#ifndef _COUTPUTMANAGER_H_ #define _COUTPUTMANAGER_H_ #include "LCDFramework/CLCDOutputManager.h" #include "CProtocolData.h" #include "CIRCHistory.h" #include "CIRCConnection.h" #include "CNotificationScreen.h" #include "CEventScreen.h" #include "CContactlistScreen.h" #include "CChatScreen.h" #include "CCreditsScreen.h" #include "CScreensaverScreen.h" #include "LCDFramework/CLCDConnectionLogitech.h" struct SMessageJob { MEVENT hEvent; MCONTACT hContact; DWORD dwFlags; char *pcBuffer; int iBufferSize; DWORD dwTimestamp; }; class CAppletManager : public CLCDOutputManager { public: // returns the AppletManager's instance static CAppletManager *GetInstance(); // Constructor CAppletManager(); // Destructor ~CAppletManager(); // Initializes the AppletManager bool Initialize(tstring strAppletName); // Deinitializes the AppletManager bool Shutdown(); // Updates the AppletManager bool Update(); // the update timer's callback function static VOID CALLBACK UpdateTimer(HWND hwnd,UINT uMsg,UINT_PTR idEvent,DWORD dwTime); // called when the plugin's configuration has changed void OnConfigChanged(); // called to process the specified event void HandleEvent(CEvent *pEvent); // screen activation functions void ActivatePreviousScreen(); void ActivateScreensaverScreen(); void ActivateCreditsScreen(); void ActivateEventScreen(); void ActivateCListScreen(); bool ActivateChatScreen(MCONTACT hContact); // hook functions static int HookMessageWindowEvent(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam); static int HookContactIsTyping(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam); static int HookEventAdded(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam); static int HookStatusChanged(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam); static int HookProtoAck(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam); static int HookContactAdded(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam); static int HookContactDeleted(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam); static int HookSettingChanged(WPARAM wParam,LPARAM lParam); static int HookChatInbound(WPARAM wParam,LPARAM lParam); // check if a contacts message window is opened static bool IsMessageWindowOpen(MCONTACT hContact); // marks the given event as read static void MarkMessageAsRead(MCONTACT hContact, MEVENT hEvent); // translates the given database event static bool TranslateDBEvent(CEvent *pEvent,WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam); // sends a message to the specified contact static MEVENT SendMessageToContact(MCONTACT hContact,tstring strMessage); // sends typing notifications to the specified contact static void SendTypingNotification(MCONTACT hContact,bool bEnable); // returns a formatted timestamp string static tstring GetFormattedTimestamp(tm *time); // returns the contacts group static tstring GetContactGroup(MCONTACT hContact); // returns the contacts displayname static tstring GetContactDisplayname(MCONTACT hContact,bool bShortened=false); // returns the history class for the specified IRC channel CIRCHistory *GetIRCHistory(MCONTACT hContact); CIRCHistory *GetIRCHistoryByName(tstring strProtocol,tstring strChannel); // returns the IRC connection class for the specified protocol CIRCConnection *GetIRCConnection(tstring strProtocol); // creates the IRC connection class for the specified protocol CIRCConnection *CreateIRCConnection(tstring strProtocol); // returns the bitmap for the specified status HBITMAP GetStatusBitmap(int iStatus); // returns the bitmap for the specified event HBITMAP GetEventBitmap(EventType eType, bool bLarge = false); // checks if the patched IRC protocol is in place bool IsIRCHookEnabled(); static tstring TranslateString(wchar_t *szString,...); private: list<CIRCHistory*> m_LIRCHistorys; // deletes the history class for the specified IRC channel void DeleteIRCHistory(MCONTACT hContact); // creates a history class for the specified IRC channel CIRCHistory *CreateIRCHistory(MCONTACT hContact,tstring strChannel); CIRCHistory *CreateIRCHistoryByName(tstring strProtocol,tstring strChannel); // activate a screen void ActivateScreen(CScreen *pScreen); // applies the volumewheel setting void SetVolumeWheelHook(); // Called when the connection state has changed void OnConnectionChanged(int iConnectionState); // Called when the active screen has expired void OnScreenExpired(CLCDScreen *pScreen); // updates all pending message jobs void UpdateMessageJobs(); // adds a message job to the list void AddMessageJob(SMessageJob *pJob); // finishes a message job void FinishMessageJob(SMessageJob *pJob); // cancels a message job void CancelMessageJob(SMessageJob *pJob); // removes a message job from the list // strip IRC formatting static tstring StripIRCFormatting(tstring strText); // Light status SG15LightStatus m_G15LightStatus; list<SMessageJob*> m_MessageJobs; // update timer handle UINT m_uiTimer; // screens CNotificationScreen m_NotificationScreen; CEventScreen m_EventScreen; CContactlistScreen m_ContactlistScreen; CChatScreen m_ChatScreen; CCreditsScreen m_CreditsScreen; CScreensaverScreen m_ScreensaverScreen; // protocol data vector<CProtocolData*> m_vProtocolData; CProtocolData* GetProtocolData(tstring strProtocol); // hook handles HANDLE m_hMIHookMessageWindowEvent; HANDLE m_hMIHookContactIsTyping; HANDLE m_hMIHookEventAdded; HANDLE m_hMIHookStatusChanged; HANDLE m_hMIHookProtoAck; HANDLE m_hMIHookSettingChanged; HANDLE m_hMIHookContactDeleted; HANDLE m_hMIHookContactAdded; HANDLE m_hMIHookChatEvent; vector<CIRCConnection*> m_vIRCConnections; // last active screen CScreen *m_pLastScreen; bool m_bScreensaver; HBITMAP m_ahStatusBitmaps[8]; HBITMAP m_ahEventBitmaps[4]; HBITMAP m_ahLargeEventBitmaps[4]; }; #endif