/* Copyright (C) 2012-24 Miranda NG team (https://miranda-ng.org) This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation version 2 of the License. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see . */ #include "stdafx.h" static int OnModulesLoaded(WPARAM, LPARAM) { for (auto &it : Accounts()) if (auto *pApi = getJabberApi(it->szModuleName)) { auto *pAccount = new CJabberAccount(pApi); g_arJabber.insert(pAccount); pAccount->Init(); } return 0; } static int OnAccountCreated(WPARAM reason, LPARAM param) { if (reason == PRAC_ADDED) { auto *pa = (PROTOACCOUNT *)param; if (auto *pApi = getJabberApi(pa->szModuleName)) { auto *pAccount = new CJabberAccount(pApi); g_arJabber.insert(pAccount); pAccount->Init(); } } return 0; } static int OnSettingChanged(WPARAM hContact, LPARAM lParam) { if (!hContact) { auto *pcws = (DBCONTACTWRITESETTING *)lParam; if (!mir_strcmp(pcws->szSetting, "EnableVOIP")) { for (auto &it : g_arJabber) { if (!mir_strcmp(it->m_szModuleName, pcws->szModule)) { it->InitVoip(pcws->value.bVal != 0); break; } } } } return 0; } void CJabberAccount::InitHooks() { HookEvent(ME_SYSTEM_MODULESLOADED, &OnModulesLoaded); HookEvent(ME_PROTO_ACCLISTCHANGED, &OnAccountCreated); HookEvent(ME_DB_CONTACT_SETTINGCHANGED, &OnSettingChanged); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Permanent IQ handler static BOOL OnProcessJingle(struct IJabberInterface *api, const TiXmlElement *node, void *pUserData) { auto *pThis = (CJabberAccount *)pUserData; auto *child = XmlGetChildByTag(node, "jingle", "xmlns", JABBER_FEAT_JINGLE); if (!child) return false; const char *type = XmlGetAttr(node, "type"); if (type == nullptr) return false; const char *szAction = XmlGetAttr(child, "action"); const char *szSid = XmlGetAttr(child, "sid"); if (!mir_strcmp(type, "get") || !mir_strcmp(type, "set")) { const char *idStr = XmlGetAttr(node, "id"); const char *from = XmlGetAttr(node, "from"); const char *szInitiator = XmlGetAttr(child, "initiator"); auto *content = XmlGetChildByTag(child, "content", "creator", "initiator"); if (szAction && szSid) { if (!mir_strcmp(szAction, "session-initiate")) { // if this is a Jingle 'session-initiate' and noone processed it yet, reply with "unsupported-applications" api->SendXml(XmlNodeIq("result", idStr, from)); const TiXmlElement *descr = XmlGetChildByTag(content, "description", "xmlns", JABBER_FEAT_JINGLE_RTP); const char *reason = NULL; if (pThis->m_bEnableVOIP && descr) { if (pThis->m_voipSession.IsEmpty()) { pThis->m_voipSession = szSid; pThis->m_voipPeerJid = from; pThis->m_isOutgoing = false; pThis->m_offerNode = child->DeepClone(&pThis->m_offerDoc)->ToElement(); //Make call GUI VOICE_CALL vc = {}; vc.cbSize = sizeof(VOICE_CALL); vc.moduleName = pThis->m_szModuleName; vc.id = szSid; // Protocol specific ID for this call vc.hContact = api->ContactFromJID(from); // Contact associated with the call (can be NULL) vc.state = VOICE_STATE_RINGING; vc.szNumber.a = pThis->m_voipPeerJid; NotifyEventHooks(pThis->m_hVoiceEvent, WPARAM(&vc), 0); // ringing message XmlNodeIq iq("set", api->GetSerialNext(), from); TiXmlElement *rjNode = iq << XCHILDNS("jingle", JABBER_FEAT_JINGLE); rjNode << XATTR("action", "session-info") << XATTR("sid", szSid); if (szInitiator) rjNode << XATTR("initiator", szInitiator); rjNode << XCHILDNS("ringing", "urn:xmpp:jingle:apps:rtp:info:1"); api->SendXml(iq); return true; } // Save this event to history DB::EventInfo dbei; dbei.timestamp = (uint32_t)time(0); dbei.pBlob = "** A call while we were busy **"; ProtoChainRecvMsg(api->ContactFromJID(from), dbei); reason = "busy"; } XmlNodeIq iq("set", api->GetSerialNext(), from); TiXmlElement *jingleNode = iq << XCHILDNS("jingle", JABBER_FEAT_JINGLE); jingleNode << XATTR("action", "session-terminate") << XATTR("sid", szSid); if (szInitiator) jingleNode << XATTR("initiator", szInitiator); jingleNode << XCHILD("reason") << XCHILD(reason ? reason : "unsupported-applications"); api->SendXml(iq); return true; } else if (!mir_strcmp(szAction, "session-accept")) { if (pThis->m_bEnableVOIP && pThis->m_voipSession == szSid) { api->SendXml(XmlNodeIq("result", idStr, from)); if (pThis->OnRTPDescription(child)) { //Make call GUI VOICE_CALL vc = {}; vc.cbSize = sizeof(VOICE_CALL); vc.moduleName = pThis->m_szModuleName; vc.id = szSid; vc.hContact = api->ContactFromJID(from); vc.state = VOICE_STATE_TALKING; NotifyEventHooks(pThis->m_hVoiceEvent, WPARAM(&vc), 