/* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ #include "Common.h" struct FLASHING_SEQUENCE { unsigned int size; unsigned int index; BYTE frame[MAX_PATH]; }; // Prototypes FLASHING_SEQUENCE *getCustomSeq(void); FLASHING_SEQUENCE *getPredefinedSeq(void); FLASHING_SEQUENCE *getTrillianSeq(void); void updateTrillianSeq(void); static void __cdecl TestThread(void *param); static void PreviewThread(void *); FLASHING_SEQUENCE str2FS(TCHAR *); BYTE KbdChar2Byte(char); void countUnopenEvents(int *, int *, int *, int *); #define Leds2Flash ((BYTE)(bFlashLed[2] + (bFlashLed[0]<<1) + (bFlashLed[1]<<2))) // Flashing settings FLASHING_SEQUENCE *pFS; BOOL bTemporarilyUseExtern; extern BYTE bFlashLed[3]; extern BYTE bFlashEffect; extern BYTE bSequenceOrder; extern WORD wCustomTheme; extern BYTE bTrillianLedsMsg; extern BYTE bTrillianLedsURL; extern BYTE bTrillianLedsFile; extern BYTE bTrillianLedsOther; extern BYTE bEmulateKeypresses; // TestThread/PreviewThread globals extern int nWaitDelay; extern WORD wStartDelay; BOOL bTestSemaphore, bPreviewSemaphore, bPreview; void RestoreLEDState(void) { if (bEmulateKeypresses) keypresses_RestoreLEDState(); else ToggleKeyboardLights((BYTE)(LedState(VK_SCROLL) + (LedState(VK_NUMLOCK)<<1) + (LedState(VK_CAPITAL)<<2))); } BYTE getBlinkingLeds(void) { if (!pFS->size) return (BYTE)(LedState(VK_SCROLL) + (LedState(VK_NUMLOCK)<<1) + (LedState(VK_CAPITAL)<<2)); pFS->index %= pFS->size; if (bFlashEffect == FLASH_TRILLIAN && !bTemporarilyUseExtern && !pFS->index) updateTrillianSeq(); return pFS->frame[pFS->index++]; } void setFlashingSequence(void) { switch (bFlashEffect) { case FLASH_CUSTOM: pFS = getCustomSeq(); break; case FLASH_TRILLIAN: pFS = getTrillianSeq(); break; default: pFS = getPredefinedSeq(); } bTemporarilyUseExtern = FALSE; } FLASHING_SEQUENCE *getCustomSeq(void) { ptrT tszSeq( db_get_wsa(NULL, KEYBDMODULE, fmtDBSettingName("custom%d", wCustomTheme))); static FLASHING_SEQUENCE Custom = {0}; Custom = str2FS((tszSeq != 0) ? tszSeq : L""); return &Custom; } FLASHING_SEQUENCE *getPredefinedSeq(void) { static FLASHING_SEQUENCE Predefined = {0}; FLASHING_SEQUENCE *pAux; FLASHING_SEQUENCE SameTime = {2, 0, {7, 0}}; FLASHING_SEQUENCE InTurn = {2, 0, {3, 4}}; FLASHING_SEQUENCE InSeq = {3, 0, {2, 4, 1}}; FLASHING_SEQUENCE InSeqRev = {3, 0, {1, 4, 2}}; FLASHING_SEQUENCE InSeqKIT = {4, 0, {2, 4, 1, 4}}; if (Leds2Flash < 3 || Leds2Flash == 4) pAux = &SameTime; else switch (bFlashEffect) { default: case FLASH_SAMETIME: pAux = &SameTime; break; case FLASH_INTURN: if (Leds2Flash == 3) // 3 = Num+Scroll pAux = &InSeq; else pAux = &InTurn; break; case FLASH_INSEQUENCE: switch (bSequenceOrder) { default: case SEQ_LEFT2RIGHT: pAux = &InSeq; break; case SEQ_RIGHT2LEFT: pAux = &InSeqRev; break; case SEQ_LIKEKIT: if (Leds2Flash != 7) // 7 = Num+Caps+Scroll pAux = &InSeq; else pAux = &InSeqKIT; break; } break; } Predefined.size = Predefined.index = 0; for (pAux->index=0; pAux->index < pAux->size; pAux->index++) if (!pAux->frame[pAux->index] || (pAux->frame[pAux->index] & Leds2Flash)) { Predefined.size++; Predefined.frame[Predefined.size - 1] = pAux->frame[pAux->index] & Leds2Flash; } return &Predefined; } FLASHING_SEQUENCE *getTrillianSeq(void) { static FLASHING_SEQUENCE Trillian = {2, 0, {0, 0}}; Trillian.size = 2; Trillian.index = 0; return &Trillian; } void updateTrillianSeq(void) { int i, msgCount=0, fileCount=0, urlCount=0, otherCount=0; pFS->size = 2; countUnopenEvents(&msgCount, &fileCount, &urlCount, &otherCount); if ((bTrillianLedsMsg & Leds2Flash) && (pFS->size + 2 * msgCount) <= MAX_PATH) for (i=0; i < msgCount; i++) { pFS->frame[pFS->size++] = bTrillianLedsMsg & Leds2Flash; pFS->frame[pFS->size++] = 0; } if ((bTrillianLedsFile & Leds2Flash) && (pFS->size + 2 * fileCount) <= MAX_PATH) for (i=0; i < fileCount; i++) { pFS->frame[pFS->size++] = bTrillianLedsFile & Leds2Flash; pFS->frame[pFS->size++] = 0; } if ((bTrillianLedsURL & Leds2Flash) && (pFS->size + 2 * urlCount) <= MAX_PATH) for (i=0; i < urlCount; i++) { pFS->frame[pFS->size++] = bTrillianLedsURL & Leds2Flash; pFS->frame[pFS->size++] = 0; } if ((bTrillianLedsOther & Leds2Flash) && (pFS->size + 2 * otherCount) <= MAX_PATH) for (i=0; i < otherCount; i++) { pFS->frame[pFS->size++] = bTrillianLedsOther & Leds2Flash; pFS->frame[pFS->size++] = 0; } } void useExternSequence(TCHAR *extStr) { static FLASHING_SEQUENCE Extern = {0}; TCHAR externStr[MAX_PATH+1]; wcscpy(externStr, extStr); Extern = str2FS(normalizeCustomString(externStr)); pFS = &Extern; bTemporarilyUseExtern = TRUE; } TCHAR *normalizeCustomString(TCHAR *customStr) { int len=0, status=0; BOOL used[4]; TCHAR strAux[MAX_PATH+1], *str; for (wcscpy(str=strAux, customStr); *str; str++) { switch (*str) { case _T('['): if (status == 0) { status = 1; customStr[len++] = *str; used[0] = used [1] = used[2] = used[3] = FALSE; } break; case _T(']'): if (status == 1) { status = 0; customStr[len++] = *str; } break; case _T('0'): case _T('1'): case _T('2'): case _T('3'): if (status == 0) customStr[len++] = *str; else if (!used[*str - _T('0')]) { customStr[len++] = *str; used[*str - _T('0')] = TRUE; } break; } } if (status == 1) customStr[len++] = _T(']'); customStr[len] = _T('\0'); return customStr; } TCHAR* getCurrentSequenceString(void) { static TCHAR CurrentSeqString[MAX_PATH+1]; TCHAR *str = CurrentSeqString; for (unsigned i=0; i < pFS->size; i++) { switch (pFS->frame[i]) { case 0: *(str++) = _T('0'); break; case 1: *(str++) = _T('3'); break; case 2: *(str++) = _T('1'); break; case 3: *(str++) = _T('['); *(str++) = _T('1'); *(str++) = _T('3'); *(str++) = _T(']'); break; case 4: *(str++) = _T('2'); break; case 5: *(str++) = _T('['); *(str++) = _T('2'); *(str++) = _T('3'); *(str++) = _T(']'); break; case 6: *(str++) = _T('['); *(str++) = _T('1'); *(str++) = _T('2'); *(str++) = _T(']'); break; case 7: *(str++) = _T('['); *(str++) = _T('1'); *(str++) = _T('2'); *(str++) = _T('3'); *(str++) = _T(']'); } } *str = _T('\0'); return CurrentSeqString; } void testSequence(TCHAR *testStr) { if (bTestSemaphore) // we try to avoid concurrent test threads return; bTestSemaphore = TRUE; static FLASHING_SEQUENCE Test = {0}; Test = str2FS(testStr); mir_forkthread(TestThread, (void*)&Test); } static void __cdecl TestThread(void *param) { FLASHING_SEQUENCE *pTest = (FLASHING_SEQUENCE *)param; unsigned int testNum = (unsigned int)db_get_b(NULL, KEYBDMODULE, "testnum", DEF_SETTING_TESTNUM); unsigned int testSecs = (unsigned int)db_get_b(NULL, KEYBDMODULE, "testsecs", DEF_SETTING_TESTSECS); for (unsigned i=0, dwEndTest=GetTickCount()+testSecs*1000; i < testNum || GetTickCount() < dwEndTest; i++) for (pTest->index=0; pTest->index < pTest->size; pTest->index++) { ToggleKeyboardLights(pTest->frame[pTest->index]); Sleep(nWaitDelay); } RestoreLEDState(); bTestSemaphore = FALSE; } void previewFlashing(BOOL buttonState) { bPreview = buttonState; if (!bPreview || bPreviewSemaphore) // turn off flashing or already running return; bPreviewSemaphore = TRUE; mir_forkthread(PreviewThread, 0); } static void PreviewThread(void *dummy) { if (wStartDelay > 0) Sleep(wStartDelay * 1000); BYTE unchangedLeds = (BYTE)(LedState(VK_SCROLL) * !bFlashLed[2] + ((LedState(VK_NUMLOCK) * !bFlashLed[0])<<1) + ((LedState(VK_CAPITAL) * !bFlashLed[1])<<2)); while (bPreview) for (unsigned i=0; bPreview && i < pFS->size; i++) { ToggleKeyboardLights((BYTE)(pFS->frame[i%pFS->size]|unchangedLeds)); Sleep(nWaitDelay); } RestoreLEDState(); bPreviewSemaphore = FALSE; } FLASHING_SEQUENCE str2FS(TCHAR *str) { FLASHING_SEQUENCE Temp = {0}; for (Temp.size=Temp.index=0; *str; str++) { Temp.size++; if (*str == _T('[')) { Temp.frame[Temp.size - 1] = 0; for (str++; *str && *str != _T(']'); str++) Temp.frame[Temp.size - 1] += KbdChar2Byte(*str) & Leds2Flash; if (!*str) break; } else Temp.frame[Temp.size - 1] = KbdChar2Byte(*str) & Leds2Flash; } return Temp; } BYTE KbdChar2Byte(char kbdChar) { switch (kbdChar) { case '1': //NumLock return 2; case '2': //CapsLock return 4; case '3': //ScrollLock return 1; } return 0; }