#include "stdafx.h"
#include "CLCDConnection.h"

// Constructor
	m_bReconnect = true;

// Destructor

// Initializes the connection to the LCD
bool CLCDConnection::Initialize(tstring strAppletName,bool bAutostart, bool bConfigDialog)
	return false;

// Closes the connection with the LCD
bool CLCDConnection::Shutdown()
	return false;

// Update function
bool CLCDConnection::Update()
	return false;

// returns the connections state
int CLCDConnection::GetConnectionState()

// Returns the state of the specified Button
bool CLCDConnection::GetButtonState(int iButton)
	return false;

// returns the id of the specified button
int CLCDConnection::GetButtonId(int iButton) {
	return 0;

// Hides the applet
bool CLCDConnection::HideApplet()
	return false;

// Draws the specified bitmap on the LCD
bool CLCDConnection::Draw()
	return false;

// Temporarily brings the applet to foreground
void CLCDConnection::SetAlert(bool bAlert)

// Activates the applet on the LCD
void CLCDConnection::SetAsForeground(bool bSetAsForeground)

// returns wether the applet is currently activated
bool CLCDConnection::IsForeground()
	return false;

// Returns the display size
SIZE CLCDConnection::GetDisplaySize()
	SIZE size;
	size.cx = 0;
	size.cy = 0;
	return size;

// Returns the number of buttons for the display
int CLCDConnection::GetButtonCount()
	return 0;

// Returns the number of available colors
int CLCDConnection::GetColorCount()
	return 0;

// Get the pointer to the pixel buffer
PBYTE CLCDConnection::GetPixelBuffer()
	return NULL;

// Get the pointer to the pixel buffer
CLCDDevice* CLCDConnection::GetAttachedDevice(int iIndex)
	return NULL;

// Connects to the specified LCD
bool CLCDConnection::Connect(int iIndex) {
	return false;

// Connects to the specified LCD
bool CLCDConnection::Disconnect() {
	return false;

// Toggles the automatic reconnection
void CLCDConnection::SetReconnect(bool bSet) {
	m_bReconnect = bSet;

// returns a pointer to the current device
CLCDDevice* CLCDConnection::GetConnectedDevice() {
	return NULL;