#include "stdafx.h" #include "CLCDConnectionLogitech.h" #include "CLCDOutputManager.h" DWORD WINAPI softButtonCallback(IN int device, IN DWORD dwButtons, IN const PVOID pContext) { ((CLCDConnectionLogitech*)pContext)->OnSoftButtonCB(dwButtons); return 0; } DWORD WINAPI notificationCallback(IN int connection, IN const PVOID pContext, IN DWORD notificationCode, IN DWORD notifyParm1, IN DWORD notifyParm2, IN DWORD notifyParm3, IN DWORD notifyParm4) { ((CLCDConnectionLogitech*)pContext)->OnNotificationCB(notificationCode, notifyParm1, notifyParm2, notifyParm3, notifyParm4); return 0; } void __cdecl initializeDrawingThread(void *pParam) { ((CLCDConnectionLogitech*)pParam)->runDrawingThread(); } void CLCDConnectionLogitech::runDrawingThread() { m_hStopEvent = CreateEvent(NULL, FALSE, FALSE, NULL); m_hDrawEvent = CreateEvent(NULL, FALSE, FALSE, NULL); DWORD dwRes = 0; while (1) { HANDLE hArray[2] = { m_hStopEvent, m_hDrawEvent }; dwRes = WaitForMultipleObjects(2, hArray, FALSE, INFINITE); if (dwRes == WAIT_OBJECT_0) { break; } else if (dwRes == WAIT_OBJECT_0 + 1) { DWORD rc; if (GetConnectionState() != CONNECTED) { continue; } // do a sync update if the applet is in the foreground, or every 500 ms // the delay is there because sync updates can take up to 33ms to fail if (m_dwForegroundCheck < GetTickCount()) { m_dwForegroundCheck = GetTickCount() + 500; rc = lgLcdUpdateBitmap(m_hDevice, &m_lcdBitmap.hdr, LGLCD_SYNC_COMPLETE_WITHIN_FRAME(m_iPriority)); if (rc == ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED) { rc = ERROR_SUCCESS; m_bIsForeground = false; } else if (rc == ERROR_SUCCESS) m_bIsForeground = true; } else rc = lgLcdUpdateBitmap(m_hDevice, &m_lcdBitmap.hdr, LGLCD_ASYNC_UPDATE(m_iPriority)); if (rc != ERROR_SUCCESS) { HandleErrorFromAPI(rc); } } } CloseHandle(m_hStopEvent); CloseHandle(m_hDrawEvent); } // the connection instance CLCDConnectionLogitech *CLCDConnectionLogitech::m_pInstance = NULL; //************************************************************************ // returns the connection type //************************************************************************ int CLCDConnectionLogitech::GetConnectionType() { return TYPE_LOGITECH; } //************************************************************************ // Constructor //************************************************************************ CLCDConnectionLogitech::CLCDConnectionLogitech() { m_iNumQVGADevices = 0; m_iNumBWDevices = 0; m_pDrawingBuffer = NULL; m_pConnectedDevice = NULL; m_hKeyboardHook = NULL; m_bVolumeWheelHook = false; m_dwButtonState = 0; m_bConnected = false; m_bSetAsForeground = false; m_dwForegroundCheck = 0; m_hHIDDeviceHandle = NULL; m_hConnection = LGLCD_INVALID_CONNECTION; m_hDevice = LGLCD_INVALID_DEVICE; m_bIsForeground = false; m_hDrawEvent = NULL; m_hStopEvent = NULL; CLCDConnectionLogitech::m_pInstance = this; m_hDrawingThread = mir_forkthread(initializeDrawingThread, (void*)this); } //************************************************************************ // Destructor //************************************************************************ CLCDConnectionLogitech::~CLCDConnectionLogitech() { do { SetEvent(m_hStopEvent); } while (WaitForSingleObject(m_hDrawingThread, 500) == WAIT_TIMEOUT); if (m_pDrawingBuffer != NULL) { free(m_pDrawingBuffer); } SetVolumeWheelHook(false); } //************************************************************************ // Initializes the connection to the LCD //************************************************************************ bool CLCDConnectionLogitech::Initialize(tstring strAppletName, bool bAutostart, bool bConfigDialog) { m_strAppletName = strAppletName; // initialize the library if (lgLcdInit() != ERROR_SUCCESS) return false; memset(&m_connectContext, 0, sizeof(m_connectContext)); m_connectContext.connection = LGLCD_INVALID_CONNECTION; m_connectContext.appFriendlyName = m_strAppletName.c_str(); m_connectContext.isAutostartable = bAutostart; m_connectContext.isPersistent = bAutostart; m_connectContext.dwAppletCapabilitiesSupported = LGLCD_APPLET_CAP_BW | LGLCD_APPLET_CAP_QVGA; m_connectContext.onNotify.notificationCallback = notificationCallback; m_connectContext.onNotify.notifyContext = (PVOID)this; if (bConfigDialog) { m_connectContext.onConfigure.configCallback = CLCDOutputManager::configDialogCallback; } else { m_connectContext.onConfigure.configCallback = NULL; } m_connectContext.onConfigure.configContext = NULL; lgLcdSetDeviceFamiliesToUse(m_connectContext.connection, LGLCD_DEVICE_FAMILY_ALL, NULL); return true; } //************************************************************************ // returns the name of the attached device //************************************************************************ tstring CLCDConnectionLogitech::GetDeviceName() { if (m_pConnectedDevice->GetIndex() == LGLCD_DEVICE_BW) { return _T("G15/Z10"); } else { return _T("G19"); } } //************************************************************************ // enumerates all attached devices //************************************************************************ CLgLCDDevice* CLCDConnectionLogitech::GetAttachedDevice(int iIndex) { std::vector::iterator i = m_lcdDevices.begin(); for (; i != m_lcdDevices.end(); i++) { if ((*i)->GetIndex() == iIndex) { return *i; } } return NULL; } //************************************************************************ // disconnects the device //************************************************************************ bool CLCDConnectionLogitech::Disconnect() { if (!m_bConnected) return false; if (m_pConnectedDevice != NULL) { delete m_pConnectedDevice; m_pConnectedDevice = NULL; } m_bReconnect = false; HIDDeInit(); lgLcdClose(m_hDevice); m_hDevice = LGLCD_INVALID_DEVICE; CLCDOutputManager::GetInstance()->OnDeviceDisconnected(); m_bConnected = false; return true; } //************************************************************************ // returns a pointer to the current device //************************************************************************ CLgLCDDevice* CLCDConnectionLogitech::GetConnectedDevice() { return m_pConnectedDevice; } //************************************************************************ // connects to the device //************************************************************************ bool CLCDConnectionLogitech::Connect(int iIndex) { DWORD rc; lgLcdOpenByTypeContext OpenContext; if (m_bConnected && (iIndex == 0 || iIndex == GetConnectedDevice()->GetIndex())) return true; if (m_hConnection == LGLCD_INVALID_CONNECTION) { rc = lgLcdConnectEx(&m_connectContext); // establish the connection if (ERROR_SUCCESS == rc) { m_hConnection = m_connectContext.connection; m_hDevice = LGLCD_INVALID_CONNECTION; TRACE(_T("CLCDConnectionLogitech: Connection to LCDManager established successfully!