0); } return true; } } else if (!mir_strcmp(szAction, "session-terminate")) { if (pThis->m_bEnableVOIP && pThis->m_voipSession == szSid) { // EndCall() api->SendXml(XmlNodeIq("result", idStr, from)); VOICE_CALL vc = {}; vc.cbSize = sizeof(VOICE_CALL); vc.moduleName = pThis->m_szModuleName; vc.id = szSid; vc.hContact = api->ContactFromJID(from); vc.state = VOICE_STATE_ENDED; NotifyEventHooks(pThis->m_hVoiceEvent, WPARAM(&vc), 0); pThis->VOIPTerminateSession(nullptr); return true; } } else if (!mir_strcmp(szAction, "transport-info")) { auto *transport = XmlGetChildByTag(content, "transport", "xmlns", JABBER_FEAT_JINGLE_ICEUDP); if (pThis->m_bEnableVOIP && pThis->m_voipSession == szSid && transport) { api->SendXml(XmlNodeIq("result", idStr, from)); if (const TiXmlElement *candidate = XmlFirstChild(transport, "candidate")) { pThis->OnICECandidate(candidate); return true; } } } } // if it's something else than 'session-initiate' and noone processed it yet, reply with "unknown-session" XmlNodeIq iq("error", idStr, from); TiXmlElement *errNode = iq << XCHILD("error"); errNode << XATTR("type", "cancel"); errNode << XCHILDNS("item-not-found", "urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-stanzas"); errNode << XCHILDNS("unknown-session", "urn:xmpp:jingle:errors:1"); api->SendXml(iq); return true; } return false; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Services static INT_PTR __cdecl JabberVOIP_call(void *pThis, WPARAM hContact, LPARAM) { auto *pAcc = (CJabberAccount *)pThis; if (pAcc->VOIPCallIinitiate(hContact)) { VOICE_CALL vc = {}; vc.cbSize = sizeof(VOICE_CALL); vc.moduleName = pAcc->m_szModuleName; vc.id = pAcc->m_voipSession; // Protocol especific ID for this call vc.hContact = hContact; // Contact associated with the call (can be NULL) vc.state = VOICE_STATE_READY; vc.szNumber.a = pAcc->m_voipPeerJid; NotifyEventHooks(pAcc->m_hVoiceEvent, WPARAM(&vc), 0); } return 0; } static INT_PTR __cdecl JabberVOIP_answercall(void *pThis, WPARAM id, LPARAM) { auto *pAcc = (CJabberAccount *)pThis; if (strcmp((const char *)id, pAcc->m_voipSession)) return 0; VOICE_CALL vc = {}; vc.cbSize = sizeof(VOICE_CALL); vc.moduleName = pAcc->m_szModuleName; vc.hContact = pAcc->m_api->ContactFromJID(pAcc->m_voipPeerJid);// Contact associated with the call (can be NULL) vc.szNumber.a = pAcc->m_voipPeerJid; vc.id = pAcc->m_voipSession; vc.state = VOICE_STATE_ENDED; if (pAcc->VOIPCreatePipeline()) { if (pAcc->m_isOutgoing) vc.state = VOICE_STATE_CALLING; else if (pAcc->OnRTPDescription(pAcc->m_offerNode)) vc.state = VOICE_STATE_TALKING; else pAcc->VOIPTerminateSession(); } NotifyEventHooks(pAcc->m_hVoiceEvent, WPARAM(&vc), 0); return 0; } static INT_PTR __cdecl JabberVOIP_dropcall(void *pThis, WPARAM id, LPARAM) { auto *pAcc = (CJabberAccount *)pThis; VOICE_CALL vc = {}; vc.cbSize = sizeof(VOICE_CALL); vc.moduleName = pAcc->m_szModuleName; vc.id = (char *)id; vc.state = VOICE_STATE_ENDED; NotifyEventHooks(pAcc->m_hVoiceEvent, WPARAM(&vc), 0); pAcc->VOIPTerminateSession(); return 0; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // CJabberAccount members CJabberAccount::CJabberAccount(IJabberInterface *_1) : m_api(_1), m_szModuleName(m_api->GetModuleName()), m_bEnableVOIP(m_api->GetModuleName(), "EnableVOIP", false) { CMStringA tmp(m_szModuleName); m_hVoiceEvent = CreateHookableEvent(tmp + PE_VOICE_CALL_STATE); CreateServiceFunctionObj(tmp + PS_VOICE_CALL, &JabberVOIP_call, this); CreateServiceFunctionObj(tmp + PS_VOICE_ANSWERCALL, &JabberVOIP_answercall, this); CreateServiceFunctionObj(tmp + PS_VOICE_DROPCALL, &JabberVOIP_dropcall, this); } CJabberAccount::~CJabberAccount() { DestroyHookableEvent(m_hVoiceEvent); if (m_bEnableVOIP) InitVoip(false); } void CJabberAccount::Init() { m_api->RegisterFeature(JABBER_FEAT_JINGLE, LPGEN("Supports Jingle"), "jingle"); m_api->RegisterFeature(JABBER_FEAT_JINGLE_ICEUDP, LPGEN("Jingle ICE-UDP Transport")); m_api->RegisterFeature(JABBER_FEAT_JINGLE_RTP, LPGEN("Jingle RTP")); m_api->RegisterFeature(JABBER_FEAT_JINGLE_DTLS, LPGEN("Jingle DTLS")); m_api->RegisterFeature(JABBER_FEAT_JINGLE_RTPAUDIO, LPGEN("Jingle RTP Audio")); m_api->AddFeatures(JABBER_FEAT_JINGLE "\0" JABBER_FEAT_JINGLE_ICEUDP "\0" JABBER_FEAT_JINGLE_RTP "\0" JABBER_FEAT_JINGLE_DTLS "\0" JABBER_FEAT_JINGLE_RTPAUDIO "\0\0"); m_api->AddIqHandler(&OnProcessJingle, JABBER_IQ_TYPE_ANY, JABBER_FEAT_JINGLE, 0, this); if (m_bEnableVOIP) InitVoip(true); }