/* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ #define WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN #include <windows.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <tlhelp32.h> #include <vdmdbg.h> #include "EnumProc.h" BOOL findFilename(TCHAR *); TCHAR *filename(TCHAR *); BOOL WINAPI Enum16(DWORD, WORD, WORD, TCHAR *, TCHAR *, LPARAM); // Globals extern double dWinVer; extern BOOL bWindowsNT; extern PROCESS_LIST ProcessList; HINSTANCE hInstLib, hInstLib2; HANDLE (WINAPI *lpfCreateToolhelp32Snapshot)(DWORD, DWORD); BOOL (WINAPI *lpfProcess32First)(HANDLE, LPPROCESSENTRY32); BOOL (WINAPI *lpfProcess32Next)(HANDLE, LPPROCESSENTRY32); BOOL (WINAPI *lpfEnumProcesses)(DWORD *, DWORD, DWORD *); BOOL (WINAPI *lpfEnumProcessModules)(HANDLE, HMODULE *, DWORD, LPDWORD); DWORD (WINAPI *lpfGetModuleBaseName)(HANDLE, HMODULE, LPTSTR, DWORD); INT (WINAPI *lpfVDMEnumTaskWOWEx)(DWORD, TASKENUMPROCEX, LPARAM); void LoadProcsLibrary(void) { if (bWindowsNT && dWinVer < 5) { if (!(hInstLib = LoadLibraryA("PSAPI.DLL"))) return; if (!(hInstLib2 = LoadLibraryA("VDMDBG.DLL"))) return; lpfEnumProcesses = (BOOL (WINAPI *)(DWORD *, DWORD, DWORD*)) GetProcAddress(hInstLib, "EnumProcesses"); lpfEnumProcessModules = (BOOL (WINAPI *)(HANDLE, HMODULE *, DWORD, LPDWORD)) GetProcAddress(hInstLib, "EnumProcessModules"); lpfGetModuleBaseName = (DWORD (WINAPI *)(HANDLE, HMODULE, LPTSTR, DWORD)) GetProcAddress(hInstLib, "GetModuleBaseNameA"); lpfVDMEnumTaskWOWEx = (INT (WINAPI *)(DWORD, TASKENUMPROCEX, LPARAM)) GetProcAddress(hInstLib2, "VDMEnumTaskWOWEx"); } else { if (!(hInstLib = LoadLibraryA("Kernel32.DLL"))) return; if (bWindowsNT && !(hInstLib2 = LoadLibraryA("VDMDBG.DLL"))) return; lpfCreateToolhelp32Snapshot = (HANDLE (WINAPI *)(DWORD,DWORD)) GetProcAddress(hInstLib, "CreateToolhelp32Snapshot"); lpfProcess32First = (BOOL (WINAPI *)(HANDLE,LPPROCESSENTRY32)) GetProcAddress(hInstLib, "Process32First"); lpfProcess32Next = (BOOL (WINAPI *)(HANDLE,LPPROCESSENTRY32)) GetProcAddress(hInstLib, "Process32Next"); if (bWindowsNT) lpfVDMEnumTaskWOWEx = (INT (WINAPI *)(DWORD, TASKENUMPROCEX, LPARAM)) GetProcAddress(hInstLib2, "VDMEnumTaskWOWEx"); } } void UnloadProcsLibrary(void) { if (hInstLib) FreeLibrary(hInstLib); if (hInstLib2) FreeLibrary(hInstLib2); hInstLib = hInstLib = NULL; lpfCreateToolhelp32Snapshot = NULL; lpfProcess32First = NULL; lpfProcess32Next = NULL; lpfEnumProcesses = NULL; lpfEnumProcessModules = NULL; lpfGetModuleBaseName = NULL; lpfVDMEnumTaskWOWEx = NULL; } BOOL areThereProcessesRunning(void) { HANDLE hSnapShot = NULL; LPDWORD lpdwPIDs = NULL; PROCESSENTRY32 procentry; BOOL bFlag; DWORD dwSize; DWORD dwSize2; DWORD dwIndex; HMODULE hMod; HANDLE hProcess; TCHAR szFileName[MAX_PATH+1]; if (!ProcessList.count) // Process list is empty return FALSE; // If Windows NT 4.0 if (bWindowsNT && dWinVer < 5) { if (!lpfEnumProcesses || !lpfEnumProcessModules || !lpfGetModuleBaseName || !lpfVDMEnumTaskWOWEx) return FALSE; // // Call the PSAPI function EnumProcesses to get all of the ProcID's currently in the system. // // NOTE: In the documentation, the third parameter of EnumProcesses is named cbNeeded, which implies that you // can call the function once to find out how much space to allocate for a buffer and again to fill the buffer. // This is not the case. The cbNeeded parameter returns the number of PIDs returned, so if your buffer size is // zero cbNeeded returns zero. // // NOTE: The "HeapAlloc" loop here ensures that we actually allocate a buffer large enough for all the // PIDs in the system. // dwSize2 = 256 * sizeof(DWORD); do { if (lpdwPIDs) { HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(), 0, lpdwPIDs); dwSize2 *= 2; } if (!