//[START OF KOL.pas] {**************************************************************** KKKKK KKKKK OOOOOOOOO LLLLL KKKKK KKKKK OOOOOOOOOOOOO LLLLL KKKKK KKKKK OOOOO OOOOO LLLLL KKKKK KKKKK OOOOO OOOOO LLLLL KKKKKKKKKK OOOOO OOOOO LLLLL KKKKK KKKKK OOOOO OOOOO LLLLL KKKKK KKKKK OOOOO OOOOO LLLLL KKKKK KKKKK OOOOOOOOOOOOO LLLLLLLLLLLLL KKKKK KKKKK OOOOOOOOO LLLLLLLLLLLLL Key Objects Library (C) 2000 by Vladimir Kladov. **************************************************************** * VERSION 3.18 **************************************************************** K.O.L. - is a set of objects and functions to create small programs with the Delphi, but without the VCL/CLX. KOL allows to create executables of size about 10 times smaller. But this does not mean that KOL is less power then the VCL - perhaps just the opposite... KOL is provided free with the source code. Copyright (C) Vladimir Kladov, 2000-2011. For code provided by other developers (even if later changed by me) authors are noted in the source. mailto: vk@kolmck.net Web-Page: http://kolmck.net See also Mirror Classes Kit (M.C.K.) which allows to create KOL programs visually. ****************************************************************} {$I KOLDEF.inc} {$IFDEF x64} {$DEFINE PAS_ONLY} {$ENDIF} {$IFDEF PAS_ONLY} {$DEFINE PAS_VERSION} {$ENDIF} {$IFDEF EXTERNAL_KOLDEFS} {$INCLUDE PROJECT_KOL_DEFS.INC} {$ENDIF} {$IFDEF EXTERNAL_DEFINES} {$INCLUDE EXTERNAL_DEFINES.INC} {$ENDIF EXTERNAL_DEFINES} {$DEFINE GDI} {$UNDEF LIN} {$UNDEF WIN} {$UNDEF GDI} {$IFDEF LINUX} {$DEFINE UNIX} {$DEFINE LIN} {$DEFINE PAS_VERSION} {$DEFINE NOT_USE_RICHEDIT} {$IFNDEF GTK} {$IFNDEF XQT} {$DEFINE GTK} // it is also possible to define GTK as a project option {$ENDIF XQT} // even for Windows system {$ENDIF GTK} {$ELSE} // to exploit GTK under Win32 rather then native GDI {$DEFINE WIN} {$DEFINE GDI} {$ENDIF} {$IFDEF GTK} {$UNDEF GDI} {$DEFINE _X_} {$DEFINE NOT_USE_RICHEDIT} {$ENDIF} //{$IFDEF Q_T} {$UNDEF GDI} {$DEFINE _X_} {$ENDIF} {$IFDEF WIN} {$IFDEF GDI} {$DEFINE WIN_GDI} {$ENDIF GDI} {$ENDIF WIN} {$INCLUDE delphidef.inc} {$IFDEF WIN_GDI} //test {$ENDIF WIN_GDI} {$IFDEF LIN} //test {$ENDIF LIN} unit KOL; {* Please note, that KOL does not use keyword 'class'. Instead, poor Pascal 'object' is the base of our objects. So, remember, how we worked earlier with such Object Pascal's objects: |<br> - to create objects dynamically, use P<objname> instead of T<objname> to allocate a pointer for dynamically created object instance; |<br> - remember, that constructors of objects can not be virtual. Override procedure Init instead in your own derived objects; |<br> - rather then call constructors of objects, call global procedures New<objname> (e.g. NewLabel). If not, first (for virtualally created objects) call New( ); then call constructor Create (which calls Init) - but this is possible only if the constructor is overriden by a new one. |<br> - the operator 'is' is not applicable to objects. And operator 'as' is not necessary (and is not applicable too), use typecast to desired object type, e.g.: "PSomeObjectType( C )" inplace of "C as TSomeClassType". |<br> |<hr> Also remember, that IF [ MyObj: PMyObj ] THEN NOT[ with MyObj do ] BUT[ with MyObj^ do ] Though it is possible to skip '^' symbol when accessing member fields, methods, properties, e.g. [ MyObj.Execute; ] |<hr> |&U= <a href="#%0">%0</a><br> |&B=<a href="%1.htm">%0</a><br> |&C=<a href="%1.htm">%0</a> | <table border=1 cellpadding=6 width=100%> | <colgroup valign=top span=2> | <tr> | <td> objects </td> <td> functions by category </td> | </tr> | <td> <C _TObj> <B TObj> <C TList> <C TListEx> <C TStrList> <B TStrListEx> <C TTree> <C TDirList> <C TIniFile> <C TCabFile> <B TStream> <B TControl> <C TGraphicTool> <C TCanvas> <C TImageList> <C TIcon> <C TBitmap> <C TGif> <C TGifDecoder> <B TJpeg> <C TTimer> <C TThread> <C TTrayIcon> <C TDirChange> <B TMediaPlayer> <C TMenu> <C TOpenSaveDialog> <C TOpenDirDialog> <B TColorDialog> <C TAction> <B TActionList> <B Exception> | </td> | <td> |<a href="kol_pas.htm#visual_objects_constructors"> Visual objects constructing functions |</a><br><br> <U Working with null-terminated and ansi strings> <U Small bit arrays (max 32 bits in array)> <U Arithmetics, geometry and other utility functions> <U Data sorting (quicksort implementation)> <U String to number and number to string conversions> <U 64-bit integer numbers> <U Floating point numbers> <U Date and time handling> <U File and directory routines> <U System functions and working with windows> <U Text in clipboard operations> <U Wrappers to registry API functions> | </td> | </table> Following conditional symbols can be used in a project (Project | Options | Directories/Conditional Defines) to change code generated a bit. There are following: |<pre> EXTERNAL_KOLDEFS - since there are a lot of such symbols, it may be not possible to include all the desired optional symbols in the Project Options (Delphi has a restriction to 256 characters in a semicolon-separated list of included options). This symbol allows to exceed this restriction: you place your defines in an included file EXTERNAL_DEFINES.INC, located in your project directory. Since this is a normal pascal source, use usual Pascal syntax: add a directive (*$DEFINE symbol*) for each symbol you want, and you can decorate it with usual comments if necessary. ENABLE_DEPRECATED - some old declaration made "deprecated" and moved to KOL_deprecated.inc. This symbol provides including such declarations into KOL.pas and makes it available again. DISABLE_DEPRECATED - (default) - disables deprecated declaration. WIN - (default) - version for Windows. LINUX - version for Linux (only PAS_VERSION) -- not yet ready When not defined, symbol WIN is defined automatically. LINUX_USE_HOME_STARTFDIR - in Linux app, HOME directory of the user will be returned by GetStartDir function. GTK - version for GTK (Linux or Win32) -- not yet ready XQT - version for QT (Linux or Win32) -- not yet ready FPC - Free Pascal version. KOL can be used with such compiler to create Win32 applications. To create Win-CE applications (with FPC compiler)), use the separate version of KOL specially designed for it. INPACKAGE - version for Mirror Classes Library package (design-time only). This option should be included only in MCK package options and never in options of the KOL/MCK application. PAS_VERSION - to use Pascal version of the code. PARANOIA - to force short versions of asm instructions (for D5 and below, D6 and higher use those instructions always). USE_CMOV - force using CMOV machine instruction in asm code (not recommended, still on some machines your application will not work). SMALLEST_CODE - to create minimal code application (affected: (o) SimpleGetCtlBrushHandle - returns solid silver brush always; (o) _NewWindowed - only default system font used by default; font of the parent control is not applied to its children automatically (but see SMALLEST_CODE_PARENTFONT); - fBrush always set to NIL by default (parent Brush is not applied); (o) WndProcDoEraseBkgnd - child controls windows are not created in WM_ERASEBKGND if were not created earlier (in most case, all OK with this - controls are created BTW); - SetBkColor, SetBkMode, SetBrushOrgEx are not called (all OK therefore) (o) by default, NOT_UNLOAD_RICHEDITLIB is defined if UNLOAD_RICHEDITLIB is not defined in project options (this minimizes finalization section). (o) _NewControl - BoundsRect initialized with a rectangle (aParent.fMarginLeft, aParent.fMarginTop, aParent.fMarginLeft+64, aParent.fMargin+64) rather then with (aParent.fMargin+aParent.fMarginLeft, aParent.fMargin+aParent.fMarginTop, aParent.fMargin+aParent.fMarginLeft+64, aParent.fMargin+aParent.fMarginTop+64). In most cases this is enough. (o) Int2Hex there are no check for second perameter > 15 (o) .... other see in code SMALLER_CODE - like smallest code, but fuctionality is the same. The speed can be lower therefore. SMALLEST_CODE_PARENTFONT - Parent font therefore is applied for child controls, but initially only. SPEED_FASTER - by default (but off when SMALLEST_CODE on) - sorting of TStrList.AnsiSort and comparing using AnsiCompareStrA, AnsiCompareStrNoCaseA is much faster (about 5-6 times). Also, sorting of lists and strlists is redircted to SortArray which is faster about 5-15% (vs SortData). To turn off, add a symbol SPEED_NORMAL. REGKEYGETSTREX_ALWAYS - If you use already RegKeyGetStrEx, add this option to redirect RegKeyGetStr to it. NOT_USE_KOLMATH - Only for _X_ (GTK + Linux): to prevent referencing KOLmath in uses. This makes method TCanvas.Arc unavailable, but the application become smaller. NOT_USE_EXCEPTIONS - to prevent referencing unit ERR.PAS in uses even when KOLmath is listed there. REDEFINE_ABS - usual Abs works as a macro which is better in most cases. But who knows... CUSTOM_APPICON - when this option is defined, the resource name for the application icon is extracted from a file CusomAppIconRsrcName_PAS.inc (place it in your project folder and type there name of the recource in qutations). By default, string 'MAIN' is used like in usual Delphi application. USE_NAMES - to use property Name with any TObj. This makes also available method TObj.FindObj( name ): PObj. UNIQUE_NAMES - provide Name property to be unique among all siblings. USE_MHTOOLTIP - to use KOLMHTOOLTIP.pas (actually it is not a separate unit but a set of portions of code included into KOL.pas in different places). This unit provides tooltips (hints) for arbitrary controls which appear when mouse is over such controls. USE_GRUSH - to use ToGRush.pas unit, which provides automatic redirection of the most cintrols creation functions to the KOLGRushControls.pas. (USE_CONSTRUCTORS - to use constructors like in VCL. Note: this option is not carefully tested!) TLIST_FAST - very fast implementation of TList (for coast of some additional code). DFLT_TLIST_NOUSE_BLOCKS - for TLIST_FAST: by default, do not make all TList objects using new (fast) algoritms, but only those of TList objects, which property UseBlocks was set to TRUE after creating it. STREAM_LARGE64 - turns on support of streams (and files) of size larger then 4 Gbytes. Data type Int64 used for parameters of the most of methods and functions in such case. (Note: Int64 was introduced since Delphi5, so in earlier Delphi versions using this symbol is not possible). STREAM_COMPAT - still STREAM_LARGE64 appeared (in v2.84), most of methods and functions declarations became incompatible with earlier created extensions. This symbol provides compatibility for such extensions, but it desables using large streams. OLD_STREAM_CAPACITY - to use elder TStream.SetCapacity algorithm (it did not make Capacity smaller than already achieved, but in newer version, Capacity can be set to a smaller value, and for memory streams, rest of memory is freeing in such case). OLD_MEMSTREAMS_SETSIZE - to use elder TStream.SetSize for memory streams. In a new version, setting new size also changes Capacity to the same value (in earlier case, a value for Capacity property was calculated to become a bit greater then a value set for Size property). OLD_COMPAT - to use symbol ';' as a file list separator (all operations using DoFileOp function such as DeleteFile2Recycle and CopyMoveFiles). OLD_REGKEYGETSUBKEYS - to use elder version of RegKeyGetSubKeys functions (new version is faster). OLD_REGKEYGETVALUENAMES - to use elder version of RegKeyGetValueNames (newer version is faster). USE_CUSTOMEXTENSIONS - to extend TControl with custom additions. DATE0_0001 - to correct correctly TDateTime to TSystemTime and vice versa even for dates earlier then 1-Jan-1601. UNICODE_CTRLS - to use Unicode versions of controls (WM_XXXXW messages, etc.) SAFE_CODE - use more safe code in some algorithms (but more slowly and taking more code a bit). USE_OnIdle - to use OnIdle event SNAPMOUSE2DFLTBTN - for all MessageBox-based functions, snap mouse to default button is provided if such option is on in mouse driver settings. BUTTON_DBLCLICK - to prevent clicking buttons with double click (separate event OnMouseDblClk is fired in such case), this takes smaller code but buttons can not be pressed with mouse fast. When SMALLEST_CODE on, this option also is on. ALL_BUTTONS_RESPOND_TO_ENTER - obvious (by default, buttons respond to key SPACE, since those are working this way in Windows). CLICK_DEFAULT_CANCEL_BTN_DIRECTLY - to prevent visual effect of default/cancel button pressing with Enter/Escape keys. Also, button don't become focused in such case. DEFAULT_CANCEL_BTN_EXCLUSIVE - to disable assigning to a button properties DefaultBtn and CancelBtn simultaneously. NO_DEFAULT_BUTTON_BOLD - to prevent DefaultBtn to be visually with a bold border. BITBTN_DISABLEDGLYPH2 - to restore old behaviour of multi-glyph bitbtn, when index 2 was used to represent the button in disabled state, and glyph with index 1 was used forpressed dtate. Now by default index 1 corresponds to the disabled state, and index 2 to the pressed state, i.e. these are swapped. ESC_CLOSE_DIALOGS - to allow closing all dialogs with ESCAPE. KEY_PREVIEW - form also receive WM_KEYDOWN (OnKeyDown event fired) SUPPORT_ONDEADCHAR - to support OnKeyDeadChar event in responce to WM_DEADCHAR, WM_SYSDEADCHAR OpenSaveDialog_Extended - to allow using custom extensions for OpenSaveDialog. AUTO_CONTEXT_HELP - to use automatic respond to WM_CONTEXTMENU to call context help. NOT_FIX_CURINDEX - to use old version of TControl.SetItems, which could lead to loose CurIndex value (e.g. for Combobox) NOT_FIX_MODAL - not to fix modal (if fixed, click on any window activates the application. If not fixed, code is smaller very a little, but only click on modal form activates the application). This does not fix calling MsgBox though. MODAL_ACTIVATE_FIX - if this option is set, all the windows of clicked app with active modal form are brought to foreground, not only modal form itself. This option is not necessary if only two forms are visible at a time (the main form and the active modal form). NEW_MODAL - to use extended modalness. USE_SETMODALRESULT - to guarantee ModalResult property assigning handling. USE_SHOWMODALPARENTED_ALWAYS - to use TControl.ShowModalParented( Applet ) instead of TControl.ShowModal always. USE_MENU_CURCTL - to use CurCtl property in popup menu to detect which control initiated a pop-up. NEW_MENU_ACCELL - to use new menu accelerators handling, without AcceleratorTable (not tested for all cases) USE_DROPDOWNCOUNT - to force setting combobox dropdown count. NOT_UNLOAD_RICHEDITLIB - to stop unload Rich Edit library in finalization section (to economy several byte of code). NOT_USE_RICHEDIT - not use richedit (it will not be possible to create richedit) TV_DRAG_RBUTTON - to allow dragging tree view items with right mouse button too. TOOLBAR_FORCE_CHILDALIGN - this option provides Align working for child controls of the toolbar control, but when with this option is turned on it is impossible to have neighbour controls on a form correctly aligned. This last disadvantage is not important if a toolbar is always placed on a separate panel-like control as a child. Note: this option has no effect for Win9x, still use of it under Win9x can crash the application!!! TOOLBAR_DOT_NOAUTOSIZE_BUTTON - this option forces prefix dot character in button caption to be treated as an instruction to remove TBSTYLE_AUTOSIZE from the button style. Actually, this feature not necessary still custom button size can be set even if such style is on for a button. CANRESIZE_THICKFRAME - to use elder version of CanResize, changing border style of the window (this cause incorrect form view in Vista Aero theme (due a bug in Vista?)). ANCHORS_WM_SIZE - to check WM_SIZE message in Anchor handling window procedure. By default, now used WM_WINDOWPOSCHANGED. USE_PROP - to use GetProp / SetProp (old style) in place of Get / SetWindowLong( wnd, GWL_USERDATA... ) (slower?) PROVIDE_EXITCODE - PostQuitMessage( value ) assigns value to ExitCode INITIALFORMSIZE_FIXMENU - form size initially is really the same as defined at design time even for forms having main menu bar USE_GRAPHCTLS - to use graphic (non-windowed) controls RICHEDIT_XPBORDER - provide correct drawing rich edit control border with XP themes. GRAPHCTL_XPSTYLES - to use XP themed Visual styles for drawing graphic controls. This does not affect windowed controls which visual style is controlled by the manifest. This option also turns on RICHEDIT_XPBORDER option. GRAPHCTL_HOTTRACK - to use hot-tracking also together with XP themed graphic controls (otherwise only static XP themed view is provided). Also, turn this option on if you want to handle OnMouseEnter and OnMouseLeabe events for graphic controls. NEW_OPEN_DIR_STYLE_EX - to use new code for TOpenDirDialog, which provides correct working of the dialog with an option odNewDialogStyle set (even in Windows 9x system). HTMLHELP_NOTOP - when Html help is called, its window become a child of the desktop, not application (in such case it is not closed together with the application, and it is apper not on top of the application). ICON_DIFF_WH - to support icons having Width <> Height ICONLOAD_PRESERVEBMPS - when an icon is loaded, its bitmap and mask are extracted and in case when such symbol is defined, these one or two bitmaps are preserved until TIcon object is destroyed. LOADEX - to use TBitmap.LoadFromStreamEx while loading icon from a stream or a file. USE_OLDCONVERT2MASK - to use elder Convert2Mask method (newer is more correct). FIX_TRANSPBMPPALETTE - for TBitmap.StretchDrawMasked, bitmaps with PixelFormat = pf4bit or pf8bit are first converted (in a temporary TBitmap object) to pf32bit, and then are drawn. This fixes problems with palette usage for such DIB bitmaps. FILL_BROKEN_BITMAP - TBitmap.LoadFromStreamEx: broken bitmaps rest of scanlines are be filled with zeroes (usually black color) rather then left containing trash memory bits. AUTO_REPLACE_CLEARTYPE- to replace automatically CLEARTYPE_QUALITY fonts with ANTIALIASED_QUALITY when running under elder Windows version than XP. FORCE_ALTERNATEFILENAME- TDirList.ScanDirectoryFORCE_ALTERNATEFILENAME - forced using an alternate file path and filename for unicode paths (�������������� ������������� ��������������� ����� ���� � ����� ����� ��� ������ �����) NEW_GRADIENT - to use new gradient painting by homm (fast). OLD_ALIGN - to prevent using new Align by Galkov. NEW_ALIGN - (default) - to use new Align implementation (faster). OLD_TRANSPARENT - to prevent using NEW_TRANSPARENT NEW_TRANSPARENT - created by Alexander Karpinsky a.k.a. homm (faster) SBOX_OLDPOS - to use elder formulas to calculate scroll box positions (just for compatibility with very old apps using it). OLD_REFCOUNT - to prevent using new RefInc / RefDec behaviour (new style of using RefCount works better). OLD_FREE - to declare Free as a method as in earlier versions of KOL. In new versions, Free is declared as a property, and "calling" it just redirects call to RefDec. OLD_FREE can be used for compatibility with compilers not understanding "calling" a property without assigning something to or from it (Turbo Delphi?). SCROLL_OLD - for compatibility with the old applications using TScrollBar: there was another method of adjusting SBMax and SBPageSize: SBMax should be corrected to (nMaxItems-1-SBPageSize). FILE_EXISTS_EX - to use more correct (but a bit large code in FileExists functon) USE_AUTOFREE4CONTROLS - (default) - from 2.40, most of control sub-objects are destroying using Add2AutoFree (smaller code). NOT_USE_AUTOFREE4CONTROLS - this option returns to previous behaviour (just to compare code size). Will be deprecated in future. Ignored when UNION_FIELDS is used (by default) ENDSESSION_HALT - to halt the process when WM_ENDSESSION comes. FILESTREAM_POSITION - in PAS_VERSION, Stream..fData.fPosition always show current position (for debug purposes) PSEUDO_THREADS - to use pseudo-threads instead of normal threads. WAIT_SLEEP - for PSEUDO_THREADS: sleep 10 ms in a WaitForMultipleObjects loop. ENUM_DYN_HANDLERS_AFTER_RUN - to allow all the events handling even when AppletTerminated become TRUE. STOP_WNDPROCTRANSPARENT_AFTER_APPLETTERMINATED - use this long-named otpion to prevent any functionality of WndProcTransparent after AppletTerminated is set to true. STOPTIMER_AFTER_APPLETTERMINATED - use this symbol to prevent timer event firing after setting AppletTerminated to TRUE. TIMER_APPLETWND - to use Applet window to handle WM_TIMER events (otherwise special single invisible window is created to handle such events). SUPPORT_LONG_TIMER - LINUX only: set this option if TTimer.Interval can be set to a value greater then 1,800,000 (30 minutes). DEBUG_MENU - to debug menu. DEBUG_GDIOBJECTS - to allow counting all the GDI objects used. CHK_BITBLT - to check BitBlt operations. DEBUG_ENDSESSION - to allow debugging WM_ENDSESSION handling. DEBUG_CREATEWINDOW - to debug CreateWindow. CRASH_DEBUG - to fill object memory with $DD before freeing it (program really crashes when the object is attempted to destroy more then once and in most cases when a destroyed object is accessed after the destruction). DEBUG_MCK - specially designed to debug Mirror Classes Kit. DEBUG_OBJKIND - for each TControl object kind a reference to PChar with object kind name is stored in the structure of the object (field fObjKind). DEBUG - other debugging. EXTERNAL_DEFINES - if count of options necessary to set is very large Delphi ignores past of those. To avoid this problem, set only this option in Project's options, and place all other options to ExternalDefines.inc file as a sequence of {$DEFINE ... directives. But note, such file should be located in a project directory, but not in the directory where KOL.pas is located. This is enough to provide different sets of defines for each project. ---- from version 3.00, following symbols are added: USE_FLAGS - to compress boolean flags used (about 6 bytes instead more then 50 flags occupying earlies 1 byte for each flag). This option is turned on by default. To turn off, define a symbol USE_OLD_FLAGS ! EVENTS_DYNAMIC - to create events record (about 600 bytes) only for controls having assigned events. To turn off, define a symbol EVENTS_STATIC. NIL_EVENTS - by default, is off. This option returns back again checking TControl's events if it is assigned before calling. By default, now this option is off, all events are assigned to dummy event handlers at create, so checking if the handler is assigned is not necessary. But it is not allowed to assign NIL to the event, instead call ResetEvent method with the correspondent index (e.g. idx_fOnMessage). COMMANDACTIONS_OBJ - to store command actions certain for different control kinds in shared objects, separately from TControl object instances. To turn off, define a symbol COMMANDACTIONS_RECORD. PACK_COMMANDACTIONS - this option must be defined together with COMMANDACTIONS_OBJ and must not with COMMANDACTIONS_RECORD (just do nothing and this is applied automatically). |</pre> } {= K.O.L - �������� ���������� ��������. (C) ������ ��������, 2000-2007. } {$A-} // align off, otherwise code is not good {$Q-} // no overflow check: this option makes code wrong {$R-} // no range checking: this option makes code wrong {$T-} // not typed @-operator //{$D+} //______________________________________________________________________________ // //{$DEFINE INPACKAGE} // Uncomment this line while rebuild MCK package // for Delphi3 only, then restore the comment mark!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! //______________________________________________________________________________ {$IFDEF INPACKAGE} // use this symbol in packages requiring kol.pas {$WARNINGS OFF} //{$DEFINE NOT_USE_AUTOFREE4CONTROLS} {$DEFINE PAS_VERSION} {$UNDEF ASM_VERSION} {$UNDEF ASM_UNICODE} {$IFDEF _D2009orHigher} {$DEFINE UNICODE_CTRLS} {$ENDIF} {$ENDIF} {$IFDEF _D7orHigher} {$WARN UNSAFE_TYPE OFF} // Too many such warnings in Delphi7 {$WARN UNSAFE_CODE OFF} {$WARN UNSAFE_CAST OFF} {$ENDIF} interface {$IFnDEF CREATE_VISIBLE} {$DEFINE CREATE_HIDDEN} {$ENDIF} {$IFDEF NEW_ALIGN} {$UNDEF OLD_ALIGN} {$ELSE} {$IFNDEF OLD_ALIGN} {$DEFINE NEW_ALIGN} {$ENDIF} {$ENDIF} {$IFDEF OLD_ALIGN} {$UNDEF NEW_ALIGN} {$ELSE} {$IFNDEF NEW_ALIGN} {$DEFINE NEW_ALIGN} {$ENDIF} {$ENDIF} {$IFNDEF OLD_TRANSPARENT} {$DEFINE NEW_TRANSPARENT} {$ENDIF} {$IFNDEF NOT_UNION_FIELDS} {$DEFINE UNION_FIELDS} {$ENDIF} {$IFDEF UNION_FIELDS} {$UNDEF NOT_USE_AUTOFREE4CONTROLS} {$ENDIF} {$IFNDEF NOT_USE_AUTOFREE4CONTROLS} {$DEFINE USE_AUTOFREE4CONTROLS} {$DEFINE USE_AUTOFREE4CHILDREN} {$ENDIF} {$IFDEF SMALLEST_CODE} {$DEFINE NOT_UNLOAD_RICHEDITLIB} {$DEFINE SMALLER_CODE} {$DEFINE CREATE_VISIBLE} {$ELSE} {$IFnDEF SPEED_NORMAL} {$DEFINE SPEED_FASTER} {$ENDIF} {$ENDIF} {$IFDEF _D2} {$UNDEF SPEED_FASTER} {$ENDIF} {$IFDEF SAFE_CODE} {$UNDEF NO_SAFE_CODE} {$ENDIF} {$IFDEF NO_SAFE_CODE} {$UNDEF SAFE_CODE} {$ENDIF} {$IFnDEF NO_SAFE_CODE} {$IFnDEF SMALLER_CODE} {$DEFINE SAFE_CODE} {$ENDIF} {$ENDIF} {$IFDEF NOT_USE_RICHEDIT} {$DEFINE NOT_UNLOAD_RICHEDITLIB} {$ENDIF} //{$DEFINE DEBUG_GDIOBJECTS} //{$DEFINE CHK_GDI} uses {$IFDEF WIN}messages, windows {$IFNDEF NOT_USE_RICHEDIT}, RichEdit {$ENDIF}{$ENDIF WIN} {$IFDEF LIN}, Libc, Xlib{$ENDIF} {$IFDEF GTK}, Glib2 , Gdk2, Gtk2, pango {$ENDIF GTK} {$IFDEF CHK_GDI}, ChkGdi {$ENDIF}; {$IFDEF LIN} {$DEFINE global_declare} {$I KOL_Linux.inc} {$UNDEF global_declare} ////type HDC = TGC; // from Xlib (temporary definition?) {$ENDIF LIN} var AppTheming: Boolean; {$IFDEF DEBUG_GDIOBJECTS} var BrushCount: Integer; FontCount: Integer; PenCount: Integer; {$ENDIF} {$IFDEF _D2009orHigher} type KOLWideString = UnicodeString; {$ELSE} {$IFDEF _D3orHigher} type KOLWideString = WideString; {$ENDIF} {$ENDIF} {$IFDEF UNICODE_CTRLS} {$IFDEF _D2} {$ERROR 'Delphi 2 cannot compile with UNICODE_CTRLS defined!'} {$ENDIF} const SizeOfKOLChar = SizeOf(WideChar); type KOLString = KOLWideString; KOL_String = type KOLWideString; KOLChar = type WideChar; PKOLChar = PWideChar; PKOL_Char = type PWideChar; {$ELSE} const SizeOfKOLChar = SizeOf(AnsiChar); type KOLString = AnsiString; KOL_String = type AnsiString; KOLChar = type AnsiChar; PKOLChar = PAnsiChar; PKOL_Char = type PAnsiChar; {$IFDEF ASM_VERSION} {$IFNDEF ASM_NOUNICODE} {$DEFINE ASM_UNICODE} {$ENDIF} {$UNDEF PAS_VERSION} {$ENDIF} {$ENDIF} {$IFNDEF ASM_VERSION} {$DEFINE PAS_VERSION} {$ENDIF ASM_VERSION} {$IFDEF PAS_VERSION} {$UNDEF ASM_VERSION} {$UNDEF ASM_UNICODE} {$UNDEF ASM_TLIST} {$ENDIF} {BCB++}(*type DWORD = Windows.DWORD;*){--BCB} {$IFDEF WIN} //{_#IF [DELPHI]} {$INCLUDE delphicommctrl.inc} {$IFDEF UNICODE_CTRLS} {$DEFINE interface_part} {$I KOL_unicode.inc} {$UNDEF interface_part} {$ELSE} // ANSI_CTRLS {$DEFINE interface_part} {$I KOL_ansi.inc} {$UNDEF interface_part} {$ENDIF UNICODE_CTRLS} //{_#ENDIF} {$ENDIF WIN} type _TObj = object {* auxiliary object type. See TObj. } protected procedure Init; virtual; {* Is called from a constructor to initialize created object instance filling its fields with 0. Can be overriden in descendant objects to add another initialization code there. (Main reason of intending is what constructors can not be virtual in poor objects). } {= ���������� ��� ������������� �������. } public function VmtAddr: Pointer; {* Returns addres of virtual methods table of object. ? } {= ���������� ����� ������� ����������� ������� (VMT). ? } end; PObj = ^TObj; {* } PList = ^TList; {* } PPointerList = ^TPointerList; TPointerList = array[0..{$IFDEF _DXE2orHigher} 65536 {$ELSE} MaxInt div 4 - 1 {$ENDIF}] of Pointer; TObjectMethod = procedure of object; {* } TOnEvent = procedure( Sender: PObj ) of object; {* This type of event is the most common - event handler when called can know only what object was a sender of this call. Replaces good known VCL TNotifyEvent event type. } TOnEventMoving = procedure( Sender: PObj; P: PRect ) of object; { --------------------------------------------------------------------- TObj - base object to derive all others ---------------------------------------------------------------------- } //[TObj DEFINITION] TObj = object( _TObj ) {* Prototype for all objects of KOL. All its methods are important to implement objects in a manner similar to Delphi TObject class. } {= ������� ����� ��� ���� ������ �������� KOL. } protected {$IFDEF DEBUG_OBJKIND} fObjKind: PChar; {$ENDIF} fRefCount: Integer; fOnDestroy: TOnEvent; {$IFDEF OLD_REFCOUNT} procedure DoDestroy; {$ENDIF} protected fAutoFree: PList; {* Is called from a constructor to initialize created object instance filling its fields with 0. Can be overriden in descendant objects to add another initialization code there. (Main reason of intending is what constructors can not be virtual in poor objects). } {= ���������� ��� ������������� �������. } fTag: DWORD; {* Custom data. } public destructor Destroy; virtual; {* Disposes memory, allocated to an object. Does not release huge strings, dynamic arrays and so on. Such memory should be freeing in overriden destructor. } {= ����������� ������, ���������� ��� �������. �� ����������� ������, ���������� ��� �����, ������������ �������� � �.�. ����� ������ ������ ���� ����������� � ���������������� ����������� �������. } {$IFnDEF NIL_EVENTS} //procedure Init; virtual; {* Can be overriden in descendant objects to add initialization code there. (Main reason of intending is what constructors can not be virtual in poor objects). } {$ENDIF NIL_EVENTS} procedure Final; {* It is called in destructor to perform OnDestroy event call and to released objects, added to fAutoFree list. } public procedure RefInc; {* See comments below. } {= ��. RefDec ����. } function RefDec: Integer; {* Decrements reference count. If it is becoming <0, and Free method was already called, object is (self-) destroyed. Otherwise, Free method does not destroy object, but only sets flag "Free was called". |<br> Use RefInc..RefDec to provide a block of code, where object can not be destroyed by call of Free method. This makes code more safe from intersecting flows of processing, where some code want to destroy object, but others suppose that it is yet existing. |<br> If You want to release object at the end of block RefInc..RefDec, do it immediately BEFORE call of last RefDec (to avoid situation, when object is released in result of RefDec, and attempt to destroy it follow leads to AV exception). |<br> Actually, this "function" is a procedure and does not return any sensible value. It is declared as a function for internal needs (to avoid creating separate code for Free method) } {= ��������� ������� �������������. ���� � ���������� ������� ���������� < 0, � ����� Free ��� ��� ������, ������ (����-) �����������. �����, ����� Free �� ��������� ������, � ������ ������������� ���� "Free ��� ������". |<br> ����������� RefInc..RefDec ��� �������������� ���������� ������� �� ��������� ������� ���� (���� ���� ����� �������������). |<br> ���� ����� ����� (���������) ������ ������ � ��������� RefDec, �������� ����� Free ���������� ����� ��������� RefDec. } property RefCount: Integer read fRefCount; {* } {$IFDEF OLD_FREE} procedure Free; {$ELSE NEW_FREE} property Free: Integer read RefDec; {* Before calling destructor of object, checks if passed pointer is not nil - similar what is done in VCL for TObject. It is ALWAYS recommended to use Free instead of Destroy - see also comments to RefInc, RefDec. } {= �� ������ �����������, ���������, �� ������� �� nil � �������� ���������. ������ ������������� ������������ Free ������ Destroy - ��. ��� �� RefInc, RefDec. } {$ENDIF NEW_FREE} // By Vyacheslav Gavrik: function InstanceSize: Integer; {* Returns a size of object instance. } constructor Create; {* Constructor. Do not call it. Instead, use New<objectname> function call for certain object, e.g., NewLabel( AParent, 'caption' ); } {= �����������. �� ������� �������� ���. ��� ��������������� ��������, ��������� ��������������� ���������� ������� New<���-�������>. ��������, NewLabel( MyForm, '�����1' ); } class function AncestorOfObject( Obj: Pointer ): Boolean; {* Is intended to replace 'is' operator, which is not applicable to objects. } function VmtAddr: Pointer; {* Returns addres of virtual methods table of object. } {= ���������� ����� ������� ����������� ������� (VMT). } property OnDestroy: TOnEvent read fOnDestroy write fOnDestroy; {* This event is provided for any KOL object, so You can provide your own OnDestroy event for it. } {= ������ ������� �������������� ��� ���� �������� KOL. ��������� ������� ���-������ � ����� � ����������� �������. } procedure Add2AutoFree( Obj: PObj ); {* Adds an object to the list of objects, destroyed automatically when the object is destroyed. Do not add here child controls of the TControl (these are destroyed by another way). Only non-control objects, which are not destroyed automatically, should be added here. } procedure Add2AutoFreeEx( Proc: TObjectMethod ); {* Adds an event handler to the list of events, called in destructor. This method is mainly for internal use, and allows to auto-destroy VCL components, located on KOL form at design time (in MCK project). } procedure RemoveFromAutoFree( Obj: PObj ); {* Removes an object from auto-free list } procedure RemoveFromAutoFreeEx( Proc: TObjectMethod ); {* Removes a procedure from auto-free list } property Tag: DWORD read fTag write fTag; {* Custom data field. } protected {$IFDEF USE_NAMES} fName: AnsiString; fNamedObjList: Plist; fOwnerObj: PObj; {$ENDIF} public {$IFDEF USE_NAMES} procedure SetName( NewOwnerObj: PObj; NewName: AnsiString); property Name: Ansistring read FName; property NamedObjList : PList read fNamedObjList; property OwnerObj: PObj read FOwnerObj; function FindObj(const ObjName: Ansistring): PObj; {$ENDIF} end; { --------------------------------------------------------------------- TList - object to implement list of pointers (or dwords) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- } TList = object( TObj ) {* Simple list of pointers. It is used in KOL instead of standard VCL TList to store any kind data (or pointers to these ones). Can be created calling function NewList. } {= ������� ������ ����������. } protected fItems: PPointerList; fCount: Integer; fCapacity: Integer; fAddBy: Integer; procedure SetCount(const Value: Integer); procedure SetAddBy(Value: Integer); destructor Destroy; virtual; {* Destroys list, freeing memory, allocated for pointers. Programmer is resposible for destroying of data, referenced by the pointers. } procedure SetCapacity( Value: Integer ); function Get( Idx: Integer ): Pointer; procedure Put( Idx: Integer; Value: Pointer ); {$IFDEF USE_CONSTRUCTORS} procedure Init; virtual; {$ENDIF} protected {$IFDEF TLIST_FAST} fBlockList: PList; fLastKnownBlockIdx: Integer; fLastKnownCountBefore: Integer; fUseBlocks: Boolean; fNotOptimized: Boolean; {$ENDIF} public procedure Clear; {* Makes Count equal to 0. Not responsible for freeing (or destroying) data, referenced by released pointers. } procedure Add( Value: Pointer ); {* Adds pointer to the end of list, increasing Count by one. } procedure Insert( Idx: Integer; Value: Pointer ); {* Inserts pointer before given item. Returns Idx, i.e. index of inserted item in the list. Indeces of items, located after insertion point, are increasing. To add item to the end of list, pass Count as index parameter. To insert item before first item, pass 0 there. } function IndexOf( Value: Pointer ): Integer; {* Searches first (from start) item pointer with given value and returns its index (zero-based) if found. If not found, returns -1. } procedure Delete( Idx: Integer ); {* Deletes given (by index) pointer item from the list, shifting all follow item indeces up by one. } procedure DeleteRange( Idx, Len: Integer ); {* Deletes Len items starting from Idx. } procedure Remove( Value: Pointer ); {* Removes first entry of a Value in the list. } property Count: Integer read fCount write SetCount; {* Returns count of items in the list. It is possible to delete a number of items at the end of the list, keeping only first Count items alive, assigning new value to Count property (less then Count it is). } property Capacity: Integer read fCapacity write SetCapacity; {* Returns number of pointers which could be stored in the list without reallocating of memory. It is possible change this value for optimize usage of the list (for minimize number of reallocating memory operations). } property Items[ Idx: Integer ]: Pointer read Get write Put; default; {* Provides access (read and write) to items of the list. Please note, that TList is not responsible for freeing memory, referenced by stored pointers. } function Last: Pointer; {* Returns the last item (or nil, if the list is empty). } procedure Swap( Idx1, Idx2: Integer ); {* Swaps two items in list directly (fast, but without testing of index bounds). } procedure MoveItem( OldIdx, NewIdx: Integer ); {* Moves item to new position. Pass NewIdx >= Count to move item after the last one. } procedure Release; {* Especially for lists of pointers to dynamically allocated memory. Releases all pointed memory blocks and destroys object itself. } procedure ReleaseObjects; {* Especially for a list of objects derived from TObj. Calls Free for every of the object in the list, and then calls Free for the object itself. } property AddBy: Integer read fAddBy write SetAddBy; {* Value to increment capacity when new items are added or inserted and capacity need to be increased. } property DataMemory: PPointerList read fItems; {* Raw data memory. Can be used for direct access to items of a list. Do not use it for TLIST_FAST ! } procedure Assign( SrcList: PList ); {* Copies all source list items. } {$IFDEF _D4orHigher} procedure AddItems( const AItems: array of Pointer ); {* Adds a list of items given by a dynamic array. } {$ENDIF} function ItemAddress( Idx: Integer ): Pointer; {* Returns an address of memory occupying by the item with index Idx. (If the item is a pointer, returned value is a pointer to a pointer). Item with index requested must exist. } {$IFDEF TLIST_FAST} property UseBlocks: Boolean read fUseBlocks write fUseBlocks; {$ENDIF} procedure OptimizeForRead; end; function NewList: PList; {* Returns pointer to newly created TList object. Use it instead usual TList.Create as it is done in VCL or XCL. } {$IFDEF _D4orHigher} function NewListInit( const AItems: array of Pointer ): PList; {* Creates a list filling it initially with certain Items. } {$ENDIF} {$IFNDEF TLIST_FAST} {$IFNDEF PAS_ONLY} procedure FastIncNum2Elements( List: TList; FromIdx, Count, Value: Integer ); {* Very fast adds Value to List elements from List[FromIdx] to List[FromIdx+Count-1]. Given elements must exist. Count must be > 0. } {$ENDIF} {$ENDIF} procedure Free_And_Nil( var Obj ); {* Obj.Free and Obj := nil, where Obj *MUST* be TObj or its descendant (TControl, TMenu, etc.) This procedure is not compatible with VCL's FreeAndNil, which works with TObject, since this it has another name. } {$IFDEF WIN_GDI} { ------------------------------- threads ------------------------------------ } const ABOVE_NORMAL_PRIORITY_CLASS = $8000; // only for Windows 2K BELOW_NORMAL_PRIORITY_CLASS = $4000; // and higher ! type PThread = ^TThread; TThreadMethod = procedure of object; TThreadMethodEx = procedure( Sender: PThread; Param: Pointer ) of object; TOnThreadExecute = function(Sender: PThread): Integer of object; {* Event to be called when Execute method is called for TThread } { --------------------------------------------------------------------- TThread object ---------------------------------------------------------------------- } TThread = object(TObj) private function GetPriorityBoost: Boolean; procedure SetPriorityBoost(const Value: Boolean); {* Thread object. It is possible not to derive Your own thread-based object, but instead create thread Suspended and assign event OnExecute. To create, use one of NewThread of NewThreadEx functions, or derive Your own descendant object and write creation function (or constructor) for it. |<br><br> Aknowledgements. Originally class ZThread was developed for XCL: |<br> * By: Tim Slusher : junior@nlcomm.com |<br> * Home: http://www.nlcomm.com/~junior } protected FSuspended, FTerminated: Boolean; FHandle: THandle; FThreadId: DWORD; FOnSuspend: TObjectMethod; FOnResume: TOnEvent; FData : Pointer; FOnExecute : TOnThreadExecute; FMethod: TThreadMethod; FMethodEx: TThreadMethodEx; F_AutoFree: Boolean; FPriority: Integer; function GetPriorityCls: Integer; function GetThrdPriority: Integer; procedure SetPriorityCls(Value: Integer); procedure SetThrdPriority(Value: Integer); procedure Init; virtual; destructor Destroy; virtual; {* } public {$IFDEF PSEUDO_THREADS} FPrtyCls: Integer; DoNotWakeUntil: DWORD; AllThreads: PList; // only for MainThread CurrentThread: PThread; StackBottom: Pointer; // except for MainThread CurStackPos: Pointer; Stack_Empty: Boolean; procedure SwitchToThread( T: PThread ); // methods of MainThread procedure NextThread; {$ENDIF} public FResult: Integer; function Execute: integer; virtual; {* Executes thread. Do not call this method from another thread! (Even do not call this method at all!) Instead, use Resume. |<br> Note also that in contrast to VCL, it is not necessary to create your own descendant object from TThread and override Execute method. In KOL, it is sufficient to create an instance of TThread object (see NewThread, NewThreadEx, NewThreadAutoFree functions) and assign OnExecute event handler for it. } procedure Resume; {* Continues executing. It is necessary to make call for every nested Suspend. } procedure Suspend; {* Suspends thread until it will be resumed. Can be called from another thread or from the thread itself. } procedure Terminate; {* Terminates thread. } function WaitFor: Integer; {* Waits (infinitively) until thead will be finished. } function WaitForTime( T: DWORD ): Integer; {* Waits (T milliseconds) until thead will be finished. } property Handle: THandle read FHandle; {* Thread handle. It is created immediately when object is created (using NewThread). } property Suspended: Boolean read FSuspended; {* True, if suspended. } property Terminated: Boolean read FTerminated; {* True, if terminated. } property ThreadId: DWORD read FThreadId; {* Thread id. } property PriorityClass: Integer read GetPriorityCls write SetPriorityCls; {* Thread priority class. One of following values: HIGH_PRIORITY_CLASS, IDLE_PRIORITY_CLASS, NORMAL_PRIORITY_CLASS, REALTIME_PRIORITY_CLASS. } property ThreadPriority: Integer read GetThrdPriority write SetThrdPriority; {* Thread priority value. One of following values: THREAD_PRIORITY_ABOVE_NORMAL, THREAD_PRIORITY_BELOW_NORMAL, THREAD_PRIORITY_HIGHEST, THREAD_PRIORITY_IDLE, THREAD_PRIORITY_LOWEST, THREAD_PRIORITY_NORMAL, THREAD_PRIORITY_TIME_CRITICAL. } property Data : Pointer read FData write FData; {* Custom data pointer. Use it for Youe own purpose. } property OnExecute: TOnThreadExecute read FOnExecute write FOnExecute; {* Is called, when Execute is starting. } property OnSuspend: TObjectMethod read FOnSuspend write FOnSuspend; {* Is called, when Suspend is performed. } property OnResume: TOnEvent read FOnResume write FOnResume; {* Is called, when resumed. } procedure Synchronize( Method: TThreadMethod ); {* Call it to execute given method in main thread context. Applet variable must exist for that time. } procedure SynchronizeEx( Method: TThreadMethodEx; Param: Pointer ); {* Call it to execute given method in main thread context, with a given parameter. Applet variable must exist for that time. Param must not be nil. } {$IFDEF USE_CONSTRUCTORS} constructor ThreadCreate; constructor ThreadCreateEx( const Proc: TOnThreadExecute ); {$ENDIF USE_CONSTRUCTORS} property AutoFree: Boolean read F_AutoFree write F_AutoFree; {* Set this property to true to provide automatic destroying of thread object when its executing is finished. } property PriorityBoost: Boolean read GetPriorityBoost write SetPriorityBoost; {* By default, priority boost is enabled for all threads. } end; function NewThread: PThread; {* Creates thread object (always suspended). After creating, set event OnExecute and perform Resume operation. } function NewThreadEx( const Proc: TOnThreadExecute ): PThread; stdcall; {* Creates thread object, assigns Proc to its OnExecute event and runs it. } function NewThreadAutoFree( const Proc: TOnThreadExecute ): PThread; {* Creates thread object similar to NewThreadEx, but freeing automatically when executing of such thread finished. Be sure that a thread is resumed at least to provide its object keeper freeing. } {$IFDEF PSEUDO_THREADS} var MainThread: PThread; PseudoThreadStackSize: DWORD = 1024 * 1024; CreatingMainThread: Boolean; function WaitForSingleObject( hHandle: THandle; dwMilliseconds: DWORD ): DWORD; stdcall; function WaitForMultipleObjects( nCount: DWORD; lpHandles: PHandle; fWaitAll: BOOL; dwMilliseconds: DWORD ): DWORD; stdcall; procedure Sleep( n: DWORD ); {$ENDIF} { ----------------------------------- streams -------------------------------- } {$ENDIF WIN_GDI} type TMoveMethod = ( spBegin, spCurrent, spEnd ); {$IFDEF WIN_GDI} type {$IFDEF STREAM_LARGE64} TStrmSize = Int64; TStrmMove = Int64; {$UNDEF ASM_STREAM} {$UNDEF STREAM_COMPAT} {$ELSE} TStrmSize = DWORD; TStrmMove = Integer; {$IFDEF ASM_VERSION} {$IFNDEF ASM_NOSTREAM} {$DEFINE ASM_STREAM} {$ENDIF} {$ENDIF} {$ENDIF} PStream = ^TStream; PStreamMethods = ^TStreamMethods; TStreamMethods = Packed Record fSeek: function( Strm: PStream; {$IFNDEF STREAM_COMPAT} const {$ENDIF} MoveTo: TStrmMove; MoveMethod: TMoveMethod ): TStrmSize; fGetSiz: function( Strm: PStream ): TStrmSize; fSetSiz: procedure( Strm: PStream; {$IFNDEF STREAM_COMPAT} const {$ENDIF} Value: TStrmSize ); fRead: function( Strm: PStream; var Buffer; {$IFNDEF STREAM_COMPAT} const {$ENDIF} Count: TStrmSize ): TStrmSize; fWrite: function( Strm: PStream; var Buffer; {$IFNDEF STREAM_COMPAT} const {$ENDIF} Count: TStrmSize ): TStrmSize; fClose: procedure( Strm: PStream ); fCustom: Pointer; fWait: procedure( Strm: PStream ); end; TStreamData = Packed Record fHandle: THandle; fCapacity, fSize, fPosition: TStrmSize; fThread: PThread; CASE Integer OF 2: ( fStream1, fStream2: PStream; ); 3: ( fBaseStream: PStream; fFromPos: TStrmSize; ); 4: ( fBlkSize: Integer; fBlocks: PList; fJustWrittenBlkAddress: Pointer; ); end; { --------------------------------------------------------------------- TStream - streaming objects incapsulation ---------------------------------------------------------------------- } TStream = object(TObj) {* Simple stream object. Can be opened for file, or as memory stream (see NewReadFileStream, NewWriteFileStream, NewMemoryStream, etc.). And, another type of streaming object can be derived (without inheriting new object type, just by writing another New...Stream method, which calls _NewStream and pass methods record to it). } protected fPMethods: PStreamMethods; fMethods: TStreamMethods; fMemory: Pointer; fData: TStreamData; fParam1, fParam2: TStrmMove; // parameters to use in thread fOnChangePos: TOnEvent; function GetCapacity: TStrmSize; procedure SetCapacity(const Value: TStrmSize); function DoAsyncRead( Sender: PThread ): Integer; function DoAsyncWrite( Sender: PThread ): Integer; function DoAsyncSeek( Sender: PThread ): Integer; protected function GetFileStreamHandle: THandle; procedure SetPosition(const Value: TStrmSize); function GetPosition: TStrmSize; function GetSize: TStrmSize; procedure SetSize(const NewSize: TStrmSize); destructor Destroy; virtual; public function Read(var Buffer; const Count: TStrmSize): TStrmSize; {* Reads Count bytes from a stream. Returns number of bytes read. } function Seek({$IFNDEF STREAM_COMPAT} const {$ENDIF} MoveTo: TStrmMove; MoveMethod: TMoveMethod): TStrmSize; {* Allows to change current position or to obtain it. Property Position uses this method both for get and set position. } function Write(var Buffer; {$IFNDEF STREAM_COMPAT} const {$ENDIF} Count: TStrmSize): TStrmSize; {* Writes Count bytes from Buffer, starting from current position in a stream. Returns how much bytes are written. } function WriteVal( Value: DWORD; Count: DWORD ): DWORD; {* Writes maximum 4 bytes of Value to a stream. Allows writing constants easier than via Write. } function WriteStr( S: AnsiString ): DWORD; {* Writes string to the stream, not including ending #0. Exactly Length( S ) characters are written. } function WriteStrZ( S: AnsiString ): DWORD; {* Writes string, adding #0. Number of bytes written is returned. } {$IFDEF _D3orHigher} function WriteWStrZ( S: KOLWideString ): DWORD; {* Writes string, adding #0. Number of bytes written is returned. } {$ENDIF} function ReadStrZ: AnsiString; {* Reads string, finished by #0. After reading, current position in the stream is set to the byte, follows #0. } {$IFDEF _D3orHigher} function ReadWStrZ: KOLWideString; {* Reads string, finished by #0. After reading, current position in the stream is set to the byte, follows #0. } {$ENDIF} function ReadStr: AnsiString; {* Reads string, finished by #13, #10 or #13#10 symbols. Terminating symbols #13 and/or #10 are not added to the end of returned string though stream positioned follow it. } function ReadStrLen( Len: Integer ): AnsiString; {* Reads string of the given length Len. } function WriteStrEx(S: AnsiString): DWord; {* Writes string S to stream, also saving its size for future use by ReadStrEx* functions. Returns number of actually written characters. } function ReadStrExVar(var S: AnsiString): DWord; {* Reads string from stream and assigns it to S. Returns number of actually read characters. Note: String must be written by using WriteStrEx function. Return value is count of characters READ, not the length of string. } function ReadStrEx: AnsiString; {* Reads string from stream and returns it. } function WriteStrPas( S: AnsiString ): DWORD; {* Writes a string in Pascal short string format - 1 byte length, then string itself without trailing #0 char. S parameter length should not exceed 255 chars, rest chars are truncated while writing. Total amount of bytes written is returned. } function ReadStrPas: AnsiString; {* Reads 1 byte from a stream, then treat it as a length of following string which is read and returned. A purpose of this function is reading strings written using WriteStrPas. } property Size: TStrmSize read GetSize write SetSize; {* Returns stream size. For some custom streams, can be slow operation, or even always return undefined value (-1 recommended). } property Position: TStrmSize read GetPosition write SetPosition; {* Current position. } property Memory: Pointer read fMemory; {* Only for memory stream. } property Handle: THandle read GetFileStreamHandle; {* Only for file stream. It is possible to check that Handle <> INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE to ensure that file stream is created OK. } //---------- for asynchronous operations (using thread - not tested): procedure SeekAsync(MoveTo: TStrmMove; MoveMethod: TMoveMethod); {* Changes current position asynchronously. To wait for finishing the operation, use method Wait. } procedure ReadAsync(var Buffer; Count: DWord); {* Reads Count bytes from a stream asynchronously. To wait finishing the operation, use method Wait. } procedure WriteAsync(var Buffer; Count: DWord); {* Writes Count bytes from Buffer, starting from current position in a stream - asynchronously. To wait finishing the operation, use method Wait. } function Busy: Boolean; {* Returns TRUE until finishing the last asynchronous operation started by calling SeekAsync, ReadAsync, WriteAsync methods. } procedure Wait; {* Waits for finishing the last asynchronous operation. } property Methods: PStreamMethods read fPMethods; {* Pointer to TStreamMethods record. Useful to implement custom-defined streams, which can access its fCustom field, or even to change methods when necessary. } property Data: TStreamData read fData; {* Pointer to TStreamData record. Useful to implement custom-defined streams, which can access Data fields directly when implemented. } property Capacity: TStrmSize read GetCapacity write SetCapacity; {* Amound of memory allocated for data (MemoryStream). } procedure SaveToFile( const Filename: KOLString; const Start, CountSave: TStrmSize ); {* } property OnChangePos: TOnEvent read fOnChangePos write fOnChangePos; {* To allow using this event, create stream with special constructing function like NewMemoryStreamWithEvent or NewReadFileStreamWithEvent, or replace reading / writing methods to certain supporting OnChangePos event. } end; function _NewStream( const StreamMethods: TStreamMethods ): PStream; {* Use this method only to define your own stream type. See also declared below (in KOL.pas) methods used to implement standard KOL streams. You can use it in your code to create streams, which are partially based on standard methods. } // Methods below are declared here to simplify creating your // own streams with some methods standard and some non-standard // together: function SeekFileStream( Strm: PStream; {$IFNDEF STREAM_COMPAT} const {$ENDIF} MoveTo: TStrmMove; MoveFrom: TMoveMethod ): TStrmSize; function GetSizeFileStream( Strm: PStream ): TStrmSize; function ReadFileStream( Strm: PStream; var Buffer; {$IFNDEF STREAM_COMPAT} const {$ENDIF} Count: TStrmSize ): TStrmSize; function ReadFileStreamWithEvent( Strm: PStream; var Buffer; {$IFNDEF STREAM_COMPAT} const {$ENDIF} Count: TStrmSize ): TStrmSize; var ReadFileStreamProc: function( Strm: PStream; var Buffer; {$IFNDEF STREAM_COMPAT} const {$ENDIF} Count: TStrmSize ): TStrmSize = ReadFileStream; function WriteFileStream( Strm: PStream; var Buffer; {$IFNDEF STREAM_COMPAT} const {$ENDIF} Count: TStrmSize ): TStrmSize; function WriteFileStreamWithEvent( Strm: PStream; var Buffer; {$IFNDEF STREAM_COMPAT} const {$ENDIF} Count: TStrmSize ): TStrmSize; function WriteFileStreamEOF( Strm: PStream; var Buffer; {$IFNDEF STREAM_COMPAT} const {$ENDIF} Count: TStrmSize ): TStrmSize; function WriteFileStreamEOFWithEvent( Strm: PStream; var Buffer; {$IFNDEF STREAM_COMPAT} const {$ENDIF} Count: TStrmSize ): TStrmSize; procedure CloseFileStream( Strm: PStream ); function SeekMemStream( Strm: PStream; {$IFNDEF STREAM_COMPAT} const {$ENDIF} MoveTo: TStrmMove; MoveFrom: TMoveMethod ): TStrmSize; function SeekMemStreamWithEvent( Strm: PStream; {$IFNDEF STREAM_COMPAT} const {$ENDIF} MoveTo: TStrmMove; MoveFrom: TMoveMethod ): TStrmSize; function GetSizeMemStream( Strm: PStream ): TStrmSize; var CapacityMask: DWORD = $4000 - 1; // must be 2**n-1 procedure SetSizeMemStream( Strm: PStream; {$IFNDEF STREAM_COMPAT} const {$ENDIF} NewSize: TStrmSize ); function ReadMemStream( Strm: PStream; var Buffer; {$IFNDEF STREAM_COMPAT} const {$ENDIF} Count: TStrmSize ): TStrmSize; function ReadMemStreamWithEvent( Strm: PStream; var Buffer; {$IFNDEF STREAM_COMPAT} const {$ENDIF} Count: TStrmSize ): TStrmSize; function WriteMemStream( Strm: PStream; var Buffer; {$IFNDEF STREAM_COMPAT} const {$ENDIF} Count: TStrmSize ): TStrmSize; function WriteMemStreamWithEvent( Strm: PStream; var Buffer; {$IFNDEF STREAM_COMPAT} const {$ENDIF} Count: TStrmSize ): TStrmSize; procedure CloseMemStream( Strm: PStream ); procedure SetSizeFileStream( Strm: PStream; {$IFNDEF STREAM_COMPAT} const {$ENDIF} NewSize: TStrmSize ); function ReadMemBlkStream( Strm: PStream; var Buffer; {$IFNDEF STREAM_COMPAT} const {$ENDIF} Count: TStrmSize ): TStrmSize; function SeekMemBlkStream( Strm: PStream; {$IFNDEF STREAM_COMPAT} const {$ENDIF} MoveTo: TStrmMove; MoveFrom: TMoveMethod ): TStrmSize; function WriteMemBlkStream( Strm: PStream; var Buffer; {$IFNDEF STREAM_COMPAT} const {$ENDIF} Count: TStrmSize ): TStrmSize; procedure ResizeMemBlkStream( Strm: PStream; {$IFNDEF STREAM_COMPAT} const {$ENDIF} NewSize: TStrmSize ); procedure FreeMemBlkStream( Strm: PStream ); function SeekConcatStream( Strm: PStream; {$IFNDEF STREAM_COMPAT} const {$ENDIF} MoveTo: TStrmMove; MoveFrom: TMoveMethod ): TStrmSize; function GetSizeConcatStream( Strm: PStream ): TStrmSize; procedure SetSizeConcatStream( Strm: PStream; {$IFNDEF STREAM_COMPAT} const {$ENDIF} NewSize: TStrmSize ); function ReadConcatStream( Strm: PStream; var Buffer; {$IFNDEF STREAM_COMPAT} const {$ENDIF} Count: TStrmSize ): TStrmSize; function WriteConcatStream( Strm: PStream; var Buffer; {$IFNDEF STREAM_COMPAT} const {$ENDIF} Count: TStrmSize ): TStrmSize; procedure CloseConcatStream( Strm: PStream ); function SeekSubStream( Strm: PStream; {$IFNDEF STREAM_COMPAT} const {$ENDIF} MoveTo: TStrmMove; MoveFrom: TMoveMethod ): TStrmSize; function GetSizeSubStream( Strm: PStream ): TStrmSize; procedure SetSizeSubStream( Strm: PStream; {$IFNDEF STREAM_COMPAT} const {$ENDIF} NewSize: TStrmSize ); function ReadSubStream( Strm: PStream; var Buffer; {$IFNDEF STREAM_COMPAT} const {$ENDIF} Count: TStrmSize ): TStrmSize; function WriteSubStream( Strm: PStream; var Buffer; {$IFNDEF STREAM_COMPAT} const {$ENDIF} Count: TStrmSize ): TStrmSize; procedure CloseSubStream( Strm: PStream ); procedure DummyCloseStream( Strm: PStream ); function DummyReadWrite( Strm: PStream; var Buffer; {$IFNDEF STREAM_COMPAT} const {$ENDIF} Count: TStrmSize ): TStrmSize; procedure DummySetSize( Strm: PStream; {$IFNDEF STREAM_COMPAT} const {$ENDIF} Value: TStrmSize ); procedure DummyStreamProc(Strm: PStream); function NewFileStream( const FileName: KOLString; Options: DWORD ): PStream; {* Creates file stream for read and write. Exact set of open attributes should be passed through Options parameter (see FileCreate where those flags are listed). } function NewFileStreamWithEvent( const FileName: KOLString; Options: DWORD ): PStream; {* Creates file stream for read and write. Exact set of open attributes should be passed through Options parameter (see FileCreate where those flags are listed). Also, resulting stream is supporting OnChangePos event. } function NewReadFileStream( const FileName: KOLString ): PStream; {* Creates file stream for read only. } function NewReadFileStreamWithEvent( const FileName: KOLString ): PStream; {* Creates file stream for read only, supporting OnChangePos event. } function NewWriteFileStream( const FileName: KOLString ): PStream; {* Creates file stream for write only. Truncating of file (if needed) is provided automatically. } function NewWriteFileStreamWithEvent( const FileName: KOLString ): PStream; {* Creates file stream for write only. Truncating of file (if needed) is provided automatically. Created stream supports OnChangePos event. } function NewReadWriteFileStream( const FileName: KOLString ): PStream; {* Creates stream for read and write file. To truncate file, if it is necessary, change Size property. } {$IFDEF _D3orHigher} function NewReadFileStreamW( const FileName: KOLWideString ): PStream; {* Creates file stream for read only. } function NewWriteFileStreamW( const FileName: KOLWideString ): PStream; {* Creates file stream for write only. Truncating of file (if needed) is provided automatically. } function NewReadWriteFileStreamW( const FileName: KOLWideString ): PStream; {* Creates stream for read and write file. To truncate file, if it is necessary, change Size property. } {$ENDIF} function NewExFileStream( F: HFile ): PStream; {* Creates read only stream to read from opened file or pipe from the current position. When stream is destroyed, file handle still not closed (your code should do this) and file position is not changed (after the last read operation). } function NewMemoryStream: PStream; {* Creates memory stream (read and write). } function NewMemoryStreamWithEvent: PStream; {* Creates memory stream (read and write). Created stream support OnChangePos event. } function NewExMemoryStream( ExistingMem: Pointer; Size: DWORD ): PStream; {* Creates memory stream on base of existing memory. It is not possible to write out of top bound given by Size (i.e. memory can not be resized, or reallocated. When stream object is destroyed this memory is not freed. } function NewMemBlkStream( BlkSize: Integer ): PStream; {* Creates memory stream which consists from blocks of given size. Contrary to a memory stream, contents of the blocks stream should not be accessed directly via fMemory but therefore it is possible to access its parts by portions written to blocks still those were written contigously. To do so, get an address of just written portion for further usage via field fJustWrittenBlkAddress. It is guarantee that blocks of memory allocated during write process never are relocated until destruction the stream. } function NewMemBlkStream_WriteOnly( BlkSize: Integer ): PStream; {* Same as NewMemoryStream} function NewConcatStream( Stream1, Stream2: PStream ): PStream; {* Creates a stream which is a concatenation of two source stream. After the call, both source streams are belonging to the resulting stream and these will be destroyed together with the resulting stream. (So forget about it). After the call, first stream will not be changed in size via methods of concatenated stream (and it is not recommended to use further Stream1 and Stream2 methods too). But Stream2 can still be increased, if it allows doing so when some data are appended or Size of resulting stream is changed (but not less then Stream1.Size). Nature and physical location of Stream1 and Stream2 are not important and can be absolutely different. But it is supposed that both streams are not compressed and its Size is known always and Seek operation is valid. This function accepts recursive (multi-level) usage: resulting concatenation stream can be used as a left or right parameter to create another concatenation stream later, so it is possible to build a tree of streams concatenated, concatenating this way several different streams and use it as a single data streaming object. } function NewSubStream( BaseStream: PStream; const FromPos, Size: TStrmSize ): PStream; {* Creates a stream which is a subpart of BaseStream passes, starting from FromPos and with given Size. Like in function NewConcatStream, passes BaseStream become owned by newly created sub-stream object, and will be destroyed automatically together with a sub-stream. If you want to provide more long life time for a base stream (e.g. if you plan to use it after a sub-stream based on it is destroyed), use method RefInc for base stream once to prevent it from destroying when the sub-stream is destroyed. Note: be careful and avoid direct calling methods and properties of the base stream, while you have a sub-stream created on base it, since the sub-stream actually redirects all the requests to the parent base stream. Sub-stream accepts setting Size to greater value later, and if some data are written to it, it is written actually to the base stream, and when it is written beyond the end position, this will increase size of the base stream too (and if it is a file stream, this also will increase size of the file on which the base stream was created). This function accepts recursive (multi-level) usage: it is possible to create later another sub-stream on base of existing sub-stream, still it is actully can be treated as usual stream. } function Stream2Stream( Dst, Src: PStream; {$IFNDEF STREAM_COMPAT} const {$ENDIF} Count: TStrmSize ): TStrmSize; {* Copies Count (or less, if the rest of Src is not sufficiently long) bytes from Src to Dst, but with optimizing in cases, when Src or/and Dst are memory streams (intermediate buffer is not allocated). } function Stream2StreamEx( Dst, Src: PStream; {$IFNDEF STREAM_COMPAT} const {$ENDIF} Count: TStrmSize ): TStrmSize; {* Copies Count bytes from Src to Dst, but without any optimization. Unlike Stream2Stream function, it can be applied to very large streams. See also Stream2StreamExBufSz. } function Stream2StreamExBufSz( Dst, Src: PStream; {$IFNDEF STREAM_COMPAT} const {$ENDIF} Count: TStrmSize; BufSz: DWORD ): TStrmSize; {* Copies Count bytes from Src to Dst using buffer of given size, but without other optimizations. Unlike Stream2Stream function, it can be applied to very large streams } function Resource2Stream( DestStrm : PStream; Inst : HInst; ResName : PKOLChar; ResType : PKOLChar ): Integer; {* Loads given resource to DestStrm. Useful for non-standard resources to load it into memory (use memory stream for such purpose). Use one of following resource types to pass as ResType: |<pre> RT_ACCELERATOR Accelerator table RT_ANICURSOR Animated cursor RT_ANIICON Animated icon RT_BITMAP Bitmap resource RT_CURSOR Hardware-dependent cursor resource RT_DIALOG Dialog box RT_FONT Font resource RT_FONTDIR Font directory resource RT_GROUP_CURSOR Hardware-independent cursor resource RT_GROUP_ICON Hardware-independent icon resource RT_ICON Hardware-dependent icon resource RT_MENU Menu resource RT_MESSAGETABLE Message-table entry RT_RCDATA Application-defined resource (raw data) RT_STRING String-table entry RT_VERSION Version resource |</pre> |<br>For example: !var MemStrm: PStream; ! JpgObj: PJpeg; !...... ! MemStrm := NewMemoryStream; ! JpgObj := NewJpeg; !...... ! Resource2Stream( MemStrm, hInstance, 'MYJPEG', RT_RCDATA ); ! MemStrm.Position := 0; ! JpgObj.LoadFromStream( MemStrm ); ! MemStrm.Free; !...... } {$ENDIF WIN_GDI} { ------------------------- string list objects ------------------------------ } type TCompareStrListFun = function( const S1, S2: PAnsiChar ): Integer; TCompareEvent = function (const Data: Pointer; const e1,e2 : Dword) : Integer; {* Event type to define comparison function between two elements of an array. This event handler must return negative or positive value (correspondently for cases e1<e2 and e2>e2), or 0 if items are equal. Items are enumerated from 0 to uNElem. } TSwapEvent = procedure (const Data : Pointer; const e1,e2 : Dword); {* Event type to define swap procedure which is swapping two elements of the sorting data. } TCompareArrayEvent = function(e1,e2 : DWord) : Integer; {* Event type to define comparison function between two elements of an array. Like in TCompareEvent, but e1 and e2 are not indexes in the array but items itselves. } PStrList = ^TStrList; { --------------------------------------------------------------------- TStrList - string list ---------------------------------------------------------------------- } TStrList = object(TObj) {* Easy string list implementation (non-visual, just to store string data). It is well improved and has very high performance allowing to work fast with huge text files (more then megabyte of text data). | Please note that #0 charaster if stored in string lines, will cut it preventing reading the rest of a line. Be careful, if your data contain such characters. } protected procedure Init; virtual; protected fList: PList; fCount: Integer; fCaseSensitiveSort: Boolean; fAnsiSort: Boolean; fTextBuf: PAnsiChar; fTextSiz: DWORD; fCompareStrListFun: TCompareStrListFun; function GetPChars(Idx: Integer): PAnsiChar; //procedure AddTextBuf( Src: PAnsiChar; Len: DWORD ); protected function Get(Idx: integer): Ansistring; function GetTextStr: Ansistring; procedure Put(Idx: integer; const Value: Ansistring); procedure SetTextStr(const Value: Ansistring); destructor Destroy; virtual; protected // by Dod: procedure SetValue(const AName, Value: Ansistring); function GetValue(const AName: Ansistring): Ansistring; public // by Dod: function IndexOfName(AName: Ansistring): Integer; {* by Dod. Returns index of line starting like Name=... } function IndexOfName_NoCase(AName: Ansistring): Integer; property Values[const AName: Ansistring]: Ansistring read GetValue write SetValue; {* by Dod. Returns right side of a line starting like Name=... } public function Add(const S: Ansistring): integer; {* Adds a string to list. } procedure AddStrings(Strings: PStrList); {* Merges string list with given one. Very fast - more preferrable to use than any loop with calling Add method. } procedure Assign(Strings: PStrList); {* Fills string list with strings from other one. The same as AddStrings, but Clear is called first. } procedure Clear; {* Makes string list empty. } procedure Delete(Idx: integer); {* Deletes string with given index (it *must* exist). } procedure DeleteLast; {* Deletes the last string (it *must* exist). } function IndexOf(const S: AnsiString): integer; {* Returns index of first string, equal to given one. } function IndexOf_NoCase(const S: Ansistring): integer; {* Returns index of first string, equal to given one (while comparing it without case sensitivity). } function IndexOfStrL_NoCase( Str: PAnsiChar; L: Integer ): integer; {* Returns index of first string, equal to given one (while comparing it without case sensitivity). } function Find(const S: AnsiString; var Index: Integer): Boolean; {* Returns Index of the string, equal or greater to given pattern, but works only for sorted TStrList object. Returns TRUE if exact string found, otherwise nearest (greater then a pattern) string index is returned, and the result is FALSE. And in such _case Index is returned negated when the S string is less then the string found. } function FindFirst(const S: AnsiString; var Index: Integer): Boolean; {* Like above but always returns Index of the first string, equal or greater to given pattern. Also works only for sorted TStrList object. Returns TRUE if exact string found, otherwise nearest (greater then a pattern) string index is returned, and the result is FALSE. } procedure Insert(Idx: integer; const S: Ansistring); {* Inserts string before one with given index. } procedure Move(CurIndex, NewIndex: integer); {* Moves string to another location. } procedure SetText(const S: Ansistring; Append2List: Boolean); {* Allows to set strings of string list from given string (in which strings are separated by $0D,$0A or $0D characters). Text must not contain #0 characters. Works very fast. This method is used in all others, working with text arrays (LoadFromFile, MergeFromFile, Assign, AddStrings). } procedure SetUnixText( const S: AnsiString; Append2List: Boolean ); {* Allows to assign UNIX-style text (with #10 as string separator). } property Count: integer read fCount; {* Number of strings in a string list. } property Items[Idx: integer]: Ansistring read Get write Put; default; {* Strings array items. If item does not exist, empty string is returned. But for assign to property, string with given index *must* exist. } property ItemPtrs[ Idx: Integer ]: PAnsiChar read GetPChars; {* Fast access to item strings as PChars. } function Last: AnsiString; {* Last item (or '', if string list is empty). } property Text: Ansistring read GetTextStr write SetTextStr; {* Content of string list as a single string (where strings are separated by characters $0D,$0A). } procedure Swap( Idx1, Idx2 : Integer ); {* Swaps to strings with given indeces. } procedure Sort( CaseSensitive: Boolean ); {* Call it to sort string list. } procedure AnsiSort( CaseSensitive: Boolean ); {* Call it to sort ANSI string list. } procedure SortEx(const CompareFun: TCompareEvent); // by Dufa {* Call it to sort via your own compare procedure } protected // by Alexander Pravdin: fNameDelim: AnsiChar; function GetLineName( Idx: Integer ): AnsiString; procedure SetLineName( Idx: Integer; const NV: AnsiString ); function GetLineValue(Idx: Integer): Ansistring; procedure SetLineValue(Idx: Integer; const Value: Ansistring); public property LineName[ Idx: Integer ]: Ansistring read GetLineName write SetLineName; property LineValue[ Idx: Integer ]: Ansistring read GetLineValue write SetLineValue; property NameDelimiter: AnsiChar read fNameDelim write fNameDelim; function Join( const sep: AnsiString ): AnsiString; {* by Sergey Shishmintzev } {$IFDEF WIN_GDI} function LoadFromFile(const FileName: KOLString): Boolean; {* Loads string list from a file. (If file does not exist, nothing happens). Very fast even for huge text files. } procedure LoadFromStream(Stream: PStream; Append2List: Boolean); {* Loads string list from a stream (from current position to the end of a stream). Very fast even for huge text. } procedure MergeFromFile(const FileName: KOLString); {* Merges string list with strings in a file. Fast. } function SaveToFile(const FileName: KOLString): Boolean; {* Stores string list to a file. } procedure SaveToStream(Stream: PStream); {* Saves string list to a stream (from current position). } function AppendToFile(const FileName: KOLString): Boolean; {* Appends strings of string list to the end of a file. } {$ENDIF WIN_GDI} procedure OptimizeForRead; end; var DefaultNameDelimiter: AnsiChar = '='; ThsSeparator: KOLChar = ','; function NewStrList: PStrList; {* Creates string list object. } {$IFNDEF _FPC} function WStrLen( W: PWideChar ): Integer; {* Returns Length of null-terminated Unicode string. } {$IFDEF _D3orHigher} function UTF8_2KOLWideString( const s: AnsiString ): KOLWideString; {$ENDIF} {$ENDIF _FPC} type PStrListEx = ^TStrListEx; TStrListEx = object( TStrList ) {* Extended string list object. Has additional capability to associate numbers or objects with string list items. } protected FObjects: PList; function GetObjects(Idx: Integer): DWORD; function GetObjectCount: Integer; procedure SetObjects(Idx: Integer; const Value: DWORD); procedure Init; virtual; procedure ProvideObjCapacity( NewCap: Integer ); public destructor Destroy; virtual; {* } property Objects[ Idx: Integer ]: DWORD read GetObjects write SetObjects; {* Objects are just 32-bit values. You can treat and use it as pointers to any other data in the memory. But it is your task to free allocated memory in such case therefore. |<br> If the last item of a string list is deleted vis DeleteLast method (but not via Delete method), it's object still is preserved. As well, it is possible to set Objects[idx] for idx >= Count. To get know object's count, rather then strings count, use ObjectCount property. } property ObjectCount: Integer read GetObjectCount; {* Returns number of objects available. This value can differ from Count after some operations: objects are stored in the independant list and only synchronization is provided while using methods Delete, Insert, Add, AddObject, InsertObject while changing the list. } procedure AddStrings(Strings: PStrListEx); {* Merges string list with given one. Very fast - more preferrable to use than any loop with calling Add method. } procedure Assign(Strings: PStrListEx); {* Fills string list with strings from other one. The same as AddStrings, but Clear is called first. } procedure Clear; {* Makes string list empty. } procedure Delete(Idx: integer); {* Deletes string with given index (it *must* exist). } procedure DeleteLast; {* Deletes the last string and correspondent object in the list. } procedure Move(CurIndex, NewIndex: integer); {* Moves string to another location. } procedure Swap( Idx1, Idx2 : Integer ); {* Swaps to strings with given indeces. } procedure Sort( CaseSensitive: Boolean ); {* Call it to sort string list. } procedure AnsiSort( CaseSensitive: Boolean ); {* Call it to sort ANSI string list. } function LastObj: DWORD; {* Object assotiated with the last string. } function AddObject( const S: AnsiString; Obj: DWORD ): Integer; {* Adds a string and associates given number with it. Index of the item added is returned. } procedure InsertObject( Before: Integer; const S: AnsiString; Obj: DWORD ); {* Inserts a string together with object associated. } function IndexOfObj( Obj: Pointer ): Integer; {* Returns an index of a string associated with the object passed as a parameter. If there are no such strings, -1 is returned. } procedure OptimizeForRead; end; function NewStrListEx: PStrListEx; {* Creates extended string list object. } {$IFNDEF _FPC} procedure WStrCopy( Dest, Src: PWideChar ); {* Copies null-terminated Unicode string (terminated null also copied). } procedure WStrLCopy( Dest, Src: PWideChar; MaxLen: Integer ); {* Copies null-terminated Unicode string (terminated null also copied). } function WStrCmp( W1, W2: PWideChar ): Integer; {* Compares two null-terminated Unicode strings. } {$IFDEF _D3orHigher} function WStrCmp_NoCase( W1, W2: PWideChar ): Integer; {* Compares two null-terminated Unicode strings. } {$ENDIF} {$ENDIF _FPC} {$IFDEF WIN_GDI} {$IFNDEF _D2} //------------------ WideString is not supported in D2 ----------- type PWStrList = ^TWstrList; {* } TWStrList = object( TObj ) {* String list to store Unicode (null-terminated) strings. } protected function GetCount: Integer; function GetItems(Idx: Integer): KOLWideString; procedure SetItems(Idx: Integer; const Value: KOLWideString); function GetPtrs(Idx: Integer): PWideChar; function GetText: KOLWideString; protected fList: PList; fText: PWideChar; fTextBufSz: Integer; fTmp1, fTmp2: KOLWideString; procedure Init; virtual; public procedure SetText(const Value: KOLWideString); {* See also TStrList.SetText } destructor Destroy; virtual; {* } procedure Clear; {* See also TStrList.Clear } property Items[ Idx: Integer ]: KOLWideString read GetItems write SetItems; {* See also TStrList.Items } property ItemPtrs[ Idx: Integer ]: PWideChar read GetPtrs; {* See also TStrList.ItemPtrs } property Count: Integer read GetCount; {* See also TStrList.Count } function Add( const W: KOLWideString ): Integer; {* See also TStrList.Add } procedure Insert( Idx: Integer; const W: KOLWideString ); {* See also TStrList.Insert } procedure Delete( Idx: Integer ); {* See also TStrList.Delete } property Text: KOLWideString read GetText write SetText; {* See also TStrList.Text } procedure AddWStrings( WL: PWStrList ); {* See also TStrList.AddStrings } procedure Assign( WL: PWStrList ); {* See also TStrList.Assign } function LoadFromFile( const Filename: KOLString ): Boolean; {* See also TStrList.LoadFromFile } procedure LoadFromStream( Strm: PStream; AppendToList: Boolean ); {* See also TStrList.LoadFromStream } function MergeFromFile( const Filename: KOLString ): Boolean; {* See also TStrList.MergeFromFile } procedure MergeFromStream( Strm: PStream ); {* See also TStrList.MergeFromStream } function SaveToFile( const Filename: KOLString ): Boolean; {* See also TStrList.SaveToFile } procedure SaveToStream( Strm: PStream ); {* See also TStrList.SaveToStream } function AppendToFile( const Filename: KOLString ): Boolean; {* See also TStrList.AppendToFile } procedure Swap( Idx1, Idx2: Integer ); {* See also TStrList.Swap } procedure Sort( CaseSensitive: Boolean ); {* See also TStrList.Sort } procedure Move( IdxOld, IdxNew: Integer ); {* See also TStrList.Move } function IndexOf( const s: KOLWideString ): Integer; {* } function IndexOf_NoCase( const s: KOLWideString ): Integer; {* } function Last: KOLWideString; {* } procedure Put(Idx: integer; const Value: KOLWideString); {* +azsd for TBButton } protected // by Alexander Pravdin: fNameDelim: WideChar; function GetLineName( Idx: Integer ): KOLWideString; procedure SetLineName( Idx: Integer; const NV: KOLWideString ); function GetLineValue(Idx: Integer): KOLWideString; procedure SetLineValue(Idx: Integer; const Value: KOLWideString); public property LineName[ Idx: Integer ]: KOLWideString read GetLineName write SetLineName; property LineValue[ Idx: Integer ]: KOLWideString read GetLineValue write SetLineValue; property NameDelimiter: WideChar read fNameDelim write fNameDelim; procedure OptimizeForRead; protected // ++++++++++++++ by rdnks procedure SetValue(const AName, Value: KOLWideString); function GetValue(const AName: KOLWideString): KOLWideString; public function IndexOfName(AName: KOLWideString): Integer; property Values[const AName: KOLWideString]: KOLWideString read GetValue write SetValue; end; PWStrListEx = ^TWStrListEx; TWStrListEx = object( TWStrList ) {* Extended Unicode string list (with Objects). } protected function GetObjects(Idx: Integer): DWORD; procedure SetObjects(Idx: Integer; const Value: DWORD); procedure ProvideObjectsCapacity( NewCap: Integer ); protected fObjects: PList; procedure Init; virtual; public destructor Destroy; virtual; {* } property Objects[ Idx: Integer ]: DWORD read GetObjects write SetObjects; {* } procedure AddWStrings( WL: PWStrListEx ); {* } procedure Assign( WL: PWStrListEx ); {* } procedure Clear; {* } procedure Delete( Idx: Integer ); {* } procedure Move( IdxOld, IdxNew: Integer ); {* } procedure Swap( Idx1, Idx2: Integer ); {* See also TStrList.Swap } procedure Sort( CaseSensitive: Boolean ); {* See also TStrList.Sort } function AddObject( const S: KOLWideString; Obj: DWORD ): Integer; {* Adds a string and associates given number with it. Index of the item added is returned. } procedure InsertObject( Before: Integer; const S: KOLWideString; Obj: DWORD ); {* Inserts a string together with object associated. } function IndexOfObj( Obj: Pointer ): Integer; {* Returns an index of a string associated with the object passed as a parameter. If there are no such strings, -1 is returned. } procedure OptimizeForRead; end; function NewWStrList: PWStrList; {* Creates new TWStrList object and returns a pointer to it. } function NewWStrListEx: PWStrListEx; {* Creates new TWStrListEx objects and returns a pointer to it. } {$ENDIF not _D2} {$ENDIF WIN_GDI} {$IFDEF UNICODE_CTRLS} {$IFNDEF _D2} type TKOLStrList = TWStrList; PKOLStrList = PWStrList; TKOLStrListEx = TWStrListEx; PKOLStrListEx = PWStrListEx; {$ELSE} type TKOLStrList = TStrList; PKOLStrList = PStrList; TKOLStrListEx = TStrListEx; PKOLStrListEx = PStrListEx; {$ENDIF} {$ELSE} type TKOLStrList = TStrList; PKOLStrList = PStrList; TKOLStrListEx = TStrListEx; PKOLStrListEx = PStrListEx; {$ENDIF} function NewKOLStrList: PKOLStrList; function NewKOLStrListEx: PKOLStrListEx; {$IFDEF WIN} function GetFileList(const dir: KOLString): PKOLStrList; {* By Alexander Shakhaylo. Returns list of file names of the given directory. } {$ENDIF WIN} //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // GRAPHIC OBJECTS // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// { It is very important, that the most of code, implementing graphic objets from this section, is included into executable ONLY if really accessed in your project directly (e.g., if Font or Brush properies of a control are accessed or changed). } type TColor = Integer; const clScrollBar = TColor(COLOR_SCROLLBAR or $80000000); clBackground = TColor(COLOR_BACKGROUND or $80000000); clActiveCaption = TColor(COLOR_ACTIVECAPTION or $80000000); clInactiveCaption = TColor(COLOR_INACTIVECAPTION or $80000000); clMenu = TColor(COLOR_MENU or $80000000); clWindow = TColor(COLOR_WINDOW or $80000000); clWindowFrame = TColor(COLOR_WINDOWFRAME or $80000000); clMenuText = TColor(COLOR_MENUTEXT or $80000000); clWindowText = TColor(COLOR_WINDOWTEXT or $80000000); clCaptionText = TColor(COLOR_CAPTIONTEXT or $80000000); clActiveBorder = TColor(COLOR_ACTIVEBORDER or $80000000); clInactiveBorder = TColor(COLOR_INACTIVEBORDER or $80000000); clAppWorkSpace = TColor(COLOR_APPWORKSPACE or $80000000); clHighlight = TColor(COLOR_HIGHLIGHT or $80000000); clHighlightText = TColor(COLOR_HIGHLIGHTTEXT or $80000000); clBtnFace = TColor(COLOR_BTNFACE or $80000000); clBtnShadow = TColor(COLOR_BTNSHADOW or $80000000); clGrayText = TColor(COLOR_GRAYTEXT or $80000000); clGreyText = TColor(COLOR_GRAYTEXT or $80000000); clBtnText = TColor(COLOR_BTNTEXT or $80000000); clInactiveCaptionText = TColor(COLOR_INACTIVECAPTIONTEXT or $80000000); clBtnHighlight = TColor(COLOR_BTNHIGHLIGHT or $80000000); cl3DDkShadow = TColor(COLOR_3DDKSHADOW or $80000000); cl3DLight = TColor(COLOR_3DLIGHT or $80000000); clInfoText = TColor(COLOR_INFOTEXT or $80000000); clInfoBk = TColor(COLOR_INFOBK or $80000000); clBlack = TColor($000000); clMaroon = TColor($000080); clGreen = TColor($008000); clOlive = TColor($008080); clNavy = TColor($800000); clPurple = TColor($800080); clTeal = TColor($808000); clGray = TColor($808080); clGrey = TColor($808080); clSilver = TColor($C0C0C0); clRed = TColor($0000FF); clLime = TColor($00FF00); clYellow = TColor($00FFFF); clBlue = TColor($FF0000); clFuchsia = TColor($FF00FF); clAqua = TColor($FFFF00); clLtGray = TColor($C0C0C0); clLtGrey = TColor($C0C0C0); clDkGray = TColor($808080); clDkGrey = TColor($808080); clWhite = TColor($FFFFFF); clNone = TColor($1FFFFFFF); clDefault = TColor($20000000); clMoneyGreen = TColor($C0DCC0); clSkyBlue = TColor($F0CAA6); clCream = TColor($F0FBFF); clMedGray = TColor($A4A0A0); clMedGrey = TColor($A4A0A0); clOrange = TColor( $3399FF ); clBrown = TColor( $505080 ); clDkBrown = TColor( $282840 ); clGRushHiLight = TColor( $F3706C ); clGRushLighten = TColor( $F1EEDF ); clGRushLight = TColor( $e1cebf ); clGRushNormal = TColor( $D1beaf ); clGRushMedium = TColor( $b6bFc6 ); clGRushDark = TColor( $9EACB4 ); const go_Color = 0; go_FontHeight = 4; go_FontWidth = 8; go_FontEscapement = 12; go_FontOrientation = 16; go_FontWeight = 20; go_FontItalic = 24; go_FontUnderline = 25; go_FontStrikeOut = 26; go_FontCharSet = 27; go_FontOutPrecision = 28; go_FontClipPrecision = 29; go_FontQuality = 30; go_FontPitch = 31; go_FontName = 32; go_BrushBitmap = 4; go_BrushStyle = 8; go_BrushLineColor = 9; go_PenBrushBitmap = 4; go_PenBrushStyle = 8; go_PenStyle = 9; go_PenWidth = 10; go_PenMode = 14; go_PenGeometric = 15; go_PenEndCap = 16; go_PenJoin = 17; type TGraphicToolType = ( gttBrush, gttFont, gttPen ); {* Graphic object types, mainly for internal use. } PGraphicTool = ^TGraphicTool; {* } TOnGraphicChange = procedure ( Sender: PGraphicTool ) of object; {* An event mainly for internal use. } TBrushStyle = (bsSolid, bsClear, bsHorizontal, bsVertical, bsFDiagonal, bsBDiagonal, bsCross, bsDiagCross); {* Available brush styles. } TFontStyles = (fsBold, fsItalic, fsUnderline, fsStrikeOut); {* Available font styles. } TFontStyle = set of TFontStyles; {* Font style is representing as a set of XFontStyles. } TFontPitch = (fpDefault, fpFixed, fpVariable); {* Availabe font pitch values. } TFontName = type string; {* Font name is represented as a string. } TFontCharset = 0..255; {* Font charset is represented by number from 0 to 255. } TFontQuality = (fqDefault, fqDraft, fqProof, fqNonAntialiased, fqAntialiased , fqClearType); {* Font quality. } TPenStyle = (psSolid, psDash, psDot, psDashDot, psDashDotDot, psClear, psInsideFrame); {* Available pen styles. For more info see Delphi or Win32 help files. } TPenMode = (pmBlack, pmNotMerge, pmMaskNotPen, pmNotCopy, pmMaskPenNot, pmNot, pmXor, pmNotMask, pmMask, pmNotXor, pmNop, pmMergePenNot, pmCopy, pmMergeNotPen, pmMerge, pmWhite); {* Available pen modes. For more info see Delphi or Win32 help files. } TPenEndCap = (pecRound, pecSquare, pecFlat); {* Avalable (for geometric pen) end cap styles. } TPenJoin = (pjRound, pjBevel, pjMiter); {* Available (for geometric pen) join styles. } TGDIFont = packed record Height: Integer; Width: Integer; Escapement: Integer; Orientation: Integer; Weight: Integer; Italic: Boolean; Underline: Boolean; StrikeOut: Boolean; CharSet: TFontCharset; OutPrecision: Byte; ClipPrecision: Byte; Quality: TFontQuality; Pitch: TFontPitch; Name: array[0..LF_FACESIZE - 1] of KOLChar; end; TGDIBrush = packed record Bitmap: HBitmap; Style: TBrushStyle; LineColor: TColor; end; TGDIPen = packed record BrushBitmap: HBitmap; BrushStyle: TBrushStyle; Style: TPenStyle; Width: Integer; Mode: TPenMode; Geometric: Boolean; EndCap: TPenEndCap; Join: TPenJoin; end; TGDIToolData = packed record Color: TColor; case Integer of 1: (Font: TGDIFont); 2: (Pen: TGDIPen); 3: (Brush: TGDIBrush); end; TNewGraphicTool = function: PGraphicTool; { --------------------------------------------------------------------- TGraphicTool - object to implement GDI-tools (brush, pen, font) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- } TGraphicTool = object( TObj ) {* Incapsulates all GDI objects: Pen, Brush and Font. } protected fType: TGraphicToolType; {$IFDEF GDI} fHandle: THandle; fParentGDITool: PGraphicTool; {$ENDIF GDI} fColorRGB: TColor; fOnGTChange: TOnGraphicChange; fData: TGDIToolData; fNewProc: TNewGraphicTool; {$IFDEF GDI} fMakeHandleProc: function( Self_: PGraphicTool ): THandle; {$ENDIF GDI} procedure SetInt( const Index: Integer; Value: Integer ); function GetInt( const Index: Integer ): Integer; procedure SetColor( Value: TColor ); {$IFDEF GDI} function GetBrushBitmap: HBitmap; // for BCB only procedure SetBrushBitmap(const Value: HBitmap); function GetBrushStyle: TBrushStyle; // for BCB only {$ENDIF GDI} procedure SetBrushStyle(const Value: TBrushStyle); function GetFontName: KOLString; procedure SetFontName(const Value: KOLString); function GetFontStyle: TFontStyle; procedure SetFontStyle(const Value: TFontStyle); function GetFontWeight: Integer; // for BCB only procedure SetFontWeight(const Value: Integer); {$IFDEF GDI} function GetFontCharset: TFontCharset; // for BCB only procedure SetFontCharset(const Value: TFontCharset); function GetFontQuality: TFontQuality; // for BCB only procedure SetFontQuality(const Value: TFontQuality); function GetFontOrientation: Integer; // for BCB only procedure SetFontOrientation(Value: Integer); function GetFontPitch: TFontPitch; // for BCB only procedure SetFontPitch(const Value: TFontPitch); function GetPenMode: TPenMode; // for BCB only procedure SetPenMode(const Value: TPenMode); function GetPenStyle: TPenStyle; // for BCB only procedure SetPenStyle(const Value: TPenStyle); function GetGeometricPen: Boolean; // for BCB only procedure SetGeometricPen(const Value: Boolean); function GetPenEndCap: TPenEndCap; // for BCB only procedure SetPenEndCap(const Value: TPenEndCap); function GetPenJoin: TPenJoin; // for BCB only procedure SetPenJoin(const Value: TPenJoin); procedure SetLogFontStruct(const Value: TLogFont); function GetLogFontStruct: TLogFont; {$ENDIF GDI} protected procedure Changed; {* } {$IFDEF GDI} function GetHandle: THandle; {* } {$ENDIF GDI} protected {$IFDEF _X_} {$IFDEF GTK} fPangoFontDesc: PPangoFontDescription; FUNCTION GetPangoFontDesc: PPangoFontDescription; {$ENDIF GTK} {$ENDIF _X_} public destructor Destroy; virtual; {* } {$IFDEF _X_} {$IFDEF GTK} PROPERTY FontHandle: PPangoFontDescription read GetPangoFontDesc; {$ENDIF GTK} {$ENDIF _X_} {$IFDEF GDI} property Handle: THandle read GetHandle; {* Every time, when accessed, real GDI object is created (if it is not yet created). So, to prevent creating of the handle, use HandleAllocated instead of comparing Handle with value 0. } function HandleAllocated: Boolean; {* Returns True, if handle is allocated (i.e., if real GDI objet is created. } {$ENDIF GDI} property OnChange: TOnGraphicChange read fOnGTChange write fOnGTChange; {* Called, when object is changed. } {$IFDEF GDI} function ReleaseHandle: Integer; {* Returns Handle value (if allocated), releasing it from the object (so, it is no more knows about this handle and its HandleAllocated function returns False. } {$ENDIF GDI} property Color: TColor {index go_Color} read fData.Color write SetColor; {* Color is the most common property for all Pen, Brush and Font objects, so it is placed in its common for all of them. } function Assign( Value: PGraphicTool ): PGraphicTool; {* Assigns properties of the same (only) type graphic object, excluding Handle. If assigning is really leading to change object, procedure Changed is called. } {$IFDEF GDI} procedure AssignHandle( NewHandle: Integer ); {* Assigns value to Handle property. } property BrushBitmap: HBitmap read {-BCB-}fData.Brush.Bitmap{+BCB+} {BCB++}(*GetBrushBitmap*){--BCB} write SetBrushBitmap; {* Brush bitmap. For more info about using brush bitmap, see Delphi or Win32 help files. } {$ENDIF GDI} property BrushStyle: TBrushStyle read {-BCB-}fData.Brush.Style{+BCB+} {BCB++}(*GetBrushStyle*){--BCB} write SetBrushStyle; {$IFDEF GDI} {* Brush style. } property BrushLineColor: TColor index go_BrushLineColor {$IFDEF F_P} read GetInt {$ELSE DELPHI} read {-BCB-}fData.Brush.LineColor{+BCB+} {BCB++}(*GetInt*){--BCB} {$ENDIF F_P/DELPHI} write SetInt; {* Brush line color, used to represent lines in hatched brush. Default value is clBlack. } {$ENDIF GDI} property FontHeight: Integer index go_FontHeight {$IFDEF F_P} read GetInt {$ELSE DELPHI} read {-BCB-}fData.Font.Height{+BCB+} {BCB++}(*GetInt*){--BCB} {$ENDIF F_P/DELPHI} write SetInt; {* Font height. Value 0 (default) says to use system default value, negative values are to represent font height in "points", positive - in pixels. In XCL usually positive values (if not 0) are used to make appearance independent from different local settings. } {$IFDEF GDI} property FontWidth: Integer index go_FontWidth {$IFDEF F_P} read GetInt {$ELSE DELPHI} read {-BCB-}fData.Font.Width{+BCB+} {BCB++}(*GetInt*){--BCB} {$ENDIF F_P/DELPHI} write SetInt; {* Font width in logical units. If FontWidth = 0, then as it is said in Win32.hlp, "the aspect ratio of the device is matched against the digitization aspect ratio of the available fonts to find the closest match, determined by the absolute value of the difference." } property FontPitch: TFontPitch read {-BCB-}fData.Font.Pitch{+BCB+} {BCB++}(*GetFontPitch*){--BCB} write SetFontPitch; {* Font pitch. Change it very rare. } {$ENDIF GDI} property FontStyle: TFontStyle read GetFontStyle write SetFontStyle; {* Very useful property to control text appearance. } {$IFDEF GDI} property FontCharset: TFontCharset read {-BCB-}fData.Font.Charset{+BCB+} {BCB++}(*GetFontCharset*){--BCB} write SetFontCharset; {* Do not change it if You do not know what You do. } property FontQuality: TFontQuality read {-BCB-}fData.Font.Quality{+BCB+} {BCB++}(*GetFontQuality*){--BCB} write SetFontQuality; {* Font quality. } property FontOrientation: Integer read {-BCB-}fData.Font.Orientation{+BCB+} {BCB++}(*GetFontOrientation*){--BCB} write SetFontOrientation; {* It is possible to rotate text in XCL just by changing this property of a font (tenths of degree, i.e. value 900 represents 90 degree - text written from bottom to top). } {$ENDIF GDI} property FontWeight: Integer read {-BCB-}fData.Font.Weight{+BCB+} {BCB++}(*GetFontWeight*){--BCB} write SetFontWeight; {* Additional font weight for bold fonts (must be 0..1000). When set to value <> 0, fsBold is added to FontStyle. And otherwise, when set to 0, fsBold is removed from FontStyle. Value 700 corresponds to Bold, 400 to Normal. } property FontName: KOLString read GetFontName write SetFontName; {* Font face name. } {$IFDEF GDI} function IsFontTrueType: Boolean; {* Returns True, if font is True Type. Requires of creating of a Handle, if it is not yet created. } property PenWidth: Integer index go_PenWidth {$IFDEF F_P} read GetInt {$ELSE DELPHI} read {-BCB-}fData.Pen.Width{+BCB+} {BCB++}(*GetInt*){--BCB} {$ENDIF F_P/DELPHI} write SetInt; {* Value 0 means default pen width. } property PenStyle: TPenStyle read {-BCB-}fData.Pen.Style{+BCB+} {BCB++}(*GetPenStyle*){--BCB} write SetPenStyle; {* Pen style. } property PenMode: TPenMode read {-BCB-}fData.Pen.Mode{+BCB+} {BCB++}(*GetPenMode*){--BCB} write SetPenMode; {* Pen mode. } property GeometricPen: Boolean read {-BCB-}fData.Pen.Geometric{+BCB+} {BCB++}(*GetGeometricPen*){--BCB} write SetGeometricPen; {* True if Pen is geometric. Note, that under Win95/98 only pen styles psSolid, psNull, psInsideFrame are supported by OS. } property PenBrushStyle: TBrushStyle read {-BCB-}fData.Pen.BrushStyle{+BCB+} {BCB++}(*GetBrushStyle*){--BCB} write SetBrushStyle; {* Brush style for hatched geometric pen. } property PenBrushBitmap: HBitmap read {-BCB-}fData.Pen.BrushBitmap{+BCB+} {BCB++}(*GetBrushBitmap*){--BCB} write SetBrushBitmap; {* Brush bitmap for geometric pen (if assigned Pen is functioning as its style = BS_PATTERN, regadless of PenBrushStyle value). } property PenEndCap: TPenEndCap read {-BCB-}fData.Pen.EndCap{+BCB+} {BCB++}(*GetPenEndCap*){--BCB} write SetPenEndCap; {* Pen end cap mode - for GeometricPen only. } property PenJoin: TPenJoin read {-BCB-}fData.Pen.Join{+BCB+} {BCB++}(*GetPenJoin*){--BCB} write SetPenJoin; {* Pen join mode - for GeometricPen only. } property LogFontStruct: TLogFont read GetLogFontStruct write SetLogFontStruct; {* by Alex Pravdin: a property to change all font structure items at once. } {$ENDIF GDI} end; function Color2RGB( Color: TColor ): TColor; {* Function to get RGB color from system color. Parameter can be also RGB color, in that case result is just equal to a parameter. } function RGB2BGR( Color: TColor ): TColor; {* Converts RGB color to BGR } {$IFDEF GTK} FUNCTION Color2GDKColor( Color: TColor ): TGdkColor; {$ENDIF GTK} function ColorsMix( Color1, Color2: TColor ): TColor; {* Returns color, which RGB components are build as an (approximate) arithmetic mean of correspondent RGB components of both source colors (these both are first converted from system to RGB, and result is always RGB color). Please note: this function is fast, but can be not too exact. } {$IFDEF WIN_GDI} function Color2RGBQuad( Color: TColor ): TRGBQuad; {* Converts color to RGB, used to represent RGB values in palette entries (actually swaps R and B bytes). } function Color2Color16( Color: TColor ): WORD; {* Converts Color to RGB, packed to word (as it is used in format pf16bit). } function Color2Color15( Color: TColor ): WORD; {* Converts Color to RGB, packed to word (as it is used in format pf15bit). } var // New TFont instances are intialized with the values in this structure: DefFont: TGDIFont = ( Height: 0; Width: 0; Escapement: 0; Orientation: 0; Weight: 0; Italic: FALSE; Underline: FALSE; StrikeOut: FALSE; CharSet: 1; OutPrecision: 0; ClipPrecision: 0; Quality: fqDefault; Pitch: fpDefault; {$IFDEF UNICODE_CTRLS} Name: ( 'T', 'a', 'h', 'o', 'm', 'a', #0, #0, #0, #0, #0, #0, #0, #0, #0, #0, #0, #0, #0, #0, #0, #0, #0, #0, #0, #0, #0, #0, #0, #0, #0, #0 ); {$ELSE} Name: 'System'; {$ENDIF} ); DefFontColor: TColor = clWindowText; {* Default font color. } GlobalGraphics_UseFontOrient: Boolean; {* Global flag. If stays False (default), Orientation property of Font objects is ignored. This flag is set to True automatically in RotateFonts add-on. } {$ENDIF WIN_GDI} function NewFont: PGraphicTool; {* Creates and returns font graphic tool object. } function NewBrush: PGraphicTool; {* Creates and returns new brush object. } function NewPen: PGraphicTool; {* Creates and returns new pen object. } { ------------------------------ TCanvas object ------------------------------ } const HandleValid = 1; PenValid = 2; BrushValid = 4; FontValid = 8; ChangingCanvas = 16; {$IFDEF WIN_GDI} type TFillStyle = (fsSurface, fsBorder); {* Available filling styles. For more info see Win32 or Delphi help files. } TFillMode = (fmAlternate, fmWinding); {* Available filling modes. For more info see Win32 or Delphi help files. } TCopyMode = Integer; {* Available copying modes are following: | cmBlackness<br> | cmDstInvert<br> | cmMergeCopy<br> | cmMergePaint<br> | cmNotSrcCopy<br> | cmNotSrcErase<br> | cmPatCopy<br> | cmPatInvert<br> | cmPatPaint<br> | cmSrcAnd<br> | cmSrcCopy<br> | cmSrcErase<br> | cmSrcInvert<br> | cmSrcPaint<br> | cmWhiteness<br> Also it is possible to use any other available ROP2 modes. For more info, see Win32 help files. } const cmBlackness = BLACKNESS; cmDstInvert = DSTINVERT; cmMergeCopy = MERGECOPY; cmMergePaint = MERGEPAINT; cmNotSrcCopy = NOTSRCCOPY; cmNotSrcErase = NOTSRCERASE; cmPatCopy = PATCOPY; cmPatInvert = PATINVERT; cmPatPaint = PATPAINT; cmSrcAnd = SRCAND; cmSrcCopy = SRCCOPY; cmSrcErase = SRCERASE; cmSrcInvert = SRCINVERT; cmSrcPaint = SRCPAINT; cmWhiteness = WHITENESS; {$ENDIF WIN_GDI} type {$IFDEF _X_} {$IFDEF GTK} HDC = PGdkGC; {$ENDIF GTK} {$ENDIF _X_} PCanvas = ^TCanvas; {* } TOnGetHandle = function( Canvas: PCanvas ): HDC of object; {* For internal use mainly. } TOnTextArea = procedure( Sender: PCanvas; var Size : TSize; var P0 : TPoint ); {* Event to calculate actual area, occupying by a text. It is used to optionally extend calculating of TextArea taking into considaration font Orientation property. } { --------------------------------------------------------------------- TCanvas - high-level drawing helper object ----------------------------------------------------------------------- } TCanvas = object( TObj ) {* Very similar to VCL's TCanvas object. But with some changes, specific for KOL: there is no necessary to use canvases in all applications. And graphic tools objects are not created with canvas, but only if really accessed in program. (Actually, even if paint box used, only programmer decides, if to implement painting using Canvas or to call low level API drawing functions working directly with DC). Therefore TCanvas has some powerful extensions: rotated text support, geometric pen support - just by changing correspondent properties of certain graphic tool objects (Font.FontOrientation, Pen.GeometricPen). See also additional Font properties (Font.FontWeight, Font.FontQuality, etc. } protected fOwnerControl: Pointer; //PControl; {$IFDEF _X_} {$IFDEF GTK} fDrawable: PGdkDrawable; fTmpColor: PGdkColor; {$ENDIF GTK} {$ENDIF _X_} fHandle : HDC; fPenPos : TPoint; fState : Byte; fBrush, fPen: PGraphicTool; fFont : PGraphicTool; // order is important for ASM version {$IFDEF GDI} fCopyMode : TCopyMode; fOnChangeCanvas: TOnEvent; {$ENDIF GDI} fOnGetHandle: TOnGetHandle; {$IFDEF _X_} {$IFDEF GTK} fSavedState: TGdkGCValues; PROCEDURE SaveState; PROCEDURE RestoreState; {$ENDIF GTK} {$ENDIF _X_} {$IFDEF GDI} procedure SetHandle( Value : HDC ); {$ENDIF GDI} procedure SetPenPos( const Value : TPoint ); {$IFDEF GDI} procedure CreatePen; procedure CreateBrush; procedure CreateFont; procedure Changing; {$ENDIF GDI} procedure ObjectChanged( Sender : PGraphicTool ); function GetBrush: PGraphicTool; function GetFont: PGraphicTool; function GetPen: PGraphicTool; function GetHandle: HDC; procedure AssignChangeEvents; {$IFDEF GDI} function GetPixels(X, Y: Integer): TColor; procedure SetPixels(X, Y: Integer; const Value: TColor); protected fIsPaintDC : Boolean; {* TRUE, if DC obtained during current WM_PAINT (or WM_ERASEBKGND?) processing for a control. This affects a way how Handle is released. } fIsAlienDC: Boolean; {* TRUE if Canvas was created on base of existing DC, so DC is not beloning to the Canvas and should not be deleted when the Canvas object is destroyed. } destructor Destroy; virtual; {* } {$ENDIF GDI} property OnGetHandle: TOnGetHandle read fOnGetHandle write fOnGetHandle; {* For internal use only. } {$IFDEF GDI} {$ENDIF GDI} public property Handle : HDC read GetHandle {$IFDEF GDI} write SetHandle {$ENDIF GDI}; {* GDI device context object handle. Never created by Canvas itself (to use Canvas with memory bitmaps, always create DC by yourself and assign it to the Handle property of Canvas object, or use property Canvas of a bitmap). } property PenPos : TPoint read FPenPos write SetPenPos; {* Position of a pen. } property Pen : PGraphicTool read GetPen; {* Pen of Canvas object. Do not change its Pen.OnChange event value. } property Brush : PGraphicTool read GetBrush; {* Brush of Canvas object. Do not change its Brush.OnChange event value. } property Font : PGraphicTool read GetFont; {* Font of Canvas object. Do not change its Font.OnChange event value. } procedure OffsetAndRotate( Xoff, Yoff: Integer; Angle: Double ); {* Transforms world coordinates so that Xoff and Yoff become the coordinates of the origin (0,0) and all further drawing is done rotated around that point by the Angle (which is given in radians) } {$IFNDEF NOT_USE_KOLMATH} // if using KOLmath disabled, Arc becomes unavailable procedure Arc(X1, Y1, X2, Y2, X3, Y3, X4, Y4: Integer); stdcall; {* Draws arc. For more info, see Delphi TCanvas help. } {$ENDIF NOT_USE_KOLMATH} {$IFDEF GDI} procedure Chord(X1, Y1, X2, Y2, X3, Y3, X4, Y4: Integer); stdcall; {* Draws chord. For more info, see Delphi TCanvas help. } procedure DrawFocusRect({$IFNDEF FPC}const{$ENDIF} Rect: TRect); {* Draws rectangle to represent focused visual object. For more info, see Delphi TCanvas help. } procedure Ellipse(X1, Y1, X2, Y2: Integer); {* Draws an ellipse. For more info, see Delphi TCanvas help. } {$ENDIF GDI} procedure FillRect({$IFNDEF FPC}const{$ENDIF} Rect: TRect); {* Fills rectangle. For more info, see Delphi TCanvas help. } {$IFDEF GDI} procedure FillRgn( const Rgn : HRgn ); {* Fills region. For more info, see Delphi TCanvas help. } procedure FloodFill(X, Y: Integer; Color: TColor; FillStyle: TFillStyle); {* Fills a figure with givien color, floodfilling its surface. For more info, see Delphi TCanvas help. } procedure FrameRect({$IFNDEF FPC}const{$ENDIF} Rect: TRect); {* Draws a rectangle using Brush settings (color, etc.). For more info, see Delphi TCanvas help. } {$ENDIF GDI} procedure MoveTo( X, Y : Integer ); {* Moves current PenPos to a new position. For more info, see Delphi TCanvas help. } procedure LineTo( X, Y : Integer ); {* Draws a line from current PenPos up to new position. For more info, see Delphi TCanvas help. } {$IFDEF GDI} procedure Pie(X1, Y1, X2, Y2, X3, Y3, X4, Y4: Integer); stdcall; {* Draws a pie. For more info, see Delphi TCanvas help. } procedure Polygon(const Points: array of TPoint); {* Draws a polygon. For more info, see Delphi TCanvas help. } procedure Polyline(const Points: array of TPoint); {* Draws a bound for polygon. For more info, see Delphi TCanvas help. } procedure Rectangle(X1, Y1, X2, Y2: Integer); {* Draws a rectangle using current Pen and/or Brush. For more info, see Delphi TCanvas help. } procedure RoundRect(X1, Y1, X2, Y2, X3, Y3: Integer); {* Draws a rounded rectangle. For more info, see Delphi TCanvas help. } {$ENDIF GDI} procedure TextOutA(X, Y: Integer; const Text: AnsiString); stdcall; {* Draws an ANSI text. For more info, see Delphi TCanvas help. } procedure TextOut(X, Y: Integer; const Text: KOLString); stdcall; {* Draws a text. For more info, see Delphi TCanvas help. } procedure ExtTextOut( X, Y: Integer; Options: DWORD; const Rect: TRect; const Text: AnsiString; const Spacing: array of Integer ); {* } procedure TextRect(const Rect: TRect; X, Y: Integer; const Text: Ansistring); {* Draws a text, clipping output into given rectangle. For more info, see Delphi TCanvas help. } {$IFDEF GDI} procedure DrawText(Text: AnsiString; var Rect:TRect; Flags:DWord); {* } {$ENDIF GDI} function TextExtent(const Text: KOLString): TSize; {* Calculates size of a Text, using current Font settings. Does not need in Handle for Canvas object (if it is not yet allocated, temporary device context is created and used. } procedure TextArea( const Text : KOLString; var Sz : TSize; var P0 : TPoint ); {* Calculates size and starting point to output Text, taking into considaration all Font attributes, including Orientation (only if GlobalGraphics_UseFontOrient flag is set to True, i.e. if rotated fonts are used). Like for TextExtent, does not need in Handle (and if this last is not yet allocated/assigned, temporary device context is created and used). } {$IFDEF _D3orHigher} procedure WTextArea( const Text : KOLWideString; var Sz : TSize; var P0 : TPoint ); {* Calculates size and starting point to output Text, taking into considaration all Font attributes, including Orientation (only if GlobalGraphics_UseFontOrient flag is set to True, i.e. if rotated fonts are used). Like for TextExtent, does not need in Handle (and if this last is not yet allocated/assigned, temporary device context is created and used). } {$ENDIF _D3orHigher} function TextWidth(const Text: KOLString): Integer; {* Calculates text width (using TextArea). } function TextHeight(const Text: KOLString): Integer; {* Calculates text height (using TextArea). } {$IFDEF GDI} function ClipRect: TRect; {* returns ClipBox. by Dmitry Zharov. } {$IFNDEF _FPC} {$IFNDEF _D2} //------- KOLWideString not supported in D2 procedure WTextOut(X, Y: Integer; const WText: KOLWideString); stdcall; {* Draws a Unicode text. } procedure WExtTextOut( X, Y: Integer; Options: DWORD; const Rect: TRect; const WText: KOLWideString; const Spacing: array of Integer ); {* } procedure WDrawText(WText: KOLWideString; var Rect:TRect; Flags:DWord); {* } procedure WTextRect(const Rect: TRect; X, Y: Integer; const WText: KOLWideString); {* Draws a Unicode text, clipping output into given rectangle. } function WTextExtent( const WText: KOLWideString ): TSize; {* Calculates Unicode text width and height. } function WTextWidth( const WText: KOLWideString ): Integer; {* Calculates Unicode text width. } function WTextHeight( const WText: KOLWideString ): Integer; {* Calculates Unicode text height. } {$ENDIF _D2} {$ENDIF _FPC} property ModeCopy : TCopyMode read fCopyMode write fCopyMode; {* Current copy mode. Is used in CopyRect method. } procedure CopyRect( const DstRect : TRect; SrcCanvas : PCanvas; const SrcRect : TRect ); {* Copyes a rectangle from source to destination, using StretchBlt. } property OnChange: TOnEvent read fOnChangeCanvas write fOnChangeCanvas; {* } function Assign( SrcCanvas : PCanvas ) : Boolean; {* } {$ENDIF GDI} {$IFDEF _X_} protected // for _X_ case, RequiredState is protected yet (???) procedure ForeBack(fg_color, bk_color: TColor); // install colors just before drawing {$ENDIF _X_} {$IFDEF GDI} function RequiredState( ReqState : DWORD ): HDC; stdcall;// public now {* It is possible to call this method before using Handle property to pass it into API calls - to provide valid combinations of pen, brush and font, selected into device context. This method can not provide valid Handle - You always must create it by yourself and assign to TCanvas.Handle property manually. To optimize assembler version, returns Handle value. } public {$ENDIF GDI} procedure DeselectHandles; {* Call this method to deselect all graphic tool objects from the canvas. } {$IFDEF GDI} property Pixels[ X, Y: Integer ]: TColor read GetPixels write SetPixels; {* Obvious. } {$ENDIF GDI} end; function NewCanvas( DC: HDC ): PCanvas; {* Use to construct Canvas on base of memory DC. } procedure DummyObjProc( Sender: PObj ); var GlobalCanvas_OnTextArea : Pointer = @DummyObjProc; {* Global event to extend Canvas with possible add-ons, applied when rotated fonts are used only (to take into consideration Font.Orientation property in TextArea method). } {$IFDEF WIN_GDI} { ------------------------------ Image list object --------------------------- } type TImageListColors = (ilcColor,ilcColor4,ilcColor8,ilcColor16, ilcColor24,ilcColor32,ilcColorDDB,ilcDefault); {* ImageList color schemes available. } TDrawingStyles = ( dsBlend25, dsBlend50, dsMask, dsTransparent ); {* ImageList drawing styles available. } TDrawingStyle = Set of TDrawingStyles; {* Style of drawing is a combination of all available drawing styles. } TImageType = (itBitmap,itIcon,itCursor); {* ImageList types available. } PImageList = ^TImageList; {* } TImgLOVrlayIdx = 1..15; { --------------------------------------------------------------------- TImageList - images container ----------------------------------------------------------------------- } TImageList = object( TObj ) private fOverlayIdx: Integer; {* ImageList incapsulation. } protected FHandle: THandle; FControl: Pointer; // PControl; fPrev, fNext: PImageList; FColors: TImageListColors; FMasked: Boolean; FImgWidth: Integer; FImgHeight: Integer; FDrawingStyle: TDrawingStyle; FBlendColor: TColor; fBkColor: TColor; FAllocBy: Integer; FShareImages: Boolean; FOverlay: array[ TImgLOVrlayIdx ] of Integer; function HandleNeeded : Boolean; procedure SetColors(const Value: TImageListColors); procedure SetMasked(const Value: Boolean); procedure SetImgWidth(const Value: Integer); procedure SetImgHeight(const Value: Integer); function GetCount: Integer; function GetBkColor: TColor; procedure SetBkColor(const Value: TColor); function GetBitmap: HBitmap; function GetMask: HBitmap; function GetDrawStyle : DWord; procedure SetAllocBy(const Value: Integer); function GetHandle: THandle; function GetOverlay(Idx: TImgLOVrlayIdx): Integer; procedure SetOverlay(Idx: TImgLOVrlayIdx; const Value: Integer); protected procedure SetHandle(const Value: THandle); {*} public destructor Destroy; virtual; {*} property Handle : THandle read GetHandle write SetHandle; {* Handle of ImageList object. } property ShareImages : Boolean read FShareImages write FShareImages; {* True if images are shared between processes (it is set to True, if its Handle is assigned to given value, which is a handle of already existing ImageList object). } property Colors : TImageListColors read FColors write SetColors; {* Colors used to represent images. } property Masked : Boolean read FMasked write SetMasked; {* True, if mask is used. It is set to True, if first added image is icon, e.g. } property ImgWidth : Integer read FImgWidth write SetImgWidth; {* Width of every image in list. If change, ImageList is cleared. } property ImgHeight : Integer read FImgHeight write SetImgHeight; {* Height of every image in list. If change, ImageList is cleared. } property Count : Integer read GetCount; {* Number of images in list. } property AllocBy : Integer read FAllocBy write SetAllocBy; {* Allocation factor. Default is 1. Set it to size of ImageList if this value is known - to optimize speed of allocation. } property BkColor : TColor read GetBkColor write SetBkColor; {* Background color. } property BlendColor : TColor read FBlendColor write FBlendColor; {* Blend color. } property Bitmap : HBitmap read GetBitmap; {* Bitmap, containing all ImageList images (tiled horizontally). } property Mask : HBitmap read GetMask; {* Monochrome bitmap, containing masks for all images in list (if not Masked, always returns nil). } function ImgRect( Idx : Integer ) : TRect; {* Rectangle occupied of given image in ImageList. } function Add( Bmp, Msk : HBitmap ) : Integer; {* Adds bitmap and given mask to ImageList. } function AddMasked( Bmp : HBitmap; Color : TColor ) : Integer; {* Adds bitmap to ImageList, using given color to create mask. } function AddIcon( Ico : HIcon ) : Integer; {* Adds icon to ImageList (always masked). } procedure Delete( Idx : Integer ); {* Deletes given image from ImageList. } procedure Clear; {* Makes ImageList empty. } function Replace( Idx : Integer; Bmp, Msk : HBitmap ) : Boolean; {* Replaces given (by index) image with bitmap and its mask with mask bitmap. } function ReplaceIcon( Idx : Integer; Ico : HIcon ) : Boolean; {* Replaces given (by index) image with an icon. } function Merge( Idx : Integer; ImgList2 : PImageList; Idx2 : Integer; X, Y : Integer ) : PImageList; {* Merges two ImageList objects, returns resulting ImageList. } function ExtractIcon( Idx : Integer ) : HIcon; {* Extracts icon by index. } function ExtractIconEx( Idx : Integer ) : HIcon; {* Extracts icon (is created using current drawing style). } property DrawingStyle : TDrawingStyle read FDrawingStyle write FDrawingStyle; {* Drawing style. } procedure Draw( Idx : Integer; DC : HDC; X, Y : Integer ); {* Draws given (by index) image from ImageList onto passed Device Context. } procedure StretchDraw( Idx : Integer; DC : HDC; const Rect : TRect ); {* Draws given image with stratching. } function LoadBitmap( ResourceName : PKOLChar; TranspColor : TColor ) : Boolean; {* Loads ImageList from resource. } //function LoadIcon( ResourceName : PAnsiChar ) : Boolean; //function LoadCursor( ResourceName : PAnsiChar ) : Boolean; function LoadFromFile( FileName : PKOLChar; TranspColor : TColor; ImgType : TImageType ) : Boolean; {* Loads ImageList from file. } function LoadSystemIcons( SmallIcons : Boolean ) : Boolean; {* Assigns ImageList to system icons list (big or small). } property Overlay[ Idx: TImgLOVrlayIdx ]: Integer read GetOverlay write SetOverlay; {* Overlay images for image list (images, used as overlay images to draw over other images from the image list). These overalay images can be used in listview and treeview as overlaying images (up to four masks at the same time). } property OverlayIdx: Integer read fOverlayIdx write fOverlayIdx; {* Set this value to 1..15 to draw images overlayed (using Draw or DrawEx). } {$IFDEF USE_CONSTRUCTORS} constructor CreateImageList( POwner: Pointer ); {$ENDIF USE_CONSTRUCTORS} end; const CLR_NONE = $FFFFFFFF; CLR_DEFAULT = $FF000000; type HImageList = THandle; const ILC_MASK = $0001; ILC_COLOR = $00FE; ILC_COLORDDB = $00FE; ILC_COLOR4 = $0004; ILC_COLOR8 = $0008; ILC_COLOR16 = $0010; ILC_COLOR24 = $0018; ILC_COLOR32 = $0020; ILC_PALETTE = $0800; const ILD_NORMAL = $0000; ILD_TRANSPARENT = $0001; ILD_MASK = $0010; ILD_IMAGE = $0020; ILD_BLEND25 = $0002; ILD_BLEND50 = $0004; ILD_OVERLAYMASK = $0F00; const ILD_SELECTED = ILD_BLEND50; ILD_FOCUS = ILD_BLEND25; ILD_BLEND = ILD_BLEND50; CLR_HILIGHT = CLR_DEFAULT; function ImageList_Create(CX, CY: Integer; Flags: UINT; Initial, Grow: Integer): HImageList; stdcall; function ImageList_Destroy(ImageList: HImageList): Bool; stdcall; function ImageList_GetImageCount(ImageList: HImageList): Integer; stdcall; function ImageList_SetImageCount(ImageList: HImageList; Count: Integer): Integer; stdcall; function ImageList_Add(ImageList: HImageList; Image, Mask: HBitmap): Integer; stdcall; function ImageList_ReplaceIcon(ImageList: HImageList; Index: Integer; Icon: HIcon): Integer; stdcall; function ImageList_SetBkColor(ImageList: HImageList; ClrBk: TColorRef): TColorRef; stdcall; function ImageList_GetBkColor(ImageList: HImageList): TColorRef; stdcall; function ImageList_SetOverlayImage(ImageList: HImageList; Image: Integer; Overlay: Integer): Bool; stdcall; function ImageList_AddIcon(ImageList: HImageList; Icon: HIcon): Integer; function Index2OverlayMask(Index: Integer): Integer; function ImageList_Draw(ImageList: HImageList; Index: Integer; Dest: HDC; X, Y: Integer; Style: UINT): Bool; stdcall; function ImageList_Replace(ImageList: HImageList; Index: Integer; Image, Mask: HBitmap): Bool; stdcall; function ImageList_AddMasked(ImageList: HImageList; Image: HBitmap; Mask: TColorRef): Integer; stdcall; function ImageList_DrawEx(ImageList: HImageList; Index: Integer; Dest: HDC; X, Y, DX, DY: Integer; Bk, Fg: TColorRef; Style: Cardinal): Bool; stdcall; function ImageList_Remove(ImageList: HImageList; Index: Integer): Bool; stdcall; function ImageList_GetIcon(ImageList: HImageList; Index: Integer; Flags: Cardinal): HIcon; stdcall; {$IFDEF UNICODE_CTRLS} function ImageList_LoadImage(Instance: THandle; Bmp: PWideChar; CX, Grow: Integer; Mask: TColorRef; pType, Flags: Cardinal): HImageList; stdcall; {$ELSE} function ImageList_LoadImage(Instance: THandle; Bmp: PAnsiChar; CX, Grow: Integer; Mask: TColorRef; pType, Flags: Cardinal): HImageList; stdcall; {$ENDIF} function ImageList_BeginDrag(ImageList: HImageList; Track: Integer; XHotSpot, YHotSpot: Integer): Bool; stdcall; function ImageList_EndDrag: Bool; stdcall; function ImageList_DragEnter(LockWnd: HWnd; X, Y: Integer): Bool; stdcall; function ImageList_DragLeave(LockWnd: HWnd): Bool; stdcall; function ImageList_DragMove(X, Y: Integer): Bool; stdcall; function ImageList_SetDragCursorImage(ImageList: HImageList; Drag: Integer; XHotSpot, YHotSpot: Integer): Bool; stdcall; function ImageList_DragShowNolock(Show: Bool): Bool; stdcall; function ImageList_GetDragImage(Point, HotSpot: PPoint): HImageList; stdcall; { macros } procedure ImageList_RemoveAll(ImageList: HImageList); stdcall; function ImageList_ExtractIcon(Instance: THandle; ImageList: HImageList; Image: Integer): HIcon; stdcall; function ImageList_LoadBitmap(Instance: THandle; Bmp: PKOLChar; CX, Grow: Integer; MasK: TColorRef): HImageList; stdcall; type PImageInfo = ^TImageInfo; TImageInfo = packed record hbmImage: HBitmap; hbmMask: HBitmap; Unused1: Integer; Unused2: Integer; rcImage: TRect; end; function ImageList_GetIconSize(ImageList: HImageList; var CX, CY: Integer): Bool; stdcall; function ImageList_SetIconSize(ImageList: HImageList; CX, CY: Integer): Bool; stdcall; function ImageList_GetImageInfo(ImageList: HImageList; Index: Integer; var ImageInfo: TImageInfo): Bool; stdcall; function ImageList_Merge(ImageList1: HImageList; Index1: Integer; ImageList2: HImageList; Index2: Integer; DX, DY: Integer)://Bool - ERROR IN VCL HImageList; stdcall; function LoadBmp( Instance: Integer; Rsrc: PKOLChar; MasterObj: PObj ): HBitmap; function LoadBmp32( Instance: Integer; Rsrc: PKOLChar; MasterObj: PObj ): HBitmap; type tagBitmap = Windows.TBitmap; TPixelFormat = ( pfDevice, pf1bit, pf4bit, pf8bit, pf15bit, pf16bit, pf24bit, pf32bit, pfCustom ); {* Available pixel formats. } TBitmapHandleType = ( bmDIB, bmDDB ); {* Available bitmap handle types. } PBitmap = ^TBitmap; { ---------------------------------------------------------------------- TBitmap - bitmap image ----------------------------------------------------------------------- } TBitmap = object( TObj ) {* Bitmap incapsulation object. } protected fHeight: Integer; fWidth: Integer; fHandle: HBitmap; fCanvas: PCanvas; fScanLineSize: Integer; fBkColor: TColor; fApplyBkColor2Canvas: procedure( Sender: PBitmap ); fDetachCanvas: procedure( Sender: PBitmap ); fCanvasAttached : Integer; fHandleType: TBitmapHandleType; fDIBHeader: PBitmapInfo; fDIBBits: Pointer; fDIBSize: Integer; fNewPixelFormat: TPixelFormat; fFillWithBkColor: procedure( BmpObj: PBitmap; DC: HDC; oldW, oldH: Integer ); //stdcall; fTransMaskBmp: PBitmap; fTransColor: TColor; fGetDIBPixels: function( Bmp: PBitmap; X, Y: Integer ): TColor; fSetDIBPixels: procedure( Bmp: PBitmap; X, Y: Integer; Value: TColor ); fScanLine0: PByte; fScanLineDelta: Integer; fPixelMask: DWORD; fPixelsPerByteMask: Integer; fBytesPerPixel: Integer; fDIBAutoFree: Boolean; procedure SetHeight(const Value: Integer); procedure SetWidth(const Value: Integer); function GetEmpty: Boolean; function GetHandle: HBitmap; function GetHandleAllocated: Boolean; procedure SetHandle(const Value: HBitmap); procedure SetPixelFormat(Value: TPixelFormat); procedure FormatChanged; function GetCanvas: PCanvas; procedure CanvasChanged( Sender: PObj ); function GetScanLine(Y: Integer): Pointer; function GetScanLineSize: Integer; procedure ClearData; procedure ClearTransImage; procedure SetBkColor(const Value: TColor); function GetDIBPalEntries(Idx: Integer): TColor; function GetDIBPalEntryCount: Integer; procedure SetDIBPalEntries(Idx: Integer; const Value: TColor); procedure SetHandleType(const Value: TBitmapHandleType); function GetPixelFormat: TPixelFormat; function GetPixels(X, Y: Integer): TColor; procedure SetPixels(X, Y: Integer; const Value: TColor); function GetDIBPixels(X, Y: Integer): TColor; procedure SetDIBPixels(X, Y: Integer; const Value: TColor); function GetBoundsRect: TRect; protected destructor Destroy; virtual; public property Width: Integer read fWidth write SetWidth; {* Width of bitmap. To make code smaller, avoid changing Width or Height after bitmap is created (using NewBitmap) or after it is loaded from file, stream of resource. } property Height: Integer read fHeight write SetHeight; {* Height of bitmap. To make code smaller, avoid changing Width or Height after bitmap is created (using NewBitmap) or after it is loaded from file, stream of resource. } property BoundsRect: TRect read GetBoundsRect; {* Returns rectangle (0,0,Width,Height). } property Empty: Boolean read GetEmpty; {* Returns True if Width or Height is 0. } procedure Clear; {* Makes bitmap empty, setting its Width and Height to 0. } procedure LoadFromFile( const Filename: KOLString ); {* Loads bitmap from file (LoadFromStream used). } function LoadFromFileEx( const Filename: KOLString ): Boolean; {* Loads bitmap from a file. If necessary, bitmap is RLE-decoded. Code given by Vyacheslav A. Gavrik. } procedure SaveToFile( const Filename: KOLString ); {* Stores bitmap to file (SaveToStream used). } procedure CoreSaveToFile( const Filename: KOLString ); {* Stores bitmap to file (CoreSaveToStream used). } procedure RLESaveToFile( const Filename: KOLString ); {* Stores bitmap to file (CoreSaveToStream used). } procedure LoadFromStream( Strm: PStream ); {* Loads bitmap from stream. Follow loading, bitmap has DIB format (without handle allocated). It is possible to draw DIB bitmap without creating handle for it, which can economy GDI resources. } function LoadFromStreamEx( Strm: PStream ): Boolean; {* Loads bitmap from a stream. Difference is that RLE decoding supported. Code given by Vyacheslav A. Gavrik. } procedure SaveToStream( Strm: PStream ); {* Saves bitmap to stream. If bitmap is not DIB, it is converted to DIB before saving. } procedure CoreSaveToStream( Strm: PStream ); {* Saves bitmap to stream using CORE format with RGBTRIPLE palette and with BITMAPCOREHEADER as a header. If bitmap is not DIB, it is converted to DIB before saving. } procedure RLESaveToStream( Strm: PStream ); {* Saves bitmap to stream using CORE format with RGBTRIPLE palette and with BITMAPCOREHEADER as a header. If bitmap is not DIB, it is converted to DIB before saving. } procedure LoadFromResourceID( Inst: DWORD; ResID: Integer ); {* Loads bitmap from resource using integer ID of resource. To load by name, use LoadFromResurceName. To load resource of application itself, pass hInstance as first parameter. This method also can be used to load system predefined bitmaps, if 0 is passed as Inst parameter: |<pre> OBM_BTNCORNERS OBM_REDUCE OBM_BTSIZE OBM_REDUCED OBM_CHECK OBM_RESTORE OBM_CHECKBOXES OBM_RESTORED OBM_CLOSE OBM_RGARROW OBM_COMBO OBM_RGARROWD OBM_DNARROW OBM_RGARROWI OBM_DNARROWD OBM_SIZE OBM_DNARROWI OBM_UPARROW OBM_LFARROW OBM_UPARROWD OBM_LFARROWD OBM_UPARROWI OBM_LFARROWI OBM_ZOOM OBM_MNARROW OBM_ZOOMD |</pre> } procedure LoadFromResourceName( Inst: DWORD; ResName: PKOLChar ); {* Loads bitmap from resurce (using passed name of bitmap resource. } function Assign( SrcBmp: PBitmap ): Boolean; {* Assigns bitmap from another. Returns False if not success. Note: remember, that Canvas is not assigned - only bitmap image is copied. And for DIB, handle is not allocating due this process. } property Handle: HBitmap read GetHandle write SetHandle; {* Handle of bitmap. Created whenever property accessed. To check if handle is allocated (without allocating it), use HandleAllocated property. } property HandleAllocated: Boolean read GetHandleAllocated; {* Returns True, if Handle already allocated. } function ReleaseHandle: HBitmap; {* Returns Handle and releases it, so bitmap no more know about handle. This method does not destroy bitmap image, but converts it into DIB. Returned Handle actually is a handle of copy of original bitmap. If You need not in keping it up, use Dormant method instead. } procedure Dormant; {* Releases handle from bitmap and destroys it. But image is not destroyed and its data are preserved in DIB format. Please note, that in KOL, DIB bitmaps can be drawn onto given device context without allocating of handle. So, it is very useful to call Dormant preparing it using Canvas drawing operations - to economy GDI resources. } property HandleType: TBitmapHandleType read fHandleType write SetHandleType; {* bmDIB, if DIB part of image data is filled and stored internally in TBitmap object. DIB image therefore can have Handle allocated, which require resources. Use HandleAllocated funtion to determine if handle is allocated and Dormant method to remove it, if You want to economy GDI resources. (Actually Handle needed for DIB bitmap only in case when Canvas is used to draw on bitmap surface). Please note also, that before saving bitmap to file or stream, it is converted to DIB. } property PixelFormat: TPixelFormat read GetPixelFormat write SetPixelFormat; {* Current pixel format. If format of bitmap is unknown, or bitmap is DDB, value is pfDevice. Setting PixelFormat to any other format converts bitmap to DIB, back to pfDevice converts bitmap to DDB again. Avoid such conversations for large bitmaps or for numerous bitmaps in your application to keep good performance. } function BitsPerPixel: Integer; {* Returns bits per pixel if possible. } procedure Draw( DC: HDC; X, Y: Integer ); {* Draws bitmap to given device context. If bitmap is DIB, it is always drawing using SetDIBitsToDevice API call, which does not require bitmap handle (so, it is very sensible to call Dormant method to free correspondent GDI resources). } procedure StretchDraw( DC: HDC; const Rect: TRect ); {* Draws bitmap onto DC, stretching it to fit given rectangle Rect. } procedure DrawTransparent( DC: HDC; X, Y: Integer; TranspColor: TColor ); {* Draws bitmap onto DC transparently, using TranspColor as transparent. See function DesktopPixelFormat also. } procedure StretchDrawTransparent( DC: HDC; const Rect: TRect; TranspColor: TColor ); {* Draws bitmap onto given rectangle of destination DC (with stretching it to fit Rect) - transparently, using TranspColor as transparent. See function DesktopPixelFormat also. } procedure DrawMasked( DC: HDC; X, Y: Integer; Mask: HBitmap ); {* Draws bitmap to destination DC transparently by mask. It is possible to pass as a mask handle of another TBitmap, previously converted to monochrome mask using Convert2Mask method. } procedure StretchDrawMasked( DC: HDC; const Rect: TRect; Mask: HBitmap ); {* Like DrawMasked, but with stretching image onto given rectangle. } procedure Convert2Mask( TranspColor: TColor ); {* Converts bitmap to monochrome (mask) bitmap with TranspColor replaced to clBlack and all other ones to clWhite. Such mask bitmap can be used to draw original bitmap transparently, with given TranspColor as transparent. (To preserve original bitmap, create new instance of TBitmap and assign original bitmap to it). See also DrawTransparent and StretchDrawTransparent methods. } procedure Invert; {* Obvious. } property Canvas: PCanvas read GetCanvas; {* Canvas can be used to draw onto bitmap. Whenever it is accessed, handle is allocated for bitmap, if it is not yet (to make it possible to select bitmap to display compatible device context). } procedure RemoveCanvas; {* Call this method to destroy Canvas and free GDI resources. } property BkColor: TColor read fBkColor write SetBkColor; {* Used to fill background for Bitmap, when its width or height is increased. Although this value always synchronized with Canvas.Brush.Color, use it instead if You do not use Canvas for drawing on bitmap surface. } property Pixels[ X, Y: Integer ]: TColor read GetPixels write SetPixels; {* Allows to obtain or change certain pixels of a bitmap. This method is both for DIB and DDB bitmaps, and leads to allocate handle anyway. For DIB bitmaps, it is possible to use property DIBPixels[ ] instead, which is much faster and does not require in Handle. } property ScanLineSize: Integer read GetScanLineSize; {* Returns size of scan line in bytes. Use it to measure size of a single ScanLine. To calculate increment value from first byte of ScanLine to first byte of next ScanLine, use difference ! Integer(ScanLine[1]-ScanLine[0]) (this is because bitmap can be oriented from bottom to top, so step can be negative). } property ScanLine[ Y: Integer ]: Pointer read GetScanLine; {* Use ScanLine to access DIB bitmap pixels in memory to direct access it fast. Take in attention, that for different pixel formats, different bit counts are used to represent bitmap pixels. Also do not forget, that for formats pf4bit and pf8bit, pixels actually are indices to palette entries, and for formats pf16bit, pf24bit and pf32bit are actually RGB values (for pf16bit B:5-G:6-R:5, for pf15bit B:5-G:5-R:5 (high order bit not used), for pf24bit B:8-G:8-R:8, and for pf32bit high order byte of TRGBQuad structure is not used). } property DIBPixels[ X, Y: Integer ]: TColor read GetDIBPixels write SetDIBPixels; {* Allows direct access to pixels of DIB bitmap, faster then Pixels[ ] property. Access to read is slower for pf15bit, pf16bit formats (because some conversation needed to translate packed RGB color to TColor). And for write, operation performed most slower for pf4bit, pf8bit (searching nearest color required) and fastest for pf24bit, pf32bit and pf1bit. } property DIBPalEntryCount: Integer read GetDIBPalEntryCount; {* Returns palette entries count for DIB image. Always returns 2 for pf1bit, 16 for pf4bit, 256 for pf8bit and 0 for other pixel formats. } property DIBPalEntries[ Idx: Integer ]: TColor read GetDIBPalEntries write SetDIBPalEntries; {* Provides direct access to DIB palette. } function DIBPalNearestEntry( Color: TColor ): Integer; {* Returns index of entry in DIB palette with color nearest (or matching) to given one. } property DIBBits: Pointer read fDIBBits; {* This property is mainly for internal use. } property DIBSize: Integer read fDIBSize; {* Size of DIBBits array. } property DIBHeader: PBitmapInfo read fDIBHeader; {* This property is mainly for internal use. } procedure DIBDrawRect( DC: HDC; X, Y: Integer; const R: TRect ); {* This procedure copies given rectangle to the target device context, but only for DIB bitmap (using SetDIBBitsToDevice API call). } procedure RotateRight; {* Rotates bitmap right (90 degree). Bitmap must be DIB. If You definitevely know format of a bitmap, use instead one of methods RotateRightMono, RotateRight4bit, RotateRight8bit, RotateRight16bit or RotateRightTrueColor - this will economy code. But if for most of formats such methods are called, this can be more economy just to call always universal method RotateRight. } procedure RotateLeft; {* Rotates bitmap left (90 degree). Bitmap must be DIB. If You definitevely know format of a bitmap, use instead one of methods RotateLeftMono, RotateLeft4bit, RotateLeft8bit, RotateLeft16bit or RotateLeftTrueColor - this will economy code. But if for most of formats such methods are called, this can be more economy just to call always universal method RotateLeft. } procedure RotateRightMono; {* Rotates bitmat right, but only if bitmap is monochrome (pf1bit). } procedure RotateLeftMono; {* Rotates bitmap left, but only if bitmap is monochrome (pf1bit). } procedure RotateRight4bit; {* Rotates bitmap right, but only if PixelFormat is pf4bit. } procedure RotateLeft4bit; {* Rotates bitmap left, but only if PixelFormat is pf4bit. } procedure RotateRight8bit; {* Rotates bitmap right, but only if PixelFormat is pf8bit. } procedure RotateLeft8bit; {* Rotates bitmap left, but only if PixelFormat is pf8bit. } procedure RotateRight16bit; {* Rotates bitmap right, but only if PixelFormat is pf16bit. } procedure RotateLeft16bit; {* Rotates bitmap left, but only if PixelFormat is pf16bit. } procedure RotateRightTrueColor; {* Rotates bitmap right, but only if PixelFormat is pf24bit or pf32bit. } procedure RotateLeftTrueColor; {* Rotates bitmap left, but only if PixelFormat is pf24bit or pf32bit. } procedure FlipVertical; {* Flips bitmap vertically } procedure FlipHorizontal; {* Flips bitmap horizontally } procedure CopyRect( const DstRect : TRect; SrcBmp : PBitmap; const SrcRect : TRect ); {* It is possible to use Canvas.CopyRect for such purpose, but if You do not want use TCanvas, it is possible to copy rectangle from one bitmap to another using this function. } function CopyToClipboard: Boolean; {* Copies bitmap to clipboard. } function PasteFromClipboard: Boolean; {* Takes CF_DIB format bitmap from clipboard and assigns it to the TBitmap object. } end; function Bits2PixelFormat( BitsPerPixel: Integer ): TPixelFormat; function NewBitmap( W, H: Integer ): PBitmap; {* Creates bitmap object of given size. If it is possible, do not change its size (Width and Heigth) later - this can economy code a bit. See TBitmap. } function NewDIBBitmap( W, H: Integer; PixelFormat: TPixelFormat ): PBitmap; {* Creates DIB bitmap object of given size and pixel format. If it is possible, do not change its size (Width and Heigth) later - this can economy code a bit. See TBitmap. } function CalcScanLineSize( Header: PBitmapInfoHeader ): Integer; {* May be will be useful. } var DefaultPixelFormat: TPixelFormat = pf32bit; //pf16bit; function LoadMappedBitmap( hInst: THandle; BmpResID: Integer; const Map: array of TColor ) : HBitmap; {* This function can be used to load bitmap and replace some it colors to desired ones. This function especially useful when loaded by the such way bitmap is used as toolbar bitmap - to replace some original colors to system default colors. To use this function properly, the bitmap shoud be prepared as 16-color bitmap, which uses only system colors. To do so, create a new 16-color bitmap with needed dimensions in Borland Image Editor and paste a bitmap image, copyed in another graphic tool, and then save it. If this is not done, bitmap will not be loaded correctly! } function LoadMappedBitmapEx( MasterObj: PObj; hInst: THandle; BmpResName: PKOLChar; const Map: array of TColor ): HBitmap; {* by Alex Pravdin: like LoadMappedBitmap, but much powerful. It uses CreateMappedBitmapEx, so it understands any bitmap color format, including pf24bit. Also, LoadMappedBitmapEx provides auto-destroying loaded resource when MasterObj is destroyed. } function CreateMappedBitmap(Instance: THandle; Bitmap: Integer; Flags: UINT; ColorMap: PColorMap; NumMaps: Integer): HBitmap; stdcall; {* Creates mapped bitmap replacing colors correspondently to the ColorMap (each pare of colors defines color replaced and a color used for replace it in the bitmap). See also CreateMappedBitmapEx. } function CreateMappedBitmapEx(Instance: THandle; BmpRsrcName: PKOLChar; Flags: Cardinal; ColorMap: PColorMap; NumMaps: Integer): HBitmap; {* By Alex Pravdin. Creates mapped bitmap independently from bitmap color format (works correctly with bitmaps having format deeper than 8bit per pixel). } type PIcon = ^TIcon; { ---------------------------------------------------------------------- TIcon - icon image ----------------------------------------------------------------------- } TIcon = object( TObj ) {* Object type to incapsulate icon or cursor image. } protected {$IFDEF ICON_DIFF_WH} FWidth: Integer; FHeight: Integer; {$ELSE} FSize : Integer; {$ENDIF} FHandle: HIcon; FShareIcon: Boolean; procedure SetSize(const Value: Integer); {$IFDEF ICON_DIFF_WH} function GetIconSize: Integer; {$ENDIF} procedure SetHandle(const Value: HIcon); function GetHotSpot: TPoint; function GetEmpty: Boolean; protected destructor Destroy; virtual; public {$IFDEF ICONLOAD_PRESERVEBMPS} ImgBmp, MskBmp : PBitmap; Only_Bmp: Boolean; {$ENDIF ICONLOAD_PRESERVEBMPS} property Size : Integer read {$IFDEF ICON_DIFF_WH} GetIconSize {$ELSE} FSize {$ENDIF} write SetSize; {* Icon dimension (width and/or height, which are equal to each other always). } {$IFDEF ICON_DIFF_WH} property Width: Integer read FWidth; property Height: Integer read FHeight; {$ENDIF} property Handle : HIcon read FHandle write SetHandle; {* Windows icon object handle. } procedure SetHandleEx( NewHandle: HIcon ); {* Set Handle without changing Size (Width/Height). } procedure Clear; {* Clears icon, freeing image and allocated GDI resource (Handle). } property Empty: Boolean read GetEmpty; {* Returns True if icon is Empty. } property ShareIcon : Boolean read FShareIcon write FShareIcon; {* True, if icon object is shared and can not be deleted when TIcon object is destroyed (set this flag is to True, if an icon is obtained from another TIcon object, for example). } property HotSpot : TPoint read GetHotSpot; {* Hot spot point - for cursors. } procedure Draw( DC : HDC; X, Y : Integer ); {* Draws icon onto given device context. Icon always is drawn transparently using its transparency mask (stored internally in icon object). } procedure StretchDraw( DC : HDC; Dest : TRect ); {* Draws icon onto given device context with stretching it to fit destination rectangle. See also Draw. } procedure LoadFromStream( Strm : PStream ); {* Loads icon from stream. If stream contains several icons (of different dimentions), icon with the most appropriate size is loading. } procedure LoadFromFile( const FileName : KOLString ); {* Load icon from file. If file contains several icons (of different dimensions), icon with the most appropriate size is loading. } procedure LoadFromResourceID( Inst: Integer; ResID: Integer; DesiredSize: Integer ); {* Loads icon from resource. To load system default icon, pass 0 as Inst and one of followin values as ResID: |<pre> IDI_APPLICATION Default application icon. IDI_ASTERISK Asterisk (used in informative messages). IDI_EXCLAMATION Exclamation point (used in warning messages). IDI_HAND Hand-shaped icon (used in serious warning messages). IDI_QUESTION Question mark (used in prompting messages). IDI_WINLOGO Windows logo. |</pre> It is also possible to load icon from resources of another module, if pass instance handle of loaded module as Inst parameter. } procedure LoadFromResourceName( Inst: Integer; ResName: PKOLChar; DesiredSize: Integer ); {* Loads icon from resource. To load own application resource, pass hInstance as Inst parameter. It is possible to load resource from another module, if pass its instance handle as Inst. } procedure LoadFromExecutable( const FileName: KOLString; IconIdx: Integer ); {* Loads icon from executable (exe or dll file). Always default sized icon is loaded. It is possible also to get know how much icons are contained in executable using gloabl function GetFileIconCount. To obtain icon of another size, try to load given executable and use LoadFromResourceID method. } procedure SaveToStream( Strm : PStream ); {* Saves single icon to stream. To save icons with several different dimensions, use global procedure SaveIcons2Stream. } procedure SaveToFile( const FileName : KOLString ); {* Saves single icon to file. To save icons with several different dimensions, use global procedure SaveIcons2File. } function Convert2Bitmap( TranColor: TColor ): HBitmap; {* Converts icon to bitmap, returning Windows GDI bitmap resource as a result. It is possible later to assign returned bitmap handle to Handle property of TBitmap object to use features of TBitmap. Pass TranColor to replace transparent area of icon with given color. } end; procedure SaveIcons2Stream( const Icons : array of PIcon; Strm : PStream ); {* Saves several icons (of different dimentions) to stream. } function SaveIcons2StreamEx( const BmpHandles: array of HBitmap; Strm: PStream ): Boolean; {* Saves icons creating it from pairs of bitmaps and their masks. BmpHandles array must contain pairs of bitmap handles, each pair of color bitmap and mask bitmap of the same size. } procedure SaveIcons2File( const Icons : array of PIcon; const FileName : KOLString ); {* Saves several icons (of different dimentions) to file. (Single file with extension .ico can contain several different sized icon images to use later one with the most appropriate size). } function NewIcon: PIcon; {* Creates new icon object, setting its Size to 32 by default. Created icon is Empty. } function GetFileIconCount( const FileName: KOLString ): Integer; {* Returns number of icon resources stored in given (executable) file. } type TIconHeader = packed record idReserved: Word; (* Always set to 0 *) idType: Word; (* Always set to 1 *) idCount: Word; (* Number of icon images *) (* immediately followed by idCount TIconDirEntries *) end; TIconDirEntry = packed record bWidth: Byte; (* Width *) bHeight: Byte; (* Height *) bColorCount: Byte; (* Nr. of colors used *) bReserved: Byte; (* not used, 0 *) wPlanes: Word; (* not used, 0 *) wBitCount: Word; (* not used, 0 *) dwBytesInRes: Longint; (* total number of bytes in images *) dwImageOffset: Longint;(* location of image from the beginning of file *) end; function LoadImgIcon( RsrcName: PKOLChar; Size: Integer ): HIcon; {* Loads icon of specified size from the resource. } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // UNIVERSAL CONTROL OBJECT // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// const CM_EXECPROC = $8FFF; CM_BASE = $B000; CM_ACTIVATE = CM_BASE + 0; CM_DEACTIVATE = CM_BASE + 1; CM_ENTER = CM_BASE + 2; CM_RELEASE = CM_BASE + 3; CM_QUIT = CM_BASE + 4; CM_COMMAND = CM_BASE + 5; CM_MEASUREITEM = CM_BASE + 6; CM_DRAWITEM = CM_BASE + 7; CM_TRAYICON = CM_BASE + 8; CM_INVALIDATE = CM_BASE + 9; CM_UPDATE = CM_BASE + 10; CM_NCUPDATE = CM_BASE + 11; CM_SIZEPOS = CM_BASE + 12; CM_SIZE = CM_BASE + 13; CM_SETFOCUS = CM_BASE + 14; CM_CBN_SELCHANGE = 15; CM_UIACTIVATE = CM_BASE + 16; CM_UIDEACTIVATE = CM_BASE + 17; CM_PROCESS = CM_BASE + 18; CM_SHOW = CM_BASE + 19; CM_AUTOSIZE = CM_BASE + 20; CM_MDIClientShowEdge = CM_BASE + 21; CM_INVALIDATECHILD = CM_BASE + 22; CM_FOCUSGRAPHCTL = CM_BASE + 23; WM_SYNCPAINT = $88; CN_BASE = $BC00; CN_CHARTOITEM = CN_BASE + WM_CHARTOITEM; CN_COMMAND = CN_BASE + WM_COMMAND; CN_COMPAREITEM = CN_BASE + WM_COMPAREITEM; CN_CTLCOLORMSGBOX = CN_BASE + WM_CTLCOLORMSGBOX; CN_CTLCOLOREDIT = CN_BASE + WM_CTLCOLOREDIT; CN_CTLCOLORLISTBOX = CN_BASE + WM_CTLCOLORLISTBOX; CN_CTLCOLORBTN = CN_BASE + WM_CTLCOLORBTN; CN_CTLCOLORDLG = CN_BASE + WM_CTLCOLORDLG; CN_CTLCOLORSCROLLBAR = CN_BASE + WM_CTLCOLORSCROLLBAR; CN_CTLCOLORSTATIC = CN_BASE + WM_CTLCOLORSTATIC; CN_DELETEITEM = CN_BASE + WM_DELETEITEM; CN_DRAWITEM = CN_BASE + WM_DRAWITEM; CN_HSCROLL = CN_BASE + WM_HSCROLL; CN_MEASUREITEM = CN_BASE + WM_MEASUREITEM; CN_PARENTNOTIFY = CN_BASE + WM_PARENTNOTIFY; CN_VKEYTOITEM = CN_BASE + WM_VKEYTOITEM; CN_VSCROLL = CN_BASE + WM_VSCROLL; CN_KEYDOWN = CN_BASE + WM_KEYDOWN; CN_KEYUP = CN_BASE + WM_KEYUP; CN_CHAR = CN_BASE + WM_CHAR; CN_SYSKEYDOWN = CN_BASE + WM_SYSKEYDOWN; CN_SYSCHAR = CN_BASE + WM_SYSCHAR; CN_NOTIFY = CN_BASE + WM_NOTIFY; {$ENDIF WIN_GDI} const ID_SELF: array[ 0..5 ] of KOLChar = ( 'S','E','L','F','_',#0 ); {* Identifier for window property "Self", stored directly in window, when it is created. This property is used to [fast] find TControl object, correspondent to given window handle (using API call GetProp). } {$IFDEF WIN_GDI} ID_PREVPROC: array[ 0..9 ] of KOLChar = ( 'P','R','E','V','_','P','R','O','C',#0 ); {$IFNDEF USE_FLAGS} RADIO_LAST: array[ 0..7 ] of KOLChar = ( 'R','A','D','_','L','S','T',#0 ); RADIO_1ST: array[ 0..7 ] of KOLChar = ( 'R','A','D','_','1','S','T',#0 ); {$ENDIF} MIN_WND: array[ 0..7 ] of KOLChar = ( 'M','I','N','_','W','N','D',#0 ); DFLT_BTN: array[ 0..7 ] of KOLChar = ( 'D','F','L','T','_','B','T',#0 ); CNCL_BTN: array[ 0..7 ] of KOLChar = ( 'C','N','C','L','_','B','T',#0 ); DRAG_XY: array[ 0..7 ] of KOLChar = ( 'D','R','A','G','_','X','Y',#0 ); MDI_CHLDRN: array[ 0..10 ] of KOLChar = ( 'M','D','I','_','C','H','L','D','R','N',#0 ); {$ENDIF WIN_GDI} const MK_LBUTTON = 1; MK_RBUTTON = 2; MK_SHIFT = 4; MK_CONTROL = 8; MK_MBUTTON = $10; MK_ALT = $20; // MK_ALT DEFINED MK_LOCK = $40; // CAPS LOCK or SHIFT LOCK {$IFDEF WIN_GDI} {$IFNDEF NOT_USE_RICHEDIT} type {$IFDEF UNICODE_CTRLS} TCharFormat2 = TCharFormat2W; {$ELSE} {$IFDEF _D3orHigher} TCharFormat2 = TCharFormat2A; {$ELSE} // Delphi2 TCharFormat2 = packed record cbSize: UINT; dwMask: DWORD; dwEffects: DWORD; yHeight: Longint; yOffset: Longint; crTextColor: TColorRef; bCharSet: Byte; bPitchAndFamily: Byte; szFaceName: array[0..LF_FACESIZE - 1] of KOLChar; R2Bytes: Word; wWeight: Word; { Font weight (LOGFONT value) } sSpacing: Smallint; { Amount to space between letters } crBackColor: TColorRef; { Background color } lid: LCID; { Locale ID } dwReserved: DWORD; { Reserved. Must be 0 } sStyle: Smallint; { Style handle } wKerning: Word; { Twip size above which to kern char pair } bUnderlineType: Byte; { Underline type } bAnimation: Byte; { Animated text like marching ants } bRevAuthor: Byte; { Revision author index } bReserved1: Byte; end; {$ENDIF _D3orHigher} {$ENDIF} PParaFormat2 = ^TParaFormat2; TParaFormat2 = packed record cbSize: UINT; dwMask: DWORD; wNumbering: Word; wReserved: Word; dxStartIndent: Longint; dxRightIndent: Longint; dxOffset: Longint; wAlignment: Word; cTabCount: Smallint; rgxTabs: array [0..MAX_TAB_STOPS - 1] of Longint; dySpaceBefore: Longint; { Vertical spacing before para } dySpaceAfter: Longint; { Vertical spacing after para } dyLineSpacing: Longint; { Line spacing depending on Rule } sStyle: Smallint; { Style handle } bLineSpacingRule: Byte; { Rule for line spacing (see tom.doc) } bCRC: Byte; { Reserved for CRC for rapid searching } wShadingWeight: Word; { Shading in hundredths of a per cent } wShadingStyle: Word; { Nibble 0: style, 1: cfpat, 2: cbpat } wNumberingStart: Word; { Starting value for numbering } wNumberingStyle: Word; { Alignment, roman/arabic, (), ), ., etc. } wNumberingTab: Word; { Space bet 1st indent and 1st-line text } wBorderSpace: Word; { Space between border and text (twips) } wBorderWidth: Word; { Border pen width (twips) } wBorders: Word; { Byte 0: bits specify which borders } { Nibble 2: border style, 3: color index } end; TGetTextLengthEx = packed record flags: DWORD; { flags (see GTL_XXX defines) } codepage: UINT; { code page for translation (CP_ACP for default, 1200 for Unicode } end; const PFM_SPACEBEFORE = $00000040; PFM_SPACEAFTER = $00000080; PFM_LINESPACING = $00000100; PFM_STYLE = $00000400; PFM_BORDER = $00000800; { (*) } PFM_SHADING = $00001000; { (*) } PFM_NUMBERINGSTYLE = $00002000; { (*) } PFM_NUMBERINGTAB = $00004000; { (*) } PFM_NUMBERINGSTART = $00008000; { (*) } PFM_RTLPARA = $00010000; PFM_KEEP = $00020000; { (*) } PFM_KEEPNEXT = $00040000; { (*) } PFM_PAGEBREAKBEFORE = $00080000; { (*) } PFM_NOLINENUMBER = $00100000; { (*) } PFM_NOWIDOWCONTROL = $00200000; { (*) } PFM_DONOTHYPHEN = $00400000; { (*) } PFM_SIDEBYSIDE = $00800000; { (*) } PFM_TABLE = $c0000000; { (*) } EM_REDO = WM_USER + 84; EM_AUTOURLDETECT = WM_USER + 91; EM_GETAUTOURLDETECT = WM_USER + 92; CFM_UNDERLINETYPE = $00800000; { (*) } CFM_HIDDEN = $0100; { (*) } CFM_BACKCOLOR = $04000000; CFE_AUTOBACKCOLOR = CFM_BACKCOLOR; GTL_USECRLF = 1; { compute answer using CRLFs for paragraphs } GTL_PRECISE = 2; { compute a precise answer } GTL_CLOSE = 4; { fast computation of a "close" answer } GTL_NUMCHARS = 8; { return the number of characters } GTL_NUMBYTES = 16; { return the number of _bytes_ } EM_GETTEXTLENGTHEX = WM_USER + 95; EM_SETLANGOPTIONS = WM_USER + 120; EM_GETLANGOPTIONS = WM_USER + 121; EM_SETEDITSTYLE = $400 + 204; EM_GETEDITSTYLE = $400 + 205; SES_EMULATESYSEDIT = 1; SES_BEEPONMAXTEXT = 2; SES_EXTENDBACKCOLOR = 4; SES_MAPCPS = 8; SES_EMULATE10 = 16; SES_USECRLF = 32; SES_USEAIMM = 64; SES_NOIME = 128; SES_ALLOWBEEPS = 256; SES_UPPERCASE = 512; SES_LOWERCASE = 1024; SES_NOINPUTSEQUENCECHK = 2048; SES_BIDI = 4096; SES_SCROLLONKILLFOCUS = 8192; SES_XLTCRCRLFTOCR = 16384; EM_GETSCROLLPOS = WM_USER + 221; EM_SETSCROLLPOS = WM_USER + 222; EM_GETZOOM = WM_USER + 224; EM_SETZOOM = WM_USER + 225; {$ENDIF NOT_USE_RICHEDIT} {$ENDIF WIN_GDI} const idx_fOnMessage = 0; idx_fOldOnMessage = 1; idx_fOnClick = 2; idx_fOnMouseDown = 3; idx_fOnMouseUp = 4; idx_fOnMouseMove = 5; idx_fOnMouseDblClk = 6; idx_fOnMouseWheel = 7; idx_fOnMouseEnter = 8; idx_fOnMouseLeave = 9; idx_fOnTestMouseOver = 10; idx_fGraphCtlMouseEvent = 11; idx_fMouseLeaveProc = 12; idx_fOnScroll = 13; idx_fOnChar = 14; idx_fOnDeadChar = 15; idx_fOnKeyUp = 16; idx_fOnKeyDown = 17; idx_fOnChangeCtl = 18; idx_fOnEnter = 19; idx_fOnLeave = 20; idx_fLeave = 21; idx_fOnPaint = 22; idx_fOnPaint2 = 23; idx_fOnPrepaint = 24; idx_fOnPostPaint = 25; idx_fPaintProc = 26; idx_fOnEraseBkgnd = 27; idx_fOnDrawItem = 28; idx_fOnMeasureItem = 29; idx_fDragCallback = 30; idx_fOnSelChange = 31; idx_fOnResize = 32; idx_fOnHide = 33; idx_fOnShow = 34; idx_fOnClose = 35; idx_fOnMove = 36; idx_fOnMoving = 37; idx_fOnHelp = 38; idx_fOnQueryEndSession = 39; idx_fOnMinimize = 40; idx_fOnMaximize = 41; idx_fOnRestore = 42; idx_fOnLVCustomDraw = 43; idx_fOnEndEditLVITem = 44; idx_fOnLVData = 45; idx_fOnCompareLVItems = 46; idx_FOnLVStateChange = 47; idx_fOnDeleteLVItem = 48; idx_fOnColumnClick = 49; idx_FOnSBBeforeScroll = 50; idx_FOnSBScroll = 51; idx_FOnDropDown = 52; idx_FOnCloseUp = 53; idx_FOnSplit = 54; idx_FOnProgress = 55; idx_FOnBitBtnDraw = 56; idx_FOnTVBeginDrag = 57; idx_FOnTVBeginEdit = 58; idx_FOnTVEndEdit = 59; idx_FOnTVExpanding = 60; idx_FOnTVExpanded = 61; idx_FOnTVSelChanging = 62; idx_FOnTVDelete = 63; idx_FOnDTPUserString = 64; idx_FOnREInsModeChg = 65; idx_FOnREOverURL = 66; idx_FOnREURLClick = 67; idx_fOnDropFiles = 68; idx_LastEvent = 68; idx_fWndFunc = 69; idx_fDoInvalidate = 70; idx_fOnDynHandlers = 71; idx_fPass2DefProc = 72; idx_fWndProcKeybd = 73; idx_fControlClick = 74; idx_fAutoSize = 75; //{-2.95}//idx_fWndProcResizeFlicks idx_fGotoControl = 76; idx_fNotifyChild = 77; idx_fScrollChildren = 78; //idx_FBitBtnGetCaption //idx_FBitBtnExtDraw idx_fCreateWndExt = 79; idx_fExMsgProc = 80; idx_LastProc = 80; const ANCHOR_LEFT = 1; ANCHOR_RIGHT = 2; ANCHOR_TOP = 4; ANCHOR_BOTTOM = 8; SELF_REQ_PAINT = 16; PARENT_REQ_PAINT = 32; MDI_NOT_AVAILABLE = 64; MDI_DESTROYING = 128; type /////////////////////////////////////////// {$ifndef _D6orHigher} // /////////////////////////////////////////// TMethod = packed record {* Is defined here because using of VCL classes.pas unit is not recommended in XCL. This record type is used often to set/access event handlers, referring to a procedure of object (usually to set such event to an ordinal procedure setting Data field to nil. } Code: Pointer; // Pointer to method code. {* If used to fake assigning to event handler of type 'procedure of object' with ordinal procedure pointer, use symbol '@' before method: |<br> <font face="Courier"><b> | Method.Code := @MyProcedure; |</b></font> } Data: Pointer; // Pointer to object, owning the method. {* To fake event of type 'procedure of object' with setting it to ordinal procedure assign here NIL; } end; {* When assigning TMethod record to event handler, typecast it with desired event type, e.g.: |<br> <font face="Courier"><b> | SomeObject.OnSomeEvent := TOnSomeEvent( Method ); |</b></font><br> } /////////////////////////////////////////// {$endif} // /////////////////////////////////////////// PMethod = ^TMethod; {* } function MakeMethod( Data, Code: Pointer ): TMethod; {* Help function to construct TMethod record. Can be useful to assign regular type procedure/function as event handler for event, defined as object method (do not forget, that in that case it must have first dummy parameter to replace @Self, passed in EAX to methods of object). } type T3Style = ( F3_Maximize, F3_ClipChildren, F3_ClipSiblings, F3_Disabled, F3_Visible, F3_Minimize, F3_Child, F3_Popup ); T3Styles = Set of T3Style; T2Style = ( F2_Tabstop, F2_Group, F2_Thickframe, F2_Sysmenu, F2_HScroll, F2_VScroll, F2_Dlgframe, F2_Border ); T2Styles = Set of T2Style; TStyle = packed record CASE Integer OF 1: ( f0_Style: Byte; f1_Style: Byte; f2_Style: T2Styles; f3_Style: T3Styles; ); 2: ( Value: DWORD; ); end; T1Flag = ( G1_WordWrap, G1_PreventResize, G1_IconShared, G1_IgnoreWndCaption, G1_SizeRedraw, G1_IsStaticControl, G1_CanNotDoublebuf, G1_HasRadio ); // T1Flags = Set of T1Flag; T2Flag = ( G2_Transparent, G2_DoubleBuffered, G2_ClassicTransparent, G2_Destroying, G2_BeginDestroying, G2_ChangedPos, G2_ChangedW, G2_ChangedH ); // T2Flags = Set of T2Flag; T3Flag = ( G3_ClassicTransparent, G3_IsForm, G3_SizeGrip, G3_IsControl, G3_IsApplet, G3_IsMDIChild, G3_Flat, G3_MouseInCtl ); // T3Flags = Set of T3Flag; T4Flag = ( G4_CreateHidden, G4_VisibleWOParent, G4_NotUseAlign, G4_CreateVisible, G4_Pushed, G4_Checked, G4_Hot, G4_Pressed ); // // use G4_Pushed also as KeyPreviewing for form T4Flags = Set of T4Flag; T5Flag = ( G5_IsButton, G5_IsBitBtn, G5_IsSplitter, G5_IsGroupbox, G5_IsCommonCtl, G5_3ButtonPress, G5_EraseBkgnd, G5_IgnoreDefault ); T5Flags = Set of T5Flag; T6Flag = ( G6_KeyPreview, G6_DefaultBtn, G6_CancelBtn, G6_Focused, G6_GraphicCtl, G6_CtlClassNameChg, G6_RightClick, G6_Dragging ); T6Flags = Set of T6Flag; PControl = ^TControl; {* Type of pointer to TControl visual object. All |<a href="kol_pas.htm#visual_objects_constructors"> constructing functions |</a> New[ControlName] are returning pointer of this type. Do not forget about some difference of using objects from using classes. Identifier Self for methods of object is not of pointer type, and to pass pointer to Self, it is necessary to pass @Self instead. At the same time, to use pointer to object in 'WITH' operator, it is necessary to apply suffix '^' to pointer to get know to compiler, what do You want. } {$IFDEF WIN} TWindowFunc = function( Sender: PControl; var Msg: TMsg; var Rslt: Integer ) : Boolean; {* Event type to define custom extended message handlers (as pointers to procedure entry points). Such handlers are usually defined like add-ons, extending behaviour of certain controls and attached using AttachProc method of TControl. If the handler detects, that it is necessary to stop further message processing, it should return True. } {$ENDIF WIN} TMouseButton = ( mbNone, mbLeft, mbRight, mbMiddle ); {* Available mouse buttons. mbNone is useful to get know, that there were no mouse buttons pressed. } TMouseEventData = packed Record {* Record to pass it to mouse handling routines, assigned to OnMouseXXXX events. } Button: TMouseButton; StopHandling: Boolean; // Set it to True in OnMouseXXXX event handler to // stop further processing R1, R2: Byte; // Not used Shift : DWORD; // HiWord( Shift ) = zDelta in WM_MOUSEWHEEL X, Y : SmallInt; end; TOnMouse = procedure( Sender: PControl; var Mouse: TMouseEventData ) of object; {* Common mouse handling event type. } TOnKey = procedure( Sender: PControl; var Key: Longint; Shift: DWORD ) of object; {* Key events. Shift is a combination of flags MK_SHIFT, MK_CONTROL, MK_ALT. (See GetShiftState funtion). } TOnChar = procedure( Sender: PControl; var Key: KOLChar; Shift: DWORD ) of object; {* Char event. Shift is a combination of flags MK_SHIFT, MK_CONTROL, MK_ALT. } TTabKey = ( tkTab, tkLeftRight, tkUpDown, tkPageUpPageDn ); {* Available tabulating key groups. } TTabKeys = Set of TTabKey; {* Set of tabulating key groups, allowed to be used in with a control (are installed by TControl.LookTabKey property). } {$IFDEF WIN} TOnMessage = function( var Msg: TMsg; var Rslt: Integer ): Boolean of object; {* Event type for events, which allows to extend behaviour of windowed controls descendants using add-ons. } {$ENDIF WIN} TOnEventAccept = procedure( Sender: PObj; var Accept: Boolean ) of object; {* Event type for OnClose event. } TCloseQueryReason = ( qClose, qShutdown, qLogoff ); {* Request reason type to call OnClose and OnQueryEndSession. } TWindowState = ( wsNormal, wsMinimized, wsMaximized ); {* Avalable states of TControl's window object. } TOnSplit = function( Sender: PControl; NewSize1, NewSize2: Integer ): Boolean of object; {* Event type for OnSplit event handler, designed specially for splitter control. Event handler must return True to accept new size of previous (to splitter) control and new size of the rest of client area of parent. } TOnTVBeginDrag = procedure( Sender: PControl; Item: THandle ) of object; {* Event type for OnTVBeginDrag event (defined for tree view control). } TOnTVBeginEdit = function( Sender: PControl; Item: THandle ): Boolean of object; {* Event type for OnTVBeginEdit event (for tree view control). } TOnTVEndEdit = function( Sender: PControl; Item: THandle; const NewTxt: KOL_String ) : Boolean of object; {* Event type for TOnTVEndEdit event. } TOnTVExpanding = function( Sender: PControl; Item: THandle; Expand: Boolean ) : Boolean of object; {* Event type for TOnTVExpanding event. } TOnTVExpanded = procedure( Sender: PControl; Item: THandle; Expand: Boolean ) of object; {* Event type for OnTVExpanded event. } TOnTVDelete = procedure( Sender: PControl; Item: THandle ) of object; {* Event type for OnTVDelete event. } //--------- by Sergey Shisminzev : TOnTVSelChanging = function(Sender: PControl; oldItem, newItem: THandle): Boolean //~ss of object; {* When the handler returns False, selection is not changed. } //------------------------------- TOnDrag = function( Sender: PControl; ScrX, ScrY: Integer; var CursorShape: Integer; var Stop: Boolean ): Boolean of object; {* Event, called during dragging operation (it is initiated with method Drag, where callback function of type TOnDrag is passed as a parameter). Callback function receives Stop parameter True, when operation is finishing. Otherwise, it can set it to True to force finishing the operation (in such case, returning False means cancelling drag operation, True - successful drag and in this last case callback is no more called). During the operation, when input Stop value is False, callback function can control Cursor shape, and return True, if the operation can be finished successfully at the given ScrX, ScrY position. ScrX, ScrY are screen coordinates of the mouse cursor. } {$IFDEF WIN} TCreateParams = packed record {* Record to pass it through CreateSubClass method. } Caption: PKOLChar; Style: cardinal; ExStyle: cardinal; X, Y: Integer; Width, Height: Integer; WndParent: HWnd; Param: Pointer; WindowClass: TWndClass; WinClassName: array[0..63] of KOLChar; end; TCreateWndParams = packed Record ExStyle: DWORD; WinClassName: PKOLChar; Caption: PKOLChar; Style: DWORD; X, Y, Width, Height: Integer; WndParent: HWnd; Menu: HMenu; Inst: THandle; Param: Pointer; WinClsNamBuf: array[ 0..63 ] of KOLChar; WindowClass: TWndClass; end; PCommandActions = ^TCommandActions; TCommandActions = packed Record aClear: procedure( Sender: PControl ); aAddText: procedure( Sender: PControl; const S: AnsiString ); aClick, aEnter, aLeave: WORD; aChange: SmallInt; aSelChange: SmallInt; aGetCount, aSetCount, aGetItemLength, aGetItemText, aSetItemText, aGetItemData, aSetItemData: WORD; aAddItem, aDeleteItem, aInsertItem: WORD; aFindItem, aFindPartial: WORD; bItem2Pos, bPos2Item: BYTE; aGetSelCount, aGetSelected, aGetSelRange, aGetCurrent, aSetSelected, aSetCurrent, aSetSelRange, aExSetSelRange, aGetSelection, aReplaceSel: WORD; aTextAlignLeft, aTextAlignRight, aTextAlignCenter: WORD; bTextAlignMask: Byte; bVertAlignTop, bVertAlignCenter, bVertAlignBottom: Byte; aDir, aSetLimit: Word; aSetImgList: Word; aSetBkColor: Word; aItem2XY: Word; end; {$IFDEF COMMANDACTIONS_OBJ} PCommandActionsObj = ^TCommandActionsObj; TCommandActionsObj = object(TObj) aClear: procedure( Sender: PControl ); aAddText: procedure( Sender: PControl; const S: KOLString ); aClick, aEnter, aLeave: WORD; aChange: SmallInt; aSelChange: SmallInt; aGetCount, aSetCount, aGetItemLength, aGetItemText, aSetItemText, aGetItemData, aSetItemData: WORD; aAddItem, aDeleteItem, aInsertItem: WORD; aFindItem, aFindPartial: WORD; bItem2Pos, bPos2Item: BYTE; aGetSelCount, aGetSelected, aGetSelRange, aGetCurrent, aSetSelected, aSetCurrent, aSetSelRange, aExSetSelRange, aGetSelection, aReplaceSel: WORD; aTextAlignLeft, aTextAlignRight, aTextAlignCenter: WORD; bTextAlignMask: Byte; bVertAlignTop, bVertAlignCenter, bVertAlignBottom: Byte; aDir, aSetLimit: Word; aSetImgList: Word; aSetBkColor: Word; aItem2XY: Word; fIndexInActions: Integer; destructor Destroy; virtual; end; {$ENDIF} {$ENDIF WIN} TTextAlign = ( taLeft, taRight, taCenter ); {* Text alignments available. } TRichTextAlign = ( raLeft, raRight, raCenter, // all other are only set but can not be displayed: raJustify, // displayed like raLeft (though stored normally) raInterLetter, raScaled, raGlyphs, raSnapGrid ); {* Text alignment styles, available for RichEdit control. } TVerticalAlign = ( vaTop, vaCenter, vaBottom ); {* Vertical alignments available. } TControlAlign = ( caNone, caLeft, caTop, caRight, caBottom, caClient ); {* Control alignments available. } TAligning = (oaWaitAlign,oaFromSelf,oaAligning); TAlignings = set of TAligning; TBitBtnOption = ( bboImageList, bboNoBorder, bboNoCaption, bboFixed, bboFocusRect ); {* Options available for NewBitBtn. } TBitBtnOptions = set of TBitBtnOption; {* Set of options, available for NewBitBtn. } TGlyphLayout = ( glyphLeft, glyphTop, glyphRight, glyphBottom, glyphOver ); {* Layout of glyph (for NewBitBtn). Layout glyphOver means that text is drawn over glyph. } TOnBitBtnDraw = function( Sender: PControl; BtnState: Integer ): Boolean of object; {* Event type for TControl.OnBitBtnDraw event (which is called just before drawing the BitBtn). If handler returns True, there are no drawing occure. BtnState, passed to a handler, determines current button state and can be following: 0 - not pressed, 1 - pressed, 2 - disabled, 3 - focused. Value 4 is reserved for highlight state (then mouse is over it), but highlighting is provided only if property Flat is set to True (or one of events OnMouseEnter / OnMouseLeave is assigned to something). } TListViewStyle = ( lvsIcon, lvsSmallIcon, lvsList, lvsDetail, lvsDetailNoHeader ); {* Styles of view for ListView control (see NewListVew). } TListViewItemStates = ( lvisFocus, lvisSelect, lvisBlend, lvisHighlight ); TListViewItemState = Set of TListViewItemStates; TListViewOption = ( lvoIconLeft, // in lvsIcon, lvsSmallIcon place icon left from text (rather then top) lvoAutoArrange, // keep icons auto arranged in lvsIcon and lvsSmallIcon view lvoButton, // icons look like buttons in lvsIcon view lvoEditLabel, // allows edit labels inplace (first column #0 text) lvoNoLabelWrap, // item text on a single line in lvsIcon view (by default, item text may wrap in lvsIcon view). lvoNoScroll, // obvious lvoNoSortHeader, // click on header button does not lead to sort items lvoHideSel, // hide selection when not in focus lvoMultiselect, // allow to select multiple items lvoSortAscending, lvoSortDescending, // extended styles (not documented in my Win32.hlp :( , got from VCL source: lvoGridLines, lvoSubItemImages, lvoCheckBoxes, lvoTrackSelect, lvoHeaderDragDrop, lvoRowSelect, lvoOneClickActivate, lvoTwoClickActivate, lvoFlatsb, lvoRegional, lvoInfoTip, lvoUnderlineHot, lvoMultiWorkares, // virtual list view style: lvoOwnerData, // custom draw style: lvoOwnerDrawFixed ); TListViewOptions = Set of TListViewOption; TOnEditLVItem = function( Sender: PControl; Idx, Col: Integer; NewText: PKOL_Char ): Boolean of object; {* Event type for OnEndEditLVItem. Return True in handler to accept new text value. } TOnDeleteLVItem = procedure( Sender: PControl; Idx: Integer ) of object; {* Event type for OnDeleteLVItem event. } TOnLVData = procedure( Sender: PControl; Idx, SubItem: Integer; var Txt: KOL_String; var ImgIdx: Integer; var State: DWORD; var Store: Boolean ) of object; {* Event type for OnLVData event. Used to provide virtual list view control (i.e. having lvoOwnerData style) with actual data on request. Use parameter Store as a flag if control should store obtained data by itself or not. } {$IFDEF ENABLE_DEPRECATED} {$DEFINE interface_1} {$I KOL_deprecated.inc} {$UNDEF interface_1} {$ENDIF DISABLE_DEPRECATED} TOnCompareLVItems = function( Sender: PControl; Idx1, Idx2: Integer ): Integer of object; {* Event type to compare two items of the list view (while sorting it). } TOnLVColumnClick = procedure( Sender: PControl; Idx: Integer ) of object; {* Event type for OnColumnClick event. } TOnLVStateChange = procedure( Sender: PControl; IdxFrom, IdxTo: Integer; OldState, NewState: DWORD ) of object; {* Event type for OnLVStateChange event, called in responce to select/unselect a single item or items range in list view control). } TDrawActions = ( odaEntire, odaFocus, odaSelect ); TDrawAction = Set of TDrawActions; TDrawStates = ( odsSelected, odsGrayed, odsDisabled, odsChecked, odsFocused, odsDefault, odsHotlist, odsInactive, odsNoAccel, odsNoFocusRect, ods400reserved, ods800reserved, odsComboboxEdit, // specific for common controls: odsMarked, odsIndeterminate ); {* Possible draw states. |<br>odsSelected - The menu item's status is selected. |<br>odsGrayed - The item is to be grayed. This bit is used only in a menu. |<br>odsDisabled - The item is to be drawn as disabled. |<br>odsChecked - The menu item is to be checked. This bit is used only in a menu. |<br>odsFocused - The item has the keyboard focus. |<br>odsDefault - The item is the default item. |<br>odsHotList - <b>Windows 98, Windows 2000:</b> The item is being hot-tracked, that is, the item will be highlighted when the mouse is on the item. |<br>odsInactive - <b>Windows 98, Windows 2000:</b> The item is inactive and the window associated with the menu is inactive. |<br>odsNoAccel - <b>Windows 2000:</b> The control is drawn without the keyboard accelerator cues. |<br>odsNoFocusRect - <b>Windows 2000:</b> The control is drawn without focus indicator cues. |<br>odsComboboxEdit - The drawing takes place in the selection field (edit control) of an owner-drawn combo box. |<br>odsMarked - for Common controls only. The item is marked. The meaning of this is up to the implementation. |<br>odsIndeterminate - for Common Controls only. The item is in an indeterminate state. } TDrawState = Set of TDrawStates; {* Set of possible draw states. } TOnDrawItem = function( Sender: PObj; DC: HDC; const Rect: TRect; ItemIdx: Integer; DrawAction: TDrawAction; ItemState: TDrawState ): Boolean of object; {* Event type for OnDrawItem event (applied to list box, combo box, list view). } TOnMeasureItem = function( Sender: PObj; Idx: Integer ): Integer of object; {* Event type for OnMeasureItem event. The event handler must return height of list box item as a result. } TGetLVItemPart = ( lvipBounds, lvipIcon, lvipLabel, lvupIconAndLabel ); {* } TWherePosLVItem = ( lvwpOnIcon, lvwpOnLabel, lvwpOnStateIcon, lvwpOnColumn, lvwpOnItem ); {* } TOnLVCustomDraw = function( Sender: PControl; DC: HDC; Stage: DWORD; ItemIdx, SubItemIdx: Integer; const Rect: TRect; ItemState: TDrawState; var TextColor, BackColor: TColor ) : DWORD of object; {* Event type for OnLVCustomDraw event. } TOnPaint = procedure( Sender: PControl; DC: HDC ) of object; TPaintProc = procedure( DC: HDC ) of object; TGradientStyle = ( gsVertical, gsHorizontal, gsRectangle, gsElliptic, gsRombic, gsTopToBottom, gsBottomToTop ); {* Gradient fill styles. See also TGradientLayout. } TGradientLayout = ( glTopLeft, glTop, glTopRight, glLeft, glCenter, glRight, glBottomLeft, glBottom, glBottomRight ); {* Position of starting line / point for gradient filling. Depending on TGradientStyle, means either position of first line of first rectangle (ellipse) to be expanded in a loop to fit entire gradient panel area. } TEditOption = ( eoNoHScroll, eoNoVScroll, eoLowercase, eoMultiline, eoNoHideSel, eoOemConvert, eoPassword, eoReadonly, eoUpperCase, eoWantReturn, eoWantTab, eoNumber ); {* Available edit options. |<br> Please note, that eoWantTab option just removes TAB key from a list of keys available to tabulate from the edit control. To provide insertion of tabulating key, do so in TControl.OnChar event handler. Sorry for inconvenience, but this is because such behaviour is not must in all cases. See also TControl.EditTabChar property. } TEditOptions = Set of TEditOption; {* Set of available edit options. } TEditPositions = packed record SelStart: Integer; SelLength: Integer; TopLine: Integer; TopColumn: Integer; ScrollPos: TPoint; RestoreScroll: Boolean; end; TRichFmtArea = ( raSelection, raWord, raAll ); {* Characters formatting area for RichEdit. } TRETextFormat = ( reRTF, reText, rePlainRTF, reRTFNoObjs, rePlainRTFNoObjs, reTextized, reUnicode, reTextUnicode ); {* Available formats for transfer RichEdit text using property TControl.RE_Text. |<pre> reRTF - normal rich text (no transformations) reText - plain text only (without OLE objects) reTextized - plain text with text representation of COM objects rePlainRTF - reRTF without language-specific keywords reRTFNoObjs - reRTF without OLE objects rePlainRTFNoObjs - rePlainRTF without OLE objects reUnicode - stream is 2-byte Unicode characters rather then 1-byte Ansi |</pre> } TRichUnderline = ( ruSingle, ruWord, ruDouble, ruDotted, //all other - only for RichEditv3.0: ruDash, ruDashDot, ruDashDotDot, ruWave, ruThick, ruHairLine ); {* Rich text exteded underline styles (available only for RichEdit v2.0, and even for RichEdit v2.0 additional styles can not displayed - but ruDotted under Windows2000 is working). } TRichTextSizes = ( rtsNoUseCRLF, rtsNoPrecise, rtsClose, rtsBytes ); {* Options to calculate size of rich text. Available only for RichEdit2.0 or higher. } TRichTextSize = set of TRichTextSizes; {* Set of all available optioins to calculate rich text size using property TControl.RE_TextSize[ options ]. } TRichNumbering = ( rnNone, rnBullets, rnArabic, rnLLetter, rnULetter, rnLRoman, rnURoman ); {* Advanced numbering styles for paragraph (RichEdit). |<pre> rnNone - no numbering rnBullets - bullets only rnArabic - 1, 2, 3, 4, ... rnLLetter - a, b, c, d, ... rnULetter - A, B, C, D, ... rnLRoman - i, ii, iii, iv, ... rnURoman - I, II, III, IV, ... rnNoNumber - do not show any numbers (but numbering is taking place). |</pre> } TRichNumBrackets = ( rnbRight, rnbBoth, rnbPeriod, rnbPlain, rnbNoNumber ); {* Brackets around number: |<pre> rnbRight - 1) 2) 3) - this is default ! rnbBoth - (1) (2) (3) rnbPeriod - 1. 2. 3. rnbPlain - 1 2 3 |</pre> } TBorderEdge = (beLeft, beTop, beRight, beBottom); {* Borders of rectangle. } {$IFNDEF NOT_USE_RICHEDIT} {$IFDEF _D3orHigher} TCharFormat = TCharFormat2; {$ENDIF _D3orHigher} PCharFormat = ^TCharFormat; TParaFormat = TParaFormat2; {$ENDIF NOT_USE_RICHEDIT} TOnTestMouseOver = function( Sender: PControl ): Boolean of object; {* Event type for TControl.OnTestMouseOver event. The handler should return True, if it detects if the mouse is over control. } TEdgeStyle = ( esRaised, esLowered, esNone, esTransparent, esSolid ); {* Edge styles (for panel - see NewPanel). esTransparent and esSolid - special styles equivalent to esNone except GRushControls are used via USE_GRUSH symbol (ToGRush.pas) } TListOption = ( loNoHideScroll, loNoExtendSel, loMultiColumn, loMultiSelect, loNoIntegralHeight, loNoSel, loSort, loTabstops, loNoStrings, loNoData, loOwnerDrawFixed, loOwnerDrawVariable, loHScroll ); {* Options for ListBox (see NewListbox). To use loHScroll, you also have to send LB_SETHORIZONTALEXTENT with a maximum width of a line in pixels (wParam)! } TListOptions = Set of TListOption; {* Set of available options for Listbox. } TComboOption = ( coReadOnly, coNoHScroll, coAlwaysVScroll, coLowerCase, coNoIntegralHeight, coOemConvert, coSort, coUpperCase, coOwnerDrawFixed, coOwnerDrawVariable, coSimple ); {* Options for combobox. } TComboOptions = Set of TComboOption; {* Set of options available for combobox. } TProgressbarOption = ( pboVertical, pboSmooth ); {* Options for progress bar. } TProgressbarOptions = set of TProgressbarOption; {* Set of options available for progress bar. } TTreeViewOption = ( tvoNoLines, tvoLinesRoot, tvoNoButtons, tvoEditLabels, tvoHideSel, tvoDragDrop, tvoNoTooltips, tvoCheckBoxes, tvoTrackSelect, tvoSingleExpand, tvoInfoTip, tvoFullRowSelect, tvoNoScroll, tvoNonEvenHeight ); {* Tree view options. } TTreeViewOptions = set of TTreeViewOption; {* Set of tree view options. } TTabControlOption = ( tcoButtons, tcoFixedWidth, tcoFocusTabs, tcoIconLeft, tcoLabelLeft, tcoMultiline, tcoMultiselect, tcoFitRows, tcoScrollOpposite, tcoBottom, tcoVertical, tcoFlat, tcoHotTrack, tcoBorder, tcoOwnerDrawFixed ); {* Options, available for TabControl. } TTabControlOptions = set of TTabControlOption; {* Set of options, available for TAbControl during its creation (by NewTabControl function). } TToolbarOption = ( tboTextRight, tboTextBottom, tboFlat, tboTransparent, tboWrapable, tboNoDivider, tbo3DBorder, tboCustomErase ); {* Toolbar options. When tboFlat is set and toolbar is placed onto panel, set its property Transparent to TRUE to provide its correct view. } TToolbarOptions = Set of TToolbarOption; {* Set of toolbar options. } TOnToolbarButtonClick = procedure( Sender: PControl; BtnID: Integer ) of object; {* Special event type to handle separate toolbar buttons click events. } TOnTBCustomDraw = function( Sender: PControl; var NMCD: TNMTBCustomDraw ): Integer of object; {* Event type for OnTBCustomDraw event. } TDateTimePickerOption = ( dtpoTime, dtpoDateLong, dtpoUpDown, dtpoRightAlign, dtpoShowNone, dtpoParseInput ); {* } TDateTimePickerOptions = set of TDateTimePickerOption; {* } TDTParseInputEvent = procedure(Sender: PControl; const UserString: KOLString; var DateAndTime: TDateTime; var AllowChange: Boolean) of object; {* } TDateTimeRange = packed record FromDate, ToDate: TDateTime; end; {* } TDateTimePickerColor = ( dtpcBackground, dtpcText, dtpcTitleBk, dtpcTitleText, dtpcMonthBk, dtpcTrailingText ); {MCSC_BACKGROUND = 0; // the background color (between months) MCSC_TEXT = 1; // the dates MCSC_TITLEBK = 2; // background of the title MCSC_TITLETEXT = 3; MCSC_MONTHBK = 4; // background within the month cal MCSC_TRAILINGTEXT = 5; // the text color of header & trailing days} TOnDropFiles = procedure( Sender: PControl; const FileList: KOL_String; const Pt: TPoint ) of object; {* An event type for OnDropFiles event. When the event is occur, FileList parameter contains a list of files dropped. File names in a list are separated with #13 character. This allows You to assign it to TStrList object using its property Text (for example): ! procedure TSomeObject.DropFiles( Sender: PControl; const FileList: AnsiString; ! const Pt: TPoint ); ) ! var FList: PStrList; ! I: Integer; ! begin ! FList := NewStrList; ! FList.Text := FileList; ! for I := 0 to FList.Count-1 do ! begin ! // do something with FList.Items[ I ] ! end; ! FList.Free; ! end; } TScrollerBar = ( sbHorizontal, sbVertical ); TScrollerBars = set of TScrollerBar; TOnScroll = procedure( Sender: PControl; Bar: TScrollerBar; ScrollCmd: DWORD; ThumbPos: DWORD ) of object; TOnHelp = procedure( var Sender: PControl; var Context: Integer; var Popup: Boolean ) of object; TOnSBBeforeScroll = procedure( Sender: PControl; OldPos, NewPos: Integer; Cmd: Word; var AllowChange: Boolean) of object; TOnSBScroll = procedure(Sender: PControl; Cmd: Word) of object; {$IFDEF WIN_GDI} TOnGraphCtlMouse = procedure( var Msg: TMsg ) of object; {$ENDIF WIN_GDI} TTriStateCheck = (tsUnchecked{=0}, tsChecked{=1}, tsIndeterminate{=2}); {$IFDEF _X_} //---- in GTK+, each type of widget requieres its own getcaption/setcaption call TGetCaption = FUNCTION( Ctl: PControl ): KOLString; TSetCaption = PROCEDURE( Ctl: PControl; CONST Value: KOLString ); {$IFDEF GTK} //---- in GTK+, to allow setting absolute position for children, // we should use one of special clients like gtk_fixed, gtk_layout TGetClientArea = FUNCTION( Ctl: PControl ): PGtkWidget; TChildSetPos = PROCEDURE( Ctl, Chld: PControl; x, y: Integer ); {$ENDIF GTK} {$ENDIF _X_} TFormInitFunc = function(Form: PControl): PControl; TFormInitFunc1 = function(Form: PControl; intParam: Integer): PControl; TFormInitFuncArray = array[0..65535] of TFormInitFunc; TFormInitFuncArray1 = array[0..65535] of TFormInitFunc1; PFormInitFuncArray = ^TFormInitFuncArray; PFormInitFuncArray1 = ^TFormInitFuncArray1; TSmallIntArray = array[0..65535] of SmallInt; PSmallIntArray = ^TSmallIntArray; PPControl = ^PControl; {$IFDEF USE_MHTOOLTIP} {$DEFINE pre_interface} PMHHint = ^TMHHint; TKOLMHHint = PMHHint; {$UNDEF pre_interface} {$ENDIF} TOnWndFunc = function( Self_: PControl; var Msg: TMsg; var Rslt: Integer ): Boolean; TProcSender = procedure( Sender: PObj ); TOnGotoControl = function( Self_: PControl; Key: DWORD; CheckOnly: Boolean ): Boolean; PEvents = ^TEvents; TEvents = record CASE Integer OF 1:( //^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ //................... most common events ................................... fOnMessage: TOnMessage; fOldOnMessage: TOnMessage; // for applet only but... fOnClick: TOnEvent; fOnMouseDown: TOnMouse; // CAUTION!!! Order of mouse event handlers is important. ____ fOnMouseUp: TOnMouse; // fOnMouseMove: TOnMouse; // fOnMouseDblClk: TOnMouse; // fOnMouseWheel: TOnMouse; //_____________________________________________________// fOnMouseEnter: TOnEvent; fOnMouseLeave: TOnEvent; fOnTestMouseOver: TOnTestMouseOver; // mainly for bitbtn but... fGraphCtlMouseEvent: TOnGraphCtlMouse; fMouseLeaveProc: TOnEvent; fOnScroll: TOnScroll; fOnChar: TOnChar; fOnDeadChar: TOnChar; fOnKeyUp: TOnKey; fOnKeyDown: TOnKey; fOnChangeCtl: TOnEvent; fOnEnter: TOnEvent; fOnLeave: TOnEvent; fLeave: TOnEvent; fOnPaint: TOnPaint; fOnPaint2: TOnPaint; fOnPrepaint: TOnPaint; fOnPostPaint: TOnPaint; fPaintProc: TPaintProc; fOnEraseBkgnd: TOnPaint; fOnDrawItem: TOnDrawItem; fOnMeasureItem: TOnMeasureItem; fDragCallback: TOnDrag; fOnSelChange: TOnEvent; fOnResize: TOnEvent; fOnHide: TOnEvent; fOnShow: TOnEvent; fOnClose: TOnEventAccept; // mainly for form but... fOnMove: TOnEvent; fOnMoving: TOnEventMoving; fOnHelp: TOnHelp; //................... other events ......................................... fOnQueryEndSession: TOnEventAccept; //----- order of following 3 events important: // for form only ? fOnMinimize: TOnEvent; // fOnMaximize: TOnEvent; // fOnRestore: TOnEvent; // //---------------------------------------------// fOnLVCustomDraw: TOnLVCustomDraw; fOnEndEditLVItem: TOnEditLVItem; fOnLVData: TOnLVData; fOnCompareLVItems: TOnCompareLVItems; FOnLVStateChange: TOnLVStateChange; fOnDeleteLVItem: TOnDeleteLVItem; fOnColumnClick: TOnLVColumnClick; FOnSBBeforeScroll: TOnSBBeforeScroll; FOnSBScroll: TOnSBScroll; FOnDropDown: TOnEvent; FOnCloseUp: TOnEvent; FOnSplit: TOnSplit; FOnProgress: TOnEvent; FOnBitBtnDraw: TOnBitBtnDraw; FOnTVBeginDrag: TOnTVBeginDrag; FOnTVBeginEdit: TOnTVBeginEdit; FOnTVEndEdit: TOnTVEndEdit; FOnTVExpanding: TOnTVExpanding; FOnTVExpanded: TOnTVExpanded; FOnTVSelChanging: TOnTVSelChanging; FOnTVDelete: TOnTVDelete; FOnDTPUserString: TDTParseInputEvent; FOnREInsModeChg: TOnEvent; FOnREOverURL: TOnEvent; FOnREURLClick: TOnEvent; fOnDropFiles: TOnDropFiles; ); 2: ( MethodEvents: array[ 0..idx_LastEvent ] of TMethod; ); end; TProcedures = record CASE Integer OF 1: ( //.......................................................................... fWndFunc: Pointer; fDoInvalidate: TProcSender; fOnDynHandlers: TWindowFunc; fPass2DefProc: TOnWndFunc; fWndProcKeybd: TOnWndFunc; fControlClick: TProcSender; // fAutoSize: TProcSender; //{-2.95}//fWndProcResizeFlicks: TOnWndFunc; fGotoControl: TOnGotoControl; {* Initially pointer to WndFunc. For MDI child window, points to DefMDIChildProc. } fNotifyChild: procedure( Self_, Child: PControl ); fScrollChildren: procedure( Self_: PControl ); fCreateWndExt: procedure( Sender: PControl ); fExMsgProc: function( Applet: PControl; var Msg: TMsg ): Boolean; {* Additional message handler called directly from Applet.ProcessMessage. Used to call TranslateMDISysAccel API function for MDI application. } ); 2: ( Procedures: array[ 0..idx_LastProc-idx_LastEvent-1 ] of Pointer; ); end; // data fields of TControl which are certain for different kinds of control // -- so these can be alternated using variant record type to economy run time // size of TControl object instance TDataFields = packed record fCurrentControl: PControl; //---- sometimes it is used for a parent control, // not only for parent form, so should be common. {$IFDEF UNION_FIELDS} CASE Integer OF 1:( // Toolbar control fields {$ENDIF} fOnTBCustomDraw: TOnTBCustomDraw; fTBevents: PList; // events for TBAssignEvents fTBBtnImgWidth: Integer; // custom toolbar bitmap width fTBBtMinWidth: Integer; fTBBtMaxWidth: Integer; fTBttCmd: PList; fTBttTxt: {$IFDEF UNICODE_CTRLS} PWStrList {$ELSE} PStrList {$ENDIF}; fTBCurItem: Integer; fDefaultTBBtnStyle: Byte; // for Toolbars fTBDropped: Boolean; {$IFDEF UNION_FIELDS} ); 2:( // Combobox + Group box {$ENDIF} fDroppedWidth: Integer; // SmallInt; fDropDownCount: Cardinal; fCurIdxAtDrop: Integer; fErasingBkgnd: Boolean; // for Group box {$IFDEF UNION_FIELDS} ); 3:( // Form + Applet {$ENDIF} fModalResult: Integer; fModalForm: PControl; //fCurrentControl: PControl; //FMinimizeWnd: PControl; fIcon: HIcon; {$IFDEF USE_GRAPHCTLS} {$IFDEF GRAPHCTL_HOTTRACK} fHotCtl: PControl; {$ENDIF} {$ENDIF} //fDefaultBtnCtl: PControl; //fCancelBtnCtl: PControl; fWindowState: TWindowState; fActivating: Boolean; fCloseQueryReason: TCloseQueryReason; fFixingModal: ShortInt; fShowAction: Byte; fKeyPreviewCount: Byte; fModal: Byte; fAllBtnReturnClick: Boolean; //-- ��������! ������� ��������� 3� ����� �� ������ ��������!!! FormCurrentParent: PControl; {* �������, �������������� � �������� �������������, � �������� �������� } FormParams: PAnsiChar; {* ������ ������ � ���������� } FormAddress: PPControl; {* ����� ���� Form � ������� ����� MCK - ����� ��� ���������� ������� ��������� �� ��������, ��� ������� FormSetCurCtl } FormObj: PObj; FormAlphabet: PFormInitFuncArray; {* ������� �������� } FormLastCreatedChild: PControl; {* �������, ��������� ��������� } {$IFDEF UNION_FIELDS} ); 4:( // ListView {$ENDIF} fColumn: Integer; // for listview only (column to sort) fOnDeleteAllLVItems: TOnEvent; fCtlImageListSml: PImageList; {* ImageList object (with small icons 16x16) to use with a control (e.g., with ListView control). If not set, but control has a list of image list objects, last added image list with small icons is used automatically. } fCtlImageListNormal: PImageList; {* ImageList object (with big icons 32x32) to use with a control. If not set, last added image list with big icons is used. } fCtlImgListState: PImageList; {* ImageList object to use as a state image list (for ListView control). } fLVColCount: Integer; fLVTextBkColor: TColor; fLVItemHeight: Integer; fLVOptions: TListViewOptions; fLVStyle: TListViewStyle; {$IFDEF UNION_FIELDS} ); 5:( // Rich Edit -- 11 dwords {$ENDIF} {$IFNDEF NOT_USE_RICHEDIT} {$IFDEF STATIC_RICHEDIT_DATA} fRECharFormatRec: TCharFormat; fREParaFmtRec: TParaFormat2; {$ELSE} fRECharFormatRec: PCharFormat; fREParaFmtRec: PParaFormat2; {$ENDIF} fCharFmtDeltaSz: Integer; fParaFmtDeltaSz: Integer; fREError: Integer; fREStream: PStream; fREStrLoadLen: DWORD; fREUrl: PKOLChar; fTmpFont: PGraphicTool; // for RichEdit fREUpdCount: SmallInt; fReOvrDisable: Boolean; fREOvr: Boolean; fREScrolling: Boolean; fRECharArea: TRichFmtArea; FSupressTab: Boolean; fRETransparent: Boolean; {$ENDIF NOT_USE_RICHEDIT} {$IFDEF UNION_FIELDS} ); 6:( // Label Effect + Graphic edit control {$ENDIF} fShadowDeep: Integer; fEditCtl: PControl; fEditOptions: TEditOptions; {$IFDEF UNION_FIELDS} ); 7:( // BitBtn {$ENDIF} fGlyphBitmap : HBitmap; fGlyphCount : Integer; fGlyphWidth, fGlyphHeight: Integer; fRepeatInterval: Integer; fTextShiftX, fTextShiftY: Integer; fBitBtnDrawMnemonic: Boolean; fBitBtnOptions : TBitBtnOptions; fGlyphLayout : TGlyphLayout; fButtonIcon: HIcon; // for Graphic button control though... FBitBtnGetCaption: function( Self_: PControl; const S: KOLString ): KOLString; FBitBtnExtDraw: procedure( Self_: PControl; DC: HDC; X, Y: Integer; const R: TRect; const CapText, CapTxtOrig: KOLString; Color: TColor ); {$IFDEF UNION_FIELDS} ); 8:( // Splitter {$ENDIF} fSplitStartPos: TPoint; fSplitStartPos2: TPoint; fSplitStartSize: Integer; fSplitMinSize1, fSplitMinSize2: Integer; fSecondControl: PControl; fSplitLastPos: TPoint; {$IFDEF UNION_FIELDS} ); 9:( // Gradient panel {$ENDIF} fColor1: TColor; fColor2: TColor; fGradientStyle: TGradientStyle; fGradientLayout: TGradientLayout; {$IFDEF UNION_FIELDS} ); 10:( // Tree view only {$ENDIF} fTVRightClickSelect: Boolean; {$IFDEF UNION_FIELDS} ); 11:( // Scroll Bar {$ENDIF} FScrollLineDist: array[ 0..1 ] of Integer; fSBMinMax: TPoint; fSBPageSize: Integer; fSBPosition: Integer; {$IFDEF UNION_FIELDS} ); 100:( // for custom controls {$ENDIF} //fCustom6: Integer; //fCustEvent2: TOnEvent; fCustom5: Integer; fCustom4: Integer; fCustEvent1: TOnEvent; fCustom3: Integer; fCustom2: Integer; fCustEvent0: TOnEvent; fCustom1: Integer; fCustom0: Integer; fCustFlag7: Boolean; fCustFlag6: Boolean; fCustFlag5: Boolean; fCustFlag4: Boolean; fCustFlag3: Byte; fCustFlag2: Byte; fCustFlag1: Byte; fCustFlag0: Byte; {$IFDEF UNION_FIELDS} ); {$ENDIF} end; { ---------------------------------------------------------------------- TControl - object to implement any visual control ----------------------------------------------------------------------- } //[TControl DEFINITION] TControl = object( TObj ) {*! TControl is the basic visual object of KOL. And now, all visual objects have the same type PControl, differing only in "constructor", which during creating of object adjusts it so it can play role of desired control. Idea of incapsulating of all visual objects having the most common set of properties, is belonging to Vladimir Kladov, (C) 2000. |<br> <b> Since all visual objects are represented in KOL by this single object type, not all methods, properties and events defined in TControl, are applicable to different visual objects. See also notes about certain control kinds, located together with its |<a href="kol_pas.htm#visual_objects_constructors"> |constructing functions definitions</a></b>. } public procedure SetAnchor(const Index: Integer; const Value: Boolean); protected function GetAnchor(const Index: Integer): Boolean; function Get_StatusWnd: HWND; function Get_Prop_Int(PropName: PKOLChar): Integer; procedure Set_Prop_Int(PropName: PKOLChar; const Value: Integer); function GetHelpContext: Integer; function Get_Ctl3D: Boolean; function Get_OnMouseEvent(const Index: Integer): TOnMouse; public procedure SetOnMouseEvent(const Index: Integer; const Value: TOnMouse); protected {$IFDEF EVENTS_DYNAMIC} function Get_TOnEvent(const Index: Integer): TOnEvent; function Get_OnMessage: TOnMessage; function Get_OnHelp: TOnHelp; function Get_OnBitBtnDraw: TOnBitBtnDraw; function Get_OnMeasureItem: TOnMeasureItem; function Get_OnShow: TOnEvent; function Get_OnHide: TOnEvent; function Get_OnClose: TOnEventAccept; function Get_OnQueryEndSession: TOnEventAccept; function Get_OnPaint: TOnPaint; function Get_OnPrePaint: TOnPaint; function Get_OnPostPaint: TOnPaint; function Get_OnEraseBkgnd: TOnPaint; function Get_OnClick: TOnEvent; function Get_OnResize: TOnEvent; function Get_OnMove: TOnEvent; function Get_OnMoving: TOnEventMoving; function Get_OnSplit: TOnSplit; function Get_OnKeyDown: TOnKey; function Get_OnKeyUp: TOnKey; function Get_OnChar: TOnChar; function Get_OnDeadChar: TOnChar; function Get_OnMouseUp: TOnMouse; function Get_OnMouseDown: TOnMouse; function Get_OnMouseMove: TOnMouse; function Get_OnMouseDblClk: TOnMouse; function Get_OnMouseWheel: TOnMouse; function Get_OnMouseEnter: TOnEvent; function Get_OnMouseLeave: TOnEvent; function Get_OnTestMouseOver: TOnTestMouseOver; function Get_OnEndEditLVItem: TOnEditLVItem; function Get_OnDeleteLVItem: TOnDeleteLVItem; function Get_OnLVData: TOnLVData; function Get_OnCompareLVItems: TOnCompareLVItems; function Get_OnColumnClick: TOnLVColumnClick; function Get_OnLVStateChange: TOnLVStateChange; function Get_OnDrawItem: TOnDrawItem; function Get_OnLVCustomDraw: TOnLVCustomDraw; function Get_OnTVBeginDrag: TOnTVBeginDrag; function Get_OnTVBeginEdit: TOnTVBeginEdit; function Get_OnTVEndEdit: TOnTVEndEdit; function Get_OnTVExpanding: TOnTVExpanding; function Get_OnTVExpanded: TOnTVExpanded; function Get_OnTVDelete: TOnTVDelete; function Get_OnTVSelChanging: TOnTVSelChanging; function Get_OnDTPUserString: TDTParseInputEvent; function Get_OnSBBeforeScroll: TOnSBBeforeScroll; function Get_OnSBScroll: TOnSBScroll; function Get_OnScroll: TOnScroll; function Get_OnDropFiles: TOnDropFiles; public procedure Set_TOnEvent(const Index: Integer; const Value: TOnEvent); procedure Set_OnMessage(const Value: TOnMessage); procedure Set_OnHelp(const Value: TOnHelp); procedure Set_OnBitBtnDraw(const Value: TOnBitBtnDraw); procedure Set_OnPrePaint(const Value: TOnPaint); procedure Set_OnPostPaint(const Value: TOnPaint); procedure Set_OnEraseBkgnd(const Value: TOnPaint); procedure Set_OnSplit(const Value: TOnSplit); procedure Set_OnCompareLVItems(const Value: TOnCompareLVItems); procedure Set_OnTVBeginDrag(const Value: TOnTVBeginDrag); procedure Set_OnTVBeginEdit(const Value: TOnTVBeginEdit); procedure Set_OnTVEndEdit(const Value: TOnTVEndEdit); procedure Set_OnTVExpanding(const Value: TOnTVExpanding); procedure Set_OnTVExpanded(const Value: TOnTVExpanded); procedure Set_OnTVSelChanging(const Value: TOnTVSelChanging); procedure Set_OnDTPUserString(const Value: TDTParseInputEvent); procedure Set_OnSBBeforeScroll(const Value: TOnSBBeforeScroll); procedure Set_OnSBScroll(const Value: TOnSBScroll); {$ENDIF EVENTS_DYNAMIC} protected procedure SetTBAutoSizeButtons(const Value: Boolean); function GetTBAutoSizeButtons: Boolean; function GetTVEditing: Boolean; function GetDroppedDown: Boolean; {$IFDEF USE_FLAGS} function Get_Dragging: Boolean; function GetTabStop: Boolean; procedure SetTabStop(const Value: Boolean); function GetWordWrap: Boolean; procedure SetWordWrap(const Value: Boolean); function GetCannotDoubleBuf: Boolean; procedure SetCannotDoubleBuf(const Value: Boolean); function GetDoubleBuffered: Boolean; function GetTransparent: Boolean; function GetIsForm: Boolean; function GetSizeGrip: Boolean; procedure SetSizeGrip(const Value: Boolean); function GetIsApplet: Boolean; function GetIsControl: Boolean; function GetIsMDIChild: Boolean; function GetCreateVisible: Boolean; procedure SetCreateVisible(const Value: Boolean); function GetIsButton: Boolean; function GetFlat: Boolean; function GetMouseInCtl: Boolean; function GetEraseBackground: Boolean; procedure SetEraseBackground(const Value: Boolean); function Get3ButtonPress: Boolean; function GetKeyPreview: Boolean; procedure SetKeyPreview(const Value: Boolean); function GetIgnoreDefault: Boolean; procedure SetIgnoreDefault(const Value: Boolean); function GetWindowed: Boolean; procedure SetWindowed(const Value: Boolean); function Get_RightClick: Boolean; function Get_SizeRedraw: Boolean; procedure Set_SizeRedraw(const Value: Boolean); {$ENDIF USE_FLAGS} public //+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ FormString: KOLString; {* ������ �������� ���������. ��������� ����� ������� ������ FormExecuteCommands, ��� ��� ����������� ������� �� ���������. } function FormGetIntParam: Integer; {* ��������� ��������� ������������� �������� �� ',' ��� �� ';' } function FormGetColorParam: Integer; {* ��������� ��������� ������������� �������� �� ',' ��� �� ';' } procedure FormGetStrParam; {* ��������� ��������� ��������� �������� �� ',' ��� �� ';' -> FormString } procedure FormCreateParameters( alphabet: PFormInitFuncArray; params: PAnsiChar ); {* ������ �������������� ������� � ��������� � ��������� } procedure FormExecuteCommands(AForm: PControl; ControlPtrOffsets: PSmallIntArray); {* ��������� ������� (� �����������) �� ����� ��� �� ';' } {$IFDEF GDI} protected function GetDate: TDateTime; function GetTime: TDateTime; procedure SetDate(const Value: TDateTime); procedure SetTime(const Value: TDateTime); {$ENDIF GDI} protected {$IFDEF GDI} function GetHelpPath: KOLString; procedure SetHelpPath(const Value: KOLString); public procedure SetOnQueryEndSession(const Value: TOnEventAccept); procedure SetOnMinMaxRestore(const Index: Integer; const Value: TOnEvent); procedure SetOnMinimize( const Value: TOnEvent ); procedure SetOnMaximize( const Value: TOnEvent ); procedure SetOnRestore( const Value: TOnEvent ); procedure SetOnScroll(const Value: TOnScroll); protected procedure SetConstraint(const Index: Integer; Value: SmallInt); function GetOnMinMaxRestore(const Index: Integer): TOnEvent; function GetConstraint(const Index: Integer): Integer; function GetLVColalign(Idx: Integer): TTextAlign; procedure SetLVColalign(Idx: Integer; const Value: TTextAlign); {$ENDIF GDI} procedure SetParent( Value: PControl ); function GetLeft: Integer; procedure SetLeft( Value: Integer ); function GetTop: Integer; procedure SetTop( Value: Integer ); function GetWidth: Integer; procedure SetWidth( Value: Integer ); function GetHeight: Integer; procedure SetHeight( Value: Integer ); function GetPosition: TPoint; procedure Set_Position( Value: TPoint ); function GetMembers(Idx: Integer): PControl; function GetFont: PGraphicTool; procedure FontChanged( Sender: PGraphicTool ); {$IFDEF GDI} function GetBrush: PGraphicTool; procedure BrushChanged( Sender: PGraphicTool ); function GetClientHeight: Integer; function GetClientWidth: Integer; procedure SetClientHeight(const Value: Integer); procedure SetClientWidth(const Value: Integer); function GetHasBorder: Boolean; public procedure SetHasBorder(const Value: Boolean); protected function GetHasCaption: Boolean; procedure SetHasCaption(const Value: Boolean); function GetCanResize: Boolean; procedure SetCanResize( const Value: Boolean ); function GetStayOnTop: Boolean; public procedure SetStayOnTop(const Value: Boolean); protected function GetChecked: Boolean; procedure Set_Checked(const Value: Boolean); function GetCheck3: TTriStateCheck; procedure SetCheck3(value: TTriStateCheck); function GetSelStart: Integer; procedure SetSelStart(const Value: Integer); function GetSelLength: Integer; procedure SetSelLength(const Value: Integer); function GetItems(Idx: Integer): KOLString; procedure SetItems(Idx: Integer; const Value: KOLString); function GetItemsCount: Integer; function GetItemSelected(ItemIdx: Integer): Boolean; procedure SetItemSelected(ItemIdx: Integer; const Value: Boolean); public procedure SetCtl3D(const Value: Boolean); protected function GetCurIndex: Integer; procedure SetCurIndex(const Value: Integer); {$ENDIF GDI} function GetTextAlign: TTextAlign; public procedure SetTextAlign(const Value: TTextAlign); protected function GetVerticalAlign: TVerticalAlign; public procedure SetVerticalAlign(const Value: TVerticalAlign); protected function GetCanvas: PCanvas; {$IFDEF _X_} {$IFDEF GTK} protected {} fInBkPaint: Boolean; {} fSetTextAlign: PROCEDURE( Self_: PControl ); FUNCTION ProvideCanvasHandle( Sender: PCanvas ): HDC; {$ENDIF GTK} {$ENDIF _X_} {$IFDEF GDI} function Dc2Canvas( Sender: PCanvas ): HDC; procedure SetShadowDeep(const Value: Integer); public procedure SetDoubleBuffered(const Value: Boolean); protected procedure SetStatusText(Index: Integer; const Value: KOLString); function GetStatusText( Index: Integer ): KOLString; function GetStatusPanelX(Idx: Integer): Integer; procedure SetStatusPanelX(Idx: Integer; const Value: Integer); public procedure SetTransparent(const Value: Boolean); protected function GetImgListIdx(const Index: Integer): PImageList; procedure SetImgListIdx(const Index: Integer; const Value: PImageList); function GetLVColText(Idx: Integer): KOLString; procedure SetLVColText(Idx: Integer; const Value: KOLString); {$IFDEF ENABLE_DEPRECATED} {$DEFINE interface_2} {$I KOL_deprecated.inc} {$UNDEF interface_2} {$ENDIF DISABLE_DEPRECATED} protected function LVGetItemText(Idx, Col: Integer): KOLString; procedure LVSetItemText(Idx, Col: Integer; const Value: KOLString); procedure SetLVOptions(const Value: TListViewOptions); procedure SetLVStyle(const Value: TListViewStyle); function GetLVColEx(Idx: Integer; const Index: Integer): Integer; procedure SetLVColEx(Idx: Integer; const Index: Integer; const Value: Integer); {$ENDIF GDI} function GetChildCount: Integer; {$IFDEF GDI} function LVGetItemPos(Idx: Integer): TPoint; procedure LVSetItemPos(Idx: Integer; const Value: TPoint); procedure LVSetColorByIdx(const Index: Integer; const Value: TColor); {$IFDEF F_P} function LVGetColorByIdx(const Index: Integer): TColor; {$ENDIF F_P} function GetIntVal(const Index: Integer): Integer; procedure SetIntVal(const Index, Value: Integer); function GetItemVal(Item: Integer; const Index: Integer): Integer; procedure SetItemVal(Item: Integer; const Index, Value: Integer); function TBGetButtonVisible(BtnID: Integer): Boolean; procedure TBSetButtonVisible(BtnID: Integer; const Value: Boolean); function TBGetBtnStt(BtnID: Integer; const Index: Integer): Boolean; procedure TBSetBtnStt(BtnID: Integer; const Index: Integer; const Value: Boolean); function TBGetButtonText(BtnID: Integer): KOLString; function TBGetButtonRect(BtnID: Integer): TRect; function TBGetRows: Integer; procedure TBSetRows(const Value: Integer); procedure SetProgressColor(const Value: TColor); function TBGetBtnImgIdx(BtnID: Integer): Integer; procedure TBSetBtnImgIdx(BtnID: Integer; const Value: Integer); procedure TBSetButtonText(BtnID: Integer; const Value: KOLString); function TBGetBtnWidth(BtnID: Integer): Integer; procedure TBSetBtnWidth(BtnID: Integer; const Value: Integer); procedure TBSetBtMinMaxWidth(const Idx: Integer; const Value: Integer); {$IFDEF F_P} function TBGetBtMinMaxWidth(const Idx: Integer): Integer; {$ENDIF F_P} procedure TBFreeTBevents; function TBGetButtonLParam(const Idx: Integer): DWORD; procedure TBSetButtonLParam(const Idx: Integer; const Value: DWORD); public procedure Set_Align(const Value: TControlAlign); protected function GetSelection: KOLString; procedure SetSelection(const Value: KOLString); procedure SetTabOrder(const Value: SmallInt); function GetFocused: Boolean; procedure SetFocused(const Value: Boolean); {$IFNDEF NOT_USE_RICHEDIT} function REGetFont: PGraphicTool; procedure RESetFont(Value: PGraphicTool); procedure RESetFontEx(const Index: Integer); function REGetFontEffects(const Index: Integer): Boolean; function REGetFontMask(const Index: Integer): Boolean; procedure RESetFontEffect(const Index: Integer; const Value: Boolean); function REGetFontAttr(const Index: Integer): Integer; procedure RESetFontAttr(const Index, Value: Integer); procedure RESetFontAttr1(const Index, Value: Integer); function REGetFontSizeValid: Boolean; function REGetCharformat: TCharFormat; procedure RESetCharFormat(const Value: TCharFormat); function REReadText(Format: TRETextFormat; SelectionOnly: Boolean): KOLString; procedure REWriteText(Format: TRETextFormat; SelectionOnly: Boolean; const Value: KOLString); function REGetFontName: KOLString; procedure RESetFontName(const Value: KOLString); function REGetParaFmt: TParaFormat; procedure RESetParaFmt(const Value: TParaFormat); function REGetNumbering: Boolean; function REGetParaAttr( const Index: Integer ): Integer; function REGetParaAttrValid( const Index: Integer ): Boolean; function REGetTabCount: Integer; function REGetTabs(Idx: Integer): Integer; function REGetTextAlign: TRichTextAlign; procedure RESetNumbering(const Value: Boolean); procedure RESetParaAttr(const Index, Value: Integer); procedure RESetTabCount(const Value: Integer); procedure RESetTabs(Idx: Integer; const Value: Integer); procedure RESetTextAlign(const Value: TRichTextAlign); function REGetStartIndentValid: Boolean; function REGetAutoURLDetect: Boolean; public procedure RESetAutoURLDetect(const Value: Boolean); protected procedure RESetZoom( const Value: TSmallPoint ); function REGetZoom: TSmallPoint; function GetMaxTextSize: DWORD; procedure SetMaxTextSize(const Value: DWORD); function REGetUnderlineEx: TRichUnderline; procedure RESetUnderlineEx(const Value: TRichUnderline); function GetTextSize: Integer; function REGetTextSize(Units: TRichTextSize): Integer; function REGetNumStyle: TRichNumbering; procedure RESetNumStyle(const Value: TRichNumbering); function REGetNumBrackets: TRichNumBrackets; procedure RESetNumBrackets(const Value: TRichNumBrackets); function REGetNumTab: Integer; procedure RESetNumTab(const Value: Integer); function REGetNumStart: Integer; procedure RESetNumStart(const Value: Integer); function REGetSpacing(const Index: Integer): Integer; procedure RESetSpacing(const Index, Value: Integer); function REGetSpacingRule: Integer; procedure RESetSpacingRule(const Value: Integer); function REGetLevel: Integer; function REGetBorder(Side: TBorderEdge; const Index: Integer): Integer; procedure RESetBorder(Side: TBorderEdge; const Index: Integer; const Value: Integer); function REGetParaEffect(const Index: Integer): Boolean; procedure RESetParaEffect(const Index: Integer; const Value: Boolean); function REGetOverwite: Boolean; procedure RESetOverwrite(const Value: Boolean); procedure RESetOvrDisable(const Value: Boolean); function REGetTransparent: Boolean; public procedure RESetTransparent(const Value: Boolean); protected procedure RESetOnURL(const Index: Integer; const Value: TOnEvent); procedure SetOnRE_URLClick( const Value: TOnEvent ); procedure SetOnRE_OverURL( const Value: TOnEvent ); function REGetOnURL(const Index: Integer): TOnEvent; function REGetLangOptions(const Index: Integer): Boolean; procedure RESetLangOptions(const Index: Integer; const Value: Boolean); {$ENDIF NOT_USE_RICHEDIT} public procedure SetOnResize(const Value: TOnEvent); protected procedure DoSelChange; function LVGetItemImgIdx(Idx: Integer): Integer; procedure LVSetItemImgIdx(Idx: Integer; const Value: Integer); public procedure SetFlat(const Value: Boolean); procedure SetOnMouseEnter(const Value: TOnEvent); procedure SetOnMouseLeave(const Value: TOnEvent); protected procedure EdSetTransparent(const Value: Boolean); procedure SetOnTestMouseOver(const Value: TOnTestMouseOver); function GetPages(Idx: Integer): PControl; function TCGetItemText(Idx: Integer): KOLString; procedure TCSetItemText(Idx: Integer; const Value: KOLString); function TCGetItemImgIDx(Idx: Integer): Integer; procedure TCSetItemImgIdx(Idx: Integer; const Value: Integer); function TCGetItemRect(Idx: Integer): TRect; function TVGetItemIdx(const Index: Integer): THandle; procedure TVSetItemIdx(const Index: Integer; const Value: THandle); function TVGetItemNext(Item: THandle; const Index: Integer): THandle; function TVGetItemRect(Item: THandle; TextOnly: Boolean): TRect; function TVGetItemVisible(Item: THandle): Boolean; procedure TVSetITemVisible(Item: THandle; const Value: Boolean); function TVGetItemStateFlg(Item: THandle; const Index: Integer): Boolean; procedure TVSetItemStateFlg(Item: THandle; const Index: Integer; const Value: Boolean); function TVGetItemImage(Item: THandle; const Index: Integer): Integer; procedure TVSetItemImage(Item: THandle; const Index: Integer; const Value: Integer); function TVGetItemText(Item: THandle): KOLString; procedure TVSetItemText(Item: THandle; const Value: KOLString); function TV_GetItemHasChildren(Item: THandle): Boolean; procedure TV_SetItemHasChildren(Item: THandle; const Value: Boolean); function TV_GetItemChildCount(Item: THandle): Integer; function TVGetItemData(Item: THandle): Pointer; procedure TVSetItemData(Item: THandle; const Value: Pointer); function GetToBeVisible: Boolean; procedure SetAlphaBlend(const Value: Byte); procedure SetMaxProgress(const Index, Value: Integer); procedure SetDroppedWidth(const Value: Integer); function LVGetItemState(Idx: Integer): TListViewItemState; procedure LVSetItemState(Idx: Integer; const Value: TListViewItemState); function LVGetSttImgIdx(Idx: Integer): Integer; procedure LVSetSttImgIdx(Idx: Integer; const Value: Integer); function LVGetOvlImgIdx(Idx: Integer): Integer; procedure LVSetOvlImgIdx(Idx: Integer; const Value: Integer); function LVGetItemData(Idx: Integer): DWORD; procedure LVSetItemData(Idx: Integer; const Value: DWORD); function LVGetItemIndent(Idx: Integer): Integer; procedure LVSetItemIndent(Idx: Integer; const Value: Integer); public procedure SetOnDeleteAllLVItems(const Value: TOnEvent); procedure SetOnDeleteLVItem(const Value: TOnDeleteLVItem); procedure SetOnEndEditLVItem(const Value: TOnEditLVItem); procedure SetOnLVData(const Value: TOnLVData); procedure SetOnColumnClick(const Value: TOnLVColumnClick); procedure SetOnDrawItem(const Value: TOnDrawItem); procedure SetOnMeasureItem(const Value: TOnMeasureItem); procedure SetItemsCount(const Value: Integer); protected function GetItemData(Idx: Integer): DWORD; procedure SetItemData(Idx: Integer; const Value: DWORD); function GetLVCurItem: Integer; procedure SetLVCurItem(const Value: Integer); function GetLVFocusItem: Integer; public procedure SetOnDropFiles(const Value: TOnDropFiles); procedure SetOnHide(const Value: TOnEvent); procedure SetOnShow(const Value: TOnEvent); procedure SetClientMargin(const Index: Integer; Value: ShortInt); protected {$IFDEF F_P} function GetClientMargin(const Index: Integer): Integer; {$ENDIF F_P} {$ENDIF GDI} protected {$IFDEF _X_} {$IFDEF GTK} {} fExposeEvent: Integer; {$ENDIF GTK} {$ENDIF _X_} public procedure SetOnPaint(const Value: TOnPaint); {$IFDEF GDI} procedure SetOnEraseBkgnd(const Value: TOnPaint); procedure SetTVRightClickSelect(const Value: Boolean); procedure SetOnLVStateChange(const Value: TOnLVStateChange); procedure SetOnMove(const Value: TOnEvent); procedure SetOnMoving(const Value: TOnEventMoving); procedure SetColor1(const Value: TColor); procedure SetColor2(const Value: TColor); procedure SetGradientLayout(const Value: TGradientLayout); procedure SetGradientStyle(const Value: TGradientStyle); protected procedure SetDroppedDown(const Value: Boolean); function get_ClassName: KOLString; procedure set_ClassName(const Value: KOLString); procedure SetClsStyle( Value: DWord ); {$IFDEF GRAPHCTL_XPSTYLES} function GetEdgeStyle: TEdgeStyle; procedure SetEdgeStyle( Value: TEdgeStyle ); {$ENDIF} procedure SetStyle( Value: DWord ); procedure SetExStyle( Value: DWord ); procedure SetCursor( Value: HCursor ); procedure SetIcon( Value: HIcon ); procedure SetMenu( Value: HMenu ); {$ENDIF GDI} protected {$IFDEF _X_} {} fGetCaption: TGetCaption; {} fSetCaption: TSetCaption; {$ENDIF _X_} function GetCaption: KOLString; procedure SetCaption( const Value: KOLString ); {$IFDEF GDI} public procedure SetWindowState( Value: TWindowState ); protected function GetWindowState: TWindowState; procedure DoClick; function TBAddInsButtons( Idx: Integer; const Buttons: array of PKOLChar; const BtnImgIdxArray: array of Integer ): Integer; stdcall; public procedure SetBitBtnDrawMnemonic(const Value: Boolean); protected function GetBitBtnImgIdx: Integer; procedure SetBitBtnImgIdx(const Value: Integer); function GetBitBtnImageList: THandle; procedure SetBitBtnImageList(const Value: THandle); function GetModal: Boolean; {$IFDEF USE_SETMODALRESULT} procedure SetModalResult( const Value: Integer ); {$ENDIF} {$ENDIF GDI} protected {$IFDEF GDI} fHandle: HWnd; {$ELSE} {$IFDEF GTK} {} fHandle: PGtkWidget; {} fCaptionHandle: PGtkWidget; {} fEventboxHandle: PGtkWidget; {} fGetClientArea: TGetClientArea; {} fClient: PGtkWidget; {} fChildPut: TChildSetPos; {} fChildSetPos: TChildSetPos; {$ENDIF} {$IFDEF Q_T} fHandle: sometypehere ; {$ENDIF} {$ENDIF} {$IFDEF GDI} fClsStyle: DWord; fStyle: TStyle; fExStyle: DWord; {$ENDIF GDI} {$IFDEF GDI} fDefWndProc: Pointer; {$ENDIF GDI} FParent: PControl; {$IFDEF USE_FLAGS} //................... less memory usage with USE_FLAGS .. fFlagsG1: T1Flags; fFlagsG2: T2Flags; fFlagsG3: T3Flags; fFlagsG4: T4Flags; fFlagsG5: T5Flags; fFlagsG6: T6Flags; {$ELSE} //.................................................................. {} fEnabled: Boolean; // Caution!!! fVisible must follow fEnabled! ___ {} fVisible: Boolean; //____________________________________________// {} fTabstop: Boolean; {} fWordWrap: Boolean; {} fPreventResize: Boolean; // fCursorShared: Boolean; {} fIconShared: Boolean; {} fIgnoreWndCaption: Boolean; {} fSizeRedraw: Boolean; {YS} {} fIsStaticControl: Byte; {} fCannotDoubleBuf: Boolean; {} fDoubleBuffered: Boolean; {* True, if cannot set DoubleBuffered to True (RichEdit). } {* True, if it is static control with a caption. (Mainly, to prevent flicks in DoubleBuffered mode. } {} fTransparent: Boolean; {} fClassicTransparent : Boolean; // FCreating: Boolean; {* True, when creating of object is in progress. } {} fDestroying: Boolean; {* True, when destroying of the window is started. } {} fBeginDestroying: Boolean; {* true, when destroying of the window is initiated by the system, i.e. message WM_DESTROY fired } {} fChangedPosSz: Byte; {* Flags of changing left (1), top (2), width (4) or height (8) } {} fIsForm: Boolean; {* True, if the object is form. } {} fSizeGrip: Boolean; {} fIsApplet: Boolean; {* True, if the object represent application taskbar button. } {} fIsControl: Boolean; {* True, if it is a control on form. } {} fIsMDIChild: Boolean; {* TRUE, if the object is MDI child form. } {} fCreateHidden: Boolean; {} fVisibleWoParent: Boolean; {} fNotUseAlign: Boolean; {} fNotUpdate: Boolean; // was used for PreventResizeFlicks -- now abandoned {} fCreateVisible: Boolean; {} fIsButton: Boolean; {} fIsBitBtn: Boolean; {} fIsGroupBox: Boolean; {} fIsSplitter: Boolean; {} fIsCommonControl: Boolean; {* True, if it is common control. } {} fFlat: Boolean; {} fMouseInControl: Boolean; {} fChecked: Boolean; {} fPushed: Boolean; {} fHot: Boolean; {} fFocused: Boolean; {} fPressed : Boolean; // fDropped: Boolean; {} f3ButtonPress: Boolean; // fEditing: Boolean; {} fEraseUpdRgn: Boolean; {} fKeyPreview: Boolean; {} fKeyPreviewing: Boolean; {} fIgnoreDefault: Boolean; {} fDefaultBtn: Boolean; {} fCancelBtn: Boolean; {} fWindowed: Boolean; // {* True, if control is windowed (or is a form). It is set to FALSE only for graphic controls. } {} fCtlClsNameChg: Boolean; // {* True, if control class name changed and memory is allocated to store it. } // {} fRightClick: Boolean; {} fDragging: Boolean; {$ENDIF not USE_FLAGS} //................................................................. fTextAlign: TTextAlign; fVerticalAlign: TVerticalAlign; {$IFDEF STORE_EDGESTYLE} {} fEdgeStyle : TEdgeStyle; {$ENDIF} fLookTabKeys: TTabKeys; fTabOrder: SmallInt; fAlphaBlend: Byte; // Caution!!! order of following 5 fields is important!!! fDynHandlers: PList; fChildren: PList; {* List of children. } //________________________________________________________// {$IFDEF GDI} fTmpBrush: HBrush; {* Brush handle to return in response to some color set messages. Intended for internal use instead of Brush.Color if possible to avoid using it. } {$IFDEF STORE_fTmpBrushColorRGB} {} fTmpBrushColorRGB: TColor; {$ENDIF} { } public {$IFDEF COMMANDACTIONS_OBJ} fCommandActions: PCommandActionsObj; {$ELSE} fCommandActions: TCommandActions; {$ENDIF} {$IFDEF EVENTS_DYNAMIC} EV: PEvents; protected function ProvideUniqueEvents: PEvents; procedure FreeEV; {$ELSE} protected EV: TEvents; {$ENDIF} protected PP: TProcedures; fMenu: HMenu; {* Usually used to store handle of attached main menu, but sometimes is used to store control ID (for standard GUI controls only). } {$ENDIF GDI} fMenuObj: PObj; {* PMenu pointer to TMenu object. Freed automatically with entire chain of menu objects attached to a control (or form). } {$IFDEF _X_} {$IFDEF GTK} //fMenuBar: PGtkWidget; {$ENDIF GTK} {$ENDIF _X_} {$IFDEF GDI} {$IFNDEF NEW_MENU_ACCELL} fAccelTable: HAccel; procedure DoDestroyAccelTable; {$ENDIF} {$ENDIF GDI} protected {$IFDEF GDI} {* Handle of accelerator table created by menu(s). } fImageList: PImageList; {* Pointer to first private image list. Control can own several image, lists, linked to a chain of image list objects. All these image lists are released automatically, when control is destroyed. } {$ENDIF GDI} {$IFDEF GDI} fUpdRgn: HRgn; //fCollectUpdRgn: HRGN; fPaintDC: HDC; {$ENDIF GDI} protected fAutoPopupMenu: PObj; //fHelpContext: Integer; {$IFDEF GTK} fDeltaX, fDeltaY: Integer; {$ENDIF GTK} // Order of following fields is important: //_______________________________________________________________________________________________ //{$ENDIF GDI} {$IFDEF GDI} // // {$ENDIF GDI} fTextColor: TColor; // {* Color of text. Used instead of fFont.Color internally to // avoid usage of Font object if user is not accessing and changing it. } // fColor: TColor; // {* Color of control background. } // fFont: PGraphicTool; // fBrush: PGraphicTool; // fMargin: ShortInt; // fClientTop: ShortInt; fClientBottom: ShortInt; fClientLeft: ShortInt; fClientRight: ShortInt; // {* Store adjustment factor of ClientRect for some 'idiosincrasies' windows, // such as Groupbox or Tabcontrol. } // fCtl3D_child: Byte; // fBoundsRect: TRect; // fCursor: HCursor; //_____________________________________________________________________________________________// // this is the end of fiels set, which order is important fCanvas: PCanvas; {$IFDEF GDI} fDblExcludeRgn: HDC; {$ENDIF GDI} {$IFDEF GTK} {} fClickedEvent: Integer; {$ENDIF} public procedure SetOnClick( const Value: TOnEvent ); protected {$IFDEF GDI} //fRadio1st: THandle; //fRadioLast : THandle; //fDropDownProc: procedure( Sender : PObj ); //fPrevWndProc: Pointer; fCurIndex: Integer; //fOldDefWndProc: Pointer; procedure SetSBMax(Value: Longint); procedure SetSBMin(Value: Longint); procedure SetSBPageSize(Value: Integer); procedure SetSBPosition(Value: Integer); procedure SetSBMinMax(const Value: TPoint); protected procedure SetOnLVCustomDraw(const Value: TOnLVCustomDraw); {$ENDIF GDI} protected {$IFDEF GDI} //fPaintMsg: TMsg; {$ENDIF GDI} FMaxWidth: SmallInt; FMinWidth: SmallInt; FMaxHeight: SmallInt; FMinHeight: SmallInt; {$IFDEF GDI} fStatusCtl: PControl; //fStatusTxt: PKOLChar; {$ENDIF GDI} {$IFDEF GDI} //fDragStartPos: TSmallPoint; //fMouseStartPos: TSmallPoint; {$IFDEF FIX_WIDTH_HEIGHT} {} FFixWidth: Integer; {} FFixHeight: Integer; {$ENDIF} {$ENDIF GDI} //----- order of following 3 fields important: // fCaption: KOLString; fCustomData: Pointer; fControlClassName: PKOLChar; // {$IFDEF GDI} //---------------------------------------------// fCustomObj: PObj; public DF: TDataFields; {* Data fields for certain controls. These are overlapped to economy size of TControl object. } //fCreateParamsExt: procedure( Self_: PControl; var Params: TCreateParams ); protected {$IFDEF USE_MHTOOLTIP} {$DEFINE var} fHint: PMHHint; {$UNDEF var} {$DEFINE function} function GetHint: PMHHint; {$UNDEF function} {$ENDIF} {$ENDIF GDI} procedure Init; virtual; {$IFDEF GDI} procedure InitParented( AParent: PControl ); virtual; {* Initialization of visual object. } procedure InitOrthaned( AParentWnd: HWnd ); virtual; {* Initialization of visual object. } {$ENDIF GDI} {$IFDEF _X_} {$IFDEF GTK} PROCEDURE InitParented( AParent: PControl; widget: PGtkWidget; {}need_eventbox: Boolean ); VIRTUAL; {* Initialization of visual object. } {$ENDIF GTK} {$ENDIF _X_} {$IFDEF GDI} procedure DestroyChildren; {* Destroys children. Is called in destructor, and can be called in descending classes as earlier as needed to prevent problems of too late destroying of visuals. |<br> Note: since v 2.40, used only for case when a symbol NOT_USE_AUTOFREE4CONTROLS is defined, otherwise all children are destroyed using common mechanism of Add2AutoFree. } function GetParentWnd( NeedHandle: Boolean ): HWnd; {* Returns handle of parent window. } function GetParentWindow: HWnd; {* } procedure SetEnabled( Value: Boolean ); {* Changes Enabled property value. Overriden here to change enabling status of a window. } function GetEnabled: Boolean; {* Returns True, if Enabled. Overriden here to obtain real window state. } procedure SetVisible( Value: Boolean ); {* Sets Visible property value. Overriden here to change visibility of correspondent window. } procedure Set_Visible( Value: Boolean ); {* } function GetVisible: Boolean; {* Returns True, if correspondent window is Visible. Overriden to get visibility of real window, not just value stored in object. } function Get_Visible: Boolean; {* Returns True, if correspondent window is Visible, for forms and applet, or if fVisible flag is set, for controls. } protected {$ENDIF GDI} procedure SetCtlColor( Value: TColor ); {* Sets TControl's Color property value. } procedure SetBoundsRect( const Value: TRect ); {* Sets BoudsRect property value. } function GetBoundsRect: TRect; {* Returns bounding rectangle. } {$IFDEF GDI} function GetIcon: HIcon; {* Returns Icon property. By default, if it is not set, returns Icon property of an Applet. } procedure CreateSubclass( var Params: TCreateParams; ControlClassName: PKOLChar ); {* Can be used in descending classes to subclass window with given standard Windows ControlClassName - must be called after creating Params but before CreateWindow. Usually it is called in overriden method CreateParams after calling of the inherited one. } function UpdateWndStyles: PControl; public {* Updates fStyle, fExStyle, fClsStyle from window handle } procedure SetOnChar(const Value: TOnChar); {* } {$IFDEF SUPPORT_ONDEADCHAR} procedure SetOnDeadChar(const Value: TOnChar); {* } {$ENDIF SUPPORT_ONDEADCHAR} procedure SetOnKeyDown(const Value: TOnKey); {* } procedure SetOnKeyUp(const Value: TOnKey); {* } {$ENDIF GDI} {$IFDEF GDI} procedure SetHelpContext( Value: Integer ); {* } procedure SetOnTVDelete( const Value: TOnTVDelete ); {* } public procedure SetDefaultBtn(const Index: Integer; const Value: Boolean); protected function GetDefaultBtn(const Index: Integer): Boolean; function DefaultBtnProc( var Msg: TMsg; var Rslt: Integer ): Boolean; {* } procedure SetDateTime( Value: TDateTime ); function GetDateTime: TDateTime; procedure SetDateTimeRange( Value: TDateTimeRange ); function GetDateTimeRange: TDateTimeRange; procedure SetDateTimePickerColor( Index: TDateTimePickerColor; Value: TColor ); function GetDateTimePickerColor( Index: TDateTimePickerColor ): TColor; procedure SetDateTimeFormat( const Value: KOLString ); function Get_SystemTime: TSystemTime; procedure Set_SystemTime(const Value: TSystemTime); procedure SetOnTBCustomDraw( const Value: TOnTBCustomDraw ); {$ENDIF GDI} procedure DoAutoSize; public {$IFDEF GDI} constructor CreateParented( AParent: PControl ); {* Creates new instance of TControl object, calling InitParented } constructor CreateOrthaned( AParentWnd: HWnd ); {* Creates new instance of TControl object, calling InitOrthaned } {$ENDIF GDI} {$IFDEF _X_} {$IFDEF GTK} CONSTRUCTOR CreateParented( AParent: PControl; widget: PGtkWidget; {}need_eventbox: Boolean ); {* Creates new instance of TControl object, calling InitParented } {$ENDIF GTK} {$ENDIF _X_} {$IFDEF GDI} destructor Destroy; virtual; {* Destroyes object. First of all, destructors for all children are called. } function GetWindowHandle: HWnd; {* Returns window handle. If window is not yet created, method CreateWindow is called. } procedure CreateChildWindows; {* Enumerates all children recursively and calls CreateWindow for all of these. } {$ENDIF GDI} property Parent: PControl read fParent write SetParent; {* Parent of TParent object. Also must be of TParent type or derived from TParent. } //property Tag: Integer read FTag write FTag; //--------- moved to TObj -------- {* User-defined pointer, which can contain any data or reference to anywhere in memory (when used as a pointer). } function ChildIndex( Child: PControl ): Integer; {* Returns index of given child. } procedure MoveChild( Child: PControl; NewIdx: Integer ); {* Moves given Child into new position. } {$IFDEF GDI} property Enabled: Boolean read GetEnabled write SetEnabled; {* Enabled usually used to decide if control can get keyboard focus or been clicked by mouse. } procedure EnableChildren( Enable, Recursive: Boolean ); {* Enables (Enable = TRUE) or disables (Enable = FALSE) all the children of the control. If Recursive = TRUE then all the children of all the children are enabled or disabled recursively. } property Visible: Boolean read Get_Visible write SetVisible; {* Obvious. } property ToBeVisible: Boolean read GetToBeVisible; {* Returns True, if a control is supposed to be visible when its form is showing. } property CreateVisible: Boolean read {$IFDEF USE_FLAGS} GetCreateVisible {$ELSE} fCreateVisible {$ENDIF} write {$IFDEF USE_FLAGS} SetCreateVisible {$ELSE} fCreateVisible {$ENDIF}; {* False by default. If You want your form to be created visible and flick due creation, set it to True. This does not affect size of executable anyway. } {$ENDIF GDI} property BoundsRect: TRect read GetBoundsRect write SetBoundsRect; {* Bounding rectangle of the visual. Coordinates are relative to top left corner of parent's ClientRect, or to top left corner of screen (for TForm). } property Left: Integer read GetLeft write SetLeft; {* Left horizontal position. } property Top: Integer read GetTop write SetTop; {* Top vertical position. } property Width: Integer read GetWidth write SetWidth; {* Width of TVisual object. } property Height: Integer read GetHeight write SetHeight; {* Height of TVisual object. } property Position: TPoint read GetPosition write Set_Position; {* Represents top left position of the object. See also BoundsRect. } {$IFDEF GDI} property MinWidth: SmallInt index 0 {$IFDEF F_P} read GetConstraint {$ELSE DELPHI} read FMinWidth {$ENDIF F_P/DELPHI} write SetConstraint; {* Minimal width constraint. } property MinHeight: SmallInt index 1 {$IFDEF F_P} read GetConstraint {$ELSE DELPHI} read FMinHeight {$ENDIF F_P/DELPHI} write SetConstraint; {* Minimal height constraint. } property MaxWidth: SmallInt index 2 {$IFDEF F_P} read GetConstraint {$ELSE DELPHI} read FMaxWidth {$ENDIF F_P/DELPHI} write SetConstraint; {* Maximal