode] do E := EClass.Create(EIdent); else E := CreateInOutError; end;} { + } if ErrorCode <= 24 then with ExceptMap[ErrorCode] do E := Exception.Create(ECode, EIdent) else E := CreateInOutError; { - } raise E at ErrorAddr; end; { Assertion error handler } { This is complicated by the desire to make it look like the exception } { happened in the user routine, so the debugger can give a decent stack } { trace. To make that feasible, AssertErrorHandler calls a helper function } { to create the exception object, so that AssertErrorHandler itself does } { not need any temps. After the exception object is created, the asm } { routine RaiseAssertException sets up the registers just as if the user } { code itself had raised the exception. } function CreateAssertException(const Message, Filename: string; LineNumber: Integer): Exception; var S: string; begin if Message <> '' then S := Message else S := SAssertionFailed; Result := Exception.CreateFmt(e_Assertion, SAssertError, [S, Filename, LineNumber]); end; { This code is based on the following assumptions: } { - Our direct caller (AssertErrorHandler) has an EBP frame } { - ErrorStack points to where the return address would be if the } { user program had called System.@RaiseExcept directly } procedure RaiseAssertException(const E: Exception; const ErrorAddr, ErrorStack: Pointer); asm MOV ESP,ECX MOV [ESP],EDX MOV EBP,[EBP] JMP System.@RaiseExcept end; { If you change this procedure, make sure it does not have any local variables } { or temps that need cleanup - they won't get cleaned up due to the way } { RaiseAssertException frame works. Also, it can not have an exception frame. } procedure AssertErrorHandler(const Message, Filename: string; LineNumber: Integer; ErrorAddr: Pointer); var E: Exception; begin E := CreateAssertException(Message, Filename, LineNumber); RaiseAssertException(E, ErrorAddr, PChar(@ErrorAddr)+4); end; { Abstract method invoke error handler } procedure AbstractErrorHandler; begin raise Exception.Create(e_Abstract, SAbstractError); end; {$IFDEF ASM_VERSION} function MapException(P: PExceptionRecord): Byte; asm //cmd //opd MOV EAX, [EAX].TExceptionRecord.ExceptionCode SUB EAX, $C0000000 CMP EAX, $FD JA @@code22 XOR ECX, ECX MOV EDX, offset @@cvTable - 1 @@loo: INC EDX MOV CL, [EDX] JECXZ @@code22 INC EDX CMP AL, [EDX] JNE @@loo MOV AL, CL RET @@cvTable: DB 3, $94 DB 4, $8C DB 5, $95 DB 6, $8F, 6, $90, 6, $92 DB 7, $8E DB 8, $91 DB 9, $8D, 9, $93 DB 11, $05 DB 12, $96 DB 14, $FD DB 0 @@code22: MOV AL, 22 end; {$ELSE} //Pascal function MapException(P: PExceptionRecord): Byte; begin case P.ExceptionCode of STATUS_INTEGER_DIVIDE_BY_ZERO: Result := 3; STATUS_ARRAY_BOUNDS_EXCEEDED: Result := 4; STATUS_INTEGER_OVERFLOW: Result := 5; STATUS_FLOAT_INEXACT_RESULT, STATUS_FLOAT_INVALID_OPERATION, STATUS_FLOAT_STACK_CHECK: Result := 6; STATUS_FLOAT_DIVIDE_BY_ZERO: Result := 7; STATUS_FLOAT_OVERFLOW: Result := 8; STATUS_FLOAT_UNDERFLOW, STATUS_FLOAT_DENORMAL_OPERAND: Result := 9; STATUS_ACCESS_VIOLATION: Result := 11; STATUS_PRIVILEGED_INSTRUCTION: Result := 12; STATUS_CONTROL_C_EXIT: Result := 13; STATUS_STACK_OVERFLOW: Result := 14; else Result := 22; { must match System.reExternalException } end; end; {$ENDIF} function GetExceptionClass(P: PExceptionRecord): ExceptClass; //var ErrorCode: Byte; begin //ErrorCode := MapException(P); Result := Exception; {ExceptMap[ErrorCode].EClass;} end; function GetExceptionObject(P: PExceptionRecord): Exception; var ErrorCode: Integer; function CreateAVObject: Exception; var AccessOp: string; // string ID indicating the access type READ or WRITE AccessAddress: Pointer; MemInfo: TMemoryBasicInformation; ModName: array[0..MAX_PATH] of KOLChar; begin with P^ do begin if ExceptionInformation[0] = 0 then AccessOp := SReadAccess else AccessOp := SWriteAccess; AccessAddress := Pointer(ExceptionInformation[1]); VirtualQuery(ExceptionAddress, MemInfo, SizeOf(MemInfo)); if (MemInfo.State = MEM_COMMIT) and (GetModuleFileName(THandle(MemInfo.AllocationBase), ModName, SizeOf(ModName)) <> 0) then Result := Exception.CreateFmt(e_AccessViolation, sModuleAccessViolation, [ExceptionAddress, ExtractFileName(ModName), AccessOp, AccessAddress]) else Result := Exception.CreateFmt(e_AccessViolation, sAccessViolation, [ExceptionAddress, AccessOp, AccessAddress]); end; end; begin ErrorCode := MapException(P); case ErrorCode of 3..10, 12..21: with ExceptMap[ErrorCode] do Result := Exception.Create(ECode, EIdent); 11: Result := CreateAVObject; else begin Result := Exception.CreateFmt(e_External, SExternalException, [P.ExceptionCode]); //Result.FExceptionRecord := P; end; end; Result.FExceptionRecord := P; end; { RTL exception handler } procedure ExceptHandler(ExceptObject: TObject; ExceptAddr: Pointer); far; begin ShowException(ExceptObject, ExceptAddr); Halt(1); end; {+} function InitAssertErrorProc: Boolean; begin AssertErrorProc := @AssertErrorHandler; Result := TRUE; end; {-} procedure InitExceptions; begin {OutOfMemory := EOutOfMemory.Create(SOutOfMemory); InvalidPointer := EInvalidPointer.Create(SInvalidPointer);} ErrorProc := @ErrorHandler; ExceptProc := @ExceptHandler; ExceptionClass := Exception; ExceptClsProc := @GetExceptionClass; ExceptObjProc := @GetExceptionObject; {AssertErrorProc := @AssertErrorHandler;} {+} // Initialize Assert only when "Assertions" option is turned on in Compiler: Assert( InitAssertErrorProc, '' ); {-} //AbstractErrorProc := @AbstractErrorHandler; // {-} KOL does not use classes, so EAbstractError should never be raised. end; procedure DoneExceptions; begin {OutOfMemory.AllowFree := True; OutOfMemory.FreeInstance; OutOfMemory := nil; InvalidPointer.AllowFree := True; InvalidPointer.Free; InvalidPointer := nil;} ErrorProc := nil; ExceptProc := nil; ExceptionClass := nil; //ExceptClsProc := nil; --see InitExceptions ExceptObjProc := nil; AssertErrorProc := nil; end; { RaiseLastWin32Error } procedure RaiseLastWin32Error; var LastError: DWORD; Error: Exception; begin LastError := GetLastError; if LastError <> ERROR_SUCCESS then Error := Exception.CreateFmt(e_Win32, SWin32Error, [LastError, SysErrorMessage(LastError)]) else Error := Exception.Create(e_Win32, SUnkWin32Error ); Error.ErrorCode := LastError; raise Error; end; { Win32Check } function