/* * Copyright (c) 2002-2004, Jon Travis * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE AUTHOR ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES * OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. * IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, * INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT * NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, * DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY * THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF * THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ /* * ekhtml: The El-Kabong HTML parser * by Jon Travis (jtravis@p00p.org) * * El-Kabong: A speedy, yet forgiving, SAX-stylee HTML parser. * * The idea behind this parser is for it to use very little memory, and still * be very speedy, while forgiving poorly written HTML. * The internals of the parser consist of a small memory buffer which is able * to grow when not enough information is known to correctly parse a tag. * Given the typical layout of HTML, 4k should be plenty. * * The main state engine loops through this internal buffer, determining what * the next state should be. Once this is known, it passes off a segment to * the state handlers (starttag, endtag, etc.) to process. The segment * handlers and the main state engine communicate via a few variables. These * variables indicate whether or not the main engine should switch state, * or successfully remove some data, etc. The segment handlers are * guaranteed the same starting data (though not the same pointer) on each * invocation until the state is changed. Thus, the segment handlers cannot * use pointers into the main buffer -- they must use offsets. * * Some of the speed is gained from using character map data found in * ekhtml_tables.h. I don't have any empirical data for this yet -- * it only sounds like it would be faster.. ;-) * * I'm always looking for ways to clean && speed up this code. Feel free * to give feedback -- JMT */ #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #include <ctype.h> #include <assert.h> #include "ekhtml_config.h" #include "ekhtml.h" #define EKHTML_USE_TABLES #include "ekhtml_tables.h" #define EKHTML_USE_PRIVATE #include "ekhtml_private.h" #ifndef MIN #define MIN(a,b) (((a)<(b)) ? (a) : (b)) #endif /* * ekhtml_buffer_grow: Grow the parser's internal buffer by a blocksize. * NOTE: Calling the function has the potential to * change the data buffer location. Do * not rely on it's location! * * Arguments: Parser = Parser to grow */ static void ekhtml_buffer_grow(ekhtml_parser_t *parser){ size_t newsize; char *newbuf; newsize = parser->nalloced + EKHTML_BLOCKSIZE; if((newbuf = realloc(parser->buf, newsize)) == NULL){ fprintf(stderr, "BAD! Can't allocate %d bytes in ekhtml_buffer_grow\n", (int)newsize); fflush(stderr); /* Just in case someone changes the buffering scheme */ } parser->buf = newbuf; parser->nalloced = newsize; } /* * parser_state_determine: Determine the next state that the main parser * should have, by investigating up to the first * 4 characters in the buffer. * * Arguments: startp = Starting data pointer * endp = Pointer to first byte of 'out of range' data * * Return values: Returns one of EKHTML_STATE_* indicating the state that * was found. * */ static inline int parser_state_determine(const char *startp, const char *endp){ const char *firstchar; int newstate; assert(startp != endp); if(*startp != '<') return EKHTML_STATE_INDATA; firstchar = startp + 1; if(firstchar == endp) return EKHTML_STATE_NONE; newstate = EKCMap_EKState[(unsigned char)*firstchar]; if(newstate == EKHTML_STATE_NONE){ if(firstchar + 2 >= endp) /* Not enough data to evaluate */ return EKHTML_STATE_NONE; if(*(firstchar + 1) == '-' && *(firstchar + 2) == '-') return EKHTML_STATE_COMMENT; else return EKHTML_STATE_SPECIAL; } else return newstate; } int ekhtml_parser_flush(ekhtml_parser_t *parser, int flushall){ void **state_data = &parser->state.state_data; char *buf = parser->buf, *curp = buf, *endp = buf + parser->nbuf; int badp = -1, tmpstate = parser->state.state, didsomething = 0; while(curp != endp){ char *workp = curp; if(tmpstate == EKHTML_STATE_NONE){ tmpstate = parser_state_determine(workp, endp); if(tmpstate == EKHTML_STATE_NONE) /* Not enough data yet */ break; } if(tmpstate == EKHTML_STATE_INDATA || tmpstate == EKHTML_STATE_BADDATA) curp = ekhtml_parse_data(parser, workp, endp, tmpstate); else if(endp - workp > 2){ /* All tags fall under this catagory */ switch(tmpstate){ case EKHTML_STATE_ENDTAG: curp = ekhtml_parse_endtag(parser, state_data, workp, endp, &badp); break; case EKHTML_STATE_STARTTAG: curp = ekhtml_parse_starttag(parser, state_data, workp, endp, &badp); break; case EKHTML_STATE_COMMENT: curp = ekhtml_parse_comment(parser, state_data, workp, endp, &badp); break; case EKHTML_STATE_SPECIAL: curp = ekhtml_parse_special(parser, state_data, workp, endp, &badp); break; default: assert(!"Unimplemented state"); } } else { curp = NULL; /* Not enough data, keep going */ } /* If one of the parsers said the data was bad, reset the state */ if(badp != -1){ tmpstate = badp; badp = -1; } if(curp == NULL){ /* State needed more data, so break out */ curp = workp; break; } if(workp != curp){ /* state backend cleared up some data */ didsomething = 1; tmpstate = EKHTML_STATE_NONE; assert(*state_data == NULL); } } if(flushall){ /* Flush whatever we didn't use */ if(parser->datacb){ ekhtml_string_t str; str.str = curp; str.len = endp - curp; parser->datacb(parser->cbdata, &str); } curp = endp; didsomething = 1; tmpstate = EKHTML_STATE_NONE; /* Clean up to an unknown state */ *state_data = NULL; } parser->state.state = tmpstate; if(didsomething){ /* Shuffle the data back, based on where we ended up */ parser->nbuf -= curp - buf; if(endp - curp){ /* If there's still any data to move */ memmove(buf, curp, endp - curp); } } return didsomething; } void ekhtml_parser_feed(ekhtml_parser_t *parser, ekhtml_string_t *str){ size_t nfed = 0; while(nfed != str->len){ size_t tocopy; /* First see how much we can fill up our internal buffer */ tocopy = MIN(parser->nalloced - parser->nbuf, str->len - nfed); memcpy(parser->buf + parser->nbuf, str->str + nfed, tocopy); nfed += tocopy; parser->nbuf += tocopy; if(parser->nalloced == parser->nbuf){ /* Process the buffer */ if(!ekhtml_parser_flush(parser, 0)){ /* If we didn't actually process anything, grow our buffer */ ekhtml_buffer_grow(parser); } } } } void ekhtml_parser_datacb_set(ekhtml_parser_t *parser, ekhtml_data_cb_t cb){ parser->datacb = cb; } void ekhtml_parser_commentcb_set(ekhtml_parser_t *parser, ekhtml_data_cb_t cb){ parser->commentcb = cb; } void ekhtml_parser_cbdata_set(ekhtml_parser_t *parser, void *cbdata){ parser->cbdata = cbdata; } static void ekhtml_parser_startendcb_add(ekhtml_parser_t *parser, const char *tag, ekhtml_starttag_cb_t startcb, ekhtml_endtag_cb_t endcb, int isStart) { ekhtml_tag_container *cont; ekhtml_string_t lookup_str; char *newtag, *cp; unsigned int taglen; hnode_t *hn; if(!tag){ if(isStart) parser->startcb_unk = startcb; else parser->endcb_unk = endcb; return; } newtag = _strdup(tag); for(cp=newtag; *cp; cp++) *cp = toupper(*cp); taglen = cp - newtag; /* First see if the container already exists */ lookup_str.str = newtag; lookup_str.len = taglen; if((hn = hash_lookup(parser->startendcb, &lookup_str))){ cont = hnode_get(hn); free(newtag); if(isStart) cont->startfunc = startcb; else cont->endfunc = endcb; } else { ekhtml_string_t *set_str; cont = malloc(sizeof(*cont)); if(isStart){ cont->startfunc = startcb; cont->endfunc = NULL; } else { cont->startfunc = NULL; cont->endfunc = endcb; } set_str = malloc(sizeof(*set_str)); *set_str = lookup_str; hash_alloc_insert(parser->startendcb, set_str, cont); } } void ekhtml_parser_startcb_add(ekhtml_parser_t *parser, const char *tag, ekhtml_starttag_cb_t cback) { ekhtml_parser_startendcb_add(parser, tag, cback, NULL, 1); } void ekhtml_parser_endcb_add(ekhtml_parser_t *parser, const char *tag, ekhtml_endtag_cb_t cback) { ekhtml_parser_startendcb_add(parser, tag, NULL, cback, 0); } static hash_val_t ekhtml_string_hash(const void *key){ const ekhtml_string_t *s = key; hash_val_t res = 5381; const char *str = s->str; size_t len = s->len; int c; while(len--){ c = str[len]; res = ((res << 5) + res) + c; /* res * 33 + c */ } return res; } static int ekhtml_string_comp(const void *key1, const void *key2){ const ekhtml_string_t *s1 = key1, *s2 = key2; if(s1->len == s2->len) return memcmp(s1->str, s2->str, s1->len); return 1; } void ekhtml_parser_destroy(ekhtml_parser_t *ekparser){ hnode_t *hn; hscan_t hs; hash_scan_begin(&hs, ekparser->startendcb); while((hn = hash_scan_next(&hs))){ ekhtml_string_t *key = (ekhtml_string_t *)hnode_getkey(hn); ekhtml_tag_container *cont = hnode_get(hn); hash_scan_delfree(ekparser->startendcb, hn); free((char *)key->str); free(key); free(cont); } hash_destroy(ekparser->startendcb); ekhtml_parser_starttag_cleanup(ekparser); free(ekparser->buf); free(ekparser); } ekhtml_parser_t *ekhtml_parser_new(void *cbdata){ ekhtml_parser_t *res; res = malloc(sizeof(*res)); res->datacb = NULL; res->startendcb = hash_create(HASHCOUNT_T_MAX, ekhtml_string_comp, ekhtml_string_hash); res->cbdata = cbdata; res->startcb_unk = NULL; res->endcb_unk = NULL; res->commentcb = NULL; res->buf = NULL; res->nalloced = 0; res->nbuf = 0; res->freeattrs = NULL; res->state.state = EKHTML_STATE_NONE; res->state.state_data = NULL; /* Start out with a buffer of 1 block size */ ekhtml_buffer_grow(res); return res; }