unit KOLCCtrls; interface {$I KOLDEF.INC} uses windows, messages, KOL; { ====== TRACKBAR CONTROL CONSTANTS =================== } const TRACKBAR_CLASS = 'msctls_trackbar32'; TBS_AUTOTICKS = $0001; TBS_VERT = $0002; TBS_HORZ = $0000; TBS_TOP = $0004; TBS_BOTTOM = $0000; TBS_LEFT = $0004; TBS_RIGHT = $0000; TBS_BOTH = $0008; TBS_NOTICKS = $0010; TBS_ENABLESELRANGE = $0020; TBS_FIXEDLENGTH = $0040; TBS_NOTHUMB = $0080; TBS_TOOLTIPS = $0100; TBM_GETPOS = WM_USER; TBM_GETRANGEMIN = WM_USER+1; TBM_GETRANGEMAX = WM_USER+2; TBM_GETTIC = WM_USER+3; TBM_SETTIC = WM_USER+4; TBM_SETPOS = WM_USER+5; TBM_SETRANGE = WM_USER+6; TBM_SETRANGEMIN = WM_USER+7; TBM_SETRANGEMAX = WM_USER+8; TBM_CLEARTICS = WM_USER+9; TBM_SETSEL = WM_USER+10; TBM_SETSELSTART = WM_USER+11; TBM_SETSELEND = WM_USER+12; TBM_GETPTICS = WM_USER+14; TBM_GETTICPOS = WM_USER+15; TBM_GETNUMTICS = WM_USER+16; TBM_GETSELSTART = WM_USER+17; TBM_GETSELEND = WM_USER+18; TBM_CLEARSEL = WM_USER+19; TBM_SETTICFREQ = WM_USER+20; TBM_SETPAGESIZE = WM_USER+21; TBM_GETPAGESIZE = WM_USER+22; TBM_SETLINESIZE = WM_USER+23; TBM_GETLINESIZE = WM_USER+24; TBM_GETTHUMBRECT = WM_USER+25; TBM_GETCHANNELRECT = WM_USER+26; TBM_SETTHUMBLENGTH = WM_USER+27; TBM_GETTHUMBLENGTH = WM_USER+28; TBM_SETTOOLTIPS = WM_USER+29; TBM_GETTOOLTIPS = WM_USER+30; TBM_SETTIPSIDE = WM_USER+31; // TrackBar Tip Side flags TBTS_TOP = 0; TBTS_LEFT = 1; TBTS_BOTTOM = 2; TBTS_RIGHT = 3; TBM_SETBUDDY = WM_USER+32; // wparam = BOOL fLeft; (or right) TBM_GETBUDDY = WM_USER+33; // wparam = BOOL fLeft; (or right) TBM_SETUNICODEFORMAT = CCM_SETUNICODEFORMAT; TBM_GETUNICODEFORMAT = CCM_GETUNICODEFORMAT; TB_LINEUP = 0; TB_LINEDOWN = 1; TB_PAGEUP = 2; TB_PAGEDOWN = 3; TB_THUMBPOSITION = 4; TB_THUMBTRACK = 5; TB_TOP = 6; TB_BOTTOM = 7; TB_ENDTRACK = 8; // custom draw item specs TBCD_TICS = $0001; TBCD_THUMB = $0002; TBCD_CHANNEL = $0003; { ^^^^^^^^ TRACKBAR CONTROL ^^^^^^^^ } type PTrackbar = ^TTrackbar; TTrackbarOption = ( trbAutoTicks, trbEnableSelRange, trbFixedLength, trbNoThumb, trbNoTicks, trbTooltips, trbTopLeftMarks, trbVertical, trbNoBorder ); TTrackbarOptions = Set Of TTrackbarOption; TOnScroll = procedure( Sender: PTrackbar; Code: Integer ) of object; {* Code: |
  TB_THUMBTRACK    Slider movement (the user dragged the slider)
  TB_THUMBPOSITION WM_LBUTTONUP following a TB_THUMBTRACK notification message
  TB_ENDTRACK      WM_KEYUP (the user released a key that sent a relevant virtual key code)
  TB_PAGEDOWN      VK_NEXT (the user clicked the channel below or to the right of the slider)
  TB_PAGEUP        VK_PRIOR (the user clicked the channel above or to the left of the slider)
  TB_TOP           VK_HOME
} TTrackbar = object( TControl ) private function GetOnScroll: TOnScroll; procedure SetOnScroll(const Value: TOnScroll); function GetVal( const Index: Integer ): Integer; procedure SetVal(const Index, Value: Integer); procedure SetThumbLen(const Index, Value: Integer); procedure SetTickFreq(const Value: Integer); procedure SetNumTicks(const Index, Value: Integer); protected public property OnScroll: TOnScroll read GetOnScroll write SetOnScroll; property RangeMin: Integer index $80010007 read GetVal write SetVal; property RangeMax: Integer index $80020008 read GetVal write SetVal; property PageSize: Integer index $00160015 read GetVal write SetVal; {* to