width constraint. } property MaxHeight: SmallInt index 3 {$IFDEF F_P} read GetConstraint {$ELSE DELPHI} read FMaxHeight {$ENDIF F_P/DELPHI} write SetConstraint; {* Maximal height constraint. } {$ENDIF GDI} function ClientRect: TRect; {* Client rectangle of TControl. Contrary to VCL, for some classes (e.g. for graphic controls) can be relative not to itself, but to top left corner of the parent's ClientRect rectangle. } {$IFDEF GDI} property ClientWidth: Integer read GetClientWidth write SetClientWidth; {* Obvious. Accessing this property, program forces window latent creation. } property ClientHeight: Integer read GetClientHeight write SetClientHeight; {* Obvious. Accessing this property, program forces window latent creation. } function ControlRect: TRect; {* Absolute bounding rectangle relatively to nearest Windowed parent client rectangle (at least to a form, but usually to a Parent). Useful while drawing on device context, provided by such Windowed parent. For form itself is the same as BoundsRect. } function ControlAtPos( X, Y: Integer; IgnoreDisabled: Boolean ): PControl; {* Searches control at the given position (relatively to top left corner of the ClientRect). } {$ENDIF GDI} procedure Invalidate; {* Invalidates rectangle, occupied by the visual (but only if Showing = True). } {$IFDEF GDI} public procedure InvalidateEx; {* Invalidates the window and all its children. } procedure InvalidateNC( Recursive: Boolean ); {* Invalidates the window and all its children including non-client area. } procedure Update; {* Updates control's window and calls Update for all child controls. } procedure BeginUpdate; {* |<#treeview> |<#listview> |<#richedit> |<#memo> |<#listbox> Call this method to stop visual updates of the control until correspondent EndUpdate called (pairs BeginUpdate - EndUpdate can be nested). } procedure EndUpdate; {* See BeginUpdate. } property Windowed: Boolean read {$IFDEF USE_FLAGS} GetWindowed {$ELSE} fWindowed {$ENDIF} write {$IFDEF USE_FLAGS} SetWindowed {$ELSE} fWindowed {$ENDIF}; {* Constantly returns True, if object is windowed (i.e. owns correspondent window handle). Otherwise, returns False. |<br> By now, all the controls are windowed (there are no controls in KOL, which are emulating window, acually belonging to Parent - like TGraphicControl in VCL). |<br> Writing of this property provided only for internal purposes, do not change it directly unless you understand well what you do. } function HandleAllocated: Boolean; {* Returns True, if window handle is allocated. Has no sense for non-Windowed objects (but now, the KOL has no non-Windowed controls). } {$ENDIF GDI} property ChildCount: Integer read GetChildCount; {* Returns number of commonly accessed child objects. } property Children[ Idx: Integer ]: PControl read GetMembers; {* Child items of TVisual object. Property is reintroduced here to separate access to always visible Children[] from restricted a bit Members[]. } {$IFDEF GDI} procedure PaintBackground( DC: HDC; Rect: PRect ); {* Is called to paint background in given rectangle. This method is filling clipped area of the Rect rectangle with Color, but only if global event Global_OnPaintBkgnd is not assigned. If assigned, this one is called instead here. |<br> This method made public, so it can be called directly to fill some device context's rectangle. But remember, that independantly of Rect, top left corner of background piece will be located so, if drawing is occure into ControlRect rectangle. } property WindowedParent: PControl read fParent; {* Returns nearest windowed parent, the same as Parent. } {$ENDIF GDI} function ParentForm: PControl; {* |<#form> Returns parent form for a control (of @Self for form itself. } function FormParentForm: PControl; {* |<#form> Returns parent form for a control (of @Self for form itself. For a frame, returns frame panel instead. } function MarkPanelAsForm: PControl; {* Special function for MCK to mark panel as frame parent control. } {$IFDEF GDI} property ActiveControl: PControl read DF.fCurrentControl write DF.fCurrentControl; {* } function Client2Screen( const P: TPoint ): TPoint; {* Converts the client coordinates of a specified point to screen coordinates. } function Screen2Client( const P: TPoint ): TPoint; {* Converts screen coordinates of a specified point to client coordinates. } function CreateWindow: Boolean; virtual; {* |<#form> Creates correspondent window object. Returns True if success (if window is already created, False is returned). If applied to a form, all child controls also allocates handles that time. |<br> Call this method to ensure, that a hanle is allocated for a form, an application button or a control. (It is not necessary to do so in the most cases, even if You plan to work with control's handle directly. But immediately after creating the object, if You want to pass its handle to API function, this can be helpful). } {$ENDIF GDI} {$IFDEF _X_} procedure VisualizyWindow; // for _X_, makes actually visible a window and // all its subwindows recursively, if they are having Visible = TRUE {$ENDIF _X_} {$IFDEF GDI} procedure Close; {* |<#appbutton> |<#form> Closes window. If a window is the main form, this closes application, terminating it. Also it is possible to call Close method for Applet window to stop application. } {$IFDEF USE_MHTOOLTIP} {$DEFINE public} property Hint: PMHHint read GetHint; {$UNDEF public} {$ENDIF} property Handle: HWnd read fHandle; //GetHandle; {* Returns descriptor of system window object. If window is not yet created, 0 is returned. To allocate handle, call CreateWindow method. } property ParentWindow: HWnd read GetParentWindow; {* Returns handle of parent window (not TControl object, but system window object handle). } property ClsStyle: DWord read fClsStyle write SetClsStyle; {* Window class style. Available styles are: |<table border=0> |&L=<tr><td valign=top><font face=Fixedsys>%1</font></td><td> |&E=</td></tr> |&N=<br> <L CS_BYTEALIGNCLIENT> - Aligns the window's client area on the byte boundary (in the x direction) to enhance performance during drawing operations. <E> <L CS_BYTEALIGNWINDOW> - Aligns a window on a byte boundary (in the x direction). <E> <L CS_CLASSDC> - Allocates one device context to be shared by all windows in the class. <E> <L CS_DBLCLKS> - Sends double-click messages to the window procedure when the user double-clicks the mouse while the cursor is within a window belonging to the class. <E> <L CS_GLOBALCLASS> - Allows an application to create a window of the class regardless of the value of the hInstance parameter. <N> You can create a global class by creating the window class in a dynamic-link library (DLL) and listing the name of the DLL in the registry under specific keys. <E> <L CS_HREDRAW> - Redraws the entire window if a movement or size adjustment changes the width of the client area. <E> <L CS_NOCLOSE> - Disables the Close command on the System menu. <E> <L CS_OWNDC> - Allocates a unique device context for each window in the class. <E> <L CS_PARENTDC> - Sets the clipping region of the child window to that of the parent window so that the child can draw on the parent. <E> <L CS_SAVEBITS> - Saves, as a bitmap, the portion of the screen image obscured by a window. Windows uses the saved bitmap to re-create the screen image when the window is removed. <E> <L CS_VREDRAW> - Redraws the entire window if a movement or size adjustment changes the height of the client area. <E> |</table> For more info, see Win32.hlp (keyword 'WndClass'); } {$IFDEF GRAPHCTL_XPSTYLES} property edgeStyle : TEdgeStyle read {$IFnDEF STORE_EDGESTYLE} GetEdgeStyle {$ELSE} fEdgeStyle {$ENDIF} write SetEdgeStyle; {$ENDIF} property Style: DWord read fStyle.Value write SetStyle; {* Window styles. Available styles are: |<table border=0> <L WS_BORDER> Creates a window that has a thin-line border. <E> <L WS_CAPTION> Creates a window that has a title bar (includes the WS_BORDER style). <E> <L WS_CHILD> Creates a child window. This style cannot be used with the WS_POPUP style. <E> <L WS_CHILDWINDOW> Same as the WS_CHILD style. <E> <L WS_CLIPCHILDREN> Excludes the area occupied by child windows when drawing occurs within the parent window. This style is used when creating the parent window. <E> <L WS_CLIPSIBLINGS> Clips child windows relative to each other; that is, when a particular child window receives a WM_PAINT message, the WS_CLIPSIBLINGS style clips all other overlapping child windows out of the region of the child window to be updated. If WS_CLIPSIBLINGS is not specified and child windows overlap, it is possible, when drawing within the client area of a child window, to draw within the client area of a neighboring child window. <E> <L WS_DISABLED> Creates a window that is initially disabled. A disabled window cannot receive input from the user. <E> <L WS_DLGFRAME> Creates a window that has a border of a style typically used with dialog boxes. A window with this style cannot have a title bar. <E> <L WS_GROUP> Specifies the first control of a group of controls. The group consists of this first control and all controls defined after it, up to the next control with the WS_GROUP style. The first control in each group usually has the WS_TABSTOP style so that the user can move from group to group. The user can subsequently change the keyboard focus from one control in the group to the next control in the group by using the direction keys. <E> <L WS_HSCROLL> Creates a window that has a horizontal scroll bar. <E> <L WS_ICONIC> Creates a window that is initially minimized. Same as the WS_MINIMIZE style. <E> <L WS_MAXIMIZE> Creates a window that is initially maximized. <E> <L WS_MAXIMIZEBOX> Creates a window that has a Maximize button. Cannot be combined with the WS_EX_CONTEXTHELP style. The WS_SYSMENU style must also be specified. <E> <L WS_MINIMIZE> Creates a window that is initially minimized. Same as the WS_ICONIC style. <E> <L WS_MINIMIZEBOX> Creates a window that has a Minimize button. Cannot be combined with the WS_EX_CONTEXTHELP style. The WS_SYSMENU style must also be specified. <E> <L WS_OVERLAPPED> Creates an overlapped window. An overlapped window has a title bar and a border. Same as the WS_TILED style. <E> <L WS_OVERLAPPEDWINDOW> Creates an overlapped window with the WS_OVERLAPPED, WS_CAPTION, WS_SYSMENU, WS_THICKFRAME, WS_MINIMIZEBOX, and WS_MAXIMIZEBOX styles. Same as the WS_TILEDWINDOW style. <E> <L WS_POPUP> Creates a pop-up window. This style cannot be used with the WS_CHILD style. <E> <L WS_POPUPWINDOW> Creates a pop-up window with WS_BORDER, WS_POPUP, and WS_SYSMENU styles. The WS_CAPTION and WS_POPUPWINDOW styles must be combined to make the window menu visible. <E> <L WS_SIZEBOX> Creates a window that has a sizing border. Same as the WS_THICKFRAME style. <E> <L WS_SYSMENU> Creates a window that has a window-menu on its title bar. The WS_CAPTION style must also be specified. <E> <L WS_TABSTOP> Specifies a control that can receive the keyboard focus when the user presses the TAB key. Pressing the TAB key changes the keyboard focus to the next control with the WS_TABSTOP style. <E> <L WS_THICKFRAME> Creates a window that has a sizing border. Same as the WS_SIZEBOX style. <E> <L WS_TILED> Creates an overlapped window. An overlapped window has a title bar and a border. Same as the WS_OVERLAPPED style. <E> <L WS_TILEDWINDOW> Creates an overlapped window with the WS_OVERLAPPED, WS_CAPTION, WS_SYSMENU, WS_THICKFRAME, WS_MINIMIZEBOX, and WS_MAXIMIZEBOX styles. Same as the WS_OVERLAPPEDWINDOW style. <E> <L WS_VISIBLE> Creates a window that is initially visible. <E> <L WS_VSCROLL> Creates a window that has a vertical scroll bar. <E> |</table> See also Win32.hlp (topic CreateWindow). } property ExStyle: DWord read fExStyle write SetExStyle; {* Extra window styles. Available flags are following: |<table border=0> <L WS_EX_ACCEPTFILES> Specifies that a window created with this style accepts drag-drop files. <E> <L WS_EX_APPWINDOW> Forces a top-level window onto the taskbar when the window is minimized. <E> <L WS_EX_CLIENTEDGE> Specifies that a window has a border with a sunken edge. <E> <L WS_EX_CONTEXTHELP> Includes a question mark in the title bar of the window. When the user clicks the question mark, the cursor changes to a question mark with a pointer. If the user then clicks a child window, the child receives a WM_HELP message. The child window should pass the message to the parent window procedure, which should call the WinHelp function using the HELP_WM_HELP command. The Help application displays a pop-up window that typically contains help for the child window.WS_EX_CONTEXTHELP cannot be used with the WS_MAXIMIZEBOX or WS_MINIMIZEBOX styles. <E> <L WS_EX_CONTROLPARENT> Allows the user to navigate among the child windows of the window by using the TAB key. <E> <L WS_EX_DLGMODALFRAME> Creates a window that has a double border; the window can, optionally, be created with a title bar by specifying the WS_CAPTION style in the dwStyle parameter. <E> <L WS_EX_LEFT> Window has generic "left-aligned" properties. This is the default. <E> <L WS_EX_LEFTSCROLLBAR> If the shell language is Hebrew, Arabic, or another language that supports reading order alignment, the vertical scroll bar (if present) is to the left of the client area. For other languages, the style is ignored and not treated as an error. <E> <L WS_EX_LTRREADING> The window text is displayed using Left to Right reading-order properties. This is the default. <E> <L WS_EX_MDICHILD> Creates an MDI child window. <E> <L WS_EX_NOPARENTNOTIFY> Specifies that a child window created with this style does not send the WM_PARENTNOTIFY message to its parent window when it is created or destroyed. <E> <L WS_EX_OVERLAPPEDWINDOW> Combines the WS_EX_CLIENTEDGE and WS_EX_WINDOWEDGE styles. <E> <L WS_EX_PALETTEWINDOW> Combines the WS_EX_WINDOWEDGE, WS_EX_TOOLWINDOW, and WS_EX_TOPMOST styles. <E> <L WS_EX_RIGHT> Window has generic "right-aligned" properties. This depends on the window class. This style has an effect only if the shell language is Hebrew, Arabic, or another language that supports reading order alignment; otherwise, the style is ignored and not treated as an error. <E> <L WS_EX_RIGHTSCROLLBAR> Vertical scroll bar (if present) is to the right of the client area. This is the default. <E> <L WS_EX_RTLREADING> If the shell language is Hebrew, Arabic, or another language that supports reading order alignment, the window text is displayed using Right to Left reading-order properties. For other languages, the style is ignored and not treated as an error. <E> <L WS_EX_STATICEDGE> Creates a window with a three-dimensional border style intended to be used for items that do not accept user input. <E> <L WS_EX_TOOLWINDOW> Creates a tool window; that is, a window intended to be used as a floating toolbar. A tool window has a title bar that is shorter than a normal title bar, and the window title is drawn using a smaller font. A tool window does not appear in the taskbar or in the dialog that appears when the user presses ALT+TAB. <E> <L WS_EX_TOPMOST> Specifies that a window created with this style should be placed above all non-topmost windows and should stay above them, even when the window is deactivated. To add or remove this style, use the SetWindowPos function. <E> <L WS_EX_TRANSPARENT> Specifies that a window created with this style is to be transparent. That is, any windows that are beneath the window are not obscured by the window. A window created with this style receives WM_PAINT messages only after all sibling windows beneath it have been updated. <E> <L WS_EX_WINDOWEDGE> Specifies that a window has a border with a raised edge. <E> |</table> See also Win32.hlp (topic CreateWindowEx). } property Cursor: HCursor read fCursor write SetCursor; {* Current cursor. For most of controls, sets initially to IDC_ARROW. See also ScreenCursor. } procedure CursorLoad( Inst: Integer; ResName: PKOLChar ); {* Loads Cursor from the resource. See also comments for Icon property. } property Icon: HIcon read {$IFDEF SMALLEST_CODE} DF.fIcon {$ELSE} GetIcon {$ENDIF} write SetIcon; {* |<#appbutton> |<#form> Icon. By default, icon of the Applet is used. To load icon from the resource, use IconLoad or IconLoadCursor method - this is more correct, because in such case a special flag is set to prevent attempts to destroy shared icon object in the destructor of the control. } procedure IconLoad( Inst: Integer; ResName: PKOLChar ); {* |<#appbutton> |<#form> See Icon property. } procedure IconLoadCursor( Inst: Integer; ResName: PKOLChar ); {* |<#appbutton> |<#form> Loads Icon from the cursor resource. See also Icon property. } property Menu: HMenu read fMenu write SetMenu; {* Menu (or ID of control - for standard GUI controls). } property HelpContext: Integer read GetHelpContext write SetHelpContext; {* Help context. } function AssignHelpContext( Context: Integer ): PControl; {* Assigns HelpContext and returns @ Self (can be used in initialization of a control in a chain of "transparent" calls). } procedure CallHelp( Context: Integer; CtxCtl: PControl {; CtlID: Integer} ); {* Method of a form or Applet. Call it to show help with the given context ID. If the Context = 0, help contents is displayed. By default, WinHelp is used. To allow using HtmlHelp, call AssignHtmlHelp global function. When WinHelp used, HelpPath variable can be assigned directly. If HelpPath variable is not assigned, application name (and path) is used, with extension replaced to '.hlp'. } property HelpPath: KOLString read GetHelpPath write SetHelpPath; {* Property of a form or an Applet. Change it to provide custom path to WinHelp format help file. If HtmlHelp used, call global procedure AssignHtmlHelp instead. } property OnHelp: TOnHelp read {$IFDEF EVENTS_DYNAMIC} Get_OnHelp {$ELSE} EV.fOnHelp {$ENDIF} write {$IFDEF EVENTS_DYNAMIC} Set_OnHelp {$ELSE} EV.fOnHelp {$ENDIF}; {* An event of a form, it is called when F1 pressed or help topic requested by any other way. To prevent showing help, nullify Sender. Set Popup to TRUE to provide showing help in a pop-up window. It is also possible to change Context dynamically. } {$ENDIF GDI} property Caption: KOLString read GetCaption write SetCaption; {* |<#appbutton> |<#form> |<#button> |<#bitbtn> |<#label> |<#wwlabel> |<#3dlabel> Caption of a window. For standard Windows buttons, labels and so on not a caption of a window, but text of the window. } property Text: KOLString read GetCaption write SetCaption; {* |<#edit> |<#memo> The same as Caption. To make more convenient with Edit controls. For Rich Edit control, use property RE_Text. } {$IFDEF GDI} property SelStart: Integer read GetSelStart write SetSelStart; {* |<#edit> |<#memo> |<#richedit> Start of selection (editbox - character position). } property SelLength: Integer read GetSelLength write SetSelLength; {* |<#edit> |<#memo> |<#richedit> |<#listbox> |<#listview> Length of selection (editbox - number of characters selected, multiselect listbox or listview - number of items selected). |<br> Note, that for combobox and single-select listbox it always returns 0 (though for single-select listview, returns 1, if there is an item selected). |<br> It is possible to set SelLength only for memo and richedit controls. } property Selection: KOLString read GetSelection write SetSelection; {* |<#edit> |<#memo> |<#richedit> Selected text (editbox, richedit) as string. Can be useful to replace selection. For rich edit, use RE_Text[ reText, TRUE ], if you want to read correctly characters from another locale then ANSI only. } procedure SelectAll; {* |<#edit> |<#memo> |<#richedit> Makes all the text in editbox or RichEdit, or all items in listbox selected. } procedure ReplaceSelection( const Value: KOLString; aCanUndo: Boolean ); {* |<#edit> |<#memo> |<#richedit> Replaces selection (in edit, RichEdit). Unlike assigning new value to Selection property, it is possible to specify, if operation can be undone. |<br> Use this method or assigning value to a Selection property to format text initially in the rich edit. E.g.: ! RichEdit1.RE_FmtBold := TRUE; ! RichEdit1.Selection := 'bolded text'#13#10; ! RichEdit1.RE_FmtBold := FALSE; ! RichEdit1.RE_FmtItalic := TRUE; ! RichEdit1.Selection := 'italized text'; !... } procedure DeleteLines( FromLine, ToLine: Integer ); {* |<#edit> |<#memo> |<#richedit> Deletes lines from FromLine to ToLine (inclusively, i.e. 0 to 0 deletes one line with index 0). Current selection is restored as possible. } property CurIndex: Integer read GetCurIndex write SetCurIndex; {* |<#listbox> |<#combo> |<#toolbar> Index of current item (for listbox, combobox) or button index pressed or dropped down (for toolbar button, and only in appropriate event handler call). |<br> You cannot use it to set or remove a selection in a multiple-selection list box, so you should set option loNoExtendSel to true. |<br> In OnClick event handler, CurIndex has not yet changed for listbox or combobox. Use OnSelChange to respond to selection changes. } property Count: Integer read GetItemsCount write SetItemsCount; {* |<#listbox> |<#combo> |<#listview> |<#treeview> |<#edit> |<#memo> |<#richedit> |<#toolbar> Number of items (listbox, combobox, listview) or lines (multiline editbox, richedit control) or buttons (toolbar). It is possible to assign a value to this property only for listbox control with loNoData style and for list view control with lvoOwnerData style (virtual list box and list view). } property Items[ Idx: Integer ]: KOLString read GetItems write SetItems; {* |<#edit> |<#listbox> |<#combo> |<#memo> |<#richedit> Obvious. Used with editboxes, listbox, combobox. With list view, use property LVItems instead. } function Item2Pos( ItemIdx: Integer ): DWORD; {* |<#edit> |<#memo> Only for edit controls: converts line index to character position. } function Pos2Item( Pos: Integer ): DWORD; {* |<#edit> |<#memo> Only for edit controls: converts character position to line index. } function SavePosition: TEditPositions; {* |<#edit> |<#memo> Only for edit controls: saves current editor selection and scroll positions. To restore position, use RestorePosition with a structure, containing saved position as a parameter. } procedure RestorePosition( const p: TEditPositions ); {* |<#edit> |<#memo> Call RestorePosition with a structure, containing saved position as a parameter (this structure filled in in SavePosition method). If you set RestoreScroll to FALSE, only selection is restored, without scroll position. } procedure UpdatePosition( var p: TEditPositions; FromPos, CountInsertDelChars, CountInsertDelLines: Integer ); {* |<#edit> |<#memo> If you called SavePosition and then make some changes in the edit control, calling RestorePosition will fail if chages are affecting selection size. The problem can be solved updating saved position info using this method. Pass a count of inserted characters and lines as a positive number and a count of deleted characters as a negative number here. CountInsertDelLines is optional paramters: if you do not specify it, only selection is fixed. } function EditTabChar: PControl; {* |<#edit> |<#memo> Call this method (once) to provide insertion of tab character (code #9) when tab key is pressed on keyboard. } function IndexOf( const S: KOLString ): Integer; {* |<#listbox> |<#combobox> |<#tabcontrol> Works for the most of control types, though some of those have its own methods to search given item. If a control is not list box or combobox, item is finding by enumerating all the Items one by one. See also SearchFor method. } function SearchFor( const S: KOLString; StartAfter: Integer; Partial: Boolean ): Integer; {* |<#listbox> |<#combobox> |<#tabcontrol> Works for the most of control types, though some of those have its own methods to search given item. If a control is not list box or combobox, item is finding by enumerating all the Items one by one. See also IndexOf method. } property ItemSelected[ ItemIdx: Integer ]: Boolean read GetItemSelected write SetItemSelected; {* |<#edit> |<#memo> |<#listbox> |<#combo> |<#listview> Returns True, if a line (in editbox) or an item (in listbox, combobox, listview) is selected. Can be set only for listboxes. For listboxes, which are not multiselect, and for combo lists, it is possible only to set to True, to change selection. } property ItemData[ Idx: Integer ]: DWORD read GetItemData write SetItemData; {* |<#listbox> |<#combo> Access to user-defined data, associated with the item of a list box and combo box. } property OnDropDown: TOnEvent index idx_FOnDropDown read {$IFDEF EVENTS_DYNAMIC} Get_TOnEvent {$ELSE} EV.fOnDropDown {$ENDIF} write {$IFDEF EVENTS_DYNAMIC} Set_TOnEvent {$ELSE} EV.fOnDropDown {$ENDIF}; {* |<#combo> |<#toolbar> Is called when combobox is dropped down (or drop-down button of toolbar is pressed - see also OnTBDropDown). } property OnCloseUp: TOnEvent index idx_FOnCloseUp read {$IFDEF EVENTS_DYNAMIC} Get_TOnEvent {$ELSE} EV.fOnCloseUp {$ENDIF} write {$IFDEF EVENTS_DYNAMIC} Set_TOnEvent {$ELSE} EV.fOnCloseUp {$ENDIF}; {* |<#combo> Is called when combobox is closed up. When drop down list is closed because user pressed "Escape" key, previous selection is restored. To test if it is so, call GetKeyState( VK_ESCAPE ) and check, if negative value is returned (i.e. Escape key is pressed when event handler is calling). } property DroppedWidth: Integer read DF.FDroppedWidth write SetDroppedWidth; {* |<#combo> Allows to change width of dropped down items list for combobox (only!) control. } property DroppedDown: Boolean read GetDroppedDown write SetDroppedDown; {* |<#combo> Dropped down state for combo box. Set it to TRUE or FALSE to change dropped down state. } procedure AddDirList( const Filemask: KOLString; Attrs: DWORD ); {* |<#listbox> |<#combo> Can be used only with listbox and combobox - to add directory list items, filtered by given Filemask (can contain wildcards) and Attrs. Following flags can be combined in Attrs: |<table border=0> |&L=<tr><td>%1</td><td> <L DDL_ARCHIVE> Include archived files. <E> <L DDL_DIRECTORY> Includes subdirectories. Subdirectory names are enclosed in square brackets ([ ]). <E> <L DDL_DRIVES> Includes drives. Drives are listed in the form [-x-], where x is the drive letter. <E> <L DDL_EXCLUSIVE> Includes only files with the specified attributes. By default, read-write files are listed even if DDL_READWRITE is not specified. Also, this flag needed to list directories only, etc. <E> <L DDL_HIDDEN> Includes hidden files. <E> <L DDL_READONLY> Includes read-only files. <E> <L DDL_READWRITE> Includes read-write files with no additional attributes. <E> <L DDL_SYSTEM> Includes system files. <E> </table> If the listbox is sorted, directory items will be sorted (alpabetically). } property OnBitBtnDraw: TOnBitBtnDraw read {$IFDEF EVENTS_DYNAMIC} Get_OnBitBtnDraw {$ELSE} EV.fOnBitBtnDraw {$ENDIF} write {$IFDEF EVENTS_DYNAMIC} Set_OnBitBtnDraw {$ELSE} EV.fOnBitBtnDraw {$ENDIF}; {* |<#bitbtn> Special event for BitBtn. Using it, it is possible to provide additional effects, such as highlighting button text (by changing its Font and other properties). If the handler returns True, it is supposed that it made all drawing and there are no further drawing occure. } property BitBtnDrawMnemonic: Boolean read DF.fBitBtnDrawMnemonic write SetBitBtnDrawMnemonic; {* |<#bitbtn> Set this property to TRUE to provide correct drawing of bit btn control caption with '&' characters (to remove such characters, and underline follow ones). } property TextShiftX: Integer read DF.fTextShiftX write DF.fTextShiftX; {* |<#bitbtn> Horizontal shift for bitbtn text when the bitbtn is pressed. } property TextShiftY: Integer read DF.fTextShiftY write DF.fTextShiftY; {* |<#bitbtn> Vertical shift for bitbtn text when the bitbtn is pressed. } property BitBtnImgIdx: Integer read GetBitBtnImgIdx write SetBitBtnImgIdx; {* |<#bitbtn> BitBtn image index for the first image in list view, used as bitbtn image. It is used only in case when BitBtn is created with bboImageList option. } property BitBtnImgList: THandle read GetBitBtnImageList write SetBitBtnImageList; {* |<#bitbtn> BitBtn Image list. Assign image list handle to change it. } function SetButtonIcon( aIcon: HIcon ): PControl; {* |<#button> Sets up button icon image and changes its styles. Returns button itself. } function SetButtonBitmap( aBmp: HBitmap ): PControl; {* |<#button> Sets up button icon image and changes its styles. Returns button itself. } property OnMeasureItem: TOnMeasureItem read {$IFDEF EVENTS_DYNAMIC} Get_OnMeasureItem {$ELSE} EV.fOnMeasureItem {$ENDIF} write SetOnMeasureItem; {* |<#combo> |<#listbox> |<#listview> This event is called for owner-drawn controls, such as list box, combo box, list view with appropriate owner-drawn style. For fixed item height controls (list box with loOwnerDrawFixed style, combobox with coOwnerDrawFixed and list view with lvoOwnerDrawFixed option) this event is called once. For list box with loOwnerDrawVariable style and for combobox with coOwnerDrawVariable style this event is called for every item. } property DefaultBtn: Boolean index 13 {$IFDEF F_P} read GetDefaultBtn {$ELSE DELPHI} read {$IFDEF USE_FLAGS} GetDefaultBtn {$ELSE} fDefaultBtn {$ENDIF} {$ENDIF F_P/DELPHI} write SetDefaultBtn; {* |<#button> |<#bitbtn> Set this property to true to make control clicked when ENTER key is pressed. This property uses OnMessage event of the parent form, storing it into fOldOnMessage field and calling in chain. So, assign default button after setting OnMessage event for the form. } property CancelBtn: Boolean index 27 {$IFDEF F_P} read GetDefaultBtn {$ELSE DELPHI} read {$IFDEF USE_FLAGS} GetDefaultBtn {$ELSE} fCancelBtn {$ENDIF} {$ENDIF F_P/DELPHI} write SetDefaultBtn; {* |<#button> |<#bitbtn> Set this property to true to make control clicked when escape key is pressed. This property uses OnMessage event of the parent form, storing it into fOldOnMessage field and calling in chain. So, assign cancel button after setting OnMessage event for the form. } function AllBtnReturnClick: PControl; {* Call this method for a form or control to provide clicking a focused button when ENTER pressed. By default, a button can be clicked only by SPACE key from the keyboard, or by mouse. } property IgnoreDefault: Boolean read {$IFDEF USE_FLAGS} GetIgnoreDefault {$ELSE} fIgnoreDefault {$ENDIF} write {$IFDEF USE_FLAGS} SetIgnoreDefault {$ELSE} fIgnoreDefault {$ENDIF}; {* Change this property to TRUE to ignore default button reaction on press ENTER key when a focus is grabbed of the control. Default value is different for different controls. By default, DefaultBtn ignored in memo, richedit (even if read-only). } {$ENDIF GDI} property Color: TColor read fColor write SetCtlColor; {* Property Color is one of the most common for all visual elements (like form, control etc.) Please note, that standard GUI button can not change its color and the most characteristics of the Font. Also, standard button can not become Transparent. Use bitbtn for such purposes. Also, changing Color property for some kinds of control has no effect (rich edit, list view, tree view, etc.). To solve this, use native (for such controls) color property, or call Perform method with appropriate message to set the background color. } property Font: PGraphicTool read GetFont; {* If the Font property is not accessed, correspondent TGraphicTool object is not created and its methods are not included into executable. Leaving properties Font and Brush untouched can economy executable size a lot. } {$IFDEF GDI} property Brush: PGraphicTool read GetBrush; {* If not accessed, correspondent TGraphicTool object is not created and its methods are not referenced. See also note on Font property. } property Ctl3D: Boolean read Get_Ctl3D write SetCtl3D; {* Inheritable from parent controls to child ones. } procedure Show; {* |<#appbutton> |<#form> Makes control visible and activates it. } function ShowModal: Integer; {* |<#form> Can be used only with a forms to show it modal. See also global function ShowMsgModal. |<br> To use a form as a modal, it is possible to make it either auto-created or dynamically created. For a first case, You (may be prefer to hide a form after showing it as a modal: ! ! procedure TForm1.Button1Click( Sender: PObj ); ! begin ! Form2.Form.ShowModal; ! Form2.Form.Hide; ! end; ! Another way is to create modal form just before showing it (this economies system resources): ! ! procedure TForm1.Button1Click( Sender: PObj ); ! begin ! NewForm2( Form2, Applet ); ! Form2.Form.ShowModal; ! Form2.Form.Free; // Never call Form2.Free or Form2.Form.Close ! end; // but always Form2.Form.Free; (!) ! In samples above, You certainly can place any wished code before and after calling ShowModal method. |<br> Do not forget that if You have more than a single form in your project, separate Applet object should be used. |<br> See also ShowModalEx. } function ShowModalParented( const AParent: PControl ): Integer; {* by Alexander Pravdin. The same as ShowModal, but with a certain form as a parent. } function ShowModalEx: Integer; {* The same as ShowModal, but all the windows of current thread are disabled while showing form modal. This is useful if KOL form from a DLL is used modally in non-KOL application. } property ModalResult: Integer read DF.fModalResult write {$IFDEF USE_SETMODALRESULT} SetModalResult {$ELSE} DF.fModalResult {$ENDIF}; {* |<#form> Modal result. Set it to value<>0 to stop modal dialog. By agreement, value 1 corresponds 'OK', 2 - 'Cancel'. But it is totally by decision of yours how to interpret this value. } property Modal: Boolean read GetModal; {* |<#form> TRUE, if the form is shown modal. } property ModalForm: PControl read DF.fModalForm write DF.fModalForm; {* |<#form> |<#appbutton> Form currently shown modal from this form or from Applet. } procedure Hide; {* |<#appbutton> |<#form> Makes control hidden. } property OnShow: TOnEvent read {$IFDEF EVENTS_DYNAMIC} Get_OnShow {$ELSE} EV.FOnShow {$ENDIF} write SetOnShow; {* Is called when a control or form is to be shown. This event is not fired for a form, if its WindowState initially is set to wsMaximized or wsMinimized. This behaviour is by design (the window does not receive WM_SHOW message in such case). } property OnHide: TOnEvent read {$IFDEF EVENTS_DYNAMIC} Get_OnHide {$ELSE} EV.FOnHide {$ENDIF} write SetOnHide; {* Is called when a control or form becomes hidden. } property WindowState: TWindowState read GetWindowState write SetWindowState; {* |<#form> Window state. } {$ENDIF GDI} property Canvas: PCanvas read GetCanvas; {* |<#paintbox> Placeholder for Canvas: PCanvas. But in KOL, it is possible to create applets without canvases at all. To do so, avoid using Canvas and use DC directly (which is passed in OnPaint event). } {$IFDEF GDI} function CallDefWndProc( var Msg: TMsg ): Integer; {* Function to be called in WndProc method to redirect message handling to default window procedure. } function DoSetFocus: Boolean; {* Sets focus for Enabled window. Returns True, if success. } procedure MinimizeNormalAnimated; {* |<#form> Apply this method to a main form (not to another form or Applet, even when separate Applet control is not used and main form matches it!). This provides normal animated visual minimization for the application. It therefore has no effect, if animation during minimize/resore is turned off by user. |<br> Applying this method also provides for the main form (only for it) correct restoring the form maximized if it was maximized while minimizing the application. See also RestoreNormalMaximized method. } procedure RestoreNormalMaximized; {* |<#form> Apply to any form for which it is important to restore it maximized when the application was minimizing while such form was maximized. If the method MinimizeNormalAnimated was called for the main form, then the correct behaviour is already provided for the main form, so in such case it is no more necessary to call also this method, but calling it therefore is not an error. } property OnMessage: TOnMessage read {$IFDEF EVENTS_DYNAMIC} Get_OnMessage {$ELSE} EV.fOnMessage {$ENDIF} write {$IFDEF EVENTS_DYNAMIC} Set_OnMessage {$ELSE} EV.fOnMessage {$ENDIF}; {* |<#appbutton> |<#form> Is called for every message processed by TControl object. And for Applet window, this event is called also for all messages, handled by all its child windows (forms). } {$ENDIF GDI} function IsMainWindow: Boolean; {* |<#appbutton> |<#form> Returns True, if a window is the main in application (created first after the Applet, or matches the Applet). } property IsApplet: Boolean read {$IFDEF USE_FLAGS} GetIsApplet {$ELSE} FIsApplet {$ENDIF}; {* Returns true, if the control is created using NewApplet (or CreateApplet). } property IsForm: Boolean read {$IFDEF USE_FLAGS} GetIsForm {$ELSE} fIsForm {$ENDIF}; {* Returns True, if the object is form window. } property IsMDIChild: Boolean read {$IFDEF USE_FLAGS} GetIsMDIChild {$ELSE} fIsMDIChild {$ENDIF}; {* Returns TRUE, if the object is MDI child form. In such case, IsForm also returns TRUE. } property IsControl: Boolean read {$IFDEF USE_FLAGS} GetIsControl {$ELSE} fIsControl {$ENDIF}; {* Returns True, is the control is control (not form or applet). } property IsButton: Boolean read {$IFDEF USE_FLAGS} GetIsButton {$ELSE} fIsButton {$ENDIF}; {* Returns True, if the control is button-like or containing buttons (button, bitbtn, checkbox, radiobox, toolbar). } {$IFDEF GDI} function ProcessMessage: Boolean; {* |<#appbutton> Processes one message. See also ProcessMessages. } procedure ProcessMessages; {* |<#appbutton> Processes pending messages during long cycle of calculation, allowing to window to be repainted if needed and to respond to other messages. But if there are no such messages, your application can be stopped until such one appear in messages queue. To prevent such situation, use method ProcessPendingMessages instead. } procedure ProcessMessagesEx; {* Version of ProcessMessages, which works always correctly, even if the application is minimized or background. } procedure ProcessPendingMessages; {* |<#appbutton> Similar to ProcessMessages, but without waiting of message in messages queue. I.e., if there are no pending messages, this method immediately returns control to your code. This method is better to call during long cycle of calculation (then ProcessMessages). } procedure ProcessPaintMessages; {* } function WndProc( var Msg: TMsg ): Integer; virtual; //{$IFNDEF DEBUG_MCK} virtual; {$ENDIF} {* Responds to all Windows messages, posted (sended) to the window, before all other proceeding. You can override it in derived controls, but in KOL there are several other ways to control message flow of existing controls without deriving another costom controls for only such purposes. See OnMessage, AttachProc. } property HasBorder: Boolean read GetHasBorder write SetHasBorder; {* |<#form> Obvious. Form-aware. } property HasCaption: Boolean read GetHasCaption write SetHasCaption; {* |<#form> Obvious. Form-aware. } property CanResize: Boolean read GetCanResize write SetCanResize; {* |<#form> Obvious. Form-aware. } property StayOnTop: Boolean read GetStayOnTop write SetStayOnTop; {* |<#form> Obvious. Form-aware, but can be applied to controls. } property Border: ShortInt read fMargin write fMargin; {* |<#form> Distance between edges and child controls and between child controls by default (if methods PlaceRight, PlaceDown, PlaceUnder, ResizeParent, ResizeParentRight, ResizeParentBottom are called). |<br> Originally was named Margin, now I recommend to use the name 'Border' to avoid confusion with MarginTop, MarginBottom, MarginLeft and MarginRight properties. |<br> Initial value is always 2. Border property is used in realigning child controls (when its Align property is not caNone), and value of this property determines size of borders between edges of children and its parent and between aligned controls too. |<br> See also properties MarginLeft, MarginRight, MarginTop, MarginBottom. } function SetBorder( Value: Integer ): PControl; {* Assigns new Border value, and returns @ Self. } property Margin: ShortInt read fMargin write fMargin; {* |<#form> Old name for property Border. } property MarginTop: ShortInt index 1 {$IFDEF F_P} read GetClientMargin {$ELSE DELPHI} read fClientTop {$ENDIF F_P/DELPHI} write SetClientMargin; {* Additional distance between true window client top and logical top of client rectangle. This value is added to Top of rectangle, returning by property ClientRect. Together with other margins and property Border, this property allows to change view of form for case, that Align property is used to align controls on parent (it is possible to provide some distance from child controls to its parent, and between child controls. |<br> Originally this property was introduced to compensate incorrect ClientRect property, calculated for some types of controls. |<br> See also properties Border, MarginBottom, MarginLeft, MarginRight. } property MarginBottom: ShortInt index 2 {$IFDEF F_P} read GetClientMargin {$ELSE DELPHI} read fClientBottom {$ENDIF F_P/DELPHI} write SetClientMargin; {* The same as MarginTop, but a distance between true window Bottom of client rectangle and logical bottom one. Take in attention, that this value should be POSITIVE to make logical bottom edge located above true edge. |<br> See also properties Border, MarginTop, MarginLeft, MarginRight. } property MarginLeft: ShortInt index 3 {$IFDEF F_P} read GetClientMargin {$ELSE DELPHI} read fClientLeft {$ENDIF F_P/DELPHI} write SetClientMargin; {* The same as MarginTop, but a distance between true window Left of client rectangle and logical left edge. |<br> See also properties Border, MarginTop, MarginRight, MarginBottom. } property MarginRight: ShortInt index 4 {$IFDEF F_P} read GetClientMargin {$ELSE DELPHI} read fClientRight {$ENDIF F_P/DELPHI} write SetClientMargin; {* The same as MarginLeft, but a distance between true window Right of client rectangle and logical bottom one. Take in attention, that this value should be POSITIVE to make logical right edge located left of true edge. |<br> See also properties Border, MarginTop, MarginLeft, MarginBottom. } property Tabstop: Boolean {$IFDEF USE_FLAGS} read GetTabStop write SetTabStop {$ELSE} read fTabstop write fTabstop {$ENDIF} ; {* True, if control can be focused using tabulating between controls. Set it to False to make control unavailable for keyboard, but only for mouse. } property TabOrder: SmallInt read fTabOrder write SetTabOrder; {* Order of tabulating of controls. Initially, TabOrder is equal to creation order of controls. If TabOrder changed, TabOrder of all controls with not less value of one is shifted up. To place control before another, assign TabOrder of one to another. For example: ! Button1.TabOrder := EditBox1.TabOrder; In code above, Button1 is placed just before EditBox1 in tabulating order (value of TabOrder of EditBox1 is incremented, as well as for all follow controls). } property Focused: Boolean read GetFocused write SetFocused; {* True, if the control is current on form (but check also, what form itself is focused). For form it is True, if the form is active (i.e. it is foreground and capture keyboard). Set this value to True to make control current and focused (if applicable). } function BringToFront: PControl; {* Changes z-order of the control, bringing it to the topmost level. } function SendToBack: PControl; {* Changes z-order of the control, sending it to the back of siblings. } {$ENDIF GDI} property TextAlign: TTextAlign read GetTextAlign write SetTextAlign; {* |<#label> |<#panel> |<#button> |<#bitbtn> |<#edit> |<#memo> Text horizontal alignment. Applicable to labels, buttons, multi-line edit boxes, panels. } property VerticalAlign: TVerticalAlign read GetVerticalAlign write SetVerticalAlign; {* |<#button> |<#label> |<#panel> Text vertical alignment. Applicable to buttons, labels and panels. } {$IFDEF GDI} property WordWrap: Boolean {$IFDEF USE_FLAGS} read GetWordWrap write SetWordWrap {$ELSE} read fWordWrap write fWordWrap {$ENDIF USE_FLAGS}; {* TRUE, if this is a label, created using NewWordWrapLabel. } property ShadowDeep: Integer read DF.FShadowDeep write SetShadowDeep; {* |<#3dlabel> Deep of a shadow (for label effect only, created calling NewLabelEffect). } property CannotDoubleBuf: Boolean {$IFDEF USE_FLAGS} read GetCannotDoubleBuf write SetCannotDoubleBuf {$ELSE} read fCannotDoubleBuf write fCannotDoubleBuf {$ENDIF}; {* } property DoubleBuffered: Boolean read {$IFDEF USE_FLAGS} GetDoubleBuffered {$ELSE} fDoubleBuffered {$ENDIF} write SetDoubleBuffered; {* Set it to true for some controls, which are flickering in repainting (like label effect). Slow, and requires additional code. This property is inherited by all child controls. |<br> Note: RichEdit control can not become DoubleBuffered. } function DblBufTopParent: PControl; {* Returns the topmost DoubleBuffered Parent control. } property Transparent: Boolean read {$IFDEF USE_FLAGS} GetTransparent {$ELSE} fTransparent {$ENDIF} write SetTransparent; {* Set it to true to get special effects. Transparency also uses DoubleBuffered and inherited by child controls. |<br> Please note, that some controls can not be shown properly, when Transparent is set to True for it. If You want to make edit control transparent (e.g., over gradient filled panel), handle its OnChanged property and call there Invalidate to provide repainting of edit control content. Note also, that for RichEdit control property Transparent has no effect (as well as DoubleBuffered). But special property RE_Transparent is designed especially for RichEdit control (it works fine, but with great number of flicks while resizing of a control). Another note is about Edit control. To allow editing of transparent edit box, it is necessary to invalidate it for every pressed character. Or, use Ed_Transparent property instead. } property Ed_Transparent: Boolean read {$IFDEF USE_FLAGS} GetTransparent {$ELSE} fTransparent {$ENDIF} write EdSetTransparent; {* |<#edit> |<#memo> Use this property for editbox to make it really Transparent. Remember, that though Transparent property is inherited by child controls from its parent, this is not so for Ed_Transparent. So, it is necessary to set Ed_Transparent to True for every edit control explicitly. } property AlphaBlend: Byte read fAlphaBlend write SetAlphaBlend; {* |<#form> If assigned to 0..254, makes window (form or control) semi-transparent (Win2K only). |<br> Depending on value assigned, it is possible to adjust transparency level ( 0 - totally transparent, 255 - totally opaque). |<br>Note: from XP, any control can be alpha blended! } function MouseTransparent: PControl; {* Call this method to set up mouse transparent control (which always returns HTTRANSPARENT in responce to WM_NCHITTEST). This function returns a pointer to a control itself. } property LookTabKeys: TTabKeys read fLookTabKeys write fLookTabKeys; {* Set of keys which can be used as tabulation keys in a control. } procedure GotoControl( Key: DWORD ); {* |<#form> Emulates tabulation key press w/o sending message to current control. Can be applied to a form or to any its control. If VK_TAB is used, state of shift kay is checked in: if it is pressed, tabulate is in backward direction. } property SubClassName: KOLString read get_ClassName write set_ClassName; {* Name of window class - unique for every window class in every run session of a program. } public procedure SetOnClose( const AOnClose: TOnEventAccept ); procedure SetFormOnClick( const AOnClick: TOnEvent ); public property OnClose: TOnEventAccept read {$IFDEF EVENTS_DYNAMIC} Get_OnClose {$ELSE} EV.fOnClose {$ENDIF} write SetOnClose; {* |<#form> |<#applet> Called before closing the window. It is possible to set Accept parameter to False to prevent closing the window. This event events is not called when windows session is finishing (to handle this event, handle WM_QUERYENDSESSION message, or assign OnQueryEndSession event to another or the same event handler). } property OnQueryEndSession: TOnEventAccept read {$IFDEF EVENTS_DYNAMIC} Get_OnQueryEndSession {$ELSE} EV.fOnQueryEndSession {$ENDIF} write SetOnQueryEndSession; {* |<#form> |<#applet> Called when WM_QUERYENDSESSION message come in. It is possible to set Accept parameter to False to prevent closing the window (in such case session ending is halted). It is possible to check CloseQueryReason property to find out, why event occur. |<br> To provide normal application close while handling OnQueryEndSession, call in your code PostQuitMessage( 0 ) or call method Close for the main form, this is enough to provide all OnClose and OnDestroy handlers to be called. } property CloseQueryReason: TCloseQueryReason read DF.fCloseQueryReason; {* Reason why OnClose or OnQueryEndSession called. } property OnMinimize: TOnEvent index 0 read {$IFDEF F_P} GetOnMinMaxRestore {$ELSE DELPHI} {$IFDEF EVENTS_DYNAMIC} GetOnMinMaxRestore {$ELSE} EV.fOnMinimize {$ENDIF} {$ENDIF F_P/DELPHI} write SetOnMinMaxRestore; {* |<#form> Called when window is minimized. } property OnMaximize: TOnEvent index 8 read {$IFDEF F_P} GetOnMinMaxRestore {$ELSE DELPHI} {$IFDEF EVENTS_DYNAMIC} GetOnMinMaxRestore {$ELSE} EV.fOnMaximize {$ENDIF} {$ENDIF F_P/DELPHI} write SetOnMinMaxRestore; {* |<#form> Called when window is maximized. } property OnRestore: TOnEvent index 16 read {$IFDEF F_P} GetOnMinMaxRestore {$ELSE DELPHI} {$IFDEF EVENTS_DYNAMIC} GetOnMinMaxRestore {$ELSE} EV.fOnMaximize {$ENDIF} {$ENDIF F_P/DELPHI} write SetOnMinMaxRestore; {* |<#form> Called when window is restored from minimized or maximized state. } property UpdateRgn: HRgn read fUpdRgn; {* A handle of update region. Valid only in OnPaint method. You can use it to improve painting (for speed), if necessary. When UpdateRgn is obtained in response to WM_PAINT message, value of the property EraseBackground is used to pass it to the API function GetUpdateRgn. If UpdateRgn = 0, this means that entire window should be repainted. Otherwise, You (e.g.) can check if the rectangle is in clipping region using API function RectInRegion. } property EraseBackground: Boolean read {$IFDEF USE_FLAGS} GetEraseBackground {$ELSE} fEraseUpdRgn {$ENDIF} write {$IFDEF USE_FLAGS} SetEraseBackground {$ELSE} fEraseUpdRgn {$ENDIF}; {* This value is used to pass it to the API function GetUpdateRgn, when UpadateRgn property is obtained first in responce to WM_PAINT message. If EraseBackground is set to True, system is responsible for erasing background of update region before painting. If not (default), the entire region invalidated should be painted by your event handler. } {$ENDIF GDI} property OnPaint: TOnPaint read {$IFDEF EVENTS_DYNAMIC} Get_OnPaint {$ELSE} EV.fOnPaint {$ENDIF} write SetOnPaint; {* Event to set to override standard control painting. Can be applied to any control (though originally was designed only for paintbox control). When an event handler is called, it is possible to use UpdateRgn to examine what parts of window require painting to improve performance of the painting operation. } {$IFDEF GDI} property OnPrePaint: TOnPaint read {$IFDEF EVENTS_DYNAMIC} Get_OnPrePaint {$ELSE} EV.fOnPrePaint {$ENDIF} write {$IFDEF EVENTS_DYNAMIC} Set_OnPrePaint {$ELSE} EV.fOnPrePaint {$ENDIF}; {* Only for graphic controls. If you assign it, call Invalidate also. } property OnPostPaint: TOnPaint read {$IFDEF EVENTS_DYNAMIC} Get_OnPostPaint {$ELSE} EV.fOnPostPaint {$ENDIF} write {$IFDEF EVENTS_DYNAMIC} Set_OnPostPaint {$ELSE} EV.fOnPostPaint {$ENDIF}; {* Only for graphic controls. If you assign it, call Invalidate also. } property OnEraseBkgnd: TOnPaint read {$IFDEF EVENTS_DYNAMIC} Get_OnEraseBkgnd {$ELSE} EV.fOnEraseBkgnd {$ENDIF} write {$IFDEF EVENTS_DYNAMIC} Set_OnEraseBkgnd {$ELSE} SetOnEraseBkgnd {$ENDIF}; {* This event allows to override erasing window background in response to WM_ERASEBKGND message. This allows to add some decorations to standard controls without overriding its painting in total. Note: When erase background, remember, that property ClientRect can return not true client rectangle of the window - use GetClientRect API function instead. For example: ! !var BkBmp: HBitmap; ! !procedure TForm1.KOLForm1FormCreate(Sender: PObj); !begin ! Toolbar1.OnEraseBkgnd := DecorateToolbar; ! BkBmp := LoadBitmap( hInstance, 'BK1' ); !end; ! !procedure TForm1.DecorateToolbar(Sender: PControl; DC: HDC); !var CR: TRect; !begin ! GetClientRect( Sender.Handle, CR ); ! Sender.Canvas.Brush.BrushBitmap := BkBmp; ! Sender.Canvas.FillRect( CR ); !end; ! } {$ENDIF GDI} property OnClick: TOnEvent read {$IFDEF EVENTS_DYNAMIC} Get_OnClick {$ELSE} EV.fOnClick {$ENDIF} write {$IFDEF EVENTS_DYNAMIC} SetOnClick {$ELSE} {$IFDEF GDI} EV.fOnClick {$ELSE _X_} SetOnClick {$ENDIF _X_}{$ENDIF}; {* |<#button> |<#checkbox> |<#radiobox> |<#toolbar> Called on click at control. For buttons, checkboxes and radioboxes is called regadless if control clicked by mouse or keyboard. For toolbar, the same event is used for all toolbar buttons and toolbar itself. To determine which toolbar button is clicked, check CurIndex property. And note, that all the buttons including separator buttons are enumerated starting from 0. Though images are stored (and prepared) only for non-separator buttons. And to determine, if toolbar button was clicked with right mouse button, check RightClick property. |<br> This event does not work on a Form, still it is fired in responce to WM_COMMAND window message mainly rather direct to mouse down. But, if you want to have OnClick event to be fired on a Form, use (following) property OnFormClick to assign it. } {$IFDEF GDI} property OnFormClick: TOnEvent read {$IFDEF EVENTS_DYNAMIC} Get_OnClick {$ELSE} EV.fOnClick {$ENDIF} write SetFormOnClick; {* |<#form> Assign you OnClick event handler using this property, if you want it to be fired in result of mouse click on a form surface. Use to assign the event only for forms (to avoid doublicated firing the handler). |<br> Note: for a form, in case of WM_xDOUBLECLK event, this event is fired for both clicks. So if you install both OnFormClick and OnMouseDblClk, handlers will be called in the following sequence for each double click: OnFormClick; OnMouseDblClk; OnFormClick. } property RightClick: Boolean read {$IFDEF USE_FLAGS} Get_RightClick {$ELSE} fRightClick {$ENDIF}; {* |<#toolbar> |<#listview> Use this property to determine which mouse button was clicked (applicable to toolbar in the OnClick event handler). } property OnEnter: TOnEvent index idx_fOnEnter read {$IFDEF EVENTS_DYNAMIC} Get_TOnEvent {$ELSE} EV.fOnEnter {$ENDIF} write {$IFDEF EVENTS_DYNAMIC} Set_TOnEvent {$ELSE} EV.fOnEnter {$ENDIF}; {* Called when control receives focus. } property OnLeave: TOnEvent index idx_fOnLeave read {$IFDEF EVENTS_DYNAMIC} Get_TOnEvent {$ELSE} EV.fOnLeave {$ENDIF} write {$IFDEF EVENTS_DYNAMIC} Set_TOnEvent {$ELSE} EV.fOnLeave{$ENDIF}; {* Called when control looses focus. } property OnChange: TOnEvent index idx_fOnChangeCtl read {$IFDEF EVENTS_DYNAMIC} Get_TOnEvent {$ELSE} EV.fOnChangeCtl {$ENDIF} write {$IFDEF EVENTS_DYNAMIC} Set_TOnEvent {$ELSE} EV.fOnChangeCtl {$ENDIF}; {* |<#edit> |<#memo> |<#listbox> |<#combo> |<#tabcontrol> Called when edit control is changed, or selection in listbox or current index in combobox is changed (but if OnSelChanged assigned, the last is called for change selection). To respond to check/uncheck checkbox or radiobox events, use OnClick instead. } property OnSelChange: TOnEvent index idx_fOnSelChange read {$IFDEF EVENTS_DYNAMIC} Get_TOnEvent {$ELSE} EV.fOnSelChange {$ENDIF} write {$IFDEF EVENTS_DYNAMIC} Set_TOnEvent {$ELSE} EV.fOnSelChange{$ENDIF}; {* |<#richedit> |<#listbox> |<#combo> |<#treeview> Called for rich edit control, listbox, combobox or treeview when current selection (range, or current item) is changed. If not assigned, but OnChange is assigned, OnChange is called instead. } property OnResize: TOnEvent read {$IFDEF EVENTS_DYNAMIC} Get_OnResize {$ELSE} EV.FOnResize {$ENDIF} write SetOnResize; {* Called whenever control receives message WM_SIZE (thus is, if control is resized. } property OnMove: TOnEvent read {$IFDEF EVENTS_DYNAMIC} Get_OnMove {$ELSE} EV.FOnMove {$ENDIF} write SetOnMove; {* Called whenever control receives message WM_MOVE (i.e. when control is moved over its parent). } property OnMoving: TOnEventMoving read {$IFDEF EVENTS_DYNAMIC} Get_OnMoving {$ELSE} EV.FOnMoving {$ENDIF} write SetOnMoving; {* Called whenever control receives message WM_MOVE (i.e. when control is moved over its parent). } property MinSizePrev: Integer read DF.fSplitMinSize1 write DF.fSplitMinSize1; {* |<#splitter> Minimal allowed (while dragging splitter) size of previous control for splitter (see NewSplitter). } property SplitMinSize1: Integer read DF.fSplitMinSize1 write DF.fSplitMinSize1; {* The same as MinSizePrev } property MinSizeNext: Integer read DF.fSplitMinSize2 write DF.fSplitMinSize2; {* |<#splitter> Minimal allowed (while dragging splitter) size of the rest of parent of splitter or of SecondControl (see NewSplitter). } property SplitMinSize2: Integer read DF.fSplitMinSize2 write DF.fSplitMinSize2; {* The same as MinSizeNext. } property SecondControl: PControl read DF.fSecondControl write DF.fSecondControl; {* |<#splitter> Second control to check (while dragging splitter) if its size not less than SplitMinSize2 (see NewSplitter). By default, second control is not necessary, and needed only in rare case when SecondControl can not be determined automatically to restrict splitter right (bottom) position. } property OnSplit: TOnSplit read {$IFDEF EVENTS_DYNAMIC} Get_OnSplit {$ELSE} EV.fOnSplit {$ENDIF} write {$IFDEF EVENTS_DYNAMIC} Set_OnSplit {$ELSE} EV.fOnSplit{$ENDIF}; {* |<#splitter> Called when splitter control is dragging - to allow for your event handler to decide if to accept new size of left (top) control, and new size of the rest area of parent. } property Dragging: Boolean read {$IFDEF USE_FLAGS} Get_Dragging {$ELSE} FDragging{$ENDIF}; {* |<#splitter> True, if splitter control is dragging now by user with left mouse button. Also, this property can be used to detect if the control is dragging with mouse (after calling DragStartEx method). } procedure DragStart; {* Call this method for a form or control to drag it with left mouse button, when mouse left button is already down. Dragging is stopped when left mouse button is released. See also DragStartEx, DragStopEx. } procedure DragStartEx; {* Call this method to start dragging the form by mouse. To stop dragging, call DragStopEx method. (Tip: to detect mouse up event, use OnMouseUp event of the dragging control). This method can be used to move any control with the mouse, not only entire form. State of mouse button is not significant. Determine dragging state of the control checking its Dragging property. } procedure DragStopEx; {* Call this method to stop dragging the form (started by DragStopEx). } procedure DragItem( OnDrag: TOnDrag ); {* Starts dragging something with mouse. During the process, callback function OnDrag is called, which allows to control drop target, change cursor shape, etc. } property OnKeyDown: TOnKey read {$IFDEF EVENTS_DYNAMIC} Get_OnKeyDown {$ELSE} EV.fOnKeyDown {$ENDIF} write SetOnKeyDown; {* Obvious. } property OnKeyUp: TOnKey read {$IFDEF EVENTS_DYNAMIC} Get_OnKeyUp {$ELSE} EV.fOnKeyUp {$ENDIF} write SetOnKeyUp; {* Obvious. } property OnChar: TOnChar read {$IFDEF EVENTS_DYNAMIC} Get_OnChar {$ELSE} EV.fOnChar {$ENDIF} write SetOnChar; {* Deprecated event, use OnKeyChar. } property OnKeyChar: TOnChar read {$IFDEF EVENTS_DYNAMIC} Get_OnChar {$ELSE} EV.fOnChar {$ENDIF} write SetOnChar; {* Obviuos. } {$IFDEF SUPPORT_ONDEADCHAR} property OnKeyDeadChar: TOnChar read {$IFDEF EVENTS_DYNAMIC} Get_OnDeadChar {$ELSE} EV.fOnDeadChar {$ENDIF} write SetOnDeadChar; {* Obviuos. } {$ENDIF SUPPORT_ONDEADCHAR} {$ENDIF GDI} property OnMouseUp: TOnMouse index idx_fOnMouseUp read {$IFDEF EVENTS_DYNAMIC} Get_OnMouseEvent {$ELSE} EV.fOnMouseUp {$ENDIF} write SetOnMouseEvent; {* Obvious. } property OnMouseDown: TOnMouse index idx_fOnMouseDown read {$IFDEF EVENTS_DYNAMIC} Get_OnMouseEvent {$ELSE} EV.fOnMouseDown {$ENDIF} write SetOnMouseEvent; {* Obvious. } property OnMouseMove: TOnMouse index idx_fOnMouseMove read {$IFDEF EVENTS_DYNAMIC} Get_OnMouseEvent {$ELSE} EV.fOnMouseMove {$ENDIF} write SetOnMouseEvent; {* Obvious. } property OnMouseDblClk: TOnMouse index idx_fOnMouseDblClk read {$IFDEF EVENTS_DYNAMIC} Get_OnMouseEvent {$ELSE} EV.fOnMouseDblClk {$ENDIF} write SetOnMouseEvent; {* Obvious. } property ThreeButtonPress: Boolean read {$IFDEF USE_FLAGS} Get3ButtonPress {$ELSE} f3ButtonPress {$ENDIF}; {* GDK (*nix) only. TRUE, if 3 button press detected. Check this flag in OnMouseDblClk event handler. If 3rd button click is done for a short period of time after the double click, the control receives OnMouseDblClk the second time and this flag is set. (Applicable to the GDK and other Linux systems). } property OnMouseWheel: TOnMouse index idx_fOnMouseWheel read {$IFDEF EVENTS_DYNAMIC} Get_OnMouseEvent {$ELSE} EV.fOnMouseWheel {$ENDIF} write SetOnMouseEvent; {* Mouse wheel (up or down) event. In Windows, only focused controls and controls having scrollbars (or a scrollbar iteself) receive such message. To get direction and amount of wheel, use typecast: SmallInt( HiWord( Mouse.Shift ) ). Value 120 corresponds to one wheel step (-120 - for step back). } {$IFDEF GDI} property OnMouseEnter: TOnEvent read {$IFDEF EVENTS_DYNAMIC} Get_OnMouseEnter {$ELSE} EV.fOnMouseEnter {$ENDIF} write SetOnMouseEnter; {* Is called when mouse is entered into control. See also OnMouseLeave. } property OnMouseLeave: TOnEvent read {$IFDEF EVENTS_DYNAMIC} Get_OnMouseLeave {$ELSE} EV.fOnMouseLeave {$ENDIF} write SetOnMouseLeave; {* Is called when mouse is leaved control. If this event is assigned, then mouse is captured on mouse enter event to handle all other mouse events until mouse cursor leaves the control. } property OnTestMouseOver: TOnTestMouseOver read {$IFDEF EVENTS_DYNAMIC} Get_OnTestMouseOver {$ELSE} EV.fOnTestMouseOver {$ENDIF} write SetOnTestMouseOver; {* |<#bitbtn> Special event, which allows to extend OnMouseEnter / OnMouseLeave (and also Flat property for BitBtn control). If a handler is assigned to this event, actual testing whether mouse is in control or not, is occuring in the handler. So, it is possible to simulate more careful hot tracking for controls with non-rectangular shape (such as glyphed BitBtn control). } property MouseInControl: Boolean read {$IFDEF USE_FLAGS} GetMouseInCtl {$ELSE} fMouseInControl {$ENDIF}; {* |<#bitbtn> This property can return True only if OnMouseEnter / OnMouseLeave event handlers are set for a control (or, for BitBtn, property Flat is set to True. Otherwise, False is returned always. } property Flat: Boolean read {$IFDEF USE_FLAGS} GetFlat {$ELSE} fFlat {$ENDIF} write SetFlat; {* |<#bitbtn> Set it to True for BitBtn, to provide either flat border for a button or availability of "highlighting" (correspondent to glyph index 4). |<br> Note: this can work incorrectly a bit under win95 without comctl32.dll updated. Therefore, application will launch. To enforce correct working even under Win95, use your own timer, which event handler checks for mouse over bitbtn control, e.g.: ! procedure TForm1.Timer1Timer(Sender: PObj); ! var P: TPoint; ! begin ! if not BitBtn1.MouseInControl then Exit; ! GetCursorPos( P ); ! P := BitBtn1.Screen2Client( P ); ! if not PtInRect( BitBtn1.ClientRect, P ) then ! begin ! BitBtn1.Flat := FALSE; ! BitBtn1.Flat := TRUE; ! end; ! end; } property RepeatInterval: Integer read DF.fRepeatInterval write DF.fRepeatInterval; {* |<#bitbtn> If this property is set to non-zero, it is interpreted (for BitBtn only) as an interval in milliseconds between repeat button down events, which are generated after first mouse or button click and until button is released. Though, if the button is pressed with keyboard (with space key), RepeatInterval value is ignored and frequency of repeatitive clicking is determined by user keyboard settings only. } function LikeSpeedButton: PControl; {* |<#button> |<#bitbtn> Transparent method (returns control itself). Makes button not focusable. } function Add( const S: KOLString ): Integer; {* |<#listbox> |<#combo> Only for listbox and combobox. } function Insert( Idx: Integer; const S: KOLString ): Integer; {* |<#listbox> |<#combo> Only for listbox and combobox. } procedure Delete( Idx: Integer ); {* |<#listbox> |<#combo> |<#listview> |<#treeview> Only listed controls. } procedure Clear; {* Clears object content. Has different sense for different controls. E.g., for label, editbox, button and other simple controls it assigns empty string to Caption property. For listbox, combobox, listview it deletes all items. For toolbar, it deletes all buttons. Et so on. } property Progress: Integer index ((PBM_SETPOS or $8000) shl 16) or PBM_GETPOS read GetIntVal write SetIntVal; {* |<#progressbar> Only for ProgressBar. } property MaxProgress: Integer index ((PBM_SETRANGE32 or $8000) shl 16) or PBM_GETRANGE read GetIntVal write SetMaxProgress; {* |<#progressbar> Only for ProgressBar. 100 is the default value. } property ProgressColor: TColor read fTextColor write SetProgressColor; {* |<#progressbar> Only for ProgressBar. } property ProgressBkColor: TColor read fColor write SetCtlColor; //SetProgressBkColor; {* |<#progressbar> Obsolete. Now the same as Color. } property StatusText[ Idx: Integer ]: KOLString read GetStatusText write SetStatusText; {* |<#form> Only for forms to set/retrieve status text to/from given status panel. Panels are enumerated from 0 to 254, 255 is to indicate simple status bar. Size grip in right bottom corner of status window is displayed only if form still CanResize. |<br> When a status text is set first time, status bar window is created (always aligned to bottom), and form is resizing to preset client height. While status bar is showing, client height value is returned without height of status bar. To remove status bar, call RemoveStatus method for a form. |<br> By default, text is left-aligned within the specified part of a status window. You can embed tab characters (#9) in the text to center or right-align it. Text to the right of a single tab character is centered, and text to the right of a second tab character is right-aligned. |<br> If You use separate status bar onto several panels, these automatically align its widths to the same value (width divided to number of panels). To adjust status panel widths for every panel, use property StatusPanelRightX. } property SimpleStatusText: KOLString index 255 read GetStatusText write SetStatusText; {* |<#form> Only for forms to set/retrive status text to/from simple status bar. Size grip in right bottom corner of status window is displayed only if form CanResize. |<br> When status text set first time, (simple) status bar window is created (always aligned to bottom), and form is resizing to preset client height. While status bar is showing, client height value is returned without height of status bar. To remove status bar, call RemoveStatus method for a form. |<br> By default, text is left-aligned within the specified part of a status window. You can embed tab characters (#9) in the text to center or right-align it. Text to the right of a single tab character is centered, and text to the right of a second tab character is right-aligned. } property StatusCtl: PControl read fStatusCtl; {* Pointer to Status bar control. To "create" child controls on the status bar, first create it as a child of form, for instance, and then change its property Parent, e.g.: ! var Progress1: PControl; ! ... ! Progress1 := NewProgressBar( Form1 ); ! Progress1.Parent := Form1.StatusCtl; (If you use MCK, code should be another a bit, and in this case it is possible to create and adjust the control at design-time, and at run-time change its parent control. E.g. (Progress1 is created at run-time here too): ! Progress1 := NewProgressBar( Form ); ! Progress1.Parent := Form.StatusCtl; ). Do not forget to provide StatusCtl to be existing first (e.g. assign one-space string to SimpleStatusText property of the form, for MCK do so using Object Inspector). Please note that not only a form can have status bar but any other control too! } property SizeGrip: Boolean read {$IFDEF USE_FLAGS} GetSizeGrip {$ELSE} fSizeGrip {$ENDIF} write {$IFDEF USE_FLAGS} SetSizeGrip {$ELSE} fSizeGrip {$ENDIF}; {* Size grip for status bar. Has effect only before creating window. } procedure RemoveStatus; {* |<#form> Call it to remove status bar from a form (created in result of assigning value(s) to StatusText[], SimpleStatusText properties). When status bar is removed, form is resized to preset client height. } function StatusPanelCount: Integer; {* |<#form> Returns number of status panels defined in status bar. } property StatusPanelRightX[ Idx: Integer ]: Integer read GetStatusPanelX write SetStatusPanelX; {* |<#form> Use this property to adjust status panel right edges (if the status bar is divided onto several subpanels). If the right edge for the last panel is set to -1 (by default) it is expanded to the right edge of a form window. Otherwise, status bar can be shorter then form width. } property StatusWindow: HWND read Get_StatusWnd; {* |<#form> Provided for case if You want to use API direct message sending to status bar. } property Color1: TColor read DF.fColor1 write SetColor1; {* |<#gradient> Top line color for GradientPanel. } property Color2: TColor read DF.fColor2 write SetColor2; {* |<#gradient> |<#3Dlabel> Bottom line color for GradientPanel, or shadow color for LabelEffect. (If clNone, shadow color for LabelEffect is calculated as a mix bitween TextColor and clBlack). } property GradientStyle: TGradientStyle read DF.fGradientStyle write SetGradientStyle; {* |<#gradient> Styles other then gsVertical and gsHorizontal has effect only for gradient panel, created by NewGradientPanelEx. } property GradientLayout: TGradientLayout read DF.fGradientLayout write SetGradientLayout; {* |<#gradient> Has only effect for gradient panel, created by NewGradientPanelEx. Ignored for styles gsVertical and gsHorizontal. } //======== Image lists (for ListView, TreeView, ToolBar and TabControl): property ImageListSmall: PImageList index 16 read GetImgListIdx write SetImgListIdx; {* |<#listview> Image list with small icons used with List View control. If not set, last added (i.e. created with a control as an owner) image list with small icons is used. } property ImageListNormal: PImageList index 32 read GetImgListIdx write SetImgListIdx; {* |<#listview> |<#treeview> |<#tabcontrol> |<#bitbtn> Image list with normal size icons used with List View control (or with icons for BitBtn, TreeView or TabControl). If not set, last added (i.e. created with a control as an owner) image list is used. } property ImageListState: PImageList index 0 read GetImgListIdx write SetImgListIdx; {* |<#listview> |<#treeview> Image list used as a state images list for ListView or TreeView control. } //======== function SetUnicode( Unicode: Boolean ): PControl; {* |<#listview> |<#treeview> |<#tabcontrol> Sets control as Unicode or not. The control itself is returned as for other "transparent" functions. A conditional define UNICODE_CTRLS must be added to a project to provide handling unicode messages. } //======== TabControl-specific properties and methods: property Pages[ Idx: Integer ]: PControl read GetPages; {* |<#tabcontrol> Returns controls, which can be used as parent for controls, placed on different pages of a tab control. Use it like in follows example: | Label1 := NewLabel( TabControl1.Pages[ 0 ], 'Label1' ); To find number of pages available, check out Count property of the tab control. Pages are enumerated from 0 to Count - 1, as usual. } property TC_Pages[ Idx: Integer ]: PControl read GetPages; {* |<#tabcontrol> The same as above. } function TC_Insert( Idx: Integer; const TabText: KOLString; TabImgIdx: Integer ): PControl; {* |<#tabcontrol> Inserts new tab before given, returns correspondent page control (which can be used as a parent for controls to place on the page). } procedure TC_Delete( Idx: Integer ); {* |<#tabcontrol> Removes tab from tab control, destroying all its child controls. } {$IFNDEF OLD_ALIGN} procedure TC_InsertControl( Idx: Integer; const TabText: KOLString; TabImgIdx: Integer; Page: PControl); {* |<#tabcontrol> Inserts new tab before given, but not construt this Page (this control must be created before inserting, and may be not a Panel). } function TC_Remove( Idx: Integer ):PControl; {* |<#tabcontrol> Only removes tab from tab control, and return this Page as Result. } {$ENDIF} property TC_Items[ Idx: Integer ]: KOLString read TCGetItemText write TCSetItemText; {* |<#tabcontrol> Text, displayed on tab control tabs. } property TC_Images[ Idx: Integer ]: Integer read TCGetItemImgIDx write TCSetItemImgIdx; {* |<#tabcontrol> Image index for a tab in tab control. } property TC_ItemRect[ Idx: Integer ]: TRect read TCGetItemRect; {* |<#tabcontrol> Item rectangle for a tab in tab control. } procedure TC_SetPadding( cx, cy: Integer ); {* |<#tabcontrol> Sets space padding around tab text in a tab of tab control. } function TC_TabAtPos( x, y: Integer ): Integer; {* |<#tabcontrol> Returns index of tab, found at the given position (relative to a client rectangle of tab control). If no tabs found at the position, -1 is returned. } function TC_DisplayRect: TRect; {* |<#tabcontrol> Returns rectangle, occupied by a page rather then tab. } function TC_IndexOf(const S: KOLString): Integer; {* |<#tabcontrol> By Mr Brdo. Index of page by its Caption. } function TC_SearchFor(const S: KOLString; StartAfter: Integer; Partial: Boolean): Integer; {* |<#tabcontrol> By Mr Brdo. Index of page by its Caption. } //======== ListView style and options: property LVStyle: TListViewStyle read DF.fLVStyle write SetLVStyle; {* |<#listview> ListView style of view. Can be changed at run time. } property LVOptions: TListViewOptions read DF.fLVOptions write SetLVOptions; {* |<#listview> ListView options. Can be changed at run time. } property LVTextColor: TColor index LVM_GETTEXTCOLOR {$IFDEF F_P} read LVGetColorByIdx {$ELSE DELPHI} read fTextColor {$ENDIF F_P/DELPHI} write LVSetColorByIdx; {* |<#listview> ListView text color. Use it instead of Font.Color. } property LVTextBkColor: TColor index LVM_GETTEXTBKCOLOR {$IFDEF F_P} read LVGetColorByIdx {$ELSE DELPHI} read DF.fLVTextBkColor {$ENDIF F_P/DELPHI} write LVSetColorByIdx; {* |<#listview> ListView background color for text. } property LVBkColor: TColor read fColor write SetCtlColor; //LVSetBkColor; {* |<#listview> ListView background color. Use it instead of Color. } //======== List View columns handling: property LVColCount: Integer read DF.fLVColCount; {* |<#listview> ListView (additional) column count. Value 0 means that there are no columns (single item text / icon is used). If You want to provide several columns, first call LVColAdd to "insert" column 0, i.e. to provide header text for first column (with index 0). If there are no column, nothing will be shown in lvsDetail / lvsDetailNoHeader view style. } procedure LVColAdd( const aText: KOLString; aalign: TTextAlign; aWidth: Integer ); {* |<#listview> Adds new column. Pass 'width' <= 0 to provide default column width. 'text' is a column header text. } procedure LVColInsert( ColIdx: Integer; const aText: KOLString; aAlign: TTextAlign; aWidth: Integer ); {* |<#listview> Inserts new column at the Idx position (1-based column index). } procedure LVColDelete( ColIdx: Integer ); {* |<#listview> Deletes column from List View } property LVColWidth[ Item: Integer ]: Integer index LVM_GETCOLUMNWIDTH read GetItemVal write SetItemVal; {* |<#listview> Retrieves or changes column width. For lvsList view style, the same width is returned for all columns (ColIdx is ignored). It is possible to use special values to assign to a property: |<br> LVSCW_AUTOSIZE - Automatically sizes the column |<br> LVSCW_AUTOSIZE_USEHEADER - Automatically sizes the column to fit the header text |<br> To set coumn width in lvsList view mode, column index must be -1 (and Width to set must be in range 0..32767 always). } property LVColText[ Idx: Integer ]: KOLString read GetLVColText write SetLVColText; {* |<#listview> Allows to get/change column header text at run time. } property LVColAlign[ Idx: Integer ]: TTextAlign read GetLVColalign write SetLVColalign; {* |<#listview> Column text aligning. } property LVColImage[ Idx: Integer ]: Integer index LVCF_IMAGE or (24 shl 16) read GetLVColEx write SetLVColEx; {* |<#listview> Only starting from comctrl32.dll of version 4.70 (IE4+). Allows to set an image for list view column itself from the ImageListSmall. } property LVColOrder[ Idx: Integer ]: Integer index LVCF_ORDER or (28 shl 16) read GetLVColEx write SetLVColEx; {* |<#listview> Only starting from comctrl32.dll of version 4.70 (IE4+). Allows to set visual order of the list view column from the ImageListSmall. This value does not affect the index, by which the column is still accessible in the column array. } //======== List View items handling: property LVCount: Integer read GetItemsCount write SetItemsCount; {* |<#listview> Returns item count for ListView control. It is possible to use Count property instead when obtaining of item count is needed only. But this this property allows also to set actual count of list view items when a list view is virtual. } property LVCurItem: Integer read GetLVCurItem write SetLVCurItem; {* |<#listview> Returns first selected item index in a list view. See also LVNextSelected, LVNextItem and LVFocusItem functions. } property LVFocusItem: Integer read GetLVFocusItem; {* |<#listview> Returns focused item index in a list view. See also LVCurItem. } function LVNextItem( IdxPrev: Integer; Attrs: DWORD ): Integer; {* |<#listview> Returns an index of the next after IdxPrev item with given attributes in the list view. Attributes can be: LVNI_ALL - Searches for a subsequent item by index, the default value. |<br><br> Searchs by physical relationship to the index of the item where the search is to begin. LVNI_ABOVE - Searches for an item that is above the specified item. LVNI_BELOW - Searches for an item that is below the specified item. LVNI_TOLEFT - Searches for an item to the left of the specified item. LVNI_TORIGHT - Searches for an item to the right of the specified item. |<br><br> The state of the item to find can be specified with one or a combination of the following values: LVNI_CUT - The item has the LVIS_CUT state flag set. LVNI_DROPHILITED - The item has the LVIS_DROPHILITED state flag set LVNI_FOCUSED - The item has the LVIS_FOCUSED state flag set. LVNI_SELECTED - The item has the LVIS_SELECTED state flag set.} function LVNextSelected( IdxPrev: Integer ): Integer; {* |<#listview> Returns an index of next (after IdxPrev) selected item in a list view. } function LVAdd( const aText: KOLString; ImgIdx: Integer; State: TListViewItemState; StateImgIdx, OverlayImgIdx: Integer; Data: DWORD ): Integer; {* |<#listview> Adds new line to the end of ListView control. Only content of item itself is set (aText, ImgIdx). To change other column text and attributes of item added, use appropriate properties / methods (). |<br> Returns an index of added item. |<br> There is no Unicode version defined, use LVItemAddW instead. } function LVItemAdd( const aText: KOLString ): Integer; {* |<#listview> Adds an item to the end of list view. Returns an index of the item added. } function LVInsert( Idx: Integer; const aText: KOLString; ImgIdx: Integer; State: TListViewItemState; StateImgIdx, OverlayImgIdx: Integer; Data: DWORD ): Integer; {* |<#listview> Inserts new line before line with index Idx in ListView control. Only content of item itself is set (aText, ImgIdx). To change other column text and attributes of item added, use appropriate properties / methods (). if ImgIdx = I_IMAGECALLBACK, event handler OnGetLVItemImgIdx is responsible for returning image index for an item ( /// not implemented yet /// ) Pass StateImgIdx and OverlayImgIdx = 0 (ignored in that case) or 1..15 to use correspondent icon from ImageListState image list. |<br> Returns an index of item inserted. |<br> There is no unicode version of this method, use LVItemInsertW. } function LVItemInsert( Idx: Integer; const aText: KOLString ): Integer; {* |<#listview> Inserts an item to Idx position. } procedure LVDelete( Idx: Integer ); {* |<#listview> Deletes item of ListView with subitems (full row - in lvsDetail view style. } procedure LVSetItem( Idx, Col: Integer; const aText: KOLString; ImgIdx: Integer; State: TListViewItemState; StateImgIdx, OverlayImgIdx: Integer; Data: DWORD ); {* |<#listview> Use this method to set item data and item columns data for ListView control. It is possible to pass I_SKIP as ImgIdx, StateImgIdx, OverlayImgIdx values to skip setting this fields. But all other are set always. Like in LVInsert / LVAdd, ImgIdx can be I_IMAGECALLBACK to determine that image will be retrieved in OnGetItemImgIdx event handler when needed. |<br> If this method is called to set data for column > 0, parameters ImgIdx and Data are ignored anyway. |<br> There is no unicode version of this method, use other methods to set up listed properties separately using correspondent W-functions. } property LVItemState[ Idx: Integer ]: TListViewItemState read LVGetItemState write LVSetItemState; {* |<#listview> Access to list view item states set [lvisBlend, lvisHighlight, lvisFocus, lvisSelect]. When assign new value to the property, it is possible to use special index value -1 to change state for all items for a list view (but only when lvoMultiselect style is applied to the list view, otherwise index -1 is referring to the last item of the list view). } property LVItemIndent[ Idx: Integer ]: Integer read LVGetItemIndent write LVSetItemIndent; {* Item indentation. Indentation is calculated as this value multiplied to image list ImgWidth value (Image list must be applied to list view). Note: indentation supported only if IE3.0 or higher installed. } property LVItemStateImgIdx[ Idx: Integer ]: Integer read LVGetSttImgIdx write LVSetSttImgIdx; {* |<#listview> Access to state image of the item. Use index -1 to assign the same state image index to all items of the list view at once (fast). Option lvoCheckBoxes just means, that control itself creates special inner image list for two state images. Later it is possible to examine checked state for items or set checked state programmatically by changing LVItemStateImgIdx[ ] property. Value 1 corresponds to unchecked state, 2 to checked. Value 0 allows to remove checkbox at all. So, to check all added items by default (e.g.), do following: ! ListView1.LVItemStateImgIdx[ -1 ] := 2; |<br>Use 1-based index of the image in image list ImageListState. Value 0 reserved to use as "no state image". Values 1..15 can be used only - this is the Windows restriction on state images. } property LVItemOverlayImgIdx[ Idx: Integer ]: Integer read LVGetOvlImgIdx write LVSetOvlImgIdx; {* |<#listview> Access to overlay image of the item. Use index -1 to assign the same overlay image to all items of the list view at once (fast). } property LVItemData[ Idx: Integer ]: DWORD read LVGetItemData write LVSetItemData; {* |<#listview> Access to user defined data, assiciated with the item of the list view. } procedure LVSelectAll; {* |<#listview> Call this method to select all the items of the list view control. } property LVSelCount: Integer read GetSelLength; // write SetSelLength; {* |<#listview> Returns number of items selected in listview. } property LVItemImageIndex[ Idx: Integer ]: Integer read LVGetItemImgIdx write LVSetItemImgIdx; {* |<#listview> Image index of items in listview. When an item is created (using LVItemAdd or LVItemInsert), image index 0 is set by default (not -1 like in VCL!). } property LVItems[ Idx, Col: Integer ]: KOLString read LVGetItemText write LVSetItemText; {* |<#listview> Access to List View item text. } function LVItemRect( Idx: Integer; Part: TGetLVItemPart ): TRect; {* |<#listview> Returns rectangle occupied by given item part(s) in ListView window. Empty rectangle is returned, if the item is not viewing currently. } function LVSubItemRect( Idx, ColIdx: Integer ): TRect; {* |<#listview> Returns rectangle occupied by given item's subitem in ListView window, in lvsDetail or lvsDetailNoHeader style. Empty rectangle (0,0,0,0) is returned if the item is not viewing currently. Left or/and right bounds of the rectangle returned can be outbound item rectangle if only a part of the subitem is visible or the subitem is not visible in the item, which is visible itself. } property LVItemPos[ Idx: Integer ]: TPoint read LVGetItemPos write LVSetItemPos; {* |<#listview> Position of List View item (can be changed in icon or small icon view). } function LVItemAtPos( X, Y: Integer ): Integer; {* |<#listview> Return index of item at the given position. } function LVItemAtPosEx( X, Y: Integer; var Where: TWherePosLVItem ): Integer; {* |<#listview> Retrieves index of item and sets in Where, what part of item is under given coordinates. If there are no items at the specified position, -1 is returned. } procedure LVMakeVisible( Item: Integer; PartiallyOK: Boolean ); {* |<#listview> Makes listview item visible. Ignred when Item passed < 0. } procedure LVEditItemLabel( Idx: Integer ); {* |<#listview> Begins in-place editing of item label (first column text). } procedure LVSort; {* |<#listview> Initiates sorting of list view items. This sorting procedure is available only for Win2K, WinNT4 with IE5, Win98 or Win95 with IE5. See also LVSortData. } procedure LVSortData; {* |<#listview> Initiates sorting of list view items. This sorting procedure is always available in Windows95/98, NT/2000. But OnCompareLVItems procedure receives not indexes of items compared but its Data field associated instead. } procedure LVSortColumn( Idx: Integer ); {* |<#listview> This is a method to simplify sort by column. Just call it in your OnColumnClick event passing column index and enjoy with your list view sorted automatically when column header is clicked. Requieres Windows2000 or Winows98, not supported under WinNT 4.0 and below and under Windows95. |<br> Either lvoSortAscending or lvoSortDescending option must be set in LVOptions, otherwise no sorting is performed. } function LVIndexOf( const S: KOLString ): Integer; {* Returns first list view item index with caption matching S. The same as LVSearchFor( S, -1, FALSE ). } function LVSearchFor( const S: KOLString; StartAfter: Integer; Partial: Boolean ): Integer; {* Searches an item with Caption equal to S (or starting from S, if Partial = TRUE). Searching is started after an item specified by StartAfter parameter. } //======== List view page: property LVTopItem: Integer index LVM_GETTOPINDEX read GetIntVal; //LVGetTopItem; {* |<#listview> Returns index of topmost visible item of ListView in lvsList view style. } property LVPerPage: Integer index LVM_GETCOUNTPERPAGE read GetIntVal; //LVGetPerPage; {* |<#listview> Returns the number of fully-visible items if successful. If the current view is icon or small icon view, the return value is the total number of items in the list view control. } //======== List View specific events: property OnEndEditLVItem: TOnEditLVItem read {$IFDEF EVENTS_DYNAMIC} Get_OnEndEditLVItem {$ELSE} EV.fOnEndEditLVItem {$ENDIF} write SetOnEndEditLVItem; {* |<#listview> Called when edit of an item label in ListView control finished. Return True to accept new label text, or false - to not accept it (item label will not be changed). If handler not set to an event, all changes are accepted. } property OnLVDelete: TOnDeleteLVItem read {$IFDEF EVENTS_DYNAMIC} Get_OnDeleteLVItem {$ELSE} EV.fOnDeleteLVItem {$ENDIF} write SetOnDeleteLVItem; {* |<#listview> This event is called when an item is deleted in the listview. Do not add, delete, or rearrange items in the list view while processing this notification. } property OnDeleteLVItem: TOnDeleteLVItem read {$IFDEF EVENTS_DYNAMIC} Get_OnDeleteLVItem {$ELSE} EV.fOnDeleteLVItem {$ENDIF} write SetOnDeleteLVItem; {* |<#listview> Called for every deleted list view item. } property OnDeleteAllLVItems: TOnEvent read DF.fOnDeleteAllLVItems write SetOnDeleteAllLVItems; {* |<#listview> Called when all the items of the list view control are to be deleted. If after returning from this event handler event OnDeleteLVItem is yet assigned, an event OnDeleteLVItem will be called for every deleted item. } property OnLVData: TOnLVData read {$IFDEF EVENTS_DYNAMIC} Get_OnLVData {$ELSE} EV.fOnLVData {$ENDIF} write SetOnLVData; {* |<#listview> Called to provide virtual list view with actual data. To use list view as virtaul list view, define also lvsOwnerData style and set Count property to actual row count of the list view. This manner of working with list view control can greatly improve performance of an application when working with huge data sets represented in listview control. } property OnCompareLVItems: TOnCompareLVItems read {$IFDEF EVENTS_DYNAMIC} Get_OnCompareLVItems {$ELSE} EV.fOnCompareLVItems {$ENDIF} write {$IFDEF EVENTS_DYNAMIC} Set_OnCompareLVItems {$ELSE} EV.fOnCompareLVItems {$ENDIF}; {* |<#listview> Event to compare two list view items during sort operation (initiated by LVSort method call). Do not send any messages to the list view control while it is sorting - results can be unpredictable! } property OnColumnClick: TOnLVColumnClick read {$IFDEF EVENTS_DYNAMIC} Get_OnColumnClick {$ELSE} EV.fOnColumnClick {$ENDIF} write SetOnColumnClick; {* |<#listview> This event handler is called when column of the list view control is clicked. You can use this event to initiate sorting of list view items by this column. } property OnLVStateChange: TOnLVStateChange read {$IFDEF EVENTS_DYNAMIC} Get_OnLVStateChange {$ELSE} EV.FOnLVStateChange {$ENDIF} write SetOnLVStateChange; {* |<#listview> This event occure when an item or items range in list view control are changing its state (e.g. selected or unselected). } property OnDrawItem: TOnDrawItem read {$IFDEF EVENTS_DYNAMIC} Get_OnDrawItem {$ELSE} EV.fOnDrawItem {$ENDIF} write SetOnDrawItem; {* |<#listview> |<#listbox> |<#combo> This event can be used to implement custom drawing for list view, list box, dropped list of a combobox. For a list view, custom drawing using this event is possible only in lvsDetail and lvsDetailNoHeader styles, and OnDrawItem is called to draw entire row at once only. See also OnLVCustomDraw event. } property OnLVCustomDraw: TOnLVCustomDraw read {$IFDEF EVENTS_DYNAMIC} Get_OnLVCustomDraw {$ELSE} EV.FOnLVCustomDraw {$ENDIF} write SetOnLVCustomDraw; {* |<#listview> Custom draw event for listview. For every item to be drawn, this event can be called several times during a single drawing cycle - depending on a result, returned by an event handler. Stage can have one of following values: |<pre> CDDS_PREERASE CDDS_POSTERASE CDDS_ITEMPREERASE CDDS_PREPAINT CDDS_ITEMPREPAINT CDDS_ITEM CDDS_SUBITEM + CDDS_ITEMPREPAINT CDDS_SUBITEM + CDDS_ITEMPOSTPAINT CDDS_ITEMPOSTPAINT CDDS_POSTPAINT </pre> When called, see on Stage to get know, on what stage the event is activated. And depend on the stage and on what you want to paint, return a value as a result, which instructs the system, if to use default drawing on this (and follows) stage(s) for the item, and if to notify further about different stages of drawing the item during this drawing cycle. Possible values to return are: |<pre> CDRF_DODEFAULT - perform default drawing. Do not notify further for this item (subitem) (or for entire listview, if called with flag CDDS_ITEM reset - ?); CDRF_NOTIFYITEMDRAW - return this value, when the event is called the first time in a cycle of drawing, with ItemIdx = -1 and flag CDDS_ITEM reset in Stage parameter; CDRF_NOTIFYPOSTERASE - usually can be used to provide default erasing, if you want to perform drawing immediately after that; CDRF_NOTIFYPOSTPAINT - return this value to provide calling the event after performing default drawing. Useful when you wish redraw only a part of the (sub)item; CDRF_SKIPDEFAULT - return this value to inform the system that all drawing is done and system should not peform any more drawing for the (sub)item during this drawing cycle. CDRF_NEWFONT - informs the system, that font is changed and default drawing should be performed with changed font; |</pre> If you want to get notifications for each subitem, do not use option lvoOwnerDrawFixed, because such style prevents system from notifying the application for each subitem to be drawn in the listview and only notifications will be sent about entire items. |<br> See also NM_CUSTOMDRAW in API Help. } procedure Set_LVItemHeight(Value: Integer); function SetLVItemHeight(Value: Integer): PControl; property LVItemHeight: Integer read DF.fLVItemHeight write Set_LVItemHeight; {* |<#listview> |<#listbox> |#combo> It is possible to assign a value to LVItemHeight property only to control with "owner-draw" style (lvoOwnerDrawFixed for listview, loOwnerDrawFixed or loOwnerDrawVariable for listbox and coOwnerDrawFixed or coOwnerDrawVariable for combobox. At least, the control should have such option while creating it (after showing it the first time it is possible to change its options to avoid owner drawing later). } //======== TreeView specific properties and methods: function TVInsert( nParent, nAfter: THandle; const Txt: KOLString ): THandle; {* |<#treeview> Inserts item to a tree view. If nParent is 0 or TVI_ROOT, the item is inserted at the root of tree view. It is possible to pass following special values as nAfter parameter: |<pre> TVI_FIRST Inserts the item at the beginning of the list. TVI_LAST Inserts the item at the end of the list. TVI_SORT Inserts the item into the list in alphabetical order. |</pre> } procedure TVDelete( Item: THandle ); {* |<#treeview> Removes an item from the tree view. If value TVI_ROOT is passed, all items are removed. } property TVSelected: THandle index TVGN_CARET read TVGetItemIdx write TVSetItemIdx; {* |<#treeview> Returns or sets currently selected item handle in tree view. } property TVDropHilighted: THandle index TVGN_DROPHILITE read TVGetItemIdx write TVSetItemIdx; {* |<#treeview> Returns or sets item, which is currently highlighted as a drop target. } property TVDropHilited: THandle index TVGN_DROPHILITE read TVGetItemIdx write TVSetItemIdx; {* The same as TVDropHilighted. } property TVFirstVisible: THandle index TVGN_FIRSTVISIBLE read TVGetItemIdx write TVSetItemIdx; {* |<#treeview> Returns or sets given item to top of tree view. } property TVIndent: Integer index TVM_GETINDENT read GetIntVal write SetIntVal; {* |<#treeview> The amount, in pixels, that child items are indented relative to their parent items. } property TVVisibleCount: Integer index TVM_GETVISIBLECOUNT read GetIntVal; {* |<#treeview> Returns number of fully (not partially) visible items in tree view. } property TVRoot: THandle index TVGN_ROOT read TVGetItemIdx; {* |<#treeview> Returns handle of root item in tree view (or 0, if tree is empty). } property TVItemChild[ Item: THandle ]: THandle index TVGN_CHILD read TVGetItemNext; {* |<#treeview> Returns first child item for given one. } property TVItemHasChildren[ Item: THandle ]: Boolean read TV_GetItemHasChildren write TV_SetItemHasChildren; {* |<#treeview> TRUE, if an Item has children. Set this value to true if you want to force [+] sign appearing left from the node, even if there are no subnodes added to the node yet. } property TVItemChildCount[ Item: THandle ]: Integer read TV_GetItemChildCount; {* |<#treeview> Returns number of node child items in tree view. } property TVItemNext[ Item: THandle ]: THandle index TVGN_NEXT read TVGetItemNext; {* |<#treeview> Returns next sibling item handle for given one (or 0, if passed item is the last child for its parent node). } property TVItemPrevious[ Item: THandle ]: THandle index TVGN_PREVIOUS read TVGetItemNext; {* |<#treeview> Returns previous sibling item (or 0, if the is no such item). } property TVItemNextVisible[ Item: THandle ]: THandle index TVGN_NEXTVISIBLE read TVGetItemNext; {* |<#treeview> Returns next visible item (passed item must be visible too, to determine, if it is really visible, use property TVItemRect or TVItemVisible. } property TVItemPreviousVisible[ Item: THandle ]: THandle index TVGN_PREVIOUSVISIBLE read TVGetItemNext; {* |<#treeview> Returns previous visible item. } property TVItemParent[ Item: THandle ]: THandle index TVGN_PARENT read TVGetItemNext; {* |<#treeview> Returns parent item for given one (or 0 for root item). } property TVItemText[ Item: THandle ]: KOLString read TVGetItemText write TVSetItemText; {* |<#treeview> Text of tree view item. } function TVItemPath( Item: THandle; Delimiter: KOLChar ): KOLString; {* |<#treeview> Returns full path from the root item to given item. Path is calculated as a concatenation of all parent nodes text strings, separated by given delimiter character. |<br>Please note, that returned path has no trailing delimiter, this character is only separating different parts of the path. |<br>If Item is not specified ( =0 ), path is returned for Selected item. } property TVItemRect[ Item: THandle; TextOnly: Boolean ]: TRect read TVGetItemRect; {* |<#treeview> Returns rectangle, occupied by an item in tree view. } property TVItemVisible[ Item: THandle ]: Boolean read TVGetItemVisible write TVSetITemVisible; {* |<#treeview> Returs True, if item is visible in tree view. It is also possible to assign True to this property to ensure that a tree view item is visible (if False is assigned, this does nothing). } function TVItemAtPos( x, y: Integer; var Where: DWORD ): THandle; {* |<#treeview> Returns handle of item found at specified position (relative to upper left corener of client area of the tree view). If no item found, 0 is returned. Variable Where receives additional flags combination, describing more detailed, on which part of item or tree view given point is located, such as: |<pre> TVHT_ABOVE Above the client area TVHT_BELOW Below the client area TVHT_NOWHERE In the client area, but below the last item TVHT_ONITEM On the bitmap or label associated with an item TVHT_ONITEMBUTTON On the button associated with an item TVHT_ONITEMICON On the bitmap associated with an item TVHT_ONITEMINDENT In the indentation associated with an item TVHT_ONITEMLABEL On the label (string) associated with an item TVHT_ONITEMRIGHT In the area to the right of an item TVHT_ONITEMSTATEICON On the state icon for a tree-view item that is in a user-defined state TVHT_TOLEFT To the right of the client area TVHT_TORIGHT To the left of the client area |</pre> } property TVRightClickSelect: Boolean read DF.fTVRightClickSelect write SetTVRightClickSelect; {* |<#treeview> Set this property to True to allow change selection to an item, clicked with right mouse button. } property TVEditing: Boolean read GetTVEditing; {* |<#treeview> Returns True, if tree view control is editing its item label. } property TVItemBold[ Item: THandle ]: Boolean index TVIS_BOLD read TVGetItemStateFlg write TVSetItemStateFlg; {* |<#treeview> True, if item is bold. } property TVItemCut[ Item: THandle ]: Boolean index TVIS_CUT read TVGetITemStateFlg write TVSetItemStateFlg; {* |<#treeview> True, if item is selected as part of "cut and paste" operation. } property TVItemDropHighlighted[ Item: THandle ]: Boolean index TVIS_DROPHILITED read TVGetITemStateFlg write TVSetItemStateFlg; {* |<#treeview> True, if item is selected as drop target. } property TVItemDropHilited[ Item: THandle ]: Boolean index TVIS_DROPHILITED read TVGetITemStateFlg write TVSetItemStateFlg; {* The same as TVItemDropHighlighted. } property TVItemExpanded[ Item: THandle ]: Boolean index TVIS_EXPANDED read TVGetITemStateFlg; // write TVSetItemStateFlg; {* |<#treeview> True, if item's list of child items is currently expanded. To change expanded state, use method TVExpand. } property TVItemExpandedOnce[ Item: THandle ]: Boolean index TVIS_EXPANDEDONCE read TVGetITemStateFlg; // write TVSetItemStateFlg; {* |<#treeview> True, if item's list of child items has been expanded at least once. } property TVItemSelected[ Item: THandle ]: Boolean index TVIS_SELECTED read TVGetITemStateFlg write TVSetItemStateFlg; {* |<#treeview> True, if item is selected. } procedure TVExpand( Item: THandle; Flags: DWORD ); {* |<#treeview> Call it to expand/collapse item's child nodes. Possible values for Flags parameter are: <pre> TVE_COLLAPSE Collapses the list. TVE_COLLAPSERESET Collapses the list and removes the child items. Note that TVE_COLLAPSE must also be specified. TVE_EXPAND Expands the list. TVE_TOGGLE Collapses the list if it is currently expanded or expands it if it is currently collapsed. </pre> } procedure TVSort( N: THandle ); {* |<#treeview> By Alex Mokrov. Sorts treeview. If N = 0, entire treeview is sorted. Otherwise, children of the given node only. } property TVItemImage[ Item: THandle ]: Integer index TVIF_IMAGE read TVGetItemImage write TVSetItemImage; {* |<#treeview> Image index for an item of tree view. To tell that there are no image set, use index -2 (value -1 is reserved for callback image). } property TVItemSelImg[ Item: THandle ]: Integer index TVIF_SELECTEDIMAGE read TVGetItemImage write TVSetItemImage; {* |<#treeview> Image index for an item of tree view in selected state. Use value -2 to provide no image, -1 used for callback image. } property TVItemOverlay[ Item: THandle ]: Integer index TVIS_OVERLAYMASK or $80000 read TVGetItemImage write TVSetItemImage; {* |<#treeview> Overlay image index for an item in tree view. Values 1..15 can be used only - this is the Windows restriction on overlay images. } property TVItemStateImg[ Item: THandle ]: Integer index TVIS_STATEIMAGEMASK or $C0000 read TVGetItemImage write TVSetItemImage; {* |<#treeview> State image index for an item in tree view. Use 1-based index of the image in image list ImageListState. Value 0 reserved to use as "no state image". } property TVItemData[ Item: THandle ]: Pointer read TVGetItemData write TVSetItemData; {* |<#treeview> Stores any program-defined pointer with the item. } procedure TVEditItem( Item: THandle ); {* |<#treeview> Begins editing given item label in tree view. } procedure TVStopEdit( Cancel: Boolean ); {* |<#treeview> Ends editing item label, started by user or explicitly by TVEditItem method. } property OnTVBeginDrag: TOnTVBeginDrag read {$IFDEF EVENTS_DYNAMIC} Get_OnTVBeginDrag {$ELSE} EV.fOnTVBeginDrag {$ENDIF} write {$IFDEF EVENTS_DYNAMIC} Set_OnTVBeginDrag {$ELSE} EV.fOnTVBeginDrag {$ENDIF}; {* |<#treeview> Is called for tree view, when its item is to be dragging. } property OnTVBeginEdit: TOnTVBeginEdit read {$IFDEF EVENTS_DYNAMIC} Get_OnTVBeginEdit {$ELSE} EV.fOnTVBeginEdit {$ENDIF} write {$IFDEF EVENTS_DYNAMIC} Set_OnTVBeginEdit {$ELSE} EV.fOnTVBeginEdit {$ENDIF}; {* |<#treeview> Is called for tree view, when its item label is to be editing. Return TRUE to allow editing of the item. } property OnTVEndEdit: TOnTVEndEdit read {$IFDEF EVENTS_DYNAMIC} Get_OnTVEndEdit {$ELSE} EV.fOnTVEndEdit {$ENDIF} write {$IFDEF EVENTS_DYNAMIC} Set_OnTVEndEdit {$ELSE} EV.fOnTVEndEdit {$ENDIF}; {* |<#treeview> Is called when item label is edited. It is possible to cancel edit, returning False as a result. } property OnTVExpanding: TOnTVExpanding read {$IFDEF EVENTS_DYNAMIC} Get_OnTVExpanding {$ELSE} EV.fOnTVExpanding {$ENDIF} write {$IFDEF EVENTS_DYNAMIC} Set_OnTVExpanding {$ELSE} EV.fOnTVExpanding {$ENDIF}; {* |<#treeview> Is called just before expanding/collapsing item. It is possible to return TRUE to prevent expanding item, otherwise FALSE should be returned. } property OnTVExpanded: TOnTVExpanded read {$IFDEF EVENTS_DYNAMIC} Get_OnTVExpanded {$ELSE} EV.fOnTVExpanded {$ENDIF} write {$IFDEF EVENTS_DYNAMIC} Set_OnTVExpanded {$ELSE} EV.fOnTVExpanded {$ENDIF}; {* |<#treeview> Is called after expanding/collapsing item children. } property OnTVDelete: TOnTVDelete read {$IFDEF EVENTS_DYNAMIC} Get_OnTVDelete {$ELSE} EV.fOnTVDelete {$ENDIF} write SetOnTVDelete; {* |<#treeview> Is called just before deleting item. You may use this event to free resources, associated with an item (see TVItemData property). } //----------------- by Sergey Shisminzev: property OnTVSelChanging: TOnTVSelChanging read {$IFDEF EVENTS_DYNAMIC} Get_OnTVSelChanging {$ELSE} EV.fOnTVSelChanging {$ENDIF} write {$IFDEF EVENTS_DYNAMIC} Set_OnTVSelChanging {$ELSE} EV.fOnTVSelChanging {$ENDIF}; {* |<#treeview> Is called before changing the selection. The handler can return FALSE to prevent changing the selection. } //-------------------------------------- //======== Toolbar specific methods: procedure TBAddBitmap( Bitmap: HBitmap ); {* |<#toolbar> Adds bitmaps to a toolbar. You can pass special values as Bitmap to add one of predefined system button images bitmaps: |<br> THandle(-1) to add standard small icons, |<br> THandle(-2) to add standard large icons, |<br> THandle(-5) to add standard small view icons, |<br> THandle(-6) to add standard large view icons, |<br> THandle(-9) to add standard small history icons, |<br> THandle(-10) to add standard large history icons, (in that case use following values as indexes to the standard and view bitmaps: |<br> STD_COPY, STD_CUT, STD_DELETE, STD_FILENEW, STD_FILEOPEN, STD_FILESAVE, STD_FIND, STD_HELP, STD_PASTE, STD_PRINT, STD_PRINTPRE, STD_PROPERTIES, STD_REDO, STD_REPLACE, STD_UNDO, |<br> VIEW_LARGEICONS, VIEW_SMALLICONS, VIEW_LIST, VIEW_DETAILS, VIEW_SORTNAME, VIEW_SORTSIZE, VIEW_SORTDATE, VIEW_SORTTYPE (use it as parameters BtnImgIdxArray in TBAddButtons or TBInsertButtons methods, and in assigning value to TBButtonImage[ ] property). Added bitmaps have indeces starting from previous count of images (as these are appended to existing - if any). |<br> Note, that if You add your own (custom) bitmap, it is not transparent. Do not assume that clSilver is always equal to clBtnFace. Use API function CreateMappedBitmap to load bitmap from resource and map desired colors as you wish (e.g., convert clTeal to clBtnFace). Or, call defined in KOL function LoadMappedBitmap to do the same more easy. Unfortunately, resource identifier for bitmap to pass it to LoadMappedBitmap or to CreateMappedBitmap seems must be integer, so it is necessary to create rc-file manually and compile using Borland Resource Compiler to figure it out. } function TBAddButtons( const Buttons: array of PKOLChar; const BtnImgIdxArray: array of Integer ): Integer; {* |<#toolbar> Adds buttons to toolbar. Last string in Buttons array *must* be empty ('' or nil), so to add buttons without text, pass ' ' string (one space char). It is not necessary to provide image indexes for all buttons (it is sufficient to assign index for first button only). But in place, correspondent to separator button (defined by string '-'), any integer must be passed to assign follow image indexes correctly. See example. |*Toolbar adding buttons sample. Code below shows how to call TBAddButtons method to add two buttons with a separator between these buttons. idxNew and idxOld are integer expressions assigning image indexes to buttons 'New' and 'Old'. This indexes are zero-based and refer to bitmap images, added earlier (either in creating toolbar by call of NewToolbar or later in call of TBAddBitmap). ! ! TBAddButtons( [ '&New', '-', '&Old', '' ], [ idxNew, 0, idxOld ] ); ! |* To add check buttons, use prefix '+' or '-' in button definition string. If next character is '!', such buttons are grouped to a radio-group. Also, it is possible to use '^' prefix (must be first) to define button with small drop-down section (use also OnTBDropDown event to respond to clicking drop down section of such buttons). |<br> This function returns command id for first added button (other id's can be calculated incrementing the result by one for each button, except separators, which have no command id). |<br> Note: for static toolbar (single in application and created once) ids are started from value 100. } function TBInsertButtons( BeforeIdx: Integer; Buttons: array of PKOLChar; const BtnImgIdxArray: array of Integer ): Integer; {* |<#toolbar> Inserts buttons before button with given index on toolbar. Returns command identifier for first button inserted (other can be calculated incrementing returned value needed times. See also TBAddButtons. } procedure TBDeleteButton( BtnID: Integer ); {* |<#toolbar> Deletes single button given by its command id. To delete separator, use TBDeleteBtnByIdx instead. } procedure TBDeleteBtnByIdx( Idx: Integer ); {* |<#toolbar> Deletes single button given by its index in toolbar (not by command ID). } procedure TBClear; {* |<#toolbar> Deletes all buttons. Dufa } procedure TBAssignEvents( BtnID: Integer; Events: array of TOnToolbarButtonClick ); {* |<#toolbar> Allows to assign separate OnClick events for every toolbar button. BtnID should be toolbar button ID or index of the first button to assign event. If it is an ID, events are assigned to buttons in creation order. Otherwise, events are assigned in placement order. Anyway, separator buttons are not skipped, so pass at least nil for such button as an event. |<br> Please note, that though not all buttons should exist before assigning events to it, therefore at least the first button (specified by BtnID) must be already added before calling TBAssignEvents. } procedure TBResetImgIdx( BtnID, BtnCount: Integer ); {* |<#toolbar> Resets image index for BtnCount buttons starting from BtnID. } //property CurItem: Integer read DF.fTBCurItem; {* |<#toolbar> For toolbar, in OnClick event this property can be used to determine which button was clicked (100-based button id in toolbar). It is also possible to use CurIndex property (zero-based) for this purpose as well, but do not assume, that CurItem always equal to CurIndex+100. At least, it is possible to call TBItem2Index function to convert button ID to its index in toolbar. } property TBCurItem: Integer read DF.fTBCurItem; {* |<#toolbar> Same as CurItem. } property TBButtonCount: Integer read GetItemsCount; //TBGetButtonCount; {* |<#toolbar> Returns count of buttons on toolbar. The same as Count. } property TBBtnImgWidth: Integer read DF.fTBBtnImgWidth write DF.fTBBtnImgWidth; {* |<#toolbar> Custom toolbar buttons width. Set it before assigning buttons bitmap. Changing this property after assigning the bitmap has no effect. } function TBItem2Index( BtnID: Integer ): Integer; {* |<#toolbar> Converts button command id to button index for tool bar. } function TBIndex2Item( Idx: Integer ): Integer; {* |<#toolbar> Converts toolbar button index to its command ID. } procedure TBConvertIdxArray2ID( const IdxVars: array of PDWORD ); {* |<#toolbar> Converts toolbar button indexes to its command IDs for an array of indexes (each item in the array passed is a pointer to Integer, containing button index when the procedure is callled, then all these indexes are relaced with a correspondent button ID).} property TBButtonEnabled[ BtnID: Integer ]: Boolean index TB_ENABLEBUTTON read TBGetBtnStt write TBSetBtnStt; {* |<#toolbar> Obvious. } property TBButtonVisible[ BtnID: Integer ]: Boolean read TBGetButtonVisible write TBSetButtonVisible; {* |<#toolbar> Allows to hide/show some of toolbar buttons. } property TBButtonChecked[ BtnID: Integer ]: Boolean index TB_CHECKBUTTON read TBGetBtnStt write TBSetBtnStt; {* |<#toolbar> Allows to determine 'checked' state of a button (e.g., radio-button), and to check it programmatically. } property TBButtonMarked[ BtnID: Integer ]: Boolean index TB_MARKBUTTON read TBGetBtnStt write TBSetBtnStt; {* |<#toolbar> Returns True if toolbar button is marked (highlighted). Allows to highlight buttons assigning True to this value. } property TBButtonPressed[ BtnID: Integer ]: Boolean index TB_PRESSBUTTON read TBGetBtnStt write TBSetBtnStt; {* |<#toolbar> Allows to detrmine if toolbar button (given by its command ID) pressed, and press/unpress it programmatically. } property TBButtonText[ BtnID: Integer ]: KOLString read TBGetButtonText write TBSetButtonText; {* |<#toolbar> Obtains toolbar button text and allows to change it. Be sure that text is not empty for all buttons, if You want for it to be shown (if at least one button has empty text, no text labels will be shown at all). At least set it to ' ' for buttons, which You do not want to show labels, if You want from other ones to have it. } property TBButtonImage[ BtnID: Integer ]: Integer read TBGetBtnImgIdx write TBSetBtnImgIdx; {* |<#toolbar> Allows to access/change button image. Do not read this property for separator buttons, returning value is not proper. If you do not know, is the button a separator, using function below. } function TBButtonSeparator( BtnID: Integer ): Boolean; {* |<#toolbar> Returns TRUE, if a toolbar button is separator. } property TBButtonRect[ BtnID: Integer ]: TRect read TBGetButtonRect; {* |<#toolbar> Obtains rectangle occupied by toolbar button in toolbar window. (It is not possible to obtain rectangle for buttons, currently not visible). See also function ToolbarButtonRect. } property TBButtonWidth[ BtnID: Integer ]: Integer read TBGetBtnWidth write TBSetBtnWidth; {* |<#toolbar> Allows to obtain / change toolbar button width. } property TBButtonLParam[const Idx: Integer]: DWORD read TBGetButtonLParam write TBSetButtonLParam; {* |<#toolbar> Allows to access/change LParam. Dufa } property TBButtonsMinWidth: Integer index 0 {$IFDEF F_P} read TBGetBtMinMaxWidth {$ELSE DELPHI} read DF.fTBBtMinWidth {$ENDIF F_P/DELPHI} write TBSetBtMinMaxWidth; {* |<#toolbar> Allows to set minimal width for all toolbar buttons. } property TBButtonsMaxWidth: Integer index 1 {$IFDEF F_P} read TBGetBtMinMaxWidth {$ELSE DELPHI} read DF.fTBBtMaxWidth {$ENDIF F_P/DELPHI} write TBSetBtMinMaxWidth; {* |<#toolbar> Allows to set maximal width for all toolbar buttons. } function TBButtonAtPos( X, Y: Integer ): Integer; {* |<#toolbar> Returns command ID of button at the given position on toolbar, or -1, if there are no button at the position. Value 0 is returned for separators. } function TBBtnIdxAtPos( X, Y: Integer ): Integer; {* |<#toolbar> Returns index of button at the given position on toolbar. This also can be index of separator button. -1 is returned if there are no buttons found at the position. } function TBBtnEvent( Idx: Integer ): TOnToolbarButtonClick; {* Returns toolbar event handler assigned to a toolbar button (by its index). } function TBMoveBtn( FromIdx, ToIdx: Integer ): Boolean; {* |<#toolbar> By TR"]F. Moves button from one position to another. } property TBRows: Integer read TBGetRows write TBSetRows; {* |<#toolbar> Returns number of rows for toolbar and allows to try to set desired number of rows (but system can set another number of rows in some cases). This property has no effect if tboWrapable style not present in Options when toolbar is created. } procedure TBSetTooltips( BtnID1st: Integer; const Tooltips: array of PKOLChar ); {* |<#toolbar> Allows to assign tooltips to several buttons. Until this procedure is not called, tooltips list is not created and no code is added to executable. This method of tooltips maintainance for toolbar buttons is useful both for static and dynamic toolbars (meaning "dynamic" - toolbars with buttons, deleted and inserted at run-time). } function TBBtnTooltip( BtnID: Integer ): KOLString; {* |<#toolbar> Returns tooltip assigned to a toolbar button. } property TBAutoSizeButtons: Boolean read GetTBAutoSizeButtons write SetTBAutoSizeButtons; property OnTBDropDown: TOnEvent index idx_FOnDropDown read {$IFDEF EVENTS_DYNAMIC} Get_TOnEvent {$ELSE} EV.fOnDropDown {$ENDIF} write {$IFDEF EVENTS_DYNAMIC} Set_TOnEvent {$ELSE} EV.fOnDropDown {$ENDIF}; {* |<#toolbar> This event is called for drop down buttons, when user click drop part of drop down button. To determine for which button event is called, look at CurItem or CurIndex property. It is also possible to use common (with combobox) property OnDropDown. } property OnTBClick: TOnEvent read {$IFDEF EVENTS_DYNAMIC} Get_OnClick {$ELSE} EV.fOnClick {$ENDIF} write {$IFDEF EVENTS_DYNAMIC} SetOnClick {$ELSE} EV.fOnClick{$ENDIF}; {* |<#toolbar> The same as OnClick. } property OnTBCustomDraw: TOnTBCustomDraw read DF.fOnTBCustomDraw write SetOnTBCustomDraw; {* |<#toolbar> An event (mainly) to customize toolbar background. } //---------------------------------------------------------------------- // DateTimePicker property OnDTPUserString: TDTParseInputEvent read {$IFDEF EVENTS_DYNAMIC} Get_OnDTPUserString {$ELSE} EV.FOnDTPUserString {$ENDIF} write {$IFDEF EVENTS_DYNAMIC} Set_OnDTPUserString {$ELSE} EV.FOnDTPUserString{$ENDIF}; {* Special event to parse input from the application. Option dtpoParseInput must be set when control is created. } property DateTime: TDateTime read GetDateTime write SetDateTime; {* DateTime for DateTimePicker control only. } property Date: TDateTime read GetDate write SetDate; {* Date only for DateTimePicker control only. } property Time: TDateTime read GetTime write SetTime; {* Time only for DateTimePicker control only. } property SystemTime: TSystemTime read Get_SystemTime write Set_SystemTime; {* Date and Time as TSystemTime. When assing, use year 0 to set "no value". } property DateTimeRange: TDateTimeRange read GetDateTimeRange write SetDateTimeRange; {* DateTimePicker range. If first date in the agrument assigned is NAN, minimum system allowed value is used as the left bound, and if the second is NAN, maximum system allowed is used as the right one. } property DateTimePickerColors[ Index: TDateTimePickerColor ]: TColor read GetDateTimePickerColor write SetDateTimePickerColor; property DateTimeFormat: KOLString write SetDateTimeFormat; //---------------------------------------------------------------------- //---------------------------------------------------------------------- // ScrollBar property SBMin: Longint read DF.fSBMinMax.X write SetSBMin; {* Minimum scrolling area position. } property SBMax: Longint read DF.fSBMinMax.Y write SetSBMax; {* Maximum scrolling area position (size of the text or image to be scrolling). For case when SCROLL_OLD defined, this value should be set as scrolling object size without SBPageSize. } property SBMinMax: TPoint read DF.fSBMinMax write SetSBMinMax; {* The property to adjust SBMin and SBMax for a single call (set X to a minimum and Y to a maximum value). } property SBPosition: Integer read DF.fSBPosition write SetSBPosition; {* Current scroll position. When set, should be between SBMin and SBMax - max(0, SBPageSize-1) } property SBPageSize: Integer read DF.fSBPageSize write SetSBPageSize; {* } property OnSBBeforeScroll: TOnSBBeforeScroll read {$IFDEF EVENTS_DYNAMIC} Get_OnSBBeforeScroll {$ELSE} EV.FOnSBBeforeScroll {$ENDIF} write {$IFDEF EVENTS_DYNAMIC} Set_OnSBBeforeScroll {$ELSE} EV.FOnSBBeforeScroll {$ENDIF}; {* } property OnSBScroll: TOnSBScroll read {$IFDEF EVENTS_DYNAMIC} Get_OnSBScroll {$ELSE} EV.FOnSBScroll {$ENDIF} write {$IFDEF EVENTS_DYNAMIC} Set_OnSBScroll {$ELSE} EV.FOnSBScroll {$ENDIF}; {* } function SBSetScrollInfo(const SI: TScrollInfo): Integer; function SBGetScrollInfo(var SI: TScrollInfo): Boolean; function GetSBMinMax: TPoint; function GetSBPageSize: Integer; function GetSBPosition: Integer; //---------------------------------------------------------------------- // "Through", or "transparent" methods to simplify initial // adjustment of controls and make non-visual designing of // forms more easy. All these functions return @Self as a // result, so, it is possible to use such methods immediately // in constructing statement, concatenating it with dots, e.g.: // // NewButton( MyForm, 'Click here' ).PlaceUnder.ResizeParentBottom; // {$ENDIF GDI} function PlaceRight: PControl; {* Places control right (to previously created on the same parent). } function PlaceDown: PControl; {* Places control below (to previously created on the same parent). Left position is not changed (thus is, kept equal to Parent.Margin). } function PlaceUnder: PControl; {* Places control below (to previously created one, aligning its Left position to Left position of previous control). } function SetSize( W, H: Integer ): PControl; {* Changes size of a control. If W or H less or equal to 0, correspondent size is not changed. } {$IFDEF GDI} function Size( W, H: Integer ): PControl; {* Like SetSize, but provides automatic resizing of parent control (recursively). Especially useful for aligned controls. } function SetClientSize( W, H: Integer ): PControl; {* Like SetSize, but works setting W = ClientWidth, H = ClientHeight. Use this method for forms, which can not be resized (dialogs). } {$ENDIF GDI} function AutoSize( AutoSzOn: Boolean ): PControl; {$IFDEF GDI} function MakeWordWrap: PControl; {* Determines if to autosize control (like label, button, etc.) } function IsAutoSize: Boolean; {* TRUE, if a control is autosizing. } function AlignLeft( P: PControl ): PControl; {* assigns Left := P.Left } function AlignTop( P: PControl ): PControl; {* assigns Top := P.Top } function ResizeParent: PControl; {* Resizes parent, calling ResizeParentRight and ResizeParentBottom. } function ResizeParentRight: PControl; {* Resizes parent right edge (Margin of parent is added to right coordinate of a control). If called second time (for the same parent), resizes only for increasing of right edge of parent. } function ResizeParentBottom: PControl; {* Resizes parent bottom edge (Margin of parent is added to bottom coordinate of a control). } function CenterOnParent: PControl; {* Centers control on parent, or if applied to a form, centers form on screen. } function CenterOnForm( Form1: PControl ): PControl; {* Centers form on another form. If Form1 not present, centers on screen. } function Shift( dX, dY : Integer ): PControl; {* Moves control respectively to current position (Left := Left + dX, Top := Top + dY). } {$ENDIF GDI} function SetPosition( X, Y: Integer ): PControl; {* Moves control directly to the specified position. } {$IFDEF GDI} function Tabulate: PControl; {* Call it once for form/applet to provide tabulation between controls on form/on all forms using TAB / SHIFT+TAB and arrow keys. } function TabulateEx: PControl; {* Call it once for form/applet to provide tabulation between controls on form/on all forms using TAB / SHIFT+TAB and arrow keys. Arrow keys are used more smart, allowing go to nearest control in certain direction. } function SetAlign( AAlign: TControlAlign ): PControl; {* Assigns passed value to property Align, aligning control on parent, and returns @Self (so it is "transparent" function, which can be used to adjust control at the creation, e.g.: ! MyLabel := NewLabel( MyForm, 'Label1' ).SetAlign( caBottom ); See also property Align. } //{-2.95}//function PreventResizeFlicks: PControl; { * If called, prevents resizing flicks for child controls, aligned to right and bottom (but with a lot of code added to executable - about 3,5K). There is sensible to set DoubleBuffered to True also to eliminate the most of flicks. |<br> This method been applied to a form, prevents, resizing flicks for form and all controls on the form. If it is called for applet window, all forms are affected. And if You want, You can apply it for certain control only - in such case only given control and its children will be resizing without flicks (e.g., using splitter control). } //{-2.95} property Checked: Boolean read GetChecked write Set_Checked; {* |<#checkbox> |<#radiobox> |<#bitbtn> For checkbox and radiobox - if it is checked. Do not assign value for radiobox - use SetRadioChecked instead. } function SetChecked(const Value: Boolean): PControl; {* |<#checkbox> Use it to check/uncheck check box control or push button. Do not apply it to check radio buttons - use SetRadioChecked method below. } function SetRadioChecked : PControl; {* |<#radiobox> Use it to check radio button item correctly (unchecking all alternative ones). Actually, method Click is called, and control itself is returned. } property Check3: TTriStateCheck read GetCheck3 write SetCheck3; {* |<#checkbox> State of checkbox with BS_AUTO3STATE style. } procedure Click; {* |<#button> |<#checkbox> |<#radiobox> Emulates click on control programmatically, sending WM_COMMAND message with BN_CLICKED code. This method is sensible only for buttons, checkboxes and radioboxes. } function Perform( msgcode: DWORD; wParam, lParam: Integer): Integer; stdcall; {* Sends message to control's window (created if needed). } function Postmsg( msgcode: DWORD; wParam, lParam: Integer): Boolean; stdcall; {* Sends message to control's window (created if needed). } procedure AttachProc( Proc: TWindowFunc ); {* It is possible to attach dynamically any message handler to window procedure using this method. Last attached procedure is called first. If procedure returns True, further processing of a message is stopped. Attached procedure can be detached using DetachProc (but do not attach/detach procedures during handling of attached procedure - this can hang application). } procedure AttachProcEx( Proc: TWindowFunc; ExecuteAfterAppletTerminated: Boolean ); {* The same as AttachProc, but a handler is executed even after terminating the main message loop processing (i.e. after assigning true to AppletTerminated global variable. } function IsProcAttached( Proc: TWindowFunc ): Boolean; {* Returns True, if given procedure is already in chain of attached ones for given control window proc. } procedure DetachProc( Proc: TWindowFunc ); {* Detaches procedure attached earlier using AttachProc. } property OnDropFiles: TOnDropFiles read {$IFDEF EVENTS_DYNAMIC} Get_OnDropFiles {$ELSE} EV.FOnDropFiles {$ENDIF} write SetOnDropFiles; {* Assign this event to your handler, if You want to accept drag and drop files from other applications such as explorer onto your control. When this event is assigned to a control or form, this has effect also for all its child controls too. } property CustomData: Pointer read fCustomData write fCustomData; {* Can be used to exend the object when new type of control added. Memory, pointed by this pointer, released automatically in the destructor. } property CustomObj: PObj read fCustomObj write fCustomObj; {* Can be used to exend the object when new type of control added. Object, pointed by this pointer, released automatically in the destructor. } procedure SetAutoPopupMenu( PopupMenu: PObj ); {* To assign a popup menu to the control, call SetAutoPopupMenu method of the control with popup menu object as a parameter. } function SupportMnemonics: PControl; {* This method provides supporting mnemonic keys in menus, buttons, checkboxes, toolbar buttons. } property OnScroll: TOnScroll read {$IFDEF EVENTS_DYNAMIC} Get_OnScroll {$ELSE} EV.FOnScroll {$ENDIF} write SetOnScroll; {* } public {$IFDEF USE_DROPDOWNCOUNT} property DropDownCount: Cardinal read DF.fDropDownCount write DF.fDropDownCount; {$ENDIF} protected {$IFDEF USE_GRAPHCTLS} {} fKeyboardProcess: TOnMessage; // for graphic controls ??? {} fSetFocus: procedure(Ctl: PControl); {} fPushedBtn: PControl; {} fSaveCursor: HCursor; function DoGraphCtlPrepaint: TRect; procedure GraphicLabelPaint( DC: HDC ); procedure GraphicCheckBoxPaint( DC: HDC ); procedure GraphicCheckBoxMouse( var Msg: TMsg ); procedure GraphicRadioBoxPaint( DC: HDC ); procedure GraphicButtonPaint( DC: HDC ); procedure GraphicButtonMouse( var Msg: TMsg ); function GraphButtonKeyboardProcess( var Msg: TMsg; var Rslt: Integer ): Boolean; procedure LeaveGraphButton( Sender: PObj ); procedure GraphicEditPaint( DC: HDC ); procedure GraphicEditMouse( var Msg: TMsg ); procedure DestroyGraphEdit( Sender: PObj ); procedure LeaveGraphEdit( Sender: PObj ); procedure ChangeGraphEdit( Sender: PObj ); procedure GraphCtlDrawFocusRect( DC: HDC; const R: TRect ); {$IFDEF GRAPHCTL_HOTTRACK} procedure MouseLeaveFromParentOfGraphCtl( Sender: PObj ); {$ENDIF GRAPHCTL_HOTTRACK} procedure GroupBoxPaint( DC: HDC ); {$ENDIF USE_GRAPHCTLS} {$IFDEF KEY_PREVIEW} public property KeyPreview: Boolean read {$IFDEF USE_FLAGS} GetKeyPreview {$ELSE} fKeyPreview {$ENDIF} write {$IFDEF USE_FLAGS} SetKeyPreview {$ELSE} fKeyPreview {$ENDIF}; //property KeyPreviewing: Boolean read fKeyPreviewing write fKeyPreviewing; {$ENDIF KEY_PREVIEW} protected fOldWidth: Word; fOldHeight: Word; fClickDisabled: Byte; fAnchors: Byte; fNestedMsgHandling: SmallInt; {* level of nested message handling for a control. Only when it is 0 at the end of message handling and fBeginDestroying set, the control is destroyed. } fUpdateCount: SmallInt; public property AnchorLeft: Boolean index ANCHOR_LEFT read GetAnchor write SetAnchor; //+Sormart property AnchorTop: Boolean index ANCHOR_TOP read GetAnchor write SetAnchor; //+Sormart property AnchorRight: Boolean index ANCHOR_RIGHT read GetAnchor write SetAnchor; property AnchorBottom: Boolean index ANCHOR_BOTTOM read GetAnchor write SetAnchor; function Anchor( aLeft, aTop, aRight, aBottom: Boolean ): PControl; public {$IFDEF USE_CONSTRUCTORS} //------------------------------------------------------------ // constructors here: constructor CreateWindowed( AParent: PControl; AClassName: PKOLChar; ACtl3D: Boolean ); constructor CreateApplet( const ACaption: AnsiString ); constructor CreateForm( AParent: PControl; const ACaption: AnsiString ); constructor CreateControl( AParent: PControl; AClassName: PAnsiChar; AStyle: DWORD; {} ACtl3D: Boolean; Actions: PCommandActions ); constructor CreateButton( AParent: PControl; const ACaption: AnsiString ); constructor CreateBitBtn( AParent: PControl; const ACaption: AnsiString; {} AOptions: TBitBtnOptions; ALayout: TGlyphLayout; AGlyphBitmap: HBitmap; {} AGlyphCount: Integer); constructor CreateLabel( AParent: PControl; const ACaption: AnsiString ); constructor CreateWordWrapLabel( AParent: PControl; const ACaption: AnsiString ); constructor CreateLabelEffect( AParent: PControl; ACaption: AnsiString; AShadowDeep: Integer ); constructor CreatePaintBox( AParent: PControl ); constructor CreateGradientPanel( AParent: PControl; AColor1, AColor2: TColor ); constructor CreateGradientPanelEx( AParent: PControl; AColor1, AColor2: TColor; {} AStyle: TGradientStyle; ALayout: TGradientLayout ); constructor CreateGroupbox( AParent: PControl; const ACaption: AnsiString ); constructor CreateCheckbox( AParent: PControl; const ACaption: AnsiString ); constructor CreateRadiobox( AParent: PControl; const ACaption: AnsiString ); constructor CreateEditbox( AParent: PControl; AOptions: TEditOptions ); constructor CreatePanel( AParent: PControl; AStyle: TEdgeStyle ); constructor CreateSplitter( AParent: PControl; AMinSizePrev, AMinSizeNext: Integer; {} EdgeStyle: TEdgeStyle ); constructor CreateListbox( AParent: PControl; AOptions: TListOptions ); constructor CreateCombobox( AParent: PControl; AOptions: TComboOptions ); constructor CreateCommonControl( AParent: PControl; AClassName: PAnsiChar; AStyle: DWORD; {} ACtl3D: Boolean; Actions: PCommandActions ); constructor CreateRichEdit( AParent: PControl; AOptions: TEditOptions ); constructor CreateRichEdit1( AParent: PControl; AOptions: TEditOptions ); constructor CreateProgressbar( AParent: PControl ); constructor CreateProgressbarEx( AParent: PControl; AOptions: TProgressbarOptions ); constructor CreateListView( AParent: PControl; AStyle: TListViewStyle; AOptions: TListViewOptions; {} AImageListSmall, AImageListNormal, AImageListState: PImageList ); constructor CreateTreeView( AParent: PControl; AOptions: TTreeViewOptions; {} AImgListNormal, AImgListState: PImageList ); constructor CreateTabControl( AParent: PControl; ATabs: array of String; {}AOptions: TTabControlOptions; AImgList: PImageList; AImgList1stIdx: Integer ); constructor CreateToolbar( AParent: PControl; AAlign: TControlAlign; AOptions: TToolbarOptions; {} ABitmap: HBitmap; AButtons: array of PChar; {} ABtnImgIdxArray: array of Integer ); {$ENDIF USE_CONSTRUCTORS} {$IFDEF USE_CUSTOMEXTENSIONS} {$I CUSTOM_TCONTROL_EXTENSION.inc} {$ENDIF} // If an option USE_CUSTOMEXTENSIONS is enabled (at the beginning of this // unit), You can freely extend TControl definition by your own fields, // methods and properties. This provides You with capability to extend // TControl implementing another kinds of visual controls without deriving // new descendant objects from TControl. This way is provided to avoid too // large grow of executable size. You also can derive your own controls // from TControl using standard OOP capabilities. In such case an option // USE_CONSTRUCTORS should be turned on (see it at the start of this unit). // If You choose this "flat" model of extending the TControl with your // own properties, fieds, methods, events, etc. You should provide three // inc-files: CUSTOM_TCONTROL_EXTENSION.inc, containing such definitions // for TControl, CUSTOM_KOL_EXTENSION.inc, containing needed global // declarations, and CUSTOM_CODE_EXTENSION.inc, the implementation of those // two. // Because KOL is always grow and constantly is extending by me, I also can // add my own complements for TControl. To avoid naming conflicts, I suggest // to use the same naming rule for all of You. Name your fields, properies, etc. // using a form idx_SomeName, where idx is a prefix, containing several // (at least one) letters and digits. E.g. ZK65_OnSomething. protected // rare used fields are moved here from top to make code smaller a bit //fFocusHandle: HWnd; // to store handle of focused control of form ? FParentWnd: HWnd; // <<-- ++ for InitOrthaned !! fParentCoordX: SmallInt; fParentCoordY: SmallInt; {$IFDEF USE_MDI} fMDIClient: PControl; fCreateWindowProc: function( lpClassName, lpWindowName: PKOLChar; dwStyle: DWORD; X, Y, nWidth, nHeight: Integer; hwndParent: HWnd; hInstance: HInst; lParam: Integer ): HWnd; stdcall; {* MDI client window control } {$ENDIF} //fMDIChildren: PList; //{* List of MDI children. It is filled for MDI client window. } {$IFDEF USE_fNCDestroyed} {} fNCDestroyed: Boolean; {$ENDIF USE_fNCDestroyed} public {$IFDEF USE_MDI} property MDIClient: PControl read fMDIClient; //Get_MDIClient; {* For MDI forms only: returns MDI client window control, containng all MDI children. Use this window to send specific messages to rule MDI children. } {$ENDIF} {$IFDEF OBSOLETE_FIELDS} {} fPaintLater: Boolean; {$ENDIF OBSOLETE_FIELDS} // last changes (1-Jul-06) from ECM [Michalichenko Eugeny, rest in peace, friend]: //======== ListBox private function GetLBTopIndex: Integer; procedure SetLBTopIndex(const Value: Integer); public function LBItemAtPos(X,Y: Integer): Integer; {* |<#listbox> Return index of item at the given position. } property LBTopIndex: Integer read GetLBTopIndex write SetLBTopIndex; {* |<#listbox> Index of the first visible item in a list box} public //================== RichEdit specific: ================== {$IFNDEF NOT_USE_RICHEDIT} property MaxTextSize: DWORD read GetMaxTextSize write SetMaxTextSize; {* |<#richedit> This property valid also for simple edit control, not only for RichEdit. But for usual edit control, maximum text size available is 32K. For RichEdit, limit is 4Gb. By default, RichEdit is limited to 32767 bytes (to set maximum size available to 2Gb, assign MaxInt value to a property). Also, to get current text size of RichEdit, use property TextSize or RE_TextSize[ ]. } property TextSize: Integer read GetTextSize; {* |<#richedit> Common for edit and rich edit controls property, which returns size of text in edit control. Also, for any other control (or form, or applet window) returns size (in characters) of Caption or Text (what is, the same property actually). } property RE_TextSize[ Units: TRichTextSize ]: Integer read REGetTextSize; {* |<#richedit> For RichEdit control, it returns text size, measured in desired units (rtsChars - characters, including OLE objects, counted as a single character; rtsBytes - presize length of text image (if it would be stored in file or stream). Please note, that for RichEdit1.0, only size in characters can be obtained. } function RE_TextSizePrecise: Integer; {* |<#richedit> By Savva. Returns length of rich edit text. } property RE_CharFmtArea: TRichFmtArea read DF.fRECharArea write DF.fRECharArea; {* |<#richedit> By default, this property is raSelection. Changing it, You determine in for which area characters format is applyed, when changing character formatting properties below (not paragraph formatting). |&A=<a href=#RE_CharFmtArea target=main>%0</a> } property RE_CharFormat: TCharFormat read REGetCharformat write RESetCharFormat; {* |<#richedit> In differ to follow properties, which allow to control certain formatting attributes, this property provides low level access for formatting current character area (see RE_CharFmtArea). It returns TCharFormat structure, filled in with formatting attributes, and by assigning another value to this property You can change desired attributes as You wish. Even if RichEdit1.0 is used, TCharFormat2 is returned (but extended fields are ignored for RichEdit1.0). } property RE_Font: PGraphicTool read REGetFont write RESetFont; {* |<#richedit> Font of the first character in current selection (when retrieve). When set (or subproperties of RE_Font are set), all font attributes are applied to entire <A area>. To apply only needed attributes, use another properties: RE_FmtBold, RE_FmtItalic, RE_FmtStrikeout, RE_FmtUnderline, RE_FmtName, etc. |<br> Note, that font size is measured in twips, which is about 1/10 of pixel. } property RE_FmtBold: Boolean index CFM_BOLD read REGetFontEffects write RESetFontEffect; {* |<#richedit> Formatting flag. When retrieve, returns True, if fsBold style RE_Font.FontStyle is valid for a first character in the selection. When set, changes fsBold style (True - set, False - reset) for all characters in <A area>. } property RE_FmtBoldValid: Boolean index CFM_BOLD read REGetFontMask; {* } property RE_FmtItalic: Boolean index CFM_ITALIC read REGetFontEffects write RESetFontEffect; {* |<#richedit> Formatting flag. Like RE_FmtBold, when retrieving, shows, is fsItalic style valid for the first character of the selection, and when set, changes only fsItalic style for an <A area>. } property RE_FmtItalicValid: Boolean index CFM_ITALIC read REGetFontMask; {* } property RE_FmtStrikeout: Boolean index CFM_STRIKEOUT read REGetFontEffects write RESetFontEffect; {* |<#richedit> Formatting flag. Like RE_FmtBold, when retrieving, shows, is fsStrikeout style valid for the first selected character, and when set, changes only fsStrikeout style for an <A area>. } property RE_FmtStrikeoutValid: Boolean index CFM_STRIKEOUT read REGetFontMask; {* } property RE_FmtUnderline: Boolean index CFM_UNDERLINE read REGetFontEffects write RESetFontEffect; {* |<#richedit> Formatting flag. Like RE_FmtBold, when retrieving, shows, is fsUnderline style valid for the first selected character, and when set, changes fsUnderline style for an <A area>. } property RE_FmtUnderlineValid: Boolean index CFM_UNDERLINE read REGetFontMask; {* } property RE_FmtUnderlineStyle: TRichUnderline read REGetUnderlineEx write RESetUnderlineEx; {* |<#richedit> Extended underline style. To check, if this property is valid for entire selection, examine RE_FmtUnderlineValid value. } property RE_FmtProtected: Boolean index CFM_PROTECTED read REGetFontEffects write RESetFontEffect; {* |<#richedit> Formatting flag. When retrieving, shows, is the first character of the selection is protected from changing it by user (True) or not (False). To get know, if retrived value is valid for entire selection, check the property RE_FmtProtectedValid. When set, makes all characters in <A area> protected ( True) or not (False). } property RE_FmtProtectedValid: Boolean index CFM_PROTECTED read REGetFontMask; {* |<#richedit> True, if property RE_FmtProtected is valid for entire selection, when retrieving it. } property RE_FmtHidden: Boolean index CFM_HIDDEN read REGetFontEffects write RESetFontEffect; {* |<#richedit> For RichEdit3.0, makes text hidden (not displayed). } property RE_FmtHiddenValid: Boolean index CFM_HIDDEN read REGetFontMask; {* |<#richedit> Returns True, if RE_FmtHidden style is valid for entire selection. } property RE_FmtLink: Boolean index $20 {CFM_LINK} read REGetFontEffects write RESetFontEffect; {* |<#richedit> Returns True, if the first selected character is a part of link (URL). } // by Sergey Shisminzev property RE_FmtLinkValid: Boolean index $20 {CFM_LINK} read REGetFontMask; {* } property RE_FmtFontSize: Integer index (12 shl 16) or CFM_SIZE read REGetFontAttr write RESetFontAttr; {* |<#richedit> Formatting value: font size, in twips (1/1440 of an inch, or 1/20 of a printer's point, or about 1/10 of pixel). When retrieving, returns RE_Font.FontHeight. When set, changes font size for entire <A area> (but does not change other font attributes). } property RE_FmtFontSizeValid: Boolean read REGetFontSizeValid; {* |<#richedit> Returns True, if property RE_FmtFontSize is valid for entire selection, when retrieving it. } property RE_FmtAutoBackColor: Boolean index CFM_BACKCOLOR read REGetFontEffects write RESetFontEffect; {* |<#richedit> True, when automatic back color is used. } property RE_FmtAutoBackColorValid: Boolean index CFM_BACKCOLOR read REGetFontMask; {* } property RE_FmtFontColor: Integer index (20 shl 16) or CFM_COLOR read REGetFontAttr write RESetFontAttr1; {* |<#richedit> Formatting value (font color). When retrieving, returns RE_Font.Color. When set, changes font color for entire <A area> (but does not change other font attributes). } property RE_FmtFontColorValid: Boolean index CFM_COLOR read REGetFontMask; {* |<#richedit> Returns True, if property RE_FmtFontColor valid for entire selection, when retrieving it. } property RE_FmtAutoColor: Boolean index CFM_COLOR read REGetFontEffects write RESetFontEffect; {* |<#richedit> True, when automatic text color is used (in such case, RE_FmtFontColor assignment is ignored for current area). } property RE_FmtAutoColorValid: Boolean index CFM_COLOR read REGetFontMask; {* } property RE_FmtBackColor: Integer index ((64 {$IFDEF UNICODE_CTRLS} + 32 {$ENDIF} ) shl 16) or CFM_BACKCOLOR read REGetFontAttr write RESetFontAttr1; {* |<#richedit> Formatting value (back color). Only available for Rich Edit 2.0 and higher. When set, changes background color for entire <A area> (but does not change other font attributes). } property RE_FmtBackColorValid: Boolean index CFM_BACKCOLOR read REGetFontMask; {* } property RE_FmtFontOffset: Integer index (16 shl 16) or CFM_OFFSET read REGetFontAttr write RESetFontAttr; {* |<#richedit> Formatting value (font vertical offset from baseline, positive values correspond to subscript). When retrieving, returns offset for first character in the selection. When set, changes font offset for entire <A area>. To get know, is retrieved value valid for entire selction, check RE_FmtFontOffsetValid property. } property RE_FmtFontOffsetValid: Boolean index CFM_OFFSET read REGetFontMask; {* |<#richedit> Returns True, if property RE_FmtFontOffset is valid for entire selection, when retrieving it. } property RE_FmtFontCharset: Integer index (25 shl 16) or CFM_CHARSET read REGetFontAttr write RESetFontAttr; {* |<#richedit> Returns charset for first character in current selection, when retrieved (and to get know, if this value is valid for entire selection, check property RE_FmtFontCharsetValid). When set, changes charset for all characters in <A area>, but does not alter other formatting attributes. } property RE_FmtFontCharsetValid: Boolean index CFM_CHARSET read REGetFontMask; {* |<#richedit> Returns True, only if rerieved property RE_FmtFontCharset is valid for entire selection. } property RE_FmtFontName: KOLString read REGetFontName write RESetFontName; {* |<#richedit> Returns font face name for first character in the selection, when retrieved, and sets font name for entire <A area>, wnen assigned to (without changing of other formatting attributes). To get know, if retrived font name valid for entire selection, examine property RE_FmtFontNameValid. } property RE_FmtFontNameValid: Boolean index CFM_FACE read REGetFontMask; {* |<#richedit> Returns True, only if the font name is the same for entire selection, thus is, if rerieved property value RE_FmtFontName is valid for entire selection. } property RE_ParaFmt: TParaFormat read REGetParaFmt write RESetParaFmt; {* |<#richedit> Allows to retrieve or set paragraph formatting attributes for currently selected paragraph(s) in RichEdit control. See also following properties, which allow to do the same for certain paragraph format attributes separately. } property RE_TextAlign: TRichTextAlign read REGetTextAlign write RESetTextAlign; {* |<#richedit> Returns text alignment for current selection and allows to change it (without changing other formatting attributes). } property RE_TextAlignValid: Boolean index PFM_ALIGNMENT read REGetParaAttrValid; {* |<#richedit> Returns True, if property RE_TextAlign is valid for entire selection. If False, it is concerning only start of selection. } property RE_Numbering: Boolean read REGetNumbering write RESetNumbering; {* |<#richedit> Returns True, if selected text is numbered (or has style of list with bullets). To get / change numbering style, see properties RE_NumStyle and RE_NumBrackets. } property RE_NumStyle: TRichNumbering read REGetNumStyle write RESetNumStyle; {* |<#richedit> Advanced numbering style, such as rnArabic etc. If You use it, do not change RE_Numbering property simultaneously - this can cause changing style to rnBullets only. } property RE_NumStart: Integer read REGetNumStart write RESetNumStart; {* |<#richedit> Starting number for advanced numbering style. If this property is not set, numbering is starting by default from 0. For rnLRoman and rnURoman this cause, that first item has no number to be shown (ancient Roman people did not invent '0'). } property RE_NumBrackets: TRichNumBrackets read REGetNumBrackets write RESetNumBrackets; {* |<#richedit> Brackets style for advanced numbering. rnbPlain is default brackets style, and every time, when RE_NumStyle is changed, RE_NumBrackets is reset to rnbPlain. } property RE_NumTab: Integer read REGetNumTab write RESetNumTab; {* |<#richedit> Tab between start of number and start of paragraph text. If too small too view number, number is not displayed. (Default value seems to be sufficient though). } property RE_NumberingValid: Boolean index PFM_NUMBERING read REGetParaAttrValid; {* |<#richedit> Returns True, if RE_Numbering, RE_NumStyle, RE_NumBrackets, RE_NumTab, RE_NumStart properties are valid for entire selection. } property RE_Level: Integer read REGetLevel; {* |<#richedit> Outline level (for numbering paragraphs?). Read only. } property RE_SpaceBefore: Integer index 0 or PFM_SPACEBEFORE read REGetSpacing write RESetSpacing; {* |<#richedit> Spacing before paragraph. } property RE_SpaceBeforeValid: Boolean index PFM_SPACEBEFORE read REGetParaAttrValid; {* |<#richedit> True, if RE_SpaceBefore value is valid for all selected paragraph (if False, this value is valid only for first paragraph. } property RE_SpaceAfter: Integer index 4 or PFM_SPACEAFTER read REGetSpacing write RESetSpacing; {* |<#richedit> Spacing after paragraph. } property RE_SpaceAfterValid: Boolean index PFM_SPACEAFTER read REGetParaAttrValid; {* |<#richedit> True, only if RE_SpaceAfter value is valid for all selected paragraphs. } property RE_LineSpacing: Integer index 8 or PFM_LINESPACING read REGetSpacing write RESetSpacing; {* |<#richedit> Linespacing in paragraph (this value is based on RE_SpacingRule property). } property RE_SpacingRule: Integer read REGetSpacingRule write RESetSpacingRule; {* |<#richedit> Linespacing rule. Do not know what is it. } property RE_LineSpacingValid: Boolean index PFM_LINESPACING read REGetParaAttrValid; {* |<#richedit> True, only if RE_LineSpacing and RE_SpacingRule values are valid for entire selection. } property RE_Indent: Integer index (20 shl 16) or PFM_OFFSET read REGetParaAttr write RESetParaAttr; {* |<#richedit> Returns left indentation for paragraph in current selection and allows to change it (without changing other formatting attributes). } property RE_IndentValid: Boolean index PFM_OFFSET read REGetParaAttrValid; {* |<#richedit> Returns True, if RE_Indent property is valid for entire selection. } property RE_StartIndent: Integer index (12 shl 16) or PFM_STARTINDENT read REGetParaAttr write RESetParaAttr; {* |<#richedit> Returns left indentation for first line in paragraph for current selection, and allows to change it (without changing other formatting attributes). } property RE_StartIndentValid: Boolean read REGetStartIndentValid; {* |<#richedit> Returns True, if property RE_StartIndent is valid for entire selection. } property RE_RightIndent: Integer index (16 shl 16) or PFM_RIGHTINDENT read REGetParaAttr write RESetParaAttr; {* |<#richedit> Returns right indent for paragraph in current selection, and allow to change it (without changing other formatting attributes). } property RE_RightIndentValid: Boolean index PFM_RIGHTINDENT read REGetParaAttrValid; {* |<#richedit> Returns True, if property RE_RightIndent is valid for entire selection only. } property RE_TabCount: Integer read REGetTabCount write RESetTabCount; {* |<#richedit> Number of tab stops in current selection. This value can not be set greater then MAX_TAB_COUNT (32). } property RE_Tabs[ Idx: Integer ]: Integer read REGetTabs write RESetTabs; {* |<#richedit> Tab stops for RichEdit control. } property RE_TabsValid: Boolean index PFM_TABSTOPS read REGetParaAttrValid; {* |<#richedit> Returns True, if properties RE_Tabs[ ] and RE_TabCount are valid for entire selection. } // following does not work now : property RE_BorderWidth[ Side: TBorderEdge ]: Integer index 2 read REGetBorder write RESetBorder; { * |<#richedit> Border width. } property RE_BorderSpace[ Side: TBorderEdge ]: Integer index 0 read REGetBorder write RESetBorder; { * |<#richedit> Border space. } property RE_BorderStyle[ Side: TBorderEdge ]: Integer index 4 read REGetBorder write RESetBorder; { * |<#richedit> Border style. } property RE_BorderValid: Boolean index PFM_BORDER read REGetParaAttrValid; { * |<#richedit> Returns True, if border style, space and width are the same for all paragraphs in selection. } property RE_Table: Boolean index $C000 read REGetParaEffect write RESetParaEffect; { * |<#richedit> True, if current paragraph is a part of table (row, cell or cell end). seems working as read only property. } // end of experiment section function RE_FmtStandard: PControl; {* |<#richedit> "Transparent" method (returns @Self as a result), which (when called) provides "standard" keyboard interface for formatting Rich text (just call this method, for example: ! RichEd1 := NewRichEdit( Panel1, [ ] ).SetAlign( caClient ).RE_FmtStandard; Following keys will be maintained additionally: |<pre> CTRL+I - switch "Italic", CTRL+B - switch "Bold", CTRL+U - switch "Underline", CTRL+SHIFT+U - swith underline type and turn underline on (note, that some of underline styles can not be shown properly in RichEdit v2.0 and lower, though RichEdit2.0 stores data successfully). CTRL+O - switch "StrikeOut", CTRL+'gray+' - increase font size, CTRL+'gray-' - decrease font size, CTRL+SHIFT+'gray+' - superscript, CTRL+SHIFT+'gray-' - subscript. CTRL+SHIFT+Z - ReDo |</pre> And, though following standard formatting keys are provided by RichEdit control itself in Windows2000, some of these are not functioning automatically in earlier Windows versions, even for RichEdit2.0. So, functionality of some of these (marked with (*) ) are added here too: |<pre> CTRL+L - align paragraph left, (*) CTRL+R - align paragraph right, (*) CTRL+E - align paragraph center, (*) CTRL+A - select all, (*) double-click on word - select word, CTRL+Right - to next word, CTRL+Left - to previous word, CTRL+Home - to the beginning of text, CTRL+End - to the end of text. CTRL+Z - UnDo |</pre> If You originally assign some (plain) text to Text property, switching "underline" can also change other font attributes, e.g., "bold" - if fsBold style is in default Font. To prevent such behavior, select entire text first (see SelectAll) and make assignment to RE_Font property, e.g.: ! RichEd1.SelectAll; ! RichEd1.RE_Font := RichEd1.RE_Font; ! RichEd1.SelLength := 0; |<br> And, some other notices about formatting. Please remember, that only True Type fonts can be succefully scaled and transformed to get desired effects (e.g., bold). By default, RichEdit uses System font face name, which can even have problems with fsBold style. Please remember also, that assigning RE_Font to RE_Font just initializying formatting attributes, making all those valid in entire text, but does not change font attributes. To use True Type font, directly assign face name You wish, e.g.: ! RichEd1.SelectAll; ! RichEd1.RE_Font := RichEd1.RE_Font; ! RichEd1.RE_Font.FontName := 'Arial'; ! RichEd1.SelLength := 0; } procedure RE_CancelFmtStandard; {* Cancels RE_FmtStandard (detaching window procedure handler). } property RE_AutoKeyboard: Boolean index 1 read REGetLangOptions write RESetLangOptions; {* |<#richedit> True if autokeyboard on (lovely "feature" of automatic switching keyboard language when caret is over another language text). For older RichEdit, is 'on' always, for newest - 'off' by default. } property RE_AutoFont: Boolean index 2 read REGetLangOptions write RESetLangOptions; {* |<#richedit> True if autofont on (automatic switching font when keyboard layout is changes). By default, is 'on' always. It is suggested to turn this option off for Unicode control. } property RE_AutoFontSizeAdjust: Boolean index 16 read REGetLangOptions write RESetLangOptions; {* |<#richedit> See IMF_AUTOFONTSIZEADJUST option in SDK: Font-bound font sizes are scaled from insertion point size according to script. For example, Asian fonts are slightly larger than Western ones. This option is turned on by default. } property RE_DualFont: Boolean index 128 read REGetLangOptions write RESetLangOptions; {* |<#richedit> See IMF_DUALFONT option in SDK: Sets the control to dual-font mode. Used for Asian language support. The control uses an English font for ASCII text and a Asian font for Asian text. } property RE_UIFonts: Boolean index 32 read REGetLangOptions write RESetLangOptions; {* |<#richedit> See IMF_UIFONTS option in SDK: Use user-interface default fonts. This option is turned off by default. } property RE_IMECancelComplete: Boolean index 4 read REGetLangOptions write RESetLangOptions; {* |<#richedit> See IMF_IMECANCELCOMPLETE option in SDK: This flag determines how the control uses the composition string of an IME if the user cancels it. If this flag is set, the control discards the composition string. If this flag is not set, the control uses the composition string as the result string. } property RE_IMEAlwaysSendNotify: Boolean index 8 read REGetLangOptions write RESetLangOptions; {* |<#richedit> See IMF_IMEALWAYSSENDNOTIFY option in SDK: Controls how Rich Edit notifies the client during IME composition: |<br> 0: No EN_CHANGED or EN_SELCHANGE notifications during undetermined state. Send notification when final string comes in. (default) |<br> 1: Send EN_CHANGED and EN_SELCHANGE events during undetermined state. } property RE_OverwriteMode: Boolean read REGetOverwite write RESetOverwrite; {* |<#richedit> This property allows to control insert/overwrite mode. First, to examine, if insert or overwrite mode is current (but it is necessary either to access this property, at least once, immediately after creating RichEdit control, or to assign event OnRE_InsOvrMode_Change to your handler). Second, to set desired mode programmatically - by assigning value to this property (You also have to initialize monitoring procedure by either reading RE_OverwriteMode property or assigning handler to event OnRE_InsOvrMode_Change immediately following RichEdit control creation). } property OnRE_InsOvrMode_Change: TOnEvent index idx_FOnREInsModeChg read {$IFDEF EVENTS_DYNAMIC} Get_TOnEvent {$ELSE} EV.fOnREInsModeChg {$ENDIF} write {$IFDEF EVENTS_DYNAMIC} Set_TOnEvent {$ELSE} EV.fOnREInsModeChg {$ENDIF}; {* |<#richedit> This event is called, whenever key INSERT is pressed in control (and for RichEdit, this means, that insert mode is changed). } property RE_DisableOverwriteChange: Boolean read DF.fReOvrDisable write RESetOvrDisable; {* |<#richedit> It is possible to disable switching between "insert" and "overwrite" mode by user (therefore, event OnRE_InsOvrMode_Change continue works, but it just called when key INSERT is pressed, though RE_OverwriteMode property is not actually changed if switching is disabled). } function RE_LoadFromStream( Stream: PStream; Length: Integer; {} Format: TRETextFormat; SelectionOnly: Boolean ): Boolean; {* |<#richedit> Use this method rather then assignment to RE_Text property, if source is stored in file or stream (to minimize resources during loading of RichEdit content). Data is loading starting from current position in stream and no more then Length bytes are loaded (use -1 value to load to the end of stream). Loaded data replaces entire content of RichEdit control, or selection only, depending on SelectionOnly flag. |<br> If You want to provide progress (e.g. in form of progress bar), assign OnProgress event to your handler - and to examine current position of loading, read TSream.Position property of soiurce stream). } function RE_SaveToStream( Stream: PStream; Format: TRETextFormat; SelectionOnly: Boolean ): Boolean; {* |<#richedit> Use this method rather then RE_TextProperty to store data to file or stream (to minimize resources during saving of RichEdit content). Data is saving starting from current position in a stream (until end of RichEdit data). If SelectionOnly flag is True, only selected part of RichEdit text is saved. |<br> Like for RE_LoadFromStream, it is possible to assign your method to OnProgress event (but to calculate progress of save-to-stream operation, compare current stream position with RE_Size[ rsBytes ] property value). } property OnProgress: TOnEvent index idx_FOnProgress read {$IFDEF EVENTS_DYNAMIC} Get_TOnEvent {$ELSE} EV.fOnProgress {$ENDIF} write {$IFDEF EVENTS_DYNAMIC} Set_TOnEvent {$ELSE} EV.fOnProgress {$ENDIF}; {* |<#richedit> This event is called during RE_SaveToStream, RE_LoadFromStream (and also during RE_SaveToFile, RE_LoadFromFile and while accessing or changing RE_Text property). To calculate relative progress, it is possible to examine current position in stream/file with its total size while reading, or with rich edit text size, while writing (property RE_TextSize[ rsBytes ]). } function RE_LoadFromFile( const Filename: KOLString; Format: TRETextFormat; {} SelectionOnly: Boolean ): Boolean; {* |<#richedit> Use this method rather then other assignments to RE_Text property, if a source for RichEdit is the file. See also RE_LoadFromStream. } function RE_SaveToFile( const Filename: KOLString; Format: TRETextFormat; {} SelectionOnly: Boolean ): Boolean; {* |<#richedit> Use this method rather then other similar, if You want to store entire content of RichEdit or selection only of RichEdit to a file. } property RE_Text[ Format: TRETextFormat; SelectionOnly: Boolean ]: KOLString read REReadText write REWriteText; {* |<#richedit> This property allows to get / replace content of RichEdit control (entire text or selection only). Using different formats, it is possible to exclude or replace undesired formatting information (see TRETextFormat specification). To get or replace entire text in reText mode (plain text only), it is possible to use habitual for edit controls Text property. |<br> Note: it is possible to append text to the end of RichEdit control using method Add, but only if property RE_Text is accessed at least once: ! RichEdit1.RE_Text[ reText, True ]; (This line can be written immediatelly after creating RichEdit control). } procedure RE_Append( const S: KOLString; ACanUndo: Boolean ); {* } procedure RE_InsertRTF( const S: KOLString ); {* } property RE_Error: Integer read DF.fREError; {* |<#richedit> Contains error code, if access to RE_Text failed. } procedure RE_HideSelection( aHide: Boolean ); {* |<#richedit> Allows to hide / show selection in RichEdit. } function RE_SearchText( const Value: KOLString; MatchCase, WholeWord, ScanForward: Boolean; SearchFrom, SearchTo: Integer ): Integer; {* |<#richedit> Searches given string starting from SearchFrom position up to SearchTo position (to the end of text, if SearchTo is -1). Returns zero-based character position of the next match, or -1 if there are no more matches. To search in bacward direction, set ScanForward to False, and pass SearchFrom > SearchTo (or even SearchFrom = -1 and SearchTo = 0). } {$IFNDEF DISABLE_DEPRECATED} {$IFNDEF _FPC} {$IFNDEF _D2} //------- KOLWideString not supported in D2 function RE_WSearchText( const Value: KOLWideString; MatchCase, WholeWord, ScanForward: Boolean; SearchFrom, SearchTo: Integer ): Integer; {* |<#richedit> Searches given string starting from SearchFrom position up to SearchTo position (to the end of text, if SearchTo is -1). Returns zero-based character position of the next match, or -1 if there are no more matches. To search in bacward direction, set ScanForward to False, and pass SearchFrom > SearchTo (or even SearchFrom = -1 and SearchTo = 0). } {$ENDIF} {$ENDIF} {$ENDIF DISABLE_DEPRECATED} property RE_AutoURLDetect: Boolean read REGetAutoURLDetect write RESetAutoURLDetect; {* |<#richedit> If set to True, automatically detects URLs (and highlights it with blue color, applying fsItalic and fsUnderline font styles (while typing and loading). Default value is False. Note: if event OnRE_URLClick or event OnRE_OverURL are set, property RE_AutoURLDetect is set to True automatically. } property RE_URL: PKOLChar read DF.fREUrl; {* |<#richedit> Detected URL (valid in OnRE_OverURL and OnRE_URLClick event handlers). } property OnRE_OverURL: TOnEvent index 0 read {$IFDEF EVENTS_DYNAMIC} REGetOnURL {$ELSE} {$IFDEF F_P} REGetOnURL {$ELSE DELPHI} EV.fOnREOverURL {$ENDIF F_P/DELPHI} {$ENDIF} write RESetOnURL; {* |<#richedit> Is called when mouse is moving over URL. This can be used to set cursor, for example, depending on type of URL (to determine URL type read property RE_URL). } property OnRE_URLClick: TOnEvent index 8 read {$IFDEF EVENTS_DYNAMIC} REGetOnURL {$ELSE} {$IFDEF F_P} REGetOnURL {$ELSE DELPHI} EV.fOnREURLClick {$ENDIF F_P/DELPHI} {$ENDIF} write RESetOnURL; {* |<#richedit> Is called when click on URL detected. } //property RE_SelectionBar: Boolean read REGetSelectionBar write RESetSelectionBar; //{* ??? - don't know that is this... } function RE_NoOLEDragDrop: PControl; {* |<#richedit> Just prevents drop OLE objects to the rich edit control. Seems not working for some cases. } //function RE_Wyswig: PControl; function RE_Bottomless: PControl; // finished ? property RE_Transparent: Boolean read REGetTransparent write RESetTransparent; {* |<#richedit> Use this property to make richedit control transparent, instead of Ed_Transparent or Transparent. But do not place such transparent richedit control directly on form - it can be draw incorrectly when form is activated and rich editr control is not current active control. Use at least panel as a parent instead. } property RE_Zoom: TSmallPoint read REGetZoom write RESetZoom; {* |<#richedit> To set zooming for rich edit control (3.0 and above), pass X as numerator and Y as denominator. Resulting X/Y must be between 1/64 and 64. } {$ENDIF NOT_USE_RICHEDIT} //========== both for Edit and RichEdit: ===================== function CanUndo: Boolean; {* |<#richedit> |<#edit> |<#memo> Returns True, if the edit (or RichEdit) control can correctly process the EM_UNDO message. } procedure EmptyUndoBuffer; {* |<#richedit> |<#edit> |<#memo> Reset the undo flag of an edit control, preventing undoing all previous changes. } function Undo: Boolean; {* |<#richedit> |<#edit> |<#memo> For a single-line edit control, the return value is always TRUE. For a multiline edit control and RichEdit control, the return value is TRUE if the undo operation is successful, or FALSE if the undo operation fails. } public property PropInt[ PropName: PKOLChar ]: Integer read Get_Prop_Int write Set_Prop_Int; {* For any windowed control: use it to store desired property in window properties. } {$IFNDEF NOT_USE_RICHEDIT} function RE_Redo: Boolean; procedure FreeCharFormatRec; {* |<#richedit> Only for RichEdit control: Returns True if successful. } {$ENDIF NOT_USE_RICHEDIT} public aAutoSzX: Byte; aAutoSzY: Byte; protected fAlign: TControlAlign; fAligning:TAlignings; {$ENDIF GDI} public property Align: TControlAlign read FAlign write Set_Align; {* Align style of a control. If this property is not used in your application, there are no additional code added. Aligning of controls is made in KOL like in VCL. To align controls when initially create ones, use "transparent" function SetAlign ("transparent" means that it returns @Self as a result). |<br> Note, that it is better not to align combobox caClient, caLeft or caRight (better way is to place a panel with Border = 0 and EdgeStyle = esNone, align it as desired and to place a combobox on it aligning caTop or caBottom). Otherwise, big problems could be under Win9x/Me, and some delay could occur under any other systems. |<br> Do not attempt to align some kinds of controls (like combobox) caLeft or caRight, this can cause infinite recursion. } property SizeRedraw: Boolean read {$IFDEF USE_FLAGS} Get_SizeRedraw {$ELSE} fSizeRedraw {$ENDIF} write {$IFDEF USE_FLAGS} Set_SizeRedraw {$ELSE} fSizeRedraw {$ENDIF}; procedure ResetEvent( idx: Integer ); {$IFDEF FINAL_MARKER} protected ffinal_offset: Boolean; {$ENDIF} end; {$IFDEF USE_MHTOOLTIP} {$DEFINE interface_part} {$I KOLMHToolTip_interface.inc} {$UNDEF interface_part} {$ENDIF} {$IFDEF USE_MHTOOLTIP} {$DEFINE interface_2} {$I KOLMHToolTip_intf2.inc} {$UNDEF interface_2} {$ENDIF} {$IFDEF EVENTS_DYNAMIC} var EmptyEvents: TEvents; {$ENDIF} function DummyProc123_TRUE( Dummy: Pointer; Sender: PControl; param3: Integer ): Boolean; function DummyProc123_0( Dummy: Pointer; Sender: PObj; param3: Integer ): Integer; function DummyProc4_TRUE( Dummy: Pointer; Sender: PControl; p3, p4: Integer ): Boolean; function DummyProc5_TRUE( Dummy: Pointer; Sender: PControl; p3, p4, p5: Integer ): Boolean; procedure DummyOnLVDataProc( Dummy: Pointer; Sender: PControl; Idx, SubItem: Integer; var Txt: KOL_String; var ImgIdx: Integer; var State: DWORD; var Store: Boolean ); function DummyProc4_0( Dummy: Pointer; Sender: PControl; p3, p4: Integer ): Integer; function DummyOnDrawItemProc( Dummy:Pointer; Sender: PObj; DC: HDC; const Rect: TRect; ItemIdx: Integer; DrawAction: TDrawAction; ItemState: TDrawState ): Boolean; function DummyOnLVCustomDrawProc( Dummy: Pointer; Sender: PControl; DC: HDC; Stage: DWORD; ItemIdx, SubItemIdx: Integer; const Rect: TRect; ItemState: TDrawState; var TextColor, BackColor: TColor ): DWORD; function DummyOnSBBeforeScrollProc(Dummy: Pointer; Sender: PControl; OldPos, NewPos: Integer; Cmd: Word; var AllowChange: Boolean): Boolean; {$IFDEF USE_GRAPHCTLS} procedure InvalidateWindowed( Sender: PObj ); procedure InvalidateNonWindowed( Sender: PObj ); {$ENDIF} function FormNewLabel( Form: PControl ): PControl; function FormNewWordWrapLabel( Form: PControl ): PControl; function FormNewLabelEffect( Form: PControl ): PControl; function FormNewButton( Form: PControl ): PControl; function FormNewBitBtn( Form: PControl ): PControl; function FormNewPanel( Form: PControl ): PControl; function FormNewGradientPanel( Form: PControl ): PControl; function FormNewGradientPanelEx( Form: PControl ): PControl; function FormNewGroupbox( Form: PControl ): PControl; function FormNewPaintbox( Form: PControl ): PControl; function FormNewImageShow( Form: PControl ): PControl; function FormNewEditBox( Form: PControl ): PControl; {$IFDEF USE_RICHEDIT} function FormNewRichEdit( Form: PControl ): PControl; {$ENDIF} function FormNewCombobox( Form: PControl ): PControl; function FormNewCheckbox( Form: PControl ): PControl; function FormNewRadiobox( Form: PControl ): PControl; function FormNewSplitter( Form: PControl ): PControl; function FormNewListbox( Form: PControl ): PControl; function FormNewListView( Form: PControl ): PControl; function FormNewTreeView( Form: PControl ): PControl; function FormNewScrollbox( Form: PControl ): PControl; function FormNewScrollboxEx( Form: PControl ): PControl; function FormNewScrollBar( Form: PControl ): PControl; function FormNewProgressBar( Form: PControl ): PControl; function FormNewProgressBarEx( Form: PControl ): PControl; //function FormNewToolbar( Form: PControl ): PControl; function FormNewDateTimePicker( Form: PControl ): PControl; {$IFDEF _D4orHigher} function FormNewTabControl( Form: PControl ): PControl; {$ENDIF} procedure FormSetSize( Form: PControl ); procedure FormSetHeight( Form: PControl ); procedure FormSetWidth( Form: PControl ); procedure FormSetPosition( Form: PControl ); procedure FormSetClientSize( Form: PControl ); procedure FormSetAlign( Form: PControl ); procedure FormSetTag( Form: PControl ); {$IFDEF USE_NAMES} procedure FormSetName( Form: PControl ); {$ENDIF USE_NAMES} {$IFDEF UNICODE_CTRLS} procedure FormSetUnicode( Form: PControl ); {$ENDIF UNICODE_CTRLS} procedure FormAssignHelpContext( Form: PControl ); procedure FormSetCanResizeFalse( Form: PControl ); procedure FormInitMenu( Form: PControl ); procedure FormSizeGripFalse( Form: PControl ); procedure FormSetExStyle( Form: PControl ); procedure FormSetVisibleFalse( Form: PControl ); procedure FormSetEnabledFalse( Form: PControl ); procedure FormResetStyles( Form: PControl ); procedure FormSetStyle( Form: PControl ); procedure FormSetAlphaBlend( Form: PControl ); procedure FormSetHasBorderFalse( Form: PControl ); procedure FormSetHasCaptionFalse( Form: PControl ); procedure FormResetCtl3D( Form: PControl ); procedure FormIconLoad_hInstance( Form: PControl ); procedure FormIconLoadCursor_0( Form: PControl ); procedure FormSetIconNeg1( Form: PControl ); procedure FormIconLoad_hInstance_str( Form: PControl ); procedure FormSetWindowState( Form: PControl ); procedure FormCursorLoad_0( Form: PControl ); procedure FormCursorLoad_hInstance( Form: PControl ); procedure FormSetColor( Form: PControl ); procedure FormSetBrushStyle( Form: PControl ); procedure FormSetBrushBitmap( Form: PControl ); procedure FormSetFontColor( Form: PControl ); procedure FormSetFontStyles( Form: PControl ); procedure FormSetFontHeight( Form: PControl ); procedure FormSetFontWidth( Form: PControl ); procedure FormSetFontName( Form: PControl ); procedure FormSetFontOrientation( Form: PControl ); procedure FormSetFontCharset( Form: PControl ); procedure FormSetFontPitch( Form: PControl ); procedure FormSetBorder( Form: PControl ); procedure FormSetMarginTop( Form: PControl ); procedure FormSetMarginBottom( Form: PControl ); procedure FormSetMarginLeft( Form: PControl ); procedure FormSetMarginRight( Form: PControl ); procedure FormSetSimpleStatusText( Form: PControl ); procedure FormSetStatusText( Form: PControl ); procedure FormRemoveCloseIcon( Form: PControl ); procedure FormSetEraseBkgndTrue( Form: PControl ); procedure FormSetMinWidth( Form: PControl ); procedure FormSetMaxWidth( Form: PControl ); procedure FormSetMinHeight( Form: PControl ); procedure FormSetMaxHeight( Form: PControl ); procedure FormSetKeyPreviewTrue( Form: PControl ); // BitBtn only: procedure FormSetRepeatInterval( Form: PControl ); procedure FormSetTextShiftX( Form: PControl ); procedure FormSetTextShiftY( Form: PControl ); // LabelEffect only: procedure FormSetColor2( Form: PControl ); procedure FormSetTextAlign( Form: PControl ); procedure FormSetTextVAlign( Form: PControl ); procedure FormSetTabStopFalse( Form: PControl ); procedure FormSetIgnoreDefault( Form: PControl ); procedure FormSetHintText( Form: PControl ); procedure FormSetAnchor( Form: PControl ); procedure FormSetCaption( Form: PControl ); procedure FormSetGradienStyle( Form: PControl ); procedure FormOverrideScrollbars( Form: PControl ); // RichEdit only: {$IFDEF USE_RICHEDIT} procedure FormSetRE_AutoFontFalse( Form: PControl ); procedure FormSetRE_AutoFontSizeAdjustFalse( Form: PControl ); procedure FormSetRE_DualFontTrue( Form: PControl ); procedure FormSetRE_UIFontsTrue( Form: PControl ); procedure FormSetRE_IMECancelCompleteTrue( Form: PControl ); procedure FormSetRE_IMEAlwaysSendNotifyTrue( Form: PControl ); procedure FormSetMaxTextSize( Form: PControl ); procedure FormSetRE_AutoKeyboardTrue( Form: PControl ); procedure FormSetRE_DisableOverwriteChangeTrue( Form: PControl ); procedure FormSetRE_Zoom( Form: PControl ); {$ENDIF USE_RICHEDIT} procedure FormSetListItems( Form: PControl ); procedure FormSetCount( Form: PControl ); procedure FormSetDroppedWidth( Form: PControl ); procedure FormSetButtonIcon( Form: PControl ); procedure FormSetButtonImage( Form: PControl ); procedure FormSetButtonBitmap( Form: PControl ); procedure FormSetDefaultBtn( Form: PControl ); // progress procedure FormSetMaxProgress( Form: PControl ); procedure FormSetProgress( Form: PControl ); // list view procedure FormLVColumsAdd( Form: PControl ); procedure FormSetLVColOrder( Form: PControl ); procedure FormSetLVColImage( Form: PControl ); // tree view procedure FormSetTVIndent( Form: PControl ); // toolbar procedure FormSetTBBtnImgWidth( Form: PControl ); procedure FormTBAddBitmap( Form: PControl ); procedure FormSetTBButtonSize( Form: PControl ); {$IFDEF _D4orHigher} procedure FormTBSetTooltips( Form: PControl ); {$ENDIF} procedure FormSetTBButtonsMinWidth( Form: PControl ); procedure FormSetTBButtonsMaxWidth( Form: PControl ); procedure FormHideToolbarButton( Form: PControl ); procedure FormDisableToolbarButton( Form: PControl ); procedure FormFixFlatXPToolbar( Form: PControl ); // datetimepicker procedure FormSetDateTimeFormat( Form: PControl ); procedure FormSetDateTimeColor( Form: PControl ); // tabcontrol procedure FormSetCurrentTab( Form: PControl ); procedure FormSetCurIdx( Form: PControl ); // scrolbar procedure FormSetSBMin( Form: PControl ); procedure FormSetSBMax( Form: PControl ); procedure FormSetSBPosition( Form: PControl ); procedure FormSetSBPageSize( Form: PControl ); procedure FormLastCreatedChildAsNewCurrentParent( Form: PControl ); procedure FormSetUpperParent( Form: PControl ); procedure FormSetTabpageAsParent( Form: PControl ); procedure FormSetCurCtl( Form: PControl ); procedure FormSetParent( Form: PControl ); procedure FormSetEvent( Form: PControl ); procedure FormSetIndexedEvent( Form: PControl ); {$IFDEF WIN_GDI} function ToolbarButtonRect( Toolbar: PControl; BtnID: Integer ): TRect; {* Use this function instead of reading TControl.TBButtonRect, if you want to have it working the same way when standard toolbar is used or GRushControl toolbar provided in ToGRush.pas unit. } procedure ToolbarSetTooltips( Toolbar: PControl; BtnID1st: Integer; const Tooltips: array of PKOLChar ); {* Use this function instead of TContol.TBSetTooltips in your project, when you use ToGRush unit. } function ToolbarButtonEnabled( Toolbar: PControl; BtnID: Integer ): Boolean; {* Use this function instead of reading the property TControl.TBButtonEnabled when tou use ToGRush unit. } procedure EnableToolbarButton( Toolbar: PControl; BtnID: Integer; Enable: Boolean ); {* Use this procedure instead of writing the property TControl.TBButtonEnabled when you use ToGRush unit. } function ToolbarButtonVisible( Toolbar: PControl; BtnID: Integer ): Boolean; {* Use this function instead of reading the property TControl.TBButtonVisible when tou use ToGRush unit. } procedure ShowHideToolbarButton( Toolbar: PControl; BtnID: Integer; Show: Boolean ); {* Use this procedure instead of writing the property TControl.TBButtonVisible when you use ToGRush unit. } function ToolbarButtonChecked( Toolbar: PControl; BtnID: Integer): Boolean; {* } procedure ToolbarButtonSetChecked( Toolbar: PControl; BtnID: Integer; Checked: Boolean ); {* } procedure ToolbarAddButtons( Toolbar: PControl; const Buttons: array of PKOLChar; const BtnImgIdxArray: array of Integer; Bitmap: HBitmap ); {* } function Scrollbar_GetMinPos( sb: PControl ): Integer; procedure Scrollbar_SetMinPos( sb: PControl; m: Integer ); procedure Scrollbar_SetAll( sb: PControl; min, max, pg, cur: Integer ); function Scrollbar_GetMaxPos( sb: PControl ): Integer; procedure Scrollbar_SetMaxPos( sb: PControl; m: Integer ); function Scrollbar_GetCurPos( sb: PControl ): Integer; procedure Scrollbar_SetCurPos( sb: PControl; newp: Integer ); procedure Scrollbar_SetPageSz( sb: PControl; psz: Integer ); function Scrollbar_GetPageSz( sb: PControl ): Integer; procedure Scrollbar_SetLineSz( sb: PControl; lnz: Integer ); function Scrollbar_GetLineSz( sb: PControl ): Integer; {$ENDIF WIN_GDI} var ToolbarsIDcmd: Integer = 100; type TOnPaintBkgnd = procedure( Sender: PControl; DC: HDC; Rect: PRect ); {* Global event definition. Used to define Global_OnPaintBackground event placeholder. } procedure DefaultPaintBackground( Sender: PControl; DC: HDC; Rect: PRect ); var Global_OnPaintBkgnd: TOnPaintBkgnd = DefaultPaintBackground; {* Global event. It is assigned in XBackgounds.pas add-on to replace PaintBackground method for all TVisual objects, allowing great visualization effect: transparent controls over [animated] bitmap background. Idea: | <a href=mailto:"bw@sunv.com">Wei Bao</a>. Implementation: | <a href=mailto:"bonanzas@xcl.cjb.net">Kladov Vladimir</a>. } function GetShiftState: DWORD; {* Returns shift state. } {$IFDEF WIN_GDI} function WndProcMouse( Self_: PControl; var Msg: TMsg; var Rslt: Integer ): Boolean; function WndProcKeybd( Self_: PControl; var Msg: TMsg; var Rslt: Integer ): Boolean; function WndProcDummy( Self_: PControl; var Msg: TMsg; var Rslt: Integer ): Boolean; function WndProcMenu( Sender: PControl; var Msg: TMsg; var Rslt: Integer): Boolean; {$IFDEF ALL_BUTTONS_RESPOND_TO_ENTER} function WndProcBtnReturnClick( Self_: PControl; var Msg: TMsg; var Rslt: Integer ): Boolean; {$ENDIF} function AutoMinimizeApplet(Self_: PControl; var Msg: TMsg; var Rslt: Integer): Boolean; {* By Sergey Shishmintzev Attach this handler to your modal dialog form handle to provide automatic minimization of all other forms in the application together with the dialog. } procedure InitCommonControlSizeNotify( Ctrl: PControl ); procedure InitCommonControlCommonNotify( Ctrl: PControl ); procedure DummyAttachProcExtension ( DynHandlers: PList ); procedure TransparentAttachProcExtension ( DynHandlers: PList ); {$IFNDEF SMALLEST_CODE} var Global_AttachProcExtension: procedure( DynHandlers: PList ) = DummyAttachProcExtension; {$ENDIF} {$ENDIF WIN_GDI} var HelpFilePath: PKOLChar; {* Path to application help file. If not assigned, application path with extension replaced to '.hlp' used. To use '.chm' file (HtmlHelp), call AssignHtmlHelp with a path to a html help file (or a name). } {$IFDEF WIN_GDI} procedure AssignHtmlHelp( const HtmlHelpPath: KOLString ); procedure HtmlHelpCommand( Wnd: HWnd; const HelpFilePath: KOLString; Cmd, Data: Integer ); {* Use this wrapper procedure to call HtmlHelp API function. } //+++++++++++ HTML HELP DEFINITIONS SECTION: // this section is from // HTML Help API Interface Unit // Copyright (c) 1999 The Helpware Group // provided for KOL by Alexey Babenko const HH_DISPLAY_TOPIC = $0000; {**} HH_HELP_FINDER = $0000; // WinHelp equivalent HH_DISPLAY_TOC = $0001; // not currently implemented HH_DISPLAY_INDEX = $0002; // not currently implemented HH_DISPLAY_SEARCH = $0003; // not currently implemented HH_SET_WIN_TYPE = $0004; HH_GET_WIN_TYPE = $0005; HH_GET_WIN_HANDLE = $0006; HH_ENUM_INFO_TYPE = $0007; // Get Info type name, call repeatedly to enumerate, -1 at end HH_SET_INFO_TYPE = $0008; // Add Info type to filter. HH_SYNC = $0009; HH_RESERVED1 = $000A; HH_RESERVED2 = $000B; HH_RESERVED3 = $000C; HH_KEYWORD_LOOKUP = $000D; HH_DISPLAY_TEXT_POPUP = $000E; // display string resource id or text in a popup window HH_HELP_CONTEXT = $000F; {**}// display mapped numeric value in dwData HH_TP_HELP_CONTEXTMENU = $0010; // text popup help, same as WinHelp HELP_CONTEXTMENU HH_TP_HELP_WM_HELP = $0011; // text popup help, same as WinHelp HELP_WM_HELP HH_CLOSE_ALL = $0012; // close all windows opened directly or indirectly by the caller HH_ALINK_LOOKUP = $0013; // ALink version of HH_KEYWORD_LOOKUP HH_GET_LAST_ERROR = $0014; // not currently implemented // See HHERROR.h HH_ENUM_CATEGORY = $0015; // Get category name, call repeatedly to enumerate, -1 at end HH_ENUM_CATEGORY_IT = $0016; // Get category info type members, call repeatedly to enumerate, -1 at end HH_RESET_IT_FILTER = $0017; // Clear the info type filter of all info types. HH_SET_INCLUSIVE_FILTER = $0018; // set inclusive filtering method for untyped topics to be included in display HH_SET_EXCLUSIVE_FILTER = $0019; // set exclusive filtering method for untyped topics to be excluded from display HH_INITIALIZE = $001C; // Initializes the help system. HH_UNINITIALIZE = $001D; // Uninitializes the help system. HH_PRETRANSLATEMESSAGE = $00fd; // Pumps messages. (NULL, NULL, MSG*). HH_SET_GLOBAL_PROPERTY = $00fc; // Set a global property. (NULL, NULL, HH_GPROP) { window properties } const HHWIN_PROP_TAB_AUTOHIDESHOW = $00000001; // (1 << 0) Automatically hide/show tri-pane window HHWIN_PROP_ONTOP = $00000002; // (1 << 1) Top-most window HHWIN_PROP_NOTITLEBAR = $00000004; // (1 << 2) no title bar HHWIN_PROP_NODEF_STYLES = $00000008; // (1 << 3) no default window styles (only HH_WINTYPE.dwStyles) HHWIN_PROP_NODEF_EXSTYLES = $00000010; // (1 << 4) no default extended window styles (only HH_WINTYPE.dwExStyles) HHWIN_PROP_TRI_PANE = $00000020; // (1 << 5) use a tri-pane window HHWIN_PROP_NOTB_TEXT = $00000040; // (1 << 6) no text on toolbar buttons HHWIN_PROP_POST_QUIT = $00000080; // (1 << 7) post WM_QUIT message when window closes HHWIN_PROP_AUTO_SYNC = $00000100; // (1 << 8) automatically ssync contents and index HHWIN_PROP_TRACKING = $00000200; // (1 << 9) send tracking notification messages HHWIN_PROP_TAB_SEARCH = $00000400; // (1 << 10) include search tab in navigation pane HHWIN_PROP_TAB_HISTORY = $00000800; // (1 << 11) include history tab in navigation pane HHWIN_PROP_TAB_FAVORITES = $00001000; // (1 << 12) include favorites tab in navigation pane HHWIN_PROP_CHANGE_TITLE = $00002000; // (1 << 13) Put current HTML title in title bar HHWIN_PROP_NAV_ONLY_WIN = $00004000; // (1 << 14) Only display the navigation window HHWIN_PROP_NO_TOOLBAR = $00008000; // (1 << 15) Don't display a toolbar HHWIN_PROP_MENU = $00010000; // (1 << 16) Menu HHWIN_PROP_TAB_ADVSEARCH = $00020000; // (1 << 17) Advanced FTS UI. HHWIN_PROP_USER_POS = $00040000; // (1 << 18) After initial creation, user controls window size/position HHWIN_PROP_TAB_CUSTOM1 = $00080000; // (1 << 19) Use custom tab #1 HHWIN_PROP_TAB_CUSTOM2 = $00100000; // (1 << 20) Use custom tab #2 HHWIN_PROP_TAB_CUSTOM3 = $00200000; // (1 << 21) Use custom tab #3 HHWIN_PROP_TAB_CUSTOM4 = $00400000; // (1 << 22) Use custom tab #4 HHWIN_PROP_TAB_CUSTOM5 = $00800000; // (1 << 23) Use custom tab #5 HHWIN_PROP_TAB_CUSTOM6 = $01000000; // (1 << 24) Use custom tab #6 HHWIN_PROP_TAB_CUSTOM7 = $02000000; // (1 << 25) Use custom tab #7 HHWIN_PROP_TAB_CUSTOM8 = $04000000; // (1 << 26) Use custom tab #8 HHWIN_PROP_TAB_CUSTOM9 = $08000000; // (1 << 27) Use custom tab #9 HHWIN_TB_MARGIN = $10000000; // (1 << 28) the window type has a margin { window parameters } const HHWIN_PARAM_PROPERTIES = $00000002; // (1 << 1) valid fsWinProperties HHWIN_PARAM_STYLES = $00000004; // (1 << 2) valid dwStyles HHWIN_PARAM_EXSTYLES = $00000008; // (1 << 3) valid dwExStyles HHWIN_PARAM_RECT = $00000010; // (1 << 4) valid rcWindowPos HHWIN_PARAM_NAV_WIDTH = $00000020; // (1 << 5) valid iNavWidth HHWIN_PARAM_SHOWSTATE = $00000040; // (1 << 6) valid nShowState HHWIN_PARAM_INFOTYPES = $00000080; // (1 << 7) valid apInfoTypes HHWIN_PARAM_TB_FLAGS = $00000100; // (1 << 8) valid fsToolBarFlags HHWIN_PARAM_EXPANSION = $00000200; // (1 << 9) valid fNotExpanded HHWIN_PARAM_TABPOS = $00000400; // (1 << 10) valid tabpos HHWIN_PARAM_TABORDER = $00000800; // (1 << 11) valid taborder HHWIN_PARAM_HISTORY_COUNT = $00001000; // (1 << 12) valid cHistory HHWIN_PARAM_CUR_TAB = $00002000; // (1 << 13) valid curNavType { button constants } const HHWIN_BUTTON_EXPAND = $00000002; // (1 << 1) Expand/contract button HHWIN_BUTTON_BACK = $00000004; // (1 << 2) Back button HHWIN_BUTTON_FORWARD = $00000008; // (1 << 3) Forward button HHWIN_BUTTON_STOP = $00000010; // (1 << 4) Stop button HHWIN_BUTTON_REFRESH = $00000020; // (1 << 5) Refresh button HHWIN_BUTTON_HOME = $00000040; // (1 << 6) Home button HHWIN_BUTTON_BROWSE_FWD = $00000080; // (1 << 7) not implemented HHWIN_BUTTON_BROWSE_BCK = $00000100; // (1 << 8) not implemented HHWIN_BUTTON_NOTES = $00000200; // (1 << 9) not implemented HHWIN_BUTTON_CONTENTS = $00000400; // (1 << 10) not implemented HHWIN_BUTTON_SYNC = $00000800; // (1 << 11) Sync button HHWIN_BUTTON_OPTIONS = $00001000; // (1 << 12) Options button HHWIN_BUTTON_PRINT = $00002000; // (1 << 13) Print button HHWIN_BUTTON_INDEX = $00004000; // (1 << 14) not implemented HHWIN_BUTTON_SEARCH = $00008000; // (1 << 15) not implemented HHWIN_BUTTON_HISTORY = $00010000; // (1 << 16) not implemented HHWIN_BUTTON_FAVORITES = $00020000; // (1 << 17) not implemented HHWIN_BUTTON_JUMP1 = $00040000; // (1 << 18) HHWIN_BUTTON_JUMP2 = $00080000; // (1 << 19) HHWIN_BUTTON_ZOOM = $00100000; // (1 << 20) HHWIN_BUTTON_TOC_NEXT = $00200000; // (1 << 21) HHWIN_BUTTON_TOC_PREV = $00400000; // (1 << 22) HHWIN_DEF_BUTTONS = (HHWIN_BUTTON_EXPAND OR HHWIN_BUTTON_BACK OR HHWIN_BUTTON_OPTIONS OR HHWIN_BUTTON_PRINT); { Button IDs } const IDTB_EXPAND = 200; IDTB_CONTRACT = 201; IDTB_STOP = 202; IDTB_REFRESH = 203; IDTB_BACK = 204; IDTB_HOME = 205; IDTB_SYNC = 206; IDTB_PRINT = 207; IDTB_OPTIONS = 208; IDTB_FORWARD = 209; IDTB_NOTES = 210; // not implemented IDTB_BROWSE_FWD = 211; IDTB_BROWSE_BACK = 212; IDTB_CONTENTS = 213; // not implemented IDTB_INDEX = 214; // not implemented IDTB_SEARCH = 215; // not implemented IDTB_HISTORY = 216; // not implemented IDTB_FAVORITES = 217; // not implemented IDTB_JUMP1 = 218; IDTB_JUMP2 = 219; IDTB_CUSTOMIZE = 221; IDTB_ZOOM = 222; IDTB_TOC_NEXT = 223; IDTB_TOC_PREV = 224; { Notification codes } const HHN_FIRST = (0-860); HHN_LAST = (0-879); HHN_NAVCOMPLETE = (HHN_FIRST-0); HHN_TRACK = (HHN_FIRST-1); HHN_WINDOW_CREATE = (HHN_FIRST-2); type {*** Used by command HH_GET_LAST_ERROR NOTE: Not part of the htmlhelp.h but documented in HH Workshop help You must call SysFreeString(xx.description) to free BSTR } tagHH_LAST_ERROR = packed record cbStruct: Integer; // sizeof this structure hr: Integer; // Specifies the last error code. description: PWideChar; // (BSTR) Specifies a Unicode string containing a description of the error. end; HH_LAST_ERROR = tagHH_LAST_ERROR; THHLastError = tagHH_LAST_ERROR; type {*** Notify event info for HHN_NAVCOMPLETE, HHN_WINDOW_CREATE } PHHNNotify = ^THHNNotify; tagHHN_NOTIFY = packed record hdr: TNMHdr; pszUrl: PAnsiChar; //PCSTR: Multi-byte, null-terminated string end; HHN_NOTIFY = tagHHN_NOTIFY; THHNNotify = tagHHN_NOTIFY; {** Use by command HH_DISPLAY_TEXT_POPUP} PHHPopup = ^THHPopup; tagHH_POPUP = packed record cbStruct: Integer; // sizeof this structure hinst: HINST; // instance handle for string resource idString: cardinal; // string resource id, or text id if pszFile is specified in HtmlHelp call pszText: PAnsiChar; // used if idString is zero pt: TPOINT; // top center of popup window clrForeground: COLORREF; // use -1 for default clrBackground: COLORREF; // use -1 for default rcMargins: TRect; // amount of space between edges of window and text, -1 for each member to ignore pszFont: PAnsiChar; // facename, point size, char set, BOLD ITALIC UNDERLINE end; HH_POPUP = tagHH_POPUP; THHPopup = tagHH_POPUP; {** Use by commands - HH_ALINK_LOOKUP, HH_KEYWORD_LOOKUP} PHHAKLink = ^THHAKLink; tagHH_AKLINK = packed record cbStruct: integer; // sizeof this structure fReserved: BOOL; // must be FALSE (really!) pszKeywords: PAnsiChar; // semi-colon separated keywords pszUrl: PAnsiChar; // URL to jump to if no keywords found (may be NULL) pszMsgText: PAnsiChar; // Message text to display in MessageBox if pszUrl is NULL and no keyword match pszMsgTitle: PAnsiChar; // Message text to display in MessageBox if pszUrl is NULL and no keyword match pszWindow: PAnsiChar; // Window to display URL in fIndexOnFail: BOOL; // Displays index if keyword lookup fails. end; HH_AKLINK = tagHH_AKLINK; THHAKLink = tagHH_AKLINK; const HHWIN_NAVTYPE_TOC = 0; HHWIN_NAVTYPE_INDEX = 1; HHWIN_NAVTYPE_SEARCH = 2; HHWIN_NAVTYPE_FAVORITES = 3; HHWIN_NAVTYPE_HISTORY = 4; // not implemented HHWIN_NAVTYPE_AUTHOR = 5; HHWIN_NAVTYPE_CUSTOM_FIRST = 11; const IT_INCLUSIVE = 0; IT_EXCLUSIVE = 1; IT_HIDDEN = 2; type PHHEnumIT = ^THHEnumIT; tagHH_ENUM_IT = packed record //tagHH_ENUM_IT, HH_ENUM_IT, *PHH_ENUM_IT cbStruct: Integer; // size of this structure iType: Integer; // the type of the information type ie. Inclusive, Exclusive, or Hidden pszCatName: PAnsiChar; // Set to the name of the Category to enumerate the info types in a category; else NULL pszITName: PAnsiChar; // volitile pointer to the name of the infotype. Allocated by call. Caller responsible for freeing pszITDescription: PAnsiChar; // volitile pointer to the description of the infotype. end; THHEnumIT = tagHH_ENUM_IT; type PHHEnumCat = ^THHEnumCat; tagHH_ENUM_CAT = packed record //tagHH_ENUM_CAT, HH_ENUM_CAT, *PHH_ENUM_CAT cbStruct: Integer; // size of this structure pszCatName: PAnsiChar; // volitile pointer to the category name pszCatDescription: PAnsiChar; // volitile pointer to the category description end; THHEnumCat = tagHH_ENUM_CAT; type PHHSetInfoType = ^THHSetInfoType; tagHH_SET_INFOTYPE = packed record //tagHH_SET_INFOTYPE, HH_SET_INFOTYPE, *PHH_SET_INFOTYPE cbStruct: Integer; // the size of this structure pszCatName: PAnsiChar; // the name of the category, if any, the InfoType is a member of. pszInfoTypeName: PAnsiChar; // the name of the info type to add to the filter end; THHSetInfoType = tagHH_SET_INFOTYPE; type HH_INFOTYPE = DWORD; THHInfoType = HH_INFOTYPE; PHHInfoType = ^THHInfoType; //PHH_INFOTYPE const HHWIN_NAVTAB_TOP = 0; HHWIN_NAVTAB_LEFT = 1; HHWIN_NAVTAB_BOTTOM = 2; const HH_MAX_TABS = 19; // maximum number of tabs const HH_TAB_CONTENTS = 0; HH_TAB_INDEX = 1; HH_TAB_SEARCH = 2; HH_TAB_FAVORITES = 3; HH_TAB_HISTORY = 4; HH_TAB_AUTHOR = 5; HH_TAB_CUSTOM_FIRST = 11; HH_TAB_CUSTOM_LAST = HH_MAX_TABS; HH_MAX_TABS_CUSTOM = (HH_TAB_CUSTOM_LAST - HH_TAB_CUSTOM_FIRST + 1); { HH_DISPLAY_SEARCH Command Related Structures and Constants } const HH_FTS_DEFAULT_PROXIMITY = (-1); type {** Used by command HH_DISPLAY_SEARCH} PHHFtsQuery = ^THHFtsQuery; tagHH_FTS_QUERY = packed record //tagHH_FTS_QUERY, HH_FTS_QUERY cbStruct: integer; // Sizeof structure in bytes. fUniCodeStrings: BOOL; // TRUE if all strings are unicode. pszSearchQuery: PAnsiChar; // String containing the search query. iProximity: LongInt; // Word proximity. fStemmedSearch: Bool; // TRUE for StemmedSearch only. fTitleOnly: Bool; // TRUE for Title search only. fExecute: Bool; // TRUE to initiate the search. pszWindow: PAnsiChar; // Window to display in end; THHFtsQuery = tagHH_FTS_QUERY; { HH_WINTYPE Structure } type {** Used by commands HH_GET_WIN_TYPE, HH_SET_WIN_TYPE} PHHWinType = ^THHWinType; tagHH_WINTYPE = packed record //tagHH_WINTYPE, HH_WINTYPE, *PHH_WINTYPE; cbStruct: Integer; // IN: size of this structure including all Information Types fUniCodeStrings: BOOL; // IN/OUT: TRUE if all strings are in UNICODE pszType: PAnsiChar; // IN/OUT: Name of a type of window fsValidMembers: DWORD; // IN: Bit flag of valid members (HHWIN_PARAM_) fsWinProperties: DWORD; // IN/OUT: Properties/attributes of the window (HHWIN_) pszCaption: PAnsiChar; // IN/OUT: Window title dwStyles: DWORD; // IN/OUT: Window styles dwExStyles: DWORD; // IN/OUT: Extended Window styles rcWindowPos: TRect; // IN: Starting position, OUT: current position nShowState: Integer; // IN: show state (e.g., SW_SHOW) hwndHelp: HWND; // OUT: window handle hwndCaller: HWND; // OUT: who called this window paInfoTypes: PHHInfoType; // IN: Pointer to an array of Information Types { The following members are only valid if HHWIN_PROP_TRI_PANE is set } hwndToolBar: HWND; // OUT: toolbar window in tri-pane window hwndNavigation: HWND; // OUT: navigation window in tri-pane window hwndHTML: HWND; // OUT: window displaying HTML in tri-pane window iNavWidth: Integer; // IN/OUT: width of navigation window rcHTML: TRect; // OUT: HTML window coordinates pszToc: PAnsiChar; // IN: Location of the table of contents file pszIndex: PAnsiChar; // IN: Location of the index file pszFile: PAnsiChar; // IN: Default location of the html file pszHome: PAnsiChar; // IN/OUT: html file to display when Home button is clicked fsToolBarFlags: DWORD; // IN: flags controling the appearance of the toolbar (HHWIN_BUTTON_) fNotExpanded: BOOL; // IN: TRUE/FALSE to contract or expand, OUT: current state curNavType: Integer; // IN/OUT: UI to display in the navigational pane tabpos: Integer; // IN/OUT: HHWIN_NAVTAB_TOP, HHWIN_NAVTAB_LEFT, or HHWIN_NAVTAB_BOTTOM idNotify: Integer; // IN: ID to use for WM_NOTIFY messages tabOrder: packed array[0..HH_MAX_TABS] of Byte; // IN/OUT: tab order: Contents, Index, Search, History, Favorites, Reserved 1-5, Custom tabs cHistory: Integer; // IN/OUT: number of history items to keep (default is 30) pszJump1: PAnsiChar; // Text for HHWIN_BUTTON_JUMP1 pszJump2: PAnsiChar; // Text for HHWIN_BUTTON_JUMP2 pszUrlJump1: PAnsiChar; // URL for HHWIN_BUTTON_JUMP1 pszUrlJump2: PAnsiChar; // URL for HHWIN_BUTTON_JUMP2 rcMinSize: TRect; // Minimum size for window (ignored in version 1) cbInfoTypes: Integer; // size of paInfoTypes; pszCustomTabs: PAnsiChar; // multiple zero-terminated strings end; HH_WINTYPE = tagHH_WINTYPE; THHWinType = tagHH_WINTYPE; const HHACT_TAB_CONTENTS = 0; HHACT_TAB_INDEX = 1; HHACT_TAB_SEARCH = 2; HHACT_TAB_HISTORY = 3; HHACT_TAB_FAVORITES = 4; HHACT_EXPAND = 5; HHACT_CONTRACT = 6; HHACT_BACK = 7; HHACT_FORWARD = 8; HHACT_STOP = 9; HHACT_REFRESH = 10; HHACT_HOME = 11; HHACT_SYNC = 12; HHACT_OPTIONS = 13; HHACT_PRINT = 14; HHACT_HIGHLIGHT = 15; HHACT_CUSTOMIZE = 16; HHACT_JUMP1 = 17; HHACT_JUMP2 = 18; HHACT_ZOOM = 19; HHACT_TOC_NEXT = 20; HHACT_TOC_PREV = 21; HHACT_NOTES = 22; HHACT_LAST_ENUM = 23; type {*** Notify event info for HHN_TRACK } PHHNTrack = ^THHNTrack; tagHHNTRACK = packed record //tagHHNTRACK, HHNTRACK; hdr: TNMHdr; pszCurUrl: PAnsiChar; // Multi-byte, null-terminated string idAction: Integer; // HHACT_ value phhWinType: PHHWinType; // Current window type structure end; HHNTRACK = tagHHNTRACK; THHNTrack = tagHHNTRACK; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Global Control Properties. // const HH_GPROPID_SINGLETHREAD = 1; // VARIANT_BOOL: True for single thread HH_GPROPID_TOOLBAR_MARGIN = 2; // long: Provides a left/right margin around the toolbar. HH_GPROPID_UI_LANGUAGE = 3; // long: LangId of the UI. HH_GPROPID_CURRENT_SUBSET = 4; // BSTR: Current subset. HH_GPROPID_CONTENT_LANGUAGE = 5; // long: LandId for desired content. type tagHH_GPROPID = HH_GPROPID_SINGLETHREAD..HH_GPROPID_CONTENT_LANGUAGE; HH_GPROPID = tagHH_GPROPID; THHGPropID = HH_GPROPID; {$ENDIF WIN_GDI} {$IFDEF WIN_GDI} function SimpleGetCtlBrushHandle( Sender: PControl ): HBrush; var Global_GetCtlBrushHandle: function( Sender: PControl ): HBrush = SimpleGetCtlBrushHandle; {* Is called to obtain brush handle. } {$ENDIF WIN_GDI} Global_Align: procedure( Sender: PObj ) = DummyObjProc; {* Is set to perform aligning of control, and only if property Align is changed for TControl, or SetAlign method is called for it. } {$IFDEF WIN_GDI} function WndFunc( W: HWnd; Msg: Cardinal; wParam, lParam: Integer ) : Integer; stdcall; {* Global message handler for window. Redirects all messages to destination windows, obtaining target TControl object address from window itself, using GetProp API call. } {$ENDIF WIN_GDI} //^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ var AppletRunning: Boolean; {* Is set to True while message loop is processing (in Run procedure). } AppletTerminated: Boolean; {* Is set to True when message loop is terminated. } Applet: PControl; {* Applet window object. Actually, can be set to main form if program not needed in special applet button window (useful to make applet button invisible on taskbar, or to have several forms with single applet button - crete it in that case using NewApplet). } AppButtonUsed: Boolean; {* True if special window to represent applet button (may be invisible) is used. If no, every form is represented with its own taskbar button (always visible). } {$IFDEF WIN_GDI} //vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv ScreenCursor: HCursor; {* Set this global variable to override any cursor settings of current form or control. } function ScreenWidth: Integer; {* Returns screen width in pixels. } function ScreenHeight: Integer; {* Returns screen height in pixels. } type TStatusOption = ( soNoSizeGrip, soTop ); {* Options available for status bars. } TStatusOptions = Set of TStatusOption; {* Status bar options. } procedure DrawFormattedText( Ctl: PControl; DC: HDC; var R: TRect; Flags: DWORD {EditCtl: Boolean} ); {* This procedure can be useful to draw control's text in custom-defined controls. } type TCommandActionsParam = {$IFDEF PACK_COMMANDACTIONS} PAnsiChar {$ELSE} PCommandActions {$ENDIF}; {$IFDEF USE_GRAPHCTLS} {$IFDEF GRAPHCTL_XPSTYLES} var DoNotDrawGraphCtlsUsingXPStyles: Boolean; procedure DrawFormattedTextXP( Theme: THandle; Ctl: PControl; DC: HDC; var R: TRect; CtlType, CtlStates, Flags1, Flags2: Integer ); {* This procedure can be useful to draw control's text in custom-defined controls. } {$ENDIF} function _NewGraphCtl( AParent: PControl; ATabStop: Boolean; ACommandActions: TCommandActionsParam ): PControl; {* Creates graphic control basics. } function NewGraphLabel( AParent: PControl; const ACaption: AnsiString ): PControl; {* Creates graphic label, which does not require a window handle. } function NewWordWrapGraphLabel( AParent: PControl; const ACaption: KOLString ): PControl; {* Creates graphic label, which does not require a window handle. } function NewGraphPaintBox( AParent: PControl ): PControl; {* Creates graphic paint box (just the same as graphic label, but with empty Caption). } function NewGraphCheckBox( AParent: PControl; const ACaption: KOLString ): PControl; {* Creates graphic checkbox. } function NewGraphRadioBox( AParent: PControl; const ACaption: KOLString ): PControl; {* Creates graphic radiobox. } function NewGraphButton( AParent: PControl; const ACaption: KOLString ): PControl; {* Creates graphic button. } function NewGraphEditbox( AParent: PControl; Options: TEditOptions ): PControl; {* Creates graphic edit box. To do editing, this box should be replaced with real edit box with a handle (actually, it is enough to place an edit box on the same Parent having the same BoundsRect). } {$ENDIF USE_GRAPHCTLS} {$ENDIF WIN_GDI} procedure Run( var AppletCtl: PControl ); {* |<#appbutton> Call this procedure to process messages loop of your program. Pass here pointer to applet button object (if You have created it - see NewApplet) or your main form object of type PControl (created using NewForm). |<br><br> |<h1 align=center><font color=#FF8040><a name="visual_objects_constructors"></a> Visual objects constructing functions |</font></h1> Following constructing functions for visual controls are available: |#control } {$IFDEF WIN_GDI} procedure TerminateExecution( var AppletCtl: PControl ); procedure AppletMinimize; {* Minimizes the application (Applet should be assigned to have effect). } procedure AppletHide; {* Minimizes and hides application. } procedure AppletRestore; {* Restores Applet when minimized. } {YS+} procedure RegisterIdleHandler( const OnIdle: TOnEvent ); {* Registers new Idle handler. Idle handler is called each time when message queue becomes empty. } procedure UnRegisterIdleHandler( const OnIdle: TOnEvent ); {* Unregisters Idle handler. } {YS-} {* ComCtrl32 controls initialization. } procedure InitCommonControls; stdcall; procedure DoInitCommonControls( dwICC: DWORD ); {* Calls extended initialization for Common Controls (from ComCtrl32). Pass one of following constants: |<pre> ICC_LISTVIEW_CLASSES = $00000001; // listview, header ICC_TREEVIEW_CLASSES = $00000002; // treeview, tooltips ICC_BAR_CLASSES = $00000004; // toolbar, statusbar, trackbar, tooltips ICC_TAB_CLASSES = $00000008; // tab, tooltips ICC_UPDOWN_CLASS = $00000010; // updown ICC_PROGRESS_CLASS = $00000020; // progress ICC_HOTKEY_CLASS = $00000040; // hotkey ICC_ANIMATE_CLASS = $00000080; // animate ICC_WIN95_CLASSES = $000000FF; ICC_DATE_CLASSES = $00000100; // month picker, date picker, time picker, updown ICC_USEREX_CLASSES = $00000200; // comboex ICC_COOL_CLASSES = $00000400; // rebar (coolbar) control ICC_INTERNET_CLASSES = $00000800; ICC_PAGESCROLLER_CLASS = $00001000; // page scroller ICC_NATIVEFNTCTL_CLASS = $00002000; // native font control |</pre> } const ICC_LISTVIEW_CLASSES = $00000001; // listview, header ICC_TREEVIEW_CLASSES = $00000002; // treeview, tooltips ICC_BAR_CLASSES = $00000004; // toolbar, statusbar, trackbar, tooltips ICC_TAB_CLASSES = $00000008; // tab, tooltips ICC_UPDOWN_CLASS = $00000010; // updown ICC_PROGRESS_CLASS = $00000020; // progress ICC_HOTKEY_CLASS = $00000040; // hotkey ICC_ANIMATE_CLASS = $00000080; // animate ICC_WIN95_CLASSES = $000000FF; ICC_DATE_CLASSES = $00000100; // month picker, date picker, time picker, updown ICC_USEREX_CLASSES = $00000200; // comboex ICC_COOL_CLASSES = $00000400; // rebar (coolbar) control ICC_INTERNET_CLASSES = $00000800; ICC_PAGESCROLLER_CLASS = $00001000; // page scroller ICC_NATIVEFNTCTL_CLASS = $00002000; // native font control function OleInit: Boolean; {* Calls OleInitialize (once - all other calls are simulated by incrementing call counter. Every OleInit shoud be complemented with correspondent OleUninit. (Though, it is possible to call API function OleUnInitialize once to cancel all OleInit calls). } procedure OleUnInit; {* Decrements counter and calls OleUnInitialize when it is zeroed. } var OleInitCount: Integer; function StringToOleStr(const Source: Ansistring): PWideChar; {* } function SysAllocStringLen(psz: PWideChar; len: Integer): PWideChar; stdcall; procedure SysFreeString( psz: PWideChar ); stdcall; {$ENDIF WIN_GDI} { -- Contructors for visual controls -- } {$IFDEF GDI} {$IFDEF COMMANDACTIONS_OBJ} function NewCommandActionsObj: PCommandActionsObj; function NewCommandActionsObj_Packed( fromPack: PAnsiChar ): PCommandActionsObj; {$ENDIF} function _NewWindowed( AParent: PControl; ControlClassName: PKOLChar; Ctl3D: Boolean; ACommandActions: TCommandActionsParam): PControl; {$ENDIF GDI} {$IFDEF _X_} {$IFDEF GTK} FUNCTION _NewWindowed( AParent: PControl; ControlClassName: PAnsiChar; widget: PGtkWidget; need_eventbox: Boolean ): PControl; {$ENDIF GTK} {$ENDIF _X_} {$IFDEF WIN_GDI} //vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv function NewApplet( const Caption: KOLString ): PControl; {* |<#control> Creates applet button window, which has to be parent of all other forms in your project (but this is *not must*). See also comments about NewForm. |<br> Following methods, properties and events are useful to work with applet control: |#appbutton } {$ENDIF WIN_GDI} function NewForm( AParent: PControl; const Caption: KOLString ): PControl; {* |<#control> Creates form window object and returns pointer to it. If You use only one form, and You are not going to do applet button on task bar invisible, it is not necessary to create also special applet button window - just pass your (main) form object to Run procedure. In that case, it is a good idea to assign pointer to your main form object to Applet variable immediately following creating it - because some objects (e.g. TTimer) want to have Applet assigned to something. |<br> |&D=<a href="tcontrol.htm#%1" target=_top> %0 </a> Following methods, properties and events are useful to work with forms (ones common for all visual objects, such as <D Left>, <D Top>, <D Width>, <D Height>, etc. are not listed here - look TControl for it): |#form } function NewAlienPanel( AParentWnd: HWnd; EdgeStyle: TEdgeStyle ): PControl; {$IFDEF GDI} function _NewControl( AParent: PControl; ControlClassName: PKOLChar; Style: DWORD; Ctl3D: Boolean; Actions: TCommandActionsParam ): PControl; {$ENDIF GDI} {$IFDEF _X_} {$IFDEF GTK} FUNCTION _NewControl( AParent: PControl; ControlClassName: PAnsiChar; Style: DWORD; Ctl3D: Boolean; widget: PGtkWidget; need_eventbox: Boolean ): PControl; {$ENDIF GTK} {$ENDIF _X_} function NewButton( AParent: PControl; const Caption: KOLString ): PControl; {* |<#control> Creates button on given parent control or form. Please note, that in Windows, buttons can not change its <D Font> color and to be <D Transparent>. |<br> Following methods, properies and events are (especially) useful with a button: |#button } {$IFDEF WIN_GDI} //vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv function NewBitBtn( AParent: PControl; const Caption: KOLString; Options: TBitBtnOptions; Layout: TGlyphLayout; GlyphBitmap: HBitmap; GlyphCount: Integer ): PControl; {* |<#control> Creates image button (actually implemented as owner-drawn). In Options, it is possible to determine, whether bitmap or image list used to contain one or more (up to 5) images, correspondent to certain BitBtn state. |<br> For case of imagelist (option bboImageList), it is possible to use a number of glyphs from the image list, starting from image index given by GlyphCount parameter. Number of used glyphs is passed in that case in high word of GlyphCount parameter (if 0, one image is used therefore). For bboImageList, BitBtn can be Transparent (and in that case bboNoBorder style can be useful to draw custom buttons of non-rectangular shape). |<br> For case of bitmap BitBtn, image is stretched down (if too big), but can not be transparent. It is not necessary for bitmap BitBtn to pass correct GlyphCount - it is calculated on base of bitmap size, if 0 is passed. |<br> And, certainly, BitBtn can be without glyph image (text only). For that case, it is therefore is more flexible and power than usual Button (but requires more code). E.g., BitBtn can change its <D Font>, <D Color>, and to be totally <D Transparent>. Moreover, BitBtn can be <D Flat>, bboFixed, <D SpeedButton> and have property <D RepeatInterval>. |<br> Note: if You use bboFixed Style, use OnChange event instead of OnClick, because <D Checked> state is changed immediately however OnClick occure only when mouse or space key released (and can be not called at all if mouse button is released out of BitBtn bounds). Also, bboFixed defines only which glyph to show (the border if it is not turned off behaves as usual for a button, i.e. it becomes lowered and then raised again at any click). Here You can find references to other properties, events and methods applicable to BitBtn: |#bitbtn } {$ENDIF GDI} function NewLabel( AParent: PControl; const Caption: KOLString ): PControl; {* |<#control> Creates static text control (native Windows STATIC control). Use property <D Caption> at run time to change label text. Also it is possible to adjust label <D Font>, <D Brush> or <D Color>. Label can be <D Transparent>. If You want to have rotated text label, call NewLabelEffect instead and change its <D Font>.FontOrientation. Other references certain for a label: |#label } {$IFDEF GDI} function NewWordWrapLabel( AParent: PControl; const Caption: KOLString ): PControl; {* |<#control> Creates multiline static text control (native Windows STATIC control), which can wrap long text onto several lines. See also NewLabel. See also: |#wwlabel |#label } function NewLabelEffect( AParent: PControl; const Caption: KOLString; ShadowDeep: Integer ): PControl; {* |<#control> Creates 3D-label with capability to rotate its text <D Caption>, which is controlled by changing <D Font>.FontOrientation property. If You want to get flat effect label (e.g. to rotate it only), pass <D ShadowDeep> = 0. Please note, that drawing procedure uses <D Canvas> property, so using of LabelEffect leads to increase size of executable. See also: |#3dlabel |#label } {$ENDIF GDI} function NewPaintbox( AParent: PControl ): PControl; {* |<#control> Creates owner-drawn STATIC control. Set its <D OnPaint> event to perform custom painting. |#paintbox } {$IFDEF GDI} function NewImageShow( AParent: PControl; AImgList: PImageList; ImgIdx: Integer ): PControl; {* |<#control> Creates an image show control, implemented as a paintbox which is used to draw an image from the imagelist. At run-time, use property CurIndex to select another image from the imagelist, and a property ImageListNormal to use another image list. When the control is created, its size becomes equal to dimensions of imagelist (if any). } function NewScrollBar( AParent: PControl; BarSide: TScrollerBar ): PControl; {* |<#control> Creates simple scroll bar. } function NewScrollBox( AParent: PControl; EdgeStyle: TEdgeStyle; Bars: TScrollerBars ): PControl; {* |<#control> Creates simple scrolling box, which can be used any way you wish, e.g. to scroll certain large image. To provide automatic scrolling of a set of child controls, use advanced scroll box, created with NewScrollBoxEx. } procedure NotifyScrollBox( Self_, Child: PControl ); function NewScrollBoxEx( AParent: PControl; EdgeStyle: TEdgeStyle ): PControl; {* |<#control> Creates extended scrolling box control, which automatically scrolls child controls (if any). } function NewGradientPanel( AParent: PControl; Color1, Color2: TColor ): PControl; {* |<#control> Creates gradient-filled STATIC control. To adjust colors at the run time, change <D Color1> and <D Color2> properties (which initially are assigned from Color1, Color2 parameters), and call <D Invalidate> method to repaint control. } function NewGradientPanelEx( AParent: PControl; Color1, Color2: TColor; Style: TGradientStyle; Layout: TGradientLayout ): PControl; {* |<#control> Creates gradient-filled STATIC control. To adjust colors at the run time, change <D Color1> and <D Color2> properties (which initially are assigned from Color1, Color2 parameters), and call <D Invalidate> method to repaint control. Depending on style and first line/point layout, can looking different. Idea: Vladimir Stojiljkovic. } function NewPanel( AParent: PControl; EdgeStyle: TEdgeStyle ): PControl; {* |<#control> Creates panel, which can be parent for other controls (though, any control can be used as a parent for other ones, but panel is specially designed for such purpose). } {$IFDEF USE_MDI} function NewMDIClient( AParent: PControl; WindowMenu: THandle ): PControl; {* |<#control> Creates MDI client window, which is a special type of child window, containing all MDI child windows, created calling NewMDIChild function. On a form, MDI client behaves like a panel, so it can be placed and sized (or aligned) like any other controls. To minimize flick during resizing main form having another aligned controls, place MDI client window on a panel and align it caClient in the panel. |<br>Note: MDI client must be a single on the form. } function NewMDIChild( AParent: PControl; const ACaption: KOLString ): PControl; {* |<#control> Creates MDI client window. AParent should be a MDI client window, created with NewMDIClient function. } {$ENDIF USE_MDI} function NewSplitter( AParent: PControl; MinSizePrev, MinSizeNext: Integer ): PControl; {* |<#control> Creates splitter control, which will separate previous one (i.e. last created one before splitter on the same parent) from created next, allowing to user to adjust size of separated controls by dragging the splitter in desired direction. Created splitter becomes vertical or horizontal depending on Align style of previous control on the same parent (if caLeft/caRight then vertical, if caTop/caBottom then horizontal). |<br> Please note, what if previous control has no Align equal to caLeft/caRight or caTop/caBottom, splitter will not be able to function normally. If previous control does not exist, it is yet possible to use splitter as a resizeable panel (but set its initial Align value first - otherwise it is not set by default. Also, change Cursor property as You wish in that case, since it is not set too in case, when previous control does not exist). |<br> Additional parameters determine, which minimal size (width or height - correspondently to split direction) is allowed for left (top) control and to rest of client area of parent, correspondently. (It is possible later to set second control for checking its size with MinSizeNext value - using TControl.SecondControl property). If -1 passed, correspondent control size is not checked during dragging of splitter. Usually 0 is more suitable value (with this value, it is garantee, that splitter will be always available even if mouse was released far from the edge of form). |<br> It is possible for user to press Escape any time while dragging splitter to abort all adjustments made starting from left mouse button push and begin of drag the splitter. But remember please, that such event is controlled using timer, and therefore correspondent keyboard events are received by currently focused control. Be sure, that pressing Escape will not affect to any control on form, which could be focused, otherwise filter keyboard messages (by yourself) to prevent undesired handling of Escape key by certain controls while splitting. (Use Dragging property to check if splitter is dragging by user with mouse). |<br> See also: NewSplitterEx |#splitter } function NewSplitterEx( AParent: PControl; MinSizePrev, MinSizeNext: Integer; EdgeStyle: TEdgeStyle ): PControl; {* |<#control> Creates splitter control. Difference from NewSplitter is what it is possible to determine if a splitter will be beveled or not. See also NewSplitter. } function NewGroupbox( AParent: PControl; const Caption: KOLString ): PControl; {* |<#control> Creates group box control. Note, that to group radio items, group box is not necessary - any parent can play role of group for radio items. See also NewPanel. } function NewCheckbox( AParent: PControl; const Caption: KOLString ): PControl; {* |<#control> Creates check box control. Special properties, methods, events: |#checkbox } function NewCheckBox3State( AParent: PControl; const Caption: KOLString ): PControl; {* |<#control> Creates check box control with 3 states. Special properties, methods, events: |#checkbox } function NewRadiobox( AParent: PControl; const Caption: KOLString ): PControl; {* |<#control> Creates radio box control. Alternative radio items must have the same parent window (regardless of its kind, either groupbox (NewGroupbox), panel (NewPanel) or form itself). Following properties, methods and events are specially for radiobox controls: |#radiobox } function NewEditbox( AParent: PControl; Options: TEditOptions ): PControl; {* |<#control> Creates edit box control. To create multiline edit box, similar to TMemo in VCL, apply eoMultiline in Options. Following properties, methods, events are special for edit controls: |#edit } {$IFNDEF NOT_USE_RICHEDIT} var FRichEditModule: Integer; RichEditClass: PKOLChar; const RichEditLibnames: array[ 0..3 ] of PKOLChar = ( 'msftedit', 'riched20', 'riched32', 'riched' ); RichEditClasses: array[ 0..3 ] of PKOLChar = ( 'RichEdit50W', 'RichEdit20A', 'RichEdit', 'RichEdit' ); var RichEditIdx: Byte = High( RichEditLibnames ); function NewRichEdit( AParent: PControl; Options: TEditOptions ): PControl; {* |<#control> Creates rich text edit control. A rich edit control is a window in which the user can enter and edit text. The text can be assigned character and paragraph formatting, and can include embedded OLE objects. Rich edit controls provide a programming interface for formatting text. However, an application must implement any user interface components necessary to make formatting operations available to the user. |<br> Note: eoPassword, eoMultiline options have no effect for RichEdit control. Some operations are supersided with special versions of those, created especially for RichEdit, but in some cases it is necessary to use another properties and methods, specially designed for RichEdit (see methods and properties, which names are starting from RE_...). |<br> Following properties, methods, events are special for edit controls: |#richedit } function NewRichEdit1( AParent: PControl; Options: TEditOptions ): PControl; {* |<#control> Like NewRichEdit, but to work with older RichEdit control version 1.0 (window class 'RichEdit' forced to use instead of 'RichEdit20A', even if library RICHED20.DLL found and loaded successfully). One more difference - OleInit is not called, so the most of OLE capabilities of RichEdit could not working. } {$ENDIF NOT_USE_RICHEDIT} function NewListbox( AParent: PControl; Options: TListOptions ): PControl; {* |<#control> Creates list box control. Following properties, methods and events are special for Listbox: |#listbox } function NewCombobox( AParent: PControl; Options: TComboOptions ): PControl; {* |<#control> Creates new combo box control. Note, that it is not possible to align combobox caLeft or caRight: this can cause infinite recursion in the application. |<br>Following properties, methods and events are special for Combobox: |#combo } function _NewCommonControl( AParent: PControl; ClassName: PKOLChar; Style: DWORD; Ctl3D: Boolean; Actions: TCommandActionsParam ): PControl; function NewProgressbar( AParent: PControl ): PControl; {* |<#control> Creates progress bar control. Following properties are special for progress bar: |#progressbar See also NewProgressEx. } function NewProgressbarEx( AParent: PControl; Options: TProgressbarOptions ): PControl; {* |<#control> Can create progress bar with smooth style (progress is not segmented onto bricks) or/and vertical progress bar - using additional parameter. For list of properties, suitable for progress bars, see NewProgressbar. } function NewListView( AParent: PControl; Style: TListViewStyle; Options: TListViewOptions; ImageListSmall, ImageListNormal, ImageListState: PImageList ): PControl; {* |<#control> Creates list view control. It is very powerful control, which can partially compensate absence of grid controls (in lvsDetail view mode). Properties, methods and events, special for list view control are: |#listview } function NewTreeView( AParent: PControl; Options: TTreeViewOptions; ImgListNormal, ImgListState: PImageList ): PControl; {* |<#control> Creates tree view control. See tree view methods and properties: |#treeview } function NewTabControl( AParent: PControl; const Tabs: array of PKOLChar; Options: TTabControlOptions; ImgList: PImageList; ImgList1stIdx: Integer ): PControl; {* |<#control> Creates new tab control (like notebook). To place child control on a certain page of TabControl, use property Pages[ Idx ], for example: ! Label1 := NewLabel( TabControl1.Pages[ 0 ], 'Label1' ); | To determine number of pages at run time, use property <D Count>; |<br> to determine which page is currently selected (or to change selection), use property <D CurIndex>; |<br> to feedback to switch between tabs assign your handler to OnSelChange event; |<br>Note, that by default, tab control is created with a border lowered to tab control's parent. To remove it, you can apply WS_EX_TRANSPARENT extended style (see TControl.ExStyle property), but painting of some child controls can be strange a bit in this case (no border drawing for edit controls was found, but not always...). You can also apply style WS_THICKFRAME (TControl.Style property) to make the border raised. |<br> Other methods and properties, suitable for tab control, are: |#tabcontrol } {$IFNDEF OLD_ALIGN} function NewTabEmpty( AParent: PControl; Options: TTabControlOptions; ImgList: PImageList ): PControl; {* |<#control> Creates new empty tab control for using metods TC_Insert (to create Pages as Panel), or TC_InsertControl (if you want using your custom Pages).} {$ENDIF} var ToolbarDfltWidth: WORD = 1000; ToolbarDfltHeight: WORD = 26; function NewToolbar( AParent: PControl; Align: TControlAlign; Options: TToolbarOptions; Bitmap: HBitmap; const Buttons: array of PKOLChar; const BtnImgIdxArray: array of Integer ) : PControl; {* |<#control> Creates toolbar control. Bitmap (if present) must contain images for all buttons excluding separators (defined by string '-' in Buttons array) and system images, otherwise last buttons will no have images at all. Image width for every button is assumed to be equal to Bitmap height (if last of "squares" has insufficient width, it will not be used). To define fixed buttons, use characters '+' or '-' as a prefix for button string (even empty). To create groups of (radio-)buttons, use also '!' follow '+' or '-'. (These rules are similar used in menu creation). To define drop down button, use (as first) prefix '^'. (Do not forget to set <D OnTBDropDown> event for this case). If You want to assign images to buttons not in the same order how these are placed in Bitmap (or You use system bitmap), define for every button (in BtnImgIdxArray array) indexes for every button (excluding separator buttons). Otherwise, it is possible to define index only for first button (e.g., [0]). It is also possible to change TBImages[ ] property for such purpose, or do the same in method TBSetBtnImgIdx). |<br> Following properties, methods and event are specially designed to work with toolbar control: |#toolbar |<br> If your project uses Align property to align controls, this can conflict with toolbar native aligning. To solve such problem, place toolbar to parent panel, which has its own Align property assigned to desired value. |<br> To create toolbar with buttons, drawn from top to bottom, instead from left to right, combine caLeft / caRight in Align parameter and style tboWrapable when create toolbar. To adjust width of vertically aligned toolbar, it is possible to call ResizeParentLeft for it. E.g.: ! P0 := NewPanel( W, esRaised ) .SetSize( 30, 0 ) .SetAlign( caLeft ); ! // ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ////// !TB := NewToolbar( P0, caLeft, [ tboNoDivider, tboWrapable ], DWORD(-1), ! // ////// /////////// ! [ ' ', ' ', ' ', '-', ' ', ' ' ], ! [ STD_FILEOPEN ] ).ResizeParentRight; !//Note, that caLeft is *must*, and tboWrapable style too. SetSize for !//parent panel is not necessary, but only if ResizeParentRight is called !