/* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ #pragma once // Settings values #define FLASH_SAMETIME 0 #define FLASH_INTURN 1 #define FLASH_INSEQUENCE 2 #define FLASH_CUSTOM 3 #define FLASH_TRILLIAN 4 #define SEQ_LEFT2RIGHT 0 #define SEQ_RIGHT2LEFT 1 #define SEQ_LIKEKIT 2 #define ACTIVE_MIRANDA 0 #define ACTIVE_WINDOWS 1 // Until settings map #define UNTIL_NBLINKS 1 #define UNTIL_REATTENDED 2 #define UNTIL_EVENTSOPEN 4 #define UNTIL_CONDITIONS 8 // Status map #define MAP_ONLINE 1 #define MAP_AWAY 2 #define MAP_NA 4 #define MAP_OCCUPIED 8 #define MAP_DND 16 #define MAP_FREECHAT 32 #define MAP_INVISIBLE 64 #define MAP_ONTHEPHONE 128 #define MAP_OUTTOLUNCH 256 #define MAP_OFFLINE 512 // Default settings #define DEF_SETTING_ONMSG 1 // 1: Yes, 0: No #define DEF_SETTING_ONURL 1 // 1: Yes, 0: No #define DEF_SETTING_ONFILE 1 // 1: Yes, 0: No #define DEF_SETTING_OTHER 1 // 1: Yes, 0: No #define DEF_SETTING_FSCREEN 1 // 1: Yes, 0: No #define DEF_SETTING_SSAVER 1 // 1: Yes, 0: No #define DEF_SETTING_LOCKED 1 // 1: Yes, 0: No #define DEF_SETTING_PROCS 0 // 1: Yes, 0: No #define DEF_SETTING_ACTIVE 1 // 1: Yes, 0: No #define DEF_SETTING_IFMSGOPEN 1 // 1: Yes, 0: No #define DEF_SETTING_IFMSGNOTTOP 0 // 1: Yes, 0: No #define DEF_SETTING_IFMSGOLDER 0 // 1: Yes, 0: No #define DEF_SETTING_SECSOLDER 10 // Seconds #define DEF_SETTING_FLASHUNTIL 2 // 1 = After x blinks, 2 = Until Miranda/Windows become active, 4 = Events are opened, 8 = Until end of 'notify when' conditions #define DEF_SETTING_NBLINKS 4 // Seconds #define DEF_SETTING_MIRORWIN 0 // 0-1, 0 = Miranda becomes active, 1 = Windows becomes active #define DEF_SETTING_STATUS 1023 // 1023 = All #define DEF_SETTING_CHECKTIME 0 // Minutes, 0 = don't check #define DEF_SETTING_FLASHCAPS 1 // 1: Yes, 0: No #define DEF_SETTING_FLASHNUM 1 // 1: Yes, 0: No #define DEF_SETTING_FLASHSCROLL 1 // 1: Yes, 0: No #define DEF_SETTING_FLASHEFFECT 0 // 0-3, 0 = All together, 1 = In turn, 2 = In sequence, 3 = Custom Theme, 4 = Trillian-like sequences #define DEF_SETTING_SEQORDER 0 // 0-2, 0 = left to right, 1 = right to left, 2 = left <-> right #define DEF_SETTING_CUSTOMTHEME 0 // Theme number #define DEF_SETTING_LEDSMSG 2 // 2: Num Lock #define DEF_SETTING_LEDSFILE 4 // 2: Caps Lock #define DEF_SETTING_LEDSURL 1 // 2: Scroll Lock #define DEF_SETTING_LEDSOTHER 7 // 2: Num Lock + Caps Lock + Scroll Lock #define DEF_SETTING_STARTDELAY 2 // Seconds #define DEF_SETTING_FLASHSPEED 3 // 0-5, 0 = really slow, 5 = really fast #define DEF_SETTING_KEYPRESSES 0 // 1: Yes, 0: No #define DEF_SETTING_OVERRIDE 0 // 1: Yes, 0: No #define DEF_SETTING_TESTNUM 2 // Number of sequences to test before stopping #define DEF_SETTING_TESTSECS 2 // Seconds to test before stopping #define DEF_SETTING_PROTOCOL 1 // 1: Yes, 0: No #define DEF_SETTING_XSTATUS 1 // 1: Yes, 0: No