/* Copyright (C) 2006 Ricardo Pescuma Domenecci This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License along with this file; see the file license.txt. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ #include "stdafx.h" Player *players[NUM_PLAYERS]; static LISTENINGTOINFO current = {0}; void InitMusic() { players[WATRACK] = new WATrack(); players[GENERIC] = new GenericPlayer(); players[WMP] = new WindowsMediaPlayer(); players[WINAMP] = new Winamp(); players[ITUNES] = new ITunes(); players[FOOBAR] = new Foobar(); players[MRADIO] = new MRadio(); } void FreeMusic() { for (int i = 0; i < NUM_PLAYERS; i++) { delete players[i]; players[i] = NULL; } } void EnableDisablePlayers() { for (int i = 0; i < NUM_PLAYERS; i++) players[i]->EnableDisable(); } void FreeListeningInfo(LISTENINGTOINFO *lti) { lti->cbSize = 0; lti->dwFlags = 0; MIR_FREE(lti->ptszArtist); MIR_FREE(lti->ptszAlbum); MIR_FREE(lti->ptszTitle); MIR_FREE(lti->ptszTrack); MIR_FREE(lti->ptszYear); MIR_FREE(lti->ptszGenre); MIR_FREE(lti->ptszLength); MIR_FREE(lti->ptszPlayer); MIR_FREE(lti->ptszType); } void CopyListeningInfo(LISTENINGTOINFO *dest, const LISTENINGTOINFO * const src) { FreeListeningInfo(dest); dest->cbSize = src->cbSize; dest->dwFlags = src->dwFlags; dest->ptszArtist = mir_tstrdup(src->ptszArtist); dest->ptszAlbum = mir_tstrdup(src->ptszAlbum); dest->ptszTitle = mir_tstrdup(src->ptszTitle); dest->ptszTrack = mir_tstrdup(src->ptszTrack); dest->ptszYear = mir_tstrdup(src->ptszYear); dest->ptszGenre = mir_tstrdup(src->ptszGenre); dest->ptszLength = mir_tstrdup(src->ptszLength); dest->ptszPlayer = mir_tstrdup(src->ptszPlayer); dest->ptszType = mir_tstrdup(src->ptszType); } BOOL Equals(const LISTENINGTOINFO *lti1, const LISTENINGTOINFO *lti2) { if (lti1->cbSize != lti2->cbSize) return FALSE; return mir_tstrcmpi(lti1->ptszArtist, lti2->ptszArtist) == 0 && mir_tstrcmpi(lti1->ptszAlbum, lti2->ptszAlbum) == 0 && mir_tstrcmpi(lti1->ptszTitle, lti2->ptszTitle) == 0 && mir_tstrcmpi(lti1->ptszTrack, lti2->ptszTrack) == 0 && mir_tstrcmpi(lti1->ptszYear, lti2->ptszYear) == 0 && mir_tstrcmpi(lti1->ptszGenre, lti2->ptszGenre) == 0 && mir_tstrcmpi(lti1->ptszLength, lti2->ptszLength) == 0 && mir_tstrcmpi(lti1->ptszPlayer, lti2->ptszPlayer) == 0 && mir_tstrcmpi(lti1->ptszType, lti2->ptszType) == 0; } int ChangedListeningInfo() { BOOL changed = FALSE; BOOL playing = FALSE; int first = (players[WATRACK]->enabled ? WATRACK : GENERIC); int last = (players[WATRACK]->enabled ? WATRACK + 1 : NUM_PLAYERS); for (int i = first; i < last; i++) { if (!players[i]->enabled) continue; LISTENINGTOINFO lti = { 0 }; if (!players[i]->GetListeningInfo(<i)) continue; if (!IsTypeEnabled(<i)) { FreeListeningInfo(<i); continue; } playing = TRUE; if (Equals(¤t, <i)) FreeListeningInfo(<i); else { FreeListeningInfo(¤t); memcpy(¤t, <i, sizeof(current)); changed = 1; } break; } if (!playing && current.cbSize != 0) { FreeListeningInfo(¤t); changed = 1; } if (!changed) return 0; else return current.cbSize == 0 ? -1 : 1; } LISTENINGTOINFO * GetListeningInfo() { if (current.cbSize == 0) return NULL; return ¤t; }