I admit that architecture meaning is too much for this project,
but with this document I explain how is built and
how to use these projects.
First of all you should respect the directory structure otherwise
projects will not compile, but obviously you can change it:
rembember to change vs workspace relativ paths too.
Regarding workspaces compile flags: I decided to not provide particular
building flags, so if you have to optimize (or anything else) you
have to change settings.

As said in �aim� document, I do not want to get inside original
source code, less than it is not forced:
so the first step is to look at directories structure (not whole)


There is a "root" directory, use whatever you want:
inside this directory extract the original package, like
libgcrypt-1.2.1, libgcrypt-1.2.1 and so on.
Inside the "root" download/extract gpg.vs (otr.vs) project:
you should have at least the same directories structure just shown.
Inside you have "[original.package.name].vs" and all tools to be
able to build original packages with visual studio.

here we'll go binaries created by visual studio, as

this folder contains include files needed to build original packages
without changing their code, like empty "socket.h" headers;
and you will find "hooked" includes (like stddef.h) useful to declare
definition that visual studio misses (like pid_t)

here you'll always find package->"config.h" header, made "by hand".
You will find some others files that under *nix are automatically
created, and I provide them in a "custom" way

You want to compile with vs libgpg-error-1.1.: choose your parent directory,
in my case �gnu�


download and extract here the libgpg-error-1.1, so now I have

\gnu\libgpg-error-1.1\libgpg-error\[source code]

basically extract always in libgpg-error directory and the
closest parent is libgpg-error-version, to have

\gnu\libgpg-error-1.0\libgpg-error\[source code]
\gnu\libgpg-error-1.1\libgpg-error\[source code]

Now download gpg.vs project (or take it from cvs), which includes
vs project for libgpg-error, and extract it in the directory
you have choosen (gnu in my case),


In gpg.vs directory find the libgpg-error-1.1.vs
(appending .vs at the end of package name is the �standard� for this project)

\gnu\gpg.vs\ libgpg-error-1.1.vs\

And inside find the dsw/dsp of the project


Note: the little change to names is due to vs limitations.
You  have only to build it.
The binaries files will be created in 