//than for Toolbar. |<br><br> One more note: if You create toolbar without text labels (passing ' ' for each button You add), include also option tboTextRight to fix incorrect sizing of buttons under Windows9x. |<br> And, certainly, if you use image lists rather then bitmap, all written above about Bitmap become absolutely incorrect. } function NewDateTimePicker( AParent: PControl; Options: TDateTimePickerOptions ) : PControl; {* |<#control> Creates date and time picker common control. } { -- Constructor for Image List objet -- } function NewImageList( AOwner: PControl ): PImageList; {* Constructor of TImageList object. Unlike other non-visual objects, image list can be parented by TControl object (but this does not *must*), and in that case it is destroyed automatically when its parent control is destroyed. Every control can have several TImageList objects, linked to a simple list. But if any TImageList object is destroyed, all following ones are destroyed too (at least, now I implemented it so). } {$ENDIF WIN_GDI} type TTimerKind = ( tkReal, tkProcess, tkProfiler ); // only for UNIX! PTimer = ^TTimer; { ---------------------------------------------------------------------- TTimer object ----------------------------------------------------------------------- } TTimer = object( TObj ) {* Easy timer incapsulation object. It uses separate topmost window, common for all timers in the application, to handle WM_TIMER message. This allows using timers in non-windowed application (but anyway it should contain message handling loop for a thread). |<br> Note: in UNIX, there are no special windows created, certainly. } protected fHandle : Integer; fEnabled: Boolean; fInterval: Integer; fOnTimer: TOnEvent; {$IFDEF LIN} {$IFNDEF GTK} {$IFNDEF QT} fPrev, fNext: PTimer; // ���������� ������ ���� _��������_ �������� fTimeStart: clock_t; fExpireNext: clock_t; fExpireTotal: Int64; fTimerHandled: Boolean; fResolution: Integer; fPeriodic: Boolean; fMultimedia: Boolean; {$ENDIF QT} {$ENDIF GTK} {$ENDIF} procedure SetEnabled(const Value: Boolean); {$IFDEF WIN} virtual; {$ENDIF} procedure SetInterval(const Value: Integer); protected destructor Destroy; virtual; {* Destructor. } public property Handle : Integer read fHandle; {* Windows timer object handle. } property Enabled : Boolean read fEnabled write SetEnabled; {* True, is timer is on. Initially, always False. } property Interval : Integer read fInterval write SetInterval; {* Interval in milliseconds (1000 is default and means 1 second). Note: in UNIX, if an Interval can be set to a value large then 30 minutes, add a conditional definition SUPPORT_LONG_TIMER to the project options. } property OnTimer : TOnEvent read fOnTimer write fOnTimer; {* Event, which is called when time interval is over. } {$IFDEF LIN} {$IFNDEF GTK} {$IFNDEF QT} property Resolution: Integer read fResolution write fResolution; // dummy property, just for compatibility property Periodic: Boolean read fPeriodic write fPeriodic; {$ENDIF QT} {$ENDIF GTK} {$ENDIF LIN} end; function NewTimer( Interval: Integer ): PTimer; {* Constructs initially disabled timer with interval 1000 (1 second). } {$IFDEF WIN} type PMMTimer = ^TMMTimer; TMMTimer = object( TTimer ) {* Multimedia timer incapsulation object. Does not require Applet or special window to handle it. System creates a thread for each high resolution timer, so using many such objects can degrade total PC performance. } protected FResolution: Integer; FPeriodic: Boolean; procedure SetEnabled(const Value: Boolean); virtual; public destructor Destroy; virtual; {* } property Resolution: Integer read FResolution write FResolution; {* Minimum timer resolution. The less the more accuracy (0 is exactly Interval milliseconds between timer shots). It is recommended to set this property greater to prevent entire system from reducing overhead. If you change this value, reset and then set Enabled again to apply changes. } property Periodic: Boolean read FPeriodic write FPeriodic; {* TRUE, if timer is periodic (default). Otherwise, timer is one-shot (set it Enabled every time in such case for each shot). If you change this property, reset and set Enabled property again to get effect. } end; function NewMMTimer( Interval: Integer ): PMMTimer; {* Creates multimedia timer object. Initially, it has Resolution = 0, Periodic = TRUE and Enabled = FALSE. Do not forget also to assign your event handler to OnTimer to do something on timer shot. } {$ENDIF WIN} {$IFDEF LIN} function NewMMTimer( Interval: Integer ): PTimer; {$ENDIF LIN} {$IFDEF WIN_GDI} //vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv { -- TTrayIcon object -- } type TOnTrayIconMouse = procedure( Sender: PObj; Message : Word ) of object; {* Event type to be called when Applet receives a message from an icon, added to the taskbar tray. } PTrayIcon = ^TTrayIcon; { ---------------------------------------------------------------------- TTrayIcon - icon in tray area of taskbar ----------------------------------------------------------------------- } TTrayIcon = object(TObj) {* Object to place (and change) a single icon onto taskbar tray. } protected FIcon: HIcon; FActive: Boolean; FTooltip: KOLString; FOnMouse: TOnTrayIconMouse; FControl: PControl; fAutoRecreate: Boolean; FNoAutoDeactivate: Boolean; FWnd: HWnd; procedure SetIcon(const Value: HIcon); procedure SetActive(const Value: Boolean); procedure SetTrayIcon( const Value : DWORD ); procedure SetTooltip(const Value: KOLString); procedure SetAutoRecreate(const Value: Boolean); protected destructor Destroy; virtual; {* Destructor. Use Free method instead (as usual). } public property Icon : HIcon read FIcon write SetIcon; {* Icon to be shown on taskbar tray. If not set, value of Active property has no effect. It is also possible to assign a value to Icon property after assigning True to Active to install icon first time or to replace icon with another one (e.g. to get animation effect). |<br> Previously allocated icon (if any) is not deleted using DeleteObject. This is normal for icons, loaded from resource (e.g., by LoadIcon API call). But if icon was created (e.g.) by CreateIconIndirect, your code is responsible for destroying of it). } property Active : Boolean read FActive write SetActive; {* Set it to True to show assigned Icon on taskbar tray. Default is False. Has no effect if Icon property is not assigned. TrayIcon is deactivated automatically when Applet is finishing (but only if Applet window is used as a "parent" for tray icon object). } property Tooltip : KOLString read FTooltip write SetTooltip; {* Tooltip string, showing automatically when mouse is moving over installed icon. Though "huge string" type is used, only first 63 characters are considered. Also note, that only in most recent versions of Windows multiline tooltips are supported. } property OnMouse : TOnTrayIconMouse read FOnMouse write FOnMouse; {* Is called then mouse message is taking place concerning installed icon. Only type of message can be obtained (e.g. WM_MOUSEMOVE, WM_LBUTTONDOWN etc.) } property AutoRecreate: Boolean read fAutoRecreate write SetAutoRecreate; {* If set to TRUE, auto-recreating of tray icon is proveded in case, when Explorer is restarted for some (unpredictable) reasons. Otherwise, your tray icon is disappeared forever, and if this is the single way to communicate with your application, the user nomore can achieve it. } property NoAutoDeactivate: Boolean read FNoAutoDeactivate write FNoAutoDeactivate; {* If set to true, tray icon is not removed from tray automatically on WM_CLOSE message receive by owner control. Set Active := FALSE in your code for such case before accepting closing the form. } property Wnd: HWnd read FWnd write FWnd; {* A window to use as a base window for tray icon messages. Overrides parent Control handle is assigned. Note, that if Wnd property used, message handling is not done automatically, and you should do this in your code, or at least for one tray icon object, call AttachProc2Wnd. } procedure AttachProc2Wnd; {* Call this method for a tray icon object in case if Wnd used rather then control. It is enough to call this method once for each Wnd used, even if several other tray icons are also based on the same Wnd. See also DetachProc2Wnd method. } procedure DetachProc2Wnd; {* Call this method to detach window procedure attached via AttachProc2Wnd. Do it once for a Wnd, used as a base to handle tray icon messages. Caution! If you do not call this method before destroying Wnd, the application will not functioning normally. } end; {* When You create invisible application, which should be represented by only the tray icon, prepare a handle for the window, resposible for messages handling. Remember, that window handle is created automatically only when a window is showing first time. If window's property Visible is set to False, You should to call CreateWindow manually. <br> There is a known bug exist with similar invisible tray-iconized applications. When a menu is activated in response to tray mouse event, if there was not active window, belonging to the application, the menu is not disappeared when mouse is clicked anywhere else. This bug is occure in Windows9x/ME. To avoid it, activate first your form window. This last window shoud have status visible (but, certainly, there are no needs to place it on visible part of screen - change its position, so it will not be visible for user, if You wish). <br> Also, to make your application "invisible" but until special event is occure, use Applet separate from the main form, and make for both Visible := False. This allows for You to make your form visible any time You wish, and without making application button visible if You do not wish. } {= ����� �� ������� ��������� ����������, ������� ������ ���� ������������ ������ ������� � ����, ���������� ��������� Handle ��� ����, ����������� �� ��������� ���������. �������, ��� Handle ���� ��������� ������������� ������ � ��� ������, ����� ��� ������ ��������� � ������ ���. ���� �������� ���� Visible ����������� � FALSE, ���������� ������� CreateWindow ��������������. <br> ���������� ��������� BUG � ��������� ���������� ����������������� � ���� ������������. ����� � ����� �� ������� ���� ������������� ���������� ����, ��� �� �������� �� ������ ���� ��� ����� ����. ���������� ��� � Windows9x/ME. ����� ������ ��� ��������, ������� ������������� ���� ���� (�����). ��� ���� ������ ���� ������� (��, �������, ��� ����� ���������� ��� �������� ������� ����� ������, ��� ��� ������������ ��� ����� �� �����). <br> ��� ��, ����� ������� ���������� ���������, �� ������� ����, ���� ��� �� �����������, ����������� ��������� ������������� ������ TControl - ���������� ���������� Applet, � ��������� FALSE �� �������� Visible. } function NewTrayIcon( Wnd: PControl; Icon: HIcon ): PTrayIcon; {* Constructor of TTrayIcon object. Pass main form or applet as Wnd parameter. } { -- JustOne -- } type TOnAnotherInstance = procedure( const CmdLine: KOLString ) of object; {* Event type to use in JustOneNotify function. } function JustOne( Wnd: PControl; const Identifier : KOLString ) : Boolean; {* Returns True, if this is a first instance. For all other instances (application is already running), False is returned. } function JustOneNotify( Wnd: PControl; const Identifier : KOLString; const aOnAnotherInstance: TOnAnotherInstance ) : Boolean; {* Returns True, if this is a first instance. For all other instances (application is already running), False is returned. If handler aOnAnotherInstance passed, it is called (in first instance) every time when another instance of an application is started, receiving command line used to run it. } { -- string (mainly) utility procedures and functions. -- } {$IFDEF GDI} function MsgBox( const S: KOLString; Flags: DWORD ): DWORD; {* Displays message box with the same title as Applet.Caption. If applet is not running, and Applet global variable is not assigned, caption 'Error' is displayed (but actually this is not an error - the system does so, if nil is passed as a title). |<br> Returns ID_... result (correspondently to flags passed (MB_OK, MBYESNO, etc. -> ID_OK, ID_YES, ID_NO, etc.) } procedure MsgOK( const S: KOLString ); {* Displays message box with the same title as Applet.Caption (or 'Error', if Applet is not running). } function ShowMsg( const S: KOLString; Flags: DWORD ): DWORD; {* Displays message box like MsgBox, but uses Applet.Handle as a parent (so the message has no button on a task bar). } procedure ShowMessage( const S: KOLString ); {* Like ShowMsg, but has only styles MB_OK and MB_SETFOREGROUND. } {$ENDIF GDI} {$IFDEF WIN} {$IFNDEF PAS_ONLY} procedure SpeakerBeep( Freq: Word; Duration: DWORD ); {* On Windows NT, calls Windows.Beep. On Windows 9x, produces beep on speaker of desired frequency during given duration time (in milliseconds). } {$ENDIF PAS_ONLY} {$ENDIF WIN} function SysErrorMessage(ErrorCode: Integer): KOLString; {* Creates and returns a string containing formatted system error message. It is possible then to display this message or write it to a log file, e.g.: ! ShowMsg( SysErrorMessage( GetLastError ) ); |&R=<a name="%0"></a><font color=#FF8040><h1>%0</h1></font> <R 64-bit integer numbers> } {$ENDIF WIN_GDI} type I64 = record {* 64 bit integer record. Use it and correspondent functions below in KOL projects to avoid dependancy from Delphi version (earlier versions of Delphi had no Int64 type). } Lo, Hi: DWORD; end; PI64 = ^I64; {* } {$IFNDEF _D4orHigher} Int64 = I64; PInt64 = PI64; {$ENDIF} function MakeInt64( Lo, Hi: DWORD ): I64; {* } {$IFNDEF PAS_ONLY} function Int2Int64( X: Integer ): I64; {* } procedure IncInt64( var I64: I64; Delta: Integer ); {* I64 := I64 + Delta; } procedure DecInt64( var I64: I64; Delta: Integer ); {* I64 := I64 - Delta; } function Add64( const X, Y: I64 ): I64; {* Result := X + Y; } function Sub64( const X, Y: I64 ): I64; {* Result := X - Y; } function Neg64( const X: I64 ): I64; {* Result := -X; } function Mul64i( const X: I64; Mul: Integer ): I64; {* Result := X * Mul; } function Div64i( const X: I64; D: Integer ): I64; {* Result := X div D; } function Mod64i( const X: I64; D: Integer ): Integer; {* Result := X mod D; } function Sgn64( const X: I64 ): Integer; {* Result := sign( X ); i.e.: |<br> if X < 0 then -1 |<br> if X = 0 then 0 |<br> if X > 0 then 1 } function Cmp64( const X, Y: I64 ): Integer; {* Result := sign( X - Y ); i.e. |<br> if X < Y then -1 |<br> if X = Y then 0 |<br> if X > Y then 1 } function Int64_2Str( X: I64 ): AnsiString; {* } function Int64_2Hex( X: I64; MinDigits: Integer ): KOLString; {* } function Str2Int64( const S: AnsiString ): I64; {* } function Int64_2Double( const X: I64 ): Double; {* } function Double2Int64( D: Double ): I64; {$ENDIF PAS_ONLY} {* <R Floating point numbers> } const NAN = 0.0 / 0.0; Infinity = 1.0 / 0.0; function IsNan(const AValue: Double): Boolean; {* Checks if an argument passed is NAN. } function IsInfinity(const AValue: Double): Boolean; {* Checks if an argument passed is Infinite. } function IntPower(Base: Extended; Exponent: Integer): Extended; {* Result := Base ^ Exponent; } function NextPowerOf2( n: DWORD ): DWORD; {* 0->1, 1->1, 2->2, 3->4, 4->4, 5->8, ... } function Str2Double( const S: KOLString ): Double; {* } function Str2Extended( const S: KOLString ): Extended; {* } function Double2Str( D: Double ): KOLString; {* } function Extended2Str( E: Extended ): KOLString; {* } function Extended2StrDigits( D: Double; n: Integer ): KOLString; {* Converts floating point number to string, leaving exactly n digits following floating point. } function Double2StrEx( D: Double ): KOLString; {* experimental, do not use } {$IFNDEF PAS_ONLY} function TruncD( D: Double ): Double; {$ENDIF} {* Result := trunc( D ) as Double; |<hr> <R Small bit arrays (max 32 bits in array)> See also TBits object. } function IfThenElseBool( t, e, Cond: Boolean ): Boolean; function IfThenElseInt( t, e: Integer; Cond: Boolean ): Integer; function IfThenElseStr( const t, e: AnsiString; Cond: Boolean ): AnsiString; {$IFDEF _D5orHigher} function IfThenElse( t, e: Boolean; Cond: Boolean ): Boolean; overload; function IfThenElse( t, e: Integer; Cond: Boolean ): Integer; overload; function IfThenElse( t, e: AnsiString; Cond: Boolean ): AnsiString; overload; function IfThenElse( t, e: Double; Cond: Boolean ): Double; overload; {$ENDIF} function GetBits( N: DWORD; first, last: Byte ): DWord; {* Retuns bits straing from <first> and to <last> inclusively. } function GetBitsL( N: DWORD; from, len: Byte ): DWord; {* Retuns len bits starting from index <from>. |<hr> <R Arithmetics, geometry and other utility functions> See also units KolMath.pas, CplxMath.pas and Err.pas. } //[MulDiv DECLARATION] {$IFNDEF FPC} function MulDiv( A, B, C: Integer ): Integer; {* Returns A * B div C. Small and fast. } {$ENDIF} function MakeRect( Left, Top, Right, Bottom: Integer ): TRect; stdcall; {* Use it instead of VCL Rect function } function RectsEqual( const R1, R2: TRect ): Boolean; {* Returns True if rectangles R1 and R2 have the same bounds } function RectsIntersected( const R1, R2: TRect ): Boolean; {* Returns TRUE if rectangles R1 and R2 have at least one common point. Note, that right and bottom bounds of rectangles are not their part, so, if such points are lying on that bounds, FALSE is returned. } function PointInRect( const P: TPoint; const R: TRect ): Boolean; {* Returns True if point P is located in rectangle R (including left and top bounds but without right and bottom bounds of the rectangle). } function OffsetPoint( const T: TPoint; dX, dY: Integer ): TPoint; {* } function OffsetSmallPoint( const T: TSmallPoint; dX, dY: SmallInt ): TSmallPoint; {* } function Point2SmallPoint( const T: TPoint ): TSmallPoint; {* } function SmallPoint2Point( const T: TSmallPoint ): TPoint; {* } function MakePoint( X, Y: Integer ): TPoint; {* Use instead of VCL function Point } function MakeSmallPoint( X, Y: Integer ): TSmallPoint; {* Use to construct TSmallPoint } function MakeFlags( FlgSet: PDWORD; FlgArray: array of Integer): Integer; {* } function MakeDateTimeRange( D1, D2: TDateTime ): TDateTimeRange; {* Returns TDateTimeRange from two TDateTime bounds. } procedure Swap( var X, Y: Integer ); {* exchanging values } function Min( X, Y: Integer ): Integer; {* minimum of two integers } function Max( X, Y: Integer ): Integer; {* maximum of two integers } {$IFDEF REDEFINE_ABS} function Abs( X: Integer ): Integer; {* absolute value } {$ENDIF} function Sgn( X: Integer ): Integer; {* sign of X: if X < 0, -1 is returned, if > 0, then +1, otherwise 0. } function iSqrt( X: Integer ): Integer; {* square root } function iCbrt( X: DWORD ): Integer; {* cubic root |<hr> <R String to number and number to string conversions> } function Int2Hex( Value : DWord; Digits : Integer ) : KOLString; {* Converts integer Value into string with hex number. Digits parameter determines minimal number of digits (will be completed by adding necessary number of leading zeroes). } function Int2Str( Value : Integer ) : KOLString; {* Obvious. } procedure Int2PChar( s: PAnsiChar; Value: Integer ); {* Converts Value to string and puts it into buffer s. Buffer must have enough size to store the number converted: buffer overflow does not checked anyway! } function UInt2Str( Value: DWORD ): AnsiString; {* The same as Int2Str, but for unsigned integer value. } function Int2StrEx( Value, MinWidth: Integer ): KOLString; {* Like Int2Str, but resulting string filled with leading spaces to provide at least MinWidth characters. } function Int2Rome( Value: Integer ): KOLString; {* Represents number 1..8999 to Rome numer. } function Int2Ths( I: Integer ): KOLString; {* Converts integer into string, separating every three digits from each other by character ThsSeparator. (Convert to thousands). You } function Int2Digs( Value, Digits: Integer ): KOLString; {* Converts integer to string, inserting necessary number of leading zeroes to provide desired length of string, given by Digits parameter. If resulting string is greater then Digits, string is not truncated anyway. } function Num2Bytes( Value : Double ) : KOLString; {* Converts double float to string, considering it as a bytes count. If Value is sufficiently large, number is represented in kilobytes (with following letter K), or in megabytes (M), gigabytes (G) or terabytes (T). Resulting string number is truncated to two decimals (.XX) or to one (.X), if the second is 0. } function S2Int( S: PKOLChar ): Integer; {* Converts null-terminated string to Integer. Scanning stopped when any non-digit character found. Even empty string or string not containing valid integer number silently converted to 0. } function Str2Int(const Value : KOLString) : Integer; {* Converts string to integer. First character, which can not be recognized as a part of number, regards as a separator. Even empty string or string without number silently converted to 0. } function Hex2Int( const Value : KOLString) : Integer; {* Converts hexadecimal number to integer. Scanning is stopped when first non-hexadicimal character is found. Leading dollar ('$') character is skept (if present). Minus ('-') is not concerning as a sign of number and also stops scanning.} function cHex2Int( const Value : KOLString) : Integer; {* As Hex2Int, but also checks for leading '0x' and skips it. } function Octal2Int( const Value: AnsiString ) : Integer; {* Converts octal number to integer. Scanning is stopped on first non-octal digit (any char except 0..7). There are no checking if there octal numer in the parameter. If the first char is not octal digit, 0 is returned. } function Binary2Int( const Value: AnsiString ) : Integer; {* Converts binary number to integer. Like Octal2Int, but only digits 0 and 1 are allowed. } type Radix_int = {$IFDEF _D5orHigher} Int64 {$ELSE} Integer {$ENDIF}; function ToRadix( number: Radix_int; radix, min_digits: Integer ): KOLString; {* Converts unsigned number to string representing it literally in a numeric base given by radix parameter. } function FromRadixStr( var Rslt: Radix_int; s: PKOLChar; radix: Integer ): PKOLChar; {* Converts unsigned number from string representation in a numeric base given by a radix parameter. Returns a pointer to a character next to the last digit of the number. } function FromRadix( const s: AnsiString; radix: Integer ): Radix_int; {* Converts unsigned number from string representation in a numeric base given by a radix parameter. See also: FromRadixStr function. } function InsertSeparators( const s: KOLString; chars_between: Integer; Separator: KOLChar ): KOLString; {* Inserts given Separator between symbols in s, separating each portion of chars_between characters with a Separator starting from right side. See also: Int2Ths function. } {$IFDEF WIN} {$IFNDEF _FPC} //{$IFNDEF PAS_ONLY} function Format( const fmt: KOLString; params: array of const ): KOLString; //{$ENDIF} {* Uses API call to wvsprintf, so does not understand extra formats, such as floating point, date/time, currency conversions. See list of available formats in win32.hlp (topic wsprintf). |<hr> <R Working with null-terminated and ansi strings> } {$ENDIF _FPC} {$ENDIF WIN} function StrComp(const Str1, Str2: PAnsiChar): Integer; {* Compares two strings fast. -1: Str1<Str2; 0: Str1=Str2; +1: Str1>Str2 } {$IFDEF PAS_ONLY} function StrComp_NoCase(const Str1, Str2: PAnsiChar): Integer; function StrLComp_NoCase(const Str1, Str2: PAnsiChar; MaxLen: Cardinal): Integer; {$ELSE} {$IFDEF SMALLER_CODE} function StrComp_NoCase(const Str1, Str2: PAnsiChar): Integer; {* Compares two strings fast without case sensitivity. Returns: -1 when Str1<Str2; 0 when Str1=Str2; +1 when Str1>Str2 } function StrLComp_NoCase(const Str1, Str2: PAnsiChar; MaxLen: Cardinal): Integer; {* Compare two strings fast without case sensitivity. Terminating 0 is not considered, so if strings are equal, comparing is continued up to MaxLen bytes. Since this, pass minimum of lengths as MaxLen. } {$ELSE} function StrComp_NoCase1(const Str1, Str2: PAnsiChar): Integer; var StrComp_NoCase: function(const Str1, Str2: PAnsiChar): Integer = StrComp_NoCase1; {* Compares two strings fast without case sensitivity. Returns: -1 when Str1<Str2; 0 when Str1=Str2; +1 when Str1>Str2 } function StrLComp_NoCase1(const Str1, Str2: PAnsiChar; MaxLen: Cardinal): Integer; var StrLComp_NoCase: function(const Str1, Str2: PAnsiChar; MaxLen: Cardinal): Integer = StrLComp_NoCase1; {$ENDIF} {$ENDIF} function StrLComp(const Str1, Str2: PAnsiChar; MaxLen: Cardinal): Integer; {* Compare two strings (fast). Terminating 0 is not considered, so if strings are equal, comparing is continued up to MaxLen bytes. Since this, pass minimum of lengths as MaxLen. } function StrCopy( Dest, Source: PAnsiChar ): PAnsiChar; {* Copy source string to destination (fast). Pointer to Dest is returned. } function StrCat( Dest, Source: PAnsiChar ): PAnsiChar; {* Append source string to destination (fast). Pointer to Dest is returned. } function StrLen(const Str: PAnsiChar): Cardinal; {* StrLen returns the number of characters in Str, not counting the null terminator. } function StrScanLen(Str: PAnsiChar; Chr: AnsiChar; Len: Integer): PAnsiChar; {* Fast scans string Str of length Len searching character Chr. Pointer to a character next to found or to Str[Len] (if no one found) is returned. } function StrScan(Str: PAnsiChar; Chr: AnsiChar): PAnsiChar; {* Fast search of given character in a string. Pointer to found character (or nil) is returned. } function StrRScan(Str: PAnsiChar; Chr: AnsiChar): PAnsiChar; {* StrRScan returns a pointer to the last occurrence of Chr in Str. If Chr does not occur in Str, StrRScan returns NIL. The null terminator is considered to be part of the string. } function StrIsStartingFrom( Str, Pattern: PKOLChar ): Boolean; {* Returns True, if string Str is starting from Pattern, i.e. if Copy( Str, 1, StrLen( Pattern ) ) = Pattern. Str must not be nil! } function StrIsStartingFromNoCase( Str, Pattern: PAnsiChar ): Boolean; {* Like StrIsStartingFrom above, but without case sensitivity. } function TrimLeft(const S: KOLString): KOLString; {* Removes spaces, tabulations and control characters from the starting of string S. } function TrimRight(const S: KOLString): KOLString; {* Removes spaces, tabulates and other control characters from the end of string S. } function Trim( const S : KOLString): KOLString; {* Makes TrimLeft and TrimRight for given string. } function RemoveSpaces( const S: KOLString ): KOLString; {* Removes all characters less or equal to ' ' in S and returns it. } procedure Str2LowerCase( S: PAnsiChar ); {* Converts null-terminated string to lowercase (inplace). } function LowerCase(const S: Ansistring): Ansistring; {* Obvious. } function UpperCase(const S: Ansistring): Ansistring; {* Obvious. } function AnsiUpperCase(const S: Ansistring): Ansistring; {* Obvious. } function AnsiLowerCase(const S: Ansistring): Ansistring; {* Obvious. } function KOLUpperCase(const S: KOLString): KOLString; {* Obvious. } function KOLLowerCase(const S: KOLString): KOLString; {* Obvious. } {$IFDEF _D3orHigher} function WUpperCase(const S: KOLWideString): KOLWideString; {* Obvious. } function WLowerCase(const S: KOLWideString): KOLWideString; {* Obvious. } {$ENDIF} {$IFNDEF _D2} {$IFNDEF _FPC} function WAnsiUpperCase(const S: KOLWideString): KOLWideString; {* Obvious. } function WAnsiLowerCase(const S: KOLWideString): KOLWideString; {* Obvious. } function WStrComp(const S1, S2: KOLWideString): Integer; {* } function _WStrComp(S1, S2: PWideChar): Integer; {* } function _WStrLComp(S1, S2: PWideChar; Len: Integer): Integer; {* } function WStrScan(Str: PWideChar; Chr: WideChar): PWideChar; {* Fast search of given character in a string. Pointer to found character (or nil) is returned. } function WStrRScan(const Str: PWideChar; Chr: WideChar): PWideChar; {* StrRScan returns a pointer to the last occurrence of Chr in Str. If Chr does not occur in Str, StrRScan returns NIL. The null terminator is considered to be part of the string. } {$ENDIF _FPC} {$ENDIF _D2} //--- set of functions to work either with AnsiString or with KOLWideString // depending on UNICODE_CTRLS symbol ---------------------------------------- function AnsiCompareStr(const S1, S2: KOLString): Integer; {* AnsiCompareStr compares S1 to S2, with case-sensitivity. The compare operation is controlled by the current Windows locale. The return value is the same as for CompareStr. } function _AnsiCompareStr(S1, S2: PKOLChar): Integer; {* The same, but for PChar ANSI strings } function AnsiCompareStrNoCase(const S1, S2: KOLString): Integer; {* AnsiCompareStrNoCase compares S1 to S2, without case-sensitivity. The compare operation is controlled by the current Windows locale. The return value is the same as for CompareStr. } function _AnsiCompareStrNoCase(S1, S2: PKOLChar): Integer; {* The same, but for PChar ANSI strings } function AnsiCompareText( const S1, S2: KOLString ): Integer; {* } function AnsiEq( const S1, S2 : KOLString ) : Boolean; {* Returns True, if AnsiLowerCase(S1) = AnsiLowerCase(S2). I.e., if ANSI stringsare equal to each other without caring of characters case sensitivity. } //--- set of functions to work always with AnsiString // even if UNICODE_CTRLS symbol is defined ---------------------------------- function AnsiCompareStrA(const S1, S2: AnsiString): Integer; {* AnsiCompareStr compares S1 to S2, with case-sensitivity. The compare operation is controlled by the current Windows locale. The return value is the same as for CompareStr. } function _AnsiCompareStrA_Slow(S1, S2: PAnsiChar): Integer; function _AnsiCompareStrA_Fast(S1, S2: PAnsiChar): Integer; var _AnsiCompareStrA: function(S1, S2: PAnsiChar): Integer = {$IFDEF SPEED_FASTER} _AnsiCompareStrA_Fast {$ELSE} _AnsiCompareStrA_Slow {$ENDIF}; {* The same, but for PChar ANSI strings } function _AnsiCompareStrA_Fast2(S1, S2: PAnsiChar): Integer; function _AnsiCompareStrNoCaseA_Fast2(S1, S2: PAnsiChar): Integer; function AnsiCompareStrNoCaseA(const S1, S2: AnsiString): Integer; {* AnsiCompareStr compares S1 to S2, with case-sensitivity. The compare operation is controlled by the current Windows locale. The return value is the same as for CompareStr. } function _AnsiCompareStrNoCaseA_Slow(S1, S2: PAnsiChar): Integer; function _AnsiCompareStrNoCaseA_Fast(S1, S2: PAnsiChar): Integer; var _AnsiCompareStrNoCaseA: function(S1, S2: PAnsiChar): Integer = {$IFDEF SPEED_FASTER} _AnsiCompareStrNoCaseA_Fast {$ELSE} _AnsiCompareStrNoCaseA_Slow {$ENDIF}; {* The same, but for PChar ANSI strings } function AnsiCompareTextA( const S1, S2: AnsiString ): Integer; {* } {$IFDEF WIN} {$IFNDEF _FPC} function LStrFromPWCharLen(Source: PWideChar; Length: Integer): AnsiString; {* from Delphi5 - because D2 does not contain it. } function LStrFromPWChar(Source: PWideChar): AnsiString; {* from Delphi5 - because D2 does not contain it. } {$ENDIF _FPC} function WCharIn( C: KOLChar; const Chars: array of KOLChar ): Boolean; {$ENDIF WIN} function CopyEnd( const S : KOLString; Idx : Integer ) : KOLString; {* Returns copy of source string S starting from Idx up to the end of string S. Works correctly for case, when Idx > Length( S ) (returns empty string for such case). } function CopyTail( const S : KOLString; Len : Integer ) : KOLString; {* Returns last Len characters of the source string. If Len > Length( S ), entire string S is returned. } procedure DeleteTail( var S : KOLString; Len : Integer ); {* Deletes last Len characters from string. } function IndexOfChar( const S : KOLString; Chr : KOLChar ) : Integer; {* Returns index of given character (1..Length(S)), or -1 if a character not found. } function IndexOfCharsMin( const S, Chars : KOLString ) : Integer; {* Returns index (in string S) of those character, what is taking place in Chars string and located nearest to start of S. If no such characters in string S found, -1 is returned. } {$IFDEF _D3orHigher} function WIndexOfChar( const S : KOLWideString; Chr : WideChar ) : Integer; function WIndexOfCharsMin( const S, Chars : KOLWideString ) : Integer; {$ENDIF} {$IFNDEF _D2} {$IFNDEF _FPC} function IndexOfWideCharsMin( const S, Chars : KOLWideString ) : Integer; {* Returns index (in wide string S) of those wide character, what is taking place in Chars wide string and located nearest to start of S. If no such characters in string S found, -1 is returned. } {$ENDIF _FPC} {$ENDIF _D2} function IndexOfStr( const S, Sub : KOLString ) : Integer; {* Returns index of given substring in source string S. If found, 1..Length(S)-Length(Sub), if not found, -1. } function Parse( var S : KOLString; const Separators : KOLString ) : KOLString; {* Returns first characters of string S, separated from others by one of characters, taking place in Separators string, assigning a tail of string (after found separator) to source string. If no separator characters found, source string S is returned, and source string itself becomes empty. } {$IFDEF _D3orHigher} function ParseW( var S : KOLWideString; const Separators : KOLWideString ) : KOLWideString; {$ENDIF} {$IFNDEF _FPC} {$IFNDEF _D2} function WParse( var S : KOLWideString; const Separators : KOLWideString ) : KOLWideString; {* Returns first wide characters of wide string S, separated from others by one of wide characters, taking place in Separators wide string, assigning a tail of wide string (following found separator) to the source one. If there are no separator characters found, source wide string S is returned, and source wide string itself becomes empty. } {$ENDIF _D2} {$ENDIF _FPC} function ParsePascalString( var S : KOLString; const Separators : KOLString ) : KOLString; {* Returns first characters of string S, separated from others by one of characters, taking place in Separators string, assigning a tail of string (after the found separator) to source string. If there are no separator characters found, the source string S is returned, and the source string itself becomes empty. Additionally: if the first (after a blank space) is the quote "'" or '#', pascal string is assumung first and is converted to usual string (without quotas) before analizing of other separators. } function String2PascalStrExpr( const S : KOLString ) : KOLString; {* Converts string to Pascal-like string expression (concatenation of strings with quotas and characters with leading '#'). } function StrEq( const S1, S2 : AnsiString ) : Boolean; {* Returns True, if LowerCase(S1) = LowerCase(S2). I.e., if strings are equal to each other without caring of characters case sensitivity (ASCII only). } {$IFNDEF _D2} {$IFNDEF _FPC} function WAnsiEq( const S1, S2 : KOLWideString ) : Boolean; {* Returns True, if AnsiLowerCase(S1) = AnsiLowerCase(S2). I.e., if ANSI stringsare equal to each other without caring of characters case sensitivity. } {$ENDIF _FPC} {$ENDIF _D2} function StrIn( const S : AnsiString; const A : array of AnsiString ) : Boolean; {* Returns True, if S is "equal" to one of strings, taking place in A array. To check equality, StrEq function is used, i.e. comaprison is taking place without case sensitivity. } {$IFNDEF _FPC} type TSetOfChar = Set of AnsiChar; {$IFNDEF _D2} function WStrIn( const S : KOLWideString; const A : array of KOLWideString ) : Boolean; {* Returns True, if S is "equal" to one of strings, taking place in A array. To check equality, WAnsiEq function is used, i.e. comaprison is taking place without case sensitivity. } function CharIn( C: KOLChar; const A: TSetOfChar ): Boolean; {* To replace expressions like S[1] in [ '0'..'z' ] to CharIn( S[ 1 ], [ '0'..'z' ] ) (and to avoid problems with Unicode version of code). } {$ENDIF _D2} {$ENDIF _FPC} function StrIs( const S : AnsiString; const A : Array of AnsiString; var Idx: Integer ) : Boolean; {* Returns True, if S is "equal" to one of strings, taking place in A array, and in such Case Idx also is assigned to an index of A element equal to S. To check equality, StrEq function is used, i.e. comaprison is taking place without case sensitivity. } function IntIn( Value: Integer; const List: array of Integer ): Boolean; {* Returns TRUE, if Value is found in a List. } function _StrSatisfy( S, Mask : PKOLChar ) : Boolean; {* } function _2StrSatisfy( S, Mask: PKOLChar ): Boolean; {* } function StrSatisfy( const S, Mask : KOLString ) : Boolean; {* Returns True, if S is satisfying to a given Mask (which can contain wildcard symbols '*' and '?' interpeted correspondently as 'any set of characters' and 'single any character'. If there are no such wildcard symbols in a Mask, result is True only if S is maching to Mask string.) } function StrReplace( var S: KOLString; const From, ReplTo: KOLString ): Boolean; {* Replaces first occurance of From to ReplTo in S, returns True, if pattern From was found and replaced. } function KOLStrReplace( var S: KOLString; const From, ReplTo: KOLString ): Boolean; {* Replaces first occurance of From to ReplTo in S, returns True, if pattern From was found and replaced. } {$IFNDEF _FPC} {$IFNDEF _D2} function WStrReplace( var S: KOLWideString; const From, ReplTo: KOLWideString ): Boolean; {* Replaces first occurance of From to ReplTo in S, returns True, if pattern From was found and replaced. See also function StrReplace. This function is not available in Delphi2 (this version of Delphi does not support KOLWideString type). } {$ENDIF _D2} {$ENDIF _FPC} function StrRepeat( const S: KOLString; Count: Integer ): KOLString; {* Repeats given string Count times. E.g., StrRepeat( 'A', 5 ) gives 'AAAAA'. } {$IFNDEF _FPC} {$IFNDEF _D2} function WStrRepeat( const S: KOLWideString; Count: Integer ): KOLWideString; {* Repeats given wide string Count times. E.g., StrRepeat( 'A', 5 ) gives 'AAAAA'. } {$ENDIF _D2} {$ENDIF _FPC} procedure NormalizeUnixText( var S: AnsiString ); {* In the string S, replaces all occurances of character #10 (without leading #13) to the character #13. } procedure Koi8ToAnsi( s: PAnsiChar ); {* Converts Koi8 text to Ansi (in place) } const KOI8_Rus: array[ #$C0..#$FF ] of AnsiChar = ( { '�', '�', '�', '�', '�', '�', '�', '�', '�', '�', '�', '�', '�', '�', '�', '�', '�', '�', '�', '�', '�', '�', '�', '�', '�', '�', '�', '�', '�', '�', '�', '�', '�', '�', '�', '�', '�', '�', '�', '�', '�', '�', '�', '�', '�', '�', '�', '�', '�', '�', '�', '�', '�', '�', '�', '�', '�', '�', '�', '�', '�', '�', '�', '�'} #$FE, #$E0, #$E1, #$F6, #$E4, #$E5, #$F4, #$E3, #$F5, #$E8, #$E9, #$EA, #$EB, #$EC, #$ED, #$EE, #$EF, #$FF, #$F0, #$F1, #$F2, #$F3, #$E6, #$E2, #$FC, #$FB, #$E7, #$F8, #$FD, #$F9, #$F7, #$FA, #$DE, #$C0, #$C1, #$D6, #$C4, #$C5, #$D4, #$C3, #$D5, #$C8, #$C9, #$CA, #$CB, #$CC, #$CD, #$CE, #$CF, #$DF, #$D0, #$D1, #$D2, #$D3, #$C6, #$C2, #$DC, #$DB, #$C7, #$D8, #$DD, #$D9, #$D7, #$DA ); function StrPCopy(Dest: PAnsiChar; const Source: Ansistring): PAnsiChar; {* Copyes string into null-terminated. } function StrLCopy(Dest: PAnsiChar; const Source: PAnsiChar; MaxLen: Cardinal): PAnsiChar; {* Copyes first MaxLen characters of the Source string into null-terminated Dest. } function DelimiterLast( const Str, Delimiters: KOLString ): Integer; {* Returns index of the last of delimiters given by same named parameter among characters of Str. If there are no delimiters found, length of Str is returned. This function is intended mainly to use in filename parsing functions. } function __DelimiterLast( Str, Delimiters: PKOLChar ): PKOLChar; {* Returns address of the last of delimiters given by Delimiters parameter among characters of Str. If there are no delimeters found, position of the null terminator in Str is returned. This function is intended mainly to use in filename parsing functions. } {$IFDEF _D3orHigher} function W__DelimiterLast( Str, Delimiters: PWideChar ): PWideChar; {* } {$ENDIF _D3orHigher} function SkipSpaces( P: PKOLChar ): PKOLChar; {* Skips all characters #1..' ' in a string. } {$IFDEF F_P} function DummyStrFun( const S: AnsiString ): AnsiString; {$ENDIF} function CompareMem(P1, P2: Pointer; Length: Integer): Boolean; {* Fast compare of two memory blocks. } function AllocMem( Size : Integer ) : Pointer; {* Allocates global memory and unlocks it. } procedure DisposeMem( var Addr : Pointer ); {* Locks global memory block given by pointer, and frees it. Does nothing, if the pointer is nil. |<hr> <R Text in clipboard operations> } {$IFDEF WIN_GDI} function ClipboardHasText: Boolean; {* Returns true, if the clipboard contain text to paste from. } function Clipboard2Text: AnsiString; {* If clipboard contains text, this function returns it for You. } {$IFNDEF _FPC} {$IFNDEF _D2} function Clipboard2WText: KOLWideString; {* If clipboard contains text, this function returns it for You (as Unicode string). } {$ENDIF _D2} {$ENDIF _FPC} function Text2Clipboard( const S: AnsiString ): Boolean; {* Puts given string to a clipboard. } {$IFNDEF _FPC} {$IFNDEF _D2} function WText2Clipboard( const WS: KOLWideString ): Boolean; {* Puts given Unicode string to a clipboard. |<hr> } {$ENDIF _D2} {$ENDIF _FPC} var SearchMnemonics: function ( const S: KOLString ): KOLString = {$IFDEF F_P} DummyStrFun {$ELSE} {$IFDEF UNICODE_CTRLS} WAnsiUpperCase {$ELSE} AnsiUpperCase {$ENDIF} {$ENDIF}; MnemonicsLocale: Integer; procedure SupportAnsiMnemonics( LocaleID: Integer ); {* Provides encoding to work with given locale. Call this global function to extend TControl.SupportMnemonics capability (also should be called for a form or for Applet variable). <R Date and time handling> } {$ENDIF WIN_GDI} {$IFDEF WIN_GDI} {$IFnDEF _D5orHigher} {$DEFINE DATE0_0001} {$ENDIF _D5orHigher} {$IFnDEF DATE0_0001} {$DEFINE DATE0_1601} {$ENDIF} //Starting from the version 3.1415926, (so called PI-version), datetime //can be correctly handled (by default) from 1-Jan-1601 to 1-Jan-38827. //This made it possible to use short calls to API functions to convert date and time. //If you still want to count time correctly from 1-Jan-1 B.C., or a compatibility //is required for old applications, define symbol DATE0_0001 in your //project options. Actually this does not mean that TDateTime forma changed, //but only restrictions are in converting date to TSystemTime from TDateTime //and vice versa. type //TDateTime = Double; // well, it is already defined so in System.pas {* Basic date and time type. Integer part represents year and days (as is, i.e. 1-Jan-2000 is representing by value 730141, which is a number of days from 1-Jan-0001 to 1-Jan-2000 inclusively). Fractional part is representing hours, minutes, seconds and milliseconds of a day proportionally (like in VCL TDateTime type, e.g. 0.5 = 12:00, 0.25 = 6:00, etc.). } PDayTable = ^TDayTable; TDayTable = array[1..12] of Byte; TDateFormat = ( dfShortDate, dfLongDate ); {* Date formats available to use in formatting date/time to string. } TTimeFormatFlag = ( tffNoMinutes, tffNoSeconds, tffNoMarker, tffForce24 ); {* Additional flags, used for formatting time. } TTimeFormatFlags = Set of TTimeFormatFlag; {* Set of flags, used for formatting time. } const MonthDays: array [Boolean] of TDayTable = ((31, 28, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31), (31, 29, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31)); {* The MonthDays array can be used to quickly find the number of days in a month: MonthDays[IsLeapYear(Y), M]. } SecsPerDay = 24 * 60 * 60; {* Seconds per day. } MSecsPerDay = SecsPerDay * 1000; {* Milliseconds per day. } Date1601 = 584389; VCLDate0 = 693594; {* Value to convert VCL "date 0" to KOL "date 0" and back. This value corresponds to 30-Dec-1899, 0:00:00. So, to convert VCL date to KOL date, just subtract this value from VCL date. And to convert back from KOL date to VCL date, add this value to KOL date.} function Now : TDateTime; {* Returns local date and time on running PC. } function Date: TDateTime; {* Returns todaylocal date. } procedure DecodeDateFully( DateTime: TDateTime; var Year, Month, Day, DayOfWeek: WORD ); {* Decodes date. } procedure DecodeDate( DateTime: TDateTime; var Year, Month, Day: WORD ); {* Decodes date. } function EncodeDate( Year, Month, Day: WORD; var DateTime: TDateTime ): Boolean; {* Encodes date. } function CompareSystemTime(const D1, D2 : TSystemTime) : Integer; {* Compares to TSystemTime records. Returns -1, 0, or 1 if, correspondantly, D1 < D2, D1 = D2 and D1 > D2. } procedure IncDays( var SystemTime : TSystemTime; DaysNum : Integer ); {* Increases/decreases day in TSystemTime record onto given days count (can be negative). } procedure IncMonths( var SystemTime : TSystemTime; MonthsNum : Integer ); {* Increases/decreases month number in TSystemTime record onto given months count (can be negative). Correct result is not garantee if day number is incorrect for newly obtained month. } function IsLeapYear(Year: Integer): Boolean; {* Returns True, if given year is "leap" (i.e. has 29 days in the February). } function DayOfWeek(Date: TDateTime): Integer; {* Returns day of week (0..6) for given date. } function SystemTime2DateTime(const SystemTime : TSystemTime; var DateTime : TDateTime ) : Boolean; {* Converts TSystemTime record to XDateTime variable. } function DateTime2SystemTime(const DateTime : TDateTime; var SystemTime : TSystemTime ) : Boolean; {* Converts TDateTime variable to TSystemTime record. } function DateTime_System2Local( DTSys: TDateTime ): TDateTime; {* Converts DTSys representing system time (+0 Grinvich) to local time. } function DateTime_Local2System( DTLoc: TDateTime ): TDateTime; {* Converts DTLoc representing local time to system time (+0 Grinvich) } function FileTime2DateTime( const ft: TFileTime; var DT: TDateTime ): Boolean; {* } function DateTime2FileTime( DT: TDateTime; var ft: TFileTime ): Boolean; {* } procedure DivMod(Dividend: Integer; Divisor: Word; var Result, Remainder: Word); {* Dividing of integer onto divisor with obtaining both result of division and remainder. } function SystemDate2Str( const SystemTime : TSystemTime; const LocaleID : DWORD; const DfltDateFormat : TDateFormat; const DateFormat : PKOLChar ) : KOLString; {* Formats date, stored in TSystemTime record into string, using given locale and date/time formatting flags. (E.g.: GetUserDefaultLangID). } function SystemTime2Str( const SystemTime : TSystemTime; const LocaleID : DWORD; const Flags : TTimeFormatFlags; const TimeFormat : PKOLChar ) : KOLString; {* Formats time, stored in TSystemTime record into string, using given locale and date/time formatting flags. } function Date2StrFmt( const Fmt: KOLString; D: TDateTime ): KOLString; {* Represents date as a string correspondently to Fmt formatting string. See possible pictures in definition of the function Str2DateTimeFmt (the first part). If Fmt string is empty, default system date format for short date string used. } function Time2StrFmt( const Fmt: KOLString; D: TDateTime ): KOLString; {* Represents time as a string correspondently to Fmt formatting string. See possible pictures in definition of the function Str2DateTimeFmt (the second part). If Fmt string is empty, default system time format for short date string used. } function DateTime2StrShort( D: TDateTime ): KOLString; {* Formats date and time to string in short date format using current user locale. } function Str2DateTimeFmt( const sFmtStr, sS: KOLString ): TDateTime; {* Restores date or/and time from string correspondently to a format string. Date and time formatting string can contain following pictures (case sensitive): |<pre> DATE PICTURES d Day of the month as digits without leading zeros for single digit days. dd Day of the month as digits with leading zeros for single digit days ddd Day of the week as a 3-letter abbreviation as specified by a LOCALE_SABBREVDAYNAME value. dddd Day of the week as specified by a LOCALE_SDAYNAME value. M Month as digits without leading zeros for single digit months. MM Month as digits with leading zeros for single digit months MMM Month as a three letter abbreviation as specified by a LOCALE_SABBREVMONTHNAME value. MMMM Month as specified by a LOCALE_SMONTHNAME value. y Year represented only be the last digit. yy Year represented only be the last two digits. yyyy Year represented by the full 4 digits. gg Period/era string as specified by the CAL_SERASTRING value. The gg format picture in a date string is ignored if there is no associated era string. In Enlish locales, usual values are BC or AD. TIME PICTURES h Hours without leading zeros for single-digit hours (12-hour clock). hh Hours with leading zeros for single-digit hours (12-hour clock). H Hours without leading zeros for single-digit hours (24-hour clock). HH Hours with leading zeros for single-digit hours (24-hour clock). m Minutes without leading zeros for single-digit minutes. mm Minutes with leading zeros for single-digit minutes. s Seconds without leading zeros for single-digit seconds. ss Seconds with leading zeros for single-digit seconds. t One character�time marker string (usually P or A, in English locales). tt Multicharacter�time marker string (usually PM or AM, in English locales). |</pre> E.g., 'D, yyyy/MM/dd h:mm:ss'. See also Str2DateTimeShort function. } function Str2TimeFmt(const sFmtStr, sS: KOLString): TDateTime; {* Same as above but for time only } function Str2DateTimeShort( const S: KOLString ): TDateTime; {* Restores date and time from string correspondently to current user locale. } function Str2DateTimeShortEx( const S: KOLString ): TDateTime; {* Like Str2DateTimeShort above, but uses locale defined date and time separators to avoid recognizing time as a date in some cases.} function Str2TimeShort(const S: KOLString): TDateTime; {* Like Str2DateTimeShort but for time only. |<hr> <R File and directory routines> } {$ENDIF WIN_GDI} const ofOpenRead = {$IFDEF LIN} O_RDONLY {$ELSE} $80000000 {$ENDIF}; {* Use this flag (in combination with others) to open file for "read" only. } ofOpenWrite = {$IFDEF LIN} O_WRONLY {$ELSE} $40000000 {$ENDIF}; {* Use this flag (in combination with others) to open file for "write" only. } ofOpenReadWrite = {$IFDEF LIN} O_RDWR {$ELSE} $C0000000 {$ENDIF}; {* Use this flag (in combination with others) to open file for "read" and "write". } ofShareExclusive = {$IFDEF LIN} $10 {$ELSE} $00 {$ENDIF}; {* Use this flag (in combination with others) to open file for exclusive use. } ofShareDenyWrite = {$IFDEF LIN} $20 {$ELSE} $01 {$ENDIF}; {* Use this flag (in combination with others) to open file in share mode, when only attempts to open it in other process for "write" will be impossible. I.e., other processes could open this file simultaneously for read only access. } ofShareDenyRead = {$IFDEF LIN} 0 {not supported} {$ELSE} $02 {$ENDIF}; {* Use this flag (in combination with others) to open file in share mode, when only attempts to open it for "read" in other processes will be disabled. I.e., other processes could open it for "write" only access. } ofShareDenyNone = {$IFDEF LIN} $30 {$ELSE} $03 {$ENDIF}; {* Use this flag (in combination with others) to open file in full sharing mode. I.e. any process will be able open this file using the same share flag. } ofCreateNew = {$IFDEF LIN} O_CREAT or O_TRUNC {$ELSE} $100 {$ENDIF}; {* Default creation disposition. Use this flag for creating new file (usually for write access. } ofCreateAlways = {$IFDEF LIN} O_CREAT {$ELSE} $200 {$ENDIF}; {* Use this flag (in combination with others) to open existing or creating new file. If existing file is opened, it is truncated to size 0. } ofOpenExisting = {$IFDEF LIN} 0 {$ELSE} $300 {$ENDIF}; {* Use this flag (in combination with others) to open existing file only. } ofOpenAlways = {$IFDEF LIN} O_CREAT {$ELSE} $400 {$ENDIF}; {* Use this flag (in combination with others) to open existing or create new (if such file is not yet exists). } ofTruncateExisting = {$IFDEF LIN} O_TRUNC {$ELSE} $500 {$ENDIF}; {* Use this flag (in combination with others) to open existing file and truncate it to size 0. } ofAttrReadOnly = {$IFDEF LIN} 0 {$ELSE} $10000 {$ENDIF}; {* Use this flag to create Read-Only file (?). } ofAttrHidden = {$IFDEF LIN} 0 {$ELSE} $20000 {$ENDIF}; {* Use this flag to create hidden file. } ofAttrSystem = {$IFDEF LIN} 0 {$ELSE} $40000 {$ENDIF}; {* Use this flag to create system file. } ofAttrTemp = {$IFDEF LIN} 0 {$ELSE} $1000000 {$ENDIF}; {* Use this flag to create temp file. } ofAttrArchive = {$IFDEF LIN} 0 {$ELSE} $200000 {$ENDIF}; {* Use this flag to create archive file. } ofAttrCompressed = {$IFDEF LIN} 0 {$ELSE} $8000000 {$ENDIF}; {* Use this flag to create compressed file. Has effect only on NTFS, and only if ofAttrCompressed is not specified also. } ofAttrOffline = {$IFDEF LIN} 0 {$ELSE} $10000000 {$ENDIF}; {* Use this flag to create offline file. } {$IFDEF _D3orHigher} function WFileCreate(const FileName: KOLWideString; OpenFlags: DWord): THandle; {* } {$ENDIF} function FileCreate(const FileName: KOLString; OpenFlags: DWord): THandle; {* Call this function to open existing or create new file. OpenFlags parameter can be a combination of up to three flags (by one from each group: |<table border=0> |&L=<tr><td valign=top>%0</td><td valign=top> |&E=</td></tr> <L ofOpenRead, ofOpenWrite, ofOpenReadWrite> - 1st group. Here You decide wish You open file for read, write or read-and-write operations; <E> <L ofShareExclusive, ofShareDenyWrite, ofShareDenyRead, ofShareDenyNone> -2nd group - sharing. Here You can mark out sharing mode, which is used to open file. <E> <L ofCreateNew, ofCreateAlways, ofOpenExisting, ofOpenAlways, ofTruncateExisting> - 3rd group - creation disposition. Here You determine, either to create new or open existing file and if to truncate existing or not. |</table> } function FileClose(Handle: THandle): Boolean; {* Call it to close opened earlier file. } function FileExists( const FileName: KOLString ) : Boolean; {* Returns True, if given file exists. |<br>Note (by Dod): It is not documented in a help for GetFileAttributes, but it seems that under NT-based Windows systems, FALSE is always returned for files opened for excluseve use like pagefile.sys. } {$IFDEF _D3orHigher} function WFileExists( const FileName: KOLWideString ) : Boolean; {* Returns True, if given file exists. |<br>Note (by Dod): It is not documented in a help for GetFileAttributes, but it seems that under NT-based Windows systems, FALSE is always returned for files opened for excluseve use like pagefile.sys. } {$ENDIF} function FileSeek(Handle: THandle; {$IFNDEF STREAM_COMPAT} const {$ENDIF} MoveTo: TStrmMove; MoveMethod: TMoveMethod): TStrmSize; {* Changes current position in file. } function FileRead(Handle: THandle; var Buffer; Count: DWord): DWord; {* Reads bytes from current position in file to buffer. Returns number of read bytes. } {$IFDEF LIN} function GetFileSize( Handle: THandle; HiSize: PDWORD ): DWORD; {$ENDIF LIN} function File2Str(Handle: THandle): AnsiString; {* Reads file from current position to the end and returns result as ansi string. } {$IFNDEF _D2} function File2WStr(Handle: THandle): KOLWideString; {* Reads UNICODE file from current position to the end and returns result as unicode string. } {$ENDIF} function FileWrite(Handle: THandle; const Buffer; Count: DWord): DWord; {* Writes bytes from buffer to file from current position, extending its size if needed. } function FileEOF( Handle: THandle ) : Boolean; {* Returns True, if EOF is achieved during read operations or last byte is overwritten or append made to extend file during last write operation. } function FileFullPath( const FileName : KOLString ) : KOLString; {* Returns full path name for given file. Validness of source FileName path is not checked at all. } {$IFDEF WIN} //--------------- these functions have not sense in Linux: -------- function FileShortPath( const FileName: KOLString ): KOLString; {* Returns short path to the file or directory. } function FileIconSystemIdx( const Path: KOLString ): Integer; {* Returns index of the index of the system icon correspondent to the file or directory in system icon image list. } function FileIconSysIdxOffline( const Path: KOLString ): Integer; {* The same as FileIconSystemIdx, but an icon is calculated for the file as it were offline (it is possible to get an icon for file even if it is not existing, on base of its extension only). } function DirIconSysIdxOffline( const Path: KOLString ): Integer; {* The same as FileIconSysIdxOffline, but for a folder rather then for a file. } {$ENDIF WIN} //----------------------------------------------------------------- procedure LogFileOutput( const filepath, str: KOLString ); {* Debug function. Use it to append given string to the end of the given file. } function Str2File( Filename: PKOLChar; Str: PAnsiChar ): Boolean; {* Save null-terminated string to file directly. If file does not exists, it is created. If it exists, it is overriden. If operation failed, FALSE is returned. } function WStr2File( Filename: PKOLChar; Str: PWideChar ): Boolean; {* Save null-terminated wide string to file directly. If file does not exists, it is created. If it exists, it is overriden. If operation failed, FALSE is returned. } function StrSaveToFile( const Filename: KOLString; const Str: AnsiString ): Boolean; {* Saves a string to a file without any changes. If file does not exists, it is created. If it exists, it is overriden. If operation failed, FALSE is returned. } function StrLoadFromFile( const Filename: KOLString ): AnsiString; {* Reads entire file and returns its content as a string. If operation failed, an empty strinng is returned. |<br>by Sergey Shishmintzev: it is possible to pass Filename = 'CON' to read input from redirected console output. } {$IFNDEF _D2} function WStrSaveToFile( const Filename: KOLString; const Str: KOLWideString ): Boolean; {* Saves a string to a file without any changes. If file does not exists, it is created. If it exists, it is overriden. If operation failed, FALSE is returned. } function WStrLoadFromFile( const Filename: KOLString ): KOLWideString; {* Reads entire file and returns its content as a string. If operation failed, an empty strinng is returned. |<br>by Sergey Shishmintzev: it is possible to pass Filename = 'CON' to read input from redirected console output. } {$ENDIF} function Mem2File( Filename: PKOLChar; Mem: Pointer; Len: Integer ): Integer; {* Saves memory block to a file (if file exists it is overriden, created new if not exists). } function File2Mem( Filename: PKOLChar; Mem: Pointer; MaxLen: Integer ): Integer; {* Loads file content to memory. } {$IFDEF WIN} type PFindFileData = ^TFindFileData; TFindFileData = packed record // from TWin32FindData: ------------- dwFileAttributes: DWORD; ftCreationTime: TFileTime; ftLastAccessTime: TFileTime; ftLastWriteTime: TFileTime; nFileSizeHigh: DWORD; nFileSizeLow: DWORD; dwReserved0: DWORD; dwReserved1: DWORD; cFileName: Array[0..MAX_PATH - 1] of KOLChar; cAlternateFileName: Array[0..13] of KOLChar; //-------- + handle: FindHandle: THandle; end; {$ENDIF WIN} function Find_First( const FilePathName: KOLString; var F: TFindFileData ): Boolean; function Find_Next( var F: TFindFileData ): Boolean; procedure Find_Close( var F: TFindFileData ); {$IFDEF _D2orD3} function FileSize( const Path: KOLString ) : Integer; {$ELSE} function FileSize( const Path: KOLString ) : Int64; {$ENDIF} {* Returns file size in bytes without opening it. If file too large to represent its size as Integer, -1 is returned. } procedure FileTime( const Path: KOLString; CreateTime, LastAccessTime, LastModifyTime: PFileTime ); stdcall; {* Returns file times without opening it. } function GetUniqueFilename( PathName: KOLString ) : KOLString; {* If file given by PathName exists, modifies it to create unique filename in target folder and returns it. Modification is performed by incrementing last number in name (if name part of file does not represent a number, such number is generated and concatenated to it). E.g., if file aaa.aaa is already exist, the function checks names aaa1.aaa, aaa2.aaa, ..., aaa10.aaa, etc. For name abc123.ext, names abc124.ext, abc125.ext, etc. will be checked. } function FileTimeCompare( const FT1, FT2 : TFileTime ) : Integer; {* Compares time of file (createing, writing, accessing. Returns -1, 0, 1 if correspondantly FT1<FT2, FT1=FT2, FT1>FT2. } function DirectoryExists(const Name: KOLString): Boolean; {* Returns True if given directory (folder) exists. } function DiskPresent( const DrivePath: KOLString ): Boolean; {* Returns TRUE if the disk is present } {$IFDEF _D3orHigher} function WDirectoryExists(const Name: KOLWideString): Boolean; {* } {$ENDIF} function CheckDirectoryContent( const Name: KOLString; SubDirsOnly: Boolean; const Mask: KOLString ): Boolean; {* Returns TRUE if directory does not contain files (or directories only) satisfying given mask. } function DirectoryEmpty(const Name: KOLString): Boolean; {* Returns True if given directory is not exists or empty. } function DirectoryHasSubdirs( const Path: KOLString ): Boolean; {* Returns TRUE if given directory exists and has subdirectories. } function GetStartDir: KOLString; {* Returns path to directory where executable is located (regardless of current directory). } function ExePath: KOLString; {* Returns the path to the exe-file (in case of dll hook, this is exe-file of the process in which context dll hook function is called). } function ModulePath: KOLString; {* Returns the path to the module (exe, dll) itself. } //--------------------------------------------------------- // Following functions/procedures are created by Edward Aretino: // IncludeTrailingPathDelimiter, ExcludeTrailingPathDelimiter, // ForceDirectories, CreateDir, ChangeFileExt //--------------------------------------------------------- function ExcludeTrailingChar( const S: KOLString; C: KOLChar ): KOLString; {* If S is finished with character C, it is excluded. } function IncludeTrailingChar( const S: KOLString; C: KOLChar ): KOLString; {* If S is not finished with character C, it is added. } function IncludeTrailingPathDelimiter(const S: KOLString): KOLString; {* by Edward Aretino. Adds '\' to the end if it is not present. } function ExcludeTrailingPathDelimiter(const S: KOLString): KOLString; {* by Edward Aretino. Removes '\' at the end if it is present. } function ExtractFileDrive( const Path: KOLString ) : KOLString; {* Returns only drive part from exact path to a file or a directory. For network paths, returns a computer name together with a following name of shared directory (like '\\compname\shared\' ). } function ExtractFilePath( const Path: KOLString ) : KOLString; {* Returns only path part from exact path to file. } {$IFDEF _D3orHigher} function WExtractFilePath( const Path: KOLWideString ) : KOLWideString; {* Returns only path part from exact path to file. } {$ENDIF} function IsNetworkPath( const Path: KOLString ): Boolean; {* Returns TRUE, if Path is starting from '\\'. } function ExtractFileName( const Path: KOLString ) : KOLString; {* Extracts file name from exact path to file. } function ExtractFileNameWOext( const Path: KOLString ) : KOLString; {* Extracts file name from path to file or from filename. } function ExtractFileExt( const Path: KOLString ) : KOLString; {* Extracts extention from file name (returns it with dot '.' first) } function ReplaceExt( const Path, NewExt: KOLString ): KOLString; {* Returns Path to a file with extension replaced to a new extension. Pass a new extension started with '.', e.g. '.txt'. } function ForceDirectories(Dir: KOLString): Boolean; {* by Edward Aretino. Creates given directory if not present. All needed subdirectories are created if necessary. } function CreateDir(const Dir: KOLString): Boolean; {* by Edward Aretino. Creates given directory. } function ChangeFileExt(FileName: KOLString; const Extension: KOLString): KOLString; {* by Edward Aretino. Changes file extention. } function ReplaceFileExt( const Path, NewExt: KOLString ): KOLString; {* Returns a path with extension replaced to a given one. } {$IFDEF WIN} //vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv function ExtractShortPathName( const Path: KOLString ): KOLString; {* } {$IFDEF GDI} function FilePathShortened( const Path: KOLString; MaxLen: Integer ): KOLString; {* Returns shortened file path to fit MaxLen characters. } function FilePathShortenPixels( const Path: KOLString; DC: HDC; MaxPixels: Integer ): KOLString; {* Returns shortened file path to fit MaxPixels for a given DC. If you pass Canvas.Handle of any control or bitmap object, ensure that font is valid for it (or call TCanvas.RequiredState( FontValid ) method before. If DC passed = 0, call is equivalent to call FilePathShortened, and MaxPixels means in such case maximum number of characters. } function MinimizeName( const Path: KOLString; DC: HDC; MaxPixels: Integer ): KOLString; {* Exactly the same as MinimizeName in FileCtrl.pas (VCL). } {$ENDIF GDI} function GetSystemDir: KOLString; {* Returns path to windows system directory. } function GetWindowsDir : KOLString; {* Returns path to Windows directory. } {$ENDIF WIN} //^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ function GetWorkDir : KOLString; {* Returns path to application's working directory. } function GetTempDir : KOLString; {* Returns path to default temp folder (directory to place temporary files). } function CreateTempFile( const DirPath, Prefix: KOLString ): KOLString; {* Returns path to just created temporary file. } function GetFileListStr(FPath{e.g.'c:\tmp\'}, FMask{e.g.'*.*'}: KOLString): KOLString; {* List of files in string, separating each path from others with a character stored in FileOpSeparator variables (#13 by default). E.g.: 'c:\tmp\unit1.dcu'#13'c:\tmp\unit1.~pa' (for use with DeleteFile2Recycle())} function DeleteFiles( const DirPath: KOLString ): Boolean; {* Deletes files by file mask (given with wildcards '*' and '?'). } {$IFDEF WIN_GDI} //vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv var FileOpSeparator: KOLChar = {$IFDEF OLD_COMPAT}';'{$ELSE}#13{$ENDIF}; function DoFileOp( const FromList, ToList: KOLString; FileOp: UINT; Flags: Word; Title: PKOLChar): Boolean; {* By Unknown Mystic. FileOp can be: FO_MOVE, FO_COPY, FO_DELETE, FO_RENAME. Flags can be a combination of values: FOF_MULTIDESTFILES, FOF_CONFIRMMOUSE, FOF_SILENT, FOF_RENAMEONCOLLISION, FOF_NOCONFIRMATION, FOF_WANTMAPPINGHANDLE, FOF_ALLOWUNDO, FOF_FILESONLY, FOF_SIMPLEPROGRESS, FOF_NOCONFIRMMKDIR, FOF_NOERRORUI. Title used only with FOF_SIMPLEPROGRESS. } function DeleteFile2Recycle( const Filename : KOLString ) : Boolean; {* Deletes file to recycle bin. This operation can be very slow, when called for a single file. To delete group of files at once (fast), pass a list of paths to files to be deleted, separating each path from others with a character stored in FileOpSeparator variable (by default #13, but in case when OLD_COMPAT symbol added - ';'). E.g.: 'unit1.dcu'#13'unit1.~pa' |<br> FALSE is returned only in case when at least one file was not deleted successfully. |<br> Note, that files are deleted not to recycle bin, if wildcards are used or not fully qualified paths to files. } function CopyMoveFiles( const FromList, ToList: KOLString; Move: Boolean ): Boolean; {* } {$IFNDEF PAS_ONLY} function DiskFreeSpace( const Path: KOLString ): I64; {$ENDIF} {* Returns disk free space in bytes. Pass a path to root directory, e.g. 'C:\'. |<hr> <R Wrappers to registry API functions> These functions can be used independently to simplify access to Windows registry. } {$ENDIF WIN_GDI} //^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ {$IFDEF WIN_GDI} //vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv function RegKeyOpenRead( Key: HKey; const SubKey: KOLString ): HKey; {* Opens registry key for read operations (including enumerating of subkeys). Pass either handle of opened earlier key or one of constans HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, HKEY_CURRENT_USER, HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, HKEY_USERS as a first parameter. If not successful, 0 is returned. } function RegKeyOpenWrite( Key: HKey; const SubKey: KOLString ): HKey; {* Opens registry key for write operations (including adding new values or subkeys), as well as for read operations too. See also RegKeyOpenRead. } function RegKeyOpenCreate( Key: HKey; const SubKey: KOLString ): HKey; {* Creates and opens key. } function RegKeyGetStr( Key: HKey; const ValueName: KOLString ): KOLString; {* Reads key, which must have type REG_SZ (null-terminated string). If not successful, empty string is returned. This function as well as all other registry manipulation functions, does nothing, if Key passed is 0 (without producing any error). } function RegKeyGetStrEx( Key: HKey; const ValueName: KOLString {$IFDEF OPTIONAL_REG_EXPAND_SZ} ; ExpandEnvVars: Boolean {$ENDIF} ): KOLString; {* Like RegKeyGetStr, but accepts REG_EXPAND_SZ type, expanding all environment variables in resulting string. |<br> Code provided by neuron, e-mailto:neuron@hollowtube.mine.nu } function RegKeyGetDw( Key: HKey; const ValueName: KOLString ): DWORD; {* Reads key value, which must have type REG_DWORD. If ValueName passed is '' (empty string), unnamed (default) value is reading. If not successful, 0 is returned. } function RegKeySetStr(Key: HKey; const ValueName: KOLString; const Value: KOLString ): Boolean; {* Writes new key value as null-terminated string (type REG_SZ). If not successful, returns False. } function RegKeySetStrEx( Key: HKey; const ValueName: KOLString; const Value: KOLString; expand: Boolean): Boolean; {* Writes new key value as REG_SZ or REG_EXPAND_SZ. - by neuron, e-mailto:neuron@hollowtube.mine.nu } function RegKeySetDw( Key: HKey; const ValueName: KOLString; Value: DWORD ): Boolean; {* Writes new key value as dword (with type REG_DWORD). Returns False, if not successful. } procedure RegKeyClose( Key: HKey ); {* Closes key, opened using RegKeyOpenRead or RegKeyOpenWrite. (But does nothing, if Key passed is 0). } function RegKeyDelete( Key: HKey; const SubKey: KOLString ): Boolean; {* Deletes key. Does nothing if key passed is 0 (returns FALSE). } function RegKeyDeleteValue( Key: HKey; const SubKey: KOLString ): Boolean; {* Deletes value. - by neuron, e-mailto:neuron@hollowtube.mine.nu } function RegKeyExists( Key: HKey; const SubKey: KOLString ): Boolean; {* Returns TRUE, if given subkey exists under given Key. } function RegKeyValExists( Key: HKey; const ValueName: KOLString ): Boolean; {* Returns TRUE, if given value exists under the Key. } function RegKeyValueSize( Key: HKey; const ValueName: KOLString ): Integer; {* Returns a size of value. This is a size of buffer needed to store registry key value. For string value, size returned is equal to a length of string plus 1 for terminated null character. } function RegKeyGetBinary( Key: HKey; const ValueName: KOLString; var Buffer; Count: Integer ): Integer; {* Reads binary data from a registry, writing it to the Buffer. It is supposed that size of Buffer provided is at least Count bytes. Returned value is actul count of bytes read from the registry and written to the Buffer. |<br> This function can be used to get data of any type from the registry, not only REG_BINARY. } function RegKeySetBinary( Key: HKey; const ValueName: KOLString; const Buffer; Count: Integer ): Boolean; {* Stores binary data in the registry. } function RegKeyGetDateTime(Key: HKey; const ValueName: KOLString): TDateTime; {* Returns datetime variable stored in registry in binary format. } function RegKeySetDateTime(Key: HKey; const ValueName: KOLString; DateTime: TDateTime): Boolean; {* Stores DateTime variable in the registry. } //------------------------------------------------------- // registry functions by Valerian Luft <luft@valerian.de> //------------------------------------------------------- function RegKeyGetSubKeys( const Key: HKEY; List: PKOLStrList): Boolean; {* The function enumerates subkeys of the specified open registry key. True is returned, if successful. } function RegKeyGetValueNames(const Key: HKEY; List: PKOLStrList): Boolean; {* The function enumerates value names of the specified open registry key. True is returned, if successful. } function RegKeyGetValueTyp (const Key:HKEY; const ValueName: KOLString) : DWORD; {* The function receives the type of data stored in the specified value. |<br> If the function fails, the return value is the Key value. |<br> If the function succeeds, the return value return will be one of the following: |<br> REG_BINARY , REG_DWORD, REG_DWORD_LITTLE_ENDIAN, REG_DWORD_BIG_ENDIAN, REG_EXPAND_SZ, REG_LINK , REG_MULTI_SZ, REG_NONE, REG_RESOURCE_LIST, REG_SZ |<hr> <R Data sorting (quicksort implementation)> This part contains implementation of 'quick sort' algorithm, based on following code: |<pre> | TQSort by Mike Junkin 10/19/95. | DoQSort routine adapted from Peter Szymiczek's QSort procedure which | was presented in issue#8 of The Unofficial Delphi Newsletter. | TQSort changed by Vladimir Kladov (Mr.Bonanzas) to allow 32-bit | sorting (of big arrays with more than 64K elements). |</pre> Finally, this sort procedure is adapted to XCL (and then to KOL) requirements (no references to SysUtils, Classes etc. TQSort object is transferred to a single procedure call and DoQSort method is renamed to SortData - which is a regular procedure now). } {$ENDIF WIN_GDI} //^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ procedure SortData( const Data: Pointer; const uNElem: Dword; const CompareFun: TCompareEvent; const SwapProc: TSwapEvent ); {* Call it to sort any array of data of any kind, passing total number of items in an array and two defined (regular) function and procedure to perform custom compare and swap operations. First procedure parameter is to pass it to callback function CompareFun and procedure SwapProc. Items are enumerated from 0 to uNElem-1. } {$IFDEF _D3orHigher} procedure SortArray( const Data: Pointer; const uNElem: Dword; const CompareFun: TCompareArrayEvent ); {* Like SortData, but faster and allows to sort only contigous arrays of dwords (or integers or pointers occupying for 4 bytes for each item. } {$ENDIF} procedure SwapListItems( const L: Pointer; const e1, e2: DWORD ); {* Use this function as the last parameter for SortData call when a PList object is sorting. SwapListItems just exchanges two items of the list. } procedure SortIntegerArray( var A : array of Integer ); {* procedure to sort array of integers. } procedure SortDwordArray( var A : array of DWORD ); {* Procedure to sort array of unsigned 32-bit integers. |<hr> } { ------------------- directory list object ---------------------------------- } type TDirItemAction = ( diSkip, diAccept, diCancel ); TOnDirItem = procedure( Sender: PObj; var DirItem: TFindFileData; var Accept: TDirItemAction ) of object; TSortDirRules = ( sdrNone, sdrFoldersFirst, sdrCaseSensitive, sdrByName, sdrByExt, sdrBySize, sdrBySizeDescending, sdrByDateCreate, sdrByDateChanged, sdrByDateAccessed, sdrInvertOrder ); {* List of rules (options) to sort directories. Rules are passed to Sort method in an array, and first placed rules are applied first. } PDirList = ^TDirList; { ---------------------------------------------------------------------- TDirList - Directory scanning ----------------------------------------------------------------------- } TDirList = object( TObj ) {* Allows easy directory scanning. This is not visual object, but storage to simplify working with directory content. } protected FListPositions : PList; //^^^^^^^^^^ Attention: order of FListPositions & fStoreFiles: PStream; //__________ fStoreFiles is IMPORTANT! FPath: KOLString; fFilters: {$IFDEF UNICODE_CTRLS} PWStrList {$ELSE} PStrList {$ENDIF}; fOnItem: TOnDirItem; function Get(Idx: Integer): PFindFileData; function GetCount: Integer; function GetNames(Idx: Integer): KOLString; function GetIsDirectory(Idx: Integer): Boolean; protected function SatisfyFilter( FileName : PKOLChar; FileAttr, FindAttr : DWord ) : Boolean; destructor Destroy; virtual; {* Destructor. As usual, call Free method to destroy an object. } public property Items[ Idx : Integer ] : PFindfileData read Get; default; {* Full access to scanned items (files and subdirectories). } property IsDirectory[ Idx: Integer ]: Boolean read GetIsDirectory; {* Returns TRUE, if specified item represents a directory, not a file. } property Count : Integer read GetCount; {* Number of items. } property Names[ Idx : Integer ] : KOLString read GetNames; {* Full long names of directory items. } property Path : KOLString read FPath; {* Path of scanned directory. } procedure Clear; {* Call it to clear list of files. } procedure ScanDirectory( const DirPath, Filter : KOLString; Attr : DWord ); {* Call it to rescan directory or to scan another directory content (method Clear is called first). Pass path to directory, file filter and attributes to scan directory immediately. |<br> Note: Pass FILE_ATTRIBUTE_... constants or-combination as Attr parameter. If 0 passed, both files and directories are listed. } procedure ScanDirectoryEx( const DirPath, Filters : KOLString; Attr : DWord ); {* Call it to rescan directory or to scan another directory content (method Clear is called first). Pass path to directory, file filter and attributes to scan directory immediately. |<br> Note: Pass FILE_ATTRIBUTE_... constants or-combination as Attr parameter. } procedure Sort( Rules : array of TSortDirRules ); {* Sorts directory entries. If empty rules array passed, default rules array DefSortDirRules is used. } function FileList( const Separator {e.g.: ';', or #13}: KOLString; Dirs, FullPaths: Boolean ): KOLString; {* Returns a string containing all names separated with Separator. If Dirs=FALSE, only files are returned. } property OnItem: TOnDirItem read fOnItem write fOnItem; {* This event is called on reading each item while scanning directory. To use it, first create PDirList object with empty path to scan, then assign OnItem event and call ScanDirectory with correct path. } procedure DeleteItem( Idx: Integer ); {* Allows to delete an item from the directory list (not from the disk!) } procedure AddItem( FindData: PFindFileData ); {* Allows to add arbitrary item to the list. } procedure InsertItem( idx: Integer; FindData: PFindFileData ); {* Allows to add arbitrary item to the list. } end; function NewDirList( const DirPath, Filter: KOLString; Attr: DWORD ): PDirList; {* Creates directory list object using easy one-string filter. If Attr = FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, only files are scanned without directories. If Attr = 0, both files and directories are listed. } function NewDirListEx( const DirPath, Filters: KOLString; Attr: DWORD ): PDirList; {* Creates directory list object using several filters, separated by ';'. Filters starting from '^' consider to be anti-filters, i.e. files, satisfying to those masks, are skept during scanning. } const DefSortDirRules : array[ 0..3 ] of TSortDirRules = ( sdrFoldersFirst, sdrByName, sdrBySize, sdrByDateCreate ); {* Default rules to sort directory entries. } {$IFNDEF PAS_ONLY} function DirectorySize( const Path: KOLString ): I64; {* Returns directory size in bytes as large 64 bit integer. } {$ENDIF} {$IFDEF WIN_GDI} //vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv type TOpenSaveOption = ( OSCreatePrompt, OSExtensionDiffent, OSFileMustExist, OSHideReadonly, OSNoChangedir, OSNoReferenceLinks, OSAllowMultiSelect, OSNoNetworkButton, OSNoReadonlyReturn, OSOverwritePrompt, OSPathMustExist, OSReadonly, OSNoValidate //{$IFDEF OpenSaveDialog_Extended} , OSTemplate, OSHook //{$ENDIF} ); TOpenSaveOptions = set of TOpenSaveOption; {* Options available for TOpenSaveDialog. } POpenSaveDialog = ^TOpenSaveDialog; { ---------------------------------------------------------------------- TOpenSaveDialog ----------------------------------------------------------------------- } TOpenSaveDialog = object( TObj ) {* Object to show standard Open/Save dialog. Initially provided for XCL by Carlo Kok. } protected FFilter : KOLString; fFilterIndex : Integer; fOpenDialog : Boolean; FInitialDir : KOLString; FDefExtension : KOLString; FFilename : KOLString; FTitle : KOLString; FOptions : TOpenSaveOptions; fWnd: THandle; fOpenReadOnly: Boolean; public TemplateName: KOLString; // do not forget to add OpenSaveDialog_Extended HookProc: Pointer; // to project options conditionals! NoPlaceBar: Boolean; // TRUE, if place bar is disabled in the new style // dialogs (if the symbol OpenSaveDialog_Extended is // not added in project options, place bar is always // enabled in Windows 2000 and higher). destructor Destroy; virtual; {* destructor } Function Execute : Boolean; {* Call it after creating to perform selecting of file by user. } property Filename : KOLString read FFilename write FFileName; {* Filename is separated by #13 when multiselect is true and the first file, is the path of the files selected. |<pre> | C:\Projects | Test1.Dpr | Test2.Dpr |</pre> If only one file is selected, it is provided as (e.g.) C:\Projects\Test1.dpr |<br> For case when OSAllowMultiselect option used, after each call initial value for a Filename containing several files prevents system from opening the dialog. To fix this, assign another initial value to Filename property in your code, when you use multiselect. } property InitialDir : KOLString read FInitialDir write FInitialDir; {* Initial directory path. If not set, current directory (usually directory when program is started) is used. } property Filter : KOLString read FFilter write FFilter; {* A list of pairs of filter names and filter masks, separated with '|'. If a mask contains more than one mask, it should be separated with ';'. E.g.: ! 'All files|*.*|Text files|*.txt;*.1st;*.diz' } property FilterIndex : Integer read FFilterIndex write FFilterIndex; {* Index of default filter mask (0 by default, which means "first"). } property OpenDialog : Boolean read FOpenDialog write FOpenDialog; {* True, if "Open" dialog. False, if "Save" dialog. True is default. } property Title : KOLString read Ftitle write Ftitle; {* Title for dialog. } property Options : TOpenSaveOptions read FOptions write FOptions; {* Options. } property DefExtension : KOLString read FDefExtension write FDefExtension; {* Default extention. Set it to desired extension without leading period, e.g. 'txt', but not '.txt'. } property WndOwner: THandle read fWnd write fWnd; {* Owner window handle. If not assigned, Applet.Handle is used (whenever possible). Assign it, if your application has stay-on-top forms, and a separate Applet object is used. } property OpenReadOnly: Boolean read fOpenReadOnly; {* TRUE after Execute, if Read Only check box was checked by the user. Options are not affected anyway. } end; const DefOpenSaveDlgOptions: TOpenSaveOptions = [ OSHideReadonly, OSOverwritePrompt, OSFileMustExist, OSPathMustExist ]; function NewOpenSaveDialog( const Title, StrtDir: KOLString; Options: TOpenSaveOptions ): POpenSaveDialog; {* Creates object, which can be used (several times) to open file(s) selecting dialog. } type POpenDirDialog = ^TOpenDirDialog; TOpenDirOption = ( odBrowseForComputer, odBrowseForPrinter, odDontGoBelowDomain, odOnlyFileSystemAncestors, odOnlySystemDirs, odStatusText, odBrowseIncludeFiles, odEditBox, odNewDialogStyle ); {* Flags available for TOpenDirDialog object. } // odfStatusText - do not support status callback TOpenDirOptions = set of TOpenDirOption; {* Set of all flags used to control ZOpenDirDialog class. } TOnODSelChange = procedure( Sender: POpenDirDialog; NewSelDir: PKOL_Char; var EnableOK: Integer; var StatusText: KOL_String ) of object; {* Event type to be called when user select another directory in OpenDirDialog. Set EnableOK to -1 to disable OK button, or to +1 to enable it. It is also possible to set new StatusText string. } { ---------------------------------------------------------------------- TOpenDirDialog ----------------------------------------------------------------------- } TOpenDirDialog = object( TObj ) {* Dialog for open directories, uses SHBrowseForFolder. } protected FTitle: KOLString; FOptions: TOpenDirOptions; FCallBack: Pointer; FCenterProc: procedure( Wnd: HWnd ); FBuf : array[ 0..MAX_PATH ] of KOLChar; FInitialPath: KOLString; FCenterOnScreen: Boolean; FDoSelChanged: procedure( Wnd: HWnd; Msg: DWORD; lParam, lpData: LParam ); stdcall; FOnSelChanged: TOnODSelChange; FStatusText: KOLString; FWnd, FDialogWnd: HWnd; function GetPath: KOLString; procedure SetInitialPath(const Value: KOLString); procedure SetCenterOnScreen(const Value: Boolean); procedure SetOnSelChanged(const Value: TOnODSelChange); function GetInitialPath: KOLString; public destructor Destroy; virtual; {* destructor } function Execute : Boolean; {* Call it to select directory by user. Returns True, if operation was not cancelled by user. } property Title : KOLString read FTitle write FTitle; {* Title for a dialog. } property Options : TOpenDirOptions read FOptions write FOptions; {* Option flags. } property Path : KOLString read GetPath; {* Resulting (selected by user) path. } property InitialPath: KOLString read GetInitialPath write SetInitialPath; {* Set this property to a path of directory to be selected initially in a dialog. } property CenterOnScreen: Boolean read FCenterOnScreen write SetCenterOnScreen; {* Set it to True to center dialog on screen. } property OnSelChanged: TOnODSelChange read FOnSelChanged write SetOnSelChanged; {* This event is called every time, when user selects another directory. It is possible to enable/disable OK button in dialog and/or change dialog status text in responce to event. } property WndOwner: HWnd read FWnd write FWnd; {* Owner window. If you want to provide your dialog visible over stay-on-top form, fire it as a child of the form, assigning the handle of form window to this property first. } property DialogWnd: HWnd read FDialogWnd; {* Handle to the open directory dialog itself, become available on the first call of callback procedure (i.e. on the first call to OnSelChanged). } end; function NewOpenDirDialog( const Title: KOLString; Options: TOpenDirOptions ): POpenDirDialog; {* Creates object, which can be used (several times) to open directory selecting dialog (using SHBrowseForFolder API call). } type TColorCustomOption = ( ccoFullOpen, ccoShortOpen, ccoPreventFullOpen ); {$IFDEF KOL_MCK} type TKOLOpenDirDialog = POpenDirDialog; {$ENDIF} PColorDialog = ^TColorDialog; { ---------------------------------------------------------------------- TColorDialog ----------------------------------------------------------------------- } TColorDialog = object( TObj ) {* Color choosing dialog. } protected public OwnerWindow: HWnd; {* Owner window (can be 0). } CustomColors: array[ 1..16 ] of TColor; {* Array of stored custom colors. } ColorCustomOption: TColorCustomOption; {* Options (how to open a dialog). } Color: TColor; {* Returned color (if the result of Execute is True). } function Execute: Boolean; {* Call this method to open a dialog and wait its result. } end; function NewColorDialog( FullOpen: TColorCustomOption ): PColorDialog; {* Creates color choosing dialog object. } {$ENDIF WIN_GDI} {$IFDEF WIN_GDI} type TIniFileMode = ( ifmRead, ifmWrite ); {* ifmRead is default mode (means "read" data from ini-file. Set mode to ifmWrite to write data to ini-file, correspondent to TIniFile. } PIniFile = ^TIniFile; { ---------------------------------------------------------------------- TIniFile - store/load data to ini-files ----------------------------------------------------------------------- } TIniFile = object( TObj ) {* Ini file incapsulation. The main feature is what the same block of read-write operations could be defined (difference must be only in Mode value). |*Ini file sample. This sample shows how the same Pascal operators can be used both for read and write for the same variables, when working with TIniFile: ! procedure ReadWriteIni( Write: Boolean ); ! var Ini: PIniFile; ! begin ! Ini := OpenIniFile( 'MyIniFile.ini' ); ! Ini.Section := 'Main'; ! if Write then // if Write, the same operators will save ! Ini.Mode := ifmWrite; // data rather then load. ! MyForm.Left := Ini.ValueInteger( 'Left', MyForm.Left ); ! MyForm.Top := Ini.ValueInteger( 'Top', MyForm.Top ); ! Ini.Free; ! end; ! |* } protected fMode: TIniFileMode; fFileName: KOLString; fSection: KOLString; protected public destructor Destroy; virtual; {* destructor } property Mode: TIniFileMode read fMode write fMode; {* ifmWrite, if write data to ini-file rather than read it. } property FileName: KOLString read fFileName; {* Ini file name. } property Section: KOLString read fSection write fSection; {* Current ini section. } function ValueInteger( const Key: KOLString; Value: Integer ): Integer; {* Reads or writes integer data value. } function ValueString( const Key: KOLString; const Value: KOLString ): KOLString; {* Reads or writes string data value. } function ValueDouble( const Key: KOLString; const Value: Double ): Double; {* Reads or writes Double data value. } function ValueBoolean( const Key: KOLString; Value: Boolean ): Boolean; {* Reads or writes Boolean data value. } function ValueData( const Key: KOLString; Value: Pointer; Count: Integer ): Boolean; {* Reads or writes data from/to buffer. Returns True, if success. } procedure ClearAll; {* Clears all sections of ini-file. } procedure ClearSection; {* Clears current Section of ini-file. } procedure ClearKey( const Key: KOLString ); {* Clears given key in current section. } /////////////// + by Vyacheslav A. Gavrik: procedure GetSectionNames(Names:PKOLStrList); {* Retrieves section names, storing it in string list passed as a parameter. String list does not cleared before processing. Section names are added to the end of the string list. } procedure SectionData(Names:PKOLStrList); {* Read/write current section content to/from string list. (Depending on current Mode value). } /////////////// end; function OpenIniFile( const FileName: KOLString ): PIniFile; {* Opens ini file, creating TIniFile object instance to work with it. } {$ENDIF WIN_GDI} type TMenuitemInfo = packed record cbSize: UINT; fMask: UINT; fType: UINT; { used if MIIM_TYPE} fState: UINT; { used if MIIM_STATE} wID: UINT; { used if MIIM_ID} hSubMenu: HMENU; { used if MIIM_SUBMENU} hbmpChecked: HBITMAP; { used if MIIM_CHECKMARKS} hbmpUnchecked: HBITMAP; { used if MIIM_CHECKMARKS} dwItemData: DWORD; { used if MIIM_DATA} dwTypeData: PKOLChar; { used if MIIM_TYPE} cch: UINT; { used if MIIM_TYPE} hbmpItem: HBITMAP; { used if MIIM_BITMAP - not exists under Windows95 } end; const TPM_HORPOSANIMATION = $0400; TPM_HORNEGANIMATION = $0800; TPM_VERPOSANIMATION = $1000; TPM_VERNEGANIMATION = $2000; TPM_NOANIMATION = $4000; type PMenu = ^TMenu; TOnMenuItem = procedure( Sender : PMenu; Item : Integer ) of object; {* Event type to define OnMenuItem event. } TMenuAccelerator = packed Record {* Menu accelerator record. Use MakeAccelerator function to combine desired attributes into a record, describing the accelerator. } fVirt: Byte; // or-combination of FSHIFT, FCONTROL, FALT, FVIRTKEY, FNOINVERT Key: Word; // character or virtual key code (FVIRTKEY flag is present above) NotUsed: Byte; // not used end; // by Sergey Shisminzev: TMenuOption = (moDefault, moDisabled, moChecked, moCheckMark, moRadioMark, moSeparator, moBitmap, moSubMenu, moBreak, moBarBreak); {* Options to add menu items dynamically. } TMenuOptions = set of TMenuOption; {* Set of options for menu item to use it in TMenu.AddItem method. } TMenuBreak = ( mbrNone, mbrBreak, mbrBarBreak ); {* Possible menu item break types. } { ---------------------------------------------------------------------- TMenu - main, popup menu and menu item ----------------------------------------------------------------------- } TMenu = object( TObj ) protected {$IFDEF GDI} function GetItemHelpContext(Idx: Integer): Integer; procedure SetItemHelpContext(Idx: Integer; const Value: Integer); {* Dynamic menu incapsulation object. Can play role of form main menu or popup menu, depending on kind of parent window (form or control) and order of creation (created first (for a form) become main menu). Does not allow merging menus, but items can be hidden. Additionally checkmark bitmaps, shortcut key accelerators and other features are available. } protected FHandle: HMenu; FId: Integer; FControl: PControl; {$ENDIF GDI} fNextMenu : PMenu; {$IFDEF GDI} FMenuBreak: TMenuBreak; FOnMenuItem : TOnMenuItem; FOnRadioOff : TOnMenuItem; fOnPopup: TOnEvent; fByAccel: Boolean; FIsCheckItem: Boolean; FIsSeparator: Boolean; FVisible: Boolean; FOwnerDraw: Boolean; FClearBitmaps: Boolean; FNotPopup: Boolean; f_DummyFiller: Byte; FPopupFlags: DWORD; FSavedState: DWORD; FData: Pointer; {$ENDIF GDI} FParentMenu: PMenu; FMenuItems: PList; FRadioGroup: Integer; FCaption: KOLString; {$IFDEF _X_} {$IFDEF GTK} fChecked: Boolean; fMnemonics: AnsiString; fGtkMenuItem: PGtkWidget; fGtkMenuShell: PGtkWidget; fGtkMenuBar: PGtkWidget; {$ENDIF GTK} {$ENDIF _X_} {$IFDEF GDI} FBitmap: HBitmap; FBmpChecked: HBitmap; FBmpItem: HBitmap; ClearBitmapsProc: procedure( Sender: PMenu ); FAccelerator: TMenuAccelerator; FHelpContext: Integer; FOnMeasureItem: TOnMeasureItem; FOnDrawItem: TOnDrawItem; {$IFDEF USE_MENU_CURCTL} fCurCtl: PControl; {$ENDIF USE_MENU_CURCTL} function GetItems( Id: HMenu ): PMenu; function GetCount: Integer; function GetTopParent: PMenu; function GetState( const Index: Integer ): Boolean; procedure SetState( const Index: Integer; Value: Boolean ); procedure SetMenuVisible( Value: Boolean ); procedure SetData( Value: Pointer ); procedure SetMenuItemCaption( const Value: KOLString ); function FillMenuItems(AHandle: HMenu; StartIdx: Integer; const Template: array of PKOLChar): Integer; procedure SetMenuBreak( Value: TMenuBreak ); function GetControl: PControl; function GetInfo( var MII: TMenuItemInfo ): Boolean; function SetInfo( var MII: TMenuItemInfo ): Boolean; function SetTypeInfo( var MII: TMenuItemInfo ): Boolean; procedure SetBitmap( Value: HBitmap ); procedure SetBmpChecked( Value: HBitmap ); procedure SetBmpItem( Value: HBitmap ); procedure ClearBitmaps; procedure SetAccelerator( const Value: TMenuAccelerator ); {$IFDEF GDI} procedure SetHelpContext( Value: Integer ); {$ENDIF GDI} procedure SetSubmenu( Value: HMenu ); procedure SetOnMeasureItem( const Value: TOnMeasureItem ); procedure SetOnDrawItem( const Value: TOnDrawItem ); procedure SetOwnerDraw( Value: Boolean ); protected function GetItemChecked( Item : Integer ) : Boolean; procedure SetItemChecked( Item : Integer; Value : Boolean ); function GetItemBitmap(Idx: Integer): HBitmap; procedure SetItemBitmap(Idx: Integer; const Value: HBitmap); function GetItemText(Idx: Integer): KOLString; procedure SetItemText(Idx: Integer; const Value: KOLString); function GetItemEnabled(Idx: Integer): Boolean; procedure SetItemEnabled(Idx: Integer; const Value: Boolean); function GetItemVisible(Idx: Integer): Boolean; procedure SetItemVisible(Idx: Integer; const Value: Boolean); function GetItemAccelerator(Idx: Integer): TMenuAccelerator; procedure SetItemAccelerator(Idx: Integer; const Value: TMenuAccelerator); function GetItemSubMenu( Idx: Integer ): HMenu; {$ENDIF GDI} public destructor Destroy; virtual; {* To release menu dynamically, call Free method instead. All (popup) menus created after this (for the same control) are destroyed in that case too. |<br> It is not necessary to release menu object manually: all menus, created with given form (or control), are automatically released, when owner form (or control) is destroyed. } {$IFDEF GDI} property Handle : HMenu read FHandle; {* Handle of Windows menu object. } property MenuId: Integer read FId; {* Id of the menu item object. If menu item has subitems, it has also submenu Handle. Top parent menu object itself has no Id. Id-s areassigned automatically starting from 4096. Do not (re)create menu items instantly, because such values are not reused, and maximum possible Id value must not exceed 65535. } property Parent: PMenu read FParentMenu; {* Parent menu item (or parent menu). } property TopParent: PMenu read GetTopParent; {* Top parent menu, owning all nested subitems. } property Owner: PControl read GetControl; {* Parent control or form. } property Caption: KOLString read FCaption write SetMenuItemCaption; {* Menu item caption text (including '&' indicating mnemonic characters, and keyboard accelerator representation string, usually following tabulation character). } property Items[ Id: HMenu ]: PMenu read GetItems; {* Returns menu item object by its index or by menu id. Since menu id values are starting from 4096, values from 0 to 4095 are interpreted as absolute index of menu item. Be careful accessing menu items or submenus by index, if you dynamically insert or delete items or submenus. In this version, separators are enumerating too, like all other items. Use index -1 to access object itself. The first item of a menu (or the first subitem of submenu item) has index 0. Children are enumerating before all siblings. The maximum available index is (Count - 1), when accessing menu items by index. } property Count: Integer read GetCount; {* Count of items together with all its nested subitems. } function IndexOf( Item: PMenu ): Integer; {* Returns index of an item. This index can be used to access menu item. Value -2 is returned, if the Item is not a child for menu or menu item, and has no parents, which are children for it, etc. Menu object itself always has index -1. } property OnMenuItem : TOnMenuItem read FOnMenuItem write FOnMenuItem; {* Is called when menu item is clicked. Absolute index of menu item clicked is passed as the second parameter. TopParent always is passed as a Sender parameter. } property ByAccel: Boolean read fByAccel; {* True, when OnMenuItem is called not by mouse, but by accelerator key. Check this flag for entire menu (TopParent), not for item itself. (Note, that Sender in OnMenuItem always is TopParent menu object). ) } property IsSeparator: Boolean read FIsSeparator; {* TRUE, if a separator menu item. } property MenuBreak: TMenuBreak read FMenuBreak write SetMenuBreak; {* Menu item break type. } property OnUncheckRadioItem : TOnMenuItem read FOnRadioOff write FOnRadioOff; {* Is called when radio item becomes unchecked in menu in result of checking another radio item of the same radio group. } property RadioGroup: Integer read FRadioGroup write FRadioGroup; {* Radio group index. Several neighbour items with the same radio group index form radio group. Only single item from the same group can be checked at a time. } property IsCheckItem: Boolean read FIsCheckItem; {* If menu item is defined as check item, it is checked automatically when clicked. } procedure RadioCheckItem; {* Call this method to check radio item. (Calling this method for an item, which is not belonging to a radio group, just sets its Checked state to TRUE). } property Checked: Boolean index MFS_CHECKED read GetState write SetState; {* Checked state of the item. } property Enabled: Boolean {$IFDEF F_P} index $80000000 or MFS_DISABLED {$ELSE DELPHI} index Integer( $80000000 or MFS_DISABLED ) {$ENDIF F_P/DELPHI} read GetState write SetState; {* Enabled state of the item. Whaen assigned, Grayed state also is set to arbitrary value (i.e., when Enabled is set to true, Grayed is set to FALSE. } property DefaultItem: Boolean index MFS_DEFAULT read GetState write SetState; {* Set this property to TRUE to make menu item default. Default item is drawn with bold. |<br>If you change DefaultItem at run-time and whant to provide changing its visual state, recreate the item first resetting Visible property, then setting it again. } property Highlight: Boolean index MFS_HILITE read GetState write SetState; {* Highlight state of the item. } property Visible: Boolean read FVisible write SetMenuVisible; {* Visibility of menu item. } property Data: Pointer read FData write SetData; {* Data pointer, associated with the menu item. } property Bitmap: HBitmap read FBitmap write SetBitmap; {* Bitmap used for unchecked state of the menu item. } property BitmapChecked: HBitmap read FBmpChecked write SetBmpChecked; {* Bitmap used for checked state of the menu item. } property BitmapItem: HBitmap read FBmpItem write SetBmpItem; {* Bitmap used for item itself. In addition, following special values are possible: HBMMENU_CALLBACK, HBMMENU_MBAR_CLOSE, HBMMENU_MBAR_CLOSE_D, HBMMENU_MBAR_MINIMIZE, HBMMENU_MBAR_MINIMIZE_D, HBMMENU_MBAR_RESTORE, HBMMENU_POPUP_CLOSE, HBMMENU_POPUP_MAXIMIZE, HBMMENU_POPUP_MINIMIZE, HBMMENU_POPUP_RESTORE, HBMMENU_SYSTEM. } property Accelerator: TMenuAccelerator read FAccelerator write SetAccelerator; {* Accelerator for menu item. } {$IFDEF GDI} property HelpContext: Integer read FHelpContext write SetHelpContext; {* Help context for entire menu (help context can not be assigned to individual menu items). } {$ENDIF GDI} procedure AssignEvents( StartIdx: Integer; const Events: array of TOnMenuItem ); {* It is possible to assign its own event handler to every menu item using this call. This procedure also is called automatically in a constructor NewMenuEx. } function Popup( X, Y : Integer ): Integer; {!ecm} {* Only for popup menu - to popup it at the given position on screen. Return: If you specify TPM_RETURNCMD in the uFlags parameter, the return value is the menu-item identifier of the item that the user selected. If the user cancels the menu without making a selection, or if an error occurs, then the return value is zero. If you do not specify TPM_RETURNCMD in the uFlags parameter, the return value is nonzero if the function succeeds and zero if it fails. } function PopupEx( X, Y: Integer ): Integer; {!ecm} {* This version of popup command is very useful, when popup menu is activated when its parent window is not visible (e.g., for a kind of applications, which always are invisible, and can be activated only using tray icon). PopupEx method provides correct tracking of menu disappearing when mouse is clicked anywhere else on screen, fixing strange menu behavior in some Windows versions (NT). |<br> Actually, when PopupEx used, parent form is shown but below of visible screen, and when menu is disappearing, previous state of the form (visibility and position) are restored. If such solvation is not satisfying You, You can do something else (e.g., use region clipping, etc.) } property OnPopup: TOnEvent read fOnPopup write fOnPopup; {* This event occurs before the popup menu is shown. } property NotPopup: Boolean read FNotPopup write FNotPopup; {* Set this property to true to prevent popup of popup menu, e.g. in OnPopup event handler. } property Flags: DWORD read FPopupFlags write FPopupFlags; {* Pop-up flags, which are used to call TrackPopupMenuEx, when Popup or PopupEx method is called. Can be a combination of following values: |<br> TPM_CENTERALIGN or TPM_LEFTALIGN or TPM_RIGHTALIGN |<br> TPM_BOTTOMALIGN or TPM_TOPALIGN or TPM_VCENTERALIGN |<br> TPM_NONOTIFY or TPM_RETURNCMD |<br> TPM_LEFTBUTTON or TPM_RIGHTBUTTON |<br> TPM_HORNEGANIMATION or TPM_HORPOSANIMATION or TPM_NOANIMATION or TPM_VERNEGANIMATION or TPM_VERPOSANIMATION |<br> TPM_HORIZONTAL or TPM_VERTICAL. |<br> By default, a combination TPM_LEFTALIGN or TPM_LEFTBUTTON is used. } function Insert(InsertBefore: Integer; ACaption: PKOLChar; Event: TOnMenuItem; Options: TMenuOptions): PMenu; {* Inserts new menu item before item, given by Id (>=4096) or index value InsertBefore. Pointer to an object created is returned. } property SubMenu: HMenu read FHandle; // write SetSubMenu; {* Submenu associated with the menu item. The same as Handle. It was possible in ealier versions to change this value, replacing (removing, assigning) entire popup menu as a submenu for menu item. But in modern version of TMenu, this is not possible. Instead, entire menu object should be added or removed using InsertSubmenu or RemoveSubmenu methods. } procedure InsertSubMenu( SubMenuToInsert: PMenu; InsertBefore: Integer ); {* Inserts existing menu item (together with its subitems if any present) into given position. See also RemoveSubMenu. } function RemoveSubMenu( ItemToRemove: Integer ): PMenu; {* Removes menu item from the menu, returning TMenu object, representing it, if submenu item, having its own children, detached. If an individual menu item is removed, nil is returned. This function can be useful to add or remove dynamically entire submenus (created together with its subitems). } property OnMeasureItem: TOnMeasureItem read FOnMeasureItem write SetOnMeasureItem; {* This event is called for owner-drawn menu items. Event handler should return menu item height in lower word of a result and item width (for menu) in high word of result. If either for height or for width returned value is 0, a default one is used. } property OnDrawItem: TOnDrawItem read FOnDrawItem write SetOnDrawItem; {* This event is called for owner-drawn menu items. } property OwnerDraw: Boolean read FOwnerDraw write SetOwnerDraw; {* Set this property to true for some items to make it owner-draw. } // For compatibility with old code (be sure that item with given index // actually exists): function GetMenuItemHandle( Idx : Integer ): DWORD; {* Returns Id of menu item with given index. } property ItemHandle[ Idx: Integer ]: DWORD read GetMenuItemHandle; {* Returns handle for item given by index. } property ItemChecked[ Idx : Integer ] : Boolean read GetItemChecked write SetItemChecked; {* True, if correspondent menu item is checked. } procedure RadioCheck( Idx : Integer ); {* Call this method to check radio item. For radio items, do not use assignment to ItemChecked or Checked properties. } property ItemBitmap[ Idx: Integer ]: HBitmap read GetItemBitmap write SetItemBitmap; {* This property allows to assign bitmap to menu item (for unchecked state only - for checked menu items default checkmark bitmap is used). } procedure AssignBitmaps( StartIdx: Integer; Bitmaps: array of HBitmap ); {* Can be used to assign bitmaps to several menu items during one call. } property ItemText[ Idx: Integer ]: KOLString read GetItemText write SetItemText; {* This property allows to get / modify menu item text at run time. } property ItemEnabled[ Idx: Integer ]: Boolean read GetItemEnabled write SetItemEnabled; {* Controls enabling / disabling menu items. Disabled menu items are displayed (grayed) but inaccessible to click. } property ItemVisible[ Idx: Integer ]: Boolean read GetItemVisible write SetItemVisible; {* This property allows to simulate visibility of menu items (implementing it by removing or inserting again if needed. For items of submenu, which is made invisible, True is returned. If such item made Visible, entire submenu with all its parent menu items becomes visible. To release menu properly it is necessary to make before all its items visible again. This does not matter, if menu is released at the end of execution, but can be sensible if owner form is destroyed and re-created at run time dynamically. } property ItemHelpContext[ Idx: Integer ]: Integer read GetItemHelpContext write SetItemHelpContext; function ParentItem( Idx: Integer ): Integer; {* Returns index of parent menu item (for submenu item). If there are no such item (Idx corresponds to root level menu item), -1 is returned. } property ItemAccelerator[ Idx: Integer ]: TMenuAccelerator read GetItemAccelerator write SetItemAccelerator; {* Allows to get / change accelerator key kodes assigned to menu items. Has no effect unless SupportMnemonics called for a form. } property ItemSubmenu[ Idx: Integer ]: HMenu read GetItemSubmenu; // write SetItemSubmenu; {* Retrieves submenu item dynamically. See also SubMenu property. } // by Sergey Shisminzev: function AddItem(ACaption: PKOLChar; Event: TOnMenuItem; Options: TMenuOptions): Integer; {* Adds menu item dynamically. Returns ID of the added item. } function InsertItem(InsertBefore: Integer; ACaption: PKOLChar; Event: TOnMenuItem; Options: TMenuOptions): Integer; {* Inserts menu item before an item with ID, given by InsertBefore parameter. } function InsertItemEx(InsertBefore: Integer; ACaption: PKOLChar; Event: TOnMenuItem; Options: TMenuOptions; ByPosition: Boolean): Integer; {* Inserts menu item by command or by position, dependant on ByPosition parameter } procedure RedrawFormMenuBar; {* } {$IFDEF USE_MENU_CURCTL} property CurCtl: PControl read fCurCtl write fCurCtl; {* By Alexander Pravdin. This property is assigned to a control which were initiated a pop-up, for popup menu. } {$ENDIF USE_MENU_CURCTL} {$ENDIF GDI} end; {$IFDEF WIN_GDI} function MenuStructSize: Integer; {* Returns 44 under Windows95, and 48 (=sizeof(TMenuItemInfo) under all other Windows versions. } var FDynamicMenuID: DWORD = $1000; {$ENDIF WIN_GDI} function NewMenu( AParent : PControl; MaxCmdReserve: DWORD; const Template : array of PKOLChar; aOnMenuItem: TOnMenuItem ): PMenu; {* Menu constructor. First created menu becomes main menu of form (if AParent is a form). All other menus becomes popup (can be activated using Popup method). To provide dynamic replacing of main menu, create all popup menus as children of any other control, not form itself. When Menu is created, pass FirstCmd integer value to set it as ID of first menu item (all other ID's obtained by incrementing this value), and Template, which is an array of PChar (usually array of string constants), containing list of menu item identifiers and/or formatting characters. |<br> FirstCmd value is assigned to first menu item created as its ID, all follow menu items are assigned to ID's obtained from FirstCmd incrementing it by 1. It is desirable to provide not intersected ranges of ID's for defferent menus in the applet. |<br> Following formatting characters can be used in menu template strings: |&L=<br><b>%1</b> <L & (in identifier)> - to underline next character and use it as a shortcut character when possible; <L + (in front of identifier)> - to make item checked. If also |<b>!</b> is used before <b> & |</b> than radioitem is defined; <L - (in front of identifier)> - item not checked; <L - (separate)> - separator (between two items); <L ( (separate)> - start of submenu; <L ) (separate)> - end of submenu; |<br> To get access to menu items, use constants 0, 1, etc. It is a good idea to create special enumerated type to index correspondent menu items using Ord( ) operator. Note in that case, that it is necessary only to define constants correspondent to identifiers (positions, correspondent to separators or submenu brackets are not identified by numbers). |<br> } function NewMenuEx( AParent : PControl; FirstCmd : Integer; const Template : array of PKOLChar; aOnMenuItems: array of TOnMenuItem ): PMenu; {* Creates menu, assigning its own event handler for every (enough) menu item. } {$IFDEF WIN_GDI} function MakeAccelerator( fVirt: Byte; Key: Word ): TMenuAccelerator; {* Creates accelerator item to assign it to TMenu.ItemAccelerator[ ] property easy.} // {YS} added 7 Aug 2004 function GetAcceleratorText( const Accelerator: TMenuAccelerator ): KOLString; {* Returns text representation of accelerator. |<hr> <R System functions and working with windows> } type TWindowChildKind = ( wcActive, wcFocus, wcCapture, wcMenuOwner, wcMoveSize, wcCaret ); {* Type of window child kind. Used in function GetWindowChild. } function GetWindowChild( Wnd: HWnd; Kind: TWindowChildKind ): HWnd; {* Returns child of given top-level window, having given characteristics. For example, it is possible to get know for foreground window, which of its child window has focus. This function does not work in old Windows 95 (returns Wnd in that case). But for Windows 98, Windows NT/2000 this function works fine. To obtain focused child of the window, use GetFocusedWindow, which is independant from Windows version. } function GetFocusedChild( Wnd: HWnd ): HWnd; {* Returns focused child of given window (which should be foreground and active, certainly). 0 is returned either if Wnd is not active or Wnd has no focused child window. } function Stroke2Window( Wnd: HWnd; const S: AnsiString ): Boolean; {* Posts characters from string S to those child window of Wnd, which has focus now (top-level window Wnd must be foreground, and have focused edit-aware control to receive the stroke). |<br> This function allows only to post typeable characters (including such special symbols as #13 (Enter), #9 (Tab), #8 (BackSpace), etc. |<br> See also function Stroke2WindowEx, which allows to post any key down and up events, simulating keyboard for given (automated) application. } function Stroke2WindowEx( Wnd: HWnd; const S: AnsiString; Wait: Boolean ): Boolean; {* In addition to function Stroke2Window, this one can send special keys to given window, including functional keys and navigation keys. To post special key to target window, place a combination of names of such key together with keys, which should be passed simultaneously, between square or figure brackets. For example, [Ctrl F1], [Alt Shift Home], [Ctrl E]. For letters and usual characters, it is not necessary to simulate pressing it with determining all Shift combinations and it is sufficient to pass characters as is. (E.g., not '[Shift 1]', but '!'). } function FindWindowByThreadID( ThreadID : DWORD ) : HWnd; {* Searches for window, belonging to a given thread. } function DesktopPixelFormat: TPixelFormat; {* Returns the pixel format correspondent to current desktop color resolution. Use this function to decide which format to use for converting bitmap, planned to draw transparently using TBitmap.DrawTransparent or TBitmap.StretchDrawTransparent methods. } function GetDesktopRect : TRect; {* Returns rectangle of screen, free of taskbar and other similar app-bars, which reduces size of available desktop when created. } function GetWorkArea: TRect; {* The same as GetDesktopRect, but obtained calling SystemParametersInfo. } function ExecuteWait( const AppPath, CmdLine, DfltDirectory: KOLString; Show: DWORD; TimeOut: DWORD; ProcID: PDWORD ): Boolean; {* Allows to execute an application and wait when it is finished. Pass INFINITE constant as TimeOut, if You sure that application is finished anyway. If another value passed as a TimeOut (in milliseconds), and application was not finished for that time, ExecuteWait is returning FALSE, and if ProcID is not nil, than ProcID^ contains started process handle (it can be used to wait it more, or to terminate it using TerminateProcess API function). |<br> Launching application can be console or GUI - it does not matter. Pass SW_SHOW, SW_HIDE or other SW_XXX constant as Show parameter as appropriate. |<br> True is returned only in case when application specified was launched successfully and finished for TimeOut specified. Otherwise, check ProcID^ variable: if it is 0, process could not be launched (and it is possible to get information about error using GetLastError API function in a such case). You can freely pass nil in place of ProcID parameter, but this is acually correct only when TimeOut is INFINITE. } function ExecuteIORedirect( const AppPath, CmdLine, DfltDirectory: KOLString; Show: DWORD; ProcID: PDWORD; InPipe, OutPipeWr, OutPipeRd: PHandle ): Boolean; {* Executes an application with its console input and output redirection. Terminating of the application is not waiting, but if ProcID pointer is defined, it receives process Id launched, so it is possible to call WaitForSingleObject for it. InPipe is a pointer to THandle variable which receives a handle to input pipe of the console redirected. The same is for OutPipeWr and OutPipeRd, but for output of the console redirected. Before reading from OutPipeRd^, first close OutPipeWr^. If you run simple console application, for which you want to read results after its termination, you can use ExecuteConsoleAppIORedirect instead. |<br> Notes: if your application is not console and it does not create console using AllocConsole, this function will fail to redirect input-output. } function ExecuteConsoleAppIORedirect( const AppPath, CmdLine, DfltDirectory: KOLString; Show: DWORD; const InStr: KOLString; var OutStr: KOLString; WaitTimeout: DWORD ) : Boolean; {* Executes an application, redirecting its console input and output. After redirecting input and output and launching the application, content of InStr is written to input stream of the application, then the application is waiting for its termination (WaitTimeout milliseconds or INFINITE, as passed) and console output of the application is read to OutStr. TRUE is returned only in case, when all these tasks are completed successfully. |<br> Notes: if your application is not console and it does not create console using AllocConsole, this function will fail to redirect input-output. } function WindowsShutdown( const Machine : KOLString; Force, Reboot : Boolean ) : Boolean; {* Shut down of Windows NT. Pass Machine = '' to shutdown this PC. Pass Reboot = True to reboot immediatelly after shut down. } function WindowsLogoff( Force : Boolean ) : Boolean; {* Logoff of Windows. } type TWindowsVersion = ( wv31, wv95, wv98, wvME, wvNT, wvY2K, wvXP, wvServer2003, wvVista, wvSeven ); {* Windows versions constants. } TWindowsVersions = Set of TWindowsVersion; {* Set of Windows version (e.g. to define a range of versions supported by the application). } function WinVer : TWindowsVersion; {* Returns Windows version. } function IsWinVer( Ver : TWindowsVersions ) : Boolean; {* Returns True if Windows version is in given range of values. } {$IFNDEF PARAMS_DEFAULT} function SkipParam(P: PKOLChar): PKOLChar; //forward; function ParamStr( Idx: Integer ): KOLString; {* Returns command-line parameter by index. This function supersides standard ParamStr function. } function ParamCount: Integer; {* Returns number of parameters in command line. |<hr> } {$ENDIF} {$ENDIF WIN_GDI} {$IFDEF INPACKAGE} {$IFDEF ASM_VERSION} {$UNDEF ASM_VERSION} {$ENDIF} {$ENDIF} {$IFDEF WIN_GDI} //{$DEFINE CHK_BITBLT} {$IFDEF CHK_BITBLT} procedure Chk_BitBlt; {$ENDIF} {$IFDEF ASM_VERSION} {$DEFINE ASM_DC} {$ENDIF} {$IFDEF ASM_DC} procedure StartDC; procedure FinishDC; {$ENDIF ASM_VERSION} function WndProcCtrl( Self_: PControl; var Msg: TMsg; var Rslt: Integer ): Boolean; function WndProcDoEraseBkgnd( Self_: PControl; var Msg: TMsg; var Rslt: Integer ): Boolean; var CreatingWindow: PControl; //ActiveWindow: HWnd; {$ENDIF WIN_GDI} {$IFDEF _D2} // Assert operator was not available in Delphi2. Provide here easy Assert // procedure for Delphi2. procedure Assert( Cond: Boolean; const Msg: AnsiString ); var AssertErrorProc: procedure( const Message, Filename: AnsiString; LineNumber: Integer ); {$ENDIF} {$IFDEF USE_CUSTOMEXTENSIONS} {$I CUSTOM_KOL_EXTENSION.inc} // See comments in TControl {$ENDIF} {$IFDEF DEBUG_ENDSESSION} var EndSession_Initiated: Boolean; {$ENDIF} {$IFDEF WIN_GDI} var FMMNotify: procedure( var Msg: TMsg ); procedure ClearText( Sender: PControl ); procedure ClearListbox( Sender: PControl ); procedure ClearCombobox( Sender: PControl ); procedure ClearListView( Sender: PControl ); procedure ClearTreeView( TV: PControl ); {$IFDEF COMMANDACTIONS_OBJ} const OTHER_ACTIONS = 0; LABEL_ACTIONS = 1; BUTTON_ACTIONS = 2; EDIT_ACTIONS = 3; LIST_ACTIONS = 4; COMBO_ACTIONS = 5; LISTVIEW_ACTIONS = 6; TREEVIEW_ACTIONS = 7; TABCONTROL_ACTIONS = 8; RICHEDIT_ACTIONS = 9; PROGRESS_ACTIONS = 10; TOOLBAR_ACTIONS = 11; LAST_ACTIONS = 11; var AllActions_Objs: array[ 0..LAST_ACTIONS ] of PCommandActionsObj; {$ENDIF} const {$IFDEF PACK_COMMANDACTIONS} ButtonActions_Packed: PAnsiChar = Char(BUTTON_ACTIONS) + #0#0 + //BN_CLICKED #6#0 + //BN_SETFOCUS #7#0 + //BN_KILLFOCUS #225 + //25 ����� #0#1 + //BS_LEFT #0#2 + //BS_RIGHT #0#3 + //BS_CENTER #0#4 + //0, BS_TOP>>8 #12#8+ // BS_VCENTER>>8, BS_BOTTOM>>8 #204 //4 ���� ; {$ELSE} ButtonActions: TCommandActions = ( aClear: ClearText; aAddText: nil; aClick: BN_CLICKED; aEnter: BN_SETFOCUS; aLeave: BN_KILLFOCUS; aChange: 0; aSelChange: 0; aGetCount: 0; aSetCount: 0; aGetItemLength: 0; aGetItemText: 0; aSetItemText: 0; aGetItemData: 0; aSetItemData: 0; aAddItem: 0; aDeleteItem: 0; aInsertItem: 0; aFindItem: 0; aFindPartial: 0; bItem2Pos: 0; bPos2Item: 0; aGetSelCount: 0; aGetSelected: 0; aGetSelRange: 0; aGetCurrent: 0; aSetSelected: 0; aSetCurrent: 0; aSetSelRange: 0; aExSetSelRange: 0; aGetSelection: 0; aReplaceSel: 0; aTextAlignLeft: BS_LEFT; aTextAlignRight: BS_RIGHT; aTextAlignCenter: BS_CENTER; bTextAlignMask: 0; bVertAlignTop: BS_TOP shr 8; //=4 bVertAlignCenter: BS_VCENTER shr 8; //=12 bVertAlignBottom: BS_BOTTOM shr 8; //=8 aDir: 0; aSetLimit: 0; aSetImgList: 0; //-----aAutoSzX: 14; //-----aAutoSzY: 6; aSetBkColor: 0; ); {$ENDIF} const {$IFDEF PACK_COMMANDACTIONS} LabelActions_Packed: PAnsiChar = Char( LABEL_ACTIONS ) + #229 + //29 ����� #2#0 + // SS_RIGHT #1#0 + // SS_CENTER #12#0 + // SS_LEFTNOWORDWRAP, 0 #2#0 + // SS_CENTERIMAGE>>8, 0 #205; {$ELSE} LabelActions: TCommandActions = ( aClear: ClearText; aAddText: nil; aClick: 0; aEnter: 0; aLeave: 0; aChange: 0; aSelChange: 0; aGetCount: 0; aSetCount: 0; aGetItemLength: 0; aGetItemText: 0; aSetItemText: 0; aGetItemData: 0; aSetItemData: 0; aAddItem: 0; aDeleteItem: 0; aInsertItem: 0; aFindItem: 0; aFindPartial: 0; bItem2Pos: 0; bPos2Item: 0; aGetSelCount: 0; aGetSelected: 0; aGetSelRange: 0; aGetCurrent: 0; aSetSelected: 0; aSetCurrent: 0; aSetSelRange: 0; aExSetSelRange: 0; aGetSelection: 0; aReplaceSel: 0; aTextAlignLeft: SS_LEFT; aTextAlignRight: SS_RIGHT; aTextAlignCenter: SS_CENTER; bTextAlignMask: SS_LEFTNOWORDWRAP; bVertAlignTop: 0; bVertAlignCenter: SS_CENTERIMAGE shr 8; bVertAlignBottom: 0; aDir: 0; aSetLimit: 0; aSetImgList: 0; //---- aAutoSzX: 1; //---- aAutoSzY: 1; aSetBkColor: 0; ); {$ENDIF} const EN_LINK = $070b; {$IFDEF PACK_COMMANDACTIONS} EditActions_Packed: PAnsiChar = Char( EDIT_ACTIONS ) + #201 + #0#1 + // EN_SETFOCUS #0#2 + // EN_KILLFOCUS #0#3 + // EN_CHANGE #201 + #$BA#0 + // EM_GETLINECOUNT #201 + #$C1#0 + // EM_LINELENGTH #$C4#0 + // EM_GETLINE #$C2#0 + // EM_REPLACESEL #207 + #$BB#$C9 + // EM_LINEINDEX, EM_LINEFROMCHAR #$B0#0 + // EM_GETSEL #201 + #$B0#0 + // EM_GETSEL #$BB#0 + // EM_LINEINDEX #202 + #$B1#0 + // EM_SETSEL #202 + #$C2#0 + // EM_REPLACESEL #201 + // ES_LEFT #2#0 + // ES_RIGHT #1#0 + // ES_CENTER #203 + #$C5#0 + // EM_SETLIMITTEXT #202 + #200#214#0; // EM_POSFROMCHAR {$ELSE} EditActions: TCommandActions = ( aClear: ClearText; aAddText: nil; aClick: 0; aEnter: EN_SETFOCUS; aLeave: EN_KILLFOCUS; aChange: EN_CHANGE; aSelChange: 0; aGetCount: EM_GETLINECOUNT; aSetCount: 0; aGetItemLength: EM_LINELENGTH; aGetItemText: EM_GETLINE; aSetItemText: EM_REPLACESEL; aGetItemData: 0; aSetItemData: 0; aAddItem: 0; aDeleteItem: 0; aInsertItem: 0; aFindItem: 0; aFindPartial: 0; bItem2Pos: EM_LINEINDEX; bPos2Item: EM_LINEFROMCHAR; aGetSelCount: EM_GETSEL; aGetSelected: 0; aGetSelRange: EM_GETSEL; aGetCurrent: EM_LINEINDEX; aSetSelected: 0; aSetCurrent: 0; aSetSelRange: EM_SETSEL; aExSetSelRange: 0; aGetSelection: 0; aReplaceSel: EM_REPLACESEL; aTextAlignLeft: ES_LEFT; aTextAlignRight: ES_RIGHT; aTextAlignCenter: ES_CENTER; bTextAlignMask: 0; bVertAlignTop: 0; bVertAlignCenter: 0; bVertAlignBottom: 0; aDir: 0; aSetLimit: EM_SETLIMITTEXT; aSetImgList: 0; //---- aAutoSzX: 0; //---- aAutoSzY: 6; aSetBkColor: 0; aItem2XY: EM_POSFROMCHAR; ); {$ENDIF} const {$IFDEF PACK_COMMANDACTIONS} ListActions_Packed: PAnsiChar = Char(LIST_ACTIONS) + #2#0 + // LBN_DBLCLK #4#0 + // LBN_SETFOCUS #5#0 + // LBN_KILLFOCUS #201 + #1#0 + // LBN_SELCHANGE #$8B#1 + // LB_GETCOUNT #$A7#1 + // LB_SETCOUNT #$8A#1 + // LB_GETTEXTLEN #$89#1 + // LB_GETTEXT #201 + #$99#1 + // LB_GETITEMDATA #$9A#1 + // LB_SETITEMDATA #$80#1 + // LB_ADDSTRING #$82#1 + // LB_DELETESTRING #$81#1 + // LB_INSERTSTRING #$A2#1 + // LB_FINDSTRINGEXACT #$8F#1 + // LB_FINDSTRING #201 + #$90#1 + // LB_GETSELCOUNT #$87#1 + // LB_GETSEL #201 + #$88#1 + // LB_GETCURSEL #$85#1 + // LB_SETSEL #$86#1 + // LB_SETCURSEL #209 + #$8D#1 + // LB_DIR #203 + #$98#1; // LB_GETITEMRECT {$ELSE} ListActions: TCommandActions = ( aClear: ClearListbox; aAddText: nil; aClick: LBN_DBLCLK; aEnter: LBN_SETFOCUS; aLeave: LBN_KILLFOCUS; aChange: 0; aSelChange: LBN_SELCHANGE; aGetCount: LB_GETCOUNT; aSetCount: LB_SETCOUNT; aGetItemLength: LB_GETTEXTLEN; aGetItemText: LB_GETTEXT; aSetItemText: 0; aGetItemData: LB_GETITEMDATA; aSetItemData: LB_SETITEMDATA; aAddItem: LB_ADDSTRING; aDeleteItem: LB_DELETESTRING; aInsertItem: LB_INSERTSTRING; aFindItem: LB_FINDSTRINGEXACT; aFindPartial: LB_FINDSTRING; bItem2Pos: 0; bPos2Item: 0; aGetSelCount: LB_GETSELCOUNT; aGetSelected: LB_GETSEL; aGetSelRange: 0; aGetCurrent: LB_GETCURSEL; aSetSelected: LB_SETSEL; aSetCurrent: LB_SETCURSEL; aSetSelRange: 0; aExSetSelRange: 0; aGetSelection: 0; aReplaceSel: 0; aTextAlignLeft: 0; aTextAlignRight: 0; aTextAlignCenter: 0; bTextAlignMask: 0; bVertAlignTop: 0; bVertAlignCenter: 0; bVertAlignBottom: 0; aDir: LB_DIR; aSetLimit: 0; aSetImgList: 0; //---- aAutoSzX: 0; //---- aAutoSzY: 0; aSetBkColor: 0; aItem2XY: LB_GETITEMRECT; ); {$ENDIF} const {$IFDEF PACK_COMMANDACTIONS} ComboActions_Packed: PAnsiChar = Char(COMBO_ACTIONS) + #2#0 + // CBN_DBLCLK #3#0 + // CBN_SETFOCUS #4#0 + // CBN_KILLFOCUS #5#0 + // CBN_EDITCHANGE #15#0 + // CM_CBN_SELCHANGE #$46#1 + // CB_GETCOUNT #201 + #$49#1 + // CB_GETLBTEXTLEN #$48#1 + // CB_GETLBTEXT #201 + #$50#1 + // CB_GETITEMDATA #$51#1 + // CB_SETITEMDATA #$43#1 + // CB_ADDSTRING #$44#1 + // CB_DELETESTRING #$4A#1 + // CB_INSERTSTRING #$58#1 + // CB_FINDSTRINGEXACT #$4C#1 + // CB_FINDSTRING #202 + #$47#1 + // CB_GETCURSEL #201 + #$47#1 + // CB_GETCURSEL #201 + #$4E#1 + // CB_SETCURSEL #209 + #$45#1 + // CB_DIR #203; {$ELSE} ComboActions: TCommandActions = ( aClear: ClearCombobox; aAddText: nil; aClick: CBN_DBLCLK; aEnter: CBN_SETFOCUS; aLeave: CBN_KILLFOCUS; aChange: CBN_EDITCHANGE; aSelChange: CM_CBN_SELCHANGE; aGetCount: CB_GETCOUNT; aSetCount: 0; aGetItemLength: CB_GETLBTEXTLEN; aGetItemText: CB_GETLBTEXT; aSetItemText: 0; aGetItemData: CB_GETITEMDATA; aSetItemData: CB_SETITEMDATA; aAddItem: CB_ADDSTRING; aDeleteItem: CB_DELETESTRING; aInsertItem: CB_INSERTSTRING; aFindItem: CB_FINDSTRINGEXACT; aFindPartial: CB_FINDSTRING; bItem2Pos: 0; bPos2Item: 0; aGetSelCount: 0; aGetSelected: CB_GETCURSEL; aGetSelRange: 0; aGetCurrent: CB_GETCURSEL; aSetSelected: 0; aSetCurrent: CB_SETCURSEL; aSetSelRange: 0; aExSetSelRange: 0; aGetSelection: 0; aReplaceSel: 0; aTextAlignLeft: 0; //ES_LEFT; aTextAlignRight: 0; //ES_RIGHT; aTextAlignCenter: 0; //ES_CENTER; bTextAlignMask: 0; bVertAlignTop: 0; bVertAlignCenter: 0; bVertAlignBottom: 0; aDir: CB_DIR; aSetLimit: 0; aSetImgList: 0; //---- aAutoSzX: 0; //---- aAutoSzY: 6; aSetBkColor: 0; ); {$ENDIF} const {$IFDEF PACK_COMMANDACTIONS} ListViewActions_Packed: PAnsiChar = Char( LISTVIEW_ACTIONS ) + #203 + #$9B#$FF + // LVN_ITEMCHANGED #201 + #4#$10 + // LVM_GETITEMCOUNT #47#$10 + // LVM_SETITEMCOUNT //#211 + #206 + #8#$10 // LVM_DELETEITEM + #204 + #50#$10 + // LVM_GETSELECTEDCOUNT #44#$10 + // LVM_GETITEMSTATE #201 + #12#$10 + // LVM_GENEXTITEM #213 + #3#$10 + // LVM_SETIMAGELIST #1#$10 + // LVM_SETBKCOLOR #14#$10; // LVM_GETITEMRECT {$ELSE} ListViewActions: TCommandActions = ( aClear: ClearListView; aAddText: nil; aClick: 0; aEnter: 0; aLeave: 0; aChange: LVN_ITEMCHANGED; aSelChange: 0; aGetCount: LVM_GETITEMCOUNT; aSetCount: LVM_SETITEMCOUNT; aGetItemLength: 0; aGetItemText: 0; aSetItemText: 0; aGetItemData: 0; aSetItemData: 0; aAddItem: 0; aDeleteItem: LVM_DELETEITEM; aInsertItem: 0; aFindItem: 0; aFindPartial: 0; bItem2Pos: 0; bPos2Item: 0; aGetSelCount: { $8000 or} LVM_GETSELECTEDCOUNT; aGetSelected: LVM_GETITEMSTATE; aGetSelRange: 0; aGetCurrent: LVM_GETNEXTITEM; aSetSelected: 0; aSetCurrent: 0; aSetSelRange: 0; aExSetSelRange: 0; aGetSelection: 0; aReplaceSel: 0; aTextAlignLeft: 0; aTextAlignRight: 0; aTextAlignCenter: 0; bTextAlignMask: 0; bVertAlignTop: 0; bVertAlignCenter: 0; bVertAlignBottom: 0; aDir: 0; aSetLimit: 0; aSetImgList: LVM_SETIMAGELIST; //---- aAutoSzX: 0; //---- aAutoSzY: 0; aSetBkColor: LVM_SETBKCOLOR; aItem2XY: LVM_GETITEMRECT; ); {$ENDIF} const {$IFDEF PACK_COMMANDACTIONS} TreeViewActions_Packed: PAnsiChar = Char( TREEVIEW_ACTIONS ) + #203 + {$IFDEF UNICODE_CTRLS} #$34#$FE {$ELSE} #$65#$FE {$ENDIF} + // TVN_ENDLABELEDIT(W) {$IFDEF UNICODE_CTRLS} #$3E#$FE {$ELSE} #$6E#$FE {$ENDIF} + // TVN_SELCHANGED(W) #5#$11 + // TVM_GETCOUNT #207 + #1#$11 + // TVM_DELETEITEM #221 + #9#$11 + // TVM_SETIMAGELIST #29#$11 + // TVM_SETBKCOLOR #4#$11; // TVM_GETITEMRECT {$ELSE} TreeViewActions: TCommandActions = ( aClear: ClearTreeView; aAddText: nil; aClick: 0; aEnter: 0; aLeave: 0; aChange: TVN_ENDLABELEDIT; aSelChange: TVN_SELCHANGED; aGetCount: TVM_GETCOUNT; aSetCount: 0; aGetItemLength: 0; aGetItemText: 0; aSetItemText: 0; aGetItemData: 0; aSetItemData: 0; aAddItem: 0; aDeleteItem: TVM_DELETEITEM; aInsertItem: 0; aFindItem: 0; aFindPartial: 0; bItem2Pos: 0; bPos2Item: 0; aGetSelCount: 0; aGetSelected: 0; aGetSelRange: 0; aGetCurrent: 0; aSetSelected: 0; aSetCurrent: 0; aSetSelRange: 0; aExSetSelRange: 0; aGetSelection: 0; aReplaceSel: 0; aTextAlignLeft: 0; aTextAlignRight: 0; aTextAlignCenter: 0; bTextAlignMask: 0; bVertAlignTop: 0; bVertAlignCenter: 0; bVertAlignBottom: 0; aDir: 0; //CB_DIR; aSetLimit: 0; aSetImgList: TVM_SETIMAGELIST; //---- aAutoSzX: 0; //---- aAutoSzY: 0; aSetBkColor: TVM_SETBKCOLOR; aItem2XY: TVM_GETITEMRECT; ); {$ENDIF} const {$IFDEF PACK_COMMANDACTIONS} TabControlActions_Packed: PAnsiChar = Char( TABCONTROL_ACTIONS ) + #203 + #200#$D9#$FD + // TCN_SELCHANGE #200#$D9#$FD + // TCN_SELCHANGE #4#$13 + // TCM_GETITEMCOUNT #215 + #11#$13 + // TCM_GETCURSEL #201 + #12#$13 + // TCM_SETCURSEL #211 + #3#$13 + // TCM_SETIMAGELIST #201 + #10#$13; // TCM_GETITEMRECT {$ELSE} TabControlActions: TCommandActions = ( aClear: ClearText; aAddText: nil; aClick: 0; aEnter: 0; aLeave: 0; aChange: TCN_SELCHANGE; aSelChange: TCN_SELCHANGE; aGetCount: TCM_GETITEMCOUNT; aSetCount: 0; aGetItemLength: 0; aGetItemText: 0; aSetItemText: 0; aGetItemData: 0; aSetItemData: 0; aAddItem: 0; aDeleteItem: 0; aInsertItem: 0; aFindItem: 0; aFindPartial: 0; bItem2Pos: 0; bPos2Item: 0; aGetSelCount: 0; aGetSelected: 0; aGetSelRange: 0; aGetCurrent: TCM_GETCURSEL; aSetSelected: 0; aSetCurrent: TCM_SETCURSEL; //TCM_SETCURFOCUS; aSetSelRange: 0; aExSetSelRange: 0; aGetSelection: 0; aReplaceSel: 0; aTextAlignLeft: 0; aTextAlignRight: 0; aTextAlignCenter: 0; bTextAlignMask: 0; bVertAlignTop: 0; bVertAlignCenter: 0; bVertAlignBottom: 0; aDir: 0; // CB_DIR; aSetLimit: 0; aSetImgList: TCM_SETIMAGELIST; //---- aAutoSzX: 0; //---- aAutoSzY: 0; aSetBkColor: 0; aItem2XY: TCM_GETITEMRECT; ); {$ENDIF} {$IFNDEF NOT_USE_RICHEDIT} const {$IFDEF PACK_COMMANDACTIONS} RichEditActions_Packed: PAnsiChar = Char( RICHEDIT_ACTIONS ) + #201 + #0#1 + // EN_SETFOCUS #0#2 + // EN_KILLFOCUS #0#3 + // EN_CHANGE #2#7 + // EN_SELCHANGE #$BA#0 + // EM_GETLINECOUNT #201 + #$C1#0 + // EM_LINELENGTH #$C4#0 + // EM_GETLINE #$C2#0 + // EM_REPLACESEL #207 + #$BB#$C9 + // EM_LINEINDEX, EM_LINEFROMCHAR #$B0#0 + // EM_GETSEL #201 + #$B0#0 + // EM_GETSEL #$BB#0 + // EM_LINEINDEX #203 + #55#4 + // EM_EXSETSEL #62#4 + // EM_GETSELTEXT #$C2#0 + // EM_REPLACESEL #201 + // ES_LEFT #2#0 + // ES_RIGHT #1#0 + // ES_CENTER #203 + #53#4 + // EM_EXLIMITTEXT #201 + #67#4 + // EM_SETBKGNDCOLOR #200#214#0; // EM_POSFROMCHAR {$ELSE} RichEditActions: TCommandActions = ( aClear: ClearText; aAddText: nil; aClick: 0; aEnter: EN_SETFOCUS; aLeave: EN_KILLFOCUS; aChange: EN_CHANGE; aSelChange: EN_SELCHANGE; aGetCount: EM_GETLINECOUNT; aSetCount: 0; aGetItemLength: EM_LINELENGTH; aGetItemText: EM_GETLINE; aSetItemText: EM_REPLACESEL; aGetItemData: 0; aSetItemData: 0; aAddItem: 0; aDeleteItem: 0; aInsertItem: 0; aFindItem: 0; aFindPartial: 0; bItem2Pos: EM_LINEINDEX; bPos2Item: EM_LINEFROMCHAR; aGetSelCount: EM_GETSEL; aGetSelected: 0; aGetSelRange: EM_GETSEL; aGetCurrent: EM_LINEINDEX; aSetSelected: 0; aSetCurrent: 0; aSetSelRange: 0; aExSetSelRange: EM_EXSETSEL; aGetSelection: EM_GETSELTEXT; aReplaceSel: EM_REPLACESEL; aTextAlignLeft: ES_LEFT; aTextAlignRight: ES_RIGHT; aTextAlignCenter: ES_CENTER; bTextAlignMask: 0; bVertAlignTop: 0; bVertAlignCenter: 0; bVertAlignBottom: 0; aDir: 0; aSetLimit: EM_EXLIMITTEXT; aSetImgList: 0; //---- aAutoSzX: 0; //---- aAutoSzY: 0; aSetBkColor: EM_SETBKGNDCOLOR; aItem2XY: EM_POSFROMCHAR; ); {$ENDIF} {$ENDIF NOT_USE_RICHEDIT} const BaseFileMethods: TStreamMethods = ( fSeek: SeekFileStream; fGetSiz: GetSizeFileStream; fSetSiz: DummySetSize; fRead: DummyReadWrite; fWrite: DummyReadWrite; fClose: CloseFileStream; fCustom: nil; ); MemoryMethods: TStreamMethods = ( fSeek: SeekMemStream; fGetSiz: GetSizeMemStream; fSetSiz: SetSizeMemStream; fRead: ReadMemStream; fWrite: WriteMemStream; fClose: CloseMemStream; fCustom: nil; ); ConcatStreamMethods: TStreamMethods = ( fSeek: SeekConcatStream; fGetSiz: GetSizeConcatStream; fSetSiz: SetSizeConcatStream; fRead: ReadConcatStream; fWrite: WriteConcatStream; fClose: CloseConcatStream; fCustom: nil; ); SubStreamMethods: TStreamMethods = ( fSeek: SeekSubStream; fGetSiz: GetSizeSubStream; fSetSiz: SetSizeSubStream; fRead: ReadSubStream; fWrite: WriteSubStream; fClose: CloseSubStream; fCustom: nil; ); {$ENDIF WIN_GDI} {$IFDEF DEBUG_MCK} procedure dummy_Log( const s: AnsiString ); var mck_Log: procedure( const s: AnsiString ) = dummy_Log; {$ENDIF} type TThemedElement = ( teButton, teClock, teComboBox, teEdit, teExplorerBar, teHeader, teListView, teMenu, tePage, teProgress, teRebar, teScrollBar, teSpin, teStartPanel, teStatus, teTab, teTaskBand, teTaskBar, teToolBar, teToolTip, teTrackBar, teTrayNotify, teTreeview, teWindow ); var DrawThemeBackground: function(hTheme: DWORD; hdc: HDC; iPartId, iStateId: Integer; const pRect: TRect; pClipRect: PRECT): HRESULT; stdcall; OpenThemeData: function(hwnd: HWND; pszClassList: LPCWSTR): DWORD; stdcall; ThemeLibrary: THandle; IsThemeBackgroundPartiallyTransparent: function(hTheme: DWORD; iPartId, iStateId: Integer): BOOL; stdcall; DrawThemeParentBackground: function(hwnd: HWND; hdc: HDC; prc: PRECT): HRESULT; stdcall; CloseThemeData: function(hTheme: DWORD): HRESULT; stdcall; DrawThemeText: function(hTheme: DWORD; hdc: HDC; iPartId, iStateId: Integer; pszText: LPCWSTR; iCharCount: Integer; dwTextFlags, dwTextFlags2: DWORD; var pRect: TRect): HRESULT; stdcall; IsThemeActive: function: BOOL; stdcall; IsAppThemed: function: BOOL; stdcall; GetThemeColor: function(hTheme: DWORD; iPartId, iStateId, iPropId: Integer; var pColor: COLORREF): HRESULT; stdcall; const themelib = 'uxtheme.dll'; type PThemedElementDetails = ^TThemedElementDetails; TThemedElementDetails = record Element: TThemedElement; Part, State: Integer; end; TThemedEdit = ( teEditDontCare, teEditRoot, teEditTextNormal, teEditTextHot, teEditTextSelected, teEditTextDisabled, teEditTextFocused, teEditTextReadOnly, teEditTextAssist, teEditCaret ); type TOverrideScrollbarsProc = procedure(Sender: PControl); procedure DummyOverrideScrollbars(Sender: PControl); var OverrideScrollbars: TOverrideScrollbarsProc = DummyOverrideScrollbars; {$IFNDEF PAS_ONLY} function CrackStack_MapInResource( const MapName: KOLString; Max_length: Integer; HandleSuspiciousAddresses: Boolean ): KOLString; {* Allows to list all procedures and functions called before current cracking stack frames. This version loads map-file from the resource. Important note: you must provide latest map file created at the last application build in the resource! See also CrackStack_MapInFile below. } function CrackStack_MapInFile( const MapFileName: KOLString; Max_length: Integer; HandleSuspiciousAddresses: Boolean ): KOLString; {* Allows to list all procedures and functions called before current cracking stack frames. This version loads map-file from the file. Important note: you must have the latest map file created at the last application build on a path specified! For example, use path GetStartDir + appname_wo_extention + '.map' and do not forget to set flag Map file - Detailed in Project Options | Linker. Use flag HandleSuspiciousAddresses to show all suspicious addresses found in stack (this may help to find errors not shown even by Delphi debugger since stack frames in some cases give no enough data). } {$ENDIF} //......... these declarations are here to stop hints from Delphi5 while compiling MCK: function CallTControlCreateWindow( Ctl: PControl ): Boolean; function DumpWindowed( c: PControl ): PControl; {$IFNDEF PAS_ONLY} function WndProcAppAsm( Self_: PControl; var Msg: TMsg; var Rslt: Integer ): Boolean; {$ENDIF} //22{$IFDEF ASM_VERSION} const ButtonClass: array[ 0..6 ] of KOLChar = ( 'B','U','T','T','O','N',#0 ); //22{$ENDIF ASM_VERSION} {$IFDEF _D3orHigher} function WndProcUnicodeChars( Sender: PControl; var Msg: TMsg; var Rslt: Integer ): Boolean; {$ENDIF} procedure SetMouseEvent( Self_: PControl ); function CompareIntegers( const Sender : Pointer; const e1, e2 : DWORD ) : Integer; function CompareDwords( const Sender : Pointer; const e1, e2 : DWORD ) : Integer; procedure SwapIntegers( const Sender : Pointer; const e1, e2 : DWORD ); function _GetDIBPixelsTrueColorAlpha( Bmp: PBitmap; X, Y: Integer ): TColor; procedure _SetDIBPixelsTrueColorAlpha( Bmp: PBitmap; X, Y: Integer; Value: TColor ); //^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ {$IFDEF DEBUG_MONITOR_MESSAGES} var OnMonitorMessage: procedure( var M: TMsg; Enter_WndFunc: Boolean ) of object = nil; {$ENDIF} {$IFDEF _D2006orHigher} {$I MCKfakeClasses200x.inc} // Dufa {$ENDIF} implementation {$UNDEF CALL_INHERITED} {$IFDEF _D2orD3} {$DEFINE CALL_INHERITED} {$ENDIF} {$IFnDEF NIL_EVENTS} {$DEFINE CALL_INHERITED} {$ENDIF} { -- don't remove this comment!!! uses //ShellAPI, //commdlg // removing reference to commdlg decreases executable about 0.5 K ; //, commctrl; // in Delphi3, including of commctrl.pas increases executable // onto about 30K. So, all needed definitions are copied here // (see commctrl.inc).} {$IFDEF _X_} {$undef uses_2} {$IFNDEF NOT_USE_KOLMATH} {$define uses_2} {$ENDIF NOT_USE_KOLMATH} {$IFDEF uses_2} uses {$IFNDEF NOT_USE_KOLMATH} KOLmath {$IFNDEF NOT_USE_EXCEPTION} , err {$IFDEF REDECLARATION_INSERTED_AUTOMATICALLY} , gdk2, pango, gtk2 {$ENDIF REDECLARATION_INSERTED_AUTOMATICALLY} {$ENDIF NOT_USE_EXCEPTION} {$ENDIF NOT_USE_KOLMATH}; {$ENDIF uses_2} {$ELSE} {$IFDEF USE_GRUSH} uses ToGRush; {$ELSE} {$IFDEF INPACKAGE} uses mirror, SysUtils; {$ENDIF INPACKAGE} {$ENDIF USE_GRUSH} {$ENDIF _X_} {$IFDEF WIN} {$IFDEF UNICODE_CTRLS} {$DEFINE implementation_part} {$I KOL_unicode.inc} {$UNDEF implementation_part} {$ELSE} // ANSI_CTRLS {$DEFINE implementation_part} {$I KOL_ansi.inc} {$UNDEF implementation_part} {$ENDIF UNICODE_CTRLS} {$ENDIF WIN} {$IFDEF DEBUG_MCK} procedure dummy_Log( const s: AnsiString ); begin // end; {$ENDIF} {$IFDEF WIN} type PSHFileInfoA = ^TSHFileInfoA; PSHFileInfoW = ^TSHFileInfoW; PSHFileInfo = PSHFileInfoA; _SHFILEINFOA = record hIcon: HICON; { out: icon } iIcon: Integer; { out: icon index } dwAttributes: DWORD; { out: SFGAO_ flags } szDisplayName: array [0..MAX_PATH-1] of AnsiChar; { out: display name (or path) } szTypeName: array [0..79] of AnsiChar; { out: type name } end; _SHFILEINFOW = record hIcon: HICON; { out: icon } iIcon: Integer; { out: icon index } dwAttributes: DWORD; { out: SFGAO_ flags } szDisplayName: array [0..MAX_PATH-1] of WideChar; { out: display name (or path) } szTypeName: array [0..79] of WideChar; { out: type name } end; _SHFILEINFO = {$IFDEF UNICODE_CTRLS} _SHFILEINFOW {$ELSE} _SHFILEINFOA {$ENDIF}; TSHFileInfoA = _SHFILEINFOA; TSHFileInfoW = _SHFILEINFOW; TSHFileInfo = {$IFDEF UNICODE_CTRLS} TSHFileInfoW {$ELSE} TSHFileInfoA {$ENDIF}; SHFILEINFOA = _SHFILEINFOA; SHFILEINFOW = _SHFILEINFOW; SHFILEINFO = {$IFDEF UNICODE_CTRLS} SHFILEINFOW {$ELSE} SHFILEINFOA {$ENDIF}; const SHGFI_ICON = $000000100; { get icon } SHGFI_DISPLAYNAME = $000000200; { get display name } SHGFI_TYPENAME = $000000400; { get type name } SHGFI_ATTRIBUTES = $000000800; { get attributes } SHGFI_ICONLOCATION = $000001000; { get icon location } SHGFI_EXETYPE = $000002000; { return exe type } SHGFI_SYSICONINDEX = $000004000; { get system icon index } SHGFI_LINKOVERLAY = $000008000; { put a link overlay on icon } SHGFI_SELECTED = $000010000; { show icon in selected state } SHGFI_LARGEICON = $000000000; { get large icon } SHGFI_SMALLICON = $000000001; { get small icon } SHGFI_OPENICON = $000000002; { get open icon } SHGFI_SHELLICONSIZE = $000000004; { get shell size icon } SHGFI_PIDL = $000000008; { pszPath is a pidl } SHGFI_USEFILEATTRIBUTES = $000000010; { use passed dwFileAttribute } function SHGetFileInfoA(pszPath: PAnsiChar; dwFileAttributes: DWORD; var psfi: TSHFileInfo; cbFileInfo, uFlags: UINT): DWORD; stdcall; external 'shell32.dll' name 'SHGetFileInfoA'; {$IFDEF UNICODE_CTRLS} function SHGetFileInfoW(pszPath: PWideChar; dwFileAttributes: DWORD; var psfi: TSHFileInfo; cbFileInfo, uFlags: UINT): DWORD; stdcall; external 'shell32.dll' name 'SHGetFileInfoW'; {$ENDIF UNICODE_CTRLS} type FILEOP_FLAGS = Word; PRINTEROP_FLAGS = Word; PSHFileOpStructA = ^TSHFileOpStructA; PSHFileOpStructW = ^TSHFileOpStructW; PSHFileOpStruct = PSHFileOpStructA; _SHFILEOPSTRUCTA = packed record Wnd: HWND; wFunc: UINT; pFrom: PAnsiChar; pTo: PAnsiChar; fFlags: FILEOP_FLAGS; fAnyOperationsAborted: BOOL; hNameMappings: Pointer; lpszProgressTitle: PAnsiChar; { only used if FOF_SIMPLEPROGRESS } end; _SHFILEOPSTRUCTW = packed record Wnd: HWND; wFunc: UINT; pFrom: PWideChar; pTo: PWideChar; fFlags: FILEOP_FLAGS; fAnyOperationsAborted: BOOL; hNameMappings: Pointer; lpszProgressTitle: PWideChar; { only used if FOF_SIMPLEPROGRESS } end; _SHFILEOPSTRUCT = _SHFILEOPSTRUCTA; TSHFileOpStructA = _SHFILEOPSTRUCTA; TSHFileOpStructW = _SHFILEOPSTRUCTW; TSHFileOpStruct = TSHFileOpStructA; SHFILEOPSTRUCTA = _SHFILEOPSTRUCTA; SHFILEOPSTRUCTW = _SHFILEOPSTRUCTW; SHFILEOPSTRUCT = SHFILEOPSTRUCTA; const FO_MOVE = $0001; FO_COPY = $0002; FO_DELETE = $0003; FO_RENAME = $0004; FOF_MULTIDESTFILES = $0001; FOF_CONFIRMMOUSE = $0002; FOF_SILENT = $0004; { don't create progress/report } FOF_RENAMEONCOLLISION = $0008; FOF_NOCONFIRMATION = $0010; { Don't prompt the user. } FOF_WANTMAPPINGHANDLE = $0020; { Fill in SHFILEOPSTRUCT.hNameMappings Must be freed using SHFreeNameMappings } FOF_ALLOWUNDO = $0040; FOF_FILESONLY = $0080; { on *.*, do only files } FOF_SIMPLEPROGRESS = $0100; { means don't show names of files } FOF_NOCONFIRMMKDIR = $0200; { don't confirm making any needed dirs } FOF_NOERRORUI = $0400; { don't put up error UI } {$IFDEF UNICODE_CTRLS} function SHFileOperationW(const lpFileOp: TSHFileOpStructW): Integer; stdcall; external 'shell32.dll' name 'SHFileOperationW'; {$ENDIF} function SHFileOperationA(const lpFileOp: TSHFileOpStructA): Integer; stdcall; external 'shell32.dll' name 'SHFileOperationA'; type PNotifyIconDataA = ^TNotifyIconDataA; PNotifyIconDataW = ^TNotifyIconDataW; PNotifyIconData = PNotifyIconDataA; _NOTIFYICONDATAA = record cbSize: DWORD; Wnd: HWND; uID: UINT; uFlags: UINT; uCallbackMessage: UINT; hIcon: HICON; szTip: array [0..63] of AnsiChar; end; _NOTIFYICONDATAW = record cbSize: DWORD; Wnd: HWND; uID: UINT; uFlags: UINT; uCallbackMessage: UINT; hIcon: HICON; szTip: array [0..63] of WideChar; end; _NOTIFYICONDATA = _NOTIFYICONDATAA; TNotifyIconDataA = _NOTIFYICONDATAA; TNotifyIconDataW = _NOTIFYICONDATAW; TNotifyIconData = TNotifyIconDataA; NOTIFYICONDATAA = _NOTIFYICONDATAA; NOTIFYICONDATAW = _NOTIFYICONDATAW; NOTIFYICONDATA = NOTIFYICONDATAA; const NIM_ADD = $00000000; NIM_MODIFY = $00000001; NIM_DELETE = $00000002; NIF_MESSAGE = $00000001; NIF_ICON = $00000002; NIF_TIP = $00000004; {$IFDEF UNICODE_CTRLS} function Shell_NotifyIcon(dwMessage: DWORD; lpData: PNotifyIconDataW): BOOL; stdcall; external 'shell32.dll' name 'Shell_NotifyIconW'; {$ELSE} function Shell_NotifyIcon(dwMessage: DWORD; lpData: PNotifyIconData): BOOL; stdcall; external 'shell32.dll' name 'Shell_NotifyIconA'; {$ENDIF UNICODE_CTRLS} {$IFDEF UNICODE_CTRLS} function ExtractIcon(hInst: HINST; lpszExeFileName: PKOLChar; nIconIndex: UINT): HICON; stdcall; external 'shell32.dll' name 'ExtractIconW'; {$ELSE} function ExtractIcon(hInst: HINST; lpszExeFileName: PKOLChar; nIconIndex: UINT): HICON; stdcall; external 'shell32.dll' name 'ExtractIconA'; {$ENDIF UNICODE_CTRLS} {$ENDIF WIN} {$IFDEF WIN_GDI} type HDROP = Longint; function DragQueryPoint(Drop: HDROP; var Point: TPoint): BOOL; stdcall; external 'shell32.dll' name 'DragQueryPoint'; {$IFDEF UNICODE_CTRLS} function DragQueryFile(Drop: HDROP; FileIndex: UINT; FileName: PWideChar; cb: UINT): UINT; stdcall; external 'shell32.dll' name 'DragQueryFileW'; {$ELSE} function DragQueryFile(Drop: HDROP; FileIndex: UINT; FileName: PAnsiChar; cb: UINT): UINT; stdcall; external 'shell32.dll' name 'DragQueryFileA'; {$ENDIF UNICODE_CTRLS} procedure DragFinish(Drop: HDROP); stdcall; external 'shell32.dll' name 'DragFinish'; procedure DragAcceptFiles(Wnd: HWND; Accept: BOOL); stdcall; external 'shell32.dll' name 'DragAcceptFiles'; const OFN_READONLY = $00000001; OFN_OVERWRITEPROMPT = $00000002; OFN_HIDEREADONLY = $00000004; OFN_NOCHANGEDIR = $00000008; OFN_SHOWHELP = $00000010; OFN_ENABLEHOOK = $00000020; OFN_ENABLETEMPLATE = $00000040; OFN_ENABLETEMPLATEHANDLE = $00000080; OFN_NOVALIDATE = $00000100; OFN_ALLOWMULTISELECT = $00000200; OFN_EXTENSIONDIFFERENT = $00000400; OFN_PATHMUSTEXIST = $00000800; OFN_FILEMUSTEXIST = $00001000; OFN_CREATEPROMPT = $00002000; OFN_SHAREAWARE = $00004000; OFN_NOREADONLYRETURN = $00008000; OFN_NOTESTFILECREATE = $00010000; OFN_NONETWORKBUTTON = $00020000; OFN_NOLONGNAMES = $00040000; OFN_EXPLORER = $00080000; OFN_NODEREFERENCELINKS = $00100000; OFN_LONGNAMES = $00200000; OFN_ENABLEINCLUDENOTIFY = $00400000; OFN_ENABLESIZING = $00800000; OFN_DONTADDTORECENT = $02000000; OFN_FORCESHOWHIDDEN = $10000000; // Show All files including System and hidden files OFN_EX_NOPLACESBAR = $00000001; OFN_SHAREFALLTHROUGH = 2; OFN_SHARENOWARN = 1; OFN_SHAREWARN = 0; type POpenFilename = ^TOpenFilename; tagOFN = packed record lStructSize: DWORD; hWndOwner: HWND; hInstance: HINST; lpstrFilter: PKOLChar; lpstrCustomFilter: PKOLChar; nMaxCustFilter: DWORD; nFilterIndex: DWORD; lpstrFile: PKOLChar; nMaxFile: DWORD; lpstrFileTitle: PKOLChar; nMaxFileTitle: DWORD; lpstrInitialDir: PKOLChar; lpstrTitle: PKOLChar; Flags: DWORD; nFileOffset: Word; nFileExtension: Word; lpstrDefExt: PKOLChar; lCustData: LPARAM; lpfnHook: function(Wnd: HWND; Msg: UINT; wParam: WPARAM; lParam: LPARAM): UINT stdcall; lpTemplateName: PKOLChar; {$IFDEF OpenSaveDialog_Extended} //---------- added from Windows2000: pvReserved: Pointer; dwReserved: DWORD; FlagsEx: DWORD; {$ENDIF} end; TOpenFilename = tagOFN; OPENFILENAME = tagOFN; {$IFDEF UNICODE_CTRLS} function GetOpenFileName(var OpenFile: TOpenFilename): Bool; stdcall; external 'comdlg32.dll' name 'GetOpenFileNameW'; function GetSaveFileName(var OpenFile: TOpenFilename): Bool; stdcall; external 'comdlg32.dll' name 'GetSaveFileNameW'; {$ELSE} function GetOpenFileName(var OpenFile: TOpenFilename): Bool; stdcall; external 'comdlg32.dll' name 'GetOpenFileNameA'; function GetSaveFileName(var OpenFile: TOpenFilename): Bool; stdcall; external 'comdlg32.dll' name 'GetSaveFileNameA'; {$ENDIF UNICODE_CTRLS} type PChooseColorA = ^TChooseColorA; PChooseColorW = ^TChooseColorW; PChooseColor = PChooseColorA; tagCHOOSECOLORA = packed record lStructSize: DWORD; hWndOwner: HWND; hInstance: HWND; rgbResult: COLORREF; lpCustColors: ^COLORREF; Flags: DWORD; lCustData: LPARAM; lpfnHook: function(Wnd: HWND; Message: UINT; wParam: WPARAM; lParam: LPARAM): UINT stdcall; lpTemplateName: PAnsiChar; end; tagCHOOSECOLORW = packed record lStructSize: DWORD; hWndOwner: HWND; hInstance: HWND; rgbResult: COLORREF; lpCustColors: ^COLORREF; Flags: DWORD; lCustData: LPARAM; lpfnHook: function(Wnd: HWND; Message: UINT; wParam: WPARAM; lParam: LPARAM): UINT stdcall; lpTemplateName: PWideChar; end; tagCHOOSECOLOR = tagCHOOSECOLORA; TChooseColorA = tagCHOOSECOLORA; TChooseColorW = tagCHOOSECOLORW; TChooseColor = TChooseColorA; const CC_RGBINIT = $00000001; CC_FULLOPEN = $00000002; CC_PREVENTFULLOPEN = $00000004; CC_SHOWHELP = $00000008; CC_ENABLEHOOK = $00000010; CC_ENABLETEMPLATE = $00000020; CC_ENABLETEMPLATEHANDLE = $00000040; CC_SOLIDCOLOR = $00000080; CC_ANYCOLOR = $00000100; function ChooseColor(var CC: TChooseColor): Bool; stdcall; external 'comdlg32.dll' name 'ChooseColorA'; {$IFDEF GDI} {$IFDEF CHK_BITBLT} procedure Chk_BitBlt_ShowError; var Rslt: Integer; begin Rslt := GetLastError; ShowMessage( 'BitBlt ERROR: ' + Int2Str( Rslt ) + ' ' + SysErrorMessage( Rslt ) ); end; procedure Chk_BitBlt; var Rslt: Integer; begin asm MOV Rslt, EAX end; if Rslt = 0 then begin Chk_BitBlt_ShowError; asm int 3; end; end; end; {$ENDIF CHK_BITBLT} {$ENDIF GDI} {$ifdef _D2} procedure Assert( Cond: Boolean; const Msg: AnsiString ); begin if not Cond then begin AssertErrorProc( Msg, '', 0 ); asm int 3; end; end; end; function CreateDIBSection(DC: HDC; const p2: TBitmapInfo; p3: UINT; var p4: Pointer; p5: THandle; p6: DWORD): HBITMAP; stdcall; external gdi32 name 'CreateDIBSection'; procedure _LStrFromPCharLen(var Dest: AnsiString; Source: PAnsiChar; Length: Integer); asm { -> EAX pointer to dest } { EDX source } { ECX length } PUSH EBX PUSH ESI PUSH EDI MOV EBX,EAX MOV ESI,EDX MOV EDI,ECX { allocate new string } MOV EAX,EDI CALL System.@NewAnsiString MOV ECX,EDI MOV EDI,EAX TEST ESI,ESI JE @@noMove MOV EDX,EAX MOV EAX,ESI CALL Move { assign the result to dest } @@noMove: MOV EAX,EBX CALL System.@LStrClr MOV [EBX],EDI POP EDI POP ESI POP EBX end; {$endif} {$IFDEF _D2009orHigher} {$IFNDEF PAS_ONLY} procedure _aLStrFromPCharLen(var Dest: AnsiString; Source: PAnsiChar; Length: Integer); asm push 0 CALL System.@LStrFromPCharLen end; procedure _aLStrFromPChar(var Dest: AnsiString; Source: PAnsiChar); asm push ecx xor ecx, ecx CALL System.@LStrFromPChar pop ecx end; {$ENDIF} {$ENDIF} procedure InitCommonControls; external cctrl name 'InitCommonControls'; type TInitCommonControlsEx = packed record dwSize: DWORD; dwICC: DWORD; end; PInitCommonControlsEx = ^TInitCommonControlsEx; var ComCtl32_Module: HModule; {$IFDEF ASM_UNICODE} {$ELSE PASCAL} procedure DoInitCommonControls( dwICC: DWORD ); var Proc: procedure( ICC: PInitCommonControlsEx ); stdcall; ICC: TInitCommonControlsEx; begin InitCommonControls; if ComCtl32_Module = 0 then ComCtl32_Module := LoadLibrary( 'comctl32' ); @ Proc := GetProcAddress( ComCtl32_Module, 'InitCommonControlsEx' ); {$IFDEF SAFE_CODE} // DoInitCommonControls should work usually. If not, the System is if Assigned( Proc ) then // not in normal state, and should be repaired anyway. {$ENDIF} begin ICC.dwSize := Sizeof( ICC ); ICC.dwICC := dwICC; Proc( @ ICC ); end; end; {$ENDIF} const size_TRect = 16; // used often in assembler versions of code {$IFDEF ASM_VERSION} const EmptyString: AnsiString = ''; procedure EAX2PChar; asm TEST EAX, EAX JNZ @@exit MOV EAX, offset[EmptyString] //LEA EAX, [EmptyString] //MOV EAX, [EmptyString] @@exit: end; procedure EDX2PChar; asm TEST EDX, EDX JNZ @@exit MOV EDX, offset[EmptyString] @@exit: end; procedure ECX2PChar; asm JECXZ @@convert RET @@convert: MOV ECX, offset[EmptyString] @@exit: end; procedure RemoveStr; asm { <- [ESP+4] = string to remove -> ESP := ESP + 4 EAX = 0 } POP EAX XCHG EAX, [ESP] PUSH EAX MOV EAX, ESP CALL System.@LStrClr POP EAX end; {$IFDEF _D3orHigher} procedure RemoveWStr; asm { <- [ESP+4] = string to remove -> ESP := ESP + 4 EAX = 0 } POP EAX XCHG EAX, [ESP] PUSH EAX MOV EAX, ESP CALL System.@WStrClr POP EAX end; {$ENDIF _D3orHigher} {$ENDIF ASM_VERSION} const PossibleColorBits : array[1..7] of Byte = ( 1, 4, 8, 16, 24, 32, 0 ); function FindFilter( const Filter: KOLString): KOLString; forward; function WriteExMemoryStream( Strm: PStream; var Buffer; {$IFNDEF STREAM_COMPAT} const {$ENDIF} Count: TStrmSize ): TStrmSize; forward; procedure CreateComboboxWnd( Combo: PControl ); forward; procedure ComboboxDropDown( Sender: PObj ); forward; function WndProcParentResize(Self_: PControl; var Msg: TMsg; var Rslt: Integer ): Boolean; forward; function WndProcResize(Self_: PControl; var Msg: TMsg; var Rslt: Integer ): Boolean; forward; function WndProcJustOneNotify( Control: PControl; var Msg: TMsg; var Rslt: Integer ) : Boolean; forward; function WndProcJustOne( Control: PControl; var Msg: TMsg; var Rslt: Integer ) : Boolean; forward; function WndProcTreeView( Self_: PControl; var Msg: TMsg; var Rslt: Integer ): Boolean; forward; function CompareAnsiStrListItems( const Sender : Pointer; const e1, e2 : DWORD ) : Integer; forward; function CompareAnsiStrListItems_Case( const Sender : Pointer; const e1, e2 : DWORD ) : Integer; forward; function CompareStrListItems_NoCase( const Sender : Pointer; const e1, e2 : DWORD ) : Integer; forward; function CompareStrListItems_Case( const Sender : Pointer; const e1, e2 : DWORD ) : Integer; forward; procedure ApplyImageLists2Control( Sender: PControl ); forward; procedure ApplyImageLists2ListView( Sender: PControl ); forward; function OpenDirCallBack( Wnd: HWnd; Msg: DWORD; lParam, lpData: LParam ): Integer; stdcall; forward; function OpenDirSelChangeCallBack( Wnd: HWnd; Msg: DWORD; lParam, lpData: LParam ): Integer; stdcall; forward; function WndProcShowModal( Self_: PControl; var Msg: TMsg; var Rslt: Integer ): Boolean; forward; function TimerProc( Wnd : HWnd; Msg : Integer; T : PTimer; CurrentTime : DWord ): Integer; stdcall; forward; function PrepareBitmapHeader( W, H, BitsPerPixel: Integer ): PBitmapInfo; forward; procedure PreparePF16bit( DIBHeader: PBitmapInfo ); forward; procedure _RotateBitmapMono( var DstBmp: PBitmap; SrcBmp: PBitmap ); forward; procedure _RotateBitmap4bit( var DstBmp: PBitmap; SrcBmp: PBitmap ); forward; procedure _RotateBitmap8bit( var DstBmp: PBitmap; SrcBmp: PBitmap ); forward; procedure _RotateBitmap16bit( var DstBmp: PBitmap; SrcBmp: PBitmap ); forward; procedure _RotateBitmap2432bit( var DstBmp: PBitmap; SrcBmp: PBitmap ); forward; procedure _RotateBitmapRight( SrcBmp: PBitmap ); forward; procedure _SetDIBPixels1bit( Bmp: PBitmap; X, Y: Integer; Value: TColor ); forward; procedure _SetDIBPixelsPalIdx( Bmp: PBitmap; X, Y: Integer; Value: TColor ); forward; procedure _SetDIBPixels16bit( Bmp: PBitmap; X, Y: Integer; Value: TColor ); forward; procedure _SetDIBPixelsTrueColor( Bmp: PBitmap; X, Y: Integer; Value: TColor ); forward; procedure FillBmpWithBkColor( Bmp: PBitmap; DC2: HDC; oldWidth, oldHeight: Integer ); forward; procedure DetachBitmapFromCanvas( Sender: PBitmap ); forward; function ColorBits( ColorsCount : Integer ) : Integer; forward; procedure AlignChildrenProc(Sender: PObj); forward; function WndProcUpdate( Sender: PControl; var Msg: TMsg; var Rslt: Integer ): Boolean; forward; function CollectTabControls( Form: PControl ): PList; forward; {$IFNDEF NOT_USE_RICHEDIT} function WndProc_RE_LinkNotify( Self_: PControl; var Msg: TMsg; var Rslt: Integer ): Boolean; forward; {$ENDIF NOT_USE_RICHEDIT} function WndProc_DrawItem( Sender: PControl; var Msg: TMsg; var Rslt: Integer ) : Boolean; forward; function WndProcTabControl( Self_: PControl; var Msg: TMsg; var Rslt: Integer ): Boolean; forward; function WndProcSplitter( Self_: PControl; var Msg: TMsg; var Rslt: Integer ): Boolean; forward; function Tabulate2ControlEx( Self_: PControl; Key: DWORD; checkOnly: Boolean ): Boolean; forward; procedure Tabulate2Next( Form: PControl; Dir: Integer ); forward; function Tabulate2Control( Self_: PControl; Key: DWORD; checkOnly: Boolean ): Boolean; forward; function GetPrevCtrlBoundsRect( P: PControl; var R: TRect ): Boolean; forward; ////////////---------------------------------------------------///////////////// function WndProcDateTimePickerNotify( Self_: PControl; var Msg: TMsg; var Rslt: Integer ): Boolean; forward; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// {$IFNDEF PAS_ONLY} var MapFile: PKOLStrList; LineNumbersFrom: Integer; MaxCrackStackLen: Integer; HandleSuspicious: Boolean; BelowBasePtr: PDWORD; CrackedStack: KOLString; function DoCrackSingleFrame( RetAddr: DWORD; BasePtr: DWORD ): Boolean; var i, j, R: Integer; A, Prev_A, N, Prev_N: DWORD; s, CurUnit: KOLString; Add_string: KOLString; Line_found: Boolean; begin Result := FALSE; if Length( CrackedStack ) > MaxCrackStackLen then Exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} Result := TRUE; if RetAddr >= $70000000 then begin CrackedStack := CrackedStack + #13#10'$' + Int2Hex( RetAddr, 8 ); Exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} end; Result := FALSE; if RetAddr < $400000 then Exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} if HandleSuspicious then if (BelowBasePtr <> nil) and (BasePtr <> 0) and (DWORD( BelowBasePtr ) < BasePtr) then begin BelowBasePtr := Pointer( DWORD( BelowBasePtr ) + 4 ); while DWORD( BelowBasePtr ) < BasePtr do begin A := BelowBasePtr^; if (A > $400000) and (A < $700000) then DoCrackSingleFrame( A, 0 ); BelowBasePtr := Pointer( DWORD( BelowBasePtr ) + 4 ); end; end; if BasePtr <> 0 then BelowBasePtr := Pointer( BasePtr ); Add_string := ''; // 1st: find Prev_A := 0; for i := 0 to MapFile.Count-1 do begin s := MapFile.Items[ i ]; if s = '' then Exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} R := 0; j := 1; while (j <= Length( s )) and (s[j] <= ' ') do inc( j ); while (j <= Length( s )) and ( (s[j] >= '0') and (s[j] <= '9') or (s[j] >= 'A') and (s[j] <= 'F') ) do begin if s[j] <= '9' then R := R * 16 + Ord( s[j] ) - Ord( '0' ) else R := R * 16 + Ord( s[j] ) - Ord( 'A' ) + 10; inc( j ); end; if (j > Length( s )) or (s[ j ] <> ':') then Exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} inc( j ); A := 0; while (j <= Length( s )) and ( (s[j] >= '0') and (s[j] <= '9') or (s[j] >= 'A') and (s[j] <= 'F') ) do begin if s[j] <= '9' then A := A * 16 + Ord( s[j] ) - Ord( '0' ) else A := A * 16 + Ord( s[j] ) - Ord( 'A' ) + 10; inc( j ); end; A := A + $401000; if (Prev_A <= RetAddr) and (A > RetAddr) and (Prev_A > 0) and (R = 1) then begin s := MapFile.Items[ i-1 ]; j := pos( AnsiString(':'), s ); if j <= 0 then Exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} s := Copy( s, j+1, MaxInt ); for j := 1 to Length( s ) do if s[ j ] <= ' ' then begin s := Trim( Copy( s, j, MaxInt ) ); Add_string := #13#10; if BasePtr = 0 then Add_string := Add_string + '? ' + Int2Hex( RetAddr, 8 ) + ':'; Add_string := Add_string + s; Result := TRUE; break; end; end; Prev_A := A; if Result then break; end; if not Result then Exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} // 2nd: find line no Line_found := FALSE; CurUnit := ''; Prev_N := 0; Prev_A := 0; for i := LineNumbersFrom to MapFile.Count-1 do begin s := MapFile.Items[ i ]; if Copy( s, 1, 4 ) = 'Line' then begin j := pos( AnsiString('('), s ); if j > 0 then begin s := Copy( s, j+1, MaxInt ); j := pos( AnsiString(')'), s ); if j > 0 then s := Copy( s, 1, j-1 ); end; CurUnit := s; Prev_N := 0; end else if s <> '' then begin j := 1; while j < Length( s ) do begin while (j <= Length( s )) and (s[j] <= ' ') do inc( j ); N := 0; while (j <= Length( s )) and (s[j] >= '0') and (s[j] <= '9') do begin N := N * 10 + Ord( s[j] ) - Ord( '0' ); inc( j ); end; while (j <= Length( s )) and (s[j] <= ' ') do inc( j ); R := 0; while (j < Length( s )) and ( (s[j] >= '0') and (s[j] <= '9') or (s[j] >= 'A') and (s[j] <= 'F') ) do begin if s[j] <= '9' then R := R * 16 + Ord( s[j] ) - Ord( '0' ) else R := R * 16 + Ord( s[j] ) - Ord( 'A' ) + 10; inc( j ); end; while (j <= Length( s )) and (s[j] <= ' ') do inc( j ); if (j <= Length(s)) and (s[ j ] = ':') then inc( j ); while (j <= Length( s )) and (s[j] <= ' ') do inc( j ); A := 0; while (j <= Length( s )) and ( (s[j] >= '0') and (s[j] <= '9') or (s[j] >= 'A') and (s[j] <= 'F') ) do begin if s[j] <= '9' then A := A * 16 + Ord( s[j] ) - Ord( '0' ) else A := A * 16 + Ord( s[j] ) - Ord( 'A' ) + 10; inc( j ); end; A := A + $401000; if (Prev_A <= RetAddr) and (A > RetAddr) then begin if (Prev_A > 0) and (Prev_N > 0) then begin Add_string := Add_string + ' in ' + CurUnit + ', line: ' + Int2Str( Prev_N ); Line_found := TRUE; end; s := ''; break; end; Prev_N := N; Prev_A := A; if Line_found then break; end; end; if Line_found then break; end; if not Line_found and (BasePtr = 0) then Exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} CrackedStack := CrackedStack + Add_string; if Length( CrackedStack ) > MaxCrackStackLen then begin CrackedStack := Copy( CrackedStack, 1, MaxCrackStackLen ); Result := FALSE; // stop cracking end; end; procedure DoCrackStack; asm mov edx, ebp @@loop: mov ecx, [edx] mov eax, [edx+4] mov edx, ecx push edx call DoCrackSingleFrame pop edx test al, al jnz @@loop end; function CrackStack( Max_length: Integer; HandleSuspiciousAddresses: Boolean ): KOLString; begin TRY MaxCrackStackLen := Max_length; HandleSuspicious := HandleSuspiciousAddresses; CrackedStack := ''; DoCrackStack; EXCEPT END; Result := CrackedStack; end; procedure PrepareMapFile; var i, j: Integer; s: KOLString; begin for i := 0 to MapFile.Count-1 do begin s := MapFile.Items[ i ]; if pos( AnsiString('Publics by Value'), s ) > 0 then begin j := i; if Trim( MapFile.Items[ j+1 ] ) = '' then inc( j ); for j := j downto 0 do MapFile.Delete( j ); for j := 0 to MapFile.Count-1 do begin s := Trim( MapFile.Items[ j ] ); if (s = '') and (LineNumbersFrom = 0) then begin LineNumbersFrom := j; end; if s = 'Bound resource files' then begin while MapFile.Count > j do MapFile.Delete( j ); break; end; end; break; end; end; end; function CrackStack_MapInResource( const MapName: KOLString; Max_length: Integer; HandleSuspiciousAddresses: Boolean ): KOLString; var MapStrm: PStream; begin Result := ''; if MapFile = nil then begin MapStrm := NewMemoryStream; TRY Resource2Stream( MapStrm, hInstance, PKOLChar( MapName ), PKOLChar(RT_RCDATA) ); if MapStrm.Size = 0 then Exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} MapFile := NewKOLStrList; MapStrm.Position := 0; MapFile.LoadFromStream( MapStrm, FALSE ); PrepareMapFile; FINALLY MapStrm.Free; END; end; if MapFile = nil then Exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} Result := CrackStack( Max_length, HandleSuspiciousAddresses ); end; function CrackStack_MapInFile( const MapFileName: KOLString; Max_length: Integer; HandleSuspiciousAddresses: Boolean ): KOLString; begin Result := ''; if MapFile = nil then begin MapFile := NewKOLStrList; MapFile.LoadFromFile( MapFileName ); if MapFile.Count = 0 then Free_And_Nil( MapFile ) else PrepareMapFile; end; if MapFile = nil then Exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} Result := CrackStack( Max_length, HandleSuspiciousAddresses ); end; {$ENDIF _no_PAS_ONLY} {$IFDEF GRAPHCTL_XPSTYLES} {$I visual_xp_styles.inc} {$ENDIF} {$IFDEF SNAPMOUSE2DFLTBTN} var FoundMsgBoxWnd: HWnd; function EnumProcSnapMouse2DfltBtn( W: HWnd; lParam: Integer ): BOOL; stdcall; var ClassBuf: array[ 0..31 ] of KOLChar; begin GetClassName( W, ClassBuf, Sizeof( ClassBuf ) div Sizeof( KOLChar ) ); Result := TRUE; if ClassBuf = '#32770' then begin FoundMsgBoxWnd := W; Result := FALSE; end; end; function WndProcSnapMouse2DfltBtn( Sender: PControl; var M: TMsg; var Rslt: Integer ): Boolean; var W: HWnd; R: TRect; P: TPoint; SnapMouse: Integer; begin SnapMouse := 0; if SystemParametersInfo( {SPI_GETSNAPTODEFBUTTON}95, 0, @ SnapMouse, 0 ) then if SnapMouse <> 0 then begin FoundMsgBoxWnd := 0; EnumThreadWindows( GetCurrentThreadID, @ EnumProcSnapMouse2DfltBtn, 0 ); if FoundMsgBoxWnd <> 0 then begin W := GetWindow( FoundMsgBoxWnd, GW_CHILD ); while W <> 0 do begin if GetWindowLong( W, GWL_STYLE ) and BS_DEFPUSHBUTTON <> 0 then begin GetWindowRect( W, R ); P.X := (R.Left + R.Right) div 2; P.Y := (R.Top + R.Bottom) div 2; SetCursorPos( P.X, P.Y ); end; W := GetWindow( W, GW_HWNDNEXT ); end; Applet.DetachProc( @WndProcSnapMouse2DfltBtn ); end; end; Result := FALSE; end; {$ENDIF SNAPMOUSE2DFLTBTN} {$IFDEF GDI} {$IFDEF ASM_VERSION}{$ELSE PAS_VERSION} //Pascal function MsgBox( const S: KOLString; Flags: DWORD ): DWORD; var Title: PKOLChar; begin {$IFnDEF NO_SAFE_CODE} // MsgBox should be called when Applet already created Title := nil; // (and yet not destroyed) if assigned( Applet ) then {$ENDIF} begin Title := PKOLChar( Applet.fCaption ); end; {$IFDEF SNAPMOUSE2DFLTBTN} {$IFDEF SAFE_CODE} if Assigned( Applet ) then {$ENDIF} begin Applet.AttachProc( WndProcSnapMouse2DfltBtn ); Applet.Postmsg( 0, 0, 0 ); end; {$ENDIF} Result := MessageBox( 0, PKOLChar( S ), Title, Flags ); {$IFDEF SNAPMOUSE2DFLTBTN} {$IFnDEF NO_SAFE_CODE} if Assigned( Applet ) then {$ENDIF} Applet.DetachProc( WndProcSnapMouse2DfltBtn ); {$ENDIF} end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION} procedure MsgOK( const S: KOLString ); begin MsgBox( S, MB_OK ); end; {$IFDEF ASM_UNICODE}{$ELSE PASCAL} function ShowMsg( const S: KOLString; Flags: DWORD ): DWORD; var Title: PKOLChar; Wnd: HWnd; begin {$IFDEF SNAPMOUSE2DFLTBTN} {$IFDEF SAFE_CODE} if Assigned( Applet ) then {$ENDIF} Applet.AttachProc( WndProcSnapMouse2DfltBtn ); {$ENDIF} {$IFDEF SAFE_CODE} Title := nil; Wnd := 0; if assigned( Applet ) then {$ENDIF} begin Title := PKOLChar( Applet.fCaption ); //{$IFNDEF SNAPMOUSE2DFLTBTN} Wnd := Applet.Handle; //{$ENDIF} end; Result := MessageBox( Wnd, PKOLChar( S ), Title, Flags ); {$IFDEF SNAPMOUSE2DFLTBTN} {$IFDEF SAFE_CODE} if Assigned( Applet ) then {$ENDIF} Applet.DetachProc( WndProcSnapMouse2DfltBtn ); {$ENDIF} end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION} procedure ShowMessage( const S: KOLString ); begin ShowMsg( S, MB_OK or MB_SETFOREGROUND or MB_DEFBUTTON1 ); end; {$ENDIF GDI} {$IFDEF WIN_GDI} {$IFDEF PAS_ONLY} procedure SpeakerBeep( Freq: Word; Duration: DWORD ); begin Windows.Beep( Freq, Duration ); end; {$ELSE} procedure SpeakerBeep( Freq: Word; Duration: DWORD ); begin if WinVer >= wvNT then Windows.Beep( Freq, Duration ) else begin if Freq < 18 then Exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} Freq := 1193181 div Freq; if Freq = 0 then Exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} asm mov al,0b6H out 43H,al mov ax,Freq //xchg al, ah out 42h,al xchg al, ah out 42h,al in al,61H or al,03H out 61H,al end {$IFDEF F_P} [ 'EAX' ] {$ENDIF} ; Sleep(Duration); asm in al,61H and al,0fcH out 61H,al end {$IFDEF F_P} [ 'EAX' ] {$ENDIF} ; end; end; {$ENDIF} {$ENDIF WIN_GDI} function SysErrorMessage(ErrorCode: Integer): KOLString; var Len: Integer; Buffer: array[0..255] of KOLChar; begin Len := FormatMessage(FORMAT_MESSAGE_FROM_SYSTEM or FORMAT_MESSAGE_ARGUMENT_ARRAY, nil, ErrorCode, 0, Buffer, SizeOf(Buffer), nil); while (Len > 0) and ({(Buffer[Len - 1] >= #0) and} (Buffer[Len - 1] <= ' ')) do Dec(Len); SetString(Result, Buffer, Len); //Result := Trim( Result ); end; {$ENDIF WIN_GDI} function GetShiftState: DWORD; {$IFDEF WIN} const Buttons: array[0..6] of Byte = ( VK_SHIFT, VK_CONTROL, VK_MENU, VK_LBUTTON, VK_RBUTTON, VK_MBUTTON, VK_CAPITAL ); Flags: array[0..6] of Byte = ( MK_SHIFT, MK_CONTROL, MK_ALT, MK_LBUTTON, MK_RBUTTON, MK_MBUTTON, MK_LOCK ); var i, mask: Integer; {$ENDIF WIN} //todo: for Linux / GTK ? begin Result := 0; {$IFDEF WIN} mask := 1; for i := High( Buttons ) downto 0 do begin if GetKeyState( Buttons[ i ] ) and mask <> 0 then Result := Result or Flags[ i ]; mask := $8000; end; {$ENDIF WIN} end; function MakeMethod( Data, Code: Pointer ): TMethod; begin Result.Data := Data; Result.Code := Code; end; {$IFDEF ASM_VERSION}{$ELSE PAS_VERSION} //Pascal function MakeRect( Left, Top, Right, Bottom: Integer ): TRect; stdcall; begin Result.Left := Left; Result.Top := Top; Result.Right:= Right; Result.Bottom := Bottom; end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION} {$IFDEF ASM_VERSION}{$ELSE PAS_VERSION} //Pascal function RectsEqual( const R1, R2: TRect ): Boolean; begin Result := CompareMem( @R1, @R2, Sizeof( TRect ) ); end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION} function RectsIntersected( const R1, R2: TRect ): Boolean; begin Result := ((R1.Left <= R2.Left) and (R1.Right > R2.Left ) or (R1.Left <= R2.Right) and (R1.Right >= R2.Right) or (R1.Left >= R2.Left) and (R1.Right <= R2.Right)) and ((R1.Top <= R2.Top) and (R1.Bottom > R2.Top) or (R1.Top <= R2.Bottom) and (R1.Bottom >= R2.Bottom) or (R1.Top >= R2.Top) and (R1.Bottom <= R2.Bottom)) ; end; {$IFDEF ASM_VERSION}{$ELSE PAS_VERSION} //Pascal function PointInRect( const P: TPoint; const R: TRect ): Boolean; begin Result := (P.x >= R.Left) and (P.x < R.Right) and (P.y >= R.Top) and (P.y < R.Bottom); end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION} {$IFDEF ASM_VERSION}{$ELSE PAS_VERSION} // Pascal function OffsetPoint( const T: TPoint; dX, dY: Integer ): TPoint; begin Result := MakePoint( T.X + dX, T.Y + dY ); end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION} {$IFDEF ASM_VERSION}{$ELSE PAS_VERSION} // Pascal function OffsetSmallPoint( const T: TSmallPoint; dX, dY: SmallInt ): TSmallPoint; begin Result.x := T.x + dX; Result.y := T.y + dY; end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION} {$IFDEF ASM_VERSION}{$ELSE PAS_VERSION} // Pascal function Point2SmallPoint( const T: TPoint ): TSmallPoint; begin Result.x := T.X; Result.y := T.Y; end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION} {$IFDEF ASM_VERSION}{$ELSE PAS_VERSION} //Pascal function SmallPoint2Point( const T: TSmallPoint ): TPoint; begin Result := MakePoint( T.x, T.y ); end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION} {$IFDEF ASM_VERSION}{$ELSE PAS_VERSION} //Pascal function MakePoint( X, Y: Integer ): TPoint; begin Result.x := X; Result.y := Y; end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION} {$IFDEF ASM_VERSION}{$ELSE PAS_VERSION} // Pascal function MakeSmallPoint( X, Y: Integer ): TSmallPoint; begin Result.x := X; Result.y := Y; end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION} {$IFDEF ASM_VERSION}{$ELSE PAS_VERSION} //Pascal function MakeFlags( FlgSet: PDWORD; FlgArray: array of Integer): Integer; var I : Integer; Mask : DWORD; begin Result := 0; Mask := FlgSet^; for I := 0 to High( FlgArray ) do begin if (FlgArray[ I ] < 0) and not LongBool( Mask and 1 ) then Result := Result or not FlgArray[ I ] else if (FlgArray[ I ] >= 0) and LongBool( Mask and 1 ) then Result := Result or FlgArray[ I ]; Mask := Mask shr 1; end; end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION} function MakeDateTimeRange( D1, D2: TDateTime ): TDateTimeRange; begin Result.FromDate := D1; Result.ToDate := D2; end; procedure Swap( var X, Y: Integer ); {$IFDEF F_P} var Tmp: Integer; begin Tmp := X; X := Y; Y := Tmp; end; {$ELSE DELPHI} asm MOV ECX, [EDX] XCHG ECX, [EAX] MOV [EDX], ECX end; {$ENDIF F_P/DELPHI} function Min( X, Y: Integer ): Integer; asm {$IFDEF F_P} MOV EAX, [X] MOV EDX, [Y] {$ENDIF F_P} {$IFDEF USE_CMOV} CMP EAX, EDX CMOVG EAX, EDX {$ELSE} CMP EAX, EDX JLE @@exit MOV EAX, EDX @@exit: {$ENDIF} end {$IFDEF F_P} [ 'EAX', 'EDX' ] {$ENDIF}; function Max( X, Y: Integer ): Integer; asm {$IFDEF F_P} MOV EAX, [X] MOV EDX, [Y] {$ENDIF F_P} {$IFDEF USE_CMOV} CMP EAX, EDX CMOVL EAX, EDX {$ELSE} CMP EAX, EDX JGE @@exit MOV EAX, EDX @@exit: {$ENDIF} end {$IFDEF F_P} [ 'EAX', 'EDX' ] {$ENDIF}; {$IFDEF REDEFINE_ABS} function Abs( X: Integer ): Integer; asm {$IFDEF F_P} MOV EAX, [X] {$ENDIF F_P} cdq xor eax, edx sub eax, edx end {$IFDEF F_P} [ 'EAX' ] {$ENDIF}; {$ENDIF} function Sgn( X: Integer ): Integer; asm CMP EAX, 0 {$IFDEF USE_CMOV} MOV EDX, -1 CMOVL EAX, EDX MOV EDX, 1 CMOVG EAX, EDX {$ELSE} JZ @@exit MOV EAX, 1 JG @@exit MOV EAX, -1 @@exit: {$ENDIF} end; function iSQRT( X: Integer ): Integer; {$IFDEF _D4orHigher} // new version is more efficient but code is not compatible with older compilers var I, N: Int64; begin Result := 0; while Result < X do begin I := 1; while I > 0 do begin N := (Result + I) * (Result + I); if N > X then begin I := I shr 1; break; end else if N = X then begin Result := Result + I; Exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} end; I := I * 2; end; if I <= 0 then Exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} Result := Result + I; end; end; {$ELSE _D3 or below or FPC1} var m, y, b: DWORD; begin m := $40000000; y := 0; while m <> 0 do // 16 times begin b := y or m; y := y shr 1; if x >= b then begin x := x - b; y := y or m; end; m := m shr 2; end; Result := y; end; {$ENDIF} function iCbrt( X: DWORD ): Integer; var s: Integer; y, b: DWORD; begin s := 30; y := 0; while s >= 0 do // 11 times begin y := 2 * y; b := (3 * y * (y+1) + 1) shl s; s := s - 3; if x >= b then begin x := x - b; y := y + 1; end; end; Result := y; end; {$IFDEF WIN_GDI} {$IFDEF ASM_DC} procedure StartDC; asm { <- EBX : PBitmap -> EAX = dc [ESP+8] = var dc [ESP+4] = var SaveBmp } PUSH 0 CALL CreateCompatibleDC POP EDX PUSH EAX PUSH EDX MOV EAX, EBX CALL [EBX].TBitmap.fDetachCanvas MOV EAX, EBX CALL TBitmap.GetHandle PUSH EAX PUSH dword ptr [ESP+8] CALL SelectObject POP EDX PUSH EAX PUSH EDX MOV EAX, [ESP+8] end; procedure FinishDC; asm POP ECX POP EAX POP EDX PUSH ECX PUSH EDX PUSH EAX PUSH EDX CALL SelectObject CALL DeleteDC end; {$ENDIF ASM_DC} function EnumDynHandlers( Self_: PControl; var Msg: TMsg; var Rslt: Integer ): Boolean; forward; {$ENDIF WIN_GDI} procedure DummyObjProc( Sender: PObj ); begin // 1-2-3 parameters, no result end; function DummyProc123_TRUE( Dummy: Pointer; Sender: PControl; param3: Integer ): Boolean; begin Result := TRUE; // 1-2-3 params, Result = TRUE end; function DummyProc123_0( Dummy: Pointer; Sender: PObj; param3: Integer ): Integer; begin Result := 0; // 1-2-3 params, Result = 0 end; function DummyProc4_TRUE( Dummy: Pointer; Sender: PControl; p3, p4: Integer ): Boolean; begin Result := TRUE; // 4 params, result = TRUE end; function DummyProc5_TRUE( Dummy: Pointer; Sender: PControl; p3, p4, p5: Integer): Boolean; begin Result := TRUE; // 5 params, result = TRUE end; procedure DummyOnLVDataProc( Dummy: Pointer; Sender: PControl; Idx, SubItem: Integer; var Txt: KOL_String; var ImgIdx: Integer; var State: DWORD; var Store: Boolean ); begin // 8 params end; function DummyProc4_0( Dummy: Pointer; Sender: PControl; p3, p4: Integer ): Integer; begin Result := 0; // 4 params, Result = 0 end; function DummyOnDrawItemProc( Dummy:Pointer; Sender: PObj; DC: HDC; const Rect: TRect; ItemIdx: Integer; DrawAction: TDrawAction; ItemState: TDrawState ): Boolean; begin Result := FALSE; // 7 params, Result = FALSE end; function DummyOnLVCustomDrawProc( Dummy: Pointer; Sender: PControl; DC: HDC; Stage: DWORD; ItemIdx, SubItemIdx: Integer; const Rect: TRect; ItemState: TDrawState; var TextColor, BackColor: TColor ): DWORD; begin Result := 0; // 10 params, Result = 0 end; function DummyOnSBBeforeScrollProc(Dummy: Pointer; Sender: PControl; OldPos, NewPos: Integer; Cmd: Word; var AllowChange: Boolean): Boolean; begin Result := FALSE; // 6 params end; var DummyProcTable: array[ 0..11 ] of Pointer = ( @DummyObjProc, @DummyProc123_TRUE, @DummyProc123_0, @DummyProc4_TRUE, @DummyProc5_TRUE, @DummyOnLVDataProc, @DummyProc4_0, @DummyOnDrawItemProc, @DummyOnLVCustomDrawProc, @DummyOnSBBeforeScrollProc, @WndFunc, {$IFDEF USE_GRAPHCTLS} @InvalidateWindowed {$ELSE} @DummyObjProc {$ENDIF} ); const idummy123 = 0; //+ idummy123_TRUE = 1; //+ idummy123_0 = 2; //+ idummy4_TRUE = 3; //+ idummy5_TRUE = 4; //+ idummy8 = 5; //+ idummy4_0 = 6; //+ idummy7 = 7; //+ idummy10 = 8; //+ idummy6 = 9; //+ iWndFunc = 10; //+ iInvalidateWindowed = 11; //+ const InitEventsTable: array[ 0..idx_LastEvent ] of Byte = ( idummy123_0 + iWndFunc shl 4, //idx_fOnMessage + idx_fWndFunc = 0; idx_fWndFunc = 69; idummy123_0 + iInvalidateWindowed shl 4, //idx_fOldOnMessage + idx_fDoInvalidate = 1; idx_fDoInvalidate = 70; idummy123 + idummy123_0 shl 4, //idx_fOnClick = 2; idx_fOnDynHandlers = 71; idummy123 + idummy123_0 shl 4, //idx_fOnMouseDown = 3; idx_fPass2DefProc = 72; idummy123 + idummy123_0 shl 4, //idx_fOnMouseUp = 4; idx_fWndProcKeybd = 73; idummy123 + idummy123_0 shl 4, //idx_fOnMouseMove = 5; idx_fControlClick = 74; idummy123 + idummy123_0 shl 4, //idx_fOnMouseDblClk = 6; idx_fAutoSize = 75; idummy123 + idummy123_0 shl 4, //idx_fOnMouseWheel = 7; idx_fGotoControl = 77; idummy123 + idummy123_0 shl 4, //idx_fOnMouseEnter = 8; idx_fNotifyChild = 78; idummy123 + idummy123_0 shl 4, //idx_fOnMouseLeave = 9; idx_fScrollChildren = 79; idummy123_TRUE + idummy123_0 shl 4, //idx_fOnTestMouseOver = 10; idx_fCreateWndExt = 80; idummy123 + idummy123_0 shl 4, //idx_fGraphCtlMouseEvent = 11; idx_fExMsgProc = 81; idummy123, //idx_fMouseLeaveProc = 12; idummy5_TRUE, //idx_fOnScroll = 13; idummy4_TRUE, //idx_fOnChar = 14; idummy4_TRUE, //idx_fOnDeadChar = 15; idummy4_TRUE, //idx_fOnKeyUp = 16; idummy4_TRUE, //idx_fOnKeyDown = 17; idummy123, //idx_fOnChangeCtl = 18; idummy123, //idx_fOnEnter = 19; idummy123, //idx_fOnLeave = 20; idummy123, //idx_fLeave = 21; idummy123, //idx_fOnPaint = 22; idummy123, //idx_fOnPaint2 = 23; idummy123, //idx_fOnPrepaint = 24; idummy123, //idx_fOnPostPaint = 25; idummy123, //idx_fPaintProc = 26; idummy123, //idx_fOnEraseBkgnd = 27; idummy7, //idx_fOnDrawItem = 28; idummy123_0, //idx_fOnMeasureItem = 29; idummy6, //idx_fDragCallback = 30; idummy123, //idx_fOnSelChange = 31; idummy123, //idx_fOnResize = 32; idummy123, //idx_fOnHide = 33; idummy123, //idx_fOnShow = 34; idummy123, //idx_fOnClose = 35; idummy123, //idx_fOnMove = 36; idummy123, //idx_fOnMoving = 37; idummy4_0, //idx_fOnHelp = 38; idummy123, //idx_fOnQueryEndSession = 39; idummy123, //idx_fOnMinimize = 40; idummy123, //idx_fOnMaximize = 41; idummy123, //idx_fOnRestore = 42; idummy10, //idx_fOnLVCustomDraw = 43; idummy5_TRUE, //idx_fOnEndEditLVITem = 44; idummy8, //idx_fOnLVData = 45; idummy4_0, //idx_fOnCompareLVItems = 46; idummy6, //idx_FOnLVStateChange = 47; idummy123, //idx_fOnDeleteLVItem = 48; idummy123, //idx_fOnColumnClick = 49; idummy6, //idx_FOnSBBeforeScroll = 54; idummy123, //idx_FOnSBScroll = 55; idummy123, //idx_FOnDropDown = 56; idummy123, //idx_FOnCloseUp = 57; idummy4_TRUE, //idx_FOnSplit = 58; idummy123, //idx_FOnProgress = 59; idummy123_0, //idx_FOnBitBtnDraw = 60; idummy123, //idx_FOnTVBeginDrag = 61; idummy123_TRUE, //idx_FOnTVBeginEdit = 62; idummy4_TRUE, //idx_FOnTVEndEdit = 50; idummy4_0, //idx_FOnTVExpanding = 52; idummy4_TRUE, //idx_FOnTVExpanded = 51; idummy4_TRUE, //idx_FOnTVSelChanging = 53; idummy123, //idx_FOnTVDelete = 63; idummy5_TRUE, //idx_FOnDTPUserString = 64; idummy123, //idx_FOnREInsModeChg = 65; idummy123, //idx_FOnREOverURL = 66; idummy123, //idx_FOnREURLClick = 67; idummy4_0 //idx_fOnDropFiles = 68; ); { _TObj } procedure Free_And_Nil( var Obj ); var Obj1: PObj; begin Obj1 := PObj( Obj ); Pointer( Obj ) := nil; Obj1.Free; end; procedure _TObj.Init; begin {$IFDEF _D2orD3} //FillChar( Pointer( Integer(@Self) + 4 )^, Sizeof( Self ) - 4, 0 ); ZeroMemory( Pointer( Integer(@Self) + 4 ), Sizeof( Self ) - 4 ); {$ENDIF} end; function _TObj.VmtAddr: Pointer; asm MOV EAX, [EAX] end; { TObj } class function TObj.AncestorOfObject(Obj: Pointer): Boolean; asm MOV ECX, [EAX] MOV EAX, EDX JMP @@loop1 @@loop: MOV EAX,[EAX] @@loop1: TEST EAX,EAX JE @@exit CMP EAX,ECX JNE @@loop @@success: MOV AL,1 @@exit: end; {$IFDEF ASM_VERSION}{$ELSE PAS_VERSION} //Pascal constructor TObj.Create; begin Init; end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION} {$IFDEF OLD_REFCOUNT} {$IFDEF ASM_VERSION}{$ELSE PAS_VERSION} //Pascal procedure TObj.DoDestroy; begin {$IFDEF OLD_REFCOUNT} if fRefCount > 0 then begin if not LongBool( fRefCount and 1) then Dec( fRefCount, 2 ); RefDec; end else Self.Destroy; if fRefCount <> 0 then begin if not LongBool( fRefCount and 1) then Dec( fRefCount ); end else Self.Destroy; {$ELSE} if fRefCount > 0 then RefDec else Self.Destroy; {$ENDIF} end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION} {$ENDIF OLD_REFCOUNT} {$IFDEF ASM_VERSION}{$ELSE PAS_VERSION} //Pascal function TObj.RefDec: Integer; begin Result := 0; // stop Delphi alerting the Warning if @ Self = nil then Exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} Dec( fRefCount, 2 ); {$IFDEF OLD_REFCOUNT} if (fRefCount < 0) and LongBool(fRefCount and 1) then Destroy; {$ELSE} if fRefCount < 0 then Destroy; {$ENDIF} end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION} procedure TObj.RefInc; begin Inc( fRefCount, 2 ); end; function TObj.VmtAddr: Pointer; asm //MOV EAX, [EAX - 4] MOV EAX, [EAX] end; function TObj.InstanceSize: Integer; asm //MOV EAX, [EAX] MOV EAX, [EAX-4] end; {$IFDEF OLD_FREE} {$IFDEF ASM_VERSION}{$ELSE PAS_VERSION} procedure TObj.Free; begin RefDec; end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION} {$ENDIF OLD_FREE} {$UNDEF ASM_LOCAL} {$IFDEF ASM_VERSION} {$DEFINE ASM_LOCAL} {$ENDIF} {$IFDEF CRASH_DEBUG} {$UNDEF ASM_LOCAL} {$ENDIF} {$IFDEF ASM_DEBUG} {$DEFINE ASM_LOCAL} {$ENDIF} {$IFDEF ASM_LOCAL} {$ELSE PAS_VERSION} //Pascal destructor TObj.Destroy; begin Final; {$IFDEF DEBUG_ENDSESSION} if EndSession_Initiated then LogFileOutput( GetStartDir + 'es_debug.txt', 'FINALLED: ' + Int2Hex( DWORD( @ Self ), 8 ) {$IFDEF USE_NAMES} + ' (name:' + FName + ')' {$ENDIF} ); {$ENDIF} {$IFDEF USE_NAMES} fName := ''; if fNamedObjList <> nil then Free_And_Nil(fNamedObjList); {$ENDIF} {$IFDEF CRASH_DEBUG} FillChar( Pointer( Integer(@Self) + 4 )^, Sizeof( Self ) - 4, #$DD ); {$ENDIF} FreeMem( @ Self ); end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION} {$IFDEF ASM_VERSION} {$DEFINE ASM_TLIST} {$IFDEF TLIST_FAST} {$UNDEF ASM_TLIST} {$ENDIF} {$ENDIF} {$IFDEF ASM_TLIST} procedure TObj.Final; asm //cmd //opd PUSH EBX XCHG EBX, EAX XOR ECX, ECX XCHG ECX, [EBX].fOnDestroy.TMethod.Code JECXZ @@freeloop MOV EDX, EBX MOV EAX, [EDX].fOnDestroy.TMethod.Data CALL ECX @@freeloop: MOV ECX, [EBX].fAutoFree JECXZ @@eloop MOV EDX, [ECX].TList.fItems MOV ECX, [ECX].TList.fCount JECXZ @@eloop MOV EAX, [EDX+ECX*4-4] MOV EDX, [EDX+ECX*4-8] PUSH EAX PUSH EDX MOV EAX, [EBX].fAutoFree LEA EDX, [ECX-2] XOR ECX, ECX MOV CL, 2 CALL TList.DeleteRange POP EDX POP EAX CALL EDX JMP @@freeloop @@eloop: XOR EAX, EAX XCHG [EBX].fAutoFree, EAX CALL TObj.RefDec @@exit: POP EBX end; {$ELSE PAS_VERSION} //Pascal procedure TObj.Final; var N: Integer; ProcMethod: TMethod; {$IFDEF _D2orD3} Proc: TObjectMethod; {$ELSE} Proc: TObjectMethod Absolute ProcMethod; {$ENDIF} var Destroy_evnt: TOnEvent; begin if Assigned( fOnDestroy ) then begin Destroy_evnt := fOnDestroy; fOnDestroy := nil; Destroy_evnt( @Self ); end; while (fAutoFree <> nil) and (fAutoFree.fCount > 0) do begin N := fAutoFree.fCount - 2; ProcMethod.Code := fAutoFree.Items[ N ]; ProcMethod.Data := fAutoFree.Items[ N + 1 ]; fAutoFree.DeleteRange( N, 2 ); {$IFDEF _D2orD3} Proc := TObjectMethod( ProcMethod ); {$ENDIF} Proc; end; fAutoFree.Free; fAutoFree := nil; end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION} {$IFDEF ASM_VERSION}{$ELSE PAS_VERSION} //Pascal procedure TObj.Add2AutoFree(Obj: PObj); begin if fAutoFree = nil then fAutoFree := NewList; fAutoFree.Insert( 0, Obj ); fAutoFree.Insert( 0, Pointer( @TObj.RefDec ) ); end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION} {$IFDEF ASM_VERSION}{$ELSE PAS_VERSION} //Pascal procedure TObj.Add2AutoFreeEx( Proc: TObjectMethod ); {$IFDEF F_P} var Ptr1, Ptr2: Pointer; {$ENDIF F_P} begin if fAutoFree = nil then fAutoFree := NewList; {$IFDEF F_P} asm MOV EAX, [Proc] MOV [Ptr1], EAX MOV EAX, [Proc+4] MOV [Ptr2], EAX end [ 'EAX' ]; fAutoFree.Insert( 0, Ptr2 ); fAutoFree.Insert( 0, Ptr1 ); {$ELSE DELPHI} fAutoFree.Insert( 0, Pointer( TMethod( Proc ).Data ) ); fAutoFree.Insert( 0, Pointer( TMethod( Proc ).Code ) ); {$ENDIF} end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION} {$IFDEF ASM_VERSION}{$ELSE PAS_VERSION} procedure TObj.RemoveFromAutoFree(Obj: PObj); var i: Integer; begin if fAutoFree <> nil then begin i := fAutoFree.IndexOf( Obj ); if i >= 0 then begin fAutoFree.DeleteRange( i and not 1, 2 ); if fAutoFree.Count = 0 then Free_And_Nil( fAutoFree ); end; end; end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION} procedure TObj.RemoveFromAutoFreeEx(Proc: TObjectMethod); var i: Integer; begin if fAutoFree <> nil then begin for i := 0 to fAutoFree.Count-2 do if (fAutoFree.Items[ i ] = TMethod( Proc ).Data) and (fAutoFree.Items[ i+1 ] = TMethod( Proc ).Code) then begin fAutoFree.Delete( i ); fAutoFree.Delete( i ); break; end; end; end; {$IFDEF USE_NAMES} procedure TObj.SetName( NewOwnerObj: PObj; NewName: AnsiString ); {$IFDEF UNIQUE_NAMES} var i: Integer; {$ENDIF} begin if (FOwnerObj <> nil) then if FOwnerObj <> NewOwnerObj then begin FOwnerObj.fNamedObjList.Remove( @ Self ); end; FOwnerObj := NewOwnerObj; if NewOwnerObj = nil then begin if NewName = '' then begin fName := ''; Exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} end; // ����� ��� ������, ����� � ���������� ��� Applet'� ��������������� // ��� ��� ������� ����� (��������) FOwnerObj := @ Self; // ���������� ������ ����������� �������� ���������� // ��� ������. ��� ��������������� ������ - ������� ����� ������ ���� � // ������ �����. end; if FOwnerObj.fNamedObjList = nil then FOwnerObj.fNamedObjList := NewList; {$IFDEF UNIQUE_NAMES} for i := 0 to FOwnerObj.fNamedObjList.Count-1 do begin if PObj( FOwnerObj.fNamedObjList.Items[ i ] ).FName = NewName then begin NewName := ''; break; end; end; {$ENDIF} FName := NewName; if FName = '' then FOwnerObj.fNamedObjList.Remove( @ Self ) else if FOwnerObj.fNamedObjList.IndexOf( @ Self ) < 0 then FOwnerObj.fNamedObjList.Add( @ Self ); end; function TObj.FindObj(const ObjName: Ansistring): PObj; var i: Integer; Obj: PObj; begin if fNamedObjList <> nil then for i := 0 to fNamedObjList.Count-1 do begin Obj := fNamedObjList.Items[ i ]; if ObjName = Obj.FName then begin Result := Obj; Exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} end; end; Result := nil; end; {$ENDIF} { TList } {$IFDEF USE_CONSTRUCTORS} procedure TList.Init; begin {$IFDEF CALL_INHERITED} inherited; {$ENDIF} fAddBy := 4; {$IFDEF TLIST_FAST} {$IFNDEF DFLT_TLIST_NOUSE_BLOCKS} // for debug only fUseBlocks := TRUE; {$ENDIF} {$ENDIF} end; function NewList: PList; begin New( Result, Create ); {$IFDEF DEBUG_OBJKIND} fObjKind := 'TList'; {$ENDIF} end; {$ELSE not_USE_CONSTRUCTORS} function NewList: PList; begin New( Result, Create ); {$IFDEF DEBUG_OBJKIND} Result.fObjKind := 'TList'; {$ENDIF} Result.fAddBy := 4; {$IFDEF TLIST_FAST} {$IFNDEF DFLT_TLIST_NOUSE_BLOCKS} // for debug only Result.fUseBlocks := TRUE; {$ENDIF} {$ENDIF} end; {$ENDIF USE_CONSTRUCTORS} {$IFDEF _D4orHigher} function NewListInit( const AItems: array of Pointer ): PList; var i: Integer; begin Result := NewList; Result.Capacity := Length( AItems ); for i := 0 to High( AItems ) do Result.Add( AItems[ i ] ); end; {$ENDIF} {$IFNDEF PAS_ONLY} procedure HelpFastIncNum2Els( DataArray: Pointer; Value, Count: Integer ); asm PUSH ESI PUSH EDI {$IFDEF F_P} MOV ESI, [DataArray] MOV EDX, [Value] MOV ECX, [Count] {$ELSE DELPHI} MOV ESI, EAX {$ENDIF F_P/DELPHI} MOV EDI, ESI CLD @@1: LODSD ADD EAX, EDX STOSD LOOP @@1 POP EDI POP ESI end {$IFDEF F_P} [ 'EAX', 'EDX', 'ECX' ] {$ENDIF}; {$IFNDEF TLIST_FAST} procedure FastIncNum2Elements( List: TList; FromIdx, Count, Value: Integer ); begin HelpFastIncNum2Els( @List.fItems[ FromIdx ], Value, Count ); end; {$ENDIF} {$ENDIF PAS_ONLY} {$IFDEF ASM_VERSION}{$ELSE PAS_VERSION} //Pascal destructor TList.Destroy; begin Clear; inherited; end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION} {$IFDEF ASM_TLIST} procedure TList.Release; asm TEST EAX, EAX JZ @@e MOV ECX, [EAX].fCount JECXZ @@e MOV EDX, [EAX].fItems PUSH EAX @@1: MOV EAX, [EDX+ECX*4-4] TEST EAX, EAX JZ @@2 PUSH EDX PUSH ECX CALL System.@FreeMem POP ECX POP EDX @@2: LOOP @@1 POP EAX @@e: CALL TObj.RefDec end; {$ELSE PAS_VERSION} //Pascal procedure TList.Release; var I: Integer; begin if @ Self = nil then Exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} for I := 0 to fCount - 1 do if {$IFDEF TLIST_FAST} Items {$ELSE} fItems {$ENDIF}[ I ] <> nil then FreeMem( {$IFDEF TLIST_FAST} Items {$ELSE} fItems {$ENDIF}[ I ] ); Free; end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION} procedure TList.ReleaseObjects; var I: Integer; begin if @ Self = nil then Exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} for I := fCount-1 downto 0 do PObj( {$IFDEF TLIST_FAST} Items {$ELSE} fItems {$ENDIF} [ I ] ).Free; Free; end; {$IFDEF ASM_VERSION}{$ELSE PAS_VERSION} //Pascal procedure TList.SetCapacity( Value: Integer ); begin {$IFDEF TLIST_FAST} if fUseBlocks and (fBlockList <> nil) then begin if Value > 256 then // Capacitity � ������� ������ �������� ������ ��� ������� Value := 256; // ����� - �� 256 ���������, ����� ��� ������ �� �����, fCapacity := Value; // �.�. ��� ������ ����� ������ �������� �� 256 ������� // ��� ���������, ���������� �� �������� �������������. end else {$ENDIF} begin if Value < Count then Value := Count; if Value = fCapacity then Exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} ReallocMem( fItems, Value * Sizeof( Pointer ) ); fCapacity := Value; end; end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION} {$IFDEF ASM_VERSION}{$ELSE PAS_VERSION} //Pascal procedure TList.Clear; {$IFDEF TLIST_FAST} var i: Integer; {$ENDIF} begin if fItems <> nil then FreeMem( fItems ); fItems := nil; fCount := 0; fCapacity := 0; {$IFDEF TLIST_FAST} if fBlockList <> nil then begin for i := 0 to fBlockList.Count div 2 - 1 do FreeMem( fBlockList.Items[ i*2 ] ); Free_And_Nil( fBlockList ); end; fLastKnownBlockIdx := 0; fLastKnownCountBefore := 0; {$ENDIF} end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION} procedure TList.SetAddBy(Value: Integer); begin if Value < 1 then Value := 1; fAddBy := Value; end; {$IFDEF ASM_NO_VERSION} /// ASM-version disabled due some problems - 20-May-2010 {$ELSE PAS_VERSION} //Pascal procedure TList.Add( Value: Pointer ); {$IFDEF TLIST_FAST} var LastBlockCount: Integer; LastBlockStart: Pointer; {$ENDIF} begin {$IFDEF TLIST_FAST} if fUseBlocks and ((fCount >= 256) or ( fBlockList <> nil )) then begin if fBlockList = nil then begin fBlockList := NewList; fBlockList.fUseBlocks := FALSE; fBlockList.Add( fItems ); fBlockList.Add( Pointer( fCount ) ); fItems := nil; end; if fBlockList.fCount = 0 then begin fBlockList.Add( nil ); fBlockList.Add( nil ); LastBlockCount := 0; end else begin LastBlockCount := Integer( fBlockList.Items[ fBlockList.fCount-1 ] ); if LastBlockCount >= 256 then begin fBlockList.Add( nil ); fBlockList.Add( nil ); LastBlockCount := 0; end; end; LastBlockStart := fBlockList.Items[ fBlockList.fCount-2 ]; if LastBlockStart = nil then begin GetMem( LastBlockStart, 256 * Sizeof( Pointer ) ); fBlockList.Items[ fBlockList.fCount-2 ] := LastBlockStart; end; fBlockList.Items[ fBlockList.fCount-1 ] := Pointer( LastBlockCount+1 ); PDWORD( Integer(LastBlockStart) + Sizeof(Pointer)*LastBlockCount )^ := DWORD( Value ); end else {$ENDIF} begin if fCapacity <= fCount then begin if fAddBy <= 0 then Capacity := fCount + Min( 1000, fCount div 4 + 1 ) else Capacity := fCount + fAddBy; end; fItems[ fCount ] := Value; end; Inc( fCount ); end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION} {$IFDEF _D4orHigher} procedure TList.AddItems(const AItems: array of Pointer); var i: Integer; begin Capacity := Count + Length( AItems ); for i := 0 to High( AItems ) do Add( AItems[ i ] ); end; {$ENDIF} procedure TList.Delete( Idx: Integer ); begin DeleteRange( Idx, 1 ); end; {$IFDEF ASM_TLIST} procedure TList.DeleteRange(Idx, Len: Integer); asm //cmd //opd TEST ECX, ECX JLE @@exit CMP EDX, [EAX].fCount JGE @@exit PUSH EBX XCHG EBX, EAX LEA EAX, [EDX+ECX] CMP EAX, [EBX].fCount JBE @@1 MOV ECX, [EBX].fCount SUB ECX, EDX @@1: MOV EAX, [EBX].fItems PUSH [EBX].fCount SUB [EBX].fCount, ECX MOV EBX, EDX LEA EDX, [EAX+EDX*4] LEA EAX, [EDX+ECX*4] ADD EBX, ECX POP ECX SUB ECX, EBX SHL ECX, 2 CALL System.Move POP EBX @@exit: end; {$ELSE PAS_VERSION} //Pascal procedure TList.DeleteRange(Idx, Len: Integer); {$IFDEF TLIST_FAST} var i, DelFromBlock: Integer; CountBefore, CountCurrent: Integer; BlockStart: Pointer; {$ENDIF} begin if Len <= 0 then Exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} if Idx >= Count then Exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} {$IFDEF KOL_ASSERTIONS} Assert( (Idx >= 0), 'TList.DeleteRange: index out of bounds' ); {$ENDIF KOL_ASSERTIONS} if DWORD( Idx + Len ) > DWORD( Count ) then Len := Count - Idx; {$IFDEF TLIST_FAST} if fUseBlocks and ( fBlockList <> nil ) then begin CountBefore := 0; i := 0; if (fLastKnownBlockIdx > 0) and (Idx >= fLastKnownCountBefore) then begin i := fLastKnownBlockIdx; CountBefore := fLastKnownCountBefore; end; while i < fBlockList.fCount div 2 do begin BlockStart := fBlockList.fItems[ i * 2 ]; CountCurrent := Integer( fBlockList.fItems[ i * 2 + 1 ] ); if (Idx >= CountBefore) and (Idx < CountBefore + CountCurrent) then begin DelFromBlock := CountBefore + CountCurrent - Idx; if DelFromBlock > Len then DelFromBlock := Len; if DelFromBlock < CountCurrent then begin fNotOptimized := TRUE; move( Pointer( Integer( BlockStart ) + (Idx - CountBefore + DelFromBlock) * Sizeof( Pointer ) )^, Pointer( Integer( BlockStart ) + (Idx - CountBefore) * Sizeof( Pointer ) )^, (CountCurrent - (Idx - CountBefore) - DelFromBlock) * Sizeof( Pointer ) ); dec( CountCurrent, DelFromBlock ); fBlockList.fItems[ i * 2 + 1 ] := Pointer( CountCurrent ); dec( fCount, DelFromBlock ); dec( Len, DelFromBlock ); if Len <= 0 then Exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} end else begin // delete entire block //++ fix added: 21.06.08 ++ VK fLastKnownBlockIdx := 0; fLastKnownCountBefore := 0; //++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ FreeMem( BlockStart ); fBlockList.DeleteRange( i * 2, 2 ); dec( fCount, CountCurrent ); dec( Len, CountCurrent ); if Len <= 0 then Exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} CountCurrent := 0; dec( i ); end; end; inc( i ); inc( CountBefore, CountCurrent ); end; end else {$ENDIF} begin Move( fItems[ Idx + Len ], fItems[ Idx ], Sizeof( Pointer ) * (Count - Idx - Len) ); Dec( fCount, Len ); end; end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION} procedure TList.Remove(Value: Pointer); var I: Integer; begin I := IndexOf( Value ); if I >= 0 then Delete( I ); end; function TList.ItemAddress(Idx: Integer): Pointer; {$IFDEF TLIST_FAST} var i: Integer; BlockStart: Pointer; CountBefore, CountCurrent: Integer; {$ENDIF} begin {$IFDEF TLIST_FAST} if fUseBlocks and ( fBlockList <> nil ) then begin CountBefore := 0; i := 0; if (fLastKnownBlockIdx > 0) and (Idx >= fLastKnownCountBefore) then begin CountBefore := fLastKnownCountBefore; i := fLastKnownBlockIdx; end; CountCurrent := CountBefore + Integer( fBlockList.fItems[ i*2+1 ] ); if Idx - CountCurrent > fCount - CountCurrent then begin // ����� � �������� ����������� ����� ��������� ������� CountBefore := fCount; i := fBlockList.fCount div 2 - 1; while TRUE do begin BlockStart := fBlockList.fItems[ i * 2 ]; CountCurrent := Integer( fBlockList.fItems[ i * 2 + 1 ] ); if (CountBefore - CountCurrent <= Idx) and (Idx < CountBefore) then begin Result := Pointer( Integer( BlockStart ) + (Idx - (CountBefore - CountCurrent))*Sizeof( Pointer ) ); Exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} end; dec( CountBefore, CountCurrent ); dec( i ); end; end; while TRUE { i < fBlockList.Count div 2 } do begin BlockStart := fBlockList.fItems[ i * 2 ]; CountCurrent := Integer( fBlockList.fItems[ i * 2 + 1 ] ); if (CountBefore <= Idx) and (Idx < CountBefore + CountCurrent) then begin Result := Pointer( Integer( BlockStart ) + (Idx - CountBefore) * Sizeof( Pointer ) ); Exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} end; inc( CountBefore, CountCurrent ); inc( i ); end; end else {$ENDIF} Result := Pointer( Integer( fItems ) + Idx * Sizeof( Pointer ) ); end; {$IFDEF ASM_VERSION}{$ELSE PAS_VERSION} procedure TList.Put( Idx: Integer; Value: Pointer ); {$IFDEF TLIST_FAST} var i: Integer; BlockStart: Pointer; CountBefore, CountCurrent: Integer; {$ENDIF} begin if Idx < 0 then Exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} if Idx >= Count then Exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} {$IFDEF TLIST_FAST} if fUseBlocks and ( fBlockList <> nil ) then begin CountBefore := 0; i := 0; if (fLastKnownBlockIdx > 0) and (Idx >= fLastKnownCountBefore) then begin i := fLastKnownBlockIdx; CountBefore := fLastKnownCountBefore; end; while i < fBlockList.fCount div 2 do begin BlockStart := fBlockList.fItems[ i * 2 ]; CountCurrent := Integer( fBlockList.fItems[ i * 2 + 1 ] ); if (CountBefore <= Idx) and (Idx < CountBefore + CountCurrent) then begin fLastKnownBlockIdx := i; fLastKnownCountBefore := CountBefore; PDWORD( Integer( BlockStart ) + (Idx - CountBefore) * Sizeof( Pointer ) )^ := DWORD( Value ); Exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} end; inc( CountBefore, CountCurrent ); inc( i ); end; end else {$ENDIF} fItems[ Idx ] := Value; end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION} {$IFDEF ASM_VERSION}{$ELSE PAS_VERSION} function TList.Get( Idx: Integer ): Pointer; {$IFDEF TLIST_FAST} var i: Integer; BlockStart: Pointer; CountBefore, CountCurrent: Integer; {$ENDIF} begin Result := nil; if Idx < 0 then Exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} if Idx >= fCount then Exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} {$IFDEF TLIST_FAST} if fUseBlocks and ( fBlockList <> nil ) then begin if fNotOptimized then begin CountBefore := 0; i := 0; if (fLastKnownBlockIdx > 0) and (Idx >= fLastKnownCountBefore) then begin i := fLastKnownBlockIdx; CountBefore := fLastKnownCountBefore; end; while {i < fBlockList.fCount div 2} TRUE do begin BlockStart := fBlockList.fItems[ i * 2 ]; CountCurrent := Integer( fBlockList.fItems[ i * 2 + 1 ] ); if (CountBefore <= Idx) and (Idx < CountBefore + CountCurrent) then begin fLastKnownBlockIdx := i; fLastKnownCountBefore := CountBefore; Result := Pointer( PDWORD( Integer( BlockStart ) + (Idx - CountBefore) * Sizeof( Pointer ) )^ ); Exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} end; inc( CountBefore, CountCurrent ); inc( i ); end; end else begin // optimized! i := Idx shr 8; BlockStart := fBlockList.fItems[ i * 2 ]; i := Idx and 255; Result := Pointer( PDWORD( Integer( BlockStart ) + i * Sizeof( Pointer ) )^ ); end; end else {$ENDIF} Result := fItems[ Idx ]; end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION} {$IFDEF ASM_TLIST} function TList.IndexOf( Value: Pointer ): Integer; asm PUSH EDI MOV EDI, [EAX].fItems MOV ECX, [EAX].fCount PUSH EDI DEC EAX // make "NZ" - EAX always <> 1 MOV EAX, EDX REPNZ SCASD POP EDX {$IFDEF USE_CMOV} CMOVNZ EDI, EDX {$ELSE} JZ @@succ MOV EDI, EDX @@succ: {$ENDIF} MOV EAX, EDI STC SBB EAX, EDX SAR EAX, 2 POP EDI end; {$ELSE PAS_VERSION} //Pascal function TList.IndexOf( Value: Pointer ): Integer; var I: Integer; {$IFDEF TLIST_FAST} BlockStart: PDWORD; j: Integer; CountBefore, CountCurrent: Integer; {$ENDIF} begin Result := -1; {$IFDEF DEBUG_ANY} TRY {$ENDIF} {$IFDEF TLIST_FAST} if fUseBlocks and ( fBlockList <> nil ) then begin CountBefore := 0; for I := 0 to fBlockList.fCount div 2 - 1 do begin BlockStart := fBlockList.fItems[ I * 2 ]; CountCurrent := Integer( fBlockList.fItems[ I * 2 + 1 ] ); for j := 0 to CountCurrent-1 do begin if BlockStart^ = DWORD( Value ) then begin Result := CountBefore + j; Exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} end; inc( BlockStart ); end; inc( CountBefore, CountCurrent ); end; end else {$ENDIF} begin for I := 0 to fCount - 1 do begin if fItems[ I ] = Value then begin Result := I; break; end; end; end; {$IFDEF DEBUG_ANY} EXCEPT END; {$ENDIF} end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION} {$IFDEF ASM_TLIST} procedure TList.Insert(Idx: Integer; Value: Pointer); asm PUSH ECX PUSH EAX PUSH [EAX].fCount PUSH EDX CALL TList.Add // don't matter what to add POP EDX // EDX = Idx, Eax = Count-1 POP EAX SUB EAX, EDX SAL EAX, 2 MOV ECX, EAX // ECX = (Count - Idx - 1) * 4 POP EAX MOV EAX, [EAX].fItems LEA EAX, [EAX + EDX*4] JL @@1 PUSH EAX LEA EDX, [EAX + 4] CALL System.Move POP EAX // EAX = @fItems[ Idx ] @@1: POP ECX // ECX = Value MOV [EAX], ECX end; {$ELSE PAS_VERSION} //Pascal procedure TList.Insert(Idx: Integer; Value: Pointer); {$IFDEF TLIST_FAST} var i: Integer; CountBefore, CountCurrent: Integer; BlockStart, NewBlock: Pointer; {$ENDIF} begin {$IFDEF KOL_ASSERTIONS} Assert( (Idx >= 0) and (Idx <= FCount+1), 'List index out of bounds' ); {$ENDIF KOL_ASSERTIONS} {$IFDEF TLIST_FAST} if fUseBlocks and (( fBlockList <> nil ) or (fCount >= 256)) then begin if ( fBlockList = nil ) then begin fBlockList := NewList; fBlockList.fUseBlocks := FALSE; fBlockList.Add( fItems ); fBlockList.Add( Pointer( fCount ) ); fItems := nil; end; if fBlockList.fCount = 0 then begin fNotOptimized := FALSE; GetMem( NewBlock, 256 * Sizeof( Pointer ) ); fBlockList.Add( NewBlock ); fBlockList.Add( nil ); end; CountBefore := 0; i := 0; if (fLastKnownBlockIdx > 0) and (Idx >= fLastKnownCountBefore) then begin i := fLastKnownBlockIdx; CountBefore := fLastKnownCountBefore; end; while TRUE {i < fBlockList.fCount div 2} do begin CountCurrent := Integer( fBlockList.Items[ i * 2 + 1 ] ); if (Idx >= CountBefore) and ((Idx < CountBefore + CountCurrent) or (Idx = CountBefore + CountCurrent) and (CountCurrent < 256)) then // insert in block i begin BlockStart := fBlockList.fItems[ i * 2 ]; if BlockStart = nil then begin GetMem( BlockStart, 256 * Sizeof( Pointer ) ); fBlockList.fItems[ i * 2 ] := BlockStart; end; Idx := Idx - CountBefore; if CountCurrent < 256 then begin if Idx < CountCurrent then Move( Pointer( Integer( BlockStart ) + Idx * Sizeof( Pointer ) )^, Pointer( Integer( BlockStart ) + (Idx+1) * Sizeof( Pointer ) )^, (CountCurrent - Idx) * Sizeof( Pointer ) ); PDWORD( Integer( BlockStart ) + Idx * Sizeof( Pointer ) )^ := DWORD( Value ); fBlockList.fItems[ i * 2 + 1 ] := Pointer( CountCurrent + 1 ); end else // new block is created since current block is full 256 items begin fNotOptimized := TRUE; GetMem( NewBlock, 256 * Sizeof( Pointer ) ); fBlockList.Insert( (i+1)*2, Pointer( 256-Idx ) ); fBlockList.Insert( (i+1)*2, NewBlock ); move( Pointer( Integer( BlockStart ) + Idx * Sizeof( Pointer ) )^, NewBlock^, (256 - Idx) * Sizeof( Pointer ) ); PDWORD( Integer( BlockStart ) + Idx * Sizeof( Pointer ) )^ := DWORD( Value ); fBlockList.fItems[ i * 2 + 1 ] := Pointer( Idx + 1 ); end; fLastKnownBlockIdx := i; fLastKnownCountBefore := CountBefore; inc( fCount ); Exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} end; inc( CountBefore, CountCurrent ); inc( i ); if i >= fBlockList.fCount div 2 then begin fBlockList.Add( nil ); fBlockList.Add( nil ); end; end; end else {$ENDIF} begin Add( nil ); if fCount > Idx then Move( FItems[ Idx ], FItems[ Idx + 1 ], (fCount - Idx - 1) * Sizeof( Pointer ) ); FItems[ Idx ] := Value; end; end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION} {$IFDEF ASM_VERSION} {$DEFINE MoveItem_ASM} {$ENDIF} {$IFDEF TLIST_FAST} {$UNDEF MoveItem_ASM} {$ENDIF} {$IFDEF MoveItem_ASM} {$ELSE PAS_VERSION} //Pascal procedure TList.MoveItem(OldIdx, NewIdx: Integer); var Item: Pointer; begin if OldIdx = NewIdx then Exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} if NewIdx >= Count then Exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} Item := Items[ OldIdx ]; Delete( OldIdx ); Insert( NewIdx, Item ); end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION} {$IFDEF ASM_TLIST} function TList.Last: Pointer; asm //cmd //opd MOV ECX, [EAX].fCount JECXZ @@0 MOV EAX, [EAX].fItems DEC ECX MOV ECX, [EAX + ECX*4] @@0: XCHG EAX, ECX end; {$ELSE PAS_VERSION} //Pascal function TList.Last: Pointer; begin if Count = 0 then Result := nil else Result := Items[ Count-1 ]; end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION} {$IFDEF ASM_TLIST} procedure TList.Swap(Idx1, Idx2: Integer); asm MOV EAX, [EAX].fItems PUSH dword ptr [EAX + EDX*4] PUSH ECX MOV ECX, [EAX + ECX*4] MOV [EAX + EDX*4], ECX POP ECX POP EDX MOV [EAX + ECX*4], EDX end; {$ELSE PAS_VERSION} //Pascal procedure TList.Swap(Idx1, Idx2: Integer); var Tmp: DWORD; AItem1, AItem2: PDWORD; begin {$IFDEF TLIST_FAST} AItem1 := ItemAddress( Idx1 ); AItem2 := ItemAddress( Idx2 ); {$ELSE} AItem1 := Pointer( Integer( fItems ) + Idx1 * Sizeof( Pointer ) ); AItem2 := Pointer( Integer( fItems ) + Idx2 * Sizeof( Pointer ) ); {$ENDIF} Tmp := AItem1^; AItem1^ := AItem2^; AItem2^ := Tmp; end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION} procedure TList.SetCount(const Value: Integer); begin if Value >= Count then exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} fCount := Value; end; procedure TList.Assign(SrcList: PList); {$IFDEF TLIST_FAST} var i, CountCurrent: Integer; SrcBlock, DstBlock: Pointer; {$ENDIF} begin Clear; if SrcList.fCount > 0 then begin {$IFDEF TLIST_FAST} if SrcList.fUseBlocks and ( SrcList.fBlockList <> nil ) then begin fBlockList := NewList; fBlockList.Assign( SrcList.fBlockList ); for i := 0 to fBlockList.Count div 2 - 1 do begin SrcBlock := SrcList.fBlockList.fItems[ i*2 ]; CountCurrent := Integer( fBlockList.fItems[ i*2+1 ] ); GetMem( DstBlock, 256 * Sizeof( Pointer ) ); fBlockList.fItems[ i*2 ] := DstBlock; move( SrcBlock^, DstBlock^, CountCurrent ); end; end else {$ENDIF} begin Capacity := SrcList.fCount; Move( SrcList.FItems[ 0 ], FItems[ 0 ], Sizeof( Pointer ) * SrcList.fCount ); end; end; fCount := SrcList.fCount; end; {$IFDEF WIN_GDI} {$UNDEF ASM_LOCAL} {$IFDEF ASM_noVERSION} {$IFNDEF _D2orD3} {$DEFINE ASM_LOCAL} {$ENDIF} {$ENDIF} {$IFDEF ASM_LOCAL} //!!//!! function CallCtlWndProc( Ctl: PControl; var Msg: TMsg ): Integer; begin Result := Ctl.WndProc( Msg ); end; { -- Window procedure -- } function WndFunc( W: HWnd; Msg: Cardinal; wParam, lParam: Integer ) : Integer; stdcall; const size_TMsg = sizeof( TMsg ); asm ADD ESP, -size_TMsg MOV EDX, ESP PUSH ESI PUSH EDI MOV EDI, EDX LEA ESI, [W] MOVSD MOVSD MOVSD MOVSD MOV EDI, EDX MOV EAX, [EDI] TEST EAX, EAX JZ @@self_is_nil MOV ECX, [CreatingWindow] JECXZ @@get_self_prop MOV [ECX].TControl.fHandle, EAX PUSH ECX PUSH ECX {$IFDEF USE_PROP} PUSH Offset[ID_SELF] PUSH EAX CALL SetProp {$ELSE} PUSH GWL_USERDATA PUSH EAX CALL SetWindowLong {$ENDIF} XOR EAX, EAX MOV [CreatingWindow], EAX POP EAX // EAX = self_ JMP @@self_got @@get_self_prop: {$IFDEF USE_PROP} PUSH Offset[ID_SELF] PUSH EAX CALL GetProp {$ELSE} PUSH GWL_USERDATA PUSH EAX CALL GetWindowLong {$ENDIF} TEST EAX, EAX JNZ @@self_got @@self_is_nil: OR EAX, [ Applet ] JNZ @@self_got POP EDI POP ESI MOV ESP, EBP POP EBP JMP DefWindowProc @@self_got: MOV ESI, EAX INC WORD PTR [ESI].TControl.fNestedMsgHandling MOV EDX, EDI CALL CallCtlWndProc DEC WORD PTR [ESI].TControl.fNestedMsgHandling JA @@1 {$IFDEF USE_FLAGS} TEST [ESI].TControl.fFlagsG2, (1 shl G2_BeginDestroying) JZ @@1 {$ELSE} CMP [ESI].TControl.fBeginDestroying, 0 JZ @@1 {$ENDIF} CMP [ESI].TObj.fRefCount, 0 JNZ @@1 CMP ESI, [Applet] JZ @@1 XCHG EAX, ESI CALL TObj.Free XCHG ESI, EAX @@1: POP EDI POP ESI MOV ESP, EBP end; {$ELSE PAS_VERSION} //Pascal function WndFunc( W: HWnd; Msg: Cardinal; wParam, lParam: Integer ) : Integer; stdcall; var M: TMsg; self_: PControl; begin {$IFDEF INPACKAGE} Log( '->WndFunc ' + Int2Hex( Msg, 4 ) + ' (' + Int2Str( Msg ) + ')' ); TRY {$ENDIF INPACKAGE} M.hwnd := W; M.message := Msg; M.wParam := wParam; M.lParam := lParam; {$IFDEF DEBUG_MONITOR_MESSAGES} if Assigned( OnMonitorMessage ) then OnMonitorMessage( M, TRUE ); {$ENDIF} {$IFDEF DEBUG_ENDSESSION} if EndSession_Initiated then begin LogFileOutput( GetStartDir + 'es_debug.txt', 'HWND:' + Int2Str( W ) + ' MSG:$' + Int2Hex( Msg, 4 ) + ' WParam: ' + Int2Str( wParam ) + '($' + Int2Hex( wParam, 8 ) + ')' + ' LParam: ' + Int2Str( lParam ) + '($' + Int2Hex( lParam, 8 ) + ')' ); end; {$ENDIF} self_ := nil; if W <> 0 then begin if CreatingWindow <> nil then begin {$IFDEF INPACKAGE} Log( '//// CreatingWindow <> nil' ); {$ENDIF INPACKAGE} {$IFDEF DEBUG_CREATEWINDOW} LogFileOutput( GetStartDir + 'Session.log', 'WndFunc: Creating window = ' + Int2Hex( Integer( CreatingWindow ), 4 ) + ' hwnd=' + Int2Str( M.hwnd ) + ' message=' + Int2Hex( M.message, 4 ) + ' wParam=' + Int2Str( M.wParam ) + '=$' + Int2Hex( M.wParam, 4 ) + ' lParam=' + Int2Str( M.lParam ) + '=$' + Int2Hex( M.lParam, 4 ) ); {$ENDIF DEBUG_CREATEWINDOW} self_ := CreatingWindow; CreatingWindow.fHandle := W; {$IFDEF USE_PROP} {$IFDEF INPACKAGE} Log( '//// SetProp' ); {$ENDIF INPACKAGE} SetProp( W, ID_SELF, THandle( CreatingWindow ) ); {$ELSE} SetWindowLong( W, GWL_USERDATA, Integer( CreatingWindow ) ); {$ENDIF} CreatingWindow := nil; end else {$IFDEF USE_PROP} self_ := Pointer( GetProp( W, ID_SELF ) ); {$ELSE} self_ := Pointer( GetWindowLong( W, GWL_USERDATA ) ); {$ENDIF} end; if self_ <> nil then begin {$IFDEF INPACKAGE} Log( '//// self_ <> nil, calling self_.WndProc' ); {$ENDIF INPACKAGE} //self_.RefInc; //TRY Result := self_.WndProc( M ); //FINALLY // self_.RefDec; //END; end else if Applet <> nil then Result := Applet.WndProc( M ) else Result := DefWindowProc( W, Msg, wParam, lParam ); {$IFDEF DEBUG_ENDSESSION} if EndSession_Initiated then begin LogFileOutput( GetStartDir + 'es_debug.txt', 'HWND:' + Int2Str( W ) + ' MSG:$' + Int2Hex( Msg, 4 ) + ' Result: ' + Int2Str( Result ) + '($' + Int2Hex( Result, 8 ) + ')' ); end; {$ENDIF} {$IFDEF INPACKAGE} LogOK; FINALLY Log( '<-WndFunc' ); END; {$ENDIF INPACKAGE} {$IFDEF DEBUG_MONITOR_MESSAGES} if Assigned( OnMonitorMessage ) then OnMonitorMessage( M, FALSE ); {$ENDIF} end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION} procedure TList.OptimizeForRead; {$IFDEF TLIST_FAST} var i, j, N: Integer; NewBlocksList: PList; BlockStart: PPointer; {$ENDIF} begin {$IFDEF TLIST_FAST} if fNotOptimized and fUseBlocks then begin NewBlocksList := NewList; NewBlocksList.UseBlocks := FALSE; i := 0; while i < Count do begin N := 256; if N > Count-i then N := Count-i; GetMem( BlockStart, 256 * Sizeof(Pointer) ); NewBlocksList.Add( BlockStart ); NewBlocksList.Add( Pointer(N) ); for j := i to i+N-1 do begin BlockStart^ := Items[j]; inc( BlockStart ); end; inc( i, 256 ); end; N := Count; Clear; Free_And_Nil( fBlockList ); fBlockList := NewBlocksList; fCount := N; fNotOptimized := FALSE; end; {$ENDIF} end; var IdleHandlers: PList; ProcessIdle: procedure ( Sender: PObj ) = DummyObjProc; procedure ProcessIdleProc( Sender: PObj ); var i: integer; m: TMethod; begin if AppletTerminated then exit; // YS + >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> i := 0; with IdleHandlers^ do while i < Count do begin m.Code:=Items[i]; Inc(i); m.Data:=Items[i]; Inc(i); TOnEvent(m)(Sender); end; end; function FindIdleHandler( const OnIdle: TOnEvent ): integer; var i: integer; begin i := 0; if not AppletTerminated then //+ {Maxim Pushkar} with TMethod(OnIdle), IdleHandlers^ do while i < Count do begin if (Items[i] = Code) and (Items[i + 1] = Data) then begin Result := i; exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} end; Inc(i, 2); end; Result := -1; end; procedure RegisterIdleHandler( const OnIdle: TOnEvent ); begin if IdleHandlers = nil then begin IdleHandlers := NewList; if Applet <> nil then Applet.Add2AutoFree(IdleHandlers); end; with TMethod(OnIdle) do begin IdleHandlers.Add(Code); IdleHandlers.Add(Data); end; ProcessIdle := @ProcessIdleProc; end; procedure UnRegisterIdleHandler( const OnIdle: TOnEvent ); var i: integer; begin i := FindIdleHandler(OnIdle); if i <> -1 then with IdleHandlers^ do begin Delete(i); Delete(i); end; end; {$IFDEF GDI} {$IFDEF ASM_VERSION}{$ELSE PAS_VERSION} procedure TerminateExecution( var AppletCtl: PControl ); var App: PControl; Appalreadyterminated: Boolean; begin Appalreadyterminated := AppletTerminated; AppletTerminated := TRUE; AppletRunning := FALSE; App := Applet; Applet := nil; if (App <> nil) {and (App.RefCount >= 0)} then begin App.RefInc; if not Appalreadyterminated then begin App.ProcessMessages; App.Perform( WM_CLOSE, 0, 0 ); end; AppletCtl := nil; App.Free; App.RefDec; end; end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION} //22{$IFDEF ASM_VERSION} function CallTControlCreateWindow( Ctl: PControl ): Boolean; begin {$IFDEF SAFE_CODE} Result := FALSE; TRY if Ctl = nil then Exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} Result := Ctl.CreateWindow; EXCEPT END; {$ELSE} Result := Ctl.CreateWindow; {$ENDIF} end; //22{$ENDIF} {$ENDIF GDI} {$ENDIF WIN_GDI} {$IFDEF GDI} {$IFDEF ASM_VERSION}{$ELSE PAS_VERSION} //Pascal procedure Run( var AppletCtl: PControl ); {$IFDEF PSEUDO_THREADS} var n: Integer; i: Integer; T: PThread; u: DWORD; M: TMsg; {$ENDIF} begin if AppletCtl = nil then Exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} AppletRunning := True; Applet := AppletCtl; AppletCtl.CreateWindow; //virtual!!! //Applet_Wnd := AppletCtl.Handle; while not AppletTerminated do begin {$IFDEF PSEUDO_THREADS} if MainThread <> nil then begin while not PeekMessage( M, 0, 0, 0, pm_noremove ) do begin u := GetTickCount; n := 0; for i := 1 to MainThread.AllThreads.Count-1 do begin T := MainThread.AllThreads.Items[ i ]; if not T.Suspended and not T.Terminated and (T.DoNotWakeUntil < u) then begin inc( n ); break; end; end; if n = 0 then WaitMessage else MainThread.NextThread; end; end else WaitMessage; {$ELSE} WaitMessage; {$ENDIF} AppletCtl.ProcessMessages; {$IFDEF USE_OnIdle} ProcessIdle( AppletCtl ); {$ENDIF} end; if Assigned( AppletCtl ) then TerminateExecution( AppletCtl ); end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION} {$ENDIF GDI} {$IFDEF _X_} {$IFDEF GTK} PROCEDURE Run( var AppletWnd: PControl ); BEGIN AppletRunning := True; Applet := AppletWnd; AppletWnd.VisualizyWindow; // for GTK, show all windows having Visible = TRUE, recursively gtk_main( ); IF AppletWnd <> nil THEN //TerminateExecution( AppletWnd ); Free_And_Nil( AppletWnd ); END; {$ENDIF GTK} {$ENDIF _X_} {$IFDEF WIN_GDI} {$IFDEF GDI} procedure AppletMinimize; begin if Applet = nil then Exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} Applet.Perform( WM_SYSCOMMAND, SC_MINIMIZE, 0 ); end; procedure AppletHide; begin if Applet = nil then Exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} AppletMinimize; Applet.Hide; end; procedure AppletRestore; begin if Applet = nil then Exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} Applet.Show; Applet.Perform( WM_SYSCOMMAND, SC_RESTORE, 0 ); end; function ScreenWidth: Integer; begin Result := GetSystemMetrics( SM_CXSCREEN ); end; function ScreenHeight: Integer; begin Result := GetSystemMetrics( SM_CYSCREEN ); end; {$ENDIF GDI} //22{$IFDEF ASM_VERSION} //function WndProcAppAsm( Self_: PControl; var Msg: TMsg; var Rslt: Integer ): Boolean; forward; //22{$ENDIF} function WndProcAppPas( Self_: PControl; var Msg: TMsg; var Rslt: Integer ): Boolean; forward; function WndProcForm( Self_: PControl; var Msg: TMsg; var Rslt: Integer ): Boolean; forward; function WndProcPaint( Self_: PControl; var Msg: TMsg; var Rslt: Integer ): Boolean; forward; function WndProcGradient( Self_: PControl; var Msg: TMsg; var Rslt: Integer ): Boolean; forward; function WndProcGradientEx( Self_: PControl; var Msg: TMsg; var Rslt: Integer ): Boolean; forward; function WndProcLabelEffect( Self_: PControl; var Msg: TMsg; var Rslt: Integer ): Boolean; forward; function WndProcNotify( Self_: PControl; var Msg: TMsg; var Rslt: Integer ): Boolean; forward; function WndProcCommonNotify( Self_: PControl; var Msg: TMsg; var Rslt: Integer ): Boolean; forward; var fGlobalProcKeybd: function( Sender: PControl; var Msg: TMsg; var Rslt: Integer ): Boolean = WndProcDummy; { -- Graphics support -- } {$ENDIF WIN_GDI} function _NewGraphicTool: PGraphicTool; begin New( Result, Create ); {$IFDEF DEBUG_OBJKIND} Result.fObjKind := 'TGraphicTool'; {$ENDIF} end; {$IFDEF WIN_GDI} {$IFDEF ASM_VERSION}{$ELSE ASM_VERSION PAS_VERSION} function SimpleGetCtlBrushHandle( Sender: PControl ): HBrush; {$IFDEF STORE_fTmpBrushColorRGB}{$ELSE} var tmpRGBColor: TColor; {$ENDIF} begin if (Sender.fParent <> nil) and (Sender.fColor = Sender.fParent.fColor) then Result := SimpleGetCtlBrushHandle( Sender.fParent ) else begin {$IFDEF GDI} {$IFDEF STORE_fTmpBrushColorRGB} if (Sender.fTmpBrush <> 0) and (Color2RGB( Sender.fColor ) <> Sender.fTmpBrushColorRGB) then begin DeleteObject( Sender.fTmpBrush ); Sender.fTmpBrush := 0; end; {$ENDIF} if Sender.fTmpBrush = 0 then begin {$IFDEF STORE_fTmpBrushColorRGB} Sender.fTmpBrushColorRGB := Color2RGB( Sender.fColor ); Sender.fTmpBrush := CreateSolidBrush( Sender.fTmpBrushColorRGB ); {$ELSE} tmpRGBColor := Color2RGB( Sender.fColor ); Sender.fTmpBrush := CreateSolidBrush( tmpRGBColor ); {$ENDIF} end; Result := Sender.fTmpBrush; {$ELSE} Result := 0; {$ENDIF GDI} end; end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION} {$IFDEF ASM_VERSION}{$ELSE notASM_VERSION} function NormalGetCtlBrushHandle( Sender: PControl ): HBrush; var B: PGraphicTool; //P: PControl; begin {$IFDEF GDI} B := Sender.Brush; //P := Sender.fParent; //if P <> nil then if Sender.fParent <> nil then B.fParentGDITool := Sender.fParent.Brush; //P.Brush; Result := B.Handle; {$ELSE} Result := 0; {$ENDIF GDI} end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION} function MakeFontHandle( Self_: PGraphicTool ): THandle; forward; function MakeBrushHandle( Self_: PGraphicTool ): THandle; forward; function MakePenHandle( Self_: PGraphicTool ): THandle; forward; function MakeGeometricPenHandle( Self_: PGraphicTool ): THandle; forward; {$ENDIF WIN_GDI} {$IFDEF ASM_VERSION}{$ELSE PAS_VERSION} //Pascal function NewBrush: PGraphicTool; begin {$IFDEF GDI} Global_GetCtlBrushHandle := NormalGetCtlBrushHandle; {$ENDIF GDI} Result := _NewGraphicTool; with Result^ do begin fNewProc := @ NewBrush; fType := gttBrush; {$IFDEF GDI} fMakeHandleProc := @ MakeBrushHandle; {$ENDIF GDI} Result.fData.Color := clBtnFace; Result.fData.Brush.Style := bsSolid; end; end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION} {$IFDEF ASM_VERSION}{$ELSE PAS_VERSION} //Pascal function NewPen: PGraphicTool; begin Result := _NewGraphicTool; with Result^ do begin fNewProc := @ NewPen; fType := gttPen; {$IFDEF GDI} fMakeHandleProc := @ MakePenHandle; {$ENDIF GDI} fData.Pen.Mode := pmCopy; end; end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION} var ApplyFont2Wnd_Proc: procedure( _Self: PObj ) = DummyObjProc; procedure DoApplyFont2Wnd( _Self: PControl ); forward; const size_FontData = sizeof( Integer {fFontHeight} ) + sizeof( Integer {fFontWidth} ) + sizeof( TFontPitch ) + sizeof( TFontStyle ) + sizeof( Integer {fFontOrientation} ) + sizeof( Integer {fFontWeight} ) + sizeof( TFontCharset ) + sizeof( TFontQuality ); {$IFDEF ASM_VERSION}{$ELSE PAS_VERSION} //Pascal function NewFont: PGraphicTool; begin ApplyFont2Wnd_Proc := @ DoApplyFont2Wnd; Result := _NewGraphicTool; with Result^ do begin fNewProc := @ NewFont; fType := gttFont; {$IFDEF GDI} fMakeHandleProc := @ MakeFontHandle; fData.Color := DefFontColor; Move( DefFont, fData.Font, Sizeof( TGDIFont ) ); {$ENDIF GDI} {$IFDEF GTK} fData.Font.Weight := 400; {$ENDIF GTK} end; end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION} {$IFDEF ASM_VERSION}{$ELSE PAS_VERSION} function Color2RGB( Color: TColor ): TColor; begin if Color < 0 then Result := GetSysColor(Color and $7F) else Result := Color; end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION} function RGB2BGR( Color: TColor ): TColor; begin Result := ((Color shr 16) or (Color shl 16) or Color and $00FF00) and $FFFFFF; end; function ColorsMix( Color1, Color2: TColor ): TColor; {$IFDEF F_P} begin Result := ((Color2RGB( Color1 ) and $FEFEFE) shr 1) + ((Color2RGB( Color2 ) and $FEFEFE) shr 1); end; {$ELSE DELPHI} asm //PUSH EDX CALL Color2Rgb //POP EDX XCHG EAX, EDX //PUSH EDX CALL Color2Rgb //POP EDX MOV ECX, $0FEFEFE AND EAX, ECX AND EDX, ECX ADD EAX, EDX ROR EAX, 1 end; {$ENDIF F_P/DELPHI} {$IFDEF WIN_GDI} {$IFDEF ASM_VERSION}{$ELSE PAS_VERSION} //Pascal function Color2RGBQuad( Color: TColor ): TRGBQuad; var C: Integer; begin C := Color2RGB( Color ); C := ((C shr 16) and $FF) or ((C shl 16) and $FF0000) or (C and $FF00); Result := TRGBQuad( C ); end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION} {$IFDEF ASM_VERSION}{$ELSE PAS_VERSION} function Color2Color16( Color: TColor ): WORD; begin Color := Color2RGB( Color ); Result := (Color shr 19) and $1F or (Color shr 5) and $7E0 or (Color shl 8) and $F800; end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION} function Color2Color15( Color: TColor ): WORD; begin Color := Color2RGB( Color ); Result := (Color shr 19) and $1F or (Color shr 6) and $3E0 or (Color shl 7) and $7C00; end; {$ENDIF WIN_GDI} { TGraphicTool } {$IFDEF ASM_VERSION}{$ELSE PAS_VERSION} function TGraphicTool.Assign(Value: PGraphicTool): PGraphicTool; var _Self: PGraphicTool; begin Result := nil; if Value = nil then begin {$IFDEF OLD_REFCOUNT} if @Self <> nil then DoDestroy; {$ELSE} Free; {$ENDIF} Exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} end; _Self := @Self; if _Self = nil then _Self := Value.fNewProc(); Result := _Self; if _Self = Value then Exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} // to avoid infinite loop when assigning to itself {$IFDEF GDI} if _Self.fHandle <> 0 then if Value.fHandle = _Self.fHandle then Exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} {$ENDIF GDI} _Self.Changed; // to destroy handle if allocated and release it from the canvas (if any uses it) {$IFDEF KOL_ASSERTIONS} Assert( Value.fType = _Self.fType, 'Attempt to assign to different GDI tool type' ); {$ENDIF KOL_ASSERTIONS} Move( Value.fData, _Self.fData, Sizeof( fData ) ); _Self.Changed; // to inform owner control, that its tool (font, brush) changed end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION} {$IFDEF WIN_GDI} procedure TGraphicTool.AssignHandle(NewHandle: Integer); begin if fHandle <> 0 then // DeleteObject( fHandle ); // fHandle := NewHandle; GetObject( fHandle, Sizeof( TGDIFont ), @ fData.Font ); Changed; end; {$ENDIF WIN_GDI} {$IFDEF ASM_VERSION}{$ELSE PAS_VERSION} //Pascal procedure TGraphicTool.Changed; {$IFDEF GDI} var H: THandle; {$ENDIF GDI} begin {$IFDEF GDI} H := 0; if fHandle <> 0 then begin H := fHandle; fHandle := 0; end; //////////////////////////////// if Assigned( TMethod( fOnGTChange ).Data ) then fOnGTChange( @Self ); //////////////////////////////// if H <> 0 then begin DeleteObject( H ); {$IFDEF DEBUG_GDIOBJECTS} case fType of gttBrush: Dec( BrushCount ); gttFont: Dec( FontCount ); gttPen: Dec( PenCount ); end; {$ENDIF} end; {$ENDIF GDI} {$IFDEF GTK} IF Assigned( fPangoFontDesc ) THEN BEGIN pango_font_description_free( fPangoFontDesc ); fPangoFontDesc := nil; END; ///////////////////////////////// IF Assigned( fOnGTChange ) THEN ///////////////////////////////// fOnGTChange( @Self ); {$ENDIF GTK} end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION} {$IFDEF ASM_VERSION}{$ELSE PAS_VERSION} //Pascal destructor TGraphicTool.Destroy; begin {$IFDEF GDI} case fType of gttBrush: if fData.Brush.Bitmap <> 0 then DeleteObject( fData.Brush.Bitmap ); gttPen: if fData.Pen.BrushBitmap <> 0 then DeleteObject( fData.Pen.BrushBitmap ) end; if fHandle <> 0 then begin DeleteObject( fHandle ); {$IFDEF DEBUG_GDIOBJECTS} case fType of gttPen: Dec( PenCount ); gttBrush: Dec( BrushCount ); gttFont: Dec( FontCount ); end; {$ENDIF} //fHandle := 0; Why to do this? It is now destroying! end; {$ENDIF GDI} inherited; end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION} {$IFDEF WIN_GDI} function TGraphicTool.HandleAllocated: Boolean; begin Result := fHandle <> 0; end; {$IFDEF ASM_VERSION}{$ELSE ASM_VERSION PAS_VERSION} function TGraphicTool.ReleaseHandle: Integer; begin Changed; Result := fHandle; fHandle := 0; end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION} {$ENDIF WIN_GDI} {$IFDEF ASM_VERSION}{$ELSE PAS_VERSION} //Pascal procedure TGraphicTool.SetInt( const Index: Integer; Value: Integer ); var Where: PInteger; begin Where := Pointer( Integer( @ fData ) + Index ); if Where^ = Value then Exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} Where^ := Value; Changed; end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION} function TGraphicTool.GetInt(const Index: Integer): Integer; var Where: PInteger; begin Where := Pointer( Integer( @ fData ) + Index ); Result := Where^; end; {$IFDEF WIN_GDI} {$ENDIF WIN_GDI} procedure TGraphicTool.SetColor( Value: TColor ); begin SetInt( go_Color, Value ); fColorRGB := Color2RGB( Value ); end; {$IFDEF WIN_GDI} {$IFDEF ASM_VERSION}{$ELSE PAS_VERSION} //Pascal function TGraphicTool.IsFontTrueType: Boolean; var OldFont: HFont; DC: HDC; begin Result := False; if GetHandle = 0 then Exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} DC := GetDC( 0 ); OldFont := SelectObject( DC, fHandle ); if GetFontData( DC, 0, 0, nil, 0 ) <> GDI_ERROR then Result := True; SelectObject( DC, OldFont ); ReleaseDC( 0, DC ); end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION} function TGraphicTool.GetBrushBitmap: HBitmap; begin Result := fData.Brush.Bitmap; // for BCB only end; procedure TGraphicTool.SetBrushBitmap(const Value: HBitmap); begin if fData.Brush.Bitmap = Value then Exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} if fData.Brush.Bitmap <> 0 then begin Changed; // !!! DeleteObject( fData.Brush.Bitmap ); end; fData.Brush.Bitmap := Value; Changed; end; function TGraphicTool.GetBrushStyle: TBrushStyle; begin Result := fData.Brush.Style; // for BCB only end; {$ENDIF WIN_GDI} procedure TGraphicTool.SetBrushStyle(const Value: TBrushStyle); begin if fData.Brush.Style = Value then Exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} fData.Brush.Style := Value; Changed; end; {$IFDEF WIN_GDI} function TGraphicTool.GetFontCharset: TFontCharset; begin Result := fData.Font.CharSet; // for BCB only end; procedure TGraphicTool.SetFontCharset(const Value: TFontCharset); begin if fData.Font.Charset = Value then Exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} fData.Font.Charset := Value; Changed; end; function TGraphicTool.GetFontQuality: TFontQuality; begin Result := fData.Font.Quality; // for BCB only end; procedure TGraphicTool.SetFontQuality(const Value: TFontQuality); begin if fData.Font.Quality = Value then Exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} fData.Font.Quality := Value; Changed; end; {$ENDIF WIN_GDI} function TGraphicTool.GetFontName: KOLString; begin Result := fData.Font.Name; {$IFDEF GTK} IF Result = '' THEN Result := 'Sans Serif'; {$ENDIF GTK} end; {$IFDEF ASM_UNICODE}{$ELSE PAS_VERSION} procedure TGraphicTool.SetFontName(const Value: KOLString); begin if KOLString(fData.Font.Name) = Value then Exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} //FillChar( fData.Font.Name[ 0 ], LF_FACESIZE, #0 ); //ZeroMemory( @fData.Font.Name[ 0 ], LF_FACESIZE ); {$IFDEF UNICODE_CTRLS} WStrLCopy {$ELSE} StrLCopy {$ENDIF} ( PKOLChar(@fData.Font.Name[0]), PKOLChar( Value ), Length(Value) * SizeOf(KOLChar) {LF_FACESIZE} ); Changed; end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION} {$IFDEF WIN_GDI} {$IFDEF ASM_VERSION}{$ELSE PAS_VERSION} //Pascal procedure TextAreaEx( Sender: PCanvas; var Sz : TSize; var Pt : TPoint ); var Orient : Integer; Pts : array[ 1..4 ] of TPoint; MinX, MinY, I : Integer; A : Double; begin if not Sender.Font.IsFontTrueType then Exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} Orient := Sender.Font.FontOrientation; Pt.x := 0; Pt.y := 0; if Orient = 0 then Exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} A := Orient / 1800.0 * PI; Pts[ 1 ] := Pt; Pts[ 2 ].x := Round( Sz.cx * cos( A ) ); Pts[ 2 ].y := - Round( Sz.cx * sin( A ) ); Pts[ 4 ].x := - Round( Sz.cy * cos( A + PI / 2 ) ); Pts[ 4 ].y := Round( Sz.cy * sin( A + PI / 2 ) ); Pts[ 3 ].x := Pts[ 2 ].x + Pts[ 4 ].x; Pts[ 3 ].y := Pts[ 2 ].y + Pts[ 4 ].y; MinX := 0; MinY := 0; for I := 2 to 4 do begin if Pts[ I ].x < MinX then MinX := Pts[ I ].x; if Pts[ I ].y < MinY then MinY := Pts[ I ].y; end; Sz.cx := 0; Sz.cy := 0; for I := 1 to 4 do begin Pts[ I ].x := Pts[ I ].x - MinX; Pts[ I ].y := Pts[ I ].y - MinY; if Pts[ I ].x > Sz.cx then Sz.cx := Pts[ I ].x; if Pts[ I ].y > Sz.cy then Sz.cy := Pts[ I ].y; end; Pt := Pts[ 1 ]; end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION} function TGraphicTool.GetFontOrientation: Integer; begin Result := fData.Font.Orientation; // for BCB only end; {$IFDEF ASM_VERSION}{$ELSE PAS_VERSION} //Pascal procedure TGraphicTool.SetFontOrientation(Value: Integer); begin GlobalGraphics_UseFontOrient := True; TOnTextArea( GlobalCanvas_OnTextArea ) := TextAreaEx; Value := Value mod 3600; // -3599..