scroll with PgUp/PgDn } property LineSize: Integer index $00180017 read GetVal write SetVal; {* to scroll with arrow keys } property Position: Integer index $80000005 read GetVal write SetVal; property NumTicks: Integer index $00100000 read GetVal write SetNumTicks; {* set approximately via TickFreq, returns actual tick mark count } property TickFreq: Integer write SetTickFreq; {* 2 means that one tick will be drawn for 2 tick marks } property SelStart: Integer index $0011000B read GetVal write SetVal; property SelEnd : Integer index $0012000C read GetVal write SetVal; property ThumbLen: Integer index $001B0000 read GetVal write SetThumbLen; {* trbFixedLength should be on to have effect } function ChannelRect: TRect; end; TKOLTrackbar = PTrackbar; function NewTrackbar( AParent: PControl; Options: TTrackbarOptions; OnScroll: TOnScroll ): PTrackbar; implementation type PTrackbarData = ^TTrackbarData; TTrackbarData = packed record FOnScroll: TOnScroll; end; function WndProcTrackbarParent( Sender: PControl; var Msg: TMsg; var Rslt: LRESULT ): Boolean; var D: PTrackbarData; Trackbar: PTrackbar; begin Result := FALSE; if (Msg.message = WM_HSCROLL) or (Msg.message = WM_VSCROLL) then if (Msg.lParam <> 0) then begin {$IFDEF USE_PROP} Trackbar := Pointer( GetProp( Msg.lParam, ID_SELF ) ); {$ELSE} Trackbar := Pointer( GetWindowLongPtr( Msg.lParam, GWLP_USERDATA ) ); {$ENDIF} if Trackbar <> nil then begin D := Trackbar.CustomData; if Assigned( D.FOnScroll ) then D.FOnScroll( Trackbar, Msg.wParam ); end; end; end; function NewTrackbar( AParent: PControl; Options: TTrackbarOptions; OnScroll: TOnScroll ): PTrackbar; const TrackbarOptions: array[ TTrackbarOption ] of Integer = ( TBS_AUTOTICKS, TBS_ENABLESELRANGE, TBS_FIXEDLENGTH, TBS_NOTHUMB, TBS_NOTICKS, TBS_TOOLTIPS, TBS_TOP, TBS_VERT, 0 ); var aStyle: DWORD; D: PTrackbarData; W, H: Integer; begin DoInitCommonControls( ICC_BAR_CLASSES ); aStyle := MakeFlags( @Options, TrackbarOptions ) or WS_CHILD or WS_VISIBLE; Result := PTrackbar( _NewCommonControl( AParent, TRACKBAR_CLASS, aStyle, not (trbNoBorder in Options), nil ) ); W := 200; H := 40; if trbVertical in Options then begin H := W; W := 40; end; Result.Width := W; Result.Height := H; GetMem( D, Sizeof( D^ ) ); Result.CustomData := D; D.FOnScroll := OnScroll; AParent.AttachProc( WndProcTrackbarParent ); end; { TTrackbar } function TTrackbar.ChannelRect: TRect; begin Perform( TBM_GETCHANNELRECT, 0, LPARAM( @ Result ) ); end; function TTrackbar.GetOnScroll: TOnScroll; var D: PTrackbarData; begin D := CustomData; Result := D.FOnScroll; end; function TTrackbar.GetVal( const Index: Integer ): Integer; begin Result := Perform( WM_USER + ( HiWord( Index ) and $7FFF ), 0, 0 ); end; procedure TTrackbar.SetNumTicks(const Index, Value: Integer); begin TickFreq := (RangeMax - RangeMin) div Value; end; procedure TTrackbar.SetOnScroll(const Value: TOnScroll); var D: PTrackbarData; begin D := CustomData; D.FOnScroll := Value; end; procedure TTrackbar.SetThumbLen(const Index, Value: Integer); begin Perform( TBM_SETTHUMBLENGTH, Value, 0 ); end; procedure TTrackbar.SetTickFreq(const Value: Integer); begin Perform( TBM_SETTICFREQ, Value, 0 ); end; procedure TTrackbar.SetVal(const Index, Value: Integer); begin Perform( WM_USER + LoWord( Index ), Index shr 31, Value ); end; end.