Win32Check(RetVal: BOOL): BOOL; begin if not RetVal then RaiseLastWin32Error; Result := RetVal; end; type PTerminateProcInfo = ^TTerminateProcInfo; TTerminateProcInfo = record Next: PTerminateProcInfo; Proc: TTerminateProc; end; var TerminateProcList: PTerminateProcInfo = nil; procedure AddTerminateProc(TermProc: TTerminateProc); var P: PTerminateProcInfo; begin New(P); P^.Next := TerminateProcList; P^.Proc := TermProc; TerminateProcList := P; end; function CallTerminateProcs: Boolean; var PI: PTerminateProcInfo; begin Result := True; PI := TerminateProcList; while Result and (PI <> nil) do begin Result := PI^.Proc; PI := PI^.Next; end; end; procedure FreeTerminateProcs; var PI: PTerminateProcInfo; begin while TerminateProcList <> nil do begin PI := TerminateProcList; TerminateProcList := PI^.Next; Dispose(PI); end; end; { --- } function AL1(const P): LongWord; asm MOV EDX,DWORD PTR [P] XOR EDX,DWORD PTR [P+4] XOR EDX,DWORD PTR [P+8] XOR EDX,DWORD PTR [P+12] MOV EAX,EDX end; function AL2(const P): LongWord; asm MOV EDX,DWORD PTR [P] ROR EDX,5 XOR EDX,DWORD PTR [P+4] ROR EDX,5 XOR EDX,DWORD PTR [P+8] ROR EDX,5 XOR EDX,DWORD PTR [P+12] MOV EAX,EDX end; const AL1s: array[0..2] of LongWord = ($FFFFFFF0, $FFFFEBF0, 0); AL2s: array[0..2] of LongWord = ($42C3ECEF, $20F7AEB6, $D1C2F74E); procedure ALV; begin raise Exception.Create(e_License, SNL); end; {$IFNDEF _D2} function ALR: Pointer; var LibModule: PLibModule; begin if MainInstance <> 0 then Result := Pointer(LoadResource(MainInstance, FindResource(MainInstance, 'DVCLAL', PKOLChar( RT_RCDATA )))) else begin Result := nil; LibModule := LibModuleList; while LibModule <> nil do begin with LibModule^ do begin Result := Pointer(LoadResource(Instance, FindResource(Instance, 'DVCLAL', PKOLChar( RT_RCDATA )))); if Result <> nil then Break; end; LibModule := LibModule.Next; end; end; if Result = nil then ALV; end; function GDAL: LongWord; type TDVCLAL = array[0..3] of LongWord; PDVCLAL = ^TDVCLAL; var P: Pointer; A1, A2: LongWord; PAL1s, PAL2s: PDVCLAL; ALOK: Boolean; begin P := ALR; A1 := AL1(P^); A2 := AL2(P^); Result := A1; PAL1s := @AL1s; PAL2s := @AL2s; ALOK := ((A1 = PAL1s[0]) and (A2 = PAL2s[0])) or ((A1 = PAL1s[1]) and (A2 = PAL2s[1])) or ((A1 = PAL1s[2]) and (A2 = PAL2s[2])); FreeResource(Integer(P)); if not ALOK then ALV; end; procedure RCS; var P: Pointer; ALOK: Boolean; begin P := ALR; ALOK := (AL1(P^) = AL1s[2]) and (AL2(P^) = AL2s[2]); FreeResource(Integer(P)); if not ALOK then ALV; end; procedure RPR; var AL: LongWord; begin AL := GDAL; if (AL <> AL1s[1]) and (AL <> AL1s[2]) then ALV; end; {$ENDIF} {$IFNDEF _D2orD3} function SafeLoadLibrary(const Filename: KOLString; ErrorMode: UINT): HMODULE; var OldMode: UINT; FPUControlWord: Word; begin OldMode := SetErrorMode(ErrorMode); try asm FNSTCW FPUControlWord end; try Result := LoadLibrary(PKOLChar(Filename)); finally asm FNCLEX FLDCW FPUControlWord end; end; finally SetErrorMode(OldMode); end; end; {$ENDIF} {procedure Exception.FreeInstance; begin if FAllowFree then inherited; end;} initialization InitExceptions; finalization FreeTerminateProcs; DoneExceptions; end.