(lpdwPIDs = (LPDWORD)HeapAlloc(GetProcessHeap(), 0, dwSize2))) return FALSE; if (!lpfEnumProcesses(lpdwPIDs, dwSize2, &dwSize)) { HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(), 0, lpdwPIDs); return FALSE; } } while (dwSize == dwSize2); // How many ProcID's did we get? dwSize /= sizeof(DWORD); // Loop through each ProcID. for (dwIndex = 0; dwIndex < dwSize; dwIndex++) { TCHAR *szFileNameAux; szFileName[0] = '\0'; // Open the process (if we can... security does not permit every process in the system to be opened). hProcess = OpenProcess(PROCESS_QUERY_INFORMATION|PROCESS_VM_READ, FALSE, lpdwPIDs[dwIndex]); if (hProcess) { // Here we call EnumProcessModules to get only the first module in the process. This will be the // EXE module for which we will retrieve the name. if (lpfEnumProcessModules(hProcess, &hMod, sizeof(hMod), &dwSize2)) { // Get the module name if (!lpfGetModuleBaseName(hProcess, hMod, szFileName, sizeof(szFileName))) szFileName[0] = '\0'; } CloseHandle(hProcess); } szFileNameAux = filename(szFileName); // Search szFileName in user-defined list if (findFilename(szFileNameAux)) { HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(), 0, lpdwPIDs); return TRUE; } // Did we just bump into an NTVDM? if (!_wcsicmp(szFileNameAux, L"NTVDM.EXE")) { BOOL bFound = FALSE; // Enum the 16-bit stuff. lpfVDMEnumTaskWOWEx(lpdwPIDs[dwIndex], (TASKENUMPROCEX) Enum16, (LPARAM)&bFound); // Did we find any user-defined process? if (bFound) { HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(), 0, lpdwPIDs); return TRUE; } } } HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(), 0, lpdwPIDs); // If any OS other than Windows NT 4.0. } else { if (!lpfProcess32Next || !lpfProcess32First || !lpfCreateToolhelp32Snapshot) return FALSE; // Get a handle to a Toolhelp snapshot of all processes. if ((hSnapShot = lpfCreateToolhelp32Snapshot(TH32CS_SNAPPROCESS, 0)) == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) return FALSE; // While there are processes, keep looping. for (procentry.dwSize=sizeof(PROCESSENTRY32), bFlag=lpfProcess32First(hSnapShot, &procentry); bFlag; procentry.dwSize=sizeof(PROCESSENTRY32), bFlag=lpfProcess32Next(hSnapShot, &procentry)) { TCHAR *szFileNameAux = filename(procentry.szExeFile); // Search szFileName in user-defined list if (findFilename(szFileNameAux)) return TRUE; // Did we just bump into an NTVDM? if (lpfVDMEnumTaskWOWEx && !_wcsicmp(szFileNameAux, L"NTVDM.EXE")) { BOOL bFound = FALSE; // Enum the 16-bit stuff. lpfVDMEnumTaskWOWEx(procentry.th32ProcessID, (TASKENUMPROCEX)Enum16, (LPARAM)&bFound); // Did we find any user-defined process? if (bFound) return TRUE; } } } return FALSE; } BOOL WINAPI Enum16(DWORD dwThreadId, WORD hMod16, WORD hTask16, TCHAR *szModName, TCHAR *szFileName, LPARAM lpUserDefined) { BOOL bRet; BOOL *pbFound = (BOOL *)lpUserDefined; if ((bRet = findFilename(filename(szFileName)))) *pbFound = TRUE; return bRet; } BOOL findFilename(TCHAR *fileName) { unsigned int i; for (i=0; i < ProcessList.count; i++) if (ProcessList.szFileName[i] && !_wcsicmp(ProcessList.szFileName[i], fileName)) return TRUE; return FALSE; } TCHAR *filename(TCHAR *fullFileName) { TCHAR *str; str = wcsrchr(fullFileName, '\\'); if (!str) return fullFileName; return ++str; }