~~~~~~~~~~~~ ARCHITECTURE ~~~~~~~~~~~~ I admit that architecture meaning is too much for this project, but with this document I explain how is built and how to use these projects. First of all you should respect the directory structure otherwise projects will not compile, but obviously you can change it: rembember to change vs workspace relativ paths too. Regarding workspaces compile flags: I decided to not provide particular building flags, so if you have to optimize (or anything else) you have to change settings. ~~~~~~~~~~~ DIRECTORIES ~~~~~~~~~~~ As said in �aim� document, I do not want to get inside original source code, less than it is not forced: so the first step is to look at directories structure (not whole) [anywhwere]\ \libgcrypt-1.2.1\ \libgcrypt-1.2.1\ \[...] \gpg.vs\bin.vs\ \inc.vs\ \libgcrypt-1.2.1.vs\ \libgpg-error-1.1.vs\custom\ \libgpg_error_1_1.dsp \libgpg_error_1_1.dsw There is a "root" directory, use whatever you want: inside this directory extract the original package, like libgcrypt-1.2.1, libgcrypt-1.2.1 and so on. Inside the "root" download/extract gpg.vs (otr.vs) project: you should have at least the same directories structure just shown. Inside you have "[original.package.name].vs" and all tools to be able to build original packages with visual studio. ~~~~~~ bin.vs ~~~~~~ here we'll go binaries created by visual studio, as \bin.vs\libgpg-error-1.1\debug\static\... \bin.vs\libgpg-error-1.1\release\static\... \bin.vs\libgpg-error-1.1\release\dll\... ~~~~~~ inc.vs ~~~~~~ this folder contains include files needed to build original packages without changing their code, like empty "socket.h" headers; and you will find "hooked" includes (like stddef.h) useful to declare definition that visual studio misses (like pid_t) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ package.vs.custom ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ here you'll always find package->"config.h" header, made "by hand". You will find some others files that under *nix are automatically created, and I provide them in a "custom" way ~~~~~~~ EXAMPLE ~~~~~~~ You want to compile with vs libgpg-error-1.1.: choose your parent directory, in my case �gnu� \gnu\ download and extract here the libgpg-error-1.1, so now I have \gnu\libgpg-error-1.1\libgpg-error\[source code] basically extract always in libgpg-error directory and the closest parent is libgpg-error-version, to have \gnu\libgpg-error-1.0\libgpg-error\[source code] \gnu\libgpg-error-1.1\libgpg-error\[source code] Now download gpg.vs project (or take it from cvs), which includes vs project for libgpg-error, and extract it in the directory you have choosen (gnu in my case), \gnu\gpg.vs\ In gpg.vs directory find the libgpg-error-1.1.vs (appending .vs at the end of package name is the �standard� for this project) \gnu\gpg.vs\ libgpg-error-1.1.vs\ And inside find the dsw/dsp of the project libgpg_error_1_1.dsw libgpg_error_1_1.dsp Note: the little change to names is due to vs limitations. You have only to build it. The binaries files will be created in \gnu\gpg.vs\bin.vs\libgpg-error.1.1\debug \gnu\gpg.vs\bin.vs\libgpg-error.1.1\release