#include "stdafx.h"
#include "CEventLog.h"
#include "CConfig.h"
#include "CAppletManager.h"

// constructor

// destructor

// deinitializes the list
bool CEventLog::Shutdown()
	if (!CLCDList<CEventLogEntry*>::Shutdown())
		return false;

	return true;

// initializes the list
bool CEventLog::Initialize()
	if (!CLCDList<CEventLogEntry*>::Initialize())
		return false;

	return true;

// Called to set the objects font
bool CEventLog::SetFont(LOGFONT &lf)
	if (!CLCDList<CEventLogEntry*>::SetFont(lf))
		return false;

	SetEntryHeight(m_iFontHeight < 6 ? 6 : m_iFontHeight);
	return true;

// adds an entry to the list
CListItem<CEventLogEntry*> *CEventLog::AddItem(CEventLogEntry *pEntry)
	CListItem<CEventLogEntry*> *pItem = CLCDList<CEventLogEntry*>::AddItem(pEntry);
	if (GetEntryCount() > CConfig::GetIntSetting(NOTIFY_LOGSIZE))

	if (GetTickCount() - m_dwLastScroll > 10000)
	return pItem;

// Called to delete the specified entry
void CEventLog::DeleteEntry(CEventLogEntry *pEntry)
	delete pEntry;

// Called to draw the specified entry
void CEventLog::DrawEntry(CLCDGfx *pGfx, CEventLogEntry *pEntry, bool bSelected)
	SelectObject(pGfx->GetHDC(), m_hFont);

	bool bLargeIcons = GetEntryHeight() > 8;
	int iOffset = (m_iFontHeight - (bLargeIcons ? 8 : 6)) / 2;
	HBITMAP hBitmap = CAppletManager::GetInstance()->GetEventBitmap(pEntry->eType, bLargeIcons);
	pGfx->DrawBitmap(0, iOffset < 0 ? 0 : iOffset, bLargeIcons ? 8 : 6, bLargeIcons ? 8 : 6, hBitmap);

	iOffset = bLargeIcons ? 10 : 7;
	if (CConfig::GetBoolSetting(NOTIFY_TIMESTAMPS))
		pGfx->DrawText(iOffset, 0, pGfx->GetClipWidth() - iOffset, pEntry->strTimestamp + pEntry->strValue);
		pGfx->DrawText(iOffset, 0, pGfx->GetClipWidth() - iOffset, pEntry->strValue);

	if (bSelected && GetTickCount() - m_dwLastScroll < 1000) {
		RECT invert = {0,0,GetWidth(),m_iFontHeight};
		InvertRect(pGfx->GetHDC(), &invert);

void CEventLog::SetPosition(CListEntry<CEventLogEntry*> *pEntry)

bool CEventLog::ScrollUp()
	m_dwLastScroll = GetTickCount();
	return CLCDList<CEventLogEntry*>::ScrollUp();

bool CEventLog::ScrollDown()
	m_dwLastScroll = GetTickCount();
	return CLCDList<CEventLogEntry*>::ScrollDown();