+3599 SetInt( go_FontOrientation, Value ); SetInt( go_FontEscapement, Value ); end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION} function TGraphicTool.GetFontPitch: TFontPitch; begin Result := fData.Font.Pitch; // for BCB only end; procedure TGraphicTool.SetFontPitch(const Value: TFontPitch); begin if fData.Font.Pitch = Value then Exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} fData.Font.Pitch := Value; Changed; end; {$ENDIF WIN_GDI} {$IFDEF ASM_VERSION}{$ELSE PAS_VERSION} //Pascal function TGraphicTool.GetFontStyle: TFontStyle; type PFontStyle = ^TFontStyle; begin Result := [ ]; if fData.Font.Weight >= 700 then Result := [ fsBold ]; if fData.Font.Italic then include( Result, fsItalic ); if fData.Font.Underline then include( Result, fsUnderline ); if fData.Font.StrikeOut then include( Result, fsStrikeOut ); end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION} {$IFDEF ASM_VERSION}{$ELSE PAS_VERSION} //Pascal procedure TGraphicTool.SetFontStyle(const Value: TFontStyle); begin if FontStyle = Value then Exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} if fsBold in Value then begin if fData.Font.Weight < 700 then fData.Font.Weight := 700; end else begin if fData.Font.Weight >= 700 then fData.Font.Weight := 0; end; fData.Font.Italic := fsItalic in Value; fData.Font.Underline := fsUnderline in Value; fData.Font.StrikeOut := fsStrikeOut in Value; Changed; end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION} {$IFDEF WIN_GDI} function TGraphicTool.GetPenMode: TPenMode; begin Result := fData.Pen.Mode; // for BCB only end; procedure TGraphicTool.SetPenMode(const Value: TPenMode); begin if fData.Pen.Mode = Value then Exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} fData.Pen.Mode := Value; Changed; end; function TGraphicTool.GetPenStyle: TPenStyle; begin Result := fData.Pen.Style; // for BCB only end; procedure TGraphicTool.SetPenStyle(const Value: TPenStyle); begin if fData.Pen.Style = Value then Exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} fData.Pen.Style := Value; Changed; end; {$IFDEF ASM_VERSION}{$ELSE PAS_VERSION} //Pascal function TGraphicTool.GetHandle: THandle; begin Result := fHandle; if Result <> 0 then begin if Color2RGB( fData.Color ) <> fColorRGB then begin DeleteObject( ReleaseHandle ); Result := 0; end; end; if Result = 0 then begin if ( fParentGDITool <> nil ) then begin if CompareMem( @ fData, @ fParentGDITool.fData, Sizeof( fData ) ) then begin Result := fParentGDITool.Handle; Exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} end; end; fColorRGB := Color2RGB( fData.Color ); fMakeHandleProc( @Self ); Result := fHandle; end; end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION} {$IFDEF ASM_VERSION}{$ELSE PAS_VERSION} //Pascal function MakeBrushHandle( Self_: PGraphicTool ): THandle; var LogBrush: TLogBrush; begin if Self_.fHandle = 0 then begin LogBrush.lbColor := Color2RGB( Self_.fData.Color ); if Self_.fData.Brush.Bitmap <> 0 then begin LogBrush.lbStyle := BS_PATTERN; LogBrush.lbHatch := Self_.fData.Brush.Bitmap; end else begin LogBrush.lbHatch := 0; case Self_.fData.Brush.Style of bsSolid: LogBrush.lbStyle := BS_SOLID; bsClear: LogBrush.lbStyle := BS_NULL; else LogBrush.lbStyle := BS_HATCHED; LogBrush.lbHatch := Ord(Self_.fData.Brush.Style)-Ord(bsHorizontal); LogBrush.lbColor := Color2RGB( Self_.fData.Brush.LineColor ); end; end; Self_.fHandle := CreateBrushIndirect(LogBrush); {$IFDEF DEBUG_GDIOBJECTS} if Self_.fHandle <> 0 then Inc( BrushCount ) else ShowMessage( 'Could not create brush, error ' + Int2Str( GetLastError ) + ': ' + SysErrorMessage( GetLastError ) ); {$ENDIF} end; Result := Self_.fHandle; end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION} {$UNDEF ASM_LOCAL} {$IFNDEF UNICODE_CTRLS} {$IFDEF ASM_VERSION} {$IFNDEF AUTO_REPLACE_CLEARTYPE} {$DEFINE ASM_LOCAL} {$ENDIF AUTO_REPLACE_CLEARTYPE} {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION} {$ENDIF} {$IFDEF ASM_LOCAL} function MakeFontHandle( Self_: PGraphicTool ): THandle; asm XCHG EDX, EAX MOV EAX, [EDX].TGraphicTool.fHandle TEST EAX, EAX JNZ @@exit PUSH EDX LEA ECX, [EDX].TGraphicTool.fData.Font PUSH ECX CALL CreateFontIndirect POP EDX MOV [EDX].TGraphicTool.fHandle, EAX @@exit: end; {$ELSE PAS_VERSION} //Pascal function MakeFontHandle( Self_: PGraphicTool ): THandle; {$IFDEF AUTO_REPLACE_CLEARTYPE} var LF: TLogFont; {$ENDIF} begin with Self_^ do begin if fHandle = 0 then begin {$IFDEF AUTO_REPLACE_CLEARTYPE} Move( fData.Font, LF, Sizeof( LF ) ); if WinVer < wvXP then begin if LF.lfQuality > ANTIALIASED_QUALITY then LF.lfQuality := ANTIALIASED_QUALITY; end; fHandle := CreateFontIndirect( LF ); {$ELSE} fHandle := CreateFontIndirect( PLogFont( @ fData.Font )^ ); {$ENDIF} {$IFDEF DEBUG_GDIOBJECTS} Inc( FontCount ); {$ENDIF} end; Result := fHandle; end; end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION} {$IFDEF ASM_VERSION}{$ELSE PAS_VERSION} //Pascal function MakePenHandle( Self_: PGraphicTool ): THandle; var LogPen: TLogPen; begin with Self_^ do begin //GlobalGraphics_OnObjectCreating( @Self ); if fHandle = 0 then with LogPen do begin lopnStyle := Byte( fData.Pen.Style ); lopnWidth.X := fData.Pen.Width; lopnColor := Color2RGB( fData.Color ); fHandle := CreatePenIndirect( LogPen ); {$IFDEF DEBUG_GDIOBJECTS} Inc( PenCount ); {$ENDIF} end; //GlobalGraphics_OnObjectCreated( @Self ); Result := fHandle; end; end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION} function TGraphicTool.GetGeometricPen: Boolean; begin Result := fData.Pen.Geometric; // for BCB only end; procedure TGraphicTool.SetGeometricPen(const Value: Boolean); begin if fData.Pen.Geometric = Value then Exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} fData.Pen.Geometric := Value; fMakeHandleProc := MakeGeometricPenHandle; Changed; end; function TGraphicTool.GetPenEndCap: TPenEndCap; begin Result := fData.Pen.EndCap; // for BCB only end; procedure TGraphicTool.SetPenEndCap(const Value: TPenEndCap); begin if fData.Pen.EndCap = Value then Exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} fData.Pen.EndCap := Value; Changed; end; function TGraphicTool.GetPenJoin: TPenJoin; begin Result := fData.Pen.Join; // for BCB only end; procedure TGraphicTool.SetPenJoin(const Value: TPenJoin); begin if fData.Pen.Join = Value then Exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} fData.Pen.Join := Value; Changed; end; {$IFDEF ASM_VERSION}{$ELSE PAS_VERSION} //Pascal function MakeGeometricPenHandle( Self_: PGraphicTool ): THandle; const PenStyles: array[ TPenStyle ] of Word = (PS_SOLID, PS_DASH, PS_DOT, PS_DASHDOT, PS_DASHDOTDOT, PS_NULL, PS_INSIDEFRAME); PenEndCapStyles: array[ TPenEndCap ] of Word = (PS_ENDCAP_ROUND, PS_ENDCAP_SQUARE, PS_ENDCAP_FLAT); PenJoinStyles: array[ TPenJoin ] of Word = (PS_JOIN_ROUND, PS_JOIN_BEVEL, PS_JOIN_MITER ); var LogBrush: TLogBrush; begin if Self_.fHandle = 0 then with Self_^, LogBrush do begin lbColor := Color2RGB( fData.Color ); lbHatch := 0; if fData.Pen.BrushBitmap <> 0 then begin lbStyle := BS_PATTERN; lbHatch := fData.Pen.BrushBitmap; end else case fData.Pen.BrushStyle of bsSolid: lbStyle := BS_SOLID; bsClear: lbStyle := BS_NULL; else lbStyle := BS_HATCHED; case fData.Pen.BrushStyle of bsHorizontal: lbHatch := HS_HORIZONTAL; bsVertical: lbHatch := HS_VERTICAL; bsFDiagonal: lbHatch := HS_FDIAGONAL; bsBDiagonal: lbHatch := HS_BDIAGONAL; bsCross: lbHatch := HS_CROSS; bsDiagCross: lbHatch := HS_DIAGCROSS; end; end; end; Self_.fHandle := ExtCreatePen( PS_GEOMETRIC or Byte( Self_.fData.Pen.Style ) or PenEndCapStyles[ Self_.fData.Pen.EndCap ] or PenJoinStyles[ Self_.fData.Pen.Join ], Self_.fData.Pen.Width, LogBrush, 0, nil ); {Assert( Self_.fHandle <> 0, 'Error ' + Int2Str( GetLastError ) + ': ' + SysErrorMessage( GetLastError ) );} {$IFDEF DEBUG_GDIOBJECTS} Inc( PenCount ); {$ENDIF} Result := Self_.fHandle; end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION} {$ENDIF WIN_GDI} function TGraphicTool.GetFontWeight: Integer; begin Result := fData.Font.Weight; // for BCB only end; procedure TGraphicTool.SetFontWeight(const Value: Integer); begin if fData.Font.Weight = Value then Exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} fData.Font.Weight := Value; Changed; end; {$IFDEF WIN_GDI} procedure TGraphicTool.SetLogFontStruct(const Value: TLogFont); begin if CompareMem(@fData.Font, @Value, SizeOf(TLogFont)) then Exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>} Move(Value, fData.Font, SizeOF(TLogFont)); Changed; end; function TGraphicTool.GetLogFontStruct: TLogFont; begin Move(fData.Font, Result, SizeOf(TLogFont)); end; {$ENDIF WIN_GDI} {$IFDEF _X_} {$IFDEF GTK} FUNCTION TGraphicTool.GetPangoFontDesc: PPangoFontDescription; VAR s: AnsiString; i: Integer; FUNCTION IfThen( cond: Boolean; CONST s: AnsiString ): AnsiString; BEGIN Result := ''; IF cond THEN Result := s; END; {const Weights: array[0..9] of String = ( 'Ultralight', 'Ultralight', 'Ultralight', 'Light', 'Normal', 'Normal', 'Normal', 'Bold', 'Ultrabold', 'Heavy' );} BEGIN IF NOT Assigned( fPangoFontDesc ) THEN BEGIN s := FontName; { + ' ' + IfThen( FontWeight <> 400, Weights[ FontWeight div 100 ] + ' ' ) + IfThen( fsItalic in FontStyle, 'Italic ' ) {+ Int2Str( FontHeight )}; fPangoFontDesc := pango_font_description_from_string( PAnsiChar( s ) ); i := FontHeight; IF i > 0 THEN pango_font_description_set_absolute_size( fPangoFontDesc, i * PANGO_SCALE ); //i := pango_font_description_get_size( fPangoFontDesc ); i := PANGO_STYLE_NORMAL; IF fsItalic IN FontStyle THEN i := PANGO_STYLE_ITALIC; pango_font_description_set_style( fPangoFontDesc, i ); pango_font_description_set_weight( fPangoFontDesc, FontWeight ); END; Result := fPangoFontDesc; END; FUNCTION Color2GDKColor( Color: TColor ): TGdkColor; BEGIN Color := Color2RGB( Color ); Result.pixel := 0; Result.red := (Color and $FF) shl 8; Result.green := Color and $FF00; Result.blue := (Color shr 8) and $FF00; END; {$ENDIF GTK} {$ENDIF _X_} {$IFDEF WIN_GDI} { TCanvas } type TStock = Packed Record StockPen: HPEN; StockBrush: HBRUSH; StockFont: HFONT; end; var Stock: TStock; destructor TCanvas.Destroy; begin Handle := 0; fPen.Free; fBrush.Free; fFont.Free; inherited; end; {$IFDEF ASM_VERSION}{$ELSE PAS_VERSION} //Pascal function TCanvas.Assign(SrcCanvas: PCanvas): Boolean; begin fFont := fFont.Assign( SrcCanvas.fFont ); fBrush := fBrush.Assign( SrcCanvas.fBrush ); fPen := fPen.Assign( SrcCanvas.fPen ); AssignChangeEvents; Result := (fFont <> nil) or (fBrush <> nil) or (fPen <> nil); if (SrcCanvas.PenPos.x <> PenPos.x) or (SrcCanvas.PenPos.y <> PenPos.y) then begin Result := True; PenPos := SrcCanvas.PenPos; end; if SrcCanvas.ModeCopy <> ModeCopy then begin Result := True; ModeCopy := SrcCanvas.ModeCopy; end; end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION} {$IFDEF ASM_VERSION}{$ELSE PAS_VERSION} //Pascal procedure TCanvas.CreateBrush; begin if assigned( fBrush ) then begin SelectObject( GetHandle, fBrush.Handle ); AssignChangeEvents; if fBrush.fData.Brush.Style = bsSolid then begin SetBkColor( fHandle, Color2RGB( fBrush.fData.Color ) ); SetBkMode( fHandle, OPAQUE ); end else begin { Win95 doesn't draw brush hatches if bkcolor = brush color } { Since bkmode is transparent, nothing should use bkcolor anyway } SetBkColor( fHandle, not Color2RGB( fBrush.fData.Color ) ); SetBkMode( fHandle, TRANSPARENT ); end; end else if Assigned( fOwnerControl ) then begin SetBkColor( GetHandle, Color2RGB( PControl( fOwnerControl ).fColor ) ); SetBkMode( fHandle, OPAQUE ); end; end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION} {$IFDEF ASM_VERSION}{$ELSE PAS_VERSION} //Pascal procedure TCanvas.CreateFont; begin if ( fFont <> nil ) then begin SelectObject( GetHandle, fFont.Handle ); SetTextColor( fHandle, Color2RGB( fFont.fData.Color ) ); AssignChangeEvents; end else if ( fOwnerControl <> nil ) then begin SetTextColor( fHandle, Color2RGB( PControl( fOwnerControl ).fTextColor ) ); end; end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION} {$IFDEF ASM_VERSION}{$ELSE PAS_VERSION} //Pascal procedure TCanvas.CreatePen; begin if ( fPen <> nil ) then begin SelectObject( GetHandle, fPen.Handle ); SetROP2( fHandle, Ord( fPen.fData.Pen.Mode ) + 1 ); AssignChangeEvents; end; end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION} function TCanvas.GetPixels(X, Y: Integer): TColor; begin RequiredState( HandleValid ); Result := Windows.GetPixel(FHandle, X, Y); end; procedure TCanvas.SetPixels(X, Y: Integer; const Value: TColor); begin Changing; RequiredState( HandleValid ); Windows.SetPixel(FHandle, X, Y, Color2RGB( Value )); end; procedure TCanvas.OffsetAndRotate(Xoff, Yoff: Integer; Angle: Double); var F: TXForm; begin SetGraphicsMode( fHandle, GM_ADVANCED ); F.eM11 := cos( Angle ); F.eM12 := sin( Angle ); F.eM21 := -F.eM12; F.eM22 := F.eM11; F.eDx := Xoff; F.eDy := Yoff; SetWorldTransform( fHandle, F ); if (Angle = 0) and (Xoff = 0) and (Yoff = 0) then SetGraphicsMode( fHandle, GM_COMPATIBLE ); end; {$ENDIF WIN_GDI} {$IFDEF _X_} {$IFDEF GTK} PROCEDURE TCanvas.SaveState; BEGIN gdk_gc_get_values( fHandle, @ fSavedState ); END; PROCEDURE TCanvas.RestoreState; VAR mask: DWORD; BEGIN mask := $1FFFF; if fSavedState.font = nil then mask := mask and not GDK_GC_FONT; if fSavedState.stipple = nil then mask := mask and not GDK_GC_STIPPLE; gdk_gc_set_values( fHandle, @ fSavedState, mask ); DeselectHandles; END; {$ENDIF GTK} {$ENDIF _X_} {$IFDEF GDI} {$IFDEF ASM_VERSION}{$ELSE PAS_VERSION} //Pascal procedure TCanvas.DeselectHandles; begin if (fHandle <> 0) and LongBool(fState and (PenValid or BrushValid or FontValid)) then with Stock do begin if StockPen = 0 then begin StockPen := GetStockObject(BLACK_PEN); StockBrush := GetStockObject(HOLLOW_BRUSH); StockFont := GetStockObject(SYSTEM_FONT); end; SelectObject( fHandle, StockPen ); SelectObject( fHandle, StockBrush ); SelectObject( fHandle, StockFont ); fState := fState and not( PenValid or BrushValid or FontValid ); end; end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION} {$ENDIF GDI} {$IFDEF _X_} {$IFDEF GTK} PROCEDURE TCanvas.DeselectHandles; BEGIN IF ( fFont <> nil ) AND ( fFont.fPangoFontDesc <> nil ) THEN BEGIN pango_font_description_free( fFont.fPangoFontDesc ); fFont.fPangoFontDesc := nil; END; fState := fState and not( PenValid or BrushValid or FontValid ); END; {$ENDIF GTK} {$ENDIF _X_} {$IFDEF WIN_GDI} {$IFDEF ASM_VERSION}{$ELSE PAS_VERSION} //Pascal function TCanvas.RequiredState(ReqState: DWORD): HDC; stdcall; var NeededState: Byte; begin if Boolean(ReqState and ChangingCanvas) then Changing; ReqState := ReqState and 15; NeededState := Byte( ReqState ) and not fState; Result := 0; if Boolean(ReqState and HandleValid) then begin if GetHandle = 0 then Exit; // Important! {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} end; if NeededState <> 0 then begin if Boolean( NeededState and FontValid ) then CreateFont; if Boolean( NeededState and PenValid ) then begin CreatePen; if ( fPen <> nil ) then if fPen.fData.Pen.Style in [psDash, psDot, psDashDot, psDashDotDot] then NeededState := NeededState or BrushValid; end; if Boolean( NeededState and BrushValid ) then CreateBrush; fState := fState or NeededState; end; Result := fHandle; end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION} {$ENDIF WIN_GDI} {$IFDEF _X_} {$IFDEF GTK} PROCEDURE TCanvas.ForeBack(fg_color, bk_color: TColor); // install colors just before drawing BEGIN fg_color := RGB2BGR( Color2RGB( fg_color ) ); bk_color := RGB2BGR( Color2RGB( bk_color ) ); gdk_rgb_gc_set_foreground( fHandle, fg_color ); gdk_rgb_gc_set_background( fHandle, bk_color ); END; {$ENDIF GTK} {$ENDIF _X_} {$IFDEF WIN_GDI} {$IFDEF ASM_VERSION}{$ELSE PAS_VERSION} //Pascal procedure TCanvas.SetHandle(Value: HDC); {$IFDEF F_P} var Ptr1: Pointer; {$ENDIF F_P} begin if fHandle = Value then Exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} if fHandle <> 0 then begin DeselectHandles; {$IFDEF GDI} if (fOwnerControl = nil) or (PControl(fOwnerControl).fPaintDC <> fHandle) then begin {$IFDEF F_P} Ptr1 := Self; asm MOV EAX, [Ptr1] MOV EAX, [EAX].TCanvas.fOnGetHandle MOV [Ptr1], EAX end [ 'EAX' ]; if Ptr1 = @ TControl.DC2Canvas then {$ELSE DELPHI} //////////////////// SLAG if TMethod(fOnGetHandle).Code = @TControl.Dc2Canvas then {$ENDIF F_P/DELPHI} ReleaseDC( PControl(fOwnerControl).Handle, fHandle ) else if not (fIsAlienDC or fIsPaintDC) then DeleteDC( fHandle ); //////////////////// end; {$ENDIF GDI} fHandle := 0; fIsPaintDC := False; fState := fState and not HandleValid; end; if Value <> 0 then begin fState := fState or HandleValid; fHandle := Value; SetPenPos( fPenPos ); end; end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION} {$ENDIF WIN_GDI} {$IFDEF ASM_VERSION}{$ELSE PAS_VERSION} //Pascal procedure TCanvas.SetPenPos(const Value: TPoint); begin fPenPos := Value; {$IFDEF GDI} MoveTo( Value.x, Value.y ); {$ENDIF GDI} end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION} {$IFDEF WIN_GDI} {$IFDEF ASM_VERSION}{$ELSE PAS_VERSION} //Pascal procedure TCanvas.Changing; begin if Assigned( fOnChangeCanvas ) then fOnChangeCanvas( @Self ); end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION} {$ENDIF WIN_GDI} {$IFDEF GDI} {$IFDEF ASM_VERSION}{$ELSE PAS_VERSION} //Pascal procedure TCanvas.Arc(X1, Y1, X2, Y2, X3, Y3, X4, Y4: Integer); stdcall; begin RequiredState( HandleValid or PenValid or ChangingCanvas ); Windows.Arc(FHandle, X1, Y1, X2, Y2, X3, Y3, X4, Y4); end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION} {$ENDIF GDI} {$IFDEF _X_} {$IFDEF GTK} PROCEDURE TCanvas.Arc(X1, Y1, X2, Y2, X3, Y3, X4, Y4: Integer); STDCALL; VAR C: TPoint; angle1, angle2: Integer; A1, A2: Double; BEGIN ////RequiredState( {HandleValid or} PenValid or ChangingCanvas ); C := MakePoint( (X1 + X2) div 2, (Y1 + Y2) div 2 ); {$IFDEF NOT_USE_EXCEPTION} A1 := ArcTan2( Y3-C.Y, X3-C.X ); A2 := ArcTan2( Y4-C.Y, X4-C.X ); {$ELSE USE_EXCEPTION} TRY A1 := ArcTan2( Y3-C.Y, X3-C.X ); EXCEPT A1 := 0; END; TRY A2 := ArcTan2( Y4-C.Y, X4-C.X ); EXCEPT A2 := 0; END; {$ENDIF NOT_USE_EXCEPTION} angle1 := -Round(A1 * 180 * 64 / PI); angle2 := -Round(A2 * 180 * 64 / PI); IF Brush.BrushStyle <> bsClear THEN BEGIN ForeBack( Brush.Color, Brush.Color ); gdk_draw_arc( fDrawable, fHandle, 1, X1, Y1, X2-X1, Y2-Y1, angle1, angle2 ); END; ForeBack( Pen.Color, Brush.Color ); gdk_draw_arc( fDrawable, fHandle, 0, X1, Y1, X2-X1, Y2-Y1, angle1, angle2 ); END; {$ENDIF GTK} {$ENDIF _X_} {$IFDEF WIN_GDI} {$IFDEF ASM_VERSION}{$ELSE PAS_VERSION} //Pascal procedure TCanvas.Chord(X1, Y1, X2, Y2, X3, Y3, X4, Y4: Integer); stdcall; begin RequiredState( HandleValid or PenValid or BrushValid or ChangingCanvas ); Windows.Chord(FHandle, X1, Y1, X2, Y2, X3, Y3, X4, Y4); end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION} {$IFDEF ASM_VERSION}{$ELSE PAS_VERSION} //Pascal procedure TCanvas.CopyRect(const DstRect: TRect; SrcCanvas: PCanvas; const SrcRect: TRect); begin RequiredState( HandleValid or FontValid or BrushValid or ChangingCanvas ); SrcCanvas.RequiredState( HandleValid or BrushValid ); StretchBlt( fHandle, DstRect.Left, DstRect.Top, DstRect.Right - DstRect.Left, DstRect.Bottom - DstRect.Top, SrcCanvas.Handle, SrcRect.Left, SrcRect.Top, SrcRect.Right - SrcRect.Left, SrcRect.Bottom - SrcRect.Top, ModeCopy); end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION} {$IFDEF ASM_VERSION}{$ELSE PAS_VERSION} //Pascal procedure TCanvas.DrawFocusRect({$IFNDEF FPC}const{$ENDIF} Rect: TRect); begin RequiredState( HandleValid or BrushValid or FontValid or ChangingCanvas ); Windows.DrawFocusRect(FHandle, Rect); end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION} {$IFDEF ASM_VERSION}{$ELSE PAS_VERSION} //Pascal procedure TCanvas.Ellipse(X1, Y1, X2, Y2: Integer); begin RequiredState( HandleValid or PenValid or BrushValid or ChangingCanvas ); Windows.Ellipse(FHandle, X1, Y1, X2, Y2); end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION} {$ENDIF WIN_GDI} {$IFDEF GDI} {$IFDEF ASM_VERSION}{$ELSE PAS_VERSION} //Pascal procedure TCanvas.FillRect({$IFNDEF FPC}const{$ENDIF} Rect: TRect); var Br: HBrush; begin RequiredState( HandleValid or BrushValid or ChangingCanvas ); if fBrush <> nil then begin Windows.FillRect(fHandle, Rect, fBrush.Handle); end else if ( fOwnerControl <> nil ) then begin {$IFDEF GDI} if ( PControl( fOwnerControl ).fBrush <> nil ) then Windows.FillRect( fHandle, Rect, PControl( fOwnerControl ).fBrush.Handle ) else begin Br := CreateSolidBrush( Color2RGB(PControl(fOwnerControl).fColor) ); Windows.FillRect(fHandle, Rect, Br ); DeleteObject( Br ); end; {$ENDIF GDI} end else Windows.FillRect(fHandle, Rect, HBrush(COLOR_WINDOW + 1) ); end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION} {$ENDIF GDI} {$IFDEF _X_} {$IFDEF GTK} PROCEDURE TCanvas.FillRect({$IFNDEF FPC}const{$ENDIF} Rect: TRect); BEGIN if (fBrush <> nil) and (fBrush.BrushStyle = bsClear) then Exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} ForeBack( Brush.Color, Brush.Color ); gdk_draw_rectangle( fDrawable, fHandle, 1, Rect.Left, Rect.Top, Rect.Right-Rect.Left, Rect.Bottom-Rect.Top ); END; {$ENDIF GTK} {$ENDIF _X_} {$IFDEF WIN_GDI} {$IFDEF ASM_VERSION}{$ELSE PAS_VERSION} //Pascal procedure TCanvas.FillRgn(const Rgn: HRgn); var Br : HBrush; begin RequiredState( HandleValid or BrushValid or ChangingCanvas ); if ( fBrush <> nil ) then Windows.FillRgn(FHandle, Rgn, fBrush.Handle ) else if ( fOwnerControl <> nil ) then begin {$IFDEF GDI} if ( PControl( fOwnerControl ).fBrush <> nil ) then Windows.FillRgn( FHandle, Rgn, PControl( fOwnerControl ).fBrush.Handle ) else begin Br := CreateSolidBrush( Color2RGB(PControl(fOwnerControl).fColor) ); Windows.FillRgn( fHandle, Rgn, Br ); DeleteObject( Br ); end; {$ENDIF GDI} end else begin Br := CreateSolidBrush( DWORD(clWindow) ); Windows.FillRgn( fHandle, Rgn, Br ); DeleteObject( Br ); end; end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION} {$IFDEF ASM_VERSION}{$ELSE PAS_VERSION} //Pascal procedure TCanvas.FloodFill(X, Y: Integer; Color: TColor; FillStyle: TFillStyle); const FillStyles: array[TFillStyle] of Word = (FLOODFILLSURFACE, FLOODFILLBORDER); begin RequiredState( HandleValid or BrushValid or ChangingCanvas ); Windows.ExtFloodFill(FHandle, X, Y, Color, FillStyles[FillStyle]); end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION} {$IFDEF ASM_VERSION}{$ELSE PAS_VERSION} //Pascal procedure TCanvas.FrameRect({$IFNDEF FPC}const{$ENDIF} Rect: TRect); var SolidBr : HBrush; begin RequiredState( HandleValid or ChangingCanvas ); if fBrush <> nil then SolidBr := CreateSolidBrush( Color2RGB( fBrush.fData.Color ) ) else if fOwnerControl <> nil then SolidBr := CreateSolidBrush( PControl(fOwnerControl).fColor ) else SolidBr := CreateSolidBrush( clWhite ); Windows.FrameRect(FHandle, Rect, SolidBr); DeleteObject( SolidBr ); end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION} {$ENDIF WIN_GDI} {$IFDEF GDI} {$IFDEF ASM_VERSION}{$ELSE PAS_VERSION} //Pascal procedure TCanvas.LineTo(X, Y: Integer); begin RequiredState( HandleValid or PenValid or BrushValid or ChangingCanvas ); Windows.LineTo( fHandle, X, Y ); end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION} {$ENDIF GDI} {$IFDEF _X_} {$IFDEF GTK} PROCEDURE TCanvas.LineTo(X, Y: Integer); BEGIN ForeBack( Pen.Color, Brush.Color ); gdk_draw_line( fDrawable, fHandle, fPenPos.X, fPenPos.Y, X, Y ); fPenPos := MakePoint( X, Y ); END; {$ENDIF GTK} {$ENDIF _X_} {$IFDEF GDI} {$IFDEF ASM_VERSION}{$ELSE PAS_VERSION} //Pascal procedure TCanvas.MoveTo(X, Y: Integer); begin RequiredState( HandleValid ); Windows.MoveToEx( fHandle, X, Y, nil ); end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION} {$ENDIF GDI} {$IFDEF _X_} {$IFDEF GTK} PROCEDURE TCanvas.MoveTo(X, Y: Integer); BEGIN fPenPos := MakePoint( X, Y ); END; {$ENDIF GTK} {$ENDIF _X_} procedure TCanvas.ObjectChanged(Sender: PGraphicTool); begin DeselectHandles; end; {$IFDEF WIN_GDI} {$IFDEF ASM_VERSION}{$ELSE PAS_VERSION} //Pascal procedure TCanvas.Pie(X1, Y1, X2, Y2, X3, Y3, X4, Y4: Integer); stdcall; begin RequiredState( HandleValid or PenValid or BrushValid or ChangingCanvas ); Windows.Pie( fHandle, X1, Y1, X2, Y2, X3, Y3, X4, Y4); end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION} {$IFDEF ASM_VERSION}{$ELSE PAS_VERSION} //Pascal procedure TCanvas.Polygon(const Points: array of TPoint); type PPoints = ^TPoints; TPoints = array[0..0] of TPoint; begin RequiredState( HandleValid or PenValid or BrushValid or ChangingCanvas ); {$IFDEF F_P} Windows_Polygon {$ELSE DELPHI} Windows.Polygon {$ENDIF}( fHandle, PPoints(@Points)^, High(Points) + 1); end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION} {$IFDEF ASM_VERSION}{$ELSE PAS_VERSION} //Pascal procedure TCanvas.Polyline(const Points: array of TPoint); type PPoints = ^TPoints; TPoints = array[0..0] of TPoint; begin RequiredState( HandleValid or PenValid or BrushValid or ChangingCanvas ); {$IFDEF F_P}Windows_Polyline {$ELSE DELPHI}Windows.Polyline {$ENDIF}( fHandle, PPoints(@Points)^, High(Points) + 1); end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION} {$IFDEF ASM_VERSION}{$ELSE PAS_VERSION} //Pascal procedure TCanvas.Rectangle(X1, Y1, X2, Y2: Integer); begin RequiredState( HandleValid or BrushValid or PenValid or ChangingCanvas ); Windows.Rectangle( fHandle, X1, Y1, X2, Y2); end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION} {$IFDEF ASM_VERSION}{$ELSE PAS_VERSION} //Pascal procedure TCanvas.RoundRect(X1, Y1, X2, Y2, X3, Y3: Integer); begin RequiredState( HandleValid or BrushValid or PenValid or ChangingCanvas ); Windows.RoundRect( fHandle, X1, Y1, X2, Y2, X3, Y3); end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION} {$ENDIF WIN_GDI} {$IFDEF ASM_VERSION}{$ELSE PAS_VERSION} //Pascal procedure TCanvas.TextArea(const Text: KOLString; var Sz: TSize; var P0: TPoint); begin Sz := TextExtent( Text ); P0.x := 0; P0.y := 0; TOnTextArea( GlobalCanvas_OnTextArea )( @Self, Sz, P0 ); end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION} {$IFDEF _D3orHigher} procedure TCanvas.WTextArea(const Text: KOLWideString; var Sz: TSize; var P0: TPoint); begin Sz := WTextExtent( Text ); P0.x := 0; P0.y := 0; TOnTextArea( GlobalCanvas_OnTextArea )( @Self, Sz, P0 ); end; {$ENDIF _D3orHigher} {$IFDEF GDI} {$IFDEF TEXT_EXTENT_OLD} {$IFDEF ASM_UNICODE}{$ELSE PAS_VERSION} //Pascal function TCanvas.TextExtent(const Text: KOLString): TSize; var DC : HDC; ClearHandle : Boolean; begin ClearHandle := False; RequiredState( HandleValid or FontValid ); DC := fHandle; if DC = 0 then begin DC := CreateCompatibleDC( 0 ); ClearHandle := True; SetHandle( DC ); If Not (fIsAlienDC or fIsPaintDC) then ClearHandle := True; //************ // Added By Gerasimov end; RequiredState( HandleValid or FontValid ); GetTextExtentPoint32( fHandle, PKOLChar(Text), Length(Text), Result); {$IFDEF FIX_ITALIC_TEXT_WIDTH} if fsItalic in Font.FontStyle then begin inc( Result.cx, Result.cy div 4 ); end; {$ENDIF} if ClearHandle then SetHandle( 0 ); { DC must be freed here automatically (never leaks): if Canvas created on base of existing DC, no memDC created, if Canvas has fHandle:HDC = 0, it is not fIsPaintDC always. } end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION} {$ELSE TEXT_EXTENT_NEW} {$IFDEF ASM_UNICODE}{$ELSE notASM_VERSION} function TCanvas.TextExtent(const Text: KOLString): TSize; begin RequiredState( HandleValid or FontValid ); GetTextExtentPoint32( fHandle, PKOLChar(Text), Length(Text), Result); {$IFDEF FIX_ITALIC_TEXT_WIDTH} if Font.fData.Font.Italic then inc( Result.cx, Result.cy div 4 ); {$ENDIF} end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION} {$ENDIF TEXT_EXTENT_NEW} {$ENDIF GDI} {$IFDEF _X_} {$IFDEF GTK} FUNCTION TCanvas.TextExtent(const Text: KOLString): TSize; VAR layout: PPangoLayout; context: PPangoContext; BEGIN //RequiredState( HandleValid or FontValid ); IF fOwnerControl <> nil THEN BEGIN context := nil; layout := gtk_widget_create_pango_layout( PControl( fOwnerControl ).fEventboxHandle, nil ); END ELSE BEGIN //todo: seems not working in such way... What to do for memory bitmap? context := pango_context_new; //layout := gtk_widget_create_pango_layout( fHandle, PChar( Text ) ); layout := pango_layout_new( context ); END; pango_layout_set_font_description( layout, Font.FontHandle ); pango_layout_set_text( layout, PAnsiChar( Text ), Length( Text ) ); pango_layout_get_size( layout, @ Result.cx, @ Result.cy ); g_object_unref( layout ); IF context <> nil THEN g_object_unref( context ); END; {$ENDIF GTK} {$ENDIF _X_} function TCanvas.TextHeight(const Text: KOLString): Integer; begin Result := TextExtent(Text).cY; end; {$IFDEF GDI} procedure TCanvas.TextOutA(X, Y: Integer; const Text: AnsiString); stdcall; begin RequiredState( HandleValid or FontValid or BrushValid or ChangingCanvas ); Windows.TextOutA(FHandle, X, Y, PAnsiChar(Text), Length(Text)); end; {$IFDEF ASM_UNICODE}{$ELSE PAS_VERSION} //Pascal procedure TCanvas.TextOut(X, Y: Integer; const Text: KOLString); stdcall; begin RequiredState( HandleValid or FontValid or BrushValid or ChangingCanvas ); {$IFDEF UNICODE_CTRLS}Windows.TextOutW {$ELSE} Windows.TextOutA {$ENDIF}(FHandle, X, Y, PKOLChar(Text), Length(Text)); end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION} {$ENDIF GDI} {$IFDEF _X_} {$IFDEF GTK} PROCEDURE TCanvas.TextOut(X, Y: Integer; CONST Text: AnsiString); STDCALL; VAR Options: Integer; BEGIN Options := 0; if Brush.BrushStyle <> bsClear then Options := ETO_OPAQUE; ExtTextOut( X, Y, Options, MakeRect( 0,0,0,0 ), Text, [ ] ); END; {$ENDIF GTK} {$ENDIF _X_} {$IFDEF GDI} {$IFDEF ASM_VERSION}{$ELSE PAS_VERSION} //Pascal procedure TCanvas.TextRect(const Rect: TRect; X, Y: Integer; const Text: Ansistring); var Options: Integer; begin //Changing; RequiredState( HandleValid or FontValid or BrushValid or ChangingCanvas ); Options := ETO_CLIPPED; if ( fBrush <> nil ) and (fBrush.fData.Brush.Style <> bsClear) or ( fBrush = nil ) then Inc(Options, ETO_OPAQUE); Windows.ExtTextOutA( fHandle, X, Y, Options, @Rect, PAnsiChar(Text), Length(Text), nil); // KOL_ANSI end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION} {$ENDIF GDI} {$IFDEF _X_} {$IFDEF GTK} PROCEDURE TCanvas.TextRect(CONST Rect: TRect; X, Y: Integer; CONST Text: Ansistring); VAR Options: Integer; BEGIN Options := ETO_CLIPPED; IF Brush.BrushStyle <> bsClear THEN Options := Options or ETO_OPAQUE; ExtTextOut( X, Y, Options, Rect, Text, [] ); // KOL_ANSI END; {$ENDIF GTK} {$ENDIF _X_} {$IFDEF GDI} procedure TCanvas.ExtTextOut( X, Y: Integer; Options: DWORD; const Rect: TRect; const Text: AnsiString; const Spacing: array of Integer ); begin RequiredState( HandleValid or FontValid or BrushValid or ChangingCanvas ); windows.ExtTextOutA(FHandle, X, Y, Options, @Rect, PAnsiChar(Text), Length(Text), @Spacing[ 0 ]); // KOL_ANSI have not Ex end; {$ENDIF GDI} {$IFDEF _X_} {$IFDEF GTK} PROCEDURE TCanvas.ExtTextOut( X, Y: Integer; Options: DWORD; CONST Rect: TRect; CONST Text: AnsiString; CONST Spacing: ARRAY of Integer ); VAR context: PPangoContext; layout: PPangoLayout; w, h: Integer; pixmap: PGdkPixmap; BEGIN ////RequiredState( {HandleValid or} FontValid or BrushValid or ChangingCanvas ); w := Rect.Right - Rect.Left; h := Rect.Bottom - Rect.Top; IF fOwnerControl <> nil THEN BEGIN context := nil; layout := gtk_widget_create_pango_layout( PControl( fOwnerControl ).fEventboxHandle, nil ); END ELSE BEGIN //todo: seems not working in such way... What to do for memory bitmap? context := pango_context_new; //layout := gtk_widget_create_pango_layout( fHandle, PChar( Text ) ); layout := pango_layout_new( context ); END; pango_layout_set_font_description( layout, Font.FontHandle ); pango_layout_set_text( layout, PAnsiChar( Text ), Length( Text ) ); IF Options AND ETO_CLIPPED = 0 THEN BEGIN pango_layout_get_size( layout, @ w, @ h ); w := w div PANGO_SCALE; h := h div PANGO_SCALE; END; pixmap := gdk_pixmap_new( PControl( fOwnerControl ).fEventboxHandle.window, w, h, -1 ); //todo: use MainForm IF Options AND ETO_OPAQUE <> 0 THEN BEGIN ForeBack( Brush.Color, Brush.Color ); gdk_draw_rectangle( GDK_DRAWABLE( pixmap ), fHandle, 1, 0, 0, w, h ); END ELSE BEGIN gdk_draw_drawable( GDK_DRAWABLE( pixmap ), fHandle, fDrawable, Rect.Left, Rect.Top, 0, 0, w, h ); END; ForeBack( Font.Color, Brush.Color ); gdk_draw_layout( GDK_DRAWABLE( pixmap ), fHandle, X, Y, layout ); g_object_unref( layout ); gdk_draw_drawable( fDrawable, fHandle, GDK_DRAWABLE( pixmap ), 0, 0, Rect.Left, Rect.Top, w, h ); g_object_unref( pixmap ); IF context <> nil THEN g_object_unref( context ); END; {$ENDIF GTK} {$ENDIF _X_} {$IFDEF WIN_GDI} {$IFDEF ASM_VERSION}{$ELSE} procedure TCanvas.DrawText(Text: AnsiString; var Rect:TRect; Flags:DWord); begin RequiredState( HandleValid or FontValid or BrushValid or ChangingCanvas ); Windows.DrawTextA(Handle, PAnsiChar(Text), -1, Rect, Flags); // KOL_ANSI end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION} function TCanvas.ClipRect: TRect; begin RequiredState( HandleValid or FontValid or BrushValid or ChangingCanvas ); GetClipBox(Handle, Result); end; {$ENDIF WIN_GDI} function TCanvas.TextWidth(const Text: KOLString): Integer; begin Result := TextExtent(Text).cX; end; {$IFDEF GDI} {$IFDEF ASM_VERSION}{$ELSE PAS_VERSION} //Pascal function TCanvas.GetBrush: PGraphicTool; begin if ( fBrush = nil ) then begin fBrush := NewBrush; if ( fOwnerControl <> nil ) then begin fBrush.fData.Color := PControl(fOwnerControl).fColor; if ( PControl(fOwnerControl).fBrush <> nil ) then fBrush.Assign( PControl(fOwnerControl).fBrush ); // both statements above needed end; AssignChangeEvents; end; Result := fBrush; end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION} {$ENDIF GDI} {$IFDEF _X_} {$IFDEF GTK} FUNCTION TCanvas.GetBrush: PGraphicTool; BEGIN IF ( fBrush = nil ) THEN BEGIN fBrush := NewBrush; IF ( fOwnerControl <> nil ) THEN BEGIN fBrush.fData.Color := PControl(fOwnerControl).fColor; IF ( PControl(fOwnerControl).fBrush <> nil ) THEN fBrush.Assign( PControl(fOwnerControl).fBrush ); // both statements above needed END; AssignChangeEvents; END; Result := fBrush; END; {$ENDIF GTK} {$ENDIF _X_} {$IFDEF ASM_VERSION}{$ELSE PAS_VERSION} //Pascal function TCanvas.GetFont: PGraphicTool; begin if ( fFont = nil ) then begin fFont := NewFont; if ( fOwnerControl <> nil ) then begin fFont.Color := PControl(fOwnerControl).fTextColor; if ( PControl(fOwnerControl).fFont <> nil ) then fFont.Assign( PControl(fOwnerControl).fFont ); end; AssignChangeEvents; end; Result := fFont; end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION} {$IFDEF ASM_VERSION}{$ELSE PAS_VERSION} //Pascal function TCanvas.GetPen: PGraphicTool; begin if ( fPen = nil ) then begin fPen := NewPen; AssignChangeEvents; end; Result := fPen; end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION} {$IFDEF GDI} {$IFDEF ASM_VERSION}{$ELSE PAS_VERSION} //Pascal function TCanvas.GetHandle: HDC; begin ///////////////////////////////// if Assigned( fOnGetHandle ) then ///////////////////////////////// begin Result := fOnGetHandle( @Self ); SetHandle( Result ); end else Result := fHandle; end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION} {$ENDIF GDI} {$IFDEF _X_} {$IFDEF GTK} FUNCTION TCanvas.GetHandle: HDC; BEGIN //////////////////////////////// IF Assigned( fOnGetHandle ) THEN //////////////////////////////// fHandle := fOnGetHandle( @Self ); Result := fHandle; END; {$ENDIF GTK} {$ENDIF _X_} {$IFDEF ASM_VERSION}{$ELSE PAS_VERSION} //Pascal procedure TCanvas.AssignChangeEvents; begin if ( fBrush <> nil ) then fBrush.fOnGTChange := ObjectChanged; if ( fPen <> nil ) then fPen.fOnGTChange := ObjectChanged; if ( fFont <> nil ) then fFont.fOnGTChange := ObjectChanged; end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION} {$IFDEF WIN_GDI} {$IFNDEF _FPC} {$IFNDEF _D2} procedure TCanvas.WDrawText(WText: KOLWideString; var Rect: TRect; Flags: DWord); begin RequiredState( HandleValid or FontValid or BrushValid or ChangingCanvas ); Windows.DrawTextW(Handle,PWideChar(WText),-1,Rect,Flags); end; procedure TCanvas.WExtTextOut(X, Y: Integer; Options: DWORD; const Rect: TRect; const WText: KOLWideString; const Spacing: array of Integer); begin RequiredState( HandleValid or FontValid or BrushValid or ChangingCanvas ); Windows.ExtTextOutW(FHandle, X, Y, Options, @Rect, PWideChar(WText), Length(WText), @Spacing[ 0 ]); end; procedure TCanvas.WTextOut(X, Y: Integer; const WText: KOLWideString); begin RequiredState( HandleValid or FontValid or BrushValid or ChangingCanvas ); Windows.TextOutW(FHandle, X, Y, PWideChar(WText), Length(WText)); MoveTo(X + WTextWidth(WText), Y); end; procedure TCanvas.WTextRect(const Rect: TRect; X, Y: Integer; const WText: KOLWideString); var Options: Integer; begin RequiredState( HandleValid or FontValid or BrushValid or ChangingCanvas ); Options := ETO_CLIPPED; if ( fBrush <> nil ) and (fBrush.fData.Brush.Style <> bsClear) or ( fBrush = nil ) then Inc(Options, ETO_OPAQUE); Windows.ExtTextOutW( fHandle, X, Y, Options, @Rect, PWideChar(WText), Length(WText), nil); end; function TCanvas.WTextExtent(const WText: KOLWideString): TSize; var DC : HDC; ClearHandle : Boolean; begin ClearHandle := False; RequiredState( HandleValid or FontValid ); DC := fHandle; if DC = 0 then begin DC := CreateCompatibleDC( 0 ); ClearHandle := True; SetHandle( DC ); end; RequiredState( HandleValid or FontValid ); Windows.GetTextExtentPoint32W( fHandle, PWideChar(WText), Length(WText), Result); if ClearHandle then SetHandle( 0 ); end; function TCanvas.WTextHeight(const WText: KOLWideString): Integer; begin Result := WTextExtent( WText ).cy; end; function TCanvas.WTextWidth(const WText: KOLWideString): Integer; begin Result := WTextExtent( WText ).cx; end; {$ENDIF _D2} {$ENDIF _FPC} {$ENDIF WIN_GDI} function MakeInt64( Lo, Hi: DWORD ): I64; begin Result.Lo := Lo; Result.Hi := Hi; end; {$IFDEF PAS_ONLY} {$ELSE} function Int2Int64( X: Integer ): I64; asm MOV [EDX], EAX MOV ECX, EDX CDQ MOV [ECX+4], EDX end; procedure IncInt64( var I64: I64; Delta: Integer ); asm ADD [EAX], EDX ADC dword ptr [EAX+4], 0 end; procedure DecInt64( var I64: I64; Delta: Integer ); asm SUB [EAX], EDX SBB dword ptr [EDX], 0 end; function Add64( const X, Y: I64 ): I64; asm PUSH ESI XCHG ESI, EAX LODSD ADD EAX, [EDX] MOV [ECX], EAX LODSD ADC EAX, [EDX+4] MOV [ECX+4], EAX POP ESI end; function Sub64( const X, Y: I64 ): I64; asm PUSH ESI XCHG ESI, EAX LODSD SUB EAX, [EDX] MOV [ECX], EAX LODSD SBB EAX, [EDX+4] MOV [ECX+4], EAX POP ESI end; function Neg64( const X: I64 ): I64; asm MOV ECX, [EAX] NEG ECX MOV [EDX], ECX MOV ECX, 0 SBB ECX, [EAX+4] MOV [EDX+4], ECX end; function Mul64EDX( const X: I64; M: Integer ): I64; asm PUSH ESI PUSH EDI XCHG ESI, EAX MOV EDI, ECX MOV ECX, EDX LODSD MUL ECX STOSD XCHG EDX, ECX LODSD MUL EDX ADD EAX, ECX STOSD POP EDI POP ESI end; {$IFDEF ASM_VERSION}{$ELSE PAS_VERSION} //Pascal function Mul64i( const X: I64; Mul: Integer ): I64; var Minus: Boolean; begin Minus := FALSE; if Mul < 0 then begin Minus := TRUE; Mul := -Mul; end; Result := Mul64EDX( X, Mul ); if Minus then Result := Neg64( Result ); end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION} function Div64EDX( const X: I64; D: Integer ): I64; asm PUSH ESI PUSH EDI XCHG ESI, EAX MOV EDI, ECX MOV ECX, EDX MOV EAX, [ESI+4] CDQ DIV ECX MOV [EDI+4], EAX LODSD DIV ECX STOSD POP EDI POP ESI end; {$IFDEF ASM_VERSION}{$ELSE PAS_VERSION} //Pascal function Div64i( const X: I64; D: Integer ): I64; var Minus: Boolean; begin Minus := FALSE; if D < 0 then begin D := -D; Minus := TRUE; end; Result := X; if Sgn64( Result ) < 0 then begin Result := Neg64( Result ); Minus := not Minus; end; Result := Div64EDX( Result, D ); if Minus then Result := Neg64( Result ); end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION} function Mod64i( const X: I64; D: Integer ): Integer; begin Result := Sub64( X, Mul64i( Div64i( X, D ), D ) ).Lo; end; function Sgn64( const X: I64 ): Integer; asm XOR EDX, EDX CMP [EAX+4], EDX XCHG EAX, EDX JG @@ret_1 JL @@ret_neg CMP [EDX], EAX JZ @@exit @@ret_1: INC EAX RET @@ret_neg: DEC EAX @@exit: end; function Cmp64( const X, Y: I64 ): Integer; begin Result := Sgn64( Sub64( X, Y ) ); end; function Int64_2Str( X: I64 ): AnsiString; var M: Boolean; Y: Integer; Buf: array[ 0..31 ] of AnsiChar; I: Integer; begin M := FALSE; case Sgn64( X ) of -1: begin M := TRUE; X := Neg64( X ); end; 0: begin Result := '0'; Exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} end; end; I := 31; Buf[ 31 ] := #0; while Sgn64( X ) > 0 do begin Dec( I ); Y := Mod64i( X, 10 ); Buf[ I ] := AnsiChar( Y + Integer( '0' ) ); X := Div64i( X, 10 ); end; if M then begin Dec( I ); Buf[ I ] := '-'; end; Result := PAnsiChar( @Buf[ I ] ); end; function Int64_2Hex( X: I64; MinDigits: Integer ): KOLString; begin if (MinDigits <= 8) and (X.Hi <> 0) then Result := Int2Hex( X.Hi, 1 ) + Int2Hex( X.Lo, 8 ) else if X.Hi <> 0 then Result := Int2Hex( X.Hi, MinDigits - 8 ) + Int2Hex( X.Lo, 8 ) else Result := Int2Hex( X.Lo, MinDigits ); end; function Str2Int64( const S: AnsiString ): I64; var I: Integer; M: Boolean; begin Result.Lo := 0; Result.Hi := 0; I := 1; if S = '' then Exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} M := FALSE; if S[ 1 ] = '-' then begin M := TRUE; Inc( I ); end else if S[ 1 ] = '+' then Inc( I ); while I <= Length( S ) do begin if (S[ I ] < '0') or (S[ I ] > '9') then break; Result := Mul64i( Result, 10 ); IncInt64( Result, Integer( S[ I ] ) - Integer( '0' ) ); Inc( I ); end; if M then Result := Neg64( Result ); end; function Int64_2Double( const X: I64 ): Double; asm FILD qword ptr [EAX] FSTP @Result end; function Double2Int64( D: Double ): I64; asm FLD D FISTP qword ptr [EAX] end; {$ENDIF PAS_ONLY} function IsNan(const AValue: Double): Boolean; {$IFDEF _D2orD3} type PI64 = ^I64; {$ENDIF} begin Result := (PI64(@AValue).Hi and $7FF00000 = $7FF00000) and ((PI64(@AValue).Hi and $000FFFFF <> 0) or (PI64(@AValue).Lo <> 0)); end; function IsInfinity(const AValue: Double): Boolean; {$IFDEF _D2orD3} type PI64 = ^I64; {$ENDIF} begin Result := (PI64(@AValue).Hi and $7FF00000 = $7FF00000) and (PI64(@AValue).Hi and $000FFFFF = $00000000); end; {$IFDEF PAS_ONLY} {$DEFINE PAS_INTPOW} {$ENDIF} {$IFDEF F_P} {$DEFINE PAS_INTPOW} {$ENDIF} function IntPower(Base: Extended; Exponent: Integer): Extended; {$IFDEF PAS_ONLY} begin Result := 1.0; if Exponent = 0 then exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} if Exponent < 0 then begin Exponent := -Exponent; Base := 1.0 / Base; end; REPEAT Result := Result * Base; Dec( Exponent ); UNTIL Exponent=0; end; {$ELSE DELPHI} // This version of code by Galkov: Changes in comparison to Delphi standard: // no Overflow exception if Exponent is very big negative value // (just 0 in result in such case). asm fld1 { Result := 1 } test eax,eax // check Exponent for 0, return 0 ** 0 = 1 jz @@3 // (though Mathematics says that this is not so...) fld Base jg @@2 fdivr ST,ST(1) { Base := 1 / Base } neg eax jmp @@2 @@1: fmul ST,ST { X := Base * Base } @@2: shr eax,1 jnc @@1 fmul ST(1),ST { Result := Result * X } jnz @@1 fstp st { pop X from FPU stack } @@3: fwait end; {$ENDIF PAS_ONLY} function NextPowerOf2( n: DWORD ): DWORD; begin Result := 1; while (Result < n) and (Result <> 0) do Result := Result shl 1; end; function Str2Double( const S: KOLString ): Double; var I: Integer; M, Pt: Boolean; D: Double; Ex: Integer; begin Result := 0.0; if S = '' then Exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} M := FALSE; I := 1; if S[ 1 ] = '-' then begin M := TRUE; Inc( I ); end; Pt := FALSE; D := 1.0; while I <= Length( S ) do begin case S[ I ] of '.' {$IFNDEF SMALLEST_CODE}, ','{$ENDIF}: if not Pt then Pt := TRUE else break; '0'..'9': if not Pt then Result := Result * 10 + Integer( S[ I ] ) - Integer( '0' ) else begin D := D * 0.1; Result := Result + (Integer( S[ I ] ) - Integer( '0' )) * D; end; 'e', 'E': begin Ex := Str2Int( CopyEnd( S, I + 1 ) ); Result := Result * IntPower( 10.0, Ex ); break; end; end; Inc( I ); end; if M then Result := -Result; end; function Str2Extended( const S: KOLString ): Extended; var I: Integer; M, Pt: Boolean; D: Extended; Ex: Integer; begin Result := 0.0; if S = '' then Exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} M := FALSE; I := 1; if S[ 1 ] = '-' then begin M := TRUE; Inc( I ); end; Pt := FALSE; D := 1.0; while I <= Length( S ) do begin case S[ I ] of '.' {$IFNDEF SMALLEST_CODE}, ','{$ENDIF}: if not Pt then Pt := TRUE else break; '0'..'9': if not Pt then Result := Result * 10 + Integer( S[ I ] ) - Integer( '0' ) else begin D := D * 0.1; Result := Result + (Integer( S[ I ] ) - Integer( '0' )) * D; end; 'e', 'E': begin Ex := Str2Int( CopyEnd( S, I + 1 ) ); Result := Result * IntPower( 10.0, Ex ); break; end; end; Inc( I ); end; if M then Result := -Result; end; {$IFNDEF PAS_ONLY} function TruncD( D: Double ): Double; asm FLD D PUSH ECX FNSTCW [ESP] POP ECX PUSH ECX OR byte ptr [ESP+1], $0C FLDCW [ESP] PUSH ECX FRNDINT FSTP @Result FLDCW [ESP] POP ECX POP ECX end; {$ENDIF} function IfThenElseBool( t, e: Boolean; Cond: Boolean ): Boolean; begin if cond then Result := t else Result := e; end; function IfThenElseInt( t, e: Integer; Cond: Boolean ): Integer; begin if cond then Result := t else Result := e; end; function IfThenElseStr( const t, e: AnsiString; Cond: Boolean ): AnsiString; begin if cond then Result := t else Result := e; end; {$IFDEF _D5orHigher} function IfThenElse( t, e: Boolean; Cond: Boolean ): Boolean; overload; begin if cond then Result := t else Result := e; end; function IfThenElse( t, e: Integer; Cond: Boolean ): Integer; overload; begin if cond then Result := t else Result := e; end; function IfThenElse( t, e: AnsiString; Cond: Boolean ): AnsiString; overload; begin if cond then Result := t else Result := e; end; function IfThenElse( t, e: Double; Cond: Boolean ): Double; overload; begin if cond then Result := t else Result := e; end; {$ENDIF} // Precision 15 function Extended2Str( E: Extended ): KOLString; function UnpackFromBuf( const Buf: array of Byte; N: Integer ): KOLString; var I, J, K, L: Integer; begin SetLength( Result, 16 ); J := 1; for I := 7 downto 0 do begin K := Buf[ I ] shr 4; Result[ J ] := KOLChar( Ord('0') + K ); Inc( J ); K := Buf[ I ] and $F; Result[ J ] := KOLChar( Ord('0') + K ); Inc( J ); end; //Assert( Result[ 1 ] = '0', 'error!' ); Delete( Result, 1, 1 ); if N <= 0 then begin while N < 0 do begin Result := '0' + Result; Inc( N ); end; Result := '0.' + Result; end else if N < Length( Result ) then begin Result := Copy( Result, 1, N ) + '.' + CopyEnd( Result, N + 1 ); end else begin while N > Length( Result ) do begin Result := Result + '0'; end; Exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} end; L := Length( Result ); while L > 1 do begin if (Result[ L ] <> '0') and (Result[ L ] <> '.') then break; Dec( L ); if Result[ L + 1 ] = '.' then break; end; if L < Length( Result ) then Delete( Result, L + 1, MaxInt ); end; var S: Boolean; var F: Extended; N: Integer; Buf1: array[ 0..9 ] of Byte; I10: Integer; begin Result := '0'; if E = 0 then Exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} S := E < 0; if S then E := -E; N := 15; F := 5E12; I10 := 10; while E < F do begin Dec( N ); E := E * I10; end; if N = 15 then while E >= 1E13 do begin Inc( N ); E := E / I10; end; while TRUE do begin {$IFDEF PAS_ONLY} if TRUNC(Abs(E)) >= 10000000 then break; {$ELSE} asm FLD [E] FBSTP [Buf1] end; if Buf1[ 7 ] <> 0 then break; {$ENDIF} E := E * I10; Dec( N ); end; Result := UnpackFromBuf( Buf1, N ); if S then Result := '-' + Result; end; function Extended2StrDigits( D: Double; n: Integer ): KOLString; var i, m: Integer; label start; begin start: Result := Extended2Str( D ); i := IndexOfChar( Result, '.' ); //pos( '.', Result ); if n <= 0 then begin if i <= 0 then Exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} delete( Result, i, MaxInt ); end else begin if i <= 0 then begin i := Length( Result ) + 1; Result := Result + '.'; end; if Length( Result ) - i < n then Result := Result + StrRepeat( '0', n + i - Length( Result ) ) else begin m := i + n; if Length( Result ) <= m then Exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} if (Result[m+1] > '5') or (Length( Result ) > m+1) and (Result[m+2] > '0') then begin n := m; inc( Result[n] ); while Result[n] > '9' do begin Result[n] := '0'; dec( n ); if n = 0 then begin Result := '1' + Result; break; end; if Result[n] = '.' then dec(n); inc( Result[n] ); end; end; delete( Result, m+1, MaxInt ); end; end; end; function Double2Str( D: Double ): KOLString; begin Result := Extended2Str( D ); end; function Double2StrEx( D: Double ): KOLString; var E, E1, E2: Double; S: KOLString; begin Result := Double2Str( D ); E := Str2Double( Result ); E1 := E - D; if E1 < 0.0 then E1 := -E1; if E1 < 1e-307 then Exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} while TRUE do begin E := D - (E - D) * 0.3; S := Double2Str( E ); if S = Result then break; E := Str2Double( S ); E2 := E - D; if E2 < 0.0 then E2 := -E2; if E2 > E1 * 0.75 then break; Result := S; if E2 < E1 * 0.1 then break; end; end; function GetBits( N: DWORD; first, last: Byte ): DWord; {$IFDEF F_P} begin Result := 0; if last > 31 then last := 31; if first > last then Exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} Result := (N and not ($FFFFFFFF shl last)) shr first; end; {$ELSE DELPHI} asm XCHG EAX, EDX // (1) EDX=N, AL=first {$IFDEF PARANOIA} DB $3C, 31 {$ELSE} CMP AL, 31 {$ENDIF} // first(AL) > 31 ? JBE @@1 // (2) ���� ��, �� Result := 0; @@0: XOR EAX, EAX // (2) RET // (1) @@1: XCHG EAX, ECX // (1) AL = last CL = first SHR EDX, CL // (2) EDX = N shr first SUB AL, CL // (2) AL = last - first JL @@0 // (2) ���� last < first �� Result := 0; {$IFDEF PARANOIA} DB $3C, 32 {$ELSE} CMP AL, 32 {$ENDIF} // (2) last - first >= 32 ? XCHG ECX, EAX // (1) CL = last - first XCHG EAX, EDX // (1) EAX = N shr first JAE @@exit // (2) ���� last - first > 31, �� Result := EAX; SBB EDX, EDX // (2) EDX = -1 DEC EDX // (1) EDX = 1111...10 = -2 SHL EDX, CL // (2) EDX = 111...100..0 (��� n(0)=last-first+1) NOT EDX // (2) EDX = ����� 000..0111...1 (��� n(1)=last-first+1) AND EAX, EDX // (2) @@exit: // EAX = ���������, (1 ���� �� ������� RET) end; {$ENDIF F_P/DELPHI} function GetBitsL( N: DWORD; from, len: Byte ): DWord; {$IFDEF F_P} begin Result := GetBits( N, from, from + len - 1 ); end; {$ELSE DELPHI} asm ADD CL, DL DEC CL JMP GetBits end; {$ENDIF F_P/DELPHI} {$IFNDEF FPC} function MulDiv( A, B, C: Integer ): Integer; asm IMUL EDX IDIV ECX end; {$ENDIF} {$IFDEF ASM_UNICODE}{$ELSE PAS_VERSION} function Int2Hex( Value : DWord; Digits : Integer ) : KOLString; const HexDigitChr: array[ 0..15 ] of KOLChar = ( '0','1','2','3','4','5','6','7', '8','9','A','B','C','D','E','F' ); var Buf: array[ 0..8 ] of KOLChar; Dest : PKOLChar; begin Dest := @Buf[ 8 ]; Dest^ := #0; repeat Dec( Dest ); Dest^ := '0'; if Value <> 0 then begin Dest^ := HexDigitChr[ Value and $F ]; Value := Value shr 4; end; Dec( Digits ); until (Value = 0) and (Digits <= 0); Result := Dest; end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION} {$IFDEF ASM_UNICODE}{$ELSE PAS_VERSION} //Pascal function Hex2Int( const Value : KOLString) : Integer; var I : Integer; begin Result := 0; I := 1; if Value = '' then Exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} if Value[ 1 ] = '$' then Inc( I ); while I <= Length( Value ) do begin if (Value[ I ] >= '0') and (Value[ I ] <= '9') then Result := (Result shl 4) or (Ord(Value[I]) - Ord('0')) else if (Value[ I ] >= 'A') and (Value[ I ] <= 'F') then Result := (Result shl 4) or (Ord(Value[I]) - Ord('A') + 10) else if (Value[ I ] >= 'a') and (Value[ I ] <= 'f') then Result := (Result shl 4) or (Ord(Value[I]) - Ord('a') + 10) else break; Inc( I ); end; end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION} function Octal2Int( const Value: AnsiString ) : Integer; var I: Integer; begin Result := 0; for I := 1 to Length( Value ) do begin if (Value[ I ] >= '0') and (Value[ I ] <= '7') then Result := Result * 8 + Ord( Value[ I ] ) - Ord( '0' ) else break; end; end; function Binary2Int( const Value: AnsiString ) : Integer; var I: Integer; begin Result := 0; for I := 1 to Length( Value ) do begin if (Value[ I ] = '0') or (Value[ I ] = '1') then Result := Result * 2 + Ord( Value[ I ] ) - Ord( '0' ) else break; end; end; function ToRadix( number: Radix_Int; radix: Integer; min_digits: Integer ): KOLString; var Buf: array[ 0..64 ] of KOLChar; p: PKOLChar; n: Integer; {$IFDEF _D5orHigher} numd: Extended; {$ENDIF} begin {$IFDEF KOL_ASSERTIONS} Assert( (radix >= 2) and (radix <= 36), 'Radix base must be between 2 and 36' ); Assert( min_digits <= 64, 'Maximum possible digits number is 64' ); {$ENDIF KOL_ASSERTIONS} p := @ Buf[ 64 ]; p^ := #0; while (number <> 0) do begin dec( p ); {$IFDEF _D5orHigher} if number < 0 then begin numd := 1.0 * I64( number ).Hi * $10000 * $10000 + I64( number ).Lo; number := Round( numd / radix ); n := Round( numd - 1.0 * number * radix ); if n < 0 then begin n := radix + n; dec( number ); end; end else {$ENDIF} begin n := number mod radix; number := number div radix; end; if n <= 9 then p^ := KOLChar( n + Ord( '0' ) ) else p^ := KOLChar( n - 10 + Ord( 'A' ) ); dec( min_digits ); end; while (min_digits > 0) do begin dec( p ); p^ := '0'; dec( min_digits ); end; Result := p; end; function FromRadixStr( var Rslt: Radix_int; s: PKOLChar; radix: Integer ): PKOLChar; var n: Integer; begin {$IFDEF KOL_ASSERTIONS} Assert( (radix >= 2) and (radix <= 36), 'Radix base must be between 2 and 36' ); {$ENDIF KOL_ASSERTIONS} Rslt := 0; while s^ <> #0 do begin CASE s^ OF '0'..'9': n := Ord( s^ ) - Ord( '0' ); 'a'..'z': n := Ord( s^ ) - Ord( 'a' ) + 10; 'A'..'Z': n := Ord( s^ ) - Ord( 'A' ) + 10; else n := 100; END; if n >= radix then break; Rslt := Rslt * radix + n; inc( s ); end; Result := s; end; function FromRadix( const s: AnsiString; radix: Integer ): Radix_int; begin Result := 0; if s = '' then Exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} FromRadixStr( Result, @ s[ 1 ], radix ); end; function InsertSeparators( const s: KOLString; chars_between: Integer; Separator: KOLChar ): KOLString; var L, from_L, n: Integer; begin if (s = '') or (chars_between <= 0) then begin Result := s; Exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} end; From_L := Length( s ); L := From_L + From_L div chars_between; SetLength( Result, L ); while L >= 1 do begin for n := 1 to chars_between do begin Result[ L ] := s[ from_L ]; dec( L ); dec( from_L ); if L < 1 then Exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} end; Result[ L ] := Separator; dec( L ); end; end; {$IFDEF ASM_VERSION}{$ELSE PAS_VERSION} function cHex2Int( const Value : KOLString) : Integer; begin if (Length(Value)>2) and (Value[1]='0') and ((Value[2]='x') or (Value[2]='X')) then Result := Hex2Int( CopyEnd( Value, 3 ) ) else Result := Hex2Int( Value ); end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION} {$IFDEF ASM_UNICODE}{$ELSE PAS_VERSION} //Pascal function Int2Str( Value : Integer ) : KOLString; var Buf : Array[ 0..15 ] of KOLChar; Dst : PKOLChar; Minus : Boolean; D: DWORD; begin Dst := @Buf[ 15 ]; Dst^ := #0; Minus := False; if Value < 0 then begin Value := -Value; Minus := True; end; D := Value; repeat Dec( Dst ); Dst^ := KOLChar( (D mod 10) + Byte( '0' ) ); D := D div 10; until D = 0; if Minus then begin Dec( Dst ); Dst^ := '-'; end; Result := Dst; end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION} procedure Int2PChar( s: PAnsiChar; Value: Integer ); var Buf : array[ 0..15 ] of AnsiChar; Dst : PAnsiChar; Minus : Boolean; D: DWORD; begin Dst := @Buf[ 15 ]; Dst^ := #0; Minus := False; if Value < 0 then begin Value := -Value; Minus := True; end; D := Value; repeat Dec( Dst ); Dst^ := AnsiChar( (D mod 10) + Byte( '0' ) ); D := D div 10; until D = 0; if Minus then begin Dec( Dst ); Dst^ := '-'; end; StrCopy( s, Dst ); end; function UInt2Str( Value: DWORD ): AnsiString; var Buf : Array[ 0..15 ] of AnsiChar; Dst : PAnsiChar; D: DWORD; begin Dst := @Buf[ 15 ]; Dst^ := #0; D := Value; repeat Dec( Dst ); Dst^ := AnsiChar( (D mod 10) + Byte( '0' ) ); D := D div 10; until D = 0; Result := Dst; end; function Int2StrEx( Value, MinWidth: Integer ): KOLString; begin Result := Int2Str( Value ); while Length( Result ) < MinWidth do Result := ' ' + Result; end; function Int2Rome( Value: Integer ): KOLString; const RomeDigs = KOLString('IVXLCDMT'); function RomeNum( N, FromIdx: Integer ): KOLString; begin CASE N OF 1, 2, 3: Result := StrRepeat( RomeDigs[ FromIdx ], N ); 4: Result := KOLString('') + KOLString(RomeDigs[ FromIdx ]) + KOLString(RomeDigs[ FromIdx + 1 ]); 5, 6, 7, 8: Result := KOLString(RomeDigs[ FromIdx + 1 ]) + StrRepeat( RomeDigs[ FromIdx ], N - 5 ); 9: Result := KOLString('') + KOLString(RomeDigs[ FromIdx ]) + KOLString(RomeDigs[ FromIdx + 2 ]); else Result := ''; END; end; var I, J: Integer; begin Result := ''; if Value < 1 then Exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} if Value > 8999 then Exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} // maximum possible is TMMMCMXCIX, i.e. 8999 J := 1; for I := 1 to 3 do begin Result := RomeNum( Value mod 10, J ) + Result; Value := Value div 10; if Value = 0 then Exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} Inc( J, 2 ); end; end; {$IFDEF ASM_UNICODE}{$ELSE PAS_VERSION} function Int2Ths( I : Integer ): KOLString; var S : KOLString; begin S := Int2Str( I ); Result := ''; while S <> '' do begin if Result <> '' then Result := KOLString(ThsSeparator) + Result; Result := CopyTail( S, 3 ) + Result; S := Copy( S, 1, Length( S ) - 3 ); end; if Copy( Result, 1, 2 ) = KOLString('-') + KOLString(ThsSeparator) then Result := '-' + CopyEnd( Result, 3 ); end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION} {$IFDEF ASM_UNICODE}{$ELSE PAS_VERSION} //Pascal function Int2Digs( Value, Digits : Integer ) : KOLString; var M : KOLString; begin Result := Int2Str( Value ); M := ''; if Value < 0 then begin M := '-'; Result := CopyEnd( Result, 2 ); end; if Digits >= 0 then while Length( M + Result ) < Digits do Result := '0' + Result else while Length( Result ) < -Digits do Result := '0' + Result; Result := M + Result; end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION} {$IFDEF ASM_UNICODE}{$ELSE PAS_VERSION} //Pascal {$IFDEF _D2009orHigher} const Suffix: AnsiString = 'KMGT'; {$ELSE} const Suffix = 'KMGT'; {$ENDIF} function Num2Bytes( Value : Double ) : KOLString; var V, I : Integer; begin Result := ''; I := 0; while (Value >= 1024) and (I < 4) do begin Inc( I ); Value := Value / 1024.0; end; Result := Int2Str( Trunc( Value ) ); V := Trunc( (Value - Trunc( Value )) * 100 ); if V <> 0 then begin if (V mod 10) = 0 then V := V div 10; Result := Result + ',' + Int2Str( V ); end; if I > 0 then Result := Result + KOLString( Suffix[ I ] ); end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION} {$IFDEF ASM_UNICODE}{$ELSE PAS_VERSION} //Pascal function S2Int( S: PKOLChar ): Integer; var M : Integer; begin Result := 0; if S = '' then Exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} M := 1; if S^ = '-' then begin M := -1; Inc( S ); end else if S^ = '+' then Inc( S ); while (S^>='0') and (S^<='9') do begin Result := Result * 10 + Integer( S^ ) - Integer( '0' ); Inc( S ); end; if M < 0 then Result := -Result; end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION} {$IFDEF ASM_UNICODE}{$ELSE PAS_VERSION} //Pascal function Str2Int(const Value : KOLString) : Integer; begin Result := S2Int( PKOLChar( Value ) ); end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION} {$IFDEF PAS_ONLY} function StrCopy( Dest, Source: PAnsiChar ): PAnsiChar; var L: Integer; begin L := StrLen(Source); Move(Source^, Dest^, L+1); Result := Dest; end; {$ELSE} function StrCopy( Dest, Source: PAnsiChar ): PAnsiChar; assembler; asm {$IFDEF F_P} MOV EAX, [Dest] MOV EDX, [Source] {$ENDIF F_P} PUSH EDI PUSH ESI MOV ESI,EAX MOV EDI,EDX OR ECX, -1 XOR AL,AL REPNE SCASB NOT ECX MOV EDI,ESI MOV ESI,EDX MOV EDX,ECX MOV EAX,EDI SHR ECX,2 REP MOVSD MOV ECX,EDX AND ECX,3 REP MOVSB POP ESI POP EDI end {$IFDEF F_P} [ 'EAX', 'EDX', 'ECX' ] {$ENDIF}; {$ENDIF PAS_ONLY} function StrCat( Dest, Source: PAnsiChar ): PAnsiChar; begin StrCopy( StrScan( Dest, #0 ), Source ); Result := Dest; end; {$IFDEF PAS_ONLY} function StrScan(Str: PAnsiChar; Chr: AnsiChar): PAnsiChar; begin while Str^ <> Chr do begin if Str^ = #0 then break; inc(Str); end; Result := Str; end; {$ELSE} function StrScan(Str: PAnsiChar; Chr: AnsiChar): PAnsiChar; assembler; asm {$IFDEF F_P} MOV EAX, [Str] MOVZX EDX, [Chr] {$ENDIF} PUSH EDI PUSH EAX MOV EDI,Str OR ECX, -1 XOR AL,AL REPNE SCASB NOT ECX POP EDI XCHG EAX, EDX REPNE SCASB XCHG EAX, EDI POP EDI JE @@1 XOR EAX, EAX RET @@1: DEC EAX end {$IFDEF F_P} [ 'EAX', 'EDX', 'ECX' ] {$ENDIF}; {$ENDIF PAS_ONLY} {$IFDEF PAS_ONLY} function StrRScan(Str: PAnsiChar; Chr: AnsiChar): PAnsiChar; begin Result := nil; while Str^ <> #0 do begin if Str^ = Chr then Result := Str; inc(Str); end; if Result = nil then Result := Str; end; {$ELSE} function StrRScan(Str: PAnsiChar; Chr: AnsiChar): PAnsiChar; assembler; asm {$IFDEF F_P} MOV EAX, [Str] MOVZX EDX, [Chr] {$ENDIF F_P} PUSH EDI MOV EDI,Str MOV ECX,0FFFFFFFFH XOR AL,AL REPNE SCASB NOT ECX STD DEC EDI MOV AL,Chr REPNE SCASB MOV EAX,0 JNE @@1 MOV EAX,EDI INC EAX @@1: CLD POP EDI end {$IFDEF F_P} [ 'EAX', 'EDX', 'ECX' ] {$ENDIF}; {$ENDIF PAS_ONLY} {$IFDEF PAS_ONLY} function StrScanLen(Str: PAnsiChar; Chr: AnsiChar; Len: Integer): PAnsiChar; begin while (Str^ <> #0) and (Len > 0) do begin if Str^ = Chr then break; inc(Str); dec(Len); end; Result := Str; end; {$ELSE} function StrScanLen(Str: PAnsiChar; Chr: AnsiChar; Len: Integer): PAnsiChar; assembler; asm {$IFDEF F_P} MOV EAX, [Str] MOVZX EDX, [Chr] MOV ECX, [Len] {$ENDIF F_P} PUSH EDI XCHG EDI, EAX XCHG EAX, EDX REPNE SCASB XCHG EAX, EDI POP EDI { -> EAX => to next character after found or to the end of Str, ZF = 0 if character found. } end {$IFDEF F_P} [ 'EAX', 'EDX', 'ECX' ] {$ENDIF}; {$ENDIF} {$IFDEF ASM_UNICODE}{$ELSE PAS_VERSION} //Pascal function TrimLeft(const S: KOLString): KOLString; var I, L: Integer; begin L := Length(S); I := 1; while (I <= L) and (S[I] <= ' ') do Inc(I); Result := Copy(S, I, Maxint); end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION} {$IFDEF ASM_UNICODE}{$ELSE PAS_VERSION} //Pascal function TrimRight(const S: KOLString): KOLString; var I: Integer; begin I := Length(S); while (I > 0) and (S[I] <= ' ') do Dec(I); Result := Copy(S, 1, I); end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION} {$IFDEF ASM_VERSION}{$ELSE PAS_VERSION} //Pascal function Trim( const S : KOLString): KOLString; begin Result := TrimLeft( TrimRight( S ) ); end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION} function RemoveSpaces( const S: KOLString ): KOLString; var I: Integer; begin Result := S; for I := Length( S ) downto 1 do if S[ I ] <= ' ' then Delete( Result, I, 1 ); end; {$IFDEF PAS_ONLY} procedure Str2LowerCase( S: PAnsiChar ); begin while S^ <> #0 do begin if (S^ >= 'A') and (S^ <= 'Z') then S^ := AnsiChar(Ord(S^)+32); inc(S); end; end; {$ELSE} procedure Str2LowerCase( S: PAnsiChar ); asm {$IFDEF F_P} MOV EAX, [S] {$ENDIF} XOR ECX, ECX @@1: MOV CL, byte ptr [EAX] JECXZ @@exit {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} SUB CL, 'A' CMP CL, 'Z'-'A' JA @@2 ADD byte ptr [EAX], 32 @@2: INC EAX JMP @@1 @@exit: end {$IFDEF F_P} [ 'EAX', 'ECX' ] {$ENDIF}; {$ENDIF PAS_ONLY} {$IFDEF ASM_VERSION}{$ELSE PAS_VERSION} //Pascal function LowerCase(const S: Ansistring): Ansistring; var I : Integer; begin Result := S; for I := 1 to Length( S ) do if (Result[ I ] >= 'A') and (Result[ I ] <= 'Z') then Inc( Result[ I ], 32 ); end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION} {$IFDEF ASM_VERSION}{$ELSE PAS_VERSION} //Pascal function UpperCase(const S: Ansistring): Ansistring; var I : Integer; begin Result := S; for I := 1 to Length( S ) do if (Result[ I ] >= 'a') and (Result[ I ] <= 'z') then Dec( Result[ I ], 32 ); end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION} {$IFDEF F_P} function DummyStrFun( const S: AnsiString ): AnsiString; begin Result := S; end; {$ENDIF F_P} {$IFDEF ASM_UNICODE}{$ELSE PAS_VERSION} //Pascal function CopyEnd( const S : KOLString; Idx : Integer ) : KOLString; begin Result := Copy( S, Idx, MaxInt ); end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION} {$IFDEF ASM_UNICODE}{$ELSE PAS_VERSION} //Pascal function CopyTail( const S : KOLString; Len : Integer ) : KOLString; var L : Integer; begin L := Length( S ); if L < Len then Len := L; Result := ''; if Len = 0 then Exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} Result := Copy( S, L - Len + 1, Len ); end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION} {$IFDEF ASM_UNICODE}{$ELSE PAS_VERSION} //Pascal procedure DeleteTail( var S : KOLString; Len : Integer ); var L : Integer; begin L := Length( S ); if Len > L then Len := L; Delete( S, L - Len + 1, Len ); end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION} {$IFNDEF TEST_INDEXOFCHARS_COMPAT} {$IFDEF ASM_UNICODE}{$ELSE PAS_VERSION} //Pascal function IndexOfChar( const S : KOLString; Chr : KOLChar ) : Integer; var //P, F : PChar; i, l : integer; begin Result := -1; if S = '' then exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} l := Length(S); for I := 1 to l do begin if S[I] = Chr then begin Result := I; break; end; end; end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION} {$ELSE TEST_INDEXOFCHARS_COMPAT}//////////////////////////////////////////////// function IndexOfChar_Old( const S : AnsiString; Chr : AnsiChar ) : Integer; var P, F : PAnsiChar; begin P := PAnsiChar( S ); F := StrScan( P, Chr ); Result := -1; if F = nil then Exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} Result := Integer( F ) - Integer( P ) + 1; end; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function IndexOfChar_New( const S : AnsiString; Chr : AnsiChar ) : Integer; var P, F : PAnsiChar; begin P := PAnsiChar( S ); F := StrScanLen( P, Chr, Length( S ) ); Result := -1; if F = nil then Exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} Result := Integer( F ) - Integer( P ); if {(Result > Length(S)) or} (S[ Result ] <> Chr) then Result := -1; end; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function Replace0with_( const s: AnsiString ): AnsiString; var i: Integer; begin Result := s; for i := 1 to Length( s ) do if s[i] = #0 then Result[i] := '_'; end; function IndexOfChar( const S : KOLString; Chr : KOLChar ) : Integer; begin Result := IndexOfChar_Old( S, Chr ); if Result <> IndexOfChar_New( S, Chr ) then begin LogFileOutput( 'c:\kol\TEST_INDEXOFCHARS_COMPAT.txt', 'S=' + Replace0with_( S ) + #13#10 + 'C=' + Replace0with_( Chr ) + ' Old=' + Int2Str( Result ) + ' New=' + Int2Str( IndexOfChar_New( S, Chr ) ) + #13#10 ); end; end; {$ENDIF} {$IFDEF _D3orHigher} function WIndexOfChar( const S : KOLWideString; Chr : WideChar ) : Integer; var i, l : integer; begin Result := -1; if S = '' then exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} l := Length(S); for I := 1 to l do begin if S[I] = Chr then begin Result := I; break; end; end; end; {$ENDIF} {$IFDEF ASM_UNICODE}{$ELSE PAS_VERSION} //Pascal function IndexOfCharsMin( const S, Chars : KOLString ) : Integer; var I, J : Integer; begin Result := -1; for I := 1 to Length( Chars ) do begin J := IndexOfChar( S, Chars[ I ] ); if J > 0 then begin if (Result <= 0) or (J < Result) then Result := J; end; end; end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION} {$IFDEF _D3orHigher} function WIndexOfCharsMin( const S, Chars : KOLWideString ) : Integer; var I, J : Integer; begin Result := -1; for I := 1 to Length( Chars ) do begin J := WIndexOfChar( S, Chars[ I ] ); if J > 0 then begin if (Result <= 0) or (J < Result) then Result := J; end; end; end; {$ENDIF} {$IFNDEF _FPC} {$IFNDEF _D2} function IndexOfWideCharsMin( const S, Chars : KOLWideString ) : Integer; var I, J : Integer; begin Result := -1; for I := 1 to Length( Chars ) do begin J := pos( Chars[ I ], S ); if J > 0 then begin if (Result < 0) or (J < Result) then Result := J; end; end; end; {$ENDIF _D2} {$ENDIF _FPC} {$DEFINE ASM_LOCAL} {$IFDEF PAS_VERSION} {$UNDEF ASM_LOCAL}{$ENDIF} {$IFDEF UNICODE_CTRLS}{$UNDEF ASM_LOCAL}{$ENDIF} {$IFDEF _D2} {$UNDEF ASM_LOCAL}{$ENDIF} {$IFDEF _D3} {$UNDEF ASM_LOCAL}{$ENDIF} {$IFDEF ASM_LOCAL} function IndexOfStr( const S, Sub : KOLString ) : Integer; asm PUSH EBX PUSH ESI PUSH EDI PUSH EAX MOV EAX, EDX PUSH EDX CALL System.@LStrLen MOV EDI, EAX POP EAX CALL EAX2PChar MOV BL, [EAX] XCHG EAX, [ESP] CALL EAX2PChar MOV ESI, EAX DEC EAX @@1: INC EAX MOV DL, BL MOV ECX, [ESI-4] SUB ECX, EAX ADD ECX, ESI CMP ECX, EDI JL @@ret__1 CALL StrScanLen TEST EAX, EAX JE @@exit__1 DEC EAX POP EDX PUSH EDX MOV ECX, EDI PUSH EAX //CALL StrLComp CALL CompareMem TEST AL, AL POP EAX JZ @@1 SUB EAX, ESI INC EAX JMP @@exit @@ret__1: XOR EAX, EAX @@exit__1: DEC EAX @@exit: POP EDX POP EDI POP ESI POP EBX end; {$ELSE PAS_VERSION} //Pascal function IndexOfStr( const S, Sub : KOLString ) : Integer; begin Result := pos( Sub, S ); if Result = 0 then Result := -1; end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION} {$IFDEF ASM_UNICODE}{$ELSE PAS_VERSION} //Pascal function Parse( var S : KOLString; const Separators : KOLString ) : KOLString; var Pos : Integer; begin Pos := IndexOfCharsMin( S, Separators ); if Pos <= 0 then Pos := Length( S )+1; Result := Copy( S, 1, Pos-1 ); Delete( S, 1, Pos ); end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION} {$IFDEF _D3orHigher} function ParseW( var S : KOLWideString; const Separators : KOLWideString ) : KOLWideString; var Pos : Integer; begin Pos := WIndexOfCharsMin( S, Separators ); if Pos <= 0 then Pos := Length( S )+1; Result := Copy( S, 1, Pos-1 ); Delete( S, 1, Pos ); end; {$ENDIF} {$IFNDEF _FPC} {$IFNDEF _D2} function WParse( var S : KOLWideString; const Separators : KOLWideString ) : KOLWideString; var Pos : Integer; begin Pos := IndexOfWideCharsMin( S, Separators ); if Pos <= 0 then Pos := Length( S ) + 1; Result := S; S := Copy( Result, Pos + 1, MaxInt ); Result := Copy( Result, 1, Pos - 1 ); end; {$ENDIF _D2} {$ENDIF _FPC} function ParsePascalString( var S : KOLString; const Separators : KOLString ) : KOLString; var Pos, Idx : Integer; Hex, Spc : Boolean; procedure SkipSpaces; begin if not Spc then while (Length( S ) >= Pos) and (S[ Pos ] = ' ') do Inc( Pos ); end; var Buf : KOLString; Ou, Val : Integer; begin Pos := 1; Spc := IndexOfChar( Separators, ' ' ) >= 0; SkipSpaces; if Length( S ) < Pos then begin Result := S; S := ''; exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} end; Buf := PKOLChar( S ); Ou := 1; if (S[ Pos ] = '''') or (S[ Pos ] = '#') then begin // skip here string constant expression while Pos <= Length( S ) do begin if S[ Pos ] = '''' then begin Inc( Pos ); while Pos <= Length( S ) do begin if S[ Pos ] = '''' then if (Pos = Length( S )) or (S[ Pos+1 ] <> '''') then begin Inc( Pos ); break; end else Inc( Pos ); Buf[ Ou ] := S[ Pos ]; Inc( Ou ); Inc( Pos ); end; end else if S[ Pos ] = '#' then begin Inc( Pos ); Hex := False; Val := 0; if (Pos < Length( S )) and (S[ Pos ] = '$') then begin Inc( Pos ); Hex := True; end; Dec( Pos ); while Pos < Length( S ) do begin Inc( Pos ); if (S[ Pos ] >= '0') and (S[ Pos ] <= '9') or Hex and ( (S[ Pos ] >= 'a') and (S[ Pos ] <= 'f') or (S[ Pos ] >= 'A') and (S[ Pos ] <= 'F') ) then begin if Hex then Val := Val * 16 else Val := Val * 10; if S[ Pos ] <= '9' then Val := Val + Integer( S[ Pos ] ) - Integer( '0' ) else if S[ Pos ] <= 'F' then Val := Val + 10 + Integer( S[ Pos ] ) - Integer( 'A' ) else Val := Val + 10 + Integer( S[ Pos ] ) - Integer( 'a' ); continue; end; Inc( Pos ); break; end; Buf[ Ou ] := KOLChar( Val ); Inc( Ou ); end else break; SkipSpaces; if S[ Pos ] <> '+' then break; SkipSpaces; end; end; Idx := IndexOfCharsMin( CopyEnd( S, Pos ), Separators ); if Idx <= 0 then begin Result := Copy( Buf, 1, Ou - 1 ) + CopyEnd( S, Pos ); S := ''; end else begin Result := Copy( Buf, 1, Ou - 1 ) + Copy( S, Pos, Idx - 1 ); S := CopyEnd( S, Pos + Idx ); end; end; function String2PascalStrExpr( const S : KOLString ) : KOLString; var I, Strt : Integer; function String2DoubleQuotas( const S : KOLString ) : KOLString; var I, J : Integer; begin if IndexOfChar( S, '''' ) <= 0 then Result := S else begin J := 0; for I := 1 to Length( S ) do if S[ I ] = '''' then Inc( J ); SetLength( Result, Length( S ) + J ); J := 1; for I := 1 to Length( S ) do begin Result[ J ] := S[ I ]; Inc( J ); if S[ I ] = '''' then begin Result[ J ] := ''''; Inc( J ); end; end; end; end; begin Result := ''; if S = '' then begin Result := ''''''; exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} end; Strt := 1; for I := 1 to Length( S ) + 1 do begin if (I > Length( S )) or (S[ I ] < ' ') or (S[ I ] >= #$7F) then begin if (I > Strt) and (I > 1) then begin if Result <> '' then Result := Result + '+'; Result := Result + '''' + String2DoubleQuotas( Copy( S, Strt, I - Strt ) ) + ''''; end; if I > Length( S ) then break; if Result <> '' then Result := Result + '+' else Result := Result + '''''+'; Result := Result + '#' + Int2Str( Integer( S[ I ] ) ); Strt := I + 1; end; end; end; {$IFDEF PAS_ONLY} function CompareMem(P1, P2: Pointer; Length: Integer): Boolean; var PP1, PP2: PByte; begin Result := FALSE; PP1 := P1; PP2 := P2; while (Length > 0) do begin if (PP1^ <> PP2^) then Exit; //>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> inc(PP1); inc(PP2); dec(Length); end; Result := TRUE; end; {$ELSE} function CompareMem(P1, P2: Pointer; Length: Integer): Boolean; assembler; asm {$IFDEF F_P} MOV EAX, [P1] MOV EDX, [P2] MOV ECX, [Length] {$ENDIF} PUSH ESI PUSH EDI MOV ESI,P1 MOV EDI,P2 MOV EDX,ECX XOR EAX,EAX AND EDX,3 SHR ECX,1 SHR ECX,1 REPE CMPSD JNE @@2 MOV ECX,EDX REPE CMPSB JNE @@2 @@1: INC EAX @@2: POP EDI POP ESI end {$IFDEF F_P} [ 'EAX', 'EDX', 'ECX' ] {$ENDIF}; {$ENDIF} {$IFDEF ASM_VERSION}{$ELSE PAS_VERSION} //Pascal function AllocMem( Size : Integer ) : Pointer; begin Result := nil; if Size > 0 then begin GetMem( Result, Size ); //FillChar( Result^, Size, 0 ); ZeroMemory( Result, Size ); end; end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION} procedure DisposeMem( var Addr : Pointer ); begin if Addr <> nil then FreeMem( Addr ); Addr := nil; end; {$IFDEF WIN} function AnsiUpperCase(const S: AnsiString): AnsiString; var Len: Integer; begin Len := Length(S); SetString(Result, PAnsiChar(S), Len); if Len > 0 then CharUpperBuffA(Pointer(Result), Len); end; function AnsiLowerCase(const S: Ansistring): Ansistring; var Len: Integer; begin Len := Length(S); SetString(Result, PAnsiChar(S), Len); if Len > 0 then CharLowerBuffA(Pointer(Result), Len); end; function KOLUpperCase(const S: KOLString): KOLString; var Len: Integer; begin Len := Length(S); SetString(Result, PKOLChar( S ), Len); if Len > 0 then CharUpperBuff(PKOLChar(Result), Len); end; function KOLLowerCase(const S: KOLString): KOLString; var Len: Integer; begin Len := Length(S); SetString(Result, PKOLChar(S), Len); if Len > 0 then CharLowerBuff(PKOLChar(Result), Len); end; {$IFDEF _D3orHigher} function WUpperCase(const S: KOLWideString): KOLWideString; var Len: Integer; begin Len := Length(S); SetString(Result, PWideChar( S ), Len); if Len > 0 then CharUpperBuffW(PWideChar(Result), Len); end; function WLowerCase(const S: KOLWideString): KOLWideString; var Len: Integer; begin Len := Length(S); SetString(Result, PWideChar(S), Len); if Len > 0 then CharLowerBuffW(PWideChar(Result), Len); end; {$ENDIF} {$ENDIF WIN} {$IFNDEF _D2} {$IFNDEF _FPC} {$IFDEF WIN} function WAnsiUpperCase(const S: KOLWideString): KOLWideString; var Len: Integer; begin Result := S; Len := Length(S); if Len > 0 then CharUpperBuffW(Pointer(Result), Len); end; {$ENDIF WIN} {$IFDEF WIN} function WAnsiLowerCase(const S: KOLWideString): KOLWideString; var Len: Integer; begin Result := S; Len := Length(S); if Len > 0 then CharLowerBuffW(Pointer(Result), Len); end; {$ENDIF WIN} {$IFDEF WIN} function WStrComp(const S1, S2: KOLWideString): Integer; var i: Integer; begin for i := 1 to min( Length( S1 ), Length( S2 ) ) do begin Result := Ord( S1[ i ] ) - Ord( S2[ i ] ); if Result <> 0 then Exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} end; Result := Length( S1 ) - Length( S2 ); end; {$IFDEF ASM_VERSION}{$ELSE} function _WStrComp(S1, S2: PWideChar): Integer; var L, R : PWideChar; begin L := S1; R := S2; Result := 0; repeat if L^ = R^ then begin if L^ = #0 then exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} Inc(L); Inc(R); end else begin Result := (Word(L^) - Word(R^)); exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} end; until (False); end; {$ENDIF} {$IFDEF PAS_ONLY} function _WStrLComp(S1, S2: PWideChar; Len: Integer): Integer; begin while (Len > 0) and (S1^ <> #0) and (S2^ <> #0) do begin Result := Ord(S1^) - Ord(S2^); if Result <> 0 then Exit; // >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> dec(Len); end; Result := 0; end; {$ELSE} function _WStrLComp(S1, S2: PWideChar; Len: Integer): Integer; asm {$IFDEF F_P} MOV EAX, [S1] MOV EDX, [S2] MOV ECX, [Len] {$ENDIF F_P} PUSH EDI PUSH ESI MOV EDI,EDX XCHG ESI,EAX CMP EAX, EAX REPE CMPSW MOVZX EAX, word ptr [ESI-2] MOVZX EDX, word ptr [EDI-2] SUB EAX,EDX POP ESI POP EDI end {$IFDEF F_P} [ 'EAX', 'EDX', 'ECX' ] {$ENDIF}; {$ENDIF} function WStrScan(Str: PWideChar; Chr: WideChar): PWideChar; begin while (Str^ <> Chr) and (Str^ <> #0) do inc( Str ); Result := Str; end; function WStrRScan(const Str: PWideChar; Chr: WideChar): PWideChar; begin Result := Str; while Result^ <> #0 do inc( Result ); while (DWORD( Result ) >= DWORD( Str )) and (Result^ <> Chr) do dec( Result ); if (DWORD( Result ) < DWORD( Str )) then Result := nil; end; {$ENDIF WIN} {$ENDIF _FPC} {$ENDIF _D2} {$IFDEF WIN} function AnsiCompareStr(const S1, S2: KOLString): Integer; begin Result := CompareString(LOCALE_USER_DEFAULT, 0, PKOLChar(S1), -1, PKOLChar(S2), -1 ) - 2; end; {$ENDIF WIN} {$IFDEF WIN} function AnsiCompareStrA(const S1, S2: AnsiString): Integer; begin Result := CompareStringA(LOCALE_USER_DEFAULT, 0, PAnsiChar(S1), -1, PAnsiChar(S2), -1 ) - 2; end; {$ENDIF WIN} {$IFDEF WIN} function _AnsiCompareStr(S1, S2: PKOLChar): Integer; begin Result := CompareString( LOCALE_USER_DEFAULT, 0, S1, -1, S2, -1) - 2; end; {$ENDIF WIN} type TSortAnsiRec = record A: array[ AnsiChar ] of PAnsiChar; end; PSortAnsiRec = ^TSortAnsiRec; var SortAnsiOrderNoCase: array[ AnsiChar ] of SmallInt; SortAnsiOrder: array[ AnsiChar ] of SmallInt; {$IFDEF WIN} function _AnsiCompareStrA_Slow(S1, S2: PAnsiChar): Integer; begin Result := CompareStringA( LOCALE_USER_DEFAULT, 0, S1, -1, S2, -1) - 2; end; {$ENDIF WIN} function CompareAnsiRec( R: PSortAnsiRec; const e1, e2: Integer ): Integer; begin Result := _AnsiCompareStrA_Slow( R.A[AnsiChar(e1)], R.A[AnsiChar(e2)] ); end; procedure SwapAnsiRec( R: PSortAnsiRec; const e1, e2: Integer ); {$IFDEF PAS_ONLY} var a: PAnsiChar; {$ENDIF} begin {$IFDEF PAS_ONLY} a := R.A[AnsiChar(e1)]; R.A[AnsiChar(e1)] := R.A[AnsiChar(e2)]; R.A[AnsiChar(e2)] := a; {$ELSE} Swap( Integer( R.A[AnsiChar(e1)] ), Integer( R.A[AnsiChar(e2)] ) ); {$ENDIF} end; {$IFDEF ASM_VERSION}{$ELSE PAS_VERSION} function _AnsiCompareStrA_Fast2(S1, S2: PAnsiChar): Integer; begin if S1 = nil then S1 := ''; if S2 = nil then S2 := ''; Result := 0; while TRUE do begin Result := SortAnsiOrder[ S1^ ] - SortAnsiOrder[ S2^ ]; if Result <> 0 then break; if (S1^ = #0) or (S2^ = #0) then break; inc( S1 ); inc( S2 ); end; end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION} function _AnsiCompareStrA_Fast(S1, S2: PAnsiChar): Integer; var c: AnsiChar; R: TSortAnsiRec; Buf: array[ 0..511 ] of AnsiChar; P: PAnsiChar; begin P := @Buf[0]; for c := Low(c) to High(c) do begin P^ := c; R.A[c] := P; inc( P ); P^ := #0; inc( P ); end; SortData( @R, 256, @CompareAnsiRec, @SwapAnsiRec ); for c := Low(c) to High(c) do SortAnsiOrder[AnsiChar(R.A[c][0])] := Ord(c); _AnsiCompareStrA := _AnsiCompareStrA_Fast2; Result := _AnsiCompareStrA_Fast2( S1, S2 ); end; {$IFDEF WIN} function AnsiCompareStrNoCase(const S1, S2: KOLString): Integer; begin Result := CompareString(LOCALE_USER_DEFAULT, NORM_IGNORECASE, PKOLChar(S1), -1, PKOLChar(S2), -1 ) - 2; end; {$ENDIF WIN} {$IFDEF WIN} function AnsiCompareStrNoCaseA(const S1, S2: AnsiString): Integer; begin Result := CompareStringA(LOCALE_USER_DEFAULT, NORM_IGNORECASE, PAnsiChar(S1), -1, PAnsiChar(S2), -1 ) - 2; end; {$ENDIF WIN} {$IFDEF WIN} function _AnsiCompareStrNoCase(S1, S2: PKOLChar): Integer; begin Result := CompareString( LOCALE_USER_DEFAULT, NORM_IGNORECASE, S1, -1, S2, -1) - 2; end; {$ENDIF WIN} {$IFDEF WIN} function _AnsiCompareStrNoCaseA_Slow(S1, S2: PAnsiChar): Integer; begin Result := CompareStringA( LOCALE_USER_DEFAULT, NORM_IGNORECASE, S1, -1, S2, -1) - 2; end; {$ENDIF WIN} function CompareAnsiRecNoCase( R: PSortAnsiRec; const e1, e2: Integer ): Integer; begin Result := _AnsiCompareStrNoCaseA_Slow( R.A[AnsiChar(e1)] + 1, R.A[AnsiChar(e2)] + 1 ); end; {$IFDEF ASM_VERSION}{$ELSE PAS_VERSION} //{$DEFINE DEBUG_SORTFAST} {$IFDEF DEBUG_SORTFAST} var DBSF: Integer; {$ENDIF} function _AnsiCompareStrNoCaseA_Fast2(S1, S2: PAnsiChar): Integer; {$IFDEF DEBUG_SORTFAST} var S01, S02: PChar; {$ENDIF} begin if S1 = nil then S1 := ''; if S2 = nil then S2 := ''; {$IFDEF DEBUG_SORTFAST} S01 := S1; S02 := S2; {$ENDIF} Result := 0; while TRUE do begin Result := SortAnsiOrderNoCase[ S1^ ] - SortAnsiOrderNoCase[ S2^ ]; if Result <> 0 then break; if (S1^ = #0) or (S2^ = #0) then break; inc( S1 ); inc( S2 ); end; {$IFDEF DEBUG_SORTFAST} inc( DBSF ); if Result < 0 then LogFileOutput( GetStartDir + 'LT.txt', Int2Str( DBSF ) + ': ' + '"' + S01 + '" < "' + S02 + '"' ) else if Result > 0 then LogFileOutput( GetStartDir + 'GT.txt', Int2Str( DBSF ) + ': ' + '"' + S01 + '" > "' + S02 + '"' ) else LogFileOutput( GetStartDir + 'EQ.txt', Int2Str( DBSF ) + ': ' + '"' + S01 + '" = "' + S02 + '"' ) {$ENDIF} end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION} function _AnsiCompareStrNoCaseA_Fast(S1, S2: PAnsiChar): Integer; var c: AnsiChar; R: TSortAnsiRec; Buf: array[ 0..767 ] of AnsiChar; P: PAnsiChar; {$IFDEF PAS_ONLY} a: PAnsiChar; {$ENDIF} begin P := @Buf[0]; for c := Low(c) to High(c) do begin R.A[c] := P; P^ := c; inc( P ); P^ := AnsiLowerCase( c )[1]; inc( P ); P^ := #0; inc( P ); //R.X[c] := Ord(c); end; SortData( @R, 256, @CompareAnsiRecNoCase, @SwapAnsiRec ); for c := Succ(Low(c)) to High(c) do begin //R.X[c] := Byte(c); if _AnsiCompareStrNoCaseA_Slow( R.A[Pred(c)] + 1, R.A[c] + 1 ) = 0 then begin if _AnsiCompareStrA( R.A[Pred(c)], R.A[c] ) < 0 then begin {$IFDEF PAS_ONLY} a := R.A[Pred(c)]; R.A[Pred(c)] := R.A[c]; R.A[c] := a; {$ELSE} Swap( Integer( R.A[Pred(c)] ), Integer( R.A[c] ) ); {$ENDIF} end; end; // R.X[c] := R.X[Pred(c)]; end; for c := Low(c) to High(c) do SortAnsiOrderNoCase[AnsiChar(R.A[c][0])] := Ord( R.A[c][1] ); // Ord(c); // R.X[c]; _AnsiCompareStrNoCaseA := _AnsiCompareStrNoCaseA_Fast2; Result := _AnsiCompareStrNoCaseA_Fast2( S1, S2 ); end; function AnsiCompareText( const S1, S2: KOLString ): Integer; begin Result := AnsiCompareStrNoCase( S1, S2 ); end; function AnsiCompareTextA( const S1, S2: AnsiString ): Integer; begin Result := AnsiCompareStrNoCaseA( S1, S2 ); end; {$IFDEF PAS_ONLY} function StrLCopy(Dest: PAnsiChar; const Source: PAnsiChar; MaxLen: Cardinal): PAnsiChar; var Src: PAnsiChar; begin Src := Source; while MaxLen > 0 do begin Dest^ := Src^; if Src^ = #0 then break; inc(Dest); inc(Src); dec(MaxLen); end; Result := Dest; end; {$ELSE} function StrLCopy(Dest: PAnsiChar; const Source: PAnsiChar; MaxLen: Cardinal): PAnsiChar; assembler; asm {$IFDEF F_P} MOV EAX, [Dest] MOV EDX, [Source] MOV ECX, [MaxLen] {$ENDIF F_P} PUSH EDI PUSH ESI PUSH EBX MOV ESI,EAX MOV EDI,EDX MOV EBX,ECX XOR AL,AL TEST ECX,ECX JZ @@1 REPNE SCASB JNE @@1 INC ECX @@1: SUB EBX,ECX MOV EDI,ESI MOV ESI,EDX MOV EDX,EDI MOV ECX,EBX SHR ECX,2 REP MOVSD MOV ECX,EBX AND ECX,3 REP MOVSB STOSB MOV EAX,EDX POP EBX POP ESI POP EDI end {$IFDEF F_P} [ 'EAX', 'EDX', 'ECX' ] {$ENDIF}; {$ENDIF} {$IFDEF ASM_VERSION}{$ELSE PAS_VERSION} //Pascal function StrPCopy(Dest: PAnsiChar; const Source: Ansistring): PAnsiChar; begin Result := StrLCopy(Dest, PAnsiChar(Source), Length(Source)); end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION} {$IFDEF ASM_VERSION}{$ELSE PAS_VERSION} //Pascal function StrEq( const S1, S2 : AnsiString ) : Boolean; begin Result := (Length( S1 ) = Length( S2 )) and (LowerCase( S1 ) = LowerCase( S2 )); end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION} {$IFDEF ASM_VERSION}{$ELSE PAS_VERSION} //Pascal function AnsiEq( const S1, S2 : KOLString ) : Boolean; begin Result := AnsiCompareStrNoCase( S1, S2 ) = 0; end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION} {$IFNDEF _D2} {$IFNDEF _FPC} function WAnsiEq( const S1, S2 : KOLWideString ) : Boolean; begin Result := WAnsiLowerCase( S1 )=WAnsiLowerCase( S2 ); end; {$ENDIF _FPC} {$ENDIF _D2} {$IFDEF ASM_VERSION}{$ELSE PAS_VERSION} //Pascal function StrIn(const S: AnsiString; const A: array of AnsiString): Boolean; var I : Integer; begin for I := Low( A ) to High( A ) do if StrEq( S, A[ I ] ) then begin Result := True; Exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} end; Result := False; end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION} {$IFNDEF _D2} {$IFNDEF _FPC} function WStrIn( const S : KOLWideString; const A : array of KOLWideString ) : Boolean; var I : Integer; begin for I := Low( A ) to High( A ) do if WAnsiEq( S, A[ I ] ) then begin Result := True; Exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} end; Result := False; end; {$ENDIF _FPC} {$ENDIF _D2} function CharIn( C: KOLChar; const A: TSetofChar ): Boolean; begin Result := (DWord( C ) <= 255) and (AnsiChar( C ) in A); end; function StrIs( const S : AnsiString; const A : Array of AnsiString; var Idx: Integer ) : Boolean; var I : Integer; begin Idx := -1; for I := Low( A ) to High( A ) do if StrEq( S, A[ I ] ) then begin Idx := I; Result := True; Exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} end; Result := False; end; function IntIn( Value: Integer; const List: array of Integer ): Boolean; var I: Integer; begin Result := FALSE; for I := 0 to High( List ) do begin if Value = List[ I ] then begin Result := TRUE; break; end; end; end; {$IFDEF ASM_UNICODE}{$ELSE PAS_VERSION} //Pascal function _StrSatisfy( S, Mask : PKOLChar ) : Boolean; label next_char; begin next_char: Result := True; if (S^ = #0) and (Mask^ = #0) then exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} if (Mask^ = '*') and (Mask[1] = #0) then exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} if S^ = #0 then begin while Mask^ = '*' do Inc( Mask ); Result := Mask^ = #0; exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} end; Result := False; if Mask^ = #0 then exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} if Mask^ = '?' then begin Inc( S ); Inc( Mask ); goto next_char; end; if Mask^ = '*' then begin Inc( Mask ); while S^ <> #0 do begin Result := _StrSatisfy( S, Mask ); if Result then exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} Inc( S ); end; exit; // (Result = False) {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} end; Result := S^ = Mask^; Inc( S ); Inc( Mask ); if Result then goto next_char; end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION} {$IFDEF ASM_UNICODE}{$ELSE PAS_VERSION} //Pascal function StrSatisfy( const S, Mask: KOLString ): Boolean; begin Result := FALSE; if (S = '') or (Mask = '') then Exit; Result := _StrSatisfy( PKOLChar( {$IFDEF UNICODE_CTRLS} WAnsiLowerCase {$ELSE} AnsiLowerCase {$ENDIF} ( S ) ), PKOLChar( {$IFDEF UNICODE_CTRLS} WAnsiLowerCase {$ELSE} AnsiLowerCase {$ENDIF} ( Mask ) ) ); end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION} {$IFDEF ASM_UNICODE}{$ELSE PAS_VERSION} // Pascal function _2StrSatisfy( S, Mask: PKOLChar ): Boolean; begin Result := StrSatisfy( S, Mask ); end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION} function StrReplace( var S: KOLString; const From, ReplTo: KOLString ): Boolean; var I: Integer; begin I := pos( From, S ); if I > 0 then begin S := Copy( S, 1, I - 1 ) + ReplTo + CopyEnd( S, I + Length( From ) ); Result := TRUE; end else Result := FALSE; end; function KOLStrReplace( var S: KOLString; const From, ReplTo: KOLString ): Boolean; var I: Integer; begin I := pos( From, S ); if I > 0 then begin S := Copy( S, 1, I - 1 ) + ReplTo + CopyEnd( S, I + Length( From ) ); Result := TRUE; end else Result := FALSE; end; {$IFDEF _FPC} procedure SetLengthW( var W: KOLWideString; NewLength: Integer ); begin while Length( W ) < NewLength do W := W + ' ' + W; if Length( W ) > NewLength then Delete( W, NewLength + 1, Length( W ) - NewLength ); end; function CopyW( const W: KOLWideString; From, Count: Integer ): KOLWideString; begin Result := ''; if Count <= 0 then Exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} SetLengthW( Result, Count ); Move( W[ From ], Result[ 1 ], Count * Sizeof( WideChar ) ); end; function posW( const S1, S2: AnsiString ): Integer; // not used. When use, change AnsiString to WideString ? var I, L1: Integer; begin L1 := Length( S1 ); for I := 1 to Length( S2 )-L1+1 do begin if Copy( S2, I, L1 ) = S1 then begin Result := I; Exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} end; end; Result := 0; end; {$ENDIF _FPC} {$IFDEF ASM_VERSION} procedure DoMove(const from; var to_; count: Integer); asm PUSH ESI PUSH EDI XCHG ESI, EAX MOV EDI, EDX REP MOVSB POP EDI POP ESI end; {$ENDIF} {$IFNDEF _FPC} {$IFNDEF _D2} function WStrReplace( var S: KOLWideString; const From, ReplTo: KOLWideString ): Boolean; var I: Integer; begin I := pos( From, S ); if I > 0 then begin S := Copy( S, 1, I - 1 ) + ReplTo + Copy( S, I + Length( From ), MaxInt ); Result := TRUE; end else Result := FALSE; end; function WStrRepeat( const S: KOLWideString; Count: Integer ): KOLWideString; var {$IFDEF ASM_VERSION} {$ELSE} I, {$ENDIF} L: Integer; begin L := Length( S ); SetLength( Result, L * Count ); if L = 0 then Exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} {$IFDEF ASM_VERSION} Move( S[1], Result[1], L * Sizeof(WideChar) ); if Count > 1 then DoMove( Result[1], Result[1+L], (Count-1)*L*Sizeof(WideChar) ); {$ELSE} for I := 0 to Count-1 do Move( S[ 1 ], Result[ 1 + I * L ], L * Sizeof( WideChar ) ); {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION} end; {$ENDIF _D2} {$ENDIF _FPC} {$IFDEF ASM_VERSION} {$IFDEF UNICODE_CTRLS} function StrRepeat( const S: KOLString; Count: Integer ): KOLString; var L: Integer; begin Result := ''; L := Length(S); if L = 0 then Exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} SetLength( Result, Count * Length( S ) ); Move( S[1], Result[1], Length(S)*Sizeof(KOLChar) ); if Count > 1 then DoMove( Result[1], Result[1+Length(S)], (Length(Result)-Length(S))*Sizeof(KOLChar) ); end; {$ELSE notUNICODE} function StrRepeat( const S: KOLString; Count: Integer ): KOLString; asm PUSH EBX PUSH ESI PUSH EDI MOV EBX, ECX MOV EDI, EDX XCHG ESI, EAX MOV EAX, ECX CALL System.@LStrClr TEST ESI, ESI JZ @@exit MOV EDX, [ESI-4] imul edx, EDI PUSH EDX MOV EAX, EBX CALL System.@LStrSetLength PUSH ESI PUSH EDI MOV ECX, [ESI-4] MOV EDI, [EBX] REP MOVSB POP EAX POP ESI DEC EAX POP ECX JLE @@exit SUB ECX, [ESI-4] MOV ESI, [EBX] REP MOVSB @@exit: POP EDI POP ESI XCHG EAX, EBX POP EBX end; {$ENDIF notUNICODE_CTRLS} {$ELSE ASM_VERSION} function StrRepeat( const S: KOLString; Count: Integer ): KOLString; var I, L: Integer; begin L := Length( S ); SetLength( Result, L * Count ); for I := 0 to Count-1 do Move( S[ 1 ], Result[ 1 + I * L * Sizeof(KOLChar) ], L ); end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION} {$IFDEF ASM_noVERSION} {$ELSE PAS_VERSION} //Pascal procedure NormalizeUnixText( var S: AnsiString ); var I, J, N: Integer; begin if S <> '' then begin N := 0; if S[ 1 ] = #10 then begin S[ 1 ] := #0; inc( N ); end; for I := Length(S) downto 2 do begin if (S[I]=#10) and (S[I-1]<>#13) then S[I] := #0; if S[I] = #0 then inc( N ); end; if N > 0 then begin SetLength( S, N+Length(S) ); J := Length(S); for I := Length(S)-N downto 1 do begin if S[I] = #0 then begin S[J] := #10; S[J-1] := #13; dec( J ); end else S[J] := S[I]; dec(J); end; end; end; end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION} var Koi8_to_Ansi: array[ Char ] of AnsiChar; procedure Koi8ToAnsi( s: PAnsiChar ); var c: AnsiChar; begin if Koi8_to_Ansi[ #1 ] = #0 then begin for c := #1 to #255 do begin Koi8_to_Ansi[ c ] := c; if (c >= #$C0) and (c <= #$FF) then Koi8_to_Ansi[ c ] := KOI8_Rus[ c ]; end; end; while s^ <> #0 do begin s^ := Koi8_to_Ansi[ s^ ]; inc( s ); end; end; {$IFDEF PAS_ONLY} function StrComp(const Str1, Str2: PAnsiChar): Integer; var S1, S2: PAnsiChar; begin S1 := Str1; S2 := Str2; while (S1^ <> #0) and (S2^ <> #0) do begin Result := Integer(Ord(S1^)) - Integer(Ord(S2^)); if Result <> 0 then Exit; inc(S1); inc(S2); end; Result := 0; end; {$ELSE} function StrComp(const Str1, Str2: PAnsiChar): Integer; assembler; asm {$IFDEF F_P} MOV EAX, [Str1] MOV EDX, [Str2] {$ENDIF F_P} PUSH EDI PUSH ESI MOV EDI,EDX XCHG ESI,EAX OR ECX, -1 XOR EAX,EAX REPNE SCASB NOT ECX MOV EDI,EDX XOR EDX,EDX REPE CMPSB MOV AL,[ESI-1] MOV DL,[EDI-1] SUB EAX,EDX POP ESI POP EDI end {$IFDEF F_P} [ 'EAX', 'EDX', 'ECX' ] {$ENDIF}; {$ENDIF PAS_ONLY} var Upper: array[ AnsiChar ] of AnsiChar; Upper_initialized: Boolean; procedure Init_Upper; var c: AnsiChar; s: AnsiString; begin if not Upper_initialized then begin for c := Low(c) to High(c) do begin s := c + AnsiChar( ' ' ); Upper[c] := AnsiUpperCase( s )[1]; end; Upper_initialized := TRUE; end; end; {$IFDEF PAS_ONLY} function StrLComp(const Str1, Str2: PAnsiChar; MaxLen: Cardinal): Integer; var S1, S2: PAnsiChar; c1, c2: AnsiChar; begin S1 := Str1; S2 := Str2; while (S1^ <> #0) and (S2^ <> #0) and (MaxLen > 0) do begin c1 := S1^; c2 := S2^; Result := Integer(c1) - Integer(c2); if Result <> 0 then Exit; inc(S1); inc(S2); dec(MaxLen); end; Result := 0; end; function StrLComp_NoCase(const Str1, Str2: PAnsiChar; MaxLen: Cardinal): Integer; var S1, S2: PAnsiChar; c1, c2: AnsiChar; begin S1 := Str1; S2 := Str2; while (S1^ <> #0) and (S2^ <> #0) and (MaxLen > 0) do begin c1 := S1^; if (c1 >= 'a') and (c1 <= 'z') then c1 := AnsiChar(Ord(c1)-32); c2 := S2^; if (c2 >= 'a') and (c2 <= 'z') then c2 := AnsiChar(Ord(c2)-32); Result := Integer(c1) - Integer(c2); if Result <> 0 then Exit; inc(S1); inc(S2); dec(MaxLen); end; Result := 0; end; function StrComp_NoCase(const Str1, Str2: PAnsiChar): Integer; var S1, S2: PAnsiChar; c1, c2: AnsiChar; begin S1 := Str1; S2 := Str2; while (S1^ <> #0) and (S2^ <> #0) do begin c1 := S1^; if (c1 >= 'a') and (c1 <= 'z') then c1 := AnsiChar(Ord(c1)-32); c2 := S2^; if (c2 >= 'a') and (c2 <= 'z') then c2 := AnsiChar(Ord(c2)-32); Result := Integer(c1) - Integer(c2); if Result <> 0 then Exit; inc(S1); inc(S2); end; Result := 0; end; {$ELSE} {$IFDEF SMALLER_CODE} function StrComp_NoCase(const Str1, Str2: PAnsiChar): Integer; asm {$IFDEF F_P} MOV EAX, [Str1] MOV EDX, [Str2] {$ENDIF F_P} PUSH EDI PUSH ESI MOV EDI,EDX XCHG ESI,EAX OR ECX, -1 XOR EAX,EAX REPNE SCASB NOT ECX MOV EDI,EDX @@0: XOR EDX,EDX REPE CMPSB MOV AL,[ESI-1] MOV AH, AL SUB AH, 'a' CMP AH, 25 JA @@1 SUB AL, $20 @@1: MOV DL,[EDI-1] MOV AH, DL SUB AH, 'a' CMP AH, 25 JA @@2 SUB DL, $20 @@2: MOV AH, 0 SUB EAX,EDX JNZ @@exit CMP DL, 0 JNZ @@0 @@exit: POP ESI POP EDI end {$IFDEF F_P} [ 'EAX', 'EDX', 'ECX' ] {$ENDIF}; function StrLComp_NoCase(const Str1, Str2: PAnsiChar; MaxLen: Cardinal): Integer; asm {$IFDEF F_P} MOV EAX, [Str1] MOV EDX, [Str2] MOV ECX, [MaxLen] {$ENDIF F_P} PUSH EDI PUSH ESI PUSH EBX MOV EDI,EDX MOV ESI,EAX MOV EBX,ECX XOR EAX,EAX OR ECX,ECX JE @@exit REPNE SCASB SUB EBX,ECX MOV ECX,EBX MOV EDI,EDX @@0: XOR EDX,EDX REPE CMPSB MOV AL,[ESI-1] MOV AH, AL SUB AH, 'a' CMP AH, 25 JA @@1 SUB AL, $20 @@1: MOV DL,[EDI-1] MOV AH, DL SUB AH, 'a' CMP AH, 25 JA @@2 SUB DL, $20 @@2: MOV AH, 0 SUB EAX,EDX JECXZ @@exit JZ @@0 @@exit: POP EBX POP ESI POP EDI end {$IFDEF F_P} [ 'EAX', 'EDX', 'ECX' ] {$ENDIF}; {$ELSE not SMALLER_CODE} function StrComp_NoCase2(const Str1, Str2: PAnsiChar): Integer; asm {$IFDEF F_P} MOV EAX, [Str1] MOV EDX, [Str2] {$ENDIF F_P} PUSH ESI XCHG ESI, EAX @@1: MOVZX EAX, BYTE PTR [EDX] INC EDX MOV CL, BYTE PTR [EAX+Upper] LODSB SUB CL, BYTE PTR [EAX+Upper] JNZ @@fin CMP AL, CL JNZ @@1 @@fin:MOVSX EAX, CL NEG EAX POP ESI end {$IFDEF F_P} [ 'EAX', 'EDX', 'ECX' ] {$ENDIF}; function StrComp_NoCase1(const Str1, Str2: PAnsiChar): Integer; begin Init_Upper; StrComp_NoCase := @StrComp_NoCase2; Result := StrComp_NoCase2( Str1, Str2 ); end; function StrLComp_NoCase2(const Str1, Str2: PAnsiChar; MaxLen: Cardinal): Integer; asm {$IFDEF F_P} MOV EAX, [Str1] MOV EDX, [Str2] MOV ECX, [MaxLen] {$ENDIF F_P} PUSH EDI PUSH ESI PUSH EBX MOV EDI,EDX XCHG ESI,EAX XOR EBX, EBX JECXZ @@fin @@1: MOVZX EAX, BYTE PTR [EDI] INC EDI MOV BL, BYTE PTR [EAX+Upper] LODSB SUB BL, BYTE PTR [EAX+Upper] JNZ @@fin TEST EAX, EAX JZ @@fin LOOP @@1 @@fin:MOVSX EAX, BL POP EBX POP ESI POP EDI end {$IFDEF F_P} [ 'EAX', 'EDX', 'ECX' ] {$ENDIF}; function StrLComp_NoCase1(const Str1, Str2: PAnsiChar; MaxLen: Cardinal): Integer; begin Init_Upper; StrComp_NoCase := @StrComp_NoCase2; Result := StrLComp_NoCase2( Str1, Str2, MaxLen ); end; {$ENDIF} function StrLComp(const Str1, Str2: PAnsiChar; MaxLen: Cardinal): Integer; assembler; asm {$IFDEF F_P} MOV EAX, [Str1] MOV EDX, [Str2] MOV ECX, [MaxLen] {$ENDIF F_P} PUSH EDI PUSH ESI PUSH EBX MOV EDI,EDX MOV ESI,EAX MOV EBX,ECX XOR EAX,EAX OR ECX,ECX JE @@1 REPNE SCASB SUB EBX,ECX MOV ECX,EBX MOV EDI,EDX XOR EDX,EDX REPE CMPSB MOV AL,[ESI-1] MOV DL,[EDI-1] SUB EAX,EDX @@1: POP EBX POP ESI POP EDI end {$IFDEF F_P} [ 'EAX', 'EDX', 'ECX' ] {$ENDIF}; {$ENDIF PAS_ONLY} function StrLen(const Str: PAnsiChar): Cardinal; assembler; asm {$IFDEF F_P} MOV EAX, [Str] {$ENDIF F_P} XCHG EAX, EDI XCHG EDX, EAX OR ECX, -1 XOR EAX, EAX CMP EAX, EDI JE @@exit0 REPNE SCASB DEC EAX DEC EAX SUB EAX,ECX @@exit0: MOV EDI,EDX end {$IFDEF F_P} [ 'EAX', 'EDX', 'ECX' ] {$ENDIF}; {$IFDEF ASM_UNICODE} {$ELSE PAS_VERSION} //Pascal function __DelimiterLast( Str, Delimiters: PKOLChar ): PKOLChar; var P, F : PKOLChar; begin P := Str; Result := P + {$IFDEF UNICODE_CTRLS} WStrLen {$ELSE} StrLen {$ENDIF}( Str ); while Delimiters^ <> #0 do begin F := {$IFDEF UNICODE_CTRLS} WStrRScan {$ELSE} StrRScan {$ENDIF} ( P, Delimiters^ ); if F <> nil then if (Result^ = #0) or (Integer(F) > Integer(Result)) then Result := F; Inc( Delimiters ); end; end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION} {$IFDEF _D3orHigher} function W__DelimiterLast( Str, Delimiters: PWideChar ): PWideChar; var P, F : PWideChar; begin P := Str; Result := P + WStrLen( Str ); while Delimiters^ <> #0 do begin F := WStrRScan( P, Delimiters^ ); if F <> nil then if (Result^ = #0) or (Integer(F) > Integer(Result)) then Result := F; Inc( Delimiters ); end; end; {$ENDIF _D3orHigher} {$IFDEF WIN} {$IFNDEF PARAMS_DEFAULT} {$IFDEF ASM_UNICODE}{$ELSE PAS_VERSION} function SkipSpaces( P: PKOLChar ): PKOLChar; begin while (P[0] <> #0) and (P[0] <= ' ') do Inc(P); Result := P; end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION} {$IFDEF ASM_UNICODE}{$ELSE} function SkipParam(P: PKOLChar): PKOLChar; begin P := SkipSpaces( P ); while P[0] > ' ' do if P[0] = '"' then begin Inc(P); while (P[0] <> #0) and (P[0] <> '"') do Inc(P); if P[0] <> #0 then Inc(P); end else Inc(P); Result := P; end; {$ENDIF} {$UNDEF ASM_LOCAL} {$IFDEF _D3orHigher} {$IFDEF ASM_UNICODE} {$DEFINE ASM_LOCAL} {$ENDIF ASM_UNICODE} {$ENDIF _D3orHigher} {$IFDEF ASM_LOCAL} function ParamStr( Idx: Integer ): KOLString; asm PUSH EDI MOV EDI, EDX TEST EAX, EAX JNE @@1 SUB ESP, 260 MOV ECX, ESP PUSH 260 PUSH ECX PUSH 0 CALL GetModuleFileName XCHG ECX, EAX MOV EDX, ESP MOV EAX, EDI CALL System.@LStrFromPCharLen ADD ESP, 260 JMP @@exit @@1: PUSH EAX CALL GetCommandLine POP ECX INC ECX @@loop: CALL SkipSpaces MOV EDX, EAX CALL SkipParam LOOP @@loop MOV ECX, EAX SUB ECX, EDX CMP ECX, 2 JL @@ready CMP byte ptr [EDX], '"' JNE @@ready CMP byte ptr [EAX-1], '"' JNE @@ready INC EDX DEC EAX @@ready: SUB EAX, EDX XCHG ECX, EAX XCHG EAX, EDI CALL System.@LStrFromPCharLen @@exit: POP EDI end; {$ELSE PAS_VERSION} function ParamStr( Idx: Integer ): KOLString; var P, P1: PKOLChar; Buffer: array[ 0..260 ] of KOLChar; begin if Idx = 0 then SetString( Result, Buffer, GetModuleFileName( 0, Buffer, Sizeof( Buffer ) ) ) else begin P := GetCommandLine; repeat P1 := SkipSpaces( P ); P := SkipParam(P1); Dec(Idx); until (Idx < 0); // or (P = P1); if Integer(P-P1) >= 2 then if (P1^ = '"') and ( (P-1)^ = '"') then begin inc( P1 ); dec( P ); end; SetString( Result, P1, P-P1 ); end; end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION} {$IFDEF ASM_UNICODE}{$ELSE PAS_VERSION} function ParamCount: Integer; var p: PKOLChar; begin p := GetCommandLine; Result := -1; while p^ <> #0 do begin inc( Result ); p := SkipParam( p ); p := SkipSpaces( p ); end; end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION} {$ENDIF PARAMS_DEFAULT} {$ENDIF WIN} {$IFDEF ASM_UNICODE}{$ELSE PAS_VERSION} //Pascal function DelimiterLast( const Str, Delimiters: KOLString ): Integer; var PStr: PKOLChar; begin PStr := PKOLChar( Str ); Result := Integer( __DelimiterLast( PStr, PKOLChar( Delimiters ) ) ) - Integer( PStr ) + {$IFDEF UNICODE_CTRLS} 2 {$ELSE} 1 {$ENDIF}; // {Viman} {$IFDEF UNICODE_CTRLS} Result := Result div SizeOf( WideChar ) {$ENDIF}; end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION} // Thanks to Marco Bobba - Marisa Bo for this code {$IFDEF ASM_UNICODE}{$ELSE} function StrIsStartingFrom( Str, Pattern: PKOLChar ): Boolean; begin Result := FALSE; if (Str = nil) or (Pattern = nil) then begin Result := (Integer(Str) = Integer(Pattern)); Exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} end; while Pattern^ <> #0 do begin if Str^ <> Pattern^ then Exit; inc( Str ); inc( Pattern ); end; Result := TRUE; end; {$ENDIF ASM_UNICODE} {$IFDEF PAS_ONLY} function StrIsStartingFromNoCase( Str, Pattern: PAnsiChar ): Boolean; begin Result := FALSE; while (Str^ <> #0) and (Pattern^ <> #0) do begin if Str^ <> Pattern^ then Exit; inc(Str^); inc(Pattern^); end; Result := Pattern^ = #0; end; {$ELSE} function StrIsStartingFromNoCase( Str, Pattern: PAnsiChar ): Boolean; asm {$IFDEF F_P} MOV EAX, [Str] MOV EDX, [Pattern] {$ENDIF F_P} XOR ECX, ECX @@1: MOV CL, [EDX] // pattern[ i ] INC EDX MOV CH, [EAX] // str[ i ] INC EAX JECXZ @@2 // str = pattern; CL = #0, CH = #0 CMP CL, 'a' JB @@cl_ok CMP CL, 'z' JA @@cl_ok SUB CL, 32 @@cl_ok: CMP CH, 'a' JB @@ch_ok CMP CH, 'z' JA @@ch_ok SUB CH, 32 @@ch_ok: CMP CL, CH JE @@1 @@2: TEST CL, CL SETZ AL end {$IFDEF F_P} [ 'EAX', 'EDX', 'ECX' ] {$ENDIF}; {$ENDIF PAS_ONLY} {$IFNDEF _FPC} {$IFDEF WIN} {$IFDEF ASM_UNICODE}{$ELSE PAS_VERSION} //Pascal function Format( const fmt: KOLString; params: Array of const ): KOLString; var Buffer: array[ 0..1023 ] of KOLChar; ElsArray, El: PDWORD; I : Integer; P : PDWORD; begin ElsArray := nil; if High( params ) >= 0 then GetMem( ElsArray, (High( params ) + 1) * sizeof( Pointer ) ); El := ElsArray; for I := 0 to High( params ) do begin P := @params[ I ]; P := Pointer( P^ ); El^ := DWORD( P ); Inc( El ); end; wvsprintf( PKOLChar(@Buffer[0]), PKOLChar( fmt ), Pointer( ElsArray ) ); Result := Buffer; if ElsArray <> nil then FreeMem( ElsArray ); end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION} {$ENDIF WIN} function LStrFromPWCharLen(Source: PWideChar; Length: Integer): AnsiString; var DestLen: Integer; Buffer: array[0..2047] of AnsiChar; begin if Length <= 0 then begin Result := ''; Exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} end; if Length < SizeOf(Buffer) div 2 then begin DestLen := WideCharToMultiByte(0, 0, Source, Length, Buffer, SizeOf(Buffer), nil, nil); if DestLen > 0 then begin Result := Buffer; Exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} end; end; DestLen := WideCharToMultiByte(0, 0, Source, Length, nil, 0, nil, nil); SetLength( Result, DestLen ); WideCharToMultiByte(0, 0, Source, Length, Pointer(Result), DestLen, nil, nil); end; {$IFDEF PAS_ONLY} function LStrFromPWChar(Source: PWideChar): AnsiString; begin Result := AnsiString(WideString(Source)); end; {$ELSE} function LStrFromPWChar(Source: PWideChar): AnsiString; {* from Delphi5 - because D2 does not contain it. } asm PUSH EDX XOR EDX,EDX TEST EAX,EAX JE @@5 PUSH EAX @@0: CMP DX,[EAX+0] JE @@4 CMP DX,[EAX+2] JE @@3 CMP DX,[EAX+4] JE @@2 CMP DX,[EAX+6] JE @@1 ADD EAX,8 JMP @@0 @@1: ADD EAX,2 @@2: ADD EAX,2 @@3: ADD EAX,2 @@4: XCHG EDX,EAX POP EAX SUB EDX,EAX SHR EDX,1 @@5: POP ECX JMP LStrFromPWCharLen end {$IFDEF F_P} [ 'EAX', 'EDX', 'ECX' ] {$ENDIF}; {$ENDIF PAS_ONLY} {$ENDIF not_FPC} function WCharIn( C: KOLChar; const Chars: array of KOLChar ): Boolean; var i: Integer; begin Result := TRUE; for i := 0 to High( Chars ) do if Chars[i] = C then Exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} Result := FALSE; end; ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // // F I L E S // // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// { This part of the unit modified by Tim Slusher and Vladimir Kladov. } {* Set of utility methods to work with files and reqistry. When programming KOL, which is Windows API-oriented, You should avoid alien (for Windows) embedded Pascal files handling, and use API-calls which implemented very well. This set of functions is intended to make this easier. Also TDirList object implementation present here and some registry access functions, which allow to make code more elegant. } {$UNDEF ASM_LOCAL} {$IFDEF ASM_VERSION} {$DEFINE ASM_LOCAL} {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION} {$IFDEF WIN} {$IFDEF ASM_VERSION}{$ELSE PAS_VERSION} //Pascal function FileCreate(const FileName: KOLString; OpenFlags: DWord): THandle; var Attr: DWORD; begin Attr := (OpenFlags shr 16) and $1FFF; if Attr = 0 then Attr := FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL; Result := CreateFile( PKOLChar(FileName), OpenFlags and $F0000000, OpenFlags and $F, nil, (OpenFlags shr 8) and $F, Attr, 0 ); end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION} {$ENDIF WIN} {$IFDEF _D3orHigher} function WFileCreate(const FileName: KOLWideString; OpenFlags: DWord): THandle; var Attr: DWORD; begin Attr := (OpenFlags shr 16) and $1FFF; if Attr = 0 then Attr := FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL; Result := CreateFileW( PWideChar(FileName), OpenFlags and $F0000000, OpenFlags and $F, nil, (OpenFlags shr 8) and $F, Attr, 0 ); end; {$ENDIF _D3orHigher} {$IFDEF WIN} {$IFDEF ASM_VERSION}{$ELSE PAS_VERSION} //Pascal function FileClose(Handle: THandle): Boolean; begin Result := CloseHandle(Handle); end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION} {$ENDIF WIN} {$IFDEF WIN} {$IFDEF ASM_UNICODE}{$ELSE PAS_VERSION} //Pascal function FileExists( const FileName : KOLString ) : Boolean; {$IFDEF FILE_EXISTS_EX} var FD: TFindFileData; LFT: TFileTime; Hi, Lo: Word; e: DWORD; {$ELSE} var Code: Integer; {$ENDIF} begin {$IFDEF FILE_EXISTS_EX} Result := FALSE; e := SetErrorMode( SEM_NOOPENFILEERRORBOX or SEM_FAILCRITICALERRORS ); if Find_First( Filename, FD ) then begin if FD.dwFileAttributes and FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY = 0 then begin FileTimeToLocalFileTime( FD.ftLastWriteTime, LFT ); if FileTimeToDosDateTime( LFT, Hi, Lo ) then Result := TRUE; end; Find_Close( FD ); end; SetErrorMode( e ); {$ELSE} Code := GetFileAttributes(PKOLChar(FileName)); Result := (Code <> -1) and (FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY and Code = 0); {$ENDIF} end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION} {$ENDIF WIN} {$IFDEF _D3orHigher} function WFileExists( const FileName: KOLWideString ) : Boolean; {$IFDEF notimplemented_FILE_EXISTS_EX} var FD: TFindFileData; //F: DWORD; LFT: TFileTime; Hi, Lo: Word; {$ELSE} var Code: Integer; {$ENDIF} begin {$IFDEF notimplemented_FILE_EXISTS_EX} Result := FALSE; if not WFind_First( Filename, FD ) then Exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} if FD.dwFileAttributes and FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY <> 0 then Exit; {>>>>>>>>} FileTimeToLocalFileTime( FD.ftLastWriteTime, LFT ); if FileTimeToDosDateTime( LFT, Hi, Lo ) then Result := TRUE; WFind_Close( FD ); {$ELSE} Code := GetFileAttributesW(PWideChar(FileName)); Result := (Code <> -1) and (FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY and Code = 0); {$ENDIF} end; {$ENDIF _D3orHigher} {$IFDEF WIN} {$IFDEF ASM_STREAM} function FileSeek(Handle: THandle; {$IFNDEF STREAM_COMPAT} const {$ENDIF} MoveTo: TStrmMove; MoveMethod: TMoveMethod): TStrmSize; asm MOVZX ECX, CL PUSH ECX PUSH 0 PUSH EDX PUSH EAX CALL SetFilePointer end; {$ELSE PAS_VERSION} //Pascal function FileSeek(Handle: THandle; {$IFNDEF STREAM_COMPAT} const {$ENDIF} MoveTo: TStrmMove; MoveMethod: TMoveMethod): TStrmSize; {$IFDEF STREAM_LARGE64} var HiPtr: DWORD; {$ENDIF} begin {$IFDEF STREAM_LARGE64} HiPtr := MoveTo shr 32; Result := SetFilePointer(Handle, DWORD( MoveTo ), @ HiPtr, Ord( MoveMethod ) ); if (DWORD( Result ) = $FFFFFFFF {INVALID_SET_FILE_POINTER}) and (GetLastError <> NO_ERROR) then Result := -1; // Int64(-1) if Result >= 0 then Result := Result or (HiPtr shl 32); {$ELSE} Result := SetFilePointer(Handle, MoveTo, nil, Ord( MoveMethod ) ); {$ENDIF} end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION} {$ENDIF WIN} {$IFDEF WIN} {$IFDEF ASM_VERSION}{$ELSE PAS_VERSION} //Pascal function FileRead(Handle: THandle; var Buffer; Count: DWord): DWord; begin if not ReadFile(Handle, Buffer, Count, Result, nil) then Result := 0; end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION} {$ENDIF WIN} {$IFDEF ASM_VERSION}{$ELSE PAS_VERSION} //Pascal function File2Str(Handle: THandle): AnsiString; var Pos, Size: DWORD; begin Result := ''; if Handle = 0 then Exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} Pos := FileSeek( Handle, 0, spCurrent ); Size := GetFileSize( Handle, nil ); SetString( Result, nil, Size - Pos + 1 ); FileRead( Handle, Result[ 1 ], Size - Pos ); Result[ Size - Pos + 1 ] := #0; end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION} {$IFNDEF _D2} function File2WStr(Handle: THandle): KOLWideString; var Pos, Size: DWORD; begin Result := ''; if Handle = 0 then Exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} Pos := FileSeek( Handle, 0, spCurrent ); Size := GetFileSize( Handle, nil ); SetString( Result, nil, (Size - Pos + 1) div Sizeof( WideChar ) + 1 ); // fixed by zhoudi FileRead( Handle, Result[ 1 ], Size - Pos ); Result[ Length(Result) ] := #0; // fixed by zhoudi end; {$ENDIF _D2} {$IFDEF WIN} {$IFDEF ASM_VERSION}{$ELSE PAS_VERSION} //Pascal function FileWrite(Handle: THandle; const Buffer; Count: DWord): DWord; begin if not WriteFile(Handle, Buffer, Count, Result, nil) then Result := 0; end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION} {$ENDIF WIN} {$IFDEF ASM_VERSION}{$ELSE PAS_VERSION} //Pascal function FileEOF( Handle: THandle ) : Boolean; var Siz, Pos : DWord; begin Siz := GetFileSize( Handle, nil ); Pos := FileSeek( Handle, 0, spCurrent ); Result := Pos >= Siz; end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION} {$IFDEF WIN} {$IFDEF ASM_noVERSION_UNICODE} function FileFullPath( const FileName: AnsiString ) : AnsiString; const BkSlash: AnsiString = '\'; szTShFileInfo = sizeof( TShFileInfo ); asm PUSH EBX PUSH ESI MOV EBX, EDX PUSH EAX XCHG EAX, EDX CALL System.@LStrClr POP EDX PUSH 0 MOV EAX, ESP CALL System.@LStrAsg MOV ESI, ESP @@loo: CMP dword ptr [ESI], 0 JZ @@fin MOV EAX, ESI MOV EDX, [BkSlash] PUSH 0 MOV ECX, ESP CALL Parse CMP dword ptr [EBX], 0 JE @@1 MOV EAX, EBX MOV EDX, [BkSlash] CALL System.@LStrCat JMP @@2 @@1: POP EAX PUSH EAX CALL System.@LStrLen CMP EAX, 2 JNE @@2 POP EAX PUSH EAX CMP byte ptr [EAX+1], ':' JNE @@2 MOV EAX, EBX POP EDX PUSH EDX CALL System.@LStrAsg JMP @@3 @@2: PUSH 0 MOV EAX, ESP MOV EDX, [EBX] CALL System.@LStrAsg MOV EAX, ESP MOV EDX, [ESP+4] CALL System.@LStrCat POP EAX PUSH EAX SUB ESP, szTShFileInfo MOV EDX, ESP PUSH SHGFI_DISPLAYNAME PUSH szTShFileInfo PUSH EDX PUSH 0 PUSH EAX CALL ShGetFileInfo LEA EDX, [ESP].TShFileInfo.szDisplayName CMP byte ptr [EDX], 0 JE @@clr_stk LEA EAX, [ESP+szTShFileInfo+4] {$IFDEF _D2009orHigher} XOR ECX, ECX {$ENDIF} CALL System.@LStrFromPChar @@clr_stk: ADD ESP, szTShFileInfo CALL RemoveStr POP EDX PUSH EDX MOV EAX, EBX CALL System.@LStrCat @@3: CALL RemoveStr JMP @@loo @@fin: CALL RemoveStr POP ESI POP EBX end; {$ELSE PAS_VERSION} //Pascal function FileFullPath( const FileName: KOLString ) : KOLString; var SFI: TShFileInfo; Src, S: KOLString; begin Result := ''; Src := FileName; while Src <> '' do begin S := Parse( Src, '\' ); if Result <> '' then Result := Result + '\'; if (Result = '') and (Length( S ) = 2) and (S[ 2 ] = ':') then Result := S else begin {$IFDEF UNICODE_CTRLS} ShGetFileInfoW {$ELSE} ShGetFileInfoA {$ENDIF} ( PKOLChar( Result + S ), 0, SFI, Sizeof( SFI ), SHGFI_DISPLAYNAME ); if SFI.szDisplayName[ 0 ] <> #0 then S := SFI.szDisplayName; Result := Result + S; end; end; if ExtractFileExt( Result ) = '' then // case when flag 'Hide extensions for registered file types' is set on // in the Explorer: Result := Result + ExtractFileExt( FileName ); end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION} {$ENDIF WIN} {$IFDEF WIN} function FileShortPath( const FileName: KOLString ): KOLString; var Buf: array[ 0..MAX_PATH ] of KOLChar; begin GetShortPathName( PKOLChar( FileName ), Buf, Sizeof( Buf ) ); Result := Buf; end; function FileIconSystemIdx( const Path: KOLString ): Integer; var SFI: TShFileInfo; begin SFI.iIcon := 0; // Bartov {$IFDEF UNICODE_CTRLS} ShGetFileInfoW {$ELSE} ShGetFileInfoA {$ENDIF} ( PKOLChar( Path ), 0, SFI, sizeof( SFI ), SHGFI_SMALLICON or SHGFI_SYSICONINDEX ); Result := SFI.iIcon; end; function FileIconSysIdxOffline( const Path: KOLString ): Integer; var SFI: TShFileInfo; begin SFI.iIcon := 0; // Bartov {$IFDEF UNICODE_CTRLS} ShGetFileInfoW {$ELSE} ShGetFileInfoA {$ENDIF} ( PKOLChar( Path ), FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, SFI, sizeof( SFI ), SHGFI_SMALLICON or SHGFI_SYSICONINDEX or SHGFI_USEFILEATTRIBUTES ); Result := SFI.iIcon; end; {$ENDIF WIN} procedure LogFileOutput( const filepath, str: KOLString ); var F: THandle; Tmp: KOLString; begin F := FileCreate( filepath, ofOpenWrite or ofOpenAlways or ofShareDenyWrite ); if F = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE then Exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} FileSeek( F, 0, spEnd ); Tmp := str + {$IFDEF LIN} #10 {$ELSE} #13#10 {$ENDIF}; FileWrite( F, PKOLChar( Tmp )^, Length( Tmp ) * Sizeof(KOLChar) ); FileClose( F ); end; function StrLoadFromFile( const Filename: KOLString ): AnsiString; var F: THandle; begin {$IFDEF WIN} if KOLLowerCase(Filename) = 'con' then Result := File2Str(GetStdHandle(STD_INPUT_HANDLE)) else {$ENDIF WIN} begin Result := ''; F := FileCreate( Filename, ofOpenRead or ofOpenExisting or ofShareDenyWrite ); if F = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE then Exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} Result := File2Str( F ); FileClose( F ); {Dark Knight} end; end; function Str2File( Filename: PKOLChar; Str: PAnsiChar ): Boolean; var L: Integer; begin L := StrLen( Str ); Result := Mem2File( Filename, Str, L ) = L; end; function WStr2File( Filename: PKOLChar; Str: PWideChar ): Boolean; var L: Integer; begin L := WStrLen( Str ); Result := Mem2File( Filename, Str, L * Sizeof(WideChar) ) = L; end; function StrSaveToFile( const Filename: KOLString; const Str: AnsiString ): Boolean; begin Result := Mem2File( PKOLChar( Filename ), PAnsiChar( Str ), Length( Str ) ) = Length( Str ); end; {$IFNDEF _D2} function WStrLoadFromFile( const Filename: KOLString ): KOLWideString; var F: THandle; begin {$IFDEF WIN} //if StrEq( Filename, 'CON' ) then if KOLLowerCase(Filename) = 'con' then Result := File2WStr(GetStdHandle(STD_INPUT_HANDLE)) else {$ENDIF WIN} begin Result := ''; F := FileCreate( Filename, ofOpenRead or ofOpenExisting or ofShareDenyWrite ); if F = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE then Exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} Result := File2WStr( F ); FileClose( F ); {Dark Knight} end; end; function WStrSaveToFile( const Filename: KOLString; const Str: KOLWideString ): Boolean; var BytesToSave: Integer; begin BytesToSave := Length( Str ) * Sizeof(WideChar); Result := Mem2File( PKOLChar( Filename ), PWideChar( Str ), BytesToSave ) = BytesToSave; // fixed by zhoudi end; {$ENDIF _D2} function Mem2File( Filename: PKOLChar; Mem: Pointer; Len: Integer ): Integer; var F: THandle; begin Result := 0; F := //FileCreate( Filename, ofOpenWrite or ofCreateAlways ); CreateFile( Filename, GENERIC_WRITE, 0, nil, CREATE_ALWAYS, 0, 0 ); if F = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE then Exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} Result := FileWrite( F, Mem^, Len ); CloseHandle( F ); end; function File2Mem( Filename: PKOLChar; Mem: Pointer; MaxLen: Integer ): Integer; var F: THandle; begin Result := 0; F := //FileCreate( Filename, ofOpenRead or ofOpenExisting or ofShareDenyWrite ); CreateFile( Filename, GENERIC_READ, FILE_SHARE_READ, nil, OPEN_EXISTING, 0, 0 ); if F = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE then Exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} Result := FileRead( F, Mem^, MaxLen ); CloseHandle( F ); end; {$IFDEF WIN} function Find_First( const FilePathName: KOLString; var F: TFindFileData ): Boolean; begin {$IFDEF UNICODE_CTRLS} F.FindHandle := THandle( FindFirstFileExW( PKOLChar( FilePathName ), FindExInfoStandard, PWin32FindDataW( @ F ), FindExSearchNameMatch, nil, 0 ) ); {$ELSE} F.FindHandle := FindFirstFile( PKOLChar( FilePathName ), PWin32FindData( @ F )^ ); {$ENDIF} Result := F.FindHandle <> INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; end; function Find_Next( var F: TFindFileData ): Boolean; begin Result := FindNextFile( F.FindHandle, {$IFDEF UNICODE_CTRLS} PWin32FindDataW {$ELSE} PWin32FindData {$ENDIF} ( @ F )^ ); end; procedure Find_Close( var F: TFindFileData ); begin Windows.FindClose( F.FindHandle ); end; {$ENDIF WIN} {$IFDEF WIN} function FileSize( const Path: KOLString ) : {$IFDEF _D2orD3} Integer {$ELSE} Int64 {$ENDIF}; var FD : TFindFileData; begin Result := 0; if not Find_First( Path, FD ) then exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} {$IFDEF _D2orD3} Result := FD.nFileSizeLow; {$ELSE} I64( Result ).Lo := FD.nFileSizeLow; I64( Result ).Hi := FD.nFileSizeHigh; {$ENDIF} Find_Close( FD ); end; {$ENDIF WIN} {$IFDEF ASM_VERSION}{$ELSE PAS_VERSION} procedure FileTime( const Path: KOLString; CreateTime, LastAccessTime, LastModifyTime: PFileTime ); stdcall; var FD : TFindFileData; procedure CopyTime( Dest, Src: PFileTime ); begin if Dest <> nil then Dest^ := Src^; end; begin if not Find_First( Path, FD ) then exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} Find_Close( FD ); CopyTime( CreateTime, @ FD.ftCreationTime ); CopyTime( LastModifyTime, @ FD.ftLastWriteTime ); CopyTime( LastAccessTime, @ FD.ftLastAccessTime ); end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION} function GetUniqueFilename( PathName: KOLString ) : KOLString; var Path, Nam, Ext : KOLString; I, J, K : Integer; begin Result := PathName; Path := ExtractFilePath( PathName ); if not DirectoryExists( Path ) then Exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} Nam := ExtractFileNameWOext( PathName ); if Nam = '' then begin Path := ExcludeTrailingPathDelimiter( Path ); PathName := Path; Result := Path; end; Nam := ExtractFileNameWOext( PathName ); Ext := ExtractFileExt( PathName ); I := Length( Nam ); for J := I downto 1 do if not ((Nam[ J ] >= '0') and (Nam[ J ] <= '9')) then begin I := J; break; end; K := Str2Int( CopyEnd( Nam, I + 1 ) ); while FileExists( Result ) do begin Inc( K ); Result := Path + Copy( Nam, 1, I ) + Int2Str( K ) + Ext; end; end; {$IFDEF WIN} {$IFDEF ASM_VERSION}{$ELSE PAS_VERSION} //Pascal function CompareSystemTime(const D1, D2 : TSystemTime) : Integer; {$IFDEF DATE0_1601} var ft1, ft2: TFileTime; {$ELSE} var R: Integer; procedure CompareFields(const F1, F2 : Integer); begin if R <> 0 then Exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} if F1 = F2 then Exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} if F1 < F2 then R := -1 else R := 1; end; {$ENDIF DATE0_0001} begin {$IFDEF DATE0_1601} SystemTimeToFileTime( D1, ft1 ); SystemTimeToFileTime( D2, ft2 ); Result := CompareFileTime( ft1, ft2 ); {$ELSE} R := 0; CompareFields( D1.wYear, D2.wYear ); CompareFields( D1.wMonth, D2.wMonth ); CompareFields( D1.wDay, D2.wDay ); CompareFields( D1.wHour, D2.wHour ); CompareFields( D1.wMinute, D2.wMinute ); CompareFields( D1.wSecond, D2.wSecond ); CompareFields( D1.wMilliseconds, D2.wMilliseconds ); Result := R; {$ENDIF DATE0_0001} end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION} function FileTimeCompare( const FT1, FT2 : TFileTime ) : Integer; begin Result := CompareFileTime( FT1, FT2 ); end; {$ENDIF WIN} {$IFDEF WIN} {$IFDEF ASM_VERSION}{$ELSE PAS_VERSION} //Pascal function DirectoryExists(const Name: KOLString): Boolean; var Code: Integer; e: DWORD; begin e := SetErrorMode( SEM_NOOPENFILEERRORBOX or SEM_FAILCRITICALERRORS ); Code := GetFileAttributes(PKOLChar(Name)); Result := (Code <> -1) and (FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY and Code <> 0); SetErrorMode( e ); end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION} {$IFDEF ASM_UNICODE}{$ELSE PAS_VERSION} function DiskPresent( const DrivePath: KOLString ): Boolean; var e: DWORD; restore: Boolean; begin e := 0; Restore := FALSE; //if Copy( DrivePath, 1, 2 ) <> '\\' then if (DrivePath <> '') and (DrivePath[1] <> '\') then CASE GetDriveType( PKOLChar( DrivePath ) ) OF DRIVE_REMOVABLE, DRIVE_CDROM, DRIVE_RAMDISK: begin e := SetErrorMode( SEM_NOOPENFILEERRORBOX or SEM_FAILCRITICALERRORS ); Restore := TRUE; end; END; Result := DirectoryExists( DrivePath ); if Restore then SetErrorMode( e ); end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION} {$IFDEF _D3orHigher} function WDirectoryExists(const Name: KOLWideString): Boolean; var Code: Integer; begin Code := GetFileAttributesW(PWideChar(Name)); Result := (Code <> -1) and (FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY and Code <> 0); end; {$ENDIF _D3orHigher} {$ENDIF WIN} function CheckDirectoryContent( const Name: KOLString; SubDirsOnly: Boolean; const Mask: KOLString ): Boolean; var FD: TFindFileData; begin Result := TRUE; if DirectoryExists( Name ) then begin if Find_First( IncludeTrailingPathDelimiter( Name ) + Mask, FD ) then begin repeat if not {$IFDEF UNICODE_CTRLS}WStrIn{$ELSE}StrIn{$ENDIF}( FD.cFileName, ['.','..'] ) then begin if SubDirsOnly and LongBool(FD.dwFileAttributes and FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY) or not SubDirsOnly then begin Result := FALSE; break; end; end; until not Find_Next( FD ); Find_Close( FD ); end; end; end; function DirectoryEmpty(const Name: KOLString): Boolean; begin Result := CheckDirectoryContent( Name, FALSE, '*.*' ); end; function DirectoryHasSubdirs( const Path: KOLString ): Boolean; begin Result := not CheckDirectoryContent( Path, TRUE, '*.*' ); end; {$IFDEF ASM_UNICODE}{$ELSE PAS_VERSION} //Pascal {$IFDEF WIN} {$UNDEF LINUX_USE_HOME_STARTFDIR} {$ENDIF} function GetStartDir : KOLString; {$IFNDEF LINUX_USE_HOME_STARTFDIR} var Buffer:array[0..MAX_PATH] of KOLChar; I : Integer; {$ENDIF} begin {$IFDEF LINUX_USE_HOME_STARTFDIR} Result := getenv( 'HOME' ); {$ELSE} I := GetModuleFileName( 0, Buffer, MAX_PATH ); for I := I downto 0 do if Buffer[ I ] = {$IFDEF LIN} '/' {$ELSE} '\' {$ENDIF} then begin Buffer[ I + 1 ] := #0; break; end; Result := Buffer; {$ENDIF} end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION} function ExePath: KOLString; var Buffer: array[ 0..MAX_PATH+1 ] of KOLChar; begin Buffer[ MAX_PATH+1 ] := #0; GetModuleFileName( 0, Buffer, MAX_PATH+1 ); Result := Buffer; end; function ModulePath: KOLString; var Buffer: array[ 0..MAX_PATH+1 ] of KOLChar; begin Buffer[ MAX_PATH+1 ] := #0; GetModuleFileName( hInstance, Buffer, MAX_PATH+1 ); Result := Buffer; end; {$IFNDEF PAS_ONLY} function DirectorySize( const Path: KOLString ): I64; var DirList: PDirList; I: Integer; begin Result := MakeInt64( 0, 0 ); DirList := NewDirList( Path, {$IFDEF LIN} '*' {$ELSE} '*.*' {$ENDIF}, 0 ); for I := 0 to DirList.Count-1 do begin if LongBool( DirList.Items[ I ].dwFileAttributes and FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY ) then Result := Add64( Result, DirectorySize( DirList.Path + DirList.Names[ I ] ) ) else Result := Add64( Result, MakeInt64( DirList.Items[ I ].nFileSizeLow, DirList.Items[ I ].nFileSizeHigh ) ); end; DirList.Free; end; {$ENDIF} {$IFDEF WIN} //vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv function GetFileList(const dir: KOLString): PKOLStrList; var Srch: TFindFileData; succ: Boolean; begin result := nil; succ := Find_First(dir, Srch); while succ do begin if (not (Srch.dwFileAttributes and FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY > 0))then begin if Result = nil then begin Result := NewKOLStrList; end; Result.Add(Srch.cFileName); end; succ := Find_Next(Srch); end; Find_Close(Srch); end; {$ENDIF WIN} function ExcludeTrailingChar( const S: KOLString; C: KOLChar ): KOLString; begin Result := S; if Result <> '' then if Result[ Length( Result ) ] = C then Delete( Result, Length( Result ), 1 ); end; {$IFDEF ASM_UNICODE}{$ELSE PASCAL} function IncludeTrailingChar( const S: KOLString; C: KOLChar ): KOLString; begin Result := S; if (Result = '') or (Result[ Length( Result ) ] <> C) then Result := Result + KOLString(C); end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION} //--------------------------------------------------------- // Following functions/procedures are created by Edward Aretino: // IncludeTrailingPathDelimiter, ExcludeTrailingPathDelimiter, // ForceDirectories, CreateDir, ChangeFileExt //--------------------------------------------------------- function IncludeTrailingPathDelimiter(const S: KOLString): KOLString; begin Result := IncludeTrailingChar( S, {$IFDEF UNIX} '/' {$ELSE} '\' {$ENDIF} ); end; function ExcludeTrailingPathDelimiter(const S: KOLString): KOLString; begin Result := ExcludeTrailingChar( S, {$IFDEF UNIX} '/' {$ELSE} '\' {$ENDIF} ); end; function ExtractFileDrive( const Path: KOLString ) : KOLString; var i, j: Integer; begin Result := Path; if Result = '' then Exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} if pos( KOLString(':'), Result ) > 1 then Result := Parse( Result, ':' ) + ':\' else if Length( Result ) > 2 then begin j := 0; for i := 3 to Length( Result ) do if Result[ i ] = '\' then begin inc( j ); if j = 2 then begin Result := Copy( Result, 1, i ); break; end; end; Result := IncludeTrailingPathDelimiter( Result ); end else if Length( Result ) = 1 then Result := Result + ':\'; end; {$IFDEF ASM_LStrFromPCharLen} // LStrFromPCharLen - there are no in D2 function ExtractFilePath( const Path : AnsiString ) : AnsiString; asm PUSH EDX MOV EDX, [DirDelimiters] CALL EAX2PChar PUSH EAX CALL __DelimiterLast XCHG EDX, EAX XOR ECX, ECX // ECX = 0 POP EAX CMP byte ptr [EDX], CL JZ @@ret_0 SUB EDX, EAX INC EDX XCHG EDX, EAX XCHG ECX, EAX // EAX = 0 @@ret_0: POP EAX {$IFDEF _D2009orHigher} PUSH 0 {$ENDIF} CALL System.@LStrFromPCharLen end; {$ELSE} //Pascal function ExtractFilePath( const Path : KOLString ) : KOLString; //var I : Integer; var P, P0: PKOLChar; begin P0 := PKOLChar( Path ); P := __DelimiterLast( P0, ':\/' ); if P^ = #0 then Result := '' else Result := Copy( Path, 1, P - P0 + 1 ); end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION} {$IFDEF _D3orHigher} function WExtractFilePath( const Path: KOLWideString ) : KOLWideString; var P, P0: PWideChar; begin P0 := PWideChar( Path ); P := W__DelimiterLast( P0, ':\/' ); if P^ = #0 then Result := '' else Result := Copy( Path, 1, P - P0 + 1 ); end; {$ENDIF} {$IFDEF ASM_VERSION}{$IFNDEF _D2} {$DEFINE ASM_LStrFromPCharLen} {$ENDIF} {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION} function IsNetworkPath( const Path: KOLString ): Boolean; begin Result := (Length( Path ) >= 2) and (Path[1] = '\') and (Path[2] = '\'); end; {$IFDEF ASM_UNICODE}{$ELSE PAS_VERSION} //Pascal function ExtractFileName( const Path : KOLString ) : KOLString; var P: PKOLChar; begin P := __DelimiterLast( PKOLChar( Path ), ':\/' ); if P^ = #0 then Result := Path else Result := P + 1; end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION} {$IFDEF ASM_UNICODE}{$ELSE PASCAL} function ExtractFileNameWOext( const Path : KOLString ) : KOLString; begin Result := ExtractFileName( Path ); Result := Copy( Result, 1, Length( Result ) - Length( ExtractFileExt( Result ) ) ); end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION} {$IFDEF ASM_UNICODE}{$ELSE PAS_VERSION} //Pascal function ExtractFileExt( const Path : KOLString ) : KOLString; var P: PKOLChar; begin P := __DelimiterLast( PKOLChar( Path ), '.' ); Result := P; end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION} {$IFDEF ASM_UNICODE}{$ELSE PASCAL} function ReplaceExt( const Path, NewExt: KOLString ): KOLString; begin Result := ExtractFilePath( Path ) + ExtractFileNameWOext( Path ) + NewExt; end; {$ENDIF} function ForceDirectories(Dir: KOLString): Boolean; begin Result := Length(Dir) > 0; {Centronix} If not Result then Exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} Dir := ExcludeTrailingPathDelimiter(Dir); If (Length(Dir) < 3) or DirectoryExists(Dir) or (ExtractFilePath(Dir) = Dir) then Exit; // avoid 'xyz:\' problem. {>>>>>>>>>} Result := ForceDirectories(ExtractFilePath(Dir)) and CreateDir(Dir); end; function CreateDir(const Dir: KOLString): Boolean; begin Result := {$IFDEF WIN} {Windows.}CreateDirectory(PKOLChar(Dir), nil) {$ELSE LIN} Libc.__mkdir(PAnsiChar(Dir), S_IRWXU or S_IRWXG or S_IRWXO) = 0 {$ENDIF}; end; function ChangeFileExt(FileName: KOLString; const Extension: KOLString): KOLString; var FileExt: KOLString; begin FileExt := ExtractFileExt(FileName); DeleteTail(FileName, Length(FileExt)); Result := FileName+ Extension; end; function ReplaceFileExt( const Path, NewExt: KOLString ): KOLString; begin Result := ExtractFilePath( Path ) + ExtractFileNameWOext( ExtractFileName( Path ) ) + NewExt; end; {$IFDEF WIN} //vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv function ExtractShortPathName( const Path: KOLString ): KOLString; var Buffer: array[0..MAX_PATH - 1] of KOLChar; begin SetString(Result, Buffer, GetShortPathName(PKOLChar(Path), Buffer, SizeOf(Buffer) div Sizeof(KOLChar))); end; {$IFDEF GDI} function FilePathShortened( const Path: KOLString; MaxLen: Integer ): KOLString; begin Result := FilePathShortenPixels( Path, 0, MaxLen ); end; function PixelsLength( DC: HDC; const Text: KOLString ): Integer; var Sz: TSize; begin if DC = 0 then Result := Length( Text ) else begin {$IFDEF UNICODE_CTRLS}Windows.GetTextExtentPoint32W {$ELSE} Windows.GetTextExtentPoint32A {$ENDIF}( DC, PKOLChar( Text ), Length( Text ), Sz ); Result := Sz.cx; end; end; function FilePathShortenPixels( const Path: KOLString; DC: HDC; MaxPixels: Integer ): KOLString; var L0, L1: Integer; Prev: KOLString; begin Result := Path; L0 := PixelsLength( DC, Result ); while L0 > MaxPixels do begin Prev := Result; L1 := pos( KOLString('\...\'), Result ); // ambiguous if L1 <= 0 then Result := ExcludeTrailingPathDelimiter( ExtractFilePath( Result ) ) else Result := Copy( Result, 1, L1 - 1 ); if Result <> '' then Result := IncludeTrailingPathDelimiter( ExtractFilePath( Result ) ) + '...\' + ExtractFileName( Path ); if (Result = '') or (Result = Prev) then begin L1 := Length( ExtractFilePath( Result ) ); while (PixelsLength( DC, Result ) > MaxPixels) and (L1 > 1) do begin Dec( L1 ); Result := Copy( Result, 1, L1 ) + '...\' + ExtractFileName( Result ); end; if PixelsLength( DC, Result ) > MaxPixels then begin L1 := MaxPixels + 1; while ((MaxPixels > 0) and (L1 > 1) or (MaxPixels = 0) and (L1 > 0)) and (PixelsLength( DC, Result ) > MaxPixels) do begin Dec( L1 ); Result := Copy( ExtractFileName( Path ), 1, L1 ) + '...'; end; end; break; end; L0 := PixelsLength( DC, Result ); end; end; {$ENDIF GDI} procedure CutFirstDirectory(var S: KOLString); var Root: Boolean; P: Integer; begin if S = '\' then S := '' else begin if S[1] = '\' then begin Root := True; Delete(S, 1, 1); end else Root := False; if S[1] = '.' then Delete(S, 1, 4); P := Pos( KOLString('\'), S ); if P <> 0 then begin Delete(S, 1, P); S := '...\' + S; end else S := ''; if Root then S := '\' + S; end; end; {$IFDEF GDI} function MinimizeName( const Path: KOLString; DC: HDC; MaxPixels: Integer ): KOLString; var Drive, Dir, Name: KOLString; begin Result := Path; Dir := ExtractFilePath(Result); Name := ExtractFileName(Result); if (Length(Dir) >= 2) and (Dir[2] = ':') then begin Drive := Copy(Dir, 1, 2); Delete(Dir, 1, 2); end else Drive := ''; while ((Dir <> '') or (Drive <> '')) and (PixelsLength(DC, Result) > MaxPixels) do begin if Dir = '\...\' then begin Drive := ''; Dir := '...\'; end else if Dir = '' then Drive := '' else CutFirstDirectory(Dir); Result := Drive + Dir + Name; end; end; {$ENDIF GDI} {$IFDEF ASM_UNICODE}{$ELSE PAS_VERSION} function GetSystemDir: KOLString; var Buf: array[ 0..MAX_PATH-1 ] of KOLChar; begin GetSystemDirectory( @ Buf[ 0 ], MAX_PATH ); Result := IncludeTrailingPathDelimiter( PKOLChar( @ Buf[ 0 ] ) ); end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION} {$IFDEF ASM_UNICODE}{$ELSE PAS_VERSION} function GetWindowsDir : KOLString; var Buf : array[ 0..MAX_PATH-1 ] of KOLChar; begin GetWindowsDirectory( @Buf[ 0 ], MAX_PATH ); Result := IncludeTrailingPathDelimiter( PKOLChar( @ Buf[ 0 ] ) ); end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION} {$IFDEF ASM_UNICODE}{$ELSE PAS_VERSION} function GetWorkDir : KOLString; var Buf: array[ 0..MAX_PATH ] of KOLChar; begin GetCurrentDirectory( MAX_PATH, @ Buf[ 0 ] ); Result := IncludeTrailingPathDelimiter( PKOLChar( @ Buf[ 0 ] ) ); end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION} {$ENDIF WIN} {$IFDEF ASM_UNICODE}{$ELSE PASCAL} function GetTempDir : KOLString; {$IFDEF WIN} var Buf : Array[ 0..MAX_PATH ] of KOLChar; {$ENDIF WIN} begin {$IFDEF LIN} Result := '/tmp/'; {$ELSE WIN} GetTempPath( MAX_PATH + 1, @Buf[ 0 ] ); Result := IncludeTrailingPathDelimiter( PKOLChar( @ Buf[ 0 ] ) ); {$ENDIF WIN} end; {$ENDIF} {$IFDEF WIN} {$IFDEF ASM_UNICODE}{$ELSE PASCAL} function CreateTempFile( const DirPath, Prefix: KOLString ): KOLString; var Buf: array[ 0..MAX_PATH ] of KOLChar; begin GetTempFileName( PKOLChar( DirPath ), PKOLChar( Prefix ), 0, Buf ); Result := Buf; end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION} {$ENDIF WIN} function GetFileListStr(FPath{e.g.'c:\tmp\'}, FMask{e.g.'*.*'}: KOLString): KOLString; {* List of files in string, separating each path from others with FileOpSeparator. E.g.: 'c:\tmp\unit1.dcu'#13'c:\tmp\unit1.~pa' (for use with DeleteFile2Recycle())} var Srch: TFindFileData; succ: Boolean; dir:KOLString; begin result := ''; if (FPath<>'') then FPath := IncludeTrailingPathDelimiter( FPath ); if (FMask<>'') and (FMask[1]={$IFDEF LIN} '/' {$ELSE} '\' {$ENDIF}) then FMask := CopyEnd(FMask,2); dir:=FPath+FMask; succ := Find_First(dir, Srch); while succ do begin if (not (Srch.dwFileAttributes and FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY > 0))then begin if Result<>'' then Result := Result + KOLString(FileOpSeparator); Result := Result + FPath + KOLString(Srch.cFileName); end; succ := Find_Next(Srch); end; Find_Close(Srch); end; function DeleteFiles( const DirPath: KOLString ): Boolean; var Files, Name: KOLString; begin Files := GetFileListStr( ExtractFilePath( DirPath ), ExtractFileName( DirPath ) ); Result := TRUE; while Files <> '' do begin Name := Parse( Files, FileOpSeparator ); Result := Result and DeleteFile( PKOLChar( Name ) ); end; end; {$IFDEF WIN_GDI} //>>>>>>>>>>>> function DeleteFile2Recycle( const Filename : KOLString ) : Boolean; begin Result := DoFileOp( Filename, '', FO_DELETE, FOF_ALLOWUNDO or FOF_NOCONFIRMATION or FOF_SIMPLEPROGRESS, 'Deleting...' ); end; function CopyMoveFiles( const FromList, ToList: KOLString; Move: Boolean ): Boolean; begin Result := DoFileOp(FromList, ToList, FO_COPY - Integer( Move ), FOF_ALLOWUNDO, nil); //|\\ FO_COPY = 2, FO_MOVE = 1 end; {$IFNDEF PAS_ONLY} function DiskFreeSpace( const Path: KOLString ): I64; type TGetDFSEx = function( Path: PKOLChar; CallerFreeBytes, TotalBytes, FreeBytes: Pointer ) : Bool; stdcall; var GetDFSEx: TGetDFSEx; Kern32: THandle; V: TOSVersionInfo; Ex: Boolean; SpC, BpS, NFC, TNC: DWORD; FBA, TNB: I64; begin GetDFSEx := nil; V.dwOSVersionInfoSize := Sizeof( V ); GetVersionEx( POSVersionInfo( @ V )^ ); // bug in Windows.pas ! Ex := FALSE; if V.dwPlatformId = VER_PLATFORM_WIN32_NT then Ex := V.dwMajorVersion >= 4 else if V.dwPlatformId = VER_PLATFORM_WIN32_WINDOWS then begin Ex := V.dwMajorVersion > 4; if not Ex then if V.dwMajorVersion = 4 then begin Ex := V.dwMinorVersion > 0; if not Ex then Ex := LoWord( V.dwBuildNumber ) >= $1111; end; end; if Ex then begin Kern32 := GetModuleHandle( 'kernel32' ); GetDFSEx := GetProcAddress( Kern32, 'GetDiskFreeSpaceExA' ); end; if Assigned( GetDFSEx ) then GetDFSEx( PKOLChar( Path ), @ FBA, @ TNB, @Result ) else begin GetDiskFreeSpace( PKOLChar( Path ), SpC, BpS, NFC, TNC ); Result := Mul64i( MakeInt64( SpC * BpS, 0 ), NFC ); end; end; {$ENDIF} function DoFileOp( const FromList, ToList: KOLString; FileOp: UINT; Flags: Word; Title: PKOLChar): Boolean; var FOS : {$IFDEF UNICODE_CTRLS}TSHFileOpStructW{$ELSE}TSHFileOpStruct{$ENDIF}; Buf : PKOLChar; L : Integer; ToList0: KOLString; begin L := Length( FromList ); Buf := AllocMem( (L+2) * Sizeof( KOLChar ) ); Move( FromList[ 1 ], Buf^, L * Sizeof( KOLChar ) ); for L := L downto 0 do if Buf[ L ] = FileOpSeparator then Buf[ L ] := #0; //FillChar( FOS, Sizeof( FOS ), #0 ); ZeroMemory( @FOS, Sizeof( FOS ) ); if Applet <> nil then FOS.Wnd := Applet.Handle; FOS.wFunc := FileOp; FOS.lpszProgressTitle := Title; FOS.pFrom := Buf; ToList0 := ToList + #0; FOS.pTo := PKOLChar( ToList0 ); FOS.fFlags := Flags; FOS.fAnyOperationsAborted := True; Result := {$IFDEF UNICODE_CTRLS}SHFileOperationW{$ELSE}SHFileOperationA{$ENDIF}( FOS ) = 0; if Result then Result := not FOS.fAnyOperationsAborted; FreeMem( Buf ); end; {$ENDIF WIN_GDI} {$IFDEF WIN} function DirIconSysIdxOffline( const Path: KOLString ): Integer; var SFI: TShFileInfo; begin SFI.iIcon := 0; // Bartov {$IFDEF UNICODE_CTRLS} ShGetFileInfoW {$ELSE} ShGetFileInfoA {$ENDIF} ( PKOLChar( Path ), FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY, SFI, sizeof( SFI ), SHGFI_SMALLICON or SHGFI_SYSICONINDEX or SHGFI_USEFILEATTRIBUTES ); Result := SFI.iIcon; end; {$ENDIF WIN} { TDirList } {$IFDEF SPEED_FASTER} {$DEFINE DIRLIST_FASTER} {$ENDIF} function NewDirList( const DirPath, Filter: KOLString; Attr: DWORD ): PDirList; begin New( Result, Create ); {$IFDEF DEBUG_OBJKIND} Result.fObjKind := 'TDirList'; {$ENDIF} Result.ScanDirectory( DirPath, Filter, Attr ); end; function NewDirListEx( const DirPath, Filters: KOLString; Attr: DWORD ): PDirList; begin New( Result, Create ); {$IFDEF DEBUG_OBJKIND} Result.fObjKind := 'TDirListEx'; {$ENDIF} Result.ScanDirectoryEx( DirPath, Filters, Attr ); end; {$IFDEF ASM_VERSION}{$ELSE PAS_VERSION} //Pascal procedure TDirList.Clear; begin Free_And_Nil( FListPositions ); Free_And_Nil( fStoreFiles ); end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION} {$IFDEF ASM_VERSION}{$ELSE PAS_VERSION} //Pascal destructor TDirList.Destroy; begin Clear; FPath := ''; inherited; end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION} {$IFDEF ASM_UNICODE}{$ELSE PAS_VERSION} //Pascal function FindFilter(const Filter: KOLString): KOLString; begin Result := Filter; if Result = '' then Result := '*.*'; end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION} function TDirList.Get(Idx: Integer): PFindFileData; begin {$IFDEF DIRLIST_FASTER} Result := FListPositions.Items[ Idx ]; {$ELSE} Result := Pointer( Integer( fStoreFiles.fMemory ) + Integer( FListPositions.Items[ Idx ] ) ); {$ENDIF} end; {$IFDEF ASM_VERSION}{$ELSE PAS_VERSION} //Pascal function TDirList.GetCount: Integer; begin Result := 0; if FListPositions = nil then Exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} Result := FListPositions.Count; end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION} function TDirList.GetNames(Idx: Integer): KOLString; var FData: PFindFileData; begin FData := Get( Idx ); Result := FData.cFileName; end; function TDirList.GetIsDirectory(Idx: Integer): Boolean; begin Result := LongBool( Items[ Idx ].dwFileAttributes and FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY ); end; {$IFDEF ASM_noVERSION} function TDirList.SatisfyFilter(FileName: PAnsiChar; FileAttr, FindAttr: DWord): Boolean; asm PUSH EBX PUSH ESI PUSH EDI XCHG EBX, EAX // EBX = @ Self MOV EAX, [FindAttr] MOV EDI, EDX // EDI = FileName MOV EDX, EAX AND EDX, ECX CMP EDX, EAX JE @@1 TEST AL, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL JZ @@ret_false @@1: CMP word ptr [EDI], '.' JE @@1_1 CMP word ptr [EDI], '..' JNE @@1_1 CMP byte ptr [EDI+2], 0 JNE @@1_1 @@1_0: MOV ECX, [FindAttr] TEST CL, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL JZ @@1_1 CMP ECX, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL JE @@1_1 TEST AL, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY JZ @@1_1 TEST CL, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY JNZ @@ret_true @@1_1: MOV ECX, [EBX].fFilters JECXZ @@ret_false //? MOV ESI, [ECX].TStrList.fList MOV ESI, [ESI].TList.fItems MOV ECX, [ECX].TStrList.fCount JECXZ @@ret_false @@2: LODSD TEST EAX, EAX JZ @@nx_filter PUSHAD MOV EDX, [EAX] CMP DX, $002E JE @@F_d_dd AND EDX, $FFFFFF CMP EDX, $002E2E JE @@F_d_dd MOV EDX, [EDI] CMP DX, $002E JE @@4 AND EDX, $FFFFFF CMP EDX, $002E2E JE @@4 JMP @@chk_anti @@F_d_dd: MOV EDX, EDI PUSH EAX CALL StrComp TEST EAX, EAX POP EAX JZ @@popad_ret_true @@chk_anti: XCHG EDX, EAX // EDX = filter[ i ] MOV EAX, EDI // EAX = FileName CMP byte ptr [EDX], '^' JNE @@3 INC EDX CALL _2StrSatisfy TEST AL, AL JZ @@4 POPAD JMP @@ret_false @@3: CALL _2StrSatisfy TEST AL, AL JZ @@4 @@popad_ret_true: POPAD @@ret_true: MOV AL, 1 JMP @@exit @@4: POPAD @@nx_filter: LOOP @@2 @@ret_false: XOR EAX, EAX @@exit: POP EDI POP ESI POP EBX end; {$ELSE PAS_VERSION} //Pascal function TDirList.SatisfyFilter(FileName: PKOLChar; FileAttr, FindAttr: DWord): Boolean; {$IFDEF F_P} const Dot: AnsiString = '.'; {$ENDIF F_P} var I: Integer; F: PKOLChar; HasOnlyNegFilters: Boolean; dots: Boolean; begin Result := (((FileAttr and FindAttr) = FindAttr) or LongBool(FindAttr and FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL)); if not Result then Exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} dots := (FileName^ = {$IFDEF F_P}Dot{$ELSE}'.'{$ENDIF}) and ( (FileName[1] = {$IFDEF F_P}Dot{$ELSE}'.'{$ENDIF}) and (FileName[2] = #0) or (FileName[1] = #0) ); if not dots then if LongBool( FindAttr and FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL ) and (FindAttr <> FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL) then if LongBool( FindAttr and FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY ) and LongBool( FileAttr and FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY ) then Exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} HasOnlyNegFilters := TRUE; for I := 0 to fFilters.Count - 1 do begin F := fFilters.ItemPtrs[ I ]; if F = '' then continue; if FileName = F then Exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} if dots then continue; if F[ 0 ] = '^' then begin if StrSatisfy( FileName, PKOLChar(@F[ 1 ]) ) then begin Result := False; Exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} end; end else begin HasOnlyNegFilters := FALSE; if StrSatisfy( FileName, F ) then Exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} end; end; Result := HasOnlyNegFilters and not dots; end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION} {$IFDEF ASM_nononoVERSION} procedure TDirList.ScanDirectory(const DirPath, Filter: KOLString; Attr: DWord); const sz_win32finddata = sizeof(TWin32FindData); asm PUSH EBX PUSH EDI MOV EBX, EAX PUSHAD CALL Clear CALL NewList MOV [EBX].fList, EAX POPAD PUSHAD LEA EAX, [EBX].fPath CALL System.@LStrAsg POPAD MOV EAX, [EBX].fPath TEST EAX, EAX JE @@exit PUSHAD LEA EDX, [EBX].fPath MOV EAX, [EDX] CALL IncludeTrailingPathDelimiter MOV EAX, [EBX].fFilters TEST EAX, EAX JNZ @@1 CALL NewStrList MOV [EBX].fFilters, EAX POPAD PUSHAD PUSH ECX XCHG EAX, ECX MOV EDX, offset[@@star_d_star] CALL StrComp TEST AL, AL POP EDX JNZ @@asg_Filter MOV EDX, offset[@@star] @@asg_Filter: MOV EAX, [EBX].fFilters CALL TStrList.Add JMP @@1 @@star_d_star: DB '*.*', 0 // PCHAR {$IFDEF _D2009orHigher} DW 0, 1 {$ENDIF} DD -1, 1 @@star: DB '*', 0 @@1: POPAD ADD ESP, -sz_win32finddata XOR EDX, EDX PUSH EDX PUSH EDX XCHG EAX, ECX MOV EDX, ESP CALL FindFilter LEA EAX, [ESP+4] MOV EDX, [EBX].fPath POP ECX PUSH ECX CALL System.@LStrCat3 CALL RemoveStr POP EAX MOV EDX, ESP PUSH EAX PUSH EDX PUSH EAX CALL FindFirstFile MOV EDI, EAX INC EAX MOV EAX, ESP PUSHFD CALL System.@LStrClr POPFD POP ECX JZ @@fin @@loop: MOV ECX, [ESP].TWin32FindData.dwFileAttributes PUSH [Attr] LEA EDX, [ESP+4].TWin32FindData.cFileName MOV EAX, EBX CALL SatisfyFilter TEST AL, AL JZ @@next MOV ECX, [EBX].fOnItem.TMethod.Code JECXZ @@accept MOV EAX, [EBX].fOnItem.TMethod.Data MOV ECX, ESP PUSH 1 MOV EDX, ESP PUSH EDX MOV EDX, EBX CALL dword ptr [EBX].fOnItem.TMethod.Code POP ECX JECXZ @@next LOOP @@fin @@accept: MOV EAX, sz_win32finddata PUSH EAX CALL System.@GetMem PUSH EAX XCHG EDX, EAX MOV EAX, [EBX].fList CALL TList.Add POP EDX POP ECX MOV EAX, ESP CALL System.Move @@next: PUSH ESP PUSH EDI CALL FindNextFile TEST EAX, EAX JNZ @@loop PUSH EDI CALL FindClose @@fin: ADD ESP, sz_win32finddata @@exit: XOR EAX, EAX XCHG EAX, [EBX].fFilters CALL TObj.Free POP EDI POP EBX end; {$ELSE PAS_VERSION} //Pascal procedure TDirList.ScanDirectory(const DirPath, Filter: KOLString; Attr: DWord); var FindData : TFindFileData; Action: TDirItemAction; {$IFDEF FORCE_ALTERNATEFILENAME} IsUnicode: KOLString; {$ENDIF} {$IFDEF UNICODE_CTRLS} {$IFDEF SPEED_FASTER} {$IFDEF DIRLIST_OPTIMIZE_ASCII} P: PKOLChar; {$ENDIF} {$ENDIF} {$ENDIF} begin Clear; FPath := DirPath; if FPath = '' then Exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} FPath := IncludeTrailingPathDelimiter( FPath ); if (fFilters = nil) then begin fFilters := {$IFDEF UNICODE_CTRLS} NewWStrList {$ELSE} NewStrList {$ENDIF}; if Filter = '*.*' then fFilters.Add( '*' ) else fFilters.Add( Filter ); end; if Find_First( PKOLChar( FPath + FindFilter( Filter ) ), FindData ) then begin // D[u]fa. fix mem leaks (FList, fFilters) FListPositions := NewList; while True do begin {$IFDEF FORCE_ALTERNATEFILENAME} //+MtsVN IsUnicode := FindData.cFileName; if (IsUnicode <> '.') and (IsUnicode <> '..') then begin if pos('?', IsUnicode) > 0 then CopyMemory( @FindData.cFileName, @FindData.cAlternateFileName, SizeOf(FindData.cAlternateFileName)); end; {$ENDIF} if SatisfyFilter( PKOLChar(@FindData.cFileName[0]), FindData.dwFileAttributes, Attr ) then begin Action := diAccept; if Assigned( OnItem ) then OnItem( @Self, FindData, Action ); CASE Action OF diSkip: ; diAccept: begin if fStoreFiles = nil then begin {$IFDEF DIRLIST_FASTER} fStoreFiles := NewMemBlkStream_WriteOnly( 32 * Sizeof( FindData ) ); {$ELSE} fStoreFiles := NewMemoryStream( ); fStoreFiles.Capacity := 64 * Sizeof( FindData ); {$ENDIF} end; {$IFDEF DIRLIST_FASTER}{$ELSE} FListPositions.Add( Pointer( fStoreFiles.Position ) ); {$ENDIF} {$IFDEF UNICODE_CTRLS} {$IFDEF SPEED_FASTER} {$IFDEF DIRLIST_OPTIMIZE_ASCII} FindData.dwReserved0 := 0; P := @ FindData.cFileName[0]; while P^ <> #0 do begin if PWord( P )^ > 255 then begin inc( FindData.dwReserved0 ); break; end; inc( P ); end; {$ENDIF} {$ENDIF} {$ENDIF} fStoreFiles.Write( FindData, Sizeof( FindData ) ); {$IFDEF DIRLIST_FASTER} FListPositions.Add( fStoreFiles.fData.fJustWrittenBlkAddress ); {$ENDIF} end; diCancel: break; END; end; if not Find_Next( FindData ) then break; end; Find_Close( FindData ); end; Free_And_Nil(fFilters); //D[u]fa {$IFnDEF SPEED_FASTER} if fStoreFiles <> nil then begin fStoreFiles.fData.fCapacity := 0; fStoreFiles.Size := fStoreFiles.Position; end; {$ENDIF} end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION} {$IFDEF ASM_UNICODE}{$ELSE PAS_VERSION} //Pascal procedure TDirList.ScanDirectoryEx(const DirPath, Filters: KOLString; Attr: DWord); var F, FF: KOLString; begin FF := Filters; Free_And_Nil( fFilters ); fFilters := {$IFDEF UNICODE_CTRLS} NewWStrList {$ELSE} NewStrList {$ENDIF}; repeat F := Trim( Parse( FF, ';' ) ); if F <> '' then fFilters.Add( F ); until FF = ''; ScanDirectory( DirPath, '', Attr ); end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION} type PSortDirData = ^TSortDirData; TSortDirData = packed Record CountRules: Integer; FoldersFirst, CaseSensitive, InvertSortOrder : Boolean; Rules : array[ 0..10 ] of TSortDirRules; Dir : PDirList; end; function CompareDirItems( const Data : PSortDirData; const e1, e2 : DWORD ) : Integer; var I : Integer; Item1, Item2 : PFindFileData; S1, S2 : PKOLChar; {$IFDEF UNICODE_CTRLS} W1, W2: KOLWideString; {$ENDIF} IsDir1, IsDir2 : Boolean; {$IFDEF _D4orHigher} sz1, sz2: I64; {$ENDIF} begin Item1 := Data.Dir.Get( e1 ); // fList.Items[ e1 ]; Item2 := Data.Dir.Get( e2 ); // fList.Items[ e2 ]; Result := 0; if Data.FoldersFirst then begin IsDir1 := (Item1.dwFileAttributes and FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY) <> 0; IsDir2 := (Item2.dwFileAttributes and FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY) <> 0; if IsDir1 <> IsDir2 then begin if IsDir1 then Result := -1 else Result := 1; exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} end; end; for I := 0 to High(Data.Rules){Data.CountRules} do begin case Data.Rules[ I ] of sdrByName: begin S1 := Item1.cFileName; S2 := Item2.cFileName; if not Data.CaseSensitive then begin {$IFDEF UNICODE_CTRLS} {$IFDEF SPEED_FASTER} {$IFDEF DIRLIST_OPTIMIZE_ASCII} if Item1.dwReserved0 or Item2.dwReserved1 = 0 then begin //// ATTANTION: _AnsiCompareStrNoCaseA( '', '' ); must be called before sort! while TRUE do begin Result := SortAnsiOrderNoCase[ Char( S1^ ) ] - SortAnsiOrderNoCase[ Char( S2^ ) ]; if Result <> 0 then break; if S1^ = #0 then break; inc( S1 ); inc( S2 ); end; if Result = 0 then Result := _AnsiCompareStr( Item1.cFileName, Item2.cFileName ); end else {$ENDIF} {$ENDIF} begin W1 := S1; W2 := S2; CharUpperBuffW(Pointer(@W1[1]), Length(W1)); CharUpperBuffW(Pointer(@W2[1]), Length(W2)); Result := _WStrComp( @W1[1], @W2[1] ); end; {$ELSE not UNICODE_CTRLS} Result := _AnsiCompareStrNoCaseA( S1, S2 ); if Result = 0 then Result := _AnsiCompareStr( S1, S2 ); {$ENDIF} end else Result := {$IFDEF UNICODE_CTRLS} _WStrComp( S1, S2 ) {$ELSE} _AnsiCompareStrA( S1, S2 ) {$ENDIF}; end; sdrByExt: begin S1 := Item1.cFileName; S2 := Item2.cFileName; S1 := {$IFDEF UNICODE_CTRLS} @ S1[ DelimiterLast( KOLWideString( S1 ), '.' ) - 1 ] {$ELSE} __DelimiterLast( S1, '.' ) {$ENDIF}; S2 := {$IFDEF UNICODE_CTRLS} @ S2[ DelimiterLast( KOLWideString( S2 ), '.' ) - 1 ] {$ELSE} __DelimiterLast( S2, '.' ) {$ENDIF}; if not Data.CaseSensitive then Result := {$IFDEF UNICODE_CTRLS} WStrComp( WAnsiUpperCase( S1 ), WAnsiUpperCase( S2 ) ) {$ELSE} _AnsiCompareStrNoCase( S1, S2 ) {$ENDIF} else Result := {$IFDEF UNICODE_CTRLS} WStrComp( S1, S2 ) {$ELSE} _AnsiCompareStr( S1, S2 ) {$ENDIF}; end; sdrBySize, sdrBySizeDescending: begin {$IFDEF _D5orHigher} sz1 := MakeInt64( Item1.nFileSizeLow, Item1.nFileSizeHigh ); sz2 := MakeInt64( Item2.nFileSizeLow, Item2.nFileSizeHigh ); if Int64(sz1) < Int64(sz2) then Result := -1 else if Int64(sz1) > Int64(sz2) then Result := 1 else Result := 0; {$ELSE} {$IFDEF _D4orHigher} sz1 := MakeInt64( Item1.nFileSizeLow, Item1.nFileSizeHigh ); sz2 := MakeInt64( Item2.nFileSizeLow, Item2.nFileSizeHigh ); Result := Cmp64(sz1, sz2); {$ELSE} if Item1.nFileSizeHigh < Item2.nFileSizeHigh then Result := -1 else if Item1.nFileSizeHigh > Item2.nFileSizeHigh then Result := 1 else if Item1.nFileSizeLow < Item2.nFileSizeLow then Result := -1 else if Item1.nFileSizeLow > Item2.nFileSizeLow then Result := 1; {$ENDIF} {$ENDIF} if Data.Rules[ I ] = sdrBySizeDescending then Result := -Result; end; sdrByDateCreate: Result := CompareFileTime( Item1.ftCreationTime, Item2.ftCreationTime ); sdrByDateChanged: Result := CompareFileTime( Item1.ftLastWriteTime, Item2.ftLastWriteTime ); sdrByDateAccessed: Result := CompareFileTime( Item1.ftLastAccessTime, Item2.ftLastAccessTime ); sdrNone: break; end; {case} if Result <> 0 then break; end; if Data.InvertSortOrder then Result := -Result; end; procedure SwapDirItems( Data : PSortDirData; const e1, e2 : DWORD ); forward; {$IFDEF ASM_VERSION}{$ELSE PAS_VERSION} procedure SwapDirItems( Data : PSortDirData; const e1, e2 : DWORD ); begin Data.Dir.FListPositions.Swap( e1, e2 ); end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION} {$IFDEF noASM_VERSION} procedure TDirList.Sort(Rules: array of TSortDirRules); const high_DefSortDirRules = High( DefSortDirRules ); asm PUSH EBX PUSH ESI XOR EBX,EBX CMP [EAX].FListPositions, EBX JE @@exit PUSH EAX // prepare Dir = @Self XOR EAX, EAX PUSH EAX PUSH EAX PUSH EAX PUSH EAX MOV ESI, ESP INC ECX // ECX = High(Rules) JZ @@2 @@1: MOV AH, [EDX] // AH = Rules[ I ] INC EDX CALL @@add_rule LOOP @@1 @@2: LEA EDX, [DefSortDirRules] MOV CL, high_DefSortDirRules + 1 @@21: MOV AH, [EDX] INC EDX CALL @@add_rule LOOP @@21 {$IFDEF UNICODE_CTRLS} {$IFDEF SPEED_FASTER} MOV EAX, offset[@@emptyStr] MOV EDX, EAX CALL dword ptr [_AnsiCompareStrNoCaseA] {$ENDIF} {$ENDIF} PUSH BX // prepare FoldersFirst(BL), CaseSensitive(BH) MOV EBX, [ESP].TSortDirData.Dir MOV EAX, ESP PUSH BX PUSH offset[SwapDirItems] MOV ECX, offset[CompareDirItems] MOV EDX, [EBX].FListPositions MOV EDX, [EDX].TList.fCount CALL SortData ADD ESP, 20 JMP @@exit {$IFDEF UNICODE_CTRLS} {$IFDEF SPEED_FASTER} @@emptyStr: DW 0 {$ENDIF} {$ENDIF} @@add_rule: PUSH ESI PUSH ECX MOV CL, 11 @@a1: LODSB TEST AL, AL JZ @@a2 CMP AL, AH JE @@a3 LOOP @@a1 @@a2: DEC ESI MOV [ESI], AH CMP AH, sdrFoldersFirst JNE @@a4 INC BL @@a4: CMP AH, sdrCaseSensitive JNE @@a3 INC BH @@a3: POP ECX POP ESI RET @@exit: POP ESI POP EBX end; {$ELSE PAS_VERSION} //Pascal procedure TDirList.Sort(Rules: array of TSortDirRules); var SortDirData : TSortDirData; I, J : Integer; function RulePresent( Rule : TSortDirRules ) : Boolean; var K : Integer; begin Result := True; for K := J - 1 downto 0 do if Rule = SortDirData.Rules[ K ] then exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} Result := False; end; procedure AddRule( Rule : TSortDirRules ); begin if Rule in [sdrFoldersFirst, sdrCaseSensitive, sdrInvertOrder] then begin if Rule = sdrFoldersFirst then SortDirData.FoldersFirst := TRUE; if Rule = sdrCaseSensitive then SortDirData.CaseSensitive := TRUE; if Rule = sdrInvertOrder then SortDirData.InvertSortOrder := TRUE; Exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} end; {$IFDEF SAFE_CODE} if J > High( SortDirData.Rules ) then exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} {$ENDIF} if RulePresent( Rule ) then exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} SortDirData.Rules[ J ] := Rule; Inc( J ); end; begin if FListPositions = nil then Exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} ZeroMemory( @ SortDirData, Sizeof( SortDirData ) ); //.CaseSensitive := false; // MTsv DN J := 0; for I := 0 to High(Rules) do AddRule( Rules[ I ] ); for I := 0 to High(DefSortDirRules) do AddRule( DefSortDirRules[ I ] ); SortDirData.CountRules := J; SortDirData.Dir := @Self; {$IFDEF UNICODE_CTRLS} {$IFDEF SPEED_FASTER} _AnsiCompareStrNoCaseA( '', '' ); {$ENDIF} {$ENDIF} SortData( Pointer( @SortDirData ), FListPositions.fCount, @CompareDirItems, @SwapDirItems ); end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION} function TDirList.FileList(const Separator: KOLString; Dirs, FullPaths: Boolean): KOLString; var I: Integer; begin Result := ''; for I := 0 to Count-1 do begin if not Dirs and IsDirectory[ I ] then Continue; if FullPaths then Result := Result + Path; Result := Result + Names[ I ] + Separator; end; end; procedure TDirList.DeleteItem(Idx: Integer); begin FListPositions.Delete( Idx ); end; procedure TDirList.AddItem(FindData: PFindFileData); begin if fStoreFiles = nil then begin {$IFDEF DIRLIST_FASTER} fStoreFiles := NewMemBlkStream_WriteOnly( 32 * Sizeof( FindData ) ); {$ELSE} fStoreFiles := NewMemoryStream( ); fStoreFiles.Capacity := 64 * Sizeof( FindData ); {$ENDIF} FListPositions := NewList; end; {$IFDEF DIRLIST_FASTER}{$ELSE} FListPositions.Add( Pointer( fStoreFiles.Position ) ); {$ENDIF} {$IFDEF UNICODE_CTRLS} {$IFDEF SPEED_FASTER} {$IFDEF DIRLIST_OPTIMIZE_ASCII} FindData.dwReserved0 := 0; P := @ FindData.cFileName[0]; while P^ <> #0 do begin if PWord( P )^ > 255 then begin inc( FindData.dwReserved0 ); break; end; inc( P ); end; {$ENDIF} {$ENDIF} {$ENDIF} fStoreFiles.Write( FindData^, Sizeof( FindData^ ) ); {$IFDEF DIRLIST_FASTER} FListPositions.Add( fStoreFiles.fData.fJustWrittenBlkAddress ); {$ENDIF} end; procedure TDirList.InsertItem(idx: Integer; FindData: PFindFileData); begin if fStoreFiles = nil then begin {$IFDEF DIRLIST_FASTER} fStoreFiles := NewMemBlkStream_WriteOnly( 32 * Sizeof( FindData ) ); {$ELSE} fStoreFiles := NewMemoryStream( ); fStoreFiles.Capacity := 64 * Sizeof( FindData ); {$ENDIF} FListPositions := NewList; end; {$IFDEF DIRLIST_FASTER}{$ELSE} FListPositions.Insert( idx, Pointer( fStoreFiles.Position ) ); {$ENDIF} {$IFDEF UNICODE_CTRLS} {$IFDEF SPEED_FASTER} {$IFDEF DIRLIST_OPTIMIZE_ASCII} FindData.dwReserved0 := 0; P := @ FindData.cFileName[0]; while P^ <> #0 do begin if PWord( P )^ > 255 then begin inc( FindData.dwReserved0 ); break; end; inc( P ); end; {$ENDIF} {$ENDIF} {$ENDIF} fStoreFiles.Write( FindData^, Sizeof( FindData^ ) ); {$IFDEF DIRLIST_FASTER} FListPositions.Insert( idx, fStoreFiles.fData.fJustWrittenBlkAddress ); {$ENDIF} end; {$IFDEF WIN_GDI} //vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // R E G I S T R Y // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// { -- registry -- } function RegKeyOpenRead( Key: HKey; const SubKey: KOLString ): HKey; begin if RegOpenKeyEx( Key, PKOLChar( SubKey ), 0, KEY_READ, Result ) <> ERROR_SUCCESS then Result := 0; end; function RegKeyOpenWrite( Key: HKey; const SubKey: KOLString ): HKey; begin if RegOpenKeyEx( Key, PKOLChar( SubKey ), 0, KEY_READ or KEY_WRITE, Result ) <> ERROR_SUCCESS then Result := 0; end; function RegKeyOpenCreate( Key: HKey; const SubKey: KOLString ): HKey; var dwDisp: DWORD; begin if RegCreateKeyEx( Key, PKOLChar( SubKey ), 0, nil, 0, KEY_ALL_ACCESS, nil, Result, @dwDisp ) <> ERROR_SUCCESS then Result := 0; end; function RegKeyGetDw( Key: HKey; const ValueName: KOLString ): DWORD; var dwType, dwSize: DWORD; begin dwSize := sizeof( DWORD ); Result := 0; if (Key = 0) or (RegQueryValueEx( Key, PKOLChar( ValueName ), nil, @dwType, PByte( @Result ), @dwSize ) <> ERROR_SUCCESS) or (dwType <> REG_DWORD) then Result := 0; end; {$IFDEF REGKEYGETSTREX_ALWAYS} function RegKeyGetStr( Key: HKey; const ValueName: KOLString ): KOLString; begin Result := RegKeyGetStrEx( Key, ValueName {$IFDEF OPTIONAL_REG_EXPAND_SZ}, FALSE {$ENDIF} ); end; {$ELSE} function RegKeyGetStr( Key: HKey; const ValueName: KOLString ): KOLString; var dwType, dwSize: DWORD; Buffer: PKOLChar; function Query: Boolean; begin Result := RegQueryValueEx( Key, PKOLChar( ValueName ), nil, @dwType, Pointer( Buffer ), @dwSize ) = ERROR_SUCCESS; end; begin Result := ''; if Key = 0 then Exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} dwSize := 0; Buffer := nil; if not Query or (dwType <> REG_SZ) then Exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} GetMem( Buffer, dwSize * Sizeof( KOLChar ) ); if Query then Result := Buffer; FreeMem( Buffer ); end; {$ENDIF} function RegKeyGetStrEx( Key: HKey; const ValueName: KOLString {$IFDEF OPTIONAL_REG_EXPAND_SZ} ; ExpandEnvVars: Boolean {$ENDIF} ): KOLString; var dwType, dwSize: DWORD; Buffer, Buffer2: PKOLChar; Sz: Integer; function Query: Boolean; begin Result := RegQueryValueEx( Key, PKOLChar( ValueName ), nil, @dwType, Pointer( Buffer ), @dwSize ) = ERROR_SUCCESS; end; begin Result := ''; if Key = 0 then Exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} dwSize := 0; Buffer := nil; if not Query or ((dwType <> REG_SZ) and (dwtype <> REG_EXPAND_SZ)) then Exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} GetMem( Buffer, dwSize * Sizeof( KOLChar ) ); if Query then begin if (dwtype = REG_EXPAND_SZ) {$IFDEF OPTIONAL_REG_EXPAND_SZ} and (ExpandEnvVars) {$ENDIF} then begin Sz := ExpandEnvironmentStrings(Buffer,nil,0); GetMem(Buffer2,Sz * Sizeof( KOLChar )); // ExpandEnvironmentStrings(Buffer, Buffer2, Sz); // Result:=Buffer2; // FreeMem(Buffer2); // end else Result := Buffer; end; FreeMem( Buffer ); end; function RegKeySetDw( Key: HKey; const ValueName: KOLString; Value: DWORD ): Boolean; begin Result := (Key <> 0) and (RegSetValueEx( Key, PKOLChar( ValueName ), 0, REG_DWORD, @Value, sizeof( DWORD ) ) = ERROR_SUCCESS); end; function RegKeySetStr( Key: HKey; const ValueName: KOLString; const Value: KOLString ): Boolean; begin Result := (Key <> 0) and (RegSetValueEx( Key, PKOLChar( ValueName ), 0, REG_SZ, PKOLChar(Value), (Length( Value ) + 1)*Sizeof(KOLChar) ) = ERROR_SUCCESS); end; function RegKeySetStrEx( Key: HKey; const ValueName: KOLString; const Value: KOLString; expand: Boolean): Boolean; var dwType: DWORD; begin dwType := REG_SZ; if expand then dwType := REG_EXPAND_SZ; Result := (Key <> 0) and (RegSetValueEx(Key, PKOLChar(ValueName), 0, dwType, PKOLChar(Value), (Length(Value) + 1)*Sizeof(KOLChar)) = ERROR_SUCCESS); end; procedure RegKeyClose( Key: HKey ); begin if Key <> 0 then RegCloseKey( Key ); end; function RegKeyDelete( Key: HKey; const SubKey: KOLString ): Boolean; begin Result := FALSE; if Key <> 0 then Result := RegDeleteKey( Key, PKOLChar( SubKey ) ) = ERROR_SUCCESS; end; function RegKeyDeleteValue( Key: HKey; const SubKey: KOLString ): Boolean; begin Result := FALSE; if Key <> 0 then Result := RegDeleteValue( Key, PKOLChar( SubKey ) ) = ERROR_SUCCESS; end; function RegKeyExists( Key: HKey; const SubKey: KOLString ): Boolean; var K: Integer; begin if Key = 0 then begin Result := FALSE; Exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} end; K := RegKeyOpenRead( Key, SubKey ); Result := K <> 0; if K <> 0 then RegKeyClose( K ); end; function RegKeyValExists( Key: HKey; const ValueName: KOLString ): Boolean; var dwType, dwSize: DWORD; begin Result := (Key <> 0) and (RegQueryValueEx( Key, PKOLChar( ValueName ), nil, @dwType, nil, @dwSize ) = ERROR_SUCCESS); end; function RegKeyValueSize( Key: HKey; const ValueName: KOLString ): Integer; begin Result := 0; if Key = 0 then Exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} RegQueryValueEx( Key, PKOLChar( ValueName ), nil, nil, nil, @ DWORD( Result ) ); end; function RegKeyGetBinary( Key: HKey; const ValueName: KOLString; var Buffer; Count: Integer ): Integer; begin Result := 0; if Key = 0 then Exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} Result := Count; RegQueryValueEx( Key, PKOLChar( ValueName ), nil, nil, @ Buffer, @ Result ); end; function RegKeySetBinary( Key: HKey; const ValueName: KOLString; const Buffer; Count: Integer ): Boolean; begin Result := (Key <> 0) and (RegSetValueEx( Key, PKOLChar( ValueName ), 0, REG_BINARY, @ Buffer, Count ) = ERROR_SUCCESS); end; function RegKeyGetDateTime(Key: HKey; const ValueName: KOLString): TDateTime; begin RegKeyGetBinary( Key, ValueName, Result, Sizeof( Result ) ); end; function RegKeySetDateTime(Key: HKey; const ValueName: KOLString; DateTime: TDateTime): Boolean; begin Result := RegKeySetBinary( Key, ValueName, DateTime, Sizeof( DateTime ) ); end; {$IFDEF OLD_REGKEYGETSUBKEYS} //----------------------------------------------- // functions by Valerian Luft <luft@valerian.de> //----------------------------------------------- function RegKeyGetSubKeys( const Key: HKEY; List: PKOLStrList) : Boolean; var I, Size, NumSubKeys, MaxSubKeyLen : DWORD; KeyName: KOLString; begin Result := False; List.Clear ; if RegQueryInfoKey(Key, nil, nil, nil, @NumSubKeys, @MaxSubKeyLen, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil) = ERROR_SUCCESS then begin if NumSubKeys > 0 then begin for I := 0 to NumSubKeys-1 do begin Size := MaxSubKeyLen+1; SetLength(KeyName, Size); RegEnumKeyEx(Key, I, @KeyName[1], Size, nil, nil, nil, nil); KeyName := Trim(KeyName); // fixed by Jon List.Add(KeyName); end; end; Result:= True; end; end; {$ELSE} // new (faster) version by Alex Shyshko (Psychedelic) function RegKeyGetSubKeys(const Key: HKEY; List: PKOLStrList) : Boolean; var i, MaxSubKeyLen, Size: DWORD; Buf: PKOLChar; begin Result:=false; List.Clear; if RegQueryInfoKey(Key, nil, nil, nil, nil, @MaxSubKeyLen, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil) = ERROR_SUCCESS then begin if MaxSubKeyLen > 0 then begin Size:=MaxSubKeyLen + 1; // GetMem(Buf,Size*Sizeof(KOLChar)); // fixed by Jon i:=0; while RegEnumKeyEx(Key,i,buf,Size,nil,nil,nil,nil) <> ERROR_NO_MORE_ITEMS do begin List.Add(KOLString(Buf)); Size:=MaxSubKeyLen + 1; inc(i); end; FreeMem(Buf{,MaxSubKeyLen + 1}); end; // if MaxSubKeyLen Result:=true; end; // if RegQueryInfoKey end; {$ENDIF} {$IFDEF OLD_REGKEYGETVALUENAMES} function RegKeyGetValueNames(const Key: HKEY; List: PKOLStrList): Boolean; var I, Size, NumSubKeys, NumValueNames, MaxValueNameLen: DWORD; ValueName: KOLString; begin List.Clear ; Result:=False; if RegQueryInfoKey(Key, nil, nil, nil, @NumSubKeys, nil, nil, @NumValueNames, @MaxValueNameLen, nil, nil, nil) = ERROR_SUCCESS then begin if NumValueNames > 0 then for I := 0 to NumValueNames - 1 do begin Size := MaxValueNameLen + 1; SetLength(ValueName, Size); //FillChar(ValueName[1],Size,#0); RegEnumValue(Key, I, @ValueName[1], Size, nil, nil, nil, nil); ValueName := Trim(ValueName); List.Add(ValueName); end; Result := True; end ; end; {$ELSE} // new (faster) version by Alex Shyshko (Psychedelic) function RegKeyGetValueNames(const Key: HKEY; List: PKOLStrList) : Boolean; var i, MaxValueNameLen, Size: DWORD; Buf: PKOLchar; begin Result:=false; List.Clear; if RegQueryInfoKey(Key, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, @MaxValueNameLen, nil, nil, nil) = ERROR_SUCCESS then begin if MaxValueNameLen > 0 then begin Size:=MaxValueNameLen+1; GetMem(Buf,Size * SizeOf(KOLChar) ); i:=0; while RegEnumValue(Key,i,buf,Size,nil,nil,nil,nil) <> ERROR_NO_MORE_ITEMS do begin List.Add(KOLString(Buf)); Size:=MaxValueNameLen+1; inc(i); end; FreeMem(Buf {,MaxValueNameLen + ... system always knows how long buffer is}); end; // if MaxValueNameLen Result:=true; end; // if RegQueryInfoKey end; {$ENDIF} function RegKeyGetValueTyp (const Key:HKEY; const ValueName: KOLString) : DWORD; begin Result:= Key ; if Key <> 0 then RegQueryValueEx (Key,@ValueName[1],NIL,@Result,NIL,NIL) end; ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // D A T E A N D T I M E ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// { -- date and time utilities -- } {* This part of the unit contains date-time routines. It is not a simple compilation of Delphi VCL date-time. E.g., TDateTime type is not based on 31-Dec-1899, but it is based on 31-Dec-0000 instead, allowing easy manipulating of dates at all Christian era, and all other historical era too. } {$UNDEF PAS_LOCAL} {$IFDEF F_P} {$DEFINE PAS_LOCAL} {$ENDIF} {$IFDEF PAS_ONLY} {$DEFINE PAS_LOCAL} {$ENDIF} procedure DivMod(Dividend: Integer; Divisor: Word; var Result, Remainder: Word); {$IFDEF PAS_ONLY} begin Result := Dividend div Divisor; Remainder := Dividend mod Divisor; end; {$ELSE DELPHI} asm PUSH EBX MOV EBX,EDX MOV EDX,EAX SHR EDX,16 DIV BX MOV EBX,Remainder MOV [ECX],AX MOV [EBX],DX POP EBX end; {$ENDIF} function Now : TDateTime; var SystemTime : TSystemTime; begin GetLocalTime( SystemTime ); SystemTime2DateTime( SystemTime, Result ); end; function Date: TDateTime; begin Result := Trunc( Now ); end; procedure DecodeDateFully( DateTime: TDateTime; var Year, Month, Day, DayOfWeek: WORD ); var ST: TSystemTime; begin DateTime2SystemTime( DateTime, ST ); Year := ST.wYear; Month := ST.wMonth; Day := ST.wDay; DayOfWeek := ST.wDayOfWeek; end; procedure DecodeDate( DateTime: TDateTime; var Year, Month, Day: WORD ); var Dummy: Word; begin DecodeDateFully( DateTime, Year, Month, Day, Dummy ); end; function EncodeDate( Year, Month, Day: WORD; var DateTime: TDateTime ): Boolean; var ST: TSystemTime; begin //FillChar( ST, Sizeof( ST ), #0 ); ZeroMemory( @ST, Sizeof(ST) ); ST.wYear := Year; ST.wMonth := Month; ST.wDay := Day; Result := SystemTime2DateTime( ST, DateTime ); end; procedure IncDays( var SystemTime : TSystemTime; DaysNum : Integer ); var DateTime : TDateTime; begin SystemTime2DateTime( SystemTime, DateTime ); DateTime := DateTime + DaysNum; DateTime2SystemTime( DateTime, SystemTime ); end; procedure IncMonths( var SystemTime : TSystemTime; MonthsNum : Integer ); var M : Integer; DateTime : TDateTime; begin M := SystemTime.wMonth + MonthsNum - 1; Inc( SystemTime.wYear, M div 12 ); SystemTime.wMonth := M mod 12 + 1; // Normalize wDayOfWeek field: SystemTime2DateTime( SystemTime, DateTime ); DateTime2SystemTime( DateTime, SystemTime ); end; function IsLeapYear(Year: Integer): Boolean; begin Result := (Year mod 4 = 0) and ((Year mod 100 <> 0) or (Year mod 400 = 0)); end; function SystemTime2DateTime(const SystemTime : TSystemTime; var DateTime : TDateTime ) : Boolean; {$IFDEF DATE0_1601} type TTimeRec = record CASE Integer OF 0: ( ft: TFileTime ); 1: ( it: I64 ); END; var TR: TTimeRec; {$ELSE} var I : Integer; _Day : Integer; DayTable: PDayTable; {$ENDIF} begin {$IFDEF DATE0_1601} //Result := FALSE; //if (SystemTime.wYear < 1601) or (SystemTime.wYear > 30827) then Exit; {>>>>>} Result := SystemTimeToFileTime( SystemTime, TR.ft ); if Result then DateTime := Int64( TR.it ) / (10000000.0 * 24 * 3600 ) + Date1601; {$ELSE} Result := False; DateTime := 0.0; DayTable := @MonthDays[IsLeapYear(SystemTime.wYear)]; with SystemTime do if {(wYear >= 0) !always true! and} (wYear <= 9999) and {(wMonth >= 1) and !otherwise can not convert time only!} (wMonth <= 12) and {(wDay >= 1) and !otherwise can not convert time only!} (wDay <= DayTable^[wMonth]) {$IFDEF SAFEST_CODE} and (wHour < 24) and (wMinute < 60) and (wSecond < 60) and (wMilliSeconds < 1000) {$ENDIF} then // begin _Day := wDay; for I := 1 to wMonth - 1 do Inc(_Day, DayTable^[I]); I := wYear - 1; //--------------- by Vadim Petrov ------++ if I<0 then i := 0; // //--------------------------------------++ DateTime := (((wHour * 60 + wMinute) * 60 + wSecond) * 1000 + wMilliSeconds) / MSecsPerDay; DateTime := DateTime + I * 365 + I div 4 - I div 100 + I div 400 + _Day; Result := True; end; {$ENDIF DATE0_0001} end; function DayOfWeek(Date: TDateTime): Integer; begin Result := (Trunc( Date ) + 6) mod 7 + 1; end; {$IFDEF DATE0_1601} {$UNDEF ASM_LOCAL} {$IFDEF ASM_VERSION} {$IFDEF _D6orHigher} {$DEFINE ASM_LOCAL} {$ENDIF} {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION} {$IFDEF ASM_LOCAL} function DateTime2SystemTime(const DateTime : TDateTime; var SystemTime : TSystemTime ) : Boolean; asm PUSH EDI XCHG EDI, EAX FLD qword ptr [DateTime] FSUB dword ptr [@@date1601] FLD tbyte ptr [@@nsecsperday] DB $DE, $C9 //FMULP ST(1) JMP @@truncD7 @@date1601: DB $50, $AC, $0E, $49 @@nsecsperday: DB 0,0,0,0,$C0,$69,$2A,$C9,$26,$40 @@truncD7: CALL System.@TRUNC PUSH EDX PUSH EAX MOV EAX, ESP PUSH EDI PUSH EAX CALL Windows.FileTimeToSystemTime POP ECX POP ECX CMP EAX, 1 SBB EAX, EAX INC EAX POP EDI end; {$ELSE} function DateTime2SystemTime(const DateTime : TDateTime; var SystemTime : TSystemTime ) : Boolean; type TTimeRec = record CASE Integer OF 0: ( ft: TFileTime ); 1: ( it: I64 ); END; var TR: TTimeRec; {$IFnDEF _D6orHigher} DD, DH, DL: Double; {$ENDIF} begin {$IFDEF _D6orHigher} TR.it := I64( Trunc( (DateTime - Date1601) * (24.0 * 3600 * 10000000) ) ); {$ELSE} DD := Trunc( (DateTime - Date1601) * (24.0 * 3600 * 10000000) ); DH := DD / (4.0 * 1024.0 * 1024.0 * 1024.0); TR.it.Hi := Trunc( DH ); DL := DD - TR.it.Hi * (4.0 * 1024.0 * 1024.0); TR.it.Lo := Trunc( DL ); {$ENDIF} Result := FileTimeToSystemTime( TR.ft, SystemTime ); end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION} {$ELSE DATE0_0001} {$UNDEF ASM_LOCAL} {$IFDEF ASM_VERSION} {$IFDEF DATE0_0001} {$DEFINE ASM_LOCAL} {$ENDIF DATE0_0001} {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION} {$IFDEF ASM_LOCAL} var _MSecsPerDay: Double = MSecsPerDay; //function DateTime2SystemTime_Asm(const DateTime : TDateTime; var SystemTime : TSystemTime ) : Boolean; function DateTime2SystemTime(const DateTime : TDateTime; var SystemTime : TSystemTime ) : Boolean; const D1 = 365; D4 = D1 * 4 + 1; D100 = D4 * 25 - 1; D400 = D100 * 4 + 1; asm PUSH EBX PUSH ESI PUSH EDI MOV ESI, SystemTime FLD QWORD PTR [DateTime] CALL System.@TRUNC XCHG EDI, EAX // EDI = Days PUSH EDI FILD DWORD PTR [ESP] POP ECX FSUBR QWORD PTR [DateTime] FMUL QWORD PTR [_MSecsPerDay] CALL System.@ROUND XCHG EBX, EAX // EBX = MSecs XOR EAX, EAX CMP EDI, EAX JLE @@retFalse DEC EDI INC EAX // EAX = Y = 1 MOV ECX, D400 @@while1:CMP EDI, ECX JL @@1end SUB EDI, ECX ADD EAX, 400 JMP @@while1 @@1end: PUSH EAX MOV EAX, EDI XOR EDX, EDX MOV ECX, D100 DIV ECX // EAX = division = I, EDX = reminder = D CMP EAX, 4 JNZ @@4 DEC EAX ADD EDX, D100 @@4: XCHG EDX, [ESP] // EDX = Y, [ESP] = D MOV ECX, EDX XOR EDX, EDX OR DL, 100 MUL EDX // EAX = I * 100 ADD ECX, EAX // ECX = Y + I * 100 XCHG [ESP], ECX // ECX = D, [ESP] = Y XCHG EAX, ECX XOR EDX, EDX MOV ECX, D4 DIV ECX // EAX = [D/D4] = I, EDX = D mod D4 = D SHL EAX, 2 ADD [ESP], EAX // Y := Y + I * 4; XCHG EAX, EDX XOR EDX, EDX XOR ECX, ECX MOV CX, D1 DIV ECX CMP EAX, 4 JNZ @@4x DEC EAX ADD EDX, D1 @@4x: POP ECX ADD EAX, ECX // inc( Y, I ) PUSH EDX // save D MOV [ESI].TSystemTime.wYear, AX CALL IsLeapYear SHR EAX, 1 SBB EAX, EAX AND EAX, 12 LEA ECX, [EAX+MonthDays]// ECX = DayTable POP EAX // restore D PUSH ECX @@whTrue: MOVZX EDX, byte ptr [ECX] CMP EAX, EDX JL @@brk SUB EAX, EDX INC ECX JMP @@whTrue @@brk: POP EDX SUB ECX, EDX INC ECX MOV [ESI].TSystemTime.wMonth, CX INC EAX MOV [ESI].TSystemTime.wDay, AX PUSH dword ptr [DateTime+4] PUSH dword ptr [DateTime] CALL KOL.DayOfWeek MOV [ESI].TSystemTime.wDayOfWeek, AX XCHG EAX, EBX XOR EDX, EDX MOV ECX, 60000 DIV ECX // EAX = MinCount, EDX = MSecCount PUSH EDX XOR EDX, EDX XOR ECX, ECX MOV CL, 60 DIV ECX // EAX = hours, EDX = minutes MOV [ESI].TSystemTime.wHour, AX MOV [ESI].TSystemTime.wMinute, DX POP EAX XOR EDX, EDX MOV CX, 1000 DIV ECX // EAX = seconds, EDX = milliseconds MOV [ESI].TSystemTime.wSecond, AX MOV [ESI].TSystemTime.wMilliseconds, DX MOV AL, 1 @@retFalse: POP EDI POP ESI POP EBX end; {$ELSE PAS_VERSION} //function DateTime2SystemTime_Pas(const DateTime : TDateTime; var SystemTime : TSystemTime ) : Boolean; function DateTime2SystemTime(const DateTime : TDateTime; var SystemTime : TSystemTime ) : Boolean; const D1 = 365; D4 = D1 * 4 + 1; D100 = D4 * 25 - 1; D400 = D100 * 4 + 1; var Days : Integer; Y, M, D, I: Word; MSec : Integer; DayTable: PDayTable; MinCount, MSecCount: Word; begin Days := Trunc( DateTime ); MSec := Round((DateTime - Days) * MSecsPerDay); Result := False; if IsNAN( DateTime ) then Exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} with SystemTime do if Days > 0 then begin Dec(Days); Y := 1; while Days >= D400 do begin Dec(Days, D400); Inc(Y, 400); end; DivMod(Days, D100, I, D); if I = 4 then begin Dec(I); Inc(D, D100); end; Inc(Y, I * 100); DivMod(D, D4, I, D); Inc(Y, I * 4); DivMod(D, D1, I, D); if I = 4 then begin Dec(I); Inc(D, D1); end; Inc(Y, I); DayTable := @MonthDays[IsLeapYear(Y)]; M := 1; while True do begin I := DayTable^[M]; if D < I then Break; Dec(D, I); Inc(M); end; wYear := Y; wMonth := M; wDay := D + 1; wDayOfWeek := KOL.DayOfWeek( DateTime ); DivMod(MSec, 60000, MinCount, MSecCount); DivMod(MinCount, 60, wHour, wMinute); DivMod(MSecCount, 1000, wSecond, wMilliSeconds); Result := True; end; end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION} {$ENDIF DATE0_0001} {function DateTime2SystemTime(const DateTime : TDateTime; var SystemTime : TSystemTime ) : Boolean; var ST_Pas, ST_Asm: TSystemTime; begin if IsNAN( DateTime ) then asm nop end; Result := DateTime2SystemTime_Pas( DateTime, ST_Pas ); DateTime2SystemTime_Asm( DateTime, ST_Asm ); if Result and not CompareMem( @ ST_Asm, @ST_Pas, Sizeof( TSystemTime ) ) then while TRUE do begin DateTime2SystemTime_Pas( DateTime, ST_Pas ); DateTime2SystemTime_Asm( DateTime, ST_Asm ); end; Result := DateTime2SystemTime_Pas( DateTime, SystemTime ); end;} function DateTime_DiffSysLoc: TDateTime; var ST, LT: TSystemTime; FT, FT1: TFileTime; D1, D2: TDateTime; begin GetSystemTime( ST ); SystemTimeToFileTime( ST, FT ); FileTimeToLocalFileTime( FT, FT1 ); FileTimeToSystemTime( FT1, LT ); SystemTime2DateTime( ST, D1 ); SystemTime2DateTime( LT, D2 ); Result := D2 - D1; end; function DateTime_System2Local( DTSys: TDateTime ): TDateTime; begin Result := DTSys + DateTime_DiffSysLoc; end; function DateTime_Local2System( DTLoc: TDateTime ): TDateTime; begin Result := DTLoc - DateTime_DiffSysLoc; end; function FileTime2DateTime( const ft: TFileTime; var DT: TDateTime ): Boolean; var ft1: TFileTime; st: TSystemTime; begin Result := FileTimeToLocalFileTime( ft, ft1 ) and FileTimeToSystemTime( ft1, st ) and SystemTime2DateTime( st, dt ); end; function DateTime2FileTime( DT: TDateTime; var ft: TFileTime ): Boolean; var st: TSystemTime; begin Result := DateTime2SystemTime( DT, ST ) and SystemTimeToFileTime( st, ft ) and LocalFileTimeToFileTime( ft, ft ); end; function SystemDate2Str( const SystemTime : TSystemTime; const LocaleID : DWORD; const DfltDateFormat : TDateFormat; const DateFormat : PKOLChar ) : KOLString; var Buf : PKOLChar; Sz : Integer; Flags : DWORD; begin Sz := 100; Buf := nil; Result := ''; Flags := 0; if DateFormat = nil then if DfltDateFormat = dfShortDate then Flags := DATE_SHORTDATE else Flags := DATE_LONGDATE; while True do begin if Buf <> nil then FreeMem( Buf ); GetMem( Buf, Sz * Sizeof( KOLChar ) ); if Buf = nil then Exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} if GetDateFormat( LocaleID, Flags, @SystemTime, DateFormat, Buf, Sz ) = 0 then begin if GetLastError = ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER then Sz := Sz * 2 else break; end else begin Result := Buf; break; end; end; if Buf <> nil then FreeMem( Buf ); end; function SystemTime2Str( const SystemTime : TSystemTime; const LocaleID : DWORD; const Flags : TTimeFormatFlags; const TimeFormat : PKOLChar ) : KOLString; var Buf : PKOLChar; Sz : Integer; Flg : DWORD; begin Sz := 100; Buf := nil; Result := ''; Flg := 0; if tffNoMinutes in Flags then Flg := TIME_NOMINUTESORSECONDS else if tffNoSeconds in Flags then Flg := TIME_NOSECONDS; if tffNoMarker in Flags then Flg := Flg or TIME_NOTIMEMARKER; if tffForce24 in Flags then Flg := Flg or TIME_FORCE24HOURFORMAT; while True do begin if Buf <> nil then FreeMem( Buf ); GetMem( Buf, Sz * Sizeof( KOLChar ) ); if Buf = nil then Exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} if GetTimeFormat( LocaleID, Flg, @SystemTime, TimeFormat, Buf, Sz ) = 0 then begin if GetLastError = ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER then Sz := Sz * 2 else break; end else begin Result := Buf; break; end; end; if Buf <> nil then FreeMem( Buf ); end; function Date2StrFmt( const Fmt: KOLString; D: TDateTime ): KOLString; var ST: TSystemTime; lpFmt: PKOLChar; begin DateTime2SystemTime( D, ST ); lpFmt := nil; if Fmt <> '' then lpFmt := PKOLChar( Fmt ); Result := SystemDate2Str( ST, LOCALE_USER_DEFAULT, dfShortDate, lpFmt ); end; function Time2StrFmt( const Fmt: KOLString; D: TDateTime ): KOLString; var ST: TSystemTime; lpFmt: PKOLChar; begin if D < 1 then D := D + 700000; DateTime2SystemTime( D, ST ); lpFmt := nil; if Fmt <> '' then lpFmt := PKOLChar( Fmt ); Result := SystemTime2Str( ST, LOCALE_USER_DEFAULT, [], lpFmt ); end; function DateTime2StrShort( D: TDateTime ): KOLString; var ST: TSystemTime; begin //--------- by Vadim Petrov --------++ if D < 1 then D := D + 1; // //----------------------------------++ DateTime2SystemTime( D, ST ); Result := SystemDate2Str( ST, LOCALE_USER_DEFAULT {GetUserDefaultLCID}, dfShortDate, nil ) + ' ' + SystemTime2Str( ST, LOCALE_USER_DEFAULT {GetUserDefaultLCID}, [], nil ); end; function Str2DateTimeFmt( const sFmtStr, sS: KOLString ): TDateTime; var h12, hAM: Boolean; FmtStr, S: PKOLChar; function GetNum( var S: PKOLChar; NChars: Integer ): Integer; begin Result := 0; while (S^ <> #0) and (NChars <> 0) do begin Dec( NChars ); if (S^ >= '0') and (S^ <= '9') then begin Result := Result * 10 + Ord(S^) - Ord('0'); Inc( S ); end else break; end; end; function GetYear( var S: PKOLChar; NChars: Integer ): Integer; var STNow: TSystemTime; OldDate: Boolean; begin Result := GetNum( S, NChars ); GetSystemTime( STNow ); OldDate := (Result >= 50) and (Result < 100); Result := Result + STNow.wYear - STNow.wYear mod 100; if OldDate then Dec( Result, 100 ); end; function GetMonth( const fmt: KOLString; var S: PKOLChar ): Integer; var SD: TSystemTime; M: Integer; MonthStr: KOLString; begin GetSystemTime( SD ); SD.wDay := 1; for M := 1 to 12 do begin SD.wMonth := M; MonthStr := SystemDate2Str( SD, LOCALE_USER_DEFAULT, dfLongDate, PKOLChar( fmt {+ '/dd/yyyy/'} ) ); //MonthStr := Parse( C, '/' ); //++ -- by GMax if AnsiCompareStrNoCase( MonthStr, Copy( S, 1, Length( MonthStr ) ) ) = 0 then begin Inc( S, Length( MonthStr ) ); Result := M; Exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} end; end; Result := 1; end; procedure SkipDayOfWeek( const fmt: KOLString; var S: PKOLChar ); var SD: TSystemTime; Dt: TDateTime; D: Integer; C, DayWeekStr: KOLString; begin GetSystemTime( SD ); SystemTime2DateTime( SD, Dt ); Dt := Dt - SD.wDayOfWeek; for D := 0 to 6 do begin DateTime2SystemTime( Dt, SD ); C := SystemDate2Str( SD, LOCALE_USER_DEFAULT, dfLongDate, PKOLChar( fmt + '/MM/yyyy/' ) ); DayWeekStr := Parse( C, '/' ); if AnsiCompareStrNoCase( DayWeekStr, Copy( S, 1, Length( DayWeekStr ) ) ) = 0 then begin Inc( S, Length( DayWeekStr ) ); Exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} end; Dt := Dt + 1.0; end; end; procedure GetTimeMark( const fmt: KOLString; var S: PKOLChar ); var SD: TSystemTime; AM: Boolean; C, TimeMarkStr: KOLString; begin GetSystemTime( SD ); SD.wHour := 0; for AM := FALSE to TRUE do begin C := SystemDate2Str( SD, LOCALE_USER_DEFAULT, dfLongDate, PKOLChar( fmt + '/HH/mm' ) ); TimeMarkStr := Parse( C, '/' ); if AnsiCompareStrNoCase( TimeMarkStr, Copy( S, 1, Length( TimeMarkStr ) ) ) = 0 then begin Inc( S, Length( TimeMarkStr ) ); hAM := AM; Exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} end; SD.wHour := 13; end; Result := 1; end; function FmtIs1( S: PKOLChar ): Boolean; begin if StrIsStartingFrom( FmtStr, S ) then begin Inc( FmtStr, {$IFDEF UNICODE_CTRLS} WStrLen {$ELSE} StrLen {$ENDIF}( S ) ); Result := TRUE; end else Result := FALSE; end; function FmtIs( S1, S2: PKOLChar ): Boolean; begin Result := FmtIs1( S1 ) or FmtIs1( S2 ); end; var ST: TSystemTime; begin FmtStr := PKOLChar( sFmtStr); S := PKOLChar( sS ); //FillChar( ST, Sizeof( ST ), #0 ); ZeroMemory( @ST, Sizeof( ST ) ); h12 := FALSE; hAM := FALSE; while (FmtStr^ <> #0) and (S^ <> #0) do begin if ((FmtStr^ >= 'a') and (FmtStr^ <= 'z') or (FmtStr^ >= 'A') and (FmtStr^ <= 'Z')) and (S^ >= '0') and (S^ <= '9') then begin if FmtIs1( 'yyyy' ) then ST.wYear := GetNum( S, 4 ) else if FmtIs1( 'yy' ) then ST.wYear := GetYear( S, 2 ) else if FmtIs1( 'y' ) then ST.wYear := GetYear( S, -1 ) else if FmtIs( 'dd', 'd' ) then ST.wDay := GetNum( S, 2 ) else if FmtIs( 'MM', 'M' ) then ST.wMonth := GetNum( S, 2 ) else if FmtIs( 'HH', 'H' ) then ST.wHour := GetNum( S, 2 ) else if FmtIs( 'hh', 'h' ) then begin ST.wHour := GetNum( S, 2 ); h12 := TRUE end else if FmtIs( 'mm', 'm' ) then ST.wMinute := GetNum( S, 2 ) else if FmtIs( 'ss', 's' ) then ST.wSecond := GetNum( S, 2 ) else break; // + ECM end else if (FmtStr^ = 'M') or (FmtStr^ = 'd') or (FmtStr^ = 'g') then begin if FmtIs1( 'MMMM' ) then ST.wMonth := GetMonth( 'MMMM', S ) else if FmtIs1( 'MMM' ) then ST.wMonth := GetMonth( 'MMM', S ) else if FmtIs1( 'dddd' ) then SkipDayOfWeek( 'dddd', S ) else if FmtIs1( 'ddd' ) then SkipDayOfWeek( 'ddd', S ) else if FmtIs1( 'tt' ) then GetTimeMark( 'tt', S ) else if FmtIs1( 't' ) then GetTimeMark( 't', S ) else break; // + ECM end else begin if FmtStr^ = S^ then Inc( FmtStr ); Inc( S ); end; end; if h12 then if hAM then Inc( ST.wHour, 12 ); SystemTime2DateTime( ST, Result ); end; function Str2TimeFmt(const sFmtStr, sS: KOLString): TDateTime; begin Result := Frac(Str2DateTimeFmt( 'y/M/d ' + sFmtStr, '2000/1/1 ' + sS )); end; var FmtBuf: PKOLChar; DateSeparator : KOLChar = #0; // + ECM function Str2DateTimeShort( const S: KOLString ): TDateTime; var FmtStr, FmtStr2: KOLString; function EnumDateFmt( lpstrFmt: PKOLChar ): Boolean; stdcall; begin GetMem( FmtBuf, ({$IFDEF UNICODE_CTRLS} WStrLen {$ELSE} StrLen {$ENDIF} ( lpstrFmt ) + 1) * Sizeof( KOLChar ) ); {$IFDEF UNICODE_CTRLS} WStrCopy {$ELSE} StrCopy {$ENDIF} ( FmtBuf, lpstrFmt ); Result := FALSE; end; begin FmtStr := 'dd.MM.yyyy'; FmtBuf := nil; EnumDateFormats( @ EnumDateFmt, LOCALE_USER_DEFAULT, DATE_SHORTDATE ); if FmtBuf <> nil then begin FmtStr := FmtBuf; FreeMem( FmtBuf ); end; FmtStr2 := 'H:mm:ss'; FmtBuf := nil; EnumTimeFormats( @ EnumDateFmt, LOCALE_USER_DEFAULT, 0 ); if FmtBuf <> nil then begin FmtStr2 := FmtBuf; FreeMem( FmtBuf ); end; Result := Str2DateTimeFmt( FmtStr + ' ' + FmtStr2, S ); end; function Str2TimeShort(const S: KOLString): TDateTime; begin Result := Frac( Str2DateTimeShort( Date2StrFmt( '', Now ) + ' ' + S ) ); end; // + ECM function Str2DateTimeShortEx( const S: KOLString ): TDateTime; var Buff: Array[0..1] of KOLChar; begin if DateSeparator = #0 then begin if GetLocaleInfo(GetThreadLocale,LOCALE_SDATE,Buff,2) > 0 then DateSeparator := Buff[0]; end; if Pos(DateSeparator,S) = 0 then //St := '0.0.0 '+S; Result := Str2TimeShort(S) else Result := Str2DateTimeShort(S); end; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // T H R E A D S /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// { -- Thread -- } function ThreadFunc(Thread: PThread): integer; stdcall; begin Result := Thread.Execute; end; {$IFDEF USE_CONSTRUCTORS} function NewThread: PThread; begin new( Result, ThreadCreate ); {$IFDEF DEBUG_OBJKIND} Result.fObjKind := 'TThread'; {$ENDIF} end; {$ELSE not_USE_CONSTRUCTORS} function NewThread: PThread; begin {$IFNDEF FPC105ORBELOW} IsMultiThread := True; {$ENDIF} New( Result, Create ); {$IFDEF DEBUG_OBJKIND} Result.fObjKind := 'TThread'; {$ENDIF} Result.FSuspended := True; {$IFDEF PSEUDO_THREADS} {$ELSE} Result.FHandle := CreateThread( nil, // no security 0, // the same stack size @ThreadFunc, // thread entry point Result, // parameter to pass to ThreadFunc CREATE_SUSPENDED, // always SUSPENDED Result.FThreadID ); // receive thread ID {$ENDIF} end; {$ENDIF USE_CONSTRUCTORS} {$IFDEF USE_CONSTRUCTORS} function NewThreadEx( const Proc: TOnThreadExecute ): PThread; begin new( Result, ThreadCreateEx( Proc ) ); {$IFDEF DEBUG_OBJKIND} Result.fObjKind := 'TThreadEx'; {$ENDIF} end; {$ELSE not_USE_CONSTRUCTORS} {$IFDEF ASM_!VERSION} function NewThreadEx( const Proc: TOnThreadExecute ): PThread; asm CALL NewThread POP EBP POP ECX POP EDX MOV [EAX].TThread.fOnExecute.TMethod.Code, EDX POP EDX MOV [EAX].TThread.fOnExecute.TMethod.Data, EDX PUSH ECX PUSH EAX CALL TThread.Resume POP EAX RET end; {$ELSE PAS_VERSION} //Pascal function NewThreadEx( const Proc: TOnThreadExecute ): PThread; begin Result := NewThread; Result.OnExecute := Proc; Result.Resume; end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION} {$ENDIF USE_CONSTRUCTORS} function NewThreadAutoFree( const Proc: TOnThreadExecute ): PThread; begin Result := NewThread; Result.OnExecute := Proc; Result.F_AutoFree := TRUE; {$IFDEF SAFE_CODE} if Assigned( Proc ) then {$ENDIF} Result.Resume; end; { TThread } function WndProcCMExec( Sender: PControl; var Msg: TMsg; var Rslt: Integer ) : Boolean; var Thread: PThread; begin Result := FALSE; if Msg.message = CM_EXECPROC then begin Thread := PThread( Msg.lParam ); if Msg.wParam <> 0 then Thread.FMethodEx( Thread, Pointer( Msg.wParam ) ) else Thread.FMethod( ); Rslt := 0; end; end; {$IFDEF PSEUDO_THREADS} function timeBeginPeriod(uPeriod: UINT): UINT; stdcall; external 'winmm.dll' name 'timeBeginPeriod'; function timeEndPeriod(uPeriod: UINT): UINT; stdcall; external 'winmm.dll' name 'timeEndPeriod'; {$ENDIF} procedure TThread.Init; begin {$IFDEF CALL_INHERITED} inherited; {$ENDIF} if Applet <> nil then Applet.AttachProc( WndProcCMExec ); {$IFDEF PSEUDO_THREADS} if (MainThread = nil) and not CreatingMainThread then begin // creating main thread CreatingMainThread := TRUE; new( MainThread, Create ); {$IFDEF DEBUG_OBJKIND} MainThread.fObjKind := 'MainThread'; {$ENDIF} CreatingMainThread := FALSE; end; if CreatingMainThread then begin MainThread := @ Self; {MainThread.}AllThreads := NewList; {MainThread.}CurrentThread := MainThread; TimeBeginPeriod( 10 ); end; if not CreatingMainThread and (MainThread <> @ Self) then begin // creating other threads GetMem( StackBottom, PseudoThreadStackSize ); CurStackPos := Pointer( DWORD( StackBottom ) + PseudoThreadStackSize ); Stack_Empty := TRUE; end; MainThread.AllThreads.Add( @ Self ); {$ENDIF} end; {$IFDEF ASM_VERSION}{$ELSE PAS_VERSION} //Pascal destructor TThread.Destroy; begin RefInc; if not FTerminated then begin Terminate; WaitFor; end; if (FHandle <> 0) then CloseHandle(FHandle); {$IFDEF PSEUDO_THREADS} if StackBottom <> nil then FreeMem( StackBottom ); if MainThread = @ Self then begin TimeEndPeriod( 10 ); AllThreads.Free; end else if MainThread <> nil then begin MainThread.AllThreads.Remove( @ Self ); if MainThread.AllThreads.Count <= 1 then Free_And_Nil( MainThread ); end; {$ENDIF} inherited; end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION} function TThread.Execute: integer; {$IFDEF TERMAUTOFREE_THREAD} var H: THandle; {$ENDIF} begin {$IFDEF SAFE_CODE} Result := 0; if Assigned( FOnExecute ) then {$ENDIF} Result := FOnExecute( @Self ); FResult := Result; FTerminated := TRUE; // fake thread object (to prevent terminating while freeing) if F_AutoFree then begin {$IFDEF TERMAUTOFREE_THREAD} H := FHandle; {$ENDIF} CloseHandle( FHandle ); FHandle := 0; Free; {$IFDEF TERMAUTOFREE_THREAD} TerminateThread( H, 0 ); {$ENDIF} end; end; function TThread.GetPriorityCls: Integer; begin {$IFDEF PSEUDO_THREADS} Result := FPrtyCls; {$ELSE} Result := GetPriorityClass(FHandle); {$ENDIF} end; function TThread.GetThrdPriority: Integer; begin {$IFDEF PSEUDO_THREADS} Result := FPriority; {$ELSE} Result := GetThreadPriority(FHandle); {$ENDIF} end; procedure TThread.Resume; begin {$IFDEF PSEUDO_THREADS} if MainThread.CurrentThread = @ Self then Exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} MainThread.SwitchToThread( @ Self ); {$ELSE} FSuspended := False; if (ResumeThread(FHandle) > 1) then FSuspended := True else if Assigned(FOnResume) then FOnResume(@Self); {$ENDIF} end; procedure TThread.SetPriorityCls(Value: Integer); begin {$IFDEF DEBUG_ANY} if not SetPriorityClass(GetCurrentProcess, Value) then begin ShowMessage( SysErrorMessage( GetLastError ) ); end; {$ELSE} {$IFDEF PSEUDO_THREADS} FPrtyCls := Value; {$ELSE} SetPriorityClass(GetCurrentProcess, Value); {$ENDIF} {$ENDIF DEBUG_ANY} end; procedure TThread.SetThrdPriority(Value: Integer); begin FPriority := Value; {$IFDEF PSEUDO_THREADS} {$ELSE} SetThreadPriority(FHandle, Value); {$ENDIF} end; procedure TThread.Suspend; begin {$IFDEF PSEUDO_THREADS} if MainThread <> @ Self then FSuspended := TRUE; if MainThread.CurrentThread = @ Self then MainThread.NextThread; {$ELSE} FSuspended := TRUE; if Assigned(FOnSuspend) then Synchronize( FOnSuspend ); SuspendThread(FHandle); {$ENDIF} end; {$IFDEF PSEUDO_THREADS} procedure FinishThread; begin MainThread.CurrentThread.fTerminated := TRUE; MainThread.CurrentThread.Stack_Empty := TRUE; MainThread.NextThread; end; procedure TThread.SwitchToThread(T: PThread); begin {$IFDEF SAFE_CODE} if (T <> MainThread) and not Assigned( T.OnExecute ) then Exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} {$ENDIF} if Assigned( MainThread.CurrentThread.OnSuspend ) then begin MainThread.CurrentThread.OnExecute( MainThread.CurrentThread ); end; asm mov edx, [T] // 1. Suspending current thread mov ecx, [MainThread] mov eax, [ecx].CurrentThread push ebx push ebp push esi push edi mov [eax].CurStackPos, esp mov [eax].Stack_Empty, 0 // 2. Switching to another thread mov [ecx].CurrentThread, edx cmp [edx].Stack_Empty, 0 jz @@1 // the first call mov [edx].Stack_Empty, 0 cmp [edx].FSuspended, 0 jz @@0 mov [edx].FSuspended, 0 mov esp, [edx].CurStackPos mov ecx, [edx].fOnResume.TMethod.Code jecxz @@0 mov eax, [edx].fOnResume.TMethod.Data call ecx // calling OnResume for resuming thread @@0: mov eax, [edx].fOnExecute.TMethod.Data mov ecx, [edx].fOnExecute.TMethod.Code push offset [FinishThread] // if thread will be finished it will jump there jmp ecx @@1: // other calls - resuming mov esp, [edx].CurStackPos pop edi pop esi pop ebp pop ebx cmp [edx].FSuspended, 0 jz @@2 mov [edx].FSuspended, 0 mov ecx, [edx].fOnResume.TMethod.Code jecxz @@2 mov eax, [edx].fOnResume.TMethod.Data call ecx // calling OnResume for resuming thread @@2: end; // At this point, thread is resumed end; procedure TThread.NextThread; var i: Integer; T: PThread; C: DWORD; begin i := MainThread.AllThreads.IndexOf( MainThread.CurrentThread ); if i >= 0 then begin C := GetTickCount; while TRUE do begin inc( i ); if i >= MainThread.AllThreads.Count then i := 0; T := MainThread.AllThreads.Items[ i ]; if (T.DoNotWakeUntil > C) and (T <> MainThread) then continue; if (T = MainThread) and (MainThread.CurrentThread = T) then Exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} if not T.Terminated and not ((T <> MainThread) and (T.Suspended)) then begin break; end; end; MainThread.SwitchToThread( MainThread.AllThreads.Items[ i ] ); end; end; procedure Sleep( n: DWORD ); begin if Assigned( MainThread ) then begin MainThread.CurrentThread.DoNotWakeUntil := GetTickCount + n; MainThread.NextThread; end else if n > 0 then Windows.Sleep( n ); end; function WaitForMultipleObjects( nCount: DWORD; lpHandles: PHandle; fWaitAll: BOOL; dwMilliseconds: DWORD ): DWORD; stdcall; var i: Integer; w: DWORD; Ph: PHandle; Limit: DWORD; begin if dwMilliseconds = INFINITE then Limit := INFINITE else Limit := GetTickCount + dwMilliseconds; while TRUE do begin Ph := lpHandles; w := 0; for i := 0 to nCount-1 do begin if Windows.WaitForSingleObject( Ph^, 0 ) = WAIT_OBJECT_0 then begin inc( w ); if not fWaitAll then begin Result := WAIT_OBJECT_0 + i; Exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} end; end; inc( Ph ); end; if w = nCount then begin Result := WAIT_OBJECT_0; Exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} end; if (Limit <> INFINITE) and (GetTickCount > Limit) then begin Result := WAIT_TIMEOUT; Exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} end; if Assigned( MainThread ) then MainThread.NextThread; {$IFDEF WAIT_SLEEP} Sleep( 10 ); {$ENDIF} end; end; function WaitForSingleObject( hHandle: THandle; dwMilliseconds: DWORD ): DWORD; stdcall; begin Result := WaitForMultipleObjects( 1, @ hHandle, TRUE, dwMilliseconds ); end; {$ENDIF PSEUDO_THREADS} procedure TThread.Synchronize(Method: TThreadMethod); begin {$IFDEF PSEUDO_THREADS} Method; {$ELSE} FMethod := Method; if Applet <> nil then SendMessage( Applet.fHandle, CM_EXECPROC, 0, Integer( @Self ) ); {$ENDIF} end; procedure TThread.SynchronizeEx( Method: TThreadMethodEx; Param: Pointer ); begin {$IFDEF KOL_ASSERTIONS} Assert( Param <> nil, 'Parameter must not be NIL' ); {$ENDIF KOL_ASSERTIONS} {$IFDEF PSEUDO_THREADS} Method( TMethod( Method ).Data, Param ); {$ELSE} FMethodEx := Method; SendMessage( Applet.fHandle, CM_EXECPROC, Integer( Param ), Integer( @Self ) ); {$ENDIF} end; procedure TThread.Terminate; begin {$IFDEF PSEUDO_THREADS} FTerminated := TRUE; if Assigned( MainThread ) then if MainThread.CurrentThread = @ Self then MainThread.NextThread; {$ELSE} TerminateThread(FHandle,0); FTerminated := True; {$ENDIF} end; function TThread.WaitFor: Integer; begin RefInc; Result := -1; {$IFDEF PSEUDO_THREADS} while not Terminated do Resume; if Terminated then Result := FResult; {$ELSE} if FHandle = 0 then Exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} WaitForSingleObject(FHandle, INFINITE); GetExitCodeThread(FHandle, DWORD(Result)); {$ENDIF} RefDec; end; function TThread.WaitForTime(T: DWORD): Integer; {$IFDEF PSEUDO_THREADS} var LimitTime: DWORD; {$ENDIF} begin {$IFDEF PSEUDO_THREADS} LimitTime := GetTickCount + T; RefInc; while not Terminated and (GetTickCount < LimitTime) do Resume; Result := -1; if Terminated then Result := FResult; RefDec; {$ELSE} Result := WAIT_OBJECT_0; RefInc; if FHandle = 0 then Exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} Result := WaitForSingleObject(FHandle, T); if Result = WAIT_OBJECT_0 then GetExitCodeThread(FHandle, T); RefDec; {$ENDIF} end; {$IFDEF _D2} {$DEFINE _D2orFPC} {$ENDIF} {$IFDEF _FPC} {$IFNDEF _D2orFPC} {$DEFINE _D2orFPC} {$ENDIF} {$ENDIF} function TThread.GetPriorityBoost: Boolean; type TGetPriorityBoost = function(hThread: THandle; var DisablePriorityBoost: Bool): BOOL; stdcall; var B: Bool; GPB: TGetPriorityBoost; M: THandle; begin Result := TRUE; if fHandle = 0 then Exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} if (WinVer >= WvNT) then // by TK: only evaluate if this is true, regardless of evaluation settings begin M := GetModuleHandle( 'kernel32' ); GPB := GetProcAddress( M, 'GetThreadPriorityBoost' ); {$IFDEF SAFE_CODE} if Assigned( GPB ) then {$ENDIF} if GPB( fHandle, B ) then Result := B; end; end; procedure TThread.SetPriorityBoost(const Value: Boolean); type TSetPriorityBoost = function(hThread: THandle; DisablePriorityBoost: Bool): Bool; stdcall; var M: THandle; SPB: TSetPriorityBoost; begin if fHandle = 0 then Exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} if WinVer >= WvNT then begin M := GetModuleHandle( 'kernel32' ); SPB := GetProcAddress( M, 'SetThreadPriorityBoost' ); {$IFDEF SAFE_CODE} if Assigned( SPB ) then {$ENDIF} SPB( fHandle, not Value ); end; end; { TStream } {* This part of the unit contains implementation of streams for KOL. Please note, that both stream types (file stream and memory stream) are incapsulated by a single object type TStream. To avoid including unnedeed code, use constructing functions NewReadFileStream and NewWriteFileStream to work with file streams, which do not require both types of operation. } {* To create new type of stream, define your own methods, and in your constructing function, pass it to _NewStream function (through TStreamMethods record). In a field Custom, You can store a reference to your own data of any type (but do not forget to define correct releasing of such data in your fClose procedure). } function TStream.GetPosition: TStrmSize; begin Result := Seek( 0, spCurrent ); end; procedure TStream.SetPosition(const Value: TStrmSize); begin Seek( Value, spBegin ); end; {$IFDEF ASM_STREAM} function TStream.GetSize: TStrmSize; asm CALL [EAX].fMethods.fGetSiz end; {$ELSE PAS_VERSION} //Pascal function TStream.GetSize: TStrmSize; begin Result := fMethods.fGetSiz( @Self ); end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION} {$IFDEF ASM_STREAM} procedure TStream.SetSize(const NewSize: TStrmSize); asm CALL [EAX].fMethods.fSetSiz end; {$ELSE PAS_VERSION} //Pascal procedure TStream.SetSize(const NewSize: TStrmSize); begin fMethods.fSetSiz( @Self, NewSize ); end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION} function TStream.GetFileStreamHandle: THandle; begin Result := fData.fHandle; end; {$IFDEF ASM_STREAM} function TStream.Read(var Buffer; const Count: TStrmSize): TStrmSize; asm CALL [EAX].fMethods.fRead end; {$ELSE PAS_VERSION} //Pascal function TStream.Read(var Buffer; const Count: TStrmSize): TStrmSize; begin Result := fMethods.fRead( @Self, Buffer, Count ); end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION} function TStream.GetCapacity: TStrmSize; begin Result := fData.fCapacity; end; procedure TStream.SetCapacity(const Value: TStrmSize); var OldSize: DWORD; V: TStrmSize; begin V := Value; {$IFDEF OLD_STREAM_CAPACITY} if fData.fCapacity >= Value then Exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} OldSize := Size; Size := V; Size := OldSize; {$ELSE} if Value < fData.fSize then V := fData.fSize; if Value > fData.fCapacity then begin OldSize := Size; Size := V; Size := OldSize; end else if fMemory <> nil then begin {$IFDEF _D4orHigher} fMemory := ReallocMemory( fMemory, V ); {$ELSE} ReallocMem( fMemory, V ); {$ENDIF} fData.fCapacity := V; end; {$ENDIF} end; function TStream.Busy: Boolean; begin Result := ( fData.fThread <> nil ); end; function TStream.DoAsyncRead( Sender: PThread ): Integer; begin Read( Pointer( fParam1 )^, fParam2 ); fData.fThread := nil; Result := 0; end; procedure TStream.ReadAsync(var Buffer; Count: DWord); begin if Busy then Wait; fData.fThread := NewThreadAutoFree( nil ); fData.fThread.OnExecute := DoAsyncRead; fParam1 := DWORD( @ Buffer ); fParam2 := Count; fData.fThread.Resume; end; function TStream.DoAsyncSeek( Sender: PThread ): Integer; begin Seek( fParam1, TMoveMethod( fParam2 ) ); fData.fThread := nil; Result := 0; end; procedure TStream.SeekAsync(MoveTo: TStrmMove; MoveMethod: TMoveMethod); begin if Busy then Wait; fData.fThread := NewThreadAutoFree( nil ); fData.fThread.OnExecute := DoAsyncSeek; fParam1 := MoveTo; fParam2 := Ord( MoveMethod ); fData.fThread.Resume; end; function TStream.DoAsyncWrite( Sender: PThread ): Integer; begin Write( Pointer( fParam1 )^, fParam2 ); fData.fThread := nil; Result := 0; end; procedure TStream.WriteAsync(var Buffer; Count: DWord); begin if Busy then Wait; fData.fThread := NewThreadAutoFree( nil ); fData.fThread.OnExecute := DoAsyncWrite; fParam1 := DWORD( @ Buffer ); fParam2 := Count; fData.fThread.Resume; end; procedure TStream.Wait; begin if ( fData.fThread = nil ) then Exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} if Assigned( fMethods.fWait ) then fMethods.fWait( @Self ) else fData.fThread.WaitFor; end; {$IFDEF ASM_STREAM} function TStream.Write(var Buffer; {$IFNDEF STREAM_COMPAT} const {$ENDIF} Count: TStrmSize): TStrmSize; asm CALL [EAX].fMethods.fWrite end; {$ELSE PAS_VERSION} //Pascal function TStream.Write(var Buffer; {$IFNDEF STREAM_COMPAT} const {$ENDIF} Count: TStrmSize): TStrmSize; begin Result := fMethods.fWrite( @Self, Buffer, Count ); end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION} function TStream.WriteVal(Value, Count: DWORD): DWORD; begin Result := Write( Value, Count ); end; function TStream.WriteStr(S: AnsiString): DWORD; begin if S <> '' then Result := fMethods.fWrite( @Self, S[1], Length( S ) ) else Result := 0; end; function TStream.ReadStrZ: AnsiString; var C: AnsiChar; begin Result := ''; REPEAT C := #0; Read( C, 1 ); if C <> #0 then Result := Result + C; UNTIL C = #0; end; {$IFDEF _D3orHigher} function TStream.ReadWStrZ: KOLWideString; var C: WideChar; begin Result := ''; REPEAT C := #0; Read( C, 2 ); if C <> #0 then Result := Result + {$IFDEF _D3} KOLWideString( C ) {$ELSE} C {$ENDIF}; UNTIL C = #0; end; {$ENDIF _D3orHigher} function TStream.ReadStr: AnsiString; var C: AnsiChar; begin Result := ''; REPEAT C := #0; Read( C, 1 ); if C <> #0 then begin if C = #13 then begin C := #0; Read( C, 1 ); if C <> #10 then Position := Position - 1; C := #13; end else if C = #10 then C := #13; if C <> #13 then Result := Result + C; end; UNTIL (C = #13) or (C = #0); end; function TStream.ReadStrLen(Len: Integer): AnsiString; var i: Integer; begin SetLength( Result, Len ); i := Read( Result[1], Len ); SetLength( Result, i ); end; function TStream.WriteStrZ(S: AnsiString): DWORD; var C: AnsiChar; begin if S = '' then begin C := #0; Result := Write( C, 1 ); end else Result := Write( S[ 1 ], Length( S ) + 1 ); end; {$IFDEF _D3orHigher} function TStream.WriteWStrZ(S: KOLWideString): DWORD; var C: WideChar; begin if S = '' then begin C := #0; Result := Write( C, 2 ); end else Result := Write( S[ 1 ], (Length( S ) + 1) * 2 ); end; {$ENDIF _D3orHigher} function TStream.WriteStrEx(S: AnsiString): DWord; var L: DWORD; begin L := length(s); result:=fmethods.fwrite(@self,L,Sizeof(DWORD)); if result = Sizeof(DWORD) then Inc( result, fmethods.fwrite(@self,s[1],L) ); end; function TStream.ReadStrExVar(var S: AnsiString): DWord; begin fmethods.fread(@self,result,Sizeof(DWORD)); setlength(s,result); if result<>0 then result:=fmethods.fread(@self,s[1],result); end; function TStream.ReadStrEx: AnsiString; begin readstrexvar(result); end; function TStream.WriteStrPas( S: AnsiString ): DWORD; var L: Integer; begin Result := 0; L := Length( S ); if L > 255 then L := 255; if Write( L, 1 ) < 1 then Exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} Result := 1; if L > 0 then Result := Write( S[ 1 ], L ) + 1; end; function TStream.ReadStrPas: AnsiString; var L: Byte; begin Result := ''; if Read( L, 1 ) < 1 then Exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} SetLength( Result, L ); L := Read( Result[ 1 ], L ); Result := Copy( Result, 1, L ); end; {$IFDEF ASM_STREAM} function TStream.Seek({$IFNDEF STREAM_COMPAT} const {$ENDIF} MoveTo: TStrmMove; MoveMethod: TMoveMethod): TStrmSize; //function TStream.Seek(MoveTo: TStrmMove; MoveMethod: TMoveMethod): TStrmSize; asm CALL [EAX].fMethods.fSeek end; {$ELSE PAS_VERSION} //Pascal function TStream.Seek({$IFNDEF STREAM_COMPAT} const {$ENDIF} MoveTo: TStrmMove; MoveMethod: TMoveMethod): TStrmSize; begin Result := fMethods.fSeek( @Self, MoveTo, MoveMethod ); end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION} {$IFDEF ASM_VERSION}{$ELSE PAS_VERSION} //Pascal destructor TStream.Destroy; begin fMethods.fClose( @Self ); fData.fThread.Free; inherited; end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION} procedure TStream.SaveToFile(const Filename: KOLString; const Start, CountSave: TStrmSize); var F: PStream; SavePos: DWORD; begin F := NewWriteFileStream( Filename ); SavePos := Position; Position := Start; Stream2Stream( F, @ Self, CountSave ); Position := SavePos; F.Free; end; function _NewStream( const StreamMethods: TStreamMethods ): PStream; begin New( Result, Create ); {$IFDEF DEBUG_OBJKIND} Result.fObjKind := 'TStream'; {$ENDIF} Move( StreamMethods, Result.fMethods, Sizeof( TStreamMethods ) ); Result.fPMethods := @Result.fMethods; TMethod( Result.fOnChangePos ).Code := @DummyObjProc; end; function SeekFileStream( Strm: PStream; {$IFNDEF STREAM_COMPAT} const {$ENDIF} MoveTo: TStrmMove; MoveFrom: TMoveMethod ): TStrmSize; begin Result := FileSeek( Strm.fData.fHandle, MoveTo, MoveFrom ); {$IFDEF FILESTREAM_POSITION} Strm.fData.fPosition := Result; {$ENDIF} end; function GetSizeFileStream( Strm: PStream ): TStrmSize; {$IFDEF STREAM_LARGE64} var SizeHigh: DWORD; {$ENDIF} begin {$IFDEF STREAM_LARGE64} Result := GetFileSize( Strm.fData.fHandle, @ SizeHigh ); Result := Result or SizeHigh shl 32; {$ELSE} Result := GetFileSize( Strm.fData.fHandle, nil ); if Result = DWORD( -1 ) then Result := 0; {$ENDIF} end; procedure DummySetSize( Strm: PStream; {$IFNDEF STREAM_COMPAT} const {$ENDIF} Value: TStrmSize ); begin end; procedure DummyStreamProc(Strm: PStream); begin end; function DummyReadWrite( Strm: PStream; var Buffer; {$IFNDEF STREAM_COMPAT} const {$ENDIF} Count: TStrmSize ): TStrmSize; asm XOR EAX, EAX {$IFDEF STREAM_LARGE64} XOR EDX, EDX {$ENDIF} end; function DummySeek( Strm: PStream; {$IFNDEF STREAM_COMPAT} const {$ENDIF} MoveTo: TStrmMove; MoveMethod: TMoveMethod ): TStrmSize; asm XOR EAX, EAX {$IFDEF STREAM_LARGE64} XOR EDX, EDX {$ENDIF} end; function ReadFileStream( Strm: PStream; var Buffer; {$IFNDEF STREAM_COMPAT} const {$ENDIF} Count: TStrmSize ): TStrmSize; begin Result := FileRead( Strm.fData.fHandle, Buffer, Count ); {$IFDEF FILESTREAM_POSITION} inc( Strm.fData.fPosition, Result ); {$ENDIF} end; function ReadFileStreamWithEvent( Strm: PStream; var Buffer; {$IFNDEF STREAM_COMPAT} const {$ENDIF} Count: TStrmSize ): TStrmSize; begin Result := FileRead( Strm.fData.fHandle, Buffer, Count ); inc( Strm.fData.fPosition, Result ); if (Result > 0) {$IFDEF SAFE_CODE} and Assigned( Strm.OnChangePos ) {$ENDIF} then Strm.OnChangePos( Strm ); end; function WriteFileStream( Strm: PStream; var Buffer; {$IFNDEF STREAM_COMPAT} const {$ENDIF} Count: TStrmSize ): TStrmSize; begin Result := FileWrite( Strm.fData.fHandle, Buffer, Count ); {$IFDEF FILESTREAM_POSITION} inc( Strm.fData.fPosition, Result ); {$ENDIF} end; function WriteFileStreamWithEvent( Strm: PStream; var Buffer; {$IFNDEF STREAM_COMPAT} const {$ENDIF} Count: TStrmSize ): TStrmSize; begin Result := FileWrite( Strm.fData.fHandle, Buffer, Count ); inc( Strm.fData.fPosition, Result ); if (Result > 0) {$IFDEF SAFE_CODE} and Assigned( Strm.OnChangePos ) {$ENDIF} then Strm.OnChangePos( Strm ); end; {$IFDEF ASM_STREAM} function WriteFileStreamEOF( Strm: PStream; var Buffer; {$IFNDEF STREAM_COMPAT} const {$ENDIF} Count: TStrmSize ): TStrmSize; asm PUSH EBX PUSH [EAX].TStream.fData.fHandle CALL WriteFileStream XCHG EBX, EAX CALL SetEndOfFile XCHG EAX, EBX POP EBX end; {$ELSE PAS_VERSION} //Pascal function WriteFileStreamEOF( Strm: PStream; var Buffer; {$IFNDEF STREAM_COMPAT} const {$ENDIF} Count: TStrmSize ): TStrmSize; begin Result := WriteFileStream( Strm, Buffer, Count ); {$IFDEF FILESTREAM_POSITION} inc( Strm.fData.fPosition, Result ); {$ENDIF} SetEndOfFile( Strm.fData.fHandle ); end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION} function WriteFileStreamEOFWithEvent( Strm: PStream; var Buffer; {$IFNDEF STREAM_COMPAT} const {$ENDIF} Count: TStrmSize ): TStrmSize; begin Result := WriteFileStream( Strm, Buffer, Count ); inc( Strm.fData.fPosition, Result ); SetEndOfFile( Strm.fData.fHandle ); if (Result > 0) {$IFDEF SAFE_CODE} and Assigned( Strm.OnChangePos ) {$ENDIF} then Strm.OnChangePos( Strm ); end; procedure CloseFileStream( Strm: PStream ); begin if Strm.fData.fHandle <> INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE then FileClose( Strm.fData.fHandle ); Strm.fData.fHandle := INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; end; {$IFDEF ASM_STREAM} function SeekMemStream( Strm: PStream; {$IFNDEF STREAM_COMPAT} const {$ENDIF} MoveTo: TStrmMove; MoveFrom: TMoveMethod ): TStrmSize; asm PUSH EBX MOV EBX, EDX AND ECX, $FF LOOP @@not_from_cur ADD EBX, [EAX].TStream.fData.fPosition @@not_from_cur: LOOP @@not_from_end ADD EBX, [EAX].TStream.fData.fSize @@not_from_end: CMP EBX, [EAX].TStream.fData.fSize JLE @@space_ok PUSH EAX MOV EDX, EBX CALL TStream.SetSize POP EAX @@space_ok: XCHG EAX, EBX MOV [EBX].TStream.fData.fPosition, EAX POP EBX end; {$ELSE PAS_VERSION} //Pascal function SeekMemStream( Strm: PStream; {$IFNDEF STREAM_COMPAT} const {$ENDIF} MoveTo: TStrmMove; MoveFrom: TMoveMethod ): TStrmSize; var NewPos: DWORD; begin case MoveFrom of spBegin: NewPos := MoveTo; spCurrent: NewPos := Strm.fData.fPosition + DWORD( MoveTo ); else //spEnd: NewPos := Strm.fData.fSize + DWORD( MoveTo ); end; if NewPos > Strm.fData.fSize then Strm.SetSize( NewPos ); Strm.fData.fPosition := NewPos; Result := NewPos; end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION} function SeekMemStreamWithEvent( Strm: PStream; {$IFNDEF STREAM_COMPAT} const {$ENDIF} MoveTo: TStrmMove; MoveFrom: TMoveMethod ): TStrmSize; var OldPos: DWORD; begin OldPos := Strm.Position; Result := SeekMemStream( Strm, MoveTo, MoveFrom ); if (OldPos <> Strm.Position) {$IFDEF SAFE_CODE} and Assigned( Strm.OnChangePos ) {$ENDIF} then Strm.OnChangePos( Strm ); end; function GetSizeMemStream( Strm: PStream ): TStrmSize; begin Result := Strm.fData.fSize; end; {$IFDEF ASM_STREAM} procedure SetSizeMemStream( Strm: PStream; {$IFNDEF STREAM_COMPAT} const {$ENDIF} NewSize: TStrmSize ); asm push ebx push edx xchg ebx, eax cmp [ebx].TStream.fData.fCapacity, edx jae @@mem_ok {$IFDEF OLD_MEMSTREAMS_SETSIZE} or edx, [CapacityMask] inc edx {$ENDIF} mov [ebx].TStream.fData.fCapacity, edx mov ecx, [ebx].TStream.fMemory jecxz @@getmem lea eax, [ebx].TStream.fMemory call System.@ReallocMem jmp @@setmem @@getmem: or ecx, edx jz @@mem_ok xchg eax, ecx call System.@GetMem @@setmem: mov [ebx].TStream.fMemory, eax @@mem_ok: pop ecx // NewSize inc ecx loop @@set_new_sz cmp [ebx].TStream.fData.fSize, ecx jz @@set_new_sz mov [ebx].TStream.fData.fCapacity, ecx xchg ecx, [ebx].TStream.fMemory jecxz @@mem_freed xchg eax, ecx call System.