/* cmac.c - CMAC, Cipher-based MAC. * Copyright © 2013 Jussi Kivilinna <jussi.kivilinna@iki.fi> * * This file is part of Libgcrypt. * * Libgcrypt is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of * the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * Libgcrypt is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this program; if not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ #include <config.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #include "g10lib.h" #include "cipher.h" #include "cipher-internal.h" #include "bufhelp.h" #define set_burn(burn, nburn) do { \ unsigned int __nburn = (nburn); \ (burn) = (burn) > __nburn ? (burn) : __nburn; } while (0) static void cmac_write (gcry_cipher_hd_t c, const byte * inbuf, size_t inlen) { gcry_cipher_encrypt_t enc_fn = c->spec->encrypt; const unsigned int blocksize = c->spec->blocksize; byte outbuf[MAX_BLOCKSIZE]; unsigned int burn = 0; unsigned int nblocks; if (!inlen || !inbuf) return; /* Last block is needed for cmac_final. */ if (c->unused + inlen <= blocksize) { for (; inlen && c->unused < blocksize; inlen--) c->lastiv[c->unused++] = *inbuf++; return; } if (c->unused) { for (; inlen && c->unused < blocksize; inlen--) c->lastiv[c->unused++] = *inbuf++; buf_xor (c->u_iv.iv, c->u_iv.iv, c->lastiv, blocksize); set_burn (burn, enc_fn (&c->context.c, c->u_iv.iv, c->u_iv.iv)); c->unused = 0; } if (c->bulk.cbc_enc && inlen > blocksize) { nblocks = inlen / blocksize; nblocks -= (nblocks * blocksize == inlen); c->bulk.cbc_enc (&c->context.c, c->u_iv.iv, outbuf, inbuf, nblocks, 1); inbuf += nblocks * blocksize; inlen -= nblocks * blocksize; wipememory (outbuf, sizeof (outbuf)); } else while (inlen > blocksize) { buf_xor (c->u_iv.iv, c->u_iv.iv, inbuf, blocksize); set_burn (burn, enc_fn (&c->context.c, c->u_iv.iv, c->u_iv.iv)); inlen -= blocksize; inbuf += blocksize; } /* Make sure that last block is passed to cmac_final. */ if (inlen == 0) BUG (); for (; inlen && c->unused < blocksize; inlen--) c->lastiv[c->unused++] = *inbuf++; if (burn) _gcry_burn_stack (burn + 4 * sizeof (void *)); } static void cmac_generate_subkeys (gcry_cipher_hd_t c) { const unsigned int blocksize = c->spec->blocksize; byte rb, carry, t, bi; unsigned int burn; int i, j; union { size_t _aligned; byte buf[MAX_BLOCKSIZE]; } u; if (MAX_BLOCKSIZE < blocksize) BUG (); /* encrypt zero block */ memset (u.buf, 0, blocksize); burn = c->spec->encrypt (&c->context.c, u.buf, u.buf); /* Currently supported blocksizes are 16 and 8. */ rb = blocksize == 16 ? 0x87 : 0x1B /*blocksize == 8 */ ; for (j = 0; j < 2; j++) { /* Generate subkeys K1 and K2 */ carry = 0; for (i = blocksize - 1; i >= 0; i--) { bi = u.buf[i]; t = carry | (bi << 1); carry = bi >> 7; u.buf[i] = t & 0xff; c->u_mode.cmac.subkeys[j][i] = u.buf[i]; } u.buf[blocksize - 1] ^= carry ? rb : 0; c->u_mode.cmac.subkeys[j][blocksize - 1] = u.buf[blocksize - 1]; } wipememory (&u, sizeof (u)); if (burn) _gcry_burn_stack (burn + 4 * sizeof (void *)); } static void cmac_final (gcry_cipher_hd_t c) { const unsigned int blocksize = c->spec->blocksize; unsigned int count = c->unused; unsigned int burn; byte *subkey; if (count == blocksize) subkey = c->u_mode.cmac.subkeys[0]; /* K1 */ else { subkey = c->u_mode.cmac.subkeys[1]; /* K2 */ c->lastiv[count++] = 0x80; while (count < blocksize) c->lastiv[count++] = 0; } buf_xor (c->lastiv, c->lastiv, subkey, blocksize); buf_xor (c->u_iv.iv, c->u_iv.iv, c->lastiv, blocksize); burn = c->spec->encrypt (&c->context.c, c->u_iv.iv, c->u_iv.iv); if (burn) _gcry_burn_stack (burn + 4 * sizeof (void *)); c->unused = 0; } static gcry_err_code_t cmac_tag (gcry_cipher_hd_t c, unsigned char *tag, size_t taglen, int check) { if (!tag || taglen == 0 || taglen > c->spec->blocksize) return GPG_ERR_INV_ARG; if (!c->u_mode.cmac.tag) { cmac_final (c); c->u_mode.cmac.tag = 1; } if (!check) { memcpy (tag, c->u_iv.iv, taglen); return GPG_ERR_NO_ERROR; } else { return buf_eq_const (tag, c->u_iv.iv, taglen) ? GPG_ERR_NO_ERROR : GPG_ERR_CHECKSUM; } } gcry_err_code_t _gcry_cipher_cmac_authenticate (gcry_cipher_hd_t c, const unsigned char *abuf, size_t abuflen) { if (abuflen > 0 && !abuf) return GPG_ERR_INV_ARG; if (c->u_mode.cmac.tag) return GPG_ERR_INV_STATE; /* To support new blocksize, update cmac_generate_subkeys() then add new blocksize here. */ if (c->spec->blocksize != 16 && c->spec->blocksize != 8) return GPG_ERR_INV_CIPHER_MODE; cmac_write (c, abuf, abuflen); return GPG_ERR_NO_ERROR; } gcry_err_code_t _gcry_cipher_cmac_get_tag (gcry_cipher_hd_t c, unsigned char *outtag, size_t taglen) { return cmac_tag (c, outtag, taglen, 0); } gcry_err_code_t _gcry_cipher_cmac_check_tag (gcry_cipher_hd_t c, const unsigned char *intag, size_t taglen) { return cmac_tag (c, (unsigned char *) intag, taglen, 1); } gcry_err_code_t _gcry_cipher_cmac_set_subkeys (gcry_cipher_hd_t c) { cmac_generate_subkeys (c); return GPG_ERR_NO_ERROR; }