; Common strings that belong to many files

; ../../plugins/LangMan/main.cpp
;[Language Pack Manager Plugin]
;[Reload langpack]
;[The Language Pack Manager Plugin can not be loaded. It requires Miranda IM %hs or later.]

; ../../plugins/LangMan/options.cpp
;[%hs (%s)]
;[All installed plugins are included.]
;[Installed Languages]

; ../../plugins/LangMan/resource.rc
;[&Download Language]
;[&Install Now]
;[A new version of a Language Pack is now available. Click the install button to download and install this new update.]
;[Check for new &versions of Language Packs periodically]
;[Download &all languages]
;[Download more Language Packs]
;[Language Pack Update Now Available]
;[Last modified using:]
;[Miranda IM is available in many languages.\nHere is a list of all available languages of the file listing, please select your native &language:]
;[Not included:]
;[Note: This will download and install the newest language pack available for the selected language. There might be language packs from other authors available on the file listing.]
;[Please restart Miranda IM for your changes to take effect.]
;[Select your language]