@FreeMem @@mem_freed: xor ecx, ecx @@set_new_sz: mov [ebx].TStream.fData.fSize, ecx cmp [ebx].TStream.fData.fPosition, ecx jb @@exit mov [ebx].TStream.fData.fPosition, ecx @@exit: pop ebx end; {$ELSE PAS_VERSION} //Pascal procedure SetSizeMemStream( Strm: PStream; {$IFNDEF STREAM_COMPAT} const {$ENDIF} NewSize: TStrmSize ); var S: PStream; NewCapacity: DWORD; begin S := Strm; if S.fData.fCapacity < NewSize then begin {$IFDEF OLD_MEMSTREAMS_SETSIZE} NewCapacity := (NewSize or CapacityMask) + 1; {$ELSE} NewCapacity := NewSize; {$ENDIF} if S.fMemory = nil then begin if NewSize <> 0 then GetMem( S.fMemory, NewCapacity ); end else ReallocMem( S.fMemory, NewCapacity ); S.fData.fCapacity := NewCapacity; end else if (NewSize = 0) and (S.Size > 0) then begin if S.fMemory <> nil then begin FreeMem( S.fMemory ); S.fMemory := nil; S.fData.fCapacity := 0; end; end; S.fData.fSize := NewSize; if S.fData.fPosition > S.fData.fSize then S.fData.fPosition := S.fData.fSize; end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION} {$IFDEF ASM_STREAM} function ReadMemStream( Strm: PStream; var Buffer; {$IFNDEF STREAM_COMPAT} const {$ENDIF} Count: TStrmSize ): TStrmSize; asm PUSH EBX XCHG EBX, EAX MOV EAX, [EBX].TStream.fData.fPosition ADD EAX, ECX CMP EAX, [EBX].TStream.fData.fSize JLE @@count_ok MOV ECX, [EBX].TStream.fData.fSize SUB ECX, [EBX].TStream.fData.fPosition @@count_ok: PUSH ECX MOV EAX, [EBX].TStream.fMemory ADD EAX, [EBX].TStream.fData.fPosition CALL System.Move POP EAX ADD [EBX].TStream.fData.fPosition, EAX POP EBX end; {$ELSE PAS_VERSION} //Pascal function ReadMemStream( Strm: PStream; var Buffer; {$IFNDEF STREAM_COMPAT} const {$ENDIF} Count: TStrmSize ): TStrmSize; var S: PStream; C: TStrmSize; begin S := Strm; C := Count; if C + S.fData.fPosition > S.fData.fSize then C := S.fData.fSize - S.fData.fPosition; Result := C; Move( Pointer( DWORD(S.fMemory) + S.fData.fPosition )^, Buffer, Result ); Inc( S.fData.fPosition, Result ); end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION} function ReadMemStreamWithEvent( Strm: PStream; var Buffer; {$IFNDEF STREAM_COMPAT} const {$ENDIF} Count: TStrmSize ): TStrmSize; begin Result := ReadMemStream( Strm, Buffer, Count ); if (Result > 0) {$IFDEF SAFE_CODE} and Assigned( Strm.OnChangePos ) {$ENDIF} then Strm.OnChangePos( Strm ); end; {$IFDEF ASM_STREAM} function WriteMemStream( Strm: PStream; var Buffer; {$IFNDEF STREAM_COMPAT} const {$ENDIF} Count: TStrmSize ): TStrmSize; asm PUSH EBX XCHG EBX, EAX MOV EAX, [EBX].TStream.fData.fPosition ADD EAX, ECX CMP EAX, [EBX].TStream.fData.fSize PUSH EDX PUSH ECX JLE @@count_ok XCHG EDX, EAX MOV EAX, EBX CALL TStream.SetSize @@count_ok: POP ECX POP EAX MOV EDX, [EBX].TStream.fMemory ADD EDX, [EBX].TStream.fData.fPosition PUSH ECX CALL System.Move POP EAX ADD [EBX].TStream.fData.fPosition, EAX POP EBX end; {$ELSE PAS_VERSION} //Pascal function WriteMemStream( Strm: PStream; var Buffer; {$IFNDEF STREAM_COMPAT} const {$ENDIF} Count: TStrmSize ): TStrmSize; var S: PStream; begin S := Strm; if Count + S.fData.fPosition > S.fData.fSize then S.SetSize( S.fData.fPosition + Count ); Result := Count; Move( Buffer, Pointer( DWORD(S.fMemory) + S.fData.fPosition )^, Result ); Inc( S.fData.fPosition, Result ); end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION} function WriteMemStreamWithEvent( Strm: PStream; var Buffer; {$IFNDEF STREAM_COMPAT} const {$ENDIF} Count: TStrmSize ): TStrmSize; begin Result := WriteMemStream( Strm, Buffer, Count ); if (Result > 0) {$IFDEF SAFE_CODE} and Assigned( Strm.OnChangePos ) {$ENDIF} then Strm.OnChangePos( Strm ); end; {$IFDEF ASM_VERSION}{$ELSE PAS_VERSION} //Pascal procedure CloseMemStream( Strm: PStream ); var S: PStream; begin S := Strm; if S.fMemory <> nil then begin FreeMem( S.fMemory ); S.fMemory := nil; end; end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION} procedure DummyCloseStream( Strm: PStream ); begin // nothing here end; // by Roman Vorobets: procedure SetSizeFileStream( Strm: PStream; {$IFNDEF STREAM_COMPAT} const {$ENDIF} NewSize: TStrmSize ); var P: DWORD; begin P:=Strm.Position; Strm.Position:=NewSize; SetEndOfFile(Strm.Handle); if P < NewSize then Strm.Position:=P; end; function ReadMemBlkStream( Strm: PStream; var Buffer; {$IFNDEF STREAM_COMPAT} const {$ENDIF} Count: TStrmSize ): TStrmSize; var P, bStart, bLen, C: DWORD; bAddr: PByte; i: Integer; begin P := Strm.Position; i := 0; bStart := 0; bLen := 0; bAddr := nil; while i < Strm.fData.fBlocks.Count do begin bAddr := Strm.fData.fBlocks.fItems[i]; bLen := Integer( Strm.fData.fBlocks.fItems[i+1] ); if bStart + bLen > P then break; inc( i, 2 ); inc( bStart, bLen ); end; if bStart + bLen < P then begin Result := 0; Exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} end; inc( bAddr, P - bStart ); C := Count; if C > bLen - (P - bStart) then C := bLen - (P - bStart); if C > 0 then Move( bAddr^, Buffer, C ); Result := C; inc( Strm.fData.fPosition, C ); end; function SeekMemBlkStream( Strm: PStream; {$IFNDEF STREAM_COMPAT} const {$ENDIF} MoveTo: TStrmMove; MoveFrom: TMoveMethod ): TStrmSize; var P: Integer; begin P := MoveTo; CASE MoveFrom OF spCurrent: P := P + Integer( Strm.fData.fPosition ); spEnd: P := P + Integer( Strm.fData.fSize ); END; if P < 0 then P := 0; if P > Integer( Strm.fData.fSize ) then P := Strm.fData.fSize; Strm.fData.fPosition := P; Result := P; end; function WriteMemBlkStream( Strm: PStream; var Buffer; {$IFNDEF STREAM_COMPAT} const {$ENDIF} Count: TStrmSize ): TStrmSize; var LastBlkAddr: PByte; LastBlkUsed, C: Integer; NewBlkSz: Integer; begin C := Strm.fData.fBlocks.Count; LastBlkUsed := Strm.fData.fBlkSize; LastBlkAddr := nil; if C > 1 then begin LastBlkAddr := Strm.fData.fBlocks.Items[C-2]; LastBlkUsed := Integer( Strm.fData.fBlocks.Items[C-1] ); end; if Strm.fData.fBlkSize - LastBlkUsed < Integer( Count ) then begin NewBlkSz := Strm.fData.fBlkSize; if NewBlkSz < Integer( Count ) then NewBlkSz := Count; GetMem( LastBlkAddr, NewBlkSz ); LastBlkUsed := 0; Strm.fData.fBlocks.Add( LastBlkAddr ); Strm.fData.fBlocks.Add( nil ); inc( C, 2 ); end; inc( LastBlkAddr, LastBlkUsed ); Strm.fData.fJustWrittenBlkAddress := LastBlkAddr; Move( Buffer, LastBlkAddr^, Count ); inc( LastBlkUsed, Count ); Strm.fData.fBlocks.fItems[ C-1 ] := Pointer( LastBlkUsed ); inc( Strm.fData.fSize, Count ); Strm.fData.fPosition := Strm.fData.fSize; Result := Count; end; procedure ResizeMemBlkStream( Strm: PStream; {$IFNDEF STREAM_COMPAT} const {$ENDIF} NewSize: TStrmSize ); var i, del: Integer; LastBlkAddr: PByte; LastBlkUsed: Integer; begin while Strm.fData.fSize > NewSize do begin i := Strm.fData.fBlocks.Count-2; LastBlkAddr := Strm.fData.fBlocks.fItems[i]; LastBlkUsed := Integer( Strm.fData.fBlocks.fItems[i+1] ); del := Strm.fData.fSize - NewSize; if del >= LastBlkUsed then begin FreeMem( LastBlkAddr ); Strm.fData.fBlocks.DeleteRange( i, 2 ); dec( Strm.fData.fSize, LastBlkUsed ); end else begin Strm.fData.fBlocks.fItems[ i+1 ] := Pointer( LastBlkUsed - del ); dec( Strm.fData.fSize, del ); end; end; if Strm.fData.fSize > Strm.fData.fPosition then Strm.fData.fPosition := Strm.fData.fSize; end; procedure FreeMemBlkStream( Strm: PStream ); var i: Integer; begin i := 0; while i < Strm.fData.fBlocks.Count do begin FreeMem( Strm.fData.fBlocks.fItems[i] ); inc( i, 2 ); end; {$IFDEF SAFE_CODE} Free_And_Nil( Strm.fData.fBlocks ); Strm.fData.fPosition := 0; Strm.fData.fSize := 0; {$ELSE} Strm.fData.fBlocks.Free; {$ENDIF} end; function SeekConcatStream( Strm: PStream; {$IFNDEF STREAM_COMPAT} const {$ENDIF} MoveTo: TStrmMove; MoveFrom: TMoveMethod ): TStrmSize; var NewPos: TStrmSize; begin NewPos := MoveTo; CASE MoveFrom OF spCurrent: NewPos := TStrmMove( Strm.fData.fPosition ) + MoveTo; spEnd : NewPos := TStrmMove( Strm.Size ) + MoveTo; END; if Strm.fData.fStream1.Size > NewPos then begin Strm.fData.fStream1.Position := NewPos; Strm.fData.fStream2.Position := 0; end else begin Strm.fData.fStream1.Position := Strm.fData.fStream1.Size; Strm.fData.fStream2.Position := NewPos - Strm.fData.fStream1.Size; end; Strm.fData.fPosition := Strm.fData.fStream1.Position + Strm.fData.fStream2.Position; Result := Strm.fData.fPosition; end; function GetSizeConcatStream( Strm: PStream ): TStrmSize; begin Result := Strm.fData.fStream1.Size + Strm.fData.fStream2.Size; end; procedure SetSizeConcatStream( Strm: PStream; {$IFNDEF STREAM_COMPAT} const {$ENDIF} NewSize: TStrmSize ); var New_Sz, Sz1: TStrmSize; begin New_Sz := NewSize; Sz1 := Strm.fData.fStream1.Size; if New_Sz < Sz1 then New_Sz := Sz1; Strm.fData.fStream2.Size := New_Sz - Sz1; end; function ReadConcatStream( Strm: PStream; var Buffer; {$IFNDEF STREAM_COMPAT} const {$ENDIF} Count: TStrmSize ): TStrmSize; var C, Sz1, ToRead: TStrmSize; ToAddr: PByte; begin C := Count; Sz1 := Strm.fData.fStream1.Size; ToAddr := @ Buffer; Result := 0; if Strm.Position < Sz1 then begin ToRead := C; if Strm.Position + C > Sz1 then ToRead := Sz1 - Strm.Position; Result := Strm.fData.fStream1.Read( ToAddr^, ToRead ); Strm.fData.fPosition := Strm.fData.fStream1.Position; dec( C, Result ); inc( ToAddr, Result ); if Result < ToRead then Exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} Strm.fData.fStream2.Position := 0; end; if C <= 0 then Exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} Result := Result + Strm.fData.fStream2.Read( ToAddr^, C ); Strm.fData.fPosition := Strm.fData.fStream1.Size + Strm.fData.fStream2.Position; end; function WriteConcatStream( Strm: PStream; var Buffer; {$IFNDEF STREAM_COMPAT} const {$ENDIF} Count: TStrmSize ): TStrmSize; var C, Sz1, ToWrite: TStrmSize; FromAddr: PByte; begin C := Count; Sz1 := Strm.fData.fStream1.Size; FromAddr := @ Buffer; Result := 0; if Strm.Position < Sz1 then begin ToWrite := C; if Strm.Position + C > Sz1 then ToWrite := Sz1 - Strm.Position; Result := Strm.fData.fStream1.Write( FromAddr^, ToWrite ); Strm.fData.fPosition := Strm.fData.fStream1.Position; dec( C, Result ); inc( FromAddr, Result ); if Result < ToWrite then Exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} Strm.fData.fStream2.Position := 0; end; if C <= 0 then Exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} Result := Result + Strm.fData.fStream2.Write( FromAddr^, C ); Strm.fData.fPosition := Strm.fData.fStream1.Size + Strm.fData.fStream2.Position; end; procedure CloseConcatStream( Strm: PStream ); begin Strm.fData.fStream1.fMethods.fClose( Strm.fData.fStream1 ); Strm.fData.fStream2.fMethods.fClose( Strm.fData.fStream2 ); end; function SeekSubStream( Strm: PStream; {$IFNDEF STREAM_COMPAT} const {$ENDIF} MoveTo: TStrmMove; MoveFrom: TMoveMethod ): TStrmSize; var NewPos, OldPos: TStrmMove; begin OldPos := Strm.fData.fBaseStream.Position - Strm.fData.fFromPos; {$IFDEF STREAM_LARGE64} if OldPos < 0 then OldPos := 0; {$ENDIF} CASE MoveFrom OF spCurrent: NewPos := OldPos + MoveTo; spEnd : NewPos := TStrmMove( Strm.Size ) + MoveTo; else NewPos := MoveTo; END; {$IFDEF STREAM_LARGE64} if NewPos < 0 then NewPos := 0; {$ENDIF} Strm.fData.fBaseStream.Position := Strm.fData.fFromPos + TStrmSize( NewPos ); Result := Strm.fData.fBaseStream.Position - Strm.fData.fFromPos; if Result > Strm.fData.fSize then Strm.fData.fSize := Result; end; function GetSizeSubStream( Strm: PStream ): TStrmSize; begin Result := Strm.fData.fSize; end; procedure SetSizeSubStream( Strm: PStream; {$IFNDEF STREAM_COMPAT} const {$ENDIF} NewSize: TStrmSize ); begin {$IFDEF STREAM_LARGE64} if NewSize >= 0 then {$ENDIF} Strm.fData.fSize := NewSize; end; function ReadSubStream( Strm: PStream; var Buffer; {$IFNDEF STREAM_COMPAT} const {$ENDIF} Count: TStrmSize ): TStrmSize; var C: TStrmSize; begin C := Count; if Strm.Position + C > Strm.Size then C := Strm.Size - Strm.Position; Result := Strm.fData.fBaseStream.Read( Buffer, C ); end; function WriteSubStream( Strm: PStream; var Buffer; {$IFNDEF STREAM_COMPAT} const {$ENDIF} Count: TStrmSize ): TStrmSize; begin Result := Strm.fData.fBaseStream.Write( Buffer, Count ); end; procedure CloseSubStream( Strm: PStream ); begin Strm.fData.fBaseStream.fMethods.fClose( Strm.fData.fBaseStream ); end; function NewFileStream( const FileName: KOLString; Options: DWORD ): PStream; begin Result := _NewStream( BaseFileMethods ); Result.fMethods.fRead := ReadFileStreamProc; Result.fMethods.fWrite := WriteFileStream; // not WriteStreamEOF, ������� ������� Result.fMethods.fSetSiz := SetSizeFileStream; Result.fData.fHandle := FileCreate( FileName, Options ); end; function NewFileStreamWithEvent( const FileName: KOLString; Options: DWORD ): PStream; begin Result := _NewStream( BaseFileMethods ); Result.fMethods.fRead := ReadFileStreamWithEvent; Result.fMethods.fWrite := WriteFileStreamWithEvent; // not WriteStreamEOF, ������� ������� Result.fMethods.fSetSiz := SetSizeFileStream; Result.fData.fHandle := FileCreate( FileName, Options ); end; {$IFDEF ASM_VERSION}{$ELSE PAS_VERSION} //Pascal function NewReadFileStream( const FileName: KOLString ): PStream; begin Result := _NewStream( BaseFileMethods ); Result.fMethods.fRead := ReadFileStreamProc; Result.fData.fHandle := FileCreate( FileName, ofOpenRead or ofShareDenyWrite or ofOpenExisting ); end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION} function NewReadFileStreamWithEvent( const FileName: KOLString ): PStream; begin Result := _NewStream( BaseFileMethods ); Result.fMethods.fRead := ReadFileStreamWithEvent; Result.fData.fHandle := FileCreate( FileName, ofOpenRead or ofShareDenyWrite or ofOpenExisting ); end; function NewExFileStream( F: HFile ): PStream; begin Result := _NewStream( BaseFileMethods ); Result.fMethods.fRead := ReadFileStreamProc; Result.fMethods.fWrite := WriteFileStream; Result.fData.fHandle := F; Result.fMethods.fClose := DummyCloseStream; end; {$IFDEF _D3orHigher} function NewReadFileStreamW( const FileName: KOLWideString ): PStream; begin Result := _NewStream( BaseFileMethods ); Result.fMethods.fRead := ReadFileStreamProc; Result.fData.fHandle := WFileCreate( FileName, ofOpenRead or ofShareDenyWrite or ofOpenExisting ); end; {$ENDIF _D3orHigher} {$IFDEF ASM_VERSION}{$ELSE PAS_VERSION} //Pascal function NewWriteFileStream( const FileName: KOLString ): PStream; begin Result := _NewStream( BaseFileMethods ); Result.fMethods.fWrite := WriteFileStreamEOF; Result.fMethods.fSetSiz := SetSizeFileStream; Result.fData.fHandle := FileCreate( FileName, ofOpenWrite or ofCreateAlways or ofShareDenyWrite ); end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION} function NewWriteFileStreamWithEvent( const FileName: KOLString ): PStream; begin Result := _NewStream( BaseFileMethods ); Result.fMethods.fWrite := WriteFileStreamEOFWithEvent; Result.fMethods.fSetSiz := SetSizeFileStream; Result.fData.fHandle := FileCreate( FileName, ofOpenWrite or ofCreateAlways or ofShareDenyWrite ); end; {$IFDEF _D3orHigher} function NewWriteFileStreamW( const FileName: KOLWideString ): PStream; begin Result := _NewStream( BaseFileMethods ); Result.fMethods.fWrite := WriteFileStreamEOF; Result.fMethods.fSetSiz := SetSizeFileStream; Result.fData.fHandle := WFileCreate( FileName, ofOpenWrite or ofCreateAlways or ofShareDenyWrite ); end; {$ENDIF _D3orHigher} {$IFDEF ASM_noVERSION} function NewReadWriteFileStream( const FileName: AnsiString ): PStream; asm PUSH EBX XCHG EBX, EAX MOV EAX, offset[BaseFileMethods] CALL _NewStream MOV EDX, [ReadFileStreamProc] MOV [EAX].TStream.fMethods.fRead, EDX MOV [EAX].TStream.fMethods.fWrite, offset[WriteFileStream] MOV [EAX].TStream.fMethods.fSetSiz, offset[SetSizeFileStream] XCHG EBX, EAX PUSH EAX CALL FileExists MOV EDX, ofOpenReadWrite or ofCreateAlways or ofShareDenyWrite ADD DH, AL // $200 (ofCreateAlways) -> $300 (ofCreateExisting) POP EAX CALL FileCreate MOV [EBX].TStream.fData.fHandle, EAX XCHG EAX, EBX POP EBX end; {$ELSE PAS_VERSION} //Pascal function NewReadWriteFileStream( const FileName: KOLString ): PStream; var Creation: DWORD; begin Result := _NewStream( BaseFileMethods ); Result.fMethods.fRead := ReadFileStreamProc; Result.fMethods.fWrite := WriteFileStream; Result.fMethods.fSetSiz := SetSizeFileStream; Creation := ofCreateAlways; if FileExists( FileName ) then Creation := ofOpenExisting; Result.fData.fHandle := FileCreate( FileName, ofOpenReadWrite or Creation or ofShareDenyWrite ); end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION} {$IFDEF _D3orHigher} function NewReadWriteFileStreamW( const FileName: KOLWideString ): PStream; var Creation: DWORD; begin Result := _NewStream( BaseFileMethods ); Result.fMethods.fRead := ReadFileStreamProc; Result.fMethods.fWrite := WriteFileStream; Result.fMethods.fSetSiz := SetSizeFileStream; Creation := ofCreateAlways; if WFileExists( FileName ) then Creation := ofOpenExisting; Result.fData.fHandle := WFileCreate( FileName, ofOpenReadWrite or Creation or ofShareDenyWrite ); end; {$ENDIF _D3orHigher} function NewMemoryStream: PStream; begin Result := _NewStream( MemoryMethods ); end; function NewMemoryStreamWithEvent: PStream; begin Result := _NewStream( MemoryMethods ); Result.fMethods.fRead := ReadMemStreamWithEvent; Result.fMethods.fWrite := WriteMemStreamWithEvent; end; {$IFDEF ASM_STREAM} function WriteExMemoryStream( Strm: PStream; var Buffer; {$IFNDEF STREAM_COMPAT} const {$ENDIF} Count: TStrmSize ): TStrmSize; asm PUSH EBX XCHG EBX, EAX MOV EAX, [EBX].TStream.fData.fSize SUB EAX, [EBX].TStream.fData.fPosition CMP EAX, ECX JGE @@1 XCHG ECX, EAX @@1: PUSH EDX PUSH ECX JLE @@count_ok XCHG EDX, EAX MOV EAX, EBX CALL TStream.SetSize @@count_ok: POP ECX POP EAX MOV EDX, [EBX].TStream.fMemory ADD EDX, [EBX].TStream.fData.fPosition PUSH ECX CALL System.Move POP EAX ADD [EBX].TStream.fData.fPosition, EAX POP EBX end; {$ELSE PAS_VERSION} function WriteExMemoryStream( Strm: PStream; var Buffer; {$IFNDEF STREAM_COMPAT} const {$ENDIF} Count: TStrmSize ): TStrmSize; var S: PStream; C: TStrmSize; begin S := Strm; C := Count; if C + S.fData.fPosition > S.fData.fSize then C := S.fData.fSize - S.fData.fPosition; Result := C; Move( Buffer, Pointer( DWORD(S.fMemory) + S.fData.fPosition )^, Result ); Inc( S.fData.fPosition, Result ); end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION} procedure DummyClose_ExMemStream( Strm: PStream ); begin // nothing to do - ignore call (memory is not released by any way) end; function NewExMemoryStream( ExistingMem: Pointer; Size: DWORD ): PStream; begin Result := NewMemoryStream; Result.fMemory := ExistingMem; Result.fData.fCapacity := Size; Result.fData.fSize := Size; Result.fMethods.fWrite := WriteExMemoryStream; Result.fMethods.fSetSiz := DummySetSize; Result.fMethods.fClose := DummyClose_ExMemStream; end; function NewMemBlkStream( BlkSize: Integer ): PStream; begin Result := NewMemoryStream; Result.fData.fBlkSize := BlkSize; Result.fData.fBlocks := NewList; Result.fMethods.fWrite := WriteMemBlkStream; Result.fMethods.fSetSiz := DummySetSize; Result.fMethods.fClose := DummyClose_ExMemStream; Result.fMethods.fRead := ReadMemBlkStream; Result.fMethods.fSeek := SeekMemBlkStream; Result.fMethods.fSetSiz := ResizeMemBlkStream; Result.Add2AutoFreeEx( TObjectMethod( MakeMethod( Result, @FreeMemBlkStream ) ) ); end; function NewMemBlkStream_WriteOnly( BlkSize: Integer ): PStream; begin Result := NewMemoryStream; Result.fData.fBlkSize := BlkSize; Result.fData.fBlocks := NewList; Result.fMethods.fWrite := WriteMemBlkStream; Result.fMethods.fSetSiz := DummySetSize; Result.fMethods.fClose := DummyClose_ExMemStream; Result.fMethods.fRead := DummyReadWrite; Result.fMethods.fSeek := DummySeek; Result.fMethods.fSetSiz := ResizeMemBlkStream; Result.Add2AutoFreeEx( TObjectMethod( MakeMethod( Result, @FreeMemBlkStream ) ) ); end; function NewConcatStream( Stream1, Stream2: PStream ): PStream; begin Result := _NewStream( ConcatStreamMethods ); Result.fData.fStream1 := Stream1; Result.fData.fStream2 := Stream2; Result.Add2AutoFree( Stream1 ); Result.Add2AutoFree( Stream2 ); end; function NewSubStream( BaseStream: PStream; const FromPos, Size: TStrmSize ): PStream; begin Result := _NewStream( SubStreamMethods ); Result.fData.fBaseStream := BaseStream; Result.fData.fFromPos := FromPos; Result.fData.fSize := Size; Result.Position := 0; Result.Add2AutoFree( BaseStream ); end; function Stream2Stream( Dst, Src: PStream; {$IFNDEF STREAM_COMPAT} const {$ENDIF} Count: TStrmSize ): TStrmSize; var Buf: Pointer; C: TStrmSize; begin C := Count; if Src.fMemory <> nil then begin if Src.fData.fPosition + C > Src.fData.fSize then C := Src.fData.fSize - Src.fData.fPosition; Result := Dst.Write( Pointer(DWORD(Src.fMemory)+Src.fData.fPosition)^, C ); Inc( Src.fData.fPosition, Result ); end else if Dst.fMemory <> nil then begin if Dst.fData.fPosition + C > Dst.fData.fSize then Dst.SetSize( Dst.fData.fPosition + C ); Result := Src.Read( Pointer( DWORD( Dst.fMemory ) + Dst.fData.fPosition )^, C ); Inc( Dst.fData.fPosition, Result ); end else begin GetMem( Buf, C ); C := Src.Read( Buf^, C ); Result := Dst.Write( Buf^, C ); FreeMem( Buf ); end; end; function Stream2StreamEx( Dst, Src: PStream; {$IFNDEF STREAM_COMPAT} const {$ENDIF} Count: TStrmSize ): TStrmSize; begin Result := Stream2StreamExBufSz( Dst, Src, Count, 65536 ); end; function Stream2StreamExBufSz( Dst, Src: PStream; {$IFNDEF STREAM_COMPAT} const {$ENDIF} Count: TStrmSize; BufSz: DWORD ): TStrmSize; var buf:pointer; rd, wr:dword; C: TStrmSize; begin C := Count; if C=0 then result:=0 else begin result:=0; BufSz := Min( BufSz, C ); if BufSz = 0 then BufSz := C; getmem(buf,BufSz); repeat if C<BufSz then rd:=c else rd:=BufSz; rd:=src.read(buf^,rd); wr := dst.write(buf^,rd); inc(result,wr); dec(C, rd); until (rd<>BufSz) or (C=0); freemem(buf); end; end; {$IFDEF ASM_UNICODE} {$IFNDEF STREAM_LARGE64} {$DEFINE ASM_Resource2Stream} {$ENDIF} {$ENDIF} {$IFDEF ASM_Resource2Stream} function Resource2Stream( DestStrm : PStream; Inst : HInst; ResName : PAnsiChar; ResType : PAnsiChar ): Integer; asm PUSH EBX PUSH ESI MOV EBX, EDX // EBX = Inst PUSH EAX // DestStrm PUSH ResType PUSH ECX PUSH EDX CALL FindResource TEST EAX, EAX JZ @@exit0 PUSH EAX PUSH EBX PUSH EAX PUSH EBX CALL SizeofResource XCHG EBX, EAX CALL LoadResource TEST EAX, EAX JZ @@exit0 XCHG ESI, EAX PUSH ESI CALL GlobalLock TEST EAX, EAX JNZ @@P_ok CALL GetLastError CMP EAX, ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE JNZ @@exit_00 MOV EAX, ESI @@P_ok: XCHG EDX, EAX POP EAX // DestStrm PUSH EDX MOV ECX, EBX CALL TStream.Write //EAX = Result (length of written data) XCHG EBX, EAX POP EAX CMP ESI, EAX JE @@not_unlock PUSH ESI CALL GlobalUnlock @@not_unlock: XCHG EAX, EBX JMP @@exit @@exit_00: XOR EAX, EAX @@exit0: POP ECX @@exit: POP ESI POP EBX end; {$ELSE PAS_VERSION} //Pascal function Resource2Stream( DestStrm : PStream; Inst : HInst; ResName : PKOLChar; ResType : PKOLChar ): Integer; var R : HRSRC; G : HGlobal; P : PAnsiChar; Sz : DWORD; E : Integer; begin Result := 0; R := FindResource( Inst, ResName, ResType ); if R <> 0 then begin Sz := SizeofResource( Inst, R ); G := LoadResource( Inst, R ); if G <> 0 then begin P := GlobalLock( G ); if P = nil then begin E := GetLastError; if E = ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE then P := Pointer( G ) else Exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} end; Result := DestStrm.Write( P^, Sz ); if P <> Pointer( G ) then GlobalUnlock( G ); //FreeResource( G ); -- not necessary for resource loaded by LoadResource end; end; end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION} /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // I N I - F I L E S /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// { TIniFile } {$IFDEF ASM_VERSION}{$ELSE PAS_VERSION} //Pascal destructor TIniFile.Destroy; begin fFileName := ''; fSection := ''; inherited; end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION} procedure TIniFile.ClearAll; begin WritePrivateProfileString( nil, nil, nil, PKOLChar( fFileName ) ); end; procedure TIniFile.ClearKey(const Key: KOLString); begin WritePrivateProfileString( PKOLChar( fSection ), PKOLChar( Key ), nil, PKOLChar( fFileName ) ); end; procedure TIniFile.ClearSection; begin WritePrivateProfileString( PKOLChar( fSection ), nil, nil, PKOLChar( fFileName ) ); end; function TIniFile.ValueBoolean(const Key: KOLString; Value: Boolean): Boolean; var sec: PKOLChar; begin sec := PKOLChar( fSection ); if fSection = '' then sec := nil; if fMode = ifmRead then Result := GetPrivateProfileInt( sec, PKOLChar( Key ), Integer( Value ), PKOLChar( fFileName ) ) <> 0 else begin WritePrivateProfileString( sec, PKOLChar( Key ), PKOLChar( KOLString( Int2Str( Integer( Value ) ) ) ), PKOLChar( fFileName ) ); Result := Value; end; end; function TIniFile.ValueData(const Key: KOLString; Value: Pointer; Count: Integer): Boolean; begin if fMode = ifmRead then Result := GetPrivateProfileStruct( PKOLChar( fSection ), PKOLChar( Key ), Value, Count, PKOLChar( fFileName ) ) else Result := WritePrivateProfileStruct( PKOLChar( fSection ), PKOLChar( Key ), Value, Count, PKOLChar( fFileName ) ); end; function TIniFile.ValueInteger(const Key: KOLString; Value: Integer): Integer; begin if fMode = ifmRead then Result := GetPrivateProfileInt( PKOLChar( fSection ), PKOLChar( Key ), Integer( Value ), PKOLChar( fFileName ) ) else begin Result := Value; WritePrivateProfileString( PKOLChar( fSection ), PKOLChar( Key ), PKOLChar( KOLString( Int2Str( Value ) ) ), PKOLChar( fFileName ) ); end; end; function TIniFile.ValueString(const Key, Value: KOLString): KOLString; var Buffer: array[0..4095] of KOLChar; begin if fMode = ifmRead then begin Buffer[ 0 ] := #0; if GetPrivateProfileString(PKOLChar(fSection), PKOLChar(Key), PKOLChar(Value), Buffer, SizeOf(Buffer) div Sizeof(KOLChar), PKOLChar(fFileName)) <> 0 then Result := Buffer else Result := ''; //: FPC ������ ������ ��� ���������� Key � INI-����� // MTsv DN end else begin Result := Value; WritePrivateProfileString( PKOLChar( fSection ), PKOLChar( Key ), PKOLChar( Value ), PKOLChar( fFileName ) ); end; end; function TIniFile.ValueDouble(const Key: KOLString; const Value: Double): Double; begin Result := Str2Double( ValueString( Key, Double2Str( Value ) ) ); end; function OpenIniFile( const FileName: KOLString ): PIniFile; begin New( Result, Create ); {$IFDEF DEBUG_OBJKIND} Result.fObjKind := 'TIniFile'; {$ENDIF} Result.fFileName := FileName; end; /////////////////////////////////////////////////// GetSectionNames, SectionData // - by Vyacheslav A. Gavrik : const IniBufferSize = 32767; IniBufferStrSize = IniBufferSize+4; /// ��� ��������� :) {$IFDEF ASM_UNICODE}{$ELSE PAS_VERSION} //Pascal procedure TIniFile.GetSectionNames(Names:PKOLStrList); var i:integer; Pc:PKOLChar; PcEnd:PKOLChar; Buffer:Pointer; begin GetMem(Buffer,IniBufferSize * Sizeof( KOLChar )); Pc:=Buffer; i := GetPrivateProfileSectionNames(Buffer, IniBufferSize, PKOLChar(fFileName)); PcEnd:=Pc+i; repeat Names.Add(Pc); Pc:=PC+Length(PC)+1; until PC>=PcEnd; FreeMem(Buffer); end; procedure TIniFile.SectionData(Names: PKOLStrList); var i:integer; Pc:PKOLChar; PcEnd:PKOLChar; Buffer:Pointer; begin GetMem(Buffer,IniBufferSize * Sizeof(KOLChar)); Pc:=Buffer; if fMode = ifmRead then begin i:=GetPrivateProfileSection(PKOLChar(fSection), Buffer, IniBufferSize, PKOLChar(fFileName)); PcEnd:=Pc+i; while PC < PcEnd do // Chg by ECM from REPEAT-UNTIL: i=0 (empty section) => Names.Count=1 begin Names.Add(Pc); Pc:=PC+Length(PC)+1; end; end else begin for i:= 0 to Names.Count-1 do begin {$IFDEF UNICODE_CTRLS} WStrCopy {$ELSE} StrCopy {$ENDIF} (Pc,Names.ItemPtrs[i]); Pc:=PC+Length(PC)+1; end; Pc[0]:=#0; ClearSection; WritePrivateProfileSection(PKOLChar(fSection), Buffer, PKOLChar(fFileName)); end; FreeMem(Buffer); end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION} ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // M E N U ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// { -- Menu implementation -- } {$IFDEF ASM_VERSION}{$ELSE PAS_VERSION} //Pascal function MakeAccelerator( fVirt: Byte; Key: Word ): TMenuAccelerator; begin Result.fVirt := fVirt; Result.Key := Key; end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION} function GetAcceleratorText( const Accelerator: TMenuAccelerator ): KOLString; var KeyName: array[0..255] of KOLChar; procedure AddKeyName( Code: Integer ); begin Code := MapVirtualKey(Code, 0); if Code = 0 then exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} if GetKeyNameText(Code shl 16, KeyName, 256) > 0 then begin if Result <> '' then Result := Result + '+'; Result := Result + KOLString(KeyName); end; end; begin Result := ''; with Accelerator do begin if fVirt and FCONTROL <> 0 then AddKeyName(VK_CONTROL); if fVirt and FSHIFT <> 0 then AddKeyName(VK_SHIFT); if fVirt and FALT <> 0 then AddKeyName(VK_ALT); if fVirt and $20 <> 0 then AddKeyName(VK_LWIN); if fVirt and $40 <> 0 then AddKeyName(VK_RWIN); AddKeyName(Key); end; end; const MIDATA_CHECKITEM = $40000000; MIDATA_RADIOITEM = $80000000; {$IFNDEF NEW_MENU_ACCELL} function WndProcMenu( Sender: PControl; var Msg: TMsg; var Rslt: Integer): Boolean; var M, M1: PMenu; Idx: Integer; Id: Integer; begin Result := False; if Msg.message = WM_COMMAND then begin if (Msg.lParam = 0) and (HIWORD( Msg.wParam ) <= 1) then begin M := PMenu( Sender.fMenuObj ); while (M = nil) and (Sender.Parent <> nil) do begin Sender := Sender.Parent; M := PMenu( Sender.fMenuObj ); end; while M <> nil do begin Id := LoWord( Msg.wParam ); M1 := M.Items[ Id ]; if M1 <> nil then begin Result := True; Rslt := 0; Idx := M.IndexOf( M1 ); M.fByAccel := HiWord( Msg.wParam ) <> 0; if M1.FRadioGroup <> 0 then M1.RadioCheckItem else if M1.FIsCheckItem then M1.Checked := not M1.Checked; if Assigned(M1.FOnMenuItem) then M1.FOnMenuItem( M, Idx ) else if Assigned( M.FOnMenuItem ) then M.FOnMenuItem( M, Idx ); break; end; M := M.fNextMenu; end; end; end; end; {$ELSE} function WndProcMenu( Sender: PControl; var Msg: TMsg; var Rslt: Integer): Boolean; function ProcessMenuItem(M: PMenu; Id: Integer): Boolean; var M1: PMenu; Idx: Integer; begin M1 := M.Items[ Id ]; Result := (M1 <> nil); if Result then begin Idx := M.IndexOf( M1 ); M.fByAccel := HiWord( Msg.wParam ) <> 0; if M1.FRadioGroup <> 0 then M1.RadioCheckItem else if M1.FIsCheckItem then M1.Checked := not M1.Checked; if Assigned(M1.FOnMenuItem) then begin {$IFDEF USE_MENU_CURCTL} M.fCurCtl := Sender; // fixed {$ENDIF} M1.FOnMenuItem( M, Idx ) end else if Assigned( M.FOnMenuItem ) then M.FOnMenuItem( M, Idx ); end; end; var M: PMenu; Id: Integer; begin Result := False; if Msg.message = WM_COMMAND then if (Msg.lParam = 0) and (HIWORD( Msg.wParam ) <= 1) then begin Id := LoWord(Msg.wParam); M := PMenu(Sender.fAutoPopupMenu); if (M <> nil) and ProcessMenuItem(M, Id) then begin Result := True; Rslt := 0; end else begin M := PMenu(Sender.fMenuObj); while M <> nil do begin if ProcessMenuItem(M, Id) then begin Result := True; Rslt := 0; Break; end; M := M.fNextMenu; end; end; end; end; {$ENDIF} {$ENDIF WIN_GDI} {$IFDEF GDI} function NewMenu( AParent : PControl; MaxCmdReserve : DWORD; const Template : array of PKOLChar; aOnMenuItem: TOnMenuItem ): PMenu; var M: PMenu; {$IFDEF INITIALFORMSIZE_FIXMENU} R: TRect; {$ENDIF} begin New( Result, Create ); {$IFDEF DEBUG_OBJKIND} Result.fObjKind := 'TMenu'; {$ENDIF} Result.FVisible := TRUE; Result.FPopupFlags := TPM_LEFTALIGN or TPM_LEFTBUTTON; Result.FMenuItems := NewList; Result.FOnMenuItem := aOnMenuItem; if (High(Template)>=0) and (Template[0] <> nil) then begin if (AParent <> nil) and (AParent.fMenuObj = nil) and {$IFDEF USE_FLAGS} not (G3_IsControl in AParent.fFlagsG3) {$ELSE} not AParent.fIsControl {$ENDIF} then Result.FHandle := CreateMenu else Result.FHandle := CreatePopupMenu; Result.FillMenuItems( Result.FHandle, 0, Template ); end; if ( AParent <> nil ) then begin Result.FControl := AParent; if AParent.fMenuObj <> nil then begin // add popup menu to the end of menu chain M := PMenu( AParent.fMenuObj ); while M.fNextMenu <> nil do M := M.fNextMenu; M.fNextMenu := Result; end else begin if {$IFDEF USE_FLAGS} not(G3_IsControl in AParent.fFlagsG3) {$ELSE} not AParent.fIsControl {$ENDIF} then begin {$IFDEF INITIALFORMSIZE_FIXMENU} R := AParent.ClientRect; {$ENDIF} AParent.Menu := Result.FHandle; {$IFDEF INITIALFORMSIZE_FIXMENU} AParent.SetClientSize( R.Right, R.Bottom ); {$ENDIF} end; AParent.fMenuObj := Result; AParent.AttachProc( WndProcMenu ); {$IFDEF USE_AUTOFREE4CONTROLS} AParent.Add2AutoFree( Result ); {$ENDIF} end; end; end; {$ENDIF GDI} {$IFDEF _X_} {$IFDEF GTK} //--- some code from samples - may be useful to see "how to" FUNCTION AddSeparatorToMenu( Menu : PGtkMenu ) : PgtkMenuItem ; BEGIN Result := PGtkMenuitem( gtk_menu_item_new ) ; gtk_menu_append( GTK_WIDGET( Menu ), PGtkWidget( Result ) ) ; gtk_widget_show( PGtkWidget ( Result ) ) ; END; FUNCTION AddItemToMenu( Menu : PGtkMenu; ShortCuts : PGtkAccelGroup; const Caption : AnsiString; const ShortCut : AnsiString; CallBack : TGtkSignalFunc; CallBackdata : Pointer ) : PGtkMenuItem; VAR Key, Modifiers : DWORD; //LocalAccelGroup : PGtkAccelGroup; -- not used since gtk_menu_ensure_uline_accel_group not defined anywhere... TheLabel : PGtkLabel; BEGIN Result := PGtkMenuItem ( gtk_menu_item_new_with_label( '' ) ) ; TheLabel := GTK_LABEL(GTK_BIN( Result )^.child ) ; Key:= gtk_label_parse_uline( TheLabel , Pchar ( Caption ) ) ; //---------------- {If Key<>0 then // gtk_menu_ensure_uline_accel_group -- not defined anywhere... begin LocalAccelGroup := gtk_menu_ensure_uline_accel_group( Menu ); gtk_widget_add_accelerator( PGtkWidget ( Result ), 'activateitem', LocalAccelGroup , Key , 0 , TGtkAccelFlags ( 0 ) ) ; end;} //----------------- gtk_menu_append( GTK_WIDGET( Menu ), PGtkWidget( Result ) ) ; //----------------- IF ( ShortCut<>'' ) AND ( ShortCuts<> Nil ) THEN BEGIN gtk_accelerator_parse ( pchar( ShortCut ) , @key , @modifiers ) ; gtk_widget_add_accelerator ( PGtkWidget ( Result ) , ' activateitem' , ShortCuts, Key, modifiers, GTK_ACCEL_VISIBLE ); END; //------------------ IF Assigned( CallBack ) THEN BEGIN gtk_signal_connect( PGtkObject ( Result ) , 'activate' , CallBack , CallBackdata ) ; gtk_widget_show( PgtkWidget ( Result ) ) ; END; END; FUNCTION AddMenuToMenuBar( MenuBar : PGtkMenuBar; ShortCuts : PGtkAccelGroup; Caption : AnsiString; CallBack : TGtkSignalFunc; CallBackdata : Pointer; AlignRight : Boolean; Var MenuItem : PgtkMenuItem ) : PGtkMenu; VAR Key : DWORD; TheLabel : PGtkLabel; BEGIN MenuItem := PGtkMenuItem( gtk_menu_item_new_with_label( '' ) ) ; IF AlignRight THEN gtk_menu_item_right_justify( MenuItem ); TheLabel := GTK_LABEL( GTK_BIN( MenuItem )^ .child ) ; Key := gtk_label_parse_uline( TheLabel, Pchar ( Caption ) ) ; IF Key<>0 THEN gtk_widget_add_accelerator( PGtkWidget( MenuItem ), 'activateitem', Shortcuts, Key, GDK_MOD1_MASK, GTK_ACCEL_LOCKED ); Result := PGtkMenu( gtk_menu_new ); If Assigned( CallBack ) then gtk_signal_connect( PGtkObject ( Result ), 'activate', CallBack, CallBackdata ) ; gtk_widget_show( PgtkWidget ( MenuItem ) ) ; gtk_menu_item_set_submenu( MenuItem, PGtkWidget( Result ) ) ; gtk_menu_bar_append( GTK_WIDGET( MenuBar ), PgtkWidget( MenuItem ) ) ; END; FUNCTION NewMenu( AParent : PControl; MaxCmdReserve : DWORD; CONST Template : ARRAY of PKOLChar; aOnMenuItem: TOnMenuItem ): PMenu; PROCEDURE CreateMenuItems( ParentMenu: PMenu; var i: Integer ); VAR Item, PrevItem: PMenu; s: AnsiString; j: Integer; BEGIN PrevItem := nil; WHILE i <= High( Template )-1 DO BEGIN inc( i ); s := Template[ i ]; IF s = '' THEN BREAK; // end of template IF s = ')' THEN inc( i ); break; // end of submenu new( Item, Create ); {$IFDEF DEBUG_OBJKIND} Item.fObjKind := 'MenuItem'; {$ENDIF} Item.FCaption := s; Item.FVisible := TRUE; Item.FParentMenu := ParentMenu; if ParentMenu.FItems = nil then ParentMenu.FItems := NewList; ParentMenu.FItems.Add( Item ); IF (s <> '') AND ((s[ 1 ] = '+') or (s[ 1 ] = '-')) THEN BEGIN Item.fIsCheckItem := TRUE; Item.fChecked := S[ 1 ] = '+'; s := CopyEnd( s, 2 ); IF (s <> '') and (s[ 1 ] = '!') THEN BEGIN IF PrevItem <> nil THEN BEGIN if PrevItem.fRadioGroup <> 0 THEN Item.fRadioGroup := PrevItem.fRadioGroup; END ELSE inc( Item.fRadioGroup ); s := CopyEnd( s, 2 ); END; END; IF s = '-' THEN Item.fIsSeparator := TRUE ELSE BEGIN FOR j := Length( s )-1 DOWNTO 1 DO // extract mnemonic BEGIN IF (s[ j ] = '&') and (s[ j+1 ] <> '&') then // mnemonic BEGIN Item.fMnemonics := Item.fMnemonics + s[ j+1 ]; Delete( s, j, 1 );//? <U>m</U> ? END; END; END; //---------------------------- now call gtk for create item's widget IF Item.FIsSeparator THEN Item.fGtkMenuItem := gtk_menu_item_new ELSE Item.fGtkMenuItem := gtk_menu_item_new_with_label( PAnsiChar( s ) ); IF ParentMenu.fGtkMenuBar <> nil THEN gtk_menu_bar_append( ParentMenu.fGtkMenuBar, Item.fGtkMenuItem ) ELSE gtk_menu_shell_append( GTK_MENU_SHELL( ParentMenu.fGtkMenuShell ), Item.fGtkMenuItem ); IF s = '(' THEN BEGIN inc( i ); IF PrevItem <> nil THEN BEGIN PrevItem.fGtkMenuShell := gtk_menu_new; gtk_menu_item_set_submenu( GTK_MENU_ITEM( PrevItem.fGtkMenuItem ), PrevItem.fGtkMenuShell ); CreateMenuItems( PrevItem, i ); END; END; PrevItem := Item; END; END; VAR i: Integer; BEGIN new( Result, Create ); i := -1; IF AParent.fMenuObj = nil THEN BEGIN // ��������� ������� ���� � �������� ���� (������� �����? ������ ��������?) AParent.fMenuObj := Result; Result.fGtkMenuBar := gtk_menu_bar_new; //AParent.fMenuBar := Result.fGtkMenuBar; gtk_container_add( GTK_CONTAINER( AParent.fClient ), Result.fGtkMenuBar ); gtk_widget_show( Result.fGtkMenuBar ); END else BEGIN PMenu( AParent.fMenuObj ).fNextMenu := Result; Result.fGtkMenuShell := gtk_menu_new; END; CreateMenuItems( Result, i ); END; {$ENDIF GTK} {$ENDIF _X_} function NewMenuEx( AParent : PControl; FirstCmd : Integer; const Template : array of PKOLChar; aOnMenuItems: array of TOnMenuItem ): PMenu; begin Result := NewMenu( AParent, FirstCmd, Template, nil ); {$IFDEF GDI} Result.AssignEvents( 0, aOnMenuItems ); {$ENDIF GDI} end; {$IFDEF WIN_GDI} { TMenu } const Breaks: array[ TMenuBreak ] of DWORD = ( 0, MFT_MENUBREAK, MFT_MENUBARBREAK ); { + by AK - Andrzej Kubaszek } function MenuStructSize: Integer; begin Result := 44; if not( WinVer in [wv31, wv95, wvNT] ) then Result := {48=} Sizeof( TMenuItemInfo ); end; {$ENDIF WIN_GDI} {$IFDEF GDI} destructor TMenu.Destroy; var Next, Prnt: PMenu; begin {$IFDEF DEBUG_MENU_DESTROY} LogFileOutput( GetStartDir + 'TMenu.Destroy.txt', Int2Hex( DWORD( @ Self ), 6 ) + ' ' + Int2Str( RefCount ) ); {$ENDIF} if Count > 0 then begin FMenuItems.ReleaseObjects; FMenuItems := NewList; end; if FParentMenu <> nil then begin Prnt := FParentMenu; Next := Prnt.RemoveSubMenu( FId ); FParentMenu := nil; Prnt.FMenuItems.Remove( @ Self ); if Next = nil then Exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} end; if (FControl <> nil) and (FControl.fMenu = FHandle) and (FHandle <> 0) then begin if {$IFDEF USE_FLAGS} not (G2_Destroying in FControl.fFlagsG2) {$ELSE} not FControl.fDestroying {$ENDIF} then //!!!fix by Galkov begin Windows.SetMenu( FControl.fHandle, 0 ); // this removes main menu from window, but does not destroy it end; FControl.fMenu := 0; Next := PMenu( FControl.fMenuObj ); while Next <> nil do begin if Next.fNextMenu = @Self then begin Next.fNextMenu := fNextMenu; break; end; Next := Next.fNextMenu; end; end; Next := fNextMenu; if FBitmap <> 0 then Bitmap := 0; if FHandle <> 0 then begin //if not DestroyMenu( FHandle ) // then LogFileOutput( GetStartDir + 'err.log.txt', SysErrorMessage( GetLastError ) ) ; end; FCaption := ''; FMenuItems.Free; Next.Free; inherited; // all later created (popup) menus (of the same control) // are destroyed too end; {$ENDIF GDI} {$IFDEF _X_} {$IFDEF GTK} DESTRUCTOR TMenu.Destroy; //var Next, Prnt: PMenu; BEGIN {$IFDEF DEBUG_MENU_DESTROY} LogFileOutput( GetStartDir + 'TMenu.Destroy.txt', Int2Hex( DWORD( @ Self ), 6 ) + ' ' + Int2Str( RefCount ) ); {$ENDIF} //if Count > 0 then IF ( fMenuItems <> nil ) THEN BEGIN FMenuItems.ReleaseObjects; FMenuItems := NewList; END; FCaption := ''; fMnemonics := ''; FMenuItems.Free; INHERITED; // all later created (popup) menus (of the same control) // are destroyed too END; {$ENDIF GTK} {$ENDIF _X_} {$IFDEF WIN_GDI} function TMenu.GetInfo( var MII: TMenuItemInfo ): Boolean; begin MII.cbSize := MenuStructSize; Result := GetMenuItemInfo( Parent.FHandle, FId, FALSE, Windows.PMenuitemInfo( @ MII )^ ); end; procedure TMenu.RedrawFormMenuBar; var C: PControl; begin C := TopParent.FControl; if not AppletTerminated then if (C <> nil) and (Pointer( C.fMenuObj ) = Pointer( TopParent )) then DrawMenuBar( C.FHandle ); end; function TMenu.SetInfo( var MII: TMenuItemInfo ): Boolean; var H: THandle; begin MII.cbSize := MenuStructSize; H := FHandle; if FParentMenu <> nil then H := FParentMenu.FHandle; {$IFNDEF UNICODE_CTRLS} Result := SetMenuItemInfo( H, FId, FALSE, Windows.PMenuitemInfo( @ MII )^ ); {$ELSE} Result := SetMenuItemInfoW( H, FId, FALSE, Windows.PMenuitemInfoW( @ MII )^ ); {$ENDIF} if Result and ((FParentMenu = nil) or (FParentMenu.FParentMenu = nil)) then {YS} RedrawFormMenuBar; end; function TMenu.SetTypeInfo( var MII: TMenuItemInfo ): Boolean; begin if not FIsSeparator then begin if FBmpItem = 0 then MII.dwTypeData := PKOLChar( FCaption ) else MII.dwTypeData := Pointer( FBmpItem ); MII.cch := Length( FCaption )*SizeOfKOLChar; end; Result := SetInfo( MII ); end; function TMenu.GetTopParent: PMenu; begin Result := @ Self; while Result.FParentMenu <> nil do Result := Result.FParentMenu; end; function TMenu.GetControl: PControl; begin Result := TopParent.FControl; end; function TMenu.GetItems( Id: HMenu ): PMenu; function SearchItems( ParentMenu: PMenu; var FromIdx: Integer ): PMenu; var I: Integer; begin Result := ParentMenu; if Id = HMenu( FromIdx ) then Exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} if (Id >= 4096) and (DWORD( ParentMenu.FId ) = Id) then Exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>} if ParentMenu.FMenuItems = nil then Exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} for I := 0 to ParentMenu.FMenuItems.FCount-1 do begin Inc( FromIdx ); Result := SearchItems( ParentMenu.FMenuItems.Items[ I ], FromIdx ); if Result <> nil then Exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} end; Result := nil; end; var I: Integer; begin I := -1; Result := SearchItems( @ Self, I ); end; function TMenu.GetCount: Integer; var I: Integer; SubM: PMenu; begin Result := FMenuItems.FCount; for I := 0 to Result-1 do begin SubM := FMenuItems.Items[ I ]; Result := Result + SubM.Count; end; end; function TMenu.IndexOf( Item: PMenu ): Integer; function SearchMenu( ParentMenu: PMenu; var FromIdx: Integer ): PMenu; var I: Integer; begin Result := ParentMenu; if Result = Item then Exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} for I := 0 to ParentMenu.FMenuItems.FCount-1 do begin Inc( FromIdx ); Result := SearchMenu( ParentMenu.FMenuItems.Items[ I ], FromIdx ); if Result <> nil then Exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} end; Result := nil; end; begin Result := -1; if SearchMenu( @ Self, Result ) = nil then Result := -2; end; function TMenu.GetState( const Index: Integer ): Boolean; var MII: TMenuItemInfo; begin if FVisible then begin MII.fMask := MIIM_STATE; if GetInfo( MII ) then FSavedState := MII.fState; end; Result := LongBool( FSavedState and Index ); if Index < 0 then Result := not Result; end; procedure TMenu.SetState( const Index: Integer; Value: Boolean ); var MII: TMenuItemInfo; begin GetState( 0 ); if Value xor (Index < 0) then FSavedState := FSavedState or DWORD( Index and $7FFFFFFF ) else FSavedState := FSavedState and not DWORD( Index ); if FVisible then begin MII.fMask := MIIM_STATE; if GetInfo( MII ) then begin MII.fState := FSavedState; SetInfo( MII ); end; end; end; procedure TMenu.SetData( Value: Pointer ); var MII: TMenuItemInfo; begin MII.fMask := MIIM_DATA; MII.dwItemData := DWORD( Value ); SetInfo( MII ); FData := Value; end; procedure TMenu.ClearBitmaps; begin if FBitmap <> 0 then DeleteObject( FBitmap ); if FBmpChecked <> 0 then DeleteObject( FBmpChecked ); if FBmpItem <> 0 then DeleteObject( FBmpItem ); end; procedure TMenu.SetBitmap( Value: HBitmap ); var MII: TMenuItemInfo; begin if not FClearBitmaps then begin FClearBitmaps := TRUE; Add2AutoFreeEx( ClearBitmaps ); end; if Value = FBitmap then Exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} if FBitmap <> 0 then DeleteObject( FBitmap ); // seems not necessary. FBitmap := Value; MII.fMask := MIIM_CHECKMARKS; MII.hbmpChecked := FBmpChecked; MII.hbmpUnchecked := FBitmap; SetInfo( MII ); end; procedure TMenu.SetBmpChecked( Value: HBitmap ); var MII: TMenuItemInfo; begin if not FClearBitmaps then begin FClearBitmaps := TRUE; Add2AutoFreeEx( ClearBitmaps ); end; if Value = FBmpChecked then Exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} if FBmpChecked <> 0 then DeleteObject( FBmpChecked ); FBmpChecked := Value; MII.fMask := MIIM_CHECKMARKS; MII.hbmpChecked := FBmpChecked; MII.hbmpUnchecked := FBitmap; SetInfo( MII ); end; procedure TMenu.SetBmpItem( Value: HBitmap ); var MII: TMenuItemInfo; begin if not FClearBitmaps then begin FClearBitmaps := TRUE; Add2AutoFreeEx( ClearBitmaps ); end; if Value = FBmpItem then Exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} if FBmpItem <> 0 then DeleteObject( FBmpItem ); FBmpItem := Value; if WinVer >= wv98 then {AK} begin {AK} MII.fMask := $80 {MIIM_BITMAP} ; {AK} MII.hbmpItem:=Value; {AK} end else {AK} begin//I haven't possibility to test it in Win95 {AK} MII.fType := MFT_BITMAP; MII.dwItemData := Value; end; {AK} SetInfo( MII ); end; {$IFNDEF NEW_MENU_ACCELL} procedure TMenu.SetAccelerator(const Value: TMenuAccelerator); const MaxAccel = 1000; type TAccTab = array[0..10000] of TAccel; PAccTab = ^TAccTab; var AccTab: PAccTab; I, N : Integer; M, SubM: PMenu; C: PControl; Main: Boolean; begin if (FAccelerator.fVirt = Value.fVirt) and (FAccelerator.Key = Value.Key) then Exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} FAccelerator := Value; C := TopParent.FControl; if C = nil then Exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} if C.fAccelTable <> 0 then DestroyAcceleratorTable( C.fAccelTable ); C.fAccelTable := 0; GetMem( AccTab, sizeof( TAccel ) * MaxAccel ); N := 0; M := PMenu( C.fMenuObj ); Main := TRUE; while M <> nil do begin if Main or M.Visible then begin for I := 0 to MaxInt-1 do begin SubM := M.Items[ I ]; if SubM = nil then break; if SubM.FVisible then if (SubM.FAccelerator.Key <> 0) or (SubM.FAccelerator.fVirt <> 0) then begin AccTab[ N ].fVirt := SubM.FAccelerator.fVirt; AccTab[ N ].key := SubM.FAccelerator.Key; AccTab[ N ].cmd := WORD( SubM.FId ); Inc( N ); if N > MaxAccel then break; end; end; end; if N > MaxAccel then break; M := M.fNextMenu; end; if N > 0 then begin C.fAccelTable := CreateAcceleratorTable( AccTab[ 0 ], N ); {$IFDEF USE_AUTOFREE4CONTROLS} C.Add2AutoFreeEx( C.DoDestroyAccelTable ); {$ENDIF} C := C.ParentForm; if C <> nil then C.SupportMnemonics; end; FreeMem( AccTab ); end; {$ELSE NEW_MENU_ACCELL} procedure TMenu.SetAccelerator(const Value: TMenuAccelerator); var C: PControl; M: PMenu; begin if (FAccelerator.fVirt = Value.fVirt) and (FAccelerator.Key = Value.Key) then Exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} FAccelerator := Value; C := FControl; M := @Self; while (C = nil) and (M <> nil) do begin M := M.Parent; if (M <> nil) then C := M.FControl; end; if C <> nil then C.SupportMnemonics; end; {$ENDIF NEW_MENU_ACCELL} procedure TMenu.SetMenuItemCaption( const Value: KOLString ); var MII: TMenuItemInfo; begin FCaption := Value; if FParentMenu = nil then Exit; {+ecm} {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} {AK}if not (WinVer in [wv95,wvNT]) then {AK} MII.fMask := $40 {MIIM_STRING} {AK}else begin MII.fMask := MIIM_TYPE; MII.fType := MFT_STRING; {AK}end; MII.cch := 0; // to fix turning radio mark to check mark in NT4 GetInfo( MII ); //----------------------------------------------- MII.dwTypeData := PKOLChar( Value ); MII.cch := Length( Value )*SizeOfKOLChar; SetInfo( MII ); end; procedure TMenu.SetMenuBreak( Value: TMenuBreak ); var MII: TMenuItemInfo; begin if FId = 0 then Exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} if FMenuBreak = Value then Exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} FMenuBreak := Value; //FillChar( MII, Sizeof( MII ), #0 ); ZeroMemory( @MII, Sizeof( MII ) ); MII.fMask := MIIM_TYPE; MII.dwTypeData := nil; if GetInfo( MII ) then begin MII.fType := MII.fType and not( MFT_MENUBREAK or MFT_MENUBARBREAK ) or Breaks[ Value ]; SetTypeInfo( MII ); end; end; procedure TMenu.SetMenuVisible( Value: Boolean ); var I, J: Integer; M: PMenu; Before: Integer; ByPosition: Boolean; MII: TMenuItemInfo; begin if Value then if FParentMenu <> nil then FParentMenu.Visible := TRUE; if Value = FVisible then Exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} FVisible := Value; if (FControl <> nil) and (FControl.fMenuObj = @ Self) then begin FControl.GetWindowHandle; if Value then SetMenu( FControl.fHandle, FHandle ) else SetMenu( FControl.fHandle, 0 ); Exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} end; if FId = 0 then Exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} if FParentMenu = nil then Exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} if Value then begin // show menu item inserting it again into appropriate position Before := -1; ByPosition := TRUE; I := FParentMenu.FMenuItems.IndexOf( @ Self ); for J := I + 1 to FParentMenu.FMenuItems.FCount-1 do begin M := FParentMenu.FMenuItems.Items[ J ]; if M.FVisible then begin Before := M.FId; ByPosition := FALSE; break; end; end; ZeroMemory( @MII, Sizeof( MII ) ); MII.cbSize := MenuStructSize; MII.fMask := MII.fMask or (MIIM_CHECKMARKS or MIIM_ID or MIIM_STATE or MIIM_TYPE); MII.fType := Breaks[ FMenuBreak ]; MII.fState := FSavedState; MII.wID := FId; MII.dwItemData := DWORD( FData ); if not FIsSeparator then begin //MII.fType := MII.fType or MFT_STRING { = 0 }; MII.dwTypeData := PKOLChar( FCaption ); MII.cch := Length( FCaption )*SizeOfKOLChar; end else MII.fType := MII.fType or MFT_SEPARATOR; if FRadioGroup <> 0 then MII.fType := MII.fType or MFT_RADIOCHECK; if FOwnerDraw then MII.fType := MII.fType or MFT_OWNERDRAW; if FBitmap <> 0 then begin MII.fMask := MII.fMask or MIIM_CHECKMARKS; MII.hbmpUnchecked := FBitmap; end; if FHandle <> 0 then begin MII.fMask := MII.fMask or MIIM_SUBMENU; MII.hSubMenu := FHandle; end; {$IFNDEF UNICODE_CTRLS} InsertMenuItem( FParentMenu.FHandle, Before, ByPosition, Windows.PMenuitemInfo( @ MII )^ ); {$ELSE} InsertMenuItemW( FParentMenu.FHandle, Before, ByPosition, Windows.PMenuitemInfoW( @ MII )^ ); {$ENDIF} end else begin // hide menu item removing it GetState( 0 ); // store menu item state in FSavedState to allow // changing its state while it is not attached to // a menu RemoveMenu( TopParent.FHandle, FId, MF_BYCOMMAND ); end; if (FControl <> nil) or (FParentMenu <> nil) and (FParentMenu.FControl <> nil) then RedrawFormMenuBar; end; procedure TMenu.RadioCheckItem; var I, J: Integer; M, First, Last: PMenu; begin if (FParentMenu <> nil) and (FRadioGroup <> 0) then begin I := FParentMenu.FMenuItems.IndexOf( @ Self ); if I >= 0 then begin First := @ Self; Last := @ Self; for J := I-1 downto 0 do begin M := FParentMenu.FMenuItems.Items[ J ]; if M.FRadioGroup <> FRadioGroup then break; if M.FVisible then First := M; end; for J := I+1 to FParentMenu.FMenuItems.FCount-1 do begin M := FParentMenu.FMenuItems.Items[ J ]; if M.FRadioGroup <> FRadioGroup then break; if M.FVisible then Last := M; end; if First <> Last then begin CheckMenuRadioItem( FParentMenu.FHandle, First.FId, Last.FId, FId, MF_BYCOMMAND ); Exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} end; end; end; Checked := TRUE; end; function TMenu.FillMenuItems(AHandle: HMenu; StartIdx: Integer; const Template: array of PKOLChar): Integer; var S, S1: PKOLChar; I: Integer; MII: TMenuItemInfo; Item, PrevItem: PMenu; begin PrevItem := nil; I := StartIdx; while I <= High( Template ) do begin S := Template[ I ]; if (S = nil) or (S^ = #0) then break; {$IFDEF UNICODE_CTRLS} if KOLString( S ) = {$IFDEF F_P}'' +{$ENDIF} ')' then {$ELSE} if PWORD(S)^ = WORD(')') then {$ENDIF} begin Result := I + 1; Exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} end; new( Item, Create ); {$IFDEF DEBUG_OBJKIND} Item.fObjKind := 'MenuItem'; {$ENDIF} Item.FVisible := TRUE; Item.FParentMenu := @ Self; Item.FMenuItems := NewList; FMenuItems.Add( Item ); ZeroMemory( @MII, Sizeof( MII ) ); MII.cbSize := MenuStructSize; MII.fMask := MIIM_DATA or MIIM_ID or MIIM_STATE or MIIM_SUBMENU or MIIM_TYPE; {$IFDEF UNICODE_CTRLS} if KOLString( S ) <> {$IFDEF F_P}'' +{$ENDIF} '-' then {$ELSE} if PWORD(S)^ <> WORD('-') then {$ENDIF} begin if (S^ = {$IFDEF F_P}'' +{$ENDIF} '-') or (S^ = {$IFDEF F_P}'' +{$ENDIF} '+') then begin Item.FIsCheckItem := TRUE; MII.dwItemData := MIDATA_CHECKITEM; if S^ <> {$IFDEF F_P}'' +{$ENDIF} '-' then MII.fState := MII.fState or MFS_CHECKED; Inc( S ); if S^ = {$IFDEF F_P}'' +{$ENDIF} '!' then begin MII.fType := MII.fType or MFT_RADIOCHECK; MII.dwItemData := MII.dwItemData or MIDATA_RADIOITEM; Inc( S ); if PrevItem <> nil then begin if PrevItem.FRadioGroup <> 0 then Item.FRadioGroup := PrevItem.FRadioGroup; end; if Item.FRadioGroup = 0 then Inc( Item.FRadioGroup ); if S^ = {$IFDEF F_P}'' +{$ENDIF} '!' then begin Inc( S ); Inc( Item.FRadioGroup ); end; end; end; Item.FCaption := S; end else begin Item.FIsSeparator := TRUE; MII.fType := MFT_SEPARATOR; MII.fState := MFS_GRAYED; //MII.wID := 0; end; Item.FId := FDynamicMenuID; Inc( FDynamicMenuID ); MII.wID := Item.FId; if I <> High( Template ) then //YS begin //YS S1 := Template[ I + 1 ]; {$IFDEF UNICODE_CTRLS} if KOLString( S1 ) = {$IFDEF F_P}'' +{$ENDIF} '(' then {$ELSE} if (S1 <> nil) and (PWORD(S1)^ = WORD('(')) then {$ENDIF} Item.FHandle := CreatePopupMenu; end; //YS MII.hSubMenu := Item.FHandle; MII.dwTypeData := PKOLChar( S ); MII.cch := {$IFDEF UNICODE_CTRLS} WStrLen( S ) {$ELSE} StrLen( S ) {$ENDIF}; InsertMenuItem( AHandle, DWORD(-1), True, PMenuitemInfo( @ MII )^ ); if Item.FHandle <> 0 then I := Item.FillMenuItems( Item.FHandle, I + 2, Template ) else Inc( I ); PrevItem := Item; end; Result := I; end; procedure TMenu.AssignEvents(StartIdx: Integer; const Events: array of TOnMenuItem); var I: Integer; M: PMenu; begin for I := 0 to High(Events) do begin M := Items[ StartIdx ]; if M = nil then break; M.FOnMenuItem := Events[ I ]; Inc( StartIdx ); end; end; function TMenu.Popup(X, Y: Integer): Integer; begin {$IFDEF GDI} if Assigned( fOnPopup ) then fOnPopup( @Self ); if not FNotPopup then Result := Integer( TrackPopupMenu( FHandle, FPopupFlags, {*ecm} X, Y, 0, FControl.Handle, nil ) ) {*ecm} else Result := 0; {*ecm} {$ENDIF GDI} end; function TMenu.PopupEx( X, Y: Integer ): Integer; {$IFDEF GDI} var OldBounds: TRect; WasVisible: Boolean; {$ENDIF GDI} begin {$IFDEF GDI} WasVisible := TRUE; if FControl <> nil then begin OldBounds := FControl.BoundsRect; if {$IFDEF USE_FLAGS} not(G3_IsControl in FControl.fFlagsG3) {$ELSE} not FControl.fIsControl {$ENDIF} then begin WasVisible := FControl.Visible; if not WasVisible then FControl.Top := ScreenHeight + 50; FControl.Show; end; end; // -- by Martin Larsen: ----------------------- FControl.ProcessMessage; // specific for Win9x! Result := Popup( X, Y ); {*ecm} if FControl <> nil then begin if FControl.Top = ScreenHeight + 50 then begin if not WasVisible then FControl.Visible := FALSE; FControl.BoundsRect := OldBounds; end; end; {$ENDIF GDI} end; function TMenu.GetItemChecked( Item : Integer ) : Boolean; begin Result := Items[ Item ].Checked; end; procedure TMenu.SetItemChecked( Item : Integer; Value : Boolean ); begin Items[ Item ].Checked := Value; end; function TMenu.GetMenuItemHandle( Idx : Integer ): DWORD; begin Result := Items[ Idx ].FId; end; procedure TMenu.RadioCheck( Idx : Integer ); begin Items[ Idx ].RadioCheckItem; end; function TMenu.GetItemBitmap(Idx: Integer): HBitmap; begin Result := Items[ Idx ].Bitmap; end; procedure TMenu.SetItemBitmap(Idx: Integer; const Value: HBitmap); begin Items[ Idx ].Bitmap := Value; end; procedure TMenu.AssignBitmaps(StartIdx: Integer; Bitmaps: array of HBitmap); var I: Integer; begin for I := 0 to High(Bitmaps) do ItemBitmap[ I + StartIdx ] := Bitmaps[ I ]; end; function TMenu.GetItemText(Idx: Integer): KOLString; begin Result := Items[ Idx ].FCaption; end; procedure TMenu.SetItemText(Idx: Integer; const Value: KOLString); begin Items[ Idx ].Caption := Value; end; function TMenu.GetItemEnabled(Idx: Integer): Boolean; begin Result := Items[ Idx ].Enabled; end; procedure TMenu.SetItemEnabled(Idx: Integer; const Value: Boolean); begin Items[ Idx ].Enabled := Value; end; function TMenu.GetItemVisible(Idx: Integer): Boolean; begin Result := Items[ Idx ].Visible; end; procedure TMenu.SetItemVisible(Idx: Integer; const Value: Boolean); begin Items[ Idx ].Visible := Value; end; function TMenu.ParentItem( Idx: Integer ): Integer; begin Result := TopParent.IndexOf( Items[ Idx ].FParentMenu ); end; function TMenu.GetItemAccelerator(Idx: Integer): TMenuAccelerator; begin Result := Items[ Idx ].Accelerator; end; procedure TMenu.SetItemAccelerator(Idx: Integer; const Value: TMenuAccelerator); begin Items[ Idx ].Accelerator := Value; end; function TMenu.GetItemSubMenu( Idx: Integer ): HMenu; begin Result := Items[ Idx ].SubMenu; end; function WndProcHelp( Sender: PControl; var Msg: TMsg; var Rslt: Integer ): Boolean; forward; {$IFDEF GDI} procedure TMenu.SetHelpContext( Value: Integer ); var Form, C: PControl; begin if TopParent <> @ Self then Exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} // Help context can not be associated with individual menu items FHelpContext := Value; C := FControl; if C = nil then Exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} Form := C.ParentForm; Form.AttachProc( WndProcHelp ); SetMenuContextHelpID( FHandle, Value ); end; {$ENDIF GDI} procedure TMenu.SetSubmenu( Value: HMenu ); var MII: TMenuItemInfo; begin MII.fMask := MIIM_SUBMENU; MII.hSubMenu := Value; SetInfo( MII ); FHandle := Value; end; function WndProcMeasureItem( Sender: PControl; var Msg: TMsg; var Rslt: Integer ): Boolean; var MIS: PMeasureItemStruct; M, SM: PMenu; H, I: Integer; begin Result := FALSE; if (Msg.message = WM_MEASUREITEM) and (Msg.wParam = 0) then begin MIS := Pointer( Msg.lParam ); if MIS.CtlType = ODT_MENU then begin M := Pointer( Sender.fMenuObj ); while M <> nil do begin SM := M.Items[ MIS.itemID ]; if SM <> nil then begin Sender.CallDefWndProc( Msg ); I := M.IndexOf( SM ); if Assigned( SM.OnMeasureItem ) then M := SM; if not Assigned( M.OnMeasureItem ) then Exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} H := M.OnMeasureItem( M, I ); if HiWord( H ) <> 0 then MIS.itemWidth := HiWord( H ); if LoWord( H ) <> 0 then MIS.itemHeight := LoWord( H ); Rslt := 1; Result := TRUE; break; end; M := M.fNextMenu; end; end; end; end; procedure TMenu.SetOnMeasureItem( const Value: TOnMeasureItem ); var C: PControl; begin FOnMeasureItem := Value; C := TopParent.FControl; if C <> nil then C.AttachProc( WndProcMeasureItem ); end; function WndProcDrawItem( Sender: PControl; var Msg: TMsg; var Rslt: Integer ): Boolean; type PDrawAction = ^TDrawAction; PDrawState = ^TDrawState; var DIS: PDrawItemStruct; M, SM: PMenu; I: Integer; begin Result := FALSE; if (Msg.message = WM_DRAWITEM) and (Msg.wParam = 0) then begin DIS := Pointer( Msg.lParam ); if DIS.CtlType = ODT_MENU then begin M := Pointer( Sender.fMenuObj ); while M <> nil do begin SM := M.Items[ DIS.itemID ]; if SM <> nil then begin I := M.IndexOf( SM ); if Assigned( SM.OnDrawItem ) then M := SM; if Assigned( M.OnDrawItem ) then begin if not M.OnDrawItem( M, DIS.hDC, DIS.rcItem, I, PDrawAction( @ DIS.itemAction )^, PDrawState( @ DIS.itemState )^ ) then Exit; {>>>>>>>>} end else Exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} Rslt := 1; Result := TRUE; break; end; M := M.fNextMenu; end; end; end; end; procedure TMenu.SetOnDrawItem( const Value: TOnDrawItem ); var C: PControl; begin FOnDrawItem := Value; C := TopParent.FControl; if C <> nil then C.AttachProc( WndProcDrawItem ); end; procedure TMenu.SetOwnerDraw( Value: Boolean ); const Masks: array[ Boolean ] of DWORD = ( 0, $FFFFFFFF ); var MII: TMenuItemInfo; begin FOwnerDraw := Value; //FillChar( MII, Sizeof( MII ), #0 ); ZeroMemory( @MII, Sizeof( MII ) ); MII.fMask := MIIM_TYPE; MII.dwTypeData := nil; if GetInfo( MII ) then begin MII.fType := MII.fType and not MFT_OWNERDRAW or (MFT_OWNERDRAW and Masks[ Value ]); SetTypeInfo( MII ); end; end; function TMenu.Insert(InsertBefore: Integer; ACaption: PKOLChar; Event: TOnMenuItem; Options: TMenuOptions): PMenu; const MenuStateFlags: array[TMenuOption] of Integer = (MFS_DEFAULT, MFS_DISABLED, MFS_CHECKED, 0, 0, MFS_DISABLED, 0, 0, 0, 0); MenuTypeFlags: array[TMenuOption] of Integer = (0, 0, 0, 0, MFT_RADIOCHECK, MFT_SEPARATOR, MFT_BITMAP, 0, MFT_MENUBREAK, MFT_MENUBARBREAK); var M: PMenu; MII: TMenuItemInfo; begin new( Result, Create ); {$IFDEF DEBUG_OBJKIND} Result.fObjKind := 'TMenuItem'; {$ENDIF} Result.FVisible := TRUE; Result.FParentMenu := @ Self; Result.FMenuItems := NewList; Result.FIsSeparator := moSeparator in Options; Result.FIsCheckItem := moCheckMark in Options; //+ by shilou, 12/2009 if FHandle = 0 then SetSubMenu( CreatePopupMenu ); M := nil; if (InsertBefore >= 0) and (InsertBefore < 4096) then begin M := Items[ InsertBefore ]; if M <> nil then begin InsertBefore := M.FId; M.Parent.FMenuItems.Insert( M.Parent.FMenuItems.IndexOf( M ), Result ); end; end; if M = nil then begin InsertBefore := -1; FMenuItems.Add( Result ); end; Result.FOnMenuItem := Event; //FillChar( MII, Sizeof( MII ), #0 ); ZeroMemory( @MII, Sizeof( MII ) ); MII.cbSize := MenuStructSize; MII.fMask := MIIM_DATA or MIIM_ID or MIIM_STATE or MIIM_SUBMENU or MIIM_TYPE; MII.fState := MakeFlags( Pointer( @Options ), MenuStateFlags); MII.fType := MakeFlags( Pointer( @Options ), MenuTypeFlags); Result.FId := FDynamicMenuID; Inc( FDynamicMenuID ); MII.wID := Result.FId; if moSubMenu in Options then begin Result.FHandle := CreatePopupMenu; MII.hSubMenu := Result.FHandle; end; MII.dwTypeData := PKOLChar(ACaption); {$IFNDEF UNICODE_CTRLS} if not (moBitmap in Options) then MII.cch := StrLen( ACaption ); {$ELSE} if not (moBitmap in Options) then MII.cch := WStrLen( ACaption ); {$ENDIF} InsertMenuItem( FHandle, InsertBefore, InsertBefore = -1, PMenuItemInfo( @ MII )^ ); if moBitmap in Options then begin Result.BitmapItem := DWORD( ACaption ); end else Result.FCaption := ACaption; RedrawFormMenuBar; end; function TMenu.AddItem(ACaption: PKOLChar; Event: TOnMenuItem; Options: TMenuOptions): Integer; begin Result := InsertItem( -1, ACaption, Event, Options ); end; function TMenu.InsertItem( InsertBefore: Integer; ACaption: PKOLChar; Event: TOnMenuItem; Options: TMenuOptions): Integer; begin Result := InsertItemEx( InsertBefore, ACaption, Event, Options, FALSE ); end; function TMenu.InsertItemEx(InsertBefore: Integer; ACaption: PKOLChar; Event: TOnMenuItem; Options: TMenuOptions; ByPosition: Boolean): Integer; var M: PMenu; begin M := Insert( InsertBefore, ACaption, Event, Options ); Result := M.FId; end; procedure TMenu.InsertSubMenu( SubMenuToInsert: PMenu; InsertBefore: Integer ); var AFlags: DWORD; M: PMenu; MII: TMenuItemInfo; begin if SubMenuToInsert.FParentMenu <> nil then SubMenuToInsert := SubMenuToInsert.FParentMenu.RemoveSubMenu( SubMenuToInsert.FId ); if SubMenuToInsert = nil then Exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} AFlags := MF_BYPOSITION; M := nil; if (InsertBefore >= 0) and (InsertBefore < 4096) then begin M := Items[ InsertBefore ]; if M = nil then InsertBefore := -1 else InsertBefore := M.FId; end; if M = nil then begin FMenuItems.Add( SubMenuToInsert ); SubMenuToInsert.FParentMenu := @ Self; end else begin M.FParentMenu.FMenuItems.Insert( M.FParentMenu.FMenuItems.IndexOf( M ), SubMenuToInsert ); SubMenuToInsert.FParentMenu := M.FParentMenu; end; if InsertBefore > 0 then AFlags := MF_BYCOMMAND; if SubMenuToInsert.FBmpItem <> 0 then InsertMenu( FHandle, InsertBefore, AFlags or MF_BITMAP or MF_POPUP, SubMenuToInsert.FHandle, PKOLChar( SubMenuToInsert.FBmpItem ) ) else InsertMenu( FHandle, InsertBefore, AFlags or MF_STRING or MF_POPUP, SubMenuToInsert.FHandle, PKOLChar( SubMenuToInsert.Caption ) ); if SubMenuToInsert.FId = 0 then begin SubMenuToInsert.FId := FDynamicMenuID; Inc( FDynamicMenuID ); MII.cbSize := MenuStructSize; MII.fMask := MIIM_ID; MII.wID := SubMenuToInsert.FId; {$IFNDEF UNICODE_CTRLS} SetMenuItemInfo( SubMenuToInsert.FParentMenu.FHandle, SubMenuToInsert.FParentMenu.FMenuItems.IndexOf( SubMenuToInsert ), TRUE, Windows.PMenuItemInfo( @ MII )^ ); {$ELSE} SetMenuItemInfoW( SubMenuToInsert.FParentMenu.FHandle, SubMenuToInsert.FParentMenu.FMenuItems.IndexOf( SubMenuToInsert ), TRUE, Windows.PMenuItemInfoW( @ MII )^ ); {$ENDIF} end; RedrawFormMenuBar; end; function TMenu.RemoveSubMenu( ItemToRemove: Integer ): PMenu; {$IFDEF DEBUG_MENU}var OK: Boolean; {$ENDIF} var M: PMenu; begin Result := Items[ ItemToRemove ]; if Result = nil then Exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} M := Result.FParentMenu; if M = nil then M := @Self; {$IFDEF DEBUG_MENU} OK := {$ENDIF} RemoveMenu( M.FHandle, Result.FId, MF_BYCOMMAND ); M.FMenuItems.Remove( Result ); {$IFDEF DEBUG_MENU} if not OK then ShowMessage( 'Error removing menu: ' + Int2Str( GetLastError ) + ' - ' + SysErrorMessage( GetLastError ) ); {$ENDIF} if Count = 0 then begin Result.Free; Result := nil; end; RedrawFormMenuBar; end; function TMenu.GetItemHelpContext(Idx: Integer): Integer; begin Result := Items[ Idx ].HelpContext; end; procedure TMenu.SetItemHelpContext(Idx: Integer; const Value: Integer); begin Items[ Idx ].HelpContext := Value; end; procedure ClearText( Sender: PControl ); begin Sender.Caption := ''; end; procedure ClearListbox( Sender: PControl ); begin Sender.Perform( LB_RESETCONTENT, 0, 0 ); end; procedure ClearCombobox( Sender: PControl ); begin Sender.Perform( CB_RESETCONTENT, 0, 0 ); end; procedure ClearListView( Sender: PControl ); begin Sender.Perform( LVM_DELETEALLITEMS, 0, 0 ); end; procedure ClearToolbar( Sender: PControl ); begin while Sender.TBButtonCount > 0 do Sender.TBDeleteButton( Sender.TBIndex2Item( 0 ) ); Sender.Perform( TB_SETBITMAPSIZE, 0, 0 ); end; {$ENDIF WIN_GDI} { -- Constructor of canvas -- } function NewCanvas( DC: HDC ): PCanvas; begin New( Result, Create ); {$IFDEF DEBUG_OBJKIND} Result.fObjKind := 'TCanvas'; {$ENDIF} {$IFDEF GDI} Result.ModeCopy := cmSrcCopy; if DC <> 0 then begin Result.SetHandle( DC ); {//} Result.fIsAlienDC := True; // When the Canvas will be destroyed, the DC will not be deleted end; {$ENDIF GDI} end; { -- Contructors of controls -- } {$IFDEF GDI} {$IFDEF COMMANDACTIONS_OBJ} function NewCommandActionsObj: PCommandActionsObj; begin new( Result, Create ); {$IFDEF DEBUG_OBJKIND} Result.fObjKind := 'TCommandActionsObj'; {$ENDIF} end; {$IFDEF ASM_VERSION}{$ELSE PASCAL} function NewCommandActionsObj_Packed( fromPack: PAnsiChar ): PCommandActionsObj; var Dest: PWord; N, i: Integer; begin new( Result, Create ); {$IFDEF DEBUG_OBJKIND} Result.fObjKind := 'TCommandActionsObj'; {$ENDIF} if Integer( fromPack ) < 120 then begin Result.fIndexInActions := Integer( fromPack ); Exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} end; Result.fIndexInActions := Byte( fromPack^ ); inc( fromPack ); Dest := Pointer( @Result.aClick ); N := 38; while N > 0 do begin if Byte( fromPack^ ) < 200 then begin Dest^ := PWord( fromPack )^; inc( Dest ); inc( fromPack, 2 ); dec( N ); end else if Byte( fromPack^ ) = 200 then begin inc( fromPack ); Dest^ := PWord( fromPack )^; inc( Dest ); inc( fromPack, 2 ); dec( N ); end else begin i := Byte( fromPack^ ) - 200; while i > 0 do begin Dest^ := 0; inc( Dest ); dec( i ); dec( N ); end; inc( fromPack ); end; end; end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION} {$ENDIF COMMANDACTIONS_OBJ} function DumpWindowed( c: PControl ): PControl; var P: PByte; i, j: Integer; s, ss: KOLString; begin P := Pointer( c ); ss := ''; i := 0; while i < Sizeof( TControl ) do begin s := Int2Hex( i, 3 ) + ':'; for j := 0 to 15 do begin s := s + ' ' + Int2Hex( P^, 2 ); inc( P ); inc( i ); if i >= Sizeof( TControl ) then break; end; ss := ss + s + #13#10; end; LogFileOutput( GetStartDir + 'DumpWindowed.txt', Int2Hex( Integer( c ), 8 ) + #13#10 + ss ); Result := c; end; {$IFDEF ASM_VERSION}{$ELSE PAS_VERSION} function _NewWindowed( AParent: PControl; ControlClassName: PKOLChar; Ctl3D: Boolean; ACommandActions: TCommandActionsParam ): PControl; {$IFDEF COMMANDACTIONS_OBJ} var IdxActions: Integer; {$ENDIF} begin New( Result, CreateParented( AParent ) ); {$IFDEF DEBUG_OBJKIND} Result.fObjKind := 'TControl'; {$ENDIF} {$IFDEF COMMANDACTIONS_OBJ} if Integer( ACommandActions ) < 120 then IdxActions := Integer( ACommandActions ) else IdxActions := PByte( ACommandActions )^; if AllActions_Objs[IdxActions] <> nil then begin Result.fCommandActions := AllActions_Objs[IdxActions]; Result.fCommandActions.RefInc; end else begin {$IFDEF PACK_COMMANDACTIONS} Result.fCommandActions := NewCommandActionsObj_Packed( ACommandActions ); AllActions_Objs[IdxActions] := Result.fCommandActions; Result.fCommandActions.aClear := ClearText; {$ELSE} new( Result.fCommandActions, Create ); {$IFDEF DEBUG_OBJKIND} Result.fCommandActions.fObjKind := 'TCommandActionsObj'; {$ENDIF} AllActions_Objs[IdxActions] := Result.fCommandActions; if ACommandActions <> nil then Move( ACommandActions^, Result.fCommandActions.aClear, Sizeof( TCommandActions ) ) else Result.fCommandActions.aClear := ClearText; {$ENDIF} end; Result.Add2AutoFree( Result.fCommandActions ); {$ELSE} if ACommandActions <> nil then Result.fCommandActions := ACommandActions^ else Result.fCommandActions.aClear := ClearText; {$ENDIF} //Result.fWindowed := TRUE; // is set in TControl.Init Result.fControlClassName := ControlClassName; if AParent <> nil then begin {$IFDEF WIN_GDI} //{-2.95}Result.PP.fWndProcResizeFlicks := AParent.PP.fWndProcResizeFlicks; {$ENDIF WIN_GDI} Result.PP.fGotoControl := AParent.PP.fGotoControl; Result.fCtl3D_child := AParent.fCtl3D_child and 2; if AParent.fCtl3D_child and 2 <> 0 then Result.fCtl3D_child := Result.fCtl3D_child or Integer( Ctl3D ) and 1 {else Result.fCtl3D := False}; // Result.fMargin := AParent.fMargin; Result.fTextColor := AParent.fTextColor; {$IFDEF SMALLEST_CODE} {$ELSE} {$IFDEF WIN_GDI} // for now Font is complicated a bit, implement it later Result.fFont := Result.fFont.Assign( AParent.fFont ); if Result.fFont <> nil then begin {$IFDEF USE_AUTOFREE4CONTROLS} Result.Add2AutoFree( Result.fFont ); {$ENDIF USE_AUTOFREE4CONTROLS} Result.fFont.fParentGDITool := AParent.fFont; Result.fFont.fOnGTChange := Result.FontChanged; Result.FontChanged( Result.fFont ); end; {$ENDIF WIN_GDI} {$ENDIF SMALLEST_CODE} Result.fColor := AParent.fColor; {$IFDEF WIN_GDI} Result.fBrush := Result.fBrush.Assign( AParent.fBrush ); if Result.fBrush <> nil then begin {$IFDEF USE_AUTOFREE4CONTROLS} Result.Add2AutoFree( Result.fBrush ); {$ENDIF USE_AUTOFREE4CONTROLS} Result.fBrush.fParentGDITool := AParent.fBrush; Result.fBrush.fOnGTChange := Result.BrushChanged; Result.BrushChanged( Result.fBrush ); end; {$ENDIF WIN_GDI} end; {$IFDEF DUMP_WINDOWED} DumpWindowed( Result ); {$ENDIF} end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION} {$ENDIF GDI} {$IFDEF _X_} {$IFDEF GTK} VAR GTK_initialized: Boolean; argc: Integer = 0; PROCEDURE FixedChildSetPos( Ctl, Chld: PControl; x, y: Integer ); BEGIN gtk_fixed_move( GTK_FIXED( Ctl.fClient ), Chld.fEventboxHandle, x, y ); END; PROCEDURE LayoutChildSetPos( Ctl, Chld: PControl; x, y: Integer ); BEGIN gtk_layout_move( GTK_LAYOUT( Ctl.fClient ), Chld.fEventboxHandle, x, y ); END; PROCEDURE FixedChildPut( Ctl, Chld: PControl; x, y: Integer ); BEGIN gtk_fixed_put( GTK_FIXED( Ctl.fClient ), Chld.fEventboxHandle, x, y ); END; PROCEDURE LayoutChildPut( Ctl, Chld: PControl; x, y: Integer ); BEGIN gtk_layout_put( GTK_LAYOUT( Ctl.fClient ), Chld.fEventboxHandle, x, y ); END; FUNCTION FixedClientArea( Ctl: PControl ): PGtkWidget; BEGIN IF Ctl.fClient = nil THEN BEGIN Ctl.fClient := gtk_fixed_new; gtk_container_set_border_width(GTK_CONTAINER(Ctl.fHandle), 0); gtk_container_add( GTK_CONTAINER( Ctl.fHandle ), Ctl.fClient ); gtk_container_set_border_width(GTK_CONTAINER(Ctl.fClient), 0); gtk_widget_show( Ctl.fClient ); Ctl.fChildPut := FixedChildPut; Ctl.fChildSetPos := FixedChildSetPos; END; Result := Ctl.fClient; END; FUNCTION ClientAreaLayout( Ctl: PControl ): PGtkWidget; BEGIN IF Ctl.fClient = nil THEN BEGIN Ctl.fClient := gtk_layout_new( {hadjustment} nil, {vadjustment} nil ); Ctl.fChildPut := LayoutChildPut; Ctl.fChildSetPos := LayoutChildSetPos; END; Result := Ctl.fClient; END; FUNCTION _NewWindowed( AParent: PControl; ControlClassName: PAnsiChar; widget: PGtkWidget; need_eventbox: Boolean ): PControl; //var GVal: TGValue; BEGIN (*if not GTK_initialized then begin GTK_initialized := TRUE; gtk_init( @ argc, {@ argv} nil ); end;*) New( Result, CreateParented( AParent, widget, need_eventbox ) ); //Result.fWindowed := TRUE; // is set in TControl.Init //???//Result.fControlClassName := ControlClassName; IF AParent <> nil THEN BEGIN Result.fGotoControl := AParent.fGotoControl; Result.fMargin := AParent.fMargin; Result.fTextColor := AParent.fTextColor; {$IFDEF SMALLEST_CODE} {$ELSE} {$IFDEF WIN_GDI} // for now Font is complicated a bit, implement it later Result.fFont := Result.fFont.Assign( AParent.fFont ); IF Result.fFont <> nil THEN begin {$IFDEF USE_AUTOFREE4CONTROLS} Result.Add2AutoFree( Result.fFont ); {$ENDIF USE_AUTOFREE4CONTROLS} Result.fFont.fParentGDITool := AParent.fFont; Result.fFont.fOnGTChange := Result.FontChanged; Result.FontChanged( Result.fFont ); END; {$ENDIF WIN_GDI} {$ENDIF SMALLEST_CODE} Result.fColor := AParent.fColor; {$IFDEF WIN_GDI} Result.fBrush := Result.fBrush.Assign( AParent.fBrush ); IF Result.fBrush <> nil THEN BEGIN {$IFDEF USE_AUTOFREE4CONTROLS} Result.Add2AutoFree( Result.fBrush ); {$ENDIF USE_AUTOFREE4CONTROLS} Result.fBrush.fParentGDITool := AParent.fBrush; Result.fBrush.fOnGTChange := Result.BrushChanged; Result.BrushChanged( Result.fBrush ); END; {$ENDIF WIN_GDI} END; Result.fGetClientArea := FixedClientArea; END; {$ENDIF GTK} {$ENDIF _X_} //===================== Form ========================// {$IFDEF USE_CONSTRUCTORS} function NewForm( AParent: PControl; const Caption: AnsiString ): PControl; begin new( Result, CreateForm( AParent, Caption ) ); {$IFDEF DEBUG_OBJKIND} Result.fObjKind := 'TControl:Form'; {$ENDIF} end; {$ELSE not_USE_CONSTRUCTORS} {$IFDEF GDI} {$IFDEF ASM_VERSION}{$ELSE PAS_VERSION} //Pascal function NewForm( AParent: PControl; const Caption: KOLString ): PControl; begin Result := _NewWindowed( AParent, 'Form', True, {$IFDEF PACK_COMMANDACTIONS} PAnsiChar( OTHER_ACTIONS ) {$ELSE} nil {$ENDIF} ); {$IFDEF DEBUG_OBJKIND} Result.fObjKind := 'TControl:Form'; {$ENDIF} Result.fClsStyle := Result.fClsStyle or CS_DBLCLKS; Result.AttachProc( WndProcForm ); Result.AttachProc( WndProcDoEraseBkgnd ); Result.Caption := Caption; {$IFDEF USE_FLAGS} Result.fFlagsG3 := Result.fFlagsG3 + [G3_SizeGrip, G3_IsForm]; {$ELSE} {$IFNDEF SMALLEST_CODE} Result.fSizeGrip := TRUE; {$ENDIF} Result.fIsForm := TRUE; {$ENDIF} end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION} const Edgestyles: array[ TEdgeStyle ] of DWORD = ( WS_DLGFRAME, SS_SUNKEN, 0, 0, 0); function NewAlienPanel( AParentWnd: HWnd; EdgeStyle: TEdgeStyle ): PControl; begin Result := _NewWindowed( nil, 'KOL', TRUE, {$IFDEF PACK_COMMANDACTIONS} PAnsiChar( OTHER_ACTIONS ) {$ELSE} nil {$ENDIF} ); Result.fClsStyle := Result.fClsStyle or CS_DBLCLKS; Result.FParentWnd := AParentWnd; Result.AttachProc( WndProcForm ); Result.AttachProc( WndProcDoEraseBkgnd ); {$IFDEF USE_FLAGS} Result.fFlagsG3 := Result.fFlagsG3 + [G3_IsForm, G3_IsControl]; {$ELSE} Result.fIsForm := TRUE; Result.fIsControl := TRUE; {$ENDIF} Result.fStyle.Value := WS_VISIBLE or WS_CHILD or WS_TABSTOP or WS_CLIPSIBLINGS or WS_CLIPCHILDREN or Edgestyles[ EdgeStyle ]; Result.fExStyle := Result.fExStyle //or WS_EX_CLIENTEDGE or WS_EX_CONTROLPARENT; Result.SetSize( 100, 64 ); end; {$ENDIF GDI} {$IFDEF _X_} {$IFDEF GTK} FUNCTION getFormCaption(F: PControl): KOLString; BEGIN F.fCaption := gtk_window_get_title( GTK_WINDOW( F.fHandle ) ); Result := F.fCaption; END; PROCEDURE setFormCaption(F: PControl; const Value: KOLString); BEGIN F.fCaption := Value; gtk_window_set_title( GTK_WINDOW( F.fCaptionHandle ), PAnsiChar( String( Value ) ) ); END; PROCEDURE DestroyForm( Widget: PGtkWidget; Sender: PControl ); CDECL; VAR Quit: Boolean; BEGIN Quit := Sender.IsMainWindow; Sender.Free; IF Quit THEN gtk_main_quit(); END; FUNCTION NewForm( AParent: PControl; const Caption: KOLString ): PControl; VAR widget: PGtkWidget; BEGIN IF not GTK_initialized THEN BEGIN GTK_initialized := TRUE; gtk_init( @ argc, {@ argv} nil ); END; widget := gtk_window_new( GTK_WINDOW_TOPLEVEL ); Result := _NewWindowed( AParent, 'Form', widget, FALSE ); Result.fGetCaption := getFormCaption; Result.fSetCaption := setFormCaption; Result.Caption := Caption; {$IFDEF USE_FLAGS} include( Result.fFlagsG3, G3_IsForm ); {$ELSE} Result.fIsForm := TRUE; {$ENDIF} gtk_signal_connect( Pointer( Result.fHandle ), 'destroy', @ DestroyForm, Result ); END; {$ENDIF GTK} {$ENDIF _X_} {$ENDIF USE_CONSTRUCTORS} {$IFDEF WIN_GDI} //vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv //===================== Applet button ========================// //22{$IFDEF ASM_VERSION} {$IFNDEF PAS_ONLY} function WndProcAppAsm(Self_: PControl; var Msg: TMsg; var Rslt: Integer): Boolean; asm CMP word ptr [EDX].TMsg.message, WM_SETFOCUS JNZ @@chk_CLOSE MOV ECX, [EAX].TControl.DF.FCurrentControl JECXZ @@ret_false XCHG EAX, ECX PUSH EAX CALL CallTControlCreateWindow TEST AL, AL POP EAX JZ @@1 PUSH [EAX].TControl.fHandle CALL SetFocus @@1: MOV AL, 1 RET @@chk_CLOSE: CMP word ptr [EDX].TMsg.message, WM_SYSCOMMAND JNZ @@ret_false MOV EDX, dword ptr [EDX].TMsg.wParam AND DX, $FFF0 CMP DX, SC_CLOSE JNZ @@ret_false PUSH ECX MOV ECX, [EAX].TControl.fChildren JECXZ @@ret_false1 XCHG EAX, ECX MOV ECX, [EAX].TList.fCount JECXZ @@ret_false1 MOV EAX, [EAX].TList.fItems MOV ECX, dword ptr [EAX] JECXZ @@ret_false1 XCHG EAX, ECX PUSH EAX CALL TControl.IsMainWindow TEST EAX, EAX POP EAX JZ @@ret_false1 CALL TControl.Close POP ECX XOR EAX, EAX MOV dword ptr [ECX], EAX INC EAX JMP @@exit @@ret_false1: POP ECX @@ret_false: XOR EAX, EAX @@exit: end; {$ENDIF not PAS_ONLY} //22{$ENDIF} function WndProcAppPas(Self_: PControl; var Msg: TMsg; var Rslt: Integer): Boolean; begin Result := False; case Msg.message of WM_SETFOCUS: {$IFDEF NEW_MODAL} if Self_.DF.fModalForm <> nil then SetFocus( Self_.DF.fModalForm.fHandle ) else if ( Self_.DF.FCurrentControl <> nil ) and not ( {$IFDEF USE_FLAGS} (G3_IsForm in Self_.DF.fCurrentControl.fFlagsG3) {$ELSE} Self_.DF.fCurrentControl.fIsForm {$ENDIF} xor {$IFDEF USE_FLAGS} (G3_IsApplet in Self_.fFlagsG3) {$ELSE} Self_.fIsApplet {$ENDIF} ) then {$ELSE not_NEW_MODAL} if Self_.DF.fCurrentControl <> nil then {$ENDIF NEW_MODAL} begin if Self_.DF.FCurrentControl.CreateWindow then SetFocus( Self_.DF.FCurrentControl.fHandle ); Result := True; end; WM_SYSCOMMAND: CASE Msg.wParam and $FFF0 OF SC_CLOSE: if (Self_.fChildren <> nil) and (Self_.fChildren.fCount > 0) and PControl( Self_.fChildren.fItems[ 0 ] ).IsMainWindow then begin PControl( Self_.fChildren.fItems[ 0 ] ).Close; Rslt := 0; Result := TRUE; end; END; end; end; {$IFDEF USE_CONSTRUCTORS} {$DEFINE CREATEAPPBUTTON_USED} function NewApplet( const Caption: AnsiString ): PControl; begin new( Result, CreateApplet( Caption ) ); {$IFDEF DEBUG_OBJKIND} Result.fObjKind := 'TControl:Applet'; {$ENDIF} end; {$ELSE not_USE_CONSTRUCTORS} {$IFDEF ASM_TLIST} function NewApplet( const Caption: KOLString ): PControl; const AppClass: array[ 0..3 ] of KOLChar = ( 'A', 'p', 'p', #0 ); asm XOR ECX, ECX INC ECX MOV [AppButtonUsed], CL PUSH EAX MOV EDX, offset[AppClass] XOR EAX, EAX PUSH EAX CALL _NewWindowed {$IFDEF USE_FLAGS} OR [EAX].TControl.fFlagsG3, (1 shl G3_IsApplet) {$ELSE} INC [EAX].TControl.FIsApplet {$ENDIF} MOV word ptr [EAX].TControl.fStyle + 2, $90CA //WS_VISIBLE or WS_SYSMENU or WS_POPUP or WS_MINIMIZEBOX or WS_CAPTION MOV byte ptr [EAX].TControl.fExStyle + 2, WS_EX_APPWINDOW shr 16 // WS_EX_APPWINDOW = $40000 CALL @@newapp1 PUSH ESI // BODY of CreateAppButton here PUSH 0 PUSH [EAX].TControl.fHandle CALL GetSystemMenu MOV ESI, offset[DeleteMenu] XCHG ECX, EAX MOV EAX, SC_MAXIMIZE CDQ PUSH EDX PUSH EAX PUSH ECX PUSH EDX {$IFDEF PARANOIA} DB $2C, $20 {$ELSE} SUB AL, $20 {$ENDIF} // SC_MOVE PUSH EAX PUSH ECX PUSH EDX {$IFDEF PARANOIA} DB $2C, $10 {$ELSE} SUB AL, $10 {$ENDIF} // SC_SIZE PUSH EAX PUSH ECX PUSH 1 // MF_GRAYED or MF_BYCOMMAND MOV AX, SC_RESTORE PUSH EAX PUSH ECX CALL EnableMenuItem CALL ESI CALL ESI CALL ESI POP ESI @@ret_false: XOR EAX, EAX RET @@chk_CLOSE: CMP word ptr [EDX].TMsg.message, WM_SYSCOMMAND JNZ @@ret_false MOV EDX, dword ptr [EDX].TMsg.wParam AND DX, $FFF0 CMP DX, SC_CLOSE JNZ @@ret_false PUSH ECX MOV ECX, [EAX].TControl.fChildren JECXZ @@ret_false1 XCHG EAX, ECX MOV ECX, [EAX].TList.fCount JECXZ @@ret_false1 MOV EAX, [EAX].TList.fItems MOV ECX, dword ptr [EAX] JECXZ @@ret_false1 XCHG EAX, ECX PUSH EAX CALL TControl.IsMainWindow TEST EAX, EAX POP EAX JZ @@ret_false1 CALL TControl.Close POP ECX XOR EAX, EAX MOV dword ptr [ECX], EAX INC EAX RET @@ret_false1: POP ECX JMP @@ret_false @@newapp1: POP [EAX].TControl.PP.FCreateWndExt PUSH EAX CALL @@newapp2 // BODY of WndProcApp here: CMP word ptr [EDX].TMsg.message, WM_SETFOCUS JNZ @@chk_CLOSE MOV ECX, [EAX].TControl.DF.fCurrentControl JECXZ @@ret_false XCHG EAX, ECX PUSH EAX CALL CallTControlCreateWindow POP EAX PUSH [EAX].TControl.fHandle CALL SetFocus MOV AL, 1 RET @@newapp2: POP EDX CALL TControl.AttachProc POP EAX POP EDX PUSH EAX CALL TControl.SetCaption POP EAX end; {$ELSE PAS_VERSION} //Pascal procedure CreateAppButton( App: PControl ); var M: HMenu; begin M := GetSystemMenu( App.fHandle, False ); DeleteMenu( M, SC_MAXIMIZE, MF_BYCOMMAND ); DeleteMenu( M, SC_MOVE, MF_BYCOMMAND ); DeleteMenu( M, SC_SIZE, MF_BYCOMMAND ); EnableMenuItem( M, SC_RESTORE, MF_GRAYED or MF_BYCOMMAND ); end; function NewApplet( const Caption: KOLString ): PControl; begin AppButtonUsed := True; Result := _NewWindowed( nil, 'App', True, {$IFDEF PACK_COMMANDACTIONS} PAnsiChar( OTHER_ACTIONS ) {$ELSE} nil {$ENDIF} ); {$IFDEF DEBUG_OBJKIND} Result.fObjKind := 'TControl:Applet'; {$ENDIF} {$IFDEF USE_FLAGS} include( Result.fFlagsG3, G3_IsApplet ); {$ELSE} Result.FIsApplet := TRUE; {$ENDIF} Result.fStyle.Value := WS_VISIBLE or WS_SYSMENU or WS_POPUP or WS_MINIMIZEBOX or WS_CAPTION; Result.fExStyle := WS_EX_APPWINDOW; Result.PP.FCreateWndExt := CreateAppButton; {$IFDEF ASM_VERSION} Result.AttachProc( WndProcAppAsm ); {$ELSE} Result.AttachProc( WndProcAppPas ); {$ENDIF} Result.Caption := Caption; end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION} {$ENDIF USE_CONSTRUCTORS} {$IFDEF CREATEAPPBUTTON_USED} procedure CreateAppButton( App: PControl ); asm {$IFDEF F_P} MOV EAX, [App] {$ENDIF F_P} PUSH ESI PUSH 0 PUSH [EAX].TControl.fHandle CALL GetSystemMenu MOV ESI, offset[DeleteMenu] XCHG ECX, EAX MOV EAX, SC_MAXIMIZE CDQ PUSH EDX PUSH EAX PUSH ECX PUSH EDX {$IFDEF PARANOIA} DB $2C, $20 {$ELSE} SUB AL, $20 {$ENDIF} // SC_MOVE PUSH EAX PUSH ECX PUSH EDX {$IFDEF PARANOIA} DB $2C, $10 {$ELSE} SUB AL, $10 {$ENDIF} // SC_SIZE PUSH EAX PUSH ECX PUSH 1 // MF_GRAYED or MF_BYCOMMAND MOV AX, SC_RESTORE PUSH EAX PUSH ECX CALL EnableMenuItem CALL ESI CALL ESI CALL ESI POP ESI end {$IFDEF F_P} [ 'EAX', 'EDX', 'ECX' ] {$ENDIF}; {$ENDIF CREATEAPPBUTTON_USED} var CtlIdCount: WORD = $8000; {$ENDIF WIN_GDI} {$IFDEF GDI} {$IFDEF ASM_UNICODE}{$ELSE PAS_VERSION} //Pascal function _NewControl( AParent: PControl; ControlClassName: PKOLChar; Style: DWORD; Ctl3D: Boolean; Actions: TCommandActionsParam ): PControl; var Form: PControl; begin Result := _NewWindowed( AParent, ControlClassName, Ctl3D, Actions ); {$IFDEF DEBUG_OBJKIND} Result.fObjKind := 'TControl'; {$ENDIF} {$IFDEF USE_FLAGS} include( Result.fFlagsG3, G3_IsControl ); {$ELSE} Result.fIsControl := True; {$ENDIF} Result.fStyle.Value := Style or WS_CLIPSIBLINGS or WS_CLIPCHILDREN; Result.fVerticalAlign := vaTop; Result.fLookTabKeys := [ tkTab, tkLeftRight, tkUpDown, tkPageUpPageDn ]; if Result.fCtl3D_child and 1 <> 0 then begin Result.fStyle.Value := Result.fStyle.Value and not WS_BORDER; Result.fExStyle := Result.fExStyle or WS_EX_CLIENTEDGE; end; {$IFDEF USE_FLAGS} {$ELSE} Result.fVisible := (Style and WS_VISIBLE) <> 0; Result.fTabstop := (Style and WS_TABSTOP) <> 0; {$ENDIF} if (AParent <> nil) then begin with Result.fBoundsRect do begin Left := AParent.fMargin + AParent.fClientLeft; Top := AParent.fMargin + AParent.fClientTop; Right := Left + 64; Bottom := Top + 64; end; Form := AParent.ParentForm; if Form <> nil then begin Inc( Form.fTabOrder ); Result.fTabOrder := Form.fTabOrder; if F2_Tabstop in Result.fStyle.f2_Style then begin if Form.DF.FCurrentControl = nil then Form.DF.FCurrentControl := Result; end; end; Result.fCursor := AParent.fCursor; end; Result.fMenu := CtlIdCount; Inc( CtlIdCount ); Result.AttachProc( WndProcCtrl ); {$IFDEF DEBUG_ALTSPC} DumpWindowed(Result); {$ENDIF} end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION} {$ENDIF GDI} {$IFDEF _X_} {$IFDEF GTK} FUNCTION getLabelCaption( L: PControl ): KOLString; BEGIN L.fCaption := gtk_label_get_text( Pointer( L.fCaptionHandle ) ); Result := L.fCaption; END; PROCEDURE setLabelCaption( L: PControl; const Value: KOLString ); BEGIN L.fCaption := Value; gtk_label_set_text( Pointer( L.fCaptionHandle ), PAnsiChar( String( Value ) ) ); END; FUNCTION _NewControl( AParent: PControl; ControlClassName: PAnsiChar; Style: DWORD; Ctl3D: Boolean; widget: PGtkWidget; need_eventbox: Boolean ): PControl; VAR Rect: TRect; BEGIN Result := _NewWindowed( AParent, ControlClassName, widget, need_eventbox ); Result.fIsControl := True; Result.fVerticalAlign := vaTop; Result.fVisible := (Style and WS_VISIBLE) <> 0; Result.fTabstop := (Style and WS_TABSTOP) <> 0; IF (AParent <> nil) THEN BEGIN WITH Rect DO BEGIN Left := AParent.fMargin + AParent.fClientLeft; Top := AParent.fMargin + AParent.fClientTop; END; Inc( AParent.ParentForm.fTabOrder ); Result.fTabOrder := AParent.ParentForm.fTabOrder; {$IFDEF GDI} Result.fCursor := AParent.fCursor; {$ENDIF GDI} //gtk_container_add( GTK_CONTAINER( AParent.fHandle ), Result.fHandle ); END; {with Rect do begin Right := Left + 64; Bottom := Top + 64; end; Result.fBoundsRect := Result.BoundsRect; Result.BoundsRect := Rect;} Result.fLookTabKeys := [ tkTab, tkLeftRight, tkUpDown, tkPageUpPageDn ]; {$IFDEF GDI} IF Result.fCtl3D THEN BEGIN Result.fStyle := Result.fStyle and not WS_BORDER; Result.fExStyle := Result.fExStyle or WS_EX_CLIENTEDGE; END; IF (Style and WS_TABSTOP) <> 0 THEN BEGIN Form := Result.ParentForm; IF Form <> nil THEN IF Form.FCurrentControl = nil THEN Form.FCurrentControl := Result; END; Result.fMenu := CtlIdCount; Inc( CtlIdCount ); Result.AttachProc( WndProcCtrl ); {$ENDIF GDI} END; {$ENDIF GTK} {$ENDIF _X_} {$IFDEF WIN_GDI} //===================== Button ========================// function TControl.SetButtonIcon(aIcon: HIcon): PControl; var PrevImg: THandle; begin Style := Style or BS_ICON; DF.fButtonIcon := aIcon; PrevImg := Perform( BM_SETIMAGE, IMAGE_ICON, aIcon ); if PrevImg <> 0 then DeleteObject( PrevImg ); Result := @ Self; end; function TControl.SetButtonBitmap(aBmp: HBitmap): PControl; var PrevImg: THandle; begin Style := Style or BS_BITMAP; PrevImg := Perform( BM_SETIMAGE, IMAGE_BITMAP, aBmp ); if PrevImg <> 0 then DeleteObject( PrevImg ); Result := @ Self; end; {$IFDEF ALL_BUTTONS_RESPOND_TO_ENTER} function WndProcBtnReturnClick( Self_: PControl; var Msg: TMsg; var Rslt: Integer ): Boolean; begin Result := FALSE; if ((Msg.message = WM_KEYDOWN) or (Msg.message = WM_KEYUP) or (Msg.message = WM_CHAR)) and (Msg.wParam = 13) then Msg.wParam := 32; end; {$ENDIF} {$IFNDEF BUTTON_DBLCLICK} function WndProcBtnDblClkAsClk( Self_: PControl; var Msg: TMsg; var Rslt: Integer ): Boolean; begin Result := FALSE; if Msg.message = WM_LBUTTONDBLCLK then Msg.message := WM_LBUTTONDOWN; end; {$ENDIF} function AutoMinimizeApplet(Self_: PControl; var Msg: TMsg; var Rslt: Integer): Boolean; begin if (msg.Message=WM_SYSCOMMAND) and ((msg.wParam and not 15)=SC_MINIMIZE) then begin AppletMinimize; Result := True; end else Result := False; end; {$IFDEF USE_CONSTRUCTORS} function NewButton( AParent: PControl; const Caption: KOLString ): PControl; begin new( Result, CreateButton( AParent, Caption ) ); {$IFDEF DEBUG_OBJKIND} Result.fObjKind := 'TControl:Button'; {$ENDIF} end; {$ELSE USE_CONSTRUCTORS} {$IFDEF ASM_VERSION}{$ELSE PAS_VERSION} //Pascal function NewButton( AParent: PControl; const Caption: KOLString ): PControl; begin Result := _NewControl( AParent, 'BUTTON', WS_VISIBLE or WS_CHILD or BS_NOTIFY or BS_PUSHLIKE or WS_TABSTOP, False, {$IFDEF PACK_COMMANDACTIONS} ButtonActions_Packed {$ELSE} @ButtonActions {$ENDIF} ); {$IFDEF DEBUG_OBJKIND} Result.fObjKind := 'TControl:Button'; {$ENDIF} Result.aAutoSzX := 14; Result.aAutoSzY := 6; {$IFDEF BUTTON_DBLCLICK} Result.ClsStyle := Result.ClsStyle - CS_DBLCLKS; {$ENDIF} //Result.fCtl3D := TRUE; with Result.fBoundsRect do Bottom := Top + 22; Result.fTextAlign := taCenter; Result.Caption := Caption; {$IFDEF USE_FLAGS} Result.fFlagsG5 := Result.fFlagsG5 + [G5_IsButton, G5_IgnoreDefault]; {$ELSE} Result.fIsButton := TRUE; Result.fIgnoreDefault := TRUE; {$ENDIF} {$IFNDEF SMALLEST_CODE} {$IFNDEF BUTTON_DBLCLICK} Result.AttachProc( WndProcBtnDblClkAsClk ); {$ENDIF} {$ENDIF} {$IFDEF ALL_BUTTONS_RESPOND_TO_ENTER} Result.AttachProc( WndProcBtnReturnClick ); {$ENDIF} {$IFDEF GRAPHCTL_XPSTYLES} Attach_WM_THEMECHANGED( Result, XP_Themes_For_BitBtn ); {$ENDIF} end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION} {$ENDIF USE_CONSTRUCTORS} {$ENDIF WIN_GDI} {$IFDEF _X_} {$IFDEF GTK} CONST HorAlignments: ARRAY[ TTextAlign ] of Single = ( {taLeft} 0, {taRight} 1, {taCenter} 0.5 ); VerAlignments: ARRAY[ TVerticalAlign ] of Single = ( {vaTop} 0, {vaCenter} 0.5, {vaBottom} 1 ); PROCEDURE ButtonSetTextAlign( Self_: PControl ); BEGIN gtk_button_set_alignment( GTK_BUTTON( Self_.fHandle ), HorAlignments[ Self_.fTextAlign ], VerAlignments[ Self_.fVerticalAlign ] ); END; FUNCTION NewButton( AParent: PControl; const Caption: KOLString ): PControl; BEGIN Result := _NewControl( AParent, 'BUTTON', WS_VISIBLE or WS_CHILD or BS_NOTIFY or BS_PUSHLIKE or WS_TABSTOP, False, gtk_button_new{_with_label}( {PChar( String( Caption ) )} ), FALSE ); //Result.Height := 22; gtk_container_set_border_width( GTK_CONTAINER( Result.fHandle ), 0 ); Result.fCaptionHandle := gtk_label_new( PAnsiChar( String( Caption ) ) ); gtk_container_add( GTK_CONTAINER( Result.fHandle ), Result.fCaptionHandle ); //gtk_container_set_border_width( GTK_CONTAINER( Result.fCaptionHandle ), 0 ); gtk_widget_show( Result.fCaptionHandle ); Result.fGetCaption := getLabelCaption; Result.fSetCaption := setLabelCaption; //Result.fIgnoreDefault := TRUE; //Result.fCtl3D := TRUE; //with Result.fBoundsRect do // Bottom := Top + 22; Result.fTextAlign := taCenter; Result.fCaption := Caption; Result.fIsButton := TRUE; Result.fSetTextAlign := ButtonSetTextAlign; END; {$ENDIF GTK} {$ENDIF _X_} {$IFDEF WIN_GDI} //----------------- BitBtn ----------------------- {$IFDEF ASM_VERSION}{$ELSE PAS_VERSION} //Pascal function WndProc_DrawItem( Sender: PControl; var Msg: TMsg; var Rslt: Integer ) : Boolean; var DI: PDrawItemStruct; Control: PControl; begin Result := FALSE; if Msg.message = WM_DRAWITEM then begin DI := Pointer( Msg.lParam ); {$IFDEF USE_PROP} Control := Pointer( GetProp( DI.hwndItem, ID_SELF ) ); {$ELSE} Control := Pointer( GetWindowLong( DI.hwndItem, GWL_USERDATA ) ); {$ENDIF} if Control <> nil then begin Rslt := Control.Perform( CN_DRAWITEM, Msg.wParam, Msg.lParam ); Result := TRUE; end; end; end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION} function ExcludeAmpersands( Self_: PControl; const S: KOLString ): KOLString; var I: Integer; begin Result := S; if not Self_.DF.fBitBtnDrawMnemonic then Exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} for I := Length( Result ) downto 1 do begin if Result[ I ] = '&' then Delete( Result, I, 1 ); end; end; procedure BitBtnExtDraw( Self_: PControl; DC: HDC; X, Y: Integer; const R: TRect; const CapText, CapTxtOrig: KOLString; Color: TColor ); var I, J, W, H: Integer; Sz: TSize; Pen, OldPen: HPen; begin if not Self_.DF.fBitBtnDrawMnemonic then Exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} J := 0; for I := 1 to Length( CapTxtOrig ) do begin if CapTxtOrig[ I ] <> '&' then Inc( J ) else begin GetTextExtentPoint32( DC, PKOLChar( CapText ), J, Sz ); W := Sz.cx; Windows.GetTextExtentPoint32( DC, '_', 1, Sz ); // A/W KOL_ANSI H := Sz.cy - 1; Windows.GetTextExtentPoint32( DC, @ CapTxtOrig[ I + 1 ], 1, Sz ); Windows.MoveToEx( DC, X + W, Y + H, nil ); Pen := CreatePen( PS_SOLID, 0, Color2RGB( Color ) ); OldPen := SelectObject( DC, Pen ); Windows.LineTo( DC, X + W + Sz.cx, Y + H ); SelectObject( DC, OldPen ); DeleteObject( Pen ); end; end; end; procedure TControl.SetBitBtnDrawMnemonic(const Value: Boolean); begin DF.fBitBtnDrawMnemonic := Value; DF.FBitBtnGetCaption := ExcludeAmpersands; DF.FBitBtnExtDraw := BitBtnExtDraw; Invalidate; end; function TControl.GetBitBtnImgIdx: Integer; begin Result := LoWord( DF.fGlyphCount ); end; procedure TControl.SetBitBtnImgIdx(const Value: Integer); begin if not( bboImageList in DF.fBitBtnOptions ) then Exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} DF.fGlyphCount := HiWord( DF.fGlyphCount ) or (Value and $FFFF); Invalidate; end; function TControl.GetBitBtnImageList: THandle; begin Result := 0; if bboImageList in DF.fBitBtnOptions then Result := DF.fGlyphBitmap; end; procedure TControl.SetBitBtnImageList(const Value: THandle); begin DF.fGlyphBitmap := Value; if Value <> 0 then begin include( DF.fBitBtnOptions, bboImageList ); ImageList_GetIconSize( Value, DF.fGlyphWidth, DF.fGlyphHeight ); end else exclude( DF.fBitBtnOptions, bboImageList ); Invalidate; end; {$IFDEF ASM_noVERSION} // remove &-s from view //+ TextShift & if Y < 0 then Y := 0; // + glyph + TextShift if not glyphOver // timer when RepeatInterval set function WndProcBitBtn( Self_: PControl; var Msg: TMsg; var Rslt: Integer ): Boolean; const szBitmapInfo = sizeof(TBitmapInfo); asm CMP word ptr [EDX].TMsg.message, WM_LBUTTONDBLCLK JNZ @@noWM_LBUTTONDBLCLK PUSH ECX PUSH [EDX].TMsg.wParam PUSH [EDX].TMsg.lParam PUSH WM_LBUTTONDOWN PUSH EAX CALL TControl.Perform POP ECX MOV [ECX], EAX MOV AL, 1 RET @@noWM_LBUTTONDBLCLK: PUSH EBX CMP [EDX].TMsg.message, CN_DRAWITEM JNZ @@noCN_DRAWITEM PUSH EDI PUSH ESI XCHG EDI, EAX // EDI = @Self MOV dword ptr [ECX], 1 MOV ESI, [EDX].TMsg.lParam // ESI = DIS XOR EBX, EBX // G = 0 MOV EAX, [ESI].TDrawItemStruct.itemState TEST byte ptr [EDI].TControl.fBitBtnOptions, 8 //1 shl Ord(bboFixed) JNZ @@fixed_in_options {$IFDEF PARANOIA} DB $A8, ODS_SELECTED {$ELSE} TEST AL, ODS_SELECTED {$ENDIF} JZ @@not1 JMP @@1 @@fixed_in_options: {$IFDEF USE_FLAGS} TEST [EDI].TControl.fFlagsG4, 1 shl G4_Checked {$ELSE} TEST byte ptr [EDI].TControl.fChecked, 1 {$ENDIF} JZ @@not1 @@1: INC EBX @@not1: {$IFDEF PARANOIA} DB $A8, ODS_DISABLED {$ELSE} TEST AL, ODS_DISABLED {$ENDIF} JZ @@not2 MOV BL, 2 @@not2: TEST EBX, EBX JNZ @@not3 {$IFDEF PARANOIA} DB $A8, ODS_FOCUS {$ELSE} TEST AL, ODS_FOCUS {$ENDIF} JZ @@not3 MOV BL, 3 @@not3: {$IFDEF USE_FLAGS} TEST [EDI].TControl.fFlagsG3, 1 shl G3_MouseInCtl {$ELSE} CMP [EDI].TControl.fMouseInControl, BH {$ENDIF} JZ @@not4 TEST EBX, EBX JZ @@4 CMP BL, 3 JNZ @@not4 @@4: MOV BL, 4 @@not4: MOV ECX, [EDI].TControl.fOnBitBtnDraw.TMethod.Code {$IFDEF NIL_EVENTS} TEST ECX, ECX JZ @@noOnBitBtnDraw {$ENDIF} MOV EAX, [EDI].TControl.fCanvas PUSH EAX TEST EAX, EAX JZ @@noCanvas MOV EDX, [ESI].TDrawItemStruct.hDC CALL TCanvas.SetHandle @@noCanvas: MOV EAX, [EDI].TControl.fOnBitBtnDraw.TMethod.Data MOV EDX, EDI PUSH EBX XCHG ECX, EBX CALL EBX POP EBX POP ECX // Canvas PUSH EAX JECXZ @@noCanvas2 XCHG EAX, ECX XOR EDX, EDX CALL TCanvas.SetHandle @@noCanvas2: POP EAX TEST AL, AL JNZ @@exit_draw @@noOnBitBtnDraw: TEST byte ptr [EDI].TControl.fBitBtnOptions, 2 //1 shl Ord(bboNoBorder) JNZ @@noborder TEST byte ptr [ESI].TDrawItemStruct.itemState, ODS_FOCUS JZ @@noDefaultBorder PUSH {BLACK_BRUSH} DKGRAY_BRUSH CALL GetStockObject LEA EDX, [ESI].TDrawItemStruct.rcItem OR ECX, -1 PUSH ECX PUSH ECX PUSH EDX PUSH EAX PUSH EDX PUSH [ESI].TDrawItemStruct.hDC CALL Windows.FrameRect CALL InflateRect XOR ECX, ECX JMP @@noFlat @@noDefaultBorder: {$IFDEF USE_FLAGS} TEST [EDI].TControl.fFlagsG3, 1 shl G3_Flat JZ @@noFlat TEST [EDI].TControl.fFlagsG3, 1 shl G3_MouseInCtl JZ @@noborder {$ELSE} MOVZX ECX, [EDI].TControl.fFlat JECXZ @@noFlat AND CL, [EDI].TControl.fMouseInControl JZ @@noborder {$ENDIF} @@noFlat: TEST byte ptr [ESI].TDrawItemStruct.itemState, ODS_SELECTED MOV CL, {BDR_SUNKENOUTER or} BDR_SUNKENINNER JNZ @@border_sunken MOV CL, {BDR_RAISEDOUTER or} BDR_RAISEDINNER @@border_sunken: LEA EDX, [ESI].TDrawItemStruct.rcItem OR EAX, -1 PUSH EAX PUSH EAX PUSH EDX PUSH BF_ADJUST or BF_RECT PUSH ECX PUSH EDX PUSH [ESI].TDrawItemStruct.hDC CALL DrawEdge CALL InflateRect @@noborder: PUSH [ESI].TDrawItemStruct.rcItem.Bottom PUSH [ESI].TDrawItemStruct.rcItem.Right PUSH [ESI].TDrawItemStruct.rcItem.Top PUSH [ESI].TDrawItemStruct.rcItem.Left MOV EAX, [EDI].TControl.fGlyphWidth MOV EDX, [EDI].TControl.fGlyphHeight TEST EAX, EAX JLE @@noglyph TEST EDX, EDX JLE @@noglyph PUSH EBP MOV EBP, ESP PUSH EDX // ImgH -> [EBP-4] PUSH EAX // ImgW -> [EBP-8] PUSH EDX // OutH -> [EBP-12] PUSH EAX // OutW -> [EBP-16] MOV EAX, [ESI].TDrawItemStruct.rcItem.Left // X = DIS.rcItem.Left MOV EDX, [ESI].TDrawItemStruct.rcItem.Top // Y = DIS.rcItem.Top MOV ECX, [ESI].TDrawItemStruct.rcItem.Bottom SUB ECX, EDX PUSH ECX // H -> [EBP-20] MOV ECX, [ESI].TDrawItemStruct.rcItem.Right SUB ECX, EAX PUSH ECX // W -> [EBP-24] MOVZX ECX, [EDI].TControl.fGlyphLayout PUSH EBX INC ECX LOOP @@noGlyphLeft MOV EBX, EAX // X ADD EBX, [EBP-16] // +OutW MOV [EBP+4].TRect.Left, EBX // TxRect.Left = X+OutW JMP @@centerY @@noGlyphLeft: LOOP @@noGlyphTop MOV EBX, EDX // Y ADD EBX, [EBP-12] // +OutH MOV [EBP+4].TRect.Top, EBX // TxRect.Top = Y+OutH LOOP @@centerX // always JMP, ECX := -1 @@noGlyphTop: LOOP @@noGlyphRight MOV EAX, [ESI].TDrawItemStruct.rcItem.Right SUB EAX, [EBP-16] // -OutW -> X MOV [EBP+4].TRect.Right, EAX @@centerY: MOV EBX, [EBP-20] // H SUB EBX, [EBP-12] // -OutH JLE @@noGlyphRight SAR EBX, 1 ADD EDX, EBX // Y = Y + (H-OutH)/2 @@noGlyphRight: LOOP @@noGlyphBottom MOV EDX, [ESI].TDrawItemStruct.rcItem.Bottom SUB EDX, [EBP-12] // -OutH -> Y MOV [EBP+4].TRect.Bottom, EDX LOOP @@centerX // always JMP, ECX := -1 @@noGlyphBottom: LOOP @@noGlyphOver @@centerX: MOV EBX, [EBP-24] // W SUB EBX, [EBP-16] // -OutW SHR EBX, 1 // /2 ADD EAX, EBX // +EAX, X = X + (W-OutW)/2 JECXZ @@centerY @@noGlyphOver: MOV ECX, [ESI].TDrawItemStruct.rcItem.Left CMP EAX, ECX JGE @@ok1 XCHG EAX, ECX @@ok1: CMP EDX, [ESI].TDrawItemStruct.rcItem.Top {$IFDEF USE_CMOV} CMOVL EDX, [ESI].TDrawItemStruct.rcItem.Top {$ELSE} JGE @@ok2 MOV EDX, [ESI].TDrawItemStruct.rcItem.Top @@ok2: {$ENDIF} MOV ECX, [ESI].TDrawItemStruct.rcItem.Right SUB ECX, EAX CMP [EBP-16], ECX JLE @@ok3 MOV [EBP-16], ECX // OutW := rcItem.Right - X; @@ok3: MOV ECX, [ESI].TDrawItemStruct.rcItem.Bottom SUB ECX, EDX CMP ECX, [EBP-12] JGE @@ok4 MOV [EBP-12], ECX // OutH := rcItem.Bottom - Y; @@ok4: POP EBX // EBX = G TEST byte ptr [EDI].TControl.fBitBtnOptions, 1 //1 shl Ord(bboImageList) JZ @@draw_bitmap MOVZX ECX, word ptr [EDI].TControl.fGlyphCount CMP word ptr [EDI].TControl.fGlyphCount + 2, BX JLE @@no_add_glyphIdx ADD ECX, EBX @@no_add_glyphIdx: XOR EBX, EBX PUSH ILD_TRANSPARENT // Flags = 1 (ILD_TRANSPARENT) PUSH EBX // Blend = 0 PUSH -1 // Bk = CLR_NONE PUSH EBX // 0 PUSH EBX // 0 PUSH EDX PUSH EAX PUSH [ESI].TDrawItemStruct.hDC PUSH ECX PUSH [EDI].TControl.fGlyphBitmap CMP [EDI].TControl.fTransparent, BL JNZ @@imgl_transp MOV EAX, [EDI].TControl.fColor CALL Color2RGB MOV [ESP+32], EAX // Bk = Color2RGB(fColor) MOV [ESP+40], EBX // Flags = 0 @@imgl_transp: INC EBX CMP word ptr [EDI].TControl.fGlyphCount + 2, BX JNZ @@draw_imagelist DEC byte ptr [ESP+36+3] // $FF, CLR_DEFAULT = $FF000000 TEST byte ptr [ESI].TDrawItemStruct.itemState, ODS_FOCUS JZ @@draw_imagelist OR byte ptr [ESP+40], ILD_BLEND25 // Flags != 2 @@draw_imagelist: CALL ImageList_DrawEx JMP @@glyph_drawn @@draw_bitmap: PUSH EAX // PlaceHold for DC PUSH EAX // PlaceHold for OldBmp PUSH SRCCOPY PUSH dword ptr [EBP-4] // ImgH PUSH dword ptr [EBP-8] // ImgW PUSH 0 PUSH EAX // PlaceHold for I PUSH EAX // PlaceHold for DC PUSH dword ptr [EBP-12] // OutH PUSH dword ptr [EBP-16] // OutW PUSH EDX // Y PUSH EAX // X PUSH [ESI].TDrawItemStruct.hDC PUSH 0 CALL CreateCompatibleDC MOV [ESP+48], EAX // save DC MOV [ESP+20], EAX // place DC PUSH [EDI].TControl.fGlyphBitmap PUSH EAX CALL SelectObject MOV [ESP+44], EAX // save OldBitmap XOR EAX, EAX CMP [EDI].TControl.fGlyphCount, EBX JLE @@no_incGlyIdx MOV EAX, [EBP-8] // ImgW IMUL EBX @@no_incGlyIdx: MOV [ESP+24], EAX // place I CALL StretchBlt CALL FinishDC @@glyph_drawn: MOV ESP, EBP POP EBP @@noglyph: TEST byte ptr[EDI].TControl.fBitBtnOptions, 4 //1 shl Ord(bboNoCaption) JNZ @@noCaption POP EAX PUSH EAX MOV EDX, [ESP].TRect.Right CMP EDX, EAX JLE @@noCaption MOV EDX, [ESP].TRect.Bottom CMP EDX, [ESP].TRect.Top JLE @@noCaption XOR EBX, EBX PUSH EBX // > CapText MOV EDX, ESP MOV EAX, EDI CALL TControl.GetCaption PUSH EBX // > Bk PUSH EBX // > Blend CMP [EDI].TControl.fTransparent, BL MOV BL, ETO_CLIPPED JNZ @@drwTxTransparent CMP [EDI].TControl.fGlyphLayout, glyphOver JNZ @@drwTxOpaque @@drwTxTransparent: PUSH TRANSPARENT PUSH [ESI].TDrawItemStruct.hDC CALL SetBkMode MOV [ESP+4], EAX // Bk := SetBkMode( DIS.hDC, TRANSPARENT ) JMP @@drwTx1 @@drwTxOpaque: MOV BL, ETO_CLIPPED or ETO_OPAQUE MOV EAX, [EDI].TControl.fColor CALL Color2RGB PUSH EAX PUSH [ESI].TDrawItemStruct.hDC CALL SetBkColor POP ECX PUSH EAX // Blend := SetBkColor(DIS.hDC,fColor) @@drwTx1: PUSH 0 // > OldFont PUSH 0 // > OldTextColor PUSH 0 // push <nil> MOV EDX, [ESP+20] // CapText CALL EDX2PChar PUSH dword ptr [EDX-4] // push Length(CapText) PUSH EDX // push PChar(CapText) LEA EAX, [ESP+32] PUSH EAX // push @TxRect PUSH EBX // push Flags MOV EBX, [ESI].TDrawItemStruct.hDC MOV ECX, [EDI].TControl.fFont JECXZ @@drwTx_noFont XCHG EAX, ECX CALL TGraphicTool.GetHandle PUSH EAX PUSH EBX CALL SelectObject MOV [ESP+24], EAX // OldFont := SelectObject... @@drwTx_noFont: MOV EAX, [EDI].TControl.fTextColor CALL Color2RGB PUSH EAX PUSH EBX CALL SetTextColor MOV [ESP+20], EAX // OldTextColor := SetTextColor... PUSH EAX PUSH EAX PUSH ESP MOV ECX, [ESP+48] // ECX = CapText XOR EAX, EAX JECXZ @@drwTx0 MOV EAX, [ECX-4] // EAX = Length(CapText) @@drwTx0: PUSH EAX PUSH ECX PUSH EBX CALL GetTextExtentPoint32 POP ECX // ECX = TextSz.cx POP EDX // EDX = TextSz.cy MOV EAX, [ESP+40].TRect.Bottom SUB EAX, [ESP+40].TRect.Top SUB EAX, EDX JGE @@yOk XOR EAX, EAX @@yOk: SHR EAX, 1 ADD EAX, [ESP+40].TRect.Top PUSH EAX // push Y MOV EDX, [ESP+44].TRect.Right MOV EAX, [ESP+44].TRect.Left // EAX = TxRect.Left SUB EDX, EAX // EDX = W PUSH EAX CMP [EDI].TControl.fTextAlign, taRight JL @@chk_X JE @@alignR SUB ECX, EDX SAR ECX, 1 JMP @@alignC @@alignR: ADD EAX, EDX @@alignC: SUB EAX, ECX @@chk_X:POP EDX CMP EAX, EDX JGE @@xOk XCHG EAX, EDX @@xOk: PUSH EAX // push X PUSH EBX // push hDC CALL ExtTextOut PUSH EBX CALL SetTextColor POP ECX JECXZ @@noRestoreFont PUSH ECX PUSH EBX CALL SelectObject @@noRestoreFont: POP ECX // Blend JECXZ @@restoreBk PUSH ECX PUSH EBX CALL SetBkColor POP ECX JMP @@delCaption @@restoreBk: PUSH EBX CALL SetBkMode @@delCaption: CALL RemoveStr @@noCaption: ADD ESP, 16 @@exit_draw: POP ESI POP EDI POP EBX MOV AL, 1 RET @@noCN_DRAWITEM: CMP word ptr [EDX].TMsg.message, WM_LBUTTONDOWN JZ @@doDown CMP word ptr [EDX].TMsg.message, WM_KEYDOWN JNZ @@noWM_LBUTTONDOWN CMP [EDX].TMsg.wParam, 32 JNZ @@noWM_LBUTTONDOWN @@doDown: PUSH EDX XCHG EBX, EAX CALL @@fixed_proc MOV ECX, [EBX].TControl.fRepeatInterval JECXZ @@exit_LBUTTONDOWN POP EDX PUSH EDX CMP word ptr [EDX].TMsg.message, WM_KEYDOWN JZ @@not_SetTimer PUSH 0 PUSH [EBX].TControl.fRepeatInterval PUSH 1 PUSH [EBX].TControl.fHandle CALL SetTimer @@exit_LBUTTONDOWN: @@not_SetTimer: POP EDX JMP @@invalidate @@noWM_LBUTTONDOWN: CMP word ptr [EDX].TMsg.message, WM_LBUTTONUP JE @@doKill1 CMP word ptr [EDX].TMsg.message, WM_KEYUP JNE @@noWM_LBUTTONUP PUSH 1 PUSH [EBX].TControl.fHandle CALL KillTimer @@noWM_LBUTTONUP: CMP word ptr [EDX].TMsg.message, WM_TIMER JNZ @@noWM_TIMER XCHG EBX, EAX PUSH 0 PUSH 0 PUSH BM_GETSTATE PUSH EBX CALL TControl.Perform {$IFDEF PARANOIA} DB $A8, 4 {$ELSE} TEST AL, BST_PUSHED {$ENDIF} JNZ @@pushed PUSH 1 PUSH [EBX].TControl.fHandle CALL KillTimer CALL ReleaseCapture JMP @@noWM_TIMER @@fixed_proc: TEST byte ptr [EBX].TControl.fBitBtnOptions, 8 // bboFixed JZ @@not_fixed {$IFDEF USE_FLAGS} XOR [EBX].TControl.fFlagsG4, 1 shl G4_Checked {$ELSE} XOR [EBX].TControl.fChecked, 1 {$ENDIF} MOV ECX, [EBX].TControl.fOnChangeCtl.TMethod.Code {$IFDEF NIL_EVENTS} JECXZ @@not_fixed {$ENDIF} MOV EAX, [EBX].TControl.fOnChangeCtl.TMethod.Data MOV EDX, EBX JMP ECX @@pushed: CALL @@fixed_proc MOV EAX, EBX CALL TControl.DoClick @@invalidate: XCHG EAX, EBX CALL TControl.Invalidate @@noWM_TIMER: XOR EAX, EAX POP EBX @@not_fixed: end; {$ELSE PAS_VERSION} //Pascal function WndProcBitBtn( Self_: PControl; var Msg: TMsg; var Rslt: Integer ): Boolean; var DIS: PDrawItemStruct; IsDown, IsDefault, IsDisabled: Boolean; Flags: Integer; X, Y, W, H, ImgW, ImgH, OutW, OutH, I, G, Bk, Blend: Integer; TxRect, FocusRect: TRect; OldFont: HFont; OldTextColor: TColor; CapText, CapTxtOrig: KOLString; TextSz: TSize; DC: HDC; OldBmp: HBitmap; Handled: Boolean; begin Result := False; if (Msg.message = WM_LBUTTONDBLCLK) then begin Rslt := Self_.Perform( WM_LBUTTONDOWN, Msg.wParam, Msg.lParam ); Result := True; Exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} end; if (Msg.message = CN_DRAWITEM) then begin Result := True; Rslt := 1; DIS := Pointer( Msg.lParam ); IsDown := (DIS.itemState and ODS_SELECTED <> 0) or {$IFDEF USE_FLAGS} (G4_Checked in Self_.fFlagsG4) {$ELSE} Self_.fChecked {$ENDIF}; IsDefault := DIS.itemState and ODS_FOCUS <> 0; IsDisabled := DIS.itemState and ODS_DISABLED <> 0; G := 0; if IsDown then G := {$IFDEF BITBTN_DISABLEDGLYPH2} 1 {$ELSE} 2 {$ENDIF}; if IsDisabled then G := {$IFDEF BITBTN_DISABLEDGLYPH2} 2 {$ELSE} 1 {$ENDIF}; if (G = 0) and IsDefault then G := 3; if ((G = 0) or (G = 3)) and Self_.MouseInControl then G := 4; {$IFDEF NIL_EVENTS} if Assigned( Self_.EV.fOnBitBtnDraw ) then {$ENDIF} begin if ( Self_.fCanvas <> nil ) then Self_.fCanvas.SetHandle( DIS.hDC ); Handled := Self_.EV.fOnBitBtnDraw( Self_, G ); if ( Self_.fCanvas <> nil ) then Self_.fCanvas.SetHandle( 0 ); if Handled then Exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} end; if not ( bboNoBorder in Self_.DF.fBitBtnOptions ) then begin if IsDefault and not( bboFocusRect in Self_.DF.fBitBtnOptions ) then begin Windows.FrameRect( DIS.hDC, DIS.rcItem, GetStockObject( {BLACK_BRUSH} DKGRAY_BRUSH ) ); InflateRect( DIS.rcItem, -1, -1 ); end; if {$IFDEF USE_FLAGS} G3_Flat in Self_.fFlagsG3 {$ELSE} Self_.fFlat {$ENDIF} then begin if IsDown then Flags := BDR_RAISEDINNER else Flags := 0; //EDGE_ETCHED; DrawEdge( DIS.hDC, DIS.rcItem, Flags, BF_FLAT or BF_RECT ); //InflateRect( DIS.rcItem, -1, -1 ); end; if {$IFDEF USE_FLAGS} not(G3_Flat in Self_.fFlagsG3) {$ELSE} not Self_.fFlat {$ENDIF} or {$IFDEF USE_FLAGS} (G3_MouseInCtl in Self_.fFlagsG3) {$ELSE} Self_.fMouseInControl {$ENDIF} or IsDefault then begin if IsDown then Flags := BDR_SUNKENOUTER or BDR_SUNKENINNER else Flags := BDR_RAISEDOUTER or BDR_RAISEDINNER; DrawEdge( DIS.hDC, DIS.rcItem, Flags, BF_ADJUST or BF_RECT ); InflateRect( DIS.rcItem, -1, -1 ); end; end; TxRect := DIS.rcItem; if Self_.DF.fGlyphBitmap <> 0 then begin ImgW := Self_.DF.fGlyphWidth; ImgH := Self_.DF.fGlyphHeight; if (ImgW > 0) and (ImgH > 0) then begin OutW := ImgW; OutH := ImgH; W := DIS.rcItem.Right - DIS.rcItem.Left; H := DIS.rcItem.Bottom - DIS.rcItem.Top; X := DIS.rcItem.Left; Y := DIS.rcItem.Top; if isDown and (Self_.DF.fGlyphLayout <> glyphOver) then begin Inc( X, Self_.TextShiftX ); Inc( Y, Self_.TextShiftY ); end; case Self_.DF.fGlyphLayout of glyphLeft: begin Y := Y + (H - OutH) div 2; TxRect.Left := X + OutW; end; glyphTop: begin X := X + (W - OutW) div 2; TxRect.Top := Y + OutH; end; glyphRight: begin X := DIS.rcItem.Right - OutW; TxRect.Right := X; Y := Y + (H - OutH) div 2; end; glyphBottom: begin Y := DIS.rcItem.Bottom - OutH; TxRect.Bottom := Y; X := X + (W - OutW) div 2; end; glyphOver: begin X := X + (W - OutW) div 2; Y := Y + (H - OutH) div 2; end; end; if X < DIS.rcItem.Left then X := DIS.rcItem.Left; if Y < DIS.rcItem.Top then Y := DIS.rcItem.Top; if X + OutW > DIS.rcItem.Right then OutW := DIS.rcItem.Right - X; if Y + OutH > DIS.rcItem.Bottom then OutH := DIS.rcItem.Bottom - Y; if bboImageList in Self_.DF.fBitBtnOptions then begin I := LoWord( Self_.DF.fGlyphCount ); if (HiWord( Self_.DF.fGlyphCount ) > G) then I := I + G; Flags := 0; // ILD_NORMAL Blend := 0; if {$IFDEF USE_FLAGS} not( G2_Transparent in Self_.fFlagsG2 ) {$ELSE} not Self_.fTransparent {$ENDIF} then Bk := Color2RGB( Self_.fColor ) else begin Bk := Integer(CLR_NONE); Flags := ILD_TRANSPARENT; end; if HiWord( Self_.DF.fGlyphCount ) = 1 then begin Blend := Integer(CLR_DEFAULT); if IsDefault then Flags := Flags or ILD_BLEND25; end; ImageList_DrawEx( Self_.DF.fGlyphBitmap, I, DIS.hDC, X, Y, 0, 0, Bk, Blend, Flags ); end else begin DC := CreateCompatibleDC( 0 ); OldBmp := SelectObject( DC, Self_.DF.fGlyphBitmap ); I := 0; if Self_.DF.fGlyphCount > G then I := I + G * ImgW; StretchBlt( DIS.hDC, X, Y, OutW, OutH, DC, I, 0, ImgW, ImgH, SRCCOPY ); SelectObject( DC, OldBmp ); DeleteDC( DC ); end; end; end; if not (bboNoCaption in Self_.DF.fBitBtnOptions) then if (TxRect.Right > TxRect.Left) and (TxRect.Bottom > TxRect.Top) then begin CapText := Self_.Caption; CapTxtOrig := CapText; /////////////////////////// added 19 Nov 2001 if Assigned( Self_.DF.FBitBtnGetCaption ) then CapText := Self_.DF.FBitBtnGetCaption( Self_, CapText ); //////////// Bk := 0; Blend := 0; Flags := ETO_CLIPPED; if {$IFDEF USE_FLAGS} (G2_Transparent in Self_.fFlagsG2) {$ELSE} Self_.fTransparent {$ENDIF} or (Self_.DF.fGlyphLayout = glyphOver) then Bk := SetBkMode( DIS.hDC, TRANSPARENT ) else begin Flags := Flags or ETO_OPAQUE; Blend := SetBkColor( DIS.hDC, Color2RGB( Self_.fColor ) ); end; // Returned previous BkMode is either OPAQUE=1 or TRANSPARENT=2 OldFont := 0; if ( Self_.fFont <> nil ) then OldFont := SelectObject( DIS.hDC, Self_.fFont.Handle ); OldTextColor := SetTextColor( DIS.hDC, Color2RGB( Self_.fTextColor ) ); {$IFDEF UNICODE_CTRLS}Windows.GetTextExtentPoint32W {$ELSE} Windows.GetTextExtentPoint32A {$ENDIF}( DIS.hDC, PKOLChar( CapText ), Length( CapText ), TextSz ); W := TxRect.Right - TxRect.Left; H := TxRect.Bottom - TxRect.Top; Y := TxRect.Top + (H - TextSz.cy) div 2; case Self_.fTextAlign of taLeft: X := TxRect.Left; taCenter: X := TxRect.Left + (W - TextSz.cx) div 2; else {taRight:} X := TxRect.Right - TextSz.cx; end; if isDown then begin Inc( X, Self_.TextShiftX ); Inc( Y, Self_.TextShiftY ); end; if Y < 0 then Y := 0; if X < TxRect.Left then X := TxRect.Left; {$IFDEF UNICODE_CTRLS} Windows.ExtTextOutW( DIS.hDC, X, Y, Flags, @TxRect, PWideChar( CapText ), Length( CapText ), nil ); {$ELSE} Windows.ExtTextOutA( DIS.hDC, X, Y, Flags, @TxRect, PAnsiChar( CapText ), Length( CapText ), nil ); {$ENDIF} if bboFocusRect in Self_.DF.fBitBtnOptions then if IsDefault then begin FocusRect := TxRect; //InflateRect( FocusRect, 1, 1 ); Windows.DrawFocusRect( DIS.hDC, FocusRect ); end; //{$IFDEF NIL_EVENTS} if Assigned( Self_.DF.FBitBtnExtDraw ) then // to provide underlying mnemonic characters //{$ENDIF} Self_.DF.FBitBtnExtDraw( Self_, DIS.hDC, X, Y, TxRect, CapText, CapTxtOrig, OldTextColor ); ///////////////////////////////// SetTextColor( DIS.hDC, OldTextColor ); if OldFont <> 0 then SelectObject( DIS.hDC, OldFont ); if Blend = 0 then SetBkMode( DIS.hDC, Bk ) else SetBkColor( DIS.hDC, Blend ); end; end; if (Msg.message = WM_LBUTTONDOWN) or (Msg.message = WM_KEYDOWN) and (Msg.wParam = 32) then begin if bboFixed in Self_.DF.fBitBtnOptions then begin {$IFDEF USE_FLAGS} if G4_Checked in Self_.fFlagsG4 then exclude( Self_.fFlagsG4, G4_Checked ) else include( Self_.fFlagsG4, G4_Checked ); {$ELSE} Self_.fChecked := not Self_.fChecked; {$ENDIF} {$IFDEF NIL_EVENTS} if Assigned( Self_.EV.fOnChangeCtl ) then {$ENDIF} Self_.EV.fOnChangeCtl( Self_ ); end; if Self_.DF.fRepeatInterval > 0 then begin if Msg.message <> WM_KEYDOWN then SetTimer( Self_.fHandle, 1, 400, nil ); Self_.Invalidate; end; end; if Msg.message = WM_LBUTTONUP then begin if Self_.DF.fRepeatInterval > 0 then KillTimer( Self_.fHandle, 1 ); end; if Msg.message = WM_KILLFOCUS then // to repaint when focus lost Self_.Invalidate; if Msg.message = WM_TIMER then begin KillTimer( Self_.fHandle, 1 ); if bboFixed in Self_.DF.fBitBtnOptions then begin {$IFDEF USE_FLAGS} if G4_Checked in Self_.fFlagsG4 then exclude( Self_.fFlagsG4, G4_Checked ) else include( Self_.fFlagsG4, G4_Checked ); {$ELSE} Self_.fChecked := not Self_.fChecked; {$ENDIF} {$IFDEF NIL_EVENTS} if Assigned( Self_.EV.fOnChangeCtl ) then {$ENDIF} Self_.EV.fOnChangeCtl( Self_ ); end; Self_.DoClick; SetTimer( Self_.fHandle, 1, Self_.DF.fRepeatInterval, nil ); Self_.Invalidate; end; end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION} {$IFDEF USE_CONSTRUCTORS} function NewBitBtn( AParent: PControl; const Caption: AnsiString; Options: TBitBtnOptions; Layout: TGlyphLayout; GlyphBitmap: HBitmap; GlyphCount: Integer ): PControl; begin new( Result, CreateBitBtn( AParent, Caption, Options, Layout, GlyphBitmap, GlyphCount ) ); {$IFDEF DEBUG_OBJKIND} Result.fObjKind := 'TControl:BitBtn'; {$ENDIF} end; {$ELSE not_USE_CONSTRUCTORS} {$IFDEF ASM_noVERSION} // todo: first correct asm version, then remove <no> {$ELSE PAS_VERSION} //Pascal function NewBitBtn( AParent: PControl; const Caption: KOLString; Options: TBitBtnOptions; Layout: TGlyphLayout; GlyphBitmap: HBitmap; GlyphCount: Integer ): PControl; var B: TBitmapInfo; W, H: Integer; f: DWORD; begin f := WS_VISIBLE or WS_CHILD or BS_OWNERDRAW or WS_TABSTOP or BS_NOTIFY; Result := _NewControl( AParent, 'BUTTON', f, False, {$IFDEF PACK_COMMANDACTIONS} ButtonActions_Packed {$ELSE} @ButtonActions {$ENDIF} ); {$IFDEF DEBUG_OBJKIND} Result.fObjKind := 'TControl:BitBtn'; {$ENDIF} {$IFDEF USE_FLAGS} Result.fFlagsG5 := Result.fFlagsG5 + [G5_IsButton, G5_IsBitBtn, G5_IgnoreDefault]; {$ELSE} Result.fIsButton := TRUE; Result.fIsBitBtn := TRUE; Result.fIgnoreDefault := TRUE; {$ENDIF} Result.aAutoSzX := 8; Result.aAutoSzY := 8; Result.DF.fBitBtnOptions := Options; Result.DF.fGlyphLayout := Layout; Result.DF.fGlyphBitmap := GlyphBitmap; with Result.fBoundsRect do begin Bottom := Top + 22; W := 0; H := 0; if GlyphBitmap <> 0 then begin if bboImageList in Options then ImageList_GetIconSize( GlyphBitmap, W, H ) else begin if GetObject( GlyphBitmap, Sizeof(B), @B ) > 0 then begin W := B.bmiHeader.biWidth; H := B.bmiHeader.biHeight; if GlyphCount = 0 then GlyphCount := W div H; if GlyphCount > 1 then W := W div GlyphCount; end; end; if W > 0 then begin if (Caption = '') or (Layout = glyphOver) then begin Right := Left + W; Result.aAutoSzX := 0; end else if Layout in [ glyphLeft, glyphRight ] then begin Right := Right + W; Inc( Result.aAutoSzX, W ); end; end; if H > 0 then begin if Layout in [ glyphTop, glyphBottom ] then begin Bottom := Bottom + H; Inc( Result.aAutoSzY, H ); end else begin Bottom := Top + H; Result.aAutoSzY := 0; end; end; if not ( bboNoBorder in Options ) then begin if W > 0 then begin Inc( Right, 4 ); if Result.aAutoSzX > 0 then Inc( Result.aAutoSzX, 4 ); end; if H > 0 then begin Inc( Bottom, 4 ); if Result.aAutoSzY > 0 then Inc( Result.aAutoSzY, 4 ); end; end; end; Result.DF.fGlyphWidth := W; Result.DF.fGlyphHeight := H; end; Result.DF.fGlyphCount := GlyphCount; if AParent <> nil then AParent.AttachProc( WndProc_DrawItem ); Result.AttachProc( WndProcBitBtn ); Result.fTextAlign := taCenter; Result.Caption := Caption; {$IFDEF ALL_BUTTONS_RESPOND_TO_ENTER} Result.AttachProc( WndProcBtnReturnClick ); {$ENDIF} {$IFDEF GRAPHCTL_XPSTYLES} Attach_WM_THEMECHANGED(Result, XP_Themes_For_BitBtn); {$ENDIF} end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION} {$ENDIF USE_CONSTRUCTORS} //===================== Check box ========================// {$IFDEF USE_CONSTRUCTORS} function NewCheckbox( AParent: PControl; const Caption: AnsiString ): PControl; begin new( Result, CreateCheckbox( AParent, Caption ) ); {$IFDEF DEBUG_OBJKIND} Result.fObjKind := 'TControl:CheckBox'; {$ENDIF} end; {$ELSE not_USE_CONSTRUCTORS} {$IFDEF ASM_VERSION}{$ELSE PAS_VERSION} //Pascal function NewCheckbox( AParent: PControl; const Caption: KOLString ): PControl; begin Result := NewButton( AParent, Caption ); with Result.fBoundsRect do begin Right := Left + 72; end; Result.fStyle.Value := WS_VISIBLE or WS_CHILD or BS_AUTOCHECKBOX or WS_TABSTOP or BS_NOTIFY; Result.aAutoSzX := 24; {$IFDEF GRAPHCTL_XPSTYLES} Attach_WM_THEMECHANGED(Result, XP_Themes_For_CheckBox ); {$ENDIF} end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION} {$ENDIF USE_CONSTRUCTORS} function NewCheckBox3State( AParent: PControl; const Caption: KOLString ): PControl; begin Result := NewCheckbox( AParent, Caption ); Result.fStyle.Value := Result.fStyle.Value and not BS_AUTOCHECKBOX or BS_AUTO3STATE; end; //===================== Radiobox ========================// {$IFDEF ASM_VERSION}{$ELSE PAS_VERSION} //Pascal procedure ClickRadio( Sender:PObj ); var Self_:PControl; {$IFDEF USE_FLAGS} i: Integer; C: PControl; NewState: Boolean; {$ENDIF} begin Self_ := PControl( Sender ); if Self_.FParent <> nil then {$IFDEF USE_FLAGS} begin for i := 0 to Self_.FParent.ChildCount-1 do begin C := Self_.FParent.Children[i]; if G5_IsButton in C.fFlagsG5 then if C.fStyle.f0_Style and BS_RADIOBUTTON <> 0 then begin NewState := C = Self_; if NewState <> C.Checked then C.Checked := NewState; end; end; end; {$ELSE} CheckRadioButton( Self_.fParent.fHandle, Self_.fParent.PropInt[ @RADIO_1ST ], Self_.fParent.PropInt[ @RADIO_LAST ], Self_.fMenu ); {$ENDIF} end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION} {$IFDEF USE_CONSTRUCTORS} function NewRadiobox( AParent: PControl; const Caption: AnsiString ): PControl; begin new( Result, CreateRadiobox( AParent, Caption ) ); {$IFDEF DEBUG_OBJKIND} Result.fObjKind := 'TControl:Radiobox'; {$ENDIF} end; {$ELSE not_USE_CONSTRUCTORS} {$IFDEF ASM_VERSION}{$ELSE PAS_VERSION} //Pascal function NewRadiobox( AParent: PControl; const Caption: KOLString ): PControl; begin Result := NewCheckbox( AParent, Caption ); Result.fStyle.Value := WS_VISIBLE or WS_CHILD or BS_RADIOBUTTON or WS_TABSTOP or WS_GROUP or BS_NOTIFY; Result.PP.fControlClick := ClickRadio; if AParent <> nil then begin {$IFDEF USE_FLAGS} if not(G1_HasRadio in AParent.fFlagsG1) then begin include( AParent.fFlagsG1, G1_HasRadio ); Result.SetRadioChecked; end; {$ELSE} AParent.PropInt[ @RADIO_LAST ] := Result.fMenu; if AParent.PropInt[ @RADIO_1ST ] = 0 then begin AParent.PropInt[ @RADIO_1ST ] := Result.fMenu; Result.SetRadioChecked; end; {$ENDIF} end; {$IFDEF GRAPHCTL_XPSTYLES} Attach_WM_THEMECHANGED(Result, XP_Themes_For_RadioBox); {$ENDIF} end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION} {$ENDIF USE_CONSTRUCTORS} //===================== Label ========================// {$ENDIF WIN_GDI} {$IFNDEF USE_CONSTRUCTORS} {$ENDIF not USE_CONSTRUCTORS} {$IFDEF USE_CONSTRUCTORS} function NewLabel( AParent: PControl; const Caption: AnsiString ): PControl; begin new( Result, CreateLabel( AParent, Caption ) ); {$IFDEF DEBUG_OBJKIND} Result.fObjKind := 'TControl:Label'; {$ENDIF} end; {$ELSE not_USE_CONSTRUCTORS} {$IFDEF GDI} {$IFDEF ASM_UNICODE}{$ELSE PAS_VERSION} //Pascal function NewLabel( AParent: PControl; const Caption: KOLString ): PControl; begin Result := _NewControl( AParent, 'STATIC', WS_VISIBLE or WS_CHILD or SS_LEFTNOWORDWRAP or SS_NOPREFIX or SS_NOTIFY, False, {$IFDEF PACK_COMMANDACTIONS} LabelActions_Packed {$ELSE} @LabelActions {$ENDIF} ); {$IFDEF DEBUG_OBJKIND} Result.fObjKind := 'TControl:Label'; {$ENDIF} Result.aAutoSzX := 1; Result.aAutoSzY := 1; {$IFDEF USE_FLAGS} Result.fFlagsG1 := Result.fFlagsG1 + [G1_SizeRedraw, G1_IsStaticControl]; {$ELSE} Result.fSizeRedraw := True; Inc( Result.fIsStaticControl ); {$ENDIF} with Result.fBoundsRect do Bottom := Top + 22; //Right := Left + 64 {done in _NewControl}; Result.Caption := Caption; {$IFDEF GRAPHCTL_XPSTYLES} Attach_WM_THEMECHANGED(Result, XP_Themes_For_Label); {$ENDIF} end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION} {$ENDIF GDI} {$IFDEF _X_} {$IFDEF GTK} PROCEDURE LabelSetTextAlign( Self_: PControl ); BEGIN gtk_misc_set_alignment( GTK_MISC( Self_.fCaptionHandle ), HorAlignments[ Self_.fTextAlign ], VerAlignments[ Self_.fVerticalAlign ] ); END; FUNCTION NewLabel( AParent: PControl; const Caption: KOLString ): PControl; BEGIN Result := _NewControl( AParent, 'STATIC', WS_VISIBLE or WS_CHILD or SS_LEFTNOWORDWRAP or SS_NOPREFIX or SS_NOTIFY, False, gtk_label_new( PAnsiChar( String( Caption ) ) ), TRUE ); Result.fGetCaption := getLabelCaption; Result.fSetCaption := setLabelCaption; {$IFDEF USE_FLAGS} include( Result.fFlagsG1, G1_IsStaticControl ); {$ELSE} Inc( Result.fIsStaticControl ); {$ENDIF} Result.fSetTextAlign := LabelSetTextAlign; Result.fTextAlign := taCenter; Result.TextAlign := taLeft; END; {$ENDIF GTK} {$ENDIF _X_} {$ENDIF USE_CONSTRUCTORS} {$IFDEF WIN_GDI} //===================== word wrap Label ========================// {$IFDEF USE_CONSTRUCTORS} function NewWordWrapLabel( AParent: PControl; const Caption: AnsiString ): PControl; begin new( Result, CreateWordWrapLabel( AParent, Caption ) ); {$IFDEF DEBUG_OBJKIND} Result.fObjKind := 'TControl:WordWrapLabel'; {$ENDIF} end; {$ELSE not_USE_CONSTRUCTORS} {$IFDEF ASM_VERSION}{$ELSE PAS_VERSION} //Pascal function NewWordWrapLabel( AParent: PControl; const Caption: KOLString ): PControl; begin Result := NewLabel( AParent, Caption ); {$IFDEF USE_FLAGS} include( Result.fFlagsG1, G1_WordWrap ); {$ELSE} Result.fWordWrap := TRUE; {$ENDIF} with Result.fBoundsRect do begin Bottom := Top + 44; end; Result.fStyle.Value := Result.fStyle.Value and not SS_LEFTNOWORDWRAP; end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION} {$ENDIF USE_CONSTRUCTORS} //===================== Label Effect ========================// {$IFDEF USE_CONSTRUCTORS} function NewLabelEffect( AParent: PControl; const Caption: AnsiString; ShadowDeep: Integer ): PControl; begin new( Result, CreateLabelEffect( AParent, Caption, ShadowDeep ) ); {$IFDEF DEBUG_OBJKIND} Result.fObjKind := 'TControl:LabelEffect'; {$ENDIF} end; {$ELSE not_USE_CONSTRUCTORS} {$IFDEF ASM_VERSION}{$ELSE PAS_VERSION} //Pascal function NewLabelEffect( AParent: PControl; const Caption: KOLString; ShadowDeep: Integer ): PControl; begin Result := NewLabel( AParent, '' ); {$IFDEF USE_FLAGS} exclude( Result.fFlagsG1, G1_IsStaticControl ); {$ELSE} Dec( Result.fIsStaticControl ); { ����� 0 ! } {$ENDIF} Result.AttachProc( WndProcLabelEffect ); Result.Caption := Caption; Result.AttachProc( WndProcDoEraseBkgnd ); Result.fTextAlign := taCenter; Result.fTextColor := clWindowText; Result.DF.fShadowDeep := ShadowDeep; {$IFDEF USE_FLAGS} include( Result.fFlagsG1, G1_IgnoreWndCaption ); {$ELSE} Result.fIgnoreWndCaption := True; {$ENDIF} with Result.fBoundsRect do begin Bottom := Top + 40; end; Result.DF.fColor2 := clNone; end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION} {$ENDIF USE_CONSTRUCTORS} //===================== Paint box ========================// {$ENDIF WIN_GDI} {$IFDEF USE_CONSTRUCTORS} function NewPaintbox( AParent: PControl ): PControl; begin new( Result, CreatePaintBox( AParent ) ); {$IFDEF DEBUG_OBJKIND} Result.fObjKind := 'TControl:Paintbox'; {$ENDIF} end; {$ELSE not_USE_CONSTRUCTORS} {$IFDEF GDI} {$UNDEF ASM_LOCAL} {$IFNDEF GRAPHCTL_XPSTYLES} {$IFDEF ASM_VERSION} {$DEFINE ASM_LOCAL} {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION} {$ENDIF GRAPHCTL_XPSTYLES} {$IFDEF ASM_LOCAL} function NewPaintbox( AParent: PControl ): PControl; asm XOR EDX, EDX CALL NewLabel ADD [EAX].TControl.fBoundsRect.Bottom, 64-22 end; {$ELSE ASM_LOCAL} //Pascal function NewPaintbox( AParent: PControl ): PControl; begin {$IFDEF GRAPHCTL_XPSTYLES} Result := _NewControl( AParent, 'STATIC', WS_VISIBLE or WS_CHILD {or SS_LEFTNOWORDWRAP or SS_NOPREFIX }or SS_NOTIFY, False, {$IFDEF PACK_COMMANDACTIONS} LabelActions_Packed {$ELSE} @LabelActions {$ENDIF} ); {$IFDEF DEBUG_OBJKIND} Result.fObjKind := 'TControl:PaintBox'; {$ENDIF} {$IFDEF USE_FLAGS} include( Result.fFlagsG1, G1_SizeRedraw ); if G2_Transparent in Result.fFlagsG2 then include( Result.fFlagsG2, G2_ClassicTransparent ) else exclude( Result.fFlagsG2, G2_ClassicTransparent ); {$ELSE} Result.fSizeRedraw := True; Result.fClassicTransparent := Result.fTransparent; {$ENDIF} Result.fControlClassName := 'obj_PAINT'; {$ELSE} Result := NewLabel( AParent, '' ); {$IFDEF DEBUG_OBJKIND} Result.fObjKind := 'TControl:Paintbox'; {$ENDIF} with Result.fBoundsRect do begin Bottom := Top + 64; //Right := Left + 64 {done in NewLabel}; end; {$ENDIF} end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION} {$ENDIF GDI} {$IFDEF _X_} {$IFDEF GTK} FUNCTION NewPaintbox( AParent: PControl ): PControl; BEGIN Result := NewLabel( AParent, '' ); Result.Height := 64; END; {$ENDIF GTK} {$ENDIF _X_} {$ENDIF USE_CONSTRUCTORS} {$IFDEF WIN_GDI} {$IFDEF _D2} function SetBrushOrgEx(DC: HDC; X, Y: Integer; PrevPt: PPoint): BOOL; stdcall; external gdi32 name 'SetBrushOrgEx'; {$ENDIF} {$IFDEF ASM_VERSION}{$ELSE ASM_VERSION PAS_VERSION} function WndProcDoEraseBkgnd( Self_: PControl; var Msg: TMsg; var Rslt: Integer ): Boolean; var DC: HDC; R: TRect; begin Result := FALSE; if Msg.message = WM_ERASEBKGND then begin Self_.CreateChildWindows; if Self_.Transparent then Exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} DC := Msg.wParam; SetBkMode( DC, OPAQUE ); SetBkColor( DC, Color2RGB( Self_.fColor ) ); SetBrushOrgEx( DC, 0, 0, nil ); GetClientRect( Self_.fHandle, R ); Windows.FillRect( DC, R, Global_GetCtlBrushHandle( Self_ ) ); Rslt := 1; end; end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION} function WndProcImageShow( Sender: PControl; var Msg: TMsg; var Rslt: Integer ): Boolean; var PaintStruct: TPaintStruct; IL: PImageList; OldPaintDC: HDC; {$IFDEF TEST_IL} B: PBitmap; {$ENDIF TEST_IL} begin Result := FALSE; if (Msg.message = WM_PAINT) or (Msg.message = WM_PRINT) then begin OldPaintDC := Sender.fPaintDC; Sender.fPaintDC := Msg.wParam; if Sender.fPaintDC = 0 then Sender.fPaintDC := BeginPaint( Sender.fHandle, PaintStruct ); IL := Sender.ImageListNormal; if IL <> nil then begin IL.DrawingStyle := [ dsTransparent ]; {$IFDEF TEST_IL} B := NewBitmap( 0, 0 ); B.Handle := IL.GetBitmap; B.SaveToFile( GetStartDir + 'test_IL_show.bmp' ); B.ReleaseHandle; B.Free; {$ENDIF TEST_IL} IL.Draw( Sender.fCurIndex, Sender.fPaintDC, Sender.fClientLeft, Sender.fClientTop ); Result := TRUE; end; if Msg.wParam = 0 then EndPaint( Sender.fHandle, PaintStruct ); Sender.fPaintDC := OldPaintDC; Rslt := 0; {Result := True;} Exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} end; end; function NewImageShow( AParent: PControl; AImgList: PImageList; ImgIdx: Integer ): PControl; var W, H: Integer; begin Result := NewLabel( AParent, '' ); Result.ImageListNormal := AImgList; Result.AttachProc( WndProcImageShow ); Result.AttachProc( WndProcDoEraseBkgnd ); W := 32; H := 32; if AImgList <> nil then begin W := AImgList.ImgWidth; H := AImgList.ImgHeight; end; with Result.fBoundsRect do begin Right := Left + W; Bottom := Top + H; end; Result.CurIndex := ImgIdx; end; //===================== Scrollbar ========================// const KSB_INITIALIZE = WM_USER + 10000; KSB_KEY = $3232; function WndProcScrollBarParent( Sender: PControl; var Msg: TMsg; var Rslt: Integer ): Boolean; var Bar: PControl; SI: TScrollInfo; NewPos: Integer; AllowChange: Boolean; Cmd: Word; begin Result := False; case Msg.message of WM_HSCROLL, WM_VSCROLL: if (Msg.lParam <> 0) then begin {$IFDEF USE_PROP} Bar := Pointer(GetProp(Msg.lParam, ID_SELF)); {$ELSE} Bar := Pointer( GetWindowLong( Msg.lParam, GWL_USERDATA ) ); {$ENDIF} if (Bar <> nil) then begin ZeroMemory(@SI, SizeOf(SI)); SI.cbSize := SizeOf(SI); SI.fMask := SIF_RANGE or SIF_POS or SIF_TRACKPOS or SIF_PAGE; Bar.SBGetScrollInfo(SI); Cmd := Msg.wParam and $0000FFFF; case Cmd of SB_BOTTOM: NewPos := SI.nMax; SB_TOP: NewPos := SI.nMin; SB_LINEDOWN: NewPos := SI.nPos + 1; SB_LINEUP: NewPos := SI.nPos - 1; SB_PAGEDOWN: NewPos := SI.nPos + Integer(SI.nPage); SB_PAGEUP: NewPos := SI.nPos - Integer(SI.nPage); {!ecm} SB_THUMBPOSITION,SB_THUMBTRACK: NewPos := SI.nTrackPos; SB_ENDSCROLL: NewPos := SI.nPos; {/!ecm} else Exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} end; if (NewPos > SI.nMax - Integer(SI.nPage) + 1) then NewPos := SI.nMax - Integer(SI.nPage) + 1; if (NewPos < SI.nMin) then NewPos := SI.nMin; AllowChange := True; {$IFDEF NIL_EVENTS} if Assigned(Bar.EV.fOnSBBeforeScroll) then {$ENDIF} Bar.EV.fOnSBBeforeScroll(Bar, SI.nPos, NewPos, Cmd, AllowChange); if AllowChange then SI.nPos := NewPos else SI.nTrackPos := SI.nPos; Bar.DF.fSBPosition := SI.nPos; Bar.DF.fSBPosition := Bar.SBSetScrollInfo(SI); if AllowChange {$IFDEF NIL_EVENTS} and Assigned(Bar.EV.fOnSBScroll) {$ENDIF} then Bar.EV.fOnSBScroll(Bar, Cmd); end; end; end; end; function NewScrollBar( AParent: PControl; BarSide: TScrollerBar ): PControl; const SBS_Directions: array[ TScrollerBar ] of DWORD = ( SBS_HORZ or SBS_BOTTOMALIGN, SBS_VERT or SBS_RIGHTALIGN ); begin Result := _NewCommonControl( AParent, 'SCROLLBAR', WS_VISIBLE or WS_CHILD or SBS_Directions[ BarSide ], False, {$IFDEF PACK_COMMANDACTIONS} PAnsiChar( OTHER_ACTIONS ) {$ELSE} nil {$ENDIF} ); {$IFDEF DEBUG_OBJKIND} Result.fObjKind := 'TControl:ScrollBar'; {$ENDIF} {!ecm} Result.GetWindowHandle; {/!ecm} Result.DetachProc(WndProcCtrl); Result.fLookTabKeys := [tkTab]; //#ecm Result.AttachProc(WndProcScrollBar); AParent.AttachProc(WndProcScrollBarParent); end; //===================== Scrollbox ========================// function WndProcScrollBox( Sender: PControl; var Msg: TMsg; var Rslt: Integer ): Boolean; var Bar: DWORD; SI: TScrollInfo; OldNotifyProc: pointer; begin case Msg.message of WM_HSCROLL: Bar := SB_HORZ; WM_VSCROLL: Bar := SB_VERT; WM_SIZE: begin {$IFDEF NIL_EVENTS} if Assigned( Sender.PP.fNotifyChild ) then {$ENDIF} Sender.PP.fNotifyChild( Sender, nil ); Result := FALSE; Exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} end; else Result := FALSE; Exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} end; SI.cbSize := Sizeof( SI ); SI.fMask := SIF_RANGE or SIF_POS or SIF_PAGE or {$IFDEF F_P}$10{$ELSE}SIF_TRACKPOS{$ENDIF}; GetScrollInfo( Sender.fHandle, Bar, SI ); SI.fMask := SIF_POS; case LoWord( Msg.wParam ) of SB_BOTTOM: SI.nPos := SI.nMax; SB_TOP: SI.nPos := SI.nMin; SB_LINEDOWN: Inc( SI.nPos, Sender.DF.fScrollLineDist[ Bar ] ); SB_LINEUP: Dec( SI.nPos, Sender.DF.fScrollLineDist[ Bar ] ); SB_PAGEDOWN: Inc( SI.nPos, Max( SI.nPage, 1 ) ); SB_PAGEUP: Dec( SI.nPos, Max( SI.nPage, 1 ) ); SB_THUMBTRACK:SI.nPos := SI.nTrackPos; end; if SI.nPos > SI.nMax { - Integer( SI.nPage ) } then SI.nPos := SI.nMax { - Integer( SI.nPage ) }; if SI.nPos < SI.nMin then SI.nPos := SI.nMin; SetScrollInfo( Sender.fHandle, Bar, SI, TRUE ); {$IFDEF NIL_EVENTS} if Assigned( Sender.PP.fScrollChildren ) then {$ENDIF} begin OldNotifyProc := @ Sender.PP.fNotifyChild; Sender.PP.fNotifyChild := @DummyObjProc; Sender.PP.fScrollChildren( Sender ); Sender.PP.fNotifyChild := OldNotifyProc; end; SetScrollInfo( Sender.fHandle, Bar, SI, TRUE ); Result := FALSE; end; function NewScrollBox( AParent: PControl; EdgeStyle: TEdgeStyle; Bars: TScrollerBars ): PControl; var SBFlag: Integer; begin SBFlag := EdgeStyles[ EdgeStyle ]; if sbHorizontal in Bars then SBFlag := SBFlag or WS_HSCROLL; if sbVertical in Bars then SBFlag := SBFlag or WS_VSCROLL; Result := _NewControl( AParent, 'ScrollBox', WS_VISIBLE or WS_CHILD or SBFlag, EdgeStyle = esLowered, {$IFDEF PACK_COMMANDACTIONS} PAnsiChar( OTHER_ACTIONS ) {$ELSE} nil {$ENDIF} ); {$IFDEF DEBUG_OBJKIND} Result.fObjKind := 'TControl:ScrollBox'; {$ENDIF} Result.AttachProc( WndProcForm ); //!!! Result.AttachProc( WndProcScrollBox ); Result.AttachProc( WndProcDoEraseBkgnd ); {$IFDEF USE_FLAGS} include( Result.fFlagsG3, G3_IsControl ); {$ELSE} Result.fIsControl := TRUE; {$ENDIF} end; function Scrollbar_GetMinPos( sb: PControl ): Integer; begin Result := sb.SBMax; end; procedure Scrollbar_SetMinPos( sb: PControl; m: Integer ); begin sb.SBMin := m; end; procedure Scrollbar_SetAll( sb: PControl; min, max, pg, cur: Integer ); begin sb.SBMin := min; sb.SBMax := max; sb.SBPageSize := pg; sb.SBPosition := cur; end; function Scrollbar_GetMaxPos( sb: PControl ): Integer; begin Result := sb.SBMax; end; procedure Scrollbar_SetMaxPos( sb: PControl; m: Integer ); begin sb.SBMax := m; end; function Scrollbar_GetCurPos( sb: PControl ): Integer; begin Result := sb.SBPosition; end; procedure Scrollbar_SetCurPos( sb: PControl; newp: Integer ); begin sb.SBPosition := newp; end; procedure Scrollbar_SetPageSz( sb: PControl; psz: Integer ); begin sb.SBPageSize := psz; end; function Scrollbar_GetPageSz( sb: PControl ): Integer; begin Result := sb.SBPageSize; end; procedure Scrollbar_SetLineSz( sb: PControl; lnz: Integer ); begin // end; function Scrollbar_GetLineSz( sb: PControl ): Integer; begin Result := 1; end; function WndProcNotifyParentAboutResize( Sender: PControl; var Msg: TMsg; var Rslt: Integer ): Boolean; var P: PControl; begin if (Msg.message = WM_SIZE) or (Msg.message = WM_MOVE) or (Msg.message = CM_SHOW) then begin P := Sender.Parent; if P <> nil then {$IFDEF NIL_EVENTS} if Assigned( P.PP.fNotifyChild ) then {$ENDIF} P.PP.fNotifyChild( P, nil ); end else if Msg.message = WM_SHOWWINDOW then PostMessage( Sender.fHandle, CM_SHOW, 0, 0 ); Result := FALSE; end; procedure CalcMinMaxChildren( Self_: PControl; var SzR: TRect ); var I: Integer; C: PControl; R: TRect; begin Szr := MakeRect( 0, 0, 0, 0 ); for I := 0 to Self_.fChildren.fCount - 1 do begin C := Self_.fChildren.Items[ I ]; if C.ToBeVisible then begin R := C.BoundsRect; if (SzR.Left = SzR.Right) or (R.Left < SzR.Left) or (R.Right > SzR.Right) then begin if SzR.Left = SzR.Right then begin SzR.Left := R.Left; SzR.Right := R.Right; end else begin if R.Left < SzR.Left then SzR.Left := R.Left; if R.Right > SzR.Right then SzR.Right := R.Right; end; end; if (SzR.Top = SzR.Bottom) or (R.Top < SzR.Top) or (R.Bottom > SzR.Bottom) then begin if SzR.Top = SzR.Bottom then begin SzR.Top := R.Top; SzR.Bottom := R.Bottom; end else begin if R.Top < SzR.Top then SzR.Top := R.Top; if R.Bottom > SzR.Bottom then SzR.Bottom := R.Bottom; end; end; end; end; Dec( SzR.Left, Self_.Border ); Inc( SzR.Right, Self_.Border - 1 ); Dec( SzR.Top, Self_.Border ); Inc( SzR.Bottom, Self_.Border - 1 ); end; procedure NotifyScrollBox( Self_, Child: PControl ); var SI: TScrollInfo; procedure GetSetScrollInfo( SBar: DWORD; WH, R_RightBottom, SzR_LeftTop, SzR_RightBottom: Integer ); {$IFDEF SBOX_OLDPOS} var OldPos: Double; {$ENDIF} begin {$IFDEF SBOX_OLDPOS} OldPos := 0; {$ENDIF} if not GetScrollInfo( Self_.fHandle, SBar, SI ) then begin SI.nMin := 0; SI.nMax := Max( R_RightBottom - 1, SzR_RightBottom - 1 ); end else begin {$IFDEF SBOX_OLDPOS} if SI.nMax > SI.nMin then begin OldPos := (SI.nPos - SI.nMin) / (SI.nMax - SI.nMin); SI.nMin := 0; SI.nMax := Max( R_RightBottom - 1, SzR_RightBottom - 1 ); if SzR_LeftTop < 0 then SI.nMax := Max( R_RightBottom - SzR_LeftTop - 1, WH - 1 ); end else begin SI.nMin := 0; SI.nMax := Max( R_RightBottom - 1, SzR_RightBottom - 1 ); end; {$ENDIF} SI.nMin := 0; {!ecm} SI.nMax := SzR_RightBottom - SzR_LeftTop; {!ecm} end; {$IFDEF SBOX_OLDPOS} SI.nPos := SI.nMin + Round( (SI.nMax - SI.nMin) * OldPos ); {$ELSE} SI.nPos := - SzR_LeftTop; {$ENDIF} SI.nPage := R_RightBottom; SetScrollInfo( Self_.fHandle, SBar, SI, TRUE ); end; var W, H: Integer; SzR: TRect; R: TRect; begin if ( Child <> nil ) then begin Child.AttachProc( WndProcNotifyParentAboutResize ); Exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} end; CalcMinMaxChildren( Self_, SzR ); W := SzR.Right - SzR.Left; H := SzR.Bottom - SzR.Top; R := Self_.ClientRect; if (R.Right = 0) or (R.Bottom = 0) then Exit; // for case when form is minimized {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} SI.cbSize := sizeof( SI ); SI.fMask := SIF_RANGE or SIF_PAGE or SIF_POS; SI.cbSize := sizeof( SI ); SI.fMask := SIF_RANGE or SIF_PAGE or SIF_POS; GetSetScrollInfo( SB_HORZ, W, R.Right, SzR.Left, SzR.Right ); {+ecm}R := Self_.ClientRect;{/+ecm} GetSetScrollInfo( SB_VERT, H, R.Bottom, SzR.Top, SzR.Bottom ); {+ecm} {$IFDEF NIL_EVENTS} if Assigned( Self_.PP.fScrollChildren ) then {$ENDIF} Self_.PP.fScrollChildren(Self_); {/+ecm} end; procedure ScrollChildren( _Self_: PControl ); var SzR, R: TRect; I, Xpos, Ypos: Integer; OldNotifyProc: Pointer; C: PControl; DeltaX, DeltaY: Integer; begin CalcMinMaxChildren( _Self_, SzR ); Xpos := GetScrollPos( _Self_.fHandle, SB_HORZ ); Ypos := GetScrollPos( _Self_.fHandle, SB_VERT ); DeltaX := -Xpos - SzR.Left; DeltaY := -Ypos - SzR.Top; if (DeltaX <> 0) or (DeltaY <> 0) then begin OldNotifyProc := @ _Self_.PP.fNotifyChild; _Self_.PP.fNotifyChild := @DummyObjProc; for I := 0 to _Self_.fChildren.fCount - 1 do begin C := _Self_.fChildren.Items[ I ]; R := C.BoundsRect; OffsetRect( R, DeltaX, DeltaY ); C.BoundsRect := R; end; _Self_.PP.fNotifyChild := OldNotifyProc; CalcMinMaxChildren( _Self_, R ); if //(SzR.Left <> R.Left) or (SzR.Top <> R.Top) or //(Szr.Right <> R.Right) or (SzR.Bottom <> R.Bottom) ((SzR.Right - SzR.Left) <> (R.Right - R.Left)) or ((SzR.Bottom - SzR.Top) <> (R.Bottom - R.Top)) then {$IFDEF NIL_EVENTS} if Assigned( _Self_.PP.fNotifyChild ) then {$ENDIF} _Self_.PP.fNotifyChild( _Self_, nil ); end; end; function NewScrollBoxEx( AParent: PControl; EdgeStyle: TEdgeStyle ): PControl; begin Result := NewScrollBox( AParent, EdgeStyle, [ ] ); Result.PP.fNotifyChild := NotifyScrollBox; Result.PP.fScrollChildren := ScrollChildren; Result.DF.fScrollLineDist[ 0 ] := 16; Result.DF.fScrollLineDist[ 1 ] := 16; end; function WndProcOnScroll( Sender: PControl; var Msg: TMsg; var Rslt: Integer ): Boolean; var Bar: TScrollerBar; begin Bar := sbHorizontal; //0 if Msg.message = WM_VSCROLL then Bar := sbVertical else if Msg.message <> WM_HSCROLL then begin Result := FALSE; Exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} end; {$IFDEF NIL_EVENTS} if Assigned( Sender.EV.fOnScroll ) then {$ENDIF} Sender.EV.fOnScroll( Sender, Bar, LoWord( Msg.wParam ), HiWord( Msg.wParam ) ); Result := FALSE; end; procedure TControl.SetOnScroll(const Value: TOnScroll); begin {$IFDEF EVENTS_DYNAMIC} ProvideUniqueEvents {$ELSE} EV {$ENDIF} .FOnScroll := Value; AttachProc( @ WndProcOnScroll ); end; //===================== Groupbox ========================// {$IFDEF USE_CONSTRUCTORS} function NewGroupbox( AParent: PControl; const Caption: AnsiString ): PControl; begin new( Result, CreateGroupbox( AParent, Caption ) ); {$IFDEF DEBUG_OBJKIND} Result.fObjKind := 'TControl:Groupbox'; {$ENDIF} end; {$ELSE not_USE_CONSTRUCTORS} {$IFDEF ASM_UNICODE}{$ELSE PAS_VERSION} //Pascal function NewGroupbox( AParent: PControl; const Caption: KOLString ): PControl; begin Result := _NewControl( AParent, 'BUTTON', WS_CHILD or WS_CLIPSIBLINGS or WS_CLIPCHILDREN or WS_VISIBLE or BS_GROUPBOX, FALSE, {$IFDEF PACK_COMMANDACTIONS} ButtonActions_Packed {$ELSE} @ButtonActions {$ENDIF} ); {$IFDEF DEBUG_OBJKIND} Result.fObjKind := 'TControl:Groupbox'; {$ENDIF} Result.fExStyle := Result.fExStyle or WS_EX_CONTROLPARENT; Result.Caption := Caption; with Result.fBoundsRect do begin Right := Left + 100; Bottom := Top + 100; end; Result.fClientTop := 22; Result.fClientBottom := 2; Result.fClientLeft := 2; Result.fClientRight := 2; {$IFDEF USE_FLAGS} exclude( Result.fStyle.f2_Style, F2_Tabstop ); include( Result.fFlagsG5, G5_IsGroupbox ); {$ELSE} Result.fTabstop := False; Result.fIsGroupBox := TRUE; {$ENDIF} Result.AttachProc( WndProcDoEraseBkgnd ); {$IFDEF GRAPHCTL_XPSTYLES} Attach_WM_THEMECHANGED(Result, XP_Themes_For_GroupBox); {$ENDIF} end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION} {$ENDIF USE_CONSTRUCTORS} //===================== Panel ========================// {$IFDEF USE_CONSTRUCTORS} function NewPanel( AParent: PControl; EdgeStyle: TEdgeStyle ): PControl; begin new( Result, CreatePanel( AParent, EdgeStyle ) ); {$IFDEF DEBUG_OBJKIND} Result.fObjKind := 'TControl:Panel'; {$ENDIF} end; {$ELSE not_USE_CONSTRUCTORS} {$IFDEF ASM_UNICODE}{$ELSE PAS_VERSION} //Pascal function NewPanel( AParent: PControl; EdgeStyle: TEdgeStyle ): PControl; begin Result := _NewControl( AParent, 'STATIC', WS_VISIBLE or WS_CHILD or SS_NOTIFY or SS_LEFTNOWORDWRAP or SS_NOPREFIX, False, {$IFDEF PACK_COMMANDACTIONS} LabelActions_Packed {$ELSE} @LabelActions {$ENDIF} ); {$IFDEF DEBUG_OBJKIND} Result.fObjKind := 'TControl:Panel'; {$ENDIF} Result.aAutoSzX := 1; Result.aAutoSzY := 1; with Result.fBoundsRect do begin Right := Left + 100; Bottom := Top + 100; end; Result.fStyle.Value := Result.fStyle.Value or Edgestyles[ EdgeStyle ]; Result.fExStyle := Result.fExStyle or WS_EX_CONTROLPARENT; Result.fVerticalAlign := vaTop; {$IFDEF GRAPHCTL_XPSTYLES} if AppTheming then Result.fStyle.Value := Result.fStyle.Value and (not Edgestyles[ EdgeStyle ]); Result.SetEdgeStyle(EdgeStyle); Attach_WM_THEMECHANGED(Result, XP_Themes_For_Panel); {$ENDIF} end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION} {$ENDIF USE_CONSTRUCTORS} //===================== Splitter ==============================// //{$DEFINE USE_ASM_DODRAG} {$IFNDEF USE_ASM_DODRAG} {$DEFINE USE_PAS_DODRAG} {$ENDIF} {$IFNDEF ASM_VERSION} {$DEFINE USE_PAS_DODRAG} {$ENDIF} {$IFDEF USE_PAS_DODRAG} procedure DoDrag( Self_: PControl; Cancel: Boolean ); var NewSize1, NewSize2: Integer; MousePos: TPoint; R: TRect; Prev: PControl; I, M : Integer; begin if {$IFDEF USE_FLAGS} G6_Dragging in Self_.fFlagsG6 {$ELSE} Self_.fDragging {$ENDIF} then begin I := Self_.fParent.fChildren.IndexOf( Self_ ); Prev := Self_; if I > 0 then Prev := Self_.FParent.fChildren.Items[ I - 1 ]; GetCursorPos( MousePos ); {$IFDEF SPEED_FASTER} if (MousePos.X = Self_.DF.fSplitLastPos.X) and (MousePos.Y = Self_.DF.fSplitLastPos.Y) then Exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>} Self_.DF.fSplitLastPos := MousePos; {$ENDIF SPEED_FASTER} if Cancel then MousePos := Self_.DF.fSplitStartPos; M := 1; if Self_.FAlign in [ caRight, caBottom ] then M := -1; if Self_.FAlign in [ caTop, caBottom ] then begin NewSize1 := (MousePos.y - Self_.DF.fSplitStartPos.y)* M + Self_.DF.fSplitStartSize; NewSize2 := Self_.fParent.ClientHeight - NewSize1 - Self_.fBoundsRect.Bottom + Self_.fBoundsRect.Top - Self_.fParent.fMargin * 4; if Self_.DF.fSecondControl <> nil then begin NewSize2 := Self_.DF.fSecondControl.fBoundsRect.Bottom - Self_.DF.fSecondControl.fBoundsRect.Top; if Self_.DF.fSecondControl.FAlign = caClient then NewSize2 := Self_.DF.fSplitStartPos2.y - (MousePos.y - Self_.DF.fSplitStartPos.y)* M - Self_.fParent.fMargin * 4; end; end else begin NewSize1 := (MousePos.x - Self_.DF.fSplitStartPos.x)* M + Self_.DF.fSplitStartSize; NewSize2 := Self_.fParent.ClientWidth - NewSize1 - Self_.fBoundsRect.Right + Self_.fBoundsRect.Left - Self_.fParent.fMargin * 4; if Self_.DF.fSecondControl <> nil then begin NewSize2 := Self_.DF.fSecondControl.fBoundsRect.Right - Self_.DF.fSecondControl.fBoundsRect.Left; if Self_.DF.fSecondControl.FAlign = caClient then NewSize2 := Self_.DF.fSplitStartPos2.x - (MousePos.x - Self_.DF.fSplitStartPos.x)* M - Self_.fParent.Margin * 4; end; end; if (NewSize1 < Self_.DF.fSplitMinSize1) then begin Dec( NewSize2, Self_.DF.fSplitMinSize1 - NewSize1 ); NewSize1 := Self_.DF.fSplitMinSize1; end; if (NewSize2 < Self_.DF.fSplitMinSize2) then begin Dec( NewSize1, Self_.DF.fSplitMinSize2 - NewSize2 ); NewSize2 := Self_.DF.fSplitMinSize2; end; if NewSize1 < Self_.DF.fSplitMinSize1 then Exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} if NewSize2 < Self_.DF.fSplitMinSize2 then Exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} {$IFDEF NIL_EVENTS} if assigned( Self_.EV.fOnSplit ) then {$ENDIF} if not Self_.EV.fOnSplit( Self_, NewSize1, NewSize2 ) then Exit; {>>} R := Prev.BoundsRect; case Self_.FAlign of caTop: R.Bottom := R.Top + NewSize1; caBottom: R.Top := R.Bottom - NewSize1; caRight: R.Left := R.Right - NewSize1; else R.Right := R.Left + NewSize1; end; Prev.BoundsRect := R; {$IFDEF OLD_ALIGN} Global_Align( Self_.fParent ); {$ELSE NEW_ALIGN} Global_Align( Self_ ); {$ENDIF} end; end; {$ENDIF} const chkLeft=2; chkTop=4; chkRight=8; chkBott=16; {$DEFINE USE!_ASM_DODRAG} {$IFDEF ASM_VERSION}{$ELSE PAS_VERSION} //Pascal function WndProcSplitter( Self_: PControl; var Msg: TMsg; var Rslt: Integer ): Boolean; var I: Integer; Prev: PControl; procedure FinDrag; begin KillTimer( Self_.fHandle, $7B ); {$IFDEF USE_FLAGS} exclude( Self_.fFlagsG6, G6_Dragging ); {$ELSE} Self_.fDragging := False; {$ENDIF} ReleaseCapture; end; begin case Msg.message of WM_NCHITTEST: begin Rslt := DefWindowProc( Self_.fHandle, Msg.message, Msg.wParam, Msg.lParam ); if Rslt > 0 then Rslt := HTCLIENT; Result := True; Exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} end; WM_MOUSEMOVE: begin Windows.SetCursor( Self_.fCursor ); DoDrag( Self_, False ); end; WM_LBUTTONDOWN: begin if Self_.fParent <> nil then begin I := Self_.fParent.fChildren.IndexOf( Self_ ); Prev := Self_; if I > 0 then Prev := Self_.FParent.fChildren.Items[ I - 1 ]; if Self_.fAlign in [ caTop, caBottom ] then Self_.DF.fSplitStartSize := Prev.Height else Self_.DF.fSplitStartSize := Prev.Width; if Self_.DF.fSecondControl <> nil then Self_.DF.fSplitStartPos2 := MakePoint( Self_.DF.fSecondControl.Width, Self_.DF.fSecondControl.Height ); SetCapture( Self_.fHandle ); {$IFDEF SPEED_FASTER} Self_.DF.fSplitLastPos := MakePoint( -1, -1 ); {$ENDIF} {$IFDEF USE_FLAGS} Include( Self_.fFlagsG6, G6_Dragging ); {$ELSE} Self_.fDragging := True; {$ENDIF} SetTimer( Self_.fHandle, $7B, 100, nil ); GetCursorPos( Self_.DF.fSplitStartPos ); end; end; WM_LBUTTONUP: begin DoDrag( Self_, False ); FinDrag; end; WM_TIMER: if {$IFDEF USE_FLAGS} (G6_Dragging in Self_.fFlagsG6) {$ELSE} Self_.fDragging {$ENDIF} and (GetAsyncKeyState( VK_ESCAPE ) < 0) then begin DoDrag( Self_, True ); FinDrag; end; end; Result := False; end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION} function NewSplitter( AParent: PControl; MinSizePrev, MinSizeNext: Integer ): PControl; begin Result := NewSplitterEx( AParent, MinSizePrev, MinSizeNext, esLowered ); end; {$IFDEF USE_CONSTRUCTORS} function NewSplitterEx( AParent: PControl; MinSizePrev, MinSizeNext: Integer; EdgeStyle: TEdgeStyle ): PControl; begin new( Result, CreateSplitter( AParent, MinSizePrev, MinSizeNext, EdgeStyle ) ); {$IFDEF DEBUG_OBJKIND} Result.fObjKind := 'TControl:SplitterEx'; {$ENDIF} end; {$ELSE not_USE_CONSTRUCTORS} {$IFDEF ASM_VERSION}{$ELSE PAS_VERSION} //Pascal function NewSplitterEx( AParent: PControl; MinSizePrev, MinSizeNext: Integer; EdgeStyle: TEdgeStyle ): PControl; var PrevCtrl: PControl; Sz0: Integer; begin Result := NewPanel( AParent, EdgeStyle ); Result.DF.fSplitMinSize1 := MinSizePrev; Result.DF.fSplitMinSize2 := MinSizeNext; {$IFDEF USE_FLAGS} include( Result.fFlagsG5, G5_IsSplitter ); {$ELSE} Result.fIsSplitter := TRUE; {$ENDIF} Sz0 := 4; with Result.fBoundsRect do begin Right := Left + Sz0; Bottom := Top + Sz0; end; if AParent <> nil then begin if AParent.fChildren.fCount > 1 then begin PrevCtrl := AParent.fChildren.Items[ AParent.fChildren.fCount - 2 ]; case PrevCtrl.FAlign of caLeft, caRight: begin Result.fCursor := LoadCursor( 0, IDC_SIZEWE ); end; caTop, caBottom: begin Result.fCursor := LoadCursor( 0, IDC_SIZENS ); end; end; Result.Align := PrevCtrl.FAlign; end; end; Result.AttachProc( WndProcSplitter ); {$IFDEF GRAPHCTL_XPSTYLES} Attach_WM_THEMECHANGED(Result, XP_Themes_For_Splitter); {$ENDIF} end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION} {$ENDIF USE_CONSTRUCTORS} {$IFDEF USE_MDI} //===================== MDI client window control =============// procedure DestroyMDIChildren( Form: PControl ); var MDIClient: PControl; I: Integer; Ch: PControl; MDIChildren: PList; begin //MDIClient := Form.MDIClient; MDIClient := nil; for I := 0 to Form.ChildCount-1 do begin Ch := Form.Children[I]; if Ch.PropInt[ MDI_CHLDRN ] <> 0 then begin MDIClient := Ch; break; end; end; if MDIClient = nil then Exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} MDIClient.fAnchors := MDIClient.fAnchors or MDI_DESTROYING; MDIChildren := Pointer( MDIClient.PropInt[ MDI_CHLDRN ] ); if MDIChildren <> nil then for I := MDIChildren.Count - 1 downto 0 do begin Ch := MDIChildren.Items[ I ]; if Ch.fHandle <> 0 then MDIClient.Perform( WM_MDIDESTROY, Ch.fHandle, 0 ); end; MDIChildren.Free; MDIClient.PropInt[ MDI_CHLDRN ] := 0; if Form.fMenu <> 0 then begin MDIClient.Perform( WM_MDISETMENU, 0, 0 ); MDIClient.Perform( WM_MDIREFRESHMENU, 0, 0 ); DrawMenuBar( Form.fHandle ); Form.fMenuObj.Free; Form.fMenuObj := nil; end; MDIClient.Free; end; function ProcMDIAccel( Applet: PControl; var Msg: TMsg ): Boolean; var Form: PControl; begin Result := FALSE; if (Msg.message >= WM_KEYFIRST) and (Msg.message <= WM_KEYLAST) then begin Form := Applet.ActiveControl; if Form <> nil then begin if Form.IsMDIChild then Form := Form.Parent; Form := Form.ParentForm; if (Form <> nil) and (Form.MDIClient <> nil) then Result := TranslateMDISysAccel( Form.MDIClient.fHandle, Windows.TMsg(Msg) ); end; end; end; function CallDefFrameProc( Wnd: HWnd; Msg: Integer; wParam, lParam: Integer ): Integer; stdcall; var Form, MDIClient: PControl; begin {$IFDEF USE_PROP} Form := Pointer( GetProp( Wnd, ID_SELF ) ); {$ELSE} Form := Pointer( GetWindowLong( Wnd, GWL_USERDATA ) ); {$ENDIF} if Form <> nil then Form := Form.ParentForm; MDIClient := Form.MDIClient; if (Form <> nil) and (MDIClient <> nil) then Result := DefFrameProc( Wnd, MDIClient.fHandle, Msg, wParam, lParam ) else Result := DefWindowProc( Wnd, Msg, wParam, lParam ); end; function WndFuncMDIClient( Wnd: HWnd; Msg, wParam, lParam: Integer ): Integer; stdcall; var C: PControl; M: TMsg; begin {$IFDEF USE_PROP} C := Pointer( GetProp( Wnd, ID_SELF ) ); {$ELSE} C := Pointer( GetWindowLong( Wnd, GWL_USERDATA ) ); {$ENDIF} if C <> nil then begin M.hwnd := Wnd; M.message := Msg; M.wParam := wParam; M.lParam := lParam; Result := C.WndProc( M ); end else Result := DefWindowProc( Wnd, Msg, wParam, lParam ); end; function ShowMDIClientEdge( MDIClient: PControl ): Boolean; var ShowEdge: Boolean; I: Integer; Ch: PControl; ExStyle: Integer; MDIChildren: PList; begin Result := FALSE; ShowEdge := TRUE; MDIChildren := Pointer( MDIClient.PropInt[ MDI_CHLDRN ] ); if MDIChildren.Count > 0 then for I := 0 to MDIChildren.Count-1 do begin Ch := MDIChildren.Items[ I ]; if IsZoomed( Ch.fHandle ) then begin ShowEdge := FALSE; break; end; end; ExStyle := MDIClient.ExStyle; if ShowEdge then if ExStyle and WS_EX_CLIENTEDGE = 0 then ExStyle := ExStyle or WS_EX_CLIENTEDGE else Exit {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} else if ExStyle and WS_EX_CLIENTEDGE <> 0 then ExStyle := ExStyle and not WS_EX_CLIENTEDGE else Exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} MDIClient.ExStyle := ExStyle; Result := TRUE; end; function WndProcMDIClient( MDIClient: PControl; var Msg: TMsg; var Rslt: Integer ): Boolean; begin Result := FALSE; if MDIClient.fAnchors and MDI_DESTROYING = 0 then case Msg.message of $3f: begin PostMessage( MDIClient.fHandle, CM_MDIClientShowEdge, 0, 0 ); end; CM_MDIClientShowEdge: begin ShowMDIClientEdge( MDIClient ); end; WM_NCHITTEST: // not necessary though begin Rslt := DefWindowProc( MDIClient.fHandle, WM_NCHITTEST, Msg.wParam, Msg.lParam ); if Rslt = HTCLIENT then Rslt := HTTRANSPARENT; end; WM_WINDOWPOSCHANGING: begin MDIClient.Perform( WM_SETREDRAW, 0, 0 ); end; WM_WINDOWPOSCHANGED: begin Global_Align( {$IFDEF OLD_ALIGN}MDIClient.Parent{$ELSE}MDIClient{$ENDIF} ); MDIClient.Invalidate; MDIClient.Parent.Invalidate; MDIClient.Perform( WM_SETREDRAW, 1, 0 ); PostMessage( MDIClient.fHandle, CM_INVALIDATE, 0, 0 ); end; CM_INVALIDATE: begin MDIClient.InvalidateNC( TRUE ); MDIClient.InvalidateEx; end; WM_DESTROY: begin MDIClient.FParent.fMDIClient := nil; end; end; end; // function added by Thaddy de Koning to fix MDI behaviour function WndProcParentNotifyMouseLDown( Sender: PControl; var Msg: TMsg; var Rslt: Integer ): Boolean; begin Result := FALSE; if (Sender.IsMDIChild) and (Msg.message = WM_PARENTNOTIFY) and (LOWORD(msg.wparam)=WM_LBUTTONDOWN) then BringWindowToTop( Sender.Handle ); end; function NewMDIClient( AParent: PControl; WindowMenu: THandle ): PControl; var F: PControl; CCS: TClientCreateStruct; PrntWin: HWnd; begin PrntWin := 0; if AParent <> nil then begin F := AParent.ParentForm; if F <> nil then begin F.Add2AutoFreeEx( TObjectMethod( MakeMethod( F, @ DestroyMDIChildren ) ) ); F.GetWindowHandle; // must be created before MDI client creation F.fDefWndProc := @CallDefFrameProc; end; PrntWin := AParent.GetWindowHandle; end; Applet.PP.fExMsgProc := ProcMDIAccel; Result := _NewControl( AParent, 'MDICLIENT', WS_CHILD or WS_CLIPCHILDREN or WS_VSCROLL or WS_HSCROLL or WS_VISIBLE or WS_TABSTOP or MDIS_ALLCHILDSTYLES, TRUE, {$IFDEF PACK_COMMANDACTIONS} PAnsiChar(OTHER_ACTIONS) {$ELSE} nil {$ENDIF} ); AParent.fMDIClient := Result; {$IFDEF DEBUG_OBJKIND} Result.fObjKind := 'TControl:MDIClient'; {$ENDIF} Result.fExStyle := WS_EX_CLIENTEDGE; CCS.hWindowMenu := WindowMenu; CCS.idFirstChild := $FF00; Result.fHandle := CreateWindowEx( WS_EX_CLIENTEDGE, 'MDICLIENT', nil, WS_CHILD or WS_CLIPCHILDREN or WS_VSCROLL or WS_HSCROLL or WS_VISIBLE or WS_TABSTOP, 0, 0, 0, 0, PrntWin, 0, hInstance, @ CCS ); Result.fDefWndProc := Pointer( GetWindowLong( Result.fHandle, GWL_WNDPROC ) ); SetWindowLong( Result.fHandle, GWL_WNDPROC, Integer( @WndFuncMDIClient ) ); Result.PropInt[ MDI_CHLDRN ] := Integer( NewList ); {$IFDEF USE_PROP} SetProp( Result.fHandle, ID_SELF, Integer( Result ) ); {$ELSE} SetWindowLong( Result.fHandle, GWL_USERDATA, Integer( Result ) ); {$ENDIF} Result.AttachProc( WndProcMDIClient ); Result.GetWindowHandle; Applet.AttachProc( WndProcParentNotifyMouseLDown ); end; //===================== MDI child window object ==============// function MDIChildFunc( Wnd: HWnd; Msg: DWord; wParam, lParam: Integer ): Integer; stdcall; var C: PControl; M: TMsg; begin {$IFDEF USE_PROP} C := Pointer( GetProp( Wnd, ID_SELF ) ); {$ELSE} C := Pointer( GetWindowLong( Wnd, GWL_USERDATA ) ); {$ENDIF} if C <> nil then begin M.hwnd := Wnd; M.message := Msg; M.wParam := wParam; M.lParam := lParam; Result := C.WndProc( M ); end else Result := DefMDIChildProc( Wnd, Msg, wParam, lParam ); end; function Pass2DefMDIChildProc( Sender_: PControl; var Msg: TMsg; var Rslt: Integer ): Boolean; begin Result := FALSE; if Sender_ = nil then Exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} if Sender_.fParent = nil then Exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} if {$IFDEF USE_FLAGS} G2_Destroying in Sender_.fParent.fFlagsG2 {$ELSE} Sender_.fParent.fDestroying {$ENDIF} then Exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} if (Msg.message = WM_SYSCOMMAND) or (Msg.message = WM_CHILDACTIVATE) or (Msg.message = WM_SETFOCUS) or (Msg.message = WM_SIZE) or (Msg.message = WM_MOVE) or (Msg.message = WM_MENUCHAR) or (Msg.message = WM_GETMINMAXINFO) {and IsZoomed( Sender_.fHandle ) {and (Msg.hwnd = Sender_.fHandle) { -- doesn't work -- } or (Msg.message = WM_PAINT) then begin Rslt := DefMDIChildProc( Msg.hwnd, Msg.message, Msg.lParam, Msg.wParam ); Result := TRUE; end; end; function WndProcMDIChild( MDIChild: PControl; var Msg: TMsg; var Rslt: Integer ): Boolean; var ClientWnd: HWnd; MDIClient: PControl; MDIForm: PControl; MDIChildren: PList; begin Result := FALSE; MDIClient := MDIChild.Parent; if MDIClient = nil then Exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} ClientWnd := MDIClient.fHandle; if ClientWnd = 0 then Exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} case Msg.message of WM_DESTROY: begin MDIChildren := Pointer( MDIClient.PropInt[ MDI_CHLDRN ] ); MDIChildren.Remove( MDIChild ); MDIForm := MDIClient.ParentForm; if MDIForm <> nil then if MDIForm.fHandle <> 0 then DrawMenuBar( MDIForm.fHandle ); MDIChild.Free; Result := TRUE; Exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} end; end; if MDIChild.fAnchors and MDI_NOT_AVAILABLE <> 0 then begin MDIChild.fAnchors := MDIChild.fAnchors and not MDI_NOT_AVAILABLE; MDIChild.Invalidate; end; end; procedure CreateMDIChildExt( Sender: PControl ); var F: PControl; begin F := Sender.Parent; if F <> nil then F := F.ParentForm; if F <> nil then DrawMenuBar( F.fHandle ); end; var mdi_child_id: Integer = $FF00; function NewMDIChild( AParent: PControl; const ACaption: KOLString ): PControl; var MDIClient: PControl; MDIChildren: PList; i: Integer; begin {$IFDEF KOL_ASSERTIONS} Assert( (AParent <> nil) and (AParent.ParentForm <> nil) and (AParent.ParentForm.MDIClient <> nil), 'Error creating MDI child' ); {$ENDIF KOL_ASSERTIONS} MDIClient := AParent.ParentForm.MDIClient; MDIChildren := Pointer( MDIClient.PropInt[ MDI_CHLDRN ] ); for i := 0 to MDIChildren.Count-1 do begin Result := MDIChildren.Items[i]; //if Result.DF.fWindowState = wsMaximized then if IsZoomed( Result.fHandle ) then begin MDIClient.Perform( WM_MDIRESTORE, Result.fHandle, 0 ); end; end; Result := NewForm( MDIClient, ACaption ); {$IFDEF DEBUG_OBJKIND} Result.fObjKind := 'TControl:MDIChild'; {$ENDIF} {$IFDEF USE_FLAGS} include( Result.fFlagsG3, G3_IsMDIChild ); {$ELSE} Result.fIsMDIChild := TRUE; {$ENDIF} Result.fMenu := mdi_child_id; // CtlIdCount; Inc( mdi_child_id ); MDIChildren.Add( Result ); Result.fExStyle := Result.fExStyle or WS_EX_MDICHILD; Result.PP.fWndFunc := @ MDIChildFunc; Result.fDefWndProc := @DefMDIChildProc; Result.PP.fPass2DefProc := Pass2DefMDIChildProc; Result.AttachProc( WndProcMDIChild ); Result.SubClassName := 'MDI_chld'; Result.fAnchors := Result.fAnchors or MDI_NOT_AVAILABLE; Result.PP.fCreateWndExt := CreateMDIChildExt; Result.fCreateWindowProc := CreateMDIWindow; end; {$ENDIF USE_MDI} //===================== Gradient panel ========================// {$IFDEF USE_CONSTRUCTORS} function NewGradientPanel( AParent: PControl; Color1, Color2: TColor ): PControl; begin new( Result, CreateGradientPanel( AParent, Color1, Color2 ) ); {$IFDEF DEBUG_OBJKIND} Result.fObjKind := 'TControl:GradientPanel'; {$ENDIF} end; {$ELSE not_USE_CONSTRUCTORS} {$IFDEF ASM_VERSION}{$ELSE PAS_VERSION} //Pascal function NewGradientPanel( AParent: PControl; Color1, Color2: TColor ): PControl; begin Result := NewLabel( AParent, '' ); Result.AttachProc( WndProcGradient ); Result.DF.fColor2 := Color2; Result.DF.fColor1 := Color1; with Result.fBoundsRect do begin Right := Left + 40; Bottom := Top + 40; end; end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION} {$ENDIF USE_CONSTRUCTORS} {$IFDEF USE_CONSTRUCTORS} function NewGradientPanelEx( AParent: PControl; Color1, Color2: TColor; Style: TGradientStyle; Layout: TGradientLayout ): PControl; begin new( Result, CreateGradientPanelEx( AParent, Color1, Color2, Style, Layout ) ); {$IFDEF DEBUG_OBJKIND} Result.fObjKind := 'TControl:GradientPanelEx'; {$ENDIF} end; {$ELSE not_USE_CONSTRUCTORS} {$IFDEF ASM_VERSION}{$ELSE PAS_VERSION} //Pascal function NewGradientPanelEx( AParent: PControl; Color1, Color2: TColor; Style: TGradientStyle; Layout: TGradientLayout ): PControl; begin Result := NewLabel( AParent, '' ); Result.AttachProc( WndProcGradientEx ); Result.DF.fColor2 := Color2; Result.DF.fColor1 := Color1; Result.DF.fGradientStyle := Style; Result.DF.fGradientLayout := Layout; with Result.fBoundsRect do begin Right := Left + 40; Bottom := Top + 40; end; end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION} {$ENDIF USE_CONSTRUCTORS} //===================== Edit box ========================// const Editflags: array [ TEditOption ] of Integer = ( not (ES_AUTOHSCROLL or WS_HSCROLL), not (es_AutoVScroll or WS_VSCROLL), es_Lowercase, es_Multiline, es_NoHideSel, es_OemConvert, es_Password, es_Readonly, es_UpperCase, es_WantReturn, 0, es_Number ); {$IFDEF USE_CONSTRUCTORS} function NewEditbox( AParent: PControl; Options: TEditOptions ) : PControl; begin new( Result, CreateEditbox( AParent, Options ) ); {$IFDEF DEBUG_OBJKIND} Result.fObjKind := 'TControl:Editbox'; {$ENDIF} end; {$ELSE not_USE_CONSTRUCTORS} {$IFDEF _D3orHigher} function WndProcUnicodeChars( Sender: PControl; var Msg: TMsg; var Rslt: Integer ): Boolean; var WStr, WW: KOLWideString; RepeatCount: Integer; C: KOLChar; begin Result := FALSE; if (Msg.message = WM_CHAR) and (Msg.wParam >= 32) {$IFDEF UNICODE_CHAR_EXTCTL} and (GetKeyState(VK_CONTROL) >= 0) and (GetKeyState(VK_ALT) >= 0) and (GetKeyState(VK_LWIN) >= 0) and (GetKeyState(VK_RWIN) >= 0) {$ENDIF} then begin Result := TRUE; {$IFDEF NIL_EVENTS} if assigned( Sender.EV.fOnChar ) then {$ENDIF} begin C := KOLChar( Msg.wParam ); Sender.EV.fOnChar( Sender, C, GetShiftState ); Msg.wParam := Integer( C ); end; WStr := WideChar(Msg.wParam); if WStr <> '' then begin RepeatCount := Msg.lParam and $FFFF; if RepeatCount > 1 then begin WW := WStr[1]; for RepeatCount := 2 to RepeatCount do WStr := WStr + WW; end; Sender.ReplaceSelection( KOLString( WStr ), TRUE ); end; Rslt := 0; end; end; {$ENDIF _D3orHigher} {$IFDEF ASM_VERSION}{$ELSE PAS_VERSION} //Pascal function NewEditbox( AParent: PControl; Options: TEditOptions ) : PControl; var Flags: Integer; begin Flags := MakeFlags( @Options, EditFlags ); if not(eoMultiline in Options) then Flags := Flags and not(WS_HSCROLL or WS_VSCROLL); Result := _NewControl( AParent, 'EDIT', WS_VISIBLE or WS_CHILD or WS_TABSTOP or WS_BORDER or Flags, True, {$IFDEF PACK_COMMANDACTIONS} EditActions_Packed {$ELSE} @EditActions {$ENDIF} ); {$IFDEF DEBUG_OBJKIND} Result.fObjKind := 'TControl:Editbox'; {$ENDIF} Result.aAutoSzY := 6; with Result.fBoundsRect do begin Right := Left + 100; Bottom := Top + 22; if eoMultiline in Options then begin Right := Right + 100; Bottom := Top + 200; {$IFDEF USE_FLAGS} include( Result.fFlagsG5, G5_IgnoreDefault ); {$ELSE} Result.fIgnoreDefault := TRUE; {$ENDIF} end; end; Result.fLookTabKeys := [ tkTab, tkUpDown, tkPageUpPageDn ]; if eoMultiline in Options then Result.fLookTabKeys := [ tkTab ]; if eoWantTab in Options then exclude( Result.fLookTabKeys, tkTab ); {$IFDEF UNICODE_CTRLS} {$IFDEF _D3orHigher} Result.AttachProc( WndProcUnicodeChars ); {$ENDIF} {$ENDIF} end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION} {$ENDIF USE_CONSTRUCTORS} //===================== List box ========================// const ListFlags: array[TListOption] of Integer = ( LBS_DISABLENOScroll, not LBS_ExtendedSel, LBS_MultiColumn or WS_HSCROLL, LBS_MultiPLESel, LBS_NoIntegralHeight, LBS_NoSel, LBS_Sort, LBS_USETabstops, not LBS_HASSTRINGS, LBS_NODATA, LBS_OWNERDRAWFIXED, LBS_OWNERDRAWVARIABLE, WS_HSCROLL ); {$IFDEF USE_CONSTRUCTORS} function NewListbox( AParent: PControl; Options: TListOptions ): PControl; begin new( Result, CreateListbox( AParent, Options ) ); {$IFDEF DEBUG_OBJKIND} Result.fObjKind := 'TControl:Listbox'; {$ENDIF} end; {$ELSE not_USE_CONSTRUCTORS} {$IFDEF ASM_UNICODE}{$ELSE PAS_VERSION} //Pascal function NewListbox( AParent: PControl; Options: TListOptions ): PControl; var Flags: Integer; begin Flags := MakeFlags( @Options, ListFlags ); Result := _NewControl( AParent, 'LISTBOX', WS_VISIBLE or WS_CHILD or WS_TABSTOP or WS_BORDER or WS_VSCROLL or LBS_NOTIFY or Flags, True, {$IFDEF PACK_COMMANDACTIONS} ListActions_Packed {$ELSE} @ListActions {$ENDIF} ); {$IFDEF PACK_COMMANDACTIONS} Result.fCommandActions.aClear := ClearListbox; {$ENDIF} {$IFDEF DEBUG_OBJKIND} Result.fObjKind := 'TControl:Listbox'; {$ENDIF} with Result.fBoundsRect do begin Right := Right + 100; Bottom := Top + 200; end; Result.fColor := clWindow; Result.fLookTabKeys := [ tkTab, tkLeftRight ]; end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION} {$ENDIF USE_CONSTRUCTORS} //===================== Combo box ========================// {$IFNDEF USE_DROPDOWNCOUNT} {$IFDEF ASM_VERSION}{$ELSE PAS_VERSION} //Pascal procedure ComboboxDropDown( Sender: PObj ); var CB: PControl; IC: Integer; begin CB := PControl( Sender ); IC := CB.Count; if IC > 8 then IC := 8; if IC < 1 then IC := 1; SetWindowPos( CB.Handle, 0, 0, 0, CB.Width, CB.Height * (IC + 1) + 2, SWP_NOMOVE + SWP_NOZORDER + SWP_NOACTIVATE + SWP_NOREDRAW + SWP_HIDEWINDOW); SetWindowPos( CB.Handle, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, SWP_NOMOVE + SWP_NOSIZE + SWP_NOZORDER + SWP_NOACTIVATE + SWP_NOREDRAW + SWP_SHOWWINDOW); {$IFDEF NIL_EVENTS} if assigned( CB.EV.fOnDropDown ) then {$ENDIF} CB.EV.fOnDropDown( CB ); end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION} {$ELSE newcode} procedure ComboboxDropDown( Sender: PObj ); var CB: PControl; Count: Integer; DropDownCount: Integer; ItemHeight: Integer; begin CB := PControl(Sender); Count := CB.Count; DropDownCount := CB.DropDownCount; // 8; if (Count > DropDownCount) then Count := DropDownCount; if (Count < 1) then Count := 1; ItemHeight := CB.Perform(CB_GETITEMHEIGHT, 0, 0); SetWindowPos( CB.Handle, 0, 0, 0, CB.Width, ItemHeight * Count + CB.Height + 2, SWP_NOMOVE or SWP_NOZORDER or SWP_NOACTIVATE or SWP_NOREDRAW or SWP_HIDEWINDOW); SetWindowPos( CB.Handle, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, SWP_NOMOVE or SWP_NOSIZE or SWP_NOZORDER or SWP_NOACTIVATE or SWP_NOREDRAW or SWP_SHOWWINDOW); {$IFDEF NIL_EVENTS} if Assigned(CB.EV.fOnDropDown) then {$ENDIF} CB.EV.fOnDropDown(CB); end; {$ENDIF USE_DROPDOWNCOUNT} function WndFuncCombo( W: HWnd; Msg: Cardinal; wParam, lParam: Integer ) : Integer; stdcall; var Combo, Form: PControl; ParentWnd : HWnd; MsgStruct: TMsg; PrevProc:Pointer; //********************************** Added By M.Gerasimov begin Combo := nil; ParentWnd := GetParent( W ); if ParentWnd <> 0 then {$IFDEF USE_PROP} Combo := Pointer( GetProp( ParentWnd, ID_SELF ) ); {$ELSE} Combo := Pointer( GetWindowLong( ParentWnd, GWL_USERDATA ) ); {$ENDIF} if (Combo <> nil) then begin MsgStruct.hwnd := Combo.fHandle; MsgStruct.message := Msg; MsgStruct.wParam := wParam; MsgStruct.lParam := lParam; Form := Combo.ParentForm; if fGlobalProcKeybd( Combo, MsgStruct, Result ) then Exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>} if W <> Combo.FHandle then begin if ( Applet <> nil ) {$IFDEF NIL_EVENTS} and Assigned( Applet.EV.fOnMessage ) {$ENDIF} then if Applet.EV.fOnMessage( MsgStruct, Result ) then Exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} if (Applet <> Form) and (Form <> nil) then {$IFDEF NIL_EVENTS} if Assigned( Form.EV.fOnMessage ) then {$ENDIF} if Form.EV.fOnMessage( MsgStruct, Result ) then Exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} end; if (Combo.ToBeVisible) and ((Msg = WM_KEYDOWN) or (Msg = WM_KEYUP) or (Msg = WM_CHAR)) then begin Result := 0; if (wParam = VK_TAB) then begin case Msg of WM_KEYDOWN: if {$IFDEF NIL_EVENTS} Assigned( Combo.PP.fGotoControl ) and {$ENDIF} Combo.PP.fGotoControl( Combo, wParam, FALSE ) then Exit; {>>>>>>} else Exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} end; end else if (Msg = WM_CHAR) and ((wParam = VK_ESCAPE) or (wParam = VK_RETURN)) then begin if Combo.Perform( CB_GETDROPPEDSTATE, 0, 0 ) <> 0 then begin Combo.Perform( CB_SHOWDROPDOWN, 0, 0 ); if wParam = VK_ESCAPE then Combo.Perform( CB_SETCURSEL, Combo.DF.fCurIdxAtDrop, 0 ); Combo.PP.fWndProcKeybd( Combo, MsgStruct, Result ); Exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} end {$IFDEF ESC_CLOSE_DIALOGS} //---------------------------------Babenko Alexey-------------------------- else if (wparam = VK_ESCAPE) then if (combo.ParentForm.ExStyle and WS_EX_DLGMODALFRAME) <> 0 then begin SendMessage(combo.ParentForm.Handle, WM_CLOSE, 0, 0); exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} end; {$ENDIF} end; {$IFDEF KEY_PREVIEW} if {$IFDEF USE_FLAGS} not(G4_Pushed in Form.fFlagsG4) {$ELSE} not Form.fKeyPreviewing {$ENDIF} then begin if {$IFDEF USE_FLAGS} G6_KeyPreview in Form.fFlagsG6 {$ELSE} Form.fKeyPreview {$ENDIF} then begin {$IFDEF USE_FLAGS} include( Form.fFlagsG4, G4_Pushed ); {$ELSE} Form.fKeyPreviewing := TRUE; {$ENDIF} inc( Form.DF.FKeyPreviewCount ); //Form.Perform(Msg, wParam, lParam); Form.PP.fWndProcKeybd( Form, MsgStruct, Result ); dec( Form.DF.fKeyPreviewCount ); if MsgStruct.wParam = 0 then begin Result := 0; Exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} end; end; end; {$ENDIF} Combo.PP.fWndProcKeybd( Combo, MsgStruct, Result ); end else if Msg = WM_SETFOCUS then begin if Form <> nil then Form.DF.fCurrentControl := Combo; end; MsgStruct.hwnd := W; //********************************************************* Added By M.Gerasimov PrevProc:=Pointer(GetProp( W, ID_PREVPROC )); if PrevProc <> Nil then Result := CallWindowProc( PrevProc , W, MsgStruct.message, MsgStruct.wParam, MsgStruct.lParam ) else Result:=0; //********************************************************* end else Result := DefWindowProc( W, Msg, wParam, lParam ); end; {$IFDEF ASM_UNICODE}{$ELSE PAS_VERSION} //Pascal procedure CreateComboboxWnd( Combo: PControl ); var W : HWND; PrevProc: DWORD; begin W := GetWindow( Combo.fHandle, GW_CHILD ); {if W <> 0 then W := GetWindow( W, GW_HWNDNEXT );} while W <> 0 do begin PrevProc := SetWindowLong( W, GWL_WNDPROC, Longint( @WndFuncCombo ) ); SetProp( W, ID_PREVPROC, PrevProc ); // W := GetWindow( W, GW_HWNDNEXT ); end; end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION} procedure RemoveChldPrevProc( fHandle: HWnd ); var Chld: HWnd; begin Chld := GetWindow( fHandle, GW_CHILD ); while Chld <> 0 do begin if GetProp( Chld, ID_PREVPROC ) <> 0 then RemoveProp(Chld, ID_PREVPROC); Chld := GetWindow( Chld, GW_HWNDNEXT ); end; end; function WndProcCombo( Sender: PControl; var Msg: TMsg; var Rslt: Integer ): Boolean; {$IFDEF UNICODE_CTRLS} var s: KOLString; w: PWideChar; L: Integer; {$ENDIF} begin Result := FALSE; if (Msg.message >= WM_CTLCOLORMSGBOX) and (Msg.message <= WM_CTLCOLORSTATIC) then begin Rslt := Sender.Perform( Msg.message + CN_BASE, Msg.wParam, Msg.lParam ); Result := TRUE; end else if (Msg.message >= CN_CTLCOLORMSGBOX) and (Msg.message <= CN_CTLCOLORSTATIC) then begin if {$IFDEF USE_FLAGS} G2_Transparent in Sender.fFlagsG2 {$ELSE} Sender.fTransparent {$ENDIF} then case Msg.message of CN_CTLCOLORLISTBOX: begin SetBkMode( Msg.wParam, Windows.OPAQUE ); SetBkColor(Msg.WParam, Color2RGB( Sender.fColor ) ); Rslt := Global_GetCtlBrushHandle( Sender ); Result := TRUE; end; end; end else if (Msg.message = CM_COMMAND) and Sender.ToBeVisible then begin case HiWord( Msg.wParam ) of CBN_DROPDOWN: begin Sender.DF.fCurIdxAtDrop := Sender.CurIndex; //Sender.fDropDownProc( Sender ); ComboboxDropDown( Sender ); end; CBN_CLOSEUP: begin {$IFDEF NIL_EVENTS} if Assigned( Sender.EV.fOnCloseUp ) then {$ENDIF} Sender.EV.fOnCloseUp( Sender ); end; CBN_SELCHANGE: begin PostMessage( Sender.fHandle, CM_COMMAND, CM_CBN_SELCHANGE shl 16, 0 ); end; end; end else if Msg.message = WM_DESTROY then RemoveChldPrevProc( Sender.Handle ) {$IFDEF UNICODE_CTRLS} else if (Msg.message = CB_INSERTSTRING) or (Msg.message = CB_ADDSTRING) then begin if {$IFDEF USE_FLAGS} not(G5_IsButton in Sender.fFlagsG5) {$ELSE} not Sender.fIsButton {$ENDIF} then begin {$IFDEF USE_FLAGS} Include( Sender.fFlagsG5, G5_IsButton ); {$ELSE} Sender.fIsButton := TRUE; {$ENDIF} w := Pointer( Msg.lParam ); L := WStrLen( w ); SetLength( s, L ); move( w^, s[1], L * SizeOf(KOLChar) ); Rslt := SendMessageW( Msg.hwnd, Msg.message, Msg.wParam, Integer( @s[1] ) ); Result := TRUE; {$IFDEF USE_FLAGS} Exclude( Sender.fFlagsG5, G5_IsButton ); {$ELSE} Sender.fIsButton := FALSE; {$ENDIF} end; end; {$ENDIF} end; const ComboFlags: array[ TComboOption ] of Integer = ( CBS_DROPDOWNLIST, not CBS_AUTOHScroll, CBS_DISABLENOSCROLL, CBS_LowerCase, CBS_NoIntegralHeight, CBS_OemConvert, CBS_Sort, CBS_UpperCase, CBS_OWNERDRAWFIXED, CBS_OWNERDRAWVARIABLE, CBS_SIMPLE ); {$IFDEF USE_CONSTRUCTORS} function NewCombobox( AParent: PControl; Options: TComboOptions ): PControl; begin new( Result, CreateCombobox( AParent, Options ) ); {$IFDEF DEBUG_OBJKIND} Result.fObjKind := 'TControl:Combobox'; {$ENDIF} end; {$ELSE not_USE_CONSTRUCTORS} {$IFDEF ASM_VERSION}{$ELSE PAS_VERSION} //Pascal function NewCombobox( AParent: PControl; Options: TComboOptions ): PControl; var Flags: Integer; begin {$IFDEF GRAPHCTL_XPSTYLES} {$IFDEF UNICODE_CTRLS} InitCommonControls; {$ENDIF} {$ENDIF} Flags := MakeFlags( @Options, ComboFlags ); if not LongBool( Flags and CBS_SIMPLE ) then Flags := Flags or CBS_DROPDOWN; Result := _NewControl( AParent, 'COMBOBOX', WS_VISIBLE or WS_CHILD or WS_VSCROLL or CBS_HASSTRINGS or WS_TABSTOP or Flags ,True, {$IFDEF PACK_COMMANDACTIONS} ComboActions_Packed {$ELSE} @ComboActions {$ENDIF} ); {$IFDEF DEBUG_OBJKIND} Result.fObjKind := 'TControl:Combobox'; {$ENDIF} {$IFDEF PACK_COMMANDACTIONS} Result.fCommandActions.aClear := @ClearCombobox; {$ENDIF} Result.aAutoSzY := 6; Result.PP.fCreateWndExt := CreateComboboxWnd; Result.fClsStyle := Result.fClsStyle or CS_DBLCLKS; with Result.fBoundsRect do begin Right := Left + 100; Bottom := Top + 22; end; Result.fLookTabKeys := [ tkTab ]; if coReadOnly in Options then Result.fLookTabKeys := [ tkTab, tkLeftRight ]; Result.AttachProc( @ WndProcCombo ); {$IFDEF USE_DROPDOWNCOUNT} Result.DropDownCount := 8; {$ENDIF} end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION} {$ENDIF USE_CONSTRUCTORS} {$IFDEF ASM_TLIST} function WndProcResize(Self_: PControl; var Msg: TMsg; var Rslt: Integer ): Boolean; asm PUSH ESI CMP word ptr [EDX].TMsg.message, WM_SIZE JNZ @@exit MOV ESI, [EAX].TControl.fChildren MOV ECX, [ESI].TList.fCount JECXZ @@exit MOV ESI, [ESI].TList.fItems @@loo: PUSH ECX LODSD PUSH EAX PUSH EAX PUSH CM_SIZE PUSH EAX CALL TControl.Perform POP ECX LOOP @@loo @@exit: XOR EAX, EAX POP ESI end; {$ELSE PAS_VERSION} //Pascal function WndProcResize(Self_: PControl; var Msg: TMsg; var Rslt: Integer ): Boolean; var I: Integer; C: PControl; begin if Msg.message = WM_SIZE then begin for I:= 0 to Self_.fChildren.fCount - 1 do begin C := Self_.fChildren.Items[ I ]; C.Perform( CM_SIZE, 0, 0 ); end; end; Result := False; // don't stop further processing end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION} {$IFDEF ASM_VERSION}{$ELSE PAS_VERSION} //Pascal function WndProcParentResize(Self_: PControl; var Msg: TMsg; var Rslt: Integer ): Boolean; begin Result := False; case Msg.message of CM_SIZE: begin Self_.Perform( WM_SIZE, 0, 0 ); Self_.Invalidate; end; end; end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION} {$IFDEF ASM_VERSION}{$ELSE PASCAL} procedure InitCommonControlCommonNotify( Ctrl: PControl ); var AParent: PControl; begin {$IFDEF USE_FLAGS} include( Ctrl.fFlagsG5, G5_IsCommonCtl ); {$ELSE} Ctrl.fIsCommonControl := True; {$ENDIF} AParent := Ctrl.Parent; if AParent <> nil then begin Ctrl.AttachProc( WndProcCommonNotify ); AParent.AttachProc( WndProcNotify ); end; end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION} procedure InitCommonControlSizeNotify( Ctrl: PControl ); var AParent: PControl; begin AParent := Ctrl.Parent; if AParent <> nil then begin Ctrl.AttachProc( WndProcParentResize ); AParent.AttachProc( WndProcResize ); end; end; function _NewCommonControl( AParent: PControl; ClassName: PKOLChar; Style: DWORD; Ctl3D: Boolean; Actions: TCommandActionsParam ): PControl; begin {*************} DoInitCommonControls( ICC_WIN95_CLASSES ); Result := _NewControl( AParent, ClassName, Style, Ctl3D, Actions ); {$IFDEF DEBUG_OBJKIND} Result.fObjKind := 'TControl:CommonControl'; {$ENDIF} InitCommonControlCommonNotify( Result ); end; //==================== Progress bar ======================// {$IFDEF USE_CONSTRUCTORS} function NewProgressbar( AParent: PControl ): PControl; begin new( Result, CreateProgressbar( AParent ) ); {$IFDEF DEBUG_OBJKIND} Result.fObjKind := 'TControl:Progressbar'; {$ENDIF} end; {$ELSE not_USE_CONSTRUCTORS} {$IFDEF ASM_VERSION}{$ELSE PAS_VERSION} //Pascal function NewProgressbar( AParent: PControl ): PControl; begin Result := _NewCommonControl( AParent, PROGRESS_CLASS, WS_CHILD or WS_VISIBLE, True, {$IFDEF PACK_COMMANDACTIONS} PAnsiChar( PROGRESS_ACTIONS ) {$ELSE} nil {$ENDIF} ); {$IFDEF DEBUG_OBJKIND} Result.fObjKind := 'TControl:ProgressBar'; {$ENDIF} with Result.fBoundsRect do begin Right := Left + 300; Bottom := Top + 20; end; Result.fMenu := 0; Result.fTextColor := clHighlight; Result.fCommandActions.aSetBkColor := PBM_SETBKCOLOR; //Result.fNCDestroyed := TRUE; // do not call DestroyWindow! end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION} {$ENDIF USE_CONSTRUCTORS} {$IFDEF USE_CONSTRUCTORS} function NewProgressbarEx( AParent: PControl; Options: TProgressbarOptions ): PControl; begin new( Result, CreateProgressbarEx( AParent, Options ) ); {$IFDEF DEBUG_OBJKIND} Result.fObjKind := 'TControl:ProgressBarEx'; {$ENDIF} end; {$ELSE not_USE_CONSTRUCTORS} {$IFDEF ASM_VERSION}{$ELSE PAS_VERSION} //Pascal function NewProgressbarEx( AParent: PControl; Options: TProgressbarOptions ): PControl; const ProgressBarFlags: array[ TProgressbarOption ] of Integer = (PBS_VERTICAL, PBS_SMOOTH ); begin Result := NewProgressbar( AParent ); Result.fStyle.Value := Result.fStyle.Value or DWORD( MakeFlags( @Options, ProgressBarFlags ) ); end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION} {$ENDIF USE_CONSTRUCTORS} //===================== List view ========================// {$IFDEF ASM_VERSION}{$ELSE PAS_VERSION} //Pascal function WndProcNotify( Self_: PControl; var Msg: TMsg; var Rslt: Integer ): Boolean; var NMhdr: PNMHdr; Child: PControl; begin Result := False; if Msg.message = WM_NOTIFY then begin NMhdr := Pointer( Msg.lParam ); {$IFDEF USE_PROP} Child := Pointer( GetProp( NMhdr.hwndFrom, ID_SELF ) ); {$ELSE} Child := Pointer( GetWindowLong( NMhdr.hwndFrom, GWL_USERDATA ) ); {$ENDIF} if (Child <> nil) and (Child <> Self_) //+ by Galkov, Jun-2009 then begin Msg.hwnd := Child.fHandle; Result := EnumDynHandlers( Child, Msg, Rslt ); end; end; end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION} {$IFDEF ASM_VERSION}{$ELSE PAS_VERSION} //Pascal function WndProcCommonNotify( Self_: PControl; var Msg: TMsg; var Rslt: Integer ): Boolean; var NMhdr: PNMHdr; begin Result := False; if Msg.message = WM_NOTIFY then begin NMHdr := Pointer( Msg.lParam ); case NMHdr.code of NM_RCLICK, NM_CLICK: {$IFDEF NIL_EVENTS} if assigned( Self_.EV.fOnClick ) then {$ENDIF} begin {$IFDEF USE_FLAGS} if NMHdr.code = NM_RCLICK then include( Self_.fFlagsG6, G6_RightClick ) else exclude( Self_.fFlagsG6, G6_RightClick ); {$ELSE} Self_.fRightClick := NMHdr.code=NM_RCLICK; {$ENDIF} Self_.EV.fOnClick( Self_ ); end; NM_KILLFOCUS: {$IFDEF NIL_EVENTS} if assigned( Self_.EV.fOnLeave ) then {$ENDIF} Self_.EV.fOnLeave( Self_ ); NM_RETURN, NM_SETFOCUS: {$IFDEF NIL_EVENTS} if assigned( Self_.EV.fOnEnter ) then {$ENDIF} Self_.EV.fOnEnter( Self_ ); end; end; end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION} const ListViewStyles: array[ TListViewStyle ] of DWORD = ( LVS_ICON, LVS_SMALLICON, LVS_LIST, LVS_REPORT, LVS_REPORT or LVS_NOCOLUMNHEADER ); ListViewFlags: array[ TListViewOption ] of Integer = ( LVS_ALIGNLEFT, LVS_AUTOARRANGE, $400 {LVS_BUTTON}, LVS_EDITLABELS, LVS_NOLABELWRAP, LVS_NOSCROLL, LVS_NOSORTHEADER, not LVS_SHOWSELALWAYS, not LVS_SINGLESEL, LVS_SORTASCENDING, LVS_SORTDESCENDING, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, LVS_OWNERDATA, LVS_OWNERDRAWFIXED ); ListViewExFlags: array[ TListViewOption ] of Integer = ( 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, LVS_EX_GRIDLINES, LVS_EX_SUBITEMIMAGES, LVS_EX_CHECKBOXES, LVS_EX_TRACKSELECT, LVS_EX_HEADERDRAGDROP, LVS_EX_FULLROWSELECT, LVS_EX_ONECLICKACTIVATE, LVS_EX_TWOCLICKACTIVATE, LVS_EX_FLATSB, LVS_EX_REGIONAL, LVS_EX_INFOTIP, LVS_EX_UNDERLINEHOT, LVS_EX_MULTIWORKAREAS, 0, 0 ); {$IFDEF ASM_VERSION}{$ELSE PAS_VERSION} //Pascal procedure ApplyImageLists2Control( Sender: PControl ); var IL: PImageList; begin if Sender.fCommandActions.aSetImgList = 0 then Exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} IL := Sender.ImageListNormal; if IL <> nil then Sender.Perform( Sender.fCommandActions.aSetImgList, LVSIL_NORMAL, IL.Handle ); IL := Sender.ImageListSmall; if IL <> nil then Sender.Perform( Sender.fCommandActions.aSetImgList, LVSIL_SMALL, IL.Handle ); IL := Sender.ImageListState; if IL <> nil then Sender.Perform( Sender.fCommandActions.aSetImgList, LVSIL_STATE, IL.Handle ); end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION} {$IFDEF ASM_VERSION}{$ELSE PAS_VERSION} //Pascal procedure ApplyImageLists2ListView( Sender: PControl ); var Flags: DWORD; begin Flags := MakeFlags( @Sender.DF.fLVOptions, ListViewFlags ); Sender.Style := Sender.Style and not $403F//$4FFC or Flags or ListViewStyles[ Sender.DF.fLVStyle ]; Flags := MakeFlags( @Sender.DF.fLVOptions, ListViewExFlags ); Sender.Perform( LVM_SETEXTENDEDLISTVIEWSTYLE, $3FFF, Flags ); ApplyImageLists2Control( Sender ); end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION} {$IFDEF USE_CONSTRUCTORS} function NewListView( AParent: PControl; Style: TListViewStyle; Options: TListViewOptions; ImageListSmall, ImageListNormal, ImageListState: PImageList ): PControl; begin new( Result, CreateListView( AParent, Style, Options, ImageListSmall, ImageListNormal, ImageListState ) ); {$IFDEF DEBUG_OBJKIND} Result.fObjKind := 'TControl:ListView'; {$ENDIF} end; {$ELSE not_USE_CONSTRUCTORS} {$IFDEF ASM_VERSION}{$ELSE PAS_VERSION} //Pascal function NewListView( AParent: PControl; Style: TListViewStyle; Options: TListViewOptions; ImageListSmall, ImageListNormal, ImageListState: PImageList ): PControl; begin Result := _NewCommonControl( AParent, WC_LISTVIEW, ListViewStyles[ Style ] or LVS_SHAREIMAGELISTS or WS_CHILD or WS_VISIBLE or WS_TABSTOP or WS_CLIPCHILDREN, True, {$IFDEF PACK_COMMANDACTIONS} ListViewActions_Packed {$ELSE} @ListViewActions {$ENDIF} ); {$IFDEF DEBUG_OBJKIND} Result.fObjKind := 'TControl:ListView'; {$ENDIF} {$IFDEF PACK_COMMANDACTIONS} Result.fCommandActions.aClear := @ClearListView; {$ENDIF} Result.DF.fLVOptions := Options; Result.DF.fLVStyle := Style; Result.fStyle.Value := Result.fStyle.Value and not LVS_TYPESTYLEMASK or DWORD( MakeFlags( @Options, ListViewFlags ) ); Result.PP.fCreateWndExt := ApplyImageLists2ListView; with Result.fBoundsRect do begin Right := Left + 200; Bottom := Top + 150; end; Result.ImageListSmall := ImageListSmall; Result.ImageListNormal := ImageListNormal; Result.ImageListState := ImageListState; Result.DF.fLVTextBkColor := clWindow; Result.fLookTabKeys := [ tkTab ]; //Result.fMargin := 0; end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION} {$ENDIF USE_CONSTRUCTORS} //===================== Tree view ========================// {$IFDEF ASM_UNICODE}{$ELSE PAS_VERSION} //Pascal function WndProcTreeView( Self_: PControl; var Msg: TMsg; var Rslt: Integer ): Boolean; var NM: PNMTreeView; DI: PTVDispInfo; P: TPoint; S: KOL_String; begin if Msg.message = WM_NOTIFY then begin NM := Pointer( Msg.lParam ); case NM.hdr.code of NM_RCLICK: begin GetCursorPos( P ); P := Self_.Screen2Client( P ); Self_.PostMsg( WM_RBUTTONUP, MK_RBUTTON or GetShiftState, (P.x and $FFFF) or (P.y shl 16) ); end; TVN_BEGINDRAG {$IFDEF TV_DRAG_RBUTTON}, TVN_BEGINRDRAG{$ENDIF}: {$IFDEF NIL_EVENTS} if Assigned( Self_.EV.fOnTVBeginDrag ) then {$ENDIF} Self_.EV.fOnTVBeginDrag( Self_, NM.itemNew.hItem ); TVN_BEGINLABELEDIT: begin if {$IFDEF USE_FLAGS} G6_Dragging in Self_.fFlagsG6 {$ELSE} Self_.fDragging {$ENDIF} then begin Rslt := 1; // do not allow edit while dragging Result := TRUE; Exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} end; DI := Pointer( NM ); {$IFDEF NIL_EVENTS} if Assigned( Self_.EV.fOnTVBeginEdit ) then {$ENDIF} begin Rslt := Integer( not Self_.EV.fOnTVBeginEdit( Self_, DI.item.hItem ) ); Result := TRUE; Exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} end; end; TVN_ENDLABELEDIT: begin DI := Pointer( NM ); if Assigned( Self_.EV.fOnTVEndEdit ) then begin S := DI.item.pszText; if (DI.item.pszText = nil) then begin Result := True; Exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} end; Rslt := Integer( Self_.EV.fOnTVEndEdit( Self_, DI.item.hItem, S ) ); end else Rslt := 1; Result := True; Exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} end; TVN_ITEMEXPANDING: begin {$IFDEF NIL_EVENTS} if Assigned( Self_.EV.fOnTVExpanding ) then {$ENDIF} begin Rslt := Integer( Self_.EV.fOnTVExpanding( Self_, NM.itemNew.hItem, NM.action = TVE_EXPAND ) ); //Result := TRUE; //Exit; end; end; TVN_ITEMEXPANDED: {$IFDEF NIL_EVENTS} if Assigned( Self_.EV.fOnTVExpanded ) then {$ENDIF} Self_.EV.fOnTVExpanded( Self_, NM.itemNew.hItem, NM.action=TVE_EXPAND ); TVN_SELCHANGING: begin //------------------ TVN_SELCHANGING by Sergey Shisminzev {$IFDEF NIL_EVENTS} if Assigned( Self_.EV.fOnTVSelChanging ) then {$ENDIF} begin Rslt := Integer( not Self_.EV.fOnTVSelChanging( Self_, NM.itemOld.hItem, NM.itemNew.hItem ) ); //Result := TRUE; //Exit; end; end; //---------------------------------------- TVN_SELCHANGED: Self_.DoSelChange; end; end; Result := False; end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION} function ProcTVDeleteItem( Self_: PControl; var Msg: TMsg; var Rslt: Integer ): Boolean; var NM: PNMTreeView; begin if Msg.message = WM_NOTIFY then begin NM := Pointer( Msg.lParam ); case NM.hdr.code of TVN_DELETEITEM: {$IFDEF NIL_EVENTS} if Assigned( Self_.EV.fOnTVDelete ) then {$ENDIF} Self_.EV.fOnTVDelete( Self_, NM.itemOld.hItem ); end; end; Result := FALSE; end; procedure ClearTreeView( TV: PControl ); begin TV.TVDelete( TVI_ROOT ); end; const TreeViewFlags: array[ TTreeViewOption ] of Integer = ( not TVS_HASLINES, TVS_LINESATROOT, not TVS_HASBUTTONS, TVS_EDITLABELS, not TVS_SHOWSELALWAYS, not TVS_DISABLEDRAGDROP, TVS_NOTOOLTIPS, TVS_CHECKBOXES, TVS_TRACKSELECT, TVS_SINGLEEXPAND, TVS_INFOTIP, TVS_FULLROWSELECT, TVS_NOSCROLL, TVS_NONEVENHEIGHT ); {$IFDEF USE_CONSTRUCTORS} function NewTreeView( AParent: PControl; Options: TTreeViewOptions; ImgListNormal, ImgListState: PImageList ): PControl; begin new( Result, CreateTreeView( AParent, Options, ImgListNormal, ImgListState ) ); {$IFDEF DEBUG_OBJKIND} Result.fObjKind := 'TControl:TreeView'; {$ENDIF} end; {$ELSE not_USE_CONSTRUCTORS} {$IFDEF ASM_VERSION}{$ELSE PAS_VERSION} //Pascal function NewTreeView( AParent: PControl; Options: TTreeViewOptions; ImgListNormal, ImgListState: PImageList ): PControl; var Flags: Integer; begin Flags := MakeFlags( @Options, TreeViewFlags ); Result := _NewCommonControl( AParent, WC_TREEVIEW, Flags or WS_VISIBLE or WS_CHILD or WS_TABSTOP, True, {$IFDEF PACK_COMMANDACTIONS} TreeViewActions_Packed {$ELSE} @TreeViewActions {$ENDIF} ); {$IFDEF DEBUG_OBJKIND} Result.fObjKind := 'TControl:TreeView'; {$ENDIF} {$IFDEF PACK_COMMANDACTIONS} Result.fCommandActions.aClear := @ClearTreeView; {$ENDIF} Result.PP.fCreateWndExt := ApplyImageLists2Control; Result.fColor := clWindow; Result.AttachProc( WndProcTreeView ); with Result.fBoundsRect do begin Right := Left + 150; Bottom := Top + 200; end; Result.ImageListNormal := ImgListNormal; Result.ImageListState := ImgListState; Result.fLookTabKeys := [ tkTab ]; end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION} {$ENDIF USE_CONSTRUCTORS} //===================== Tab Control ========================// {$IFDEF ASM_VERSION}{$ELSE PAS_VERSION} //Pascal function WndProcTabControl( Self_: PControl; var Msg: TMsg; var Rslt: Integer ): Boolean; var Hdr: PNMHdr; A: Integer; R: TRect; WasActive: Boolean; {$IFDEF OLD_ALIGN} Page: PControl; I: Integer; begin case Msg.message of WM_NOTIFY: begin Hdr := Pointer( Msg.lParam ); case Hdr.code of TCN_SELCHANGING: Self_.fCurIndex := Self_.GetCurIndex; TCN_SELCHANGE: begin A := {Self_.????}Self_.GetCurIndex; WasActive := Self_.fCurIndex = A; Self_.fCurIndex := A; for I := 0 to Self_.Count - 1 do begin Page := Self_.Pages[ I ]; Page.Visible := A = I; if A = I then Page.BringToFront; end; if not WasActive then {$IFDEF NIL_EVENTS} if Assigned( Self_.EV.fOnSelChange ) then {$ENDIF} Self_.EV.fOnSelChange( Self_ ); end; end; end; WM_SIZE: begin GetClientRect( Self_.fHandle, R ); Self_.Perform( TCM_ADJUSTRECT, 0, Integer( @R ) ); for I := 0 to Self_.Count - 1 do begin Page := Self_.Pages[ I ]; Page.BoundsRect := R; end; {$ELSE NEW_ALIGN} begin case Msg.message of WM_NOTIFY: begin Hdr := Pointer( Msg.lParam ); case Hdr.code of TCN_SELCHANGING: Self_.fCurIndex := Self_.GetCurIndex; TCN_SELCHANGE: begin A := Self_.GetCurIndex; WasActive := Self_.fCurIndex = A; if (not WasActive)and(Self_.fCurIndex>=0) then Self_.Pages[Self_.fCurIndex].Visible := false; Self_.fCurIndex := A; Self_.Pages[Self_.fCurIndex].Visible := true; Self_.Pages[Self_.fCurIndex].BringToFront; if not WasActive then {$IFDEF NIL_EVENTS} if Assigned( Self_.EV.fOnSelChange ) then {$ENDIF} Self_.EV.fOnSelChange( Self_ ); end; end; end; WM_SIZE: begin GetClientRect( Self_.fHandle, R ); Self_.fClientRight := R.Right; Self_.fClientBottom := R.Bottom; Self_.Perform( TCM_ADJUSTRECT, 0, Integer( @R ) ); Self_.fClientLeft := R.Left; Self_.fClientTop := R.Top; Dec(Self_.fClientRight,R.Right); Dec(Self_.fClientBottom,R.Bottom); {$ENDIF} end; end; Result := False; end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION} {$IFDEF GRAPHCTL_XPSTYLES} {$DEFINE RICHEDIT_XPBORDER} {$ENDIF} {$IFDEF RICHEDIT_XPBORDER} function WndProc_RichEditXPBorder( Self_: PControl; var Msg: TMsg; var Rslt: Integer ): Boolean; var ExStyle: DWORD; DrawRect, EmptyRect: TRect; DC: HDC; Details: TThemedElementDetails; begin Result := FALSE; if Msg.message = WM_NCPAINT then begin ExStyle := GetWindowLong(Self_.Handle, GWL_EXSTYLE); if (ExStyle and WS_EX_CLIENTEDGE) <> 0 then begin GetWindowRect(Self_.Handle, DrawRect); OffsetRect(DrawRect, -DrawRect.Left, -DrawRect.Top); DC := GetWindowDC(Self_.Handle); //try EmptyRect := DrawRect; with DrawRect do ExcludeClipRect(DC, Left + 2, Top + 2, Right - 2, Bottom - 2); Details.Element := teEdit; Details.Part := 1 {EP_EDITTEXT}; Details.State := Ord(teEditTextNormal) - Ord(teEditTextNormal) + 1; if not Assigned( DrawThemeBackground ) then begin ThemeLibrary := LoadLibrary(themelib); DrawThemeBackground := GetProcAddress(ThemeLibrary, 'DrawThemeBackground'); OpenThemeData := GetProcAddress(ThemeLibrary, 'OpenThemeData'); end; if Assigned( DrawThemeBackground ) then begin Result := TRUE; Rslt := Self_.CallDefWndProc( Msg ); with Details do DrawThemeBackground(OpenThemeData(0, 'edit'), DC, Part, State, DrawRect, nil); end; //finally ReleaseDC(Self_.Handle, DC); //end; end; end; end; {$ENDIF RICHEDIT_XPBORDER} const TabControlFlags: array[ TTabControlOption ] of Integer = ( TCS_BUTTONS, TCS_FIXEDWIDTH, not TCS_FOCUSNEVER, TCS_FIXEDWIDTH or TCS_FORCEICONLEFT, TCS_FIXEDWIDTH or TCS_FORCELABELLEFT, TCS_MULTILINE, TCS_MULTISELECT, TCS_RIGHTJUSTIFY, TCS_SCROLLOPPOSITE, TCS_BOTTOM, TCS_VERTICAL, TCS_FLATBUTTONS, TCS_HOTTRACK, 0, TCS_OWNERDRAWFIXED ); {$IFDEF USE_CONSTRUCTORS} function NewTabControl( AParent: PControl; Tabs: array of String; Options: TTabControlOptions; ImgList: PImageList; ImgList1stIdx: Integer ): PControl; begin new( Result, CreateTabControl( AParent, Tabs, Options, ImgList, ImgList1stIdx ) ); {$IFDEF DEBUG_OBJKIND} Result.fObjKind := 'TControl:TabControl'; {$ENDIF} end; {$ELSE not_USE_CONSTRUCTORS} {$IFDEF ASM_UNICODE}{$ELSE PAS_VERSION} //Pascal function NewTabControl( AParent: PControl; const Tabs: array of PKOLChar; Options: TTabControlOptions; ImgList: PImageList; ImgList1stIdx: Integer ): PControl; var I, II : Integer; Flags: Integer; begin Flags := MakeFlags( @Options, TabControlFlags ); if tcoFocusTabs in Options then Flags := Flags or (WS_TABSTOP or TCS_FOCUSONBUTTONDOWN); Result := _NewCommonControl( AParent, WC_TABCONTROL, Flags or (WS_CHILD or WS_CLIPSIBLINGS or WS_CLIPCHILDREN or WS_VISIBLE), True, {$IFDEF PACK_COMMANDACTIONS} TabControlActions_Packed {$ELSE} @TabControlActions {$ENDIF} ); {$IFDEF DEBUG_OBJKIND} Result.fObjKind := 'TControl:TabControl'; {$ENDIF} if not( tcoBorder in Options ) then begin Result.fExStyle := Result.fExStyle and not WS_EX_CLIENTEDGE; end; Result.AttachProc( WndProcTabControl ); with Result.fBoundsRect do begin Right := Left + 100; Bottom := Top + 100; end; if ImgList <> nil then Result.Perform( TCM_SETIMAGELIST, 0, ImgList.Handle ); II := ImgList1stIdx; for I := 0 to High( Tabs ) do begin Result.TC_Insert( I, Tabs[ I ], II ); Inc( II ); end; Result.fLookTabKeys := [ tkTab ]; end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION} {$IFNDEF OLD_ALIGN} {$IFDEF ASM_VERSION}{$ELSE PAS_VERSION} //Pascal function NewTabEmpty( AParent: PControl; Options: TTabControlOptions; ImgList: PImageList ): PControl; var Flags: Integer; begin Flags := MakeFlags( @Options, TabControlFlags ); if tcoFocusTabs in Options then Flags := Flags or (WS_TABSTOP or TCS_FOCUSONBUTTONDOWN); Result := _NewCommonControl( AParent, WC_TABCONTROL, Flags or (WS_CHILD or WS_CLIPSIBLINGS or WS_CLIPCHILDREN or WS_VISIBLE), True, {$IFDEF PACK_COMMANDACTIONS} TabControlActions_Packed {$ELSE} @TabControlActions {$ENDIF} ); {$IFDEF DEBUG_OBJKIND} Result.fObjKind := 'TControl:TabControl(TabEmpty)'; {$ENDIF} if not( tcoBorder in Options ) then Result.fExStyle := Result.fExStyle and not WS_EX_CLIENTEDGE; Result.AttachProc( WndProcTabControl ); with Result.fBoundsRect do begin Right := Left + 100; Bottom := Top + 100; end; if ImgList <> nil then Result.Perform( TCM_SETIMAGELIST, 0, ImgList.Handle ); Result.fLookTabKeys := [ tkTab ]; end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION} {$ENDIF} {$ENDIF USE_CONSTRUCTORS} //===================== Tool bar ========================// {$IFDEF ASM_TLIST} //TTN_NEEDTEXTW ASM_TLIST! {$IFDEF _D3orHigher} {$IFDEF ASM_VERSION} procedure CopyPChar2WideChars( dest: PWideChar; src: PChar; Len: Integer ); asm PUSH ESI PUSH EDI XCHG EDI, EAX MOV ESI, ECX PUSH 0 MOV EAX, ESP CALL System.@LStrFromPChar MOV EAX, [ESP] CALL System.@LStrLen TEST EAX, EAX JZ @@exit_copy CMP ESI, EAX JL @@1_len XCHG EAX, ESI @@1_len: POP EDX PUSH EDX PUSH 0 MOV EAX, ESP CALL System.@WStrFromLStr MOV ECX, ESI INC ECX POP ESI PUSH ESI REP MOVSW MOV EAX, ESP CALL System.@WStrClr POP EAX @@exit_copy: MOV EAX, ESP CALL System.@LStrClr POP EAX POP EDI POP ESI end; {$ELSE PAS_VERSION} procedure CopyPChar2WideChars( dest: PWideChar; src: PChar; Len: Integer ); var W: WideString; s: String; begin s := src; if Len > Length(s) then Len := Length(s); W := s; Move( W[1], dest^, (Len+1) * Sizeof( WideChar ) ); end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION} {$ENDIF _D3orHigher} function WndProcToolbarCtrl(Self_: PControl; var Msg: TMsg; var Rslt: Integer): Boolean; asm PUSH EBX XOR EBX, EBX CMP word ptr [EDX].TMsg.message, WM_WINDOWPOSCHANGED JNE @@chk_CM_COMMAND MOV dword ptr [ECX], 0 // Rslt := 0 XCHG EDX, EAX {$IFDEF EVENTS_DYNAMIC} MOV EDX, [EDX].TControl.EV MOV ECX, [EDX].TEvents.fOnResize.TMethod.Code MOV EAX, [EDX].TEvents.fOnResize.TMethod.Data {$ELSE} MOV ECX, [EDX].TControl.EV.fOnResize.TMethod.Code MOV EAX, [EDX].TControl.EV.fOnResize.TMethod.Data {$ENDIF} {$IFDEF NIL_EVENTS} JECXZ @@ret_true1 {$ENDIF} CALL ECX // Self_.fOnResize @@ret_true1: MOV AL, 1 // Result := TRUE POP EBX RET @@chk_CM_COMMAND: ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// CMP word ptr [EDX].TMsg.message, CM_COMMAND JNE @@chk_WM_NOTIFY MOVZX ECX, word ptr [EDX].TMsg.wParam MOV [EAX].TControl.DF.fTBCurItem, ECX XCHG EBX, EAX PUSH 0 PUSH ECX PUSH TB_COMMANDTOINDEX PUSH EBX CALL TControl.Perform PUSH EAX PUSH VK_RETURN CALL GetKeyState TEST EAX, EAX POP ECX MOV [EBX].TControl.fCurIndex, ECX {$IFDEF USE_FLAGS} SETL DL SHL DL, G6_RightClick AND [EBX].TControl.fFlagsG6, not(1 shl G6_RightClick) OR [EBX].TControl.fFlagsG6, DL {$ELSE} SETL DL MOV [EBX].TControl.fRightClick, DL {$ENDIF} @@ret_false1: XOR EAX, EAX POP EBX RET @@chk_WM_NOTIFY: /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// CMP word ptr [EDX].TMsg.message, WM_NOTIFY JNE @@ret_false1 MOV EDX, [EDX].TMsg.lParam MOV ECX, [EDX].TTooltipText.hdr.code CMP ECX, TTN_NEEDTEXT JE @@TTN_NEEDTEXT CMP ECX, TTN_NEEDTEXTW JNE @@chk_NM_RCLICK MOV BL, 1 @@TTN_NEEDTEXT: PUSH EAX // ###> PUSH EDX // ***> MOV EDX, [EDX].TTooltipText.hdr.idFrom MOV ECX, [EAX].TControl.DF.fTBttCmd OR EAX, -1 JECXZ @@idxReady XCHG EAX, ECX CALL TList.IndexOf @@idxReady: // EAX = -1 or index of button tooltip POP EDX //<*** LEA EDX, [EDX].TTooltipText.szText AND word ptr [EDX], 0 POP ECX //<### TEST EAX, EAX JL @@ret_true1 MOV ECX, [ECX].TControl.DF.fTBttTxt MOV ECX, [ECX].TStrList.fList MOV ECX, [ECX].TList.fItems MOV EAX, [ECX+EAX*4] XCHG EAX, EDX XOR ECX, ECX MOV CL, 79 {$IFDEF _D3orHigher} CMP BL, 0 JZ @@strlcopy {$IFDEF UNICODE_CTRLS} CALL WStrLCopy {$ELSE} //CALL CopyPChar2WideChars (inlined here) PUSH ESI PUSH EDI XCHG EDI, EAX MOV ESI, ECX PUSH 0 MOV EAX, ESP CALL System.@LStrFromPChar MOV EAX, [ESP] CALL System.@LStrLen TEST EAX, EAX JZ @@exit_copy CMP ESI, EAX JL @@1_len XCHG EAX, ESI @@1_len: POP EDX PUSH EDX PUSH 0 MOV EAX, ESP CALL System.@WStrFromLStr MOV ECX, ESI INC ECX POP ESI PUSH ESI REP MOVSW MOV EAX, ESP CALL System.@WStrClr POP EAX @@exit_copy: MOV EAX, ESP CALL System.@LStrClr POP EAX POP EDI POP ESI {$ENDIF} JMP @@ret_true1 {$ENDIF _D3orHigher} @@strlcopy: CALL StrLCopy JMP @@ret_true1 @@chk_NM_RCLICK: /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// CMP ECX, NM_RCLICK JNE @@chk_NM_CLICK {$IFDEF USE_FLAGS} OR [EAX].TControl.fFlagsG6, 1 shl G6_RightClick {$ELSE} OR [EAX].TControl.fRightClick, 1 {$ENDIF} MOV ECX, [EDX].TNMMouse.dwItemSpec OR [EAX].TControl.fCurIndex, -1 XCHG EBX, EAX PUSH 0 PUSH ECX PUSH TB_COMMANDTOINDEX PUSH EBX CALL TControl.Perform MOV [EBX].TControl.fCurIndex, EAX JMP @@ret_false1 @@chk_NM_CLICK: /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// CMP ECX, NM_CLICK JNE @@chk_TBN_DROPDOWN {$IFDEF USE_FLAGS} AND [EAX].TControl.fFlagsG6, not(1 shl G6_RightClick) {$ELSE} MOV [EAX].TControl.fRightClick, 0 {$ENDIF} OR [EAX].TControl.DF.fTBCurItem, -1 OR [EAX].TControl.fCurIndex, -1 CMP [EDX].TTBNotify.iItem, -1 SETNZ AL POP EBX RET @@chk_TBN_DROPDOWN: //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// CMP ECX, TBN_DROPDOWN JNE @@ret_false1 MOV EDX, [EDX].TTBNotify.iItem MOV [EAX].TControl.DF.fTBCurItem, EDX PUSH EAX CALL TControl.TBItem2Index POP EDX MOV [EDX].TControl.fCurIndex, EAX {$IFDEF EVENTS_DYNAMIC} MOV EAX, [EDX].TControl.EV MOV ECX, [EAX].TEvents.fOnDropDown.TMethod.Code {$ELSE} MOV ECX, [EDX].TControl.EV.fOnDropDown.TMethod.Code {$ENDIF} {$IFDEF NIL_EVENTS} JECXZ @@ret_z {$ENDIF} {$IFDEF EVENTS_DYNAMIC} MOV EAX, [EAX].TEvents.fOnDropDown.TMethod.Data {$ELSE} MOV EAX, [EDX].TControl.EV.fOnDropDown.TMethod.Data {$ENDIF} CALL ECX @@ret_z: XOR EAX, EAX POP EBX end; {$ELSE PAS_VERSION} //Pascal function WndProcToolbarCtrl(Self_: PControl; var Msg: TMsg; var Rslt: Integer): Boolean; var lpttt: PTooltipText; idBtn, Idx: Integer; var Notify: PTBNotify; Mouse: PNMMouse; {$IFNDEF _FPC} {$IFNDEF _D2} var WStr: KOLWideString; {$ENDIF _D2} {$ENDIF _FPC} begin Result := False; if Msg.message = WM_WINDOWPOSCHANGED then begin {$IFDEF NIL_EVENTS} if Assigned( Self_.EV.fOnResize ) then {$ENDIF} Self_.EV.fOnResize( Self_ ); {$IFNDEF TOOLBAR_FORCE_CHILDALIGN} //-- removed by MTsv DN (v.290), crash in Win 98: //-- if WinVer >= wvNT then // todo: check it. Result := TRUE; // this provides (prevents?) the Align working for child controls of Toolbar ! // but removing this line makes it impossible to correct the Align property for // the neighbour controls on form!!! {$ENDIF} Rslt := 0; end else if Msg.message = CM_COMMAND then begin Self_.DF.fTBCurItem := Loword( Msg.wParam ); Self_.fCurIndex := Self_.Perform( TB_COMMANDTOINDEX, Loword( Msg.wParam ), 0 ); {$IFDEF USE_FLAGS} if GetKeyState( VK_RBUTTON ) < 0 then include( Self_.fFlagsG6, G6_RightClick ) else exclude( Self_.fFlagsG6, G6_RightClick ); {$ELSE} Self_.fRightClick := GetKeyState( VK_RBUTTON ) < 0; {$ENDIF} end else if Msg.message = WM_NOTIFY then begin lpttt := Pointer( Msg.lParam ); Notify := Pointer( Msg.lParam ); case lpttt.hdr.code of TTN_NEEDTEXT: begin Result := True; idBtn := lpttt.hdr.idFrom; Idx := -1; if Self_.DF.fTBttCmd <> nil then Idx := Self_.DF.fTBttCmd.IndexOf( Pointer( idBtn ) ); lpttt.szText[ 0 ] := #0; if Idx >= 0 then {$IFDEF UNICODE_CTRLS} WStrLCopy {$ELSE} StrLCopy {$ENDIF} ( lpttt.szText, Self_.DF.fTBttTxt.fList.Items[ Idx ], 79 ); Exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} end; {$IFNDEF _FPC} {$IFNDEF _D2} TTN_NEEDTEXTW: // for Windows XP begin Result := True; idBtn := lpttt.hdr.idFrom; Idx := -1; if Self_.DF.fTBttCmd <> nil then Idx := Self_.DF.fTBttCmd.IndexOf( Pointer( idBtn ) ); ZeroMemory( @lpttt.szText[ 0 ], 160 ); if Idx >= 0 then begin WStr := KOLWideString(Self_.DF.fTBttTxt.Items[ Idx ]); if WStr <> '' then Move( Wstr[ 1 ], lpttt.szText, Min( 158, (Length( WStr ) + 1) * Sizeof(WideChar) ) ); end; Exit;{>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} end; {$ENDIF _D2} {$ENDIF _FPC} NM_RCLICK: begin Mouse := Pointer( Msg.lParam ); Self_.DF.fTBCurItem := Mouse.dwItemSpec; Self_.fCurIndex := Self_.Perform( TB_COMMANDTOINDEX, Mouse.dwItemSpec, 0 ); {$IFDEF USE_FLAGS} include( Self_.fFlagsG6, G6_RightClick ); {$ELSE} Self_.fRightClick := True; {$ENDIF} end; NM_CLICK: begin Self_.DF.fTBCurItem := -1; // return CurItem = -1 Self_.fCurIndex := -1; {$IFDEF USE_FLAGS} exclude( Self_.fFlagsG6, G6_RightClick ); {$ELSE} Self_.fRightClick := False; {$ENDIF} Result := Notify.iItem <> -1; // do not handle - will be handled in WM_COMMAND Exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} end; TBN_DROPDOWN: begin Self_.DF.fTBCurItem := Notify.iItem; Self_.fCurIndex := Self_.TBItem2Index( Self_.DF.fTBCurItem ); {$IFDEF NIL_EVENTS} if assigned( Self_.EV.fOnDropDown ) then {$ENDIF} Self_.EV.fOnDropDown( Self_ ); end; end; end; end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION} const ToolbarAligns: array[ TControlAlign ] of DWORD = ( CCS_NOPARENTALIGN {or CCS_NOMOVEY} {or CCS_NORESIZE} or CCS_NODIVIDER, CCS_TOP or CCS_VERT, CCS_TOP, CCS_BOTTOM or CCS_VERT, CCS_BOTTOM, CCS_TOP ); ToolbarOptions: array[ TToolbarOption ] of Integer = ( TBSTYLE_LIST, not TBSTYLE_LIST, TBSTYLE_FLAT, TBSTYLE_TRANSPARENT, TBSTYLE_WRAPABLE, CCS_NODIVIDER, 0, TBSTYLE_CUSTOMERASE ); {$IFDEF USE_CONSTRUCTORS} function NewToolbar( AParent: PControl; Align: TControlAlign; Options: TToolbarOptions; Bitmap: HBitmap; Buttons: array of PAnsiChar; BtnImgIdxArray: array of Integer ) : PControl; begin new( Result, CreateToolbar( AParent, Align, Options, Bitmap, Buttons, BtnImgIdxArray ) ); {$IFDEF DEBUG_OBJKIND} Result.fObjKind := 'TControl:Toolbar'; {$ENDIF} end; {$ELSE not_USE_CONSTRUCTORS} {$IFDEF ASM_UNICODE}{$ELSE PAS_VERSION} //Pascal function NewToolbar( AParent: PControl; Align: TControlAlign; Options: TToolbarOptions; Bitmap: HBitmap; const Buttons: array of PKOLChar; const BtnImgIdxArray: array of Integer ) : PControl; var Flags: DWORD; begin if Options <> [] then begin if not( tboTextBottom in Options ) then include( Options, tboTextRight ); if tboTextRight in Options then exclude( Options, tboTextBottom ); end; Flags := MakeFlags( @Options, ToolbarOptions ) //or TBSTYLE_AUTOSIZE //or CCS_NOPARENTALIGN or CCS_NOMOVEY //or CCS_NORESIZE or CCS_NODIVIDER or TBSTYLE_TRANSPARENT ; DoInitCommonControls( ICC_BAR_CLASSES ); Result := _NewCommonControl( AParent, TOOLBARCLASSNAME, (ToolbarAligns[ Align ] or WS_CHILD or WS_VISIBLE or TBSTYLE_TOOLTIPS or Flags and not (TBSTYLE_FLAT or TBSTYLE_TRANSPARENT)), {!ecm} tbo3DBorder in Options, {$IFDEF PACK_COMMANDACTIONS} PAnsiChar( TOOLBAR_ACTIONS ) {$ELSE} nil {$ENDIF} ); {$IFDEF DEBUG_OBJKIND} Result.fObjKind := 'TControl:Toolbar'; {$ENDIF} Result.fCommandActions.aClear := ClearToolbar; ///+++ anyway +++/// Result.fCommandActions.aGetCount := TB_BUTTONCOUNT; {$IFDEF USE_FLAGS} include( Result.fFlagsG5, G5_IsButton ); {$ELSE} Result.fIsButton := TRUE; {$ENDIF} with Result.fBoundsRect do begin if Align in [ caNone ] then begin Bottom := Top + 26; Right := Left + 1000; end else begin Left := 0; Right := 0; Top := 0; Bottom := 0; end; end; Result.AttachProc( WndProcToolbarCtrl ); Result.AttachProc( WndProcDoEraseBkgnd ); Result.Perform(TB_SETEXTENDEDSTYLE, 0, Result.Perform(TB_GETEXTENDEDSTYLE, 0, 0) or TBSTYLE_EX_DRAWDDARROWS); Result.Perform( TB_BUTTONSTRUCTSIZE, Sizeof( TTBButton ), 0 ); Result.Perform( TB_SETINDENT, Result.fMargin, 0 ); with Result.fBoundsRect do begin if Align in [ caLeft, caRight ] then Right := Left + 24 else if not (Align in [caNone]) then Bottom := Top + 22; end; {$IFnDEF TBBUTTONS_DFLT_NOAUTOSIZE} Result.DF.fDefaultTBBtnStyle := TBSTYLE_AUTOSIZE; {$ENDIF} if Bitmap <> 0 then Result.TBAddBitmap( Bitmap ); Result.TBAddButtons( Buttons, BtnImgIdxArray ); Result.Perform( WM_SIZE, 0, 0 ); Result.Style := Result.Style or Flags; {+ecm} end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION} {$ENDIF USE_CONSTRUCTORS} //================== DateTimePicker =====================// {$IFDEF ASM_UNICODE}{$ELSE PAS_VERSION} function WndProcDateTimePickerNotify( Self_: PControl; var Msg: TMsg; var Rslt: Integer ): Boolean; var NMhdr: PNMHdr; D: TDateTime; AllowChg: Boolean; NMDTString: PNMDateTimeString; begin Result := False; if Msg.message = WM_NOTIFY then begin NMHdr := Pointer( Msg.lParam ); CASE NMHdr.code OF DTN_DROPDOWN:{$IFDEF NIL_EVENTS} if Assigned( Self_.EV.fOnDropDown ) then {$ENDIF} Self_.EV.fOnDropDown( Self_ ); DTN_CLOSEUP: {$IFDEF NIL_EVENTS} if Assigned( Self_.EV.fOnCloseUp ) then {$ENDIF} Self_.EV.fOnCloseUp( Self_ ); DTN_DATETIMECHANGE: {$IFDEF NIL_EVENTS} if Assigned( Self_.EV.fOnChangeCtl ) then {$ENDIF} Self_.EV.fOnChangeCtl( Self_ ); DTN_USERSTRING: {$IFDEF NIL_EVENTS} if Assigned( Self_.EV.fOnDTPUserString ) then {$ENDIF} begin NMDTString := Pointer( NMHdr ); D := Self_.DateTime; AllowChg := TRUE; Self_.EV.fOnDTPUserString( Self_, KOLString(NMDTString.pszUserString), D, AllowChg ); NMDTString.dwFlags := Integer( not AllowChg ); end; END; end; end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION} const DateTimePickerOptions: array[ TDateTimePickerOption ] of Integer = ( DTS_TIMEFORMAT, DTS_LONGDATEFORMAT, DTS_UPDOWN, DTS_RIGHTALIGN, DTS_SHOWNONE, DTS_APPCANPARSE ); function NewDateTimePicker( AParent: PControl; Options: TDateTimePickerOptions ) : PControl; var Flags: DWORD; const CS_OFF = CS_OWNDC or CS_CLASSDC or CS_PARENTDC or CS_GLOBALCLASS or CS_VREDRAW or CS_HREDRAW; begin DoInitCommonControls( ICC_DATE_CLASSES ); Flags := MakeFlags( @Options, DateTimePickerOptions ); Result := _NewCommonControl( AParent, DATETIMEPICK_CLASS, (WS_CHILD or WS_VISIBLE or WS_TABSTOP or Flags {or DTS_APPCANPARSE}), TRUE, {$IFDEF PACK_COMMANDACTIONS} PAnsiChar( OTHER_ACTIONS ) {$ELSE} nil {$ENDIF} ); {$IFDEF DEBUG_OBJKIND} Result.fObjKind := 'TControl:DateTimePicker'; {$ENDIF} Result.SetSize( 110, 24 ); Result.AttachProc( WndProcDateTimePickerNotify ); end; procedure TControl.SetDateTime(Value: TDateTime); var ST: TSystemTime; D0: TDateTime; begin if not IsNAN( Value ) then begin EncodeDate( 1899, 12, 31, D0 ); if Trunc( Value ) < D0 then Value := Frac( Value ) + D0; DateTime2SystemTime( Value, ST ); end; Perform( DTM_SETSYSTEMTIME, Integer( IsNAN( Value ) ) , Integer( @ ST ) ); end; function TControl.GetDateTime: TDateTime; var ST: TSystemTime; begin if Perform( DTM_GETSYSTEMTIME, 0, Integer( @ ST ) ) = GDT_VALID then SystemTime2DateTime( ST, Result ) else Result := NAN; end; function TControl.Get_SystemTime: TSystemTime; begin //FillChar( Result, Sizeof( Result ), #0 ); ZeroMemory( @Result, Sizeof( Result ) ); Perform( DTM_GETSYSTEMTIME, 0, Integer( @ Result ) ); // <> GDT_VALID then end; procedure TControl.Set_SystemTime(const Value: TSystemTime); begin Perform( DTM_SETSYSTEMTIME, Integer( Value.wYear = 0 ) , Integer( @ Value ) ); end; function TControl.GetDate: TDateTime; begin Result := DateTime; if not IsNAN( Result ) then Result := Trunc( DateTime ); end; function TControl.GetTime: TDateTime; begin Result := DateTime; if not IsNAN( Result ) then Result := Frac( Result ); end; procedure TControl.SetDate(const Value: TDateTime); begin if IsNAN( Value ) then DateTime := Value else if not IsNAN( DateTime ) then DateTime := Trunc( Value ) + Frac( DateTime ) else DateTime := Trunc( Value ); end; procedure TControl.SetTime(const Value: TDateTime); begin if IsNAN( Value ) then DateTime := Value else if not IsNAN( DateTime ) then DateTime := Trunc( DateTime ) + Frac( Value ) else DateTime := 1.0 + Frac( Value ); end; function TControl.GetDateTimeRange: TDateTimeRange; var ST_R: array[ 0..1 ] of TSystemTime; begin Perform( DTM_GETRANGE, 0, Integer( @ ST_R[ 0 ] ) ); SystemTime2DateTime( ST_R[ 0 ], Result.FromDate ); SystemTime2DateTime( ST_R[ 1 ], Result.ToDate ); end; procedure TControl.SetDateTimeRange(Value: TDateTimeRange); var ST_R: array[ 0..1 ] of TSystemTime; begin DateTime2SystemTime( Value.FromDate, ST_R[ 0 ] ); DateTime2SystemTime( Value.ToDate , ST_R[ 1 ] ); Perform( DTM_SETRANGE, Integer( IsNAN( Value.FromDate ) ) or (Integer( IsNAN( Value.ToDate ) ) shl 1), Integer( @ ST_R[ 0 ] ) ); end; function TControl.GetDateTimePickerColor( Index: TDateTimePickerColor): TColor; begin Result := Perform( DTM_GETMCCOLOR, Integer( Index ), 0 ); end; procedure TControl.SetDateTimePickerColor( Index: TDateTimePickerColor; Value: TColor); begin Perform( DTM_SETMCCOLOR, Integer( Index ), Color2RGB( Value ) ); end; procedure TControl.SetDateTimeFormat(const Value: KOLString); begin Perform( DTM_SETFORMAT, 0, Integer( PKOLChar( Value ) ) ); end; function TControl.GetTBAutoSizeButtons: Boolean; begin Result := DF.fDefaultTBBtnStyle and TBSTYLE_AUTOSIZE <> 0; end; function TControl.GetTVEditing: Boolean; begin Result := Perform( TVM_GETEDITCONTROL, 0, 0 ) <> 0; end; procedure TControl.SetTBAutoSizeButtons(const Value: Boolean); begin DF.fDefaultTBBtnStyle := Integer( Value ) shl 4; end; {$IFDEF USE_FLAGS} function TControl.GetTabStop: Boolean; begin Result := F2_Tabstop in fStyle.f2_Style; end; procedure TControl.SetTabStop(const Value: Boolean); begin if Value then include( fStyle.f2_Style, F2_Tabstop ) else exclude( fStyle.f2_Style, F2_Tabstop ); end; function TControl.GetWordWrap: Boolean; begin Result := G1_WordWrap in fFlagsG1; end; procedure TControl.SetWordWrap(const Value: Boolean); begin if Value then include( fFlagsG1, G1_WordWrap ) else exclude( fFlagsG1, G1_WordWrap ); end; function TControl.GetCannotDoubleBuf: Boolean; begin Result := G1_CanNotDoublebuf in fFlagsG1; end; procedure TControl.SetCannotDoubleBuf(const Value: Boolean); begin if Value then include( fFlagsG1, G1_CanNotDoublebuf ) else exclude( fFlagsG1, G1_CanNotDoublebuf ); end; function TControl.GetDoubleBuffered: Boolean; begin Result := G2_DoubleBuffered in fFlagsG2; end; function TControl.GetTransparent: Boolean; begin Result := G2_Transparent in fFlagsG2; end; function TControl.GetIsForm: Boolean; begin Result := G3_IsForm in fFlagsG3; end; function TControl.GetSizeGrip: Boolean; begin Result := G3_SizeGrip in fFlagsG3; end; procedure TControl.SetSizeGrip(const Value: Boolean); begin if Value then include( fFlagsG3, G3_SizeGrip ) else exclude( fFlagsG3, G3_SizeGrip ); end; function TControl.GetIsApplet: Boolean; begin Result := G3_IsApplet in fFlagsG3; end; function TControl.GetIsControl: Boolean; begin Result := G3_IsControl in fFlagsG3; end; function TControl.GetIsMDIChild: Boolean; begin Result := G3_IsMDIChild in fFlagsG3; end; function TControl.GetCreateVisible: Boolean; begin Result := G4_CreateVisible in fFlagsG4; end; procedure TControl.SetCreateVisible(const Value: Boolean); begin if Value then include( fFlagsG4, G4_CreateVisible ) else exclude( fFlagsG4, G4_CreateVisible ); end; function TControl.GetIsButton: Boolean; begin Result := G5_IsButton in fFlagsG5; end; function TControl.GetFlat: Boolean; begin Result := G3_Flat in fFlagsG3; end; function TControl.GetMouseInCtl: Boolean; begin Result := G3_MouseInCtl in fFlagsG3; end; function TControl.GetEraseBackground: Boolean; begin Result := G5_EraseBkgnd in fFlagsG5; end; procedure TControl.SetEraseBackground(const Value: Boolean); begin if Value then include( fFlagsG5, G5_EraseBkgnd ) else exclude( fFlagsG5, G5_EraseBkgnd ); end; function TControl.Get3ButtonPress: Boolean; begin Result := G5_3ButtonPress in fFlagsG5; end; function TControl.GetKeyPreview: Boolean; begin Result := G6_KeyPreview in fFlagsG6; end; procedure TControl.SetKeyPreview(const Value: Boolean); begin if Value then include( fFlagsG6, G6_KeyPreview ) else exclude( fFlagsG6, G6_KeyPreview ); end; function TControl.GetIgnoreDefault: Boolean; begin Result := G5_IgnoreDefault in fFlagsG5; end; procedure TControl.SetIgnoreDefault(const Value: Boolean); begin if Value then include( fFlagsG5, G5_IgnoreDefault ) else exclude( fFlagsG5, G5_IgnoreDefault ); end; function TControl.GetWindowed: Boolean; begin Result := not(G6_GraphicCtl in fFlagsG6); end; procedure TControl.SetWindowed(const Value: Boolean); begin if Value then exclude( fFlagsG6, G6_GraphicCtl ) else include( fFlagsG6, G6_GraphicCtl ); end; function TControl.Get_RightClick: Boolean; begin Result := G6_RightClick in fFlagsG6; end; function TControl.Get_Dragging: Boolean; begin Result := G6_Dragging in fFlagsG6; end; function TControl.Get_SizeRedraw: Boolean; begin Result := G1_SizeRedraw in fFlagsG1; end; procedure TControl.Set_SizeRedraw(const Value: Boolean); begin if Value then include( fFlagsG1, G1_SizeRedraw ) else exclude( fFlagsG1, G1_SizeRedraw ); end; {$ENDIF USE_FLAGS} function TControl.GetDroppedDown: Boolean; begin Result := DF.fTBDropped or (Perform( CB_GetDroppedState, 0, 0 ) <> 0); end; //===================== RichEdit ========================// {$IFNDEF NOT_USE_RICHEDIT} type PENLink = ^TENLink; TENLink = packed record hdr: TNMHDR; msg: DWORD; wParam: Integer; lParam: Integer; chrg: TCHARRANGE; end; TEXTRANGEA = packed record chrg: TCharRange; lpstrText: PAnsiChar; end; {$IFDEF not_ASM_VERSION}{$ELSE PAS_VERSION} //Pascal function WndProc_RE_LinkNotify( Self_: PControl; var Msg: TMsg; var Rslt: Integer ): Boolean; var Link: PENLink; Range: TextRangeA; Buffer: Array[ 0..1023 ] of AnsiChar; // KOL_ANSI Buf_W : array[ 0..511 ] of WideChar absolute Buffer; s: KOLString; begin Result := False; if (Msg.message = WM_NOTIFY) and (PNMHdr( Msg.lParam ).code = EN_LINK) then begin Link := Pointer( Msg.lParam ); Range.chrg := Link.chrg; Range.lpstrText := @Buffer[ 0 ]; Buffer[ 0 ] := #0; Self_.Perform( EM_GETTEXTRANGE, 0, Integer( @Range ) ); {$IFDEF UNICODE_CTRLS} s := Buf_W; //todo: check it! {$ELSE} {$IFDEF _D3orHigher} if (Buffer[ 1 ] = #0) and (Range.chrg.cpMax - Range.chrg.cpMin > 1) then begin {$WARNINGS OFF} s := Buf_W; {$WARNINGS ON} end else {$ENDIF} s := Buffer; {$ENDIF} if Self_.DF.fREUrl <> nil then FreeMem( Self_.DF.fREUrl ); if s <> '' then begin GetMem( Self_.DF.fREUrl, (Length(s)+1) * Sizeof(KOLChar) ); Move( s[1], Self_.DF.fREUrl^, (Length(s)+1)*Sizeof(KOLChar) ); end; case Link.msg of WM_MOUSEMOVE: {$IFDEF NIL_EVENTS} if assigned( Self_.EV.fOnREOverURL ) then {$ENDIF} Self_.EV.fOnREOverURL( Self_ ); WM_LBUTTONDOWN, WM_RBUTTONDOWN: {$IFDEF NIL_EVENTS} if assigned( Self_.EV.fOnREUrlClick ) then {$ENDIF} Self_.EV.fOnREUrlClick( Self_ ); end; Rslt := 0; Result := TRUE; end; end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION} {$IFDEF ASM_noVERSION} function WndProcRichEditNotify( Self_: PControl; var Msg: TMsg; var Rslt: Integer ): Boolean; const int_IDC_ARROW = integer( IDC_ARROW ); asm CMP word ptr [EDX].TMsg.message, WM_NOTIFY JNE @@chk_WM_DESTROY MOV EDX, [EDX].TMsg.lParam CMP [EDX].TNMHdr.code, EN_SELCHANGE JNE @@ret_false CALL TControl.DoSelChange JMP @@ret_false @@chk_WM_DESTROY: CMP word ptr [EDX].TMsg.message, WM_DESTROY JNZ @@ret_false LEA EAX, [EAX].TControl.fREUrl CALL @LStrClr @@ret_false: XOR EAX, EAX RET end; {$ELSE PAS_VERSION} //Pascal function WndProcRichEditNotify( Self_: PControl; var Msg: TMsg; var Rslt: Integer ): Boolean; var NMhdr: PNMHdr; begin Result := False; if Msg.message = WM_NOTIFY then begin NMHdr := Pointer( Msg.lParam ); case NMHdr.code of EN_SELCHANGE: begin Self_.DoSelChange; if {$IFDEF USE_FLAGS} G2_Transparent in Self_.fFlagsG2 {$ELSE} Self_.fTransparent {$ENDIF} then Self_.Invalidate; end; end; end else if Msg.message = WM_DESTROY then begin if Self_.DF.fREUrl <> nil then FreeMem( Self_.DF.fREUrl ); Self_.DF.fREURL := nil; end; end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION} const RichEditflags: array [ TEditOption ] of Integer = ( not (es_AutoHScroll or WS_HSCROLL), not (es_AutoVScroll or WS_VSCROLL), 0 {es_Lowercase - not supported}, 0 {es_Multiline - RichEdit always multiline}, es_NoHideSel, 0 {es_OemConvert - not suppoted}, 0 {es_Password - not supported}, es_Readonly, 0 {es_UpperCase - not supported}, es_WantReturn, 0, es_Number ); {$IFDEF USE_CONSTRUCTORS} function NewRichEdit1( AParent: PControl; Options: TEditOptions ): PControl; begin new( Result, CreateRichEdit1( AParent, Options ) ); {$IFDEF DEBUG_OBJKIND} Result.fObjKind := 'TControl:RichEdit'; {$ENDIF} end; {$ELSE not_USE_CONSTRUCTORS} {$IFDEF noASM_UNICODE} function NewRichEdit1( AParent: PControl; Options: TEditOptions ): PControl; const RichNamesCount = High( RichEditLibnames ) + 1; asm PUSH EDX MOV ECX, [FRichEditModule] INC ECX LOOP @@loaded PUSHAD {$IFNDEF SMALLEST_CODE} {$IFNDEF SMALLER_CODE} PUSH SEM_NOOPENFILEERRORBOX or SEM_FAILCRITICALERRORS CALL SetErrorMode PUSH EAX {$ENDIF} {$ENDIF} @@search_richedit: MOV BX, RichNamesCount + $400 LEA ESI, [RichEditLibNames] LEA EDI, [RichEditClasses] CMP [RichEditIdx], 0 JZ @@loo LEA ESI, [ESI+(RichNamesCount-1)*4] LEA EDI, [EDI+(RichNamesCount-1)*4] NEG BH @@loo: MOV ECX, [EDI] MOV [RichEditClass], ECX MOVSX ECX, BH ADD EDI, ECX MOV EAX, [ESI] ADD ESI, ECX PUSH EAX CALL LoadLibrary CMP EAX, HINSTANCE_ERROR JG @@break DEC BL JNZ @@loo JMP @@fault @@break: MOV [FRichEditModule], EAX @@fault: {$IFNDEF SMALLEST_CODE} {$IFNDEF SMALLER_CODE} CALL SetErrorMode {$ENDIF} {$ENDIF} POPAD @@loaded: PUSH EAX PUSH EDX MOV EAX, ESP MOV EDX, offset[RichEditFlags] XOR ECX, ECX MOV CL, 10 CALL MakeFlags XCHG ECX, EAX POP EDX POP EAX PUSH 1 {$IFDEF PACK_COMMANDACTIONS} PUSH [RichEditActions_Packed] {$ELSE} PUSH offset[RichEditActions] {$ENDIF} MOV EDX, [RichEditClass] OR ECX, WS_VISIBLE or WS_CHILD or WS_TABSTOP or WS_BORDER or ES_MULTILINE CALL _NewCommonControl {$IFDEF USE_FLAGS} OR [EAX].TControl.fFlagsG5, 1 shl G5_IgnoreDefault {$ELSE} INC [EAX].TControl.fIgnoreDefault {$ENDIF} POP EDX TEST DH, 4 // is eoWantTab in Options ? SETZ DL MOV [EAX].TControl.fLookTabKeys, DL PUSH EBX MOV EBX, EAX MOV EDX, offset[WndProcRichEditNotify] CALL TControl.AttachProc {$IFDEF USE_FLAGS} OR [EBX].TControl.fFlagsG1, (1 shl G1_CanNotDoublebuf) AND [EBX].TControl.fFlagsG2, not (1 shl G2_DoubleBuffered) {$ELSE} INC [EBX].TControl.fCannotDoubleBuf MOV [EBX].TControl.fDoubleBuffered, 0 {$ENDIF USE_FLAGS} ADD [EBX].TControl.fBoundsRect.Right, 100-64 ADD [EBX].TControl.fBoundsRect.Bottom, 200-64 PUSH ENM_CHANGE or ENM_SELCHANGE or ENM_REQUESTRESIZE or ENM_PROTECTED or $04000000 PUSH 0 PUSH EM_SETEVENTMASK PUSH EBX CALL TControl.Perform MOV EAX, clWindow MOV [EBX].TControl.fColor, EAX CALL Color2RGB PUSH EAX PUSH 0 PUSH EM_SETBKGNDCOLOR PUSH EBX CALL TControl.Perform {$IFDEF RICHEDIT_XPBORDER} MOV EDX, offset[WndProc_RichEditXPBorder] MOV EAX, EBX CALL TControl.AttachProc {$ENDIF RICHEDIT_XPBORDER} XCHG EAX, EBX POP EBX end; {$ELSE PAS_VERSION} //Pascal function NewRichEdit1( AParent: PControl; Options: TEditOptions ): PControl; var Flags, I, d, Last, SaveErrMode: Integer; label search_richedit; begin {$IFDEF INPACKAGE} Log( '->NewRichEdit1' ); TRY {$ENDIF INPACKAGE} if FRichEditModule = 0 then begin search_richedit: I := RichEditIdx; Last := High( RichEditLibnames ); d := 1; if RichEditIdx > 1 then // 50W, 20A begin I := Last; Last := 0; d := -1; end; SaveErrMode := SetErrorMode( SEM_NOOPENFILEERRORBOX or SEM_FAILCRITICALERRORS ); while I <> Last + d do begin FRichEditModule := LoadLibrary( RichEditLibnames[ I ] ); RichEditClass := RichEditClasses[ I ]; if FRichEditModule > HINSTANCE_ERROR then break; inc( I, d ); end; if FRichEditModule <= HINSTANCE_ERROR then FRichEditModule := 0; SetErrorMode( SaveErrMode ); end; Flags := MakeFlags( @Options, RichEditFlags ); {$IFDEF INPACKAGE} Log( '//// calling _NewCommonControl' ); {$ENDIF INPACKAGE} Result := _NewCommonControl( AParent, RichEditClass, WS_VISIBLE or WS_CHILD or WS_TABSTOP or WS_BORDER or ES_MULTILINE or Flags, True, {$IFDEF PACK_COMMANDACTIONS} RichEditActions_Packed {$ELSE} @RichEditActions {$ENDIF} ); {$IFDEF DEBUG_OBJKIND} Result.fObjKind := 'TControl:RichEdit'; {$ENDIF} {$IFDEF STATIC_RICHEDIT_DATA}{$ELSE} Result.DF.fRECharFormatRec := AllocMem( Sizeof( TCharFormat ) + Sizeof( TParaFormat2 ) ); Result.DF.fREParaFmtRec := Pointer( Integer( @ Result.DF.fRECharFormatRec ) + Sizeof( TCharFormat ) ); Result.Add2AutoFreeEx( Result.FreeCharFormatRec ); {$ENDIF} {$IFDEF INPACKAGE} Log( '//// after _NewCommonControl called' ); {$ENDIF INPACKAGE} Result.fLookTabKeys := [ tkTab ]; if eoWantTab in Options then Result.fLookTabKeys := [ ]; Result.AttachProc( WndProcRichEditNotify ); {$IFDEF USE_FLAGS} include( Result.fFlagsG1, G1_CanNotDoublebuf ); exclude( Result.fFlagsG2, G2_DoubleBuffered ); include( Result.fFlagsG5, G5_IgnoreDefault ); {$ELSE} Result.fCannotDoubleBuf := True; Result.fDoubleBuffered := False; Result.fIgnoreDefault := TRUE; {$ENDIF} with Result.fBoundsRect do begin Right := Right + 100; Bottom := Top + 200; end; {$IFDEF INPACKAGE} Log( '//// before Perform' ); {$ENDIF INPACKAGE} Result.Perform( EM_SETEVENTMASK, 0, ENM_CHANGE or ENM_SELCHANGE or ENM_REQUESTRESIZE or ENM_PROTECTED or $04000000 {ENM_LINK} or ENM_KEYEVENTS ); {$IFDEF INPACKAGE} Log( '//// after Perform' ); {$ENDIF INPACKAGE} Result.fColor := clWindow; Result.Perform( EM_SETBKGNDCOLOR, 0, Color2RGB(Result.fColor)); {$IFDEF RICHEDIT_XPBORDER} Result.AttachProc( WndProc_RichEditXPBorder ); {$ENDIF} {$IFDEF INPACKAGE} LogOK; FINALLY Log( '<-NewRichEdit1' ); END; {$ENDIF INPACKAGE} end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION} {$ENDIF NOT_USE_RICHEDIT} {$ENDIF USE_CONSTRUCTORS} function OleInitialize(pwReserved: Pointer): HResult; stdcall; external 'ole32.dll' name 'OleInitialize'; procedure OleUninitialize; stdcall; external 'ole32.dll' name 'OleUninitialize'; {$IFDEF ASM_VERSION}{$ELSE PAS_VERSION} //Pascal function OleInit: Boolean; begin if OleInitCount = 0 then begin Result := False; if OleInitialize( nil ) <> 0 then Exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} end; Inc( OleInitCount ); Result := True; end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION} {$IFDEF ASM_VERSION}{$ELSE PAS_VERSION} //Pascal procedure OleUnInit; begin if OleInitCount > 0 then begin Dec( OleInitCount ); if OleInitCount = 0 then OleUninitialize; end; end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION} function SysAllocStringLen; external 'oleaut32.dll' name 'SysAllocStringLen'; procedure SysFreeString( psz: PWideChar ); stdcall; external 'oleaut32.dll' name 'SysFreeString'; function StringToOleStr(const Source: Ansistring): PWideChar; var SourceLen, ResultLen: Integer; Buffer: array[0..1023] of WideChar; begin SourceLen := Length(Source); if Length(Source) < SizeOf(Buffer) div 2 then Result := SysAllocStringLen(Buffer, MultiByteToWideChar(0, 0, PAnsiChar(Source), SourceLen, Buffer, SizeOf(Buffer) div 2)) else begin ResultLen := MultiByteToWideChar(0, 0, Pointer(Source), SourceLen, nil, 0); Result := SysAllocStringLen(nil, ResultLen); MultiByteToWideChar(0, 0, Pointer(Source), SourceLen, Result, ResultLen); end; end; {$IFNDEF NOT_USE_RICHEDIT} {$IFDEF USE_CONSTRUCTORS} function NewRichEdit( AParent: PControl; Options: TEditOptions ): PControl; begin new( Result, CreateRichEdit( AParent, Options ) ); {$IFDEF DEBUG_OBJKIND} Result.fObjKind := 'TControl:RichEdit'; {$ENDIF} end; {$ELSE not_USE_CONSTRUCTORS} {$IFDEF ASM_VERSION}{$ELSE PAS_VERSION} //Pascal function NewRichEdit( AParent: PControl; Options: TEditOptions ): PControl; begin {$IFDEF INPACKAGE} Log( '->NewRichEdit' ); TRY {$ENDIF INPACKAGE} if OleInit then begin {$IFDEF INPACKAGE} Log( '//// OleInit OK: call NewRichEdit1' ); {$ENDIF INPACKAGE} {$IFDEF UNICODE_CTRLS} RichEditIdx := 0; {$ELSE} RichEditIdx := 0; // Richedit20A / RichEdit {$ENDIF} Result := NewRichEdit1( AParent, Options ); Result.DF.fCharFmtDeltaSz := 24; //sizeof( TCharFormat2 ) - sizeof( RichEdit.TCharFormat ); // sizeof( TCharFormat2 ) is calculated incorrectly Result.DF.fParaFmtDeltaSz := sizeof( TParaFormat2 ) - sizeof( RichEdit.TParaFormat ); end else begin {$IFDEF INPACKAGE} Log( '//// OleInit failed: call NewRichEdit1' ); {$ENDIF INPACKAGE} Result := NewRichEdit1( AParent, Options ); end; {$IFDEF INPACKAGE} LogOK; FINALLY Log( '<-NewRichEdit' ); END; {$ENDIF INPACKAGE} end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION} {$ENDIF USE_CONSTRUCTORS} {$ENDIF NOT_USE_RICHEDIT} //=====================================================================// {$ENDIF WIN_GDI} { TControl } {$IFDEF ASM_VERSION}{$ELSE PAS_VERSION} //Pascal procedure TControl.Init; {$IFNDEF OLD_EVENTS_MODEL} var i: Integer; {$ENDIF} begin {$IFDEF CALL_INHERITED} inherited; // nothing here for Delphi 4 and higher {$ENDIF} {$IFDEF GDI} {$IFDEF OLD_EVENTS_MODEL} {$IFDEF USE_GRAPHCTLS} PP.fDoInvalidate := InvalidateWindowed; {$ENDIF} PP.fOnDynHandlers := WndProcDummy; PP.fWndProcKeybd := WndProcDummy; //{-2.95}PP.fWndProcResizeFlicks := WndProcDummy; PP.fPass2DefProc := WndProcDummy; PP.fControlClick := DummyObjProc; PP.fAutoSize := DummyObjProc; PP.fWndFunc := @ WndFunc; {$ELSE} {$IFDEF EVENTS_DYNAMIC} if not Assigned( EmptyEvents.fOnMessage ) then for i := 0 to idx_LastEvent do EmptyEvents.MethodEvents[i].Code := DummyProcTable[InitEventsTable[i] and $F]; EV := @ EmptyEvents; for i := 0 to High(PP.Procedures) do PP.Procedures[i] := DummyProcTable[InitEventsTable[i] shr 4]; {$ELSE} for i := 0 to idx_LastEvent do begin EV.MethodEvents[i].Code := DummyProcTable[InitEventsTable[i] and $F]; //EV.MethodEvents[i].Data := @Self; if i < idx_LastProc - idx_LastEvent then PP.Procedures[i] := DummyProcTable[InitEventsTable[i] shr 4]; end; {$ENDIF} {$ENDIF NEW_EVENTS_MODEL} fAlphaBlend := 255; //---- fCommandActions.aClear := ClearText; //--- moved to _NewWindowed fColor := clBtnFace; fTextColor := clWindowText; {$ENDIF GDI} fMargin := 2; {$IFDEF GDI} //fCtl3D := True; fCtl3Dchild := True; fCtl3D_child := 3; {$ENDIF GDI} fChildren := NewList; {$IFDEF GDI} fClsStyle := CS_OWNDC; fStyle.Value := WS_VISIBLE or WS_CLIPCHILDREN or WS_CLIPSIBLINGS or WS_CAPTION or WS_SYSMENU or WS_MINIMIZEBOX or WS_MAXIMIZEBOX or WS_BORDER or WS_THICKFRAME; fExStyle := WS_EX_CONTROLPARENT; {$ENDIF GDI} {$IFDEF USE_FLAGS} {$ELSE} fWindowed := True; fVisible := True; fEnabled := True; {$ENDIF} fDynHandlers := NewList; end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION} {$IFDEF GDI} {$IFDEF ASM_VERSION}{$ELSE PAS_VERSION} //Pascal procedure TControl.InitParented( AParent: PControl ); begin Init; if AParent <> nil then fColor := AParent.fColor; Parent := AParent; end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION} {$ENDIF GDI} {$IFDEF _X_} {$IFDEF GTK} PROCEDURE TControl.InitParented( AParent: PControl; widget: PGtkWidget; need_eventbox: Boolean ); BEGIN Init; fHandle := widget; fCaptionHandle := fHandle; fEventboxHandle := fHandle; IF need_eventbox THEN BEGIN fEventboxHandle := gtk_event_box_new(); gtk_widget_set_events( fEventboxHandle, GDK_ALL_EVENTS_MASK ); //gtk_container_add( GTK_CONTAINER( AParent.fHandle ), fEventboxHandle ); gtk_widget_show( fEventboxHandle ); gtk_container_add( GTK_CONTAINER( fEventboxHandle ), fHandle ); END; g_object_set_data( G_OBJECT( fEventboxHandle ), ID_SELF, @ Self ); if AParent <> nil then fColor := AParent.fColor; Parent := AParent; END; {$ENDIF GTK} {$ENDIF _X_} {$IFDEF WIN_GDI} procedure TControl.InitOrthaned( AParentWnd: HWnd ); begin Init; FParentWnd := AParentWnd; end; {$IFDEF ASM_VERSION}{$ELSE PAS_VERSION} //Pascal destructor TControl.Destroy; var I: Integer; F: PControl; Ico: HIcon; begin {$IFDEF USE_CUSTOMEXTENSIONS} {$I CUSTOM_TCONTROL_DESTROY.INC} {$ENDIF} {$IFDEF USE_MHTOOLTIP} {$DEFINE destroy} /////fHint.Free; {$UNDEF destroy} {$ENDIF USE_MHTOOLTIP} {$IFDEF DEBUG_ANY} F := nil; TRY F := ParentForm; // or Applet - for form ??? EXCEPT asm nop end; END; {$ELSE} F := ParentForm; // or Applet - for form ??? {$ENDIF DEBUG_ANY} if F <> nil then if F.DF.FCurrentControl = @Self then F.DF.FCurrentControl := nil; if fHandle <> 0 then ShowWindow( fHandle, SW_HIDE ); Final; {$IFDEF USE_AUTOFREE4CHILDREN} {$ELSE} DestroyChildren; {$ENDIF} if {$IFDEF USE_FLAGS} not(G2_Destroying in fFlagsG2) {$ELSE} not fDestroying {$ENDIF} then begin {$IFDEF USE_FLAGS} include( fFlagsG2, G2_Destroying ); {$ELSE} fDestroying := True; {$ENDIF} if {$IFDEF USE_FLAGS} G6_CtlClassNameChg in fFlagsG6 {$ELSE} fCtlClsNameChg {$ENDIF} then begin FreeMem( fControlClassName ); {$IFDEF USE_FLAGS} exclude( fFlagsG6, G6_CtlClassNameChg ); {$ELSE} fCtlClsNameChg := FALSE; {$ENDIF} end; {$IFDEF USE_AUTOFREE4CONTROLS} {$ELSE} fFont.Free; fFont := nil; fBrush.Free; fBrush := nil; {$ENDIF} fCanvas.Free; fCanvas := nil; if fHandle <> 0 then begin {$IFNDEF NEW_MENU_ACCELL} {$IFDEF USE_AUTOFREE4CONTROLS} {$ELSE} if fAccelTable <> 0 then begin DestroyAcceleratorTable( fAccelTable ); fAccelTable := 0; end; {$ENDIF} {$ENDIF} {$IFDEF USE_AUTOFREE4CONTROLS} {$ELSE} fMenuObj.Free; while fImageList <> nil do fImageList.Free; {$ENDIF} I := fHandle; Ico := DF.fIcon; if (Ico <> 0) and (Ico <> HIcon(-1)) then if {$IFDEF USE_FLAGS} not(G1_IconShared in fFlagsG1) {$ELSE} not fIconShared {$ENDIF} then DestroyIcon( Ico ); if IsWindow( I ) then begin // RemoveProp( I, ID_SELF ); //************** Remarked By M.Gerasimov {$IFDEF USE_fNCDestroyed} if not fNCDestroyed then {$ENDIF} begin {$IFDEF DEBUG_ENDSESSION} if EndSession_Initiated then LogFileOutput( GetStartDir + 'es_debug.txt', 'DESTROYING HWND:' + Int2Str( I ) ); {$ENDIF} (* -- moved to WM_NCDESTROY -- VK + Alexey Kirov, 23.02.2012 {$IFnDEF SMALLER_CODE} {$IFDEF USE_PROP} SetProp( I, ID_SELF, 0 ); {$ELSE} SetWindowLong( I, GWL_USERDATA, 0 ); {$ENDIF} {$ENDIF} *) DestroyWindow( I ); end; end; fHandle := 0; end; if fCustomData <> nil then FreeMem( fCustomData ); fCustomData := nil; fCustomObj.Free; fCustomObj := nil; if fTmpBrush <> 0 then DeleteObject( fTmpBrush ); fTmpBrush := 0; //if FCaption <> nil then FreeMem( FCaption ); fCaption := ''; //if fStatusTxt <> nil then // FreeMem( fStatusTxt ); if fParent <> nil then begin fParent.fChildren.Remove( @Self ); {$IFDEF USE_AUTOFREE4CHILDREN} fParent.RemoveFromAutoFree( @ Self ); {$ENDIF} if fParent.DF.fCurrentControl = @Self then fParent.DF.fCurrentControl := nil; end; fChildren.Free; {$IFDEF USE_AUTOFREE4CONTROLS} {$ELSE} DF.fTBttCmd.Free; DF.fTBttTxt.Free; fTmpFont.Free; {$ENDIF} fDynHandlers.Free; inherited; end; end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION} {$IFDEF USE_MHTOOLTIP} {$DEFINE code} function TControl.GetHint: PMHHint; begin if fHint = nil then fHint := NewHint(@Self); Result := fHint; end; {$UNDEF code} {$ENDIF} {$IFDEF ASM_VERSION}{$ELSE PAS_VERSION} //Pascal procedure TControl.SetEnabled( Value: Boolean ); begin if GetEnabled = Value then Exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} {$IFDEF USE_FLAGS} {$ELSE} fEnabled := Value; {$ENDIF USE_FLAGS} if Value then exclude( fStyle.f3_Style, F3_Disabled ) else include( fStyle.f3_Style, F3_Disabled ); if fHandle <> 0 then begin {$IFDEF USE_FLAGS} EnableWindow( fHandle, not(F3_Disabled in fStyle.f3_Style)); {$ELSE} EnableWindow( fHandle, fEnabled ); {$ENDIF} end; Invalidate; // necessary for Graphic controls end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION} {$IFDEF ASM_noVERSION} {$ELSE PAS_VERSION} //Pascal function TControl.GetParentWindow: HWnd; begin Result := GetParentWnd( TRUE ); end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION} {$IFDEF ASM_UNICODE}{$ELSE PAS_VERSION} //Pascal function TControl.GetWindowHandle: HWnd; begin {$IFDEF INPACKAGE} Log( '->TControl.GetWindowHandle' ); TRY {$ENDIF INPACKAGE} if fHandle = 0 then begin {$IFDEF CREATE_HIDDEN} if {$IFDEF USE_FLAGS} not(G4_CreateVisible in fFlagsG4) {$ELSE} not fCreateVisible {$ENDIF} then begin Set_Visible( False ); CreateWindow; //virtual!!! {$IFDEF USE_FLAGS} include( fFlagsG4, G4_CreateHidden ); {$ELSE} fCreateHidden := True; {$ENDIF} end else {$ENDIF CREATE_HIDDEN} CreateWindow; //virtual!!! end; Result := fHandle; {$IFDEF INPACKAGE} LogOK; FINALLY Log( '<-TControl.GetWindowHandle' ); END; {$ENDIF INPACKAGE} end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION} {$IFDEF DEBUG_CREATEWINDOW} procedure Debug_CreateWindow1( _Self: PControl ); begin {LogFileOutput( GetStartDir + 'Session.log', 'TControl.CreateWindow, ' + ' Self = ' + Int2Str( Integer( _Self ) ) + ' Caption = ' + _Self.fCaption + ' fChildren = ' + Int2Hex( Integer( _Self.fChildren ), 4 ) + ' ChildCount = ' + Int2Str( _Self.ChildCount ) );} end; procedure Debug_CreateWindow2( _Self: PControl; const Params: TCreateWndParams ); begin LogFileOutput( GetStartDir + 'Session.log', ' ExStyle=' + Int2Hex( Params.ExStyle, 4 ) + ' WinClassName=' + Params.WinClassName + ' Caption=' + Params.Caption + ' Style=' + Int2Hex( Params.Style, 4 ) + ' X=' + Int2Str( Params.X ) + ' Y=' + Int2Str( Params.Y ) + ' Width=' + Int2Str( Params.Width ) + ' Height=' + Int2Str( Params.Height ) + //' WndParent=' + Int2Str( Params.WndParent ) + ' Parent=' + Int2Hex( DWORD( _Self.Parent ), 6 ) + ' Menu=' + Int2Str( Params.Menu ) + ' hInstance=' + Int2Str( Params.WindowClass.hInstance ) + ' Param=' + Int2Str( Integer( Params.Param ) ) + ' WindowClass.style:' + Int2Str( Params.WindowClass.style ) + ' WindowClass.lpfnWndProc:' + Int2Str( DWORD( Pointer( Params.WindowClass.lpfnWndProc ) ) ) + ' WindowClass.cbClsExtra:' + Int2Str( DWORD( Params.WindowClass.cbClsExtra ) ) + ' WindowClass.cbWndExtra:' + Int2Str( DWORD( Params.WindowClass.cbWndExtra ) ) + ' WindowClass.hInstance:' + Int2Str( Params.WindowClass.hInstance ) + ' WindowClass.hIcon:' + Int2Str( Params.WindowClass.hIcon ) + ' WindowClass.hCursor:' + Int2Str( Params.WindowClass.hCursor ) + ' WindowClass.hbrBackground:' + Int2Str( Params.WindowClass.hbrBackground ) + ' WindowClass.lpszMenuName:' + Params.WindowClass.lpszMenuName + ' WindowClass.lpszClassName:' + Params.WindowClass.lpszClassName ); end; {$ENDIF DEBUG_CREATEWINDOW} //var LockedWindow: HWnd; {$IFDEF ASM_UNICODE}{$ELSE PAS_VERSION} //Pascal function TControl.CreateWindow: Boolean; const CS_OFF = CS_OWNDC or CS_CLASSDC or CS_PARENTDC or CS_GLOBALCLASS; CS_ON = 0; //CS_VREDRAW or CS_HREDRAW; var TempClass: TWndClass; Params: TCreateWndParams; ClassRegistered: Boolean; {$IFDEF _FPC} SClassName: AnsiString; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION} {$IFDEF UNICODE_CTRLS} TempOleStr : PWideChar; {$ENDIF} {$IFDEF CREATE_HIDDEN} {$ELSE} lock: Boolean; {$ENDIF} begin {$IFDEF INPACKAGE} Log( '->TControl.CreateWindow' ); TRY {$ENDIF INPACKAGE} {$IFDEF DEBUG_CREATEWINDOW} Debug_CreateWindow1( @ Self ); {$ENDIF DEBUG_CREATEWINDOW} Result := False; if fParent <> nil then if fParent.GetWindowHandle = 0 then Exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} if fHandle <> 0 then begin {$IFDEF CREATE_HIDDEN} if {$IFDEF USE_FLAGS} G4_CreateHidden in fFlagsG4 {$ELSE} fCreateHidden {$ENDIF} then begin CreateChildWindows; Set_Visible( True ); {$IFDEF USE_FLAGS} exclude( fFlagsG4, G4_CreateHidden ); {$ELSE} fCreateHidden := False; {$ENDIF} end else begin CreateChildWindows; end; {$ELSE} begin lock := LockedWindow <> 0; if lock then begin LockWindowUpdate( fHandle ); LockedWindow := fHandle; end; CreateChildWindows; if lock then begin LockWindowUpdate( 0 ); LockedWindow := 0; end; end; {$ENDIF CREATE_HIDDEN} Result := True; {$IFDEF INPACKAGE} LogOK; {$ENDIF INPACKAGE} Exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} end; {$IFDEF USE_GRAPHCTLS} if {$IFDEF USE_FLAGS} (G6_GraphicCtl in fFlagsG6) {$ELSE} not fWindowed {$ENDIF} then Exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} {$ENDIF} {$IFDEF INPACKAGE} Log( '/// Filling Params' ); {$ENDIF INPACKAGE} //FillChar( Params, Sizeof( Params ), 0 ); ZeroMemory( @Params, Sizeof( Params ) ); Params.WindowClass.hCursor := LoadCursor( 0, IDC_ARROW ); Params.WindowClass.hInstance := hInstance; Params.WindowClass.lpfnWndProc := fDefWndProc; Params.WindowClass.style := fClsStyle; {$IFDEF _FPC} SClassName := SubClassName; StrCopy( Params.WinClsNamBuf, @ SClassName[ 1 ] ); {$ELSE} {$IFNDEF UNICODE_CTRLS} StrCopy( Params.WinClsNamBuf, @ SubClassName[ 1 ] ); {$ELSE} TempOleStr := StringToOleStr(AnsiString(SubClassName)); lstrcpyW(Params.WinClsNamBuf, TempOleStr); // vampir_infernal 15.10.2008 SysFreeString( TempOleStr ); {$ENDIF} {$ENDIF} Params.Param := nil; Params.Inst := hInstance; Params.Menu := fMenu; Params.WndParent := GetParentWnd( TRUE ); Params.Height := fBoundsRect.Bottom - fBoundsRect.Top; if Params.Height = 0 then Params.Height := CW_UseDefault; Params.Width := fBoundsRect.Right - fBoundsRect.Left; if Params.Width = 0 then Params.Width := CW_UseDefault; Params.Y := fBoundsRect.Top; Params.X := fBoundsRect.Left; if {$IFDEF USE_FLAGS} not(G3_IsControl in fFlagsG3) {$ELSE} not fIsControl {$ENDIF} and {$IFDEF USE_FLAGS} not(G2_ChangedPos in fFlagsG2) {$ELSE} (fChangedPosSz and 3 = 0) {$ENDIF} then begin Params.Y := CW_UseDefault; Params.X := CW_UseDefault; end; Params.Style := fStyle.Value; Params.Caption := PKOLChar( fCaption ); Params.WinClassName := @ Params.WinClsNamBuf[ 0 ]; Params.ExStyle := fExStyle; {$IFDEF INPACKAGE} Log( '/// Getting class info' ); {$ENDIF INPACKAGE} if fControlClassName <> nil then begin GetClassInfo( hInstance,fControlClassName,Params.WindowClass ); Params.WindowClass.hInstance := Params.Inst; Params.WindowClass.style := Params.WindowClass.style and not CS_OFF or CS_ON; end; if fDefWndProc = nil then fDefWndProc := {$ifdef FPC21}@{$endif}Params.WindowClass.lpfnWndProc; if Params.WndParent = 0 then if Params.Style and WS_CHILD <> 0 then Exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} {$IFNDEF UNICODE_CTRLS} ClassRegistered := GetClassInfo( Params.WindowClass.hInstance,Params.WinClassName, TempClass ); {$ELSE} ClassRegistered := GetClassInfoW( Params.WindowClass.hInstance,Params.WinClassName, TempClass ); {$ENDIF} {$IFDEF INPACKAGE} Log( '/// Registering window class' ); {$ENDIF INPACKAGE} if not ClassRegistered then begin Params.WindowClass.lpszClassName := Params.WinClassName; Params.WindowClass.lpfnWndProc := @ WndFunc; {$IFNDEF UNICODE_CTRLS} if RegisterClass( Params.WindowClass ) = 0 then Exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} {$ELSE} if RegisterClassW(Params.WindowClass ) = 0 then Exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} {$ENDIF} end; {$IFDEF DEBUG_CREATEWINDOW} Debug_CreateWindow2( @ Self, Params ); {$ENDIF} CreatingWindow := @Self; {$IFDEF INPACKAGE} Log( '/// Calling CreateWindowEx' ); {$ENDIF INPACKAGE} {$IFDEF USE_MDI} if Assigned( fCreateWindowProc ) then fHandle := fCreateWindowProc( Params.WinClassName, Params.Caption, Params.Style, Params.X, Params.Y, Params.Width, Params.Height, Params.WndParent, Params.WindowClass.hInstance, Integer( Params.Param ) ) else {$ENDIF} begin {$IFNDEF UNICODE_CTRLS} fHandle := CreateWindowEx( Params.ExStyle, Params.WinClassName, Params.Caption, Params.Style, Params.X, Params.Y, Params.Width, Params.Height, Params.WndParent, Params.Menu, Params.WindowClass.hInstance, Params.Param ); {$ELSE} fHandle := CreateWindowExW( Params.ExStyle{ or WS_EX_RTLREADING}, Params.WinClassName, Params.Caption, Params.Style, Params.X, Params.Y, Params.Width, Params.Height, Params.WndParent, Params.Menu, Params.WindowClass.hInstance, Params.Param ); {$ENDIF} end; {$IFDEF INPACKAGE} Log( '/// CreateWindowEx called' ); {$ENDIF INPACKAGE} {$IFDEF DEBUG_CREATEWINDOW} if fHandle = 0 then begin MessageBox(0, PKOLChar(SysErrorMessage(GetLastError)), 'Error creating window',mb_iconhand); Exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} end; {$ENDIF} {$IFDEF INPACKAGE} Log( '/// SendMessage WM_UPDATEUISTATE' ); {$ENDIF INPACKAGE} SendMessage( fHandle, $0128 {WM_UPDATEUISTATE}, 2 {UIS_CLEAR} or (1 {UISF_HIDEFOCUS} shl 16),0); {$IFDEF USE_PROP} if GetProp(FHandle,ID_SELF) = 0 then begin CreatingWindow := nil; SetProp(FHandle, ID_SELF, THandle(@Self)); end; {$ELSE} CreatingWindow := nil; SetWindowLong( FHandle, GWL_USERDATA, Integer(@Self) ); {$ENDIF} //*** {$IFDEF INPACKAGE} Log( '/// Perform WM_SETICON' ); {$ENDIF INPACKAGE} {$IFDEF SMALLEST_CODE} {$ELSE} if {$IFDEF USE_FLAGS} not(G3_IsControl in fFlagsG3) {$ELSE} not fIsControl {$ENDIF} then Perform( WM_SETICON, 1 {ICON_BIG}, GetIcon ); {$ENDIF} {$IFDEF NIL_EVENTS} if Assigned( PP.FCreateWndExt ) then {$ENDIF} PP.FCreateWndExt( @Self ); {$IFDEF INPACKAGE} Log( '/// ApplyFont2Wnd' ); {$ENDIF INPACKAGE} ApplyFont2Wnd_Proc( @Self ); ApplyFont2Wnd_Proc( @Self ); {$IFDEF INPACKAGE} Log( '/// CreateChildWindows' ); {$ENDIF INPACKAGE} CreateChildWindows; {$IFDEF INPACKAGE} Log( '/// CreateChildWindows called OK' ); {$ENDIF INPACKAGE} Result := True; {$IFDEF INPACKAGE} LogOK; FINALLY Log( '<-TControl.CreateWindow' ); END; {$ENDIF INPACKAGE} end; {$ENDIF} {$ENDIF WIN_GDI} {$IFDEF _X_} {$IFDEF GTK} PROCEDURE TControl.VisualizyWindow; VAR i: Integer; C: PControl; BEGIN IF fHandle = nil THEN Exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} IF {$IFDEF USE_FLAGS} not(G3_IsApplet in fFlagsG3) {$ELSE} not fIsApplet {$ENDIF} AND {$IFDEF USE_FLAGS} (F3_Visible in fStyle.f3_Style) {$ELSE} FVisible {$ENDIF} then BEGIN FOR i := 0 to ChildCount-1 do BEGIN C := Children[ i ]; if {$IFDEF USE_FLAGS} F3_Visible in fStyle.f3_Style {$ELSE} C.fVisible {$ENDIF} then C.VisualizyWindow; END; gtk_widget_show( fHandle ); END; END; {$ENDIF GTK} {$ENDIF _X_} {$IFDEF WIN_GDI} //- procedure TControl.CreateSubclass(var Params: TCreateParams; ControlClassName: PKOLChar); const CS_OFF = CS_OWNDC or CS_CLASSDC or CS_PARENTDC or CS_GLOBALCLASS; CS_ON = 0; //CS_VREDRAW or CS_HREDRAW; var SaveInstance: THandle; begin if fControlClassName <> nil then with Params do begin SaveInstance := WindowClass.hInstance; {$IFNDEF UNICODE_CTRLS} if not GetClassInfo(HInstance, fControlClassName, WindowClass) and not GetClassInfo(0, fControlClassName, WindowClass) then GetClassInfo(WindowClass.hInstance, fControlClassName, WindowClass); {$ELSE} if not GetClassInfoW(HInstance, pWideChar(fControlClassName), WindowClass) and not GetClassInfoW(0, pWidechar(fControlClassName), WindowClass) then GetClassInfoW(WindowClass.hInstance, pWideChar(fControlClassName), WindowClass); {$ENDIF} WindowClass.hInstance := SaveInstance; WindowClass.style := WindowClass.style and not CS_OFF or CS_ON; end; end; {$IFDEF ASM_VERSION}{$ELSE PAS_VERSION} //Pascal function WndProcMouse(Self_: PControl; var Msg: TMsg; var Rslt: Integer): Boolean; var MouseData: TMouseEventData; begin Result := False; if (Msg.message >= WM_MOUSEFIRST) and (Msg.message <= $20A {WM_MOUSELAST}) then with MouseData do begin Shift := Msg.wParam; if GetKeyState( VK_MENU ) < 0 then Shift := Shift or MK_ALT; X := LoWord( Msg.lParam ); Y := HiWord( Msg.lParam ); //Button := TMouseButton(Msg.wParam); // not possible: wParam can contain a combination of flags // MK_CONTROL, MK_LBUTTON, MK_RBUTTON, MK_MBUTTON, MK_SHIFT, MK_XBUTTON1, MK_XBUTTON2 // So, Shift must be tested. Button := mbNone; StopHandling := FALSE; Rslt := 0; // needed ? case Msg.message of WM_LBUTTONDOWN: {$IFDEF NIL_EVENTS} if Assigned( Self_.EV.fOnMouseDown ) then {$ENDIF} begin Button := mbLeft; Self_.EV.fOnMouseDown( Self_, MouseData ); end; WM_RBUTTONDOWN: {$IFDEF NIL_EVENTS} if Assigned( Self_.EV.fOnMouseDown ) then {$ENDIF} begin Button := mbRight; Self_.EV.fOnMouseDown( Self_, MouseData ); end; WM_MBUTTONDOWN: {$IFDEF NIL_EVENTS} if Assigned( Self_.EV.fOnMouseDown ) then {$ENDIF} begin Button := mbMiddle; Self_.EV.fOnMouseDown( Self_, MouseData ); end; WM_LBUTTONUP: {$IFDEF NIL_EVENTS} if Assigned( Self_.EV.fOnMouseUp ) then {$ENDIF} begin Button := mbLeft; Self_.EV.fOnMouseUp( Self_, MouseData ); end; WM_RBUTTONUP: {$IFDEF NIL_EVENTS} if Assigned( Self_.EV.fOnMouseUp ) then {$ENDIF} begin Button := mbRight; Self_.EV.fOnMouseUp( Self_, MouseData ); end; WM_MBUTTONUP: {$IFDEF NIL_EVENTS} if Assigned( Self_.EV.fOnMouseUp ) then {$ENDIF} begin Button := mbMiddle; Self_.EV.fOnMouseUp( Self_, MouseData ); end; WM_MOUSEMOVE: {$IFDEF NIL_EVENTS} if Assigned( Self_.EV.fOnMouseMove ) then {$ENDIF} Self_.EV.fOnMouseMove( Self_, MouseData ); WM_LBUTTONDBLCLK: {$IFDEF NIL_EVENTS} if Assigned( Self_.EV.fOnMouseDblClk ) then {$ENDIF} begin Button := mbLeft; Self_.EV.fOnMouseDblClk( Self_, MouseData ); end; WM_RBUTTONDBLCLK: {$IFDEF NIL_EVENTS} if Assigned( Self_.EV.fOnMouseDblClk ) then {$ENDIF} begin Button := mbRight; Self_.EV.fOnMouseDblClk( Self_, MouseData ); end; WM_MBUTTONDBLCLK: {$IFDEF NIL_EVENTS} if Assigned( Self_.EV.fOnMouseDblClk ) then {$ENDIF} begin Button := mbMiddle; Self_.EV.fOnMouseDblClk( Self_, MouseData ); end; $020A {WM_MOUSEWHEEL}: {$IFDEF NIL_EVENTS} if Assigned( Self_.EV.fOnMouseWheel ) then {$ENDIF} Self_.EV.fOnMouseWheel( Self_, MouseData ); else Exit; //Result := False; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} end; Result := StopHandling; end; end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION} {$IFDEF ASM_UNICODE}{$ELSE PAS_VERSION} //Pascal function WndProcKeybd(Self_: PControl; var Msg: TMsg; var Rslt: Integer): Boolean; var C : KOLChar; Key: Integer; begin Result := True; case Msg.message of WM_KEYDOWN, WM_SYSKEYDOWN: begin {$IFDEF NIL_EVENTS} if assigned( Self_.EV.fOnKeyDown ) then {$ENDIF} Key := Msg.wParam; Self_.EV.fOnKeyDown( Self_, Key, GetShiftState ); Msg.wParam := Key; end; WM_KEYUP, WM_SYSKEYUP: begin {$IFDEF NIL_EVENTS} if assigned( Self_.EV.fOnKeyUp ) then {$ENDIF} Key := Msg.wParam; Self_.EV.fOnKeyUp( Self_, Key, GetShiftState ); Msg.wParam := Key; end; WM_CHAR, WM_SYSCHAR: {$IFDEF NIL_EVENTS} if assigned( Self_.EV.fOnChar ) then {$ENDIF} begin C := KOLChar( Msg.wParam ); Self_.EV.fOnChar( Self_, C, GetShiftState ); Msg.wParam := Integer( C ); end; {$IFDEF SUPPORT_ONDEADCHAR} WM_DEADCHAR, WM_SYSDEADCHAR: {$IFDEF NIL_EVENTS} if assigned( Self_.EV.fOnDeadChar ) then {$ENDIF} begin C := KOLChar( Msg.wParam ); Self_.EV.fOnDeadChar( Self_, C, GetShiftState ); Msg.wParam := Integer( C ); end; {$ENDIF SUPPORT_ONDEADCHAR} else begin Result := False; Exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} end; end; if Msg.wParam <> 0 then Result := False; end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION} function WndProcDummy(Self_: PControl; var Msg: TMsg; var Rslt: Integer): Boolean; begin Result := False; end; const MM_MCINOTIFY = $3B9; function WndProcOnClose( Sender: PControl; var Msg: TMsg; var Rslt: Integer ) : Boolean; var Accept: Boolean; begin Result := FALSE; if Msg.message = WM_CLOSE then begin {$IFDEF NEW_MODAL} // version of code by Alexander Pravdin begin Accept := True; if Assigned( Sender.EV.fOnClose ) then begin Sender.EV.fOnClose( Sender, Accept ); if AppletRunning then if Accept then if Sender.DF.fModal > 0 then begin if Sender.DF.fModalResult = 0 then Sender.DF.fModalResult := Integer($80000000); Msg.message := 0; Exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} end else TMethod( Sender.EV.fOnClose ).Code := {$IFDEF NIL_EVENTS} nil {$ELSE} @DummyObjProc {$ENDIF} else begin Rslt := 0; Sender.DF.fModalResult := 0; Result := TRUE; end else TMethod( Sender.EV.fOnClose ).Code := {$IFDEF NIL_EVENTS} nil {$ELSE} @DummyObjProc {$ENDIF}; end else begin if Sender.DF.fModal > 0 then begin if Sender.DF.fModalResult = 0 then Sender.DF.fModalResult := Integer($80000000); Exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} end; end; if Accept then begin if Sender.IsMainWindow or ( Applet = Sender ) then begin PostQuitMessage( 0 ); AppletTerminated := TRUE; Rslt := 0; end else Exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} end; end; {$ELSE} begin Accept := True; {$IFDEF NIL_EVENTS} if Assigned( Sender.EV.fOnClose ) then {$ENDIF} begin Sender.EV.fOnClose( Sender, Accept ); if (not Accept) and (AppletRunning) then begin Rslt := 0; Result := TRUE; end else Sender.EV.fOnClose := nil; end; if Accept then begin if Sender.IsMainWindow or (Applet = Sender) then begin PostQuitMessage( 0 ); AppletTerminated := TRUE; Rslt := 0; end else Exit; //Default; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} end; end; {$ENDIF} end; end; procedure TControl.SetOnClose(const AOnClose: TOnEventAccept); begin {$IFDEF EVENTS_DYNAMIC} ProvideUniqueEvents {$ELSE} EV {$ENDIF} .fOnClose := AOnClose; AttachProc( WndProcOnClose ); end; function WndProcFormOnClick( Sender: PControl; var Msg: TMsg; var Rslt: Integer ): Boolean; begin Result := FALSE; if (Msg.message = WM_LBUTTONDOWN) or (Msg.message = WM_LBUTTONDBLCLK) or (Msg.message = WM_RBUTTONDOWN) or (Msg.message = WM_RBUTTONDBLCLK) or (Msg.message = WM_MBUTTONDOWN) or (Msg.message = WM_MBUTTONDBLCLK) then begin {$IFDEF USE_FLAGS} if (Msg.message = WM_RBUTTONDOWN) or (Msg.message = WM_RBUTTONDBLCLK) then include( Sender.fFlagsG6, G6_RightClick ) else exclude( Sender.fFlagsG6, G6_RightClick ); {$ELSE} Sender.fRightClick := (Msg.message = WM_RBUTTONDOWN) or (Msg.message = WM_RBUTTONDBLCLK); {$ENDIF} {$IFDEF NIL_EVENTS} if Assigned( Sender.EV.fOnClick ) then {$ENDIF} Sender.EV.fOnClick( Sender ); end; end; procedure TControl.SetFormOnClick(const AOnClick: TOnEvent); begin {$IFDEF EVENTS_DYNAMIC} ProvideUniqueEvents {$ELSE} EV {$ENDIF} .fOnClick := AOnClick; AttachProc( WndProcFormOnClick ); end; {$IFDEF ASM_VERSION}//------------------ {$DEFINE ASM_LOCAL} {$IFDEF NEW_MODAL} {$UNDEF ASM_LOCAL} {$ENDIF} {$IFDEF USE_MDI} {$UNDEF ASM_LOCAL} {$ENDIF} {$ELSE}//------------------------------- {$IFDEF ASM_LOCAL} {$UNDEF ASM_LOCAL} {$ENDIF} {$ENDIF}//------------------------------ {$IFDEF USE_GRAPHCTLS} {$UNDEF ASM_LOCAL} {$ENDIF} {$IFDEF ASM_LOCAL} {$ELSE ASM_LOCAL} //Pascal {$IFDEF DEBUG_CREATEWINDOW} var DbgCWCount: Integer = 0; {$ENDIF DEBUG_CREATEWINDOW} function TControl.WndProc( var Msg: TMsg ): Integer; var C : PControl; F: HWnd; PassFun: function( Self_: PControl; var Msg: TMsg; var Rslt: Integer ): Boolean; procedure Default; begin Result := CallDefWndProc( Msg ); end; begin //RefInc; {$IFDEF INPACKAGE} Log( '->TControl.WndProc' ); TRY {$ENDIF INPACKAGE} {$IFDEF DEBUG_CREATEWINDOW} Inc( DbgCWCount ); if DbgCWCount < 10 then LogFileOutput( GetStartDir + 'Session.log', 'TControl.WndProc: ' + ' Msg.hwnd=' + Int2Str( Msg.hwnd ) + ' Msg.message=' + Int2Hex( Msg.message, 2 ) + ' Msg.wParam=' + Int2Str( Msg.wParam ) + '=$' + Int2Hex( Msg.wParam, 4 ) + ' Msg.lParam=' + Int2Str( Msg.lParam ) + '=$' + Int2Hex( Msg.lParam, 4 ) ); {$ENDIF DEBUG_CREATEWINDOW} if (Msg.hwnd <> 0) and (fHandle = 0) {$IFDEF USE_GRAPHCTLS} and {$IFDEF USE_FLAGS} not(G6_GraphicCtl in fFlagsG6) {$ELSE} fWindowed {$ENDIF} {$ENDIF} then fHandle := Msg.hwnd; {$IFDEF DEBUG_MCK} mck_Log( '01' ); {$ENDIF} PassFun := PP.fPass2DefProc; {$IFDEF DEBUG_MCK} mck_Log( '01' ); {$ENDIF} if not (AppletRunning and (Applet <> @Self) and ( Applet <> nil ) and {$IFDEF NIL_EVENTS} Assigned( Applet.EV.fOnMessage ) and {$ENDIF} Applet.EV.fOnMessage( Msg, Result )) then begin {$IFDEF DEBUG_MCK} mck_Log( '02' ); {$ENDIF} if not ({$IFDEF NIL_EVENTS} Assigned( EV.fOnMessage ) and {$ENDIF} EV.fOnMessage( Msg, Result )) then begin {$IFDEF DEBUG_MCK} mck_Log( '03' ); {$ENDIF} if not PP.fOnDynHandlers( @Self, Msg, Result ) then begin {$IFDEF DEBUG_MCK} mck_Log( '04' ); {$ENDIF} //{-2.95}//if not PP.fWndProcResizeFlicks( @Self, Msg, Result ) then begin {$IFDEF DEBUG_MCK} mck_Log( '05' ); {$ENDIF} case Msg.message of WM_CLOSE: begin // handler by default - simple: if (Applet = @ Self) or IsMainWindow then begin PostQuitMessage( 0 ); AppletTerminated := TRUE; end; Default; end; (* {$IFDEF USE_PROP} WM_NCDESTROY: begin RemoveProp( fHandle, ID_SELF ); //********* Added By M.Gerasimov //RefDec; end; {$ENDIF} *) WM_NCDESTROY: {$IFnDEF SMALLER_CODE} if fHandle = Msg.hwnd then {$ENDIF} begin {$IFnDEF SMALLER_CODE} {$IFDEF USE_PROP} RemoveProp( fHandle, ID_SELF ); //********* Added By M.Gerasimov {$ELSE} SetWindowLong( fHandle, GWL_USERDATA, 0 ); // VK + Alexey Kirov, 23.02.2012 {$ENDIF} {$ENDIF} //------------------------------------------- Default; Exit; end; WM_DESTROY: {$IFnDEF SMALLER_CODE} if fHandle = Msg.hwnd then {$ENDIF} begin {$IFDEF USE_FLAGS} include( fFlagsG2, G2_BeginDestroying ); {$ELSE} fBeginDestroying := TRUE; {$ENDIF} Default; {$IFDEF INPACKAGE} LogOK; {$ENDIF INPACKAGE} Exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} end; WM_SIZE: begin {$IFDEF INPACKAGE} Log( 'WM_SIZE >>> Default' ); {$ENDIF INPACKAGE} Default; {$IFDEF INPACKAGE} Log( '//// Default called' ); {$ENDIF INPACKAGE} {$IFDEF OLD_ALIGN} if {$IFDEF USE_FLAGS} not(G3_IsForm in fFlagsG3) {$ELSE} not fIsForm {$ENDIF} then Global_Align( fParent ); {$ENDIF} {$IFDEF INPACKAGE} Log( '//// Before Global_Align' ); {$ENDIF INPACKAGE} Global_Align( @Self ); {$IFDEF INPACKAGE} LogOK; {$ENDIF INPACKAGE} Exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} end; WM_SysCommand: begin if ((Msg.wParam and $FFF0) = SC_MINIMIZE) and IsMainWindow and (@Self <> Applet) then begin PostMessage( Applet.Handle, WM_SYSCOMMAND, SC_MINIMIZE, 0 ); Result := 0; end else Default; end; WM_SETFOCUS: begin if not DoSetFocus then begin Result := 0; end else begin Inc( fClickDisabled ); Default; Dec( fClickDisabled ); {$IFDEF INPACKAGE} LogOK; {$ENDIF INPACKAGE} Exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} end; end; WM_CTLCOLORMSGBOX..WM_CTLCOLORSTATIC: begin Result := SendMessage(Msg.LParam, CN_BASE + Msg.message, Msg.WParam, Msg.LParam); end; WM_COMMAND: begin {$IFDEF USE_PROP} C := Pointer( GetProp( Msg.lParam, ID_SELF ) ); {$ELSE} C := Pointer( GetWindowLong( Msg.lParam, GWL_USERDATA ) ); {$ENDIF} if C <> nil then begin Result := SendMessage( Msg.lParam, CM_COMMAND, Msg.wParam, Msg.lParam ); end else Default; end; WM_KEYFIRST..WM_KEYLAST: begin F := GetFocus; if {(F <> fFocusHandle) and} (F <> fHandle) {$IFDEF USE_GRAPHCTLS} and {$IFDEF USE_FLAGS} not(G6_GraphicCtl in fFlagsG6) {$ELSE} fWindowed {$ENDIF} {$ENDIF} {$IFDEF KEY_PREVIEW} and {$IFDEF USE_FLAGS} not(G4_Pushed in fFlagsG4) {$ELSE} not fKeyPreviewing {$ENDIF} {$ENDIF} then begin Result := 0; // Jump to PassFun here. Prevents beep in case when WM_KEYDOWN // called another form and focus is changed, so WM_KEYUP failed // to handle. end else begin {$IFDEF KEY_PREVIEW} //ADDITION JUST FOR CORRECT KEYPREVIEWING {$IFDEF USE_FLAGS} exclude( fFlagsG4, G4_Pushed ); {$ELSE} fKeyPreviewing:=false; {$ENDIF} {$ENDIF} if fGlobalProcKeybd( @Self, Msg, Result ) then begin {$IFDEF INPACKAGE} LogOK; {$ENDIF INPACKAGE} Exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} end; if PP.fWndProcKeybd( @Self, Msg, Result ) then begin {$IFDEF INPACKAGE} LogOK; {$ENDIF INPACKAGE} Exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} end; if ((GetKeystate( VK_CONTROL ) or GetKeyState( VK_MENU )) >= 0) then begin //+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ if (Msg.message <> WM_CHAR) // v1.02 Tabulate AND " in EditBox fix //+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ then begin C := ParentForm; if (C <> nil) {$IFDEF NIL_EVENTS} and Assigned(C.PP.fGotoControl) {$ENDIF} and C.PP.fGotoControl( @Self, Msg.wParam, (Msg.message <> WM_KEYDOWN) and (Msg.message <> WM_SYSKEYDOWN) ) then begin Msg.wParam := 0; Result := 0; end else Default; end else //+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++// if Msg.wParam = 9 then // prevent system beep // begin // Msg.wParam := 0; // Result := 0; // end // //+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++// else Default; end else Default; end; end; else begin {$IFDEF DEBUG_MCK} mck_Log( 'else' ); {$ENDIF} Default; {$IFDEF INPACKAGE} LogOK; {$ENDIF INPACKAGE} Exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} end; end; end; end; end; end; {$IFDEF DEBUG_MCK} mck_Log( '06' ); {$ENDIF} if not AppletTerminated {$IFDEF USE_fNCDestroyed} and not fNCDestroyed {$ENDIF} then begin {$IFDEF DEBUG_MCK} mck_Log( '07' ); {$ENDIF} PassFun( @Self, Msg, Result ); //+-+ {$IFDEF DEBUG_MCK} mck_Log( '08' ); {$ENDIF} end; {$IFDEF INPACKAGE} LogOK; FINALLY Log( '<-TControl.WndProc' ); //RefDec; END; {$ELSE} //RefDec; {$ENDIF INPACKAGE} end; {$ENDIF ASM_LOCAL} {$UNDEF ASM_LOCAL} {$ENDIF WIN_GDI} {$IFDEF GDI} procedure SetMouseEvent( Self_: PControl ); begin Self_.AttachProc( WndProcMouse ); end; {$ENDIF GDI} {$IFDEF _X_} {$IFDEF GTK} FUNCTION mouse_events_handler( Obj: PGtkWidget; VAR Event: TGdkEventAny ): Boolean; CDECL; VAR Sender: PControl; M: TMouseEventData; PROCEDURE PrepareMouseEvent( const Evt: TGdkEventMotion ); BEGIN M.Button := mbNone; if Evt.state and GDK_BUTTON1_MASK <> 0 then M.Button := mbLeft else if Evt.state and GDK_BUTTON2_MASK <> 0 then M.Button := mbRight else if Evt.state and GDK_BUTTON3_MASK <> 0 then M.Button := mbMiddle; M.Shift := 0; if Evt.state and GDK_SHIFT_MASK <> 0 then M.Shift := MK_SHIFT; if Evt.state and GDK_CONTROL_MASK <> 0 then M.Shift := M.Shift or MK_CONTROL; if Evt.state and GDK_LOCK_MASK <> 0 then M.Shift := M.Shift or MK_LOCK; if Evt.state and GDK_BUTTON1_MASK <> 0 then M.Shift := M.Shift or MK_LBUTTON; if Evt.state and GDK_BUTTON2_MASK <> 0 then M.Shift := M.Shift or MK_RBUTTON; if Evt.state and GDK_BUTTON3_MASK <> 0 then M.Shift := M.Shift or MK_MBUTTON; if Evt.state and GDK_LOCK_MASK <> 0 then M.Shift := M.Shift or MK_LOCK; M.X := Round( Evt.x ); M.Y := Round( Evt.y ); END; VAR scrl: PGdkEventScroll; z: SmallInt; BEGIN Result := FALSE; //Sender := Pointer( Event.window ); Sender := g_object_get_data( G_OBJECT( Obj ), ID_SELF ); CASE Event._type OF GDK_MOTION_NOTIFY, GDK_BUTTON_PRESS, GDK_2BUTTON_PRESS, GDK_3BUTTON_PRESS, // ������� ���� ���� - ������� ��� �������? GDK_BUTTON_RELEASE, GDK_SCROLL: ; else Exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} END; PrepareMouseEvent( PGdkEventMotion( @ Event )^ ); CASE Event._type OF GDK_MOTION_NOTIFY : BEGIN IF Assigned( Sender.fOnMouseMove ) THEN BEGIN Sender.fOnMouseMove( Sender, M ); Result := TRUE; END; END; GDK_BUTTON_PRESS : BEGIN IF Assigned( Sender.fOnMouseDown ) THEN BEGIN Sender.fOnMouseDown( Sender, M ); Result := TRUE; END; END; GDK_2BUTTON_PRESS, GDK_3BUTTON_PRESS : BEGIN IF Assigned( Sender.fOnMouseDblClk ) THEN BEGIN {$IFDEF USE_FLAGS} IF Event._type = GDK_3BUTTON_PRESS THEN include( Sender.fFlagsG5, G5_3ButtonPress ) ELSE exclude( Sender.fFlagsG5, G5_3ButtonPress ); {$ELSE} Sender.f3ButtonPress := Event._type = GDK_3BUTTON_PRESS; {$ENDIF} Sender.fOnMouseDblClk( Sender, M ); Result := TRUE; END; END; GDK_BUTTON_RELEASE : BEGIN IF Assigned( Sender.fOnMouseUp ) THEN BEGIN Sender.fOnMouseUp( Sender, M ); Result := TRUE; END; if Assigned( Sender.fOnClick ) then Sender.fOnClick( Sender ); END; GDK_SCROLL : BEGIN IF Assigned( Sender.fOnMouseWheel ) THEN BEGIN scrl := @ Event; IF scrl.direction = GDK_SCROLL_UP THEN z := 120 ELSE IF scrl.direction = GDK_SCROLL_DOWN THEN z := -120 //todo: direction and value? ELSE z := 0; M.Shift := M.Shift or DWord(z shl 16); Sender.fOnMouseWheel( Sender, M ); Result := TRUE; END; END; END; END; PROCEDURE SetMouseEvent( Self_: PControl; event_name: PAnsiChar ); BEGIN gtk_signal_connect( GTK_OBJECT( Self_.fEventboxHandle ), event_name, @mouse_events_handler, Self_ ); END; {$ENDIF GTK} {$ENDIF _X_} function TControl.Get_OnMouseEvent(const Index: Integer): TOnMouse; begin Result := TOnMouse( EV.MethodEvents[Index] ); end; procedure TControl.SetOnMouseEvent(const Index: Integer; const Value: TOnMouse); begin {$IFDEF EVENTS_DYNAMIC} ProvideUniqueEvents {$ELSE} EV {$ENDIF} .MethodEvents[Index] := TMethod( Value ); AttachProc( WndProcMouse ); end; {$IFDEF WIN_GDI} {$IFDEF ASM_VERSION}{$ELSE PAS_VERSION} //Pascal procedure TControl.SetClsStyle( Value: DWord ); begin if fClsStyle = Value then Exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} fClsStyle := Value; if fHandle = 0 then Exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} SetClassLong( fHandle, GCL_STYLE, Value ); end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION} {$IFDEF ASM_VERSION}{$ELSE PAS_VERSION} //Pascal procedure TControl.SetStyle( Value: DWord ); begin if fStyle.Value = Value then Exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} fStyle.Value := Value; if fHandle = 0 then Exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} SetWindowLong( fHandle, GWL_STYLE, Value ); SetWindowPos( fHandle, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, SWP_NOACTIVATE or SWP_NOMOVE or SWP_NOSIZE or SWP_NOZORDER or SWP_FRAMECHANGED ); Invalidate; end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION} {$IFDEF GRAPHCTL_XPSTYLES} function TControl.GetEdgeStyle: TEdgeStyle; begin Result := esRaised; if Style and WS_DLGFRAME = 0 then begin if Style and SS_SUNKEN <> 0 then Result := esLowered else Result := esNone; end; end; procedure TControl.SetEdgeStyle( Value: TEdgeStyle ); begin {$IFDEF STORE_EDGESTYLE} if fedgeStyle = Value then Exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} fedgeStyle := Value; {$ENDIF} if fHandle = 0 then Exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} case Value of esRaised: begin Style := Style and (not SS_SUNKEN); ExStyle := ExStyle and (not WS_EX_STATICEDGE); ExStyle := ExStyle or WS_EX_WINDOWEDGE; Style := Style or WS_DLGFRAME; end; esLowered: begin Style := Style and (not WS_DLGFRAME); ExStyle := ExStyle or WS_EX_WINDOWEDGE; ExStyle := ExStyle or WS_EX_STATICEDGE; Style := Style or SS_SUNKEN; end; else Style := Style and (not SS_SUNKEN) and (not WS_DLGFRAME); ExStyle := ExStyle and (not WS_EX_STATICEDGE) or WS_EX_WINDOWEDGE; end; Invalidate; end; {$ENDIF} {$IFDEF ASM_VERSION}{$ELSE PAS_VERSION} //Pascal procedure TControl.SetExStyle( Value: DWord ); begin if fExStyle = Value then Exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} fExStyle := Value; if fHandle = 0 then Exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} SetWindowLong( fHandle, GWL_EXSTYLE, Value ); SetWindowPos( fHandle, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, SWP_NOACTIVATE or SWP_NOMOVE or SWP_NOSIZE or SWP_NOZORDER or SWP_FRAMECHANGED ); Invalidate; end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION} function WndProcSetCursor( Self_: PControl; var Msg: TMsg; var Rslt: Integer ): Boolean; var Cur: HCursor; begin Result := FALSE; if Msg.message = WM_SETCURSOR then begin if (GetCapture = 0) and (LOWORD( Msg.lParam ) = HTCLIENT) then begin if ScreenCursor <> 0 then //YS Cur := ScreenCursor //YS else Cur := Self_.fCursor; //YS if Cur <> 0 then //YS begin //YS Windows.SetCursor( Cur ); //YS Rslt := 1; //YS Result := TRUE; end; end; end; end; {$IFDEF ASM_VERSION}{$ELSE PAS_VERSION} //Pascal procedure TControl.SetCursor( Value: HCursor ); var P: TPoint; begin AttachProc( WndProcSetCursor ); if fCursor = Value then Exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} fCursor := Value; if (fHandle = 0) or (fCursor = 0) then Exit; //YS {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} if ScreenCursor <> 0 then Exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} GetCursorPos( P ); P := Screen2Client( P ); if PointInRect( P, ClientRect ) then Windows.SetCursor( Value ); end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION} procedure TControl.CursorLoad(Inst: Integer; ResName: PKOLChar); begin Cursor := LoadCursor( Inst, ResName ); //{$IFDEF USE_FLAGS} include( fFlagsG1, G1_CursorShared ); //{$ELSE} fCursorShared := TRUE; {$ENDIF} end; {$IFDEF ASM_VERSION}{$ELSE PAS_VERSION} //Pascal procedure TControl.SetIcon( Value: HIcon ); var OldIco: HIcon; begin if DF.fIcon = Value then Exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} DF.fIcon := Value; if Value = THandle(-1) then Value := 0; OldIco := Perform( WM_SETICON, 1 {ICON_BIG}, Value ); if OldIco <> 0 then DestroyIcon( OldIco ); end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION} {$IFDEF ASM_VERSION}{$ELSE PAS_VERSION} //Pascal procedure TControl.SetMenu( Value: HMenu ); begin if fMenu = Value then Exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} if fMenuObj <> nil then begin {$IFDEF USE_AUTOFREE4CONTROLS} RemoveFromAutoFree( fMenuObj ); {$ENDIF} fMenuObj.Free; end; if fMenu <> 0 then DestroyMenu( fMenu ); fMenu := Value; if fHandle = 0 then Exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} Windows.SetMenu( fHandle, Value ); end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION} procedure CallWinHelp( Context: Integer; CtxCtl: PControl ); var Cmd: Integer; Form: PControl; Popup: Boolean; begin Cmd := HELP_CONTEXT; if CtxCtl <> nil then begin Form := CtxCtl.ParentForm; if Form <> nil then if Assigned( Form.EV.fOnHelp ) then begin Popup := FALSE; Form.EV.fOnHelp( CtxCtl, Context, Popup ); if Popup then Cmd := HELP_CONTEXTPOPUP; if CtxCtl = nil then Exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} end; end else if Context = 0 then Cmd := HELP_CONTENTS; WinHelp( Applet.Handle, PKOLChar( Applet.GetHelpPath ), Cmd, Context ); end; var HHCtrl: THandle; HtmlHelp: procedure( Wnd: HWnd; Path: PKOLChar; Cmd, Data: Integer ); stdcall; procedure HtmlHelpCommand( Wnd: HWnd; const HelpFilePath: KOLString; Cmd, Data: Integer ); begin if HHCtrl = 0 then HHCtrl := LoadLibrary( 'HHCTRL.OCX' ); if HHCtrl = 0 then Exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} if not Assigned( HtmlHelp ) then HtmlHelp := GetProcAddress( HHCtrl, {$IFDEF UNICODE_CTRLS} 'HtmlHelpW' {$ELSE} 'HtmlHelpA' {$ENDIF} ); if not Assigned( HtmlHelp ) then Exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} HtmlHelp( Wnd, PKOLChar( HelpFilePath ), Cmd, Data ); end; procedure CallHtmlHelp( Context: Integer; CtxCtl: PControl ); var Cmd: Integer; Form: PControl; Popup: Boolean; Ids: array[ 0..2 ] of DWORD; begin Cmd := $F; // HH_HELP_CONTEXT; if CtxCtl <> nil then begin Form := CtxCtl.ParentForm; if Form <> nil then if Assigned( Form.EV.fOnHelp ) then begin Popup := FALSE; Form.EV.fOnHelp( CtxCtl, Context, Popup ); if Popup then begin Cmd := $10; //HH_TP_HELPCONTEXTMENU; Ids[ 0 ] := CtxCtl.fMenu; Ids[ 1 ] := Context; Ids[ 2 ] := 0; Context := Integer( @ Ids ); end; if CtxCtl = nil then Exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} end; end else if Context = 0 then Cmd := 1; // HH_DISPLAY_TOC; HtmlHelpCommand( {$IFDEF HTMLHELP_NOTOP} 0 {$ELSE} Applet.Handle {$ENDIF}, HelpFilePath, Cmd, Context ); end; var Global_HelpProc: procedure( Context: Integer; CtxCtl: PControl ) = CallWinHelp; function WndProcHelp( Sender: PControl; var Msg: TMsg; var Rslt: Integer ): Boolean; var HI: PHelpInfo; Ctx: Integer; Ctl: PControl; begin Result := FALSE; if Msg.message = WM_HELP then begin Ctx := 0; Ctl := nil; HI := Pointer( Msg.lParam ); if HI.iContextType = HELPINFO_WINDOW then begin {$IFDEF USE_PROP} Ctl := Pointer( GetProp( HI.hItemHandle, ID_SELF ) ); {$ELSE} Ctl := Pointer( GetWindowLong( HI.hItemHandle, GWL_USERDATA ) ); {$ENDIF} while Ctl <> nil do begin Ctx := Ctl.HelpContext; if Ctx <> 0 then break; Ctl := Ctl.Parent; end; end else Ctx := GetMenuContextHelpID( HI.hItemHandle ); Applet.CallHelp( Ctx, Ctl ); Rslt := 1; Result := TRUE; end {$IFDEF AUTO_CONTEXT_HELP} else if (Msg.message = WM_CONTEXTMENU) then begin {$IFDEF USE_PROP} Ctl := Pointer( GetProp( Msg.wParam, ID_SELF ) ); {$ELSE} Ctl := Pointer( GetWindowLong( Msg.wParam, GWL_USERDATA ) ); {$ENDIF} if (Ctl <> nil) and (Ctl.HelpContext <> 0) then begin Applet.CallHelp( Ctl.HelpContext, Ctl ); Rslt := 1; Result := TRUE; end; end {$ENDIF}; end; procedure TControl.SetHelpContext(Value: Integer); var F: PControl; begin F := ParentForm; if F = nil then Exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} F.AttachProc( WndProcHelp ); SetWindowContextHelpId( GetWindowHandle, Value ); end; function TControl.AssignHelpContext(Context: Integer): PControl; begin SetHelpContext( Context ); Result := @ Self; end; procedure AssignHtmlHelp( const HtmlHelpPath: KOLString ); var Lbytes: Integer; begin {$IFDEF KOL_ASSERTIONS} Assert( (HtmlHelpPath <> '') and (Applet <> nil), 'Error parameters' ); {$ENDIF KOL_ASSERTIONS} if HelpFilePath <> '' then FreeMem( HelpFilePath ); Lbytes := (Length( HtmlHelpPath ) + 1) * Sizeof( KOLChar ); GetMem( HelpFilePath, Lbytes ); Move( HtmlHelpPath[ 1 ], HelpFilePath^, Lbytes ); Global_HelpProc := CallHtmlHelp; Applet.AttachProc( WndProcHelp ); end; procedure TControl.CallHelp(Context: Integer; CtxCtl: PControl {; CtlID: Integer} ); begin Global_HelpProc( Context, CtxCtl {, CtlID} ); end; function TControl.GetHelpPath: KOLString; begin Result := KOLString(HelpFilePath); if Result = '' then begin Result := ParamStr( 0 ); Result := ReplaceFileExt( Result, '.hlp' ); end; end; procedure TControl.SetHelpPath(const Value: KOLString); var Lbytes: Integer; begin {$IFDEF KOL_ASSERTIONS} Assert( Value <> '', 'Error parameter' ); {$ENDIF KOL_ASSERTIONS} if HelpFilePath <> '' then FreeMem( HelpFilePath ); Lbytes := (Length( Value ) + 1)*Sizeof( KOLChar ); GetMem( HelpFilePath, Lbytes ); Move( Value[ 1 ], HelpFilePath^, Lbytes ); end; {$ENDIF WIN_GDI} {$IFDEF ASM_VERSION}{$ELSE} procedure TControl.DoAutoSize; begin {$IFDEF NIL_EVENTS} if Assigned( PP.fAutoSize ) then {$ENDIF} PP.fAutoSize( @Self ); end; {$ENDIF} {$IFDEF GDI} {$IFDEF ASM_UNICODE}{$ELSE PAS_VERSION} //Pascal function TControl.GetCaption: KOLString; var Sz: Integer; begin if {$IFDEF USE_FLAGS} not(G1_IgnoreWndCaption in fFlagsG1) {$ELSE} not fIgnoreWndCaption {$ENDIF} and (FHandle <> 0) then begin Sz := GetWindowTextLength( FHandle ); SetLength( fCaption, Sz ); if Sz > 0 then begin {$IFNDEF UNICODE_CTRLS} GetWindowText( FHandle, @ fCaption[ 1 ], Sz + 1 ); {$ELSE} GetWindowTextW( FHandle, @ fCaption[ 1 ], Sz + 1 ); {$ENDIF} end; end; Result := FCaption; end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION} {$ENDIF GDI} {$IFDEF _X_} {$IFDEF GTK} FUNCTION TControl.GetCaption: KOLString; BEGIN if {$IFDEF USE_FLAGS} not (G1_IgnoreWndCaption in fFlagsG1) {$ELSE} fIgnoreWndCaption {$ENDIF} then FCaption := fGetCaption(@Self); Result := FCaption; END; {$ENDIF GTK} {$ENDIF _X_} {$IFDEF GDI} {$IFDEF ASM_VERSION}{$ELSE PAS_VERSION} //Pascal procedure TControl.SetCaption( const Value: KOLString ); begin fCaption := Value; if fHandle <> 0 then SendMessage( fHandle, WM_SETTEXT, 0, Integer( PKOLChar( Value ) ) ); if {$IFDEF USE_FLAGS} (G1_IsStaticControl in fFlagsG1) {$ELSE} fIsStaticControl <> 1 {$ENDIF} then Invalidate; DoAutoSize; end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION} {$ENDIF GDI} {$IFDEF _X_} {$IFDEF GTK} PROCEDURE TControl.SetCaption( CONST Value: KOLString ); BEGIN fCaption := Value; if Assigned( fSetCaption ) THEN fSetCaption( @Self, Value ); DoAutoSize; END; {$ENDIF GTK} {$ENDIF _X_} {$IFDEF WIN_GDI} {$IFDEF ASM_VERSION}{$ELSE PAS_VERSION} function TControl.GetVisible: Boolean; begin //UpdateWndStyles; {$IFDEF USE_FLAGS} {if (fHandle <> 0) then Result := //IsWindowVisible( fHandle ) -- incorrectly is false in OnShow ! GetWindowLong( fHandle, GWL_STYLE ) and WS_VISIBLE <> 0 else} Result := F3_Visible in fStyle.f3_Style; {$ELSE} {if (fHandle <> 0) then fVisible := IsWindowVisible( fHandle ) else} fVisible := (FStyle.Value and WS_VISIBLE) <> 0; Result := fVisible; {$ENDIF} end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION} {$IFDEF ASM_VERSION}{$ELSE PAS_VERSION} // Pascal function TControl.Get_Visible: Boolean; begin {$IFDEF USE_FLAGS} Result := GetVisible; {$ELSE} if (fHandle <> 0) and not fIsControl then fVisible := IsWindowVisible( fHandle ); Result := fVisible; {$ENDIF} end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION} {$IFDEF ASM_VERSION}{$ELSE PAS_VERSION} // Pascal procedure TControl.Set_Visible( Value: Boolean ); {$IFDEF OLD_ALIGN} var CmdShow: DWORD; {$ENDIF} begin {$IFDEF OLD_ALIGN} //if Get_Visible <> Value then // commented to allow to set up controls visibility begin // on invisible form (Vladimir Piven) if Value then begin {$IFDEF USE_FLAGS} include( fStyle.f3_Style, F3_Visible ); {$ELSE} fStyle.Value := fStyle.Value or WS_VISIBLE; {$ENDIF} CmdShow := SW_SHOW; end else begin {$IFDEF USE_FLAGS} exclude( fStyle.f3_Style, F3_Visible ); {$ELSE} fStyle.Value := fStyle.Value and not WS_VISIBLE; {$ENDIF} CmdShow := SW_HIDE; end; {$IFDEF USE_FLAGS}{$ELSE} fVisible := Value; {$ENDIF} if fHandle = 0 then Exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} ShowWindow( fHandle, CmdShow ); Global_Align( fParent ); if Value then Global_Align( @Self ); end; {$IFDEF CREATE_HIDDEN} if not Value and (fHandle <> 0) then {$IFDEF USE_FLAGS} exclude( fFlagsG4, G4_CreateHidden ); {$ELSE} fCreateHidden := FALSE; {$ENDIF} // { +++ } {$ENDIF CREATE_HIDDEN} {$ELSE NEW_ALIGN} fStyle.Value := fStyle.Value and not WS_VISIBLE; if Value then fStyle.Value := fStyle.Value or WS_VISIBLE; {$IFDEF USE_FLAGS} {$ELSE} fVisible := Value; {$ENDIF} if fHandle = 0 then Exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} if Value then begin Global_Align( @Self ); ShowWindow( fHandle, SW_SHOW ); end else begin {$IFDEF CREATE_HIDDEN} {$IFDEF USE_FLAGS} exclude( fFlagsG4, G4_CreateHidden ); {$ELSE} fCreateHidden := FALSE; {$ENDIF} // { +++ } {$ENDIF CREATE_HIDDEN} ShowWindow( fHandle, SW_HIDE ); Global_Align( @Self ); end; {$ENDIF} end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION} {$IFDEF ASM_VERSION}{$ELSE PASCAL} procedure TControl.SetVisible( Value: Boolean ); begin {$IFDEF USE_FLAGS} include( fFlagsG4, G4_CreateVisible ); {$ELSE} fCreateVisible := TRUE; {$ENDIF} Set_Visible( Value ); end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION} {$ENDIF WIN_GDI} {$IFDEF GDI} {$IFDEF ASM_VERSION}{$ELSE PAS_VERSION} //Pascal function TControl.GetBoundsRect: TRect; var W: HWnd; P: TPoint; begin Result := fBoundsRect; if fHandle <> 0 then begin GetWindowRect( fHandle, Result ); if {$IFDEF USE_FLAGS} ([G3_IsControl, G3_IsMDIChild] * fFlagsG3 <> []) {$ELSE} fIsControl or fIsMDIChild {$ENDIF} then begin W := ParentWindow; if W <> 0 then begin P.x := 0; P.y := 0; Windows.ClientToScreen( W, P ); OffsetRect( Result, -P.x, -P.y ); end; end; {$IFDEF TEST_BOUNDSRECT} if not CompareMem( @ fBoundsRect, @ Result, Sizeof( TRect ) ) then {$ENDIF} fBoundsRect := Result; end; end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION} {$ENDIF GDI} {$IFDEF _X_} {$IFDEF GTK} FUNCTION TControl.GetBoundsRect: TRect; VAR R: TRect; window: PGtkWindow; requisition: TGtkRequisition; BEGIN //if fHandle <> nil then BEGIN IF fIsControl THEN BEGIN R.Left := fBoundsRect.Left; R.Top := fBoundsRect.Top; gtk_widget_get_size_request( fEventboxHandle, @ R.Right, @ R.Bottom ); gtk_widget_size_request( fHandle, @ requisition ); IF R.Right < 0 THEN R.Right := requisition.width; IF R.Bottom < 0 THEN R.Bottom := requisition.height; END ELSE BEGIN window := GTK_WINDOW( fHandle ); gtk_window_get_position(window, @ R.Left, @ R.Top); gtk_window_get_size(window, @ R.Right, @ R.Bottom); END; inc( R.Right, R.Left ); inc( R.Bottom, R.Top ); fBoundsRect := R; END; Result := fBoundsRect; END; {$ENDIF GTK} {$ENDIF _X_} {$IFDEF GDI} {$IFDEF ASM_VERSION}{$ELSE PAS_VERSION} //Pascal procedure TControl.SetBoundsRect( const Value: TRect ); var Rect: TRect; begin Rect := GetBoundsRect; if RectsEqual( Value, Rect ) then Exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} {$IFDEF USE_FLAGS} if (Value.Left <> fBoundsRect.Left) or (Value.Top <> fBoundsRect.Top) then include( fFlagsG2, G2_ChangedPos ); {$ELSE} if Value.Left <> fBoundsRect.Left then fChangedPosSz := fChangedPosSz or 1; if Value.Top <> fBoundsRect.Top then fChangedPosSz := fChangedPosSz or 2; {$ENDIF} {$IFDEF USE_GRAPHCTLS} if {$IFDEF USE_FLAGS} (G6_GraphicCtl in fFlagsG6) {$ELSE} not fWindowed {$ENDIF} then Invalidate; {$ENDIF} fBoundsRect := Value; Rect := Value; if fHandle <> 0 then begin SetWindowPos( fHandle, 0, Rect.Left, Rect.Top, Rect.Right - Rect.Left, Rect.Bottom - Rect.Top, SWP_NOZORDER or SWP_NOACTIVATE ); end; if {$IFDEF USE_FLAGS} (G1_SizeRedraw in fFlagsG1) {$ELSE} fSizeRedraw {$ENDIF} then Invalidate; end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION} {$ENDIF GDI} {$IFDEF _X_} {$IFDEF GTK} PROCEDURE TControl.SetBoundsRect( const Value: TRect ); VAR Rect: TRect; window: PGtkWindow; BEGIN Rect := GetBoundsRect; if RectsEqual( Value, Rect ) then Exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} {$IFDEF USE_FLAGS} if (Value.Left <> fBoundsRect.Left) or (Value.Top <> fBoundsRect.Top) then include( fFlagsG2, G2_ChangedPos ); {$ELSE} if Value.Left <> fBoundsRect.Left then fChangedPosSz := fChangedPosSz or 1; if Value.Top <> fBoundsRect.Top then fChangedPosSz := fChangedPosSz or 2; {$ENDIF} fBoundsRect := Value; Rect := Value; IF fIsControl then BEGIN //gtk_widget_set_uposition( fHandle, Rect.Left, Rect.Top ); IF fParent <> nil then fParent.fChildSetPos( fParent, @ Self, Rect.Left, Rect.Top ); IF (Rect.Right > Rect.Left) and (Rect.Bottom > Rect.Top) then gtk_widget_set_size_request( fEventboxHandle, Rect.Right - Rect.Left, Rect.Bottom - Rect.Top ); END ELSE BEGIN window := GTK_WINDOW( fHandle ); gtk_window_move( window, Rect.Left, Rect.Top ); gtk_window_resize( window, Rect.Right - Rect.Left, Rect.Bottom - Rect.Top ); END; //if fSizeRedraw then // Invalidate; END; {$ENDIF GTK} {$ENDIF _X_} {$IFDEF WIN_GDI} const WindowStateShowCommands: array[TWindowState] of Byte = (SW_SHOWNOACTIVATE, SW_SHOWMINNOACTIVE, SW_SHOWMAXIMIZED); {$IFDEF ASM_VERSION}{$ELSE PAS_VERSION} //Pascal procedure TControl.SetWindowState( Value: TWindowState ); begin if WindowState <> Value then begin DF.fWindowState := Value; if fHandle <> 0 then ShowWindow(fHandle, WindowStateShowCommands[Value]); end; end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION} {$IFDEF ASM_VERSION}{$ELSE PAS_VERSION} //Pascal procedure TControl.Show; begin CreateWindow; SetVisible( True ); SetForegroundWindow( Handle ); DoSetFocus; end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION} procedure TControl.Hide; begin SetVisible( False ); end; {$IFDEF ASM_VERSION}{$ELSE PAS_VERSION} //Pascal function TControl.Client2Screen( const P: TPoint ): TPoint; begin Result := P; if fHandle <> 0 then Windows.ClientToScreen( fHandle, Result ); end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION} {$IFDEF ASM_VERSION}{$ELSE PAS_VERSION} //Pascal function TControl.Screen2Client( const P: TPoint ): TPoint; begin Result := P; if Handle <> 0 then Windows.ScreenToClient( Handle, Result ); end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION} {$ENDIF WIN_GDI} {$IFDEF GDI} {$IFDEF ASM_VERSION}{$ELSE PAS_VERSION} //Pascal function TControl.ClientRect: TRect; const BorderParams: array[ 0..5 ] of DWORD = ( SM_CXBORDER, SM_CXFRAME, SM_CXSIZEFRAME, SM_CYBORDER, SM_CYFRAME, SM_CYSIZEFRAME ); begin Result := fBoundsRect; GetWindowHandle; if (fHandle <> 0) then GetClientRect( fHandle, Result ); Inc( Result.Top, fClientTop ); Dec( Result.Bottom, fClientBottom ); Inc( Result.Left, fClientLeft ); Dec( Result.Right, fClientRight ); end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION} {$ENDIF GDI} {$IFDEF _X_} {$IFDEF GTK} FUNCTION TControl.ClientRect: TRect; //todo: implement exact, now for PaintBox only BEGIN Result := fBoundsRect; OffsetRect( Result, -Result.Left, -Result.Top ); Inc( Result.Top, fClientTop ); Dec( Result.Bottom, fClientBottom ); Inc( Result.Left, fClientLeft ); Dec( Result.Right, fClientRight ); END; {$ENDIF GTK} {$ENDIF _X_} {$IFDEF GDI} {$IFDEF ASM_VERSION}{$ELSE PAS_VERSION} procedure TControl.Invalidate; begin {$IFDEF USE_GRAPHCTLS} PP.fDoInvalidate( @Self ); {$ELSE} if fHandle <> 0 then InvalidateRect( fHandle, nil, TRUE ); {$ENDIF} end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION} {$ENDIF GDI} {$IFDEF _X_} {$IFDEF GTK} PROCEDURE TControl.Invalidate; BEGIN gtk_widget_queue_draw_area( fHandle, 0, 0, Width, Height ); END; {$ENDIF GTK} {$ENDIF _X_} {$IFDEF WIN_GDI} {$IFDEF USE_GRAPHCTLS} procedure InvalidateNonWindowed( Sender: PObj ); var R: TRect; begin R := PControl( Sender ).BoundsRect; if PControl( Sender ).fParent.fHandle <> 0 then InvalidateRect( PControl( Sender ).fParent.fHandle, @ R, TRUE ); end; {$IFDEF ASM_VERSION}{$ELSE PAS_VERSION} procedure InvalidateWindowed( Sender: PObj ); begin if PControl( Sender ).fHandle <> 0 then InvalidateRect( PControl( Sender ).fHandle, nil, TRUE ); end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION} {$ENDIF USE_GRAPHCTLS} {$IFDEF ASM_VERSION}{$ELSE PAS_VERSION} //Pascal function TControl.GetIcon: HIcon; begin Result := DF.fIcon; if Result = THandle( -1 ) then begin Result := 0; Exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} end; if Result = 0 then if (Applet <> nil) and (@Self <> Applet) then begin Result := Applet.Icon; if Result <> 0 then Result := CopyImage( Result, IMAGE_ICON, 0, 0, 0 ); end else begin {$IFDEF NUMERIC_APPICON} {$DEFINE CUSTOM_APPICON} {$ENDIF} Result := LoadIcon( hInstance, {$IFDEF CUSTOM_APPICON} {$IFDEF NUMERIC_APPICON} PKOLChar( {$ENDIF} // avoid A/W casting {$I CustomAppIconRsrcName_PAS.inc} // create such file with 'your icon rsrc name' or yourIconID {$IFDEF NUMERIC_APPICON} ) {$ENDIF} {$ELSE} 'MAINICON' {$ENDIF} ); end; DF.fIcon := Result; end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION} procedure TControl.IconLoad(Inst: Integer; ResName: PKOLChar); begin Icon := LoadIcon( Inst, ResName ); {$IFDEF USE_FLAGS} include( fFlagsG1, G1_IconShared ); {$ELSE} fIconShared := TRUE; {$ENDIF} end; procedure TControl.IconLoadCursor(Inst: Integer; ResName: PKOLChar); begin Icon := LoadCursor( Inst, ResName ); {$IFDEF USE_FLAGS} include( fFlagsG1, G1_IconShared ); {$ELSE} fIconShared := TRUE; {$ENDIF} end; {$IFDEF ASM_VERSION}{$ELSE PAS_VERSION} //Pascal function TControl.CallDefWndProc(var Msg: TMsg): Integer; begin {$IFDEF INPACKAGE} Result := 0; Log( '->TControl.CallDefWndProc FHandle = ' + Int2Str( FHandle ) + ', Msg.hwd = ' + Int2Str( Msg.hwnd ) ); TRY {$ENDIF INPACKAGE} if FDefWndProc <> nil then begin {$IFDEF INPACKAGE} Log( '//// CallWindowProc, FDefWndProc = ' + Int2Hex( DWORD( FDefWndProc ), 6 ) ); TRY TRY {$ENDIF INPACKAGE} Result := CallWindowProc( FDefWndProc, FHandle, Msg.message, Msg.wParam, Msg.lParam ); {$IFDEF INPACKAGE} EXCEPT on E: Exception do Log( '*** Exception in CallWindowProc, msg = ' + E.Message ); END; EXCEPT Log( '*** Exception handled' ); END; {$ENDIF INPACKAGE} end else begin {$IFDEF INPACKAGE} Log( '//// DefWindowProc' ); {$ENDIF INPACKAGE} Result := DefWindowProc( Msg.hwnd, Msg.message, Msg.wParam, Msg.lParam ); end; {$IFDEF INPACKAGE} LogOK; FINALLY Log( '<-TControl.CallDefWndProc' ); END; {$ENDIF INPACKAGE} end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION} {$IFDEF ASM_VERSION}{$ELSE PAS_VERSION} //Pascal function TControl.GetWindowState: TWindowState; begin Result := DF.fWindowState; if Handle <> 0 then begin if IsIconic( Handle ) then Result := wsMinimized else if IsZoomed( Handle ) then Result := wsMaximized else Result := wsNormal; //DF.fWindowState := Result; end; end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION} {$IFDEF ASM_VERSION}{$ELSE PAS_VERSION} //Pascal function TControl.DoSetFocus: Boolean; begin Result := False; //if Enabled and ( // {$IFDEF USE_FLAGS}{$ELSE} fTabstop or {$ENDIF} // (F2_Tabstop in fStyle.f2_Style)) then if Enabled then begin Inc( fClickDisabled ); SetFocus( fHandle ); Dec( fClickDisabled ); Result := True; end; end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION} function TControl.HandleAllocated: Boolean; begin Result := FHandle <> 0; end; {$IFDEF ASM_VERSION}{$ELSE PAS_VERSION} //Pascal function TControl.GetEnabled: Boolean; begin if FHandle = 0 then Result := (Style and WS_DISABLED) = 0 else Result := IsWindowEnabled( FHandle ); end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION} {$ENDIF WIN_GDI} {$IFDEF ASM_VERSION}{$ELSE PAS_VERSION} //Pascal function TControl.IsMainWindow: Boolean; begin if Applet = nil then Result := not IsControl else if not AppButtonUsed then Result := @ Self = Applet else Result := Applet.Children[ 0 ] = @ Self; end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION} {$IFDEF WIN_GDI} {$IFDEF ASM_UNICODE}{$ELSE PAS_VERSION} //Pascal function TControl.get_ClassName: KOLString; begin Result := fControlClassName; if {$IFDEF USE_FLAGS} not(G6_CtlClassNameChg in fFlagsG6) {$ELSE} not fCtlClsNameChg {$ENDIF} then Result := KOLString('obj_') + Result; end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION} procedure TControl.set_ClassName(const Value: KOLString); begin if {$IFDEF USE_FLAGS} G6_CtlClassNameChg in fFlagsG6 {$ELSE} fCtlClsNameChg {$ENDIF} then FreeMem( fControlClassName ); GetMem( fControlClassName, (Length( Value ) + 1) * Sizeof( KOLChar ) ); {$IFDEF UNICODE_CTRLS} WStrCopy {$ELSE} StrCopy {$ENDIF} ( fControlClassName, @ Value[ 1 ] ); {$IFDEF USE_FLAGS} include( fFlagsG6, G6_CtlClassNameChg ); {$ELSE} fCtlClsNameChg := TRUE; {$ENDIF} end; function WndProcQueryEndSession( Sender: PControl; var Msg: TMsg; var Rslt: Integer ): Boolean; var Accept: Boolean; begin Result := FALSE; if Msg.message = WM_QUERYENDSESSION then begin {$IFDEF DEBUG_ENDSESSION} LogFileOutput( GetStartDir + 'end_session.txt', '!' ); {$ENDIF} {$IFDEF NIL_EVENTS} if Assigned( Sender.EV.fOnQueryEndSession ) then {$ENDIF} begin Accept := TRUE; Sender.DF.fCloseQueryReason := qShutdown; if LongBool(Msg.lParam and {ENDSESSION_LOGOFF} DWORD($80000000)) then Sender.DF.fCloseQueryReason := qLogoff; Sender.EV.fOnQueryEndSession( Sender, Accept ); Sender.DF.fCloseQueryReason := qClose; Rslt := Integer( Accept ); // ��������. ����� ��� ����, ����� ���������� ���������� ������, // ���� Accept ���������� � False � ����� ���������� ��� Accept = True // Add (YS). To cancel ending session if Accept=FALSE but allow ending // session if Accept=TRUE. Result := True; // {YS}: no further processing end; end; end; procedure TControl.SetOnQueryEndSession(const Value: TOnEventAccept); begin {$IFDEF EVENTS_DYNAMIC} ProvideUniqueEvents {$ELSE} EV {$ENDIF} .fOnQueryEndSession := Value; AttachProc( WndProcQueryEndSession ); end; function WndProcMinMaxRestore( Sender: PControl; var Msg: TMsg; var Rslt: Integer ): Boolean; begin Result := FALSE; if Msg.message = WM_SYSCOMMAND then begin case Msg.wParam and not 15 of SC_MINIMIZE: {$IFDEF NIL_EVENTS} if Assigned( Sender.EV.fOnMinimize ) then {$ENDIF} Sender.EV.fOnMinimize( Sender ); SC_MAXIMIZE: {$IFDEF NIL_EVENTS} if Assigned( Sender.EV.fOnMaximize ) then {$ENDIF} Sender.EV.fOnMaximize( Sender ); SC_RESTORE: {$IFDEF NIL_EVENTS} if Assigned( Sender.EV.fOnRestore ) then {$ENDIF} Sender.EV.fOnRestore( Sender ); end; end; end; procedure TControl.SetOnMinMaxRestore(const Index: Integer; const Value: TOnEvent); type POnEvent = ^TOnEvent; {$IFDEF F_P} var Ptr1: Pointer; {$ELSE DELPHI} var Evt: POnEvent; {$ENDIF F_P/DELPHI} begin {$IFDEF F_P} Ptr1 := Self; asm MOV EAX, [Ptr1] LEA EAX, [EAX].TControl.fOnMinimize ADD EAX, [Index] MOV EDX, [Value] MOV [EAX], EDX MOV EDX, [Value+4] MOV [EAX+4], EDX end [ 'EAX', 'EDX' ]; {$ELSE DELPHI} {$IFDEF EVENTS_DYNAMIC} ProvideUniqueEvents; {$ENDIF} Evt := Pointer( Integer( @ TMethod( EV.fOnMinimize ).Code ) + Index ); Evt^ := Value; {$ENDIF} AttachProc( WndProcMinMaxRestore ); end; procedure TControl.SetOnMinimize(const Value: TOnEvent); begin SetOnMinMaxRestore( 0, Value ); end; procedure TControl.SetOnMaximize(const Value: TOnEvent); begin SetOnMinMaxRestore( 8, Value ); end; procedure TControl.SetOnRestore(const Value: TOnEvent); begin SetOnMinMaxRestore( 16, Value ); end; function TControl.GetOnMinMaxRestore(const Index: Integer): TOnEvent; begin CASE Index OF 0: Result := EV.fOnMinimize; 8: Result := EV.fOnMaximize; 16: Result := EV.fOnRestore; END; end; {$IFDEF INPACKAGE} {$IFDEF ASM_LOCAL} {$UNDEF ASM_LOCAL} {$ENDIF} {$ELSE} {$IFDEF ASM_VERSION} {$DEFINE ASM_LOCAL} {$ENDIF} {$ENDIF} {$ENDIF WIN_GDI} {$IFDEF GDI} {$IFDEF ASM_LOCAL} {$ELSE PAS_VERSION} //Pascal procedure TControl.SetParent( Value: PControl ); begin if Value = fParent then Exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} if fParent <> nil then begin {$IFDEF USE_GRAPHCTLS} Invalidate; // necessary for graphic controls {$ENDIF} {$IFDEF DEBUG_MCK} if ( fParent.fChildren <> nil ) then begin mck_Log( 'remove from old parent children 1st' ); fParent.fChildren.Remove( @Self ); mck_Log( 'removed ok' ); end; {$ELSE not DEBUG_MCK} fParent.fChildren.Remove( @Self ); {$IFDEF NOT_USE_AUTOFREE4CONTROLS} {$ELSE} fParent.RemoveFromAutoFree( @Self ); {$ENDIF} {$IFDEF NIL_EVENTS} if Assigned( fParent.PP.fNotifyChild ) then {$ENDIF} fParent.PP.fNotifyChild( fParent, nil ); {$ENDIF not DEBUG_MCK} end; fParent := Value; if fParent <> nil then begin fParent.fChildren.Add( @Self ); {$IFDEF USE_AUTOFREE4CHILDREN} fParent.Add2AutoFree( @ Self ); {$ENDIF} {$IFNDEF INPACKAGE} //----------------------------------------------------- if FHandle <> 0 then Windows.SetParent( FHandle, Value.GetWindowHandle ); {$ENDIF not INPACKAGE} //-------------------------------------------------- {$IFDEF NIL_EVENTS} if Assigned( fParent.PP.fNotifyChild ) then {$ENDIF} fParent.PP.fNotifyChild( fParent, @ Self ); {$IFDEF NIL_EVENTS} if Assigned( PP.fNotifyChild ) then {$ENDIF} PP.fNotifyChild( fParent, @ Self ); {$IFDEF USE_GRAPHCTLS} Invalidate; // necessary for graphic controls {$ENDIF} end; end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION} {$ENDIF GDI} {$IFDEF _X_} {$IFDEF GTK} PROCEDURE TControl.SetParent( Value: PControl ); BEGIN IF Value = fParent THEN Exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} IF fParent <> nil THEN begin fParent.fChildren.Remove( @Self ); {$IFDEF NOT_USE_AUTOFREE4CONTROLS} {$ELSE} fParent.RemoveFromAutoFree( @Self ); {$ENDIF} END; fParent := Value; IF fParent <> nil THEN BEGIN fParent.fChildren.Add( @Self ); {$IFDEF USE_AUTOFREE4CHILDREN} fParent.Add2AutoFree( @ Self ); {$ENDIF} END; fParent.fGetClientArea( fParent ); fParent.fChildPut( fParent, @ Self, fBoundsRect.Left, fBoundsRect.Top ); END; {$ENDIF GTK} {$ENDIF _X_} function TControl.ChildIndex(Child: PControl): Integer; begin Result := fChildren.IndexOf( Child ); end; procedure TControl.MoveChild(Child: PControl; NewIdx: Integer); var I: Integer; begin I := ChildIndex( Child ); {$IFDEF KOL_ASSERTIONS} Assert( I>=0, 'TControl.MoveChild: index out of bounds' ); {$ENDIF KOL_ASSERTIONS} fChildren.MoveItem( I, NewIdx ); end; {$IFDEF WIN_GDI} procedure TControl.EnableChildren(Enable, Recursive: Boolean); var I: Integer; C: PControl; begin for I := 0 to ChildCount-1 do begin C := Children[ I ]; C.Enabled := Enable; if Recursive then C.EnableChildren( Enable, TRUE ); end; end; {$ENDIF WIN_GDI} {$IFDEF GDI} {$IFDEF ASM_VERSION}{$ELSE PAS_VERSION} //Pascal constructor TControl.CreateParented(AParent: PControl); begin InitParented( AParent ); // because InitParented is virtual, but CreateParented end; // can not be virtual (as an _object_ - not a class - constructor) {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION} {$ENDIF GDI} {$IFDEF _X_} {$IFDEF GTK} CONSTRUCTOR TControl.CreateParented(AParent: PControl; widget: PGtkWidget; need_eventbox: Boolean); BEGIN InitParented( AParent, widget, need_eventbox ); // because InitParented is virtual, but CreateParented END; // can not be virtual (as an _object_ - not a class - constructor) {$ENDIF GTK} {$ENDIF _X_} constructor TControl.CreateOrthaned( AParentWnd: HWnd ); begin InitOrthaned( AParentWnd ); end; {$IFDEF ASM_VERSION}{$ELSE PAS_VERSION} //Pascal function TControl.GetLeft: Integer; begin Result := BoundsRect.Left; end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION} {$IFDEF ASM_VERSION}{$ELSE PAS_VERSION} //Pascal procedure TControl.SetLeft( Value: Integer ); var R: TRect; begin R := BoundsRect; R.Left := Value; R.Right := Value + Width; SetBoundsRect( R ); end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION} {$IFDEF ASM_VERSION}{$ELSE PAS_VERSION} //Pascal function TControl.GetTop: Integer; begin Result := BoundsRect.Top; end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION} {$IFDEF ASM_VERSION}{$ELSE PAS_VERSION} //Pascal procedure TControl.SetTop( Value: Integer ); var R: TRect; begin R := BoundsRect; R.Top := Value; R.Bottom := Value + Height; SetBoundsRect( R ); end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION} {$IFDEF ASM_VERSION}{$ELSE PAS_VERSION} //Pascal function TControl.GetWidth: Integer; begin with BoundsRect do Result := Right - Left; end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION} {$IFDEF ASM_VERSION}{$ELSE PAS_VERSION} //Pascal procedure TControl.SetWidth( Value: Integer ); var R: TRect; begin R := BoundsRect; with R do Right := Left + Value; SetBoundsRect( R ); end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION} {$IFDEF ASM_VERSION}{$ELSE PAS_VERSION} //Pascal function TControl.GetHeight: Integer; begin with BoundsRect do Result := Bottom - Top; end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION} {$IFDEF ASM_VERSION}{$ELSE PAS_VERSION} //Pascal procedure TControl.SetHeight( Value: Integer ); var R: TRect; begin R := BoundsRect; with R do Bottom := Top + Value; SetBoundsRect( R ); end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION} {$IFDEF ASM_VERSION}{$ELSE PAS_VERSION} //Pascal function TControl.GetPosition: TPoint; begin Result.x := BoundsRect.Left; Result.y := BoundsRect.Top; end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION} {$IFDEF ASM_VERSION}{$ELSE PAS_VERSION} //Pascal procedure TControl.Set_Position( Value: TPoint ); var R: TRect; begin R.Top := Value.y; R.Left := Value.x; R.Right := R.Left + Width; R.Bottom := R.Top + Height; BoundsRect := R; end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION} {$IFDEF WIN_GDI} function WndProcConstraints( Sender: PControl; var Msg: TMsg; var Rslt: Integer ): Boolean; var MMI: PMinMaxInfo; begin Result := FALSE; if Msg.message = WM_GETMINMAXINFO then begin Rslt := Sender.CallDefWndProc( Msg ); MMI := Pointer( Msg.lParam ); if Sender.FMaxWidth > 0 then begin MMI.ptMaxSize.x := Sender.FMaxWidth; MMI.ptMaxTrackSize.x := Sender.FMaxWidth; end; if Sender.FMaxHeight > 0 then begin MMI.ptMaxSize.y := Sender.FMaxHeight; MMI.ptMaxTrackSize.y := Sender.FMaxHeight; end; MMI.ptMinTrackSize := MakePoint( Sender.FMinWidth, Sender.FMinHeight ); Rslt := 0; Result := TRUE; end; end; {$IFDEF USE_MHTOOLTIP} {$DEFINE implementation_part} {$I KOLMHToolTip_implem.inc} {$UNDEF implementation_part} {$ENDIF} procedure TControl.SetConstraint(const Index: Integer; Value: SmallInt); begin AttachProc( WndProcConstraints ); case Index of 0: FMinWidth := Value; 1: FMinHeight := Value; 2: FMaxWidth := Value; 3: FMaxHeight := Value; end; end; function TControl.GetConstraint(const Index: Integer): Integer; begin CASE Index OF 0: Result := FMinWidth; 1: Result := FMinHeight; 2: Result := FMaxWidth; else Result := FMaxHeight; END; end; function TControl.ControlRect: TRect; var C: PControl; R: TRect; begin Result := BoundsRect; C := Parent; if C <> nil then begin if {$IFDEF USE_FLAGS} not(G3_IsControl in C.fFlagsG3) {$ELSE} not C.fIsControl {$ENDIF} then Exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} R := C.ControlRect; OffsetRect( Result, R.Left, R.Top ); if C.fChildren <> nil then if C.FChildren.IndexOf( @Self ) >= 0 then begin R := C.ClientRect; Dec( R.Top, C.fClientTop ); Dec( R.Left, C.fClientLeft ); OffsetRect( Result, R.Left, R.Top ); end; end; end; function TControl.ControlAtPos( X, Y: Integer; IgnoreDisabled: Boolean ): PControl; var I: Integer; C: PControl; CR, VR: TRect; begin Result := nil; CR := ControlRect; // ������������� ���������� � ������� ������������� �������� if {$IFDEF USE_FLAGS} not(G6_GraphicCtl in fFlagsG6) {$ELSE} fWindowed {$ENDIF} then CR := MakeRect( 0, 0, 0, 0 ); X := X + CR.Left; // - R.Left; Y := Y + CR.Top; // - R.Top; for I := ChildCount - 1 downto 0 do begin C := Children[ I ]; //Members[ I ]; if C.Visible then if (not IgnoreDisabled) or IgnoreDisabled and C.Enabled then begin VR := C.ControlRect; if (X >= VR.Left) and (X < VR.Right) and (Y >= VR.Top) and (Y < VR.Bottom) then begin Result := C; Exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} end; end; end; end; {$ENDIF WIN_GDI} {$IFDEF ASM_VERSION}{$ELSE PAS_VERSION} //Pascal procedure DefaultPaintBackground( Sender: PControl; DC: HDC; Rect: PRect ); {$IFDEF GDI} var B: HBrush; {$ENDIF GDI} begin {$IFDEF GDI} B := CreateSolidBrush( Color2Rgb( Sender.Color ) ); Windows.FillRect( DC, Rect^, B ); DeleteObject( B ); {$ENDIF GDI} end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION} {$IFDEF WIN_GDI} procedure TControl.PaintBackground( DC: HDC; Rect: PRect ); begin Global_OnPaintBkgnd( @Self, DC, Rect ); end; {$ENDIF WIN_GDI} {$IFDEF GDI} {$IFDEF ASM_VERSION}{$ELSE PAS_VERSION} //Pascal procedure TControl.SetCtlColor( Value: TColor ); begin {$IFNDEF INPACKAGE} if GetWindowHandle <> 0 then {$ELSE} if fHandle <> 0 then {$ENDIF} if fCommandActions.aSetBkColor <> 0 then Perform( fCommandActions.aSetBkColor, 0, Color2RGB( Value ) ); if fColor = Value then Exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} fColor := Value; if fTmpBrush <> 0 then begin DeleteObject( fTmpBrush ); fTmpBrush := 0; end; if fBrush <> nil then fBrush.Color := Value; Invalidate; end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION} {$ENDIF GDI} {$IFDEF _X_} {$IFDEF GTK} PROCEDURE TControl.SetCtlColor( Value: TColor ); VAR gcolor: TGdkColor; i: Integer; BEGIN if fColor = Value then Exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} fColor := Value; gcolor := Color2GdkColor( Value ); FOR i := 0 to 4 do BEGIN gtk_widget_modify_bg( fEventboxHandle, {GTK_STATE_NORMAL} i, @ gcolor ); gtk_widget_modify_base( fEventboxHandle, {GTK_STATE_NORMAL} i, @ gcolor ); END; //if Assigned( _Self.fFont ) then {begin _Self.fHandle.style.font_desc := pango_font_description_copy( _Self.fFont.GetPangoFontDesc ); if oldfontdesc <> nil then pango_font_description_free( oldfontdesc ); end;} //Invalidate; END; {$ENDIF GTK} {$ENDIF _X_} {$IFDEF WIN_GDI} {$IFDEF ASM_VERSION}{$ELSE PAS_VERSION} //Pascal function TControl.GetParentWnd( NeedHandle: Boolean ): HWnd; var C: PControl; begin Result := FParentWnd; C := fParent; // WindowedParent; if C <> nil then begin if NeedHandle then C.GetWindowHandle; Result := C.fHandle; end; end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION} {$IFDEF ASM_TLIST} procedure TControl.CreateChildWindows; asm PUSH ESI MOV ESI, [EAX].TControl.fChildren MOV ECX, [ESI].TList.fCount MOV ESI, [ESI].TList.fItems JECXZ @@exit @@loop: PUSH ECX LODSD CALL CallTControlCreateWindow POP ECX LOOP @@loop @@exit: POP ESI end; {$ELSE PAS_VERSION} //Pascal procedure TControl.CreateChildWindows; var I: Integer; C: PControl; begin {$IFDEF INPACKAGE} Log( '->TControl.CreateChildWindows' ); TRY {$ENDIF INPACKAGE} for I := 0 to fChildren.Count - 1 do begin {$IFDEF INPACKAGE} Log( Int2Str( I ) ); {$ENDIF INPACKAGE} C := fChildren.Items[ I ]; C.CreateWindow; //virtual!!! end; {$IFDEF INPACKAGE} LogOK; FINALLY Log( '<-TControl.CreateChildWindows' ); END; {$ENDIF INPACKAGE} end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION} {$ENDIF WIN_GDI} function TControl.GetMembers(Idx: Integer): PControl; begin Result := fChildren.Items[ Idx ]; // Important: .Items but not .fItems - when fChildren.Count=0, nil is returned end; {$IFDEF WIN_GDI} {$IFDEF ASM_TLIST} procedure TControl.DestroyChildren; asm PUSH ESI MOV EAX, [EAX].fChildren PUSH EAX MOV ECX, [EAX].TList.fCount JECXZ @@clear MOV ESI, [EAX].TList.fItems LEA ESI, [ESI + ECX*4 - 4] // is order really important ? @@loop: STD // LODSD CLD // PUSH ECX CALL TObj.RefDec POP ECX LOOP @@loop @@clear: POP EAX CALL TList.Clear POP ESI end; {$ELSE PAS_VERSION} //Pascal procedure TControl.DestroyChildren; var I: Integer; W: PControl; begin for I := fChildren.fCount - 1 downto 0 do begin W := fChildren.{$IFDEF TLIST_FAST} Items {$ELSE} fItems {$ENDIF}[ I ]; W.Free; end; fChildren.Clear; end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION} {$IFDEF ASM_VERSION}{$ELSE PAS_VERSION} //Pascal function TControl.ProcessMessage: Boolean; var Msg: TMsg; P: Windows.PMsg; begin Result := False; if PeekMessage( Msg, 0, 0, 0, PM_REMOVE ) then begin Result := Msg.message <> 0; if (Msg.message = WM_QUIT) then begin AppletTerminated := True; {$IFDEF PROVIDE_EXITCODE} ExitCode := Msg.wParam; {$ENDIF PROVIDE_EXITCODE} end else begin if not( {$IFDEF NIL_EVENTS} Assigned( PP.fExMsgProc ) and {$ENDIF} PP.fExMsgProc( @Self, Msg )) then begin P := Pointer( @Msg ); TranslateMessage( P^ ); DispatchMessage( Msg ); {$IFDEF PSEUDO_THREADS} if Assigned( MainThread ) then MainThread.NextThread; {$ENDIF} end; end; end; end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION} {$IFDEF ASM_VERSION}{$ELSE PAS_VERSION} //Pascal procedure TControl.ProcessMessages; begin while ProcessMessage do ; end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION} procedure TControl.ProcessMessagesEx; begin PostMessage( GetWindowHandle, CM_PROCESS, 0, 0 ); ProcessMessages; end; procedure TControl.ProcessPendingMessages; var Msg: TMsg; begin if LOWORD( GetQueueStatus( QS_ALLINPUT ) ) <> 0 then if PeekMessage( Msg, 0, 0, 0, PM_NOREMOVE {or PM_NOYIELD} ) or PeekMessage( Msg, HWnd(-1), 0, 0, PM_NOREMOVE {or PM_NOYIELD} ) then Applet.ProcessMessages; end; procedure TControl.ProcessPaintMessages; var Msg: TMsg; begin while PeekMessage( Msg, Handle, 15, 15, PM_NOREMOVE ) do Applet.ProcessMessage; end; {$IFDEF ASM_VERSION}{$ELSE PAS_VERSION} //Pascal function WndProcForm(Self_: PControl; var Msg: TMsg; var Rslt: Integer ): Boolean; {$IFDEF ENDSESSION_HALT} var App: PControl; {$ENDIF} begin Result := True; case Msg.message of {$IFDEF ENDSESSION_HALT} WM_ENDSESSION: begin if Msg.wParam <> 0 then begin Self_.RefDec; { Normally, WM_ENDSESSION is sent to a main form, not to Applet. Since we do not plan further working after handling this message, we decrease RefCount for the form (in was increased in EnumDynHandlers to prevent object destroying while its message processing is not finished). } App := Applet; //Rslt := 0; { We will not return any result at all. } {$IFDEF DEBUG_ENDSESSION} EndSession_Initiated := TRUE; LogFileOutput( GetStartDir + 'es_debug.txt', 'Self_=' + Int2Hex( DWORD( Self_ ), 8 ) + ' Self_.Handle=' + Int2Str( Self_.FHandle ) ); {$ENDIF} AppletTerminated := TRUE; AppletRunning := FALSE; Applet := nil; App.Free; { We provide OnDestroy handlers to be called for any objects here } Halt; { Stop further executing. } end else Result := FALSE; end; {$ENDIF ENDSESSION_HALT} WM_SETFOCUS: begin {$IFDEF NEW_MODAL} if Self_.DF.fModalForm <> nil then SetFocus( Self_.DF.fModalForm.fHandle ) else if ( Self_.DF.FCurrentControl <> nil ) and {$IFDEF USE_FLAGS} not( (G3_IsForm in Self_.DF.fCurrentControl.fFlagsG3) xor(G3_IsApplet in Self_.fFlagsG3) ) {$ELSE} not(Self_.DF.FCurrentControl.fIsForm xor Self_.fIsApplet) {$ENDIF} then {$ELSE not NEW_MODAL} if Self_.DF.FCurrentControl <> nil then {$ENDIF} begin if Self_.DF.FCurrentControl.CreateWindow then SetFocus( Self_.DF.FCurrentControl.fHandle ); end else Result := False; if assigned( Applet ) and (Applet <> Self_) then Applet.DF.FCurrentControl := Self_; end; //WM_NCDESTROY: // Self_.RefDec; else Result := False; end; end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION} {$ENDIF WIN_GDI} {$IFDEF ASM_VERSION}{$ELSE PAS_VERSION} //Pascal function GetPrevCtrlBoundsRect( P: PControl; var R: TRect ): Boolean; var Idx: Integer; begin Result := False; if P.FParent = nil then Exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} Idx := P.FParent.ChildIndex( P ) - 1; if Idx < 0 then Exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} Result := True; R := P.FParent.Children[ Idx ].BoundsRect; end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION} {$IFDEF ASM_VERSION}{$ELSE PAS_VERSION} //Pascal function TControl.PlaceUnder: PControl; var R: TRect; begin Result := @Self; if not GetPrevCtrlBoundsRect( @Self, R ) then Exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} Top := R.Bottom + fParent.fMargin; Left := R.Left; end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION} {$IFDEF ASM_VERSION}{$ELSE PAS_VERSION} //Pascal function TControl.PlaceDown: PControl; var R: TRect; begin Result := @Self; if not GetPrevCtrlBoundsRect( @Self, R ) then Exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} Top := R.Bottom + fParent.fMargin; end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION} {$IFDEF ASM_VERSION}{$ELSE PAS_VERSION} //Pascal function TControl.PlaceRight: PControl; var R: TRect; begin Result := @Self; if not GetPrevCtrlBoundsRect( @Self, R ) then Exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} Top := R.Top; Left := R.Right + fParent.fMargin; end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION} {$IFDEF ASM_VERSION}{$ELSE PAS_VERSION} //Pascal function TControl.SetSize(W, H: Integer): PControl; var R: TRect; begin R := BoundsRect; if W > 0 then R.Right := R.Left + W; if H > 0 then R.Bottom := R.Top + H; SetBoundsRect( R ); Result := @Self; end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION} {$IFDEF WIN_GDI} function TControl.SetClientSize(W, H: Integer): PControl; begin if W > 0 then ClientWidth := W; if H > 0 then ClientHeight := H; Result := @Self; end; {$IFDEF ASM_VERSION}{$ELSE PAS_VERSION} //Pascal function TControl.AlignLeft(P: PControl): PControl; begin Result := @Self; Left := P.Left; end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION} {$IFDEF ASM_VERSION}{$ELSE PAS_VERSION} //Pascal function TControl.AlignTop(P: PControl): PControl; begin Result := @Self; Top := P.Top; end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION} {$IFDEF KEY_PREVIEW} {$DEFINE KEY_PREVIEW_OR_ESC_CLOSE_DIALOGS} {$ENDIF} {$IFDEF ESC_CLOSE_DIALOGS} {$IFNDEF KEY_PREVIEW_OR_ESC_CLOSE_DIALOGS} {$DEFINE KEY_PREVIEW_OR_ESC_CLOSE_DIALOGS} {$ENDIF} {$ENDIF} {$IFDEF ASM_VERSION} // see addition for combobox in pas version {$ELSE PAS_VERSION} //Pascal function WndProcCtrl(Self_: PControl; var Msg: TMsg; var Rslt: Integer): Boolean; var F: PControl; Cmd : DWORD; begin Result := FALSE; with Self_^ do case Msg.message of CN_CTLCOLORMSGBOX..CN_CTLCOLORSTATIC: begin SetTextColor(Msg.WParam, Color2RGB(fTextColor)); if {$IFDEF USE_FLAGS} G2_Transparent in fFlagsG2 {$ELSE} fTransparent {$ENDIF} then begin SetBkMode( Msg.wParam, Windows.TRANSPARENT ); Rslt := GetStockObject( NULL_BRUSH ); end else begin SetBkMode( Msg.wParam, Windows.OPAQUE ); SetBkColor(Msg.WParam, Color2RGB( fColor ) ); Rslt := Global_GetCtlBrushHandle( Self_ ); end; Result := TRUE; end; CM_COMMAND: begin Result := True; Cmd := HiWord( Msg.wParam ); if Cmd = fCommandActions.aClick then begin if Integer( fClickDisabled ) <= 0 then begin Focused := TRUE; DoClick; end; end else if Cmd = fCommandActions.aEnter then begin if Assigned( EV.fOnEnter ) then EV.fOnEnter( Self_ ); end else if Cmd = fCommandActions.aLeave then begin if Assigned( EV.fOnLeave ) then EV.fOnLeave( Self_ ); end else if Integer(Cmd) = fCommandActions.aChange then begin if Assigned( EV.fOnChangeCtl ) then EV.fOnChangeCtl( Self_ ); end else if Integer(Cmd) = fCommandActions.aSelChange then begin DoSelChange; end else Result := False; if Result then Rslt := CallDefWndProc( Msg ); end; WM_SETFOCUS: begin Rslt := 0; Result := TRUE; F := ParentForm; if F <> nil then begin if (F.DF.fCurrentControl <> nil) and (F.DF.fCurrentControl <> Self_) {$IFDEF NIL_EVENTS} and Assigned( F.DF.fCurrentControl.EV.fLeave ) {$ENDIF} then F.DF.fCurrentControl.EV.fLeave( F.DF.fCurrentControl ); F.DF.fCurrentControl := Self_; Result := False; // go further handling end; end; {$IFDEF KEY_PREVIEW_OR_ESC_CLOSE_DIALOGS} WM_KEYDOWN: begin {$IFDEF KEY_PREVIEW} //--------------------------------Truf------------------------------------- F := ParentForm; if F <> Self_ then begin if {$IFDEF USE_FLAGS} G6_KeyPreview in F.fFlagsG6 {$ELSE} F.fKeyPreview {$ENDIF} then begin {$IFDEF USE_FLAGS} include( F.fFlagsG4, G4_Pushed ); {$ELSE} F.fKeyPreviewing := TRUE; {$ENDIF} inc( F.DF.fKeyPreviewCount ); F.Perform(WM_KEYDOWN,msg.wParam,msg.lParam); dec( F.DF.fKeyPreviewCount ); end; end; //--------------------------------Truf------------------------------------- {$ENDIF KEY_PREVIEW} {$IFDEF ESC_CLOSE_DIALOGS} //---------------------------------Babenko Alexey-------------------------- begin F := ParentForm; if (F.fExStyle and WS_EX_DLGMODALFRAME) <> 0 then if Msg.wParam = 27 then F.Perform(WM_CLOSE, 0, 0); end; //---------------------------------Babenko Alexey-------------------------- {$ENDIF ESC_CLOSE_DIALOGS} end; {$IFDEF KEY_PREVIEW} WM_KEYUP..WM_SYSDEADCHAR: begin F := ParentForm; if F <> Self_ then begin if {$IFDEF USE_FLAGS} G6_KeyPreview in F.fFlagsG6 {$ELSE} F.fKeyPreview {$ENDIF} then begin {$IFDEF USE_FLAGS} include( F.fFlagsG4, G4_Pushed ); {$ELSE} F.fKeyPreviewing := TRUE; {$ENDIF} inc( F.DF.fKeyPreviewCount ); F.Perform(Msg.message,msg.wParam,msg.lParam); dec( F.DF.fKeyPreviewCount ); end; end; end; {$ENDIF KEY_PREVIEW} {$ENDIF KEY_PREVIEW_OR_ESC_CLOSE_DIALOGS} end; end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION} {$IFDEF OLD_TRANSPARENT} function WndProcTransparent( Sender: PControl; var Msg: TMsg; var Rslt: Integer ): Boolean; var DC, PDC, BLTDC: HDC; Save: integer; OLDp: THANDLE; L, T: SmallInt; TP, ParentClient: TPoint; TR, Margins: TRect; Wnd: HWND; tRgn: HRgn; C: PControl; begin Result := FALSE; {$IFDEF STOP_WNDPROCTRANSPARENT_AFTER_APPLETTERMINATED} if AppletTerminated or not Sender.ToBeVisible then Exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} {$ENDIF} case Msg.message of WM_HSCROLL, WM_VSCROLL: begin Sender.Invalidate; exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} end; WM_SETTEXT: begin if {$IFDEF USE_FLAGS} not(G1_IsStaticControl in Sender.fFlagsG1) {$ELSE} Sender.fIsStaticControl = 0 {$ENDIF} then exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} Sender.Invalidate; Rslt := DefWindowProc ( Sender.fHandle, WM_SETTEXT, Msg.wParam, Msg.lParam ); Result := TRUE; exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} end; WM_NCPAINT: begin if Sender.fTransparent then Result := TRUE; exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} end; end; if Sender.fTransparent and ( {$IFDEF USE_FLAGS} not(G2_DoubleBuffered in Sender.FParent.fFlagsG2) {$ELSE} not Sender.fParent.fDoubleBuffered {$ENDIF} ) then Sender.fTransparent := FALSE; if {$IFDEF USE_FLAGS} [G2_DoubleBuffered, G2_Transparent] * Sender.fFlagsG2 = [] {$ELSE} not (Sender.fTransparent or Sender.fDoubleBuffered) {$ENDIF} then exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} if Sender.fAnchors and SELF_REQ_PAINT <> 0 then exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} case Msg.message of WM_ERASEBKGND: begin Result := TRUE; end; WM_PAINT: begin ValidateRect(Sender.fHandle, nil); //???--brandys??? if (Sender.fTransparent) and (Sender.fAnchors and PARENT_REQ_PAINT = 0) then begin InvalidateRect(Sender.fParent.Handle, nil, FALSE); Result := TRUE; exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} end; GetClientRect(Msg.hwnd, Margins); OLDp := 0; if Sender.fAnchors and PARENT_REQ_PAINT = 0 then begin Sender.fDblExcludeRgn := CreateRectRgn(0, 0, Margins.Right, Margins.Bottom); DC := GetDC(0); PDC := CreateCompatibleDC( DC ); OLDp := SelectObject(PDC, CreateCompatibleBitmap(DC, Margins.Right, Margins.Bottom) ); ReleaseDC(0, DC); Sender.fParentCoordX := 0; Sender.fParentCoordy := 0; end else begin PDC := Msg.wParam; Sender.fDblExcludeRgn := Sender.fParent.fDblExcludeRgn; end; Sender.fAnchors := Sender.fAnchors or SELF_REQ_PAINT; Sender.fPaintDC := PDC; if (Sender.fAnchors and PARENT_REQ_PAINT = 0) or {$IFDEF USE_FLAGS} G2_DoubleBuffered in Sender.fFlagsG2 {$ELSE} Sender.fDoubleBuffered {$ENDIF} then Sender.Perform(WM_ERASEBKGND, PDC, 0); Sender.Perform(WM_PAINT, PDC, 0); Wnd := GetWindow( Sender.fHandle, GW_CHILD ); Wnd := GetWindow( Wnd, GW_HWNDLAST); while Wnd <> 0 do begin if IsWindowVisible(Wnd) then begin {$IFDEF USE_PROP} C := Pointer( GetProp( Wnd, ID_SELF ) ); {$ELSE} C := Pointer( GetWindowLong( Wnd, GWL_USERDATA ) ); {$ENDIF} with C^ do begin if (C <> nil) and {$IFDEF USE_FLAGS} ( [G2_DoubleBuffered, G2_Transparent] * fFlagsG2 <> [] ) {$ELSE} (fTransparent or fDoubleBuffered) {$ENDIF} then begin Save := SaveDC( PDC ); Include( fAnchors, PARENT_REQ_PAINT ); L := Sender.fParentCoordX + Left; T := Sender.fParentCoordY + Top; SetWindowOrgEx(PDC, -L, -T, nil); SendMessage(Wnd, WM_PRINT, PDC, PRF_NONCLIENT); TP.x := 0; TP.Y := 0; ClientToScreen(fHandle, TP); GetWindowRect(fHandle, TR); fParentCoordX := L + TP.X - TR.Left; fParentCoordY := T + TP.Y - TR.Top; SetWindowOrgEx(PDC, -fParentCoordX, -fParentCoordY, nil); GetClientRect(Wnd, TR); IntersectClipRect(PDC, 0, 0, TR.Right, TR.Bottom); SendMessage(Wnd, WM_PAINT, PDC, 0); Exclude( fAnchors, PARENT_REQ_PAINT ); RestoreDC( PDC, Save ); end else begin GetWindowRect(Wnd, TR); TP.X := 0; TP.Y := 0; ClientToScreen(Sender.fHandle, TP); TP.X := TR.Left - TP.X + Sender.fParentCoordX; TP.Y := TR.Top - TP.Y + Sender.fParentCoordY; TR.Left := TR.Right - TR.Left; TR.Top := TR.Bottom - TR.Top; tRgn := CreateRectRgn(TP.X, TP.Y, TP.X+TR.Left, TP.Y+TR.Top); CombineRgn(Sender.fDblExcludeRgn, Sender.fDblExcludeRgn, tRgn, RGN_DIFF); DeleteObject(tRgn); end; end; end; Wnd := GetWindow( Wnd, GW_HWNDPREV ); end; Sender.fPaintDC := 0; Sender.fAnchors := Sender.fAnchors and not SELF_REQ_PAINT; if Sender.fAnchors and PARENT_REQ_PAINT = 0 then begin BLTDC := GetWindowDC(Sender.fHandle); GetWindowRect( Sender.fHandle, TR ); ParentClient.x := 0; ParentClient.y := 0; ClientToScreen( Sender.fHandle, ParentClient ); SetWindowOrgEx(BLTDC, TR.Left - ParentClient.x, TR.Top - ParentClient.y, nil); OffsetRgn(Sender.fDblExcludeRgn, ParentClient.x - TR.Left, ParentClient.y - TR.Top); ExtSelectClipRgn(BLTDC, Sender.fDblExcludeRgn, RGN_AND); BitBlt( BLTDC, 0, 0, Margins.Right, Margins.Bottom, PDC, 0, 0, SRCCOPY ); ReleaseDC(Sender.fHandle, BLTDC); DeleteObject(SelectObject( PDC, OLDp )); DeleteObject(Sender.fDblExcludeRgn); DeleteDC( PDC ); end; //ValidateRect(Sender.fHandle, nil); //???++brandys???// Result := TRUE; end; end; end; {$ELSE NEW_TRANSPARENT} // by Alexander Karpinsky a.k.a. homm function WndProcTransparent( Sender: PControl; var Msg: TMsg; var Rslt: Integer ): Boolean; function SetRectRgnInderect(tRgn: HRGN; const TR: TRect): BOOL; begin Result := SetRectRgn(tRgn, TR.Left, TR.Top, TR.Right, TR.Bottom); end; var DC, PDC, BLTDC: HDC; Save: integer; OLDp: THANDLE; L, T: SmallInt; TP: TPoint; TR, Margins: TRect; Wnd: HWND; C: PControl; ChildRgn: HRGN; PS: TPaintStruct; begin Result := FALSE; {$IFDEF STOP_WNDPROCTRANSPARENT_AFTER_APPLETTERMINATED} if AppletTerminated or not Sender.ToBeVisible then Exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} {$ENDIF} if {$IFDEF USE_FLAGS} (G2_Transparent in Sender.fFlagsG2) {$ELSE} Sender.fTransparent {$ENDIF} and ( {$IFDEF USE_FLAGS} not(G2_DoubleBuffered in Sender.FParent.fFlagsG2) {$ELSE} not Sender.fParent.fDoubleBuffered {$ENDIF} ) then {$IFDEF USE_FLAGS} exclude( Sender.fFlagsG2, G2_Transparent ); {$ELSE} Sender.fTransparent := FALSE; {$ENDIF} if {$IFDEF USE_FLAGS} [G2_DoubleBuffered, G2_Transparent] * Sender.fFlagsG2 = [] {$ELSE} not (Sender.fTransparent or Sender.fDoubleBuffered) {$ENDIF} then exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} case Msg.message of WM_HSCROLL, WM_VSCROLL: begin Sender.Invalidate; exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} end; WM_SETTEXT: begin if {$IFDEF USE_FLAGS} not(G1_IsStaticControl in Sender.fFlagsG1) {$ELSE} Sender.fIsStaticControl = 0 {$ENDIF} then exit; {>>>>>>>>>>} Sender.Invalidate; Rslt := DefWindowProc ( Sender.fHandle, WM_SETTEXT, Msg.wParam, Msg.lParam ); Result := TRUE; exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} end; WM_PAINT, WM_ERASEBKGND:; WM_NCPAINT: if {$IFDEF USE_FLAGS} not(G2_Transparent in Sender.fFlagsG2) {$ELSE} not Sender.fTransparent {$ENDIF} then exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} else exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} end; if Sender.fAnchors and SELF_REQ_PAINT <> 0 then exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} Result := TRUE; if Assigned(Sender.fParent) and {$IFDEF USE_FLAGS} not(G3_IsForm in Sender.fFlagsG3) {$ELSE} (not Sender.fIsForm) {$ENDIF} and {$IFDEF USE_FLAGS} (G2_DoubleBuffered in Sender.FParent.fFlagsG2) {$ELSE} Sender.FParent.fDoubleBuffered {$ENDIF} and (Sender.fAnchors and PARENT_REQ_PAINT = 0) then begin TR := Sender.BoundsRect; InvalidateRect(Sender.fParent.fHandle, @TR, true); ValidateRect(Sender.fHandle, nil); //???--brandys???+ exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} end; if Msg.message = WM_PAINT then begin OLDp := 0; if Sender.fAnchors and PARENT_REQ_PAINT = 0 then begin Sender.fDblExcludeRgn := CreateRectRgn(0, 0, 0, 0); if Integer( GetUpdateRgn(Sender.fHandle, Sender.fDblExcludeRgn, TRUE) ) <= NULLREGION then begin DeleteObject(Sender.fDblExcludeRgn); exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} end; DC := BeginPaint(Sender.fHandle, PS); PDC := CreateCompatibleDC( DC ); GetClientRect(Msg.hwnd, Margins); OLDp := SelectObject(PDC, CreateCompatibleBitmap(DC, Margins.Right, Margins.Bottom) ); Sender.fParentCoordX := 0; Sender.fParentCoordy := 0; end else begin PDC := Msg.wParam; Sender.fDblExcludeRgn := Sender.fParent.fDblExcludeRgn; end; Sender.fAnchors := Sender.fAnchors or SELF_REQ_PAINT; Sender.fPaintDC := PDC; if (Sender.fAnchors and PARENT_REQ_PAINT = 0) or {$IFDEF USE_FLAGS} (G2_DoubleBuffered in Sender.fFlagsG2) {$ELSE} Sender.fDoubleBuffered {$ENDIF} then Sender.Perform(WM_ERASEBKGND, PDC, 0); Sender.Perform(WM_PAINT, PDC, 0); Wnd := GetWindow( Sender.fHandle, GW_CHILD ); Wnd := GetWindow( Wnd, GW_HWNDLAST); while Wnd <> 0 do begin if IsWindowVisible(Wnd) then begin ChildRgn := CreateRectRgn(0, 0, 0, 0); if Integer( GetWindowRgn(WND, ChildRgn) ) <= NULLREGION then begin GetWindowRect(WND, TR); TP.X := 0; TP.Y := 0; ClientToScreen(Sender.fHandle, TP); OffsetRect(TR, -TP.X , -TP.Y); SetRectRgnInderect(ChildRgn, TR); end; OffsetRgn(ChildRgn, Sender.fParentCoordX, Sender.fParentCoordY); {$IFDEF USE_PROP} C := Pointer( GetProp( Wnd, ID_SELF ) ); {$ELSE} C := Pointer( GetWindowLong( Wnd, GWL_USERDATA ) ); {$ENDIF} if CombineRgn(ChildRgn, ChildRgn, Sender.fDblExcludeRgn, RGN_AND) >= SIMPLEREGION then begin with C^ do begin if (C <> nil) and {$IFDEF USE_FLAGS} ( [G2_DoubleBuffered, G2_Transparent] * fFlagsG2 <> [] ) {$ELSE} (fTransparent or fDoubleBuffered) {$ENDIF} then begin Save := SaveDC( PDC ); fAnchors := fAnchors or PARENT_REQ_PAINT; L := Sender.fParentCoordX + Left; T := Sender.fParentCoordY + Top; SetWindowOrgEx(PDC, -L, -T, nil); SendMessage(Wnd, WM_PRINT, PDC, PRF_NONCLIENT); TP.x := 0; TP.Y := 0; ClientToScreen(fHandle, TP); GetWindowRect(fHandle, TR); fParentCoordX := L + TP.X - TR.Left; fParentCoordY := T + TP.Y - TR.Top; SetWindowOrgEx(PDC, -fParentCoordX, -fParentCoordY, nil); GetClientRect(Wnd, TR); IntersectClipRect(PDC, 0, 0, TR.Right, TR.Bottom); SendMessage(Wnd, WM_PAINT, PDC, 0); fAnchors := fAnchors and not PARENT_REQ_PAINT; RestoreDC( PDC, Save ); end else begin CombineRgn(Sender.fDblExcludeRgn, Sender.fDblExcludeRgn, ChildRgn, RGN_DIFF); end; end; end; // if Save >= SIMPLEREGION then begin DeleteObject(ChildRgn); end; Wnd := GetWindow( Wnd, GW_HWNDPREV ); end; Sender.fPaintDC := 0; Sender.fAnchors := Sender.fAnchors and not SELF_REQ_PAINT; if Sender.fAnchors and PARENT_REQ_PAINT = 0 then begin BLTDC := GetDCEx(Sender.fHandle, 0, DCX_CACHE or DCX_CLIPSIBLINGS); ExtSelectClipRgn(BLTDC, Sender.fDblExcludeRgn, RGN_AND); BitBlt(BLTDC, 0, 0, Margins.Right, Margins.Bottom, PDC, 0, 0, SRCCOPY ); ReleaseDC(Sender.fHandle, BLTDC); DeleteObject(SelectObject( PDC, OLDp )); DeleteObject(Sender.fDblExcludeRgn); DeleteDC( PDC ); EndPaint(Sender.fHandle, PS); end; end; end; {$ENDIF} {$IFDEF ASM_noVERSION} function WndProcPaint( Self_: PControl; var Msg: TMsg; var Rslt: Integer ): Boolean; const szPaintStruct = sizeof(TPaintStruct); asm CMP word ptr [EDX].TMsg.message, WM_PRINT JE @@print CMP word ptr [EDX].TMsg.message, WM_PAINT JNE @@ret_false @@print: CMP word ptr [EAX].TControl.fOnPaint.TMethod.Code+2, 0 JE @@ret_false PUSH EBX PUSH ESI XCHG EBX, EAX MOV ESI, EDX XOR EAX, EAX PUSH ECX PUSH EAX PUSH EAX PUSH EAX PUSH EAX CALL CreateRectRgn MOV [EBX].TControl.fUpdRgn, EAX MOVSX EDX, [EBX].TControl.fEraseUpdRgn PUSH EDX PUSH EAX PUSH [EBX].TControl.fHandle CALL GetUpdateRgn CMP EAX, 1 JA @@collectUpdRgn XOR EAX, EAX XCHG EAX, [EBX].TControl.fUpdRgn PUSH EAX CALL DeleteObject @@collectUpdRgn: MOV ECX, [EBX].TControl.fCollectUpdRgn JECXZ @@asg_fPaintDC XCHG EAX, ECX MOV ECX, [EBX].TControl.fUpdRgn JECXZ @@asg_fPaintDC PUSH RGN_OR PUSH ECX PUSH EAX PUSH EAX CALL CombineRgn DEC EAX JNZ @@invalidateRgn ADD ESP, -16 PUSH ESP PUSH [EBX].TControl.fHandle CALL Windows.GetClientRect PUSH [EBX].TControl.fCollectUpdRgn CALL DeleteObject CALL CreateRectRgn MOV [EBX].TControl.fCollectUpdRgn, EAX @@invalidateRgn: MOVSX EDX, [EBX].TControl.fEraseUpdRgn PUSH EDX PUSH [EBX].TControl.fCollectUpdRgn PUSH [EBX].TControl.fHandle CALL InvalidateRgn @@asg_fPaintDC: MOV ECX, [ESI].TMsg.wParam INC ECX LOOP @@storePaintDC ADD ESP, -szPaintStruct PUSH ESP PUSH [EBX].TControl.fHandle CALL BeginPaint XCHG ECX, EAX @@storePaintDC: MOV [EBX].TControl.fPaintDC, ECX XCHG EAX, ECX MOV ECX, [EBX].TControl.fCollectUpdRgn JECXZ @@doOnPaint PUSH ECX PUSH EAX CALL SelectClipRgn @@doOnPaint: MOV ECX, [EBX].TControl.fPaintDC MOV EDX, EBX MOV EAX, [EBX].TControl.fOnPaint.TMethod.Data CALL dword ptr [EBX].TControl.fOnPaint.TMethod.Code MOV ECX, [EBX].TControl.fCanvas JECXZ @@e_paint XCHG EAX, ECX XOR EDX, EDX CALL TCanvas.SetHandle @@e_paint: MOV ECX, [ESI].TMsg.wParam INC ECX LOOP @@zero_fPaintDC PUSH ESP PUSH [EBX].TControl.fHandle CALL EndPaint ADD ESP, szPaintStruct @@zero_fPaintDC: XOR ECX, ECX MOV [EBX].TControl.fPaintDC, ECX POP EAX MOV [EAX], ECX XCHG ECX, [EBX].TControl.fUpdRgn JECXZ @@exit_True PUSH ECX CALL DeleteObject @@exit_True: POP ESI POP EBX MOV AL, 1 RET @@ret_false: XOR EAX, EAX end; {$ELSE PAS_VERSION} //Pascal function WndProcPaint( Self_: PControl; var Msg: TMsg; var Rslt: Integer ): Boolean; var PaintStruct: TPaintStruct; Cplxity: Integer; OldPaintDC: HDC; begin with Self_^ do case Msg.message of //WM_PRINT, WM_PAINT: if assigned( EV.fOnPaint ) then begin fUpdRgn := CreateRectRgn( 0, 0, 0, 0 ); Cplxity := Integer( GetUpdateRgn( fHandle, fUpdRgn, {$IFDEF USE_FLAGS} G5_EraseBkgnd in fFlagsG5 {$ELSE} fEraseUpdRgn {$ENDIF} ) ); if (Cplxity = NULLREGION) or (Cplxity = ERROR) then begin DeleteObject( fUpdRgn ); fUpdRgn := 0; end; OldPaintDC := fPaintDC; fPaintDC := Msg.wParam; if fPaintDC = 0 then fPaintDC := BeginPaint( fHandle, PaintStruct ); EV.fOnPaint( Self_, fPaintDC ); if assigned( Self_.fCanvas ) then Self_.fCanvas.SetHandle( 0 ); if Msg.wParam = 0 then EndPaint( fHandle, PaintStruct ); fPaintDC := OldPaintDC; Rslt := 0; Result := True; if fUpdRgn <> 0 then DeleteObject( fUpdRgn ); fUpdRgn := 0; Exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} end; end; Result := FALSE; end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION} {$ENDIF WIN_GDI} {$IFDEF GDI} procedure TControl.SetOnPaint( const Value: TOnPaint ); begin {$IFDEF EVENTS_DYNAMIC} ProvideUniqueEvents {$ELSE} EV {$ENDIF} .fOnPaint := Value; AttachProc( WndProcPaint ); end; {$ENDIF GDI} {$IFDEF _X_} {$IFDEF GTK} FUNCTION expose_widget( Widget: PGtkWidget; Event: PGdkEventExpose; Sender: PControl ): Boolean; cdecl; BEGIN IF not Assigned( Sender.fOnPaint ) THEN Result := FALSE ELSE BEGIN Sender.Canvas.SaveState; Sender.fOnPaint( Sender, Sender.Canvas.Handle ); Sender.Canvas.RestoreState; Result := TRUE; END; END; PROCEDURE TControl.SetOnPaint( const Value: TOnPaint ); BEGIN {$IFDEF EVENTS_DYNAMIC} ProvideUniqueEvents {$ELSE} EV {$ENDIF} .fOnPaint := Value; {$IFNDEF SMALLER_CODE} // it is actually not necessary to disconnect, event // still will be fired but fOnPaint is not assigned // so FALSE will be returned to GTK. IF NOT Assigned( Value ) THEN gtk_signal_disconnect( fHandle, fExposeEvent ) ELSE {$ENDIF} fExposeEvent := gtk_signal_connect( GTK_OBJECT( fHandle ), 'expose_event', @ expose_widget, @ Self ); END; {$ENDIF GTK} {$ENDIF _X_} {$IFDEF WIN_GDI} function WndProcEraseBkgnd( Sender: PControl; var Msg: TMsg; var Rslt: Integer ): Boolean; var PaintStruct: TPaintStruct; OldPaintDC: HDC; begin Result := FALSE; if Msg.message = WM_ERASEBKGND then begin if Assigned( Sender.OnEraseBkgnd ) then begin OldPaintDC := Sender.fPaintDC; Sender.fPaintDC := Msg.wParam; if Sender.fPaintDC = 0 then Sender.fPaintDC := BeginPaint( Sender.fHandle, PaintStruct ); Sender.OnEraseBkgnd( Sender, Msg.wParam ); if Msg.wParam = 0 then EndPaint( Sender.fHandle, PaintStruct ); if Assigned( Sender.fCanvas ) then Sender.fCanvas.SetHandle( 0 ); Sender.fPaintDC := OldPaintDC; Rslt := 0; Result := TRUE; end else Rslt := 0; end; end; procedure TControl.SetOnEraseBkgnd(const Value: TOnPaint); begin {$IFDEF EVENTS_DYNAMIC} ProvideUniqueEvents {$ELSE} EV {$ENDIF} .fOnEraseBkgnd := Value; AttachProc( WndProcEraseBkgnd ); end; procedure DummyPaintClear( Self_: PControl; Sender: PControl; DC: HDC ); begin Sender.Canvas.FillRect( Sender.ClientRect ); end; {$IFDEF NEW_GRADIENT} function WndProcGradient( Self_: PControl; var Msg: TMsg; var Rslt: Integer ): Boolean; var PaintStruct: TPaintStruct; Bmp: PBitmap; CR: TRect; I: Integer; R, G, B: Integer; R1, G1, B1: Integer; C: TColor; W, H, WH: Integer; OldPaintDC: HDC; Pattern: PBitmap; pdc: HDC; pw: integer; begin case Msg.message of WM_PAINT, WM_PRINTCLIENT: begin result := false; CR := Self_.ClientRect; case Self_.DF.fGradientStyle of gsHorizontal: begin W := CR.Right; H := 1; WH := W; pw := 32; end; gsVertical: begin W := 1; H := CR.Bottom; WH := H; pw := 32 end; gsTopToBottom, gsBottomToTop: begin W := CR.Bottom + CR.Right; H := 1; WH := W; pw := 1 + (CR.Bottom div 16); if pw > 6 then pw := 6; end; else exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} // <-- impartant if user change GradientStyle to not supported by this object end; OldPaintDC := Self_.fPaintDC; Self_.fPaintDC := Msg.wParam; if Self_.fPaintDC = 0 then Self_.fPaintDC := BeginPaint( Self_.fHandle, PaintStruct ); Bmp := NewDIBBitmap( W, H, pf24bit ); C := Color2RGB( Self_.DF.fColor1 ); R := C shr 16; G := (C shr 8) and $FF; B := C and $FF; C := Color2RGB( Self_.DF.fColor2 ); R1 := C shr 16; G1 := (C shr 8) and $FF; B1 := C and $FF; for I := 0 to WH-1 do begin C := (( R + (R1 - R) * I div WH ) shl 16) or (( G + (G1 - G) * I div WH ) shl 8) or ( B + (B1 - B) * I div WH ); if Self_.DF.fGradientStyle = gsVertical then Bmp.DIBPixels[ 0, I ] := C else Bmp.DIBPixels[ I, 0 ] := C; end; if Self_.DF.fGradientStyle = gsVertical then Pattern := NewBitMap(pw, H) else Pattern := NewBitMap(W, pw); pdc := Pattern.Canvas.Handle; SetStretchBltMode( pdc, HALFTONE); SetBrushOrgEx( pdc, 0, 0, nil ); StretchBlt( pdc, 0, 0, Pattern.Width, Pattern.Height, Bmp.Canvas.Handle, 0, 0, W, H, SRCCOPY ); case Self_.DF.fGradientStyle of gsHorizontal: for i := 0 to (CR.Bottom div pw) do Pattern.Draw(Self_.fPaintDC, 0, i*pw); gsVertical: for i := 0 to (CR.Right div pw) do Pattern.Draw(Self_.fPaintDC, i*pw, 0); gsTopToBottom: for i := 0 to ((CR.Bottom + pw -1) div pw)-1 do Pattern.Draw(Self_.fPaintDC, -i*pw, i*pw); gsBottomToTop: for i := 0 to ((CR.Bottom + pw -1) div pw)-1 do Pattern.Draw(Self_.fPaintDC, -CR.Bottom + i*pw, i*pw); end; Bmp.Free; Pattern.Free; if TMethod( Self_.EV.fOnPaint2 ).Code = @ DummyPaintClear then {$IFDEF MAKE_METHOD} Self_.EV.fOnPaint2 := TOnPaint( MakeMethod( nil, @ DummyObjProc ) ); {$ELSE} TMethod( Self_.EV.fOnPaint2 ).Code := @DummyObjProc; {$ENDIF} if Assigned( Self_.EV.fOnPaint ) then Self_.EV.fOnPaint( Self_, Self_.fPaintDC ); if Msg.wParam = 0 then EndPaint( Self_.fHandle, PaintStruct ); Self_.fPaintDC := OldPaintDC; Rslt := 0; Result := True; Exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} end; end; Result := False; end; {$ELSE OLD_GRADIENT} function WndProcGradient( Self_: PControl; var Msg: TMsg; var Rslt: Integer ): Boolean; var PaintStruct: TPaintStruct; Bmp: PBitmap; CR: TRect; I, R, G, B, R1, G1, B1, W, H, WH: Integer; C: TColor; W9x: Boolean; Br: HBrush; OldPaintDC: HDC; begin case Msg.message of WM_PAINT, WM_PRINTCLIENT: begin OldPaintDC := Self_.fPaintDC; Self_.fPaintDC := Msg.wParam; if Self_.fPaintDC = 0 then Self_.fPaintDC := BeginPaint( Self_.fHandle, PaintStruct ); CR := Self_.ClientRect; W9x := WinVer < wvNT; W := 1; H := CR.Bottom; WH := H; Bmp := nil; if Self_.DF.fGradientStyle = gsHorizontal then begin W := CR.Right; H := 1; WH := W; end; if not W9x then Bmp := NewDIBBitmap( W, H, pf32bit ); C := Color2RGB( Self_.DF.fColor1 ); R := C shr 16; G := (C shr 8) and $FF; B := C and $FF; C := Color2RGB( Self_.DF.fColor2 ); R1 := C shr 16; G1 := (C shr 8) and $FF; B1 := C and $FF; for I := 0 to WH-1 do begin C := ((( R + (R1 - R) * I div WH ) and $FF) shl 16) or ((( G + (G1 - G) * I div WH ) and $FF) shl 8) or ( B + (B1 - B) * I div WH ) and $FF; if W9x then begin if Self_.DF.fGradientStyle <> gsHorizontal then CR.Bottom := CR.Top + 1 else CR.Right := CR.Left + 1; Br := CreateSolidBrush( C ); Windows.FillRect( Self_.fPaintDC, CR, Br ); DeleteObject( Br ); if Self_.DF.fGradientStyle <> gsHorizontal then Inc( CR.Top ) else Inc( CR.Left ); end else begin if Self_.DF.fGradientStyle <> gsHorizontal then Bmp.DIBPixels[ 0, I ] := C else Bmp.DIBPixels[ I, 0 ] := C; end; end; if not W9x then begin SetStretchBltMode( Self_.fPaintDC, HALFTONE ); SetBrushOrgEx( Self_.fPaintDC, 0, 0, nil ); StretchBlt( Self_.fPaintDC, 0, 0, CR.Right, CR.Bottom, Bmp.Canvas.Handle, 0, 0, W, H, SRCCOPY ); Bmp.Free; end; if TMethod( Self_.EV.fOnPaint2 ).Code = @ DummyPaintClear then {$IFDEF MAKE_METHOD} Self_.EV.fOnPaint2 := TOnPaint( MakeMethod( nil, @ DummyObjProc ) ); {$ELSE} TMethod( Self_.EV.fOnPaint2 ).Code := @DummyObjProc; {$ENDIF} if Assigned( Self_.EV.fOnPaint ) then Self_.EV.fOnPaint( Self_, Self_.fPaintDC ); if Msg.wParam = 0 then EndPaint( Self_.fHandle, PaintStruct ); Self_.fPaintDC := OldPaintDC; Rslt := 0; Result := True; Exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} end; end; Result := False; end; {$ENDIF OLD_GRADIENT} function WndProcGradientEx( Self_: PControl; var Msg: TMsg; var Rslt: Integer ): Boolean; function Ceil( X: Double ): Integer; begin Result := Round( X ) {+ 1}; //if X > 0 then dec( Result ) else inc( Result ); end; const SQRT2 = 1.4142135623730950488016887242097; var RC, R0: TRect; C, C2: TColor; R1, G1, B1: Integer; R2, G2, B2: Integer; DX1, DX2, DY1, DY2, DR, DG, DB, K: Double; PaintStruct: TPaintStruct; I: Integer; Br: HBrush; Rgn: HRgn; Poly: array[ 0..3 ] of TPoint; OldPaintDC: HDC; fX1, fX2, fY1, fY2: Double; procedure OffsetF( DX, DY: Double ); begin fX1 := fX1 + DX; fX2 := fX2 + DX; fY1 := fY1 + DY; fY2 := fY2 + DY; end; begin Result := FALSE; if (Msg.message <> WM_PAINT) and (Msg.message <> WM_PRINTCLIENT) then Exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} if Self_.DF.fGradientStyle in [ gsHorizontal, gsVertical ] then begin Result := WndProcGradient( Self_, Msg, Rslt ); Exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} end; C := Color2RGB( Self_.DF.fColor2 ); R2 := C and $FF; G2 := (C shr 8) and $FF; B2 := (C shr 16) and $FF; C := Color2RGB( Self_.DF.fColor1 ); R1 := C and $FF; G1 := (C shr 8) and $FF; B1 := (C shr 16) and $FF; DR := (R2 - R1) / 256; DG := (G2 - G1) / 256; DB := (B2 - B1) / 256; OldPaintDC := Self_.fPaintDC; Self_.fPaintDC := Msg.wParam; if Self_.fPaintDC = 0 then Self_.fPaintDC := BeginPaint( Self_.fHandle, PaintStruct ); RC := Self_.ClientRect; fX1 := 0; fY1 := 0; case Self_.DF.fGradientStyle of gsRombic: begin fX2 := RC.Right / 128; fY2 := RC.Bottom / 128; end; gsElliptic: begin fX2 := RC.Right / 256 * SQRT2; fY2 := RC.Bottom / 256 * SQRT2; end; else begin fX2 := RC.Right / 256; fY2 := RC.Bottom / 256; end; end; case Self_.DF.fGradientStyle of gsRectangle, gsRombic, gsElliptic: begin case Self_.DF.fGradientLayout of glCenter, glTop, glBottom: OffsetF( (RC.Right - fX2) / 2, 0 ); glTopRight, glBottomRight, glRight: OffsetF( RC.Right - fX2 / 2, 0 ); glTopLeft, glBottomLeft, glLeft: OffsetF( -fX2 / 2, 0 ); end; case Self_.DF.fGradientLayout of glCenter, glLeft, glRight: OffsetF( 0, (RC.Bottom - fY2) / 2 ); glBottom, glBottomLeft, glBottomRight: OffsetF( 0, RC.Bottom - fY2 / 2 ); glTop, glTopLeft, glTopRight: OffsetF( 0, -fY2 / 2 ) end; end; end; DX1 := -fX1 / 255; //(-RF.Left) / 255; DY1 := -fY1 / 255; // (-RF.Top) / 255; DX2 := (RC.Right - fX2) / 255; //(RC.Right - RF.Right) / 255; DY2 := (RC.Bottom - fY2) / 255; case Self_.DF.fGradientStyle of gsRombic, gsElliptic: begin if DX2 < -DX1 then DX2 := -DX1; if DY2 < -DY1 then DY2 := -DY1; K := 2; if Self_.DF.fGradientStyle = gsElliptic then K := SQRT2; DX2 := DX2 * K; DY2 := DY2 * K; DX1 := -DX2; DY1 := -DY2; end; end; C2 := C; for I := 0 to 255 do begin if (I < 255) then begin C2 := TColor( (( Ceil( B1 + DB * (I+1) ) and $FF) shl 16) or (( Ceil( G1 + DG * (I+1) ) and $FF) shl 8) or Ceil( R1 + DR * (I+1) ) and $FF ); if (Self_.DF.fGradientStyle in [gsRombic,gsElliptic,gsRectangle]) and (C2 = C) then continue; end; Br := CreateSolidBrush( C ); R0 := MakeRect( Ceil( fX1 + DX1 * I ), Ceil( fY1 + DY1 * I ), Ceil( fX2 + DX2 * I ) + 1, Ceil( fY2 + DY2 * I ) + 1 ); Rgn := 0; case Self_.DF.fGradientStyle of gsRectangle: Rgn := CreateRectRgnIndirect( R0 ); gsRombic: begin Poly[ 0 ].x := R0.Left; Poly[ 0 ].y := R0.Top + (R0.Bottom - R0.Top) div 2; Poly[ 1 ].x := R0.Left + (R0.Right - R0.Left) div 2; Poly[ 1 ].y := R0.Top; Poly[ 2 ].x := R0.Right; Poly[ 2 ].y := Poly[ 0 ].y; Poly[ 3 ].x := Poly[ 1 ].x; Poly[ 3 ].y := R0.Bottom; Rgn := CreatePolygonRgn( Poly[ 0 ].x, 4, ALTERNATE ); end; gsElliptic: Rgn := CreateEllipticRgnIndirect( R0 ); end; if Rgn <> 0 then begin if Rgn <> NULLREGION then begin Windows.FillRgn( Self_.fPaintDC, Rgn, Br ); ExtSelectClipRgn( Self_.fPaintDC, Rgn, RGN_DIFF ); end; DeleteObject( Rgn ); end; DeleteObject( Br ); C := C2; end; if TMethod( Self_.EV.fOnPaint2 ).Code = @ DummyPaintClear then {$IFDEF MAKE_METHOD} Self_.EV.fOnPaint2 := TOnPaint( MakeMethod( nil, @ DummyObjProc ) ); {$ELSE} TMethod( Self_.EV.fOnPaint2 ).Code := @DummyObjProc; {$ENDIF} {$IFDEF NIL_EVENTS} if Assigned( Self_.EV.fOnPaint ) then {$ENDIF} Self_.EV.fOnPaint( Self_, Self_.fPaintDC ); if Self_.fPaintDC <> HDC( Msg.wParam ) then EndPaint( Self_.fHandle, PaintStruct ); Self_.fPaintDC := OldPaintDC; Rslt := 0; Result := True; end; function WndProcLabelEffect( Self_: PControl; var Msg: TMsg; var Rslt: Integer ): Boolean; var Sz: TSize; P0: TPoint; CR: TRect; B : Boolean; CShadow: TColor; Target: PCanvas; Txt: KOLString; //LCaption: PKOLChar; OldPaintDC: HDC; procedure doTextOut( shfx, shfy: Integer; col: TColor ); begin SetTextColor( Target.fHandle, col ); {$IFDEF UNICODE_CTRLS} Windows.ExtTextOutW( Target.fHandle, P0.x + shfx, P0.y + shfy, ETO_CLIPPED, @CR, PWideChar(Txt), Length(Txt), nil ); // KOL_ANSI {$ELSE} Windows.ExtTextOutA( Target.fHandle, P0.x + shfx, P0.y + shfy, ETO_CLIPPED, @CR, PAnsiChar(Txt), Length(Txt), nil ); // KOL_ANSI {$ENDIF} //GDIFlush; // for test only end; var I, J, Istp : Integer; PS: TPaintStruct; //DoEndPaint: Boolean; begin Result := False; case Msg.message of WM_SETTEXT: begin Self_.fCaption := PKOLChar( Msg.lParam ); Result := True; Rslt := 1; Exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} end; WM_PRINTCLIENT, WM_PAINT: begin OldPaintDC := Self_.fPaintDC; Self_.fPaintDC := Msg.wParam; if Self_.fPaintDC = 0 then Self_.fPaintDC := BeginPaint( Self_.fHandle, PS ); begin Target := Self_.Canvas; Txt := Self_.fCaption; Target.{$IFDEF UNICODE_CTRLS}WTextArea{$ELSE}TextArea{$ENDIF}( Txt, Sz, P0 ); if Self_.DF.fShadowDeep <> 0 then begin for B := False to Self_.fCtl3D_child and 1 <> 0 do begin Inc( Sz.cx, Abs( Self_.DF.fShadowDeep ) ); Inc( Sz.cy, Abs( Self_.DF.fShadowDeep ) ); end; end; CR := Self_.ClientRect; case Self_.fTextAlign of taCenter: P0.x := P0.x + (CR.Right - Sz.cx) div 2; taRight: P0.x := P0.x + (CR.Right - Sz.cx); end; case Self_.fVerticalAlign of vaCenter: P0.y := P0.y + (CR.Bottom - Sz.cy) div 2; vaBottom: P0.y := P0.y + (CR.Bottom - Sz.cy); end; if Self_.DF.fShadowDeep <> 0 then begin if Self_.DF.fColor2 = clNone then CShadow := ColorsMix(Color2RGB(Self_.fTextColor),Color2RGB(Self_.DF.fColor2)) else CShadow := Color2RGB( Self_.DF.fColor2 ); if {$IFDEF USE_FLAGS} not(G2_Transparent in Self_.fFlagsG2) {$ELSE} not Self_.fTransparent {$ENDIF} then Target.FillRect( CR ); // GDIFlush; for test only Target.RequiredState( HandleValid or FontValid or BrushValid or ChangingCanvas ); SetBkMode( Target.fHandle, Windows.TRANSPARENT ); if Self_.fCtl3D_child and 1 <> 0 then begin I := - Self_.DF.fShadowDeep; Istp := 1; if Self_.DF.fShadowDeep > 0 then Istp := -1; repeat J := - Self_.DF.fShadowDeep; repeat if not ( (I=0) and (J=0) ) then begin if (I * Istp < 0) and (J * Istp < 0) then doTextOut( I, J, CShadow ); end; J := J - Istp; until J = Self_.DF.fShadowDeep - IStp; I := I - Istp; until I = Self_.DF.fShadowDeep - IStp; end else doTextout( Self_.DF.fShadowDeep, Self_.DF.fShadowdeep, CShadow ); doTextout( 0, 0, Color2RGB(Self_.fTextColor) ); end else begin Target.RequiredState( HandleValid or FontValid or BrushValid or ChangingCanvas ); SetBkMode( Target.fHandle, Windows.TRANSPARENT ); doTextout( 0, 0, Color2RGB(Self_.fTextColor) ); end; end; if Self_.fCanvas <> nil then Self_.fCanvas.SetHandle( 0 ); if Msg.wParam = 0 then EndPaint( Self_.fHandle, PS ); Self_.fPaintDC := OldPaintDC; Rslt := 0; Result := True; Exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} end; end; end; {$IFDEF ASM_VERSION}{$ELSE PAS_VERSION} //Pascal procedure TControl.DoClick; begin PP.fControlClick( @Self ); {$IFDEF NIL_EVENTS} if Assigned( EV.fOnClick ) then {$ENDIF} EV.fOnClick( @Self ); end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION} {$ENDIF WIN_GDI} {$IFDEF ASM_VERSION}{$ELSE PAS_VERSION} //Pascal function TControl.ParentForm: PControl; begin Result := @Self; if {$IFDEF USE_FLAGS} G3_IsControl in Result.fFlagsG3 {$ELSE} Result.fIsControl {$ENDIF} then repeat Result := Result.fParent; until (Result = nil) or {$IFDEF USE_FLAGS} not(G3_IsControl in Result.fFlagsG3) {$ELSE} not Result.fIsControl {$ENDIF}; end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION} {$IFDEF WIN_GDI} function TControl.FormParentForm: PControl; begin Result := @Self; while ( {$IFDEF USE_FLAGS} G3_IsControl in Result.fFlagsG3 {$ELSE} Result.fIsControl {$ENDIF} ) and not( {$IFDEF USE_FLAGS} [G5_IsButton, G5_IsBitBtn] * Result.fFlagsG5 = [G5_IsBitBtn] {$ELSE} Result.fIsBitBtn and not Result.fIsButton {$ENDIF} ) do Result := Result.fParent; end; function TControl.MarkPanelAsForm: PControl; begin Result := @ Self; {$IFDEF USE_FLAGS} Include( fFlagsG5, G5_IsBitBtn ); {$ELSE} fIsBitBtn := TRUE; {$ENDIF} end; {$IFDEF ASM_VERSION}{$ELSE PAS_VERSION} //Pascal procedure TControl.SetProgressColor(const Value: TColor); begin if Perform( PBM_SETBARCOLOR, 0, Color2RGB(Value) ) <> 0 then fTextColor := Value; end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION} procedure TControl.SetShadowDeep(const Value: Integer); begin DF.fShadowDeep := Value; Invalidate; end; {$ENDIF WIN_GDI} {$IFDEF ASM_VERSION}{$ELSE PAS_VERSION} //Pascal function TControl.GetFont: PGraphicTool; begin if FFont = nil then begin FFont := NewFont; {$IFDEF USE_AUTOFREE4CONTROLS} Add2AutoFree( FFont ); {$ENDIF} FFont.fData.Color := fTextColor; FFont.OnChange := FontChanged; end; Result := FFont; end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION} {$IFDEF WIN_GDI} {$IFDEF ASM_VERSION}{$ELSE PAS_VERSION} //Pascal function TControl.GetBrush: PGraphicTool; begin if FBrush = nil then begin FBrush := NewBrush; FBrush.fData.Color := fColor; FBrush.OnChange := BrushChanged; {$IFDEF USE_AUTOFREE4CONTROLS} Add2AutoFree( FBrush ); {$ENDIF} end; Result := FBrush; end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION} {$ENDIF WIN_GDI} {$IFDEF ASM_VERSION}{$ELSE PAS_VERSION} //Pascal procedure TControl.FontChanged(Sender: PGraphicTool); begin fTextColor := Sender.fData.Color; ApplyFont2Wnd_Proc(@Self); Invalidate; end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION} {$IFDEF WIN_GDI} {$IFDEF ASM_VERSION}{$ELSE PAS_VERSION} //Pascal procedure TControl.BrushChanged(Sender: PGraphicTool); begin fColor := Sender.fData.Color; if fTmpBrush <> 0 then begin DeleteObject( fTmpBrush ); fTmpBrush := 0; end; if fPaintDC = 0 then // only if not in painting already : Invalidate; end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION} {$ENDIF WIN_GDI} {$IFDEF GDI} {$IFDEF ASM_VERSION}{$ELSE PAS_VERSION} //Pascal procedure DoApplyFont2Wnd( _Self: PControl ); begin if _Self.fFont <> nil then begin if _Self.fHandle <> 0 then begin _Self.fTextColor := _Self.fFont.fData.Color; _Self.Perform( WM_SETFONT, _Self.FFont.Handle, 1 ); end; if _Self.fCanvas <> nil then begin _Self.fCanvas.Free; _Self.fCanvas := nil; end; _Self.DoAutoSize; end; end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION} {$ENDIF GDI} {$IFDEF _X_} {$IFDEF GTK} PROCEDURE DoApplyFont2Wnd( _Self: PControl ); VAR oldfontdesc: PPangoFontDescription; rcstyle: PGtkRcStyle; gcolor: TGdkColor; i: Integer; BEGIN IF ( _Self.fFont <> nil ) THEN BEGIN gcolor := Color2GdkColor( _Self.fFont.Color ); rcstyle := gtk_widget_get_modifier_style( _Self.fHandle ); oldfontdesc := rcstyle.font_desc; rcstyle.font_desc := pango_font_description_copy( _Self.fFont.GetPangoFontDesc ); gtk_widget_modify_style( _Self.fHandle, rcstyle ); IF oldfontdesc <> nil THEN pango_font_description_free( oldfontdesc ); FOR i := 0 TO 4 DO gtk_widget_modify_fg( _Self.fCaptionHandle, {GTK_STATE_NORMAL} i, @ gcolor ); END; END; {$ENDIF GTK} {$ENDIF _X_} {$IFDEF WIN_GDI} {$IFDEF ASM_VERSION}{$ELSE PAS_VERSION} //Pascal function TControl.ResizeParent: PControl; begin ResizeParentBottom; ResizeParentRight; // Once again, to fix Windows (or my???) bug with // incorrect calculating of GetClientRect after // SetWindowLong( GWL_[EX}STYLE,... ) Result := ResizeParentBottom; end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION} {$IFDEF ASM_VERSION}{$ELSE PAS_VERSION} //Pascal function TControl.ResizeParentBottom: PControl; var NewCH: Integer; begin Result := @Self; if fParent <> nil then begin NewCH := BoundsRect.Bottom + fParent.fMargin; if {$IFDEF USE_FLAGS} G2_ChangedH in fParent.fFlagsG2 {$ELSE} (fParent.fChangedPosSz and $20) <> 0 {$ENDIF} then if NewCH <> fParent.ClientHeight then Exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} fParent.ClientHeight := NewCH; {$IFDEF USE_FLAGS} include( fParent.fFlagsG2, G2_ChangedH ); {$ELSE} fParent.fChangedPosSz := fParent.fChangedPosSz or $20; {$ENDIF} end; end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION} {$IFDEF ASM_VERSION}{$ELSE PAS_VERSION} //Pascal function TControl.ResizeParentRight: PControl; var NewCW: Integer; begin Result := @Self; if fParent <> nil then begin NewCW := fBoundsRect.Right + fParent.fMargin; if {$IFDEF USE_FLAGS} G2_ChangedW in fParent.fFlagsG2 {$ELSE} (fParent.fChangedPosSz and $10) <> 0 {$ENDIF} then if NewCW < fParent.ClientWidth then Exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} fParent.ClientWidth := NewCW; {$IFDEF USE_FLAGS} include( fParent.fFlagsG2, G2_ChangedW ); {$ELSE} fParent.fChangedPosSz := fParent.fChangedPosSz or $10; {$ENDIF} end; end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION} {$IFDEF ASM_VERSION}{$ELSE PAS_VERSION} //Pascal function TControl.GetClientHeight: Integer; begin with ClientRect do Result := Bottom - Top; end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION} {$IFDEF ASM_VERSION}{$ELSE PAS_VERSION} //Pascal function TControl.GetClientWidth: Integer; begin with ClientRect do Result := Right - Left; end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION} {$IFDEF ASM_VERSION}{$ELSE PAS_VERSION} //Pascal procedure TControl.SetClientHeight(const Value: Integer); var Delta: Integer; begin Delta := ClientHeight; Delta := Height - Delta; Height := Value + Delta; end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION} {$IFDEF ASM_VERSION}{$ELSE PAS_VERSION} //Pascal procedure TControl.SetClientWidth(const Value: Integer); var Delta: Integer; begin Delta := ClientWidth; Delta := Width - Delta; Width := Value + Delta; end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION} {$IFDEF ASM_VERSION}{$ELSE PAS_VERSION} //Pascal function TControl.CenterOnParent: PControl; var PCR: TRect; begin Result := @Self; if (fParent = nil) or {$IFDEF USE_FLAGS} not(G3_IsControl in fFlagsG3) {$ELSE} not fIsControl {$ENDIF} then PCR := MakeRect( 0, 0, GetSystemMetrics( SM_CXSCREEN ), GetSystemMetrics( SM_CYSCREEN ) ) else PCR := fParent.ClientRect; GetWindowHandle; Left := (PCR.Right - PCR.Left - Width) div 2; Top := (PCR.Bottom - PCR.Top - Height) div 2; end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION} function TControl.CenterOnForm( Form1: PControl ): PControl; var PCR, DR: TRect; begin Result := @Self; if (Form1 = nil) then PCR := MakeRect( 0, 0, GetSystemMetrics( SM_CXSCREEN ), GetSystemMetrics( SM_CYSCREEN ) ) else PCR := Form1.BoundsRect; GetWindowHandle; Left := PCR.Left + (PCR.Right - PCR.Left - Width) div 2; Top := PCR.Top + (PCR.Bottom - PCR.Top - Height) div 2; PCR := BoundsRect; DR := GetDesktopRect; if PCR.Right > DR.Right then OffsetRect( PCR, DR.Right - PCR.Right, 0 ); if PCR.Bottom > DR.Bottom then OffsetRect( PCR, 0, DR.Bottom - PCR.Bottom ); if PCR.Left < DR.Left then OffsetRect( PCR, DR.Left - PCR.Left, 0 ); if PCR.Top < DR.Top then OffsetRect( PCR, 0, DR.Top - PCR.Top ); BoundsRect := PCR; end; {$IFDEF ASM_VERSION}{$ELSE PAS_VERSION} //Pascal function TControl.GetHasBorder: Boolean; begin UpdateWndStyles; Result := LongBool( fStyle.Value and (WS_BORDER or WS_THICKFRAME or WS_DLGFRAME)) or LongBool( fExStyle and WS_EX_CLIENTEDGE ); end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION} {$IFDEF ASM_noVERSION} // YS procedure TControl.SetHasBorder(const Value: Boolean); const style_mask = WS_BORDER or WS_THICKFRAME or WS_DLGFRAME or WS_CAPTION or WS_MINIMIZEBOX or WS_MAXIMIZEBOX or WS_SYSMENU; exstyle_mask = not (WS_EX_CONTROLPARENT or WS_EX_DLGMODALFRAME or WS_EX_WINDOWEDGE or WS_EX_CLIENTEDGE); asm PUSH EAX PUSH EDX CALL GetHasBorder POP ECX CMP AL, CL POP EAX JZ @@exit MOV EDX, [EAX].fStyle DEC CL MOVZX ECX, [EAX].fIsControl JNZ @@1 OR EDX, WS_THICKFRAME INC ECX LOOP @@set_style OR EDX, style_mask JMP @@set_style @@1: AND EDX, not style_mask INC ECX LOOP @@2 OR EDX, WS_POPUP @@2: PUSH EDX MOV EDX, [EAX].fExStyle AND EDX, exstyle_mask PUSH EAX CALL SetExStyle POP EAX POP EDX @@set_style: TEST [EAX].fTabStop, 1 JZ @@no_tabstop OR DX, WS_TABSTOP JMP @@set_style_1 @@no_tabstop: AND DX, not WS_TABSTOP @@set_style_1: CALL SetStyle @@exit: end; {$ELSE PAS_VERSION} //Pascal procedure TControl.SetHasBorder(const Value: Boolean); var NewStyle: DWORD; begin if Value = GetHasBorder then Exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} if Value then begin if {$IFDEF USE_FLAGS} not(G3_IsControl in fFlagsG3) {$ELSE} not fIsControl {$ENDIF} then Style := fStyle.Value or WS_THICKFRAME or WS_BORDER or WS_DLGFRAME or WS_CAPTION or WS_MINIMIZEBOX or WS_MAXIMIZEBOX or WS_SYSMENU else if fCtl3D_child and 1 <> 0 then ExStyle := fExStyle or WS_EX_CLIENTEDGE else Style := fStyle.Value or WS_BORDER; end else begin NewStyle := fStyle.Value and not (WS_BORDER or WS_THICKFRAME or WS_DLGFRAME or WS_CAPTION or WS_MINIMIZEBOX or WS_MAXIMIZEBOX or WS_SYSMENU); if {$IFDEF USE_FLAGS} not(G3_IsControl in fFlagsG3) {$ELSE} not fIsControl {$ENDIF} then NewStyle := NewStyle or WS_POPUP; Style := NewStyle; ExStyle := fExStyle and not (WS_EX_CONTROLPARENT or WS_EX_DLGMODALFRAME or WS_EX_WINDOWEDGE or WS_EX_CLIENTEDGE); end; {$IFDEF USE_FLAGS} {$ELSE} //+MTsv DN if fIsControl then if fTabStop then Style := fStyle.Value or WS_TABSTOP else Style := fStyle.Value {xor} and not WS_TABSTOP; {$ENDIF} end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION} {$IFDEF ASM_VERSION}{$ELSE PAS_VERSION} //Pascal function TControl.GetHasCaption: Boolean; begin UpdateWndStyles; Result := not LongBool( fStyle.Value and (WS_POPUP or WS_DLGFRAME)) or LongBool( fStyle.Value and WS_CAPTION); end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION} {$IFDEF ASM_VERSION}{$ELSE PAS_VERSION} //Pascal procedure TControl.SetHasCaption(const Value: Boolean); begin if Value = GetHasCaption then Exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} if Value then begin Style := fStyle.Value and not (WS_POPUP or WS_DLGFRAME) or WS_CAPTION; end else begin if {$IFDEF USE_FLAGS} G3_IsControl in fFlagsG3 {$ELSE} fIsControl {$ENDIF} then Style := fStyle.Value and not WS_CAPTION or WS_DLGFRAME else Style := fStyle.Value and not (WS_CAPTION or WS_SYSMENU) or WS_POPUP; ExStyle := fExStyle or WS_EX_DLGMODALFRAME; end; end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION} {$IFDEF ASM_VERSION}{$ELSE PAS_VERSION} //Pascal function TControl.GetCanResize: Boolean; begin {$IFDEF USE_FLAGS} Result := not(G1_PreventResize in fFlagsG1); {$ELSE} Result := not fPreventResize; {$ENDIF} end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION} function WndProcCanResize( Sender: PControl; var M: TMsg; var Rslt: Integer ): Boolean; var W, H: Integer; P: PMinMaxInfo; begin if not Sender.CanResize then if M.message = WM_GETMINMAXINFO then begin Rslt := Sender.CallDefWndProc( M ); {$IFDEF FIX_WIDTH_HEIGHT} W := Sender.FFixWidth; H := Sender.FFixHeight; {$ELSE} W := Sender.fBoundsRect.Right - Sender.fBoundsRect.Left; H := Sender.fBoundsRect.Bottom - Sender.fBoundsRect.Top; {$ENDIF} P := Pointer( M.lParam ); P.ptMinTrackSize.x := W; P.ptMinTrackSize.y := H; P.ptMaxTrackSize := P.ptMinTrackSize; Result := True; // stop further processing (prevent resizing) Exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} end else if M.message = WM_NCHITTEST then begin Rslt := Sender.CallDefWndProc( M ); if (Rslt >= 10) and (Rslt <= 17) then begin {$IFDEF CANRESIZE_THICKFRAME} Rslt := HTBORDER; {$ELSE} Rslt := HTNOWHERE; {$ENDIF} Result := True; exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} end; end else if M.message = WM_INITMENU then begin if not Sender.CanResize then EnableMenuItem( GetSystemMenu( Sender.fHandle, FALSE ), SC_SIZE, MF_GRAYED ); end; Result := False; // continue message processing end; {$IFDEF ASM_VERSION}{$ELSE PAS_VERSION} //Pascal procedure TControl.SetCanResize( const Value: Boolean ); begin if Value = CanResize then Exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} {$IFDEF USE_FLAGS} if Value then exclude( fFlagsG1, G1_PreventResize ) else include( fFlagsG1, G1_PreventResize ); {$ELSE} fPreventResize := not Value; {$ENDIF} {$IFDEF CANRESIZE_THICKFRAME} if Value then Style := Style or WS_THICKFRAME else Style := Style and not WS_THICKFRAME; {$ENDIF} {$IFDEF FIX_WIDTH_HEIGHT} GetWindowHandle; FFixWidth := Width; FFixHeight := Height; {$ENDIF FIX_WIDTH_HEIGHT} AttachProc( WndProcCanResize ); end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION} {$IFDEF ASM_VERSION}{$ELSE PAS_VERSION} //Pascal function TControl.GetStayOnTop: Boolean; begin UpdateWndStyles; Result := LongBool( fExStyle and WS_EX_TOPMOST); end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION} {$IFDEF ASM_VERSION}{$ELSE PAS_VERSION} //Pascal procedure TControl.SetStayOnTop(const Value: Boolean); begin if Value = GetStayOnTop then Exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} if fHandle <> 0 then if Value then SetWindowPos( fHandle, HWND_TOPMOST, 0,0,0,0, SWP_NOMOVE or SWP_NOSIZE or SWP_NOACTIVATE ) else SetWindowPos( fHandle, HWND_NOTOPMOST, 0,0,0,0, SWP_NOMOVE or SWP_NOSIZE or SWP_NOACTIVATE ) else if Value then fExStyle := fExStyle or WS_EX_TOPMOST else fExStyle := fExStyle and not WS_EX_TOPMOST; end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION} {$IFDEF ASM_VERSION}{$ELSE PAS_VERSION} //Pascal function TControl.UpdateWndStyles: PControl; begin Result := @Self; if fHandle = 0 then Exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} fStyle.Value := GetWindowLong( fHandle, GWL_STYLE ); fExStyle := GetWindowLong( fHandle, GWL_EXSTYLE ); fClsStyle := GetClassLong( fHandle, GCL_STYLE ); end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION} {$IFDEF ASM_VERSION}{$ELSE PAS_VERSION} //Pascal function TControl.GetChecked: Boolean; begin if bboFixed in DF.fBitBtnOptions then Result := {$IFDEF USE_FLAGS} G4_Checked in fFlagsG4 {$ELSE} fChecked {$ENDIF} else Result := LongBool( Perform( BM_GETCHECK, 0, 0 ) ) ; //= BST_CHECKED; end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION} {$IFDEF ASM_VERSION}{$ELSE PAS_VERSION} //Pascal procedure TControl.Set_Checked(const Value: Boolean); begin if bboFixed in DF.fBitBtnOptions then begin {$IFDEF USE_FLAGS} include( fFlagsG4, G4_Checked ); {$ELSE} fChecked := Value; {$ENDIF} Invalidate; end else Perform( BM_SETCHECK, Integer( Value ), 0 ); end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION} function TControl.SetChecked(const Value: Boolean): PControl; begin Perform( BM_SETCHECK, Integer( Value ), 0 ); Result := @Self; end; {$IFDEF ASM_VERSION}{$ELSE PAS_VERSION} function TControl.SetRadioChecked: PControl; {$IFDEF USE_FLAGS} var WasStyle: DWORD; {$ELSE} var WasTabStop: Boolean; {$ENDIF} begin {$IFDEF USE_FLAGS} WasStyle := fStyle.Value; exclude( fStyle.f2_Style, F2_Tabstop ); DoClick; fStyle.Value := WasStyle; {$ELSE} WasTabStop := fTabStop; fTabStop := FALSE; DoClick; fTabStop := WasTabStop; {$ENDIF} Result := @Self; end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION} function TControl.GetCheck3: TTriStateCheck; begin Result := TTriStateCheck(Perform(BM_GETCHECK, 0, 0) and 3); end; procedure TControl.SetCheck3(value: TTriStateCheck); var wp: WPARAM; begin wp := Perform(BM_GETCHECK, 0, 0) and not 3; wp := wp or byte(value); Perform(BM_SETCHECK, wp, 0); end; procedure TControl.Click; begin if (fCommandActions.aClick <> 0) or (fCommandActions.aEnter = BN_SETFOCUS) then Perform( WM_COMMAND, (fCommandActions.aClick shl 16) or fMenu, GetWindowHandle ) else begin Perform( WM_LBUTTONDOWN, MK_LBUTTON, 0 ); Perform( WM_LBUTTONUP, MK_LBUTTON, 0 ); end; end; type TCharRange = record cpMin: Longint; cpMax: LongInt; end; {$IFDEF ASM_VERSION}{$ELSE PAS_VERSION} //Pascal function TControl.GetSelStart: Integer; begin Result := 0; if fCommandActions.aGetSelRange <> 0 then Perform( fCommandActions.aGetSelRange, Integer( @ Result ), 0 ); end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION} procedure TControl.SetSelStart(const Value: Integer); begin ItemSelected[ Value ] := True; end; {$IFDEF ASM_VERSION}{$ELSE PAS_VERSION} //Pascal function TControl.GetSelLength: Integer; var Start, Finish: Integer; begin Result := 0; if fCommandActions.aGetSelCount <> 0 then begin if fCommandActions.aGetSelCount = EM_GETSEL then begin Perform( fCommandActions.aGetSelCount, Integer( @ Start ), Integer( @ Finish ) ); Result := Finish - Start; end else begin Result := Perform( fCommandActions.aGetSelCount {and $7FFF}, 0, 0 ); end; end; end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION} {$IFDEF ASM_VERSION}{$ELSE PAS_VERSION} //Pascal procedure TControl.SetSelLength(const Value: Integer); var SR: TCharRange; begin SR.cpMin := GetSelStart; SR.cpMax := SR.cpMin + Value; if Value < 0 then SR.cpMax := -1; if fCommandActions.aSetSelRange <> 0 then Perform( fCommandActions.aSetSelRange, SR.cpMin, SR.cpMax ) else if fCommandActions.aExSetSelRange <> 0 then Perform( fCommandActions.aExSetSelRange, 0, Integer( @SR ) ); end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION} {$IFDEF ASM_UNICODE}{$ELSE PAS_VERSION} //Pascal function TControl.GetItems(Idx: Integer): KOLString; var L, Pos: Integer; Buf: PKOLChar; begin Result := ''; Pos := Item2Pos( Idx ); Idx := Pos2Item( Pos ); if fCommandActions.aGetItemLength <> 0 then L := Perform( fCommandActions.aGetItemLength, Pos, 0 ) else Exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} if L = 0 then Exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} GetMem( Buf, (L + 4) * SizeOf( KOLChar ) ); PDWORD( Buf )^ := L + 1; if fCommandActions.aGetItemText <> 0 then Perform( fCommandActions.aGetItemText, Idx, Integer( Buf ) ); Buf[ L ] := #0; Result := Buf; FreeMem( Buf ); end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION} {$IFDEF ASM_UNICODE}{$ELSE PAS_VERSION} //Pascal procedure TControl.SetItems(Idx: Integer; const Value: KOLString); var Strt, L : DWORD; {$IFNDEF NOT_FIX_CURINDEX} TmpCurIdx: Integer; // AK - Andrzey Kubasek TmpData: DWORD; {$ENDIF NOT_FIX_CURINDEX} begin if fCommandActions.aSetItemText <> 0 then begin Strt := Item2Pos( Idx ); L := Item2Pos( Idx + 1 ) - Strt; SelStart := Strt; SelLength := L; Perform( fCommandActions.aSetItemText, 0, Integer( PKOLChar( Value ) ) ); end else if fCommandActions.aDeleteItem <> 0 then begin {$IFNDEF NOT_FIX_CURINDEX} TmpCurIdx := CurIndex; // +AK TmpData := ItemData[ Idx ]; {$ENDIF} Delete( Idx ); Insert( Idx, Value ); {$IFNDEF NOT_FIX_CURINDEX} CurIndex := TmpCurIdx; //+AK ItemData[ Idx ] := TmpData; {$ENDIF} end; end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION} {$IFDEF ASM_VERSION}{$ELSE PAS_VERSION} //Pascal function TControl.GetItemsCount: Integer; begin Result := 0; {$IFDEF DEBUG_ANY} try if fCommandActions.aGetCount = 0 then Exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} Result := Perform( fCommandActions.aGetCount, 0, 0 ); except asm int 3 end; end; {$ELSE} if fCommandActions.aGetCount = 0 then Exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} Result := Perform( fCommandActions.aGetCount, 0, 0 ); {$ENDIF DEBUG_ANY} end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION} procedure TControl.SetItemsCount(const Value: Integer); begin if fCommandActions.aSetCount = 0 then Exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} Perform( fCommandActions.aSetCount, Value, 0 ); end; {$IFDEF ASM_VERSION}{$ELSE PAS_VERSION} //Pascal function TControl.Item2Pos(ItemIdx: Integer): DWORD; begin Result := ItemIdx; if Byte( fCommandActions.bItem2Pos ) <> 0 then Result := Perform( fCommandActions.bItem2Pos, ItemIdx, 0 ); end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION} {$IFDEF ASM_VERSION}{$ELSE PAS_VERSION} //Pascal function TControl.Pos2Item(Pos: Integer): DWORD; begin Result := Pos; if Byte( fCommandActions.bPos2Item ) <> 0 then Result := Perform( fCommandActions.bPos2Item, Pos, 0 ); end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION} function TControl.SavePosition: TEditPositions; var {$IFNDEF NOT_USE_RICHEDIT} p: TPoint; {$ENDIF USE_RICHEDIT} i: Integer; begin Result.SelStart := SelStart; Result.SelLength := SelLength; {$IFNDEF NOT_USE_RICHEDIT} if {$IFDEF USE_FLAGS} (G1_CanNotDoublebuf in fFlagsG1) {$ELSE} fCannotDoubleBuf {$ENDIF} { TRUE for rich edit, FALSE for edit } then begin P.X := 0; P.Y := 0; i := Perform( EM_CHARFROMPOS, 0, Integer( @ P ) ); Result.TopLine := Pos2Item( i ); Result.TopColumn := i - Integer( Item2Pos( Result.TopLine ) ); Perform( EM_GETSCROLLPOS, 0, Integer( @ Result.ScrollPos ) ); end else {$ENDIF USE_RICHEDIT} begin i := 0; i := Perform( EM_CHARFROMPOS, 0, i ); Result.TopLine := HiWord( i ); Result.TopColumn := LoWord( i ) - Item2Pos( Result.TopLine ); Result.ScrollPos.Y := GetScrollPos( Handle, SB_VERT ); Result.ScrollPos.X := GetScrollPos( Handle, SB_HORZ ); end; Result.RestoreScroll := TRUE; end; procedure TControl.RestorePosition( const P: TEditPositions ); var Cur: TEditPositions; begin SelStart := P.SelStart; SelLength := P.SelLength; if P.RestoreScroll then begin Perform( EM_SCROLLCARET, 0, 0 ); Cur := SavePosition; {$IFNDEF NOT_USE_RICHEDIT} if {$IFDEF USE_FLAGS} (G1_CanNotDoublebuf in fFlagsG1) {$ELSE} fCannotDoubleBuf {$ENDIF} then begin // RichEdit if P.TopLine <> Cur.TopLine then Perform( EM_LINESCROLL, 0, P.TopLine - Cur.TopLine ); Perform( EM_SETSCROLLPOS, 0, Integer( @ P.ScrollPos ) ); end else // Edit {$ENDIF USE_RICHEDIT} begin if (P.TopLine <> Cur.TopLine) or (P.TopColumn <> Cur.TopColumn) then Perform( EM_LINESCROLL, P.TopColumn - Cur.TopColumn, P.TopLine - Cur.TopLine ); SetScrollPos( Handle, SB_VERT, P.ScrollPos.Y, TRUE ); SetScrollPos( Handle, SB_HORZ, P.ScrollPos.X, TRUE ); end; end; end; procedure TControl.UpdatePosition( var p: TEditPositions; FromPos, CountInsertDelChars, CountInsertDelLines: Integer ); var d: Integer; begin if (FromPos <= p.SelStart) and (CountInsertDelChars >= 0) or (CountInsertDelChars < 0) and ((FromPos + Abs( CountInsertDelChars ) <= p.SelStart) ) then begin p.SelStart := p.SelStart + CountInsertDelChars; end else if FromPos >= p.SelStart + p.SelLength then begin // nothing to do end else if CountInsertDelChars < 0 then // deleting begin if FromPos - CountInsertDelChars > p.SelStart + p.SelLength then CountInsertDelChars := -( p.SelStart + p.SelLength - FromPos ); if FromPos - CountInsertDelChars >= p.SelStart then begin d := FromPos - CountInsertDelChars - p.SelStart; p.SelLength := p.SelLength - d; //inc( CountInsertDelChars, d ); end; inc( p.SelStart, CountInsertDelChars ); end else // inserting begin if (FromPos > p.SelStart) and (FromPos < p.SelStart + p.SelLength) then inc( p.SelLength, CountInsertDelChars ) else if FromPos <= p.SelStart then inc( p.SelStart, CountInsertDelChars ); end; p.TopLine := p.TopLine + CountInsertDelLines; end; function WndProcTabChar( Sender: PControl; var M: TMsg; var Rslt: Integer ): Boolean; begin if M.message = WM_CHAR then begin if M.wParam = 9 then Sender.ReplaceSelection( #9, TRUE ); end; Result := FALSE; end; function TControl.EditTabChar: PControl; begin AttachProc( WndProcTabChar ); Result := @Self; end; {$IFDEF ASM_UNICODE}{$ELSE PAS_VERSION} //Pascal function TControl.Add(const S: KOLString): Integer; begin if fCommandActions.aAddItem <> 0 then begin Result := Perform( fCommandActions.aAddItem, 0, Integer( PKOLChar( S ) ) ); if Count = 1 then ItemSelected[ 0 ] := True; end else begin if Assigned( fCommandActions.aAddText ) then fCommandActions.aAddText( @Self, S ) else Text := Text + S; Result := 0; end; end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION} {$IFDEF ASM_VERSION}{$ELSE PAS_VERSION} //Pascal procedure TControl.Delete(Idx: Integer); begin if fCommandActions.aDeleteItem <> 0 then Perform( fCommandActions.aDeleteItem, Idx, 0 ); end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION} {$IFDEF ASM_UNICODE}{$ELSE PAS_VERSION} //Pascal function TControl.Insert(Idx: Integer; const S: KOLString): Integer; begin if fCommandActions.aInsertItem <> 0 then Result := Perform( fCommandActions.aInsertItem, Idx, Integer( PKOLChar( S ) ) ) else Result := -1; end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION} {$IFDEF ASM_VERSION}{$ELSE PAS_VERSION} //Pascal function TControl.GetItemSelected(ItemIdx: Integer): Boolean; var SS: Integer; begin if fCommandActions.aGetSelected <> 0 then begin SS := Perform( fCommandActions.aGetSelected, ItemIdx, LVIS_SELECTED ); { Though it is written in docs that for combobox lParam for CB_GETCURSEL is not used and _must_ be 0, therefore this code is working for combobox too. } if fCommandActions.aGetSelected <> CB_GETCURSEL then ItemIdx := 1; Result := SS = ItemIdx; end else begin SS := SelStart; Result := (ItemIdx >= SS) and (ItemIdx < SS + SelLength); end; end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION} {$IFDEF ASM_VERSION}{$ELSE PAS_VERSION} //Pascal procedure TControl.SetItemSelected(ItemIdx: Integer; const Value: Boolean); var SR: TCharRange; begin if fCommandActions.aSetSelected <> 0 then Perform( fCommandActions.aSetSelected, Integer( Value ), ItemIdx ) else if fCommandActions.aSetCurrent <> 0 then Perform( fCommandActions.aSetCurrent, ItemIdx, 0 ) else if fCommandActions.aSetSelRange <> 0 then Perform( fCommandActions.aSetSelRange, ItemIdx, ItemIdx ) else if fCommandActions.aExSetSelRange <> 0 then begin SR.cpMin := ItemIdx; SR.cpMax := ItemIdx; Perform( fCommandActions.aExSetSelRange, 0, Integer( @SR ) ); end else begin // for ImageShow: set the index and invalidate the control FCurIndex := ItemIdx; Invalidate; end; end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION} {$IFDEF ASM_VERSION}{$ELSE PAS_VERSION} //Pascal procedure TControl.SetCtl3D(const Value: Boolean); begin fCtl3D_child := fCtl3D_child and not 1 or Integer( Value ) and 1; UpdateWndStyles; if Value then begin Style := fStyle.Value and not WS_BORDER; ExStyle := fExStyle or WS_EX_CLIENTEDGE; end else begin Style := fStyle.Value or WS_BORDER; ExStyle := fExStyle and not WS_EX_CLIENTEDGE; end; end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION} {$IFDEF ASM_VERSION}{$ELSE PAS_VERSION} //Pascal function TControl.Shift(dX, dY: Integer): PControl; begin Left := fBoundsRect.Left + dX; Top := fBoundsRect.Top + dY; Result := @Self; end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION} procedure SetKeyEvent( Self_: PControl ); begin Self_.PP.fWndProcKeybd := WndProcKeybd; end; procedure TControl.SetOnChar(const Value: TOnChar); begin {$IFDEF EVENTS_DYNAMIC} ProvideUniqueEvents {$ELSE} EV {$ENDIF} .fOnChar := Value; SetKeyEvent( @Self ); end; {$IFDEF SUPPORT_ONDEADCHAR} procedure TControl.SetOnDeadChar(const Value: TOnChar); begin {$IFDEF EVENTS_DYNAMIC} ProvideUniqueEvents {$ELSE} EV {$ENDIF} .fOnDeadChar := Value; SetKeyEvent( @Self ); end; {$ENDIF SUPPORT_ONDEADCHAR} procedure TControl.SetOnKeyDown(const Value: TOnKey); begin {$IFDEF EVENTS_DYNAMIC} ProvideUniqueEvents {$ELSE} EV {$ENDIF} .fOnKeyDown := Value; SetKeyEvent( @Self ); end; procedure TControl.SetOnKeyUp(const Value: TOnKey); begin {$IFDEF EVENTS_DYNAMIC} ProvideUniqueEvents {$ELSE} EV {$ENDIF} .fOnKeyUp := Value; SetKeyEvent( @Self ); end; {$IFDEF ASM_TLIST} function CollectTabControls( Form: PControl ): PList; asm PUSH EDI PUSH EAX CALL NewList XCHG EDI, EAX POP EAX CALL @@collecttab XCHG EAX, EDI POP EDI RET @@collecttab: { <- EDI = Result:PList EAX = Form (or Control) } PUSH EBP XOR EBP, EBP // Result := FALSE; PUSH ESI PUSH EBX MOV EDX, [EAX].TControl.fChildren MOV ECX, [EDX].TList.fCount MOV ESI, [EDX].TList.fItems JECXZ @@e_loop @@loo: PUSH ECX LODSD PUSH EAX TEST byte ptr [EAX].TControl.fStyle+2, WS_TABSTOP shr 16 JZ @@call_recur {$IFDEF USE_FLAGS} MOV EDX, dword ptr [EAX].TControl.fStyle.f2_Style OR DL, DH AND DL, (1 shl F3_Disabled) or (1 shl F2_Tabstop) CMP DL, (1 shl F2_Tabstop) JNZ @@call_recur {$ELSE} MOV DL, [EAX].TControl.fTabStop AND DL, [EAX].TControl.fEnabled JZ @@call_recur {$ENDIF} CALL TControl.GetToBeVisible TEST AL, AL POP EAX JZ @@next PUSH EAX XCHG EDX, EAX PUSH ESI MOV ECX, [EDI].TList.fCount MOV ESI, [EDI].TList.fItems XOR EBX, EBX JECXZ @@e_loo2 @@loo2: LODSD MOV AX, [EAX].TControl.fTabOrder CMP AX, [EDX].TControl.fTabOrder JLE @@next2 POP ESI MOV ECX, EDX MOV EDX, EBX MOV EAX, EDI CALL TList.Insert JMP @@call_recur @@next2: INC EBX LOOP @@loo2 @@e_loo2: POP ESI MOV EAX, EDI CALL TList.Add @@call_recur: //OR EBP, 1 // Result := TRUE; INC EBP POP EAX {$IFDEF USE_FLAGS} TEST [EAX].TControl.fStyle.f3_Style, (1 shl F3_Disabled) JNZ @@next {$ELSE} MOVZX ECX, [EAX].TControl.fEnabled JECXZ @@next {$ENDIF USE_FLAGS} PUSH EAX CALL @@collecttab POP EDX JZ @@next MOV EAX, EDI CALL TList.Remove @@next: POP ECX LOOP @@loo @@e_loop: POP EBX POP ESI TEST EBP, EBP POP EBP end; {$ELSE PAS_VERSION} //Pascal function CollectTabControls( Form: PControl ): PList; var R: PList; function CollectTab( P: PControl ): Boolean; var I, J: Integer; C, D: PControl; begin Result := FALSE; for I := 0 to P.fChildren.fCount - 1 do begin C := P.fChildren.{$IFDEF TLIST_FAST} Items {$ELSE} fItems {$ENDIF}[ I ]; if {$IFDEF USE_FLAGS} (TRUE) {$ELSE} C.fTabstop {$ENDIF} and {$IFDEF USE_FLAGS} not(F3_Disabled in C.fStyle.f3_Style) {$ELSE} C.fEnabled {$ENDIF} and C.ToBeVisible and (F2_Tabstop in C.fStyle.f2_Style) then begin D := nil; for J := 0 to R.fCount - 1 do begin D := R.{$IFDEF TLIST_FAST} Items {$ELSE} fItems {$ENDIF}[ J ]; if D.fTabOrder > C.fTabOrder then begin Result := TRUE; R.Insert( J, C ); break; end else D := nil; end; if D = nil then begin R.Add( C ); Result := TRUE; end; end; if {$IFDEF USE_FLAGS} not (F3_Disabled in C.fStyle.f3_Style) {$ELSE} C.fEnabled {$ENDIF} then begin if CollectTab( C ) then R.Remove( C ); end; end; end; {$IFDEF DEBUG_COLLECTTABCONTROLS} var SL: PStrList; i: Integer; C: PControl; {$ENDIF} begin R := NewList; CollectTab( Form ); {$IFDEF DEBUG_COLLECTTABCONTROLS} SL := NewStrList; for i := 0 to R.Count-1 do begin C := R.Items[ i ]; SL.Add( Int2Str( C.fTabOrder ) + ' ' + Int2Str( C.fTag ) + ' ' + C.fCaption ); end; SL.SaveToFile( GetStartDir + 'debug_collecttabcontrols.txt' ); SL.Free; {$ENDIF} Result := R; end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION} {$IFDEF ASM_TLIST} procedure Tabulate2Next( Form: PControl; Dir: Integer ); asm PUSHAD PUSH EAX // save Form MOV EBX, EAX MOV EBP, EDX // EBP = Dir (direction <0 or >0) CALL CollectTabControls XCHG EDI, EAX // EDI = CL (list of controls) MOV ECX, [EBX].TControl.DF.fCurrentControl // C := Form.fCurrentControl XOR EBX, EBX // I = 0 JECXZ @@1 MOV BX, [ECX].TControl.fTabOrder // I = C.fTabOrder @@1: MOV ECX, [EDI].TList.fCount MOV ESI, [EDI].TList.fItems XOR EDX, EDX PUSH EDX // Ctrl1 = nil PUSH EDX // Ctrl2 = nil TEST ECX, ECX JZ @@e_loop @@loop: PUSH ECX LODSD CMP [EAX].TControl.fTabOrder, BX JZ @@next MOV ECX, [ESP+8] // ECX = Ctrl1 JECXZ @@c1nil MOV CX, [ECX].TControl.fTabOrder // ECX = Ctrl1.fTabOrder TEST EBP, EBP JGE @@c1ge CMP [EAX].TControl.fTabOrder, BX JGE @@2 CMP [EAX].TControl.fTabOrder, CX JLE @@2 @@c1new: MOV [ESP+8], EAX // Ctrl1 := C JMP @@2 @@c1ge: CMP [EAX].TControl.fTabOrder, BX JLE @@2 CMP [EAX].TControl.fTabOrder, CX JL @@c1new JMP @@2 @@c1nil: TEST EBP, EBP JL @@c1nil_dirL CMP [EAX].TControl.fTabOrder, BX JG @@c1new JMP @@2 @@c1nil_dirL: CMP [EAX].TControl.fTabOrder, BX JL @@c1new @@2: MOV ECX, [ESP+4] // ECX = Ctrl2 JECXZ @@c2new MOV CX, [ECX].TControl.fTabOrder TEST EBP, EBP JL @@c2dirL CMP [EAX].TControl.fTabOrder, CX JGE @@next JMP @@c2new @@c2dirL: CMP [EAX].TControl.fTabOrder, CX JLE @@next @@c2new: MOV [ESP+4], EAX @@next: POP ECX DEC ECX JNZ @@loop //LOOP @@loop @@e_loop: POP EDX // Ctrl2 POP ECX // Ctrl1 INC ECX LOOP @@3 MOV ECX, EDX @@3: POP EBX // EBX = Form JECXZ @@exit XCHG EAX, ECX {$IFDEF USE_GRAPHCTLS} {$IFDEF USE_FLAGS} TEST [EAX].TControl.fFlagsG6, 1 shl G6_GraphicCtl JNZ @@4 {$ELSE} CMP [EAX].TControl.fWindowed, 0 JZ @@4 {$ENDIF} {$ENDIF} MOV ECX, [EAX].TControl.fHandle JECXZ @@no_handle @@4: INC [EAX].TControl.fClickDisabled PUSH EAX MOV DL, 1 CALL TControl.SetFocused POP EAX DEC [EAX].TControl.fClickDisabled @@no_handle: MOV [EBX].TControl.DF.fCurrentControl, EAX @@exit: XCHG EAX, EDI CALL TObj.RefDec POPAD end; {$ELSE PAS_VERSION} //Pascal procedure Tabulate2Next( Form: PControl; Dir: Integer ); var CL : PList; I, J : Integer; Ctrl1, Ctrl2, C : PControl; begin CL := CollectTabControls( Form ); I := 0; C := Form.DF.fCurrentControl; if C <> nil then I := C.fTabOrder; Ctrl2 := nil; Ctrl1 := nil; for J := 0 to CL.fCount - 1 do begin C := CL.{$IFDEF TLIST_FAST} Items {$ELSE} fItems {$ENDIF}[ J ]; if C.fTabOrder = I then continue; if (Ctrl1 = nil) and ( (Dir >= 0) and (C.fTabOrder > I) or (Dir < 0) and (C.fTabOrder < I) ) or (Dir >= 0) and (C.fTabOrder > I) and (C.fTabOrder < Ctrl1.fTabOrder) or (Dir < 0) and (C.fTabOrder < I) and (C.fTabOrder > Ctrl1.fTabOrder) then Ctrl1 := C; if (Ctrl2 = nil) or (Dir >= 0) and (C.fTabOrder < Ctrl2.fTabOrder) or (Dir < 0) and (C.fTabOrder > Ctrl2.fTabOrder) then Ctrl2 := C; end; if Ctrl1 = nil then Ctrl1 := Ctrl2; if Ctrl1 <> nil then begin if (Ctrl1.fHandle <> 0) {$IFDEF USE_GRAPHCTLS} or {$IFDEF USE_FLAGS} (G6_GraphicCtl in Ctrl1.fFlagsG6) {$ELSE} not Ctrl1.fWindowed {$ENDIF} {$ENDIF} then begin Inc( Ctrl1.fClickDisabled ); Ctrl1.Focused := TRUE; Dec( Ctrl1.fClickDisabled ); end; Form.DF.fCurrentControl := Ctrl1; end; CL.Free; end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION} {$IFDEF ASM_VERSION}{$ELSE PAS_VERSION} //Pascal function Tabulate2Control( Self_: PControl; Key: DWORD; checkOnly: Boolean ): Boolean; var Form: PControl; begin Result := False; case Key of VK_TAB: if not (tkTab in Self_.fLookTabKeys) then exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} VK_LEFT, VK_RIGHT: if not (tkLeftRight in Self_.fLookTabKeys) then exit; {>>>} VK_UP, VK_DOWN: if not (tkUpDown in Self_.fLookTabKeys) then exit; {>>>>>>>>>} VK_NEXT, VK_PRIOR: if not (tkPageUpPageDn in Self_.fLookTabKeys) then exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} else Exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} end; Result := True; if checkOnly then Exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} Form := Self_.ParentForm; case Key of VK_TAB: if GetKeyState( VK_SHIFT ) < 0 then Tabulate2Next( Form, -1 ) else Tabulate2Next( Form, 1 ); VK_RIGHT, VK_DOWN, VK_NEXT: Tabulate2Next( Form, 1 ); VK_LEFT, VK_UP, VK_PRIOR: Tabulate2Next( Form, -1 ); end; end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION} {$IFDEF ASM_TLIST} function Tabulate2ControlEx( Self_: PControl; Key: DWORD; checkOnly: Boolean ): Boolean; asm PUSH EDI MOVZX EDI, CL TEST byte ptr [EAX].TControl.fLookTabKeys, 1 JZ @@1 @@0: MOV ECX, EDX AND CL, 7Fh CMP CL, VK_TAB JNE @@1 PUSH EDX CALL TControl.ParentForm POP EDX MOVSX EDX, DL TEST EDX, EDX JS @@tab PUSH EAX PUSH VK_SHIFT CALL GetAsyncKeyState SAR EAX, 31 {$IFDEF PARANOIA} DB $0C, $01 {$ELSE} OR AL, 1 {$ENDIF} MOV EDX, EAX POP EAX @@tab: TEST EDI, EDI POP EDI JNZ @@no_tab CALL Tabulate2Next @@no_tab: MOV AL, 1 RET @@data: DB VK_LEFT, VK_LEFT DD offset[@@left] DB VK_UP, 2 DB VK_RIGHT, VK_RIGHT DD offset[@@right] DB VK_DOWN, 2 DB VK_UP, VK_PRIOR DD offset[@@up] DB VK_TAB or 80h, $C DB VK_DOWN, VK_NEXT DD offset[@@down] DB VK_TAB, $C @@1: // EAX <- Self_:PControl // DL <- Key PUSH ESI MOV ESI, offset[@@data]-6 MOV DH, 9 PUSH EAX @@loop: ADD DH, DH JNB @@l1 JMP @@abort @@fault1: POP EDI POPAD PUSH EAX @@abort: POP EAX @@abort1: POP ESI POP EDI XOR EAX, EAX RET @@right: MOV EAX, [ESP].TRect.Left SUB EAX, [ESP+16].TRect.Left @@left_right: JL @@next1 MOV EDX, [ESP].TRect.Bottom SUB EDX, [ESP+16].TRect.Top JL @@next1 MOV EDX, [ESP].TRect.Top SUB EDX, [ESP+16].TRect.Bottom JGE @@next1 @@chk_dist: CMP EAX, EDI JA @@next1 MOV EDI, EAX MOV EAX, [EBX+ECX*4-4] MOV [ESP+36], EAX // Found = Ctrl JMP @@next1 @@l1: LODSD LODSW LODSW CMP AL, DL JE @@2 CMP AH, DL JNE @@loop @@2: PUSH ESI LODSD LODSW POP ESI XCHG EDX, EAX POP EAX TEST [EAX].TControl.fLookTabKeys, DH JZ @@abort1 PUSHAD PUSH EDI CALL TControl.ParentForm MOV ECX, [EAX].TControl.DF.fCurrentControl JECXZ @@fault1 MOV EBP, ECX // EBP = CurCtrl PUSH EAX // save Form MOV EBX, EAX CALL CollectTabControls PUSH 0 // save Found = nil PUSH EAX // save CollectedList MOV EDI, EAX MOV EBX, [EDI].TList.fItems ADD ESP, -16 PUSH ESP PUSH [EBP].TControl.fHandle CALL GetWindowRect MOV ECX, [EDI].TList.fCount OR EDI, -1 // EDI = minDist @@loop1: MOV EAX, [EBX+ECX*4-4] CMP EAX, EBP JE @@next {} {$IFDEF USE_FLAGS} MOV DX, word ptr [EAX].TControl.fStyle.f2_Style AND DX, ($100 shl F3_Disabled) or (1 shl F2_Tabstop) XOR DH, (1 shl F3_Disabled) {$ELSE} MOV DL, [EAX].TControl.fEnabled AND DL, [EAX].TControl.fTabstop {$ENDIF USE_FLAGS} JZ @@next {} ADD ESP, -16 MOV EDX, ESP PUSH ECX PUSH EDX PUSH [EAX].TControl.fHandle CALL GetWindowRect POP ECX JMP dword ptr [ESI] @@left: MOV EAX, [ESP+16].TRect.Left SUB EAX, [ESP].TRect.Left JMP @@left_right @@not_found: POP EDI POPAD MOV DL, [ESI+4] POP ESI JMP @@0 @@up: MOV EAX, [ESP+16].TRect.Top SUB EAX, [ESP].TRect.Top JMP @@up_down @@down: MOV EAX, [ESP].TRect.Top SUB EAX, [ESP+16].TRect.Top @@up_down: JL @@next1 MOV EDX, [ESP].TRect.Right SUB EDX, [ESP+16].TRect.Left JL @@next1 MOV EDX, [ESP].TRect.Left SUB EDX, [ESP+16].TRect.Right JL @@chk_dist @@next1: ADD ESP, 16 @@next: LOOP @@loop1 ADD ESP, 16 POP EAX // pop CollectedList CALL TObj.RefDec POP ECX // pop Found POP EAX // pop Form JECXZ @@not_found POP EDI TEST EDI, EDI JNZ @@no_go MOV [EAX].TControl.DF.fCurrentControl, ECX INC [ECX].TControl.fClickDisabled PUSH ECX MOV ECX, [ECX].TControl.fHandle JECXZ @@4 PUSH ECX CALL Windows.SetFocus @@4: POP ECX DEC [ECX].TControl.fClickDisabled @@no_go: POPAD POP ESI POP EDI MOV AL, 1 // Result = True end; {$ELSE PAS_VERSION} //Pascal function Tabulate2ControlEx( Self_: PControl; Key: DWORD; checkOnly: Boolean ): Boolean; label search_tabcontrol; var Form: PControl; CL : PList; I : Integer; CurCtrl, Ctrl, Found : PControl; MinDist, Dist: Integer; R, R1 : TRect; begin Result := False; case Key of VK_TAB: if not (tkTab in Self_.fLookTabKeys) then exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} VK_LEFT, VK_RIGHT: if not (tkLeftRight in Self_.fLookTabKeys) then exit; {>>>} VK_UP, VK_DOWN: if not (tkUpDown in Self_.fLookTabKeys) then exit; {>>>>>>>>>} VK_NEXT, VK_PRIOR: if not (tkPageUpPageDn in Self_.fLookTabKeys) then exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} else exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} end; Result := True; if checkOnly then Exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} Form := Self_.ParentForm; if Key = VK_TAB then if GetKeyState( VK_SHIFT ) < 0 then Tabulate2Next( Form, -1 ) else Tabulate2Next( Form, 1 ) else begin CL := CollectTabControls( Form ); I := CL.IndexOf( Form.DF.fCurrentControl ); Found := nil; if I >= 0 then begin CurCtrl := CL.{$IFDEF TLIST_FAST} Items {$ELSE} fItems {$ENDIF}[ I ]; GetWindowRect( CurCtrl.Handle, R ); search_tabcontrol: MinDist := MaxInt; for I := CL.fCount - 1 downto 0 do begin Ctrl := CL.{$IFDEF TLIST_FAST} Items {$ELSE} fItems {$ENDIF}[ I ]; if Ctrl = CurCtrl then continue; if not ({$IFDEF USE_FLAGS} not(F3_Disabled in Ctrl.fStyle.f3_Style) {$ELSE} Ctrl.fEnabled {$ENDIF} and {$IFDEF USE_FLAGS} (F2_Tabstop in Ctrl.fStyle.f2_Style) {$ELSE} Ctrl.fTabstop {$ENDIF} ) then continue; GetWindowRect( Ctrl.Handle, R1 ); Dist := MaxInt; case Key of VK_LEFT: begin if (R1.Bottom < R.Top) or (R1.Top >= R.Bottom) or (R1.Left > R.Left) then continue; Dist := R.Left - R1.Left; end; VK_RIGHT: begin if (R1.Bottom < R.Top) or (R1.Top >= R.Bottom) or (R1.Left < R.Left) then continue; Dist := R1.Left - R.Left; end; VK_UP, VK_PRIOR: begin if (R1.Right < R.Left) or (R1.Left >= R.Right) or (R1.Top > R.Top) then continue; Dist := R.Top - R1.Top; end; VK_DOWN, VK_NEXT: begin if (R1.Right < R.Left) or (R1.Left >= R.Right) or (R1.Top < R.Bottom) then continue; Dist := R1.Top - R.Top; end; end; if Dist < MinDist then begin Found := Ctrl; MinDist := Dist; end; end; if Found = nil then begin case Key of VK_LEFT: begin Key := VK_UP; goto search_tabcontrol; end; VK_RIGHT: begin Key := VK_DOWN; goto search_tabcontrol; end; VK_UP, VK_PRIOR: Tabulate2Next( Form, -1 ); VK_DOWN, VK_NEXT: Tabulate2Next( Form, 1 ); end; end else begin if Found.fHandle <> 0 then begin Inc( Found.fClickDisabled ); SetFocus( Found.fHandle ); Dec( Found.fClickDisabled ); end; Form.DF.fCurrentControl := Found; end; end; CL.Free; end; end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION} {$IFDEF ASM_VERSION}{$ELSE PAS_VERSION} //Pascal function TControl.Tabulate: PControl; var F : PControl; begin Result := @Self; F := ParentForm; if F = nil then Exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} F.PP.fGotoControl := Tabulate2Control; end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION} {$IFDEF ASM_VERSION}{$ELSE PAS_VERSION} //Pascal function TControl.TabulateEx: PControl; var F : PControl; begin Result := @Self; F := ParentForm; if F = nil then Exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} F.PP.fGotoControl := Tabulate2ControlEx; end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION} function WndProcMouseTransparent( Sender: PControl; var Msg: TMsg; var Rslt: Integer ): Boolean; begin Result := FALSE; if Msg.message = WM_NCHITTEST then begin Rslt := HTTRANSPARENT; Result := TRUE; end; end; function TControl.MouseTransparent: PControl; begin AttachProc( WndProcMouseTransparent ); Result := @ Self; end; procedure TControl.GotoControl(Key: DWORD); var Form: PControl; begin Form := ParentForm; if Form <> nil then {$IFDEF NIL_EVENTS} if Assigned( Form.PP.fGotoControl ) then {$ENDIF} Form.PP.fGotoControl( Form.DF.fCurrentControl, Key, false ); end; {$IFDEF ASM_VERSION}{$ELSE PAS_VERSION} //Pascal function TControl.GetCurIndex: Integer; var I, J: Integer; begin Result := fCurIndex; if fCommandActions.aGetCurrent = 0 then Exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} I := 0; if fCommandActions.aGetCurrent = EM_LINEINDEX then Dec( I ); J := 0; if fCommandActions.aGetCurrent = LVM_GETNEXTITEM then begin J := 2 {LVNI_SELECTED}; Dec( I ); end; Result := Perform( fCommandActions.aGetCurrent, I, J ); end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION} {$IFDEF ASM_VERSION}{$ELSE PAS_VERSION} //Pascal procedure TControl.SetCurIndex(const Value: Integer); var NMHdr: TNMHdr; idx: Integer; begin if fCommandActions.aSetCurrent <> 0 then begin idx := Perform( fCommandActions.aSetCurrent, Value, 0 ); // fix AV if fCommandActions.aSetCurrent = TCM_SETCURSEL then begin fCurIndex := idx; // fix AV NMHdr.code := TCN_SELCHANGE; NMHdr.hwndFrom := fHandle; Perform( WM_NOTIFY, 0, Integer( @NMHdr ) ); end; end else ItemSelected[ Value ] := True; end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION} {$ENDIF WIN_GDI} {$IFDEF GDI} {$IFDEF ASM_VERSION}{$ELSE PAS_VERSION} //Pascal function TControl.GetTextAlign: TTextAlign; begin UpdateWndStyles; if (fStyle.Value and fCommandActions.aTextAlignRight) = fCommandActions.aTextAlignRight then Result := taRight else if (fStyle.Value and fCommandActions.aTextAlignCenter) = fCommandActions.aTextAlignCenter then Result := taCenter else Result := fTextAlign; end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION} {$ENDIF GDI} {$IFDEF _X_} {$IFDEF GTK} FUNCTION TControl.GetTextAlign: TTextAlign; BEGIN Result := fTextAlign; END; {$ENDIF GTK} {$ENDIF _X_} {$IFDEF GDI} {$IFDEF ASM_VERSION}{$ELSE PAS_VERSION} //Pascal procedure TControl.SetTextAlign(const Value: TTextAlign); var NewStyle: DWORD; begin fTextAlign := Value; NewStyle := 0; with fCommandActions{$IFDEF COMMANDACTIONS_OBJ}^{$ENDIF} do case Value of taLeft: NewStyle := fStyle.Value and not DWORD(aTextAlignCenter or aTextAlignRight) or aTextAlignLeft; taRight: NewStyle := fStyle.Value and not DWORD(aTextAlignLeft or aTextAlignCenter) or aTextAlignRight; taCenter: NewStyle := fStyle.Value and not DWORD(aTextAlignLeft or aTextAlignRight) or aTextAlignCenter; end; NewStyle := NewStyle and not DWORD(fCommandActions.bTextAlignMask); Style := NewStyle; end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION} {$ENDIF GDI} {$IFDEF _X_} {$IFDEF GTK} PROCEDURE TControl.SetTextAlign(const Value: TTextAlign); BEGIN IF fTextAlign = Value THEN Exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} fTextAlign := Value; IF Assigned( fSetTextAlign ) THEN fSetTextAlign( @ Self ); END; {$ENDIF GTK} {$ENDIF _X_} {$IFDEF GDI} {$IFDEF ASM_VERSION}{$ELSE PAS_VERSION} //Pascal function TControl.GetVerticalAlign: TVerticalAlign; begin UpdateWndStyles; if (fStyle.Value and (Byte( fCommandActions.bVertAlignCenter ) shl 8)) = (Byte( fCommandActions.bVertAlignCenter ) shl 8) then Result := vaCenter else if (fStyle.Value and (fCommandActions.bVertAlignBottom shl 8)) = (fCommandActions.bVertAlignBottom shl 8) then Result := vaBottom else Result := fVerticalAlign; end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION} {$ENDIF GDI} {$IFDEF _X_} {$IFDEF GTK} FUNCTION TControl.GetVerticalAlign: TVerticalAlign; BEGIN Result := fVerticalAlign; END; {$ENDIF GTK} {$ENDIF _X_} {$IFDEF GDI} {$IFDEF ASM_VERSION}{$ELSE PAS_VERSION} //Pascal procedure TControl.SetVerticalAlign(const Value: TVerticalAlign); var NewStyle: DWORD; begin fVerticalAlign := Value; with fCommandActions{$IFDEF COMMANDACTIONS_OBJ}^{$ENDIF} do begin NewStyle := fStyle.Value and not DWORD((bVertAlignTop or bVertAlignCenter or bVertAlignBottom) shl 8); case Value of vaCenter: NewStyle := NewStyle or (bVertAlignCenter shl 8); vaTop: NewStyle := NewStyle or (bVertAlignTop shl 8); vaBottom: NewStyle := NewStyle or (bVertAlignBottom shl 8); end; end; Style := NewStyle; end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION} {$ENDIF GDI} {$IFDEF _X_} {$IFDEF GTK} PROCEDURE TControl.SetVerticalAlign(const Value: TVerticalAlign); BEGIN if fVerticalAlign = Value then Exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} fVerticalAlign := Value; if Assigned( fSetTextAlign ) then fSetTextAlign( @ Self ); END; {$ENDIF GTK} {$ENDIF _X_} {$IFDEF WIN_GDI} {$IFDEF ASM_VERSION}{$ELSE PAS_VERSION} //Pascal function TControl.Dc2Canvas( Sender: PCanvas ): HDC; begin if fPaintDC <> 0 then begin Result := fPaintDC; Sender.SetHandle( Result ); Sender.fIsPaintDC := True; end else begin if Sender.fHandle <> 0 then Result := Sender.fHandle else Result := GetDC( GetWindowHandle ); end; end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION} {$ENDIF WIN_GDI} {$IFDEF GDI} {$IFDEF ASM_VERSION}{$ELSE PAS_VERSION} //Pascal function TControl.GetCanvas: PCanvas; begin {$IFDEF SAFE_CODE} CreateWindow; {$ENDIF} if ( fCanvas = nil ) then begin fCanvas := NewCanvas( 0 ); fCanvas.fOnGetHandle := Dc2Canvas; fCanvas.fOwnerControl := @Self; if ( fFont <> nil ) then fCanvas.fFont := fCanvas.fFont.Assign( fFont ); if ( fBrush <> nil ) then fCanvas.fBrush := fCanvas.fBrush.Assign( fBrush ); end; Result := fCanvas; end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION} {$ENDIF GDI} {$IFDEF _X_} {$IFDEF GTK} FUNCTION TControl.ProvideCanvasHandle( Sender: PCanvas ): HDC; TYPE PPGdkGC = ^PGdkGC; VAR Array_gc: PPGdkGC; BEGIN IF fInBkPaint THEN Array_gc := @ fEventboxHandle.style.bg_gc[ 0 ] ELSE Array_gc := @ fEventboxHandle.style.fg_gc[ 0 ]; CASE fEventboxHandle.state OF GTK_STATE_NORMAL, GTK_STATE_ACTIVE, GTK_STATE_PRELIGHT, GTK_STATE_SELECTED, GTK_STATE_INSENSITIVE: Result := PPGdkGC( Integer( Array_gc ) + fEventboxHandle.state * sizeof( Pointer ) )^; ELSE Result := Array_gc^; END; END; FUNCTION TControl.GetCanvas: PCanvas; BEGIN {$IFDEF SAFE_CODE} CreateWindow; {$ENDIF} IF ( fCanvas = nil ) then BEGIN fCanvas := NewCanvas( nil ); fCanvas.fOnGetHandle := ProvideCanvasHandle; fCanvas.fOwnerControl := @Self; fCanvas.fDrawable := Pointer( fEventboxHandle.window ); END; fCanvas.GetHandle; // ������� ����� ��� ��������, ������� ������������� // �������� ��������� �������� (���� ��� �������) � ������� // ������ ��������� Result := fCanvas; END; {$ENDIF GTK} {$ENDIF _X_} {$IFDEF WIN_GDI} function TControl.DblBufTopParent: PControl; var Ctl: PControl; begin Result := nil; Ctl := @ Self; while Ctl <> nil do begin if {$IFDEF USE_FLAGS} ( [G2_DoubleBuffered, G2_Transparent] * Ctl.fFlagsG2 <> [] ) {$ELSE} (Ctl.fDoubleBuffered) or (Ctl.fTransparent) {$ENDIF} then Result := Ctl; Ctl := Ctl.fParent; end; end; {$IFDEF ASM_VERSION}{$ELSE PASCAL} procedure TControl.SetDoubleBuffered(const Value: Boolean); begin if {$IFDEF USE_FLAGS} (G1_CanNotDoublebuf in fFlagsG1) {$ELSE} CannotDoubleBuf {$ENDIF} then Exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} {$IFDEF USE_FLAGS} if Value then include( fFlagsG2, G2_DoubleBuffered ) else exclude( fFlagsG2, G2_DoubleBuffered ); {$ELSE} fDoubleBuffered := Value; {$ENDIF} AttachProc(WndProcTransparent); {$IFNDEF SMALLEST_CODE} Global_AttachProcExtension := @TransparentAttachProcExtension; {$ENDIF} end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION} {$IFDEF ASM_VERSION}{$ELSE PAS_VERSION} //Pascal procedure TControl.SetTransparent(const Value: Boolean); begin if fParent = nil then Exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} {$IFDEF USE_FLAGS} if Value then include( fFlagsG2, G2_Transparent ) else exclude( fFlagsG2, G2_Transparent ); {$ELSE} fTransparent := Value; {$ENDIF} {$IFDEF GRAPHCTL_XPSTYLES} if not AppTheming then begin {$IFDEF USE_FLAGS} if Value then include( fFlagsG3, G3_ClassicTransparent ) else exclude( fFlagsG3, G3_ClassicTransparent ); {$ELSE} fClassicTransparent := Value; {$ENDIF} end; {$ENDIF} if Value then begin AttachProc(WndProcTransparent); fParent.DoubleBuffered := TRUE; end; end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION} function TControl.SetBorder( Value: Integer ): PControl; begin fMargin := Value; Result := @ Self; end; { TTrayIcon } var FTrayItems: PList; {$IFDEF ASM_noVERSION} // ASM_TLIST! function WndProcTray( Control: PControl; var Msg: TMsg; var Rslt: Integer ) : Boolean; asm PUSH ECX MOV ECX, [EDX].TMsg.message CMP CX, CM_TRAYICON JNE @@1 MOV ECX, [EDX].TMsg.lParam MOV EDX, [EDX].TMsg.wParam MOV EAX, [EDX].TTrayIcon.fOnMouse.TMethod.Data CMP word ptr [EDX].TTrayIcon.fOnMouse.TMethod.Code+2, 0 JE @@no_on CALL [EDX].TTrayIcon.fOnMouse.TMethod.Code @@no_on: POP ECX XOR EAX, EAX MOV [ECX], EAX INC EAX RET @@1: SUB ECX, WM_CLOSE JNE @@exit_0 @@2: POP ECX PUSH EBX XCHG EBX, EAX MOV EAX, [EBX].TControl.fHandle CMP EAX, [EDX].TMsg.hwnd JNE @@otherwin MOV EDX, [FTrayItems] MOV ECX, [EDX].TList.fCount MOV EDX, [EDX].TList.fItems @@loop: MOV EAX, [EDX + ECX*4 - 4] CMP [EAX].TTray.FNoAutoDeactivate, 0 JNZ @@3 CMP [EAX].TTrayIcon.fControl, EBX JNE @@3 PUSHAD XOR EDX, EDX CALL TTrayIcon.SetActive POPAD @@3: LOOP @@loop @@otherwin: POP EBX PUSH ECX @@exit_0: XOR EAX, EAX POP ECX end; {$ELSE PAS_VERSION} //Pascal function WndProcTray( Control: PControl; var Msg: TMsg; var Rslt: Integer ) : Boolean; var Self_: PTrayIcon; I : Integer; begin Result := False; case Msg.message of CM_TRAYICON: begin Self_ := Pointer( Msg.wParam ); if Assigned( Self_.FOnMouse ) then Self_.FOnMouse( @Self_, Msg.lParam ); Rslt := 0; Result := True; end; WM_CLOSE: if Msg.hwnd = Control.fHandle then begin if FTrayItems <> nil then // ????????????????? for I := FTrayItems.Count - 1 downto 0 do begin Self_ := FTrayItems.Items[ I ]; if not Self_.FNoAutoDeactivate then if Self_.FControl = Control then Self_.Active := False; end; end; end; end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION} function WndProcTrayIconWnd( Wnd: HWnd; Msg: DWORD; wParam, lParam: Integer ): Integer; stdcall; var PrevProc: function ( Wnd: HWnd; Msg: DWORD; wParam, lParam: Integer ): Integer; stdcall; var Tr: PTrayIcon; begin PrevProc := Pointer( GetProp( Wnd, 'TRAYSAVEPROC' ) ); if Msg = CM_TRAYICON then begin Tr := Pointer( wParam ); if Assigned( Tr.FOnMouse ) then Tr.FOnMouse( Tr, lParam ); Result := 0; Exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} end else if Msg = WM_CLOSE then begin if Assigned( PrevProc ) then begin SetWindowLong( Wnd, GWL_WNDPROC, Integer( @ PrevProc ) ); RemoveProp( Wnd, 'TRAYSAVEPROC' ); PostMessage( Wnd, WM_CLOSE, wParam, lParam ); Result := 0; Exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} end; end; if (Wnd <> 0) and IsWindow( Wnd ) and Assigned( PrevProc ) then Result := PrevProc( Wnd, Msg, wParam, lParam ) else Result := DefWindowProc( Wnd, Msg, wParam, lParam ); end; procedure TTrayIcon.AttachProc2Wnd; begin if FWnd = 0 then Exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} if GetProp( FWnd, 'TRAYSAVEPROC' ) <> 0 then Exit; // already attached {>>>>>} SetProp( FWnd, 'TRAYSAVEPROC', GetWindowLong( FWnd, GWL_WNDPROC ) ); SetWindowLong( FWnd, GWL_WNDPROC, Integer( @ WndProcTrayIconWnd ) ); end; // [END TTrayIcon.AttachProc2Wnd] // [PROCEDURE TTrayIcon.DetachProc2Wnd] procedure TTrayIcon.DetachProc2Wnd; var OldProc: function ( Wnd: HWnd; Msg: DWORD; wParam, lParam: Integer ): Integer; stdcall; begin if FWnd = 0 then Exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} OldProc := Pointer( GetProp( FWnd, 'TRAYSAVEPROC' ) ); if not Assigned( OldProc ) then Exit; // not attached {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} SetWindowLong( FWnd, GWL_WNDPROC, Integer( @ OldProc ) ); RemoveProp( FWnd, 'TRAYSAVEPROC' ); end; // [END TTrayIcon.DetachProc2Wnd] {$IFDEF ASM_VERSION}{$ELSE PAS_VERSION} //Pascal function NewTrayIcon( Wnd: PControl; Icon: HIcon ): PTrayIcon; begin if FTrayItems = nil then FTrayItems := NewList; New( Result, Create ); {$IFDEF DEBUG_OBJKIND} Result.fObjKind := 'TTrayIcon'; {$ENDIF} FTrayItems.Add( Result ); if Wnd <> nil then Wnd.AttachProc( WndProcTray ); Result.FControl := Wnd; Result.FIcon := Icon; Result.Active := True; end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION} var fRecreateMsg: DWORD; {$IFDEF ASM_VERSION}{$ELSE PAS_VERSION} //Pascal function WndProcRecreateTrayIcons( Sender: PControl; var Msg: TMsg; var Rslt: Integer ): Boolean; var I: Integer; TI: PTrayIcon; begin if Msg.message = fRecreateMsg then begin for I := 0 to FTrayItems.fCount - 1 do begin TI := FTrayItems.Items[ I ]; if TI.fAutoRecreate then if TI.fActive then begin TI.fActive := False; TI.Active := True; end; end; end; Result := False; end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION} const TaskbarCreatedMsg: array[ 0..14 ] of KOLChar = ('T','a','s','k','b','a','r', 'C','r','e','a','t','e','d',#0); {$IFDEF ASM_VERSION}{$ELSE PAS_VERSION} //Pascal procedure TTrayIcon.SetAutoRecreate(const Value: Boolean); begin fAutoRecreate := Value; FControl.ParentForm.AttachProc( WndProcRecreateTrayIcons ); fRecreateMsg := RegisterWindowMessage( TaskbarCreatedMsg ); end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION} {$IFDEF ASM_VERSION}{$ELSE PAS_VERSION} //Pascal destructor TTrayIcon.Destroy; begin Active := False; if fIcon <> 0 then DestroyIcon( fIcon ); FTrayItems.Remove( @ Self ); if FTrayItems.Count = 0 then Free_And_Nil( FTrayItems ); FTooltip := ''; inherited; end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION} {$IFDEF ASM_VERSION}{$ELSE PAS_VERSION} //Pascal procedure TTrayIcon.SetActive(const Value: Boolean); begin if FActive = Value then Exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} if FIcon = 0 then Exit; if (Wnd = 0) and ((FControl = nil) or (FControl.GetWindowHandle = 0)) then Exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} FActive := Value; if Value then SetTrayIcon( NIM_ADD ) else SetTrayIcon( NIM_DELETE ); end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION} {$IFDEF ASM_VERSION}{$ELSE PAS_VERSION} //Pascal procedure TTrayIcon.SetIcon(const Value: HIcon); var Cmd : DWORD; begin if FIcon = Value then Exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} // Previous icon is not destroying. This is normal for icons, loaded from // resources using LoadIcon. For icons, created using CreateIconIndirect, You // have to call DestroyIcon manually. Cmd := NIM_MODIFY; if FIcon = 0 then Cmd := NIM_ADD; FIcon := Value; if FActive then SetTrayIcon( Cmd ); end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION} {$IFDEF ASM_UNICODE}{$ELSE PAS_VERSION} //Pascal procedure TTrayIcon.SetTooltip(const Value: KOLString); begin if FTooltip = Value then Exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} FTooltip := Value; if Active then SetTrayIcon( NIM_MODIFY ); end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION} {$IFDEF ASM_UNICODE}{$ELSE PAS_VERSION} //Pascal procedure TTrayIcon.SetTrayIcon(const Value: DWORD); var NID : {$IFDEF UNICODE_CTRLS} TNotifyIconDataW {$ELSE} TNotifyIconData {$ENDIF}; L : Integer; V : DWORD; begin V := Value; if AppletTerminated then V := NIM_DELETE; if Wnd <> 0 then NID.Wnd := Wnd else NID.Wnd := FControl.fHandle; NID.cbSize := Sizeof( NID ); NID.uID := DWORD( @Self ); NID.uFlags := NIF_ICON or NIF_MESSAGE or NIF_TIP; if V = NIM_DELETE then NID.uFlags := 0; NID.uCallbackMessage := CM_TRAYICON; NID.hIcon := FIcon; L := Length( FToolTip ); if L > 63 then L := 63; Move( FTooltip[1], NID.szTip[0], Min( 63, L )*SizeOf(KOLChar) ); NID.szTip[ L ] := #0; Shell_NotifyIcon( V, @NID ); end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION} { -- JustOne -- } var JustOneMutex: THandle; {$IFDEF ASM_VERSION}{$ELSE PAS_VERSION} //Pascal function WndProcJustOne( Control: PControl; var Msg: TMsg; var Rslt: Integer ) : Boolean; begin Result := False; case Msg.message of WM_CLOSE, WM_NCDESTROY: if LongBool( JustOneMutex ) and (Control.Handle = Msg.hwnd) then begin CloseHandle( JustOneMutex ); JustOneMutex := 0; end; end; end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION} {$IFDEF ASM_noUNICODE} function JustOne( Wnd: PControl; const Identifier : KOLString ) : Boolean; asm PUSH EBX PUSH ESI XOR ESI, ESI PUSH EDI XCHG EBX, EAX CALL EDX2PChar PUSH EDX PUSH 0 PUSH 1 PUSH ESI MOV EDI, offset[CreateMutex] CALL EDI POP EDX TEST EAX, EAX JZ @@exit // PUSH EAX PUSH EAX PUSH EDX PUSH ESI PUSH ESI CALL EDI MOV [JustOneMutex], EAX TEST EAX, EAX JE @@1 // PUSH ESI PUSH EAX CALL WaitForSingleObject SUB EAX, WAIT_TIMEOUT JE @@1 INC ESI @@1: XCHG EAX, EBX MOV EDX, offset[WndProcJustOne] CALL TControl.AttachProc CALL ReleaseMutex CALL CloseHandle @@exit: XCHG EAX, ESI POP EDI POP ESI POP EBX end; {$ELSE PAS_VERSION} //Pascal function JustOne( Wnd: PControl; const Identifier : KOLString ) : Boolean; var CritSecMutex : THandle; DW : Longint; begin Result := False; CritSecMutex := CreateMutex( nil, True, nil ); if CritSecMutex = 0 then Exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} JustOneMutex := CreateMutex( nil, False, PKOLChar( Identifier ) ); if JustOneMutex <> 0 then begin DW := WaitForSingleObject( JustOneMutex, 0 ); Result := (DW <> WAIT_TIMEOUT); end; Wnd.AttachProc( WndProcJustOne ); CloseHandle( CritSecMutex ); end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION} { JustOneNotify } var OnAnotherInstance: TOnAnotherInstance; JustOneMsg: DWORD; {$IFDEF ASM_UNICODE}{$ELSE ASM_UNICODE} //Pascal function WndProcJustOneNotify( Control: PControl; var Msg: TMsg; var Rslt: Integer ) : Boolean; var Buf : array[0..MAX_PATH] of KOLChar; begin WndProcJustOne( Control, Msg, Rslt ); Result := False; if Msg.message = JustOneMsg then begin Result := True; if assigned( OnAnotherInstance ) then begin GetWindowText( Msg.lParam, Buf, MAX_PATH ); OnAnotherInstance( Buf ); end; Rslt := 0; end; end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION} // Redefine here incorrectly declared BroadcastSystemMessage API function. // It should not refer to BroadcastSystemMessageA, which is not present in // earlier versions of Windows95, but to BroadcastSystemMessage, which is // present in all Windows95/98/Me and NT/2K/XP. function BroadcastSystemMessage(Flags: DWORD; Recipients: PDWORD; uiMessage: UINT; wParam: WPARAM; lParam: LPARAM): Longint; stdcall; external user32 name 'BroadcastSystemMessage'; {$IFDEF ASM_UNICODE}{$ELSE PAS_VERSION} //Pascal function JustOneNotify( Wnd: PControl; const Identifier : KOLString; const aOnAnotherInstance: TOnAnotherInstance ) : Boolean; var Recipients : DWord; OldCap: KOLString; begin Result := False; JustOneMsg := RegisterWindowMessage( PKOLChar( 'Message.' + Identifier ) ); if JustOneMsg = 0 then Exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} Result := JustOne( Wnd, Identifier ); if not Result then begin // Send a message to the first instance of applet OldCap := Wnd.Caption; Wnd.Caption := GetCommandLine; if Wnd.GetWindowHandle <> 0 then begin Recipients := BSM_APPLICATIONS; BroadcastSystemMessage( BSF_QUERY or BSF_IGNORECURRENTTASK, @Recipients, JustOneMsg, 0, Wnd.fHandle ); end; Wnd.Caption := OldCap; end else begin // Store event handler to notify this instance about another // instance staring: OnAnotherInstance := aOnAnotherInstance; Wnd.AttachProc( WndProcJustOneNotify ); end; end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION} ///////////////////////////////////////// STRING LIST OBJECT ///////////////// {$ENDIF WIN} { TStrList } function NewStrList: PStrList; begin New( Result, Create ); {$IFDEF DEBUG_OBJKIND} Result.fObjKind := 'TStrList'; {$ENDIF} end; {$IFDEF ASM_VERSION}{$ELSE PAS_VERSION} //Pascal destructor TStrList.Destroy; begin Clear; inherited; end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION} procedure TStrList.Init; begin {$IFDEF CALL_INHERITED} inherited; {$ENDIF} fNameDelim := DefaultNameDelimiter; end; {$IFDEF ASM_VERSION}{$ELSE PAS_VERSION} //Pascal function TStrList.Add(const S: Ansistring): integer; begin Result := fCount; Insert( Result, S ); end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION} {$IFDEF ASM_VERSION}{$ELSE PAS_VERSION} //Pascal procedure TStrList.AddStrings(Strings: PStrList); begin SetText( Strings.Text, True ); end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION} {$IFDEF ASM_VERSION}{$ELSE PAS_VERSION} //Pascal procedure TStrList.Assign(Strings: PStrList); begin Clear; AddStrings( Strings ); end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION} {$IFDEF ASM_VERSION}{$ELSE PAS_VERSION} //Pascal procedure TStrList.Clear; var I: Integer; begin if fCount > 0 then for I := fList.Count - 1 downto 0 do Delete( I ); fList.Free; fList := nil; fCount := 0; if fTextBuf <> nil then begin FreeMem( fTextBuf ); fTextBuf := nil; fTextSiz := 0; end; end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION} {$IFDEF ASM_VERSION} {$DEFINE TStrList_Delete_ASM} {$ENDIF} {$IFDEF TLIST_FAST} {$UNDEF TStrList_Delete_ASM} {$ENDIF} {$IFDEF TStrList_Delete_ASM} {$ELSE PAS_VERSION} //Pascal procedure TStrList.Delete(Idx: integer); var P: DWORD; El:Pointer; begin P := DWORD( fList.Items[ Idx ] ); if (fTextBuf <> nil) and ( P >= DWORD( fTextBuf )) and ( P < DWORD( fTextBuf ) + fTextSiz ) then else begin El := FList.Items[ Idx ]; FreeMem( El ); end; fList.Delete( Idx ); Dec( fCount ); end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION} procedure TStrList.DeleteLast; begin Delete( Count-1 ); end; {$IFDEF ASM_VERSION}{$ELSE PAS_VERSION} //Pascal function TStrList.Get(Idx: integer): Ansistring; begin if fList <> nil then Result := PAnsiChar( fList.Items[ Idx ] ) else Result := ''; end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION} {$IFDEF ASM_TLIST} function TStrList.GetPChars(Idx: Integer): PAnsiChar; asm MOV EAX, [EAX].fList MOV EAX, [EAX].TList.fItems MOV EAX, [EAX+EDX*4] end; {$ELSE PAS_VERSION} //Pascal function TStrList.GetPChars(Idx: Integer): PAnsiChar; begin Result := PAnsiChar( fList.{$IFDEF TLIST_FAST}Items{$ELSE}fItems{$ENDIF}[ Idx ] ) end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION} {$IFDEF ASM_TLIST} function TStrList.GetTextStr: Ansistring; asm PUSH ESI PUSH EDI MOV ECX, [EAX].fCount MOV EAX, [EAX].fList PUSH ECX JECXZ @@1 MOV ESI, [EAX].TList.fItems @@1: PUSH ESI XCHG EAX, EDX XOR EDX, EDX JECXZ @@10 PUSH EAX @@loo1: PUSH ECX PUSH EDX LODSD CALL StrLen POP EDX LEA EDX, [EDX+EAX+2] POP ECX LOOP @@loo1 POP EAX POP ESI XCHG ECX, EDX PUSH EAX @@10: {$IFDEF _D2} CALL _LStrFromPCharLen {$ELSE} {$IFDEF _D2009orHigher} XOR ECX, ECX {$ENDIF} CALL System.@LStrFromPCharLen {$ENDIF} POP EDI POP ECX JECXZ @@exit MOV EDI, [EDI] @@loo2: PUSH ECX LODSD PUSH EAX CALL StrLen XCHG ECX, EAX POP EAX XCHG EAX, ESI REP MOVSB XCHG ESI, EAX MOV AX, $0A0D STOSW POP ECX LOOP @@loo2 XCHG EAX, ECX STOSB @@exit: POP EDI POP ESI end; {$ELSE PAS_VERSION} //Pascal function TStrList.GetTextStr: Ansistring; var I, Len, Size: integer; P: PAnsiChar; begin Size := 0; for I := 0 to fCount - 1 do Inc(Size, StrLen( PAnsiChar(fList. {$IFDEF TLIST_FAST} Items {$ELSE} fItems {$ENDIF} [I]) ) + {$IFDEF LIN} 1 {$ELSE} 2 {$ENDIF}); SetString(Result, nil, Size); P := Pointer(Result); for I := 0 to Count - 1 do begin Len := StrLen(PAnsiChar(fList. {$IFDEF TLIST_FAST} Items {$ELSE} fItems {$ENDIF} [I])); if (Len > 0) then begin System.Move(PAnsiChar(fList. {$IFDEF TLIST_FAST} Items {$ELSE} fItems {$ENDIF}[I])^, P^, Len); Inc(P, Len); end; P^ := #13; Inc(P); {$IFDEF WIN} P^ := #10; Inc(P); {$ENDIF WIN} end; end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION} {$IFDEF ASM_TLIST} function TStrList.IndexOf(const S: Ansistring): integer; asm PUSH EDI PUSH ESI PUSH EBX OR EDI, -1 MOV ECX, [EAX].fCount JECXZ @@exit MOV ESI, [EAX].fList MOV ESI, [ESI].TList.fItems CALL EDX2PChar MOVZX EBX, BYTE[EDX] @@loo: LODSD INC EDI CMP BL, BYTE[EAX] JNE @@1 PUSH EDX PUSH ECX CALL StrComp POP ECX POP EDX JE @@exit @@1: LOOP @@loo OR EDI, -1 @@exit: XCHG EAX, EDI POP EBX POP ESI POP EDI end; {$ELSE PAS_VERSION} //Pascal function TStrList.IndexOf(const S: AnsiString): integer; var Word1: Word; begin if S = '' then begin for Result := 0 to fCount - 1 do if PAnsiChar(fList.Items[Result])^ = #0 then Exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} end else begin Word1 := PWord(PAnsiChar( S ))^; for Result := 0 to fCount - 1 do if (PWord(fList.Items[Result])^ = Word1) and (StrComp( fList.Items[Result], PAnsiChar( S ) ) = 0) then Exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} end; Result := -1; end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION} function TStrList.IndexOf_NoCase(const S: AnsiString): integer; var tmp: PAnsiChar; c: AnsiChar; begin if S = '' then begin for Result := 0 to fCount - 1 do if PAnsiChar( fList.Items[Result] )^ = #0 then Exit; {>>>>>>>>>>} end else begin if not Upper_initialized then Init_Upper; for Result := 0 to fCount - 1 do begin tmp := fList.Items[Result]; c := Upper[S[1]]; if (c = Upper[tmp^]) and (_AnsiCompareStrNoCaseA( PAnsiChar( S ), tmp ) = 0) then Exit; {>>>} end; end; Result := -1; end; function TStrList.IndexOfStrL_NoCase( Str: PAnsiChar; L: Integer ): integer; begin if L = 0 then Result := 0 else begin for Result := 0 to fCount - 1 do if (StrLen( PAnsiChar( fList. {$IFDEF TLIST_FAST} Items {$ELSE} fItems {$ENDIF}[ Result ] ) ) = DWORD( L )) and (StrLComp_NoCase( Str, PAnsiChar( fList.{$IFDEF TLIST_FAST} Items {$ELSE} fItems {$ENDIF}[ Result ] ), L ) = 0) then Exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} Result := -1; end; end; function CompareAnsiCase( const S1, S2: PAnsiChar ): Integer; begin Result := _AnsiCompareStrA( S1, S2 ); end; function CompareAnsiNoCase( const S1, S2: PAnsiChar ): Integer; begin Result := _AnsiCompareStrNoCaseA( S1, S2 ); end; function TStrList.Find(const S: AnsiString; var Index: Integer): Boolean; var L, H, C: Integer; begin Result := FALSE; Index := 0; L := 0; H := FCount - 1; if H < 0 then Exit; // === if FCount = 0 then Exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} if fAnsiSort then begin if fCaseSensitiveSort then fCompareStrListFun := CompareAnsiCase else fCompareStrListFun := CompareAnsiNoCase; end else begin if fCaseSensitiveSort then fCompareStrListFun := StrComp else fCompareStrListFun := StrComp_NoCase; end; C := 0; while L <= H do begin Index := (L + H) shr 1; C := fCompareStrListFun( PAnsiChar( fList.Items[ Index ] ), PAnsiChar( S ) ); if C < 0 then L := Index + 1 else begin H := Index - 1; if C = 0 then begin Result := TRUE; {Index := I;} Exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} end; end; end; if C < 0 then Index := -L; end; function TStrList.FindFirst(const S: AnsiString; var Index: Integer): Boolean; begin Result := Find( S, Index ); if Result then begin while (Index > 0) and (fCompareStrListFun( PAnsiChar( fList.Items[ Index-1 ] ), PAnsiChar( S )) = 0) do dec( Index ); end; end; {$IFDEF ASM_VERSION}{$ELSE PAS_VERSION} //Pascal procedure TStrList.Insert(Idx: integer; const S: Ansistring); var Mem: PAnsiChar; L: Integer; begin if fList = nil then fList := NewList; L := Length( S ) + 1; GetMem( Mem, L ); Mem[0] := #0; if L > 1 then System.Move( S[1], Mem[0], L ); fList.Insert( Idx, Mem ); Inc( fCount ); end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION} procedure TStrList.Move(CurIndex, NewIndex: integer); begin fList.MoveItem( CurIndex, NewIndex ); end; {$IFDEF ASM_VERSION}{$ELSE PAS_VERSION} //Pascal procedure TStrList.Put(Idx: integer; const Value: Ansistring); begin Delete( Idx ); Insert( Idx, Value ); end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION} {$IFDEF ASM_TLIST} procedure TStrList.SetText(const S: Ansistring; Append2List: boolean); asm DEC CL JZ @@1 PUSHAD CALL Clear POPAD @@1: CALL EDX2PChar JZ @@exit PUSH EBX PUSH EDI MOV EBX, EAX MOV EDI, [EBX].fTextSiz MOV EAX, [EDX-4] // EAX = Length(S) INC EAX PUSH EAX // add S to text buffer PUSH EDX PUSH [EBX].fTextBuf ADD EAX, [EBX].fTextSiz CALL System.@GetMem MOV [EBX].fTextBuf, EAX MOV ECX, EDI XCHG EDX, EAX POP EAX JECXZ @@atb_fin PUSH EAX CALL System.Move POP EDX PUSH EDX PUSH ESI MOV ESI, [EBX].fList MOV ESI, [ESI].TList.fItems MOV ECX, [EBX].fCount @@atb_loo: LODSD SUB EAX, EDX CMP EAX, [EBX].fTextSiz JAE @@atb_nxt ADD EAX, [EBX].fTextBuf MOV [ESI-4], EAX @@atb_nxt: LOOP @@atb_loo POP ESI POP EAX CALL System.@FreeMem @@atb_fin: POP EAX MOV EDX, EDI ADD EDX, [EBX].fTextBuf POP ECX PUSH ECX ADD [EBX].fTextSiz, ECX CALL System.Move @@eatb: ADD EDI, [EBX].fTextBuf // EDI ~ P MOV ECX, [EBX].fList INC ECX LOOP @@2 CALL NewList MOV [EBX].fList, EAX @@2: POP ECX MOV EDX, [EBX].fCount PUSH EDI PUSH ECX MOV AL, $0D @@loo1: CMP byte ptr [EDI], 0 JZ @@eloo1 INC EDX REPNZ SCASB JNZ @@eloo1 CMP byte ptr [EDI], $0A JNZ @@loo1 INC EDI LOOP @@loo1 @@eloo1: MOV [EBX].fCount, EDX MOV EAX, [EBX].fList {$IFNDEF TLIST_FAST} PUSH EDX PUSH EAX CMP EDX, [EAX].TList.fCapacity JLE @@3 CALL TList.SetCapacity @@3: POP EAX POP ECX {$ENDIF TLIST_FAST} XCHG ECX, [EAX].TList.fCount MOV EDX, [EAX].TList.fItems LEA EDX, [EDX+ECX*4] POP ECX POP EDI MOV EAX, $0D @@loo2: CMP byte ptr [EDI], AH JZ @@eloo2 MOV [EDX], EDI ADD EDX, 4 REPNZ SCASB JNZ @@eloo2 MOV [EDI-1], AH CMP byte ptr [EDI], $0A JNZ @@loo2 INC EDI LOOP @@loo2 @@eloo2: POP EDI POP EBX @@exit: end; {$ELSE PAS_VERSION} //Pascal procedure TStrList.SetText(const S: Ansistring; Append2List: Boolean); var P, TheLast : PAnsiChar; L, I : Integer; procedure AddTextBuf(Src: PAnsiChar; Len: DWORD); var OldTextBuf, P: PAnsiChar; I : Integer; begin if Src <> nil then begin OldTextBuf := fTextBuf; GetMem( fTextBuf, fTextSiz + Len ); if fTextSiz <> 0 then begin System.Move( OldTextBuf^, fTextBuf^, fTextSiz ); for I := 0 to fCount - 1 do begin P := fList.{$IFDEF TLIST_FAST} Items {$ELSE} fItems {$ENDIF}[ I ]; if (DWORD( P ) >= DWORD( OldTextBuf )) and (DWORD( P ) < DWORD( OldTextBuf ) + fTextSiz) then fList.{$IFDEF TLIST_FAST} Items {$ELSE} fItems {$ENDIF}[ I ] := Pointer( DWORD( P ) - DWORD( OldTextBuf ) + DWORD( fTextBuf ) ); end; FreeMem( OldTextBuf ); end; System.Move( Src^, fTextBuf[ fTextSiz ], Len ); Inc( fTextSiz, Len ); end; end; begin if not Append2List then Clear; if S = '' then Exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} L := fTextSiz; AddTextBuf( PAnsiChar( S ), Length( S ) + 1 ); P := PAnsiChar( DWORD( fTextBuf ) + DWORD( L ) ); if fList = nil then fList := NewList; I := 0; TheLast := P + Length( S ); while P^ <> #0 do begin Inc( I ); {$IFDEF WIN} P := StrScanLen( P, #13, TheLast - P ); if P^ = #10 then Inc( P ); {$ELSE LIN} P := StrScanLen( P, #10, TheLast - P ); {$ENDIF} end; Inc( fCount, I ); {$IFNDEF TLIST_FAST} if fList.fCapacity < fCount then fList.Capacity := fCount; {$ENDIF} P := PAnsiChar( DWORD( fTextBuf ) + DWORD( L ) ); while P^ <> #0 do begin fList.Add( P ); {$IFDEF WIN} P := StrScanLen( P, #13, TheLast - P ); if PAnsiChar( P - 1 )^ = #13 then PAnsiChar( P - 1 )^ := #0; if P^ = #10 then Inc(P); {$ELSE LIN} P := StrScanLen( P, #10, TheLast - P ); {$ENDIF} end; end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION} procedure TStrList.SetUnixText(const S: AnsiString; Append2List: Boolean); var S1: AnsiString; begin S1 := S; NormalizeUnixText( S1 ); SetText( S1, Append2List ); end; procedure TStrList.SetTextStr(const Value: Ansistring); begin SetText( Value, False ); end; {$IFDEF ASM_TLIST} function CompareStrListItems_NoCase( const Sender : Pointer; const e1, e2 : DWORD ) : Integer; asm MOV EAX, [EAX].TStrList.fList MOV EAX, [EAX].TList.fItems MOV EDX, [EAX+EDX*4] MOV EAX, [EAX+ECX*4] XCHG EAX, EDX JMP StrComp_NoCase end; {$ELSE PAS_VERSION} //Pascal function CompareStrListItems_NoCase( const Sender : Pointer; const e1, e2 : DWORD ) : Integer; var S1, S2 : PAnsiChar; begin S1 := PStrList( Sender ).fList.Items[ e1 ]; S2 := PStrList( Sender ).fList.Items[ e2 ]; Result := StrComp_NoCase( S1, S2 ); end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION} {$IFDEF ASM_TLIST} function CompareStrListItems_Case( const Sender : Pointer; const e1, e2 : DWORD ) : Integer; asm MOV EAX, [EAX].TStrList.fList MOV EAX, [EAX].TList.fItems MOV EDX, [EAX+EDX*4] MOV EAX, [EAX+ECX*4] XCHG EAX, EDX JMP StrComp end; {$ELSE PAS_VERSION} //Pascal function CompareStrListItems_Case( const Sender : Pointer; const e1, e2 : DWORD ) : Integer; var S1, S2 : PAnsiChar; begin S1 := PStrList( Sender ).fList.Items[ e1 ]; S2 := PStrList( Sender ).fList.Items[ e2 ]; Result := StrComp( S1, S2 ); end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION} {$IFDEF ASM_TLIST} function CompareAnsiStrListItems( const Sender : Pointer; const e1, e2 : DWORD ) : Integer; asm MOV EAX, [EAX].TStrList.fList MOV EAX, [EAX].TList.fItems MOV EDX, [EAX+EDX*4] MOV EAX, [EAX+ECX*4] XCHG EAX, EDX JMP _AnsiCompareStrNoCase end; {$ELSE PAS_VERSION} //Pascal function CompareAnsiStrListItems( const Sender : Pointer; const e1, e2 : DWORD ) : Integer; var S1, S2 : PAnsiChar; begin S1 := PStrList( Sender ).fList.Items[ e1 ]; S2 := PStrList( Sender ).fList.Items[ e2 ]; Result := _AnsiCompareStrNoCaseA( S1, S2 ); end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION} {$IFDEF ASM_TLIST} function CompareAnsiStrListItems_Case( const Sender : Pointer; const e1, e2 : DWORD ) : Integer; asm MOV EAX, [EAX].TStrList.fList MOV EAX, [EAX].TList.fItems MOV EDX, [EAX+EDX*4] MOV EAX, [EAX+ECX*4] XCHG EAX, EDX JMP _AnsiCompareStr end; {$ELSE PAS_VERSION} //Pascal function CompareAnsiStrListItems_Case( const Sender : Pointer; const e1, e2 : DWORD ) : Integer; var S1, S2 : PAnsiChar; begin S1 := PStrList( Sender ).fList.Items[ e1 ]; S2 := PStrList( Sender ).fList.Items[ e2 ]; Result := _AnsiCompareStrA( S1, S2 ) end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION} {$IFDEF ASM_VERSION}{$ELSE PAS_VERSION} //Pascal procedure TStrList.Sort(CaseSensitive: Boolean); begin fCaseSensitiveSort := CaseSensitive; fAnsiSort := FALSE; {$IFDEF SPEED_FASTER} {$DEFINE SORT_STRLIST_ARRAY} {$ENDIF} {$IFDEF TLIST_FAST} {$UNDEF SORT_STRLIST_ARRAY} {$ENDIF} {$IFDEF _D2} {$UNDEF SORT_STRLIST_ARRAY} {$ENDIF} {$IFDEF SORT_STRLIST_ARRAY} if Count > 1 then if CaseSensitive then SortArray( fList.fItems, fCount, @StrComp ) else SortArray( fList.fItems, fCount, @StrComp_NoCase ); {$ELSE} if CaseSensitive then SortData( @Self, fCount, @CompareStrListItems_Case, @TStrList.Swap ) else SortData( @Self, fCount, @CompareStrListItems_NoCase, @TStrList.Swap ) {$ENDIF} end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION} {$IFDEF noASM_VERSION} procedure TStrList.AnsiSort(CaseSensitive: Boolean); asm MOV [EAX].fCaseSensitiveSort, DL MOV [EAX].fAnsiSort, 1 {$IFDEF SORT_STRLIST_ARRAY} MOV ECX, Offset[_AnsiCompareStrA] CMP DL, 0 JNZ @@01 MOV ECX, [_AnsiCompareStrNoCaseA] @@01: MOV EAX, [EAX].fList MOV EDX, [EAX].TList.fCount CMP EDX, 1 JLE @@02 MOV EAX, [EAX].TList.fItems CALL SortArray @@02: {$ELSE} PUSH Offset[TStrList.Swap] MOV ECX, Offset[CompareAnsiStrListItems] CMP DL, 0 JNZ @1 MOV ECX, Offset[CompareAnsiStrListItems_Case] @1: MOV EDX, [EAX].fCount CALL SortData {$ENDIF} end; {$ELSE PAS_VERSION} //Pascal procedure TStrList.AnsiSort(CaseSensitive: Boolean); begin fCaseSensitiveSort := CaseSensitive; fAnsiSort := TRUE; {$IFDEF SPEED_FASTER} {$DEFINE SORT_STRLIST_ARRAY} {$ENDIF} {$IFDEF TLIST_FAST} {$UNDEF SORT_STRLIST_ARRAY} {$ENDIF} {$IFDEF _D2} {$UNDEF SORT_STRLIST_ARRAY} {$ENDIF} if Count > 1 then begin {$IFDEF SPEED_FASTER} if CaseSensitive then // to prepare !!! _AnsiCompareStrA( ItemPtrs[0], ItemPtrs[1] ) else _AnsiCompareStrNoCaseA( ItemPtrs[0], ItemPtrs[1] ); {$ENDIF} {$IFDEF SORT_STRLIST_ARRAY} if CaseSensitive then SortArray( fList.fItems, fCount, @_AnsiCompareStrA ) else SortArray( fList.fItems, fCount, @_AnsiCompareStrNoCaseA ); {$ELSE} if CaseSensitive then SortData( @Self, fCount, @CompareAnsiStrListItems_Case, @TStrList.Swap ) else SortData( @Self, fCount, @CompareAnsiStrListItems, @TStrList.Swap ); {$ENDIF} end; end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION} procedure TStrList.SortEx(const CompareFun: TCompareEvent); begin SortData( @Self, Count, CompareFun, @TStrList.Swap ); end; procedure TStrList.Swap(Idx1, Idx2: Integer); begin fList.Swap( Idx1, Idx2 ); end; function TStrList.Last: AnsiString; begin if Count = 0 then Result := '' else Result := Items[ Count - 1 ]; end; //-- code by Dod: function TStrList.IndexOfName(AName: Ansistring): Integer; var i: Integer; L: Integer; begin Result:=-1; // Do not start search if empty string L := Length( AName ); if L > 0 then begin AName := LowerCase( AName ) + fNameDelim; Inc( L ); for i := 0 to fCount - 1 do begin // For optimization, check only list entry that begin with same letter as searched name if StrLComp( PAnsiChar( LowerCase( ItemPtrs[ i ] ) ), PAnsiChar( AName ), L ) = 0 then begin Result:=i; exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} end; end; end; end; function TStrList.IndexOfName_NoCase(AName: Ansistring): Integer; var i: Integer; L: Integer; s, p: PAnsiChar; begin Result:=-1; L := Length( AName ); if L > 0 then begin s := PAnsiChar( AName ); for i := 0 to fCount - 1 do begin if StrLComp_NoCase( ItemPtrs[ i ], s, L ) = 0 then begin p := ItemPtrs[ i ]; inc( p, L ); while (p^ <> #0) and (p^ <= ' ') do inc( p ); if p^ = fNameDelim then begin Result := i; exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} end; end; end; end; end; //-- code by Dod: function TStrList.GetValue(const AName: Ansistring): Ansistring; var i: Integer; begin I := IndexOfName(AName); if I >= 0 then Result := Copy(Items[i], Length(AName) + 2, Length(Items[i])-Length(AName)-1) else Result := ''; end; //-- code by Dod: procedure TStrList.SetValue(const AName, Value: Ansistring); var I: Integer; begin I := IndexOfName(AName); if i=-1 then Add( AName + fNameDelim + Value ) else Items[i] := AName + fNameDelim + Value; end; function TStrList.GetLineName(Idx: Integer): AnsiString; var s: AnsiString; Q: PAnsiChar; begin s := ItemPtrs[ Idx ]; Q := StrScan( PAnsiChar(s), fNameDelim ); if Assigned(Q) {by Dufa} then Q^ := #0; Result := PAnsiChar(s); end; procedure TStrList.SetLineName(Idx: Integer; const NV: AnsiString); begin Items[ Idx ] := NV + fNameDelim + LineValue[ Idx ]; end; function TStrList.GetLineValue(Idx: Integer): AnsiString; var Q: PAnsiChar; begin Q := ItemPtrs[ Idx ]; Q := StrScan( Q, fNameDelim ); if Q <> nil then inc( Q ); Result := Q; end; procedure TStrList.SetLineValue(Idx: Integer; const Value: Ansistring); begin Items[ Idx ] := LineName[ Idx ] + fNameDelim + Value; end; function TStrList.Join( const sep: AnsiString ): AnsiString; var I, Len, Size: integer; P: PAnsiChar; begin Size := 0; for I := 0 to Count - 1 do Inc(Size, Integer( StrLen( ItemPtrs[I] ) ) + Length(Sep)); SetString(Result, nil, Size); P := @ Result[ 1 ]; for I := 0 to Count - 1 do begin Len := StrLen( ItemPtrs[I] ); if (Len > 0) then begin System.Move( ItemPtrs[I]^, P^, Len); Inc(P, Len); end; P := StrPCopy(P, Sep); inc( P, Length( Sep ) ); // + by Korneev Ivan end; end; {$IFDEF WIN_GDI} {$IFDEF ASM_UNICODE}{$ELSE PAS_VERSION} //Pascal function TStrList.AppendToFile(const FileName: KOLString): Boolean; var F: HFile; Buf: AnsiString; L: Integer; begin F := FileCreate( FileName, ofOpenWrite or ofOpenAlways ); Result := F <> INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; if Result then begin FileSeek( F, 0, spEnd ); Buf := Text; L := Length( Buf ); FileWrite( F, Buf[ 1 ], L ); FileClose( F ); end; end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION} {$IFDEF ASM_UNICODE}{$ELSE PAS_VERSION} //Pascal function TStrList.LoadFromFile(const FileName: KOLString): Boolean; var Buf: AnsiString; F: HFile; Sz: Integer; begin F := FileCreate( FileName, ofOpenRead or ofShareDenyWrite or ofOpenExisting ); Result := F <> INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; if Result then begin Sz := GetFileSize( F, nil ); SetString( Buf, nil, Sz ); FileRead( F, Buf[1], Sz ); FileClose( F ); SetText( Buf, False ); end; end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION} {$IFDEF ASM_STREAM} procedure TStrList.LoadFromStream(Stream: PStream; Append2List: boolean); asm PUSH EAX PUSH ECX PUSH EBX XCHG EAX, EDX MOV EBX, EAX CALL TStream.GetSize PUSH EAX MOV EAX, EBX CALL TStream.GetPosition POP ECX SUB ECX, EAX XOR EDX, EDX PUSH EDX MOV EAX, ESP PUSH ECX {$IFDEF _D2} CALL _LStrFromPCharLen {$ELSE} {$IFDEF _D2009orHigher} push 0 {$ENDIF} CALL System.@LStrFromPCharLen {$ENDIF} POP ECX POP EDX XCHG EAX, EBX PUSH EDX CALL TStream.Read POP EDX POP EBX POP ECX POP EAX PUSH EDX CALL SetText CALL RemoveStr end; {$ELSE PAS_VERSION} //Pascal procedure TStrList.LoadFromStream(Stream: PStream; Append2List: Boolean); var Buf: AnsiString; Sz: Integer; begin Sz := Stream.Size - Stream.Position; SetString( Buf, nil, Sz ); Stream.Read( Buf[1], Sz ); SetText( Buf, Append2List ); end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION} {$IFDEF ASM_VERSION}{$ELSE PAS_VERSION} //Pascal procedure TStrList.MergeFromFile(const FileName: KOLString); var TmpStream: PStream; begin TmpStream := NewReadFileStream( FileName ); LoadFromStream( TmpStream, True ); TmpStream.Free; end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION} {$IFDEF ASM_UNICODE}{$ELSE PAS_VERSION} //Pascal function TStrList.SaveToFile(const FileName: KOLString): Boolean; var F: HFile; Buf: AnsiString; begin F := FileCreate( FileName, ofOpenWrite or ofCreateAlways ); Result := F <> INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; if Result then begin Buf := Text; FileWrite( F, Buf[ 1 ], Length( Buf ) ); SetEndOfFile( F ); // necessary! - V.K. FileClose( F ); end; end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION} {$IFDEF ASM_VERSION}{$ELSE PAS_VERSION} //Pascal procedure TStrList.SaveToStream(Stream: PStream); var S: Ansistring; L: Integer; begin S := GetTextStr; L := Length( S ); if L <> 0 then Stream.Write( S[1], L ); end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION} procedure TStrList.OptimizeForRead; begin {$IFDEF TLIST_FAST} if fList <> nil then fList.OptimizeForRead; {$ENDIF} end; {$ENDIF WIN_GDI} ////////////////////////////////// EXTENDED STRING LIST OBJECT //////////////// {$IFDEF PAS_ONLY} procedure WStrCopy( Dest, Src: PWideChar ); begin while Src^ <> #0 do begin Dest^ := Src^; inc(Src); inc(Dest); end; end; {$ELSE} procedure WStrCopy( Dest, Src: PWideChar ); asm PUSH EDI PUSH ESI MOV ESI,EAX MOV EDI,EDX OR ECX, -1 XOR EAX, EAX REPNE SCASW NOT ECX MOV EDI,ESI MOV ESI,EDX REP MOVSW POP ESI POP EDI end; {$ENDIF} procedure WStrLCopy( Dest, Src: PWideChar; MaxLen: Integer ); begin while MaxLen > 0 do begin Dest^ := Src^; if Src^ = #0 then break; inc( Dest ); inc( Src ); dec( MaxLen ); if MaxLen = 0 then Dest^ := Src^; end; end; {$IFDEF PAS_ONLY} function WStrCmp( W1, W2: PWideChar ): Integer; begin while (W1^ <> #0) and (w2^ <> #0) do begin Result := Integer(Ord(w1^)) - Integer(Ord(w2^)); if Result <> 0 then Exit; inc(w1); inc(w2); end; Result := 0; end; {$ELSE} function WStrCmp( W1, W2: PWideChar ): Integer; asm PUSH ESI PUSH EDI XCHG ESI, EAX MOV EDI, EDX XOR EAX, EAX @@loop: LODSW MOVZX EDX, word ptr [EDI] INC EDI INC EDI CMP EAX, EDX JNE @@exit TEST EAX, EAX JNZ @@loop @@exit: SUB EAX, EDX POP EDI POP ESI end; {$ENDIF} {$IFDEF _D3orHigher} function WStrCmp_NoCase( W1, W2: PWideChar ): Integer; begin Result := 0; while (WUpperCase( '' + W1^ ) = WUpperCase( '' + W2^ )) do begin if W1^ = #0 then Exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} inc( W1 ); inc( W2 ); end; Result := Integer(W1^) - Integer(W2^); end; {$ENDIF} { TStrListEx } function NewStrListEx: PStrListEx; begin new( Result, Create ); {$IFDEF DEBUG_OBJKIND} Result.fObjKind := 'TStrListEx'; {$ENDIF} end; destructor TStrListEx.Destroy; var Obj: PList; begin Obj := FObjects; inherited; Obj.Free; end; function TStrListEx.GetObjects(Idx: Integer): DWORD; begin Result := 0; if FObjects.fCount > Idx then Result := DWORD( FObjects.Items[ Idx ] ); end; function TStrListEx.GetObjectCount: Integer; begin Result := FObjects.Count; end; procedure TStrListEx.SetObjects(Idx: Integer; const Value: DWORD); begin ProvideObjCapacity( Idx + 1 ); FObjects.Items[ Idx ] := Pointer( Value ); end; procedure TStrListEx.Init; begin inherited; FObjects := NewList; end; procedure SwapStrListExItems( const Sender: Pointer; const e1, e2: DWORD ); begin PStrListEx( Sender ).Swap( e1, e2 ); end; procedure TStrListEx.AnsiSort(CaseSensitive: Boolean); begin fCaseSensitiveSort := CaseSensitive; fAnsiSort := TRUE; if CaseSensitive then SortData( @Self, fCount, @CompareAnsiStrListItems_Case, @SwapStrListExItems ) else SortData( @Self, fCount, @CompareAnsiStrListItems, @SwapStrListExItems ) end; procedure TStrListEx.Sort(CaseSensitive: Boolean); begin fCaseSensitiveSort := CaseSensitive; fAnsiSort := FALSE; if CaseSensitive then SortData( @Self, fCount, @CompareStrListItems_Case, @SwapStrListExItems ) else SortData( @Self, fCount, @CompareStrListItems_NoCase, @SwapStrListExItems ); end; procedure TStrListEx.Move(CurIndex, NewIndex: integer); begin // move string fList.MoveItem( CurIndex, NewIndex ); // move object if FObjects.fCount >= Min( CurIndex, NewIndex ) then begin ProvideObjCapacity( max( CurIndex, NewIndex ) + 1 ); FObjects.MoveItem( CurIndex, NewIndex ); end; end; procedure TStrListEx.Swap(Idx1, Idx2: Integer); begin // swap strings fList.Swap( Idx1, Idx2 ); // swap objects if FObjects.fCount >= Min( Idx1, Idx2 ) then begin ProvideObjCapacity( max( Idx1, Idx2 ) + 1 ); FObjects.Swap( Idx1, Idx2 ); end; end; procedure TStrListEx.ProvideObjCapacity(NewCap: Integer); begin if FObjects.FCount < NewCap then begin {$IFDEF TLIST_FAST} while FObjects.FCount < NewCap do FObjects.Add( nil ); {$ELSE} FObjects.Capacity := NewCap; ZeroMemory( @FObjects.{$IFDEF TLIST_FAST} Items {$ELSE} FItems {$ENDIF}[ FObjects.FCount ], (FObjects.Capacity - FObjects.Count) * sizeof( Pointer ) ); FObjects.FCount := NewCap; {$ENDIF} end; end; procedure TStrListEx.AddStrings(Strings: PStrListEx); var I: Integer; begin I := Count; if Strings.FObjects.fCount > 0 then ProvideObjCapacity( I ); inherited AddStrings( Strings ); if Strings.FObjects.fCount > 0 then begin {$IFDEF TLIST_FAST} for I := 0 to Strings.FObjects.fCount-1 do FObjects.Add( Strings.FObjects.Items[ I ] ); {$ELSE} ProvideObjCapacity( I + Strings.FObjects.fCount ); System.Move( Strings.FObjects.fItems[ 0 ], FObjects.FItems[ I ], Sizeof( Pointer ) * Strings.FObjects.fCount ); {$ENDIF} end; end; procedure TStrListEx.Assign(Strings: PStrListEx); begin inherited Assign( Strings ); FObjects.Assign( Strings.FObjects ); end; procedure TStrListEx.Clear; begin inherited; FObjects.Clear; end; procedure TStrListEx.Delete(Idx: integer); begin inherited; if FObjects.fCount > Idx then // mdw: '>=' -> '>' FObjects.Delete( Idx ); end; procedure TStrListEx.DeleteLast; var C: Integer; begin C := fCount; if C <= 0 then Exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} inherited; if FObjects.fCount >= C then FObjects.Delete( C ); end; function TStrListEx.LastObj: DWORD; begin if Count = 0 then Result := 0 else Result := Objects[ Count - 1 ]; end; function TStrListEx.AddObject(const S: AnsiString; Obj: DWORD): Integer; begin Result := Count; InsertObject( Count, S, Obj ); end; procedure TStrListEx.InsertObject(Before: Integer; const S: AnsiString; Obj: DWORD); begin Insert( Before, S ); ProvideObjCapacity( Before ); FObjects.Insert( Before, Pointer( Obj ) ); end; function TStrListEx.IndexOfObj( Obj: Pointer ): Integer; begin Result := FObjects.IndexOf( Obj ); end; function WStrLen( W: PWideChar ): Integer; asm XCHG EDI, EAX XCHG EDX, EAX OR ECX, -1 XOR EAX, EAX CMP EAX, EDI JE @@exit0 REPNE SCASW DEC EAX DEC EAX SUB EAX, ECX @@exit0: MOV EDI, EDX end; procedure TStrListEx.OptimizeForRead; begin {$IFDEF TLIST_FAST} if fList <> nil then fList.OptimizeForRead; if FObjects <> nil then FObjects.OptimizeForRead; {$ENDIF} end; {$IFDEF _D3orHigher} function UTF8_2KOLWideString( const s: AnsiString ): KOLWideString; var Buffer: PWideChar; L: Integer; begin L := Length( s ) + 1; GetMem( Buffer, L * 2 ); MultiByteToWideChar( CP_UTF8, 0, PAnsiChar( s ), L-1, Buffer, L ); Result := Buffer; FreeMem( Buffer ); end; {$ENDIF _D3orHigher} {------------------------------------------------------------------------------) | | | T W S t r L i s t | | | (------------------------------------------------------------------------------} {$IFDEF WIN_GDI} {$IFNDEF _D2} function NewWStrList: PWStrList; begin new( Result, Create ); {$IFDEF DEBUG_OBJKIND} Result.fObjKind := 'TWStrList'; {$ENDIF} end; { TWStrList } function TWStrList.Add(const W: KOLWideString): Integer; begin Result := Count; Insert( Result, W ); end; procedure TWStrList.AddWStrings(WL: PWStrList); begin Text := Text + WL.Text; end; function TWStrList.AppendToFile(const Filename: KOLString): Boolean; var Strm: PStream; begin Strm := NewReadWriteFileStream( Filename ); Result := Strm.Handle <> INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; if Result then begin Strm.Position := Strm.Size; SaveToStream( Strm ); end; Strm.Free; end; procedure TWStrList.Assign(WL: PWStrList); begin Text := WL.Text; end; procedure TWStrList.Clear; var I: Integer; P: Pointer; begin for I := 0 to Count-1 do begin P := fList.Items[ I ]; if P <> nil then if not( (P >= fText) and (P <= fText + fTextBufSz) ) then FreeMem( P ); end; if fText <> nil then FreeMem( fText ); fText := nil; fTextBufSz := 0; fList.Clear; end; procedure TWStrList.Delete(Idx: Integer); var P: Pointer; begin P := fList.Items[ Idx ]; if P <> nil then if not( (P >= fText) and (P <= fText + fTextBufSz) ) then FreeMem( P ); fList.Delete( Idx ); end; destructor TWStrList.Destroy; begin Clear; fList.Free; inherited; end; function TWStrList.GetCount: Integer; begin Result := fList.Count; end; function TWStrList.GetItems(Idx: Integer): KOLWideString; begin Result := PWideChar( fList.Items[ Idx ] ); end; function TWStrList.GetPtrs(Idx: Integer): PWideChar; begin Result := fList.Items[ Idx ]; end; function TWStrList.GetText: KOLWideString; const EoL: Array[ 0..5 ] of AnsiChar = ( #13, #0, #10, #0, #0, #0 ); // KOL_ANSI var L, I: Integer; P, Dest: Pointer; begin L := 0; for I := 0 to Count-1 do begin P := fList.Items[ I ]; if P <> nil then L := L + WStrLen( P ) + 2 else L := L + 2; end; SetLength( Result, L ); Dest := PWideChar( Result ); for I := 0 to Count-1 do begin P := fList.Items[ I ]; if P <> nil then begin WStrCopy( Dest, P ); Dest := Pointer( Integer( Dest ) + WStrLen( P ) * 2 ); end; WStrCopy( Dest, Pointer( @ EoL[ 0 ] ) ); Dest := Pointer( Integer( Dest ) + 4 ); end; end; procedure TWStrList.Init; begin fList := NewList; fNameDelim := WideChar( DefaultNameDelimiter ); end; procedure TWStrList.Insert(Idx: Integer; const W: KOLWideString); var P: Pointer; begin while Idx > Count do // by Misha Shar. a.k.a. kreit fList.Add( nil ); GetMem( P, (Length( W ) + 1) * Sizeof(WideChar) ); fList.Insert( Idx, P ); WStrCopy( P, PWideChar( W ) ); end; function TWStrList.LoadFromFile(const Filename: KOLString): Boolean; begin Clear; Result := MergeFromFile( Filename ); end; procedure TWStrList.LoadFromStream(Strm: PStream; AppendToList: Boolean); begin if not AppendToList then Clear; MergeFromStream( Strm ); end; const BOM : WideChar = #$FEFF; function TWStrList.MergeFromFile(const Filename: KOLString): Boolean; var Strm: PStream; DBOM: WideChar; begin Strm := NewReadFileStream( Filename ); Result := Strm.Handle <> INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; if Result then begin Strm.Read(DBOM, SizeOf(DBOM)); if DBOM<>BOM then Strm.Position := 0; MergeFromStream( Strm ); end; Strm.Free; end; procedure TWStrList.MergeFromStream(Strm: PStream); var Buf: KOLWideString; L: Integer; begin L := Strm.Size - Strm.Position; {$IFDEF KOL_ASSERTIONS} Assert( L mod 1 = 0, 'Wide strings streams must be of even length in bytes.' ); {$ENDIF KOL_ASSERTIONS} if L = 0 then Exit; SetLength( Buf, L div 2 ); Strm.Read( Buf[ 1 ], L ); Text := Text + Buf; end; procedure TWStrList.Move(IdxOld, IdxNew: Integer); begin fList.MoveItem( IdxOld, IdxNew ); end; procedure TWStrList.Put(Idx: integer; const Value: KOLWideString); begin Delete( Idx ); Insert( Idx, Value ); end; function TWStrList.SaveToFile(const Filename: KOLString): Boolean; var Strm: PStream; DBOM: WideChar; begin Strm := NewWriteFileStream( Filename ); Result := Strm.Handle <> INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; if Result then begin DBOM := BOM; Strm.Write(DBOM, SizeOf(DBOM)); SaveToStream( Strm ); end; Strm.Free; end; procedure TWStrList.SaveToStream(Strm: PStream); var Buf, Dest: PWideChar; I, L, Sz: Integer; P: Pointer; begin Sz := 0; for I := 0 to Count-1 do begin P := fList.Items[ I ]; if P <> nil then Sz := Sz + WStrLen( P ) * 2 + 4 else Sz := Sz + 4; end; GetMem( Buf, Sz ); Dest := Buf; for I := 0 to Count-1 do begin P := fList.Items[ I ]; if P <> nil then begin L := WStrLen( P ); System.Move( P^, Dest^, L * 2 ); Inc( Dest, L ); end; Dest^ := #13; Inc( Dest ); Dest^ := #10; Inc( Dest ); end; Strm.Write( Buf^, Sz ); FreeMem( Buf ); end; procedure TWStrList.SetItems(Idx: Integer; const Value: KOLWideString); var P: Pointer; begin while Idx > Count-1 do fList.Add( nil ); if WStrLen( ItemPtrs[ Idx ] ) > Length( Value ) then // fixed by kreit WStrCopy( ItemPtrs[ Idx ], PWideChar( Value ) ) else begin P := fList.Items[ Idx ]; if P <> nil then if not ((P >= fText) and (P <= fText + fTextBufSz)) then FreeMem( P ); GetMem( P, (Length( Value ) + 1) * Sizeof(WideChar) ); fList.Items[ Idx ] := P; WStrCopy( P, PWideChar( Value ) ); end; end; procedure TWStrList.SetText(const Value: KOLWideString); var L, N: Integer; P: PWideChar; begin Clear; if Value = '' then Exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} L := (Length( Value ) + 1) * Sizeof( WideChar ); GetMem( fText, L ); System.Move( Value[ 1 ], fText^, L ); fTextBufSz := Length( Value ); fText[ fTextBufSz ] := #0; N := 0; P := fText; while Word( P^ ) <> 0 do begin if (Word( P^ ) = 13) then begin Inc( N ); PWord( P )^ := 0; if Word( P[ 1 ] ) = 10 then begin Inc( P ); //PWord( P )^ := 0; end; end else if (Word( P^ ) = 10) and ((P = fText) or (Word( P[ -1 ] ) <> 0)) then begin Inc( N ); PWord( P )^ := 0; end; Inc( P ); end; fList.Capacity := N; P := fText; while P < fText + fTextBufSz do begin fList.Add( P ); while Word( P^ ) <> 0 do Inc( P ); Inc( P ); if Word( P^ ) = 10 then Inc( P ); end; end; function CompareWStrListItems( const Sender: Pointer; const Idx1, Idx2: DWORD ): Integer; var WL: PWStrList; begin WL := Sender; Result := WStrCmp( WL.fList.Items[ Idx1 ], WL.fList.Items[ Idx2 ] ); end; function CompareWStrListItems_UpperCase( const Sender: Pointer; const Idx1, Idx2: DWORD ): Integer; var WL: PWStrList; L1, L2, tL1, tL2: Integer; begin WL := Sender; L1 := WStrLen( WL.fList.Items[ Idx1 ] ); L2 := WStrLen( WL.fList.Items[ Idx2 ] ); tL1 := Length( WL.fTmp1 ); if tL1 <= L1 then SetLength( WL.fTmp1, L1 + 1 ); tL2 := Length( WL.fTmp2 ); if tL2 <= L2 then SetLength( WL.fTmp2, L2 + 1 ); if L1 > 0 then Move( WL.fList.Items[ Idx1 ]^, WL.fTmp1[ 1 ], (L1 + 1) * 2 ) else WL.fTmp1[ 1 ] := #0; if L2 > 0 then Move( WL.fList.Items[ Idx2 ]^, WL.fTmp2[ 1 ], (L2 + 1) * 2 ) else WL.fTmp2[ 1 ] := #0; CharUpperBuffW( PWideChar( WL.fTmp1 ), L1 ); CharUpperBuffW( PWideChar( WL.fTmp2 ), L2 ); Result := WStrCmp( PWideChar( WL.fTmp1 ), PWideChar( WL.fTmp2 ) ); end; procedure SwapWStrListItems( const Sender: Pointer; const Idx1, Idx2: DWORD ); var WL: PWStrList; begin WL := Sender; WL.Swap( Idx1, Idx2 ); end; procedure TWStrList.Sort( CaseSensitive: Boolean ); begin if CaseSensitive then SortData( @ Self, Count, @CompareWStrListItems, @SwapWStrListItems ) else begin SortData( @ Self, Count, @CompareWStrListItems_UpperCase, @SwapWStrListItems ); fTmp1 := ''; fTmp2 := ''; end; end; procedure TWStrList.Swap(Idx1, Idx2: Integer); begin fList.Swap( Idx1, Idx2 ); end; function TWStrList.IndexOf( const s: KOLWideString ): Integer; var i: Integer; p: PWideChar; begin if s = '' then begin for i := 0 to fList.fCount-1 do begin p := ItemPtrs[ i ]; if (p = nil) or (p^ = #0) then begin Result := i; Exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} end; end; end else begin for i := 0 to Count-1 do begin p := ItemPtrs[ i ]; if (p <> nil) and (WStrCmp( PWideChar( s ), p ) = 0) then begin Result := i; Exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} end; end; end; Result := -1; end; function TWStrList.IndexOf_NoCase( const s: KOLWideString ): Integer; var i: Integer; p: PWideChar; begin if s = '' then begin for i := 0 to fList.fCount-1 do begin p := ItemPtrs[ i ]; if (p = nil) or (p^ = #0) then begin Result := i; Exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} end; end; end else begin for i := 0 to Count-1 do begin p := ItemPtrs[ i ]; if (p <> nil) and (WStrCmp_NoCase( PWideChar( s ), p ) = 0) then begin Result := i; Exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} end; end; end; Result := -1; end; function TWStrList.Last: KOLWideString; begin if Count <= 0 then Result := '' else Result := Items[ Count-1 ]; end; function NewWStrListEx: PWStrListEx; begin new( Result, Create ); {$IFDEF DEBUG_OBJKIND} Result.fObjKind := 'TWStrListEx'; {$ENDIF} end; function TWStrList.GetLineName(Idx: Integer): KOLWideString; var s: KOLWideString; Q: PWideChar; begin s := ItemPtrs[ Idx ]; Q := WStrScan( PWideChar(s), fNameDelim ); Q^ := #0; Result := PWideChar(s); end; function TWStrList.GetLineValue(Idx: Integer): KOLWideString; var Q: PWideChar; begin Q := ItemPtrs[ Idx ]; Q := WStrScan( Q, fNameDelim ); if Q <> nil then inc( Q ); Result := Q; end; procedure TWStrList.SetLineName(Idx: Integer; const NV: KOLWideString); var del: KOLWideString; begin del := fNameDelim; Items[ Idx ] := NV + del + LineValue[ Idx ]; end; procedure TWStrList.SetLineValue(Idx: Integer; const Value: KOLWideString); var del: KOLWideString; begin del := fNameDelim; Items[ Idx ] := LineName[ Idx ] + del + Value; end; procedure TWStrList.OptimizeForRead; begin {$IFDEF TLIST_FAST} if fList <> nil then fList.OptimizeForRead; {$ENDIF} end; function TWStrList.IndexOfName(AName: KOLWideString): Integer; var i: Integer; L: Integer; fCount: integer; begin Result:=-1; L := Length( AName ); if L > 0 then begin AName := WLowerCase( AName ) + fNameDelim; Inc( L ); fCount := GetCount - 1; for i := 0 to fCount do begin if _WStrLComp( PWideChar( WLowerCase( ItemPtrs[ i ] ) ), PWideChar( AName ), L ) = 0 then begin Result:=i; exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} end; end; end; end; procedure TWStrList.SetValue(const AName, Value: KOLWideString); var I: Integer; begin I := IndexOfName(AName); if i=-1 then Add( AName + fNameDelim + Value ) else Items[i] := AName + fNameDelim + Value; end; function TWStrList.GetValue(const AName: KOLWideString): KOLWideString; var i: Integer; begin I := IndexOfName(AName); if I >= 0 then Result := Copy(Items[i], Length(AName) + 2, Length(Items[i])-Length(AName)-1) else Result := ''; end; { TWStrListEx } function TWStrListEx.AddObject(const S: KOLWideString; Obj: DWORD): Integer; begin Result := Count; InsertObject( Count, S, Obj ); end; procedure TWStrListEx.AddWStrings(WL: PWStrListEx); var I: Integer; begin {$IFDEF TLIST_FAST} {$ELSE} I := Count; {$ENDIF} if WL.FObjects.Count > 0 then ProvideObjectsCapacity( Count ); inherited AddWStrings( WL ); if WL.FObjects.Count > 0 then begin {$IFDEF TLIST_FAST} for I := 0 to WL.FObjects.Count-1 do FObjects.Add( WL.fObjects.Items[ I ] ); {$ELSE} ProvideObjectsCapacity( I + WL.FObjects.Count ); System.Move( WL.FObjects.FItems[ 0 ], FObjects.FItems[ I ], Sizeof( Pointer ) * WL.FObjects.Count ); {$ENDIF} end; end; procedure TWStrListEx.Assign(WL: PWStrListEx); begin inherited Assign( WL ); FObjects.Assign( WL.FObjects ); end; procedure TWStrListEx.Clear; begin inherited Clear; FObjects.Clear; end; procedure TWStrListEx.Delete(Idx: Integer); begin inherited Delete( Idx ); if FObjects.FCount >= Idx then FObjects.Delete( Idx ); end; destructor TWStrListEx.Destroy; begin fObjects.Free; inherited; end; function TWStrListEx.GetObjects(Idx: Integer): DWORD; begin Result := DWORD( fObjects.Items[ Idx ] ); end; function TWStrListEx.IndexOfObj(Obj: Pointer): Integer; begin Result := FObjects.IndexOf( Obj ); end; procedure TWStrListEx.Init; begin inherited; fObjects := NewList; end; procedure TWStrListEx.InsertObject(Before: Integer; const S: KOLWideString; Obj: DWORD); begin Insert( Before, S ); FObjects.Insert( Before, Pointer( Obj ) ); end; procedure TWStrListEx.Move(IdxOld, IdxNew: Integer); begin fList.MoveItem( IdxOld, IdxNew ); if FObjects.FCount >= Min( IdxOld, IdxNew ) then begin ProvideObjectsCapacity( Max( IdxOld, IdxNew ) + 1 ); FObjects.MoveItem( IdxOld, IdxNew ); end; end; procedure SwapWStrListExItems( const Sender: Pointer; const Idx1, Idx2: DWORD ); var WL: PWStrListEx; begin WL := Sender; WL.Swap( Idx1, Idx2 ); end; procedure TWStrListEx.Sort(CaseSensitive: Boolean); begin if CaseSensitive then SortData( @ Self, Count, @CompareWStrListItems, @SwapWStrListExItems ) else begin SortData( @ Self, Count, @CompareWStrListItems_UpperCase, @SwapWStrListExItems ); fTmp1 := ''; fTmp2 := ''; end; end; procedure TWStrListEx.Swap(Idx1, Idx2: Integer); begin inherited Swap( Idx1, Idx2 ); if FObjects.fCount >= Min( Idx1, Idx2 ) then begin ProvideObjectsCapacity( max( Idx1, Idx2 ) + 1 ); FObjects.Swap( Idx1, Idx2 ); end; end; procedure TWStrListEx.OptimizeForRead; begin {$IFDEF TLIST_FAST} if fList <> nil then fList.OptimizeForRead; if FObjects <> nil then FObjects.OptimizeForRead; {$ENDIF} end; procedure TWStrListEx.ProvideObjectsCapacity(NewCap: Integer); begin if fObjects.Capacity >= NewCap then Exit; fObjects.Capacity := NewCap; {$IFDEF TLIST_FAST} {$ELSE} ZeroMemory( @FObjects.FItems[ FObjects.Count ], (FObjects.Capacity - FObjects.Count) * Sizeof( Pointer ) ); FObjects.FCount := NewCap; {$ENDIF} end; procedure TWStrListEx.SetObjects(Idx: Integer; const Value: DWORD); begin ProvideObjectsCapacity( Idx + 1 ); fObjects.Items[ Idx ] := Pointer( Value ); end; {$ENDIF} {$ENDIF WIN_GDI} function NewKOLStrList: PKOLStrList; begin new( Result, Create ); {$IFDEF DEBUG_OBJKIND} Result.fObjKind := 'TKOLStrList'; {$ENDIF} end; function NewKOLStrListEx: PKOLStrListEx; begin new( Result, Create ); {$IFDEF DEBUG_OBJKIND} Result.fObjKind := 'TKOLStrListEx'; {$ENDIF} end; ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // S O R T I N G ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// { -- qsort -- } {$IFDEF ASM_VERSION}{$ELSE PAS_VERSION} //Pascal procedure SortData( const Data: Pointer; const uNElem: Dword; const CompareFun: TCompareEvent; const SwapProc: TSwapEvent ); { uNElem - number of elements to sort } function Compare( const e1, e2 : DWord ) : Integer; begin Result := CompareFun( Data, e1 - 1, e2 - 1 ); end; procedure Swap( const e1, e2 : DWord ); begin SwapProc( Data, e1 - 1, e2 - 1 ); end; procedure qSortHelp(pivotP: Dword; nElem: Dword); label TailRecursion, qBreak; var leftP, rightP, pivotEnd, pivotTemp, leftTemp: Dword; lNum: Dword; retval: integer; begin TailRecursion: if (nElem <= 2) then begin if (nElem = 2) then begin rightP := pivotP +1; retval := Compare(pivotP,rightP); if (retval > 0) then Swap(pivotP,rightP); end; exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} end; rightP := (nElem -1) + pivotP; leftP := (nElem shr 1) + pivotP; { sort pivot, left, and right elements for "median of 3" } retval := Compare(leftP,rightP); if (retval > 0) then Swap(leftP, rightP); retval := Compare(leftP,pivotP); if (retval > 0) then Swap(leftP, pivotP) else begin retval := Compare(pivotP,rightP); if retval > 0 then Swap(pivotP, rightP); end; if (nElem = 3) then begin Swap(pivotP, leftP); exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} end; { now for the classic Horae algorithm } pivotEnd := pivotP + 1; leftP := pivotEnd; repeat retval := Compare(leftP, pivotP); while (retval <= 0) do begin if (retval = 0) then begin Swap(leftP, pivotEnd); Inc(pivotEnd); end; if (leftP < rightP) then Inc(leftP) else goto qBreak; retval := Compare(leftP, pivotP); end; {while} while (leftP < rightP) do begin retval := Compare(pivotP, rightP); if (retval < 0) then Dec(rightP) else begin Swap(leftP, rightP); if (retval <> 0) then begin Inc(leftP); Dec(rightP); end; break; end; end; {while} until (leftP >= rightP); qBreak: retval := Compare(leftP,pivotP); if (retval <= 0) then Inc(leftP); leftTemp := leftP -1; pivotTemp := pivotP; while ((pivotTemp < pivotEnd) and (leftTemp >= pivotEnd)) do begin Swap(pivotTemp, leftTemp); Inc(pivotTemp); Dec(leftTemp); end; {while} lNum := (leftP - pivotEnd); nElem := ((nElem + pivotP) -leftP); if (nElem < lNum) then begin qSortHelp(leftP, nElem); nElem := lNum; end else begin qSortHelp(pivotP, lNum); pivotP := leftP; end; goto TailRecursion; end; {qSortHelp } begin if (uNElem < 2) then exit; { nothing to sort } {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} qSortHelp(1, uNElem); end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION} {$IFDEF _D3orHigher} {$IFDEF ASM_VERSION}{$ELSE PAS_VERSION} procedure SortArray( const Data: Pointer; const uNElem: Dword; const CompareFun: TCompareArrayEvent ); { uNElem - number of elements to sort } type TDWORDArray = array[0..0] of Integer; PDWORDArray = ^TDWORDArray; var DataArray: PDWORDArray; procedure SwapIdx( const e1, e2 : DWord ); begin Swap( DataArray[e1], DataArray[e2] ); end; procedure qSortArrayHelp(pivotP: Dword; nElem: Dword); label TailRecursion, qBreak; var leftP, rightP, pivotEnd, pivotTemp, leftTemp: Dword; lNum: Dword; retval: integer; begin TailRecursion: if (nElem <= 2) then begin if (nElem = 2) then begin rightP := pivotP +1; retval := CompareFun(DataArray[pivotP],DataArray[rightP]); if (retval > 0) then SwapIdx(pivotP,rightP); end; exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} end; rightP := (nElem -1) + pivotP; leftP := (nElem shr 1) + pivotP; { sort pivot, left, and right elements for "median of 3" } retval := CompareFun(DataArray[leftP],DataArray[rightP]); if (retval > 0) then SwapIdx(leftP, rightP); retval := CompareFun(DataArray[leftP],DataArray[pivotP]); if (retval > 0) then SwapIdx(leftP, pivotP) else begin retval := CompareFun(DataArray[pivotP],DataArray[rightP]); if retval > 0 then SwapIdx(pivotP, rightP); end; if (nElem = 3) then begin SwapIdx(pivotP, leftP); exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} end; { now for the classic Horae algorithm } pivotEnd := pivotP + 1; leftP := pivotEnd; repeat retval := CompareFun(DataArray[leftP], DataArray[pivotP]); while (retval <= 0) do begin if (retval = 0) then begin SwapIdx(leftP, pivotEnd); Inc(pivotEnd); end; if (leftP < rightP) then Inc(leftP) else goto qBreak; retval := CompareFun(DataArray[leftP], DataArray[pivotP]); end; {while} while (leftP < rightP) do begin retval := CompareFun(DataArray[pivotP], DataArray[rightP]); if (retval < 0) then Dec(rightP) else begin SwapIdx(leftP, rightP); if (retval <> 0) then begin Inc(leftP); Dec(rightP); end; break; end; end; {while} until (leftP >= rightP); qBreak: retval := CompareFun( DataArray[leftP], DataArray[pivotP] ); if (retval <= 0) then Inc(leftP); leftTemp := leftP -1; pivotTemp := pivotP; while ((pivotTemp < pivotEnd) and (leftTemp >= pivotEnd)) do begin SwapIdx(pivotTemp, leftTemp); Inc(pivotTemp); Dec(leftTemp); end; {while} lNum := (leftP - pivotEnd); nElem := ((nElem + pivotP) -leftP); if (nElem < lNum) then begin qSortArrayHelp(leftP, nElem); nElem := lNum; end else begin qSortArrayHelp(pivotP, lNum); pivotP := leftP; end; goto TailRecursion; end; {qSortHelp } begin DataArray := Pointer( Integer( Data ) - Sizeof( DWORD ) ); if (uNElem < 2) then exit; { nothing to sort } {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} qSortArrayHelp(1, uNElem); end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION} {$ENDIF _D3orHigher} {$IFDEF ASM_VERSION}{$ELSE PAS_VERSION} //Pascal function CompareIntegers( const Sender : Pointer; const e1, e2 : DWORD ) : Integer; var I1, I2 : Integer; begin I1 := PInteger( DWORD( Sender ) + e1 * Sizeof( Integer ) )^; I2 := PInteger( DWORD( Sender ) + e2 * Sizeof( Integer ) )^; Result := 0; if I1 < I2 then Result := -1 else if I1 > I2 then Result := 1; end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION} function Compare2Integers( e1, e2: Integer ) : Integer; begin Result := e1-e2; end; {$IFDEF ASM_VERSION}{$ELSE PAS_VERSION} //Pascal function CompareDwords( const Sender : Pointer; const e1, e2 : DWORD ) : Integer; var I1, I2 : DWord; begin I1 := PDWORD( DWORD( Sender ) + e1 * Sizeof( Integer ) )^; I2 := PDWORD( DWORD( Sender ) + e2 * Sizeof( Integer ) )^; Result := 0; if I1 < I2 then Result := -1 else if I1 > I2 then Result := 1; end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION} function Compare2Dwords( e1, e2 : DWORD ) : Integer; forward; {$IFDEF ASM_VERSION}{$ELSE PAS_VERSION} function Compare2Dwords( e1, e2 : DWORD ) : Integer; begin if e1 < e2 then Result := -1 else if e1 > e2 then Result := 1 else Result := 0; end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION} {$IFDEF ASM_VERSION}{$ELSE PAS_VERSION} //Pascal procedure SwapIntegers( const Sender : Pointer; const e1, e2 : DWORD ); var Tmp : Integer; begin Tmp := PInteger( DWORD( Sender ) + e1 * SizeOf( Integer ) )^; PInteger( DWORD( Sender ) + e1 * Sizeof( Integer ) )^ := PInteger( DWORD( Sender ) + e2 * Sizeof( Integer ) )^; PInteger( DWORD( Sender ) + e2 * Sizeof( Integer ) )^ := Tmp; end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION} procedure SortIntegerArray( var A : array of Integer ); begin {$IFDEF SPEED_FASTER} SortArray( @A[ 0 ], High(A)-Low(A)+1, @Compare2Integers ); {$ELSE} SortData( @A[ 0 ], High(A)-Low(A)+1, @CompareIntegers, @SwapIntegers ); {$ENDIF} end; procedure SwapListItems( const L: Pointer; const e1, e2: DWORD ); begin PList( L ).Swap( e1, e2 ); end; procedure SortDwordArray( var A : array of DWORD ); begin {$IFDEF SPEED_FASTER} SortArray( @A[ 0 ], High(A)-Low(A)+1, @Compare2DWORDS ); {$ELSE} SortData( @A[ 0 ], High(A)-Low(A)+1, @CompareDwords, @SwapIntegers ); {$ENDIF} end; {$IFDEF WIN_GDI} { -- status bar implementation -- } function _NewStatusbar( AParent: PControl ): PControl; forward; {$IFDEF ASM_VERSION}{$ELSE PAS_VERSION} //Pascal function _NewStatusbar( AParent: PControl ): PControl; var Style: DWORD; begin Style := WS_CHILD or WS_CLIPSIBLINGS or WS_CLIPCHILDREN or 3 or WS_VISIBLE; if {$IFDEF USE_FLAGS} G3_SizeGrip in AParent.fFlagsG3 {$ELSE} AParent.fSizeGrip {$ENDIF} then Style := (Style or SBARS_SIZEGRIP) and not 3; Result := _NewCommonControl( AParent, STATUSCLASSNAME, Style, FALSE, {$IFDEF PACK_COMMANDACTIONS} PAnsiChar( OTHER_ACTIONS ) {$ELSE} nil {$ENDIF} ); {$IFDEF DEBUG_OBJKIND} Result.fObjKind := 'TControl:StatusBar'; {$ENDIF} with Result.fBoundsRect do begin Left := 0; Right := 0; Top := 0; Bottom := 0; end; Result.fAlign := caBottom; {$IFDEF USE_FLAGS} include( Result.fFlagsG4, G4_NotUseAlign ); {$ELSE} Result.fNotUseAlign := True; {$ENDIF} {$IFDEF TEST_VERSION} Result.fTag := DWORD( PAnsiChar( 'Status bar' ) ); {$ENDIF} InitCommonControlSizeNotify( Result ); end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION} {$IFDEF ASM_UNICODE}{$ELSE PAS_VERSION} //Pascal procedure TControl.SetStatusText(Index: Integer; const Value: KOLString); var ch: Integer; R : TRect; N, I, L, W : Integer; WidthsBuf: array[ 0..254 ] of Integer; Val: Integer; begin if fStatusCtl = nil then begin ch := GetClientHeight; fStatusCtl := _NewStatusBar( @Self ); fStatusCtl.Perform( SB_SIMPLE, Integer( LongBool( Index = 255 ) ), 0 ); GetWindowRect( {fStatusWnd}fStatusCtl.fHandle, R ); fClientBottom := R.Bottom - R.Top; SetClientHeight( ch ); fStatusCtl.Perform( WM_SIZE, 0, 0 ); end; if Index < 255 then begin N := fStatusCtl.Perform( SB_GETPARTS, 0, 0 ); if N <= Index then begin W := Width; L := W div (Index + 1); W := L; for I := 0 to Index - 1 do begin WidthsBuf[ I ] := W; Inc( W, L ); end; WidthsBuf[ Index ] := -1; fStatusCtl.Perform( SB_SETPARTS, Index + 1, Integer( @WidthsBuf[ 0 ] ) ); end; fStatusCtl.Perform( SB_SIMPLE, 0, 0 ); end; Val := 0; if Value <> '' then Val := Integer( @ Value[1] ); fStatusCtl.Perform( {$IFDEF UNICODE_CTRLS} SB_SETTEXTW {$ELSE} SB_SETTEXT {$ENDIF}, Index, Val ); end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION} {$IFDEF noASM_UNICODE} function TControl.GetStatusText( Index: Integer ): KOLString; asm MOV ECX, [EAX].fStatusCtl JECXZ @@exit PUSH EBX PUSH ESI XCHG ESI, EAX // ESI = @Self MOV EBX, EDX // EBX = Index XOR EAX, EAX XCHG EAX, [ESI].fStatusTxt TEST EAX, EAX JZ @@1 CALL System.@FreeMem @@1: XOR EAX, EAX CDQ MOV DL, WM_GETTEXTLENGTH PUSH WM_GETTEXT CMP EBX, 255 JZ @@2 POP EAX MOV EAX, EBX MOV DX, SB_GETTEXTLENGTH PUSH SB_GETTEXT @@2: MOV EBX, EAX PUSH 0 PUSH EAX PUSH EDX PUSH [ESI].fStatusCtl CALL Perform TEST AX, AX JZ @@get_rslt PUSH EAX INC EAX CALL System.@GetMem POP EDX MOV [ESI].fStatusTxt, EAX MOV byte ptr [EAX+EDX], 0 POP EDX // Msg PUSH EAX PUSH EBX PUSH EDX PUSH [ESI].fStatusCtl CALL Perform PUSH EDX @@get_rslt: POP EDX MOV ECX, [ESI].fStatusTxt POP ESI POP EBX @@exit: XCHG EAX, ECX end; {$ELSE PAS_VERSION} //Pascal function TControl.GetStatusText( Index: Integer ): KOLString; var L, I: Integer; Msg: DWORD; begin Result := ''; if fStatusCtl = nil then Exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} Msg := SB_GETTEXTLENGTH; I := Index; if Index = 255 then begin Msg := WM_GETTEXTLENGTH; I := 0; end; L := fStatusCtl.Perform( Msg, I, 0 ) and $FFFF; if L > 0 then begin SetLength( Result, L ); Msg := {$IFDEF UNICODE_CTRLS} SB_GETTEXTW {$ELSE} SB_GETTEXT {$ENDIF}; if Index = 255 then Msg := WM_GETTEXT; fStatusCtl.Perform( Msg, I, Integer( @ Result[1] ) ); end; end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION} {$IFDEF ASM_VERSION}{$ELSE PAS_VERSION} //Pascal procedure TControl.RemoveStatus; var ch: Integer; begin if fStatusCtl = nil then Exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} ch := ClientHeight; fStatusCtl.Free; fStatusCtl := nil; fClientBottom := 0; ClientHeight := ch; end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION} {$IFDEF ASM_VERSION}{$ELSE PAS_VERSION} //Pascal function TControl.StatusPanelCount: Integer; begin Result := 0; if fStatusCtl = nil then Exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} Result := fStatusCtl.Perform( SB_GETPARTS, 0, 0 ); end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION} {$IFDEF ASM_VERSION}{$ELSE PAS_VERSION} //Pascal function TControl.GetStatusPanelX(Idx: Integer): Integer; var Buf: array[0..254] of Integer; N : Integer; begin Result := 0; if fStatusCtl = nil then Exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} N := fStatusCtl.Perform( SB_GETPARTS, 255, Integer( @Buf[ 0 ] ) ); if N <= Idx then Exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} Result := Buf[ Idx ]; end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION} {$IFDEF ASM_VERSION}{$ELSE PAS_VERSION} //Pascal procedure TControl.SetStatusPanelX(Idx: Integer; const Value: Integer); var Buf: array[0..254] of Integer; N : Integer; begin if fStatusCtl = nil then Exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} N := fStatusCtl.Perform( SB_GETPARTS, 255, Integer( @Buf[ 0 ] ) ); if N <= Idx then Exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} Buf[ Idx ] := Value; fStatusCtl.Perform( SB_SETPARTS, N, Integer( @Buf[ 0 ] ) ); end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION} procedure TControl.SetColor1(const Value: TColor); begin DF.fColor1 := Value; Invalidate; end; procedure TControl.SetColor2(const Value: TColor); begin DF.fColor2 := Value; Invalidate; end; procedure TControl.SetGradientLayout(const Value: TGradientLayout); begin DF.fGradientLayout := Value; Invalidate; end; procedure TControl.SetGradientStyle(const Value: TGradientStyle); begin DF.fGradientStyle := Value; Invalidate; end; { -- Image List -- } {$IFDEF USE_CONSTRUCTORS} function NewImageList( AOwner: PControl ): PImageList; begin new( Result, CreateImageList( AOwner ) ); {$IFDEF DEBUG_OBJKIND} Result.fObjKind := 'TImageList'; {$ENDIF} end; {$ELSE not_USE_CONSTRUCTORS} function NewImageList( AOwner: PControl ): PImageList; begin {*************} DoInitCommonControls( ICC_WIN95_CLASSES ); New( Result, Create ); {$IFDEF DEBUG_OBJKIND} Result.fObjKind := 'TImageList'; {$ENDIF} Result.FAllocBy := 1; Result.FMasked := True; Result.fBkColor := clNone; //ImageList_SetBkColor( Result.FHandle, CLR_NONE ); Result.FImgWidth := 32; Result.FImgHeight := 32; Result.FColors := ilcDefault; if AOwner = nil then exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} Result.fNext := PImageList( AOwner.fImageList ); if AOwner.fImageList <> nil then PImageList( AOwner.fImageList ).fPrev := Result; Result.FControl := AOwner; {$IFDEF USE_AUTOFREE4CONTROLS} AOwner.Add2AutoFree( Result ); {$ENDIF} AOwner.fImageList := Result; end; {$ENDIF USE_CONSTRUCTORS} function ImageList_Create; stdcall; external cctrl name 'ImageList_Create'; function ImageList_Destroy; external cctrl name 'ImageList_Destroy'; function ImageList_GetImageCount; external cctrl name 'ImageList_GetImageCount'; function ImageList_SetImageCount; external cctrl name 'ImageList_SetImageCount'; function ImageList_Add; external cctrl name 'ImageList_Add'; function ImageList_ReplaceIcon; external cctrl name 'ImageList_ReplaceIcon'; function ImageList_SetBkColor; external cctrl name 'ImageList_SetBkColor'; function ImageList_GetBkColor; external cctrl name 'ImageList_GetBkColor'; function ImageList_SetOverlayImage; external cctrl name 'ImageList_SetOverlayImage'; function ImageList_Draw; external cctrl name 'ImageList_Draw'; function ImageList_Replace; external cctrl name 'ImageList_Replace'; function ImageList_AddMasked; external cctrl name 'ImageList_AddMasked'; function ImageList_DrawEx; external cctrl name 'ImageList_DrawEx'; function ImageList_Remove; external cctrl name 'ImageList_Remove'; function ImageList_GetIcon; external cctrl name 'ImageList_GetIcon'; {$IFDEF UNICODE_CTRLS} function ImageList_LoadImage; external cctrl name 'ImageList_LoadImageW'; {$ELSE} function ImageList_LoadImage; external cctrl name 'ImageList_LoadImageA'; {$ENDIF} function ImageList_BeginDrag; external cctrl name 'ImageList_BeginDrag'; function ImageList_EndDrag; external cctrl name 'ImageList_EndDrag'; function ImageList_DragEnter; external cctrl name 'ImageList_DragEnter'; function ImageList_DragLeave; external cctrl name 'ImageList_DragLeave'; function ImageList_DragMove; external cctrl name 'ImageList_DragMove'; function ImageList_SetDragCursorImage; external cctrl name 'ImageList_SetDragCursorImage'; function ImageList_DragShowNolock; external cctrl name 'ImageList_DragShowNolock'; function ImageList_GetDragImage; external cctrl name 'ImageList_GetDragImage'; function ImageList_GetIconSize; external cctrl name 'ImageList_GetIconSize'; function ImageList_SetIconSize; external cctrl name 'ImageList_SetIconSize'; function ImageList_GetImageInfo; external cctrl name 'ImageList_GetImageInfo'; function ImageList_Merge; external cctrl name 'ImageList_Merge'; function ImageList_AddIcon(ImageList: HImageList; Icon: HIcon): Integer; begin Result := ImageList_ReplaceIcon(ImageList, -1, Icon); end; function Index2OverlayMask(Index: Integer): Integer; begin Result := Index shl 8; end; { macros } procedure ImageList_RemoveAll(ImageList: HImageList); stdcall; begin ImageList_Remove(ImageList, -1); end; function ImageList_ExtractIcon(Instance: THandle; ImageList: HImageList; Image: Integer): HIcon; stdcall; begin Result := ImageList_GetIcon(ImageList, Image, 0); end; function ImageList_LoadBitmap(Instance: THandle; Bmp: PKOLChar; CX, Grow: Integer; Mask: TColorRef): HImageList; stdcall; begin Result := ImageList_LoadImage(Instance, Bmp, CX, Grow, Mask, IMAGE_BITMAP, 0); end; procedure FreeBmp( Bmp: HBitmap ); begin DeleteObject( Bmp ); end; function LoadBmp( Instance: Integer; Rsrc: PKOLChar; MasterObj: PObj ): HBitmap; {$IFDEF LOAD_RLE_BMP_RSRCES} var B: PBitmap; R: PStream; {$ENDIF} begin {$IFDEF LOAD_RLE_BMP_RSRCES} R := NewMemoryStream; Resource2Stream( R, hInstance, Rsrc, RT_BITMAP ); B := NewBitmap( 0, 0 ); R.Position := 0; B.LoadFromStreamEx( R ); R.Free; //B.SaveToFile( GetStartDir + 'test_loadbmp.bmp' ); Result := B.ReleaseHandle; B.Free; {$ELSE} Result := LoadBitmap( Instance, Rsrc ); {$ENDIF} MasterObj.Add2AutoFreeEx( TObjectMethod( MakeMethod( Pointer( Result ), @ FreeBmp ) ) ); end; function LoadBmp32( Instance: Integer; Rsrc: PKOLChar; MasterObj: PObj ): HBitmap; var B: PBitmap; begin B := NewBitmap( 0, 0 ); B.Handle := LoadBmp( Instance, Rsrc, MasterObj ); B.PixelFormat := pf32bit; Result := B.ReleaseHandle; B.Free; end; { TImageList } function TImageList.Add(Bmp, Msk: HBitmap): Integer; begin Result := -1; if not HandleNeeded then Exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} Result := ImageList_Add( FHandle, Bmp, Msk ); end; function TImageList.AddIcon(Ico: HIcon): Integer; {var Bmp : HBitmap; DC : HDC;} begin Result := -1; if ImgWidth = 0 then ImgWidth := 32; if ImgHeight = 0 then ImgHeight := 32; if not HandleNeeded then Exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} Result := ImageList_AddIcon( fHandle, Ico ); end; function TImageList.AddMasked(Bmp: HBitmap; Color: TColor): Integer; {$IFDEF TEST_IL} var B: PBitmap; {$ENDIF} begin Result := -1; if not HandleNeeded then Exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} {$IFDEF TEST_IL} B := NewBitmap( 0, 0 ); B.Handle := Bmp; B.PixelFormat := pf32bit; B.SaveToFile( GetStartDir + 'test_Add_masked1.bmp' ); Bmp := B.ReleaseHandle; B.Free; {$ENDIF} Result := ImageList_AddMasked( FHandle, Bmp, Color2RGB( Color ) ); {$IFDEF TEST_IL} B := NewBitmap( 0, 0 ); B.Handle := GetBitmap; B.SaveToFile( GetStartDir + 'test_Add_masked2.bmp' ); B.ReleaseHandle; B.Free; B := NewBitmap( 0, 0 ); B.Handle := GetMask; B.SaveToFile( GetStartDir + 'test_Add_masked3.bmp' ); B.ReleaseHandle; B.Free; {$ENDIF} end; procedure TImageList.Clear; begin Handle := 0; end; procedure TImageList.Delete(Idx: Integer); begin if FHandle = 0 then Exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} ImageList_Remove( FHandle, Idx ); end; {$IFDEF ASM_VERSION}{$ELSE PAS_VERSION} //Pascal destructor TImageList.Destroy; begin Clear; if fNext <> nil then fNext.fPrev := fPrev; if fPrev <> nil then fPrev.fNext := fNext; if fControl <> nil then begin if PControl( fControl ).fImageList = @Self then PControl( fControl ).fImageList := fNext; {$IFDEF USE_AUTOFREE4CONTROLS} PControl(fControl).RemoveFromAutoFree( @ Self ); {$ENDIF} end; inherited; end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION} procedure TImageList.Draw(Idx: Integer; DC: HDC; X, Y: Integer); begin if FHandle = 0 then Exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} ImageList_Draw( FHandle, Idx, DC, X, Y, GetDrawStyle ); end; function TImageList.ExtractIcon(Idx: Integer): HIcon; begin Result := ImageList_ExtractIcon( 0, FHandle, Idx ); end; function TImageList.ExtractIconEx(Idx: Integer): HIcon; begin Result := ImageList_GetIcon( FHandle, Idx, GetDrawStyle ); end; function TImageList.GetBitmap: HBitmap; var II : TImageInfo; begin Result := 0; if FHandle = 0 then Exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} if ImageList_GetImageInfo( FHandle, 0, II ) then Result := II.hbmImage; end; function TImageList.GetBkColor: TColor; begin Result := fBkColor; if FHandle = 0 then Exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} Result := ImageList_GetBkColor( FHandle ); end; function TImageList.GetCount: Integer; begin Result := 0; if FHandle <> 0 then Result := ImageList_GetImageCount( FHandle ); end; function TImageList.GetDrawStyle: DWord; begin Result := 0; if dsBlend25 in DrawingStyle then Result := Result or ILD_BLEND25; if dsBlend50 in DrawingStyle then Result := Result or ILD_BLEND50; if dsTransparent in DrawingStyle then Result := Result or ILD_TRANSPARENT else if dsMask in DrawingStyle then Result := Result or ILD_MASK {else Result := Result or ILD_NORMAL}; // ILD_NORMAL = 0 Result := Result or WORD(FOverlayIdx shl 8); end; {$IFDEF ASM_VERSION}{$ELSE PAS_VERSION} //Pascal function TImageList.GetHandle: THandle; begin HandleNeeded; Result := FHandle; end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION} function TImageList.GetMask: HBitmap; var II : TImageInfo; begin Result := 0; if FHandle = 0 then Exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} if ImageList_GetImageInfo( FHandle, 0, II ) then Result := II.hbmMask; end; {$IFDEF ASM_noVERSION} function TImageList.HandleNeeded: Boolean; const ColorFlags : array[ TImageListColors ] of Byte = ( ILC_COLOR, ILC_COLOR4, ILC_COLOR8, ILC_COLOR16, ILC_COLOR24, ILC_COLOR32, ILC_COLORDDB ); asm MOV ECX, [EAX].FHandle JECXZ @@make_handle MOV AL, 1 RET @@make_handle: MOV ECX, [EAX].fImgWidth JECXZ @@ret_ECX MOV EDX, ECX MOV ECX, [EAX].fImgHeight JECXZ @@ret_ECX PUSH EBX XCHG EBX, EAX PUSH [EBX].FAllocBy PUSH 0 MOVZX EAX, [EBX].FColors MOVZX EAX, byte ptr [ColorFlags+EAX] CMP [EBX].FMasked, 0 JZ @@flags_ready {$IFDEF PARANOIA} DB $0C, $01 {$ELSE} OR AL, 1 {$ENDIF} @@flags_ready: PUSH EAX PUSH ECX PUSH EDX CALL ImageList_Create MOV [EBX].FHandle, EAX XCHG ECX, EAX POP EBX @@ret_ECX: TEST ECX, ECX SETNZ AL end; {$ELSE PAS_VERSION} //Pascal function TImageList.HandleNeeded: Boolean; const ColorFlags : array[ TImageListColors ] of Byte = ( ILC_COLOR, ILC_COLOR4, ILC_COLOR8, ILC_COLOR16, ILC_COLOR24, ILC_COLOR32, ILC_COLORDDB, 0 ); var Flags : DWord; begin Result := True; if FHandle <> 0 then Exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} Result := False; if ImgWidth = 0 then Exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} if ImgHeight = 0 then Exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} Flags := ColorFlags[ FColors ]; if Masked then Flags := Flags or ILC_MASK; FHandle := ImageList_Create( ImgWidth, ImgHeight, Flags, 0, FAllocBy ); if fBkColor <> clNone then SetBkColor( fBkColor ); Result := FHandle <> 0; end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION} function TImageList.ImgRect(Idx: Integer): TRect; var II : TImageInfo; begin Result := MakeRect( 0, 0, 0, 0 ); if FHandle = 0 then Exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} if ImageList_GetImageInfo( FHandle, Idx, II ) then Result := II.rcImage; end; {$IFDEF ASM_noVERSION_UNICODE} function TImageList.LoadBitmap(ResourceName: PAnsiChar; TranspColor: TColor): Boolean; asm PUSH EBX XCHG EBX, EAX XCHG EAX, ECX //TranspColor PUSH EDX CMP EAX, clNone JNE @@2rgb OR EAX, -1 JMP @@tranColorReady @@2rgb: CALL Color2RGB @@tranColorReady: POP EDX PUSH EAX PUSH [EBX].fAllocBy PUSH [EBX].fImgWidth PUSH EDX PUSH [hInstance] CALL ImageList_LoadBitmap TEST EAX, EAX JZ @@exit XCHG EDX, EAX XCHG EAX, EBX CALL SetHandle MOV AL, 1 @@exit: POP EBX end; {$ELSE PAS_VERSION} //Pascal function TImageList.LoadBitmap(ResourceName: PKOLChar; TranspColor: TColor): Boolean; var NewHandle : THandle; TranColr: TColor; begin TranColr := TranspColor; if TranColr = clNone then TranColr := TColor( CLR_NONE ) else TranColr := Color2RGB( TranColr ); NewHandle := ImageList_LoadBitmap( hInstance, ResourceName, ImgWidth, AllocBy, TranColr ); //ImageList_GetIconSize( NewHandle, fImgWidth, fImgHeight ); Result := NewHandle <> 0; if Result then Handle := NewHandle; ImageList_GetIconSize( fHandle, FImgWidth, FImgHeight ); end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION} function TImageList.LoadFromFile(FileName: PKOLChar; TranspColor: TColor; ImgType: TImageType): Boolean; const ImgTypes:array[ TImageType ] of DWord = ( IMAGE_BITMAP, IMAGE_ICON, IMAGE_CURSOR ); var NewHandle : THandle; TranspFlag : DWord; begin TranspFlag := 0; if TranspColor <> clNone then TranspFlag := LR_LOADTRANSPARENT; NewHandle := ImageList_LoadImage( hInstance, FileName, ImgWidth, AllocBy, Color2RGB( TranspColor ), ImgTypes[ ImgType ], LR_LOADFROMFILE or LR_CREATEDIBSECTION or TranspFlag ); Result := NewHandle <> 0; if Result then Handle := NewHandle; end; function TImageList.LoadSystemIcons(SmallIcons: Boolean): Boolean; var NewHandle : THandle; FileInfo : TSHFileInfo; Flags : DWord; begin OleInit; Flags := SHGFI_SYSICONINDEX; if SmallIcons then Flags := Flags or SHGFI_SMALLICON; NewHandle := {$IFDEF UNICODE_CTRLS} SHGetFileInfoW {$ELSE} SHGetFileInfoA {$ENDIF} ( '', 0, FileInfo, Sizeof( FileInfo ), Flags ); Result := NewHandle <> 0; if Result then begin Handle := NewHandle; FShareImages := True; end; end; function TImageList.Merge(Idx: Integer; ImgList2: PImageList; Idx2, X, Y: Integer): PImageList; var L : THandle; begin Result := nil; L := ImageList_Merge( FHandle, Idx, ImgList2.Handle, Idx2, X, Y ); if L <> 0 then begin Result := NewImageList( fControl ); Result.Handle := L; end; end; function TImageList.Replace(Idx: Integer; Bmp, Msk: HBitmap): Boolean; begin Result := False; if FHandle = 0 then Exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} Result := ImageList_Replace( FHandle, Idx, Bmp, Msk ); end; function TImageList.ReplaceIcon(Idx: Integer; Ico: HIcon): Boolean; begin Result := False; if FHandle = 0 then Exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} Result := ImageList_ReplaceIcon( FHandle, Idx, Ico ) >= 0; end; procedure TImageList.SetAllocBy(const Value: Integer); begin if FHandle <> 0 then Exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} // AllocBy can be changed only before adding images and creating handle FAllocBy := Value; end; procedure TImageList.SetBkColor(const Value: TColor); begin fBkColor := Value; if fHandle <> 0 then ImageList_SetBkColor( FHandle, Color2RGB( Value ) ); end; procedure TImageList.SetColors(const Value: TImageListColors); begin if FHandle <> 0 then Exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} FColors := Value; end; {$IFDEF ASM_VERSION}{$ELSE PAS_VERSION} //Pascal procedure TImageList.SetHandle(const Value: THandle); begin if FHandle = Value then Exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} if (FHandle <> 0) and not FShareImages then ImageList_Destroy( FHandle ); FHandle := Value; if FHandle <> 0 then ImageList_GetIconSize( FHandle, FImgWidth, FImgHeight ) else begin FImgWidth := 0; FImgHeight := 0; end; end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION} procedure TImageList.SetImgHeight(const Value: Integer); begin if FHandle <> 0 then Exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} FImgHeight := Value; end; procedure TImageList.SetImgWidth(const Value: Integer); begin if FHandle <> 0 then Exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} FImgWidth := Value; end; procedure TImageList.SetMasked(const Value: Boolean); begin if FHandle <> 0 then Exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} FMasked := Value; end; function TImageList.GetOverlay(Idx: TImgLOVrlayIdx): Integer; begin Result := fOverlay[ Idx ]; end; procedure TImageList.SetOverlay(Idx: TImgLOVrlayIdx; const Value: Integer); begin if ImageList_SetOverlayImage( fHandle, Value, Idx shl 8 ) then fOverlay[ Idx ] := Value; end; procedure TImageList.StretchDraw(Idx: Integer; DC: HDC; const Rect: TRect); begin if FHandle = 0 then Exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} ImageList_DrawEx( FHandle, Idx, DC, Rect.Left, Rect.Top, Rect.Right- Rect.Left, Rect.Bottom-Rect.Top, BkColor, BlendColor, GetDrawStyle ); end; function GetImgListSize( Sender: PControl; Size: Integer ): PImageList; begin if Size > 16 then Result := Sender.DF.fCtlImageListNormal else Result := Sender.DF.fCtlImageListSml; if Result <> nil then begin if Result.fImgWidth = 0 then Result.ImgWidth := Size; if Result.fImgHeight = 0 then Result.ImgHeight := Size; end; if Result = nil then begin Result := Sender.fImageList; while Result <> nil do begin if (Result.FImgWidth = Size) and (Result.FImgHeight = Size) then break; Result := Result.fNext; end; end; end; function TControl.GetImgListIdx(const Index: Integer): PImageList; begin if Index <> 0 then Result := GetImgListSize( @Self, Index ) else begin Result := DF.fCtlImgListState; if Result = nil then begin Result := fImageList; while Result <> nil do begin if (Result <> GetImgListIdx( 16 )) and (Result <> GetImgListIdx( 32 )) then break; Result := Result.fNext; end; end; end; end; procedure TControl.SetImgListIdx(const Index: Integer; const Value: PImageList); begin if Value <> nil then begin if Index <> 0 then if (Value.ImgWidth = 0) or (Value.ImgHeight = 0) then begin Value.ImgWidth := Index; Value.ImgHeight := Index; end; end; case Index of 32: DF.fCtlImageListNormal := Value; 16: DF.fCtlImageListSml := Value; else DF.fCtlImgListState := Value; end; ApplyImageLists2Control( @Self ); end; { -- list view -- } function WndProcEndLabelEdit( Self_: PControl; var Msg: TMsg; var Rslt: Integer ): Boolean; var NMhdr: PNMHdr; LVDisp: PLVDispInfo; Flag: Boolean; begin Result := False; if Msg.message = WM_NOTIFY then begin NMHdr := Pointer( Msg.lParam ); case NMHdr.code of LVN_ENDLABELEDIT: begin LVDisp := Pointer( Msg.lParam ); Result := True; if LVDisp.item.pszText = nil then Exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} Rslt := 1; {$IFDEF NIL_EVENTS} if assigned( Self_.EV.fOnEndEditLVItem ) then {$ENDIF} begin Flag := Self_.EV.fOnEndEditLVItem( Self_, LVDisp.item.iItem, LVDisp.item.iSubItem, LVDisp.item.pszText ); if Flag then Rslt := 1 else Rslt := 0; end; end; end; end; end; procedure TControl.SetOnEndEditLVItem(const Value: TOnEditLVItem); begin {$IFDEF EVENTS_DYNAMIC} ProvideUniqueEvents {$ELSE} EV {$ENDIF} .fOnEndEditLVITem := Value; AttachProc( WndProcEndLabelEdit ); end; procedure TControl.LVColAdd(const aText: KOLString; aalign: TTextAlign; aWidth: Integer); begin LVColInsert( DF.fLVColCount, aText, aalign, aWidth );// 21.10.2001 end; //****************** changed by Mike Gerasimov procedure TControl.LVColInsert(ColIdx: Integer; const aText: KOLString; aAlign: TTextAlign; aWidth: Integer); var LVColData: TLVColumn; begin LVColData.mask := LVCF_FMT or LVCF_TEXT; if ImageListSmall <> nil then LVColData.mask := LVColData.mask; // or LVCF_IMAGE ; LVColData.iImage := -1; LVColData.fmt := Ord( aAlign ); if aWidth < 0 then begin aWidth := -aWidth; LVColData.fmt := LVColData.fmt or LVCFMT_BITMAP_ON_RIGHT; end; LVColData.cx := aWidth; if aWidth > 0 then LVColData.mask := LVColData.mask or LVCF_WIDTH; LVColData.pszText := PKOL_Char( aText ); if Perform( LVM_INSERTCOLUMN, ColIdx, Integer( @LVColData ) ) >= 0 then Inc( DF.fLVColCount ); end; function TControl.GetLVColText(Idx: Integer): KOLString; var Buf: array[ 0..4095 ] of KOLChar; LC: TLVColumn; begin LC.mask := LVCF_TEXT; LC.pszText := @ Buf[ 0 ]; LC.cchTextMax := 4096; Buf[ 0 ] := #0; Perform( LVM_GETCOLUMN, Idx, Integer( @ LC ) ); Result := Buf; end; procedure TControl.SetLVColText(Idx: Integer; const Value: KOLString); var LC: TLVColumn; begin ZeroMemory( @LC, Sizeof( LC ) ); {Alexey (Lecha2002)} LC.mask := LVCF_TEXT; LC.pszText := ''; if Value <> '' then LC.pszText := @ Value[ 1 ]; Perform( LVM_SETCOLUMN, Idx, Integer( @ LC ) ); end; function TControl.GetLVColalign(Idx: Integer): TTextAlign; const Formats: array[ 0..2 ] of TTextAlign = ( taLeft, taRight, taCenter ); var LC: TLVColumn; begin ZeroMemory( @LC, Sizeof( LC ) ); {Alexey (Lecha2002)} LC.mask := LVCF_FMT; Perform( LVM_GETCOLUMN, Idx, Integer( @ LC ) ); Result := Formats[ LC.fmt and LVCFMT_JUSTIFYMASK ]; end; procedure TControl.SetLVColalign(Idx: Integer; const Value: TTextAlign); const FormatFlags: array[ TTextAlign ] of BYTE = ( LVCFMT_LEFT, LVCFMT_RIGHT, LVCFMT_CENTER ); var LC: TLVColumn; begin ZeroMemory( @LC, Sizeof( LC ) ); {Alexey (Lecha2002)} LC.mask := LVCF_FMT; Perform( LVM_GETCOLUMN, Idx, Integer( @ LC ) ); LC.fmt := LC.fmt and not LVCFMT_JUSTIFYMASK or FormatFlags[ Value ]; Perform( LVM_SETCOLUMN, Idx, Integer( @ LC ) ); end; function TControl.GetLVColEx(Idx: Integer; const Index: Integer): Integer; var LC: TLVColumn; begin ZeroMemory( @LC, Sizeof( LC ) ); {Alexey (Lecha2002)} LC.mask := LoWord( Index ); Perform( LVM_GETCOLUMN, Idx, Integer( @ LC ) ); Result := PDWORD( Integer( @ LC ) + HiWord( Index ) )^; end; //********************** changed by Mike Gerasimov procedure TControl.SetLVColEx(Idx: Integer; const Index: Integer; const Value: Integer); var LC: TLVColumn; begin ZeroMemory(@LC,SizeOf(LC)); // Added Line LC.mask := LoWord( Index ); if HiWord( Index ) = 24 then // Added Line begin // Added Line LC.mask := LC.mask or LVCF_FMT; // Added Line if Value <>-1 then // Added Line LC.fmt := LC.fmt or LVCFMT_IMAGE or LVCFMT_COL_HAS_IMAGES // Added Line else LC.mask := LC.mask and not LVCF_IMAGE; // + by non end; if (value<>-1)or(HiWord( Index )<>24) then // + by non PDWORD( Integer( @ LC ) + HiWord( Index ) )^ := Value; Perform( LVM_SETCOLUMN, Idx, Integer( @ LC ) ); end; function TControl.LVAdd(const aText: KOLString; ImgIdx: Integer; State: TListViewItemState; StateImgIdx, OverlayImgIdx: Integer; Data: DWORD): Integer; begin Result := LVInsert( MaxInt {Count}, aText, ImgIdx, State, StateImgIdx, OverlayImgIdx, Data ); end; function TControl.LVInsert(Idx: Integer; const aText: KOLString; ImgIdx: Integer; State: TListViewItemState; StateImgIdx, OverlayImgIdx: Integer; Data: DWORD): Integer; const LVM_REDRAWITEMS = LVM_FIRST + 21; var LVI: TLVItem; begin LVI.mask := LVIF_TEXT or LVIF_IMAGE or LVIF_PARAM or LVIF_STATE or LVIF_DI_SETITEM; LVI.iItem := Idx; LVI.iSubItem := 0; LVI.state := 0; if lvisBlend in State then LVI.state := LVIS_CUT; if lvisHighlight in State then LVI.state := LVI.state or LVIS_DROPHILITED; if lvisFocus in State then LVI.state := LVI.state or LVIS_FOCUSED; if lvisSelect in State then LVI.state := LVI.state or LVIS_SELECTED; LVI.stateMask := $FFFF; if StateImgIdx <> 0 then LVI.state := LVI.state or ((StateImgIdx and $F) shl 12); if OverlayImgIdx <> 0 then LVI.state := LVI.state or ((OverlayImgIdx and $F) shl 8); LVI.pszText := PKOL_Char( aText ); LVI.iImage := ImgIdx; LVI.lParam := Data; Result := Perform( LVM_INSERTITEM, 0, Integer( @LVI ) ); end; procedure TControl.LVSetItem(Idx, Col: Integer; const aText: KOLString; ImgIdx: Integer; State: TListViewItemState; StateImgIdx, OverlayImgIdx: Integer; Data: DWORD); var LVI: TLVItem; {$IFDEF KOL_ASSERTIONS} I: Integer; {$ENDIF} begin LVI.mask := LVIF_TEXT or {LVIF_STATE or} LVIF_DI_SETITEM; if Col = 0 then begin LVI.mask := LVIF_TEXT or LVIF_STATE or LVIF_PARAM or LVIF_DI_SETITEM; end; if ImgIdx <> I_SKIP then LVI.mask := LVI.mask or LVIF_IMAGE; if ImgIdx < I_SKIP then LVI.mask := LVIF_TEXT or LVIF_DI_SETITEM; LVI.iItem := Idx; LVI.iSubItem := Col; LVI.state := 0; if lvisBlend in State then LVI.state := LVIS_CUT; if lvisHighlight in State then LVI.state := LVI.state or LVIS_DROPHILITED; if lvisFocus in State then LVI.state := LVI.state or LVIS_FOCUSED; if lvisSelect in State then LVI.state := LVI.state or LVIS_SELECTED; LVI.stateMask := $FFFF; if StateImgIdx <> 0 then LVI.state := LVI.state or ((StateImgIdx and $F) shl 12); if StateImgIdx < 0 {= I_SKIP} then LVI.stateMask := $F0FF; if OverlayImgIdx <> 0 then LVI.state := LVI.state or ((OverlayImgIdx and $F) shl 8); if OverlayImgIdx < 0 {=I_SKIP} then LVI.stateMask := LVI.stateMask and $FFF; LVI.pszText := PKOL_Char( aText ); LVI.iImage := ImgIdx; LVI.lParam := Data; {$IFDEF KOL_ASSERTIONS} I := {$ENDIF} Perform( LVM_SETITEM, 0, Integer( @LVI ) ); {$IFDEF KOL_ASSERTIONS} if (I = 0) and (Col = 0) then Assert( False, 'Can not set item ' ); {$ENDIF KOL_ASSERTIONS} end; procedure LVGetItem( Sender: PControl; Idx, Col: Integer; var LVI: TLVItem; TextBuf: PKOL_Char; TextBufSize: Integer ); begin LVI.mask := LVIF_STATE or LVIF_PARAM or LVIF_IMAGE; if Col > 0 then if not (lvoSubItemImages in Sender.DF.fLVOptions) then LVI.mask := LVIF_STATE or LVIF_PARAM; LVI.iItem := Idx; LVI.iSubItem := Col; LVI.pszText := TextBuf; LVI.cchTextMax := TextBufSize; if TextBufSize <> 0 then LVI.mask := LVI.mask or LVIF_TEXT; Sender.Perform( LVM_GETITEM, 0, Integer( @LVI ) ); end; function TControl.LVGetItemImgIdx(Idx: Integer): Integer; var LVI: TLVItem; begin LVI.iImage := -1;//= Result if image is not assigned {Andrzej Kubaszek} LVGetItem( @Self, Idx, 0, LVI, nil, 0 ); Result := LVI.iImage; end; procedure TControl.LVSetItemImgIdx(Idx: Integer; const Value: Integer); var LVI: TLVItem; begin LVGetItem( @Self, Idx, 0, LVI, nil, 0 ); LVI.iImage := Value; Perform( LVM_SETITEM, 0, Integer( @LVI ) ); end; function TControl.LVGetItemText(Idx, Col: Integer): KOLString; var LVI: TLVItem; TextBuf: PKOL_Char; BufSize: Integer; begin BufSize := 0; TextBuf := nil; repeat if TextBuf <> nil then FreeMem( TextBuf ); BufSize := BufSize * 2 + 100; // to vary in asm version GetMem( TextBuf, BufSize * Sizeof( KOLChar ) ); TextBuf[ 0 ] := #0; LVGetItem( @Self, Idx, Col, LVI, TextBuf, BufSize ); until Integer({$IFDEF UNICODE_CTRLS} WStrLen {$ELSE} StrLen {$ENDIF} ( PKOLChar( TextBuf ) )) < BufSize - 1; Result := TextBuf; FreeMem( TextBuf ); end; procedure TControl.LVSetItemText(Idx, Col: Integer; const Value: KOLString); var LVI: TLVItem; begin LVI.iSubItem := Col; LVI.pszText := PKOL_Char( Value ); Perform( LVM_SETITEMTEXT, Idx, Integer( @LVI ) ); end; procedure TControl.LVColDelete(ColIdx: Integer); begin Perform( LVM_DELETECOLUMN, ColIdx, 0 ); if DF.fLVColCount > 0 then Dec( DF.fLVColCount ); end; procedure TControl.SetLVOptions(const Value: TListViewOptions); begin if DF.fLVOptions = Value then Exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} DF.fLVOptions := Value; ApplyImageLists2ListView( @Self ); PostMessage( fHandle, WM_SIZE, 0, 0 ); // to restore scrollers (otherwise its are lost) end; procedure TControl.SetLVStyle(const Value: TListViewStyle); begin if DF.fLVStyle = Value then Exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} DF.fLVStyle := Value; ApplyImageLists2ListView( @Self ); end; {$IFDEF ASM_VERSION}{$ELSE PAS_VERSION} //Pascal function TControl.Perform(msgcode: DWORD; wParam, lParam: Integer): Integer; stdcall; begin {$IFDEF INPACKAGE} Log( '->TControl.Perform' ); TRY {$ENDIF INPACKAGE} Result := SendMessage( GetWindowHandle, msgcode, wParam, lParam ); {$IFDEF INPACKAGE} LogOK; FINALLY Log( '<-TControl.Perform' ); END; {$ENDIF INPACKAGE} end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION} {$IFDEF ASM_VERSION}{$ELSE PAS_VERSION} //Pascal function TControl.Postmsg(msgcode: DWORD; wParam, lParam: Integer): Boolean; stdcall; begin Result := PostMessage( GetWindowHandle, msgcode, wParam, lParam ); end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION} {$ENDIF WIN_GDI} {$IFDEF ASM_VERSION}{$ELSE PAS_VERSION} //Pascal function TControl.GetChildCount: Integer; begin Result := fChildren.Count; end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION} {$IFDEF WIN_GDI} procedure TControl.LVDelete(Idx: Integer); begin Perform( LVM_DELETEITEM, Idx, 0 ); end; procedure TControl.LVEditItemLabel(Idx: Integer); begin Perform( LVM_EDITLABEL, Idx, 0 ); end; function TControl.LVItemRect(Idx: Integer; Part: TGetLVItemPart): TRect; const Parts: array[ TGetLVItemPart ] of Byte = ( LVIR_BOUNDS, LVIR_ICON, LVIR_LABEL, LVIR_SELECTBOUNDS ); begin Result := MakeRect( Parts[ Part ], 0, 0, 0 ); if Perform( LVM_GETITEMRECT, Idx, Integer( @Result ) ) = 0 then Result := MakeRect( 0, 0, 0, 0 ); end; function TControl.LVSubItemRect(Idx, ColIdx: Integer): TRect; var Hdr: HWnd; R, R1: TRect; ClassNameBuf: array[ 0..31 ] of KOLChar; HdItem: THDItem; begin Result.Top := ColIdx; // + 1; error in MSDN ? Result.Left := LVIR_BOUNDS; if Perform( LVM_GETSUBITEMRECT, Idx, Integer( @Result ) ) <> 0 then Exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} Result := MakeRect( 0, 0, 0, 0 ); if ColIdx > 0 then R := LVSubItemRect( Idx, ColIdx - 1 ) else R := LVItemRect( Idx, lvipBounds ); if (R.Left = 0) and (R.Right = 0) and (R.Top = 0) and (R.Bottom = 0) then Exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} Hdr := GetWindow( GetWindowHandle, GW_CHILD ); if Hdr <> 0 then begin if GetClassName( Hdr, ClassNameBuf, 32 ) > 0 then if ClassNameBuf = 'SysHeader32' then begin if ColIdx > 0 then R.Left := R.Right else R.Left := 0; R1.Top := 0; R1.Left := 0; Windows.ClientToScreen( Hdr,{$IFDEF FPC} PPoint( @ R1.Left )^ {$ELSE} R1.TopLeft {$ENDIF} ); Windows.ScreenToClient( fHandle, {$IFDEF FPC} PPoint( @ R1.Left )^ {$ELSE} R1.TopLeft {$ENDIF} ); R1 := R; HdItem.Mask := HDI_WIDTH; if SendMessage( Hdr, HDM_GETITEM, ColIdx, Integer( @HdItem ) ) = 0 then Exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} R1.Right := R1.Left + HdItem.cxy; Result := R1; end; end; end; function TControl.LVGetItemPos(Idx: Integer): TPoint; begin Perform( LVM_GETITEMPOSITION, Idx, Integer( @Result ) ); end; procedure TControl.LVSetItemPos(Idx: Integer; const Value: TPoint); begin Perform( LVM_SETITEMPOSITION32, Idx, Integer( @Value ) ); end; function TControl.LVItemAtPos(X, Y: Integer): Integer; var Dummy: TWherePosLVItem; begin Result := LVItemAtPosEx( X, Y, Dummy ); end; function TControl.LVItemAtPosEx(X, Y: Integer; var Where: TWherePosLVItem): Integer; var HTI: TLVHitTestInfo; begin HTI.pt.x := X; HTI.pt.y := Y; Perform( LVM_HITTEST, 0, Integer( @HTI ) ); Result := HTI.iItem; Where := lvwpOnColumn; if HTI.flags = LVHT_ONITEMICON then Where := lvwpOnIcon else if HTI.flags = LVHT_ONITEMLABEL then Where := lvwpOnLabel else if HTI.flags = LVHT_ONITEMSTATEICON then Where := lvwpOnStateIcon else if HTI.flags = LVHT_ONITEM then Where := lvwpOnItem; end; procedure TControl.LVMakeVisible(Item: Integer; PartiallyOK: Boolean); begin if Item < 0 then Exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} Perform( LVM_ENSUREVISIBLE, Item, Integer( PartiallyOK ) ); end; procedure TControl.LVSetColorByIdx(const Index: Integer; const Value: TColor); var MsgCode: Integer; ColorValue: TColor; begin MsgCode := Index + 1; case MsgCode of LVM_SETTEXTCOLOR: fTextColor := Value; LVM_SETTEXTBKCOLOR: DF.fLVTextBkColor := Value; LVM_SETBKCOLOR: fColor := Value; end; ColorValue := Color2RGB( Value ); Perform( MsgCode, 0, ColorValue ); end; {$IFDEF F_P} function TControl.LVGetColorByIdx(const Index: Integer): TColor; begin CASE Index OF LVM_SETTEXTCOLOR: Result := fTextColor; LVM_SETTEXTBKCOLOR: Result := fLVTextBkColor; LVM_SETBKCOLOR: Result := fColor; END; end; {$ENDIF F_P} function TControl.GetIntVal(const Index: Integer): Integer; begin Result := GetItemVal( 0, Index ); end; procedure TControl.SetIntVal(const Index, Value: Integer); begin SetItemVal( Value, Index, 0 ); end; function TControl.GetItemVal(Item: Integer; const Index: Integer): Integer; begin Result := Perform( LoWord(Index), Item, 0 ); end; {$IFDEF ASM_VERSION}{$ELSE PAS_VERSION} //Pascal procedure TControl.SetItemVal(Item: Integer; const Index: Integer; const Value: Integer); var MsgCode: Integer; begin MsgCode := HiWord( Index ); if MsgCode = 0 then MsgCode := Index + 1; Perform( MsgCode and $7FFF, Item, Value ); if (MsgCode and $8000) <> 0 then Invalidate; end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION} function TControl.GetSBMinMax: TPoint; {$IFDEF _D2} var X, Y: Integer; {$ENDIF} begin if (Handle <> 0) then begin {$IFDEF _D2} GetScrollRange(Handle, SB_CTL, X, Y); Result.X := X; Result.Y := Y; {$ELSE} GetScrollRange(Handle, SB_CTL, Result.X, Result.Y); {$ENDIF} Dec(Result.Y, SBPageSize - 1); end else Result := DF.fSBMinMax; end; function TControl.GetSBPageSize: Integer; var SI: TScrollInfo; begin ZeroMemory(@SI, SizeOf(SI)); SI.cbSize := SizeOf(SI); SI.fMask := SIF_PAGE; SBGetScrollInfo(SI); Result := SI.nPage; end; function TControl.GetSBPosition: Integer; begin Result := GetScrollPos(Handle, SB_CTL); end; procedure TControl.SetSBMax(Value: Longint); var P: TPoint; begin DF.fSBMinMax.Y := Value; if (Handle <> 0) then begin P := SBMinMax; P.Y := Value; SBMinMax := P; end; end; procedure TControl.SetSBMin(Value: Longint); var P: TPoint; begin DF.fSBMinMax.X := Value; if (Handle <> 0) then begin P := SBMinMax; P.X := Value; SBMinMax := P; end; end; procedure TControl.SetSBPageSize(Value: Integer); var SI: TScrollInfo; begin DF.fSBPageSize := Value; if fHandle <> 0 then begin ZeroMemory(@SI, SizeOf(SI)); SI.cbSize := SizeOf(SI); SI.fMask := SIF_PAGE or SIF_RANGE; SBGetScrollInfo(SI); {$IFDEF SCROLL_OLD} // by QAZ {$IFDEF SCROLL_OLD_MAX1} if (SI.nMax = 0) and (SI.nMin = 0) then SI.nMax := 1; {$ENDIF} SI.nMax := SI.nMax - Integer(SI.nPage) + Value; {$ENDIF} SI.nPage := Value; SBSetScrollInfo(SI); end; end; procedure TControl.SetSBPosition(Value: Integer); begin DF.fSBPosition := Value; if (Handle <> 0) then SetScrollPos(Handle, SB_CTL, Value, True); end; procedure TControl.SetSBMinMax(const Value: TPoint); begin GetSBMinMax; if (Handle <> 0) then SetScrollRange(Handle, SB_CTL, Value.X, Value.Y {$IFDEF SCROLL_OLD} + SBPageSize - 1{$ENDIF (by QAZ)} , True) else DF.fSBMinMax := Value; end; function TControl.SBSetScrollInfo(const SI: TScrollInfo): Integer; begin Result := SetScrollInfo(Handle, SB_CTL, SI, True) end; function TControl.SBGetScrollInfo(var SI: TScrollInfo): Boolean; begin Result := Cardinal(GetScrollInfo(Handle, SB_CTL, SI)) <> 0; end; { -- OpenSaveDialog -- } function NewOpenSaveDialog( const Title, StrtDir: KOLString; Options: TOpenSaveOptions ): POpenSaveDialog; begin New( Result, Create ); {$IFDEF DEBUG_OBJKIND} Result.fObjKind := 'TOpenSaveDialog'; {$ENDIF} Result.FOptions := Options; if Options = [] then Result.FOptions := DefOpenSaveDlgOptions; Result.fOpenDialog := True; Result.FTitle := Title; Result.FInitialDir := StrtDir; end; { TOpenSaveDialog } {$IFDEF ASM_VERSION}{$ELSE PAS_VERSION} //Pascal destructor TOpenSaveDialog.Destroy; begin FFilter := ''; FInitialDir := ''; FDefExtension := ''; FFileName := ''; FTitle := ''; {$IFDEF OpenSaveDialog_Extended} TemplateName := ''; {$ENDIF} inherited; end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION} {$IFDEF ASM_UNICODE}{$ELSE PAS_VERSION} //Pascal function TOpenSaveDialog.Execute: Boolean; const OpenSaveFlags: array[ TOpenSaveOption ] of Integer = ( OFN_CREATEPROMPT, OFN_EXTENSIONDIFFERENT, OFN_FILEMUSTEXIST, OFN_HIDEREADONLY, OFN_NOCHANGEDIR, OFN_NODEREFERENCELINKS, OFN_ALLOWMULTISELECT, OFN_NONETWORKBUTTON, OFN_NOREADONLYRETURN, OFN_OVERWRITEPROMPT, OFN_PATHMUSTEXIST, OFN_READONLY, OFN_NOVALIDATE, OFN_ENABLETEMPLATE, OFN_ENABLEHOOK ); var Ofn : TOpenFilename; Fltr : KOLString; TempFilename : KOLString; Function MakeFilter(s : KOLString) : KOLString; { format of filter for API call is following: 'text files'#0'*.txt'#0 'bitmap files'#0'*.bmp'#0#0 } var Str: PKOLChar; begin Result := s; if Result='' then exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} Result:=Result+#0; {Delphi string always end on #0 is this is #0#0} Str := PKOLChar( Result ); while Str^ <> #0 do begin if Str^ = '|' then Str^ := #0; Inc( Str ); end; end; var m: Integer; begin ZeroMemory( @ofn, sizeof( ofn ) ); {$IFDEF OpenSaveDialog_Extended} if (WinVer <= wvNT) and (WinVer <> wvME) then ofn.lStructSize := 76 else begin ofn.lStructSize := Sizeof( ofn ); ofn.FlagsEx := Integer( NoPlaceBar ); end; {$ELSE} ofn.lStructSize:= 76; //to provide correct work in Win9x {$ENDIF} if fWnd <> 0 then ofn.hWndOwner := fWnd else if Applet <> nil then ofn.hwndOwner := applet.Handle; ofn.hInstance:=HInstance; Fltr := MakeFilter(FFilter); if Fltr <> '' then ofn.lpstrFilter := PKOLchar(Fltr); ofn.nFilterIndex := FFilterIndex; if OSAllowMultiSelect in FOptions then ofn.nMaxFile := High(word)-14 // by V.K. (exchanged condition) else ofn.nMaxFile := MAX_PATH+2; SetLength( TempFileName, ofn.nMaxFile ); ZeroMemory( @TempFileName[ 1 ], ofn.nMaxFile * sizeof( KOLChar ) ); m := Min( ofn.nMaxFile, Length(fFileName) ); {$IFDEF UNICODE_CTRLS} ofn.lpstrFile := PKOLchar( TempFileName ); WStrLCopy(PWideChar(TempFileName), PWideChar(fFileName), m ); {$ELSE} ofn.lpstrFile := StrLCopy(PKOLChar(TempFileName), PKOLchar(fFileName), m ); {$ENDIF} ofn.lpstrInitialDir:=Pointer(FInitialDir); ofn.lpstrTitle := Pointer(FTitle); ofn.Flags := MakeFlags( @FOptions, OpenSaveFlags ) or OFN_EXPLORER or OFN_LONGNAMES or OFN_ENABLESIZING; ofn.lpstrDefExt := PKOLChar(FDefExtension); ofn.lCustData := integer(@self); {$IFDEF OpenSaveDialog_Extended} ofn.lpTemplateName := PKOLChar( TemplateName ); ofn.lpfnHook := HookProc; {$ELSE} ofn.lpTemplateName := nil; ofn.lpfnHook := nil; {$ENDIF} if fOpenDialog then result := GetOpenFileName(POpenFileName( @ofn )^) else result := GetSaveFileName(POpenFileName( @ofn )^); if result then begin fFilterIndex := ofn.nFilterIndex; // by Vadim fOpenReadOnly := OFN_READONLY and ofn.Flags <> 0; // by ECM (in my redaction) if OSAllowMultiSelect in foptions then begin FFileName := copy(TempFileName, 1, pos(KOLString(#0#0), tempfilename)-1); while pos(KOLString(#0), ffilename) > 0 do begin FFilename[pos(KOLString(#0), ffilename)]:=#13; end; end else FFileName := copy(tempFileName, 1, pos(KOLString(#0), TempFilename) -1 // by X.Y.B. ); end else FFilename:=''; end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION} { -- OpenDirDialog -- } function NewOpenDirDialog( const Title: KOLString; Options: TOpenDirOptions ): POpenDirDialog; begin New( Result, Create ); {$IFDEF DEBUG_OBJKIND} Result.fObjKind := 'TOpenDirDialog'; {$ENDIF} Result.FOptions := [ odOnlySystemDirs ]; if Options <> [] then Result.FOptions := Options; Result.FTitle := Title; end; { TOpenDirDialog } {$IFDEF ASM_VERSION}{$ELSE PAS_VERSION} //Pascal destructor TOpenDirDialog.Destroy; begin FTitle := ''; FInitialPath := ''; FStatusText := ''; inherited; end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION} type PSHItemID = ^TSHItemID; TSHItemID = packed record cb: Word; { Size of the ID (including cb itself) } abID: array[0..0] of Byte; { The item ID (variable length) } end; PItemIDList = ^TItemIDList; TItemIDList = record mkid: TSHItemID; end; PBrowseInfo = ^TBrowseInfo; TBrowseInfoA = record hwndOwner: HWND; pidlRoot: PItemIDList; pszDisplayName: PAnsiChar; { Return display name of item selected. } lpszTitle: PAnsiChar; { text to go in the banner over the tree. } ulFlags: UINT; { Flags that control the return stuff } lpfn: Pointer; //TFNBFFCallBack; lParam: LPARAM; { extra info that's passed back in callbacks } iImage: Integer; { output var: where to return the Image index. } end; TBrowseInfoW = record hwndOwner: HWND; pidlRoot: PItemIDList; pszDisplayName: PWideChar; { Return display name of item selected. } lpszTitle: PWideChar; { text to go in the banner over the tree. } ulFlags: UINT; { Flags that control the return stuff } lpfn: Pointer; //TFNBFFCallBack; lParam: LPARAM; { extra info that's passed back in callbacks } iImage: Integer; { output var: where to return the Image index. } end; TBrowseInfo = {$IFDEF UNICODE_CTRLS} TBrowseInfoW {$ELSE} TBrowseInfoA {$ENDIF}; function SHBrowseForFolderA(var lpbi: TBrowseInfoA): PItemIDList; stdcall; external 'shell32.dll' name 'SHBrowseForFolderA'; {$IFDEF UNICODE_CTRLS} function SHBrowseForFolderW(var lpbi: TBrowseInfoW): PItemIDList; stdcall; external 'shell32.dll' name 'SHBrowseForFolderW'; {$ENDIF UNICODE_CTRLS} function SHGetPathFromIDListA(pidl: PItemIDList; pszPath: PAnsiChar): BOOL; stdcall; external 'shell32.dll' name 'SHGetPathFromIDListA'; {$IFDEF UNICODE_CTRLS} function SHGetPathFromIDListW(pidl: PItemIDList; pszPath: PKOLChar): BOOL; stdcall; external 'shell32.dll' name 'SHGetPathFromIDListW'; {$ENDIF UNICODE_CTRLS} procedure CoTaskMemFree(pv: Pointer); stdcall; external 'ole32.dll' name 'CoTaskMemFree'; const BIF_RETURNONLYFSDIRS = $0001; { For finding a folder to start document searching } BIF_DONTGOBELOWDOMAIN = $0002; { For starting the Find Computer } BIF_STATUSTEXT = $0004; BIF_RETURNFSANCESTORS = $0008; BIF_EDITBOX = $0010; BIF_VALIDATE = $0020; { insist on valid result (or CANCEL) } BIF_NEWDIALOGSTYLE = $0040; { Use the new dialog layout with the ability to resize } { Caller needs to call OleInitialize() before using this API (c) JVCL } BIF_BROWSEFORCOMPUTER = $1000; { Browsing for Computers. } BIF_BROWSEFORPRINTER = $2000; { Browsing for Printers } BIF_BROWSEINCLUDEFILES = $4000; { Browsing for Everything } BFFM_INITIALIZED = 1; BFFM_SELCHANGED = 2; BFFM_SETSTATUSTEXT = WM_USER + 100; BFFM_ENABLEOK = WM_USER + 101; BFFM_SETSELECTION = WM_USER + 102; BFFM_SETSELECTIONW = WM_USER + 103; {$IFDEF ASM_UNICODE}{$ELSE PAS_VERSION} //Pascal function TOpenDirDialog.Execute: Boolean; const FlagsArray: array[ TOpenDirOption ] of Integer = ( BIF_BROWSEFORCOMPUTER, BIF_BROWSEFORPRINTER, BIF_DONTGOBELOWDOMAIN, BIF_RETURNFSANCESTORS, BIF_RETURNONLYFSDIRS, BIF_STATUSTEXT, BIF_BROWSEINCLUDEFILES, BIF_EDITBOX, BIF_NEWDIALOGSTYLE ); var BI : TBrowseInfo; Browse : PItemIdList; begin Result := False; if WndOwner <> 0 then BI.hwndOwner := WndOwner else if Applet <> nil then BI.hwndOwner := Applet.Handle else BI.hwndOwner := 0; BI.pidlRoot := nil; BI.pszDisplayName := @FBuf[ 0 ]; BI.lpszTitle := PKOLChar( Title ); BI.ulFlags := MakeFlags( @FOptions, FlagsArray ); BI.lpfn := FCallBack; BI.lParam := Integer( @Self ); Browse := {$IFDEF UNICODE_CTRLS} SHBrowseForFolderW {$ELSE} SHBrowseForFolderA {$ENDIF} ( BI ); if Browse <> nil then begin {$IFDEF UNICODE_CTRLS}SHGetPathFromIDListW{$ELSE} SHGetPathFromIDListA{$ENDIF}( Browse, @FBuf[ 0 ] ); CoTaskMemFree( Browse ); Result := True; end; end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION} function TOpenDirDialog.GetInitialPath: KOLString; begin Result := IncludeTrailingPathDelimiter( fInitialPath ); end; function TOpenDirDialog.GetPath: KOLString; begin Result := FBuf; end; {$IFDEF ASM_UNICODE}{$ELSE PAS_VERSION} //Pascal function OpenDirSelChangeCallBack( Wnd: HWnd; Msg: DWORD; lParam, lpData: LParam ): Integer; stdcall; var _Self_: POpenDirDialog; EnableOK: Integer; begin _Self_ := Pointer( lpData ); if Assigned( _Self_.FOnSelChanged ) then begin {$IFDEF UNICODE_CTRLS} SHGetPathFromIDListW {$ELSE} SHGetPathFromIDListA {$ENDIF}( PItemIDList( lParam ), @ _Self_.FBuf[ 0 ] ); EnableOK := 0; _Self_.FOnSelChanged( _Self_, _Self_.FBuf, EnableOK, KOL_String( KOLString( _Self_.FStatusText ) ) ); SendMessage( Wnd, BFFM_ENABLEOK, 0, EnableOK ); if _Self_.FStatusText <> '' then SendMessage( Wnd, BFFM_SETSTATUSTEXT, 0, Integer( PKOLChar( _Self_.FStatusText ) ) ); end; Result := 0; end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION} {$IFDEF ASM_LOCAL} {$UNDEF ASM_LOCAL} {$ENDIF} {$IFNDEF NEW_OPEN_DIR_STYLE_EX} {$IFDEF ASM_VERSION} {$DEFINE ASM_LOCAL} {$ENDIF} {$ENDIF} {$IFDEF ASM_LOCAL} {$ELSE PAS_VERSION} //Pascal function OpenDirCallBack( Wnd: HWnd; Msg: DWORD; lParam, lpData: LParam ): Integer; stdcall; const Shel: array[ 0..3 ] of AnsiChar = 'SHBr'; // KOL_ANSI used as DWORD var Self_ : POpenDirDialog; {$IFDEF NEW_OPEN_DIR_STYLE_EX} WList: HWnd; ClassBuf: array[ 0..127 ] of KOLChar; {$ENDIF} begin Self_ := Pointer( lpData ); Self_.FDialogWnd := Wnd; if Msg = BFFM_INITIALIZED then begin if Assigned( Self_.FCenterProc ) then Self_.FCenterProc( Wnd ); if Self_.FInitialPath <> '' then begin {$IFDEF NEW_OPEN_DIR_STYLE_EX} WList := GetWindow( Wnd, GW_CHILD ); while WList <> 0 do begin WList := GetWindow( WList, GW_HWNDNEXT ); GetClassName( WList, @ ClassBuf[ 0 ], Sizeof( ClassBuf ) ); if PDWord( @ ClassBuf[ 0 ] )^ = DWORD( Shel ) then begin PostMessage( Wnd, WM_NEXTDLGCTL, WList, 1 ); break; end; end; PostMessage( Wnd, {$IFDEF UNICODE_CTRLS} BFFM_SETSELECTIONW {$ELSE} BFFM_SETSELECTION {$ENDIF}, 1, Integer( PKOLChar( ExtractFilePath( Self_.FInitialPath ) ) ) ); PostMessage( WND, WM_KEYDOWN, VK_ADD, 0 ); PostMessage( WND, WM_KEYUP, VK_ADD, 0 ); PostMessage( Wnd, {$IFDEF UNICODE_CTRLS} BFFM_SETSELECTIONW {$ELSE} BFFM_SETSELECTION {$ENDIF}, 1, Integer( PKOLChar( Self_.FInitialPath ) ) ); {$ELSE} SendMessage( Wnd, {$IFDEF UNICODE_CTRLS} BFFM_SETSELECTIONW {$ELSE} BFFM_SETSELECTION {$ENDIF}, 1, Integer( PKOLChar( Self_.FInitialPath ) ) ); {$ENDIF} SendMessage( Wnd, BFFM_ENABLEOK, 0, 1 ); end; end else if Msg = BFFM_SELCHANGED then begin if Assigned( Self_.FDoSelChanged ) then Self_.FDoSelChanged( Wnd, Msg, lParam, lpData ) else SendMessage( Wnd, BFFM_ENABLEOK, 0, 1 ); end; Result := 0; end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION} {$IFDEF ASM_VERSION}{$ELSE PAS_VERSION} //Pascal procedure OpenDirDlgCenter( Wnd: HWnd ); var R: TRect; W, H: Integer; begin GetWindowRect( Wnd, R ); W := R.Right - R.Left; H := R.Bottom - R.Top; R.Left := (GetSystemMetrics( SM_CXSCREEN ) - W) div 2; R.Top := (GetSystemMetrics( SM_CYSCREEN ) - H) div 2; MoveWindow( Wnd, R.Left, R.Top, W, H, True ); end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION} {$IFDEF ASM_VERSION}{$ELSE PAS_VERSION} //Pascal procedure TOpenDirDialog.SetCenterOnScreen(const Value: Boolean); var P: procedure( Wnd: HWnd ); begin FCenterOnScreen := Value; P := nil; if Value then P := @OpenDirDlgCenter; FCenterProc := P; end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION} procedure TOpenDirDialog.SetInitialPath(const Value: KOLString); begin FCallBack := @OpenDirCallBack; FInitialPath := ExcludeTrailingPathDelimiter( Value ); if (FInitialPath <> '') and (FInitialPath[ Length( FInitialPath ) ] = ':') then FInitialPath := IncludeTrailingPathDelimiter( Value ); end; procedure TOpenDirDialog.SetOnSelChanged(const Value: TOnODSelChange); begin FOnSelChanged := Value; FCallBack := @OpenDirCallBack; FDoSelChanged := @OpenDirSelChangeCallBack; end; type PByteArray =^TByteArray; TByteArray = array[Word]of Byte; function CreateMappedBitmap(Instance: THandle; Bitmap: Integer; Flags: UINT; ColorMap: PColorMap; NumMaps: Integer): HBitmap; stdcall; external cctrl name 'CreateMappedBitmap'; function CreateMappedBitmapEx(Instance: THandle; BmpRsrcName: PKOLChar; Flags: Cardinal; ColorMap: PColorMap; NumMaps: Integer): HBitmap; var bi: TBITMAPINFO; DC, tmcl: Cardinal; Bits: PByteArray; i, j, k, CO, bps: Integer; tm: array [1..4] of byte absolute tmcl; bm: Windows.TBITMAP; CM: PColorMap; DW: HWnd; begin Result := LoadBitmap( Instance, BmpRsrcName ); if Result = 0 then begin {$IFDEF DEBUG_ANY} ShowMessage( AnsiString('Can not load bitmap ') + BmpRsrcName + ', error ' + Int2Str( GetLastError ) + ': ' + SysErrorMessage( GetLastError ) ); {$ENDIF DEBUG_ANY} Exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} end; DW := GetDesktopWindow; DC := GetDC(DW); ZeroMemory( @bm, SizeOf(bm) ); GetObject( Result, SizeOf( bm ), @bm ); ZeroMemory( @bi, SizeOf( bi ) ); bi.bmiHeader.biSize := SizeOf( bi.bmiHeader ); bi.bmiHeader.biWidth := bm.bmWidth; bi.bmiHeader.biHeight := -bm.bmHeight; bi.bmiHeader.biPlanes := 1; bi.bmiHeader.biBitCount := 24; // BitCout - always 24 for easy algorythm bi.bmiHeader.biCompression:=BI_RGB; bps := CalcScanLineSize( @bi.bmiHeader ); GetMem( Bits, bps * bm.bmHeight ); GetDIBits( DC, Result, 0, bm.bmHeight, @Bits[0], bi, DIB_RGB_COLORS ); DeleteObject( Result ); for i := 0 to bm.bmHeight - 1 do begin for j := 0 to bm.bmWidth - 1 do begin CO := bps * i + 3 * j; for k := 0 to NumMaps - 1 do begin CM := Pointer( Integer( ColorMap ) + SizeOf( TColorMap ) * k ); if RGB( Bits[CO+2], Bits[CO+1], Bits[CO] ) = CM.cFrom then begin tmcl := CM.cTo; tm[4]:=tm[1]; tm[1]:=tm[3]; tm[3]:=tm[4]; Move( tmcl, Bits[CO], 3); end; end; end; end; Result := CreateDIBitmap( DC, bi.bmiHeader, CBM_INIT, @Bits[0], bi, DIB_RGB_COLORS ); ReleaseDC( DW, DC ); FreeMem( Bits ); end; function LoadMappedBitmap( hInst: THandle; BmpResID: Integer; const Map: array of TColor ) : HBitmap; var Map2Pass: Pointer; begin Map2Pass := nil; if High( Map ) > 0 then Map2Pass := PColorMap( @Map[ 0 ] ); Result := CreateMappedBitmap( hInst, BmpResID, 0, Map2Pass, (High( Map ) + 1) div 2 ); end; function LoadMappedBitmapEx( MasterObj: PObj; hInst: THandle; BmpResName: PKOLChar; const Map: array of TColor ) : HBitmap; var Map2Pass: Pointer; begin Map2Pass := nil; if High( Map ) > 0 then Map2Pass := PColorMap( @Map[ 0 ] ); Result := CreateMappedBitmapEx( hInst, BmpResName, 0, Map2Pass, (High( Map ) + 1) div 2 ); if MasterObj <> nil then MasterObj.Add2AutoFreeEx( TObjectMethod( MakeMethod( Pointer( Result ), @ FreeBmp ) ) ); end; { -- Toolbar -- } {$IFDEF ASM_noVERSION} // width procedure TControl.TBAddBitmap(Bitmap: HBitmap); const szBI = sizeof(TBitmapInfo); asm TEST EDX, EDX JZ @@exit JGE @@1 CMP EDX, -6 JL @@1 NEG EDX DEC EDX PUSH EDX PUSH -1 XOR EDX, EDX JMP @@2 @@1: PUSH EDX // AB.hInst = Bitmap PUSH 0 // AB.nID = 0 PUSH EAX // > @Self ADD ESP, -szBI PUSH ESP PUSH szBI PUSH EDX CALL GetObject TEST EAX, EAX JG @@11 ADD ESP, szBI JMP @@exit @@11: MOV EAX, [ESP].TBitmapInfo.bmiHeader.biWidth MOV ECX, [ESP].TBitmapInfo.bmiHeader.biHeight TEST ECX, ECX JGE @@12 NEG ECX @@12: ADD ESP, szBI CDQ // EDX = 0 DIV ECX // EAX = N XCHG EAX, [ESP] // > N PUSH EAX // > @Self MOV EDX, ECX SHL EDX, 16 OR ECX, EDX CDQ PUSH EDX PUSH EDX PUSH TB_AUTOSIZE PUSH EAX PUSH ECX PUSH EDX PUSH TB_SETBITMAPSIZE PUSH EAX CALL Perform CALL Perform POP EAX POP EDX @@2: PUSH ESP PUSH EDX PUSH TB_ADDBITMAP PUSH EAX CALL Perform POP ECX POP ECX @@exit: end; {$ELSE PAS_VERSION} //Pascal procedure TControl.TBAddBitmap(Bitmap: HBitmap); const NstdBitmaps: array[ 0..5 ] of DWORD = ( 15, 15, 0, 0, 13, 13 ); var BI: TBitmapInfo; AB: TTBAddBitmap; N, W: Integer; begin if Bitmap = 0 then Exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} if (Integer( Bitmap ) >= -10) and (Integer( Bitmap ) <= -1) then begin AB.hInst := THandle(-1); AB.nID := -Integer(Bitmap) - 1; N := 0; //NstdBitmaps[ AB.nID ]; // (this value is ignored) end else if GetObject( Bitmap, sizeof( TBitmapInfo ), @BI ) > 0 then begin AB.hInst := 0; AB.nID := Bitmap; W := DF.fTBBtnImgWidth; if W = 0 then W := Abs( BI.bmiHeader.biHeight ); N := BI.bmiHeader.biWidth div W; Perform( TB_SETBITMAPSIZE, 0, MAKELONG( W, Abs(BI.bmiHeader.biHeight )) ); Perform( TB_AUTOSIZE, 0, 0 ); end else Exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} Perform( TB_ADDBITMAP, N, Integer( @AB ) ); end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION} {$IFDEF ASM_UNICODE}{$ELSE PAS_VERSION} //Pascal function TControl.TBAddInsButtons(Idx: Integer; const Buttons: array of PKOLChar; const BtnImgIdxArray: array of Integer): Integer; stdcall; function AddInsButtons: Integer; type TTBBtnArray = array[ 0..100000 ] of TTBButton; PTBBtnArray = ^TTBBtnArray; var AB: PTBBtnArray; I, N, nBmp: Integer; PAB: PTBButton; Str: PKOLChar; Str0: KOLString; begin Result := -1; AB := nil; if High( Buttons ) >= 0 then GetMem( AB, Sizeof( TTBButton ) * (High(Buttons) + 1) ); N := 0; PAB := @AB[ 0 ]; nBmp := -2; if High(BtnImgIdxArray) >= 0 then nBmp := BtnImgIdxArray[ 0 ] - 1; for I:= 0 to High( Buttons ) do begin if Buttons[ I ] = nil then break; if {$IFDEF UNICODE_CTRLS} WStrComp {$ELSE} StrComp {$ENDIF} ( Buttons[ I ], {$IFDEF F_P}''+{$ENDIF} '-' ) = 0 then begin PAB.iBitmap := -1; //PAB.idCommand := 0; PAB.fsState := 0; PAB.fsStyle := TBSTYLE_SEP; PAB.iString := -1; end else begin Str := Buttons[ I ]; Inc( nBmp ); PAB.iBitmap := nBmp; if nBmp < 0 then Dec( nBmp ); if High( BtnImgIdxArray ) >= N then PAB.iBitmap := BtnImgIdxArray[ N ]; PAB.fsState := TBSTATE_ENABLED; PAB.fsStyle := TBSTYLE_BUTTON or DF.fDefaultTBBtnStyle; if Str^ = '^' then begin PAB.fsStyle := TBSTYLE_DROPDOWN or DF.fDefaultTBBtnStyle; Inc( Str ); end; if CharIn( Str^, [ '-', '+' ] ) then begin PAB.fsStyle := PAB.fsStyle or TBSTYLE_CHECK; if Str^ = '+' then PAB.fsState := PAB.fsState or TBSTATE_CHECKED; Inc( Str ); if Str^ = '!' then begin PAB.fsStyle := PAB.fsStyle or TBSTYLE_GROUP; Inc( Str ); end; end; {$IFDEF TOOLBAR_DOT_NOAUTOSIZE_BUTTON} if Str^ = '.' then begin PAB.fsStyle := PAB.fsStyle and not TBSTYLE_AUTOSIZE; inc( Str ); end; {$ENDIF TOOLBAR_DOT_NOAUTOSIZE_BUTTON} if (KOLString(Str) = KOLString( {$IFDEF F_P}''+{$ENDIF} KOLChar( ' ' ) )) or (Str^ = #0) then PAB.iString := -1 else begin Str0 := KOLString('') + KOLString(Str) + #0; PAB.iString := Perform( TB_ADDSTRING, 0, Integer(PKOLChar(Str0)) ); end; end; PAB.idCommand := ToolbarsIDcmd; if Result < 0 then Result := PAB.idCommand; Inc( ToolbarsIDcmd ); PAB.dwData := Integer( @Self ); Inc( N ); Inc( PAB ); end; if N > 0 then begin if Idx < 0 then Perform( TB_ADDBUTTONS, N, Integer( @AB[ 0 ] ) ) else Perform( TB_INSERTBUTTON, Idx, Integer( @AB[ 0 ] ) ); end; if AB <> nil then FreeMem( AB ); end; begin if High( Buttons ) < 0 then Result := -1 else Result := AddInsButtons; end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION} {$IFDEF ASM_VERSION}{$ELSE PAS_VERSION} //Pascal function TControl.TBAddButtons(const Buttons: array of PKOLChar; const BtnImgIdxArray: array of Integer): Integer; begin Result := TBAddInsButtons( -1, Buttons, BtnImgIdxArray ); end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION} function TControl.TBInsertButtons(BeforeIdx: Integer; Buttons: array of PKOLChar; const BtnImgIdxArray: array of Integer): Integer; var I, J, K: Integer; begin J := -1; Result := -1; for I := 0 to High( Buttons ) do begin if I <= High( BtnImgIdxArray ) then J := BtnImgIdxArray[ I ] else if J >= 0 then Inc( J ); K := TBAddInsButtons( BeforeIdx, [ Buttons[ I ], '' ], [ J ] ); if Result < 0 then Result := K; end; end; function GetTBBtnGoodID( Toolbar: PControl; BtnIDorIdx: Integer ): Integer; // change by Alexander Pravdin (to fix toolbar with separator first): var Btn1st, i: Integer; btn: TTBButton; begin Result := BtnIDorIdx; Btn1st := 0; for i := 0 to Toolbar.TBButtonCount - 1 do begin Toolbar.Perform( TB_GETBUTTON, i, Integer( @btn ) ); if btn.fsStyle <> TBSTYLE_SEP then begin Btn1st := i; Break; end; end; if Result < Toolbar.TBIndex2Item( Btn1st ) then Result := Toolbar.TBIndex2Item( Result ); end; type TTBButtonEvent = packed Record BtnID: DWORD; Event: TOnToolbarButtonClick; end; PTBButtonEvent = ^TTBButtonEvent; procedure TControl.TBFreeTBevents; begin DF.fTBevents.Release; end; function WndProcToolbarButtonsClicks( TB: PControl; var Msg: TMsg; var Rslt: Integer ): Boolean; var Notify: PTBNotify; I: Integer; Event: PTBButtonEvent; begin Result := FALSE; if Msg.message = WM_NOTIFY then begin Notify := Pointer( Msg.lParam ); if Notify.hdr.code = NM_CLICK then begin for I := TB.DF.fTBevents.fCount-1 downto 0 do begin Event := TB.DF.fTBevents.{$IFDEF TLIST_FAST} Items {$ELSE} fItems {$ENDIF}[ I ]; if Integer( Event.BtnID ) = Notify.iItem then begin if Assigned( Event.Event ) then begin TB.RefInc; Rslt := DefWindowProc( Msg.hwnd, Msg.message, Msg.wParam, Msg.lParam ); Event.Event( TB, Event.BtnID ); TB.RefDec; Result := TRUE; Exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} end; break; end; end; end; end; end; procedure TControl.TBAssignEvents(BtnID: Integer; Events: array of TOnToolbarButtonClick); var I: Integer; EventRec: PTBButtonEvent; begin if DF.fTBevents = nil then begin DF.fTBevents := NewList; Add2AutoFreeEx( TBFreeTBevents ); AttachProc( WndProcToolbarButtonsClicks ); end; BtnID := GetTBBtnGoodID( @Self, BtnID ); for I := 0 to High( Events ) do begin GetMem( EventRec, Sizeof( TTBButtonEvent ) ); DF.fTBevents.Add( EventRec ); EventRec.Event := Events[ I ]; EventRec.BtnID := BtnID; Inc( BtnID ); end; end; function TControl.TBBtnEvent( Idx: Integer ): TOnToolbarButtonClick; var EventRec: PTBButtonEvent; begin Result := nil; if DF.fTBevents = nil then Exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} if Idx < DF.fTBevents.Count then begin EventRec := DF.fTBevents.{$IFDEF TLIST_FAST} Items {$ELSE} fItems {$ENDIF} [ Idx ]; Result := EventRec.Event; end; end; procedure TControl.TBResetImgIdx( BtnID, BtnCount: Integer ); begin while BtnCount > 0 do begin TBButtonImage[ BtnID ] := -2; Inc( BtnID ); Dec( BtnCount ); end; end; function TControl.TBGetButtonVisible(BtnID: Integer): Boolean; begin Result := Perform( TB_ISBUTTONHIDDEN, GetTBBtnGoodID( @ Self, BtnID ), 0 ) = 0; end; function TControl.TBItem2Index(BtnID: Integer): Integer; begin Result := Perform( TB_COMMANDTOINDEX, BtnID, 0 ); end; procedure TControl.TBSetButtonVisible(BtnID: Integer; const Value: Boolean); begin BtnID := GetTBBtnGoodID( @Self, BtnID ); Perform( TB_HIDEBUTTON, BtnID, Integer( not Value ) ); end; {$IFDEF ASM_VERSION}{$ELSE PAS_VERSION} //Pascal function TControl.TBGetBtnStt(BtnID: Integer; const Index: Integer): Boolean; begin BtnID := GetTBBtnGoodID( @Self, BtnID ); Result := Perform( Index + 8, BtnID, 0 ) <> 0; end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION} procedure TControl.TBSetBtnStt(BtnID: Integer; const Index: Integer; const Value: Boolean); begin BtnID := GetTBBtnGoodID( @Self, BtnID ); Perform( Index, BtnID, Integer( Value ) ); end; {$IFDEF ASM_VERSION}{$ELSE PAS_VERSION} //Pascal function TControl.TBIndex2Item(Idx: Integer): Integer; var ButtonInfo: TTBButton; begin Result := -1; if Perform( TB_GETBUTTON, Idx, Integer( @ButtonInfo ) ) <> 0 then Result := ButtonInfo.idCommand; end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION} procedure TControl.TBConvertIdxArray2ID(const IdxVars: array of PDWORD); var i: Integer; begin for i := 0 to High( IdxVars ) do IdxVars[ i ]^ := TBIndex2Item( IdxVars[ I ]^ ); end; {$IFDEF ASM_UNICODE}{$ELSE PAS_VERSION} //Pascal function TControl.TBGetButtonText( BtnID: Integer ): KOLString; var Buffer: array[ 0..1023 ] of KOLChar; begin BtnID := GetTBBtnGoodID( @Self, BtnID ); if Perform( TB_GETBUTTONTEXT, BtnID, Integer( @Buffer[ 0 ] ) ) > 0 then Result := Buffer else Result := ''; end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION} function TControl.TBGetButtonRect(BtnID: Integer): TRect; begin BtnID := GetTBBtnGoodID( @Self, BtnID ); Perform( TB_GETITEMRECT, TBItem2Index( BtnID ), Integer( @Result ) ); end; function ToolbarButtonRect( Toolbar: PControl; BtnID: Integer ): TRect; begin Result := Toolbar.TBGetButtonRect(BtnID); end; function TControl.TBGetRows: Integer; begin Result := 1; UpdateWndStyles; if (TBSTYLE_WRAPABLE and fStyle.Value) <> 0 then Result := Perform( TB_GETROWS, 0, 0 ); end; procedure TControl.TBSetRows(const Value: Integer); begin Perform( TB_SETROWS, Value, 0 ); end; function TControl.TBMoveBtn(FromIdx, ToIdx: Integer): Boolean; var btn: TTBButton; begin Perform(TB_GETBUTTON,FromIdx,integer(@btn)); Result := Perform(TB_DELETEBUTTON,FromIdx,0) <> 0; if Result then Perform(TB_INSERTBUTTON,ToIdx,integer(@btn)); end; {$IFDEF ASM_VERSION}{$ELSE PAS_VERSION} //Pascal procedure TControl.TBSetTooltips(BtnID1st: Integer; const Tooltips: array of PKOLChar); var I, J: Integer; begin if ( DF.fTBttCmd = nil ) then begin DF.fTBttCmd := NewList; DF.fTBttTxt := {$IFDEF UNICODE_CTRLS} NewWStrList {$ELSE} NewStrList {$ENDIF}; {$IFDEF USE_AUTOFREE4CONTROLS} Add2AutoFree( DF.fTBttCmd ); Add2AutoFree( DF.fTBttTxt ); {$ENDIF} end; for I:= 0 to High( Tooltips ) do begin J := DF.fTBttCmd.IndexOf( Pointer( BtnID1st ) ); if J < 0 then begin DF.fTBttCmd.Add( Pointer( BtnID1st ) ); DF.fTBttTxt.Add( Tooltips[ I ] ); end else DF.fTBttTxt.Items[ J ] := Tooltips[ I ]; Inc( BtnID1st ); end; end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION} function TControl.TBBtnTooltip( BtnID: Integer ): KOLString; var J: Integer; begin Result := ''; if DF.fTBttCmd = nil then Exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} J := DF.fTBttCmd.IndexOf( Pointer( BtnID ) ); if J < 0 then Exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} Result := DF.fTBttTxt.Items[ J ]; end; procedure ToolbarSetTooltips( Toolbar: PControl; BtnID1st: Integer; const Tooltips: array of PKOLChar ); begin Toolbar.TBSetTooltips( BtnID1st, Tooltips ); end; function ToolbarButtonEnabled( Toolbar: PControl; BtnID: Integer ): Boolean; begin Result := Toolbar.TBButtonEnabled[ BtnID ]; end; procedure EnableToolbarButton( Toolbar: PControl; BtnID: Integer; Enable: Boolean ); begin Toolbar.TBButtonEnabled[ BtnID ] := Enable; end; function ToolbarButtonVisible( Toolbar: PControl; BtnID: Integer ): Boolean; begin Result := Toolbar.TBButtonVisible[ BtnID ]; end; procedure ShowHideToolbarButton( Toolbar: PControl; BtnID: Integer; Show: Boolean ); begin Toolbar.TBButtonVisible[ BtnID ] := Show; end; function ToolbarButtonChecked( Toolbar: PControl; BtnID: Integer): Boolean; begin Result := Toolbar.TBButtonChecked[ BtnID ]; end; procedure ToolbarButtonSetChecked( Toolbar: PControl; BtnID: Integer; Checked: Boolean ); begin Toolbar.TBButtonChecked[ BtnID ] := Checked; end; procedure ToolbarAddButtons( Toolbar: PControl; const Buttons: array of PKOLChar; const BtnImgIdxArray: array of Integer; Bitmap: HBitmap ); begin Toolbar.TBAddButtons( Buttons, BtnImgIdxArray ); if Bitmap <> 0 then Toolbar.TBAddBitmap( Bitmap ); end; {$IFDEF ASM_VERSION}{$ELSE PAS_VERSION} //Pascal function TControl.TBButtonAtPos(X, Y: Integer): Integer; var I: Integer; begin I := TBBtnIdxAtPos( X, Y ); if I >= 0 then I := TBIndex2Item( I ); Result := I; end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION} {$IFDEF ASM_VERSION}{$ELSE PAS_VERSION} //Pascal function TControl.TBBtnIdxAtPos(X, Y: Integer): Integer; var I: Integer; R: TRect; P: TPoint; begin P := MakePoint( X, Y ); for I := TBButtonCount - 1 downto 0 do begin Perform( TB_GETITEMRECT, I, Integer( @R ) ); if PointInRect( P, R ) then begin Result := I; Exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} end; end; Result := -1; end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION} function TControl.TBButtonSeparator(BtnID: Integer): Boolean; var B: TTBButton; begin Perform( TB_GETBUTTON, TBItem2Index( GetTBBtnGoodID( @Self, BtnID ) ), Integer( @B ) ) ; Result := B.fsStyle = TBSTYLE_SEP; end; procedure TControl.TBDeleteButton(BtnID: Integer); begin BtnID := GetTBBtnGoodID( @Self, BtnID ); Perform( TB_DELETEBUTTON, TBItem2Index( BtnID ), 0 ); end; procedure TControl.TBDeleteBtnByIdx(Idx: Integer); begin Perform( TB_DELETEBUTTON, Idx, 0 ); end; procedure TControl.TBClear; var i: Integer; begin for i := 0 to Pred(TBButtonCount) do TBDeleteBtnByIdx(0); end; procedure TControl.Clear; begin fCommandActions.aClear( @Self ); end; {$IFDEF ASM_noVERSION} function TControl.TBGetBtnImgIdx(BtnID: Integer): Integer; const szTBButton = sizeof( TTBButton ); asm ADD ESP, -szTBButton PUSH ESP PUSH EAX CALL TBItem2Index POP EDX PUSH EAX PUSH TB_GETBUTTON PUSH EDX CALL Perform POP EAX ADD ESP, szTBButton-4 end; {$ELSE PAS_VERSION} //Pascal function TControl.TBGetBtnImgIdx(BtnID: Integer): Integer; var B: TTBButton; begin Perform( TB_GETBUTTON, TBItem2Index( GetTBBtnGoodID( @Self, BtnID ) ), Integer( @B ) ); Result := B.iBitmap; end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION} procedure TControl.TBSetBtnImgIdx(BtnID: Integer; const Value: Integer); begin Perform( TB_CHANGEBITMAP, GetTBBtnGoodID( @Self, BtnID ), Value ); end; {$IFDEF ASM_VERSION}{$ELSE PAS_VERSION} //Pascal procedure TControl.TBSetButtonText(BtnID: Integer; const Value: KOLString); var BI: TTBButtonInfo; begin BtnID := GetTBBtnGoodID( @Self, BtnID ); BI.cbSize := Sizeof( BI ); BI.dwMask := TBIF_TEXT; BI.pszText := PKOLChar( Value ); Perform( TB_SETBUTTONINFO, BtnID, Integer( @BI ) ); end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION} {$IFDEF ASM_VERSION}{$ELSE PAS_VERSION} //Pascal function TControl.TBGetBtnWidth(BtnID: Integer): Integer; var R: TRect; begin R := TBButtonRect[ BtnID ]; Result := R.Right - R.Left; end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION} {$IFDEF ASM_VERSION}{$ELSE PAS_VERSION} //Pascal procedure TControl.TBSetBtnWidth(BtnID: Integer; const Value: Integer); var BI: TTBButtonInfo; begin BI.cbSize := Sizeof( BI ); BI.dwMask := TBIF_SIZE or TBIF_STYLE; BtnID := GetTBBtnGoodID( @Self, BtnID ); Perform( TB_GETBUTTONINFO, BtnID, Integer( @BI ) ); BI.cx := Value; BI.fsStyle := BI.fsStyle and not TBSTYLE_AUTOSIZE; Perform( TB_SETBUTTONINFO, BtnID, Integer( @BI ) ); end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION} procedure TControl.TBSetBtMinMaxWidth(const Idx: Integer; const Value: Integer); begin case Idx of 0: DF.fTBBtMinWidth := Value; 1: DF.fTBBtMaxWidth := Value; end; Perform( TB_SETBUTTONWIDTH, 0, DF.fTBBtMaxWidth or (DF.fTBBtMinWidth shl 16) ); end; {$IFDEF F_P} function TControl.TBGetBtMinMaxWidth(const Idx: Integer): Integer; begin CASE Idx OF 0: Result := FTBBtMinWidth; 1: Result := FTBBtMaxWidth; END; end; {$ENDIF F_P} function TControl.TBGetButtonLParam(const Idx: Integer): DWORD; var tb: TTBButtonInfo; begin tb.cbSize := sizeof(tb); tb.dwMask := TBIF_BYINDEX or TBIF_LPARAM; Perform(TB_GETBUTTONINFO, Idx, Integer(@tb)); Result := tb.lParam; end; procedure TControl.TBSetButtonLParam(const Idx: Integer; const Value: DWORD); var tb: TTBButtonInfo; begin tb.cbSize := sizeof(tb); tb.dwMask := TBIF_BYINDEX or TBIF_LPARAM; tb.lParam := Value; Perform(TB_SETBUTTONINFO, Idx, Integer(@tb)); end; function WndProcTBCustomDraw( Sender: PControl; var Msg: TMsg; var Rslt: Integer ): Boolean; var CD: PNMTBCustomDraw; Br: HBrush; begin Result := FALSE; if Msg.message = WM_NOTIFY then begin CD := Pointer( Msg.lParam ); if CD.nmcd.hdr.code = NM_CUSTOMDRAW then begin if Assigned( Sender.DF.fOnTBCustomDraw ) then Rslt := Sender.DF.fOnTBCustomDraw( Sender, CD^ ) else begin if Sender.fBrush <> nil then Windows.FillRect( CD.nmcd.hdc, Sender.ClientRect, Sender.fBrush.Handle ) else begin Br := CreateSolidBrush( Color2RGB( Sender.Color ) ); Windows.FillRect( CD.nmcd.hdc, Sender.ClientRect, Br ); DeleteObject( Br ); end; Rslt := CDRF_SKIPDEFAULT; end; end; end; end; procedure TControl.SetOnTBCustomDraw( const Value: TOnTBCustomDraw ); begin DF.fOnTBCustomDraw := Value; AttachProc( WndProcTBCustomDraw ); end; procedure TControl.SetDroppedDown(const Value: Boolean); begin Perform( CB_SHOWDROPDOWN, Integer( Value ), 0 ); end; {$IFDEF ASM_VERSION}{$ELSE PAS_VERSION} //Pascal procedure TControl.AddDirList(const Filemask: KOLString; Attrs: DWORD); begin if fCommandActions.aDir <> 0 then Perform( fCommandActions.aDir, Attrs, Integer( PKOLChar( Filemask ) ) ); end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION} {$IFDEF ASM_noVERSION} {$ELSE PAS_VERSION} //Pascal function WndProcShowModal( Self_: PControl; var Msg: TMsg; var Rslt: Integer ): Boolean; //var Accept: Boolean; // {Alexander Pravdin, AP} begin Result := FALSE; if Msg.message = WM_CLOSE then begin if Self_.DF.fModalResult = 0 then { (Sergey Shishmintzev) } Self_.DF.fModalResult := -1; Rslt := 0; Result := True; // Do not process ! end ; end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION} // by TR"]F function WndProcFixModal( Self_: PControl; var Msg: TMsg; var Rslt: Integer ): Boolean; const HTERROR = $FFFE; LBtnDown = $201; LBtnUp = $202; RBtnDown = $204; RBtnUp = $205; WeelDown = $207; WeelUp = $208; {$IFDEF MODAL_ACTIVATE_FIX} var i: Integer; C: PControl; {$ENDIF MODAL_ACTIVATE_FIX} begin Result := false; if (Msg.message = WM_SETCURSOR) then if (LoWord(Msg.lParam) = HTERROR) then if (HiWord(Msg.lParam) >= LBtnDown) and (HiWord(Msg.lParam) <= RBtnUp) then begin if Applet.DF.fModalForm <> nil then SetForegroundWindow(Applet.DF.fModalForm.Handle); Rslt := 1; Result := TRUE; end; {$IFDEF MODAL_ACTIVATE_FIX} if (Msg.message = WM_ACTIVATEAPP) then begin if not Applet.DF.fActivating then begin Applet.DF.fActivating := TRUE; if Msg.wParam <> 0 then begin for i := Applet.ChildCount-1 downto 0 do begin C := Applet.Children[ i ]; if C.Visible and not C.Enabled then SetForegroundWindow( C.Handle ); end; if Applet.DF.fModalForm <> nil then SetForegroundWindow( Applet.DF.fModalForm.Handle ); end; Applet.DF.fActivating := FALSE; end; end; {$ENDIF MODAL_ACTIVATE_FIX} end; {$IFDEF ASM_noVERSION} // ASM_TLIST! function TControl.ShowModal: Integer; asm MOV ECX, [EAX].fParent JECXZ @@show MOVZX ECX, [EAX].fIsControl JECXZ @@show_modal @@show: CALL Show XOR EAX, EAX RET @@show_modal: PUSHAD MOV EBX, EAX MOV EDI, [Applet] XOR EBP, EBP // CurCtl = nil MOV EAX, [EDI].fCurrentControl {$IFDEF USE_FLAGS} TEST [EDI].TControl.fFlagsG3, (1 shl G3_IsApplet) {$ELSE} CMP [EDI].TControl.FIsApplet, 0 {$ENDIF} {$IFDEF USE_CMOV} CMOVZ EAX, EDI {$ELSE} JNZ @@curctrl_save MOV EAX, EDI @@curctrl_save: {$ENDIF} PUSH EAX MOV EDX, offset[WndProcShowModal] PUSH EDX MOV EAX, EBX CALL TControl.AttachProc XOR EDX, EDX MOV [EBX].fModalResult, EDX CALL NewList XCHG EAX, EBP XOR ECX, ECX INC ECX MOV ESI, EDI {$IFDEF USE_FLAGS} TEST [EDI].TControl.fFlagsG3, (1 shl G3_IsApplet) {$ELSE} CMP [EDI].TControl.FIsApplet, 0 {$ENDIF} JZ @@isapplet MOV EBP, [EDI].fCurrentControl // CurCtl = Applet.fCurrentControl MOV ESI, [EDI].fChildren MOV ECX, [ESI].TList.fCount MOV ESI, [ESI].TList.fItems @@1loo: LODSD @@isapplet: PUSH ECX CMP EAX, EBX JE @@1nx PUSH EAX CALL GetEnabled TEST AL, AL POP EAX JZ @@1nx PUSH EAX MOV DL, 0 CALL SetEnabled POP EDX MOV EAX, EBP CALL TList.Add @@1nx: POP ECX LOOP @@1loo INC [EBX].fModal MOV EAX, [Applet] MOV [EAX].fModalForm, EBX MOV EAX, EBX CALL Show @@msgloo: MOVZX ECX, [AppletTerminated] OR ECX, [EBX].fModalResult JNZ @@e_msgloo CALL WaitMessage MOV EAX, EDI CALL ProcessMessages {$IFDEF USE_OnIdle} MOV EAX, EBX CALL [ProcessIdle] {$ENDIF} JMP @@msgloo @@e_msgloo: POP EDX MOV EAX, EBX CALL TControl.DetachProc DEC [EBX].fModal MOV EAX, [Applet] XOR ECX, ECX MOV [EAX].fModalForm, ECX MOV ECX, [EBP].TList.fCount JECXZ @@2end MOV ESI, [EBP].TList.fItems @@2loo: LODSD PUSH ECX MOV DL, 1 CALL TControl.SetEnabled POP ECX LOOP @@2loo @@2end: MOV EAX, EBP CALL TObj.Free POP ECX JECXZ @@exit PUSH 0 PUSH WA_ACTIVE PUSH WM_ACTIVATE PUSH [ECX].fHandle CALL PostMessage TEST EBP, EBP // CurCtl = nil ? JZ @@exit MOV EAX, EBP MOV DL, 1 CALL TControl.SetFocused @@exit: POPAD MOV EAX, [EAX].fModalResult end; {$ELSE PAS_VERSION} //Pascal {$IFDEF USE_SHOWMODALPARENTED_ALWAYS} function TControl.ShowModal: Integer; begin Result := ShowModalParented(Applet); end; {$ELSE not USE_SHOWMODALPARENTED_ALWAYS} function TControl.ShowModal: Integer; var FL: PList; var CurForm: PControl; I: Integer; F: PControl; CurCtl: PControl; // { Alexander Pravdin } begin Result := 0; if {$IFDEF USE_FLAGS} (G3_IsControl in fFlagsG3) {$ELSE} (fIsControl) {$ENDIF} or (fParent = nil) then begin Show; Exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} end; AttachProc( WndProcShowModal ); CurForm := Applet.DF.fCurrentControl; FL := NewList; CurCtl := nil; // { Alexander Pravdin } if Applet.IsApplet then begin for I := 0 to Applet.ChildCount - 1 do begin F := Applet.fChildren.Items[ I ]; if F <> @Self then if F.Enabled then begin FL.Add( F ); F.Enabled := FALSE; {$IFNDEF NOT_FIX_MODAL} Inc( F.DF.fFixingModal ); F.AttachProc(WndProcFixModal); {**************} {$ENDIF} end; end end else begin CurForm := Applet; if Applet.Enabled then begin FL.Add( Applet ); CurCtl := Applet.DF.fCurrentControl; { Alexander Pravdin } Applet.Enabled := FALSE; {$IFNDEF NOT_FIX_MODAL} Inc( Applet.DF.fFixingModal ); Applet.AttachProc(WndProcFixModal); {**************} {$ENDIF} end; end; Inc( DF.fModal ); Applet.DF.fModalForm := @ Self; Enabled := TRUE; ModalResult := 0; Show; while not AppletTerminated and (ModalResult = 0) do begin WaitMessage; Applet.ProcessMessages; {$IFDEF USE_OnIdle} ProcessIdle( @Self ); {$ENDIF} end; Dec( DF.fModal ); Applet.DF.fModalForm := nil; DetachProc( WndProcShowModal ); for I := 0 to FL.Count - 1 do begin F := FL.Items[ I ]; {$IFNDEF NOT_FIX_MODAL} Dec( F.DF.fFixingModal ); if F.DF.fFixingModal <= 0 then F.DetachProc(WndProcFixModal); {**************} {$ENDIF} F.Enabled := TRUE; end; FL.Free; if CurForm <> nil then PostMessage( CurForm.Handle, WM_ACTIVATE, WA_ACTIVE, 0 ); if CurCtl <> nil then CurCtl.SetFocused( TRUE ); { Alexander Pravdin } Result := ModalResult; end; {$ENDIF USE_SHOWMODALPARENTED_ALWAYS} {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION} {$IFNDEF NEW_MODAL} function TControl.ShowModalParented( const AParent: PControl ): Integer; begin Result := 0; end; {$ELSE NEW_MODAL defined} function TControl.ShowModalParented( const AParent: PControl ): Integer; var FL: PList; OldMF, F: PControl; I: Integer; begin Result := 0; if ( AParent = nil ) then Exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} Inc( DF.fModal ); FL := NewList; OldMF := AParent.DF.fModalForm; AParent.DF.fModalForm := @Self; if {$IFDEF USE_FLAGS} (G3_IsApplet in AParent.fFlagsG3) {$ELSE} AParent.fIsApplet {$ENDIF} or ( AParent.IsMainWindow and {$IFDEF USE_FLAGS} (G3_IsForm in AParent.fFlagsG3) {$ELSE} AParent.fIsForm {$ENDIF} ) then begin for I := 0 to AParent.ChildCount - 1 do begin F := AParent.fChildren.Items[ I ]; if ( F <> @Self ) and {$IFDEF USE_FLAGS} (G3_IsForm in F.fFlagsG3) {$ELSE} F.fIsForm {$ENDIF} and {$IFDEF USE_FLAGS} not(F3_Disabled in F.fStyle.f3_Style) and (F3_Visible in F.fStyle.f3_Style) {$ELSE} F.fEnabled and F.fVisible {$ENDIF} then begin FL.Add( F ); F.Enabled := FALSE; {$IFNDEF NOT_FIX_MODAL} F.AttachProc(WndProcFixModal); {**************} {$ENDIF} end; end; end; if {$IFDEF USE_FLAGS} (G3_IsForm in AParent.fFlagsG3) {$ELSE} AParent.fIsForm {$ENDIF} and {$IFDEF USE_FLAGS} not(F3_Disabled in AParent.fStyle.f3_Style) {$ELSE} AParent.Enabled {$ENDIF} then begin FL.Add( AParent ); AParent.Enabled := FALSE; end; ModalResult := 0; Show; while not AppletTerminated and ( ModalResult = 0 ) do begin WaitMessage; AParent.ProcessMessages; {$IFDEF USE_OnIdle} ProcessIdle( @Self ); {$ENDIF} end; AParent.DF.fModalForm := OldMF; Dec( DF.fModal ); for I := 0 to FL.Count - 1 do begin F := PControl( FL.Items[ I ] ); F.Enabled := True; {$IFNDEF NOT_FIX_MODAL} F.DetachProc(WndProcFixModal); {**************} {$ENDIF} end; FL.Free; Hide; Result := ModalResult; end; {$ENDIF NEW_MODAL} function DisableWindows( W: hwnd; LPARAM: Integer ): Bool; stdcall; var FL: PList; Buf: Array[ 0..127 ] of AnsiChar; begin FL := Pointer( LPARAM ); if IsWindowEnabled( W ) and (W <> FL.Tag) then begin GetClassName( W, @ Buf[ 0 ], Sizeof( Buf ) ); if Buf <> 'ComboLBox' then begin FL.Add( Pointer( W ) ); EnableWindow( W, FALSE ); end; end; Result := TRUE; end; function TControl.ShowModalEx: Integer; var FL: PList; var CurForm: PControl; I: Integer; W: HWnd; CurCtl: PControl; { Alexander Pravdin } begin Result := 0; if {$IFDEF USE_FLAGS} (G3_IsControl in fFlagsG3) {$ELSE} (fIsControl) {$ENDIF} or (fParent = nil) then begin Show; Exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} end; AttachProc( WndProcShowModal ); CurForm := Applet.DF.fCurrentControl; FL := NewList; FL.Tag := fHandle; // ++++ { Alexander Pravdin } if {$IFDEF USE_FLAGS} not(G3_IsApplet in Applet.fFlagsG3) {$ELSE} not Applet.fIsApplet {$ENDIF} then CurCtl := Applet.DF.fCurrentControl else CurCtl := nil; // ---- CreateWindow; EnumThreadWindows( GetCurrentThreadID, @ DisableWindows, Integer( FL ) ); Enabled := TRUE; Inc( DF.fModal ); Applet.DF.fModalForm := @ Self; Show; DF.fModalResult := 0; while not AppletTerminated and (DF.fModalResult = 0) do begin WaitMessage; Applet.ProcessMessages; {$IFDEF USE_OnIdle} ProcessIdle( @Self ); {$ENDIF} end; Dec( DF.fModal ); Applet.DF.fModalForm := @ Self; DetachProc( WndProcShowModal ); for I := 0 to FL.Count - 1 do begin W := THandle( FL.Items[ I ] ); EnableWindow( W, TRUE ); end; FL.Free; if CurForm <> nil then PostMessage( CurForm.Handle, WM_ACTIVATE, WA_ACTIVE, 0 ); if CurCtl <> nil then CurCtl.SetFocused( True ); { Alexander Pravdin } Result := ModalResult; end; function TControl.GetModal: Boolean; begin Result := DF.fModal > 0; end; {$IFDEF USE_SETMODALRESULT} procedure TControl.SetModalResult( const Value: Integer ); begin DF.fModalResult := Value; if Value <> 0 then PostMessage( GetWindowHandle, 0, 0, 0 ); end; {$ENDIF} {$IFNDEF NEW_MENU_ACCELL} procedure TControl.DoDestroyAccelTable; begin if fAccelTable <> 0 then begin DestroyAcceleratorTable( fAccelTable ); fAccelTable := 0; end; end; {$ENDIF} {$ENDIF WIN_GDI} //^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ {$IFDEF _X_} {$IFDEF GTK} FUNCTION control_clicked( Obj: PGtkWidget; Sender: PControl ): Boolean; cdecl; BEGIN IF Assigned( Sender.fOnClick ) THEN Sender.fOnClick( Sender ); Result := FALSE; END; {$ENDIF GTK} {$ENDIF _X_} procedure TControl.SetOnClick( const Value: TOnEvent ); begin {$IFDEF EVENTS_DYNAMIC} ProvideUniqueEvents {$ELSE} EV {$ENDIF} .fOnClick := Value; {$IFDEF GTK} IF fEventboxHandle = fHandle THEN BEGIN {$IFNDEF SMALLER_CODE} IF NOT Assigned( Value ) THEN gtk_signal_disconnect( GTK_OBJECT( fEventboxHandle ), fClickedEvent ) ELSE {$ENDIF SMALLEST_CODE} fClickedEvent := gtk_signal_connect( GTK_OBJECT( fEventboxHandle ), 'clicked', @ control_clicked, @ Self ) END ELSE SetMouseEvent( @ Self, 'button_release_event' ); {$ENDIF GTK} end; ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // T I M E R ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// var {$IFDEF WIN} TimerOwnerWnd: PControl; {$ENDIF} // in Linux, timer not need in a window TimerCount: Integer = 0; { -- Constructor of timer -- } function NewTimer( Interval: Integer ): PTimer; begin New( Result, Create ); {$IFDEF DEBUG_OBJKIND} Result.fObjKind := 'TTimer'; {$ENDIF} if Interval <= 0 then Interval := 1000; Result.fInterval := Interval; Inc( TimerCount ); end; { -- Timer procedure -- } {$IFDEF WIN} {$IFDEF ASM_VERSION}{$ELSE PAS_VERSION} //Pascal function TimerProc( Wnd : HWnd; Msg : Integer; T : PTimer; CurrentTime : DWord ): Integer; stdcall; begin {$IFDEF STOPTIMER_AFTER_APPLETTERMINATED} if not AppletTerminated then {$ENDIF} if Assigned( T.fOnTimer ) then T.fOnTimer( T ); Result := 0; end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION} {$ENDIF WIN} { TTimer } {$IFDEF ASM_VERSION}{$ELSE PAS_VERSION} //Pascal destructor TTimer.Destroy; begin Enabled := False; inherited; Dec( TimerCount ); {$IFDEF WIN} if TimerCount = 0 then begin TimerOwnerWnd.Free; TimerOwnerWnd := nil; end; {$ENDIF WIN} end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION} {$IFDEF WIN_GDI} {$IFDEF ASM_VERSION}{$ELSE PAS_VERSION} //Pascal procedure TTimer.SetEnabled(const Value: Boolean); var WasEnabled: Boolean; begin WasEnabled := fEnabled; fEnabled := Value; if WasEnabled = Value then Exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} {$IFDEF TIMER_APPLETWND} if Applet = nil then Exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} {$ENDIF} if Value then begin {$IFDEF TIMER_APPLETWND} fHandle := SetTimer( Applet.GetWindowHandle, Integer( @Self ), fInterval, @TimerProc ); {$ELSE} if TimerOwnerWnd = nil then begin TimerOwnerWnd := _NewWindowed( nil, '', TRUE, {$IFDEF PACK_COMMANDACTIONS} PAnsiChar( OTHER_ACTIONS ) {$ELSE} nil {$ENDIF} ); TimerOwnerWnd.fStyle.Value := 0; {$IFDEF USE_FLAGS} include( TimerOwnerWnd.fFlagsG3, G3_IsControl ); {$ELSE} TimerOwnerWnd.fIsControl := TRUE; {$ENDIF} end; fHandle := SetTimer( TimerOwnerWnd.GetWindowHandle, Integer( @Self ), fInterval, @TimerProc ); {$ENDIF} end else begin if fHandle <> 0 then begin KillTimer( {$IFDEF TIMER_APPLETWND} Applet.fHandle {$ELSE} TimerOwnerWnd.fHandle {$ENDIF}, fHandle ); fHandle := 0; end; end; end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION} {$ENDIF WIN_GDI} {$IFDEF _X_} {$IFDEF GTK} FUNCTION TimerGTKTick( Sender: Pointer ): LONGBOOL; cdecl; BEGIN IF NOT PTimer( Sender ).fEnabled THEN Result := FALSE ELSE BEGIN IF Assigned( PTimer( Sender ).fOnTimer ) THEN Ptimer( Sender ).fOnTimer( Sender ); Result := PTimer( Sender ).fEnabled; END; IF Result THEN PTimer( Sender ).RefDec; END; PROCEDURE TTimer.SetEnabled(const Value: Boolean); BEGIN IF FEnabled = Value THEN Exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} fEnabled := Value; IF Value THEN BEGIN RefInc; fHandle := gtk_timeout_add( fInterval, TimerGTKTick, @ Self ); END ELSE BEGIN IF AppletTerminated THEN BEGIN gtk_timeout_remove( fHandle ); RefDec; END; END; END; {$ELSE not GTK} VAR fActiveTimerList: PTimer; fClockPerSecond: Integer; fAlarmHandling: Boolean; PROCEDURE SetAlarm; FORWARD; PROCEDURE AlarmHandler(SigNum: Integer); CDECL; VAR T, NT: PTimer; c: Integer; count_handled: Integer; BEGIN c := clock; fAlarmHandling := TRUE; // to prevent SetAlarm working while timers are handling TRY //--- 1. Clear fTimerHandled flag for all active timers T := fActiveTimerList; WHILE T <> nil DO BEGIN T.fTimerHandled := FALSE; T := T.fNext; END; //--- 2. Handle all expired timers count_handled := 0; WHILE not AppletTerminated DO // until all timers expired are handled or BEGIN // until the application is terminated //--- 2.A. Search a timer which was expired before all others T := fActiveTimerList; NT := nil; WHILE T <> nil do BEGIN IF not T.fTimerHandled and ( (NT = nil) or ((T.fExpireNext - c) < (NT.fExpireNext - c)) ) THEN NT := T; T := T.fNext; END; IF NT = nil then break; // there are no more timers expired IF (count_handled > 0) and ((NT.fExpireNext - c > 0) or (NT.fExpireNext < 0) and (c > 0)) then break; //--- 2.B. Handle found timer (NT) inc( count_handled ); // count handled timer to ensure that at least 1 timer // was handled in result of alarm call {$IFDEF SUPPORT_LONG_TIMER} NT.fExpireTotal := NT.fExpireTotal - (c - NT.fTimeStart); IF NT.fExpireTotal > 30 * 60 * fClockPerSecond then NT.fExpireNext := c + 30 * 60 * fClockPerSecond ELSE NT.fExpireNext := c + NT.fExpireTotal; {$ELSE not SUPPORT_LONG_TIMER} NT.fExpireNext := // next time to expire this timer NT.fExpireNext + fClockPerSecond * NT.fInterval; {$ENDIF SUPPORT_LONG_TIMER} NT.fTimerHandled := TRUE; // do not handle that timer again in that loop {$IFDEF SUPPORT_LONG_TIMER} IF NT.fExpireTotal <= 0 then {$ENDIF SUPPORT_LONG_TIMER} BEGIN IF NT.fMultimedia and not NT.fPeriodic then NT.Enabled := FALSE; // one-shot timer, disable it now IF Assigned( NT.fOnTimer ) then NT.fOnTimer( NT ); // in result of this action, timer NT or any // other active timer can be disabled and dropped from // fActiveTimerList and any amount of previously disabled timers // can be added END; END; FINALLY fAlarmHandling := FALSE; END; // 3. finally, install the next alarm to the nearest expirating timer if any SetAlarm; END; PROCEDURE SetAlarm; VAR i: Integer; T, NT: PTimer; TV: itimerval; c: clock_t; BEGIN IF AppletTerminated then Exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} // if the application is terminated we do not install alarms IF fAlarmHandling then Exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} // while alarm is handling do not reinstall alarms c := clock; T := fActiveTimerList; NT := T; WHILE T <> nil do BEGIN if (T.fExpireNext - c) < (NT.fExpireNext - c) then NT := T; T := T.fNext; END; IF NT = nil then Exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} i := (NT.fExpireNext - c) * 1000 div fClockPerSecond; IF i < 0 then i := 10; // 10 milliseconds as minimum time to alarm TV.it_interval.tv_sec := 0; // set interval to alarm once TV.it_interval.tv_usec := 0; TV.it_value.tv_sec := i div 1000; // set time to alarm next time TV.it_value.tv_usec := (i mod 1000) * 1000; signal( SIGALRM, AlarmHandler ); setitimer( ITIMER_REAL, TV, nil ); END; PROCEDURE TTimer.SetEnabled(const Value: Boolean); BEGIN IF FEnabled = Value then Exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} fEnabled := Value; IF Value then BEGIN IF fClockPerSecond = 0 then fClockPerSecond := CLK_TCK; fExpireTotal := Int64( fClockPerSecond ) * fInterval; {$IFDEF SUPPORT_LONG_TIMER} IF fExpireTotal > 30 * 60 * fClockPerSecond then fExpireNext := clock + 30 * 60 * fClockPerSecond ELSE fExpireNext := clock + fExpireTotal; {$ELSE} fExpireNext := clock + fExpireTotal; {$ENDIF SUPPORT_LONG_TIMER} IF fActiveTimerList <> nil then BEGIN fNext := fActiveTimerList; fActiveTimerList.fPrev := @ Self; END; fActiveTimerList := @ Self; END ELSE BEGIN IF fPrev <> nil then fPrev.fNext := fNext; IF fNext <> nil then fNext.fPrev := fPrev; IF fActiveTimerList = @ Self then fActiveTimerList := fNext; fPrev := nil; fNext := nil; end; if fActiveTimerList <> nil then SetAlarm; // set alarm to the nearest expiring timer END; {$ENDIF not GTK} {$ENDIF _X_} procedure TTimer.SetInterval(const Value: Integer); var WasEnabled : Boolean; begin if fInterval = Value then Exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} fInterval := Value; WasEnabled := Enabled; Enabled := False; Enabled := WasEnabled {$IFDEF STOPTIMER_AFTER_APPLETTERMINATED} and not AppletTerminated {$ENDIF}; end; {$IFDEF WIN} { TMMTimer } { ------------ declarations moved here from MMSystem -------------------- } const TIME_ONESHOT = 0; { program timer for single event } TIME_PERIODIC = 1; { program for continuous periodic event } TIME_CALLBACK_FUNCTION = $0000; { callback is function } TIME_CALLBACK_EVENT_SET = $0010; { callback is event - use SetEvent } TIME_CALLBACK_EVENT_PULSE = $0020; { callback is event - use PulseEvent } type TFNTimeCallBack = procedure(uTimerID, uMessage: UINT; dwUser, dw1, dw2: DWORD) stdcall; function timeSetEvent(uDelay, uResolution: UINT; lpFunction: TFNTimeCallBack; dwUser: DWORD; uFlags: UINT): THandle; stdcall; external 'winmm.dll' name 'timeSetEvent'; function timeKillEvent(uTimerID: UINT): Integer; stdcall; external 'winmm.dll' name 'timeKillEvent'; { ----------------------------------------------------------------------- } procedure MMTimerCallback(uTimerID, uMessage: UINT; dwUser, dw1, dw2: DWORD); stdcall; var MMTimer: PMMTimer; begin MMTimer := Pointer( dwUser ); if Assigned( MMTimer.FOnTimer ) then MMTimer.fOnTimer( MMTimer ); end; function NewMMTimer( Interval: Integer ): PMMTimer; begin New( Result, Create ); {$IFDEF DEBUG_OBJKIND} Result.fObjKind := 'TMMTimer'; {$ENDIF} Result.fInterval := Interval; Result.FPeriodic := TRUE; end; destructor TMMTimer.Destroy; begin Enabled := FALSE; Inc( TimerCount ); inherited; end; procedure TMMTimer.SetEnabled(const Value: Boolean); begin if Value xor (fHandle <> 0) then begin if fHandle = 0 then fHandle := timeSetEvent( Interval, Resolution, MMTimerCallback, DWORD( @ Self ), Integer( Periodic ) or TIME_CALLBACK_FUNCTION ) else begin timeKillEvent( fHandle ); fHandle := 0; end; end; fEnabled := Value; end; {$ENDIF WIN} {$IFDEF LIN} function NewMMTimer( Interval: Integer ): PTimer; begin Result := NewTimer( Interval ); {$IFNDEF GTK} {$IFNDEF QT} Result.fMultimedia := TRUE; Result.fPeriodic := TRUE; Result.fResolution := 1; {$ENDIF QT} {$ENDIF GTK} end; {$ENDIF LIN} {$IFDEF WIN_GDI} //vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // t B I T M A P /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// { -- bitmap -- } {$IFDEF ASM_VERSION}{$ELSE PAS_VERSION} //Pascal function PrepareBitmapHeader( W, H, BitsPerPixel: Integer ): PBitmapInfo; begin {$IFDEF KOL_ASSERTIONS} Assert( W > 0, 'Width must be >0' ); Assert( H > 0, 'Height must be >0' ); {$ENDIF KOL_ASSERTIONS} Result := AllocMem( 256*Sizeof(TRGBQuad)+Sizeof(TBitmapInfoHeader) ); {$IFDEF KOL_ASSERTIONS} Assert( Result <> nil, 'No memory' ); {$ENDIF KOL_ASSERTIONS} Result.bmiHeader.biSize := Sizeof( TBitmapInfoHeader ); Result.bmiHeader.biWidth := W; Result.bmiHeader.biHeight := H; // may be, -H ? Result.bmiHeader.biPlanes := 1; Result.bmiHeader.biBitCount := BitsPerPixel; end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION} const BitsPerPixel_By_PixelFormat: array[ TPixelFormat ] of Byte = ( 0, 1, 4, 8, 16, 16, 24, 32, 0 ); {$IFDEF ASM_VERSION}{$ELSE PAS_VERSION} //Pascal function Bits2PixelFormat( BitsPerPixel: Integer ): TPixelFormat; var I: TPixelFormat; begin for I := High(I) downto Low(I) do if BitsPerPixel = BitsPerPixel_By_PixelFormat[ I ] then begin Result := I; Exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} end; Result := pfDevice; end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION} procedure DummyDetachCanvas( Sender: PBitmap ); begin end; {$IFDEF ASM_VERSION}{$ELSE PAS_VERSION} //Pascal function NewBitmap( W, H: Integer ): PBitmap; var DC: HDC; begin New( Result, Create ); {$IFDEF DEBUG_OBJKIND} Result.fObjKind := 'TBitmap'; {$ENDIF} Result.fHandleType := bmDDB; Result.fDetachCanvas := DummyDetachCanvas; Result.fWidth := W; Result.fHeight := H; if (W <> 0) and (H <> 0) then begin DC := GetDC( 0 ); Result.fHandle := CreateCompatibleBitmap( DC, W, H ); {$IFDEF KOL_ASSERTIONS} Assert( Result.fHandle <> 0, 'Can not create bitmap handle' ); {$ENDIF KOL_ASSERTIONS} ReleaseDC( 0, DC ); end; end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION} const InitColors: array[ 0..17 ] of DWORD = ( $F800, $7E0, $1F, 0, $800000, $8000, $808000, $80, $800080, $8080, $808080, $C0C0C0, $FF0000, $FF00, $FFFF00, $FF, $FF00FF, $FFFF ); {$IFDEF ASM_VERSION}{$ELSE PAS_VERSION} //Pascal procedure PreparePF16bit( DIBHeader: PBitmapInfo ); begin DIBHeader.bmiHeader.biCompression := BI_BITFIELDS; Move( InitColors[ 0 ], DIBHeader.bmiColors[ 0 ], 19*Sizeof(TRGBQUAD) ); end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION} {$IFDEF ASM_VERSION}{$ELSE PAS_VERSION} //Pascal function NewDIBBitmap( W, H: Integer; PixelFormat: TPixelFormat ): PBitmap; const BitsPerPixel: array[ TPixelFormat ] of Byte = ( 0, 1, 4, 8, 16, 16, 24, 32, 0 ); var BitsPixel: Integer; begin New( Result, Create ); {$IFDEF DEBUG_OBJKIND} Result.fObjKind := 'TBitmap:DIBBitmap'; {$ENDIF} Result.fDetachCanvas := DummyDetachCanvas; Result.fWidth := W; Result.fHeight := H; if (W <> 0) and (H <> 0) then begin BitsPixel := BitsPerPixel[ PixelFormat ]; if BitsPixel = 0 then begin Result.fNewPixelFormat := DefaultPixelFormat; BitsPixel := BitsPerPixel[DefaultPixelFormat]; end else Result.fNewPixelFormat := PixelFormat; {$IFDEF KOL_ASSERTIONS} ASSERT( Result.fNewPixelFormat in [ pf1bit..pf32bit ], 'Strange pixel format' ); {$ENDIF KOL_ASSERTIONS} Result.fDIBHeader := PrepareBitmapHeader( W, H, BitsPixel ); if PixelFormat = pf16bit then begin PreparePF16bit( Result.fDIBHeader ); end; Result.fDIBSize := Result.ScanLineSize * H; Result.fDIBBits := Pointer( GlobalAlloc( GMEM_FIXED or GMEM_ZEROINIT, Result.fDIBSize + 16 ) ); {$IFDEF KOL_ASSERTIONS} ASSERT( Result.fDIBBits <> nil, 'No memory' ); {$ENDIF KOL_ASSERTIONS} end; end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION} { TBitmap } {$IFDEF ASM_VERSION}{$ELSE PAS_VERSION} //Pascal procedure TBitmap.ClearData; begin fDetachCanvas( @Self ); if fHandle <> 0 then begin DeleteObject( fHandle ); fHandle := 0; fDIBBits := nil; end; if fDIBBits <> nil then begin if not fDIBAutoFree then GlobalFree( THandle( fDIBBits ) ); fDIBBits := nil; end; if fDIBHeader <> nil then begin FreeMem( fDIBHeader ); fDIBHeader := nil; end; fScanLineSize := 0; fGetDIBPixels := nil; fSetDIBPixels := nil; ClearTransImage; end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION} {$IFDEF ASM_VERSION}{$ELSE PAS_VERSION} //Pascal procedure TBitmap.Clear; begin RemoveCanvas; ClearData; fWidth := 0; fHeight := 0; fDIBAutoFree := FALSE; end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION} function TBitmap.GetBoundsRect: TRect; begin Result := MakeRect( 0, 0, Width, Height ); end; {$IFDEF ASM_VERSION}{$ELSE PAS_VERSION} //Pascal destructor TBitmap.Destroy; begin Clear; inherited; end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION} function TBitmap.BitsPerPixel: Integer; var B: tagBitmap; begin CASE PixelFormat OF pf1bit: Result := 1; pf4bit: Result := 4; pf8bit: Result := 8; pf15bit: Result := 15; pf16bit: Result := 16; pf24bit: Result := 24; pf32bit: Result := 32; else begin Result := 0; if fHandle <> 0 then if GetObject( fHandle, Sizeof( B ), @B ) > 0 then Result := B.bmBitsPixel * B.bmPlanes; end; END; end; {$IFDEF ASM_VERSION}{$ELSE PAS_VERSION} //Pascal procedure TBitmap.Draw(DC: HDC; X, Y: Integer); var DCfrom, DC0: HDC; oldBmp: HBitmap; oldHeight: Integer; B: tagBitmap; label TRYAgain; begin TRYAgain: if Empty then Exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} if fHandle <> 0 then begin fDetachCanvas( @Self ); oldHeight := fHeight; if GetObject( fHandle, sizeof( B ), @B ) <> 0 then oldHeight := B.bmHeight; {$IFDEF KOL_ASSERTIONS} ASSERT( oldHeight > 0, 'oldHeight must be > 0' ); {$ENDIF KOL_ASSERTIONS} DC0 := GetDC( 0 ); DCfrom := CreateCompatibleDC( DC0 ); ReleaseDC( 0, DC0 ); oldBmp := SelectObject( DCfrom, fHandle ); {$IFDEF KOL_ASSERTIONS} ASSERT( oldBmp <> 0, 'Can not select bitmap to DC' ); {$ENDIF KOL_ASSERTIONS} BitBlt( DC, X, Y, fWidth, oldHeight, DCfrom, 0, 0, SRCCOPY ); {$IFDEF CHK_BITBLT} Chk_BitBlt; {$ENDIF} SelectObject( DCfrom, oldBmp ); DeleteDC( DCfrom ); end else if fDIBBits <> nil then begin oldHeight := Abs(fDIBHeader.bmiHeader.biHeight); {$IFDEF KOL_ASSERTIONS} ASSERT( oldHeight > 0, 'oldHeight must be > 0' ); ASSERT( fWidth > 0, 'Width must be > 0' ); {$ENDIF KOL_ASSERTIONS} if StretchDIBits( DC, X, Y, fWidth, oldHeight, 0, 0, fWidth, oldHeight, fDIBBits, fDIBHeader^, DIB_RGB_COLORS, SRCCOPY ) = 0 then begin if GetHandle <> 0 then goto TRYAgain; end; end; end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION} {$IFDEF ASM_VERSION}{$ELSE PAS_VERSION} //Pascal procedure TBitmap.StretchDraw(DC: HDC; const Rect: TRect); var DCfrom: HDC; oldBmp: HBitmap; label DrawHandle; begin if Empty then Exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} DrawHandle: if fHandle <> 0 then begin fDetachCanvas( @Self ); DCfrom := CreateCompatibleDC( 0 ); oldBmp := SelectObject( DCfrom, fHandle ); {$IFDEF KOL_ASSERTIONS} ASSERT( oldBmp <> 0, 'Can not select bitmap to DC' ); {$ENDIF KOL_ASSERTIONS} StretchBlt( DC, Rect.Left, Rect.Top, Rect.Right - Rect.Left, Rect.Bottom - Rect.Top, DCfrom, 0, 0, fWidth, fHeight, SRCCOPY ); SelectObject( DCfrom, oldBmp ); DeleteDC( DCfrom ); end else if fDIBBits <> nil then begin if StretchDIBits( DC, Rect.Left, Rect.Top, Rect.Right - Rect.Left, Rect.Bottom - Rect.Top, 0, 0, fWidth, fHeight, fDIBBits, fDIBHeader^, DIB_RGB_COLORS, SRCCOPY )<=0 then begin if GetHandle <> 0 then goto DrawHandle; end; end; end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION} procedure TBitmap.DrawMasked(DC: HDC; X, Y: Integer; Mask: HBitmap); begin StretchDrawMasked( DC, MakeRect( X, Y, X + fWidth, Y + fHeight ), Mask ); end; {$IFDEF ASM_VERSION}{$ELSE PAS_VERSION} //Pascal procedure TBitmap.DrawTransparent(DC: HDC; X, Y: Integer; TranspColor: TColor); begin if TranspColor = clNone then Draw( DC, X, Y ) else StretchDrawTransparent( DC, MakeRect( X, Y, X + fWidth, Y + fHeight ), TranspColor ); end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION} {$IFDEF ASM_VERSION}{$ELSE PAS_VERSION} //Pascal procedure TBitmap.StretchDrawTransparent(DC: HDC; const Rect: TRect; TranspColor: TColor); begin if TranspColor = clNone then StretchDraw( DC, Rect ) else begin if GetHandle = 0 then Exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} TranspColor := Color2RGB( TranspColor ); if (fTransMaskBmp = nil) or (fTransColor <> TranspColor) then begin if fTransMaskBmp = nil then fTransMaskBmp := NewBitmap( 0, 0 {fWidth, fHeight} ); fTransColor := TranspColor; // Create here mask bitmap: fTransMaskBmp.Assign( @Self ); fTransMaskBmp.Convert2Mask( TranspColor ); end; StretchDrawMasked( DC, Rect, fTransMaskBmp.Handle ); end; end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION} {$IFDEF DEBUG_DRAWTRANSPARENT} procedure DebugDrawTransparent( DC: HDC; X, Y, W, H: Integer; PF: TPixelFormat; const Note: AnsiString ); const PixelFormatAsStr: array[ TPixelFormat ] of String = ( 'pfDevice', 'pf1bit', 'pf4bit', 'pf8bit', 'pf15bit', 'pf16bit', 'pf24bit', 'pf32bit', 'pfCustom' ); var Bmp: PBitmap; begin Bmp := NewDibBitmap( W, H, pf32bit ); BitBlt( Bmp.Canvas.Handle, 0, 0, W, H, DC, X, Y, SrcCopy ); Bmp.SaveToFile( GetStartDir + PixelFormatAsStr[ PF ] + Note ); Bmp.Free; end; {$ENDIF DEBUG_DRAWTRANSPARENT} const ROP_DstCopy = $00AA0029; {$IFDEF ASM_VERSION}{$ELSE PAS_VERSION} //Pascal procedure TBitmap.StretchDrawMasked(DC: HDC; const Rect: TRect; Mask: HBitmap); var DCfrom, MemDC, MaskDC: HDC; MemBmp: HBITMAP; //Save4From, Save4Mem, Save4Mask: THandle; crText, crBack: TColorRef; {$IFDEF FIX_TRANSPBMPPALETTE} FixBmp: PBitmap; {$ENDIF FIX_TRANSPBMPPALETTE} begin {$IFDEF FIX_TRANSPBMPPALETTE} if PixelFormat in [ pf4bit, pf8bit ] then begin FixBmp := NewBitmap( 0, 0 ); FixBmp.Assign( @ Self ); FixBmp.PixelFormat := pf32bit; FixBmp.StretchDrawMasked( DC, Rect, Mask ); FixBmp.Free; Exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} end; {$ENDIF FIX_TRANSPBMPPALETTE} if GetHandle = 0 then Exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} DCFrom := Canvas.Handle; MaskDC := CreateCompatibleDC( 0 ); Save4Mask := SelectObject( MaskDC, Mask ); {$IFDEF KOL_ASSERTIONS} ASSERT( Save4Mask <> 0, 'Can not select mask bitmap to DC' ); {$ENDIF KOL_ASSERTIONS} MemDC := CreateCompatibleDC( 0 ); MemBmp := CreateCompatibleBitmap( DCfrom, fWidth, fHeight ); Save4Mem := SelectObject( MemDC, MemBmp ); if Save4Mem <> 0 then; {$IFDEF KOL_ASSERTIONS} ASSERT( Save4Mem <> 0, 'Can not select memory bitmap to DC' ); {$ENDIF KOL_ASSERTIONS} StretchBlt( MemDC, 0, 0, fWidth, fHeight, MaskDC, 0, 0, fWidth, fHeight, SrcCopy); {$IFDEF DEBUG_DRAWTRANSPARENT} DebugDrawTransparent( MemDC, 0, 0, fWidth, fWidth, PixelFormat, '1SrcCopy.bmp' ); {$ENDIF} StretchBlt( MemDC, 0, 0, fWidth, fHeight, DCfrom, 0, 0, fWidth, fHeight, SrcErase); {$IFDEF DEBUG_DRAWTRANSPARENT} DebugDrawTransparent( MemDC, 0, 0, fWidth, fWidth, PixelFormat, '2SrcErase.bmp' ); {$ENDIF} crText := SetTextColor(DC, $0); crBack := Windows.SetBkColor(DC, $FFFFFF); StretchBlt( DC, Rect.Left, Rect.Top, Rect.Right - Rect.Left, Rect.Bottom - Rect.Top, MaskDC, 0, 0, fWidth, fHeight, SrcAnd); {$IFDEF DEBUG_DRAWTRANSPARENT} DebugDrawTransparent( DC, Rect.Left, Rect.Top, fWidth, fHeight, PixelFormat, '3SrcAnd.bmp' ); {$ENDIF} StretchBlt( DC, Rect.Left, Rect.Top, Rect.Right - Rect.Left, Rect.Bottom - Rect.Top, MemDC, 0, 0, fWidth, fHeight, SrcInvert); {$IFDEF DEBUG_DRAWTRANSPARENT} DebugDrawTransparent( DC, Rect.Left, Rect.Top, fWidth, fHeight, PixelFormat, '4SrcInvert.bmp' ); {$ENDIF} Windows.SetBkColor( DC, crBack); SetTextColor( DC, crText); DeleteObject(MemBmp); DeleteDC(MemDC); SelectObject( MaskDC, Save4Mask ); DeleteDC( MaskDC ); end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION} procedure ApplyBitmapBkColor2Canvas( Sender: PBitmap ); begin if Sender.fCanvas = nil then Exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} Sender.fCanvas.Brush.Color := Sender.BkColor; end; {$IFDEF ASM_VERSION}{$ELSE PAS_VERSION} //Pascal procedure DetachBitmapFromCanvas( Sender: PBitmap ); begin if Sender.fCanvasAttached = 0 then Exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} SelectObject( Sender.fCanvas.fHandle, Sender.fCanvasAttached ); Sender.fCanvasAttached := 0; end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION} {$IFDEF ASM_VERSION}{$ELSE PAS_VERSION} //Pascal function TBitmap.GetCanvas: PCanvas; var DC: HDC; begin Result := nil; if Empty then Exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} if GetHandle = 0 then Exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} if fCanvas = nil then begin fApplyBkColor2Canvas := ApplyBitmapBkColor2Canvas; fCanvas := NewCanvas( 0 ); fCanvas.OnChange := CanvasChanged; if fBkColor <> 0 then fCanvas.Brush.Color := fBkColor; end; Result := fCanvas; if fCanvas.fHandle = 0 then begin DC := CreateCompatibleDC( 0 ); fCanvas.Handle := DC; fCanvasAttached := 0; end; if fCanvasAttached = 0 then begin fCanvasAttached := SelectObject( fCanvas.Handle, fHandle ); {$IFDEF KOL_ASSERTIONS} ASSERT( fCanvasAttached <> 0, 'Can not select bitmap to DC of Canvas' ); {$ENDIF KOL_ASSERTIONS} end; fDetachCanvas := DetachBitmapFromCanvas; end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION} {$IFDEF ASM_VERSION}{$ELSE PAS_VERSION} //Pascal function TBitmap.GetEmpty: Boolean; begin Result := (fWidth = 0) or (fHeight = 0); {$IFDEF KOL_ASSERTIONS} ASSERT( (fWidth >= 0) and (fHeight >= 0), 'Bitmap dimensions can be negative' ); {$ENDIF KOL_ASSERTIONS} end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION} {$IFDEF ASM_noVERSION} function TBitmap.GetHandle: HBitmap; asm PUSH EBX MOV EBX, EAX CALL GetEmpty JZ @@exit MOV EAX, EBX CALL [EAX].fDetachCanvas MOV ECX, [EBX].fHandle INC ECX LOOP @@exit MOV ECX, [EBX].fDIBBits JECXZ @@exit PUSH ECX PUSH 0 CALL GetDC PUSH EAX PUSH 0 PUSH 0 LEA EDX, [EBX].fDIBBits PUSH EDX PUSH DIB_RGB_COLORS PUSH [EBX].fDIBHeader PUSH EAX CALL CreateDIBSection MOV [EBX].fHandle, EAX PUSH 0 CALL ReleaseDC POP EAX PUSH EAX MOV EDX, [EBX].fDIBBits MOV ECX, [EBX].fDIBSize CALL System.Move POP EAX CMP [EBX].fDIBAutoFree, 0 JNZ @@freed PUSH EAX CALL GlobalFree @@freed:MOV [EBX].fDIBAutoFree, 1 XOR EAX, EAX MOV [EBX].fGetDIBPixels, EAX MOV [EBX].fSetDIBPixels, EAX @@exit: MOV EAX, [EBX].fHandle POP EBX end; {$ELSE PAS_VERSION} //Pascal function TBitmap.GetHandle: HBitmap; var OldBits: Pointer; DC0: HDC; begin Result := 0; if Empty then Exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} fDetachCanvas( @ Self ); if fHandle = 0 then begin if fDIBBits <> nil then begin OldBits := fDIBBits; DC0 := GetDC( 0 ); fDIBBits := nil; fHandle := CreateDIBSection( DC0, fDIBHeader^, DIB_RGB_COLORS, fDIBBits, 0, 0 ); {$IFDEF DEBUG_ANY} if fHandle = 0 then ShowMessage( 'Can not create DIB section, error: ' + Int2Str( GetLastError ) + ', ' + SysErrorMessage( GetLastError ) ); {$ELSE} {$IFDEF KOL_ASSERTIONS} ASSERT( fHandle <> 0, 'Can not create DIB section, error: ' + Int2Str( GetLastError ) + ', ' + SysErrorMessage( GetLastError ) ); {$ENDIF KOL_ASSERTIONS} {$ENDIF DEBUG_ANY} ReleaseDC( 0, DC0 ); if fHandle <> 0 then begin Move( OldBits^, fDIBBits^, fDIBSize ); if not fDIBAutoFree then GlobalFree( THandle( OldBits ) ); fDIBAutoFree := TRUE; fGetDIBPixels := nil; fSetDIBPixels := nil; end else fDIBBits := OldBits; end; end; Result := fHandle; end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION} function TBitmap.GetHandleAllocated: Boolean; begin Result := fHandle <> 0; end; {$IFDEF ASM_VERSION}{$ELSE PAS_VERSION} //Pascal procedure TBitmap.LoadFromFile(const Filename: KOLString); var Strm: PStream; begin Strm := NewReadFileStream( Filename ); LoadFromStream( Strm ); Strm.Free; end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION} procedure TBitmap.LoadFromResourceID(Inst: DWORD; ResID: Integer); begin LoadFromResourceName( Inst, MAKEINTRESOURCE( ResID ) ); end; {$IFDEF ASM_UNICODE}{$ELSE PAS_VERSION} //Pascal procedure TBitmap.LoadFromResourceName(Inst: DWORD; ResName: PKOLChar); var ResHandle: HBitmap; Flg: DWORD; begin Clear; Flg := 0; if fHandleType = bmDIB then Flg := LR_CREATEDIBSECTION; ResHandle := LoadImage( Inst, ResName, IMAGE_BITMAP, 0, 0, LR_DEFAULTSIZE or Flg ); if ResHandle = 0 then Exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} Handle := ResHandle; end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION} {$IFDEF F_P} type TBITMAPFILEHEADER = packed record bfType: Word; bfSize: DWORD; bfReserved1: Word; bfReserved2: Word; bfOffBits: DWORD; end; {$ENDIF} {$IFDEF ASM_noVERSION} // error + 16Colors->swap(Gray,Silver) + Core procedure TBitmap.LoadFromStream(Strm: PStream); type tBFH = TBitmapFileHeader; tBIH = TBitmapInfoHeader; const szBIH = Sizeof( tBIH ); szBFH = Sizeof( tBFH ); asm PUSH EBX PUSH ESI MOV EBX, EAX PUSH EDX CALL Clear POP ESI MOV EAX, ESI CALL TStream.GetPosition PUSH EAX // [EBP+4] = Strm.Pos (starting pos) PUSH EBP MOV EBP, ESP ADD ESP, -(szBIH + szBFH) // reading bitmap XOR ECX, ECX MOV [EBX].fHandleType, CL MOV CL, szBFH MOV EDX, ESP PUSH ECX MOV EAX, ESI CALL TStream.Read POP ECX SUB ECX, EAX JNZ @@eread1 CMP [ESP].tBFH.bfType, $4D42 JE @@1 MOV EDX, [EBP+4] MOV EAX, ESI CALL TStream.Seek XOR EAX, EAX XOR EDX, EDX JMP @@2 @@1: MOV EDX, [ESP].tBFH.bfSize MOV EAX, [ESP].tBFH.bfOffBits @@2: PUSH EDX // Push Size PUSH EAX // Push Off XOR ECX, ECX MOV CL, szBIH LEA EDX, [EBP-szBIH] MOV EAX, ESI PUSH ECX CALL TStream.Read // read BIH POP ECX @@eread1: XOR ECX, EAX JNZ @@eread MOVZX EAX, [EBP-szBIH].tBIH.biBitCount MOVZX EDX, [EBP-szBIH].tBIH.biPlanes MUL EDX CALL Bits2PixelFormat {$IFDEF PARANOIA} DB $3C, pf15bit {$ELSE} CMP AL, pf15bit {$ENDIF} JNZ @@no15bit CMP [EBP-szBIH].tBIH.biCompression, 0 JZ @@no15bit INC AL // AL = pf16bit @@no15bit: MOV [EBX].fNewPixelFormat, AL MOV EAX, szBIH + 1024 CALL System.@GetMem MOV [EBX].fDIBHeader, EAX XCHG EDX, EAX LEA EAX, [EBP-szBIH] XOR ECX, ECX MOV CL, szBIH CALL System.Move MOV EAX, [EBP-szBIH].tBIH.biWidth MOV [EBX].fWidth, EAX MOV EAX, [EBP-szBIH].tBIH.biHeight TEST EAX, EAX JGE @@20 NEG EAX @@20: MOV [EBX].fHeight, EAX MOV EAX, EBX CALL GetScanLineSize MOV EDX, [EBX].fHeight MUL EDX MOV [EBX].fDIBSize, EAX PUSH EAX PUSH GMEM_FIXED or GMEM_ZEROINIT CALL GlobalAlloc MOV [EBX].fDIBBits, EAX MOVZX EAX, [EBP-szBIH].tBIH.biBitCount {$IFDEF PARANOIA} DB $3C, 8 {$ELSE} CMP AL, 8 {$ENDIF} JA @@3 MOV AL, 4 MOVZX ECX, [EBP-szBIH].tBIH.biBitCount SAL EAX, CL XCHG ECX, EAX @@3: CMP [EBX].TBitmap.fNewPixelFormat, pf16bit JNE @@30 XOR ECX, ECX MOV CL, 12 // ColorCount = 12 @@30: POP EAX // EAX = off TEST EAX, EAX JLE @@4 SUB EAX, szBFH + szBIH CMP EAX, ECX JZ @@4 XCHG ECX, EAX @@4: JECXZ @@5 PUSH ECX MOV EDX, [EBX].fDIBHeader ADD EDX, szBIH MOV EAX, ESI CALL TStream.Read POP ECX XOR EAX, ECX JNZ @@eread @@5: MOV ECX, [EBX].fDIBSize @@7: PUSH ECX MOV EAX, ESI CALL TStream.GetPosition PUSH EAX MOV EAX, ESI CALL TStream.GetSize POP EDX SUB EAX, EDX POP ECX // Size = fDIBSize CMP EAX, ECX // Strm.Size - Strm.Position > Size ? JL @@8 XCHG ECX, EAX @@8: // ++++++++++++++ 26-Oct-2003 VK see comment in Pascal MOV EAX, [EBX].fDIBSize CMP ECX, EAX JGE @@9 SUB EAX, ECX PUSH EAX MOV EAX, ESI PUSH ECX CALL TStream.GetPosition POP ECX POP EDX CMP EDX, EAX JG @@9 MOV EAX, ESI NEG EDX XOR ECX, ECX INC ECX CALL TStream.Seek MOV ECX, [EBX].fDIBSize @@9: // ++++++++++++++ PUSH ECX MOV EDX, [EBX].fDIBBits MOV EAX, ESI CALL TStream.Read POP ECX XOR EAX, ECX POP EAX // Strm.Size - Position POP ECX // fDIBSize // end of reading bitmap @@eread: MOV ESP, EBP POP EBP POP EDX JZ @@exit // not success: XCHG EAX, ESI XOR ECX, ECX // ECX = spBegin CALL TStream.Seek XCHG EAX, EBX CALL Clear @@exit: POP ESI POP EBX end; {$ELSE PAS_VERSION} //Pascal procedure TBitmap.LoadFromStream(Strm: PStream); type TColorsArray = array[ 0..15 ] of TColor; PColorsArray = ^TColorsArray; PColor = ^TColor; var Pos : DWORD; BFH : TBitmapFileHeader; function ReadBitmap : Boolean; var Size, Size1: Integer; BCH: TBitmapCoreHeader; RGBSize: DWORD; C: PColor; Off, HdSz, ColorCount: DWORD; begin fHandleType := bmDIB; Result := False; if Strm.Read( BFH, Sizeof( BFH ) ) <> Sizeof( BFH ) then Exit; {>>>>>>>>>} Off := 0; Size := 0; if BFH.bfType <> $4D42 then Strm.Seek( Pos, spBegin ) else begin Off := BFH.bfOffBits - Sizeof( BFH ); Size := BFH.bfSize; // don't matter, just <> 0 is good end; RGBSize := 4; HdSz := Sizeof( TBitmapInfoHeader ); fDIBHeader := AllocMem( 256*sizeof(TRGBQuad) + HdSz ); if Strm.Read( fDIBHeader.bmiHeader.biSize, Sizeof( DWORD ) ) <> Sizeof( DWORD ) then Exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} if fDIBHeader.bmiHeader.biSize = HdSz then begin if Strm.Read( fDIBHeader.bmiHeader.biWidth, HdSz - Sizeof( DWORD ) ) <> HdSz - Sizeof( DWORD ) then Exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} end else if fDIBHeader.bmiHeader.biSize = Sizeof( TBitmapCoreHeader ) then begin RGBSize := 3; HdSz := Sizeof( TBitmapCoreHeader ); if Strm.Read( BCH.bcWidth, HdSz - Sizeof( DWORD ) ) <> HdSz - Sizeof( DWORD ) then Exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} fDIBHeader.bmiHeader.biSize := Sizeof( TBitmapInfoHeader ); fDIBHeader.bmiHeader.biWidth := BCH.bcWidth; fDIBHeader.bmiHeader.biHeight := BCH.bcHeight; fDIBHeader.bmiHeader.biPlanes := BCH.bcPlanes; fDIBHeader.bmiHeader.biBitCount := BCH.bcBitCount; end else Exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} fNewPixelFormat := Bits2PixelFormat( fDIBHeader.bmiHeader.biBitCount * fDIBHeader.bmiHeader.biPlanes ); {$IFDEF KOL_ASSERTIONS} if (fNewPixelFormat = pf15bit) and (fDIBHeader.bmiHeader.biCompression <> BI_RGB) then begin ASSERT( fDIBHeader.bmiHeader.biCompression = BI_BITFIELDS, 'Unsupported bitmap format' ); end; {$ENDIF KOL_ASSERTIONS} fWidth := fDIBHeader.bmiHeader.biWidth; {$IFDEF KOL_ASSERTIONS} ASSERT( fWidth > 0, 'Bitmap width must be > 0' ); {$ENDIF KOL_ASSERTIONS} fHeight := Abs(fDIBHeader.bmiHeader.biHeight); {$IFDEF KOL_ASSERTIONS} ASSERT( fHeight > 0, 'Bitmap height must be > 0' ); {$ENDIF KOL_ASSERTIONS} fDIBSize := ScanLineSize * fHeight; fDIBBits := Pointer( GlobalAlloc( GMEM_FIXED or GMEM_ZEROINIT, fDIBSize ) ); {$IFDEF KOL_ASSERTIONS} ASSERT( fDIBBits <> nil, 'No memory' ); {$ENDIF KOL_ASSERTIONS} ColorCount := 0; if fDIBHeader.bmiHeader.biBitCount <= 8 then begin if fDIBHeader.bmiHeader.biClrUsed > 0 then ColorCount := fDIBHeader.bmiHeader.biClrUsed * Sizeof( TRGBQuad ) else ColorCount := (1 shl fDIBHeader.bmiHeader.biBitCount) * Sizeof( TRGBQuad ) end else if (fNewPixelFormat in [ pf16bit ]) or (fDIBHeader.bmiHeader.biCompression = BI_BITFIELDS) then ColorCount := 12; if Off > 0 then begin Off := Off - HdSz; if (Off <> ColorCount) then if not(fNewPixelFormat in [pf15bit,pf16bit]) or (Off = 0) //+++ to fix loading 15- and 16-bit bmps with mask omitted then ColorCount := Min( 1024, Off ); end; if ColorCount <> 0 then begin if Off >= ColorCount then Off := Off - ColorCount; if RGBSize = 4 then begin if Strm.Read( fDIBheader.bmiColors[ 0 ], ColorCount ) <> DWORD( ColorCount ) then Exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} end else begin C := @ fDIBHeader.bmiColors[ 0 ]; while ColorCount > 0 do begin if Strm.Read( C^, RGBSize ) <> RGBSize then Exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} Dec( ColorCount, RGBSize ); Inc( C ); end; end; end; if Off > 0 then Strm.Seek( Off, spCurrent ); if (Size = 0) or (Strm.Size <= 0) then Size := fDIBSize else Size := Min( fDIBSize, Strm.Size - Strm.Position ); Size1 := Min( Size, fDIBSize ); if (Size1 < fDIBSize) and (DWORD( fDIBSize - Size1 ) <= Strm.Position) then begin Strm.Seek( Size1 - fDIBSize, spCurrent ); Size1 := fDIBSize; end; if Size1 > fDIBSize then Size1 := fDIBSize; // +++++++++++++++++++ to fix some "incorrect" bitmaps while loading if Strm.Read( fDIBBits^, Size1 ) <> DWORD( Size1 ) then Exit; {>>>>>>>>>>} if Size > Size1 then Strm.Seek( Size - Size1, spCurrent ); Result := True; end; begin Clear; Pos := Strm.Position; if not ReadBitmap then begin Strm.Seek( Pos, spBegin ); Clear; end; end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION} ////////////////// bitmap RLE-decoding and loading - by Vyacheslav A. Gavrik // by Vyacheslav A. Gavrik procedure DecodeRLE4(Bmp:PBitmap;Data:Pointer; MaxSize: DWORD); procedure OddMove(Src,Dst:PByte;Size:Integer); begin if Size=0 then Exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} repeat Dst^:=(Dst^ and $F0)or(Src^ shr 4); Inc(Dst); Dst^:=(Dst^ and $0F)or(Src^ shl 4); Inc(Src); Dec(Size); until Size=0; end; procedure OddFill(Mem:PByte;Size,Value:Integer); begin Value:=(Value shr 4)or(Value shl 4); Mem^:=(Mem^ and $F0)or(Value and $0F); Inc(Mem); if Size>1 then FillChar(Mem^,Size,Char( Value )) else Mem^:=(Mem^ and $0F)or(Value and $F0); end; var pb: PByte; x,y,z,i: Integer; begin pb:=Data; x:=0; y:=0; if Bmp.fScanLineSize = 0 then Bmp.ScanLineSize; while (y<Bmp.Height) and (DWORD(pb) - DWORD(Data) < MaxSize) do begin if pb^=0 then begin Inc(pb); z:=pb^; case pb^ of 0: begin Inc(y); x:=0; end; 1: Break; 2: begin Inc(pb); Inc(x,pb^); Inc(pb); Inc(y,pb^); end; else begin Inc(pb); i:=(z+1)shr 1; if i and 1 = 1 then Inc( i ); if x + z <= bmp.Width then if x and 1 =1 then OddMove(pb,@PByteArray(Integer( Bmp.fDIBBits ) + Bmp.fScanLineSize * y)[x shr 1],(z+1)shr 1) else Move(pb^,PByteArray(Integer( Bmp.fDIBBits ) + Bmp.fScanLineSize * y)[x shr 1],(z+1)shr 1); Inc(pb,i-1); Inc(x,z); end; end; end else begin z:=pb^; Inc(pb); if x + z <= Bmp.Width then if x and 1 = 1 then OddFill(@PByteArray(Integer( Bmp.fDIBBits ) + Bmp.fScanLineSize * y)[x shr 1],(z+1) shr 1,pb^) else FillChar( PByteArray(Integer( Bmp.fDIBBits ) + Bmp.fScanLineSize * y)[x shr 1], (z+1) shr 1, AnsiChar( pb^ )); Inc(x,z); end; Inc(pb); end; end; // by Vyacheslav A. Gavrik procedure DecodeRLE8(Bmp:PBitmap;Data:Pointer; MaxSize: DWORD); var pb: PByte; x,y,z,i: Integer; begin pb:=Data; y:=0; x:=0; if Bmp.fScanLineSize = 0 then Bmp.ScanLineSize; while (y<Bmp.Height) and (DWORD(pb) - DWORD(Data) < MaxSize) do begin if pb^=0 then begin Inc(pb); case pb^ of 0: begin Inc(y); x:=0; end; 1: Break; 2: begin Inc(pb); Inc(x,pb^); Inc(pb); Inc(y,pb^); end; else begin i:=pb^; z:=(i+1)and(not 1); Inc(pb); Move(pb^,PByteArray(Integer( Bmp.fDIBBits ) + Bmp.fScanLineSize * y)[x],i); Inc(pb,z-1); Inc(x,i); end; end; end else begin i:=pb^; Inc(pb); if x + i <= Bmp.Width then FillChar( PByteArray(Integer( Bmp.fDIBBits ) + Bmp.fScanLineSize * y)[x], i, AnsiChar( pb^ )); Inc(x,i); end; Inc(pb); end; end; function TBitmap.LoadFromFileEx(const Filename: KOLString): Boolean; // by Vyacheslav A. Gavrik var Strm: PStream; begin Strm := NewReadFileStream( Filename ); Result := LoadFromStreamEx(Strm); Strm.Free; end; function TBitmap.LoadFromStreamEx(Strm: PStream): Boolean; // by Vyacheslav A. Gavrik var Pos : DWORD; i: Integer; function ReadBitmap : Boolean; var Off, Size, ColorCount: Integer; BFH : TBitmapFileHeader; BCH: TBITMAPCOREHEADER; BFHValid: Boolean; Buffer: Pointer; L: DWORD; ColorTriples: Boolean; PColr: PDWORD; FinalPos: DWORD; ZI: DWORD; begin fHandleType := bmDIB; Result := False; BFHValid := FALSE; if Strm.Read( BFH, Sizeof( BFH ) ) <> Sizeof( BFH ) then Exit; {>>>>>>>>>} Off := 0; Size := 0; ColorTriples := FALSE; if BFH.bfType <> $4D42 then begin Strm.Seek( Pos, spBegin ); BFH.bfOffBits := 0; BFH.bfSize := 0; end else begin BFHValid := TRUE; Off := BFH.bfOffBits; Size := BFH.bfSize; end; fDIBHeader := AllocMem( 256*sizeof(TRGBQuad) + sizeof(TBitmapInfoHeader) ); if Strm.Read( fDIBHeader.bmiHeader.biSize, Sizeof( fDIBHeader.bmiHeader.biSize ) ) <> Sizeof( fDIBHeader.bmiHeader.biSize ) then Exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} if (fDIBHeader.bmiHeader.biSize <> Sizeof( TBITMAPCOREHEADER )) and (fDIBHeader.bmiHeader.biSize <> Sizeof( TBitmapInfoHeader )) then Exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} L := fDIBHeader.bmiHeader.biSize - Sizeof( fDIBHeader.bmiHeader.biSize ); if (fDIBHeader.bmiHeader.biSize = Sizeof( TBITMAPCOREHEADER )) then begin if Strm.Read( BCH.bcWidth, L ) <> L then Exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} fDIBHeader.bmiHeader.biSize := Sizeof( TBitmapInfoHeader ); fDIBHeader.bmiHeader.biWidth := BCH.bcWidth; fDIBHeader.bmiHeader.biHeight := BCH.bcHeight; fDIBHeader.bmiHeader.biPlanes := BCH.bcPlanes; fDIBHeader.bmiHeader.biBitCount := BCH.bcBitCount; ColorTriples := TRUE; end else begin if Strm.Read( fDIBHeader.bmiHeader.biWidth, L) <> L then Exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} end; fNewPixelFormat := Bits2PixelFormat( fDIBHeader.bmiHeader.biBitCount * fDIBHeader.bmiHeader.biPlanes ); fWidth := fDIBHeader.bmiHeader.biWidth; {$IFDEF KOL_ASSERTIONS} ASSERT( fWidth > 0, 'Bitmap width must be > 0' ); {$ENDIF KOL_ASSERTIONS} fHeight := Abs(fDIBHeader.bmiHeader.biHeight); {$IFDEF KOL_ASSERTIONS} ASSERT( fHeight > 0, 'Bitmap height must be > 0' ); {$ENDIF KOL_ASSERTIONS} fDIBSize := ScanLineSize * fHeight; ZI := 0; if (fDIBHeader.bmiHeader.biCompression = BI_RLE8) or (fDIBHeader.bmiHeader.biCompression = BI_RLE4) then ZI := GMEM_ZEROINIT; fDIBBits := Pointer( GlobalAlloc( GMEM_FIXED or ZI, fDIBSize + 4 ) ); {$IFDEF KOL_ASSERTIONS} ASSERT( fDIBBits <> nil, 'No memory' ); ASSERT( (fDIBHeader.bmiHeader.biCompression and (BI_RLE8 or BI_RLE4 or BI_RLE8 or BI_BITFIELDS) <> 0) or (fDIBHeader.bmiHeader.biCompression = BI_RGB), 'Unknown compression algorithm'); {$ENDIF KOL_ASSERTIONS} ColorCount := 0; if fDIBHeader.bmiHeader.biBitCount <= 8 then begin if fDIBHeader.bmiHeader.biClrUsed > 0 then ColorCount := fDIBHeader.bmiHeader.biClrUsed * Sizeof( TRGBQuad ) else ColorCount := (1 shl fDIBHeader.bmiHeader.biBitCount) * Sizeof( TRGBQuad ) end else if (fNewPixelFormat in [ pf15bit, pf16bit ]) or (fDIBHeader.bmiHeader.biCompression = BI_BITFIELDS) then begin if (Strm.Size = 0) or (Strm.Size - Strm.Position - DWORD( Size ) >= 12) then ColorCount := 12; end; if ColorTriples then ColorCount := ColorCount div 4 * 3; if Off > 0 then begin if ColorTriples then Off := Off - SizeOf( TBitmapFileHeader ) - Sizeof( TBitmapCoreHeader ) else Off := Off - SizeOf( TBitmapFileHeader ) - Sizeof( TBitmapInfoHeader ); if (Off <> ColorCount) and (fNewPixelFormat <= pf8bit) then if ColorTriples then ColorCount := min( Off, 3 * 256 ) else ColorCount := min( Off, 4 * 256 ); end; if (fNewPixelFormat in [ pf15bit, pf16bit ]) then if (fDIBHeader.bmiHeader.biCompression = BI_BITFIELDS) then begin PDWORD( DWORD( @ fDIBHeader.bmiColors[ 0 ] ) + 8 )^ := ( $00001F ); PDWORD( DWORD( @ fDIBHeader.bmiColors[ 0 ] ) + 4 )^ := ( $0007E0 ); TColor( fDIBHeader.bmiColors[ 0 ] ) := ( $00F800 ); end else ColorCount := 0; if ColorCount <> 0 then if ColorTriples then begin PColr := @ fDIBheader.bmiColors[ 0 ]; while ColorCount >= 3 do begin if strm.Read( PColr^, 3 ) <> 3 then Exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} Inc( PColr ); Dec( ColorCount, 3 ); end; end else begin if (Integer( Strm.Size - Strm.Position ) > fDIBSize) or (fDIBHeader.bmiHeader.biCompression = BI_RLE8) or (fDIBHeader.bmiHeader.biCompression = BI_RLE4) then begin if Strm.Read( fDIBheader.bmiColors[ 0 ], ColorCount ) <> DWORD( ColorCount ) then Exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} if Off - ColorCount > 0 then Strm.Position := Integer( Strm.Position ) + Off - ColorCount; end; end; if not BFHValid then Size := fDIBSize else if (fDIBHeader.bmiHeader.biCompression = BI_RLE8) or (fDIBHeader.bmiHeader.biCompression = BI_RLE4) then begin //if BFHValid then //-- already TRUE here Size := BFH.bfSize - BFH.bfOffBits; end else begin if (Strm.Size = 0) or (Integer( Strm.Size - BFH.bfOffBits - Pos ) > Integer(Size)) then Size := fDIBSize else Size := Strm.Size - BFH.bfOffBits - DWORD( Pos ); if Size > fDIBSize then Size := fDIBSize else if (Size < fDIBSize) and (fDIBheader.bmiHeader.biClrUsed <> 0) then begin BFHValid := FALSE; Strm.Position := Strm.Position + fDIBheader.bmiHeader.biClrUsed * 4; Size := Strm.Size - Strm.Position; end; end; if (fDIBHeader.bmiHeader.biCompression = BI_RGB) or (fDIBHeader.bmiHeader.biCompression = BI_BITFIELDS) then begin if BFHValid and ( (Strm.Size > 0) and (Integer( Strm.Size - BFH.bfOffBits - Pos) > Integer(Size)) or (Strm.Size = 0) and (Off > 0) ) then if Integer( Strm.Position - Pos ) <= Integer( BFH.bfOffbits ) then Strm.Position := Pos + BFH.bfOffbits; i := Strm.Read( fDIBBits^, Size ); if i <> Size then begin {$IFDEF FILL_BROKEN_BITMAP} ZeroMemory( Pointer( Integer( fDIBBits ) + i ), Size - i ); {$ENDIF FILL_BROKEN_BITMAP} end; end else begin if (Integer( fDIBHeader.bmiHeader.biSizeImage ) > 0) and (Integer( fDIBHeader.bmiHeader.biSizeImage ) < Size) then Size := Integer( fDIBHeader.bmiHeader.biSizeImage ); // - ColorCount; // it is possible that bitmap "compressed" with RLE has size // greater then non-compressed one: FinalPos := Strm.Position + DWORD( Size ); L := Strm.Size - Strm.Position; if L > DWORD( Size ) then L := Size; Buffer := AllocMem( Size * 3 ); if Strm.Read(Buffer^,L) <> DWORD( L ) then ; if fDIBHeader.bmiHeader.biCompression=BI_RLE8 then DecodeRLE8(@Self,Buffer,Size * 3) else DecodeRLE4(@Self,Buffer,Size * 3); Strm.Position := FinalPos; fDIBHeader.bmiHeader.biCompression := BI_RGB; FreeMem(Buffer); end; Result := True; end; begin Clear; Pos := Strm.Position; result := ReadBitmap; if not result then begin Strm.Seek( Pos, spBegin ); Clear; end; end; /////////////////////////// {$IFDEF ASM_VERSION}{$ELSE PAS_VERSION} //Pascal function TBitmap.ReleaseHandle: HBitmap; var OldBits: Pointer; begin HandleType := bmDIB; Result := GetHandle; if Result = 0 then Exit; // only when bitmap is empty {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} if fDIBAutoFree then begin OldBits := fDIBBits; fDIBBits := Pointer( GlobalAlloc( GMEM_FIXED {or GMEM_ZEROINIT}, fDIBSize ) ); Move( OldBits^, fDIBBits^, fDIBSize ); fDIBAutoFree := FALSE; end; fHandle := 0; end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION} {$IFDEF ASM_VERSION}{$ELSE PAS_VERSION} //Pascal procedure TBitmap.SaveToFile(const Filename: KOLString); var Strm: PStream; begin if Empty then Exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} Strm := NewWritefileStream( Filename ); SaveToStream( Strm ); Strm.Free; end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION} procedure TBitmap.CoreSaveToFile(const Filename: KOLString); var Strm: PStream; begin if Empty then Exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} Strm := NewWritefileStream( Filename ); CoreSaveToStream( Strm ); Strm.Free; end; procedure TBitmap.RLESaveToFile(const Filename: KOLString); var Strm: PStream; begin if Empty then Exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} Strm := NewWritefileStream( Filename ); RLESaveToStream( Strm ); Strm.Free; end; {$IFDEF ASM_STREAM} procedure TBitmap.SaveToStream(Strm: PStream); type tBFH = TBitmapFileHeader; tBIH = TBitmapInfoHeader; const szBIH = Sizeof( tBIH ); szBFH = Sizeof( tBFH ); asm PUSH EBX PUSH ESI MOV EBX, EAX MOV ESI, EDX CALL GetEmpty JZ @@exit MOV EAX, ESI CALL TStream.GetPosition PUSH EAX MOV EAX, EBX XOR EDX, EDX // EDX = bmDIB CALL SetHandleType XOR EAX, EAX MOV EDX, [EBX].fDIBHeader MOVZX ECX, [EDX].TBitmapInfoHeader.biBitCount CMP CL, 8 JG @@1 MOV AL, 4 SHL EAX, CL @@1: PUSH EAX // ColorsSize LEA ECX, [EAX + szBFH + szBIH] CMP [EDX].TBitmapInfoHeader.biCompression, 0 JZ @@10 ADD ECX, 74 @@10: PUSH ECX // BFH.bfOffBits PUSH 0 ADD ECX, [EBX].fDIBSize PUSH ECX MOV CX, $4D42 PUSH CX XOR ECX, ECX MOV EDX, ESP MOV CL, szBFH PUSH ECX MOV EAX, ESI CALL TStream.Write POP ECX ADD ESP, szBFH XOR EAX, ECX POP ECX // ColorsSize JNZ @@ewrite MOV EDX, [EBX].fDIBHeader CMP [EDX].TBitmapInfoHeader.biCompression, 0 JZ @@11 ADD ECX, 74 @@11: ADD ECX, szBIH PUSH ECX MOV EAX, ESI CALL TStream.Write POP ECX XOR EAX, ECX JNZ @@ewrite MOV ECX, [EBX].fDIBSize MOV EDX, [EBX].fDIBBits MOV EAX, ESI PUSH ECX CALL TStream.Write POP ECX XOR EAX, ECX @@ewrite: POP EDX JZ @@exit XCHG EAX, ESI XOR ECX, ECX CALL TStream.Seek @@exit: POP ESI POP EBX end; {$ELSE PAS_VERSION} //Pascal procedure TBitmap.SaveToStream(Strm: PStream); var BFH : TBitmapFileHeader; Pos : Integer; function WriteBitmap : Boolean; var ColorsSize, BitsSize, Size : Integer; begin Result := False; if Empty then Exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} HandleType := bmDIB; // convert to DIB if DDB ZeroMemory( @BFH, Sizeof( BFH ) ); ColorsSize := 0; with fDIBHeader.bmiHeader do if biBitCount <= 8 then ColorsSize := (1 shl biBitCount) * Sizeof( TRGBQuad ); BFH.bfOffBits := Sizeof( BFH ) + Sizeof( TBitmapInfoHeader ) + ColorsSize; BitsSize := fDIBSize; //ScanLineSize * fHeight; BFH.bfSize := BFH.bfOffBits + DWord( BitsSize ); BFH.bfType := $4D42; // 'BM'; if fDIBHeader.bmiHeader.biCompression <> 0 then begin ColorsSize := 12 + 16*sizeof(TRGBQuad); Inc( BFH.bfOffBits, ColorsSize ); end; if Strm.Write( BFH, Sizeof( BFH ) ) <> Sizeof( BFH ) then Exit; {>>>>>>>>} Size := Sizeof( TBitmapInfoHeader ) + ColorsSize; if Strm.Write( fDIBHeader^, Size ) <> DWORD(Size) then Exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>} if Strm.Write( fDIBBits^, BitsSize ) <> DWord( BitsSize ) then Exit; {>>>} Result := True; end; begin Pos := Strm.Position; if not WriteBitmap then Strm.Seek( Pos, spBegin ); end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION} procedure TBitmap.CoreSaveToStream(Strm: PStream); type TRGBTriple = packed record bRed, bGreen, bBlue: Byte; end; var BFH : TBitmapFileHeader; Pos : Integer; function WriteCoreBitmap : Boolean; var ColorsSize, ColorsCount, BitsSize, i: Integer; CH: TBitmapCoreHeader; begin Result := False; if Empty then Exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} HandleType := bmDIB; // convert to DIB if DDB ZeroMemory( @BFH, Sizeof( BFH ) ); ColorsSize := 0; ColorsCount := 1 shl fDIBHeader.bmiHeader.biBitCount; with fDIBHeader.bmiHeader do if biBitCount <= 8 then ColorsSize := ColorsCount * Sizeof( TRGBTriple ); BFH.bfOffBits := Sizeof( BFH ) + Sizeof( CH ) + ColorsSize; BitsSize := fDIBSize; //ScanLineSize * fHeight; BFH.bfSize := BFH.bfOffBits + DWord( BitsSize ); BFH.bfType := $4D42; // 'BM'; if Strm.Write( BFH, Sizeof( BFH ) ) <> Sizeof( BFH ) then Exit; {>>>>>>>>} CH.bcSize := Sizeof( CH ); CH.bcWidth := Width; CH.bcHeight := Height; CH.bcPlanes := 1; CH.bcBitCount := fDIBHeader.bmiHeader.biBitCount; if Strm.Write( CH, Sizeof( CH ) ) <> Sizeof(CH) then Exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>} for i := 0 to ColorsCount-1 do begin if Strm.Write( fDIBHeader.bmiColors[i], 3 ) <> 3 then Exit; {>>>>>>>} end; if Strm.Write( fDIBBits^, BitsSize ) <> DWord( BitsSize ) then Exit; {>>>} Result := True; end; begin if (fDIBHeader.bmiHeader.biBitCount > 8) or (fDIBHeader.bmiHeader.biCompression <> 0) then begin SaveToStream( Strm ); Exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} end; Pos := Strm.Position; if not WriteCoreBitmap then Strm.Seek( Pos, spBegin ); end; procedure TBitmap.RLESaveToStream(Strm: PStream); var BFH : TBitmapFileHeader; Pos : Integer; MS: PStream; function CountZeroes( P: PByte; maxBytes: Integer ): Integer; begin Result := 0; while (P^ = 0) and (Result < maxBytes) do begin inc( P ); inc( Result ); end; end; function CountSame( P: PByte; maxBytes: Integer ): Integer; var B: Byte; begin Result := 1; B := P^; while maxBytes > 1 do begin inc(P); if P^ <> B then break; inc(Result); dec(maxBytes); end; end; function CountSame2( P: PByteArray; maxPixels: Integer ): Integer; var B1, B2: Byte; i: Integer; begin Result := 2; B1 := P[0]; B2 := P[1]; i := 0; dec( maxPixels, 2 ); while maxPixels > 0 do begin inc(i, 2); if P[i] <> B1 then break; inc(Result); dec(maxPixels); if maxPixels = 0 then break; if P[i+1] <> B2 then break; inc(Result); dec(maxPixels); end; end; function CountDiff( P: PByte; maxBytes: Integer; minSame: Integer ): Integer; var Cnt: Integer; begin Result := 1; while (maxBytes > 1) do begin inc(P); dec(maxBytes); Cnt := CountSame( P, maxBytes ); if Cnt >= minSame then break; inc( Result ); end; end; function CountDiff2( P: PByte; maxPixels: Integer; minSame: Integer ): Integer; var Cnt: Integer; begin Result := 1; while (maxPixels > 1) do begin inc(P); dec(maxPixels); Cnt := CountSame2( Pointer( P ), maxPixels ); if Cnt >= minSame then break; inc( Result ); end; end; procedure WriteOffset( dx, dy: Integer ); var b: Byte; begin while (dx > 0) or (dy > 0) do begin Strm.WriteVal( 0, 1 ); Strm.WriteVal( 2, 1 ); b := min( dx, 255 ); Strm.WriteVal( b, 1 ); dec( dx, b ); b := min( dy, 255 ); Strm.WriteVal( b, 1 ); dec( dy, b ); end; end; procedure WriteRep( cnt: Integer; Value: Byte ); var n: Integer; begin while cnt > 0 do begin n := min( cnt, 255 ); dec( cnt, n ); while (cnt > 0) and (cnt < 3) do begin inc( cnt ); dec( n ); end; Strm.WriteVal( n, 1 ); Strm.WriteVal( Value, 1 ); end; end; procedure WriteRun( P: PByte; cnt: Integer ); var n: Integer; begin while cnt > 0 do begin n := min( cnt, 255 ); dec( cnt, n ); if (cnt < 3) and (n = 255) then begin inc( cnt, 2 ); dec( n, 2 ); end; if n > 2 then begin Strm.WriteVal( 00, 1 ); Strm.WriteVal( n, 1 ); Strm.Write( P^, n ); inc( P, n ); if n and 1 <> 0 then Strm.WriteVal( 00, 1 ); end else while n > 0 do begin Strm.WriteVal( 01, 1 ); Strm.Write( P^, 1 ); inc( P ); dec( n ); end; end; end; procedure WriteRun2( P: PByteArray; cnt: Integer ); var n, i, L: Integer; begin i := 0; while cnt > 0 do begin n := min( cnt, 252 ); dec( cnt, n ); if (cnt < 3) and (n = 252) then begin inc( n, cnt ); cnt := 0; end; if n > 2 then begin Strm.WriteVal( 00, 1 ); Strm.WriteVal( n, 1 ); L := 0; while n > 0 do begin Strm.WriteVal( P[i] shl 4 or P[i+1], 1 ); inc( i, 2 ); dec( n, 2 ); inc( L ); end; if L and 1 <> 0 then Strm.WriteVal( 0, 1 ); end else while n > 0 do begin if n = 1 then Strm.WriteVal( 01, 1 ) else Strm.WriteVal( 02, 1 ); Strm.WriteVal( P[i] shl 4 or P[i+1], 1 ); inc( i, 2 ); dec( n, 2 ); end; end; end; function WriteRLE4: Boolean; var line_len_left, y, cnt: Integer; P, Pnext: PByte; PnextLine: PByte; offX, offY: Integer; begin y := 0; P := MS.Memory; while y < Height do begin line_len_left := Width; PnextLine := P; inc( PnextLine, line_len_left ); while line_len_left > 0 do begin if P^ = 0 then begin cnt := CountZeroes( P, line_len_left + (Height-y-1)*Width ); if cnt > 3 then begin // generate offset offY := cnt div Width; offX := cnt - offY * Width; if (offX < 0) or (offY = 0) and (offX >= line_len_left) or (line_len_left < offX) then begin inc( P, line_len_left ); break; end; if offY > 0 then begin WriteOffset( offX, offY ); inc( P, cnt ); dec( line_len_left, offX ); inc( Y, offY ); continue; end; end; end; cnt := CountSame2( Pointer( P ), line_len_left ); if cnt >= 3 then begin Pnext := P; inc( Pnext ); WriteRep( cnt, (P^ shl 4) or (Pnext^) ); inc( P, cnt ); dec( line_len_left, cnt ); end else begin cnt := CountDiff2( P, line_len_left, 3 ); WriteRun2( Pointer( P ), cnt ); inc( P, cnt ); dec( line_len_left, cnt ); end; end; Strm.WriteVal( 0, 1 ); if y < Height-1 then Strm.WriteVal( 0, 1 ) // EOL else Strm.WriteVal( 1, 1 ); // EOB inc(y); if ( Integer( P ) - Integer( PnextLine ) ) mod Width <> 0 then begin {$IFNDEF PAS_ONLY} asm nop end;{$ENDIF} end; end; Result := TRUE; end; function WriteRLE8: Boolean; var line_len_left, y, cnt: Integer; P: PByte; //Pnext: PByte; offX, offY: Integer; begin y := 0; P := MS.Memory; while y < Height do begin line_len_left := Width; //Pnext := P; inc( Pnext, line_len_left ); while line_len_left > 0 do begin if P^ = 0 then begin cnt := CountZeroes( P, line_len_left + (Height-y-1)*Width ); if cnt > 3 then begin // generate offset offY := cnt div Width; offX := cnt - offY * Width; if (offX < 0) or (offY = 0) and (offX >= line_len_left) or (line_len_left < offX) then begin inc( P, line_len_left ); break; end; if offY > 0 then begin WriteOffset( offX, offY ); inc( P, cnt ); dec( line_len_left, offX ); inc( Y, offY ); continue; end; end; end; cnt := CountSame( P, line_len_left ); if cnt >= 2 then begin WriteRep( cnt, P^ ); inc( P, cnt ); dec( line_len_left, cnt ); end else begin cnt := CountDiff( P, line_len_left, 2 ); WriteRun( P, cnt ); inc( P, cnt ); dec( line_len_left, cnt ); end; end; Strm.WriteVal( 00, 1 ); if y < Height-1 then Strm.WriteVal( 00, 1 ) // EOL else Strm.WriteVal( 01, 1 ); // EOB inc(y); {if P <> Pnext then asm nop end;} end; Result := TRUE; end; function WriteBitmap : Boolean; var ColorsSize, BitsSize : Integer; BIH: TBitmapInfoHeader; x, y: Integer; Line: PByte; Buffer: PByteArray; begin Result := False; if Empty then Exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} HandleType := bmDIB; // convert to DIB if DDB ZeroMemory( @BFH, Sizeof( BFH ) ); ColorsSize := 0; with fDIBHeader.bmiHeader do if biBitCount <= 8 then ColorsSize := (1 shl biBitCount) * Sizeof( TRGBQuad ); BFH.bfOffBits := Sizeof( BFH ) + Sizeof( TBitmapInfoHeader ) + ColorsSize; BitsSize := fDIBSize; //ScanLineSize * fHeight; BFH.bfSize := BFH.bfOffBits + DWord( BitsSize ); BFH.bfType := $4D42; // 'BM'; if fDIBHeader.bmiHeader.biCompression <> 0 then begin ColorsSize := 12 + 16*sizeof(TRGBQuad); Inc( BFH.bfOffBits, ColorsSize ); end; if Strm.Write( BFH, Sizeof( BFH ) ) <> Sizeof( BFH ) then Exit; {>>>>>>>>} BIH := fDIBHeader.bmiHeader; MS := NewMemoryStream; if fDIBHeader.bmiHeader.biBitCount = 8 then begin for y := Height-1 downto 0 do begin Line := ScanLine[y]; MS.Write( Line^, Width ); end; end else begin Buffer := AllocMem( Width ); for y := Height-1 downto 0 do begin Line := ScanLine[y]; x := 0; while x < Width do begin Buffer[x] := Line^ shr 4; inc( x ); if x >= Width then break; Buffer[x] := Line^ and 15; inc( x ); inc( Line ); end; MS.Write( Buffer^, Width ); end; MS.WriteVal( 0, 2 ); end; if fDIBHeader.bmiHeader.biBitCount = 8 then BIH.biCompression := BI_RLE8 else BIH.biCompression := BI_RLE4; if Strm.Write( BIH, Sizeof( BIH ) ) <> Sizeof( BIH ) then Exit; {>>>>>>>} if Strm.Write( fDIBHeader.bmiColors, ColorsSize ) <> DWORD(ColorsSize) then Exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} if fDIBHeader.bmiHeader.biBitCount = 8 then Result := WriteRLE8 else Result := WriteRLE4; MS.Free; end; begin Pos := Strm.Position; if (fDIBHeader.bmiHeader.biBitCount <> 4) and (fDIBHeader.bmiHeader.biBitCount <> 8) then begin SaveToStream( Strm ); Exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} end; if not WriteBitmap then Strm.Seek( Pos, spBegin ); end; {$IFDEF ASM_VERSION}{$ELSE PAS_VERSION} //Pascal procedure TBitmap.SetHandle(const Value: HBitmap); var B: tagBitmap; Dib: TDIBSection; begin Clear; if Value = 0 then Exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} if (WinVer >= wvNT) and (GetObject( Value, Sizeof( Dib ), @ Dib ) = Sizeof( Dib )) and (Dib.dsBmih.biBitCount > 8) then begin fHandle := Value; fHandleType := bmDIB; fDIBHeader := PrepareBitmapHeader( Dib.dsBm.bmWidth, Dib.dsBm.bmHeight, Dib.dsBm.bmBitsPixel ); Move( Dib.dsBitfields, fDIBHeader.bmiColors, 3 * 4 ); fWidth := Dib.dsBm.bmWidth; fHeight := Dib.dsBm.bmHeight; fDIBBits := Dib.dsBm.bmBits; fDIBSize := Dib.dsBmih.biSizeImage; fDIBAutoFree := true; end else begin if GetObject( Value, Sizeof( B ), @B ) = 0 then Exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} fHandle := Value; fWidth := B.bmWidth; fHeight := B.bmHeight; fHandleType := bmDDB; end; end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION} procedure TBitmap.SetWidth(const Value: Integer); begin if fWidth = Value then Exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} fWidth := Value; FormatChanged; end; {$IFDEF ASM_VERSION}{$ELSE PAS_VERSION} //Pascal procedure TBitmap.SetHeight(const Value: Integer); {$IFNDEF SMALLER_CODE} var pf : TPixelFormat; {$ENDIF SMALLER_CODE} begin if fHeight = Value then Exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} {$IFNDEF SMALLER_CODE} pf := PixelFormat; {$ENDIF SMALLER_CODE} HandleType := bmDDB; // Not too good, but provides correct changing of height // preserving previous image fHeight := Value; FormatChanged; {$IFNDEF SMALLER_CODE} PixelFormat := pf; {$ENDIF SMALLER_CODE} end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION} {$IFDEF ASM_VERSION}{$ELSE PAS_VERSION} //Pascal procedure TBitmap.SetPixelFormat(Value: TPixelFormat); begin if PixelFormat = Value then Exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} if Empty then Exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} if Value = pfDevice then HandleType := bmDDB else begin fNewPixelFormat := Value; HandleType := bmDIB; FormatChanged; end; end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION} {$IFDEF ASM_VERSION}{$ELSE PAS_VERSION} //Pascal function CalcScanLineSize( Header: PBitmapInfoHeader ): Integer; begin Result := ((Header.biBitCount * Header.biWidth + 31) shr 3) and $FFFFFFFC; end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION} {$IFDEF ASM_VERSION}{$ELSE PAS_VERSION} //Pascal procedure FillBmpWithBkColor( Bmp: PBitmap; DC2: HDC; oldWidth, oldHeight: Integer ); var oldBmp: HBitmap; R: TRect; Br: HBrush; begin with Bmp^ do if Color2RGB( fBkColor ) <> 0 then if (oldWidth < fWidth) or (oldHeight < fHeight) then if GetHandle <> 0 then begin oldBmp := SelectObject( DC2, fHandle ); {$IFDEF KOL_ASSERTIONS} ASSERT( oldBmp <> 0, 'Can not select bitmap to DC' ); {$ENDIF KOL_ASSERTIONS} Br := CreateSolidBrush( Color2RGB( fBkColor ) ); R := MakeRect( oldWidth, oldHeight, fWidth, fHeight ); if oldWidth = fWidth then R.Left := 0; if oldHeight = fHeight then R.Top := 0; Windows.FillRect( DC2, R, Br ); DeleteObject( Br ); SelectObject( DC2, oldBmp ); end; end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION} const BitCounts: array[ TPixelFormat ] of Byte = ( 0, 1, 4, 8, 16, 16, 24, 32, 0 ); {$IFDEF ASM_VERSION}{$ELSE PAS_VERSION} //Pascal procedure TBitmap.FormatChanged; // This method is used whenever Width, Height, PixelFormat or HandleType // properties are changed. // Old image will be drawn here to a new one (excluding cases when // old width or height was 0, and / or new width or height is 0). // To avoid inserting this code into executable, try not to change // properties Width / Height of bitmat after it is created using // NewBitmap( W, H ) function or after it is loaded from file, stream or resource. var B: tagBitmap; oldBmp, NewHandle: HBitmap; DC0, DC2: HDC; NewHeader: PBitmapInfo; NewBits: Pointer; oldHeight, oldWidth, sizeBits, bitsPixel: Integer; Br: HBrush; N: Integer; NewDIBAutoFree: Boolean; Hndl: THandle; begin if Empty then Exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} NewDIBAutoFree := FALSE; fDetachCanvas( @Self ); fScanLineSize := 0; fGetDIBPixels := nil; fSetDIBPixels := nil; oldWidth := fWidth; oldHeight := fHeight; if fDIBBits <> nil then begin oldWidth := fDIBHeader.bmiHeader.biWidth; oldHeight := Abs(fDIBHeader.bmiHeader.biHeight); end else if fHandle <> 0 then begin if GetObject( fHandle, Sizeof( B ), @ B ) <> 0 then begin oldWidth := B.bmWidth; oldHeight := B.bmHeight; end; end; DC2 := CreateCompatibleDC( 0 ); if fHandleType = bmDDB then begin // New HandleType is bmDDB: old bitmap can be copied using Draw method DC0 := GetDC( 0 ); NewHandle := CreateCompatibleBitmap( DC0, fWidth, fHeight ); {$IFDEF KOL_ASSERTIONS} ASSERT( NewHandle <> 0, 'Can not create DDB' ); {$ENDIF KOL_ASSERTIONS} ReleaseDC( 0, DC0 ); oldBmp := SelectObject( DC2, NewHandle ); {$IFDEF KOL_ASSERTIONS} ASSERT( oldBmp <> 0, 'Can not select bitmap to DC' ); {$ENDIF KOL_ASSERTIONS} Br := CreateSolidBrush( Color2RGB( fBkColor ) ); FillRect( DC2, MakeRect( 0, 0, fWidth, fHeight ), Br ); DeleteObject( Br ); if fDIBBits <> nil then begin SelectObject( DC2, oldBmp ); SetDIBits( DC2, NewHandle, 0, fHeight, fDIBBits, fDIBHeader^, DIB_RGB_COLORS ); end else begin Draw( DC2, 0, 0 ); SelectObject( DC2, oldBmp ); end; ClearData; // Image is cleared but fWidth and fHeight are preserved fHandle := NewHandle; end else begin // New format is DIB. GetDIBits applied to transform old data to new one. bitsPixel := BitCounts[ fNewPixelFormat ]; if bitsPixel = 0 then begin bitsPixel := BitCounts[DefaultPixelFormat]; end; NewHandle := 0; NewHeader := PrepareBitmapHeader( fWidth, fHeight, bitsPixel ); if fNewPixelFormat = pf16bit then PreparePF16bit( NewHeader ); sizeBits := CalcScanLineSize( @NewHeader.bmiHeader ) * fHeight; NewBits := Pointer( GlobalAlloc( GMEM_FIXED, sizeBits ) ); {$IFDEF KOL_ASSERTIONS} ASSERT( NewBits <> nil, 'No memory' ); {$ENDIF KOL_ASSERTIONS} Hndl := GetHandle; if Hndl = 0 then Exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} N := GetDIBits( DC2, Hndl, 0, Min( fHeight, oldHeight ), NewBits, NewHeader^, DIB_RGB_COLORS ); if N <> Min( fHeight, oldHeight ) then begin GlobalFree( DWORD( NewBits ) ); NewBits := nil; NewHandle := CreateDIBSection( DC2, NewHeader^, DIB_RGB_COLORS, NewBits, 0, 0 ); NewDIBAutoFree := TRUE; {$IFDEF KOL_ASSERTIONS} ASSERT( NewHandle <> 0, 'Can not create DIB secion for pf16bit bitmap' ); {$ENDIF KOL_ASSERTIONS} oldBmp := SelectObject( DC2, NewHandle ); {$IFDEF KOL_ASSERTIONS} ASSERT( oldBmp <> 0, 'Can not select pf16bit to DC' ); {$ENDIF KOL_ASSERTIONS} Draw( DC2, 0, 0 ); SelectObject( DC2, oldBmp ); end; ClearData; fDIBSize := sizeBits; fDIBBits := NewBits; fDIBHeader := NewHeader; fHandle := NewHandle; fDIBAutoFree := NewDIBAutoFree; end; if Assigned( fFillWithBkColor ) then fFillWithBkColor( @Self, DC2, oldWidth, oldHeight ); DeleteDC( DC2 ); end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION} {$IFDEF ASM_VERSION}{$ELSE PAS_VERSION} //Pascal function TBitmap.GetScanLine(Y: Integer): Pointer; begin {$IFDEF KOL_ASSERTIONS} ASSERT( (Y >= 0) {and (Y < fHeight)}, 'ScanLine index out of bounds' ); ASSERT( fDIBBits <> nil, 'No bits available' ); {$ENDIF KOL_ASSERTIONS} Result := nil; if fDIBHeader = nil then Exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} if fDIBHeader.bmiHeader.biHeight > 0 then Y := fHeight - 1 - Y; if fScanLineSize = 0 then ScanLineSize; Result := Pointer( Integer( fDIBBits ) + fScanLineSize * Y ); end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION} {$IFDEF ASM_VERSION}{$ELSE PAS_VERSION} //Pascal function TBitmap.GetScanLineSize: Integer; begin Result := 0; if fDIBHeader = nil then Exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} FScanLineSize := CalcScanLineSize( @fDIBHeader.bmiHeader ); Result := FScanLineSize; end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION} {$IFDEF ASM_VERSION}{$ELSE PAS_VERSION} //Pascal procedure TBitmap.CanvasChanged( Sender : PObj ); begin fBkColor := PCanvas( Sender ).Brush.Color; ClearTransImage; end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION} {$IFDEF ASM_VERSION}{$ELSE PAS_VERSION} //Pascal procedure TBitmap.Dormant; begin RemoveCanvas; if fHandle <> 0 then DeleteObject( ReleaseHandle ); end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION} {$IFDEF ASM_VERSION}{$ELSE PAS_VERSION} //Pascal procedure TBitmap.SetBkColor(const Value: TColor); begin if fBkColor = Value then Exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} fBkColor := Value; fFillWithBkColor := FillBmpWithBkColor; if Assigned( fApplyBkColor2Canvas ) then fApplyBkColor2Canvas( @Self ); end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION} {$IFDEF ASM_VERSION}{$ELSE PAS_VERSION} //Pascal function TBitmap.Assign(SrcBmp: PBitmap): Boolean; begin Clear; Result := False; if SrcBmp = nil then Exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} if SrcBmp.Empty then Exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} fWidth := SrcBmp.fWidth; fHeight := SrcBmp.fHeight; fHandleType := SrcBmp.fHandleType; //fNewPixelFormat := SrcBmp.PixelFormat; if SrcBmp.fHandleType = bmDDB then begin fHandle := CopyImage( SrcBmp.fHandle, IMAGE_BITMAP, 0, 0, 0 {LR_COPYRETURNORG} ); {$IFDEF KOL_ASSERTIONS} ASSERT( fHandle <> 0, 'Can not copy bitmap image' ); {$ENDIF KOL_ASSERTIONS} Result := fHandle <> 0; if not Result then Clear; end else begin GetMem( fDIBHeader, Sizeof(TBitmapInfoHeader) + 256*sizeof(TRGBQuad) ); {$IFDEF KOL_ASSERTIONS} ASSERT( fDIBHeader <> nil, 'No memory' ); {$ENDIF KOL_ASSERTIONS} Move( SrcBmp.fDIBHeader^, fDIBHeader^, Sizeof(TBitmapInfoHeader) + 256*sizeof(TRGBQuad) ); fDIBSize := SrcBmp.fDIBSize; fDIBBits := Pointer( GlobalAlloc( GMEM_FIXED {or GMEM_ZEROINIT}, fDIBSize ) ); {$IFDEF KOL_ASSERTIONS} ASSERT( fDIBBits <> nil, 'No memory' ); {$ENDIF KOL_ASSERTIONS} Move( SrcBmp.fDIBBits^, fDIBBits^, fDIBSize ); Result := True; end; end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION} {$IFDEF ASM_VERSION}{$ELSE PAS_VERSION} //Pascal procedure TBitmap.RemoveCanvas; begin fDetachCanvas( @Self ); fCanvas.Free; fCanvas := nil; end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION} {$IFDEF ASM_VERSION}{$ELSE PAS_VERSION} //Pascal function TBitmap.DIBPalNearestEntry(Color: TColor): Integer; var I, Diff, D: Integer; C : Integer; begin Color := TColor( Color2RGBQuad( Color ) ); Result := 0; Diff := MaxInt; for I := 0 to DIBPalEntryCount - 1 do begin C := Color xor PInteger( Integer( @fDIBHeader.bmiColors[ 0 ] ) + I * Sizeof( TRGBQuad ) )^; D := TRGBQuad( C ).rgbBlue + TRGBQuad( C ).rgbGreen + TRGBQuad( C ).rgbRed; if D < Diff then begin Diff := D; Result := I; end; end; end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION} {$IFDEF ASM_VERSION}{$ELSE PAS_VERSION} //Pascal function TBitmap.GetDIBPalEntries(Idx: Integer): TColor; begin Result := TColor(-1); if fDIBBits = nil then Exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} {$IFDEF KOL_ASSERTIONS} ASSERT( PixelFormat in [pf1bit..pf8bit], 'Format has no DIB palette entries available' ); ASSERT( (Idx >= 0) and (Idx < (1 shl fDIBHeader.bmiHeader.biBitCount)), 'DIB palette index out of bounds' ); {$ENDIF KOL_ASSERTIONS} Result := PDWORD( Integer( @fDIBHeader.bmiColors[ 0 ] ) + Idx * Sizeof( TRGBQuad ) )^; end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION} {$IFDEF ASM_VERSION}{$ELSE PAS_VERSION} //Pascal function TBitmap.GetDIBPalEntryCount: Integer; begin Result := 0; if Empty then Exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} case PixelFormat of pf1bit: Result := 2; pf4bit: Result := 16; pf8bit: Result := 256; else; end; end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION} procedure TBitmap.SetDIBPalEntries(Idx: Integer; const Value: TColor); begin if fDIBBits = nil then Exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} Dormant; PDWORD( Integer( @fDIBHeader.bmiColors[ 0 ] ) + Idx * Sizeof( TRGBQuad ) )^ := Color2RGB( Value ); end; procedure TBitmap.SetHandleType(const Value: TBitmapHandleType); begin if fHandleType = Value then Exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} fHandleType := Value; FormatChanged; end; function TBitmap.GetPixelFormat: TPixelFormat; begin if (HandleType = bmDDB) or (fDIBBits = nil) then Result := pfDevice else begin Result := Bits2PixelFormat( fDIBHeader.bmiHeader.biBitCount ); if fDIBHeader.bmiHeader.biCompression <> 0 then begin {$IFDEF KOL_ASSERTIONS} Assert( fDIBHeader.bmiHeader.biCompression = BI_BITFIELDS, 'Unsupported bitmap format' ); {$ENDIF KOL_ASSERTIONS} if (TColor( fDIBHeader.bmiColors[ 0 ] ) = $F800) and (PInteger( DWORD(@ fDIBHeader.bmiColors[ 0 ])+4 )^ = $7E0) and (PInteger( DWORD(@ fDIBHeader.bmiColors[ 0 ])+8 )^ = $1F) then Result := pf16bit else if (TColor( fDIBHeader.bmiColors[ 0 ] ) = $7C00) and (PInteger( DWORD(@ fDIBHeader.bmiColors[ 0 ])+4 )^ = $3E0) and (PInteger( DWORD(@ fDIBHeader.bmiColors[ 0 ])+8 )^ = $1F) then Result := pf15bit else Result := pfCustom; end; end; end; {$IFDEF ASM_VERSION}{$ELSE PAS_VERSION} //Pascal procedure TBitmap.ClearTransImage; begin fTransColor := clNone; fTransMaskBmp.Free; fTransMaskBmp := nil; end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION} {$IFDEF ASM_VERSION}{$ELSE PAS_VERSION} //Pascal {$IFDEF USE_OLDCONVERT2MASK} procedure TBitmap.Convert2Mask(TranspColor: TColor); var MonoHandle: HBitmap; SaveMono, SaveFrom: THandle; MonoDC, DCfrom: HDC; SaveBkColor: TColorRef; begin if GetHandle = 0 then Exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} fDetachCanvas( @Self ); MonoHandle := CreateBitmap( fWidth, fHeight, 1, 1, nil ); {$IFDEF KOL_ASSERTIONS} ASSERT( MonoHandle <> 0, 'Can not create monochrome bitmap' ); {$ENDIF KOL_ASSERTIONS} MonoDC := CreateCompatibleDC( 0 ); SaveMono := SelectObject( MonoDC, MonoHandle ); {$IFDEF KOL_ASSERTIONS} ASSERT( SaveMono <> 0, 'Can not select bitmap to DC' ); {$ENDIF KOL_ASSERTIONS} DCfrom := CreateCompatibleDC( 0 ); SaveFrom := SelectObject( DCfrom, fHandle ); {$IFDEF KOL_ASSERTIONS} ASSERT( SaveFrom <> 0, 'Can not select source bitmap to DC' ); {$ENDIF KOL_ASSERTIONS} TranspColor := Color2RGB( TranspColor ); SaveBkColor := Windows.SetBkColor( DCfrom, TranspColor ); BitBlt( MonoDC, 0, 0, fWidth, fHeight, DCfrom, 0, 0, SRCCOPY ); {$IFDEF CHK_BITBLT} Chk_BitBlt; {$ENDIF} Windows.SetBkColor( DCfrom, SaveBkColor ); SelectObject( DCfrom, SaveFrom ); DeleteDC( DCfrom ); SelectObject( MonoDC, SaveMono ); DeleteDC( MonoDC ); ///ReleaseDC( 0, DC0 ); ClearData; fHandle := MonoHandle; fHandleType := bmDDB; end; {$ELSE NOT USE_OLDCONVERT2MASK} //Pascal procedure TBitmap.Convert2Mask(TranspColor: TColor); var Y, X, i: Integer; Src, Dst: PByte; W: Word; TmpMsk: PBitmap; B, C: Byte; TranspColor32: TColor; begin HandleType := bmDIB; if PixelFormat < pf4bit then PixelFormat := pf4bit; if PixelFormat > pf32bit then PixelFormat := pf32bit; TranspColor := Color2RGB( TranspColor ) and $FFFFFF; TranspColor32 := TColor( Color2RGBQuad( TranspColor ) ); TmpMsk := NewDIBBitmap( fWidth, fHeight, pf1bit ); TmpMsk.DIBPalEntries[ 1 ] := $FFFFFF; for Y := 0 to fHeight-1 do begin Src := ScanLine[ Y ]; Dst := TmpMsk.ScanLine[ Y ]; B := 0; C := 8; CASE PixelFormat OF pf4bit: begin W := 16; for i := 0 to 15 do if DIBPalEntries[ i ] = TranspColor32 then begin W := i; break; end; for X := 0 to (fWidth div 2)-1 do begin B := B shl 1; if Src^ shr 4 = W then inc( B ); B := B shl 1; if Src^ and $0F = W then inc( B ); Inc( Src ); Dec( C, 2 ); if C = 0 then begin Dst^ := B; Inc( Dst ); C := 8; end; end; end; pf8bit: begin W := 256; for i := 0 to 255 do if DIBPalEntries[ i ] = TranspColor32 then begin W := i; break; end; for X := 0 to fWidth-1 do begin B := B shl 1; if Src^ = W then inc( B ); Inc( Src ); Dec( C ); if C = 0 then begin Dst^ := B; Inc( Dst ); C := 8; end; end; end; pf15bit: begin W := Color2Color15( TranspColor ); for X := 0 to fWidth-1 do begin B := B shl 1; if PWord( Src )^ = W then inc( B ); Inc( Src, 2 ); Dec( C ); if C = 0 then begin Dst^ := B; Inc( Dst ); C := 8; end; end; end; pf16bit: begin W := Color2Color16( TranspColor ); for X := 0 to fWidth-1 do begin B := B shl 1; if PWord( Src )^ = W then inc( B ); Inc( Src, 2 ); Dec( C ); if C = 0 then begin Dst^ := B; Inc( Dst ); C := 8; end; end; end; pf24bit: begin for X := 0 to fWidth-1 do begin B := B shl 1; if PInteger( Src )^ and $FFFFFF = TranspColor32 then inc( B ); Inc( Src, 3 ); Dec( C ); if C = 0 then begin Dst^ := B; Inc( Dst ); C := 8; end; end; end; pf32bit: begin for X := 0 to fWidth-1 do begin B := B shl 1; if PInteger( Src )^ and $FFFFFF = TranspColor32 then inc( B ); Inc( Src, 4 ); Dec( C ); if C = 0 then begin Dst^ := B; Inc( Dst ); C := 8; end; end; end; END; if (C > 0) and (C < 8) then begin while C > 0 do begin B := B shl 1; dec( C ); end; Dst^ := B; end; end; Assign( TmpMsk ); TmpMsk.Free; end; {$ENDIF USE_OLDCONVERT2MASK} //Pascal {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION} procedure TBitmap.Invert; var R: TRect; begin //BitBlt( Canvas.Handle, 0, 0, Width, Height, Canvas.Handle, 0, 0, DSTINVERT ) R := BoundsRect; InvertRect(Canvas.Handle, R); end; procedure TBitmap.DIBDrawRect( DC: HDC; X, Y: Integer; const R: TRect ); begin if fDIBBits = nil then Exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} StretchDIBits( DC, X, Y, R.Right - R.Left, R.Bottom - R.Top, R.Left, fHeight - R.Bottom, R.Right - R.Left, R.Bottom - R.Top, fDIBBits, fDIBHeader^, DIB_RGB_COLORS, SRCCOPY ); end; {$IFDEF ASM_VERSION}{$ELSE PAS_VERSION} //Pascal procedure _RotateBitmapMono( var DstBmp: PBitmap; SrcBmp: PBitmap ); var X, Y, Z, Shf, Wbytes, BytesPerDstLine: Integer; Src, Dst, Dst1: PByte; Tmp: Byte; begin DstBmp := NewDIBBitmap( SrcBmp.fHeight, (SrcBmp.fWidth + 7) and not 7, pf1bit ); Move( SrcBmp.fDIBHeader.bmiColors[ 0 ], DstBmp.fDIBHeader.bmiColors[ 0 ], 2 * Sizeof( TRGBQuad ) ); // Calculate ones: Dst := DstBmp.ScanLine[ 0 ]; BytesPerDstLine := Integer( DstBmp.ScanLine[ 1 ]) - Integer( Dst ); Wbytes := (SrcBmp.fWidth + 7) shr 3; Inc( Dst, (DstBmp.fWidth - 1) shr 3 ); Shf := (DstBmp.fWidth - 1) and 7; // Rotating bits: for Y := 0 to SrcBmp.fHeight - 1 do begin Src := SrcBmp.ScanLine[ Y ]; Dst1 := Dst; for X := Wbytes downto 1 do begin Tmp := Src^; Inc( Src ); for Z := 8 downto 1 do begin Dst1^ := Dst1^ or ( (Tmp and $80) shr Shf ); Tmp := Tmp shl 1; Inc( Dst1, BytesPerDstLine ); end; end; Dec( Shf ); if Shf < 0 then begin Shf := 7; Dec( Dst ); end; end; end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION} {$IFDEF ASM_VERSION}{$ELSE PAS_VERSION} //Pascal procedure _RotateBitmap4bit( var DstBmp: PBitmap; SrcBmp: PBitmap ); var X, Y, Shf, Wbytes, BytesPerDstLine: Integer; Src, Dst, Dst1: PByte; Tmp: Byte; begin DstBmp := NewDIBBitmap( SrcBmp.fHeight, (SrcBmp.fWidth + 1) and not 1, pf4bit ); Move( SrcBmp.fDIBHeader.bmiColors[ 0 ], DstBmp.fDIBHeader.bmiColors[ 0 ], 16 * Sizeof( TRGBQuad ) ); // Calculate ones: Dst := DstBmp.ScanLine[ 0 ]; BytesPerDstLine := Integer( DstBmp.ScanLine[ 1 ]) - Integer( Dst ); Wbytes := (SrcBmp.fWidth + 1) shr 1; Inc( Dst, (DstBmp.fWidth - 1) shr 1 ); Shf := ((DstBmp.fWidth - 1) and 1) shl 2; // Rotating bits: for Y := 0 to SrcBmp.fHeight - 1 do begin Src := SrcBmp.ScanLine[ Y ]; Dst1 := Dst; for X := Wbytes downto 1 do begin Tmp := Src^; Inc( Src ); Dst1^ := Dst1^ or ( (Tmp and $F0) shr Shf ); Inc( Dst1, BytesPerDstLine ); Dst1^ := Dst1^ or ( ((Tmp shl 4) and $F0) shr Shf ); Inc( Dst1, BytesPerDstLine ); end; Dec( Shf, 4 ); if Shf < 0 then begin Shf := 4; Dec( Dst ); end; end; end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION} {$IFDEF ASM_VERSION}{$ELSE PAS_VERSION} //Pascal procedure _RotateBitmap8bit( var DstBmp: PBitmap; SrcBmp: PBitmap ); var X, Y, Wbytes, BytesPerDstLine: Integer; Src, Dst, Dst1: PByte; Tmp: Byte; begin DstBmp := NewDIBBitmap( SrcBmp.fHeight, SrcBmp.fWidth, SrcBmp.PixelFormat ); Move( SrcBmp.fDIBHeader.bmiColors[ 0 ], DstBmp.fDIBHeader.bmiColors[ 0 ], 256 * Sizeof( TRGBQuad ) ); // Calculate ones: Wbytes := SrcBmp.fWidth; Dst := DstBmp.ScanLine[ 0 ]; BytesPerDstLine := Integer( DstBmp.ScanLine[ 1 ]) - Integer( Dst ); Inc( Dst, DstBmp.fWidth - 1 ); // Rotating bits: for Y := 0 to SrcBmp.fHeight - 1 do begin Src := SrcBmp.ScanLine[ Y ]; Dst1 := Dst; for X := Wbytes downto 1 do begin Tmp := Src^; Inc( Src ); Dst1^ := Tmp; Inc( Dst1, BytesPerDstLine ); end; Dec( Dst ); end; end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION} {$IFDEF ASM_VERSION}{$ELSE PAS_VERSION} //Pascal procedure _RotateBitmap16bit( var DstBmp: PBitmap; SrcBmp: PBitmap ); var X, Y, Wwords, BytesPerDstLine: Integer; Src, Dst, Dst1: PWord; Tmp: Word; begin DstBmp := NewDIBBitmap( SrcBmp.fHeight, SrcBmp.fWidth, SrcBmp.PixelFormat ); Wwords := SrcBmp.fWidth; Dst := DstBmp.ScanLine[ 0 ]; BytesPerDstLine := Integer( DstBmp.ScanLine[ 1 ]) - Integer( Dst ); Inc( Dst, DstBmp.fWidth - 1 ); // Rotating bits: for Y := 0 to SrcBmp.fHeight - 1 do begin Src := SrcBmp.ScanLine[ Y ]; Dst1 := Dst; for X := Wwords downto 1 do begin Tmp := Src^; Inc( Src ); Dst1^ := Tmp; Inc( PByte(Dst1), BytesPerDstLine ); end; Dec( Dst ); end; end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION} {$IFDEF ASM_VERSION}{$ELSE PAS_VERSION} //Pascal procedure _RotateBitmap2432bit( var DstBmp: PBitmap; SrcBmp: PBitmap ); var X, Y, Wwords, BytesPerDstLine, IncW: Integer; Src, Dst, Dst1: PDWord; Tmp: DWord; begin DstBmp := NewDIBBitmap( SrcBmp.fHeight, SrcBmp.fWidth, SrcBmp.PixelFormat ); // Calculate ones: IncW := 4; if DstBmp.PixelFormat = pf24bit then IncW := 3; Wwords := SrcBmp.fWidth; Dst := DstBmp.ScanLine[ 0 ]; BytesPerDstLine := Integer( DstBmp.ScanLine[ 1 ]) - Integer( Dst ); Inc( PByte(Dst), (DstBmp.fWidth - 1) * IncW ); // Rotating bits: for Y := 0 to SrcBmp.fHeight - 1 do begin Src := SrcBmp.ScanLine[ Y ]; Dst1 := Dst; for X := Wwords downto 1 do begin Tmp := Src^ and $FFFFFF; Inc( PByte(Src), IncW ); Dst1^ := Dst1^ or Tmp; Inc( PByte(Dst1), BytesPerDstLine ); end; Dec( PByte(Dst), IncW ); end; end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION} type TRotateBmpRefs = packed record proc_RotateBitmapMono: procedure( var Dst: PBitmap; Src: PBitmap ); proc_RotateBitmap4bit: procedure( var Dst: PBitmap; Src: PBitmap ); proc_RotateBitmap8bit: procedure( var Dst: PBitmap; Src: PBitmap ); proc_RotateBitmap16bit: procedure( var Dst: PBitmap; Src: PBitmap ); proc_RotateBitmap2432bit: procedure( var Dst: PBitmap; Src: PBitmap ); end; var RotateProcs: TRotateBmpRefs; {$IFDEF ASM_VERSION}{$ELSE PAS_VERSION} //Pascal procedure _RotateBitmapRight( SrcBmp: PBitmap ); var DstBmp: PBitmap; RotateProc: procedure( var DstBmp: PBitmap; SrcBmp: PBitmap ); begin if SrcBmp.fHandleType <> bmDIB then Exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} case SrcBmp.PixelFormat of pf1bit: RotateProc := RotateProcs.proc_RotateBitmapMono; pf4bit: RotateProc := RotateProcs.proc_RotateBitmap4bit; pf8bit: RotateProc := RotateProcs.proc_RotateBitmap8bit; pf15bit, pf16bit: RotateProc := RotateProcs.proc_RotateBitmap16bit; else RotateProc := RotateProcs.proc_RotateBitmap2432bit; end; if not Assigned( RotateProc ) then Exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} RotateProc( DstBmp, SrcBmp ); if DstBmp.fHeight > SrcBmp.fWidth then begin DstBmp.fDIBSize := DstBmp.fScanLineSize * SrcBmp.fWidth; if DstBmp.fDIBHeader.bmiHeader.biHeight > 0 then Move( DstBmp.ScanLine[ SrcBmp.fWidth - 1 ]^, DstBmp.ScanLine[ DstBmp.fHeight - 1 ]^, DstBmp.fDIBSize ); DstBmp.fHeight := SrcBmp.fWidth; DstBmp.fDIBHeader.bmiHeader.biHeight := DstBmp.fHeight; end; SrcBmp.ClearData; SrcBmp.fDIBHeader := DstBmp.fDIBHeader; DstBmp.fDIBHeader := nil; SrcBmp.fDIBBits := DstBmp.fDIBBits; DstBmp.fDIBBits := nil; SrcBmp.fDIBAutoFree := DstBmp.fDIBAutoFree; SrcBmp.fDIBSize := DstBmp.fDIBSize; SrcBmp.fWidth := DstBmp.fWidth; SrcBmp.fHeight := DstBmp.fHeight; DstBmp.Free; end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION} procedure TBitmap.RotateRight; const AllRotators: TRotateBmpRefs = ( proc_RotateBitmapMono: _RotateBitmapMono; proc_RotateBitmap4bit: _RotateBitmap4bit; proc_RotateBitmap8bit: _RotateBitmap8bit; proc_RotateBitmap16bit: _RotateBitmap16bit; proc_RotateBitmap2432bit: _RotateBitmap2432bit ); begin RotateProcs := AllRotators; _RotateBitmapRight( @Self ); end; procedure _RotateBitmapLeft( Src: PBitmap ); begin _RotateBitmapRight( Src ); _RotateBitmapRight( Src ); _RotateBitmapRight( Src ); end; procedure TBitmap.RotateLeft; begin RotateRight; _RotateBitmapRight( @Self ); _RotateBitmapRight( @Self ); end; procedure TBitmap.RotateLeftMono; begin if PixelFormat <> pf1bit then Exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} RotateProcs.proc_RotateBitmapMono := _RotateBitmapMono; _RotateBitmapRight( @Self ); end; procedure TBitmap.RotateRightMono; begin if PixelFormat <> pf1bit then Exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} RotateProcs.proc_RotateBitmapMono := _RotateBitmapMono; _RotateBitmapLeft( @Self ); end; procedure TBitmap.RotateLeft16bit; begin if PixelFormat <> pf16bit then Exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} RotateProcs.proc_RotateBitmap16bit := _RotateBitmap16bit; _RotateBitmapLeft( @Self ); end; procedure TBitmap.RotateLeft4bit; begin if PixelFormat <> pf4bit then Exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} RotateProcs.proc_RotateBitmap4bit := _RotateBitmap4bit; _RotateBitmapLeft( @Self ); end; procedure TBitmap.RotateLeft8bit; begin if PixelFormat <> pf8bit then Exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} RotateProcs.proc_RotateBitmap8bit := _RotateBitmap8bit; _RotateBitmapLeft( @Self ); end; procedure TBitmap.RotateLeftTrueColor; begin if not (PixelFormat in [ pf24bit, pf32bit ]) then Exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} RotateProcs.proc_RotateBitmap2432bit := _RotateBitmap2432bit; _RotateBitmapLeft( @Self ); end; procedure TBitmap.RotateRight16bit; begin if PixelFormat <> pf16bit then Exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} RotateProcs.proc_RotateBitmap16bit := _RotateBitmap16bit; _RotateBitmapRight( @Self ); end; procedure TBitmap.RotateRight4bit; begin if PixelFormat <> pf4bit then Exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} RotateProcs.proc_RotateBitmap4bit := _RotateBitmap4bit; _RotateBitmapRight( @Self ); end; procedure TBitmap.RotateRight8bit; begin if PixelFormat <> pf8bit then Exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} RotateProcs.proc_RotateBitmap8bit := _RotateBitmap8bit; _RotateBitmapRight( @Self ); end; procedure TBitmap.RotateRightTrueColor; begin if not (PixelFormat in [ pf24bit, pf32bit ]) then Exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} RotateProcs.proc_RotateBitmap2432bit := _RotateBitmap2432bit; _RotateBitmapRight( @Self ); end; {$IFDEF ASM_VERSION}{$ELSE PAS_VERSION} //Pascal function TBitmap.GetPixels(X, Y: Integer): TColor; var DC: HDC; Save: THandle; begin Result := clNone; if Empty then Exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} fDetachCanvas( @Self ); DC := CreateCompatibleDC( 0 ); Save := SelectObject( DC, GetHandle ); {$IFDEF KOL_ASSERTIONS} ASSERT( Save <> 0, 'Can not select bitmap to DC' ); {$ENDIF KOL_ASSERTIONS} Result := Windows.GetPixel( DC, X, Y ); SelectObject( DC, Save ); DeleteDC( DC ); end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION} {$IFDEF ASM_VERSION}{$ELSE PAS_VERSION} //Pascal procedure TBitmap.SetPixels(X, Y: Integer; const Value: TColor); var DC: HDC; Save: THandle; begin if Empty then Exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} fDetachCanvas( @Self ); DC := CreateCompatibleDC( 0 ); Save := SelectObject( DC, GetHandle ); {$IFDEF KOL_ASSERTIONS} ASSERT( Save <> 0, 'Can not select bitmap to DC' ); {$ENDIF KOL_ASSERTIONS} Windows.SetPixel( DC, X, Y, Color2RGB( Value ) ); SelectObject( DC, Save ); DeleteDC( DC ); end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION} {$IFDEF ASM_VERSION}{$ELSE PAS_VERSION} //Pascal function _GetDIBPixelsPalIdx( Bmp: PBitmap; X, Y: Integer ): TColor; var Pixel: Byte; begin Pixel := PByte( Integer(Bmp.fScanLine0) + Y * Bmp.fScanLineDelta + (X div (Bmp.fPixelsPerByteMask + 1)) )^; Pixel := ( Pixel shr ( (Bmp.fPixelsPerByteMask - (X and Bmp.fPixelsPerByteMask)) * Bmp.fDIBHeader.bmiHeader.biBitCount ) ) and Bmp.fPixelMask; Result := TColor( Color2RGBQuad( TColor( PRGBQuad( DWORD(@Bmp.fDIBHeader.bmiColors[ 0 ]) + Pixel * Sizeof( TRGBQuad ) )^ ) ) ); end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION} {$IFDEF ASM_VERSION}{$ELSE PAS_VERSION} //Pascal function _GetDIBPixels16bit( Bmp: PBitmap; X, Y: Integer ): TColor; var Pixel: Word; begin Pixel := PWord( Integer(Bmp.fScanLine0) + Y * Bmp.fScanLineDelta + X * 2 )^; if Bmp.fPixelMask = 15 then Result := (Pixel shr 7) and $F8 or (Pixel shl 6) and $F800 or (Pixel shl 19) and $F80000 else Result := (Pixel shr 8) and $F8 or (Pixel shl 5) and $FC00 or (Pixel shl 19) and $F80000; end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION} {$IFDEF ASM_VERSION}{$ELSE PAS_VERSION} //Pascal function _GetDIBPixelsTrueColor( Bmp: PBitmap; X, Y: Integer ): TColor; var Pixel: DWORD; begin Pixel := PDWORD( Integer(Bmp.fScanLine0) + Y * Bmp.fScanLineDelta + X * Bmp.fBytesPerPixel )^ and $FFFFFF; Result := TColor( Color2RGBQuad( TColor( Pixel ) ) ); end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION} {$IFDEF ASM_VERSION}{$ELSE PAS_VERSION} function _GetDIBPixelsTrueColorAlpha( Bmp: PBitmap; X, Y: Integer ): TColor; var Pixel: DWORD; RGB: TRGBQuad; blue, red: Byte; begin Pixel := PDWORD( Integer(Bmp.fScanLine0) + Y * Bmp.fScanLineDelta + X * Bmp.fBytesPerPixel )^; RGB := TRGBQuad(Pixel); blue := RGB.rgbRed; red := RGB.rgbBlue; RGB.rgbBlue := blue; RGB.rgbRed := red; Result := TColor( RGB ); end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION} {$IFDEF ASM_VERSION}{$ELSE PAS_VERSION} //Pascal function TBitmap.GetDIBPixels(X, Y: Integer): TColor; begin if not Assigned( fGetDIBPixels ) then begin if fHandleType = bmDIB then begin fScanLine0 := ScanLine[ 0 ]; fScanLineDelta := Integer(ScanLine[ 1 ]) - Integer(fScanLine0); case PixelFormat of pf1bit: begin fPixelMask := $01; fPixelsPerByteMask := 7; fGetDIBPixels := _GetDIBPixelsPalIdx; end; pf4bit: begin fPixelMask := $0F; fPixelsPerByteMask := 1; fGetDIBPixels := _GetDIBPixelsPalIdx; end; pf8bit: begin fPixelMask := $FF; fPixelsPerByteMask := 0; fGetDIBPixels := _GetDIBPixelsPalIdx; end; pf15bit: begin fPixelMask := 15; fGetDIBPixels := _GetDIBPixels16bit; end; pf16bit: begin fPixelMask := 16; fGetDIBPixels := _GetDIBPixels16bit; end; pf24bit: begin fPixelsPerByteMask := 0; fBytesPerPixel := 3; fGetDIBPixels := _GetDIBPixelsTrueColor; end; pf32bit: begin fPixelsPerByteMask := 1; fBytesPerPixel := 4; fGetDIBPixels := {$IFDEF DIBPixels32bitWithAlpha} _GetDIBPixelsTrueColorAlpha {$ELSE} _GetDIBPixelsTrueColor {$ENDIF}; end; else; end; end; if not Assigned( fGetDIBPixels ) then begin Result := Pixels[ X, Y ]; Exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} end; end; Result := fGetDIBPixels( @Self, X, Y ); end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION} {$IFDEF ASM_VERSION}{$ELSE PAS_VERSION} //Pascal procedure _SetDIBPixels1bit( Bmp: PBitmap; X, Y: Integer; Value: TColor ); var Pixel: Byte; Pos: PByte; Shf: Integer; begin Value := Color2RGB( Value ); if ((Value shr 16) and $FF) + ((Value shr 8) and $FF) + (Value and $FF) < 255 * 3 div 2 then Pixel := 0 else Pixel := $80; Pos := PByte( Integer(Bmp.fScanLine0) + Y * Bmp.fScanLineDelta + X div 8 ); Shf := X and 7; Pos^ := Pos^ and ($FF7F shr Shf) or (Pixel shr Shf); end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION} {$IFDEF ASM_VERSION}{$ELSE PAS_VERSION} //Pascal procedure _SetDIBPixelsPalIdx( Bmp: PBitmap; X, Y: Integer; Value: TColor ); var Pixel: Byte; Pos: PByte; Shf: Integer; begin Pixel := Bmp.DIBPalNearestEntry( Value ); Pos := PByte( Integer(Bmp.fScanLine0) + Y * Bmp.fScanLineDelta + X div (Bmp.fPixelsPerByteMask + 1) ); Shf := (Bmp.fPixelsPerByteMask - (X and Bmp.fPixelsPerByteMask)) * Bmp.fDIBHeader.bmiHeader.biBitCount; Pos^ := Pos^ and not (Bmp.fPixelMask shl Shf) or (Pixel shl Shf); end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION} {$IFDEF ASM_VERSION}{$ELSE PAS_VERSION} //Pascal procedure _SetDIBPixels16bit( Bmp: PBitmap; X, Y: Integer; Value: TColor ); var RGB16: Word; Pos: PWord; begin Value := Color2RGB( Value ); if Bmp.fPixelMask = 15 then RGB16 := (Value shr 19) and $001F or (Value shr 6) and $03E0 or (Value shl 7) and $7C00 else RGB16 := (Value shr 19) and $001F or (Value shr 5) and $07E0 or (Value shl 8) and $F800; Pos := PWord( Integer(Bmp.fScanLine0) + Y * Bmp.fScanLineDelta + X * 2 ); Pos^ := RGB16; end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION} {$IFDEF ASM_VERSION}{$ELSE PAS_VERSION} //Pascal procedure _SetDIBPixelsTrueColor( Bmp: PBitmap; X, Y: Integer; Value: TColor ); var RGB: TRGBQuad; Pos: PDWord; begin RGB := Color2RGBQuad( Value ); Pos := PDWORD( Integer(Bmp.fScanLine0) + Y * Bmp.fScanLineDelta + X * Bmp.fBytesPerPixel ); Pos^ := Pos^ and $FF000000 or DWORD(RGB); end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION} {$IFDEF ASM_VERSION}{$ELSE PAS_VERSION} procedure _SetDIBPixelsTrueColorAlpha( Bmp: PBitmap; X, Y: Integer; Value: TColor ); var RGB: TRGBQuad; Pos: PDWord; blue, red: Byte; begin RGB := TRGBQuad(Value); blue := RGB.rgbRed; red := RGB.rgbBlue; RGB.rgbBlue := blue; RGB.rgbRed := red; Pos := PDWORD( Integer(Bmp.fScanLine0) + Y * Bmp.fScanLineDelta + X * Bmp.fBytesPerPixel ); Pos^ := Pos^ or DWORD(RGB); end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION} {$IFDEF ASM_VERSION}{$ELSE PAS_VERSION} //Pascal procedure TBitmap.SetDIBPixels(X, Y: Integer; const Value: TColor); begin if not Assigned( fSetDIBPixels ) then begin if fHandleType = bmDIB then begin fScanLine0 := ScanLine[ 0 ]; fScanLineDelta := Integer(ScanLine[ 1 ]) - Integer(fScanLine0); case PixelFormat of pf1bit: begin //fPixelMask := $01; //fPixelsPerByteMask := 7; fSetDIBPixels := _SetDIBPixels1bit; end; pf4bit: begin fPixelMask := $0F; fPixelsPerByteMask := 1; fSetDIBPixels := _SetDIBPixelsPalIdx; end; pf8bit: begin fPixelMask := $FF; fPixelsPerByteMask := 0; fSetDIBPixels := _SetDIBPixelsPalIdx; end; pf15bit: begin fPixelMask := 15; fSetDIBPixels := _SetDIBPixels16bit; end; pf16bit: begin fPixelMask := 16; fSetDIBPixels := _SetDIBPixels16bit; end; pf24bit: begin fPixelsPerByteMask := 0; fBytesPerPixel := 3; fSetDIBPixels := _SetDIBPixelsTrueColor; end; pf32bit: begin fPixelsPerByteMask := 1; fBytesPerPixel := 4; fSetDIBPixels := {$IFDEF DIBPixels32bitWithAlpha} _SetDIBPixelsTrueColorAlpha {$ELSE} _SetDIBPixelsTrueColor {$ENDIF}; end; else; end; end; if not Assigned( fSetDIBPixels ) then begin Pixels[ X, Y ] := Value; Exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} end; end; fSetDIBPixels( @Self, X, Y, Value ); end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION} {$IFDEF ASM_VERSION}{$ELSE PAS_VERSION} //Pascal procedure TBitmap.FlipVertical; var DC: HDC; Save: THandle; TmpScan: PByte; Y: Integer; begin if fHandle <> 0 then begin fDetachCanvas( @Self ); DC := CreateCompatibleDC( 0 ); Save := SelectObject( DC, fHandle ); StretchBlt( DC, 0, fHeight - 1, fWidth, -fHeight, DC, 0, 0, fWidth, fHeight, SRCCOPY ); SelectObject( DC, Save ); DeleteDC( DC ); end else if fDIBBits <> nil then begin GetMem( TmpScan, ScanLineSize ); for Y := 0 to fHeight div 2-1 do begin Move( ScanLine[ Y ]^, TmpScan^, fScanLineSize ); Move( ScanLine[ fHeight - Y - 1 ]^, ScanLine[ Y ]^, fScanLineSize ); Move( TmpScan^, ScanLine[ fHeight - Y - 1 ]^, fScanLineSize ); end; end; end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION} {$IFDEF ASM_VERSION}{$ELSE PAS_VERSION} //Pascal procedure TBitmap.FlipHorizontal; var DC: HDC; Save: THandle; begin if GetHandle <> 0 then begin fDetachCanvas( @Self ); DC := CreateCompatibleDC( 0 ); Save := SelectObject( DC, fHandle ); StretchBlt( DC, fWidth - 1, 0, -fWidth, fHeight, DC, 0, 0, fWidth, fHeight, SRCCOPY ); SelectObject( DC, Save ); DeleteDC( DC ); end; end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION} {$IFDEF ASM_VERSION}{$ELSE PAS_VERSION} //Pascal procedure TBitmap.CopyRect(const DstRect: TRect; SrcBmp: PBitmap; const SrcRect: TRect); var DCsrc, DCdst: HDC; SaveSrc, SaveDst: THandle; begin if (GetHandle = 0) or (SrcBmp.GetHandle = 0) then Exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} fDetachCanvas( @Self ); SrcBmp.fDetachCanvas( SrcBmp ); DCsrc := CreateCompatibleDC( 0 ); SaveSrc := SelectObject( DCsrc, SrcBmp.fHandle ); DCdst := DCsrc; SaveDst := 0; if SrcBmp <> @Self then begin DCdst := CreateCompatibleDC( 0 ); SaveDst := SelectObject( DCdst, fHandle ); end; StretchBlt( DCdst, DstRect.Left, DstRect.Top, DstRect.Right - DstRect.Left, DstRect.Bottom - DstRect.Top, DCsrc, SrcRect.Left, SrcRect.Top, SrcRect.Right - SrcRect.Left, SrcRect.Bottom - SrcRect.Top, SRCCOPY ); if SrcBmp <> @Self then begin SelectObject( DCdst, SaveDst ); DeleteDC( DCdst ); end; SelectObject( DCsrc, SaveSrc ); DeleteDC( DCsrc ); end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION} function TBitmap.CopyToClipboard: Boolean; var DibMem: PAnsiChar; HdrSize: Integer; Gbl: HGlobal; //Mem: PStream; //Sz: Integer; //Pt: Pointer; Restore_Compression: Integer; begin Result := FALSE; if Applet = nil then Exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} if not OpenClipboard( Applet.GetWindowHandle ) then Exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} if EmptyClipboard then begin HandleType := bmDIB; HdrSize := sizeof( TBitmapInfoHeader ); Restore_Compression := -1; TRY if fDIBHeader.bmiHeader.biBitCount <= 8 then Inc( HdrSize, (1 shl fDIBHeader.bmiHeader.biBitCount) * Sizeof( TRGBQuad ) ) else begin if fDIBHeader.bmiHeader.biCompression = BI_RGB then begin CASE fDIBHeader.bmiHeader.biBitCount OF {24,} 32: begin Restore_Compression := fDIBHeader.bmiHeader.biCompression; fDIBHeader.bmiHeader.biCompression := BI_BITFIELDS; PDWORD( @ fDIBHeader.bmiColors[ 0 ] )^ := $FF0000; PDWORD( Integer( @ fDIBHeader.bmiColors[ 0 ] ) + 4 )^ := $FF00; PDWORD( Integer( @ fDIBHeader.bmiColors[ 0 ] ) + 8 )^ := $FF; Inc( HdrSize, 12 ); end; END; end; end; Gbl := GlobalAlloc( GMEM_MOVEABLE, HdrSize + fDIBSize ); DibMem := GlobalLock( Gbl ); if DibMem <> nil then begin Move( fDIBHeader^, DibMem^, HdrSize ); Move( fDIBBits^, Pointer( Integer( DibMem ) + HdrSize )^, fDIBSize ); if not GlobalUnlock( Gbl ) and (GetLastError = NO_ERROR) then begin Result := SetClipboardData( CF_DIB, Gbl ) <> 0; end; end; FINALLY if Restore_Compression >= 0 then fDIBHeader.bmiHeader.biCompression := Restore_Compression; END; end; CloseClipboard; end; function TBitmap.PasteFromClipboard: Boolean; var Gbl: HGlobal; Size {, HdrSize}: Integer; Mem: PAnsiChar; Strm: PStream; begin Result := FALSE; if Applet = nil then Exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} if not OpenClipboard( Applet.GetWindowHandle ) then Exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} TRY if IsClipboardFormatAvailable( CF_DIB ) then begin Gbl := GetClipboardData( CF_DIB ); if Gbl <> 0 then begin Size := GlobalSize( Gbl ); Mem := GlobalLock( Gbl ); TRY if (Size > 0) and (Mem <> nil) then begin Strm := NewMemoryStream; Strm.Write( Mem^, Size ); Strm.Position := 0; LoadFromStreamEx( Strm ); Strm.Free; Result := not Empty; end; FINALLY GlobalUnlock( Gbl ); END; end; end; FINALLY CloseClipboard; END; end; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // I C O N /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// { -- icon -- } function NewIcon: PIcon; begin New( Result, Create ); {$IFDEF DEBUG_OBJKIND} Result.fObjKind := 'TIcon'; {$ENDIF} {$IFDEF ICON_DIFF_WH} Result.FWidth := 32; Result.FHeight := 32; {$ELSE} Result.FSize := 32; {$ENDIF} end; { TIcon } {$IFDEF ASM_VERSION}{$ELSE PAS_VERSION} //Pascal procedure TIcon.Clear; begin if fHandle <> 0 then begin if not FShareIcon then DestroyIcon( fHandle ); fHandle := 0; end; fShareIcon := False; end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION} {$IFDEF ASM_LOCAL} {$UNDEF ASM_LOCAL} {$ENDIF} {$IFNDEF ICON_DIFF_WH} {$IFDEF ASM_VERSION} {$DEFINE ASM_LOCAL} {$ENDIF} {$ENDIF} {$IFDEF ASM_LOCAL} {$ELSE PAS_VERSION} //Pascal function TIcon.Convert2Bitmap(TranColor: TColor): HBitmap; var DC0, DC2: HDC; Save: THandle; Br: HBrush; begin Result := 0; if Empty then Exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} DC0 := GetDC( 0 ); DC2 := CreateCompatibleDC( DC0 ); {$IFDEF ICON_DIFF_WH} Result := CreateCompatibleBitmap( DC0, fWidth, fHeight ); {$ELSE} Result := CreateCompatibleBitmap( DC0, fSize, fSize ); {$ENDIF} Save := SelectObject( DC2, Result ); Br := CreateSolidBrush( Color2RGB( TranColor ) ); {$IFDEF ICON_DIFF_WH} FillRect( DC2, MakeRect( 0, 0, fWidth, fHeight ), Br ); {$ELSE} FillRect( DC2, MakeRect( 0, 0, fSize, fSize ), Br ); {$ENDIF} DeleteObject( Br ); Draw( DC2, 0, 0 ); SelectObject( DC2, Save ); DeleteDC( DC2 ); ReleaseDC( 0, DC0 ); end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION} {$IFDEF ASM_VERSION}{$ELSE PAS_VERSION} //Pascal destructor TIcon.Destroy; begin Clear; inherited; end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION} {$IFDEF ASM_VERSION}{$ELSE PAS_VERSION} //Pascal procedure TIcon.Draw(DC: HDC; X, Y: Integer); begin if Empty then Exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} {$IFDEF ICON_DIFF_WH} DrawIconEx( DC, X, Y, fHandle, fWidth, fHeight, 0, 0, DI_NORMAL ); {$ELSE} DrawIconEx( DC, X, Y, fHandle, fSize, fSize, 0, 0, DI_NORMAL ); {$ENDIF} end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION} {$IFDEF ASM_VERSION}{$ELSE PAS_VERSION} //Pascal procedure TIcon.StretchDraw(DC: HDC; Dest: TRect); begin if Empty then Exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} DrawIconEx( DC, Dest.Left, Dest.Top, FHandle, Dest.Right - Dest.Left, Dest.Bottom - Dest.Top, 0, 0, DI_NORMAL ); end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION} function TIcon.GetEmpty: Boolean; begin Result := (fHandle = 0) {$IFDEF ICONLOAD_PRESERVEBMPS} and ((ImgBmp = nil) or ImgBmp.Empty) {$ENDIF ICONLOAD_PRESERVEBMPS} ; end; function TIcon.GetHotSpot: TPoint; var II : TIconInfo; begin Result := MakePoint( 0, 0 ); if FHandle = 0 then Exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} GetIconInfo( FHandle, II ); Result.x := II.xHotspot; Result.y := II.yHotspot; if II.hbmMask <> 0 then DeleteObject( II.hbmMask ); if II.hbmColor <> 0 then DeleteObject( II.hbmColor ); end; procedure TIcon.LoadFromFile(const FileName: KOLString); var Strm : PStream; begin Strm := NewReadFileStream( Filename ); LoadFromStream( Strm ); Strm.Free; end; procedure TIcon.LoadFromStream(Strm: PStream); var DesiredSize : Integer; Pos : DWord; Mem : PStream; {$IFNDEF ICONLOAD_PRESERVEBMPS} ImgBmp, MskBmp : PBitmap; {$ENDIF ICONLOAD_PRESERVEBMPS} TmpBmp: PBitmap; function ReadIcon : Boolean; var IH : TIconHeader; IDI, FoundIDI : TIconDirEntry; I, J, SumSz, FoundSz, D : Integer; II : TIconInfo; BIH : TBitmapInfoheader; SzImg: DWORD; begin Result := False; if Strm.Read( IH, Sizeof( IH ) ) <> Sizeof( IH ) then Exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>} if (IH.idReserved = Sizeof( TBitmapInfoHeader )) then begin Strm.Position := Strm.Position - Sizeof( IH ); {$IFDEF ICON_DIFF_WH} fWidth := 0; fHeight := 0; {$ELSE} fSize := 0; {$ENDIF} SumSz := 0; end else if (IH.idReserved = 0) and ((IH.idType = 1) or (IH.idType = 2)) and (IH.idCount >= 1) then begin if (IH.idReserved <> 0) or ((IH.idType <> 1) and (IH.idType <> 2)) or (IH.idCount < 1) or (IH.idCount >= 1024) then Exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} SumSz := Sizeof( IH ); FoundSz := 1000000; for I := 1 to IH.idCount do begin if Strm.Read( IDI, Sizeof( IDI ) ) <> Sizeof( IDI ) then Exit; {>>>>>} Inc( SumSz, IDI.dwBytesInRes + Sizeof( IDI ) ); D := IDI.bWidth - DesiredSize; if D < 0 then D := -D; if D < FoundSz then begin FoundSz := D; FoundIDI := IDI; end; end; if FoundSz = 1000000 then Exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} Strm.Position := Integer( Pos ) + FoundIDI.dwImageOffset; {$IFDEF ICON_DIFF_WH} fWidth := FoundIDI.bWidth; fHeight := FoundIDI.bHeight; {$ELSE} fSize := FoundIDI.bWidth; {$ENDIF} end else Exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} if Strm.Read( BIH, Sizeof( BIH ) ) <> Sizeof( BIH ) then Exit; {>>>>>>>>>>} {$IFDEF ICON_DIFF_WH} fWidth := BIH.biWidth; BIH.biHeight := BIH.biHeight div 2; // fSize; fHeight := BIH.biHeight; {$ELSE} fSize := BIH.biWidth; BIH.biHeight := BIH.biHeight div 2; // fSize; {$ENDIF} Mem := NewMemoryStream; if (FoundIDI.bColorCount >= 2) or (FoundIDI.bReserved = 1) or (FoundIDI.bColorCount = 0) then begin I := 0; SzImg := ((BIH.biBitCount * BIH.biWidth + 31) div 32) * 4 * BIH.biHeight; if (BIH.biSizeImage > 0) and (SzImg > BIH.biSizeImage) then SzImg := BIH.biSizeImage; if BIH.biBitCount <= 8 then begin I := (1 shl BIH.biBitCount) * Sizeof( TRGBQuad ); end; Mem.Write( BIH, Sizeof( BIH ) ); if I > 0 then begin if Stream2Stream( Mem, Strm, I ) <> DWORD(I) then Exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>} end else if BIH.biBitCount = 16 then begin if BIH.biCompression = BI_BITFIELDS then // + by mdw - fix for Stream2Stream(Mem, Strm, 12) // 16 bit per pixels else for I := 0 to 2 do begin J := InitColors[ I ]; Mem.Write( J, 4 ); end; end; I := Stream2Stream( Mem, Strm, SzImg ); if I <> Integer( SzImg ) then Exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} {$IFDEF ICON_DIFF_WH} ImgBmp := NewBitmap( fWidth, fHeight ); {$ELSE} ImgBmp := NewBitmap( fSize, fSize ); {$ENDIF} {$IFDEF ICONLOAD_PRESERVEBMPS} Add2AutoFree( ImgBmp ); {$ENDIF ICONLOAD_PRESERVEBMPS} Mem.Seek( 0, spBegin ); {$IFDEF LOADEX} ImgBmp.LoadFromStreamEx( Mem ); {$ELSE} ImgBmp.LoadFromStream( Mem ); {$ENDIF} if ImgBmp.Empty then Exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} end else begin Mem.Write( BIH, Sizeof( BIH ) ); end; BIH.biBitCount := 1; BIH.biPlanes := 1; BIH.biClrUsed := 0; BIH.biCompression := 0; Mem.Seek( 0, spBegin ); BIH.biSizeImage := ((BIH.biWidth + 31) div 32) * 4 * BIH.biHeight; Mem.Write( BIH, Sizeof( BIH ) ); I := 0; Mem.Write( I, Sizeof( I ) ); I := $FFFFFF; Mem.Write( I, Sizeof( I ) ); I := BIH.biSizeImage; J := Stream2Stream( Mem, Strm, I ); while J < I do begin D := 0; Mem.Write( D, 4 ); Inc( J, 4 ); end; {$IFDEF ICON_DIFF_WH} MskBmp := NewBitmap( fWidth, fHeight ); {$ELSE} MskBmp := NewBitmap( fSize, fSize ); {$ENDIF} {$IFDEF ICONLOAD_PRESERVEBMPS} Add2AutoFree( MskBmp ); {$ENDIF ICONLOAD_PRESERVEBMPS} Mem.Seek( 0, spBegin ); {$IFDEF LOADEX} MskBmp.LoadFromStreamEx( Mem ); {$ELSE} MskBmp.LoadFromStream( Mem ); {$ENDIF} {$IFDEF ICONLOAD_PRESERVEBMPS} Result := TRUE; if not Only_Bmp then {$ENDIF ICONLOAD_PRESERVEBMPS} begin II.fIcon := True; II.xHotspot := 0; II.yHotspot := 0; II.hbmMask := 0; if Assigned( MskBmp ) and not MskBmp.Empty then II.hbmMask := MskBmp.Handle; II.hbmColor := 0; if ImgBmp <> nil then II.hbmColor := ImgBmp.Handle; fHandle := CreateIconIndirect( II ); if SumSz > 0 then Strm.Seek( Integer( Pos ) + SumSz, spBegin ); Result := fHandle <> 0; end; end; begin DesiredSize := Size; if DesiredSize = 0 then DesiredSize := GetSystemMetrics( SM_CXICON ); Clear; Pos := Strm.Position; Mem := nil; {$IFDEF ICONLOAD_PRESERVEBMPS} if ImgBmp <> nil then begin RemoveFromAutoFree( ImgBmp ); RemoveFromAutoFree( MskBmp ); Free_And_Nil( ImgBmp ); Free_And_Nil( MskBmp ); end; {$ELSE} ImgBmp := nil; MskBmp := nil; {$ENDIF ICONLOAD_PRESERVEBMPS} TmpBmp := nil; if not ReadIcon then begin Clear; Strm.Seek( Pos, spBegin ); end; Mem.Free; {$IFNDEF ICONLOAD_PRESERVEBMPS} ImgBmp.Free; MskBmp.Free; {$ENDIF ICONLOAD_PRESERVEBMPS} TmpBmp.Free; end; {$IFDEF ASM_VERSION}{$ELSE PAS_VERSION} //Pascal procedure TIcon.SaveToFile(const FileName: KOLString); begin SaveIcons2File( [ @Self ], FileName ); end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION} {$IFDEF ASM_VERSION}{$ELSE PAS_VERSION} //Pascal procedure TIcon.SaveToStream(Strm: PStream); begin SaveIcons2Stream( [ @Self ], Strm ); end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION} {$IFDEF ASM_noVERSION} procedure TIcon.SetHandle(const Value: HIcon); const szII = sizeof( TIconInfo ); szBIH = sizeof(TBitmapInfoHeader); asm //cmd //opd CMP EDX, [EAX].fHandle JE @@exit PUSHAD PUSH EDX MOV EBX, EAX CALL Clear POP ECX MOV [EBX].fHandle, ECX JECXZ @@fin ADD ESP, -szBIH PUSH ESP PUSH ECX CALL GetIconInfo MOV ESI, [ESP].TIconInfo.hbmMask MOV EDI, [ESP].TIconInfo.hbmColor PUSH ESP PUSH szBIH PUSH ESI CALL GetObject POP EAX POP [EBX].fSize ADD ESP, szBIH-8 TEST ESI, ESI JZ @@1 PUSH ESI CALL DeleteObject @@1: TEST EDI, EDI JZ @@fin PUSH EDI CALL DeleteObject @@fin: POPAD @@exit: end; {$ELSE PAS_VERSION} //Pascal procedure TIcon.SetHandle(const Value: HIcon); var II : TIconInfo; B: TagBitmap; begin if FHandle = Value then Exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} Clear; FHandle := Value; if Value <> 0 then begin GetIconInfo( FHandle, II ); GetObject( II.hbmMask, Sizeof( B ), @B ); {$IFDEF ICON_DIFF_WH} fWidth := B.bmWidth; fHeight := B.bmHeight; {$ELSE} fSize := B.bmWidth; {$ENDIF} if II.hbmMask <> 0 then DeleteObject( II.hbmMask ); if II.hbmColor <> 0 then DeleteObject( II.hbmColor ); end; end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION} procedure TIcon.SetHandleEx(NewHandle: HIcon); begin if FHandle = NewHandle then Exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} Clear; FHandle := NewHandle; end; procedure TIcon.SetSize(const Value: Integer); begin {$IFDEF ICON_DIFF_WH} if (fWidth = Value) and (fHeight = Value) then Exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} {$ELSE} if FSize = Value then Exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} {$ENDIF} Clear; {$IFDEF ICON_DIFF_WH} fWidth := Value; fHeight := Value; {$ELSE} FSize := Value; {$ENDIF} end; {$IFDEF ICON_DIFF_WH} function TIcon.GetIconSize: Integer; begin Result := Max( fWidth, fHeight ); end; {$ENDIF} {$IFDEF ASM_VERSION}{$ELSE PAS_VERSION} //Pascal function ColorBits( ColorsCount : Integer ) : Integer; var I : Integer; begin for I := 1 to 6 do begin Result := PossibleColorBits[ I ]; if (1 shl Result) >= ColorsCount then break; end; end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION} function SaveIcons2StreamEx( const BmpHandles: array of HBitmap; Strm: PStream ): Boolean; var I, Off : Integer; IDI : TIconDirEntry; BIH : TBitmapInfoHeader; B: TagBitmap; function RGBArraySize : Integer; begin Result := 0; if (IDI.bColorCount >= 2) or (IDI.bReserved = 1) then Result := (IDI.bColorCount + (IDI.bReserved shl 8)) * Sizeof( TRGBQuad ); end; function ColorDataSize( W, H: Integer ) : Integer; var N: Integer; begin if (IDI.bColorCount >= 2) or (IDI.bReserved = 1) then N := (ColorBits( IDI.bColorCount + (IDI.bReserved shl 8) ) ) else begin N := IDI.wBitCount; end; Result := ((N * W + 31) div 32) * 4 * H; end; function MaskDataSize( W, H: Integer ) : Integer; begin Result := ((W + 31) div 32) * 4 * H; end; var BColor, BMask: HBitmap; W, H: Integer; ImgBmp, MskBmp: PBitmap; IH : TIconHeader; Colors : PList; begin {$IFDEF KOL_ASSERTIONS} Assert( (High(BmpHandles) >= 0) and (High(BmpHandles) and 1 <> 0), 'Incorrect parameters count in call to SaveIcons2StreamEx' ); {$ENDIF KOL_ASSERTIONS} Result := False; IH.idReserved := 0; IH.idType := 1; IH.idCount := (High( BmpHandles )+1) div 2; if Strm.Write( IH, Sizeof( IH ) ) <> Sizeof( IH ) then Exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} Off := Sizeof( IH ) + IH.idCount * Sizeof( IDI ); Colors := NewList; ImgBmp := NewBitmap( 0, 0 ); MskBmp := NewBitmap( 0, 0 ); TRY for I := 0 to High( BmpHandles ) div 2 do begin BColor := BmpHandles[ I * 2 ]; BMask := BmpHandles[ I * 2 + 1 ]; if (BColor = 0) and (BMask = 0) then break; {$IFDEF KOL_ASSERTIONS} Assert( BMask <> 0, 'Mask bitmap not provided for saving icons in SaveIcons2StreamEx' ); {$ENDIF KOL_ASSERTIONS} GetObject( BMask, Sizeof( B ), @ B ); W := B.bmWidth; H := B.bmHeight; if BColor <> 0 then begin GetObject( BColor, Sizeof( B ), @B ); {$IFDEF KOL_ASSERTIONS} Assert( (B.bmWidth = W) and (B.bmHeight = H), 'Mask bitmap size must much color bitmap size in SaveIcons2StreamEx' ); {$ENDIF KOL_ASSERTIONS} end; ZeroMemory( @IDI, Sizeof( IDI ) ); IDI.bWidth := W; IDI.bHeight := H; if BColor = 0 then IDI.bColorCount := 2 else begin ImgBmp.Handle := CopyImage( BColor, IMAGE_BITMAP, W, H, LR_CREATEDIBSECTION ); ZeroMemory( @BIH, Sizeof( BIH ) ); BIH.biSize := Sizeof( BIH ); GetObject( ImgBmp.Handle, Sizeof( B ), @B ); if (B.bmPlanes = 1) and (B.bmBitsPixel >= 15) then begin IDI.bColorCount := 0; IDI.bReserved := 0; IDI.wBitCount := B.bmBitsPixel; end else if B.bmPlanes * (1 shl B.bmBitsPixel) < 16 then begin ImgBmp.PixelFormat := pf1bit; IDI.bColorCount := 2; end else if B.bmPlanes * (1 shl B.bmBitsPixel) < 256 then begin ImgBmp.PixelFormat := pf4bit; IDI.bColorCount := 16; end else begin ImgBmp.PixelFormat := pf8bit; IDI.bColorCount := 0; IDI.bReserved := 1; end; end; Colors.Add( Pointer(IDI.bColorCount + (IDI.bReserved shl 8)) ); IDI.dwBytesInRes := Sizeof( BIH ) + RGBArraySize + ColorDataSize( W, H ) + MaskDataSize( W, H ); IDI.dwImageOffset := Off; if Strm.Write( IDI, Sizeof( IDI ) ) <> Sizeof( IDI ) then Exit; {>>>>>>>>} Inc( Off, IDI.dwBytesInRes ); end; for I := 0 to High( BmpHandles ) div 2 do begin BColor := BmpHandles[ I * 2 ]; BMask := BmpHandles[ I * 2 + 1 ]; if (BColor = 0) and (BMask = 0) then break; GetObject( BMask, Sizeof( B ), @ B ); W := B.bmWidth; H := B.bmHeight; ZeroMemory( @BIH, Sizeof( BIH ) ); BIH.biSize := Sizeof( BIH ); BIH.biWidth := W; BIH.biHeight := H; if BColor <> 0 then BIH.biHeight := W * 2; BIH.biPlanes := 1; PWord( @ IDI.bColorCount )^ := DWord( Colors.Items[ I ] ); if IDI.wBitCount = 0 then IDI.wBitCount := ColorBits( PWord( @ IDI.bColorCount )^ ); BIH.biBitCount := IDI.wBitCount; BIH.biSizeImage := Sizeof( BIH ) + ColorDataSize( W, H ) + MaskDataSize( W, H ); if Strm.Write( BIH, Sizeof( BIH ) ) <> Sizeof( BIH ) then Exit; {>>>>>>>>} if BColor <> 0 then begin ImgBmp.Handle := CopyImage( BColor, IMAGE_BITMAP, W, H, 0 ); case BIH.biBitCount of 1 : ImgBmp.PixelFormat := pf1bit; 4 : ImgBmp.PixelFormat := pf4bit; 8 : ImgBmp.PixelFormat := pf8bit; 16: ImgBmp.PixelFormat := pf16bit; 24: ImgBmp.PixelFormat := pf24bit; 32: ImgBmp.PixelFormat := pf32bit; end; end else begin ImgBmp.Handle := CopyImage( BMask, IMAGE_BITMAP, W, H, 0 ); ImgBmp.PixelFormat := pf1bit; end; if ImgBmp.FDIBBits <> nil then begin if Strm.Write( Pointer(Integer(ImgBmp.FDIBHeader) + Sizeof(TBitmapInfoHeader))^, PWord( @ IDI.bColorCount )^ * Sizeof( TRGBQuad ) ) <> PWord( @ IDI.bColorCount )^ * Sizeof( TRGBQuad ) then Exit; {>>>>>>>} if Strm.Write( ImgBmp.FDIBBits^, ColorDataSize( W, H ) ) <> DWord( ColorDataSize( W, H ) ) then Exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} end; MskBmp.Handle := CopyImage( BMask, IMAGE_BITMAP, W, H, 0 ); MskBmp.PixelFormat := pf1bit; if Strm.Write( MskBmp.FDIBBits^, MaskDataSize( W, H ) ) <> DWord( MaskDataSize( W, H ) ) then Exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} end; FINALLY Colors.Free; ImgBmp.Free; MskBmp.Free; END; Result := True; end; {$IFDEF FPC} {$DEFINE _D3orFPC} {$ENDIF} {$IFDEF _D2orD3} {$DEFINE _D3orFPC} {$ENDIF} procedure SaveIcons2Stream( const Icons : array of PIcon; Strm : PStream ); var I, J, Pos : Integer; {$IFDEF _D3orFPC} Bitmaps: array[ 0..63 ] of HBitmap; {$ELSE DELPHI} Bitmaps: array of HBitmap; {$ENDIF FPC/DELPHI} II: TIconInfo; Bmp: HBitmap; begin for I := 0 to High( Icons ) do begin if Icons[ I ].Handle = 0 then Exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} for J := I + 1 to High( Icons ) do if Icons[ I ].Size = Icons[ J ].Size then Exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} end; Pos := Strm.Position; {$IFDEF _D3orFPC} for I := 0 to High( Bitmaps ) do Bitmaps[ I ] := 0; {$ELSE DELPHI} SetLength( Bitmaps, Length( Icons ) * 2 ); {$ENDIF FPC/DELPHI} for I := 0 to High( Icons ) do begin GetIconInfo( Icons[ I ].Handle, II ); Bitmaps[ I * 2 ] := II.hbmColor; Bitmaps[ I * 2 + 1 ] := II.hbmMask; end; if not SaveIcons2StreamEx( Bitmaps, Strm ) then Strm.Seek( Pos, spBegin ); for I := 0 to High( Bitmaps ) do begin Bmp := Bitmaps[ I ]; if Bmp <> 0 then DeleteObject( Bmp ); end; end; procedure SaveIcons2File( const Icons : array of PIcon; const FileName : KOLString ); var Strm: PStream; begin Strm := NewWriteFileStream( FileName ); SaveIcons2Stream( Icons, Strm ); Strm.Free; end; procedure TIcon.LoadFromExecutable(const FileName: KOLString; IconIdx: Integer); var I: Integer; begin Clear; I := ExtractIcon( hInstance, PKOLChar( FileName ), IconIdx ); if I > 1 then Handle := I; end; function GetFileIconCount( const FileName: KOLString ): Integer; begin Result := ExtractIcon( hInstance, PKOLChar( FileName ), DWORD(-1) ); end; procedure TIcon.LoadFromResourceID(Inst, ResID, DesiredSize: Integer); begin LoadFromResourceName( Inst, MAKEINTRESOURCE( ResID ), DesiredSize ); end; procedure TIcon.LoadFromResourceName(Inst: Integer; ResName: PKOLChar; DesiredSize: Integer); begin Handle := LoadImage( Inst, ResName, IMAGE_ICON, DesiredSize, DesiredSize, $8000 {LR_SHARED} ); if fHandle <> 0 then FShareIcon := True; end; function LoadImgIcon( RsrcName: PKOLChar; Size: Integer ): HIcon; begin Result := LoadImage( hInstance, RsrcName, IMAGE_ICON, Size, Size, $8000 {LR_SHARED} ); end; {$IFDEF OLD_ALIGN} procedure AlignChildrenProc( Sender: PObj ); type TAligns = set of TControlAlign; var P: PControl; CR: TRect; procedure DoAlign( Allowed: TAligns ); var I: Integer; C: PControl; R, R1: TRect; W, H: Integer; ChgPos, ChgSiz: Boolean; begin for I := 0 to P.fChildren.fCount - 1 do begin C := P.fChildren.{$IFDEF TLIST_FAST} Items {$ELSE} fItems {$ENDIF}[ I ]; if not C.ToBeVisible then continue; // important: not fVisible, and even not Visible, but ToBeVisible! if {$IFDEF USE_FLAGS} G4_NotUseAlign in C.fFlagsG4 {$ELSE} C.fNotUseAlign {$ENDIF} then continue; if C.FAlign in Allowed then begin R := C.BoundsRect; R1 := R; W := R.Right - R.Left; H := R.Bottom - R.Top; case C.FAlign of caTop: begin OffsetRect( R, 0, -R.Top + CR.Top + P.Margin ); Inc( CR.Top, H + P.Margin ); R.Left := CR.Left + P.Margin; R.Right := CR.Right - P.Margin; end; caBottom: begin OffsetRect( R, 0, -R.Bottom + CR.Bottom - P.Margin ); Dec( CR.Bottom, H + P.Margin ); R.Left := CR.Left + P.Margin; R.Right := CR.Right - P.Margin; end; caLeft: begin OffsetRect( R, -R.Left + CR.Left + P.Margin, 0 ); Inc( CR.Left, W + P.Margin ); R.Top := CR.Top + P.Margin; R.Bottom := CR.Bottom - P.Margin; end; caRight: begin OffsetRect( R, -R.Right + CR.Right - P.Margin, 0 ); Dec( CR.Right, W + P.Margin ); R.Top := CR.Top + P.Margin; R.Bottom := CR.Bottom - P.Margin; end; caClient: begin R := CR; InflateRect( R, -P.Margin, -P.Margin ); end; end; if R.Right < R.Left then R.Right := R.Left; if R.Bottom < R.Top then R.Bottom := R.Top; ChgPos := (R.Left <> R1.Left) or (R.Top <> R1.Top); ChgSiz := (R.Right - R.Left <> W) or (R.Bottom - R.Top <> H); if ChgPos or ChgSiz then begin C.BoundsRect := R; if ChgSiz then AlignChildrenProc( C ); end; end; end; end; begin P := Pointer( Sender ); if P = nil then Exit; // Called for form - ignore. {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} CR := P.ClientRect; if CR.Right <= CR.Left then Exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} DoAlign( [ caTop, caBottom ] ); DoAlign( [ caLeft, caRight ] ); DoAlign( [ caClient ] ); end; {$ELSE NEW_ALIGN} procedure AlignChildrenProc_(P:PControl); type TAligns = set of TControlAlign; var CR: TRect; procedure DoAlign( Allowed: TAligns ); var I, W, H: Integer; C: PControl; R, R1: TRect; ChgPos, ChgSiz: Boolean; begin for I := 0 to P.fChildren.fCount - 1 do begin if not (oaAligning in P.fAligning) then exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} C := P.fChildren.{$IFDEF TLIST_FAST} Items {$ELSE} fItems {$ENDIF}[ I ]; with C^ do begin {$IFDEF SAFE_CODE} C.RefInc; TRY {$ENDIF} if (not( {$IFDEF USE_FLAGS} (F3_Visible in fStyle.f3_Style) {$ELSE} fVisible {$ENDIF} {$IFDEF CREATE_HIDDEN} or {$IFDEF USE_FLAGS} (G4_CreateHidden in fFlagsG4) {$ELSE} fCreateHidden {$ENDIF} {$ENDIF CREATE_HIDDEN} )) or(not(fAlign in Allowed)) then continue; if {$IFDEF USE_FLAGS} not(G4_NotUseAlign in fFlagsG4) {$ELSE} not fNotUseAlign {$ENDIF} then begin R := BoundsRect; R1 := R; W := R.Right - R.Left; H := R.Bottom - R.Top; case FAlign of caTop: begin OffsetRect( R, 0, -R.Top + CR.Top + P.Margin ); Inc( CR.Top, H + P.Margin ); R.Left := CR.Left + P.Margin; R.Right := CR.Right - P.Margin; end; caBottom: begin OffsetRect( R, 0, -R.Bottom + CR.Bottom - P.Margin ); Dec( CR.Bottom, H + P.Margin ); R.Left := CR.Left + P.Margin; R.Right := CR.Right - P.Margin; end; caLeft: begin OffsetRect( R, -R.Left + CR.Left + P.Margin, 0 ); Inc( CR.Left, W + P.Margin ); R.Top := CR.Top + P.Margin; R.Bottom := CR.Bottom - P.Margin; end; caRight: begin OffsetRect( R, -R.Right + CR.Right - P.Margin, 0 ); Dec( CR.Right, W + P.Margin ); R.Top := CR.Top + P.Margin; R.Bottom := CR.Bottom - P.Margin; end; caClient: begin R := CR; InflateRect( R, -P.Margin, -P.Margin ); end; end; if R.Right < R.Left then R.Right := R.Left; if R.Bottom < R.Top then R.Bottom := R.Top; ChgPos := (R.Left <> R1.Left) or (R.Top <> R1.Top); ChgSiz := (R.Right - R.Left <> W) or (R.Bottom - R.Top <> H); if ChgSiz then begin exclude(fAligning,oaWaitAlign); include(fAligning,oaFromSelf); end; if ChgPos or ChgSiz then BoundsRect := R; end; {$IFDEF SAFE_CODE} FINALLY C.RefDec; END; {$ENDIF SAFE_CODE} if oaWaitAlign in fAligning then AlignChildrenProc_(C); end; end; end; begin exclude(P.fAligning,oaWaitAlign); include(P.fAligning,oaAligning); CR := P.ClientRect; DoAlign( [ caTop, caBottom ] ); DoAlign( [ caLeft, caRight ] ); DoAlign( [ caClient,caNone ] ); exclude(P.fAligning,oaAligning); end; {$IFDEF ASM_TLIST} procedure AlignChildrenProc(Sender: PObj); const AlignModes = (1 shl byte(caBottom))+(1 shl byte(caTop))+ (((1 shl byte(caRight)) +(1 shl byte(caLeft)))shl 8)+ (((1 shl byte(caClient))+(1 shl byte(caNone)))shl 16); asm //cmd //opd TEST EAX,EAX JZ @@21 CMP [EAX].TControl.fParent,0 SETZ DL {$IFDEF USE_FLAGS} TEST [EAX].TControl.fFlagsG3, (1 shl G3_IsForm) SETNZ DH OR DL, DH {$ELSE} OR DL,[EAX].TControl.fIsForm {$ENDIF} BTR dword ptr[EAX].TControl.fAligning,oaFromSelf JA @@20 OR byte ptr[EAX].TControl.fAligning,(1 shl oaWaitAlign) MOV EAX,[EAX].TControl.fParent @@20: TEST EAX, EAX JZ @@21 CALL @@ToBeAlign JNZ @@DoAlign @@21: RETN @@ToBeAlign: {$IFDEF USE_FLAGS} TEST [EAX].TControl.fStyle.f3_Style, 1 shl F3_Visible SETNZ DL {$ELSE} MOV DL,[EAX].TControl.fVisible {$ENDIF} {$IFDEF USE_FLAGS} TEST [EAX].TControl.fFlagsG3, 1 shl G3_IsForm SETNZ DH OR DL, DH TEST [EAX].TControl.fFlagsG4, (1 shl G4_CreateHidden) SETNZ DH OR DL, DH {$ELSE} OR DL,[EAX].TControl.fCreateHidden {$ENDIF} JE @@10 {$IFDEF USE_FLAGS} TEST [EAX].TControl.fFlagsG3, 1 shl G3_IsForm SETNZ DH AND DL, DH {$ELSE} AND DL,[EAX].TControl.fIsForm {$ENDIF} JNE @@12 CMP dword ptr[EAX].TControl.fParent,0 JE @@11 PUSH EAX MOV EAX,[EAX].TControl.fParent CALL @@ToBeAlign POP EAX @@10: XOR DL,1 //!!! Important: oaWaitAlign=0 OR [EAX].TControl.fAligning,DL @@11: XOR DL,1 @@12: RETN @@DoAlign: //CALL AlignChildrenProc_ //RET PUSH EBP PUSH EBX PUSH ESI PUSH EDI PUSH AlignModes //00210A14h SUB ESP,030h MOV EBX,EAX AND byte ptr[EBX].TControl.fAligning,not(1 shl oaWaitAlign) OR byte ptr[EBX].TControl.fAligning,(1 shl oaAligning) LEA EDX,[ESP+20h] //@CR CALL TControl.ClientRect @@Main: MOV EAX,[EBX].TControl.fChildren MOV EDI,[EAX].TList.fCount MOV EBP,[EAX].TList.fItems JMP @@entry @@loop: MOV ESI,[EBP] {$IFDEF USE_FLAGS} MOV AL,[ESI].TControl.fStyle.f3_Style SHR AL, F3_Visible OR AL,[ESI].TControl.fFlagsG4 AND AL, 1 shl G4_CreateHidden // G4_CreateHidden = 0 !!! {$ELSE} MOV AL,[ESI].TControl.fVisible OR AL,[ESI].TControl.fCreateHidden {$ENDIF} JZ @@continue MOVZX EAX,[ESI].TControl.fAlign BT [ESP+30h],EAX //Allowed JNC @@continue {$IFDEF USE_FLAGS} TEST [ESI].TControl.fFlagsG4, 1 shl G4_NotUseAlign {$ELSE} CMP byte ptr[ESI].TControl.fNotUseAlign,0 {$ENDIF} JNE @@align MOV EDX,ESP //@R MOV EAX,ESI //C CALL TControl.GetBoundsRect MOV EAX,[ESP+0Ch] //R.Bottom MOV [ESP+1Ch],EAX //H MOV EAX,[ESP+08h] //R.Right MOV [ESP+18h],EAX //W MOV EAX,[ESP+04h] //R.Top MOV [ESP+14h],EAX //R1.Top SUB [ESP+1Ch],EAX //H MOV EAX,[ESP] //R.Left MOV [ESP+10h],EAX //R1.Left SUB [ESP+18h],EAX //W MOVSX EDX,[EBX].TControl.fMargin MOVZX ECX,byte ptr[ESI].TControl.fAlign //!!! Order of caXXX-constants is important LOOP @@caTop MOV EAX,[ESP+20h] //CR.Left SUB EAX,[ESP] //R.Left ADD EAX,EDX //+Margin MOV ECX,[ESP+18h] //W ADD ECX,EDX //+Margin ADD [ESP+20h],ECX //CR.Left JMP @@00 @@caTop: LOOP @@caRight MOV EAX,[ESP+24h] //CR.Top SUB EAX,[ESP+04h] //R.Top ADD EAX,EDX //+Margin MOV ECX,[ESP+1Ch] //H ADD ECX,EDX //+Margin ADD [ESP+24h],ECX //CR.Top JMP @@01 @@caRight: LOOP @@caBottom MOV EAX,[ESP+28h] //CR.Right SUB EAX,[ESP+08h] //R.Right SUB EAX,EDX //-Margin MOV ECX,[ESP+18h] //W ADD ECX,EDX //+Margin SUB [ESP+28h],ECX //CR.Right @@00: ADD [ESP],EAX //R.Left ADD [ESP+08h],EAX //R.Right MOV EAX,[ESP+2Ch] //CR.Bottom SUB EAX,EDX //+Margin MOV [ESP+0Ch],EAX //R.Bottom ADD EDX,[esp+24h] //Margin+CR.Top MOV [ESP+04h],edx //R.Top JMP @@caNone @@caBottom: LOOP @@caClient MOV EAX,[ESP+2Ch] //CR.Bottom SUB EAX,[ESP+0Ch] //R.Bottom SUB EAX,EDX //-Margin MOV ECX,[ESP+1Ch] //H ADD ECX,EDX //+Margin SUB [ESP+2Ch],ECX //CR.Bottom @@01: ADD [ESP+04h],EAX //R.Top ADD [ESP+0Ch],EAX //R.Bottom MOV EAX,[ESP+28h] //CR.Right SUB EAX,EDX //-Margin MOV [esp+08h],EAX //R.Right ADD EDX,[ESP+20h] //Margin+CR.Left MOV [ESP],EDX //R.Left JMP @@caNone @@caClient: LOOP @@caNone MOV EAX,[ESP+2Ch] //CR.Bottom SUB EAX,EDX //-Margin MOV [ESP+0Ch],EAX //R.Bottom MOV EAX,[ESP+28h] //CR.Right SUB EAX,EDX //-Margin MOV [ESP+08h],EAX //R.Right MOV EAX,[ESP+24h] //CR.Top ADD EAX,EDX //+Margin MOV [ESP+04h],EAX //R.Top ADD EDX,[ESP+20h] //Margin+CR.Left MOV [ESP],EDX //R.Left @@caNone: MOV EAX,[ESP] //R.Left CMP EAX,[ESP+08h] //R.Right JLE @@02 //CMOVG ??? MOV [ESP+08h],EAX //R.Right @@02: MOV EAX,[ESP+04h] //R.Top CMP EAX,[ESP+0Ch] //R.Bottom JLE @@03 //CMOVG ??? MOV [ESP+0Ch],EAX //R.Bottom @@03: MOV EDX,[ESP] //R.Left SUB EDX,[ESP+10h] //R1.Left MOV EAX,[ESP+04h] //R.Top SUB EAX,[ESP+14h] //R1.Top OR EDX,EAX //ChgPos MOV ECX,[ESP+08h] //R.Right SUB ECX,[ESP] //R.Left SUB ECX,[ESP+18h] //W MOV EAX,[ESP+0Ch] //R.Bottom SUB EAX,[ESP+04h] //R.Top SUB EAX,[ESP+1Ch] //H OR EAX,ECX JZ @@04 AND byte ptr[ESI].TControl.fAligning,not(1 shl oaWaitAlign) OR byte ptr[ESI].TControl.fAligning,(1 shl oaFromSelf) @@04: OR EAX,EDX JZ @@align MOV EDX,ESP //@R MOV EAX,ESI //C CALL TControl.SetBoundsRect @@align: TEST byte ptr[ESI].TControl.fAligning,(1 shl oaWaitAlign) JZ @@continue MOV EAX,ESI //C CALL @@DoAlign @@continue: TEST byte ptr[EBX].TControl.fAligning,(1 shl oaAligning) JZ @@exit ADD EBP,4 @@entry: DEC EDI JGE @@loop SHR dword ptr[ESP+30h],8 //Allowed JNZ @@Main AND byte ptr[EBX].TControl.fAligning,not(1 shl oaAligning) @@exit: ADD ESP,34h POP EDI POP ESI POP EBX POP EBP end; {$ELSE PAS_VERSION} // Pascal procedure AlignChildrenProc(Sender: PObj); function ToBeAlign( S: PControl ):Boolean; begin {$IFDEF USE_FLAGS} Result := ( (F3_Visible in S.fStyle.f3_Style) or ( (G3_IsForm in S.fFlagsG3) // ��� ����! {$IFDEF CREATE_HIDDEN} or (G4_CreateHidden in S.fFlagsG4) {$ENDIF CREATE_HIDDEN} ) ) and ( (G3_IsForm in S.fFlagsG3) or (S.fParent=nil) or ToBeAlign(S.fParent) ); {$ELSE} Result := ( S.fVisible {$IFDEF CREATE_HIDDEN} or ( S.fCreateHidden ) {$ENDIF CREATE_HIDDEN} ) and ( S.fIsForm or (S.fParent=nil) or ToBeAlign(S.fParent) ); {$ENDIF} if not Result then include(S.fAligning,oaWaitAlign); end; var fromSelf: Boolean; S: PControl; begin if Sender = nil then Exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} S := Pointer( Sender ); fromSelf := oaFromSelf in S.fAligning; Exclude( S.fAligning, oaFromSelf ); if ( (S.fParent = nil) or {$IFDEF USE_FLAGS} (G3_IsForm in S.fFlagsG3) {$ELSE} (S.fIsForm) {$ENDIF} ) and (not fromSelf) then else begin include(S.fAligning, oaWaitAlign); S := S.Parent; end; if (S <> nil) and ToBeAlign(S) then AlignChildrenProc_(S); end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION} {$ENDIF OLD_ALIGN} procedure TControl.Set_Align(const Value: TControlAlign); begin Global_Align := AlignChildrenProc; if {$IFDEF USE_FLAGS} G4_NotUseAlign in fFlagsG4 {$ELSE} fNotUseAlign {$ENDIF} then Exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} if FAlign = Value then Exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} FAlign := Value; {$IFDEF OLD_ALIGN} AlignChildrenProc( Parent ); {$ELSE NEW_ALIGN} AlignChildrenProc(@Self); {$ENDIF} end; function TControl.SetAlign(AAlign: TControlAlign): PControl; begin Set_Align( AAlign ); Result := @Self; end; {$IFDEF LOG_ANTIFLICK} procedure LogFlick( const s: AnsiString; const rects: array of TRect ); var s1: AnsiString; i: Integer; begin s1 := s + ' '; for i := 0 to High( rects ) do begin s1 := s1 + '[' + Int2Str( rects[i].Left ) + ',' + Int2Str( rects[i].top ) + ',' + Int2Str( rects[i].Right ) + ',' + Int2Str( rects[i].Bottom ) + '=' + Int2Str( rects[i].Right - rects[i].Left ) + 'x' + Int2Str( rects[i].Bottom - rects[i].Top ) + ']'; end; LogFileOutput( GetStartDir + 'log_antiflick', s1 ); end; {$ENDIF} procedure TControl.Update; var I: Integer; C: PControl; begin if fUpdateCount > 0 then Exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} if fHandle = 0 then Exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} UpdateWindow( fHandle ); for I := 0 to fChildren.fCount - 1 do begin C := fChildren.{$IFDEF TLIST_FAST} Items {$ELSE} fItems {$ENDIF}[ I ]; C.Update; end; end; {$IFDEF ASM_VERSION}{$ELSE PAS_VERSION} //Pascal function WndProcUpdate( Sender: PControl; var Msg: TMsg; var Rslt: Integer ): Boolean; begin if Sender.fUpdateCount <> 0 then begin case Msg.message of WM_PAINT: begin ValidateRect( Sender.Handle, nil ); Rslt := 0; end; WM_ERASEBKGND: Rslt := 1; else begin Result := FALSE; Exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} end; end; Result := TRUE; end else Result := FALSE; end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION} procedure TControl.BeginUpdate; begin Inc( fUpdateCount ); AttachProc( @WndProcUpdate ); end; procedure TControl.EndUpdate; begin Dec( fUpdateCount ); if fUpdateCount <= 0 then begin Invalidate; //Update; end; end; function TControl.GetSelection: KOLString; var L: Integer; begin if fCommandActions.aGetSelection <> 0 then begin L := SelLength; SetString( Result, nil, L + 1 ); Perform( fCommandActions.aGetSelection, 0, Integer( @Result[ 1 ] ) ); end else Result := Copy( Text, SelStart + 1, SelLength ); end; procedure TControl.SetSelection(const Value: KOLString); begin ReplaceSelection( Value, True ); end; procedure TControl.ReplaceSelection(const Value: KOLString; aCanUndo: Boolean); begin if fCommandActions.aReplaceSel <> 0 then begin Perform( fCommandActions.aReplaceSel, Integer( aCanUndo ), Integer( PKOLchar( Value ) ) ); end; end; procedure TControl.DeleteLines(FromLine, ToLine: Integer); var I1, I2: DWORD; SStart, SLength: DWORD; begin if FromLine > ToLine then Exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} {$IFDEF KOL_ASSERTIONS} Assert( FromLine >= 0, 'Incorrect line index' ); {$ENDIF KOL_ASSERTIONS} I1 := Item2Pos( FromLine ); I2 := Item2Pos( ToLine+1 ) - I1; SStart := SelStart; SLength := SelLength; SelStart := I1; {if ToLine >= Count-1 then I2 := MaxInt;} SelLength := I2; ReplaceSelection( '', TRUE ); if SStart >= I2 then begin SStart := SStart - (I2 - I1); end else if SStart >= I1 then begin SLength := SLength - (I2 - SStart); SStart := I1; end else if SStart + SLength >= I2 then begin SLength := SLength - (I2 - I1); end else if SStart + SLength >= I1 then begin SLength := I1 - SLength; end; SelStart := SStart; SelLength := Max( 0, SLength ); end; procedure TControl.SetTabOrder(const Value: SmallInt); var CL: PList; I : Integer; C: PControl; begin if Value = fTabOrder then Exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} CL := CollectTabControls( ParentForm ); for I := 0 to CL.fCount - 1 do begin C := CL.{$IFDEF TLIST_FAST} Items {$ELSE} fItems {$ENDIF}[ I ]; if C.fTabOrder >= Value then Inc( C.fTabOrder ); end; fTabOrder := Value; CL.Free; end; function TControl.GetFocused: Boolean; begin if {$IFDEF USE_FLAGS} G3_IsControl in fFlagsG3 {$ELSE} fIsControl {$ENDIF} then Result := ParentForm.DF.fCurrentControl = @Self else Result := GetForegroundWindow = fHandle; end; {$IFDEF ASM_VERSION}{$ELSE PAS_VERSION} procedure TControl.SetFocused(const Value: Boolean); var PF: PControl; begin if not Value or {$IFDEF USE_FLAGS} not( F2_Tabstop in fStyle.f2_Style ) {$ELSE} not fTabStop {$ENDIF} then Exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} if {$IFDEF USE_FLAGS} G3_IsControl in fFlagsG3 {$ELSE} fIsControl {$ENDIF} then begin PF := ParentForm; if ( PF.DF.fCurrentControl <> nil ) and (PF.DF.fCurrentControl <> @ Self) then if Assigned( PF.DF.fCurrentControl.EV.fLeave ) then PF.DF.fCurrentControl.EV.fLeave( PF.DF.fCurrentControl ) else Windows.SetFocus( 0 ); PF.DF.fCurrentControl := @Self; {$IFDEF USE_GRAPHCTLS} if Assigned( fSetFocus ) then fSetFocus(@Self) else {$ENDIF} SetFocus( GetWindowHandle ); end else SetForegroundWindow( GetWindowHandle ); end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION} {$IFNDEF NOT_USE_RICHEDIT} ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // R I C H E D I T ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// { -- rich edit -- } function TControl.REGetFont: PGraphicTool; var CF: PCharFormat; //CFA: PCharFormat2A; //CFW: PCharFormat2W; FS: TFontStyle; begin {$IFDEF STATIC_RICHEDIT_DATA} CF := @ DF.fRECharFormatRec; {$ELSE} CF := DF.fRECharFormatRec; {$ENDIF} ZeroMemory( CF, Sizeof( CF^ ) ); {$IFDEF UNICODE_CTRLS} CF.cbSize := Sizeof( CF^ ); {$ELSE} CF.cbSize := sizeof( RichEdit.TCharFormat ) + DF.fCharFmtDeltaSz; {$ENDIF} if DF.fTmpFont = nil then begin DF.fTmpFont := NewFont; {$IFDEF USE_AUTOFREE4CONTROLS} Add2AutoFree( DF.fTmpFont ); {$ENDIF} end; Result := DF.fTmpFont; Result.OnChange := nil; Perform( EM_GETCHARFORMAT, 1, Integer( CF ) ); Result.FontHeight := CF.yHeight; FS := [ ]; if LongBool(CF.dwEffects and CFE_BOLD) then FS := [ fsBold ]; if LongBool(CF.dwEffects and CFE_ITALIC) then include( FS, fsItalic ); if LongBool(CF.dwEffects and CFE_STRIKEOUT) then include( FS, fsStrikeOut ); if LongBool(CF.dwEffects and CFE_UNDERLINE) then include( FS, fsUnderline ); Result.FontStyle := FS; if not LongBool(CF.dwEffects and CFE_AUTOCOLOR) then Result.Color := CF.crTextColor; Result.FontPitch := TFontPitch( CF.bPitchAndFamily and 3 ); Result.FontCharset := CF.bCharSet; {$IFDEF UNICODE_CTRLS} {$ELSE} if (PWord( @CF.szFaceName[0] )^ shr 8) <> 0 then Result.FontName := PAnsiChar(@CF.szFaceName[0]) // real T,0 works fine. else {$ENDIF} Result.FontName := KOLString(PWideChar(@CF.szFaceName[0])); Result.OnChange := RESetFont; end; const RichAreas: array[ TRichFmtArea ] of Integer = ( SCF_SELECTION, 3 {SCF_WORD}, 4 {SCF_ALL} ); procedure TControl.RESetFontEx(const Index: Integer); var CF: PCharFormat; FS: TFontStyle; begin {$IFDEF STATIC_RICHEDIT_DATA} CF := @ DF.fRECharFormatRec; {$ELSE} CF := DF.fRECharFormatRec; {$ENDIF} ZeroMemory( CF, {82} sizeof( CF^ ) ); {$IFDEF UNICODE_CTRLS} CF.cbSize := Sizeof( CF^ ); {$ELSE} CF.cbSize := 60 { sizeof( TCharFormat ) } + DF.fCharFmtDeltaSz; {$ENDIF} CF.dwMask := CFM_BOLD or CFM_COLOR or CFM_FACE or CFM_ITALIC or CFM_SIZE or CFM_STRIKEOUT or CFM_UNDERLINE; CF.yHeight := DF.fTmpFont.FontHeight; FS := DF.fTmpFont.FontStyle; if fsBold in FS then CF.dwEffects := CFE_BOLD; if fsItalic in FS then CF.dwEffects := CF.dwEffects or CFE_ITALIC; if fsStrikeOut in FS then CF.dwEffects := CF.dwEffects or CFE_STRIKEOUT; if fsUnderline in FS then CF.dwEffects := CF.dwEffects or CFE_UNDERLINE; CF.crTextColor := Color2RGB(DF.fTmpFont.Color); CF.bCharSet := DF.fTmpFont.FontCharset; CF.bPitchAndFamily := Ord( DF.fTmpFont.FontPitch ); {$IFDEF UNICODE_CTRLS} WStrLCopy {$ELSE} StrLCopy {$ENDIF} ( CF.szFaceName, PKOLChar( DF.fTmpFont.FontName ), 31 ); Perform( EM_SETCHARFORMAT, RichAreas[ DF.fRECharArea ], Integer( CF ) ); end; procedure TControl.RESetFont(Value: PGraphicTool); var H: Integer; begin if Value <> DF.fTmpFont then REGetFont; H := DF.fTmpFont.fData.Font.Height; DF.fTmpFont := DF.fTmpFont.Assign( Value ); if DF.fTmpFont.fData.Font.Height = 0 then DF.fTmpFont.fData.Font.Height := H; RESetFontEx( Integer( CFM_BOLD or CFM_COLOR or CFM_FACE or CFM_ITALIC or CFM_SIZE or CFM_STRIKEOUT or CFM_UNDERLINE ) ); end; function TControl.REGetFontMask( const Index: Integer ): Boolean; begin REGetFont; Result := LongBool( DF.fRECharFormatRec.dwMask and Index ); end; function TControl.REGetFontEffects(const Index: Integer): Boolean; begin REGetFont; Result := LongBool( DF.fRECharFormatRec.dwEffects and Index ); end; procedure TControl.RESetFontEffect(const Index: Integer; const Value: Boolean); var CF: PCharFormat; begin ReGetFont; {$IFDEF STATIC_RICHEDIT_DATA} CF := @ DF.fRECharFormatRec; {$ELSE} CF := DF.fRECharFormatRec; {$ENDIF} { CF.dwEffects := $FFFFFFFF and Index; if not Value then CF.dwEffects := 0; } CF.dwEffects := CF.dwEffects or DWORD( Index ); if not Value then CF.dwEffects := CF.dwEffects and not Index; CF.dwMask := Index; Perform( EM_SETCHARFORMAT, RichAreas[ DF.fRECharArea ], Integer( CF ) ); end; function TControl.REGetFontAttr(const Index: Integer): Integer; var CF: PDWORD; Mask: DWORD; begin REGetFont; CF := Pointer( Integer( @DF.fRECharFormatRec ) + (HiWord(Index) and $7E) ); Mask := $FFFFFFFF; if LongBool( HiWord(Index) and $1 ) then Mask := $FF; Result := CF^ and Mask; end; procedure TControl.RESetFontAttr(const Index, Value: Integer); var CF: PDWORD; Mask: DWORD; begin REGetFont; {$IFDEF STATIC_RICHEDIT_DATA} CF := Pointer( Integer( @ DF.fRECharFormatRec ) + (HiWord(Index) and $7E) ); {$ELSE} CF := Pointer( Integer( DF.fRECharFormatRec ) + (HiWord(Index) and $7E) ); {$ENDIF} Mask := 0; if LongBool( HiWord(Index) and $1 ) then Mask := $FFFFFF00; CF^ := CF^ and Mask or DWORD(Value); DF.fRECharFormatRec.dwMask := Index and $FF81FFFF; if LongBool( DF.fRECharFormatRec.dwMask and (CFM_COLOR or CFM_BACKCOLOR) ) then DF.fRECharFormatRec.dwEffects := DF.fRECharFormatRec.dwEffects and not (CFE_AUTOCOLOR or CFE_AUTOBACKCOLOR); Perform( EM_SETCHARFORMAT, RichAreas[ DF.fRECharArea ], Integer( {$IFDEF STATIC_RICHEDIT_DATA} @ {$ENDIF} DF.fRECharFormatRec ) ); end; procedure TControl.RESetFontAttr1(const Index, Value: Integer); begin RESetFontAttr( Index, Color2RGB( Value ) ); end; function TControl.REGetFontSizeValid: Boolean; begin Result := REGetFontMask( Integer( CFM_SIZE ) ); end; function TControl.REGetFontName: KOLString; begin ReGetFont; Result := DF.fRECharFormatRec.szFaceName; end; procedure TControl.RESetFontName(const Value: KOLString); begin ReGetFont; {$IFDEF UNICODE_CTRLS} WStrLCopy {$ELSE} StrLCopy {$ENDIF} ( DF.fRECharFormatRec.szFaceName, PKOLChar( Value ), Sizeof( DF.fRECharFormatRec.szFaceName ) - 1 ); DF.fRECharFormatRec.dwMask := CFM_FACE; Perform( EM_SETCHARFORMAT, RichAreas[ DF.fRECharArea ], Integer( @DF.fRECharFormatRec ) ); end; function TControl.REGetCharformat: TCharFormat; begin REGetFont; Result := {$IFDEF STATIC_RICHEDIT_DATA} DF.fRECharFormatRec {$ELSE} DF.fRECharFormatRec^ {$ENDIF}; end; procedure TControl.RESetCharFormat(const Value: TCharFormat); begin Perform( EM_SETCHARFORMAT, RichAreas[ DF.fRECharArea ], Integer( @Value ) ); end; function REOut2Stream( Sender: PControl; Buf: PByte; Sz: DWORD; pSz: PInteger ) :DWORD; stdcall; begin if Sz + Sender.DF.fREStream.Position > Sender.DF.fREStream.Size then Sender.DF.fREStream.Size := Sender.DF.fREStream.Size + DWORD( {Min(} Sz {, 8192 )} ); pSz^ := Sender.DF.fREStream.Write( Buf^, Sz ); {$IFDEF NIL_EVENTS} if Assigned( Sender.EV.fOnProgress ) then {$ENDIF} Sender.EV.fOnProgress( Sender ); Result := 0; end; const TextTypes: array[ TRETextFormat ] of WORD = ( SF_RTF, SF_TEXT, SF_RTF or SFF_PLAINRTF, SF_RTFNOOBJS, SF_RTFNOOBJS or SFF_PLAINRTF, SF_TEXTIZED, {SF_UNICODE} $0010, $0010 or SF_TEXT ); function TControl.RE_SaveToStream(Stream: PStream; Format: TRETextFormat; SelectionOnly: Boolean): Boolean; var ES: TEditStream; SelFlag: Integer; begin DF.fREStream := Stream; ES.dwCookie := Integer( @Self ); ES.dwError := 0; ES.pfnCallback := @REOut2Stream; SelFlag := 0; if SelectionOnly then SelFlag := SFF_SELECTION; Perform( EM_STREAMOUT, TextTypes[ Format ] or SelFlag, Integer( @ES ) ); DF.fREStream := nil; DF.fREError := ES.dwError; Result := DF.fREError = 0; end; procedure RE_AddText( Self_: PControl; const S: KOLString ); begin Self_.SelStart := Self_.TextSize; Self_.RE_Text[ reText, True ] := S; end; function TControl.REReadText(Format: TRETextFormat; SelectionOnly: Boolean): KOLString; var B0: Integer; MS: PStream; begin fCommandActions.aAddText := RE_AddText; MS := NewMemoryStream; RE_SaveToStream( MS, Format, SelectionOnly ); B0 := 0; MS.Write( B0, Sizeof( KOLChar ) ); {$IFDEF UNICODE_CTRLS} {$ELSE} if not (Format in [reUnicode,reTextUnicode]) then Result := AnsiString(PAnsiChar( MS.fMemory )) // must be PAnsiChar, not PKOLChar! else {$ENDIF} Result := PKOLChar( MS.fMemory ); MS.Free; end; function REInFromStream( Sender: PControl; Buf: PByte; Sz: DWORD; pSz: PInteger ) :DWORD; stdcall; begin {$IFDEF _D3} if Sender.DF.fREStrLoadLen >= 0 then {$ENDIF} if Sz > Sender.DF.fREStrLoadLen then Sz := Sender.DF.fREStrLoadLen; pSz^ := Sender.DF.fREStream.Read( Buf^, Sz ); Dec( Sender.DF.fREStrLoadLen, pSz^ ); {$IFDEF NIL_EVENTS} if Assigned( Sender.EV.fOnProgress ) then {$ENDIF} Sender.EV.fOnProgress( Sender ); Result := 0; end; function TControl.RE_LoadFromStream(Stream: PStream; Length: Integer; Format: TRETextFormat; SelectionOnly: Boolean): Boolean; var ES: TEditStream; SelFlag: Integer; begin DF.fREStream := Stream; DF.fREStrLoadLen := DWORD( Length ); ES.dwCookie := Integer( @Self ); ES.dwError := 0; ES.pfnCallback := @REInFromStream; SelFlag := 0; if SelectionOnly then SelFlag := SFF_SELECTION; Perform( EM_STREAMIN, TextTypes[ Format ] or SelFlag, Integer( @ES ) ); DF.fREStream := nil; DF.fREError := ES.dwError; Result := DF.fREError = 0; end; procedure TControl.REWriteText(Format: TRETextFormat; SelectionOnly: Boolean; const Value: KOLString); var MS: PStream; {$IFDEF UNICODE_CTRLS} {$ELSE} s: AnsiString; // not KOLString! {$ENDIF} begin fCommandActions.aAddText := RE_AddText; {$IFDEF UNICODE_CTRLS} {$ELSE} if not (Format in [reUnicode,reTextUnicode]) then begin s := Value; MS := NewExMemoryStream( @ s[ 1 ], Length( s ) ); end else {$ENDIF} MS := NewExMemoryStream( @ Value[ 1 ], Length( Value ) * Sizeof( KOLChar ) ); RE_LoadFromStream( MS, MS.fData.fSize, Format, SelectionOnly ); MS.Free; end; function TControl.RE_LoadFromFile(const Filename: KOLString; Format: TRETextFormat; SelectionOnly: Boolean): Boolean; var Strm: PStream; begin Strm := NewReadFileStream( Filename ); Result := RE_LoadFromStream( Strm, -1, Format, SelectionOnly ); Strm.Free; end; function TControl.RE_SaveToFile(const Filename: KOLString; Format: TRETextFormat; SelectionOnly: Boolean): Boolean; var Strm: PStream; begin Strm := NewWriteFileStream( Filename ); Result := RE_SaveToStream( Strm, Format, SelectionOnly ); Strm.Free; end; function TControl.REGetParaFmt: TParaFormat; begin ZeroMemory( @Result, sizeof( TParaFormat2 ) ); Result.cbSize := sizeof( RichEdit.TParaFormat ) + DF.fParaFmtDeltaSz; Perform( EM_GETPARAFORMAT, 0, Integer( @Result ) ); end; procedure TControl.RESetParaFmt(const Value: TParaFormat); begin Perform( EM_SETPARAFORMAT, 0, Integer( @Value ) ); end; function TControl.REGetNumbering: Boolean; begin Result := LongBool( ReGetParaAttr( 9 shl 16 ) ); end; function TControl.REGetParaAttr( const Index: Integer ): Integer; var pDw : PDWORD; begin {$IFDEF STATIC_RICHEDIT_DATA} DF.fREParaFmtRec {$ELSE} DF.fREParaFmtRec^ {$ENDIF} := REGetParaFmt; pDw := Pointer( Integer( @DF.fREParaFmtRec ) + ( HiWord( Index ) and $7E ) ); Result := pDw^; if LongBool( HiWord( Index ) and 1 ) then Result := Result and $FFFF; end; function TControl.REGetParaAttrValid( const Index: Integer ): Boolean; begin Result := LongBool( ReGetParaAttr( 4 shl 16 ) and Index ); end; function TControl.REGetTabCount: Integer; begin Result := ReGetParaAttr( 27 shl 16 ); end; function TControl.REGetTabs(Idx: Integer): Integer; begin Result := ReGetParaAttr( (28 + 4 * Idx) shl 16 ); end; function TControl.REGetTextAlign: TRichTextAlign; begin Result := TRichTextAlign( ReGetParaAttr( 25 shl 16 ) - 1 ); end; procedure TControl.RESetNumbering(const Value: Boolean); begin RESetParaAttr( (9 shl 16) or PFM_NUMBERING, Integer( Value ) ); end; procedure TControl.RESetParaAttr(const Index, Value: Integer); var pDw: PDWORD; Mask: Integer; begin REGetParaAttr( 0 ); pDw := Pointer( Integer( @DF.fREParaFmtRec ) + ( HiWord( Index ) and $7E ) ); Mask := 0; if LongBool( HiWord( Index ) and 1 ) then Mask := Integer( $FFFF0000 ); pDw^ := pDw^ and Mask or DWORD(Value); DF.fREParaFmtRec.dwMask := Index and $8000FFFF; RESetParaFmt( {$IFDEF STATIC_RICHEDIT_DATA} DF.fREParaFmtRec {$ELSE} DF.fREParaFmtRec^ {$ENDIF} ); end; procedure TControl.RESetTabCount(const Value: Integer); begin REGetParaAttr( 0 ); RESetParaAttr( (27 shl 16) or PFM_TABSTOPS, Value ); end; procedure TControl.RESetTabs(Idx: Integer; const Value: Integer); begin REGetParaAttr( 0 ); RESetParaAttr( (28 + 4 * Idx) or PFM_TABSTOPS, Value ); end; procedure TControl.RESetTextAlign(const Value: TRichTextAlign); begin RESetParaAttr( (25 shl 16) or PFM_ALIGNMENT, Ord( Value ) + 1 ); end; function TControl.REGetStartIndentValid: Boolean; begin Result := REGetParaAttrValid( Integer( PFM_STARTINDENT ) ); end; procedure TControl.RE_HideSelection(aHide: Boolean); begin Perform( EM_HIDESELECTION, Integer( aHide ), 1 ); end; function TControl.RE_SearchText(const Value: KOLString; MatchCase, WholeWord, ScanForward: Boolean; SearchFrom, SearchTo: Integer): Integer; var Flags: Integer; FT: {$IFDEF UNICODE_CTRLS} TFindTextW {$ELSE} {$IFDEF _D2} TFindText {$ELSE} TFindTextA {$ENDIF} {$ENDIF}; begin Flags := Integer( ScanForward ); {$IFDEF _D2009orHigher} {$WARN SYMBOL_DEPRECATED OFF} // check deprecate state {$ENDIF} if WholeWord then Flags := Flags or FT_WHOLEWORD; if MatchCase then Flags := Flags or FT_MATCHCASE; {$IFDEF _D2009orHigher} {$WARN SYMBOL_DEPRECATED ON} {$ENDIF} FT.chrg.cpMin := SearchFrom; FT.chrg.cpMax := SearchTo; FT.lpstrText := PKOLChar( Value ); Result := Perform( EM_FINDTEXT, Flags, Integer( @FT ) ); end; {$IFNDEF _FPC} {$IFNDEF _D2} //------- KOLWideString not supported in D2 function TControl.RE_WSearchText(const Value: KOLWideString; MatchCase, WholeWord, ScanForward: Boolean; SearchFrom, SearchTo: Integer): Integer; var Flags: Integer; FT: TFindTextW; begin Flags := Integer( ScanForward ); {$IFDEF _D2009orHigher} {$WARN SYMBOL_DEPRECATED OFF} // check deprecate state {$ENDIF} if WholeWord then Flags := Flags or FT_WHOLEWORD; if MatchCase then Flags := Flags or FT_MATCHCASE; {$IFDEF _D2009orHigher} {$WARN SYMBOL_DEPRECATED ON} // switch on! {$ENDIF} FT.chrg.cpMin := SearchFrom; FT.chrg.cpMax := SearchTo; FT.lpstrText := PWideChar( Value ); Result := Perform( WM_USER+123 {EM_FINDTEXTW}, Flags, Integer( @FT ) ); end; {$ENDIF}{$ENDIF} {$ENDIF NOT_USE_RICHEDIT} function TControl.CanUndo: Boolean; begin Result := LongBool( Perform( EM_CANUNDO, 0, 0 ) ); end; procedure TControl.EmptyUndoBuffer; begin Perform( EM_EMPTYUNDOBUFFER, 0, 0 ); end; function TControl.Undo: Boolean; begin Result := LongBool( Perform( EM_UNDO, 0, 0 ) ); end; {$IFNDEF NOT_USE_RICHEDIT} function TControl.RE_Redo: Boolean; begin Result := LongBool( Perform( EM_REDO, 0, 0 ) ); end; function TControl.REGetAutoURLDetect: Boolean; begin Result := LongBool( Perform( EM_GETAUTOURLDETECT, 0, 0 ) ); end; procedure TControl.RESetAutoURLDetect(const Value: Boolean); begin AttachProc( WndProc_RE_LinkNotify ); Perform( EM_AUTOURLDETECT, Integer( Value ), 0 ); end; procedure TControl.RESetZoom( const Value: TSmallPoint ); begin Perform( EM_SETZOOM, Value.x, Value.y ); end; function TControl.REGetZoom: TSmallPoint; var P: TPoint; begin Perform( EM_GETZOOM, Integer( @ P.X ), Integer( @ P.Y ) ); Result := Point2SmallPoint( P ); end; function TControl.GetMaxTextSize: DWORD; begin Result := Perform( EM_GETLIMITTEXT, 0, 0 ); end; procedure TControl.SetMaxTextSize(const Value: DWORD); var V1, V2: Integer; begin if fCommandActions.aSetLimit <> 0 then begin V1 := 0; V2 := Value; if fCommandActions.aSetLimit = EM_SETLIMITTEXT then begin V1 := Value; V2 := 0; end; Perform( fCommandActions.aSetLimit, V1, V2 ); end; end; function WndProc_REFmt( _Self_: PControl; var Msg: TMsg; var Rslt: Integer ): Boolean; var Mask: Integer; Shft, Alt, Ctrl, Flg: Boolean; Delta: Integer; TA: TRichTextAlign; ChgTA: Boolean; US: TRichUnderline; NS: TRichNumbering; NB: TRichNumBrackets; Side: TBorderEdge; Param: DWORD; begin Result := False; if Msg.message = WM_CHAR then if _Self_.DF.FSupressTab then begin _Self_.DF.FSupressTab := FALSE; if Msg.wParam = 9 then begin Result := TRUE; Exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} end; end; if (Msg.message = WM_KEYDOWN) or (Msg.message = WM_SYSKEYDOWN) then begin Ctrl := GetKeyState( VK_CONTROL ) < 0; Alt := GetKeyState( VK_MENU ) < 0; Param := Msg.wParam; if Ctrl or Alt and IntIn(Param, [ VK_ADD, VK_SUBTRACT, Integer( '-' ), Integer( '=' ), Integer( '+' ), 189 , 187 ]) then begin Shft := GetKeyState( VK_SHIFT ) < 0; Rslt := 0; Result := True; Mask := 0; ChgTA := False; TA := raLeft; case Param of Integer('Z'): begin if Shft then begin _Self_.RE_Redo; Exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} end; Result := False; end; Integer('L'): begin ChgTA := True; TA := raLeft; end; Integer('R'): begin ChgTA := True; TA := raRight; end; Integer('E'): begin ChgTA := True; TA := raCenter; end; Integer('J'): begin ChgTA := True; TA := raJustify; end; Integer('N'): begin if Shft then begin NS := _Self_.RE_NumStyle; NB := _Self_.RE_NumBrackets; if NS = rnBullets then begin _Self_.RE_NumStyle := rnNone; Exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} end; if NS = rnNone then begin _Self_.RE_NumStyle := rnBullets; Exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} end else if Ord( NB ) = 0 then NB := High(NB) else NB := Pred(NB); _Self_.RE_NumBrackets := NB; end else begin NS := _Self_.RE_NumStyle; if Ord( NS ) = 0 then begin NS := rnURoman; //rnULetter; //High( NS ); { because rnLRoman, rnURoman, rnNoNumber are not shown in RichEdit. } _Self_.RE_NumBrackets := rnbPeriod; end else NS := Pred(NS); _Self_.RE_NumStyle := NS; if NS in [ rnLRoman, rnURoman, rnArabic ] then _Self_.RE_NumStart := 1; end; Exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} end; Integer('W'): begin Delta := _Self_.RE_BorderWidth[ beLeft ] + 4; if Shft then Delta := -1; for Side := Low(Side) to High(Side) do begin if Delta < 0 then _Self_.RE_BorderStyle[ Side ] := _Self_.RE_BorderStyle[ Side ] + 1 else begin _Self_.RE_BorderWidth[ Side ] := Delta; _Self_.RE_BorderSpace[ Side ] := Delta; end; end; Exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} end; (* TABLES STUFF -- to try, uncomment it and press CTRL+T in RichEdit. (and uncomment declaration for Tmp above). Not finished, and seems no way to figure it out - even RichEdit20.dll (i.e. Rich Edit v3.0) can not display tables properly formatted. :((( Integer('T'): begin if _Self_.RE_Table then begin //MsgOK( 'table' ); end; Tmp := _Self_.REReadText( reRTF, True ); if StrIsStartingFrom( PAnsiChar(Tmp), '{\rtf' ) and (CopyTail( Tmp, 3 ) = '}'#$D#$A) then begin //Tmp := Copy( Tmp, 1, Length(Tmp) - 3 ); _Self_.RE_Text[ reRTF, True ] := '{\rtf1' + //Copy( Tmp, 1, 6 ) + '\trowd' + //'\lytcalctblwd' + //'\oldlinewrap' + //'\alntblind' + //'\trgaph108' + '\trleft-108' + {'\trbrdrt\brdrs\brdrw10' + '\trbrdrl\brdrs\brdrw10' + '\trbrdrb\brdrs\brdrw10' + '\trbrdrr\brdrs\brdrw10' + '\trbrdrh\brdrs\brdrw10' + '\trbrdrv\brdrs\brdrw10' +} //'\clvertalt' + {'\clbrdrt\brdrs\brdrw10' + '\clbrdrl\brdrs\brdrw10' + '\clbrdrb\brdrs\brdrw10' + '\clbrdrr\brdrs\brdrw10' +} //'\cltxlrtb' + '\cellx1414' + //'\pard' + //'\plain' + //'\widctlpar' + '\trautofit1' + '\intbl' + //'\adjustright' + //'\fs20\lang1049' + //'\cgrid' + '\trrh0' + '{\clFitText{{\box\brdrs\brdrw20\brsp20}'+ '\par}\cell\row}' + //'\pard\widctlpar' + //'\intbl'+ //'\adjustright'+ //'{\row}' + '\pard\widctlpar' + '}'#$D#$A; _Self_.Perform( WM_KEYDOWN, VK_UP, 0 ); _Self_.Perform( WM_KEYUP, VK_UP, 0 ); end; Exit; end; *) Integer('B'): Mask := CFM_BOLD; Integer('I'): begin Mask := CFM_ITALIC; _Self_.DF.FSupressTab := TRUE; end; Integer('U'): begin if Shft then begin US := _Self_.RE_FmtUnderlineStyle; if Ord(US) = 0 then US := High(TRichUnderLine) else US := Pred( US ); _Self_.RE_FmtUnderlineStyle := US; Exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} end; Mask := CFM_UNDERLINE; end; Integer('O'): Mask := CFM_STRIKEOUT; VK_SUBTRACT, VK_ADD, Integer( '+' ), 187, Integer( '-' ), 189: ; else begin Result := False; Msg.wParam := Param; end; end; if not Result then Exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} if ChgTA then begin if Shft then Result := False else _Self_.RE_TextAlign := TA; Exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} end; _Self_.REGetFont; if Mask > 0 then begin if Shft then Result := False else begin Flg := _Self_.REGetFontEffects( Mask ); if not Flg then _Self_.DF.fRECharFormatRec.dwEffects := _Self_.DF.fRECharFormatRec.dwEffects and not Mask; _Self_.DF.fRECharFormatRec.dwEffects := _Self_.DF.fRECharFormatRec.dwEffects xor DWORD(Mask); end; end else if IntIn( Param, [ VK_ADD, VK_SUBTRACT, Integer( '+' ), Integer( '-' ), 189, 187 ] ) then begin if (Param = VK_SUBTRACT) or (Param = DWORD( '-' )) or (Param = 189) then Delta := -1 else Delta := 1; if Alt and Ctrl then begin Mask := Integer( CFM_SIZE ) or Integer( CFM_OFFSET ); Delta := 0; _Self_.DF.fRECharFormatRec.yOffset := 0; _Self_.DF.fRECharFormatRec.yHeight := 200; end else if Alt then Mask := Integer( CFM_SIZE ) else Mask := Integer( CFM_OFFSET ); Inc( _Self_.DF.fRECharFormatRec.yOffset, Delta * _Self_.DF.fRECharFormatRec.yHeight div 3 ); Inc( _Self_.DF.fRECharFormatRec.yHeight, Delta * _Self_.DF.fRECharFormatRec.yHeight div 8 ); Flg := LongBool( _Self_.DF.fRECharFormatRec.dwMask and Mask ); if not Flg then _Self_.DF.fRECharFormatRec.yOffset := 0; end; _Self_.DF.fRECharFormatRec.dwMask := Mask; if _Self_.SelLength = 0 then _Self_.SelLength := 1; _Self_.Perform( EM_SETCHARFORMAT, SCF_SELECTION { RichAreas[ _Self_.fRECharArea ] }, Integer( {$IFDEF STATIC_RICHEDIT_DATA} @_Self_.DF.fRECharFormatRec {$ELSE} _Self_.DF.fRECharFormatRec {$ENDIF} ) ); end; end; end; function TControl.RE_FmtStandard: PControl; begin AttachProc( WndProc_REFmt ); Result := @Self; end; procedure TControl.RE_CancelFmtStandard; begin DetachProc( WndProc_REFmt ); end; {$ENDIF NOT_USE_RICHEDIT} {$IFDEF ASM_TLIST} function EnumDynHandlers( Self_: PControl; var Msg: TMsg; var Rslt: Integer ): Boolean; asm //cmd //opd CMP [EAX].TControl.fRefCount, 0 JL @@fin_false PUSHAD MOV EBX, EAX MOV EBP, ECX MOV ECX, [EBX].TControl.fDynHandlers JECXZ @@ret_false MOV ESI, ECX MOV ECX, [ESI].TList.fCount JECXZ @@ret_false MOV EDI, ECX SHR EDI, 1 CALL TControl.RefInc @@loo: DEC EDI JS @@e_loo PUSH EDX PUSH EBX {$IFNDEF SMALLEST_CODE} {$IFNDEF ENUM_DYN_HANDLERS_AFTER_RUN} XOR EAX, EAX CMP [AppletTerminated], AL JZ @@do_call MOV ECX, [ESI].TList.fItems MOV ECX, [ECX+EDI*8+4] JECXZ @@skip_call {$ENDIF} {$ENDIF} @@do_call: MOV EAX, [ESI].TList.fItems MOV EAX, [EAX+EDI*8] XCHG EAX, EBX MOV ECX, EBP CALL EBX @@skip_call: POP EBX POP EDX TEST AL, AL JZ @@loo @@ret_true: MOV EAX, EBX CALL TControl.RefDec POPAD MOV AL, 1 RET @@e_loo: XOR EAX, EAX INC EAX CMP [EBX].TControl.fRefCount, EAX JE @@ret_true MOV EAX, EBX CALL TControl.RefDec @@ret_false: POPAD @@fin_false: XOR EAX, EAX end; {$ELSE PAS_VERSION} //Pascal function EnumDynHandlers( Self_: PControl; var Msg: TMsg; var Rslt: Integer ): Boolean; var I: Integer; Proc: TWindowFunc; begin Result := False; if Self_.fRefCount < 0 then Exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} if (Self_.fDynHandlers = nil) or (Self_.fDynHandlers.fCount = 0) then Exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} Self_.RefInc; // Prevent destroying Self_ for I := Self_.fDynHandlers.fCount div 2 - 1 downto 0 do begin Proc := Self_.fDynHandlers.{$IFDEF TLIST_FAST} Items {$ELSE} fItems {$ENDIF}[ I * 2 ]; {$IFNDEF SMALLEST_CODE} {$IFNDEF ENUM_DYN_HANDLERS_AFTER_RUN} if not AppletTerminated or ( Self_.fDynHandlers.{$IFDEF TLIST_FAST} Items {$ELSE} fItems {$ENDIF} [ I * 2 + 1 ] <> nil) then {$ENDIF} {$ENDIF} if Proc( Self_, Msg, Rslt ) then begin Result := True; break; end; end; {$IFDEF DEBUG_ENDSESSION} if EndSession_Initiated then begin LogFileOutput( GetStartDir + 'es_debug.txt', 'ENUM_DYN_HANDLERS: Self_:' + Int2Hex( DWORD( Self_ ), 8 ) ); LogFileOutput( GetStartDir + 'es_debug.txt', 'ENUM_DYN_HANDLERS: Self_.fRefCount:' + Int2Str( Self_.fRefCount ) ); end; {$ENDIF} if LongBool(Self_.fRefCount and 1) then Result := True; // If Self_ will be destroyed now, stop further processing Self_.RefDec; // Destroy Self_, if Free was called for it while processing attached procedures end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION} procedure TransparentAttachProcExtension ( DynHandlers: PList ); var i: integer; begin I := DynHandlers.IndexOf( @WndProcTransparent ); if I >=0 then begin DynHandlers.Delete( I ); DynHandlers.Delete( I ); DynHandlers.Add( @WndProcTransparent ); DynHandlers.Add( nil ); end; end; procedure DummyAttachProcExtension ( DynHandlers: PList ); begin end; {$IFDEF ASM_VERSION}{$ELSE PAS_VERSION} //Pascal procedure TControl.AttachProcEx( Proc: TWindowFunc; ExecuteAfterAppletTerminated: Boolean ); begin //if fDynHandlers = nil then // fDynHandlers := NewList; if not IsProcAttached( Proc ) then begin fDynHandlers.Add( @Proc ); fDynHandlers.Add( Pointer( Integer( ExecuteAfterAppletTerminated ) ) ); end; {$IFNDEF SMALLEST_CODE} Global_AttachProcExtension(fDynHandlers); {$ENDIF} PP.fOnDynHandlers := EnumDynHandlers; end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION} procedure TControl.AttachProc(Proc: TWindowFunc); begin AttachProcEx( Proc, FALSE ); end; procedure TControl.DetachProc(Proc: TWindowFunc); var I: Integer; begin if fDynHandlers = nil then Exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} I := fDynHandlers.IndexOf( @Proc ); if I >=0 then begin fDynHandlers.Delete( I ); fDynHandlers.Delete( I ); end; end; {$IFDEF ASM_VERSION}{$ELSE PAS_VERSION} //Pascal function TControl.IsProcAttached(Proc: TWindowFunc): Boolean; var I: Integer; begin I := fDynHandlers.IndexOf( @Proc ); Result := I >=0; end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION} {$IFDEF nASM_VERSION}{$ELSE PAS_VERSION} function WndProcAutoPopupMenu( Control: PControl; var Msg: TMsg; var MsgRslt: Integer ): Boolean; var {$IFNDEF SMALLEST_CODE} R: TRect; M: Word; I: Integer; {$ENDIF SMALLEST_CODE} P: TPoint; begin if (Msg.message = WM_CONTEXTMENU) and (Control.fAutoPopupMenu <> nil) then begin {$IFDEF USE_MENU_CURCTL} PMenu( Control.fAutoPopupMenu ).fCurCtl := Control; {$ENDIF USE_MENU_CURCTL} P.X := SmallInt( LoWord( Msg.lParam ) ); P.Y := SmallInt( HiWord( Msg.lParam ) ); {$IFNDEF SMALLEST_CODE} if (Msg.lParam = -1) then begin I := Control.CurIndex; M := Control.fCommandActions.aItem2XY; if (I >= 0) and (M <> 0) then begin CASE M OF EM_POSFROMCHAR: begin I := Control.SelStart + Control.SelLength; // Edit or Rich Edit 2: I := Control.Perform( M, I, 1 ); P.X := SmallInt( LoWord( I ) ); P.Y := SmallInt( HiWord( I ) ); end; LB_GETITEMRECT, LVM_GETITEMRECT, TCM_GETITEMRECT: begin R.Left := LVIR_BOUNDS; Control.Perform( M, I, Integer( @ R ) ); P.X := R.Left; P.Y := R.Bottom; end; TVM_GETITEMRECT: begin I := Control.TVSelected; R.Left := I; Control.Perform( M, 1, Integer( @ R ) ); P.X := R.Left; P.Y := R.Bottom; end; END; R := Control.ClientRect; if P.X < R.Left then P.X := R.Left; if P.X > R.Right then P.X := R.Right; if P.Y < R.Top then P.Y := R.Top; if P.Y > R.Bottom then P.Y := R.Bottom; end; P := Control.Client2Screen( P ); end; {$ENDIF SMALLEST_CODE} PMenu( Control.fAutoPopupMenu ).Popup( P.X, P.Y ); Result := TRUE; end else Result := FALSE; end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION} procedure TControl.SetAutoPopupMenu(PopupMenu: PObj); { new version - by Alexander Pravdin. Allows to attach a submenu (e.g. of the main menu) as a popup menu to a control, to avoid duplicating menu object, if it is the same already as desired. } var pm: PMenu; begin if PopupMenu <> nil then {$IFDEF USE_MENU_CURCTL} begin pm := PMenu( PopupMenu ); if ( pm.FParentMenu <> nil ) then begin while pm.FControl = nil do pm := pm.FParentMenu; PMenu( PopupMenu ).FControl := pm.FControl; end else begin PMenu( PopupMenu ).FControl := @Self; end; AttachProc(WndProcAutoPopupMenu); AttachProc(WndProcMenu) end else begin DetachProc(WndProcAutoPopupMenu); DetachProc(WndProcMenu); end; {$ELSE} begin pm := PMenu( PopupMenu ); while pm.FControl = nil do pm := pm.Parent; PMenu( PopupMenu ).FControl := pm.FControl; end; {$ENDIF} fAutoPopupMenu := PopupMenu; {$IFNDEF USE_MENU_CURCTL} AttachProc( WndProcAutoPopupMenu ); {$ENDIF} end; function SearchAnsiMnemonics( const S: KOLString ): KOLString; var I: Integer; Sh: ShortInt; begin Result := S; for I := 1 to Length( Result ) do begin Sh := VkKeyScanEx( Result[ I ], MnemonicsLocale ); if Sh <> -1 then Result[ I ] := KOLChar( Sh ); end; end; procedure SupportAnsiMnemonics( LocaleID: Integer ); begin MnemonicsLocale := LocaleID; SearchMnemonics := SearchAnsiMnemonics; end; function WndProcMnemonics( Sender: PControl; var Msg: TMsg; var Rslt: Integer ): Boolean; var Form: PControl; function HandleMnemonic( Prnt: PControl ): Boolean; var C: PControl; XY: Integer; procedure DoPressMnemonic; begin if Msg.message = WM_SYSKEYDOWN then begin //Form.DF.fPressedMnemonic := Msg.wParam; C.Perform( WM_LBUTTONDOWN, MK_LBUTTON, XY ); end else begin //Form.DF.fPressedMnemonic := 0; C.Perform( WM_LBUTTONUP, MK_LBUTTON, XY ); end; end; var I, J: Integer; R: TRect; begin for I := 0 to Prnt.ChildCount-1 do begin C := Prnt.Children[ I ]; if {$IFDEF USE_FLAGS} G5_IsButton in C.fFlagsG5 {$ELSE} C.IsButton {$ENDIF} then if C.Enabled then begin if C.fCommandActions.aGetCount = TB_BUTTONCOUNT then for J := 0 to C.Count-1 do begin if C.TBButtonEnabled[ J ] then if pos( KOLString('&') + AnsiChar( Msg.wParam ), SearchMnemonics( C.TBButtonText[ J ] ) ) > 0 then begin C.fCurIndex := J; C.DF.fTBCurItem := C.TBIndex2Item( J ); R := C.TBButtonRect[ J ]; XY := R.Left or (R.Top shl 16); DoPressMnemonic; Result := TRUE; Exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} end; end; if pos( KOLString('&') + AnsiChar( Msg.wParam ), SearchMnemonics( C.Caption ) ) > 0 then begin XY := 0; DoPressMnemonic; Result := TRUE; Exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} end; end; if HandleMnemonic( C ) then begin Result := TRUE; Exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} end; end; Result := FALSE; end; {$IFDEF NEW_MENU_ACCELL} function FindByCtlRef(C: PControl; Accell: TMenuAccelerator): Boolean; function FindInMenu(M: PMenu): PMenu; var I: Integer; SM: PMenu; begin for I := 0 to M.FMenuItems.Count - 1 do begin Result := M.FMenuItems.Items[I]; if (Cardinal(Result.Accelerator) = Cardinal(Accell)) and Result.Enabled then Exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} end; Result := nil; for I := 0 to M.FMenuItems.Count - 1 do begin SM := PMenu(M.FMenuItems.Items[I]); if (SM.FMenuItems.Count > 0) then Result := FindInMenu(SM); if (Result <> nil) then Break; end; end; function FindInMenu2(M: PMenu): Boolean; var MI: PMenu; begin if (M <> nil) then begin MI := FindInMenu(M); if (MI <> nil) then begin //M.FControl.Perform(WM_COMMAND, MI.FId, 0); C.Perform(WM_COMMAND, MI.FId, 0); // fixed Result := True; Exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} end; end; Result := False; end; var Parent: PControl; begin Result := False; if not FindInMenu2(PMenu(C.fAutoPopupMenu)) then if not FindInMenu2(PMenu(C.fMenuObj)) then begin Parent := C.Parent; if (Parent <> nil) then Result := FindByCtlRef(Parent, Accell); end; end; var Ac: TMenuAccelerator; {$ENDIF} begin Result := FALSE; if (Msg.message >= WM_KEYFIRST) and (Msg.message <= WM_KEYLAST) then begin {$IFDEF NEW_MENU_ACCELL} Ac := MakeAccelerator(FVIRTKEY or GetShiftState, Msg.wParam); Result := FindByCtlRef(Sender, Ac); {$ELSE} if (Sender.fAccelTable <> 0) {$IFDEF KEY_PREVIEW} and (Sender.DF.fKeyPreviewCount = 0) {$ENDIF} then Result := LongBool( TranslateAccelerator( Sender.fHandle, Sender.fAccelTable, Msg ) ); if not Result then begin if Sender.DF.fCurrentControl <> nil then if Sender.DF.fCurrentControl.fAccelTable <> 0 then Result := LongBool( TranslateAccelerator( Sender.DF.fCurrentControl.fHandle, Sender.DF.fCurrentControl.fAccelTable, Msg ) ); end; if not Result then begin Form := Sender.ParentForm; if (Form <> nil) and (Form <> Sender) {$IFDEF KEY_PREVIEW} and (Form.DF.fKeyPreviewCount = 0) {$ENDIF KEY_PREVIEW} then if Form.fAccelTable <> 0 then Result := LongBool( TranslateAccelerator( Form.fHandle, Form.fAccelTable, Msg ) ); end; {$ENDIF} end; if Result then Exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} if (Msg.message = WM_SYSKEYUP) or (Msg.message = WM_SYSKEYDOWN) and (GetKeyState( VK_MENU ) < 0) then begin Rslt := 0; Form := Sender.ParentForm; if Form <> nil then begin if AnsiChar( Msg.wParam ) in [ 'A'..'Z', '0'..'9' ] then begin if HandleMnemonic( Form ) then begin Result := TRUE; Exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} end; end; end; end else if Msg.message = WM_KEYUP then begin Rslt := 0; Form := Sender.ParentForm; if Form <> nil then begin if Msg.wParam = VK_MENU then // if Form.DF.fPressedMnemonic <> 0 then // Form.DF.fPressedMnemonic := Form.DF.fPressedMnemonic or $80000000; else if AnsiChar( Msg.wParam ) in [ 'A'..'Z', '0'..'9' ] then begin if HandleMnemonic( Form ) then begin Result := TRUE; Exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} end; end; end; end; Result := FALSE; end; function TControl.SupportMnemonics: PControl; begin fGlobalProcKeybd := WndProcMnemonics; Result := @Self; end; procedure TControl.SelectAll; begin SelStart := 0; SelLength := -1; // this can be not working for some controls... //*//* end; {$IFnDEF NOT_USE_RICHEDIT} function RevokeDragDrop(wnd: HWnd): HResult; stdcall; external 'ole32.dll' name 'RevokeDragDrop'; function TControl.RE_NoOLEDragDrop: PControl; begin RevokeDragDrop( Handle ); Result := @Self; end; {$ENDIF NOT_USE_RICHEDIT} function WndProcOnResize( Self_: PControl; var Msg: TMsg; var Rslt: Integer ): Boolean; begin if Msg.message = WM_SIZE then begin {$IFDEF NIL_EVENTS} if Assigned( Self_.EV.fOnResize ) then {$ENDIF} Self_.EV.fOnResize( Self_ ); end; Result := False; end; procedure TControl.SetOnResize(const Value: TOnEvent); begin {$IFDEF EVENTS_DYNAMIC} ProvideUniqueEvents {$ELSE} EV {$ENDIF} .FOnResize := Value; AttachProc( WndProcOnResize ); end; function WndProcMove( Self_: PControl; var Msg: TMsg; var Rslt: Integer ): Boolean; begin if Msg.message = WM_MOVE then begin {$IFDEF NIL_EVENTS} if Assigned( Self_.EV.FOnMove ) then {$ENDIF} Self_.EV.FOnMove( Self_ ); end; Result := False; end; procedure TControl.SetOnMove(const Value: TOnEvent); begin {$IFDEF EVENTS_DYNAMIC} ProvideUniqueEvents {$ELSE} EV {$ENDIF} .FOnMove := Value; AttachProc( WndProcMove ); end; function WndProcMoving( Self_: PControl; var Msg: TMsg; var Rslt: Integer ): Boolean; begin Result := False; if Msg.message = WM_MOVING then begin {$IFDEF NIL_EVENTS} if Assigned( Self_.EV.FOnMoving ) then {$ENDIF} Self_.EV.FOnMoving( Self_, Pointer( Msg.lParam ) ); Rslt := 1; Result := TRUE; end; end; procedure TControl.SetOnMoving(const Value: TOnEventMoving); begin {$IFDEF EVENTS_DYNAMIC} ProvideUniqueEvents {$ELSE} EV {$ENDIF} .FOnMoving := Value; AttachProc( WndProcMoving ); end; {$IFNDEF NOT_USE_RICHEDIT} function WndProc_REBottomless( Self_: PControl; var Msg: TMsg; var Rslt: Integer ): Boolean; begin if Msg.message = WM_SIZE then Self_.Perform( EM_REQUESTRESIZE, 0, 0 ); Result := False; end; function TControl.RE_Bottomless: PControl; begin AttachProc( WndProc_REBottomless ); Result := @Self; end; procedure TControl.RE_Append(const S: KOLString; ACanUndo: Boolean); begin SelStart := TextSize; if S <> '' then begin ReplaceSelection( S, ACanUndo ); SelStart := TextSize; end; end; procedure TControl.RE_InsertRTF(const S: KOLString); var MS: PStream; begin MS := NewMemoryStream; MS.Size := (Length( S ) + 1) * Sizeof(KOLChar); Move( S[ 1 ], MS.Memory^, ( Length( S ) + 1 ) * Sizeof( KOLChar ) ); RE_LoadFromStream( MS, Length( S ), reRTF, TRUE ); MS.Free; end; {$ENDIF NOT_USE_RICHEDIT} procedure TControl.DoSelChange; begin {$IFDEF NIL_EVENTS} if Assigned( EV.fOnSelChange ) then {$ELSE} if TMethod( EV.fOnSelChange ).Code <> @DummyObjProc then {$ENDIF} EV.fOnSelChange( @Self ) else {$IFDEF NIL_EVENTS} if Assigned( EV.fOnChangeCtl ) then {$ENDIF} EV.fOnChangeCtl( @Self ); end; {$IFNDEF NOT_USE_RICHEDIT} function TControl.REGetUnderlineEx: TRichUnderline; begin Result := TRichUnderline( REGetFontAttr( ((81 {$IFDEF UNICODE_CTRLS} + 32 {$ENDIF}) shl 16) or CFM_UNDERLINETYPE ) - 1 ); end; procedure TControl.RESetUnderlineEx(const Value: TRichUnderline); begin RESetFontAttr( ((81 {$IFDEF UNICODE_CTRLS} + 32 {$ENDIF}) shl 16) or CFM_UNDERLINETYPE, Ord( Value ) + 1 ); RESetFontEffect( CFM_UNDERLINE, True ); end; function TControl.GetTextSize: Integer; begin Result := 0; if fHandle <> 0 then Result := GetWindowTextLength( fHandle ); end; function TControl.REGetTextSize(Units: TRichTextSize): Integer; const TextLengthFlags: array[ TRichTextSizes ] of Integer = ( not GTL_UseCRLF, not GTL_Precise, GTL_Close, GTL_NUMBytes ); var GTL: TGetTextLengthEx; begin GTL.flags := MakeFlags( @Units, TextLengthFlags ); if not(rtsBytes in Units) then GTL.flags := GTL.flags or GTL_NUMCHARS; GTL.codepage := CP_ACP; Result := Perform( EM_GETTEXTLENGTHEX, Integer( @GTL ), 0 ); end; function TControl.RE_TextSizePrecise: Integer; var gtlex : TGetTextLengthEx; begin gtlex.flags := GTL_PRECISE; gtlex.codepage := CP_ACP; Result := Perform(EM_GETTEXTLENGTHEX,WPARAM(@gtlex), 0 ); end; function TControl.REGetNumStyle: TRichNumbering; begin Result := TRichNumbering( ReGetParaAttr( 9 shl 16 ) ); end; procedure TControl.RESetNumStyle(const Value: TRichNumbering); begin RESetParaAttr( (9 shl 16) or PFM_NUMBERING, Ord( Value ) ); end; function TControl.REGetNumBrackets: TRichNumBrackets; begin REGetParaAttr( 0 ); Result := TRichNumBrackets( (DF.fREParaFmtRec.wNumberingStyle shr 8) ); end; procedure TControl.RESetNumBrackets(const Value: TRichNumBrackets); begin REGetParaAttr( 0 ); DF.fREParaFmtRec.wNumberingStyle := DF.fREParaFmtRec.wNumberingStyle and $F8FF or Word( Ord( Value ) shl 8 ); DF.fREParaFmtRec.dwMask := PFM_NUMBERINGSTYLE; RE_ParaFmt := {$IFDEF STATIC_RICHEDIT_DATA} DF.fREParaFmtRec {$ELSE} DF.fREParaFmtRec^ {$ENDIF}; end; function TControl.REGetNumTab: Integer; begin REGetParaAttr( 0 ); Result := DF.fREParaFmtRec.wNumberingTab; end; procedure TControl.RESetNumTab(const Value: Integer); begin REGetParaAttr( 0 ); DF.fREParaFmtRec.wNumberingTab := Value; DF.fREParaFmtRec.dwMask := PFM_NUMBERINGTAB; RE_ParaFmt := {$IFDEF STATIC_RICHEDIT_DATA} DF.fREParaFmtRec {$ELSE} DF.fREParaFmtRec^ {$ENDIF}; end; function TControl.REGetNumStart: Integer; begin REGetParaAttr( 0 ); Result := DF.fREParaFmtRec.wNumberingStart; end; procedure TControl.RESetNumStart(const Value: Integer); begin REGetParaAttr( 0 ); DF.fREParaFmtRec.wNumberingStart := Value; DF.fREParaFmtRec.dwMask := PFM_NUMBERINGSTART; RE_ParaFmt := {$IFDEF STATIC_RICHEDIT_DATA} DF.fREParaFmtRec {$ELSE} DF.fREParaFmtRec^ {$ENDIF}; end; function TControl.REGetSpacing( const Index: Integer ): Integer; begin REGetParaAttr( 0 ); Result := PInteger( Integer(@DF.fREParaFmtRec.dySpaceBefore) + (Index and $F) )^; end; procedure TControl.RESetSpacing(const Index, Value: Integer); begin REGetParaAttr( 0 ); PInteger( Integer(@DF.fREParaFmtRec.dySpaceBefore) + (Index and $F) )^ := Value; DF.fREParaFmtRec.dwMask := Index and not $F; RE_ParaFmt := {$IFDEF STATIC_RICHEDIT_DATA} DF.fREParaFmtRec {$ELSE} DF.fREParaFmtRec^ {$ENDIF}; end; function TControl.REGetSpacingRule: Integer; begin REGetParaAttr( 0 ); Result := DF.fREParaFmtRec.bLineSpacingRule; end; procedure TControl.RESetSpacingRule(const Value: Integer); begin REGetParaAttr( 0 ); DF.fREParaFmtRec.bLineSpacingRule := Value; DF.fREParaFmtRec.dwMask := PFM_LINESPACING; RE_ParaFmt := {$IFDEF STATIC_RICHEDIT_DATA} DF.fREParaFmtRec {$ELSE} DF.fREParaFmtRec^ {$ENDIF}; end; function TControl.REGetLevel: Integer; begin REGetParaAttr( 0 ); Result := DF.fREParaFmtRec.bCRC; end; function TControl.REGetBorder(Side: TBorderEdge; const Index: Integer): Integer; begin REGetParaAttr( 0 ); Result := PWORD( Integer(@DF.fREParaFmtRec.wBorderSpace) + Index )^ shr (Ord(Side) * 4); end; procedure TControl.RESetBorder(Side: TBorderEdge; const Index: Integer; const Value: Integer); var Mask: Word; pW : PWord; begin REGetParaAttr( 0 ); pw := PWORD( Integer(@DF.fREParaFmtRec.wBorderSpace) + Index ); Mask := $F shl (Ord(Side) * 4); pw^ := pw^ and not Mask or (Value shl (4 * Ord(Side)) ); DF.fREParaFmtRec.dwMask := PFM_BORDER; RE_ParaFmt := {$IFDEF STATIC_RICHEDIT_DATA} DF.fREParaFmtRec {$ELSE} DF.fREParaFmtRec^ {$ENDIF}; end; function TControl.REGetParaEffect(const Index: Integer): Boolean; begin Result := LongBool( HiWord( REGetParaAttr( 8 shl 16 ) ) and Index ); end; procedure TControl.RESetParaEffect(const Index: Integer; const Value: Boolean); var Idx: Integer; begin REGetParaAttr( 0 ); DF.fREParaFmtRec.wReserved := Index; Idx := Index; DF.fREParaFmtRec.dwMask := Idx shl 16; RE_ParaFmt := {$IFDEF STATIC_RICHEDIT_DATA} DF.fREParaFmtRec {$ELSE} DF.fREParaFmtRec^ {$ENDIF}; end; function WndProc_REMonitorIns( Self_: PControl; var Msg: TMsg; var Rslt: Integer ): Boolean; begin Result := False; if (Msg.message = WM_KEYDOWN) and (Msg.wParam = VK_INSERT) and ((GetKeyState(VK_CONTROL) or GetKeyState(VK_SHIFT) or GetKeyState(VK_MENU)) >= 0) then begin if not Self_.DF.fReOvrDisable then Self_.DF.fREOvr := not Self_.DF.fREOvr else Result := True; {$IFDEF NIL_EVENTS} if assigned( Self_.EV.fOnREInsModeChg ) then {$ENDIF} Self_.EV.fOnREInsModeChg( Self_ ); end; end; function TControl.REGetOverwite: Boolean; begin AttachProc( WndProc_REMonitorIns ); Result := DF.fREOvr; end; procedure TControl.RESetOverwrite(const Value: Boolean); begin if REGetOverwite = Value then // do not replace with fREOvr here! Exit; // this installs monitor WndProc_REMonitorIns. {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} Perform( WM_KEYDOWN, VK_INSERT, 0 ); Perform( WM_KEYUP, VK_INSERT, 0 ); end; procedure TControl.RESetOvrDisable(const Value: Boolean); begin REGetOverwite; DF.fReOvrDisable := Value; end; function WndProc_RichEdTransp_ParentPaint( Self_:PControl; var Msg: TMsg; var Rslt: Integer ): Boolean; var I: Integer; C: PControl; begin if (Msg.message = WM_PAINT) and (Msg.wParam = 0) then begin for I := 0 to Self_.fChildren.fCount - 1 do begin C := Self_.fChildren.{$IFDEF TLIST_FAST} Items {$ELSE} fItems {$ENDIF}[ I ]; if {$IFDEF USE_FLAGS} G5_IsCommonCtl in C.fFlagsG5 {$ELSE} C.fIsCommonControl {$ENDIF} then begin Inc( C.DF.fREUpdCount ); PostMessage( C.fHandle, CM_NCUPDATE, C.DF.fREUpdCount, WM_PAINT ); InvalidateRect( C.fHandle, nil, False ); end; end; end; Result := False; end; function WndProc_RichEdTransp_Update( Self_:PControl; var Msg: TMsg; var Rslt: Integer ): Boolean; var Rgn, Rgn1: HRgn; R, CR: TRect; Pt: TPoint; VW, HH, VH, HW: Integer; begin if Self_.DF.fRETransparent then case Msg.message of WM_CHAR, WM_KILLFOCUS, WM_SETFOCUS, WM_KEYDOWN, WM_LBUTTONDOWN: begin PostMessage( Self_.fHandle, CM_INVALIDATE, 0, 0 ); end; WM_PAINT: if Msg.wParam = 0 then begin Inc( Self_.DF.fREUpdCount ); PostMessage( Self_.fHandle, CM_NCUPDATE, Self_.DF.fREUpdCount, Msg.message ); end; WM_SIZE: begin Inc( Self_.DF.fREUpdCount ); PostMessage( Self_.fHandle, CM_NCUPDATE, Self_.DF.fREUpdCount, Msg.message ); PostMessage( Self_.fHandle, CM_INVALIDATE, 0, 0 ); end; WM_ERASEBKGND: if Msg.wParam = 0 then begin Inc( Self_.DF.fREUpdCount ); PostMessage( Self_.fHandle, CM_NCUPDATE, Self_.DF.fREUpdCount, Msg.message ); end; WM_HSCROLL, WM_VSCROLL: begin Self_.DF.fREScrolling := LoWord( Msg.wParam ) <> SB_ENDSCROLL; Inc( Self_.DF.fREUpdCount ); PostMessage( Self_.fHandle, CM_NCUPDATE, Self_.DF.fREUpdCount, Msg.message ); if Self_.DF.fREScrolling then Self_.Invalidate; end; CM_INVALIDATE: begin Self_.Parent.Invalidate; Self_.Invalidate; end; CM_NCUPDATE: if DWORD(Msg.wParam) = DWORD(Self_.DF.fREUpdCount) then begin GetWindowRect( Self_.fHandle, R ); Windows.GetClientRect( Self_.fHandle, CR ); Pt.x := 0; Pt.y := 0; Pt := Self_.Client2Screen( Pt ); OffsetRect( CR, Pt.x, Pt.y ); Rgn := CreateRectRgn( R.Left, R.Top, R.Right, R.Bottom ); if Self_.DF.fREScrolling then begin VW := GetSystemMetrics( SM_CXVSCROLL ); HH := GetSystemMetrics( SM_CYHSCROLL ); VH := GetSystemMetrics( SM_CYVSCROLL ); HW := GetSystemMetrics( SM_CXHSCROLL ); if CR.Right + VW <= R.Right then begin Rgn1 := CreateRectRgn( CR.Right, CR.Top + VH, CR.Right + VW, CR.Bottom - VH ); CombineRgn( Rgn, Rgn, Rgn1, RGN_DIFF ); DeleteObject( Rgn1 ); end; if CR.Bottom + HH <= R.Bottom then begin Rgn1 := CreateRectRgn( CR.Left + HW, CR.Bottom, CR.Right - HW, CR.Bottom + HH ); CombineRgn( Rgn, Rgn, Rgn1, RGN_DIFF ); DeleteObject( Rgn1 ); end; end; Self_.Perform( WM_NCPAINT, Rgn, 0 ); DeleteObject( Rgn ); // Unremarked By M.Gerasimov end; end; Result := False; end; function TControl.REGetTransparent: Boolean; begin Result := Longbool(ExStyle and WS_EX_TRANSPARENT); end; procedure TControl.RESetTransparent(const Value: Boolean); begin if Value then ExStyle := ExStyle or WS_EX_TRANSPARENT else ExStyle := ExStyle and not WS_EX_TRANSPARENT; DF.fRETransparent := Value; fParent.AttachProc( WndProc_RichEdTransp_ParentPaint ); AttachProc( WndProc_RichEdTransp_Update ); {$IFDEF USE_FLAGS} if Value then include( fFlagsG2, G2_Transparent ) else exclude( fFlagsG2, G2_Transparent ); {$ELSE} fTransparent := Value; {$ENDIF} end; procedure TControl.RESetOnURL(const Index: Integer; const Value: TOnEvent); begin {$IFDEF EVENTS_DYNAMIC} ProvideUniqueEvents; {$ENDIF} if Index = 0 then EV.fOnREOverURL := Value else EV.fOnREURLClick := Value; RE_AutoURLDetect := assigned(EV.fOnREOverURL) or assigned(EV.fOnREURLClick); end; procedure TControl.SetOnRE_URLClick(const Value: TOnEvent); begin RESetOnURL( 1, Value ); end; procedure TControl.SetOnRE_OverURL(const Value: TOnEvent); begin RESetOnURL( 0, Value ); end; function TControl.REGetOnURL(const Index: Integer): TOnEvent; begin CASE Index OF 0: Result := EV.fOnREOverURL; else Result := EV.fOnREURLClick; END; end; function TControl.REGetLangOptions(const Index: Integer): Boolean; begin Result := LongBool( Perform( EM_GETLANGOPTIONS, 0, 0 ) and Index); end; procedure TControl.RESetLangOptions(const Index: Integer; const Value: Boolean); var Mask: Integer; begin Mask := -1; if not Value then Inc( Mask ); Perform( EM_SETLANGOPTIONS, 0, Perform( EM_GETLANGOPTIONS, 0, 0 ) and not Index or (Mask and Index) ); end; {$ENDIF NOT_USE_RICHEDIT} function DoTrackMouseEvent(lpEventTrack: PTrackMouseEvent): BOOL; var FunTrack: function(lpEventTrack: PTrackMouseEvent): BOOL; stdcall; ComCtlModule: THandle; begin Result := FALSE; ComCtlModule := GetModuleHandle( cctrl ); if ComCtlModule = 0 then Exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} FunTrack := GetProcAddress( ComCtlModule, '_TrackMouseEvent' ); if not Assigned( FunTrack ) then Exit; // is necessary for Win95! {>>>>>>>>>>} Result := FunTrack( lpEventTrack ); end; function WndProcMouseEnterLeave( Self_: PControl; var Msg: TMsg; var Rslt: Integer ): Boolean; forward; {$IFDEF ASM_VERSION}{$ELSE PASCAL} function WndProcMouseEnterLeave( Self_: PControl; var Msg: TMsg; var Rslt: Integer ): Boolean; var P: TPoint; MouseWasInControl: Boolean; Yes: Boolean; Track: TTrackMouseEvent; begin case Msg.message of WM_MOUSEFIRST..WM_MOUSELAST: begin MouseWasInControl := {$IFDEF USE_FLAGS} G3_MouseInCtl in Self_.fFlagsG3; {$ELSE} Self_.fMouseInControl; {$ENDIF} if Assigned( Self_.EV.fOnTestMouseOver ) then Yes := Self_.EV.fOnTestMouseOver( Self_ ) else begin GetCursorPos( P ); P := Self_.Screen2Client( P ); Yes := PointInRect( P, Self_.ClientRect ); end; if MouseWasInControl <> Yes then begin Self_.Invalidate; if Yes then begin {$IFDEF USE_FLAGS} include( Self_.fFlagsG3, G3_MouseInCtl ); {$ELSE} Self_.fMouseInControl := TRUE; {$ENDIF} {$IFDEF NIL_EVENTS} if Assigned( Self_.EV.fOnMouseEnter ) then {$ENDIF} Self_.EV.fOnMouseEnter( Self_ ); Track.cbSize := Sizeof( Track ); Track.dwFlags := TME_LEAVE; Track.hwndTrack := Self_.Handle; DoTrackMouseEvent( @ Track ); Self_.Invalidate; end else begin {$IFDEF USE_FLAGS} exclude( Self_.fFlagsG3, G3_MouseInCtl ); {$ELSE} Self_.fMouseInControl := FALSE; {$ENDIF} Track.cbSize := Sizeof( Track ); Track.dwFlags := TME_LEAVE or TME_CANCEL; Track.hwndTrack := Self_.Handle; DoTrackMouseEvent( @ Track ); {$IFDEF NIL_EVENTS} if Assigned( Self_.EV.fOnMouseLeave ) then {$ENDIF} Self_.EV.fOnMouseLeave( Self_ ); Self_.Invalidate; end; end; end; WM_MOUSELEAVE: begin if {$IFDEF USE_FLAGS} G3_MouseInCtl in Self_.fFlagsG3 {$ELSE} Self_.fMouseInControl {$ENDIF} then begin {$IFDEF USE_FLAGS} exclude( Self_.fFlagsG3, G3_MouseInCtl); {$ELSE} Self_.fMouseInControl := FALSE; {$ENDIF} {$IFDEF GRAPHCTL_HOTTRACK} {$IFDEF NIL_EVENTS} if Assigned( Self_.EV.fMouseLeaveProc ) then {$ENDIF} Self_.EV.fMouseLeaveProc( Self_ ); {$ENDIF} {$IFDEF NIL_EVENTS} if Assigned( Self_.EV.fOnMouseLeave ) then {$ENDIF} Self_.EV.fOnMouseLeave( Self_ ); Self_.Invalidate; end; end; end; Result := False; end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION} procedure ProvideMouseEnterLeave( Self_: PControl ); begin InitCommonControls; Self_.AttachProc( WndProcMouseEnterLeave ); end; procedure TControl.SetFlat(const Value: Boolean); begin {$IFDEF USE_FLAGS} if Value then include( fFlagsG3, G3_Flat ) else exclude( fFlagsG3, G3_Flat ); exclude( fFlagsG3, G3_MouseInCtl ); {$ELSE} fFlat := Value; fMouseInControl := FALSE; {$ENDIF} ProvideMouseEnterLeave( @Self ); Invalidate; end; procedure TControl.SetOnMouseEnter(const Value: TOnEvent); begin {$IFDEF EVENTS_DYNAMIC} ProvideUniqueEvents {$ELSE} EV {$ENDIF} .fOnMouseEnter := Value; ProvideMouseEnterLeave( @Self ); end; procedure TControl.SetOnMouseLeave(const Value: TOnEvent); begin {$IFDEF EVENTS_DYNAMIC} ProvideUniqueEvents {$ELSE} EV {$ENDIF} .fOnMouseLeave := Value; ProvideMouseEnterLeave( @Self ); end; procedure TControl.SetOnTestMouseOver(const Value: TOnTestMouseOver); begin {$IFDEF EVENTS_DYNAMIC} ProvideUniqueEvents {$ELSE} EV {$ENDIF} .fOnTestMouseOver := Value; ProvideMouseEnterLeave( @Self ); end; function WndProcEdTransparent( Self_: PControl; var Msg: TMsg; var Rslt: Integer ): Boolean; begin if (Msg.message = WM_KEYDOWN) or (Msg.message = WM_MOUSEMOVE) and (GetKeyState( VK_LBUTTON ) < 0) or (Msg.message = WM_LBUTTONUP) or (Msg.message = WM_LBUTTONDOWN) then Self_.Invalidate; Result := False; // continue handling of a message anyway end; procedure TControl.EdSetTransparent(const Value: Boolean); begin Transparent := Value; AttachProc( WndProcEdTransparent ); end; var LastHWnd: HWnd; // + Don function WndProcSpeedButton( Self_: PControl; var Msg: TMsg; var Rslt: Integer ): Boolean; begin Result := False; if Msg.message = WM_SETFOCUS then begin Result := TRUE; Rslt := 0; LastHWnd := Msg.wParam; // + don end else // + Don if (Msg.message = WM_CAPTURECHANGED) and (Msg.lParam = 0) and (LastHwnd <> 0) then begin SetFocus(LastHwnd); LastHwnd := 0; end; end; function TControl.LikeSpeedButton: PControl; var Form: PControl; begin AttachProc( WndProcSpeedButton ); {$IFDEF USE_FLAGS} {$ELSE} fTabstop := False; {$ENDIF} Style := Style and not WS_TABSTOP; Form := ParentForm; if Form <> nil then if Form.DF.fCurrentControl = @Self then begin Form.GotoControl( VK_TAB ); if Form.DF.fCurrentControl = @Self then Form.DF.fCurrentControl := nil; end; Result := @Self; end; { -- Unicode -- } function TControl.SetUnicode(Unicode: Boolean): PControl; begin Perform( CCM_SETUNICODEFORMAT, Integer( Unicode ), 0 ); Result := @ Self; end; { -- TabControl -- } function TControl.GetPages(Idx: Integer): PControl; var Item: TTCItem; begin Item.mask := TCIF_PARAM; if Perform( TCM_GETITEM, Idx, Integer( @Item ) ) = 0 then Result := nil else Result := Pointer( Item.lParam ); end; function TControl.TCGetItemText(Idx: Integer): KOLString; var TI: TTCItem; Buffer: array[ 0..1023 ] of KOLChar; begin TI.mask := TCIF_TEXT; TI.pszText := @Buffer[ 0 ]; TI.cchTextMax := sizeof( Buffer ); Buffer[ 0 ] := #0; Perform( TCM_GETITEM, Idx, Integer( @TI ) ); Result := PKOLChar( @ Buffer[ 0 ] ); end; procedure TControl.TCSetItemText(Idx: Integer; const Value: KOLString); var TI: TTCItem; begin TI.mask := TCIF_TEXT; TI.pszText := PKOLChar( Value ); Perform( TCM_SETITEM, Idx, Integer( @TI ) ); end; function TControl.TCGetItemImgIDx(Idx: Integer): Integer; var TI: TTCItem; begin TI.mask := TCIF_IMAGE; if Perform( TCM_GETITEM, Idx, Integer( @TI ) ) = 0 then Result := -1 else Result := TI.iImage; end; procedure TControl.TCSetItemImgIdx(Idx: Integer; const Value: Integer); var TI: TTCItem; begin TI.mask := TCIF_IMAGE; TI.iImage := Value; Perform( TCM_SETITEM, Idx, Integer( @TI ) ); end; function TControl.TCGetItemRect(Idx: Integer): TRect; begin if Perform( TCM_GETITEMRECT, Idx, Integer( @Result ) ) = 0 then begin Result.Left := 0; Result.Right := 0; Result.Top := 0; Result.Bottom := 0; end; end; procedure TControl.TC_SetPadding(cx, cy: Integer); begin Perform( TCM_SETPADDING, 0, cx or (cy shl 16) ); end; function TControl.TC_TabAtPos(x, y: Integer): Integer; type TTCHittestInfo = packed record Pt: TPoint; Fl: DWORD; end; var HTI: TTCHitTestInfo; begin HTI.Pt.x := x; HTI.Pt.y := y; Result := Perform( TCM_HITTEST, 0, Integer( @HTI ) ); end; function TControl.TC_DisplayRect: TRect; begin Windows.GetClientRect( fHandle, Result ); Perform( TCM_ADJUSTRECT, 0, Integer( @Result ) ); end; function TControl.TC_IndexOf(const S: KOLString): Integer; begin Result := TC_SearchFor( S, -1, FALSE ); end; function TControl.TC_SearchFor(const S: KOLString; StartAfter: Integer; Partial: Boolean): Integer; var I: Integer; begin Result := -1; for I := StartAfter+1 to Count-1 do begin if Partial and ( Copy( TC_Items[ I ], 1, Length( S ) ) = S ) or ( TC_Items[ I ] = S ) then begin Result := I; break; end; end; end; function TControl.TC_Insert(Idx: Integer; const TabText: KOLString; TabImgIdx: Integer): PControl; var TI: TTCItem; begin Result := NewPanel( @Self, esNone ); {$IFDEF DEBUG_OBJKIND} Result.fObjKind := 'TControl:TabPage'; {$ENDIF} {$IFDEF OLD_ALIGN} Result.FAlign := caClient; //+ Galkov {$IFDEF USE_FLAGS} Result.fFlagsG4 := Result.fFlagsG4 + [G4_VisibleWOParent, G4_NotUseAlign]; {$ELSE} Result.fVisibleWoParent := TRUE; Result.fNotUseAlign := True; {$ENDIF} {$ELSE NEW_ALIGN} Result.Align := caClient; //+ Galkov {$ENDIF} Result.Visible := CurIndex<0; TI.mask := TCIF_TEXT or TCIF_IMAGE or TCIF_PARAM; TI.iImage := TabImgIdx; TI.pszText := PKOLChar( TabText ); TI.lParam := Integer( Result ); Perform( TCM_INSERTITEM, Idx, Integer( @TI ) ); {$IFDEF OLD_ALIGN} Result.BoundsRect := TC_DisplayRect;//+ Galkov {$ENDIF} Perform(WM_SIZE,0,0); //May be changes of margins for TabControl {$IFDEF GRAPHCTL_XPSTYLES} Attach_WM_THEMECHANGED(Result, XP_Themes_For_TabPanel); {$ENDIF} end; procedure TControl.TC_Delete(Idx: Integer); var Page: PControl; begin Page := TC_Pages[ Idx ]; if Page = nil then Exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} Perform( TCM_DELETEITEM, Idx, 0 ); Page.Free; Perform(WM_SIZE,0,0); //May be changes of margins for TabControl end; {$IFNDEF OLD_ALIGN} procedure TControl.TC_InsertControl( Idx: Integer; const TabText: KOLString; TabImgIdx: Integer; Page: PControl); var TI: TTCItem; begin Page.Visible := CurIndex<0; TI.mask := TCIF_TEXT or TCIF_IMAGE or TCIF_PARAM; TI.iImage := TabImgIdx; TI.pszText := PKOLChar( TabText ); TI.lParam := Integer( Page ); Perform( TCM_INSERTITEM, Idx, Integer( @TI ) ); Perform(WM_SIZE,0,0); //May be changes of margins for TabControl end; function TControl.TC_Remove( Idx: Integer ):PControl; begin Result := TC_Pages[ Idx ]; if Result = nil then Exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} Perform( TCM_DELETEITEM, Idx, 0 ); Perform(WM_SIZE,0,0); //May be changes of margins for TabControl end; {$ENDIF} { -- TreeView -- } function TControl.TVGetItemIdx(const Index: Integer): THandle; begin Result := Perform( TVM_GETNEXTITEM, Index, 0 ); end; procedure TControl.TVSetItemIdx(const Index: Integer; const Value: THandle); begin Perform( TVM_SELECTITEM, Index, Value ); end; function TControl.TVGetItemNext(Item: THandle; const Index: Integer): THandle; begin Result := Perform( TVM_GETNEXTITEM, Index, Item ); end; function TControl.TVGetItemRect(Item: THandle; TextOnly: Boolean): TRect; begin Result.Left := Item; if Perform( TVM_GETITEMRECT, Integer( TextOnly ), Integer( @Result ) ) = 0 then begin Result.Left := 0; Result.Right := 0; Result.Top := 0; Result.Bottom := 0; end; end; function TControl.TVGetItemVisible(Item: THandle): Boolean; var R: TRect; begin R := TVItemRect[ Item, False ]; Result := R.Bottom > R.Top; end; procedure TControl.TVSetItemVisible(Item: THandle; const Value: Boolean); begin if Value then Perform( TVM_ENSUREVISIBLE, 0, Item ); end; function TControl.TVGetItemStateFlg(Item: THandle; const Index: Integer): Boolean; var TVI: TTVItem; begin TVI.mask := TVIF_HANDLE or TVIF_STATE; TVI.hItem := Item; TVI.stateMask := Index; Result := False; if Perform( TVM_GETITEM, 0, Integer( @TVI ) ) <> 0 then Result := (TVI.state and Index) <> 0; end; procedure TControl.TVSetItemStateFlg(Item: THandle; const Index: Integer; const Value: Boolean); var TVI: TTVItem; begin TVI.mask := TVIF_HANDLE or TVIF_STATE; TVI.hItem := Item; TVI.stateMask := Index; TVI.state := $FFFFFFFF and Index; if not Value then TVI.state := 0; Perform( TVM_SETITEM, 0, Integer( @TVI ) ); end; function TControl.TVGetItemImage(Item: THandle; const Index: Integer): Integer; var TVI: TTVItem; begin TVI.mask := TVIF_HANDLE or Loword( Index ); TVI.hItem := Item; if Hiword( Index ) <> 0 then begin TVI.mask := TVIF_STATE or TVIF_HANDLE; TVI.stateMask := Loword( Index ); end; Result := -1; if Perform( TVM_GETITEM, 0, Integer( @TVI ) ) <> 0 then begin if Hiword( Index ) <> 0 then Result := (TVI.state shr Hiword( Index )) and $F else if Loword( Index ) = TVIF_IMAGE then Result := TVI.iImage else Result := TVI.iSelectedImage; end; end; procedure TControl.TVSetItemImage(Item: THandle; const Index: Integer; const Value: Integer); var TVI: TTVItem; begin TVI.mask := TVIF_HANDLE or Loword( Index ); TVI.hItem := Item; TVI.iImage := Value; TVI.iSelectedImage := Value; if Hiword( Index ) <> 0 then begin TVI.mask := TVIF_STATE or TVIF_HANDLE; TVI.stateMask := Loword( Index ); TVI.state := Value shl Hiword( Index ); end; Perform( TVM_SETITEM, 0, Integer( @TVI ) ); end; function TControl.TVGetItemText(Item: THandle): KOLString; var TVI: TTVItem; Buffer: array[ 0..4095 ] of KOLChar; begin TVI.mask := TVIF_HANDLE or TVIF_TEXT; TVI.hItem := Item; TVI.pszText := @Buffer[ 0 ]; Buffer[ 0 ] := #0; TVI.cchTextMax := Sizeof( Buffer ) {$IFDEF UNICODE_CTRLS} div Sizeof( KOLChar ) {$ENDIF}; Perform( TVM_GETITEM, 0, Integer( @TVI ) ); Result := PKOLChar( @ Buffer[ 0 ] ); end; procedure TControl.TVSetItemText(Item: THandle; const Value: KOLString); var TVI: TTVItem; begin TVI.mask := TVIF_HANDLE or TVIF_TEXT; TVI.hItem := Item; TVI.pszText := PKOLChar( Value ); Perform( TVM_SETITEM, 0, Integer( @TVI ) ); end; function TControl.TVItemPath(Item: THandle; Delimiter: KOLChar): KOLString; begin if Item = 0 then Item := TVSelected; Result := ''; while Item <> 0 do begin if Result <> '' then Result := KOLString(Delimiter) + Result; Result := TVItemText[ Item ] + Result; Item := TVItemParent[ Item ]; end; end; function TControl.TV_GetItemHasChildren(Item: THandle): Boolean; var TVI: TTVItem; begin TVI.mask := TVIF_HANDLE or TVIF_CHILDREN; TVI.hItem := Item; Perform( TVM_GETITEM, 0, Integer( @TVI ) ); Result := TVI.cChildren = 1; end; function TControl.TV_GetItemChildCount(Item: THandle): Integer; var Node: THandle; begin Result := 0; Node := TVItemChild[ Item ]; while Node <> 0 do begin Inc( Result ); Node := TVItemNext[ Node ]; end; end; procedure TControl.TV_SetItemHasChildren(Item: THandle; const Value: Boolean); var TVI: TTVItem; begin TVI.mask := TVIF_HANDLE or TVIF_CHILDREN; TVI.hItem := Item; TVI.cChildren := 1 and Integer( Value ); Perform( TVM_SETITEM, 0, Integer( @TVI ) ); end; function TControl.TVItemAtPos(x, y: Integer; var Where: DWORD): THandle; var HTI: TTVHitTestInfo; begin HTI.pt.x := x; HTI.pt.y := y; Result := Perform( TVM_HITTEST, 0, Integer( @HTI ) ); Where := HTI.fl; end; type TTVInsertStruct = packed Record hParent: THandle; hAfter : THandle; item: TTVItem; end; TTVInsertStructEx = packed Record hParent: THandle; hAfter : THandle; item: TTVItemEx; end; function TControl.TVInsert(nParent, nAfter: THandle; const Txt: KOLString): THandle; var TVIns: TTVInsertStruct; begin TVIns.hParent := nParent; TVIns.hAfter := nAfter; TVIns.item.mask := TVIF_TEXT; TVIns.item.pszText := PKOLChar( Txt ); Result := Perform( TVM_INSERTITEM, 0, Integer( @TVIns ) ); if fUpdateCount <= 0 then Invalidate; end; procedure TControl.TVExpand(Item: THandle; Flags: DWORD); begin Perform( TVM_EXPAND, Flags, Item ); end; procedure TControl.TVSort( N: THandle ); var a: Cardinal; b: Boolean; begin b := N = 0; if b then N := TVRoot; while N <> 0 do begin a := TVItemChild[N]; if a > 0 then TVSort(a); Perform(TVM_SORTCHILDREN, 0, N); N := TVItemNext[N]; end; if b then //moved by Tr"]f Perform(TVM_SORTCHILDREN, 0, 0); //+ by YS end; procedure TControl.TVDelete(Item: THandle); begin Perform( TVM_DELETEITEM, 0, Item ); Invalidate; end; function TControl.TVGetItemData(Item: THandle): Pointer; var TVI: TTVItem; begin TVI.mask := TVIF_HANDLE or TVIF_PARAM; TVI.hItem := Item; Result := nil; if Perform( TVM_GETITEM, 0, Integer( @TVI ) ) <> 0 then Result := Pointer( TVI.lParam ); end; procedure TControl.TVSetItemData(Item: THandle; const Value: Pointer); var TVI: TTVItem; begin TVI.mask := TVIF_HANDLE or TVIF_PARAM; TVI.hItem := Item; TVI.lParam := Integer( Value ); Perform( TVM_SETITEM, 0, Integer( @TVI ) ); end; procedure TControl.TVEditItem(Item: THandle); begin Perform( TVM_EDITLABEL, 0, Item ); end; procedure TControl.TVStopEdit(Cancel: Boolean); begin Perform( TVM_ENDEDITLABELNOW, Integer( Cancel ), 0 ); end; function WndProcTVRightClickSelect( Sender: PControl; var Msg: TMsg; var R: Integer ): Boolean; var I: Integer; Where: DWORD; begin if Msg.message = WM_RBUTTONDOWN then begin I := Sender.TVItemAtPos( SmallInt( Msg.lParam and $FFFF ), SmallInt( Msg.lParam shr 16 ), Where ); if I <> 0 then Sender.TVSelected := I; end; Result := FALSE; end; procedure TControl.SetTVRightClickSelect(const Value: Boolean); begin DF.fTVRightClickSelect := Value; if Value then AttachProc( @WndProcTVRightClickSelect ); end; procedure TControl.SetOnTVDelete( const Value: TOnTVDelete ); begin {$IFDEF EVENTS_DYNAMIC} ProvideUniqueEvents {$ELSE} EV {$ENDIF} .fOnTVDelete := Value; if fParent <> nil then begin fParent.Add2AutoFreeEx( Clear ); fParent.DetachProc( WndProcNotify ); fParent.AttachProcEx( WndProcNotify, TRUE ); end; AttachProcEx( ProcTVDeleteItem, TRUE ); end; function ClipboardHasText: Boolean; begin Result := false; if OpenClipboard( 0 ) then begin if IsClipboardFormatAvailable( CF_TEXT ) then Result := TRUE; CloseClipboard; end; end; function Clipboard2Text: AnsiString; var gbl: THandle; str: PAnsiChar; begin Result := ''; if OpenClipboard( 0 ) then begin if IsClipboardFormatAvailable( CF_TEXT ) then begin gbl := GetClipboardData( CF_TEXT ); if gbl <> 0 then begin str := GlobalLock( gbl ); if str <> nil then begin Result := str; GlobalUnlock( gbl ); end; end; end; CloseClipboard; end; end; {$IFNDEF _D2} function Clipboard2WText: KOLWideString; var gbl: THandle; str: PWideChar; begin Result := ''; if OpenClipboard( 0 ) then begin if IsClipboardFormatAvailable( CF_UNICODETEXT ) then begin gbl := GetClipboardData( CF_UNICODETEXT ); if gbl <> 0 then begin str := GlobalLock( gbl ); if str <> nil then begin Result := str; GlobalUnlock( gbl ); end; end; end; CloseClipboard; end; end; {$ENDIF} function Text2Clipboard( const S: AnsiString ): Boolean; var gbl: THandle; str: PAnsiChar; begin Result := False; if not OpenClipboard( 0 ) then Exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} EmptyClipboard; if S <> '' then begin gbl := GlobalAlloc( GMEM_DDESHARE, Length( S ) + 1 ); if gbl <> 0 then begin str := GlobalLock( gbl ); Move( S[ 1 ], str^, Length( S ) + 1 ); GlobalUnlock( gbl ); Result := SetClipboardData( CF_TEXT, gbl ) <> 0; end; end else Result := True; CloseClipboard; end; {$IFNDEF _D2} function WText2Clipboard( const WS: KOLWideString ): Boolean; var gbl: THandle; str: PAnsiChar; begin Result := False; if not OpenClipboard( 0 ) then Exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} EmptyClipboard; if WS <> '' then begin gbl := GlobalAlloc( GMEM_DDESHARE, (Length( WS ) + 1) * 2 ); if gbl <> 0 then begin str := GlobalLock( gbl ); Move( WS[ 1 ], str^, (Length( WS ) + 1) * 2 ); GlobalUnlock( gbl ); Result := SetClipboardData( CF_UNICODETEXT, gbl ) <> 0; end; end else Result := True; CloseClipboard; end; {$ENDIF} function TControl.Size(W, H: Integer): PControl; var C, P: PControl; dW, dH: Integer; begin C := @Self; while True do begin dW := 0; dH := 0; P := C.FParent; if C.ToBeVisible then begin if C.fAlign in [caLeft, caRight, caClient] then begin if H > 0 then begin dH := H - C.Height; H := 0; end; end; if C.fAlign in [caTop, caBottom, caClient] then begin if W > 0 then begin dW := W - C.Width; W := 0; end; end; end; if (W > 0) or (H > 0) then begin C.SetSize( W, H ); if (P <> nil) // {Ralf Junker} and not P.IsApplet then C.ResizeParent; end; if (dW = 0) and (dH = 0) then break; C := P; //C.FParent; if C = nil then break; //if not C.fIsControl then break; if C.IsApplet then break; W := C.Width + dW; H := C.Height + dH; end; Result := @Self; end; {$ENDIF WIN_GDI} {$IFDEF GDI} procedure AutoSzProc( Self_: PObj ); var DeltaX, DeltaY: Integer; SZ: TSize; PT: TPoint; Txt: KOLString; Chg: Boolean; R: TRect; Flags: DWORD; {+ecm} OldFont: HFONT; CtlHavingFont: PControl; {/+ecm} begin Txt := PControl( Self_ ).fCaption; SZ.cx := 0; SZ.cy := 0; if Txt <> '' then begin if ( PControl( Self_ ).fFont <> nil ) then if PControl( Self_ ).fFont.fData.Font.Italic then Txt := Txt + ' '; PControl( Self_ ).GetWindowHandle; // this line must be here. //-- otherwise, when handle is not yet allocated, // it is requested in TCanvas.GetHandle, and in result // of unpredictable recursion some memory can be currupted. PControl( Self_ ).Canvas.TextArea( Txt, SZ, PT ); if {$IFDEF USE_FLAGS} (G1_WordWrap in PControl(Self_).fFlagsG1) {$ELSE} PControl( Self_ ).fWordWrap {$ENDIF} and (PControl( Self_ ).fAlign <> caClient) then begin R := PControl( Self_ ).ClientRect; Flags := DT_CALCRECT or DT_EXPANDTABS or DT_WORDBREAK; CASE PControl( Self_ ).fTextAlign OF taCenter: Flags := Flags or DT_CENTER; taRight : Flags := Flags or DT_RIGHT; END; {-ecm} // CASE Self_.fVerticalAlign OF // vaCenter: Flags := Flags or DT_VCENTER; // vaBottom: Flags := Flags or DT_BOTTOM; // END; {/-ecm} {+ecm} CtlHavingFont := PControl( Self_ ); while (CtlHavingFont <> nil) and ( CtlHavingFont.FFont = nil ) do CtlHavingFont := CtlHavingFont.Parent; OldFont := 0; if ( CtlHavingFont ) <> nil then OldFont := SelectObject( PControl( Self_ ).Canvas.Handle, CtlHavingFont.Font.Handle ); {/+ecm} // DrawText return the height of the text ! SZ.cy := DrawText( PControl( Self_ ).fCanvas.Handle, PKOLChar( Txt ), Length( Txt ), R, Flags ); {+ecm} if ( CtlHavingFont <> nil ) then SelectObject(PControl( Self_ ).Canvas.fHandle,OldFont); {/+ecm} SZ.cx := R.Right - R.Left; //SZ.cy := R.Bottom - R.Top; end; end; Chg := FALSE; if PControl( Self_ ).FAlign in [ caNone, caLeft, caRight ] then begin DeltaX := PControl( Self_ ).aAutoSzX; if PControl( Self_ ).Width <> SZ.cx + DeltaX then begin PControl( Self_ ).Width := SZ.cx + DeltaX; Chg := TRUE; end; if PControl( Self_ ).fMinWidth > PControl( Self_ ).Width then begin PControl( Self_ ).Width := PControl( Self_ ).fMinWidth; Chg := TRUE; end; end; if PControl( Self_ ).FAlign in [ caNone, caTop, caBottom ] then begin DeltaY := PControl( Self_ ).aAutoSzY; if PControl( Self_ ).Height <> SZ.cy + DeltaY then begin PControl( Self_ ).Height := SZ.cy + DeltaY; Chg := TRUE; end; if PControl( Self_ ).FMinHeight > PControl( Self_ ).Height then begin PControl( Self_ ).Height := PControl( Self_ ).FMinHeight; Chg := TRUE; end; end; if Chg then begin {$IFDEF OLD_ALIGN} if PControl( Self_ ).fParent <> nil then Global_Align( PControl( Self_ ).fParent ); {$ENDIF} Global_Align( Self_ ); end; end; {$ENDIF GDI} {$IFDEF _X_} {$IFDEF GTK} PROCEDURE AutoSzProc( Self_: PObj ); VAR SZ: TSize; //Txt: KOLString; Chg: Boolean; req_captn, req_evbox: TGtkRequisition; BEGIN //Txt := PControl( Self_ ).fCaption; SZ.cx := 0; SZ.cy := 0; //if Txt <> '' then BEGIN gtk_widget_size_request( PControl( Self_ ).fCaptionHandle, @ req_captn ); IF (PControl( Self_ ).fDeltaX = 0) AND (PControl( Self_ ).fDeltaY = 0) THEN BEGIN gtk_widget_size_request( PControl( Self_ ).fEventboxHandle, @ req_evbox ); PControl( Self_ ).fDeltaX := Max( 0, req_evbox.width - req_captn.width ); PControl( Self_ ).fDeltaY := Max( 0, req_evbox.height - req_captn.height ); END; Sz.cx := req_captn.width + PControl( Self_ ).fDeltaX; Sz.cy := req_captn.height + PControl( Self_ ).fDeltaY; //gtk_widget_get_size_request( PControl( Self_ ).fHandle, @ Sz.cx, @ Sz.cy ); END; Chg := FALSE; IF PControl( Self_ ).FAlign in [ caNone, caLeft, caRight ] THEN BEGIN //DeltaX := PControl( Self_ ).fCommandActions.aAutoSzX; if PControl( Self_ ).Width <> SZ.cx {+ DeltaX} then BEGIN PControl( Self_ ).Width := SZ.cx {+ DeltaX}; Chg := TRUE; END; IF PControl( Self_ ).fMinWidth > PControl( Self_ ).Width THEN BEGIN PControl( Self_ ).Width := PControl( Self_ ).fMinWidth; Chg := TRUE; END; END; IF PControl( Self_ ).FAlign in [ caNone, caTop, caBottom ] THEN begin //DeltaY := PControl( Self_ ).fCommandActions.aAutoSzY; IF PControl( Self_ ).Height <> SZ.cy {+ DeltaY} THEN BEGIN PControl( Self_ ).Height := SZ.cy {+ DeltaY}; Chg := TRUE; END; IF PControl( Self_ ).FMinHeight > PControl( Self_ ).Height THEN BEGIN PControl( Self_ ).Height := PControl( Self_ ).FMinHeight; Chg := TRUE; END; END; IF Chg THEN BEGIN {$IFDEF OLD_ALIGN} if PControl( Self_ ).fParent <> nil then Global_Align( PControl( Self_ ).fParent ); {$ENDIF} Global_Align( Self_ ); END; END; {$ENDIF GTK} {$ENDIF _X_} function TControl.AutoSize(AutoSzOn: Boolean): PControl; begin if AutoSzOn then begin PP.fAutoSize := AutoSzProc; DoAutoSize; end else PP.fAutoSize := DummyObjProc; Result := @Self; end; {$IFDEF WIN_GDI} function TControl.IsAutoSize: Boolean; begin Result := Assigned( PP.fAutoSize ); end; {$IFDEF ASM_VERSION}{$ELSE PASCAL} function TControl.GetToBeVisible: Boolean; begin Result := {$IFDEF USE_FLAGS} (F3_Visible in fStyle.f3_Style) {$ELSE} fVisible {$ENDIF} or {$IFDEF USE_FLAGS} ([G4_CreateHidden, G4_VisibleWOParent] * fFlagsG4 <> []) or (G3_IsForm in fFlagsG3) {$ELSE} fCreateHidden or fVisibleWoParent or IsForm {$ENDIF}; if {$IFDEF USE_FLAGS} G3_IsControl in fFlagsG3 {$ELSE} fIsControl {$ENDIF} then if Parent <> nil then begin {$IFDEF OLD_ALIGN} if {$IFDEF USE_FLAGS} G4_VisibleWOParent in fFlagsG4 {$ELSE} fVisibleWoParent {$ENDIF} then Result := {$IFDEF USE_FLAGS} F3_Visible in fStyle.f3_Style {$ELSE} fVisible {$ENDIF} else {$ENDIF} begin if Result then begin Parent.Visible; // needed to provide correct fVisible for a form! //todo: check if necessary for USE_FLAGS ??? Result := Parent.ToBeVisible; end; end; end; end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION} /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // W I N D O W S /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// { -- Set of window-related utility functions. -- } type PGUIThreadInfo = ^TGUIThreadInfo; tagGUITHREADINFO = packed record cbSize: DWORD; flags: DWORD; hwndActive: HWND; hwndFocus: HWND; hwndCapture: HWND; hwndMenuOwner: HWND; hwndMoveSize: HWND; hwndCaret: HWND; rcCaret: TRect; end; TGUIThreadInfo = tagGUITHREADINFO; const GUI_CARETBLINKING = $00000001; GUI_INMOVESIZE = $00000002; GUI_INMENUMODE = $00000004; GUI_SYSTEMMENUMODE = $00000008; GUI_POPUPMENUMODE = $00000010; {function GetGUIThreadInfo (idThread: DWORD; var pgui: TGUIThreadinfo): BOOL; stdcall; external user32 name 'GetGUIThreadInfo';} type TGUIThreadInfo_Proc = function( ThreadID: THandle; var GTI: TGUIThreadInfo ) : Boolean; stdcall; var Proc_GetGUIThreadInfo: TGuiThreadInfo_Proc; function GetWindowChild( Wnd: HWnd; Kind: TWindowChildKind ): HWnd; var GTI: TGuiThreadInfo; ThreadID: THandle; Module: THandle; begin if not Assigned( Proc_GetGUIThreadInfo ) then begin Module := GetModuleHandle( 'User32' ); Proc_GetGUIThreadInfo := GetProcAddress( Module, 'GetGUIThreadInfoA' ); if not Assigned( Proc_GetGUIThreadInfo ) then Proc_GetGUIThreadInfo := Pointer( -1 ); end; Result := Wnd; if Integer( @Proc_GetGUIThreadInfo ) = -1 then Exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} Result := 0; if Wnd = 0 then ThreadID := GetCurrentThreadID else ThreadID := GetWindowThreadProcessID( Wnd, nil ); if ThreadID = 0 then Exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} GTI.cbSize := Sizeof( GTI ); if Proc_GetGUIThreadInfo( ThreadId, GTI ) then begin case Kind of wcActive: Result := GTI.hwndActive; wcFocus: Result := GTI.hwndFocus; wcCapture: Result := GTI.hwndCapture; wcMenuOwner: Result := GTI.hwndMenuOwner; wcMoveSize: Result := GTI.hwndMoveSize; wcCaret: Result := GTI.hwndCaret; end; end; end; function GetFocusedChild( Wnd: HWnd ): HWnd; var Tr1, Tr2: THandle; begin Result := 0; Tr1 := GetCurrentThreadId; Tr2 := GetWindowThreadProcessId( Wnd, nil ); if Tr1 = Tr2 then Result := GetFocus else if AttachThreadInput( Tr2, Tr1, True ) then begin Result := GetFocus; AttachThreadInput( Tr2, Tr1, False ); end; end; function WaitFocusedWndChild( Wnd: HWnd ): HWnd; var T1, T2: Integer; W: HWnd; begin Sleep( 50 ); T1 := GetTickCount; while True do begin W := GetTopWindow( Wnd ); if W = 0 then W := Wnd; W := GetFocusedChild( W ); if W <> 0 then begin Wnd := W; break; end; T2 := GetTickCount; if Abs( T1 - T2 ) > 100 then break; end; Result := Wnd; end; function Stroke2Window( Wnd: HWnd; const S: AnsiString ): Boolean; var P: PAnsiChar; begin Result := False; Wnd := WaitFocusedWndChild( Wnd ); if Wnd = 0 then Exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} P := PAnsiChar( S ); while P^ <> #0 do begin PostMessage( Wnd, WM_CHAR, Integer( P^ ), 1 ); Inc( P ); end; Result := True; end; function Stroke2WindowEx( Wnd: HWnd; const S: AnsiString; Wait: Boolean ): Boolean; var P: PAnsiChar; EndChar: AnsiChar; MsgDn, MsgUp, SCA: Integer; function Compare( Pattern: PAnsiChar ): Boolean; var Pos: PAnsiChar; C1, C2: AnsiChar; begin Pos := P; while Pattern^ <> #0 do begin C1 := Pattern^; C2 := Pos^; if (C1 >= 'a') and (C1 <= 'z') then C1 := AnsiChar( Ord( C1 ) - $20 ); if (C2 >= 'a') and (C2 <= 'z') then C2 := AnsiChar( Ord( C2 ) - $20 ); if C1 <> C2 then begin Result := False; Exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} end; Inc( Pos ); Inc( Pattern ); end; while Pos^ = ' ' do Inc( Pos ); P := Pos; Result := True; end; procedure Send( Msg, KeyCode: Integer ); var lParam: Integer; begin Wnd := WaitFocusedWndChild( Wnd ); if Wnd = 0 then Exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} lParam := 1; if longBool( SCA and 4 ) then lParam := $20000001; if Msg = MsgUp then lParam := lParam or Integer($D0000000); PostMessage( Wnd, Msg, KeyCode, lParam ); Applet.ProcessMessages; if Wait then Sleep( 50 ); end; function CompareSend( Pattern: PAnsiChar; Value2Send: Integer ): Boolean; begin if Compare( Pattern ) then begin Send( MsgDn, Value2Send ); Send( MsgUp, Value2Send ); Result := True; end else Result := False; end; function ParseKeys( EndChar: AnsiChar ): PAnsiChar; var FN: Integer; begin SCA := 0; while not (P^ in [ #0, EndChar ]) do begin if Compare( 'Shift' ) then SCA := SCA or 1 else if Compare( 'Ctrl' ) then SCA := SCA or 2 else if Compare( 'Alt' ) then SCA := SCA or 4 else break; end; MsgDn := WM_KEYDOWN; MsgUp := WM_KEYUP; if LongBool( SCA and 4 ) then begin MsgDn := WM_SYSKEYDOWN; MsgUp := WM_SYSKEYUP; keybd_event( VK_MENU, 0, 0, 0 ); Send( WM_SYSKEYDOWN, VK_MENU ); end; if LongBool( SCA and 2 ) then begin keybd_event( VK_CONTROL, 0, 0, 0 ); Send( WM_KEYDOWN, VK_CONTROL ); end; if Longbool( SCA and 1 ) then begin keybd_event( VK_SHIFT, 0, 0, 0 ); Send( WM_KEYDOWN, VK_SHIFT ); end; while not (P^ in [ #0, EndChar ]) do begin if (P^ = 'F') and (P[ 1 ] in [ '1'..'9' ]) then begin Inc( P ); FN := Ord( P^ ) - Ord( '0' ); if (FN = 1) and (P[ 1 ] in [ '0'..'2' ]) then begin Inc( P ); FN := 10 + Ord( P^ ) - Ord( '0' ); end; repeat Inc( P ) until P^ <> ' '; FN := FN + $6F; Send( MsgDn, FN ); Send( MsgUp, FN ); end else if Compare( 'Numpad' ) then begin if P^ in [ '0'..'9' ] then begin FN := Ord( P^ ) - Ord( '0' ) + $60; repeat Inc( P^ ) until P^ <> ' '; Send( MsgDn, FN ); Send( MsgUp, FN ); end; end else if not (CompareSend( 'Add', $6B ) or CompareSend( 'Gray+', $6B ) or CompareSend( 'Apps', $5D ) or CompareSend( 'BackSpace', $08 ) or CompareSend( 'BkSp', $08 ) or CompareSend( 'BS', $08 ) or CompareSend( 'Break', $13 ) or CompareSend( 'CapsLock', $14 ) or CompareSend( 'Clear', $0C ) or CompareSend( 'Decimal', $6E ) or CompareSend( 'Del', $2E ) or CompareSend( 'Delete', $2E ) or CompareSend( 'Divide', $6F ) or CompareSend( 'Gray/', $6F ) or CompareSend( 'Down', $28 ) or CompareSend( 'End', $23 ) or CompareSend( 'Enter', $0D ) or CompareSend( 'Return', $0D ) or CompareSend( 'CR', $0D ) or CompareSend( 'Esc', $1B ) or CompareSend( 'Escape', $1B ) or CompareSend( 'Help', $2F ) or CompareSend( 'Home', $24 ) or CompareSend( 'Ins', $2D ) or CompareSend( 'Insert', $2D ) or CompareSend( 'Left', $25 ) or CompareSend( 'LWin', $5B ) or CompareSend( 'Multiply', $6A ) or CompareSend( 'Gray*', $6A ) or CompareSend( 'NumLock', $90 ) or CompareSend( 'PgDn', $22 ) or CompareSend( 'PgUp', $21 ) or CompareSend( 'PrintScrn', $2C ) or CompareSend( 'Right', $27 ) or CompareSend( 'RWin', $5C ) or CompareSend( 'Separator', $6C ) or CompareSend( 'ScrollLock', $91 ) or CompareSend( 'Subtract', $6D ) or CompareSend( 'Tab', $09 ) or CompareSend( 'Gray-', $6D ) or CompareSend( 'Up', $26 )) then break; end; while not (P^ in [ #0, EndChar ]) do begin if P^ in [ 'A'..'Z', '0'..'9' ] then begin Send( MsgDn, Integer( P^ ) ); Send( MsgUp, Integer( P^ ) ); end else if P^ in [ #1..#255 ] then Stroke2Window( Wnd, AnsiString('') + P^ ); repeat Inc( P ) until (P^ <> AnsiString(' ')); end; if P^ = EndChar then Inc( P ); if Longbool( SCA and 1 ) then begin Send( WM_KEYUP, VK_SHIFT ); keybd_event( VK_SHIFT, 0, KEYEVENTF_KEYUP, 0 ); end; if LongBool( SCA and 2 ) then begin Send( WM_KEYUP, VK_CONTROL ); keybd_event( VK_CONTROL, 0, KEYEVENTF_KEYUP, 0 ); end; if LongBool( SCA and 4 ) then begin Send( WM_SYSKEYUP, VK_MENU ); keybd_event( VK_MENU, 0, KEYEVENTF_KEYUP, 0 ); end; Result := P; end; begin Result := False; Wnd := GetTopWindow( Wnd ); Wnd := GetFocusedChild( Wnd ); if Wnd = 0 then Exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} P := PAnsiChar( S ); while P^ <> #0 do begin if not (P^ in [ '[', '{' ]) then begin Stroke2Window( Wnd, AnsiString('') + P^ ); // TODO: adjust compile options? Inc( P ); end else begin if P^ = '[' then EndChar := ']' else EndChar := '}'; Inc( P ); P := ParseKeys( EndChar ); end; end; Result := True; end; type PHWnd = ^HWnd; TFindWndRec = packed Record ThreadID : DWord; WndFound : HWnd; end; PFindWndRec = ^TFindWndRec; function EnumWindowsProc( Wnd : HWnd; Find : PFindWndRec ) : Boolean; stdcall; var Id : DWord; begin Result := True; Id := GetWindowThreadProcessId( Wnd, @Id ); if Id = Find.ThreadID then begin Find.WndFound := Wnd; Result := False; end; end; function FindWindowByThreadID( ThreadID : DWORD ) : HWnd; var Find : TFindWndRec; begin Find.ThreadID := ThreadID; Find.WndFound := 0; EnumWindows( @EnumWindowsProc, Integer( @Find ) ); Result := Find.WndFound; end; function DesktopPixelFormat: TPixelFormat; var DC: HDC; Nbits_per_pixel, Nplanes: Integer; begin DC := GetDC( 0 ); Nbits_per_pixel := GetDeviceCaps( DC, BITSPIXEL ); Nplanes := GetDeviceCaps( DC, PLANES ); ReleaseDC( 0, DC ); CASE Nplanes * Nbits_per_pixel OF 1: Result := pf1bit; 4: Result := pf4bit; 8: Result := pf8bit; 16: Result := pf16bit; 24, 32: Result := pf32bit; else Result := pfDevice; END; end; function GetDesktopRect : TRect; var W1, W2 : HWnd; begin if WinVer >= wvVista then begin Result := GetWorkArea; Exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} end; Result := MakeRect( 0, 0, GetSystemMetrics( SM_CXSCREEN ), GetSystemMetrics( SM_CYSCREEN ) ); W2 := findwindow('Progman',nil); W1 := findwindowex(W2,0,'SHELLDLL_DefView',nil); if W1 = 0 then Exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} GetWindowRect( W1, Result ); end; function GetWorkArea: TRect; begin SystemParametersInfo( SPI_GETWORKAREA, 0, @ Result, 0 ); end; function ExecuteWait( const AppPath, CmdLine, DfltDirectory: KOLString; Show: DWORD; TimeOut: DWORD; ProcID: PDWORD ): Boolean; var Flags: DWORD; Startup: TStartupInfo; ProcInf: TProcessInformation; DfltDir: PKOLChar; App: KOLString; begin Result := FALSE; Flags := CREATE_NEW_CONSOLE; if Show = SW_HIDE then Flags := Flags or {$IFDEF F_P}$08000000{$ELSE}CREATE_NO_WINDOW{$ENDIF}; ZeroMemory( @Startup, SizeOf( Startup ) ); Startup.cb := Sizeof( Startup ); Startup.wShowWindow := Show; Startup.dwFlags := STARTF_USESHOWWINDOW; if ProcID <> nil then ProcID^ := 0; DfltDir := nil; if DfltDirectory <> '' then DfltDir := PKOLChar( DfltDirectory ); App := AppPath; //if (pos( KOLString(' '), App ) > 0) and (pos( KOLString('"'), App ) <= 0) then if (App <> '') and (App[1] <> '"') and (pos( KOLString(' '), App ) > 0) then App := '"' + App + '"'; if (App <> '') and (CmdLine <> '') then App := App + ' '; if CreateProcess( nil, PKOLChar( App + CmdLine ), nil, nil, FALSE, Flags, nil, DfltDir, Startup, ProcInf ) then begin if WaitForSingleObject( ProcInf.hProcess, TimeOut ) = WAIT_OBJECT_0 then begin CloseHandle( ProcInf.hProcess ); Result := TRUE; end else begin if ProcID <> nil then ProcID^ := ProcInf.hProcess; end; CloseHandle( ProcInf.hThread ); end; end; function ExecuteIORedirect( const AppPath, CmdLine, DfltDirectory: KOLString; Show: DWORD; ProcID: PDWORD; InPipe, OutPipeWr, OutPipeRd: PHandle ): Boolean; var Flags: DWORD; Startup: TStartupInfo; ProcInf: TProcessInformation; DfltDir: PKOLChar; SecurityAttributes: TSecurityAttributes; SaveStdOut, SaveStdIn: THandle; ChildStdOutRd, ChildStdOutWr: THandle; ChildStdInRd, ChildStdInWr: THandle; ChildStdOutRdDup: THandle; ChildStdInWrDup: THandle; procedure Do_CloseHandle( var Handle: THandle ); begin if Handle <> 0 then begin CloseHandle( Handle ); Handle := 0; end; end; procedure Close_Handles; begin Do_CloseHandle( ChildStdOutRd ); Do_CloseHandle( ChildStdOutWr ); Do_CloseHandle( ChildStdInRd ); Do_CloseHandle( ChildStdInWr ); end; function RedirectInputOutput: Boolean; begin Result := FALSE; if (OutPipeRd <> nil) or (OutPipeWr <> nil) then begin // redirect output SaveStdOut := GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE); if not CreatePipe( ChildStdOutRd, ChildStdOutWr, @ SecurityAttributes, 0 ) then Exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} if not SetStdHandle( STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE, ChildStdOutWr ) then Exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} if not DuplicateHandle( GetCurrentProcess, ChildStdOutRd, GetCurrentProcess, @ ChildStdOutRdDup, 0, FALSE, 2 {DUPLICATE_SAME_ACCESS} ) then Exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} Do_CloseHandle( ChildStdOutRd ); if OutPipeRd <> nil then OutPipeRd^ := ChildStdOutRdDup; if OutPipeWr <> nil then OutPipeWr^ := ChildStdOutWr; end; if InPipe <> nil then begin // redirect input SaveStdIn := GetStdHandle(STD_INPUT_HANDLE); if not CreatePipe( ChildStdInRd, ChildStdInWr, @ SecurityAttributes, 0 ) then Exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} if not SetStdHandle( STD_INPUT_HANDLE, ChildStdInRd ) then Exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} if not DuplicateHandle( GetCurrentProcess, ChildStdInWr, GetCurrentProcess, @ ChildStdInWrDup, 0, FALSE, 2 {DUPLICATE_SAME_ACCESS} ) then Exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} Do_CloseHandle( ChildStdInWr ); if InPipe <> nil then InPipe^ := ChildStdInWrDup; Do_CloseHandle( ChildStdInRd ); end; Result := TRUE; end; procedure Restore_Saved_StdInOut; begin SetStdHandle( STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE, SaveStdOut ); SetStdHandle( STD_INPUT_HANDLE, SaveStdIn ); end; var Cmd: KOLString; begin Result := FALSE; Flags := 0; if Show = SW_HIDE then Flags := Flags or {$IFDEF F_P}$08000000{$ELSE}CREATE_NO_WINDOW{$ENDIF}; ZeroMemory( @Startup, SizeOf( Startup ) ); Startup.cb := Sizeof( Startup ); if ProcID <> nil then ProcID^ := 0; DfltDir := nil; SecurityAttributes.nLength := Sizeof( SecurityAttributes ); SecurityAttributes.lpSecurityDescriptor := nil; SecurityAttributes.bInheritHandle := TRUE; SaveStdOut := 0; SaveStdIn := 0; ChildStdOutRd := 0; ChildStdOutWr := 0; ChildStdInRd := 0; ChildStdInWr := 0; if not RedirectInputOutput then begin Close_Handles; Exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} end; if DfltDirectory <> '' then DfltDir := PKOLChar( DfltDirectory ); Cmd := '"' + AppPath + '" ' + CmdLine; if CreateProcess( nil, PKOLChar( Cmd ), nil, nil, TRUE, Flags, nil, DfltDir, Startup, ProcInf ) then begin if ProcID <> nil then ProcID^ := ProcInf.hProcess else CloseHandle( ProcInf.hProcess ); CloseHandle( ProcInf.hThread ); Restore_Saved_StdInOut; Result := TRUE; end else begin Restore_Saved_StdInOut; Close_Handles; end; end; function ExecuteConsoleAppIORedirect( const AppPath, CmdLine, DfltDirectory: KOLString; Show: DWORD; const InStr: KOLString; var OutStr: KOLString; WaitTimeout: DWORD ): Boolean; var PipeIn, PipeOutRd, PipeOutWr: THandle; ProcID: DWORD; BytesCount: DWORD; Buffer: Array[ 0..4096 ] of KOLChar; // KOL_ANSI BufStr: KOLString; PPipeIn: PHandle; begin Result := FALSE; PPipeIn := @ PipeIn; if InStr = '' then PPipeIn := nil; PipeOutRd := 0; PipeOutWr := 0; if not ExecuteIORedirect( AppPath, CmdLine, DfltDirectory, Show, @ ProcID, PPipeIn, @ PipeOutWr, @ PipeOutRd ) then Exit; {>>>>>>>>>>} if PPipeIn <> nil then begin if InStr <> '' then WriteFile( PipeIn, InStr[ 1 ], Length( InStr ), BytesCount, nil ); CloseHandle( PipeIn ); end; OutStr := ''; if WaitForSingleObject( ProcID, WaitTimeOut ) = WAIT_OBJECT_0 then begin CloseHandle( ProcID ); CloseHandle( PipeOutWr ); while ReadFile( PipeOutRd, Buffer, Sizeof( Buffer ), BytesCount, nil ) do begin SetLength( BufStr, BytesCount ); Move( Buffer[ 0 ], BufStr[ 1 ], BytesCount ); OutStr := OutStr + BufStr; end; end else CloseHandle( PipeOutWr ); CloseHandle( PipeOutRd ); Result := TRUE; end; {$IFDEF _D2} function OpenProcessToken(ProcessHandle: THandle; DesiredAccess: DWORD; var TokenHandle: THandle): BOOL; stdcall; external advapi32 name 'OpenProcessToken'; {$ENDIF} function WindowsShutdown( const Machine : KOLString; Force, Reboot : Boolean ) : Boolean; var hToken: THandle; tkp, tkp_prev: TTokenPrivileges; dwRetLen :DWORD; Flags: Integer; begin Result := False; if Integer( GetVersion ) < 0 then // Windows95/98/Me begin if Machine <> '' then Exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} Flags := EWX_SHUTDOWN; if Reboot then Flags := Flags or EWX_REBOOT; if Force then Flags := Flags or EWX_FORCE; Result := ExitWindowsEx( Flags, 0 ); Exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} end; OpenProcessToken(GetCurrentProcess(), TOKEN_ADJUST_PRIVILEGES or TOKEN_QUERY, hToken); if not LookupPrivilegeValue(PKOLChar(Machine), 'SeShutdownPrivilege', tkp.Privileges[0].Luid) then Exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>} tkp_prev:=tkp; tkp.PrivilegeCount:=1; tkp.Privileges[0].Attributes:=SE_PRIVILEGE_ENABLED; AdjustTokenPrivileges(hToken, FALSE, tkp, sizeof(tkp), tkp_prev, dwRetLen); if not LookupPrivilegeValue(PKOLChar(Machine), 'SeRemoteShutdownPrivilege', tkp.Privileges[0].Luid) then Exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>} tkp.PrivilegeCount:=1; tkp.Privileges[0].Attributes:=SE_PRIVILEGE_ENABLED; AdjustTokenPrivileges(hToken, FALSE, tkp, sizeof(tkp), tkp_prev, dwRetLen); Result := InitiateSystemShutdown(PKOLChar(Machine),nil, 0, Force, Reboot); end; function WindowsLogoff( Force : Boolean ) : Boolean; var Flags: Integer; begin Flags := 0; if Force then Flags := EWX_FORCE; Result := ExitWindowsEx( Flags, 0 ); end; var SaveWinVer: Byte = $FF; {$IFDEF ASM_VERSION}{$ELSE PAS_VERSION} // asm version by MTsv DN (v 2.90) function WinVer : TWindowsVersion; var MajorVersion, MinorVersion: Byte; dwVersion: Integer; begin if SaveWinVer <> $FF then Result := TWindowsVersion( SaveWinVer ) else begin dwVersion := GetVersion; MajorVersion := LoByte( dwVersion ); MinorVersion := HiByte( LoWord( dwVersion ) ); if dwVersion >= 0 then begin Result := wvNT; if (MajorVersion >= 6) then begin if (MinorVersion >= 1) then Result := wvSeven else Result := wvVista; end else begin if MajorVersion >= 5 then if MinorVersion >= 1 then begin Result := wvXP; if MinorVersion >= 2 then Result := wvServer2003; end else Result := wvY2K; end; end else begin Result := wv95; if (MajorVersion > 4) or (MajorVersion = 4) and (MinorVersion >= 10) then begin Result := wv98; if (MajorVersion = 4) and (MinorVersion >= $5A) then Result := wvME; end else if MajorVersion <= 3 then Result := wv31; end; SaveWinVer := Ord( Result ); end; end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION} function IsWinVer( Ver : TWindowsVersions ) : Boolean; {* Returns True if Windows version is in given range of values. } begin Result := WinVer in Ver; end; procedure TControl.SetAlphaBlend(const Value: Byte); const LWA_COLORKEY=$00000001; LWA_ALPHA=$00000002; ULW_COLORKEY=$00000001; ULW_ALPHA=$00000002; ULW_OPAQUE=$00000004; WS_EX_LAYERED=$00080000; type TSetLayeredWindowAttributes= function( hwnd: Integer; crKey: TColor; bAlpha: Byte; dwFlags: DWORD ) : Boolean; stdcall; var SetLayeredWindowAttributes: TSetLayeredWindowAttributes; User32: THandle; dw: DWORD; begin if Value = fAlphaBlend then Exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} fAlphaBlend := Value; User32 := GetModuleHandle( 'User32' ); SetLayeredWindowAttributes := GetProcAddress( User32, 'SetLayeredWindowAttributes' ); if Assigned( SetLayeredWindowAttributes ) then begin dw := GetWindowLong( GetWindowHandle, GWL_EXSTYLE ); if Value < 255 then begin SetWindowLong( fHandle, GWL_EXSTYLE, dw or WS_EX_LAYERED ); SetLayeredWindowAttributes( fHandle, 0, Value {and $FF}, LWA_ALPHA); end else SetWindowLong( fHandle, GWL_EXSTYLE, dw and not WS_EX_LAYERED ); end; end; {$ENDIF WIN_GDI} function TControl.SetPosition( X, Y: Integer ): PControl; begin Left := X; Top := Y; Result := @Self; end; {$IFDEF WIN_GDI} function NewColorDialog( FullOpen: TColorCustomOption ): PColorDialog; var I: Integer; begin New( Result, Create ); {$IFDEF DEBUG_OBJKIND} Result.fObjKind := 'TColorDialog'; {$ENDIF} Result.ColorCustomOption := FullOpen; for I := 1 to 16 do Result.CustomColors[ I ] := clWhite; end; { TColorDialog } function TColorDialog.Execute: Boolean; var CD: TChooseColor; begin CD.lStructSize := Sizeof( CD ); CD.hWndOwner := OwnerWindow; //CD.hInstance := 0; CD.rgbResult := Color2RGB( Color ); CD.lpCustColors := @CustomColors[ 1 ]; CD.Flags := CC_RGBINIT; case ColorCustomOption of ccoFullOpen: CD.Flags := CD.Flags or CC_FULLOPEN; ccoPreventFullOpen: CD.Flags := CD.Flags or CC_PREVENTFULLOPEN; end; Result := ChooseColor( CD ); if Result then Color := CD.rgbResult; end; procedure TControl.SetMaxProgress(const Index, Value: Integer); begin // ignore index, and set Value via PBM_SETRANGE32: () Perform( PBM_SETRANGE32, 0, Value ); end; procedure TControl.SetDroppedWidth(const Value: Integer); begin DF.fDroppedWidth := Value; Perform( CB_SETDROPPEDWIDTH, Value, 0 ); end; function TControl.LVGetItemState(Idx: Integer): TListViewItemState; type PListViewItemState = ^TListViewItemState; var I: Byte; begin I := Perform( LVM_GETITEMSTATE, Idx, LVIS_CUT or LVIS_DROPHILITED or LVIS_FOCUSED or LVIS_SELECTED ); Result := PListViewItemState( @ I )^; end; procedure TControl.LVSetItemState(Idx: Integer; const Value: TListViewItemState); var Data: TLVItem; begin Data.stateMask := LVIS_FOCUSED or LVIS_SELECTED or LVIS_CUT or LVIS_DROPHILITED; Data.state := PByte( @ Value )^; Perform( LVM_SETITEMSTATE, Idx, Integer( @Data ) ); end; procedure TControl.LVSelectAll; begin LVSetItemState( -1, [ lvisSelect ] ); end; function TControl.LVItemInsert(Idx: Integer; const aText: KOLString): Integer; var LVI: TLVItem; begin LVI.mask := LVIF_TEXT or LVIF_DI_SETITEM; LVI.iItem := Idx; LVI.iSubItem := 0; LVI.pszText := PKOL_Char( aText ); Result := Perform( LVM_INSERTITEM, 0, Integer( @LVI ) ); end; function TControl.LVItemAdd(const aText: KOLString): Integer; begin Result := LVItemInsert( Count, aText ); end; function TControl.LVGetSttImgIdx(Idx: Integer): Integer; begin Result := Perform( LVM_GETITEMSTATE, Idx, LVIS_STATEIMAGEMASK ) shr 12; end; procedure TControl.LVSetSttImgIdx(Idx: Integer; const Value: Integer); var LVI: TLVItem; begin LVI.stateMask := LVIS_STATEIMAGEMASK; LVI.state := Value shl 12; Perform( LVM_SETITEMSTATE, Idx, Integer( @LVI ) ); end; function TControl.LVGetOvlImgIdx(Idx: Integer): Integer; begin Result := Perform( LVM_GETITEMSTATE, Idx, LVIS_OVERLAYMASK ) shr 8; end; procedure TControl.LVSetOvlImgIdx(Idx: Integer; const Value: Integer); var LVI: TLVItem; begin LVI.stateMask := LVIS_OVERLAYMASK; LVI.state := Value shl 8; Perform( LVM_SETITEMSTATE, Idx, Integer( @LVI ) ); end; function TControl.LVGetItemData(Idx: Integer): DWORD; var LVI: TLVItem; begin LVI.mask := LVIF_PARAM; LVI.iItem := Idx; LVI.iSubItem := 0; Perform( LVM_GETITEM, 0, Integer( @LVI ) ); Result := LVI.lParam; end; procedure TControl.LVSetItemData(Idx: Integer; const Value: DWORD); var LVI: TLVItem; begin LVI.mask := LVIF_PARAM; LVI.iItem := Idx; LVI.iSubItem := 0; LVI.lParam := Value; Perform( LVM_SETITEM, 0, Integer( @LVI ) ); end; function TControl.LVGetItemIndent(Idx: Integer): Integer; var LI: TLVItem; begin LI.mask := LVIF_INDENT; LI.iItem := Idx; LI.iSubItem := 0; Perform( LVM_GETITEM, 0, Integer( @LI ) ); Result := LI.iIndent; end; procedure TControl.LVSetItemIndent(Idx: Integer; const Value: Integer); var LI: TLVItem; begin LI.mask := LVIF_INDENT or LVIF_DI_SETITEM; LI.iItem := Idx; LI.iSubItem := 0; LI.iIndent := Value; Perform( LVM_SETITEM, 0, Integer( @LI ) ); end; type TNMLISTVIEW = packed Record hdr: TNMHDR; iItem: Integer; iSubItem: Integer; uNewState: Integer; uOldState: Integer; uChanged: Integer; ptAction: Integer; lParam: DWORD; end; PNMLISTVIEW = ^TNMLISTVIEW; function WndProc_LVDeleteItem( Sender: PControl; var Msg: TMsg; var Rslt: Integer ) : Boolean; var Hdr: PNMHDR; LV: PNMListView; begin Result := FALSE; if Msg.message = WM_NOTIFY then begin Hdr := Pointer(Msg.lParam); if Hdr.hwndFrom = Sender.Handle then begin LV := Pointer( Hdr ); if Hdr.code = LVN_DELETEITEM then begin {$IFDEF NIL_EVENTS} if Assigned( Sender.EV.fOnDeleteLVItem ) then {$ENDIF} Sender.EV.fOnDeleteLVItem( Sender, LV.iItem ); Result := TRUE; end else if Hdr.code = LVN_DELETEALLITEMS then begin if Assigned( Sender.DF.fOnDeleteAllLVItems ) then begin Sender.DF.fOnDeleteAllLVItems( Sender ); Rslt := 0; if Assigned( Sender.EV.fOnDeleteLVItem ) then Rslt := 1; end; Result := TRUE; end; end; end; end; procedure TControl.SetOnDeleteAllLVItems(const Value: TOnEvent); begin DF.fOnDeleteAllLVItems := Value; AttachProc( @WndProc_LVDeleteItem ); end; procedure TControl.SetOnDeleteLVItem(const Value: TOnDeleteLVItem); begin {$IFDEF EVENTS_DYNAMIC} ProvideUniqueEvents {$ELSE} EV {$ENDIF} .fOnDeleteLVItem := Value; AttachProc( @WndProc_LVDeleteItem ); end; function WndProc_LVData( Sender: PControl; var Msg: TMsg; var Rslt: Integer ) : Boolean; var Hdr: PNMHDR; DI: PLVDispInfo; Store: Boolean; Txt: KOL_String; LV: PControl; begin Result := FALSE; if Msg.message = WM_NOTIFY then begin Hdr := Pointer(Msg.lParam); if Hdr.hwndFrom = Sender.Handle then begin if (Hdr.code = LVN_GETDISPINFO) {$IFDEF UNICODE_CTRLS} or (Hdr.code = LVN_GETDISPINFOW) {$ENDIF UNICODE_CTRLS} then begin DI := Pointer( Hdr ); LV := Sender; if LV <> nil then begin Txt := ''; DI.item.iImage := -1; DI.item.state := 0; if {$IFDEF NIL_EVENTS} Assigned( LV.EV.fOnLVData ) and {$ENDIF} (DI.item.iItem >= 0) then begin Store := FALSE; LV.EV.fOnLVData( LV, DI.item.iItem, DI.item.iSubItem, Txt, DI.item.iImage, DWORD( DI.item.state ), Store ); LV.fCaption := Txt; DI.item.pszText := PKOL_Char( PKOLChar( LV.fCaption ) ); if Store then DI.item.mask := DI.item.mask or LVIF_DI_SETITEM; end; Result := TRUE; end; end; end; end; end; procedure TControl.SetOnLVData(const Value: TOnLVData); begin {$IFDEF EVENTS_DYNAMIC} ProvideUniqueEvents {$ELSE} EV {$ENDIF} .fOnLVData := Value; AttachProc( @WndProc_LVData ); Perform( LVM_SETCALLBACKMASK, LVIS_OVERLAYMASK or LVIS_STATEIMAGEMASK, 0 ); end; {$IFDEF ENABLE_DEPRECATED} {$DEFINE implementation} {$I KOL_deprecated.inc} {$UNDEF implementation} {$ENDIF DISABLE_DEPRECATED} function WndProc_LVCustomDraw( Sender: PControl; var Msg: TMsg; var Rslt: Integer ): Boolean; var NMCustDraw: PNMLVCustomDraw; NMHdr: PNMHdr; ItemIdx, SubItemIdx: Integer; S: TListViewItemState; ItemState: TDrawState; begin Result := FALSE; if Msg.message = WM_NOTIFY then begin NMHdr := Pointer( Msg.lParam ); if (NMHdr.code = NM_CUSTOMDRAW) {$IFDEF NIL_EVENTS} and Assigned( Sender.EV.fOnLVCustomDraw ) {$ENDIF} then begin NMCustDraw := Pointer( Msg.lParam ); ItemIdx := -1; SubItemIdx := -1; if LongBool( NMCustDraw.nmcd.dwDrawStage and CDDS_ITEM ) then ItemIdx := NMCustDraw.nmcd.dwItemSpec; if LongBool( NMCustDraw.nmcd.dwDrawStage and CDDS_SUBITEM ) then SubItemIdx := NMCustDraw.iSubItem; ItemState := [ ]; if ItemIdx >= 0 then begin S := Sender.LVItemState[ ItemIdx ]; if lvisFocus in S then include( ItemState, odsFocused ); if lvisSelect in S then include( ItemState, odsSelected ); if lvisBlend in S then include( ItemState, odsGrayed ); if lvisHighlight in S then include( ItemState, odsMarked ); end; Rslt := Sender.EV.FOnLVCustomDraw( Sender, {Sender.fPaintDC} NMCustDraw.nmcd.hdc, NMCustDraw.nmcd.dwDrawStage, ItemIdx, SubItemIdx, NMCustDraw.nmcd.rc, ItemState, TColor( NMCustDraw.clrText ), TColor( NMCustDraw.clrTextBk ) ); Result := TRUE; end; end; end; procedure TControl.SetOnLVCustomDraw(const Value: TOnLVCustomDraw); begin {$IFDEF EVENTS_DYNAMIC} ProvideUniqueEvents {$ELSE} EV {$ENDIF} .fOnLVCustomDraw := Value; AttachProc( @WndProc_LVCustomDraw ); end; function CompareLVItems( Idx1, Idx2: Integer; ListView: PControl ): Integer; stdcall; begin {$IFDEF NIL_EVENTS} if Assigned( ListView.EV.fOnCompareLVItems ) then {$ENDIF} Result := ListView.EV.fOnCompareLVItems( ListView, Idx1, Idx2 ) {$IFDEF NIL_EVENTS} else Result := 0 {$ENDIF} ; end; procedure TControl.LVSort; begin Perform( LVM_SORTITEMSEX, Integer(@Self), Integer(@CompareLVItems) ); end; function CompareLVItemsData( D1, D2: DWORD; ListView: PControl ): Integer; stdcall; begin {$IFDEF NIL_EVENTS} if Assigned( ListView.EV.fOnCompareLVItems ) then {$ENDIF} Result := ListView.EV.fOnCompareLVItems( ListView, D1, D2 ) {$IFDEF NIL_EVENTS} else Result := 0 {$ENDIF} ; end; procedure TControl.LVSortData; begin Perform( LVM_SORTITEMS, Integer( @Self ), Integer( @CompareLVItemsData ) ); end; function WndProc_LVColumnClick( Sender: PControl; var Msg: TMsg; var Rslt: Integer ) : Boolean; var Hdr: PNMHDR; LV: PNMListView; begin Result := FALSE; if Msg.message = WM_NOTIFY then begin Hdr := Pointer(Msg.lParam); if Hdr.hwndFrom = Sender.Handle then begin LV := Pointer( Hdr ); if Hdr.code = LVN_COLUMNCLICK then begin {$IFDEF NIL_EVENTS} if Assigned( Sender.EV.fOnColumnClick ) then {$ENDIF} Sender.EV.fOnColumnClick( Sender, LV.iSubItem ); Result := TRUE; end; end; end; end; procedure TControl.SetOnColumnClick(const Value: TOnLVColumnClick); begin {$IFDEF EVENTS_DYNAMIC} ProvideUniqueEvents {$ELSE} EV {$ENDIF} .fOnColumnClick := Value; AttachProc( @WndProc_LVColumnClick ); end; function WndProc_LVStateChange( Sender: PControl; var Msg: TMsg; var R: Integer ): Boolean; var NMOD: PNMLVODStateChange; NMLV: PNMLISTVIEW; begin if Msg.message = WM_NOTIFY then begin NMOD := Pointer( Msg.lParam ); NMLV := Pointer( Msg.lParam ); if NMOD.hdr.code = LVN_ODSTATECHANGED then begin {$IFDEF NIL_EVENTS} if Assigned( Sender.EV.fOnLVStateChange ) then {$ENDIF} Sender.EV.fOnLVStateChange( Sender, NMOD.iFrom, NMOD.iTo, NMOD.uOldState, NMOD.uNewState ); end else if NMLV.hdr.code = LVN_ITEMCHANGED then begin {$IFDEF NIL_EVENTS} if Assigned( Sender.EV.fOnLVStateChange ) then {$ENDIF} Sender.EV.fOnLVStateChange( Sender, NMLV.iItem, NMLV.iItem, NMLV.uOldState, NMLV.uNewState ); end; end; Result := FALSE; end; procedure TControl.SetOnLVStateChange(const Value: TOnLVStateChange); begin {$IFDEF EVENTS_DYNAMIC} ProvideUniqueEvents {$ELSE} EV {$ENDIF} .FOnLVStateChange := Value; AttachProc( WndProc_LVStateChange ); end; function CompareLVColumns( Idx1, Idx2: Integer; Sender: PControl ): Integer; stdcall; var S1, S2: KOLString; begin //--- changed by Mike Gerasimov: S1 := Sender.LVItems[ Idx1, Sender.DF.fColumn ]; S2 := Sender.LVItems[ Idx2, Sender.DF.fColumn ]; If lvoSortAscending in Sender.DF.fLVOptions Then Result := AnsiCompareStrNoCase( S1, S2 ) Else If lvoSortDescending in Sender.DF.fLVOptions Then Result := AnsiCompareStrNoCase( S2, S1 ) Else Result:=0; end; procedure TControl.LVSortColumn(Idx: Integer); begin DF.fColumn := Idx; Perform( LVM_SORTITEMSEX, Integer(@Self), Integer(@CompareLVColumns) ); end; function TControl.LVIndexOf(const S: KOLString): Integer; begin Result := LVSearchFor( S, -1, FALSE ); end; function TControl.LVSearchFor(const S: KOLString; StartAfter: Integer; Partial: Boolean): Integer; var f: TLVFindInfo; begin f.lParam := 0; f.flags := LVFI_STRING; if Partial then f.flags := LVFI_STRING or LVFI_PARTIAL; f.psz := @s[1]; result := Perform(LVM_FINDITEM,StartAfter,integer(@f)); end; function WndProcLVMeasureItem( Sender: PControl; var Msg: TMsg; var Rslt: Integer ): Boolean; var pMI: PMeasureItemStruct; P: PControl; H: Integer; wId: DWORD; i: Integer; begin Result := FALSE; if Msg.message = WM_MEASUREITEM then begin pMI := Pointer(Msg.lParam); with pMI^ do begin for i:=0 to Sender.ChildCount-1 do begin P := Sender.Children[i]; if P <> nil then begin wId := GetWindowLong(P.Handle,GWL_ID); if CtlID = wId then begin H := P.Perform(WM_MEASUREITEM,0,0); if H > 0 then begin itemHeight := H; Rslt:=1; Result := TRUE; end; break; end; end; end; end; end; end; function WndProcLVMeasureItem2( Sender: PControl; var Msg: TMsg; var Rslt: Integer ): Boolean; begin Result := FALSE; if (Msg.message = WM_MEASUREITEM) and (Msg.wParam = 0) then begin Rslt := Sender.DF.fLVItemHeight; Result := TRUE; end; end; function TControl.SetLVItemHeight(Value: Integer): PControl; begin Set_LVItemHeight( Value ); Result := @ Self; end; procedure TControl.Set_LVItemHeight(Value: Integer); begin if DF.fLVItemHeight <> Value then begin if DF.fLVItemHeight = 0 then begin Parent.AttachProc(WndProcLVMeasureItem); AttachProc(WndProcLVMeasureItem2); end; DF.fLVItemHeight := Value; end; end; function TControl.IndexOf(const S: KOLString): Integer; begin Result := SearchFor( S, -1, FALSE ); end; function TControl.SearchFor(const S: KOLString; StartAfter: Integer; Partial: Boolean): Integer; var Cmd: Integer; I: Integer; begin Cmd := fCommandActions.aFindItem; if Partial then Cmd := fCommandActions.aFindPartial; if Cmd <> 0 then Result := Perform( Cmd, StartAfter, Integer( PKOLChar( S ) ) ) else begin Result := -1; for I := StartAfter+1 to Count-1 do begin if Partial and ( Copy( Items[ I ], 1, Length( S ) ) = S ) or ( Items[ I ] = S ) then begin Result := I; break; end; end; end; end; {$UNDEF ASM_LOCAL} {$IFDEF ASM_VERSION} {$IFDEF USE_FLAGS} {$IFDEF EVENTS_DYNAMIC} //{$IFNDEF NIL_EVENTS} {$IFNDEF CLICK_DEFAULT_CANCEL_BTN_DIRECTLY} {$DEFINE ASM_LOCAL} {$ENDIF CLICK_DEFAULT_CANCEL_BTN_DIRECTLY} //{$ENDIF NIL_EVENTS} {$ENDIF EVENTS_DYNAMIC} {$ENDIF USE_FLAGS} {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION} {$IFDEF ASM_LOCAL} function TControl.DefaultBtnProc(var Msg: TMsg; var Rslt: Integer): Boolean; asm PUSH EBX PUSH ESI PUSH EDI PUSH ECX // save @Rslt PUSH EDX // save Msg MOV EBX, EDX // EBX = @ Msg XCHG ESI, EAX // ESI = @ Self MOV EAX, [ESI].TControl.EV MOV EDI, [EAX].TEvents.fOldOnMessage.TMethod.Code MOV EAX, [EAX].TEvents.fOldOnMessage.TMethod.Data {$IFDEF NIL_EVENTS} TEST EDI, EDI JZ @@cont {$ELSE} {$ENDIF} CALL EDI TEST AL, AL JNZ @@exit1 @@cont: CMP [AppletTerminated], AL JNZ @@exit MOV AX, word ptr [EBX].TMsg.message //SUB AX, WM_KEYDOWN DEC AH CMP AX, WM_CHAR - WM_KEYDOWN JA @@exit XCHG EAX, EBX MOV EBX, [EAX].TMsg.message SHL EBX, 16 MOV BL, byte ptr [EAX].TMsg.wParam CMP BL, 13 JE @@ok1327 CMP BL, 27 JNE @@exit @@ok1327: MOV EDI, [Applet] TEST [EDI].TControl.fFlagsG3, 1 shl G3_IsForm JNZ @@1 MOV EDI, [EDI].DF.fCurrentControl @@1: TEST EDI, EDI JZ @@exit PUSH EBP XOR EBP, EBP // Btn := nil; MOV BH, 13 MOV EDX, offset[DFLT_BTN] @@findButton: MOV EAX, EDI CALL TControl.Get_Prop_Int TEST EAX, EAX JZ @@notFromProp CMP BL, BH JNZ @@notFromProp MOV EBP, EAX CALL TControl.GetToBeVisible TEST AL, AL JZ @@notFromProp MOV EAX, EBP CALL TControl.GetEnabled TEST AL, AL JZ @@notFromProp CMP BL, 13 JNZ @@yesFound MOV ECX, [EDI].TControl.DF.fCurrentControl JECXZ @@yesFound TEST word ptr [ECX].TControl.fFlagsG5, (1 shl G6_CancelBtn) shl 8 or(1 shl G5_IgnoreDefault) JZ @@yesFound CMP EBP, ECX JZ @@yesFound @@notFromProp: XOR EBP, EBP CMP BL, 13 JNZ @@notFound MOV AL, [EDI].TControl.DF.fAllBtnReturnClick OR AL, [ESI].TControl.DF.fAllBtnReturnClick JZ @@notFound MOV ECX, [EDI].DF.fCurrentControl JECXZ @@notFound MOV AL, [ECX].TControl.fFlagsG5 AND AL, (1 shl G5_IsButton) or (1 shl G5_IsGroupbox) CMP AL, (1 shl G5_IsButton) JNZ @@notFound MOV EBP, EAX CALL TControl.GetToBeVisible TEST AL, AL JNZ @@yesFound @@notFound: XOR EBP, EBP @@yesFound: CMP BH, 13 MOV BH, 27 MOV EDX, offset[CNCL_BTN] JNZ @@check_Found TEST EBP, EBP JZ @@findButton @@check_Found: MOV ECX, EBP POP EBP JECXZ @@exit MOV ESI, ECX XCHG EAX, ECX SHR EBX, 16 CMP BX, WM_KEYDOWN JNZ @@doclick MOV DL, 1 CALL TControl.SetFocused @@doclick: POP EDI POP EBX PUSH [EDI].TMsg.lParam PUSH 32 PUSH [EDI].TMsg.message PUSH ESI CALL TControl.Perform XOR EAX, EAX AND [EDI].TMsg.wParam, EAX AND [EBX], EAX INC EAX PUSH EAX PUSH EAX JMP @@exit1 @@exit: XOR EAX, EAX @@exit1: POP EDX POP ECX POP EDI POP ESI POP EBX end; {$ELSE PAS_VERSION} function TControl.DefaultBtnProc(var Msg: TMsg; var Rslt: Integer): Boolean; var Btn: PControl; F: PControl; procedure FindBtn( key: Word; s: PKOLChar; for_dflt: Boolean ); var Ctl: PControl; begin Ctl := Pointer( F.PropInt[ s ] ); if (Msg.wParam = key) and (Ctl <> nil) and Ctl.ToBeVisible and Ctl.Enabled and ( not for_dflt or for_dflt and ( (F.DF.fCurrentControl=nil) or ({$IFDEF USE_FLAGS} not(G6_CancelBtn in F.DF.fCurrentControl.fFlagsG6) {$ELSE} not F.DF.fCurrentControl.fCancelBtn {$ENDIF} and {$IFDEF USE_FLAGS} not(G5_IgnoreDefault in F.DF.fCurrentControl.fFlagsG5) {$ELSE} not F.DF.fCurrentControl.fIgnoreDefault {$ENDIF}) or (F.DF.fCurrentControl = Ctl) ) ) then Btn := Ctl else if for_dflt AND (Msg.wParam = VK_RETURN) and (F.DF.fAllBtnReturnClick or DF.fAllBtnReturnClick) and (F.ActiveControl <> nil) and (F.ActiveControl.ToBeVisible) and {$IFDEF USE_FLAGS} (G5_IsButton in F.ActiveControl.fFlagsG5) and not(G5_IsGroupbox in F.ActiveControl.fFlagsG5) {$ELSE} (F.ActiveControl.IsButton and not F.ActiveControl.fIsGroupbox) {$ENDIF} {and (F.ActiveControl.Count = 0)} then Btn := F.ActiveControl; end; begin {$IFDEF NIL_EVENTS} if Assigned( EV.fOldOnMessage ) then {$ENDIF} begin Result := EV.fOldOnMessage( Msg, Rslt ); if Result then Exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} end; Result := FALSE; if AppletTerminated then Exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} F := Applet; if {$IFDEF USE_FLAGS} not(G3_IsForm in F.fFlagsG3) {$ELSE} not F.fIsForm {$ENDIF} then F := F.DF.fCurrentControl; if F = nil then Exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} Btn := nil; if //((Msg.message = WM_KEYDOWN) or (Msg.message = WM_KEYUP) or (Msg.message = WM_CHAR)) and ((Msg.message >= WM_KEYDOWN) and (Msg.message <= WM_CHAR)) and ((Msg.wParam = VK_RETURN) or (Msg.wParam = VK_ESCAPE)) then begin FindBtn( VK_RETURN, @DFLT_BTN, TRUE ); FindBtn( VK_ESCAPE, @CNCL_BTN, FALSE ); if Btn <> nil then begin if Msg.message = WM_KEYDOWN then begin {$IFDEF CLICK_DEFAULT_CANCEL_BTN_DIRECTLY} {$IFDEF NIL_EVENTS} if Assigned( Btn.EV.fOnClick ) then {$ENDIF} Btn.EV.fOnClick( Btn ); {$ELSE} Btn.Focused := TRUE; {$ENDIF} end; {$IFDEF CLICK_DEFAULT_CANCEL_BTN_DIRECTLY} {$ELSE} Btn.Perform( Msg.message, DWORD( ' ' ), Msg.lParam ); {$ENDIF} Msg.wParam := 0; Result := TRUE; Rslt := 0; Exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} end end; Result := FALSE; end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION} {$UNDEF ASM_LOCAL} {$IFDEF ASM_VERSION} {$IFDEF USE_FLAGS} {$IFNDEF DEFAULT_CANCEL_BTN_EXCLUSIVE} {$IFDEF EVENTS_DYNAMIC} {$DEFINE ASM_LOCAL} {$ENDIF EVENTS_DYNAMIC} {$ENDIF DEFAULT_CANCEL_BTN_EXCLUSIVE} {$ENDIF USE_FLAGS} {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION} {$IFDEF ASM_LOCAL} procedure TControl.SetDefaultBtn(const Index: Integer; const Value: Boolean); asm PUSH EBX PUSH EDI PUSH ESI MOV BL, DL // index MOV BH, CL // value MOV ESI, EAX // @Self ADD ECX, ECX // DL = 2 CMP BL, 13 JZ @@1 CMP BL, 27 JNZ @@2 ADD ECX, ECX // DL := Index = 13 ? 2 : 4 @@1: CMP BH, 0 JNZ @@set_flag NOT CL AND [ESI].fFlagsG6, CL MOV CL, 0 @@set_flag: OR [ESI].fFlagsG6, CL @@2: CMP [Applet], 0 JZ @@exit CALL TControl.ParentForm TEST EAX, EAX JZ @@exit XCHG EDI, EAX // EDI = ParentForm MOV AL, BH SHR EAX, 1 SBB ECX, ECX AND ECX, ESI // ECX = Value ? @ Self : 0 MOV EDX, offset[DFLT_BTN] CMP BL, 13 JZ @@3 MOV EDX, offset[CNCL_BTN] @@3: XCHG EAX, EDI CALL TControl.Set_Prop_Int {$IFnDEF NO_DEFAULT_BUTTON_BOLD} XCHG EAX, ESI //---- ������ @Self �� ����� MOV EDX, [EAX].TControl.fStyle AND DL, not BS_DEFPUSHBUTTON //---- BS_DEFPUSHBUTTON = 1, BH = Value = 1 : 0 OR DL, BH CALL TControl.SetStyle {$ENDIF} TEST BH, BH MOV ESI, [Applet] // ESI = Applet MOV EBX, [ESI].TControl.EV JZ @@notValue MOV EDX, [EBX].TEvents.fOnMessage.TMethod.Code CMP EDX, offset[TControl.DefaultBtnProc] JZ @@setDefaultBtnProc MOV [EBX].TEvents.fOldOnMessage.TMethod.Code, EDX MOV EDX, [EBX].TEvents.fOnMessage.TMethod.Data MOV [EBX].TEvents.fOldOnMessage.TMethod.Data, EDX @@setDefaultBtnProc: MOV [EBX].TEvents.fOnMessage.TMethod.Code, offset[TControl.DefaultBtnProc] MOV [EBX].TEvents.fOnMessage.TMethod.Data, ESI JMP @@exit @@notValue: LEA ESI, [EBX].TEvents.fOldOnMessage LEA EDI, [EBX].TEvents.fOnMessage MOVSD MOVSD MOV [EBX].TEvents.fOldOnMessage.TMethod.Code, offset[DummyProc123_0] @@exit: POP ESI POP EDI POP EBX end; {$ELSE notASM_VERSION} procedure TControl.SetDefaultBtn(const Index: Integer; const Value: Boolean); var F, C: PControl; begin if Index = 13 then begin {$IFDEF USE_FLAGS} if Value then include( fFlagsG6, G6_DefaultBtn ) else exclude( fFlagsG6, G6_DefaultBtn ); {$ELSE} fDefaultBtn := Value; {$ENDIF} {$IFDEF DEFAULT_CANCEL_BTN_EXCLUSIVE} {$IFDEF USE_FLAGS} Exclude( fFlagsG6, G6_CancelBtn ); {$ELSE} fCancelBtn := FALSE; {$ENDIF} {$ENDIF} end else if Index = 27 then // this check is necessary still could be Index = 0 to reset both ! begin {$IFDEF USE_FLAGS} if Value then include( fFlagsG6, G6_CancelBtn ) else exclude( fFlagsG6, G6_CancelBtn ); {$ELSE} fCancelBtn := Value; {$ENDIF} {$IFDEF DEFAULT_CANCEL_BTN_EXCLUSIVE} {$IFDEF USE_FLAGS} Exclude( fFlagsG6, G6_DefaultBtn ); {$ELSE} fDefaultBtn := FALSE; {$ENDIF} {$ENDIF} end; if Applet = nil then Exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} F := ParentForm; if F <> nil then begin C := nil; if Value then C := @ Self; if Index = 13 then begin F.PropInt[ @DFLT_BTN ] := Integer( C ); {$IFDEF NO_DEFAULT_BUTTON_BOLD} {$ELSE} if Value then Style := fStyle.Value or BS_DEFPUSHBUTTON else Style := fStyle.Value and not BS_DEFPUSHBUTTON; {$ENDIF} end else if Index = 27 then F.PropInt[ @CNCL_BTN ] := Integer( C ); if Value then begin if @ Applet.EV.fOnMessage <> @ TControl.DefaultBtnProc then Applet.EV.fOldOnMessage := Applet.EV.fOnMessage; // fixed by YS Applet.EV.fOnMessage := Applet.DefaultBtnProc; end else begin Applet.EV.fOnMessage := Applet.EV.fOldOnMessage; Applet.EV.fOldOnMessage := {$IFDEF SAFEST_CODE} TOnMessage( MakeMethod( nil, @ DummyProc123_0 ) ) {$ELSE} nil {$ENDIF}; end; end; end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION} function TControl.GetDefaultBtn(const Index: Integer): Boolean; begin CASE Index OF 13 : Result := {$IFDEF USE_FLAGS} G6_DefaultBtn in fFlagsG6 {$ELSE} fDefaultBtn {$ENDIF}; else Result := {$IFDEF USE_FLAGS} G6_CancelBtn in fFlagsG6 {$ELSE} fCancelBtn {$ENDIF}; END; end; function TControl.AllBtnReturnClick: PControl; {$IFDEF ALL_BUTTONS_RESPOND_TO_ENTER} begin // nothing: already implemented in WndProcBtnReturnClick Result := @ Self; end; {$ELSE} var F: PControl; begin {$IFDEF SAFE_CODE} if {$IFDEF USE_FLAGS} [G3_IsForm, G3_IsApplet] * fFlagsG3 <> [] {$ELSE} fIsForm or fIsApplet {$ENDIF} then {$ENDIF} begin SetDefaultBtn( 0, TRUE ); F := ParentForm; if F <> nil then F.DF.fAllBtnReturnClick := TRUE; end; Result := @ Self; end; {$ENDIF} function WndProc_CNDrawItem( Sender: PControl; var Msg: TMsg; var Rslt: Integer ) : Boolean; type PDrawAction = ^TDrawAction; PDrawState = ^TDrawState; var DI: PDrawItemStruct; begin Result := FALSE; if Msg.message = CN_DRAWITEM then begin DI := Pointer( Msg.lParam ); {$IFDEF NIL_EVENTS} if Assigned( Sender.EV.fOnDrawItem ) then {$ENDIF} begin if Sender.EV.fOnDrawItem( Sender, DI.hDC, DI.rcItem, DI.itemID, PDrawAction( @ DI.itemAction )^, PDrawState( @ DI.itemState )^ ) then Rslt := 1 else Rslt := 0; Result := TRUE; end {$IFDEF NIL_EVENTS} else Rslt := 0 {$ENDIF} ; end; end; procedure TControl.SetOnDrawItem(const Value: TOnDrawItem); begin {$IFDEF EVENTS_DYNAMIC} ProvideUniqueEvents {$ELSE} EV {$ENDIF} .fOnDrawItem := Value; if Parent <> nil then Parent.AttachProc( @WndProc_DrawItem ); AttachProc( @WndProc_CNDrawItem ); end; function WndProc_MeasureItem( Sender: PControl; var Msg: TMsg; var Rslt: Integer ) : Boolean; var MI: PMeasureItemStruct; Control: PControl; I: Integer; begin Result := FALSE; if Msg.message = WM_MEASUREITEM then begin MI := Pointer( Msg.lParam ); for I := 0 to Sender.ChildCount - 1 do begin Control := Sender.Children[ I ]; if Control.Menu = MI.CtlID then begin {$IFDEF NIL_EVENTS} if Assigned( Control.EV.fOnMeasureItem ) then {$ENDIF} begin MI.itemHeight := Control.EV.fOnMeasureItem( Control, MI.itemID ); if MI.itemHeight > 0 then begin Rslt := 1; Result := TRUE; end; end; break; end; end; end; end; procedure TControl.SetOnMeasureItem(const Value: TOnMeasureItem); begin {$IFDEF EVENTS_DYNAMIC} ProvideUniqueEvents {$ELSE} EV {$ENDIF} .fOnMeasureItem := Value; if Parent <> nil then Parent.AttachProc( @WndProc_MeasureItem ); end; function TControl.GetItemData(Idx: Integer): DWORD; begin Result := 0; if fCommandActions.aGetItemData <> 0 then Result := Perform( fCommandActions.aGetItemData, Idx, 0 ); end; procedure TControl.SetItemData(Idx: Integer; const Value: DWORD); begin if fCommandActions.aSetItemData <> 0 then Perform( fCommandActions.aSetItemData, Idx, Value ); end; function TControl.GetLVCurItem: Integer; begin Result := Perform( LVM_GETNEXTITEM, -1, LVNI_SELECTED ); end; procedure TControl.SetLVCurItem(const Value: Integer); begin if (lvoMultiselect in LVOptions) or (Value <> LVCurItem ) then LVItemState[ -1 ] := [ ]; if Value >= 0 then LVItemState[ Value ] := [ lvisSelect, lvisFocus ]; end; function TControl.LVNextItem(IdxPrev: Integer; Attrs: DWORD): Integer; begin Result := Perform( LVM_GETNEXTITEM, IdxPrev, Attrs ); end; function TControl.LVNextSelected(IdxPrev: Integer): Integer; begin Result := Perform( LVM_GETNEXTITEM, IdxPrev, LVNI_SELECTED ); end; function TControl.GetLVFocusItem: Integer; begin Result := Perform( LVM_GETNEXTITEM, -1, LVNI_FOCUSED ); end; procedure TControl.Close; begin PostMessage( Handle, WM_CLOSE, 0, 0 ); end; function WndProcMinimize( Sender: PControl; var Msg: TMsg; var Rslt: Integer ): Boolean; var Wnd: PControl; begin Result := FALSE; if (Msg.message = WM_SYSCOMMAND) and ((Msg.wParam and $FFF0) = SC_MINIMIZE)then begin if Applet <> nil then begin Wnd := Pointer( Applet.PropInt[ @MIN_WND ] ); // fMinimizeWnd; if Wnd <> nil then SetWindowPos( Applet.Handle, 0, Wnd.Left, Wnd.Top, Wnd.Width, 0, SWP_NOZORDER or SWP_NOREDRAW); end; end; end; function WndProcRestore( Self_: PControl; var Msg: TMsg; var Rslt: Integer ): Boolean; begin Result := FALSE; CASE Msg.message OF WM_SHOWWINDOW: begin case Msg.lParam of SW_PARENTCLOSING: begin if IsIconic( Self_.fHandle ) then Self_.DF.fShowAction := SW_SHOWMINNOACTIVE else if IsZoomed( Self_.fHandle ) then Self_.DF.fShowAction := SW_SHOWMAXIMIZED else Self_.DF.fShowAction := SW_SHOWNOACTIVATE; end; SW_PARENTOPENING: begin if Self_.DF.fShowAction <> 0 then begin ShowWindow( Self_.fHandle, Self_.DF.fShowAction ); Self_.DF.fShowAction := 0; end; Rslt := 0; end; end; end; END; end; procedure TControl.MinimizeNormalAnimated; var App: PControl; begin App := Applet; if App = nil then App := @Self; App.PropInt[ @MIN_WND ] // fMinimizeWnd := Integer( @Self ); App.AttachProc( @WndProcMinimize ); AttachProc( @WndProcRestore ); end; procedure TControl.RestoreNormalMaximized; begin AttachProc( @WndProcRestore ); end; function WndProcDropFiles( Sender: PControl; var Msg: TMsg; var Rslt: Integer ): Boolean; var hDrop: THandle; Pt: TPoint; FList: KOLString; I, N: Integer; Buf: array[ 0..MAX_PATH ] of KOLChar; begin if Msg.message = WM_DROPFILES then if TMethod(Sender.EV.fOnDropFiles).Code <> nil then begin hDrop := Msg.wParam; DragQueryPoint( hDrop, Pt ); N := DragQueryFile( hDrop, $FFFFffff, nil, 0 ); FList := ''; for I := 0 to N-1 do begin if FList <> '' then FList := FList + #13; DragQueryFile( hDrop, I, Buf, Sizeof( Buf ) ); FList := FList + KOLString(Buf); end; DragFinish( hDrop ); Sender.EV.FOnDropFiles( Sender, FList, Pt ); Rslt := 0; Result := TRUE; Exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} end; Result := FALSE; end; procedure TControl.SetOnDropFiles(const Value: TOnDropFiles); begin {$IFDEF EVENTS_DYNAMIC} ProvideUniqueEvents {$ELSE} EV {$ENDIF} .FOnDropFiles := Value; AttachProc( @WndProcDropFiles ); DragAcceptFiles( GetWindowHandle, Assigned( Value ) ); end; function WndProcShowHide( Sender: PControl; var Msg: TMsg; var Rslt: Integer ): Boolean; var IsVisible: Boolean; begin if Msg.message = WM_SHOWWINDOW then if Msg.hwnd = Sender.Handle then begin IsVisible := IsWindowVisible( Sender.Handle ); if LongBool( Msg.wParam ) then begin {$IFDEF USE_FLAGS} include( Sender.fStyle.f3_Style, F3_Visible ); {$ELSE} Sender.fVisible := TRUE; {$ENDIF} if not IsVisible then {$IFDEF NIL_EVENTS} if Assigned( Sender.EV.FOnShow ) then {$ENDIF} Sender.EV.FOnShow( Sender ); end else begin {$IFDEF USE_FLAGS} exclude( Sender.fStyle.f3_Style, F3_Visible ); {$ELSE} Sender.fVisible := FALSE; {$ENDIF} if IsVisible then {$IFDEF NIL_EVENTS} if Assigned( Sender.EV.FOnHide ) then {$ENDIF} Sender.EV.FOnHide( Sender ); end; end; Sender.UpdateWndStyles; Result := FALSE; end; procedure TControl.SetOnHide(const Value: TOnEvent); begin {$IFDEF EVENTS_DYNAMIC} ProvideUniqueEvents {$ELSE} EV {$ENDIF} .FOnHide := Value; AttachProc( WndProcShowHide ); end; procedure TControl.SetOnShow(const Value: TOnEvent); begin {$IFDEF EVENTS_DYNAMIC} ProvideUniqueEvents {$ELSE} EV {$ENDIF} .FOnShow := Value; AttachProc( WndProcShowHide ); end; function TControl.BringToFront: PControl; begin SetWindowPos( GetWindowHandle, HWND_TOP, 0, 0, 0, 0, SWP_NOSIZE or SWP_NOMOVE or SWP_NOACTIVATE or SWP_NOOWNERZORDER or SWP_SHOWWINDOW ); Result := @Self; end; function TControl.SendToBack: PControl; begin SetWindowPos( GetWindowHandle, HWND_BOTTOM, 0, 0, 0, 0, SWP_NOSIZE or SWP_NOMOVE or SWP_NOACTIVATE or SWP_NOOWNERZORDER ); Result := @Self; end; procedure TControl.DragStart; begin PostMessage( GetWindowHandle, WM_SYSCOMMAND, $F012, 0 ); end; function WndProcDragWindow( Sender: PControl; var Msg: TMsg; var Rslt: Integer ): Boolean; var P: TPoint; Delta: DWORD; dX, dY: Integer; begin if Msg.message = WM_MOUSEMOVE then begin if {$IFDEF USE_FLAGS} G6_Dragging in Sender.fFlagsG6 {$ELSE} Sender.FDragging {$ENDIF} then begin GetCursorPos( P ); Delta := Sender.PropInt[ @DRAG_XY ]; dX := SmallInt( LoWord( Delta ) ); dY := SmallInt( HiWord( Delta ) ); P.x := P.x + dX; // - Sender.fMouseStartPos.x + Sender.fDragStartPos.x; P.y := P.y + dY; // - Sender.fMouseStartPos.y + Sender.fDragStartPos.y; Sender.Position := P; end; end; Result := FALSE; end; procedure TControl.DragStartEx; var StartBounds: TRect; MSP: TPoint; dX, dY: Integer; Delta: Integer; begin {$IFNDEF SMALLEST_CODE} if {$IFDEF USE_FLAGS} G6_Dragging in fFlagsG6 {$ELSE} fDragging {$ENDIF} then Exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} {$ENDIF} GetCursorPos( MSP ); StartBounds := BoundsRect; dX := StartBounds.Left - MSP.X; dY := StartBounds.Top - MSP.Y; Delta := (dX and $FFFF) or (dY shl 16); PropInt[ @DRAG_XY ] := Delta; SetCapture( GetWindowHandle ); {$IFDEF USE_FLAGS} include( fFlagsG6, G6_Dragging ); {$ELSE} fDragging := TRUE; {$ENDIF} AttachProc( WndProcDragWindow ); end; procedure TControl.DragStopEx; begin if {$IFDEF USE_FLAGS} G6_Dragging in fFlagsG6 {$ELSE} FDragging {$ENDIF} then begin ReleaseCapture; {$IFDEF USE_FLAGS} exclude( fFlagsG6, G6_Dragging ); {$ELSE} FDragging := FALSE; {$ENDIF} end; end; function CallDragCallBack( Sender: PControl; var Stop: Boolean ): Boolean; var P: TPoint; Shape, ShapeWas: Integer; begin Sender.AttachProc( WndProcSetCursor ); GetCursorPos( P ); Shape := LoadCursor( 0, PKOLChar(IDC_HAND) ); ShapeWas := Shape; Result := Sender.EV.fDragCallback( Sender, P.x, P.y, Shape, Stop ); if not Stop then begin if not Result then if Shape = ShapeWas then Shape := LoadCursor( 0, IDC_NO ); ScreenCursor := Shape; end else begin ScreenCursor := 0; Shape := Sender.fCursor; end; Windows.SetCursor( Shape ); end; function WndProcDrag( Sender: PControl; var Msg: TMsg; var Rslt: Integer ): Boolean; var Stop: Boolean; begin if {$IFDEF USE_FLAGS} G6_Dragging in Sender.fFlagsG6 {$ELSE} Sender.fDragging {$ENDIF} then begin Stop := FALSE; case Msg.message of WM_MOUSEMOVE: CallDragCallBack( Sender, Stop ); WM_LBUTTONUP, WM_RBUTTONUP: begin Stop := TRUE; CallDragCallBack( Sender, Stop ); end; else Result := FALSE; Exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} end; if Stop then begin ReleaseCapture; {$IFDEF USE_FLAGS} exclude( Sender.fFlagsG6, G6_Dragging ); {$ELSE} Sender.fDragging := FALSE; {$ENDIF} end else begin Result := TRUE; exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} end; end; Result := FALSE; end; procedure TControl.DragItem(OnDrag: TOnDrag); begin EV.fDragCallback := OnDrag; {$IFDEF USE_FLAGS} include( fFlagsG6, G6_Dragging ); {$ELSE} fDragging := TRUE; {$ENDIF} SetCapture( GetWindowHandle ); AttachProc( WndProcDrag ); end; {$IFDEF USE_CONSTRUCTORS} //****************************************************// // constructor TControl.CreateWindowed(AParent: PControl; AClassName: PKOLChar; // ACtl3D: Boolean); // begin // CreateParented( AParent ); // fOnDynHandlers := WndProcDummy; // fWndProcKeybd := WndProcDummy; // //{-2.95}//fWndProcResizeFlicks := WndProcDummy; // fCommandActions.aClear := ClearText; // //fWindowed := True; // is set in TControl.Init fControlClassName := AClassName; // // fControlClick := DummyObjProc; // // fColor := clBtnFace; // fTextColor := clWindowText; // fMargin := 2; // fCtl3D := True; // fCtl3Dchild := True; // if AParent <> nil then // begin // //{-2.95}//fWndProcResizeFlicks := AParent.fWndProcResizeFlicks; // fGotoControl := AParent.fGotoControl; // {$IFDEF USE_FLAGS} exc fFlagsG2 := fFlagsG2 - [G2_DoubleBuffered, G2_Transparent] + (AParent.fFlagsG2 * [G2_DoubleBuffered, G2_Transparent]); {$ELSE} fDoubleBuffered := AParent.fDoubleBuffered; fTransparent := AParent.fTransparent; // {$ENDIF} fCtl3Dchild := AParent.fCtl3Dchild; // if AParent.fCtl3Dchild then // fCtl3D := ACtl3D // else fCtl3D := False; // fMargin := AParent.fMargin; // with fBoundsRect do // begin // Left := AParent.fMargin + AParent.fClientLeft; // Top := AParent.fMargin + AParent.fClientTop; // Right := Left + 64; // Bottom := Top + 64; // end; // fTextColor := AParent.fTextColor; // fFont := fFont.Assign( AParent.fFont ); // if fFont <> nil then // begin // fFont.fOnGTChange := FontChanged; // FontChanged( fFont ); // end; // fColor := AParent.fColor; // fBrush := fBrush.Assign( AParent.fBrush ); // if fBrush <> nil then // begin // fBrush.fOnGTChange := BrushChanged; // BrushChanged( fBrush ); // end; // end; // end; // // constructor TControl.CreateApplet(const ACaption: AnsiString); // begin // AppButtonUsed := True; // CreateWindowed( nil, 'App', TRUE ); // {$IFDEF USE_FLAGS} include( fFlagsG3, G3_IsApplet ); {$ELSE} FIsApplet := TRUE; {$ENDIF} fStyle := WS_VISIBLE or WS_SYSMENU or WS_POPUP or WS_MINIMIZEBOX // or WS_CAPTION; // fExStyle := WS_EX_APPWINDOW; // FCreateWndExt := CreateAppButton; // AttachProc( WndProcApp ); // Caption := ACaption; // end; // // constructor TControl.CreateForm(AParent: PControl; const ACaption: AnsiString); // begin // CreateWindowed( AParent, 'Form', TRUE ); // AttachProc( WndProcForm ); // AttachProc( WndProcDoEraseBkgnd ); // Caption := ACaption; // end; // // constructor TControl.CreateControl(AParent: PControl; AClassName: PAnsiChar; // AStyle: DWORD; ACtl3D: Boolean; Actions: PCommandActions); // var Form: PControl; // begin // CreateWindowed( AParent, AClassName, ACtl3D ); // if Actions <> nil then // fCommandActions := Actions^; // fIsControl := True; // fStyle := AStyle or WS_CLIPSIBLINGS or WS_CLIPCHILDREN; // fVisible := (Style and WS_VISIBLE) <> 0; // fTabstop := (Style and WS_TABSTOP) <> 0; // if (AParent <> nil) then // begin // Inc( AParent.ParentForm.fTabOrder ); // fTabOrder := AParent.ParentForm.fTabOrder; // end; // fLookTabKeys := [ tkTab, tkLeftRight, tkUpDown, tkPageUpPageDn ]; // if fCtl3D then // begin // fStyle := fStyle and not WS_BORDER; // fExStyle := fExStyle or WS_EX_CLIENTEDGE; // end; // if (Style and WS_TABSTOP) <> 0 then // begin // Form := ParentForm; // if Form <> nil then // if Form.FCurrentControl = nil then // Form.FCurrentControl := @Self; // end; // //fCreateParamsExt := CreateParams2; // fMenu := CtlIdCount; // Inc( CtlIdCount ); // AttachProc( WndProcCtrl ); // end; // // constructor TControl.CreateButton(AParent: PControl; // const ACaption: AnsiString); // begin // CreateControl( AParent, 'BUTTON', // WS_VISIBLE or WS_CHILD or // BS_PUSHLIKE or WS_TABSTOP, False, @ButtonActions ); // with fBoundsRect do // Bottom := Top + 22; // fTextAlign := taCenter; // Caption := ACaption; // end; // // constructor TControl.CreateBitBtn(AParent: PControl; // const ACaption: AnsiString; AOptions: TBitBtnOptions; ALayout: TGlyphLayout; // AGlyphBitmap: HBitmap; AGlyphCount: Integer); // var // B: TBitmapInfo; // W, H: Integer; // begin // CreateControl( AParent, 'BUTTON', WS_VISIBLE or WS_CHILD or // WS_TABSTOP or BS_OWNERDRAW, False, @ButtonActions ); // fBitBtnOptions := AOptions; // fGlyphLayout := ALayout; // fGlyphBitmap := AGlyphBitmap; // with fBoundsRect do // begin // Bottom := Top + 22; // W := 0; H := 0; // if AGlyphBitmap <> 0 then // begin // if bboImageList in AOptions then // ImageList_GetIconSize( AGlyphBitmap, W, H ) // else // begin // if GetObject( AGlyphBitmap, Sizeof(B), @B ) > 0 then // begin // W := B.bmiHeader.biWidth; // H := B.bmiHeader.biHeight; // if AGlyphCount = 0 then // AGlyphCount := W div H; // if AGlyphCount > 1 then // W := W div AGlyphCount; // end; // end; // if W > 0 then // if ACaption = '' then // Right := Left + W // else Right := Right + W; // if H > 0 then // Bottom := Top + H; // if not ( bboNoBorder in AOptions ) then // begin // if W > 0 then Inc( Right, 2 ); // if H > 0 then Inc( Bottom, 2 ); // end; // end; // fGlyphWidth := W; // fGlyphHeight := H; // end; // fGlyphCount := AGlyphCount; // if AParent <> nil then // AParent.AttachProc( WndProc_DrawItem ); // AttachProc( WndProcBitBtn ); // fTextAlign := taCenter; // Caption := ACaption; // end; // // constructor TControl.CreateLabel(AParent: PControl; // const ACaption: AnsiString); // begin // CreateControl( AParent, 'STATIC', WS_VISIBLE or WS_CHILD or // SS_LEFTNOWORDWRAP or SS_NOPREFIX or SS_NOTIFY, // False, @LabelActions ); aAutoSzX := 1; aAutoSzY := 1; {$IFDEF USE_FLAGS} fFlagsG1 := fFlagsG1 + [G1_SizeRedraw, G1_IsStaticControl]; {$ELSE} fSizeRedraw := True; fIsStaticControl := 1; // {$ENDIF} // fBoundsRect.Bottom := fBoundsRect.Top + 22; // Caption := ACaption; // end; // // constructor TControl.CreateWordWrapLabel(AParent: PControl; // const ACaption: AnsiString); // begin // CreateLabel( AParent, ACaption ); // fBoundsRect.Bottom := fBoundsRect.Top + 44; // fStyle := fStyle and not SS_LEFTNOWORDWRAP; // end; // // constructor TControl.CreateLabelEffect(AParent: PControl; ACaption: AnsiString; // AShadowDeep: Integer); // begin // CreateLabel( AParent, ACaption ); // {$IFDEF USE_FLAGS} exclude( fFlagsG1, G1_IsStaticControl ); {$ELSE} fIsStaticControl := 0; {$ENDIF} AttachProc( WndProcLabelEffect ); // fTextAlign := taCenter; // fTextColor := clBtnShadow; // fShadowDeep := AShadowDeep; // {$IFDEF USE_FLAGS} include( fFlagsG1, G1_IgnoreWndCaption ); {$ELSE} fIgnoreWndCaption := True; {$ENDIF} // with fBoundsRect do // begin // Bottom := Top + 40; // end; // end; // // constructor TControl.CreatePaintBox(AParent: PControl); // begin // CreateLabel( AParent, '' ); // with fBoundsRect do // begin // Right := Left + 40; // Bottom := Top + 40; // end; // end; // // {$IFDEF ASM_VERSION}{$ELSE PAS_VERSION} //Pascal // constructor TControl.CreateGradientPanel(AParent: PControl; AColor1, // AColor2: TColor); // begin // CreateLabel( AParent, '' ); // AttachProc( WndProcGradient ); // fColor2 := AColor2; // fColor1 := AColor1; // with fBoundsRect do // begin // Right := Left + 40; // Bottom := Top + 40; // end; // end; // {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION} // // constructor TControl.CreateGradientPanelEx(AParent: PControl; AColor1, // AColor2: TColor; AStyle: TGradientStyle; ALayout: TGradientLayout); // begin // CreateLabel( AParent, '' ); // AttachProc( WndProcGradientEx ); // fColor2 := AColor2; // fColor1 := AColor1; // fGradientStyle := AStyle; // fGradientLayout := ALayout; // with fBoundsRect do // begin // Right := Left + 40; // Bottom := Top + 40; // end; // end; // // constructor TControl.CreateGroupbox(AParent: PControl; // const ACaption: AnsiString); // begin // CreateButton( AParent, ACaption ); // with fBoundsRect do // begin // Right := Left + 100; // Bottom := Top + 100; // end; // fStyle := WS_VISIBLE or WS_CHILD or BS_GROUPBOX or WS_TABSTOP; // fClientTop := 22; // fClientLeft := 2; // fClientBottom := 2; // fClientRight := 2; // fTabstop := False; // end; // // constructor TControl.CreateCheckbox(AParent: PControl; // const ACaption: AnsiString); // begin // CreateButton( AParent, ACaption ); // with fBoundsRect do // begin // Right := Left + 72; // end; // fStyle := WS_VISIBLE or WS_CHILD or // BS_AUTOCHECKBOX or WS_TABSTOP; // end; // // constructor TControl.CreateRadiobox(AParent: PControl; // const ACaption: AnsiString); // begin // CreateCheckbox( AParent, ACaption ); // fStyle := WS_VISIBLE or WS_CHILD or // BS_RADIOBUTTON or WS_TABSTOP or WS_GROUP; // fControlClick := ClickRadio; // if AParent <> nil then // begin // AParent.fRadioLast := fMenu; // if AParent.fRadio1st = 0 then // begin // AParent.fRadio1st := fMenu; // SetRadioChecked; // end; // end; // end; // // constructor TControl.CreateEditbox(AParent: PControl; // AOptions: TEditOptions); // var Flags: Integer; // begin // Flags := MakeFlags( @AOptions, EditFlags ); // if not(eoMultiline in AOptions) then // Flags := Flags and not(WS_HSCROLL or WS_VSCROLL); // CreateControl( AParent, 'EDIT', WS_VISIBLE or WS_CHILD or WS_TABSTOP // or WS_BORDER or Flags, True, @EditActions ); // aAutoSzY := 6; //YS fCursor := LoadCursor( 0, IDC_IBEAM ); // //YS with fBoundsRect do // begin // Right := Left + 100; // Bottom := Top + 22; // if eoMultiline in AOptions then // begin // Right := Right + 100; // Bottom := Top + 200; // end; // end; // fColor := clWindow; // fLookTabKeys := [ tkTab, tkUpDown, tkPageUpPageDn ]; // if eoMultiline in AOptions then // fLookTabKeys := [ tkTab ]; // if eoWantTab in AOptions then // exclude( fLookTabKeys, tkTab ); end; // // constructor TControl.CreatePanel(AParent: PControl; AStyle: TEdgeStyle); // begin // CreateControl( AParent, 'STATIC', WS_VISIBLE or WS_CHILD or // SS_LEFTNOWORDWRAP or SS_NOPREFIX or SS_NOTIFY, False, // @LabelActions ); aAutoSzX := 1; aAutoSzY := 1; with fBoundsRect do // begin // Right := Left + 100; // Bottom := Top + 100; // end; // Style := Style or Edgestyles[ AStyle ]; // ExStyle := ExStyle or WS_EX_CONTROLPARENT; // end; // // constructor TControl.CreateSplitter(AParent: PControl; AMinSizePrev, // AMinSizeNext: Integer; EdgeStyle: TEdgeStyle); // var PrevCtrl: PControl; // Sz0: Integer; // begin // CreatePanel( AParent, EdgeStyle ); // fSplitMinSize1 := AMinSizePrev; // fSplitMinSize2 := AMinSizeNext; // Sz0 := 4; // with fBoundsRect do // begin // Right := Left + Sz0; // Bottom := Top + Sz0; // end; // if AParent <> nil then // begin // if AParent.fChildren.fCount > 1 then // begin // PrevCtrl := AParent.fChildren.{$IFDEF TLIST_FAST} Items {$ELSE} fItems {$ENDIF}[ AParent.fChildren.fCount - 2 ]; // case PrevCtrl.FAlign of // caLeft, caRight: // begin // fCursor := LoadCursor( 0, IDC_SIZEWE ); // end; // caTop, caBottom: // begin // fCursor := LoadCursor( 0, IDC_SIZENS ); // end; // end; // Align := PrevCtrl.FAlign; // end; // end; // AttachProc( WndProcSplitter ); // end; // // constructor TControl.CreateListbox(AParent: PControl; // AOptions: TListOptions); // var Flags: Integer; // begin // Flags := MakeFlags( @AOptions, ListFlags ); // CreateControl( AParent, 'LISTBOX', WS_VISIBLE or WS_CHILD or WS_TABSTOP // or WS_BORDER or WS_VSCROLL // or LBS_NOTIFY or Flags, True, @ListActions ); // with fBoundsRect do // begin // Right := Right + 100; // Bottom := Top + 200; // end; // fColor := clWindow; // fLookTabKeys := [ tkTab, tkLeftRight ]; // end; // // constructor TControl.CreateCombobox(AParent: PControl; // AOptions: TComboOptions); // var Flags: Integer; // begin // Flags := MakeFlags( @AOptions, ComboFlags ); // CreateControl( AParent, 'COMBOBOX', // WS_VISIBLE or WS_CHILD or WS_VSCROLL or // CBS_DROPDOWN or CBS_HASSTRINGS or WS_TABSTOP or Flags, // True, @ComboActions ); // aAutoSzY := 6; fCreateWndExt := CreateComboboxWnd; // //fDropDownProc := ComboboxDropDown; // fClsStyle := fClsStyle or CS_DBLCLKS; // with fBoundsRect do // begin // Right := Left + 100; // Bottom := Top + 22; // end; // fColor := clWindow; // fLookTabKeys := [ tkTab ]; // if coReadOnly in AOptions then // fLookTabKeys := [ tkTab, tkLeftRight ]; // end; // // constructor TControl.CreateCommonControl(AParent: PControl; // AClassName: PAnsiChar; AStyle: DWORD; ACtl3D: Boolean; // Actions: PCommandActions); // begin // {*************} DoInitCommonControls( ICC_WIN95_CLASSES ); // CreateControl( AParent, AClassName, AStyle, ACtl3D, Actions ); // {$IFDEF USE_FLAGS} include( fFlagsG2, G2_IsCommonCtl ); {$ELSE} fIsCommonControl := True; {$ENDIF} if AParent <> nil then // begin // AttachProc( WndProcParentResize ); // AParent.AttachProc( WndProcResize ); // AttachProc( WndProcCommonNotify ); // AParent.AttachProc( WndProcNotify ); // end; // end; // // constructor TControl.CreateRichEdit1(AParent: PControl; // AOptions: TEditOptions); // var Flags, I: Integer; // begin // if FRichEditModule = 0 then // begin // for I := 0 to High( RichEditLibnames ) do // begin // FRichEditModule := LoadLibrary( RichEditLibnames[ I ] ); // if FRichEditModule > HINSTANCE_ERROR then break; // RichEditClass := RichEditClasses[ I ]; // end; // if FRichEditModule <= HINSTANCE_ERROR then // FRichEditModule := 0; // end; // Flags := MakeFlags( @AOptions, RichEditFlags ); // CreateCommonControl( AParent, RichEditClass, WS_VISIBLE or WS_CHILD // or WS_TABSTOP or WS_BORDER or ES_MULTILINE or Flags, // True, @RichEditActions ); // // AttachProc( WndProcRichEditNotify ); // {$IFDEF USE_FLAGS} exclude( fFlagsG2, G2_DoubleBuffered ); {$ELSE} fDoubleBuffered := False; {$ENDIF} {$IFDEF USE_FLAGS} include( fFlagsG1, G1_CanNotDoublebuf ); {$ELSE} fCannotDoubleBuf := True; {$ENDIF} // with fBoundsRect do // begin // Right := Right + 100; // Bottom := Top + 200; // end; // fColor := clWindow; // fLookTabKeys := [ tkTab ]; // if eoWantTab in AOptions then // fLookTabKeys := [ ]; // Perform( EM_SETEVENTMASK, 0, // ENM_CHANGE or ENM_SELCHANGE or ENM_REQUESTRESIZE or // ENM_PROTECTED or $04000000 {ENM_LINK} ); // Perform( EM_SETBKGNDCOLOR, 0, Color2RGB(fColor)); // end; // // constructor TControl.CreateRichEdit(AParent: PControl; // AOptions: TEditOptions); // var OldRichEditClass, OldRichEditLib: PAnsiChar; // begin // if OleInit then // begin // OldRichEditClass := RichEditClass; // OldRichEditLib := RichEditLib; // CreateRichEdit1( AParent, AOptions ); // fCharFmtDeltaSz := 24; // fParaFmtDeltaSz := sizeof( TParaFormat2 ) - sizeof( RichEdit.TParaFormat ); // RichEditClass := OldRichEditClass; // RichEditLib := OldRichEditLib; // end else // CreateRichEdit1( AParent, AOptions ); // end; // // constructor TControl.CreateProgressbar(AParent: PControl); // const ProgressBarFlags: array[ TProgressbarOption ] of Integer = // (PBS_VERTICAL, PBS_SMOOTH ); // begin // CreateCommonControl( AParent, PROGRESS_CLASS, // WS_CHILD or WS_VISIBLE, True, nil ); // with fBoundsRect do // begin // Right := Left + 300; // Bottom := Top + 20; // end; // fMenu := 0; // fTextColor := clHighlight; // end; // // constructor TControl.CreateProgressbarEx(AParent: PControl; // AOptions: TProgressbarOptions); // const ProgressBarFlags: array[ TProgressbarOption ] of Integer = // (PBS_VERTICAL, PBS_SMOOTH ); // begin // CreateProgressbar( AParent ); // fStyle := fStyle or DWORD( MakeFlags( @AOptions, ProgressBarFlags ) ); // end; // // constructor TControl.CreateListView(AParent: PControl; // AStyle: TListViewStyle; AOptions: TListViewOptions; AImageListSmall, // AImageListNormal, AImageListState: PImageList); // begin // CreateCommonControl( AParent, WC_LISTVIEW, ListViewStyles[ AStyle ] or // LVS_SHAREIMAGELISTS or WS_CHILD or WS_VISIBLE or WS_TABSTOP, // True, @ListViewActions ); // fLVOptions := AOptions; // fLVStyle := AStyle; // fCreateWndExt := ApplyImageLists2ListView; // with fBoundsRect do // begin // Right := Left + 200; // Bottom := Top + 150; // end; // ImageListSmall := AImageListSmall; // ImageListNormal := AImageListNormal; // ImageListState := AImageListState; // fLVTextBkColor := clWindow; // fLookTabKeys := [ tkTab ]; // end; // // constructor TControl.CreateTreeView(AParent: PControl; // AOptions: TTreeViewOptions; AImgListNormal, AImgListState: PImageList); // var Flags: Integer; // begin // Flags := MakeFlags( @AOptions, TreeViewFlags ); // CreateCommonControl( AParent, WC_TREEVIEW, Flags or WS_VISIBLE or // WS_CHILD or WS_TABSTOP, True, @TreeViewActions ); // fCreateWndExt := ApplyImageLists2Control; // fColor := clWindow; // AttachProc( WndProcTreeView ); // with fBoundsRect do // begin // Right := Left + 150; // Bottom := Top + 200; // end; // ImageListNormal := AImgListNormal; // ImageListState := AImgListState; // fLookTabKeys := [ tkTab ]; // end; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// constructor TControl.CreateTabControl(AParent: PControl; ATabs: array of String;// AOptions: TTabControlOptions; // AImgList: PImageList; AImgList1stIdx: Integer); // var I, II : Integer; // Flags: Integer; // begin Flags := MakeFlags( @AOptions, TabControlFlags ); // if tcoFocusTabs in AOptions then // Flags := Flags or (WS_TABSTOP or TCS_FOCUSONBUTTONDOWN); // CreateCommonControl( AParent, WC_TABCONTROL, // Flags or (WS_CHILD or WS_CLIPSIBLINGS or WS_CLIPCHILDREN or // WS_VISIBLE), True, @TabControlActions ); // if not( tcoBorder in AOptions ) then // fExStyle := fExStyle and not WS_EX_CLIENTEDGE; // AttachProc( WndProcTabControl ); // with fBoundsRect do // begin // Right := Left + 100; // Bottom := Top + 100; // end; // if AImgList <> nil then // Perform( TCM_SETIMAGELIST, 0, AImgList.Handle ); // II := AImgList1stIdx; // for I := 0 to High( ATabs ) do // begin // TC_Insert( I, ATabs[ I ], II ); // Inc( II ); // end; // fLookTabKeys := [ tkTab ]; // end; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// constructor TControl.CreateToolbar(AParent: PControl; // AAlign: TControlAlign; AOptions: TToolbarOptions; ABitmap: HBitmap; // AButtons: array of PAnsiChar; ABtnImgIdxArray: array of Integer); // var Flags: DWORD; // begin // if not( tboTextBottom in AOptions ) then // include( AOptions, tboTextRight ); if tboTextRight in AOptions then // exclude( AOptions, tboTextBottom ); Flags := MakeFlags( @AOptions, ToolbarOptions ); // CreateCommonControl( AParent, TOOLBARCLASSNAME, ToolbarAligns[ Align ] or // WS_CHILD or WS_VISIBLE {or WS_TABSTOP} // or TBSTYLE_TOOLTIPS or Flags, // (not (Align in [caNone])) and // not (tboNoDivider in AOptions), nil ); // fCommandActions.aClear := ClearToolbar; // fCommandActions.aGetCount := TB_BUTTONCOUNT; // with fBoundsRect do // begin if AAlign in [ caNone ] then // begin Bottom := Top + 26; // Right := Left + 1000; // end else // begin Left := 0; Right := 0; // Top := 0; Bottom := 0; // end; // end; // Perform(TB_SETEXTENDEDSTYLE, 0, Perform(TB_GETEXTENDEDSTYLE, 0, 0) or // TBSTYLE_EX_DRAWDDARROWS); // AttachProc( WndProcToolbarCtrl ); // Perform( TB_BUTTONSTRUCTSIZE, Sizeof( TTBButton ), 0 ); // Perform( TB_SETINDENT, fMargin, 0 ); // with fBoundsRect do // begin // if AAlign in [ caLeft, caRight ] then // Right := Left + 24 // else if not (AAlign in [caNone]) then // Bottom := Top + 22; // end; // if ABitmap <> 0 then // TBAddBitmap( ABitmap ); // TBAddButtons( AButtons, ABtnImgIdxArray ); // Perform( WM_SIZE, 0, 0 ); // end; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// constructor TImageList.CreateImageList(POwner: Pointer); // var AOwner: PControl; // begin {*************} DoInitCommonControls( ICC_WIN95_CLASSES ); // Create; // FAllocBy := 1; // FMasked := True; // if POwner = nil then exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} FBkColor := TColor( CLR_NONE ); AOwner := POwner; // FControl := AOwner; // fNext := PImageList( AOwner.fImageList ); // if AOwner.fImageList <> nil then // PImageList( AOwner.fImageList ).fPrev := @Self; // AOwner.fImageList := @Self; // end;//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// constructor TThread.ThreadCreate; // begin IsMultiThread := True; // Create; // FSuspended := True; // FHandle := CreateThread( nil, // no security // 0, // the same stack size // @ThreadFunc, // thread entry point // @Self, // parameter to pass to ThreadFunc // CREATE_SUSPENDED, // always SUSPENDED // FThreadID ); // receive thread ID // end;//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// constructor TThread.ThreadCreateEx( const Proc: TOnThreadExecute ); // begin // ThreadCreate; // OnExecute := Proc; // Resume; // end; // {$ENDIF USE_CONSTRUCTORS} //****************************************************// procedure InvalidateExW( Wnd: HWnd ); begin InvalidateRect( Wnd, nil, TRUE ); Wnd := GetWindow( Wnd, GW_CHILD ); while Wnd <> 0 do begin InvalidateExW( Wnd ); Wnd := GetWindow( Wnd, GW_HWNDNEXT ); end; end; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// procedure TControl.InvalidateEx; begin if fHandle = 0 then Exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} InvalidateExW( fHandle ); end; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// procedure InvalidateNCW( Wnd: HWnd; Recursive: Boolean ); begin SendMessage( Wnd, WM_NCPAINT, 1, 0 ); if not Recursive then Exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} Wnd := GetWindow( Wnd, GW_CHILD ); while Wnd <> 0 do begin InvalidateNCW( Wnd, Recursive ); Wnd := GetWindow( Wnd, GW_HWNDNEXT ); end; end; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// procedure TControl.InvalidateNC(Recursive: Boolean); begin if fHandle = 0 then Exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} InvalidateNCW( fHandle, Recursive ); end; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// procedure TControl.SetClientMargin(const Index: Integer; Value: ShortInt); begin case Index of 1: fClientTop := Value; 2: fClientBottom := Value; 3: fClientLeft := Value; 4: fClientRight := Value; end; {$IFNDEF OLD_ALIGN}include(fAligning,oaFromSelf);{$ENDIF}//??? Global_Align( @Self ); end; {$IFDEF F_P} function TControl.GetClientMargin(const Index: Integer): Integer; begin CASE Index OF 1: Result := fClientTop; 2: Result := fClientBottom; 3: Result := fClientLeft; 4: Result := fClientRight; END; end; {$ENDIF F_P} {------------------------------------------------------------------------------} { G R A P H C O N T R O L S } {------------------------------------------------------------------------------} type TGrayTextData = packed record Ctl: PControl; W, H: Integer; Flags: DWORD; end; PGrayTextData = ^TGrayTextData; /////////////////////////////////////////// function DrawTextGrayed( DC: HDC; lData, wData, cX, cY: Integer ): BOOL; stdcall; var GDT: PGrayTextData; R: TRect; begin GDT := Pointer( lData ); R := MakeRect( 0, 0, cX, cY ); DrawFormattedText( GDT.Ctl, DC, R, GDT.Flags or $80000000 ); Result := TRUE; end; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// procedure DrawFormattedText( Ctl: PControl; DC: HDC; var R: TRect; Flags: DWORD {EditCtl: Boolean} ); var Fmt: DWORD; OldFont: Integer; OldBrush: Integer; OldBk: Integer; ParentHavingFont: PControl; GTD: TGrayTextData; dX, dY: Integer; R1: TRect; begin Fmt := DT_EXPANDTABS or Flags and $7FFFFFFF; if Ctl.WordWrap then Fmt := Fmt or DT_WORDBREAK; if Flags and DT_EDITCONTROL <> 0 then Inc( R.Left, 4 ); ParentHavingFont := Ctl; while (ParentHavingFont <> nil) and ( ParentHavingFont.FFont = nil ) and {$IFDEF USE_FLAGS} not(G3_IsForm in ParentHavingFont.fFlagsG3) {$ELSE} not ParentHavingFont.IsForm {$ENDIF} do ParentHavingFont := ParentHavingFont.Parent; OldFont := 0; if ( ParentHavingFont <> nil ) then begin OldFont := SelectObject( DC, ParentHavingFont.Font.Handle ); SetTextColor( DC, ParentHavingFont.Font.FColorRGB ); end; R1 := R; {$IFDEF UNICODE_CTRLS}Windows.DrawTextW {$ELSE} Windows.DrawTextA {$ENDIF}( DC, PKOLChar( Ctl.Caption ), Length( Ctl.Caption ), R, Fmt or DT_CALCRECT ); // TODO: fixme (Length('kanji') != WStrLen('kanji')) CASE Ctl.fTextAlign OF taCenter: dX := (R1.Right - R1.Left - (R.Right - R.Left)) div 2; taRight: dX := R1.Right - R.Right; else dX := 0; END; CASE Ctl.fVerticalAlign OF vaCenter: dY := (R1.Bottom - R1.Top - (R.Bottom - R.Top)) div 2; vaBottom: dY := R1.Bottom - R.Bottom; else dY := 0; END; OffsetRect( R, dX, dY ); if {$IFDEF USE_FLAGS} not(F3_Disabled in Ctl.fStyle.f3_Style) {$ELSE} Ctl.fEnabled {$ENDIF} or (Flags and $80000000 <> 0) then begin OldBk := SetBkMode( DC, TRANSPARENT ); OldBrush := SelectObject( DC, GetStockObject( NULL_BRUSH ) ); {$IFDEF UNICODE_CTRLS}Windows.DrawTextW {$ELSE} Windows.DrawTextA {$ENDIF}( DC, PKOLChar( Ctl.Caption ), Length( Ctl.Caption ), R, Fmt ); SelectObject( DC, OldBrush ); SetBkMode( DC, OldBk ); end else begin GTD.Ctl := Ctl; GTD.W := R.Right - R.Left; GTD.H := R.Bottom - R.Top; GTD.Flags := Flags; Windows.DrawState( DC, GetStockObject( NULL_BRUSH ), @ DrawTextGrayed, Integer( @ GTD ), Length( Ctl.fCaption ), R.Left, R.Top, R.Right - R.Left, R.Bottom - R.Top, DST_COMPLEX or DSS_DISABLED ); end; if ( ParentHavingFont <> nil ) then SelectObject( DC, OldFont ); end; {$IFDEF USE_GRAPHCTLS} {$IFDEF GRAPHCTL_XPSTYLES} type TOpenThemeDataProc = function( Wnd: HWnd; pszClassList: PWideChar ): THandle; stdcall; TDrawThemeBackground = function( Theme: THandle; DC: HDC; iPartId: Integer; iStateId: Integer; Rect, ClipRect: PRect ): Integer; stdcall; TGetThemeBackgroundContentRect = function( Theme: THandle; DC: HDC; iPartId, iStateId: Integer; Rect, ContentRect: PRect ): Integer; stdcall; TDrawThemeText = function( Theme: THandle; DC: HDC; iPartId, iStateId: Integer; pszText: PWideChar; iCharCount: Integer; dwTextFlags, dwTextFlags2: DWORD; Rect: PRect ): Integer; stdcall; TCloseThemeData = function( Theme: THandle ): Integer; stdcall; var fOpenThemeDataProc: TOpenThemeDataProc; fDrawthemeBackground: TDrawThemeBackground; fGetThemeBackgroundcontentRect: TGetThemeBackgroundContentRect; fDrawThemeText: TDrawThemeText; fCloseThemeData: TCloseThemeData; uxtheme_lib: THandle; function OpenThemeDataProc: TOpenThemeDataProc; begin Result := nil; if Integer(uxtheme_lib) = -1 then Exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} if uxtheme_lib = 0 then uxtheme_lib := LoadLibrary( 'uxtheme' ); if uxtheme_lib = 0 then begin uxtheme_lib := DWORD( -1 ); Exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} end; fOpenThemeDataProc := GetProcAddress( uxtheme_lib, 'OpenThemeData' ); fDrawthemeBackground := GetProcAddress( uxtheme_lib, 'DrawThemeBackground' ); fGetThemeBackgroundcontentRect := GetProcAddress( uxtheme_lib, 'GetThemeBackgroundContentRect' ); fDrawThemeText := GetProcAddress( uxtheme_lib, 'DrawThemeText' ); fCloseThemeData := GetProcAddress( uxtheme_lib, 'CloseThemeData' ); if not Assigned( fOpenThemeDataProc ) or not Assigned( fDrawThemeBackground ) or not Assigned( fGetThemeBackgroundcontentRect ) or not Assigned( fDrawThemeText ) or not Assigned( fCloseThemeData ) then begin FreeLibrary( uxtheme_lib ); uxtheme_lib := DWORD( -1 ); fOpenThemeDataProc := nil; fDrawThemeBackground := nil; fGetThemeBackgroundcontentRect := nil; fDrawThemeText := nil; fCloseThemeData := nil; end; Result := fOpenThemeDataProc; end; procedure DrawFormattedTextXP( Theme: THandle; Ctl: PControl; DC: HDC; var R: TRect; CtlType, CtlStates, Flags1, Flags2: Integer ); var OldFont: Integer; OldBrush: Integer; ParentHavingFont: PControl; begin ParentHavingFont := Ctl; while (ParentHavingFont <> nil) and ( ParentHavingFont.FFont = nil ) and {$IFDEF USE_FLAGS} not(G3_IsForm in ParentHavingFont.fFlagsG3) {$ELSE} not ParentHavingFont.IsForm {$ENDIF} do ParentHavingFont := ParentHavingFont.Parent; OldFont := 0; if ( ParentHavingFont <> nil ) then OldFont := SelectObject( DC, ParentHavingFont.Font.Handle ); OldBrush := SelectObject( DC, GetStockObject( NULL_BRUSH ) ); fDrawThemeText( Theme, DC, CtlType, CtlStates, @ KOLWideString( Ctl.fCaption )[ 1 ], Length( Ctl.fCaption ), Flags1, Flags2, @ R ); SelectObject( DC, OldBrush ); if ( ParentHavingFont <> nil ) then SelectObject( DC, OldFont ); end; {$ENDIF} procedure PaintGraphicChildren( Self_, _Sender: PControl; DC: HDC ); var i, sav: Integer; C: PControl; R: TRect; rgn: HRgn; begin for i := Self_.ChildCount-1 downto 0 do begin C := Self_.Children[ i ]; if not C.Visible then continue; R := C.BoundsRect; if (C.Handle = 0) and {$IFDEF USE_FLAGS} (G6_GraphicCtl in C.fFlagsG6) {$ELSE} not C.fWindowed {$ENDIF} {$IFDEF SAFE_CODE} and Assigned( C.EV.fPaintProc ) {$ENDIF} then begin sav := SaveDC( DC ); rgn := CreateRectRgnIndirect( R ); ExtSelectClipRgn( DC, rgn, RGN_AND ); SelectClipRgn( DC, rgn ); DeleteObject( rgn ); Free_And_Nil( C.fCanvas ); C.fCanvas := Self_.Canvas; Self_.Canvas.Brush.Assign( Self_.Brush ); Self_.Canvas.Font.Assign( Self_.Font ); // �� �������������? Self_.fCanvas.DeselectHandles; // �� ��������??? {$IFDEF NIL_EVENTS} if Assigned( C.EV.fOnPrepaint ) then {$ENDIF} C.EV.fOnPrePaint( C, DC ); C.EV.fPaintProc( DC ); if Assigned( C.EV.fOnPaint ) then C.EV.fOnPaint( C, DC ); {$IFDEF NIL_EVENTS} if Assigned( C.EV.fOnPostPaint ) then {$ENDIF} C.EV.fOnPostPaint( C, DC ); C.fCanvas := nil; Self_.Canvas.Brush.Assign( Self_.Brush ); Self_.Canvas.Font.Assign( Self_.Font ); RestoreDC( DC, sav ); ExcludeClipRect( DC, R.Left, R.Top, R.Right, R.Bottom ); end; end; if {$IFDEF USE_FLAGS} G5_IsGroupbox in Self_.fFlagsG5 {$ELSE} Self_.fIsGroupBox {$ENDIF} then begin Self_.DF.fErasingBkgnd := TRUE; R := Self_.BoundsRect; OffsetRect( R, -R.Left, -R.Top ); Self_.Canvas.FillRect( R ); Self_.GroupBoxPaint( DC ); Self_.DF.fErasingBkgnd := FALSE; end else if Assigned( Self_.EV.fOnPaint2 ) then Self_.EV.fOnPaint2( Self_, DC ) else Self_.Canvas.FillRect( Self_.ClientRect ); end; function WndProc_ParentOfGraphicCtl( Self_: PControl; var Msg: TMsg; var Rslt: Integer ): Boolean; var WasOnPaint: TOnPaint; i: Integer; C: PControl; Pt: TPoint; PF: PControl; save_Paint2: TOnPaint; begin Result := FALSE; if (Msg.message = WM_PAINT) {or (Msg.message = WM_PRINT)} then begin WasOnPaint := Self_.EV.fOnPaint; Self_.{$IFDEF EVENTS_DYNAMIC} ProvideUniqueEvents {$ELSE} EV {$ENDIF} .fOnPaint2 := Self_.EV.fOnPaint; //Self_.fPaintMsg := Msg; {$IFDEF MAKE_METHOD} TMethod( Self_.EV.fOnPaint ) := MakeMethod( Self_, @ PaintGraphicChildren ); {$ELSE} TMethod( Self_.EV.fOnPaint ).Code := @ PaintGraphicChildren; TMethod( Self_.EV.fOnPaint ).Data := Self_; {$ENDIF} save_Paint2 := Self_.EV.fOnPaint2; if not Assigned( Self_.EV.fOnPaint2 ) then begin {$IFDEF MAKE_METHOD} Self_.EV.fOnPaint2 := TOnPaint( MakeMethod( nil, @ DummyPaintClear ) ); {$ELSE} TMethod( Self_.EV.fOnPaint2 ).Code := @ DummyPaintClear; //TMethod( Self_.EV.fOnPaint2 ).Data := nil; {$ENDIF} end; i := Self_.fDynHandlers.fCount; Self_.fDynHandlers.fCount := Self_.fDynHandlers.IndexOf( @ WndProc_ParentOfGraphicCtl ); Result := EnumDynHandlers( Self_, Msg, Rslt ); Self_.fDynHandlers.fCount := i; if not Result then {Result :=} WndProcPaint( Self_, Msg, Rslt ); Self_.EV.fOnPaint := WasOnPaint; Result := TRUE; end else if (Msg.message >= WM_MOUSEFIRST) and (Msg.message <= WM_MOUSELAST) then begin Pt.X := SmallInt( LoWord( Msg.lParam ) ); Pt.Y := SmallInt( HiWord( Msg.lParam ) ); for i := 0 to Self_.ChildCount-1 do begin if (i = 0) and (Self_.fPushedBtn <> nil) then C := Self_.fPushedBtn else C := Self_.Children[ i ]; if (C = Self_.fPushedBtn) OR {$IFDEF USE_FLAGS} (F3_Visible in C.fStyle.f3_Style) and not (F3_Disabled in C.fStyle.f3_Style) {$ELSE} C.fVisible and C.fEnabled {$ENDIF} and PtInRect( C.BoundsRect, Pt ) then begin if {$IFDEF USE_FLAGS} (G6_GraphicCtl in C.fFlagsG6) {$ELSE} not C.fWindowed {$ENDIF} and (C.fCursor <> 0) and (C.fCursor <> Self_.fCursor) and (ScreenCursor = 0) then begin if Self_.fSaveCursor = 0 then begin Self_.fSaveCursor := Self_.fCursor; if Self_.fCursor = 0 then Self_.fSaveCursor := LoadCursor( 0, IDC_ARROW ); end; Self_.Cursor := C.fCursor; Windows.SetCursor( C.fCursor ); end; {$IFDEF GRAPHCTL_HOTTRACK} if {$IFDEF USE_FLAGS} (G6_GraphicCtl in C.fFlagsG6) {$ELSE} not C.fWindowed {$ENDIF} and (Applet.DF.fHotCtl <> C) then begin if Applet.DF.fHotCtl <> nil then begin {$IFDEF USE_FLAGS} exclude( Applet.DF.fHotCtl.fFlagsG4, G4_Hot ); {$ELSE} Applet.DF.fHotCtl.fHot := FALSE; {$ENDIF} if {$IFDEF USE_FLAGS} (G6_GraphicCtl in Applet.DF.fHotCtl.fFlagsG6) {$ELSE} not Applet.DF.fHotCtl.fWindowed {$ENDIF} then begin Applet.DF.fHotCtl.Invalidate; {$IFDEF NIL_EVENTS} if Assigned( Applet.DF.fHotCtl.EV.fOnMouseLeave ) then {$ENDIF} Applet.DF.fHotCtl.EV.fOnMouseLeave( Applet.DF.fHotCtl ); end; Applet.DF.fHotCtl.RefDec; end; C.RefInc; Applet.DF.fHotCtl := C; {$IFDEF USE_FLAGS} include( C.fFlagsG4, G4_Hot ); {$ELSE} C.fHot := TRUE; {$ENDIF} C.Invalidate; Self_.EV.fMouseLeaveProc := Self_.MouseLeaveFromParentOfGraphCtl; ProvideMouseEnterLeave( Self_ ); {$IFDEF NIL_EVENTS} if Assigned( C.EV.fOnMouseEnter ) then {$ENDIF} C.EV.fOnMouseEnter( C ); end; {$ENDIF GRAPHCTL_HOTTRACK} if {$IFDEF USE_FLAGS} not(G6_GraphicCtl in C.fFlagsG6) {$ELSE} C.fWindowed {$ENDIF} then begin Msg.hwnd := C.fHandle; Pt := Self_.Client2Screen( Pt ); Pt := C.Screen2Client( Pt ); Msg.lParam := Pt.Y shl 16 or (Pt.X and $FFFF); end; Rslt := C.WndProc( Msg ); if {$IFDEF USE_FLAGS} (G6_GraphicCtl in C.fFlagsG6) {$ELSE} not C.fWindowed {$ENDIF} then {$IFDEF NIL_EVENTS} if Assigned( C.EV.fGraphCtlMouseEvent ) then {$ENDIF} C.EV.fGraphCtlMouseEvent( Msg ) else if (Msg.message = WM_LBUTTONDOWN) or (Msg.message = WM_RBUTTONDOWN) or (Msg.message = WM_MBUTTONDOWN) then C.DoClick; Result := TRUE; Exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} end; end; {$IFDEF GRAPHCTL_HOTTRACK} Self_.MouseLeaveFromParentOfGraphCtl( Self_ ); {$ENDIF GRAPHCTL_HOTTRACK} if {$IFDEF USE_FLAGS} (G5_IsGroupbox in Self_.fFlagsG5) {$ELSE} Self_.fIsGroupBox {$ENDIF} and ( (Msg.message = WM_LBUTTONDOWN) or (Msg.message = WM_LBUTTONDBLCLK) or (Msg.message = WM_LBUTTONUP) ) then begin Self_.Invalidate; end; if Self_.fSaveCursor <> 0 then begin Self_.Cursor := Self_.fSaveCursor; Self_.fSaveCursor := 0; if ScreenCursor = 0 then Windows.SetCursor( Self_.fCursor ); end; end else if (Msg.message >= WM_KEYFIRST) and (Msg.message <= WM_KEYLAST) then begin if Self_.IsControl then PF := Self_.ParentForm else PF := Self_; if (PF.DF.fCurrentControl <> nil) and {$IFDEF USE_FLAGS} (G6_GraphicCtl in PF.DF.fCurrentControl.fFlagsG6) {$ELSE} not PF.DF.fCurrentControl.fWindowed {$ENDIF} then begin if Assigned( PF.DF.fCurrentControl.fKeyboardProcess ) and PF.DF.fCurrentControl.fKeyboardProcess( Msg, Rslt ) then else Rslt := PF.DF.fCurrentControl.WndProc( Msg ); Result := TRUE; end else begin if {$IFDEF USE_FLAGS} (G5_IsGroupbox in Self_.fFlagsG5) {$ELSE} Self_.fIsGroupBox {$ENDIF} and (Msg.wParam = WORD( ' ' )) and ( (Msg.message = WM_KEYDOWN) or (Msg.message = WM_SYSKEYDOWN) or (Msg.message = WM_KEYUP) or (Msg.message = WM_SYSKEYUP) or (Msg.message = WM_CHAR) or (Msg.message = WM_SYSCHAR) ) then begin Self_.Invalidate; end; end; end else if Msg.message = CM_QUIT then begin C := Pointer( Msg.wParam ); C.Free; end else if Msg.message = CM_FOCUSGRAPHCTL then begin C := Pointer( Msg.wParam ); PF := C.ParentForm; if (PF.DF.fCurrentControl <> nil) and (PF.DF.fCurrentControl <> C) then begin {$IFDEF USE_FLAGS} exclude( PF.DF.fCurrentControl.fFlagsG6, G6_Focused ); {$ELSE} PF.DF.fCurrentControl.fFocused := FALSE; {$ENDIF} PF.DF.fCurrentControl.Invalidate; end; PF.DF.fCurrentControl := C; C.Parent.DF.fCurrentControl := C; //C.Parent.fFocusHandle := C.Parent.fHandle; {$IFDEF USE_FLAGS} include( C.fFlagsG6, G6_Focused ); {$ELSE} C.fFocused := TRUE; {$ENDIF} if Assigned( C.EV.fOnEnter ) then C.EV.fOnEnter( C ); C.Invalidate; C.EV.fLeave := C.LeaveGraphButton; C.RefDec; end; end;//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function WndProc_FormHavingGraphCtl( Self_: PControl; var Msg: TMsg; var Rslt: Integer ): Boolean; var Msg2: TMsg; begin Result := FALSE; if Msg.message = WM_ACTIVATE then begin if Self_.DF.fCurrentControl <> nil then Self_.DF.fCurrentControl.Invalidate; end else if (Msg.message >= WM_KEYFIRST) and (Msg.message <= WM_KEYLAST) then begin if (Self_.DF.fCurrentControl <> nil) and {$IFDEF USE_FLAGS} (G6_GraphicCtl in Self_.DF.fCurrentControl.fFlagsG6) {$ELSE} not Self_.DF.fCurrentControl.fWindowed {$ENDIF} then begin if (Msg.message = WM_KEYDOWN) and ((Msg.wParam = 32) or (Msg.wParam = 13)) then begin if not PeekMessage( Msg2, Msg.hwnd, WM_CHAR, WM_CHAR, pm_noRemove ) or (Msg2.wParam <> Msg.wParam) then Msg.message := WM_CHAR; end else if (Msg.message = WM_SYSKEYDOWN) and ((Msg.wParam = 32) or (Msg.wParam = 13)) then begin if not PeekMessage( Msg2, Msg.hwnd, WM_SYSCHAR, WM_SYSCHAR, pm_noRemove ) or (Msg2.wParam <> Msg.wParam) then Msg.message := WM_SYSCHAR; end; if Assigned( Self_.DF.fCurrentControl.fKeyboardProcess ) and Self_.DF.fCurrentControl.fKeyboardProcess( Msg, Rslt ) then else Rslt := Self_.DF.fCurrentControl.WndProc( Msg ); Result := TRUE; end; end; end;//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// {$IFDEF GRAPHCTL_HOTTRACK} procedure TControl.MouseLeaveFromParentOfGraphCtl(Sender: PObj); var C: PControl; Pt: TPoint; begin if AppletTerminated then Exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} GetCursorPos( Pt ); Pt := Screen2Client( Pt ); if (Applet.DF.fHotCtl <> nil) and (fChildren.IndexOf( Applet.DF.fHotCtl ) >= 0) then begin C := Applet.DF.fHotCtl; if PtInRect( C.BoundsRect, Pt ) then Exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} Applet.DF.fHotCtl := nil; {$IFDEF USE_FLAGS} exclude( C.fFlagsG4, G4_Hot ); {$ELSE} C.fHot := FALSE; {$ENDIF} if {$IFDEF USE_FLAGS} (G6_GraphicCtl in C.fFlagsG6) {$ELSE} not C.fWindowed {$ENDIF} then C.Invalidate; if Assigned( C.OnMouseLeave ) then C.OnMouseLeave( C ); C.RefDec; end; end; {$ENDIF GRAPHCTL_HOTTRACK} procedure NotifyGraphCtlAboutNewParent(Prnt, Chld: PControl); begin if (Chld <> nil) and (Prnt <> nil) then Prnt.AttachProc( WndProc_ParentOfGraphicCtl ); end; function _NewGraphCtl( AParent: PControl; ATabStop: Boolean; ACommandActions: TCommandActionsParam ): PControl; var IdxActions: Integer; begin new( Result, Create ); {$IFDEF DEBUG_OBJKIND} Result.fObjKind := 'TControl:GraphicControl'; {$ENDIF} {$IFDEF COMMANDACTIONS_OBJ} IdxActions := Integer( ACommandActions ); if IdxActions >= 120 then IdxActions := PByte( ACommandActions )^; if AllActions_Objs[IdxActions] <> nil then begin Result.fCommandActions := AllActions_Objs[IdxActions]; Result.fCommandActions.RefInc; end else begin new( Result.fCommandActions, Create ); {$IFDEF DEBUG_OBJKIND} Result.fCommandActions.fObjKind := 'TCommandActionsObj'; {$ENDIF} AllActions_Objs[IdxActions] := Result.fCommandActions; {$IFDEF SAFE_CODE} if ACommandActions <> nil then {$ENDIF} Move( ACommandActions^, Result.fCommandActions.aClear, Sizeof( TCommandActions ) ); end; Result.Add2AutoFree( Result.fCommandActions ); {$ELSE} {$IFDEF SAFE_CODE} if ACommandActions <> nil then {$ENDIF} Result.fCommandActions := ACommandActions^; {$ENDIF} Result.PP.fDoInvalidate := InvalidateNonWindowed; {$IFDEF USE_FLAGS} include( Result.fFlagsG6, G6_GraphicCtl ); {$ELSE} Result.fWindowed := FALSE; {$ENDIF} {$IFDEF USE_FLAGS} include( Result.fFlagsG3, G3_IsControl ); include( Result.fFlagsG4, G4_CreateVisible ); if ATabStop then include( Result.fStyle.f2_Style, F2_TabStop ); {$ELSE} Result.fCreateVisible := TRUE; Result.fVisible := TRUE; Result.fIsControl := TRUE; Result.fTabstop := ATabStop; {$ENDIF} Result.fMenu := CtlIdCount; Inc( CtlIdCount ); Result.DF.fBitBtnOptions := [ bboFixed ]; // to return Checked = fChecked w/o window handle {$IFDEF USE_FLAGS} Result.fFlagsG1 := Result.fFlagsG1 + [ G1_IgnoreWndCaption, G1_SizeRedraw ]; {$ELSE} Result.fIgnoreWndCaption := TRUE; Result.fSizeRedraw := TRUE; {$ENDIF} Result.PP.fNotifyChild := @ NotifyGraphCtlAboutNewParent; if ATabStop then Result.fLookTabKeys := [ tkTab, tkLeftRight, tkUpDown, tkPageUpPageDn ]; if AParent <> nil then begin Result.Parent := AParent; Result.Border := AParent.Border; AParent.AttachProc( WndProc_ParentOfGraphicCtl ); if ATabStop then begin Inc( AParent.ParentForm.fTabOrder ); Result.fTabOrder := AParent.ParentForm.fTabOrder; end; if {$IFDEF USE_FLAGS} G3_IsControl in AParent.fFlagsG3 {$ELSE} AParent.fIsControl {$ENDIF} then AParent.ParentForm.AttachProc( WndProc_FormHavingGraphCtl ); if {$IFDEF USE_FLAGS} G5_IsGroupbox in APArent.fFlagsG5 {$ELSE} AParent.fIsGroupBox {$ENDIF} then begin AParent.Style := AParent.Style and not BS_GROUPBOX; // otherwise the groupbox is flickering A LOT! AParent.Parent.AttachProc( WndProc_ParentOfGraphicCtl ); end; Result.fFont := Result.fFont.Assign( AParent.fFont ); if Result.fFont <> nil then begin Result.fFont.fParentGDITool := AParent.fFont; Result.fFont.fOnGTChange := Result.FontChanged; Result.FontChanged( Result.fFont ); end; end; Result.fBoundsRect.Right := Result.fBoundsRect.Left + 64; Result.fBoundsRect.Bottom := Result.fBoundsRect.Top + 22; Result.EV.fOnPaint := nil; {$IFDEF GRAPHCTL_XPSTYLES} if WinVer < wvXP then DoNotDrawGraphCtlsUsingXPStyles := TRUE; {$ENDIF} end;//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function NewGraphLabel( AParent: PControl; const ACaption: AnsiString ): PControl; begin {$IFDEF INPACKAGE} Result := NewLabel( AParent, ACaption ); {$ELSE} Result := _NewGraphCtl( AParent, FALSE, {$IFDEF PACK_COMMANDACTIONS} LabelActions_Packed {$ELSE} @LabelActions {$ENDIF} ); Result.aAutoSzX := 1; Result.aAutoSzY := 1; Result.EV.fPaintProc := Result.GraphicLabelPaint; Result.Caption := ACaption; {$ENDIF} end;//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function NewWordWrapGraphLabel( AParent: PControl; const ACaption: KOLString ): PControl; begin {$IFDEF INPACKAGE} Result := NewWordWrapLabel( AParent, ACaption ); {$ELSE} Result := NewGraphLabel( AParent, ACaption ); {$IFDEF USE_FLAGS} include( Result.fFlagsG1, G1_WordWrap ); {$ELSE} Result.fWordWrap := TRUE; {$ENDIF} {$ENDIF} end;//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function NewGraphPaintBox( AParent: PControl ): PControl; begin {$IFDEF INPACKAGE} Result := NewPaintbox( AParent ); {$ELSE} Result := NewGraphLabel( AParent, '' ); {$ENDIF} end;//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// procedure ClickGraphCheck(Sender: PObj); var Ctl: PControl; begin Ctl := Pointer( Sender ); if not Ctl.Enabled then Exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} Ctl.Focused := TRUE; if Assigned( Ctl.OnEnter ) then Ctl.OnEnter( Ctl ); {$IFDEF USE_FLAGS} if G4_Checked in Ctl.fFlagsG4 then exclude( Ctl.fFlagsG4, G4_Checked ) else include( Ctl.fFlagsG4, G4_Checked ); {$ELSE} Ctl.fChecked := not Ctl.fChecked; {$ENDIF} Ctl.Invalidate; if Assigned( Ctl.OnClick ) then Ctl.OnClick( Ctl ); end;//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function NewGraphCheckBox( AParent: PControl; const ACaption: KOLString ): PControl; begin {$IFDEF INPACKAGE} Result := NewCheckbox( AParent, ACaption ); {$ELSE} Result := NewGraphButton( AParent, ACaption ); Result.TextAlign := taLeft; Result.aAutoSzX := GetSystemMetrics( SM_CXMENUCHECK ) + 4; Result.EV.fPaintProc := Result.GraphicCheckBoxPaint; Result.EV.fGraphCtlMouseEvent := Result.GraphicCheckBoxMouse; Result.PP.fControlClick := @ ClickGraphCheck; {$ENDIF} end;//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// procedure ClickGraphRadio(Sender: PObj); var Ctl, C: PControl; i: Integer; begin Ctl := Pointer( Sender ); if not Ctl.Enabled then Exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} Ctl.Focused := TRUE; Ctl.Checked := TRUE; if Ctl.Parent <> nil then for i := 0 to Ctl.Parent.ChildCount-1 do begin C := Ctl.Parent.Children[ i ]; if (C <> Ctl) and (@ C.PP.fControlClick = @ ClickGraphRadio) then C.Checked := FALSE; end; end;//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function NewGraphRadioBox( AParent: PControl; const ACaption: KOLString ): PControl; begin {$IFDEF INPACKAGE} Result := NewRadiobox( AParent, ACaption ); if (@ ClickGraphRadio) <> nil then; {$ELSE} Result := NewGraphButton( AParent, ACaption ); Result.TextAlign := taLeft; Result.aAutoSzX := GetSystemMetrics( SM_CXMENUCHECK ) + 4; Result.EV.fPaintProc := Result.GraphicRadioBoxPaint; Result.PP.fControlClick := @ ClickGraphRadio; {$IFDEF USE_FLAGS} if not(G1_HasRadio in AParent.fFlagsG1) then begin include( AParent.fFlagsG1, G1_HasRadio ); Result.SetRadioChecked; end; {$ELSE} AParent.PropInt[ @RADIO_LAST ] := Result.fMenu; if AParent.PropInt[ @RADIO_1ST ] = 0 then begin AParent.PropInt[ @RADIO_1ST ] := Result.fMenu; Result.SetRadioChecked; end; {$ENDIF} {$ENDIF} end;//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// procedure GraphButtonSetFocus(Ctl: PControl); var PF, CC: PControl; W: HWnd; begin if {$IFDEF USE_FLAGS} not(F2_Tabstop in Ctl.fStyle.f2_Style) {$ELSE} not Ctl.fTabStop {$ENDIF} then Exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} PF := Ctl.ParentForm; if (PF.DF.fCurrentControl <> nil) and (PF.DF.fCurrentControl <> Ctl) and (PF.DF.fCurrentControl <> Ctl.fParent) then begin CC := PF.DF.fCurrentControl; CC.RefInc; Ctl.fParent.Focused := TRUE; if Assigned( CC.EV.fLeave ) then CC.EV.fLeave( PF.DF.fCurrentControl ) else Windows.SetFocus( 0 ); CC.RefDec; end else begin W := GetFocus; if (W <> Ctl.Parent.fHandle) and (W <> 0) then begin Windows.SetFocus( 0 ); Ctl.fParent.Focused := TRUE; end; end; if Ctl.fParent.fHandle <> 0 then begin {$IFDEF USE_FLAGS} include( Ctl.fFlagsG6, G6_Focused ); {$ELSE} Ctl.fFocused := TRUE; {$ENDIF} Ctl.fParent.Postmsg( CM_FOCUSGRAPHCTL, Integer( Ctl ), 0 ); Ctl.RefInc; end; if Assigned( Ctl.EV.fOnEnter ) then Ctl.EV.fOnEnter( Ctl ); end;//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function NewGraphButton( AParent: PControl; const ACaption: KOLString ): PControl; begin {$IFDEF INPACKAGE} Result := NewButton( AParent, ACaption ); {$ELSE} Result := _NewGraphCtl( AParent, TRUE, {$IFDEF PACK_COMMANDACTIONS} ButtonActions_Packed {$ELSE} @ButtonActions {$ENDIF} ); Result.EV.fPaintProc := Result.GraphicButtonPaint; Result.Caption := ACaption; Result.TextAlign := taCenter; Result.VerticalAlign := vaCenter; Result.EV.fGraphCtlMouseEvent := Result.GraphicButtonMouse; Result.fSetFocus := @GraphButtonSetFocus; Result.fKeyboardProcess := Result.GraphButtonKeyboardProcess; {$ENDIF} end;//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function EditGraphEdit(Ctl: PControl): PControl; var E: PControl; begin E := NewEditBox( Ctl.fParent, Ctl.DF.fEditOptions ); E.SetBoundsRect( Ctl.BoundsRect ); E.SetAlign( Ctl.Align ); E.fTabOrder := Ctl.fTabOrder; E.Text := Ctl.Text; E.OnChange := Ctl.ChangeGraphEdit; E.Color := Ctl.Color; E.fCursor := Ctl.fCursor; E.CreateWindow; E.OnLeave := Ctl.LeaveGraphEdit; E.EV.fLeave := Ctl.LeaveGraphEdit; E.Focused := TRUE; E.OnChar := Ctl.OnChar; E.OnKeyDown := Ctl.OnKeyDown; E.OnKeyUp := Ctl.OnKeyUp; E.OnDestroy := Ctl.DestroyGraphEdit; //E.Font.Assign( Font ); Result := E; Ctl.Visible := FALSE; Ctl.DF.fEditCtl := E; {$IFDEF NIL_EVENTS} if Assigned( Ctl.EV.fOnEnter ) then {$ENDIF} Ctl.EV.fOnEnter( Ctl ); end;//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function NewGraphEditbox( AParent: PControl; Options: TEditOptions ): PControl; begin {$IFDEF INPACKAGE} Result := NewEditbox( AParent, Options ); {$ELSE} Result := _NewGraphCtl( AParent, TRUE, {$IFDEF PACK_COMMANDACTIONS} EditActions_Packed {$ELSE} @EditActions {$ENDIF} ); Result.aAutoSzY := 1; Result.EV.fPaintProc := Result.GraphicEditPaint; Result.DF.fEditOptions := Options; Result.VerticalAlign := vaCenter; Result.fColor := clWindow; Result.EV.fGraphCtlMouseEvent := Result.GraphicEditMouse; Result.fSetFocus := @EditGraphEdit; Result.fLookTabKeys := [ tkTab, tkUpDown, tkPageUpPageDn ]; Result.EV.fLeave := Result.LeaveGraphEdit; {$ENDIF} end;//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// { TGraphicControl } function TControl.DoGraphCtlPrepaint: TRect; begin Result := ClientRect; if not Assigned( TMethod( EV.fOnPrepaint ).Data ) and not Transparent then begin if fBrush <> nil then Canvas.Brush.Assign( fBrush ) else Canvas.Brush.Color := Color; Canvas.FillRect( Result ); end; end;//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// procedure TControl.GraphicLabelPaint(DC: HDC); var R: TRect; begin R := DoGraphCtlPrepaint; if Text <> '' then DrawFormattedText( @ Self, DC, R, 0 ); end;//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// procedure TControl.GraphicCheckBoxPaint(DC: HDC); var R, R1: TRect; Flag: DWORD; W, H: Integer; {$IFDEF GRAPHCTL_XPSTYLES} Theme: THandle; {$ENDIF} begin R := DoGraphCtlPrepaint; {$IFDEF GRAPHCTL_XPSTYLES} OpenThemeDataProc; Theme := 0; if Assigned( fOpenThemeDataProc ) and not DoNotDrawGraphCtlsUsingXPStyles then Theme := fOpenThemeDataProc( 0, 'Button' ); if Theme <> 0 then begin W := GetSystemMetrics( SM_CXMENUCHECK ); H := GetSystemMetrics( SM_CYMENUCHECK ); R1 := R; R1.Right := R1.Left + W; if {$IFDEF USE_FLAGS} G1_WordWrap in fFlagsG1 {$ELSE} fWordWrap {$ENDIF} then R1.Top := R1.Top + Border else R1.Top := R1.Top + (R1.Bottom - R1.Top - H) div 2; R1.Bottom := R1.Top + H; Flag := 1; {CBS_UNCHECKEDNORMAL} if not Enabled then Flag := 4 {CBS_UNCHECKEDDISABLED} else if {$IFDEF USE_FLAGS} G4_Hot in fFlagsG4 {$ELSE} fHot {$ENDIF} then Flag := 2; {CBS_UNCHECKEDHOT} if {$IFDEF USE_FLAGS} G4_Checked in fFlagsG4 {$ELSE} fChecked {$ENDIF} then Inc( Flag, 4 ); fDrawThemeBackground( Theme, DC, 3 {BP_CHECKBOX}, Flag, @R1, @R ); R.Left := R1.Left + W + Border; if fCaption <> '' then begin DrawFormattedText( @ Self, DC, R, DT_CALCRECT ); if {$IFDEF USE_FLAGS} G1_WordWrap in fFlagsG1 {$ELSE} fWordWrap {$ENDIF} then begin DrawFormattedText( @ Self, DC, R, 0 ); GraphCtlDrawFocusRect( DC, R ); end else begin GraphCtlDrawFocusRect( DC, R ); DrawFormattedTextXP( Theme, @ Self, DC, R, 3 {BP_CHECKBOX}, Flag, 0, 0 ); end; end; fCloseThemeData( Theme ); end else {$ENDIF} begin W := GetSystemMetrics( SM_CXMENUCHECK ); H := GetSystemMetrics( SM_CYMENUCHECK ); R1 := R; R1.Right := R1.Left + W; if {$IFDEF USE_FLAGS} G1_WordWrap in fFlagsG1 {$ELSE} fWordWrap {$ENDIF} then R1.Top := R1.Top + Border else R1.Top := R1.Top + (R1.Bottom - R1.Top - H) div 2; R1.Bottom := R1.Top + H; Flag := 0; if {$IFDEF USE_FLAGS} G4_Checked in fFlagsG4 {$ELSE} fChecked {$ENDIF} then Flag := DFCS_CHECKED; DrawFrameControl( DC, R1, DFC_BUTTON, DFCS_BUTTONCHECK or $800 {DFCS_TRANSPARENT} or Flag ); R.Left := R1.Left + W + Border; DrawFormattedText( @ Self, DC, R, 0 ); GraphCtlDrawFocusRect( DC, R ); end; end;//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// procedure TControl.GraphicCheckBoxMouse(var Msg: TMsg); begin if (Msg.message = WM_LBUTTONDOWN) or (Msg.message = WM_LBUTTONDBLCLK) then ClickGraphCheck( @ Self ); end;//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// procedure TControl.GraphicRadioBoxPaint(DC: HDC); var R, R1: TRect; Flag: DWORD; W, H: Integer; {$IFDEF GRAPHCTL_XPSTYLES} Theme: THandle; {$ENDIF} begin R := DoGraphCtlPrepaint; {$IFDEF GRAPHCTL_XPSTYLES} OpenThemeDataProc; Theme := 0; if Assigned( fOpenThemeDataProc ) and not DoNotDrawGraphCtlsUsingXPStyles then Theme := fOpenThemeDataProc( 0, 'Button' ); if Theme <> 0 then begin W := GetSystemMetrics( SM_CXMENUCHECK ); H := GetSystemMetrics( SM_CYMENUCHECK ); R1 := R; R1.Right := R1.Left + W; if {$IFDEF USE_FLAGS} G1_WordWrap in fFlagsG1 {$ELSE} fWordWrap {$ENDIF} then R1.Top := R1.Top + Border else R1.Top := R1.Top + (R1.Bottom - R1.Top - H) div 2; R1.Bottom := R1.Top + H; Flag := 1; {CBS_UNCHECKEDNORMAL} if not Enabled then Flag := 4 {CBS_UNCHECKEDDISABLED} else if {$IFDEF USE_FLAGS} G4_Hot in fFlagsG4 {$ELSE} fHot {$ENDIF} then Flag := 2; {CBS_UNCHECKEDHOT} if {$IFDEF USE_FLAGS} G4_Checked in fFlagsG4 {$ELSE} fChecked {$ENDIF} then Inc( Flag, 4 ); fDrawThemeBackground( Theme, DC, 2 {BP_RADIOBOX}, Flag, @R1, @R ); R.Left := R1.Left + W + Border; if fCaption <> '' then begin DrawFormattedText( @ Self, DC, R, DT_CALCRECT ); if {$IFDEF USE_FLAGS} G1_WordWrap in fFlagsG1 {$ELSE} fWordWrap {$ENDIF} then begin DrawFormattedText( @ Self, DC, R, 0 ); GraphCtlDrawFocusRect( DC, R ); end else begin GraphCtlDrawFocusRect( DC, R ); DrawFormattedTextXP( Theme, @ Self, DC, R, 2 {BP_RADIOBOX}, Flag, 0, 0 ); end; end; fCloseThemeData( Theme ); end else {$ENDIF} begin W := GetSystemMetrics( SM_CXMENUCHECK ); H := GetSystemMetrics( SM_CYMENUCHECK ); R1 := R; R1.Right := R1.Left + W; if {$IFDEF USE_FLAGS} G1_WordWrap in fFlagsG1 {$ELSE} fWordWrap {$ENDIF} then R1.Top := R1.Top + Border else R1.Top := R1.Top + (R1.Bottom - R1.Top - H) div 2; R1.Bottom := R1.Top + H; Flag := 0; if {$IFDEF USE_FLAGS} G4_Checked in fFlagsG4 {$ELSE} fChecked {$ENDIF} then Flag := DFCS_CHECKED; DrawFrameControl( DC, R1, DFC_BUTTON, DFCS_BUTTONRADIO or $800 {DFCS_TRANSPARENT} {or DFCS_ADJUSTRECT} or Flag ); R.Left := R1.Right + 2; DrawFormattedText( @ Self, DC, R, 0 ); GraphCtlDrawFocusRect( DC, R ); end; end;//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// procedure TControl.GraphicButtonPaint(DC: HDC); var R: TRect; Flag: DWORD; {$IFDEF GRAPHCTL_XPSTYLES} Flag1: DWORD; Theme: THandle; {$ENDIF} II: TIconInfo; BI: TagBitmap; Y: Integer; R1: TRect; begin R := DoGraphCtlPrepaint; {$IFDEF GRAPHCTL_XPSTYLES} OpenThemeDataProc; Theme := 0; if Assigned( fOpenThemeDataProc ) and not DoNotDrawGraphCtlsUsingXPStyles then Theme := fOpenThemeDataProc( 0, 'Button' ); if Theme <> 0 then begin Flag := 1; {PBS_UNCHECKEDNORMAL} if not Enabled then Flag := 4 {PBS_UNCHECKEDDISABLED} else if {$IFDEF USE_FLAGS} G4_Pushed in fFlagsG4 {$ELSE} fPushed {$ENDIF} then Flag := 3 {PBS_UNCHECKEDPRESSED} else if {$IFDEF USE_FLAGS} G4_Hot in fFlagsG4 {$ELSE} fHot {$ENDIF} then Flag := 2; {PBS_UNCHECKEDHOT} if {$IFDEF USE_FLAGS} G4_Checked in fFlagsG4 {$ELSE} fChecked {$ENDIF} then Inc( Flag, 4 ); fDrawThemeBackground( Theme, DC, 1 {BP_PUSHBUTTON}, Flag, @R, @R ); fGetThemeBackgroundContentRect( Theme, DC, 1 {BS_PUSHBUTTON}, Flag, @R, @R1 ); GraphCtlDrawFocusRect( DC, R1 ); if (DF.fButtonIcon <> 0) and GetIconInfo( DF.fButtonIcon, II ) then begin if GetObject( II.hbmColor, Sizeof( BI ), @ BI ) <> 0 then begin CASE fVerticalAlign OF vaTop: Y := R.Top + Border; vaBottom: Y := R.Bottom - Border - BI.bmHeight; else {vaCenter:}Y := R.Top + (R.Bottom - R.Top - BI.bmHeight) div 2; END; DrawIcon( DC, R.Left + Border, Y, DF.fButtonIcon ); Inc( R1.Left, BI.bmWidth + Border * 2 ); end; DeleteObject( II.hbmColor ); if II.hbmMask <> 0 then DeleteObject( II.hbmMask ); end; if fCaption <> '' then begin Flag1 := DT_SINGLELINE; if WordWrap then Flag1 := DT_WORDBREAK; DrawFormattedText( @ Self, DC, R1, DT_CALCRECT ); DrawFormattedTextXP( Theme, @ Self, DC, R1, 1 {BP_PUSHBUTTON}, Flag, Flag1, 0 ); end; fCloseThemeData( Theme ); end else {$ENDIF} begin Flag := 0; if {$IFDEF USE_FLAGS} G4_Checked in fFlagsG4 {$ELSE} fChecked {$ENDIF} then Flag := DFCS_CHECKED else if {$IFDEF USE_FLAGS} G4_Pushed in fFlagsG4 {$ELSE} fPushed {$ENDIF} then Flag := DFCS_PUSHED; if {$IFDEF USE_FLAGS} G3_Flat in fFlagsG3 {$ELSE} fFlat {$ENDIF} then Flag := Flag or DFCS_FLAT; DrawFrameControl( DC, R, DFC_BUTTON, DFCS_BUTTONPUSH or $800 {DFCS_TRANSPARENT} or DFCS_ADJUSTRECT or Flag ); R1 := R; if (DF.fButtonIcon <> 0) and GetIconInfo( DF.fButtonIcon, II ) then begin if GetObject( II.hbmColor, Sizeof( BI ), @ BI ) <> 0 then begin CASE fVerticalAlign OF vaTop: Y := R.Top + Border; vaBottom: Y := R.Bottom - Border - BI.bmHeight; else {vaCenter:}Y := R.Top + (R.Bottom - R.Top - BI.bmHeight) div 2; END; DrawIcon( DC, R.Left + Border, Y, DF.fButtonIcon ); Inc( R1.Left, BI.bmWidth + Border * 2 ); end; DeleteObject( II.hbmColor ); if II.hbmMask <> 0 then DeleteObject( II.hbmMask ); end; DrawFormattedText( @ Self, DC, R1, 0 ); GraphCtlDrawFocusRect( DC, R ); end; end;//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// procedure TControl.GraphicButtonMouse(var Msg: TMsg); var Pt: TPoint; begin CASE Msg.message OF WM_LBUTTONDOWN, WM_LBUTTONDBLCLK: begin GraphButtonSetFocus(@Self); RefInc; SetCapture( Parent.Handle ); Parent.fPushedBtn := @ Self; {$IFDEF USE_FLAGS} include( fFlagsG4, G4_Pushed ); {$ELSE} fPushed := TRUE; {$ENDIF} Invalidate; end; WM_LBUTTONUP: begin ReleaseCapture; Invalidate; if {$IFDEF USE_FLAGS} G4_Pushed in fFlagsG4 {$ELSE} fPushed {$ENDIF} then begin Pt.X := SmallInt( LoWord( Msg.lParam ) ); Pt.Y := SmallInt( HiWord( Msg.lParam ) ); if PtInRect( ClientRect, Pt ) then DoClick; {$IFDEF USE_FLAGS} exclude( fFlagsG4, G4_Pushed ); {$ELSE} fPushed := FALSE; {$ENDIF} Parent.fPushedBtn := nil; RefDec; end; end; END; end;//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// procedure TControl.LeaveGraphButton( Sender: PObj ); begin {$IFDEF USE_FLAGS} exclude( fFlagsG6, G6_Focused ); {$ELSE} fFocused := FALSE; {$ENDIF} if Parent.DF.fCurrentControl = @ Self then Parent.DF.fCurrentControl := nil; if ParentForm.DF.fCurrentControl = @ Self then ParentForm.DF.fCurrentControl := nil; Invalidate; {$IFDEF NIL_EVENTS} if Assigned( EV.fOnLeave ) then {$ENDIF} EV.fOnLeave( @ Self ); end;//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function TControl.GraphButtonKeyboardProcess(var Msg: TMsg; var Rslt: Integer): Boolean; var SpacePressed: Boolean; begin Result := FALSE; SpacePressed := Msg.wParam = Word( ' ' ); {$IFDEF ALL_BUTTONS_RESPOND_TO_ENTER} SpacePressed := SpacePressed or (Msg.wParam = 13); {$ENDIF} if not SpacePressed then Exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} if (Msg.message = WM_KEYDOWN) or (Msg.message = WM_SYSKEYDOWN) then begin Parent.fPushedBtn := @ Self; {$IFDEF USE_FLAGS} include( fFlagsG4, G4_Pushed ); {$ELSE} fPushed := TRUE; {$ENDIF} Invalidate; Result := TRUE; ///// end else if (Msg.message = WM_KEYUP) or (Msg.message = WM_SYSKEYUP) then begin {$IFDEF USE_FLAGS} exclude( fFlagsG4, G4_Pushed ); {$ELSE} fPushed := FALSE; {$ENDIF} Parent.fPushedBtn := nil; Invalidate; Result := TRUE; ///// end else if (Msg.message = WM_CHAR) or (Msg.message = WM_SYSCHAR) then begin DoClick; Result := TRUE; end; end;//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// procedure TControl.GraphicEditPaint(DC: HDC); var R: TRect; {$IFDEF GRAPHCTL_XPSTYLES} R1: TRect; Flag, Flag1: DWORD; Theme: THandle; {$ENDIF} begin R := ClientRect; {$IFDEF GRAPHCTL_XPSTYLES} OpenThemeDataProc; Theme := 0; if Assigned( fOpenThemeDataProc ) and not DoNotDrawGraphCtlsUsingXPStyles then Theme := fOpenThemeDataProc( 0, 'Edit' ); if Theme <> 0 then begin Flag := 1; {ETS_NORMAL} if not Enabled then Flag := 4 {ETS_DISABLED} else if eoReadonly in DF.fEditOptions then Flag := 6 {ETS_READONLY} else if {$IFDEF USE_FLAGS} G6_Focused in fFlagsG6 {$ELSE} fFocused {$ENDIF} then Flag := 5 {ETS_FOCUSED} else if {$IFDEF USE_FLAGS} G4_Hot in fFlagsG4 {$ELSE} fHot {$ENDIF} then Flag := 2; {ETS_HOT} fDrawThemeBackground( Theme, DC, 1 {EP_EDITTEXT}, Flag, @R, @R ); Inc( R.Left, 2 ); Dec( R.Right, 2 ); fGetThemeBackgroundContentRect( Theme, DC, 1 {EP_EDITTEXT}, Flag, @R, @R1 ); if fCaption <> '' then begin Flag1 := DT_SINGLELINE; if eoMultiline in DF.fEditOptions then Flag1 := DT_WORDBREAK; CASE fTextAlign OF taCenter: Flag1 := Flag1 or DT_CENTER; taRight: Flag1 := Flag1 or DT_RIGHT; END; CASE fVerticalAlign OF vaCenter: Flag1 := Flag1 or DT_VCENTER; vaBottom: Flag1 := Flag1 or DT_BOTTOM; END; DrawFormattedTextXP( Theme, @ Self, DC, R1, 1 {EP_EDITTEXT}, Flag, Flag1, 0 ); end; fCloseThemeData( Theme ); end else {$ENDIF} begin if not Assigned( EV.fOnPrepaint ) and not Transparent then begin Canvas.Brush.Color := fColor; Canvas.FillRect( R ); end; DrawEdge( DC, R, BDR_SUNKENINNER or BDR_SUNKENOUTER, BF_ADJUST or BF_RECT ); DrawFormattedText( @ Self, DC, R, DT_EDITCONTROL ); end; end;//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// procedure TControl.GraphicEditMouse(var Msg: TMsg); var E: PControl; Pt: TPoint; begin CASE Msg.message OF WM_LBUTTONDOWN, WM_LBUTTONDBLCLK: if not ( eoReadOnly in DF.fEditOptions ) then begin E := EditGraphEdit(@Self); Pt.X := Smallint( LoWord( Msg.lParam ) ) - Left; Pt.Y := Smallint( HiWord( Msg.lParam ) ) - Top; PostMessage( E.Handle, Msg.message, Msg.wParam, Pt.Y shl 16 or Pt.X and $FFFF ); end; END; end;//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// procedure TControl.LeaveGraphEdit(Sender: PObj); begin if {$IFDEF USE_FLAGS} not(G6_GraphicCtl in PControl(Sender).fFlagsG6) {$ELSE} PControl( Sender ).fWindowed {$ENDIF} and ( DF.fEditCtl <> nil ) then begin Text := PControl( Sender ).Text; DF.fEditCtl := nil; Visible := TRUE; ParentForm.DF.fCurrentControl := @ Self; Parent.DF.fCurrentControl := @ Self; Parent.Postmsg( CM_QUIT, DWORD( Sender ), 0 ); end else if Assigned( DF.fEditCtl ) then DF.fEditCtl.EV.fLeave( DF.fEditCtl ); end;//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// procedure TControl.ChangeGraphEdit(Sender: PObj); begin Text := PControl( Sender ).Text; end;//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// procedure TControl.DestroyGraphEdit(Sender: PObj); begin DF.fEditCtl := nil; end;//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// procedure TControl.GraphCtlDrawFocusRect(DC: HDC; const R: TRect); var rgn: HRgn; begin if {$IFDEF USE_FLAGS} (G6_Focused in fFlagsG6) {$ELSE} fFocused {$ENDIF} and (GetActiveWindow = ParentForm.Handle) then begin BeginPath( DC ); Canvas.FrameRect( R ); EndPath( DC ); Canvas.FrameRect( R ); DrawFocusRect( DC, R ); rgn := PathToRegion( DC ); ExtSelectClipRgn( DC, rgn, RGN_DIFF ); DeleteObject( rgn ); end; end;//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// procedure TControl.GroupBoxPaint(DC: HDC); var bk_erased: Boolean; procedure DoEraseBkgnd; var R: TRect; begin bk_erased := TRUE; If Assigned( EV.fOnEraseBkgnd ) then EV.fOnEraseBkgnd( @ Self, DC ) else begin R := BoundsRect; OffsetRect( R, -R.Left, -R.Top ); SetBkMode( DC, OPAQUE ); SetBkColor( DC, Color2RGB( fColor ) ); SetBrushOrgEx( DC, 0, 0, nil ); Windows.FillRect( DC, R, Global_GetCtlBrushHandle( @ Self ) ); End; end; var R, R1, R0: TRect; rgn, rgn2, rgntxt, rgnsav, rgnsavall: HRgn; i: Integer; C: PControl; {$IFDEF GRAPHCTL_XPSTYLES} Theme: THandle; Flag: DWORD; {$ENDIF} begin if not DF.fErasingBkgnd then Exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} R := ClientRect; Dec( R.Top, 14 { Self_.fClientTop div 2 } ); Dec( R.Left, fClientLeft ); Inc( R.Right, fClientRight ); Inc( R.Bottom, fClientBottom ); rgnsavall := CreateRectRgn( 0, 0, 0, 0 ); GetClipRgn( DC, rgnsavall ); TRY For i := 0 to ChildCount-1 do begin C := Children[ i ]; If {$IFDEF USE_FLAGS} (G6_GraphicCtl in C.fFlagsG6) {$ELSE} not C.fWindowed {$ENDIF} and {$IFDEF USE_FLAGS} (F3_Visible in C.fStyle.f3_Style) {$ELSE} C.fVisible {$ENDIF} then begin rgn := CreateRectRgnIndirect( C.BoundsRect ); ExtSelectClipRgn( DC, rgn, RGN_DIFF ); DeleteObject( rgn ); End; End; {$IFDEF GRAPHCTL_XPSTYLES} OpenThemeDataProc; Theme := 0; if Assigned( fOpenThemeDataProc ) and not DoNotDrawGraphCtlsUsingXPStyles then Theme := fOpenThemeDataProc( 0, 'Button' ); If Theme <> 0 then begin DoEraseBkgnd; Flag := 1; {GBS_NORMAL} if not Enabled then Flag := 2; {GBS_DISABLED} R1 := R; rgnsav := 0; if fCaption <> '' then begin R1.Top := 0; Inc( R1.Left, 8 ); Dec( R1.Right, 8 ); BeginPath( DC ); DrawFormattedTextXP( Theme, @ Self, DC, R1, 4 {BP_GROUPBOX}, Flag, 0, 0 ); EndPath( DC ); rgntxt := PathToRegion( DC ); if rgntxt = 0 then begin R1.Right := R1.Left + Canvas.TextWidth( fCaption ); R1.Bottom := R1.Top + Canvas.TextHeight( fCaption ); rgntxt := CreateRectRgnIndirect( R1 ); end; DrawFormattedTextXP( Theme, @ Self, DC, R1, 4 {BP_GROUPBOX}, Flag, 0, 0 ); GetRgnBox( rgntxt, R0 ); Dec( R0.Left, 3 ); Inc( R0.Right, 3 ); DeleteObject( rgntxt ); rgn := CreateRectRgnIndirect( R0 ); end else rgn := 0; if rgn <> 0 then begin rgnsav := CreateRectRgn( 0, 0, 0, 0 ); GetClipRgn( DC, rgnsav ); ExtSelectClipRgn( DC, rgn, RGN_DIFF ); DeleteObject( rgn ); end; fDrawThemeBackground( Theme, DC, 4 {BP_GROUPBOX}, Flag, @R, @R ); if rgnsav <> 0 then begin SelectClipRgn( DC, rgnsav ); DeleteObject( rgnsav ); end; fCloseThemeData( Theme ); end else {$ENDIF} begin bk_erased := FALSE; R1 := R; R1.Top := 0; R1.Bottom := ClientRect.Top; Inc( R1.Left, 16 ); Dec( R1.Right, 16 ); fVerticalAlign := vaCenter; BeginPath( DC ); Canvas.TextOut( R1.Left, R1.Top, fCaption ); EndPath( DC ); Canvas.TextOut( R1.Left, R1.Top, fCaption ); rgntxt := PathToRegion( DC ); if rgntxt = 0 then // ����� - � ������ ������ �� ���������! begin R1.Right := R1.Left + Canvas.TextWidth( fCaption ); R1.Bottom := R1.Top + Canvas.TextHeight( fCaption ); rgntxt := CreateRectRgnIndirect( R1 ); end; GetRgnBox( rgntxt, R0 ); rgn2 := CreateRectRgnIndirect( R0 ); rgnsav := CreateRectRgn( 0, 0, 0, 0 ); GetClipRgn( DC, rgnsav ); ExtSelectClipRgn( DC, rgn2, RGN_DIFF ); DeleteObject( rgn2 ); BeginPath( DC ); DrawEdge( DC, R, BDR_RAISEDINNER or BDR_SUNKENOUTER, BF_RECT ); EndPath( DC ); rgn := PathToRegion( DC ); if rgn = 0 then DoEraseBkgnd; DrawEdge( DC, R, BDR_RAISEDINNER or BDR_SUNKENOUTER, BF_RECT ); SelectClipRgn( DC, rgnsav ); DeleteObject( rgnsav ); if rgn <> 0 then begin ExtSelectClipRgn( DC, rgn, RGN_DIFF ); DeleteObject( rgn ); end; ExtSelectClipRgn( DC, rgntxt, RGN_DIFF ); DeleteObject( rgntxt ); if not bk_erased then DoEraseBkgnd; End; FINALLY SelectClipRgn( DC, rgnsavall ); DeleteObject( rgnsavall ); END; end; {$ENDIF USE_GRAPHCTLS}//-------------------------------------------------------- {$IFDEF ASM_VERSION}{$ELSE PASCAL} function TControl.MakeWordWrap: PControl; begin {$IFDEF USE_FLAGS} include( fFlagsG1, G1_WordWrap ); {$ELSE} fWordWrap := TRUE; {$ENDIF} if IsButton then Style := fStyle.Value or BS_MULTILINE else Style := fStyle.Value and not SS_LEFTNOWORDWRAP; Result := @ Self; end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION}//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function ParentAnchorChildren( Sender: PControl; var Msg: TMsg; var Rslt: Integer ): Boolean; var NewW, NewH: Integer; dW, dH: Integer; i: Integer; C: PControl; {$IFNDEF ANCHORS_WM_SIZE} CR: TRect; {$ENDIF} begin Result := FALSE; If (Msg.message = {$IFDEF ANCHORS_WM_SIZE} WM_SIZE {$ELSE} WM_WINDOWPOSCHANGED {$ENDIF} ) and not IsIconic(Sender.Handle) then begin {$IFDEF ANCHORS_WM_SIZE} NewW := LoWord( Msg.lParam ); NewH := HiWord( Msg.lParam ); {$ELSE} CR := Sender.ClientRect; NewW := CR.Right; NewH := CR.Bottom; {$ENDIF} dW := NewW - Sender.fOldWidth; dH := NewH - Sender.fOldHeight; For i := 0 to Sender.ChildCount - 1 do begin C := Sender.Children[ i ]; If dW <> 0 then begin if C.AnchorRight and C.AnchorLeft then C.Width := C.Width + dW else if C.AnchorRight then C.Left := C.Left + dW; End; If dH <> 0 then begin if C.AnchorBottom and C.AnchorTop then C.Height := C.Height + dH else if C.AnchorBottom then C.Top := C.Top + dH; End; End; Sender.fOldWidth := NewW; Sender.fOldHeight := NewH; End; end;//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function TControl.Anchor(aLeft, aTop, aRight, aBottom: Boolean): PControl; begin if (not aLeft) and aRight then AnchorLeft := FALSE else AnchorLeft := aLeft; if (not aTop) and aBottom then AnchorTop := FALSE else AnchorTop := aTop; AnchorRight := aRight; AnchorBottom := aBottom; Result := @ Self; end; function TControl.GetLBTopIndex: Integer; begin Result := Perform(LB_GETTOPINDEX,0,0); end;//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function TControl.LBItemAtPos(X, Y: Integer): Integer; var R: TRect; P: TPoint; i: Integer; begin P := MakePoint(X,Y); For i := LBTopIndex to Count -1 do begin Perform(LB_GETITEMRECT, i , Integer(@R)); if PointInRect(P,R) then begin Result := i; Exit; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} end; End; Result := -1; end;//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// procedure TControl.SetLBTopIndex(const Value: Integer); begin Perform(LB_SETTOPINDEX,Value,0); end;///////////////////////////////////// {$ENDIF WIN_GDI}//-------------------------------------------------------------- {$IFDEF ASM_VERSION}{$ELSE PAS_VERSION} function TControl.FormGetIntParam: Integer; var C: Byte; Sign, Cont: Boolean; begin Result := 0; While TRUE do begin C := Byte( DF.FormParams^ ); inc( DF.FormParams ); Cont := C and 1 <> 0; C := C shr 1; If Cont then Result := (Result shl 7) or C else begin Sign := C and 1 <> 0; C := C shr 1; Result := (Result shl 6) or C; if Sign then Result := -Result; break; End; End; end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION}//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// {$IFDEF ASM_VERSION}{$ELSE} function TControl.FormGetColorParam: Integer; begin Result := FormGetIntParam; Result := (Result shr 1) or (Result shl 31); end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION}//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// {$IFDEF ASM_VERSION}{$ELSE PASCAL} procedure TControl.FormGetStrParam; var i: Integer; begin i := FormGetIntParam; SetString( FormString, DF.FormParams, i ); inc( DF.FormParams, i ); end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION}//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// procedure TControl.FormCreateParameters( alphabet: PFormInitFuncArray; params: PAnsiChar ); begin DF.FormCurrentParent := @Self; DF.FormLastCreatedChild := @Self; DF.FormParams := params; DF.FormAlphabet := alphabet; end;//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// {$IFDEF ASM_VERSION}{$ELSE PASCAL} procedure TControl.FormExecuteCommands(AForm: PControl; ControlPtrOffsets: PSmallIntArray); var N: Integer; Ctrl: PPcontrol; begin while {FormParams <> ''} TRUE do begin N := FormGetIntParam; if N = 0 then break; if N < 0 then begin N := -N; Ctrl := PPControl( Pointer( Integer(AForm) + (ControlPtrOffsets[0] shl 2) ) ); ControlPtrOffsets := Pointer( Integer( ControlPtrOffsets ) + 2 ); Ctrl^ := DF.FormAlphabet[N-1]( @Self ); DF.FormLastCreatedChild := Ctrl^; end else begin Ctrl := @ DF.FormLastCreatedChild; PFormInitFuncArray1( DF.FormAlphabet )[N-1]( Ctrl^, 1 ); end; end; FormString := ''; end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION}//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// {$IFDEF ASM_VERSION} procedure FormPrepareStrParamCreateCtrl; asm PUSH EAX CALL TControl.FormGetStrParam POP ECX MOV EAX, [ECX].TControl.DF.FormCurrentParent MOV EDX, [ECX].TControl.FormString end;//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// procedure FormPrepareIntParamCreateCtrl; asm PUSH EAX CALL TControl.FormGetIntParam XCHG EDX, EAX POP ECX MOV EAX, [ECX].TControl.DF.FormCurrentParent end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION}//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// {$IFDEF ASM_VERSION}{$ELSE} function FormNewLabel( Form: PControl ): PControl; begin Form.FormGetStrParam; Result := NewLabel( Form.DF.FormCurrentParent, Form.FormString ); end; {$ENDIF}//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// {$IFDEF ASM_VERSION}{$ELSE} function FormNewWordWrapLabel( Form: PControl ): PControl; begin Form.FormGetStrParam; Result := NewWordWrapLabel( Form.DF.FormCurrentParent, Form.FormString ); end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION}//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// {$IFDEF ASM_VERSION}{$ELSE} function FormNewLabelEffect( Form: PControl ): PControl; var Shd: Integer; begin Form.FormGetStrParam; Shd := Form.FormGetIntParam; Result := NewLabelEffect( Form.DF.FormCurrentParent, Form.FormString, Shd ); end; {$ENDIF}//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// {$IFDEF ASM_VERSION}{$ELSE} function FormNewButton( Form: PControl ): PControl; begin Form.FormGetStrParam; Result := NewButton( Form.DF.FormCurrentParent, Form.FormString ); end; {$ENDIF}//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function FormNewBitBtn( Form: PControl ): PControl; type PBitBtnOptions = ^TBitBtnOptions; var Cap: KOLString; i, j, k, bmp: Integer; begin Form.FormGetStrParam; Cap := Form.FormString; i := Form.FormGetIntParam; j := Form.FormGetIntParam; Form.FormGetStrParam; k := Form.FormGetIntParam; bmp := 0; if Form.FormString <> '' then bmp := LoadBmp( hInstance, PKOLChar( KOLString( Form.FormString ) ), Form ); Result := NewBitBtn( Form.DF.FormCurrentParent, Cap, PBitBtnOptions( @i )^, TGlyphLayout( j ), bmp, k ); end;//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// {$IFDEF ASM_VERSION}{$ELSE} function FormNewPanel( Form: PControl ): PControl; begin Result := NewPanel( Form.DF.FormCurrentParent, TEdgeStyle( Form.FormGetIntParam ) ); end; {$ENDIF}//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function FormNewGradientPanel( Form: PControl ): PControl; var C1, C2: TColor; begin C1 := Form.FormGetColorParam; C2 := Form.FormGetColorParam; Result := NewGradientPanel( Form.DF.FormCurrentParent, C1, C2 ); end;//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function FormNewGradientPanelEx( Form: PControl ): PControl; var C1, C2: TColor; Style, Layout: Integer; begin C1 := Form.FormGetColorParam; C2 := Form.FormGetColorParam; Style := Form.FormGetIntParam; Layout := Form.FormGetIntParam; Result := NewGradientPanelEx( Form.DF.FormCurrentParent, C1, C2, TGradientStyle( Style ), TGradientLayout( Layout ) ); end;//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// {$IFDEF ASM_VERSION}{$ELSE PASCAL} function FormNewGroupbox( Form: PControl ): PControl; begin Form.FormGetStrParam; Result := NewGroupbox( Form.DF.FormCurrentParent, Form.FormString ); end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION}//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function FormNewPaintbox( Form: PControl ): PControl; begin Result := NewPaintbox( Form.DF.FormCurrentParent ); end;////////////////// function FormNewImageShow( Form: PControl ): PControl; begin Result := NewImageShow( Form.DF.FormCurrentParent, nil, 0 ); end;///////// {$IFDEF ASM_VERSION}{$ELSE} function FormNewEditBox( Form: PControl ): PControl; type PEditOptions = ^TEditOptions; var i: Integer; begin i := Form.FormGetIntParam; Result := NewEditbox( Form.DF.FormCurrentParent, PEditOptions( @ i )^ ); end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION}//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// {$IFDEF USE_RICHEDIT}/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// {$IFDEF ASM_VERSION}{$ELSE} function FormNewRichEdit( Form: PControl ): PControl; type PEditOptions = ^TEditOptions; var i: Integer; begin i := Form.FormGetIntParam; Result := NewRichEdit( Form.DF.FormCurrentParent, PEditOptions( @ i )^ ); end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION} {$ENDIF USE_RICHEDIT}/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// {$IFDEF ASM_VERSION}{$ELSE} function FormNewComboBox( Form: PControl ): PControl; type PComboOptions = ^TComboOptions; var i: Integer; begin i := Form.FormGetIntParam; Result := NewCombobox( Form.DF.FormCurrentParent, PComboOptions( @ i )^ ); end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION}//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// {$IFDEF ASM_VERSION}{$ELSE} function FormNewCheckbox( Form: PControl ): PControl; begin Form.FormGetStrParam; Result := NewCheckbox( Form.DF.FormCurrentParent, Form.FormString ); end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION}//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// {$IFDEF ASM_VERSION}{$ELSE} function FormNewRadiobox( Form: PControl ): PControl; begin Form.FormGetStrParam; Result := NewRadiobox( Form.DF.FormCurrentParent, Form.FormString ); end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION}//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function FormNewSplitter( Form: PControl ): PControl; var p, n: Integer; begin p := Form.FormGetIntParam; n := Form.FormGetIntParam; Result := NewSplitter( Form.DF.FormCurrentParent, p, n ); end;//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// {$IFDEF ASM_VERSION}{$ELSE} function FormNewListbox( Form: PControl ): PControl; type PListOptions = ^TListOptions; var i: Integer; begin i := Form.FormGetIntParam; Result := NewListbox( Form.DF.FormCurrentParent, PListOptions( @ i )^ ); end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION}//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function FormNewListView( Form: PControl ): PControl; type PListViewOptions = ^TListViewOptions; var lvs: TListViewStyle; i: Integer; begin lvs := TListViewStyle( Form.FormGetIntParam ); i := Form.FormGetIntParam; Result := NewListView( Form.DF.FormCurrentParent, lvs, PListViewOptions( @i )^, nil, nil, nil ); end;//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function FormNewTreeView( Form: PControl ): PControl; type PTreeViewOptions = ^TTreeViewOptions; var i: Integer; begin i := Form.FormGetIntParam; Result := NewTreeView( Form.DF.FormCurrentParent, PTreeViewOptions( @i )^, nil, nil ); end;//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function FormNewScrollbox( Form: PControl ): PControl; type PScrollerBars = ^TScrollerBars; var es: TEdgeStyle; b: Integer; begin es := TEdgeStyle( Form.FormGetIntParam ); b := Form.FormGetIntParam; Result := NewScrollbox( Form.DF.FormCurrentParent, es, PScrollerBars( @ b )^ ); end;//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function FormNewScrollboxEx( Form: PControl ): PControl; begin Result := NewScrollboxEx( Form.DF.FormCurrentParent, TEdgeStyle( Form.FormGetIntParam ) ); end;//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function FormNewScrollBar( Form: PControl ): PControl; begin Result := NewScrollbar( Form.DF.FormCurrentParent, TScrollerBar( Form.FormGetIntParam ) ); end;//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function FormNewProgressBar( Form: PControl ): PControl; begin Result := NewProgressBar( Form.DF.FormCurrentParent ); end;/////////////// function FormNewProgressBarEx( Form: PControl ): PControl; type PProgressbarOptions = ^TProgressbarOptions; begin Result := NewProgressBarEx( Form.DF.FormCurrentParent, PProgressbarOptions(Form.FormGetIntParam)^ ); end;//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function FormNewDateTimePicker( Form: PControl ): PControl; type PDateTimePickerOptions = ^TDateTimePickerOptions; var o: Integer; begin o := Form.FormGetIntParam; Result := NewDateTimePicker( Form.DF.FormCurrentParent, PDateTimePickerOptions( @ o )^ ); end;//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// {$IFDEF _D4orHigher} function FormNewTabControl( Form: PControl ): PControl; type PTabControlOptions = ^TTabControlOptions; var N, i, o: Integer; Tabs1: array of KOLString; Tabs2: array of PKOLChar; begin N := Form.FormGetIntParam; SetLength( Tabs1, N ); SetLength( Tabs2, N ); for i := 0 to N-1 do begin Form.FormGetStrParam; Tabs1[i] := Form.FormString; Tabs2[i] := PKOLChar( Tabs1[i] ); end; o := Form.FormGetIntParam; i := Form.FormGetIntParam; Result := NewTabControl( Form.DF.FormCurrentParent, Tabs2, PTabControlOptions(@ o)^, nil, i ); SetLength( Tabs1, 0 ); SetLength( Tabs2, 0 ); end; {$ENDIF}//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// {$IFDEF ASM_VERSION}{$ENDIF PAS_VERSION}//////////////////////////////////////// function ParentForm_PCharParam(Control: PControl): PKOLChar; var Form: PControl; begin Form := Control.FormParentForm; Form.FormGetStrParam; Result := PKOLChar( KOLString( Form.FormString ) ); end;//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function ParentForm_IntParamPas(Form: PControl): Integer; begin Result := Form.FormParentForm.FormGetIntParam; end;/////////////////////////// function ParentForm_ColorParamPas(Form: PControl): Integer; begin Result := Form.FormParentForm.FormGetColorParam; end;///////////////////////// {$IFDEF ASM_VERSION} // only to call from asm -- returns EAX=Parent Form, EDX=ECX=PChar param {$ENDIF ASM_VERSION}//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// {$IFDEF ASM_VERSION}{$ELSE PASCAL} procedure FormSetSize( Form: PControl ); var W, H: Integer; begin W := ParentForm_IntParamPas( Form ); H := ParentForm_IntParamPas( Form ); Form.SetSize( W, H ); end; {$ENDIF}//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// procedure FormSetHeight( Form: PControl ); begin Form.Height := ParentForm_IntParamPas(Form); end;///////////////////////// procedure FormSetWidth( Form: PControl ); begin Form.Width := ParentForm_IntParamPas(Form); end;////////////////////////// {$IFDEF ASM_VERSION}{$ELSE PASCAL} procedure FormSetPosition( Form: PControl ); var X, Y: Integer; begin X := ParentForm_IntParamPas(Form); Y := ParentForm_IntParamPas(Form); Form.SetPosition( X, Y ); end; {$ENDIF}//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// {$IFDEF ASM_VERSION}{$ELSE PASCAL} procedure FormSetClientSize( Form: PControl ); var W, H: Integer; begin W := ParentForm_IntParamPas(Form); H := ParentForm_IntParamPas(Form); Form.SetClientSize( W, H ); end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION}//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// {$IFDEF ASM_VERSION}{$ELSE PASCAL} procedure FormSetAlign( Form: PControl ); begin Form.SetAlign( TControlAlign( ParentForm_IntParamPas(Form) ) ); end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION}//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// {$IFDEF USE_NAMES} procedure FormSetName( Form: PControl ); var C: PControl; begin C := Form; Form := Form.FormParentForm; Form.FormGetStrParam; C.SetName( Form, Form.FormString ); end; {$ENDIF USE_NAMES}////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// procedure FormSetTag( Form: PControl ); var tag: DWORD; begin tag := ParentForm_IntParamPas(Form); Form.Tag := tag; end; {$IFDEF UNICODE_CTRLS} procedure FormSetUnicode( Form: PControl ); begin Form.SetUnicode( TRUE ); end; {$ENDIF UNICODE_CTRLS}////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// procedure FormAssignHelpContext( Form: PControl ); begin Form.AssignHelpContext( ParentForm_IntParamPas( Form ) ); end;//////////// {$IFDEF ASM_VERSION}{$ELSE PASCAL} procedure FormSetCanResizeFalse( Form: PControl ); begin Form.CanResize := FALSE; end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION}//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// {$IFDEF ASM_VERSION}{$ELSE PASCAL} procedure FormInitMenu( Form: PControl ); begin Form.Perform( WM_INITMENU, 0, 0 ); end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION}//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// procedure FormSizeGripFalse( Form: PControl ); begin Form.SizeGrip := FALSE; end; ///////////////////////////////////////////// {$IFDEF ASM_VERSION}{$ELSE PASCAL} procedure FormSetExStyle( Form: PControl ); begin Form.ExStyle := Form.ExStyle or DWORD( ParentForm_IntParamPas(Form) ); end; {$ENDIF}//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// {$IFDEF ASM_VERSION}{$ELSE PASCAL} procedure FormSetVisibleFalse( Form: PControl ); begin Form.Visible := FALSE; end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION}//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// {$IFDEF ASM_VERSION}{$ELSE PASCAL} procedure FormSetEnabledFalse( Form: PControl ); begin Form.Enabled := FALSE; end; {$ENDIF}//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// {$IFDEF ASM_VERSION}{$ELSE PASCAL} procedure FormResetStyles( Form: PControl ); begin Form.Style := Form.Style and not ParentForm_IntParamPas(Form); end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION}//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// {$IFDEF ASM_VERSION}{$ELSE PASCAL} procedure FormSetStyle( Form: PControl ); begin Form.Style := Form.Style or DWORD( ParentForm_IntParamPas(Form)); end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION}//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// {$IFDEF ASM_VERSION}{$ELSE PASCAL} procedure FormSetAlphaBlend( Form: PControl ); begin Form.AlphaBlend := ParentForm_IntParamPas( Form ); end; {$ENDIF}//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// {$IFDEF ASM_VERSION}{$ELSE PASCAL} procedure FormSetHasBorderFalse( Form: PControl ); begin Form.HasBorder := FALSE; end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION}//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// {$IFDEF ASM_VERSION}{$ELSE PASCAL} procedure FormSetHasCaptionFalse( Form: PControl ); begin Form.HasCaption := FALSE; end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION}//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// {$IFDEF ASM_VERSION}{$ELSE PASCAL} procedure FormResetCtl3D( Form: PControl ); begin Form.Ctl3D := FALSE; end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION}//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// {$IFDEF ASM_VERSION}{$ELSE PASCAL} procedure FormIconLoad_hInstance( Form: PControl ); begin Form.IconLoad( hInstance, MAKEINTRESOURCE( ParentForm_IntParamPas(Form) ) ); end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION}//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// {$IFDEF ASM_VERSION}{$ELSE PASCAL} procedure FormIconLoadCursor_0( Form: PControl ); begin Form.IconLoadCursor( 0, MakeIntResource( ParentForm_IntParamPas(Form) ) ); end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION}//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// {$IFDEF ASM_VERSION}{$ELSE PASCAL} procedure FormSetIconNeg1( Form: PControl ); begin Form.Icon := THandle( -1 ); end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION}//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// procedure FormIconLoad_hInstance_str( Form: PControl ); begin Form.FormGetStrParam; Form.IconLoad( hInstance, PKOLChar( KOLString( Form.FormString ) ) ); end;//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// {$IFDEF ASM_VERSION}{$ELSE PASCAL} procedure FormSetWindowState( Form: PControl ); begin Form.WindowState := TWindowState( ParentForm_IntParamPas(Form) ); end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION}//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// {$IFDEF ASM_VERSION}{$ELSE PASCAL} procedure FormCursorLoad_0( Form: PControl ); begin Form.CursorLoad( 0, MAKEINTRESOURCE( ParentForm_IntParamPas(Form) ) ); end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION}//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// procedure FormCursorLoad_hInstance( Form: PControl ); var C: PControl; begin C := Form; Form := Form.FormParentForm; Form.FormGetStrParam; C.CursorLoad( 0, PKOLChar( KOLString( Form.FormString ) ) ); end;//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// {$IFDEF ASM_VERSION}{$ELSE PASCAL} procedure FormSetColor( Form: PControl ); begin Form.Color := ParentForm_ColorParamPas(Form); end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION}//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// {$IFDEF ASM_VERSION}{$ELSE PASCAL} procedure FormSetBrushStyle( Form: PControl ); begin Form.Brush.BrushStyle := TBrushStyle( ParentForm_IntParamPas(Form) ); end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION}//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// {$IFDEF ASM_VERSION}{$ELSE PASCAL} procedure FormSetBrushBitmap( Form: PControl ); var C: PControl; begin C := Form; Form := Form.FormParentForm; {$IFDEF UNICODE_CTRLS} Form.FormGetStrParam; {$ENDIF} C.Brush.BrushBitmap := LoadBmp( hInstance, {$IFDEF UNICODE_CTRLS} PKOLChar( KOLString( Form.FormString ) ) {$ELSE} ParentForm_PCharParam(Form) {$ENDIF} , Form ); end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION}//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// {$IFDEF ASM_VERSION}{$ELSE PASCAL} procedure FormSetFontColor( Form: PControl ); begin Form.Font.Color := ParentForm_ColorParamPas(Form); end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION}//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// {$IFDEF ASM_VERSION}{$ELSE PASCAL} procedure FormSetFontStyles( Form: PControl ); type PFontStyle = ^TFontStyle; var fs: Byte; begin fs := ParentForm_IntParamPas(Form); Form.Font.FontStyle := PFontStyle( @ fs )^; end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION}//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// {$IFDEF ASM_VERSION}{$ELSE PASCAL} procedure FormSetFontHeight( Form: PControl ); begin Form.Font.FontHeight := ParentForm_IntParamPas(Form); end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION}//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// {$IFDEF ASM_VERSION}{$ELSE PASCAL} procedure FormSetFontWidth( Form: PControl ); begin Form.Font.FontWidth := ParentForm_IntParamPas(Form); end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION}//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// procedure ParentForm_StrParam( Form: PControl ); begin Form := Form.FormParentForm; Form.FormGetStrParam; end;//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// procedure FormSetFontName( Form: PControl ); begin ParentForm_StrParam(Form); Form.Font.FontName := Form.FormParentForm.FormString; end;//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// {$IFDEF ASM_VERSION}{$ELSE PASCAL} procedure FormSetFontOrientation( Form: PControl ); begin Form.Font.FontOrientation := ParentForm_IntParamPas(Form); end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION}//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// {$IFDEF ASM_VERSION}{$ELSE PASCAL} procedure FormSetFontCharset( Form: PControl ); begin Form.Font.FontCharset := ParentForm_IntParamPas(Form); end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION}//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// {$IFDEF ASM_VERSION}{$ELSE PASCAL} procedure FormSetFontPitch( Form: PControl ); begin Form.Font.FontPitch := TFontPitch( ParentForm_IntParamPas(Form) ); end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION}//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// {$IFDEF ASM_VERSION}{$ELSE PASCAL} procedure FormSetBorder( Form: PControl ); begin Form.Border := ParentForm_IntParamPas(Form); end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION}//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// {$IFDEF ASM_VERSION}{$ELSE PASCAL} procedure FormSetMarginTop( Form: PControl ); begin Form.MarginTop := ParentForm_IntParamPas(Form); end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION}//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// {$IFDEF ASM_VERSION}{$ELSE PASCAL} procedure FormSetMarginBottom( Form: PControl ); begin Form.MarginBottom := ParentForm_IntParamPas(Form); end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION}//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// {$IFDEF ASM_VERSION}{$ELSE PASCAL} procedure FormSetMarginLeft( Form: PControl ); begin Form.MarginLeft := ParentForm_IntParamPas(Form); end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION}//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// {$IFDEF ASM_VERSION}{$ELSE PASCAL} procedure FormSetMarginRight( Form: PControl ); begin Form.MarginRight := ParentForm_IntParamPas(Form); end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION}//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// {$IFDEF ASM_VERSION}{$ELSE PASCAL} procedure FormSetSimpleStatusText( Form: PControl ); begin Form.SimpleStatusText := ParentForm_PCharParam(Form); end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION}//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// {$IFDEF ASM_VERSION}{$ELSE PASCAL} procedure FormSetStatusText( Form: PControl ); var I: Integer; begin I := ParentForm_IntParamPas(Form); Form.StatusText[I] := ParentForm_PCharParam(Form); end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION}//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// {$IFDEF ASM_VERSION}{$ELSE PASCAL} procedure FormRemoveCloseIcon( Form: PControl ); begin DeleteMenu( GetSystemMenu( Form.GetWindowHandle, False ), SC_CLOSE, MF_BYCOMMAND ); end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION}//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// procedure FormSetEraseBkgndTrue( Form: PControl ); begin Form.EraseBackground := TRUE; end; {$IFDEF ASM_VERSION}{$ELSE PASCAL} procedure FormSetMinWidth( Form: PControl ); begin Form.MinWidth := ParentForm_IntParamPas(Form); end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION}//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// {$IFDEF ASM_VERSION}{$ELSE PASCAL} procedure FormSetMaxWidth( Form: PControl ); begin Form.MaxWidth := ParentForm_IntParamPas(Form); end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION}//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// {$IFDEF ASM_VERSION}{$ELSE PASCAL} procedure FormSetMinHeight( Form: PControl ); begin Form.MinHeight := ParentForm_IntParamPas(Form); end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION}//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// {$IFDEF ASM_VERSION}{$ELSE PASCAL} procedure FormSetMaxHeight( Form: PControl ); begin Form.MaxHeight := ParentForm_IntParamPas(Form); end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION}//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// {$IFDEF noASM_VERSION} procedure FormSetRepeatInterval( Form: PControl ); asm CALL ParentForm_IntParamAsm MOV [EAX].TControl.fRepeatInterval, EDX end; {$ELSE PAS_VERSION} procedure FormSetRepeatInterval( Form: PControl ); begin Form.RepeatInterval := ParentForm_IntParamPas(Form); end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION}//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// procedure FormSetKeyPreviewTrue( Form: PControl ); begin {$IFDEF KEY_PREVIEW} Form.KeyPreview := TRUE; {$ENDIF} end;//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// {$IFDEF ASM_VERSION}{$ELSE PASCAL} procedure FormSetTextShiftX( Form: PControl ); begin Form.TextShiftX := ParentForm_IntParamPas(Form); end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION}//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// {$IFDEF ASM_VERSION}{$ELSE PASCAL} procedure FormSetTextShiftY( Form: PControl ); begin Form.TextShiftY := ParentForm_IntParamPas(Form); end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION}//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// {$IFDEF ASM_VERSION}{$ELSE PASCAL} procedure FormSetColor2( Form: PControl ); begin Form.Color2 := ParentForm_ColorParamPas( Form ); end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION}//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// {$IFDEF ASM_VERSION}{$ELSE PASCAL} procedure FormSetTextAlign( Form: PControl ); begin Form.TextAlign := TTextAlign( ParentForm_IntParamPas(Form) ); end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION}//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// {$IFDEF ASM_VERSION}{$ELSE PASCAL} procedure FormSetTextVAlign( Form: PControl ); begin Form.VerticalAlign := TVerticalAlign( ParentForm_IntParamPas(Form) ); end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION}//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// procedure FormSetTabStopFalse( Form: PControl ); begin Form.TabStop := FALSE; end; {$IFDEF ASM_VERSION}{$ELSE PASCAL} procedure FormSetIgnoreDefault( Form: PControl ); begin Form.IgnoreDefault := Boolean( ParentForm_IntParamPas(Form) ); end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION}//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// procedure FormSetHintText( Form: PControl ); begin {$IFDEF USE_MHTOOLTIP} ParentForm_StrParam(Form); Form.Hint.Text := Form.FormParentForm.FormString; {$ENDIF USE_MHTOOLTIP} end;//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// procedure FormSetAnchor( Form: PControl ); var i: Integer; begin i := ParentForm_IntParamPas(Form); Form.AnchorLeft := I and 1 <> 0; Form.AnchorTop := I and 2 <> 0; Form.AnchorRight := I and 4 <> 0; Form.AnchorBottom := I and 8 <> 0; end;//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// {$IFDEF ASM_VERSION}{$ELSE PASCAL} procedure FormSetCaption( Form: PControl ); var Ctl: PControl; begin Ctl := Form; Form := Form.FormParentForm; Form.FormGetStrParam; Ctl.Caption := Form.FormString; end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION} {$IFDEF ASM_VERSION}{$ELSE PASCAL} procedure FormSetGradienStyle( Form: PControl ); begin Form.GradientStyle := TGradientStyle( ParentForm_IntParamPas(Form) ); end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION}//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// procedure FormOverrideScrollbars( Form: PControl ); begin OverrideScrollbars( Form ); end; {$IFDEF USE_RICHEDIT} {$IFDEF ASM_VERSION}{$ELSE PASCAL} procedure FormSetRE_AutoFontFalse( Form: PControl ); begin Form.RE_AutoFont := FALSE; end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION}//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// {$IFDEF ASM_VERSION}{$ELSE PASCAL} procedure FormSetRE_AutoFontSizeAdjustFalse( Form: PControl ); begin Form.RE_AutoFontSizeAdjust := FALSE; end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION}//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// {$IFDEF ASM_VERSION}{$ELSE PASCAL} procedure FormSetRE_DualFontTrue( Form: PControl ); begin Form.RE_DualFont := TRUE; end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION}//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// {$IFDEF ASM_VERSION}{$ELSE PASCAL} procedure FormSetRE_UIFontsTrue( Form: PControl ); begin Form.RE_UIFonts := TRUE; end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION}//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// {$IFDEF ASM_VERSION}{$ELSE PASCAL} procedure FormSetRE_IMECancelCompleteTrue( Form: PControl ); begin Form.RE_IMECancelComplete := TRUE; end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION}//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// {$IFDEF ASM_VERSION}{$ELSE PASCAL} procedure FormSetRE_IMEAlwaysSendNotifyTrue( Form: PControl ); begin Form.RE_IMEAlwaysSendNotify := TRUE; end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION}//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// {$IFDEF ASM_VERSION}{$ELSE PASCAL} procedure FormSetMaxTextSize( Form: PControl ); begin Form.MaxTextSize := DWORD( ParentForm_IntParamPas(Form) ); end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION}//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// {$IFDEF ASM_VERSION}{$ELSE PASCAL} procedure FormSetRE_AutoKeyboardTrue( Form: PControl ); begin Form.RE_AutoKeyboard := TRUE; end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION}//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// procedure FormSetRE_DisableOverwriteChangeTrue( Form: PControl ); begin Form.RE_DisableOverwriteChange := TRUE; end;//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// {$IFDEF ASM_VERSION}{$ELSE PASCAL} procedure FormSetRE_Zoom( Form: PControl ); var zoom: TSmallPoint; begin zoom.X := ParentForm_IntParamPas(Form); zoom.Y := ParentForm_IntParamPas(Form); Form.RE_Zoom := zoom; end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION}//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// {$ENDIF USE_RICHEDIT} procedure FormSetListItems( Form: PControl ); var N, i: Integer; begin N := ParentForm_IntParamPas(Form); for i := 0 to N-1 do BEGIN ParentForm_StrParam(Form); Form.Items[i] := Form.FormParentForm.FormString; END; end; {$IFDEF ASM_VERSION}{$ELSE PASCAL} procedure FormSetCount( Form: PControl ); begin Form.Count := ParentForm_IntParamPas(Form); end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION}//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// {$IFDEF ASM_VERSION}{$ELSE PASCAL} procedure FormSetDroppedWidth( Form: PControl ); begin Form.DroppedWidth := ParentForm_IntParamPas(Form); end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION}//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// procedure FormSetButtonIcon( Form: PControl ); begin Form.SetButtonIcon( LoadImage( hInstance, ParentForm_PCharParam(Form), IMAGE_ICON, 0, 0, $8000 {LR_SHARED} ) ); end;//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// {$IFDEF ASM_VERSION}{$ELSE PASCAL} procedure FormSetButtonImage( Form: PControl ); var w, h: Integer; begin w := ParentForm_IntParamPas(Form); h := ParentForm_IntParamPas(Form); Form.SetButtonIcon( LoadImage( hInstance, ParentForm_PCharParam(Form), IMAGE_ICON, w, h, $8000 {LR_SHARED} ) ); end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION}//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// {$IFDEF ASM_VERSION}{$ELSE PASCAL} procedure FormSetButtonBitmap( Form: PControl ); begin Form.SetButtonBitmap( LoadBitmap( hInstance, ParentForm_PCharParam(Form) ) ); end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION}//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// procedure FormSetDefaultBtn( Form: PControl ); var i: Integer; begin i := ParentForm_IntParamPas(Form); Form.SetDefaultBtn( i, TRUE ); end; {$IFDEF ASM_VERSION}{$ELSE PASCAL} procedure FormSetMaxProgress( Form: PControl ); begin Form.MaxProgress := ParentForm_IntParamPas(Form); end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION}//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// {$IFDEF ASM_VERSION}{$ELSE PASCAL} procedure FormSetProgress( Form: PControl ); begin Form.Progress := ParentForm_IntParamPas(Form); end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION}//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// {$IFDEF ASM_VERSION}{$ELSE PASCAL} procedure FormLVColumsAdd( Form: PControl ); var N, i, w: Integer; begin N := ParentForm_IntParamPas(Form); for i := 0 to N-1 do BEGIN w := ParentForm_IntParamPas(Form); ParentForm_StrParam(Form); Form.LVColAdd( Form.FormParentForm.FormString, taLeft, w ); END; end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION}//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// {$IFDEF ASM_VERSION}{$ELSE PASCAL} procedure FormSetLVColOrder( Form: PControl ); var N, i: Integer; begin N := ParentForm_IntParamPas(Form); i := ParentForm_IntParamPas(Form); Form.LVColOrder[N] := i; end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION}//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// {$IFDEF ASM_VERSION}{$ELSE PASCAL} procedure FormSetLVColImage( Form: PControl ); var N, i: Integer; begin N := ParentForm_IntParamPas(Form); i := ParentForm_IntParamPas(Form); Form.LVColImage[N] := i; end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION}//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// {$IFDEF ASM_VERSION}{$ELSE PASCAL} procedure FormSetTVIndent( Form: PControl ); begin Form.TVIndent := ParentForm_IntParamPas(Form); end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION}//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// procedure FormSetTBBtnImgWidth( Form: PControl ); begin Form.TBBtnImgWidth := ParentForm_IntParamPas( Form ); end;//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// procedure FormTBAddBitmap( Form: PControl ); var map: array[ 0..1 ] of TColor; b: Integer; C: PControl; begin C := Form; Form := Form.FormParentForm; b := Form.FormGetIntParam; if b >= 0 then begin Form.FormGetStrParam; if b <> 0 then begin map[0] := Form.FormGetColorParam; map[1] := Color2RGB( clBtnFace ); b := LoadMappedBitmapEx( Form, hInstance, PKOLChar( KOLString( Form.FormString )), map ); end else b := LoadBmp( hInstance, PKOLChar(KOLString(Form.FormString)), Form ); end; C.TBAddBitmap( b ); end;//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// procedure FormSetTBButtonSize( Form: PControl ); begin Form.Perform( TB_SETBUTTONSIZE, 0, ParentForm_IntParamPas(Form) or $10000 {or (HiWord(HW) shl 16)} ); end;//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// {$IFDEF _D4orHigher} procedure FormTBSetTooltips( Form: PControl ); var A1: array of KOLString; A2: array of PKOLChar; N, i: Integer; C: PControl; begin C := Form; Form := Form.FormParentForm; N := Form.FormGetIntParam; SetLength( A1, N ); SetLength( A2, N ); for i := 0 to N-1 do begin Form.FormGetStrParam; A1[i] := Form.FormString; A2[i] := PKOLChar( A1[i] ); end; C.TBSetTooltips( 0, A2 ); SetLength( A1, 0 ); SetLength( A2, 0 ); end; {$ENDIF _D4orHigher}//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// procedure FormSetTBButtonsMinWidth( Form: PControl ); begin Form.TBButtonsMinWidth := ParentForm_IntParamPas(Form); end;//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// procedure FormSetTBButtonsMaxWidth( Form: PControl ); begin Form.TBButtonsMaxWidth := ParentForm_IntParamPas(Form); end;//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// procedure FormHideToolbarButton( Form: PControl ); var i: Integer; begin i := ParentForm_IntParamPas(Form); {$IFDEF USE_GRUSH} ShowHideToolbarButton( Form, i, FALSE ); {$ELSE} Form.TBButtonVisible[ i ] := FALSE; {$ENDIF} end;//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// procedure FormDisableToolbarButton( Form: PControl ); var i: Integer; begin i := ParentForm_IntParamPas(Form); {$IFDEF USE_GRUSH} EnableToolbarButton( Form, i, FALSE ); {$ELSE} Form.TBButtonEnabled[ i ] := FALSE; {$ENDIF} end;//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// procedure FormFixFlatXPToolbar( Form: PControl ); begin Form.OnTBCustomDraw := nil; end;//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// {$IFDEF ASM_VERSION}{$ELSE PASCAL} procedure FormSetDateTimeFormat( Form: PControl ); begin ParentForm_StrParam(Form); Form.DateTimeFormat := Form.FormParentForm.FormString; end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION}//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// procedure FormSetDateTimeColor( Form: PControl ); var i: Integer; C: TColor; begin C := ParentForm_ColorParamPas( Form ); i := ParentForm_IntParamPas( Form ); Form.DateTimePickerColors[TDateTimePickerColor(i)] := C; end;//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// {$IFDEF ASM_VERSION}{$ELSE PASCAL} procedure FormSetCurrentTab( Form: PControl ); var i: Integer; begin i := ParentForm_IntParamPas(Form); Form.CurIndex := i; Form.Pages[i].BringToFront; end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION}//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// {$IFDEF ASM_VERSION}{$ELSE PASCAL} procedure FormSetCurIdx( Form: PControl ); begin Form.CurIndex := ParentForm_IntParamPas(Form); end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION}//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// {$IFDEF ASM_VERSION}{$ELSE PASCAL} procedure FormSetSBMin( Form: PControl ); begin Form.SBMin := ParentForm_IntParamPas(Form); end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION}//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// {$IFDEF ASM_VERSION}{$ELSE PASCAL} procedure FormSetSBMax( Form: PControl ); begin Form.SBMax := ParentForm_IntParamPas(Form); end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION}//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// {$IFDEF ASM_VERSION}{$ELSE PASCAL} procedure FormSetSBPosition( Form: PControl ); begin Form.SBPosition := ParentForm_IntParamPas(Form); end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION}//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// {$IFDEF ASM_VERSION}{$ELSE PASCAL} procedure FormSetSBPageSize( Form: PControl ); begin Form.SBPageSize := ParentForm_IntParamPas(Form); end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION}//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// {$IFDEF ASM_VERSION}{$ELSE PASCAL} procedure FormLastCreatedChildAsNewCurrentParent( Form: PControl ); var C: PControl; begin C := Form; Form := Form.FormParentForm; Form.DF.FormCurrentParent := C; end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION}//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// procedure FormSetUpperParent( Form: PControl ); begin Form := Form.FormParentForm; Form.DF.FormCurrentParent := Form.DF.FormCurrentParent.Parent; end;//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// {$IFDEF ASM_VERSION}{$ELSE PASCAL} procedure FormSetTabpageAsParent( Form: PControl ); var i: Integer; C: PControl; begin C := Form; Form := Form.FormParentForm; i := Form.FormGetIntParam; Form.DF.FormCurrentParent := C.Pages[i]; Form.DF.FormLastCreatedChild := Form.DF.FormCurrentParent; end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION}//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// {$IFDEF ASM_VERSION}{$ELSE PASCAL}////////////////////////////////////////////// procedure FormSetCurCtl( Form: PControl ); var i: Integer; C: PControl; begin Form := Form.FormParentForm; i := Form.FormGetIntParam; C := PPControl(Integer( Form.DF.FormAddress ) + i * 4)^; if C = nil then C := Form; Form.DF.FormLastCreatedChild := C; end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION}//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// procedure FormSetParent( Form: PControl ); var C: PControl; begin C := Form; Form := Form.FormParentForm; Form.DF.FormCurrentParent := C; end;//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// {$IFDEF ASM_VERSION}{$ELSE}///////////////////////////////////////////////////// procedure FormSetEvent( Form: PControl ); type TSetEventProc = procedure( TargetCtl: PControl; const event: TOnEvent ); var C: PControl; idx_handler, idx_setter: Integer; handler, setter: Pointer; event: TOnEvent; set_proc: TSetEventProc; begin C := Form; Form := Form.FormParentForm; idx_handler := Form.FormGetIntParam; idx_setter := Form.FormGetIntParam; handler := @Form.DF.FormAlphabet[idx_handler]; setter := @Form.DF.FormAlphabet[idx_setter]; set_proc := TSetEventProc( setter ); Pointer( TMethod( event ).Code ) := handler; TMethod( event ).Data := Form.DF.FormObj; set_proc( PControl( C ), event ); end; {$ENDIF}//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// {$IFDEF ASM_VERSION}{$ELSE}///////////////////////////////////////////////////// procedure FormSetIndexedEvent( Form: PControl ); type TSetIndexedEventProc = procedure( TargetCtl: PControl; Index: Integer; const event: TOnEvent ); var C: PControl; idx_handler, idx_setter, idx: Integer; handler, setter: Pointer; event: TOnEvent; set_proc: TSetIndexedEventProc; begin C := Form; Form := Form.FormParentForm; idx_handler := Form.FormGetIntParam; idx := Form.FormGetIntParam; idx_setter := Form.FormGetIntParam; handler := @Form.DF.FormAlphabet[idx_handler]; setter := @Form.DF.FormAlphabet[idx_setter]; set_proc := TSetIndexedEventProc( setter ); Pointer( TMethod( event ).Code ) := handler; TMethod( event ).Data := Form.DF.FormObj; set_proc( PControl( C ), idx, event ); end; {$ENDIF}//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// procedure DummyOverrideScrollbars(Sender: PControl); begin end; {$IFnDEF PAS_VERSION} {$I KOL_ASM.inc} //<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< KOL_ASM.inc {$IFnDEF UNICODE_CTRLS} {$I KOL_ASM_NOUNICODE.inc} //<<<<<<<<< KOL_ASM_NOUNICODE.inc {$ENDIF noUNICODE} {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION} {$IFDEF LIN} {$DEFINE implementation} {$I KOL_Linux.inc} {$UNDEF implementation} {$ENDIF LIN} {$IFDEF USE_CUSTOMEXTENSIONS} {$I CUSTOM_CODE_EXTENSION.inc} // See comments in TControl {$ENDIF USE_CUSTOMEXTENSIONS} {$IFDEF EVENTS_DYNAMIC}//------------------------------------------------------- {$IFDEF ASM_VERSION} function TControl.ProvideUniqueEvents: PEvents; const Size_TEvents = Sizeof(TEvents); asm PUSH ESI XCHG ESI, EAX MOV EAX, [ESI].TControl.EV CMP EAX, offset[EmptyEvents] JNZ @@ready MOV EAX, Size_TEvents CALL System.@GetMem MOV [ESI].TControl.EV, EAX PUSH EAX XCHG EDX, EAX MOV EAX, offset[EmptyEvents] MOV ECX, Size_TEvents CALL Move PUSH ESI PUSH offset[FreeEV] XCHG EAX, ESI CALL TControl.Add2AutoFreeEx POP EAX @@ready: POP ESI end; {$ELSE} function TControl.ProvideUniqueEvents: PEvents; begin if EV = @EmptyEvents then begin GetMem( EV, Sizeof(TEvents) ); Move( EmptyEvents, EV^, Sizeof(TEvents) ); Add2AutoFreeEx( FreeEV ); end; Result := EV; end; {$ENDIF PAS_VERSION}/////////////////////////////////////////////////////// procedure TControl.FreeEV; begin FreeMem( EV ); EV := @EmptyEvents; end;//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function TControl.Get_OnHelp: TOnHelp; begin Result := EV.fOnHelp; end; procedure TControl.Set_OnHelp(const Value: TOnHelp); begin ProvideUniqueEvents.fOnHelp := Value; end; function TControl.Get_OnBitBtnDraw: TOnBitBtnDraw; begin Result := EV.FOnBitBtnDraw; end; procedure TControl.Set_OnBitBtnDraw(const Value: TOnBitBtnDraw); begin ProvideUniqueEvents.FOnBitBtnDraw := Value; end; function TControl.Get_OnMeasureItem: TOnMeasureItem; begin Result := EV.fOnMeasureItem; end; function TControl.Get_OnShow: TOnEvent; begin Result := EV.fOnShow; end; function TControl.Get_OnHide: TOnEvent; begin Result := EV.fOnHide; end; function TControl.Get_OnClose: TOnEventAccept; begin Result := EV.fOnClose; end; function TControl.Get_OnQueryEndSession: TOnEventAccept; begin Result := EV.fOnQueryEndSession; end; function TControl.Get_OnPaint: TOnPaint; begin Result := EV.fOnPaint; end; function TControl.Get_OnPrePaint: TOnPaint; begin Result := EV.fOnPrepaint; end; procedure TControl.Set_OnPrePaint(const Value: TOnPaint); begin ProvideUniqueEvents.fOnPrepaint := Value; end; function TControl.Get_OnPostPaint: TOnPaint; begin Result := EV.fOnPostPaint; end; procedure TControl.Set_OnPostPaint(const Value: TOnPaint); begin ProvideUniqueEvents.fOnPostPaint := Value; end; function TControl.Get_OnEraseBkgnd: TOnPaint; begin Result := EV.fOnEraseBkgnd; end; procedure TControl.Set_OnEraseBkgnd(const Value: TOnPaint); begin ProvideUniqueEvents.fOnEraseBkgnd := Value; AttachProc( WndProcEraseBkgnd ); end;//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function TControl.Get_OnClick: TOnEvent; begin Result := EV.fOnClick; end; function TControl.Get_OnResize: TOnEvent; begin Result := EV.fOnResize; end; function TControl.Get_OnMove: TOnEvent; begin Result := EV.fOnMove; end; function TControl.Get_OnMoving: TOnEventMoving; begin Result := EV.fOnMoving; end; function TControl.Get_OnSplit: TOnSplit; begin Result := EV.FOnSplit; end; procedure TControl.Set_OnSplit(const Value: TOnSplit); begin ProvideUniqueEvents.FOnSplit := Value; end; function TControl.Get_OnKeyDown: TOnKey; begin Result := EV.fOnKeyDown; end; function TControl.Get_OnKeyUp: TOnKey; begin Result := EV.fOnKeyUp; end; function TControl.Get_OnChar: TOnChar; begin Result := EV.fOnChar; end; function TControl.Get_OnDeadChar: TOnChar; begin Result := EV.fOnDeadChar; end; function TControl.Get_OnMouseUp: TOnMouse; begin Result := EV.fOnMouseUp; end; function TControl.Get_OnMouseDown: TOnMouse; begin Result := EV.fOnMouseDown; end; function TControl.Get_OnMouseMove: TOnMouse; begin Result := EV.fOnMouseMove; end; function TControl.Get_OnMouseDblClk: TOnMouse; begin Result := EV.fOnMouseDblClk; end; function TControl.Get_OnMouseWheel: TOnMouse; begin Result := EV.fOnMouseWheel; end; function TControl.Get_OnMouseEnter: TOnEvent; begin Result := EV.fOnMouseEnter; end; function TControl.Get_OnMouseLeave: TOnEvent; begin Result := EV.fOnMouseLeave; end; function TControl.Get_OnTestMouseOver: TOnTestMouseOver; begin Result := EV.fOnTestMouseOver; end; function TControl.Get_OnEndEditLVItem: TOnEditLVItem; begin Result := EV.fOnEndEditLVItem; end; function TControl.Get_OnDeleteLVItem: TOnDeleteLVItem; begin Result := EV.fOnDeleteLVItem; end; function TControl.Get_OnLVData: TOnLVData; begin Result := EV.fOnLVData; end; function TControl.Get_OnCompareLVItems: TOnCompareLVItems; begin Result := EV.fOnCompareLVItems; end; procedure TControl.Set_OnCompareLVItems(const Value: TOnCompareLVItems); begin ProvideUniqueEvents.fOnCompareLVItems := Value; end; function TControl.Get_OnColumnClick: TOnLVColumnClick; begin Result := EV.fOnColumnClick; end; function TControl.Get_OnLVStateChange: TOnLVStateChange; begin Result := EV.FOnLVStateChange; end; function TControl.Get_OnDrawItem: TOnDrawItem; begin Result := EV.fOnDrawItem; end; function TControl.Get_OnLVCustomDraw: TOnLVCustomDraw; begin Result := EV.fOnLVCustomDraw; end; function TControl.Get_OnTVBeginDrag: TOnTVBeginDrag; begin Result := EV.FOnTVBeginDrag; end; procedure TControl.Set_OnTVBeginDrag(const Value: TOnTVBeginDrag); begin ProvideUniqueEvents.FOnTVBeginDrag := Value; end; function TControl.Get_OnTVBeginEdit: TOnTVBeginEdit; begin Result := EV.FOnTVBeginEdit; end; procedure TControl.Set_OnTVBeginEdit(const Value: TOnTVBeginEdit); begin ProvideUniqueEvents.FOnTVBeginEdit := Value; end; function TControl.Get_OnTVEndEdit: TOnTVEndEdit; begin Result := EV.FOnTVEndEdit; end; procedure TControl.Set_OnTVEndEdit(const Value: TOnTVEndEdit); begin ProvideUniqueEvents.fOnTVEndEdit := Value; end; function TControl.Get_OnTVExpanding: TOnTVExpanding; begin Result := EV.FOnTVExpanding; end; procedure TControl.Set_OnTVExpanding(const Value: TOnTVExpanding); begin ProvideUniqueEvents.FOnTVExpanding := Value; end; function TControl.Get_OnTVExpanded: TOnTVExpanded; begin Result := EV.FOnTVExpanded; end; procedure TControl.Set_OnTVExpanded(const Value: TOnTVExpanded); begin ProvideUniqueEvents.FOnTVExpanded := Value; end; function TControl.Get_OnTVDelete: TOnTVDelete; begin Result := EV.FOnTVDelete; end; function TControl.Get_OnTVSelChanging: TOnTVSelChanging; begin Result := EV.fOnTVSelChanging; end; procedure TControl.Set_OnTVSelChanging(const Value: TOnTVSelChanging); begin ProvideUniqueEvents.FOnTVSelChanging := Value; end; function TControl.Get_OnDTPUserString: TDTParseInputEvent; begin Result := EV.FOnDTPUserString; end; procedure TControl.Set_OnDTPUserString(const Value: TDTParseInputEvent); begin ProvideUniqueEvents.FOnDTPUserString := Value; end; function TControl.Get_OnSBBeforeScroll: TOnSBBeforeScroll; begin Result := EV.FOnSBBeforeScroll; end; procedure TControl.Set_OnSBBeforeScroll(const Value: TOnSBBeforeScroll); begin ProvideUniqueEvents.fOnSBBeforeScroll := Value; end; function TControl.Get_OnSBScroll: TOnSBScroll; begin Result := EV.FOnSBScroll; end; procedure TControl.Set_OnSBScroll(const Value: TOnSBScroll); begin ProvideUniqueEvents.FOnSBScroll := Value; end; function TControl.Get_OnScroll: TOnScroll; begin Result := EV.fOnScroll; end; function TControl.Get_OnMessage: TOnMessage; begin Result := EV.fOnMessage; end; procedure TControl.Set_OnMessage(const Value: TOnMessage); begin ProvideUniqueEvents.fOnMessage := Value; end; function TControl.Get_TOnEvent(const Index: Integer): TOnEvent; begin Result := TOnEvent( EV.MethodEvents[Index] ); end; procedure TControl.Set_TOnEvent(const Index: Integer; const Value: TOnEvent); begin ProvideUniqueEvents.MethodEvents[Index] := TMethod( Value ); end; function TControl.Get_OnDropFiles: TOnDropFiles; begin Result := EV.fOnDropFiles; end; {$ENDIF EVENTS_DYNAMIC}//------------------------------------------------------- {$IFnDEF NOT_USE_RICHEDIT} procedure TControl.FreeCharFormatRec; begin {$IFnDEF STATIC_RICHEDIT_DATA} FreeMem( DF.fRECharFormatRec ); {$ENDIF} end; {$ENDIF} function TControl.GetAnchor(const Index: Integer): Boolean; begin Result := fAnchors and Index <> 0; end; procedure TControl.SetAnchor(const Index: Integer; const Value: Boolean); begin if Value then fAnchors := fAnchors or Index else fAnchors := fAnchors and not Index; if Parent <> nil then begin fParent.AttachProc( ParentAnchorChildren ); Parent.fOldWidth := Parent.ClientWidth; Parent.fOldHeight := Parent.ClientHeight; end; end;//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function TControl.Get_StatusWnd: HWND; begin Result := 0; if fStatusCtl <> nil then Result := fStatusCtl.GetWindowHandle; end;//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function TControl.Get_Prop_Int(PropName: PKOLChar): Integer; begin Result := GetProp( GetWindowHandle, PropName ); end; procedure TControl.Set_Prop_Int(PropName: PKOLChar; const Value: Integer); begin SetProp( GetWindowHandle, PropName, Value ); end; function TControl.GetHelpContext: Integer; begin Result := 0; if fHandle <> 0 then Result := GetWindowContextHelpId( fHandle ); end;//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function TControl.Get_Ctl3D: Boolean; begin Result := fCtl3D_child and 2 <> 0; end; procedure TControl.ResetEvent(idx: Integer); begin TMethod( EV.MethodEvents[idx] ).Code := DummyProcTable[ InitEventsTable[ idx ] and $F ]; TMethod( EV.MethodEvents[idx] ).Data := nil; end;//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// {$IFDEF COMMANDACTIONS_OBJ} { TCommandActionsObj } {$IFDEF ASM_VERSION}//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// destructor TCommandActionsObj.Destroy; asm MOV EDX, [EAX].fIndexInActions MOV dword ptr [EDX*4+AllActions_Objs], 0 CALL TObj.Destroy end; {$ELSE}//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// destructor TCommandActionsObj.Destroy; begin AllActions_Objs[fIndexInActions] := nil; inherited; end; {$ENDIF}/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// {$ENDIF} {$IFDEF GRAPHCTL_XPSTYLES}{$DEFINE INIT_FINIT}{$ENDIF} {$IFDEF USE_NAMES}{$DEFINE INIT_FINIT}{$ENDIF} {$IFNDEF NOT_UNLOAD_RICHEDITLIB}{$IFDEF UNLOAD_RICHEDITLIB} {$DEFINE INIT_FINIT} {$ENDIF}{$ENDIF} {$IFDEF INIT_FINIT}//----------------------------------------------------------- //****************************************************************************** initialization //............................................................... {$IFDEF GRAPHCTL_XPSTYLES} CheckThemes; if AppTheming then InitThemes; {$ENDIF} finalization //................................................................. {$IFDEF GRAPHCTL_XPSTYLES} if AppTheming then DeinitThemes; {$ENDIF} {$IFNDEF NOT_UNLOAD_RICHEDITLIB} {$IFDEF UNLOAD_RICHEDITLIB} if FRichEditModule <> 0 then FreeLibrary( FRichEditModule ); {$ENDIF UNLOAD_RICHEDITLIB} {$ENDIF} {$ENDIF INIT_FINIT}//----------------------------------------------------------- end.