\n")); } else { return false; } } // check if the specified device exists m_pConnectedDevice = GetAttachedDevice(iIndex); if (m_pConnectedDevice == NULL) { iIndex = (!iIndex || iIndex == LGLCD_DEVICE_BW) ? LGLCD_DEVICE_BW : LGLCD_DEVICE_QVGA; m_pConnectedDevice = GetAttachedDevice(iIndex); if (m_pConnectedDevice == NULL) { return false; } } // close the lcd device before we open up another if (LGLCD_INVALID_DEVICE != m_hDevice) { Disconnect(); } // Now lets open the LCD. We must initialize the g_OpenContext structure. memset(&OpenContext, 0, sizeof(OpenContext)); OpenContext.connection = m_hConnection; OpenContext.deviceType = m_pConnectedDevice->GetIndex();//LGLCD_DEVICE_QVGA; OpenContext.device = LGLCD_INVALID_DEVICE; // softbutton callbacks are not needed OpenContext.onSoftbuttonsChanged.softbuttonsChangedCallback = softButtonCallback; OpenContext.onSoftbuttonsChanged.softbuttonsChangedContext = (PVOID)this; // open the lcd rc = lgLcdOpenByType(&OpenContext); // failed to open the lcd if (rc != ERROR_SUCCESS) return false; m_hDevice = OpenContext.device; // Create the pixel buffer m_lcdBitmap.hdr.Format = OpenContext.deviceType == LGLCD_DEVICE_QVGA ? LGLCD_BMP_FORMAT_QVGAx32 : LGLCD_BMP_FORMAT_160x43x1; if (m_pDrawingBuffer != NULL) { free(m_pDrawingBuffer); } m_pPixels = OpenContext.deviceType == LGLCD_DEVICE_QVGA ? m_lcdBitmap.bmp_qvga32.pixels : m_lcdBitmap.bmp_mono.pixels; m_iPixels = OpenContext.deviceType == LGLCD_DEVICE_QVGA ? sizeof(m_lcdBitmap.bmp_qvga32.pixels) : sizeof(m_lcdBitmap.bmp_mono.pixels); m_pDrawingBuffer = (PBYTE)malloc(m_iPixels); memset(m_pDrawingBuffer, 0, m_iPixels); m_iPriority = LGLCD_PRIORITY_NORMAL; m_bConnected = true; HIDInit(); m_bReconnect = true; CLCDOutputManager::GetInstance()->OnDeviceConnected(); return true; } //************************************************************************ // Closes the connection with the LCD //************************************************************************ bool CLCDConnectionLogitech::Shutdown() { m_bConnected = false; SetVolumeWheelHook(false); Disconnect(); if (LGLCD_INVALID_CONNECTION != m_hDevice) lgLcdDisconnect(m_hConnection); lgLcdDeInit(); return true; } //************************************************************************ // Reads data from the keyboard HID device //************************************************************************ bool CLCDConnectionLogitech::HIDReadData(BYTE* data) { static OVERLAPPED olRead; static HANDLE hReadEvent = CreateEvent(NULL, false, true, _T("ReadEvent")); static BYTE privateBuffer[9]; DWORD TransBytes; if (!m_bConnected) { SetEvent(hReadEvent); return false; } DWORD dwRes = WaitForSingleObject(hReadEvent, 0); if (dwRes == WAIT_OBJECT_0) { bool bRes = false; if (GetOverlappedResult(m_hHIDDeviceHandle, &olRead, &TransBytes, false)) { memcpy(data, privateBuffer, 9 * sizeof(BYTE)); bRes = true; } memset(&olRead, 0, sizeof(OVERLAPPED)); olRead.hEvent = hReadEvent; if (!ReadFile(m_hHIDDeviceHandle, privateBuffer, 9, &TransBytes, &olRead)) { DWORD error = GetLastError(); if (error != ERROR_IO_PENDING) { return false; } } return bRes; } return false; } void CLCDConnectionLogitech::OnSoftButtonCB(DWORD state) { m_dwButtonState = state; } void CLCDConnectionLogitech::OnNotificationCB(DWORD notificationCode, DWORD notifyParm1, DWORD notifyParm2, DWORD notifyParm3, DWORD notifyParm4) { CLgLCDDevice *device; switch (notificationCode) { case LGLCD_NOTIFICATION_DEVICE_ARRIVAL: { int *counter = notifyParm1 == LGLCD_DEVICE_QVGA ? &m_iNumQVGADevices : &m_iNumBWDevices; if (*counter == 0) { SIZE size; if (notifyParm1 == LGLCD_DEVICE_QVGA) { size.cx = 320; size.cy = 240; device = new CLgLCDDevice(notifyParm1, size, 7, 4); } else { size.cx = 160; size.cy = 43; device = new CLgLCDDevice(notifyParm1, size, 4, 1); } m_lcdDevices.push_back(device); } (*counter)++; break; } case LGLCD_NOTIFICATION_DEVICE_REMOVAL: { int *counter = notifyParm1 == LGLCD_DEVICE_QVGA ? &m_iNumQVGADevices : &m_iNumBWDevices; (*counter)--; if (*counter == 0) { std::vector::iterator i = m_lcdDevices.begin(); for (; i != m_lcdDevices.end(); i++) { if ((*i)->GetIndex() == notifyParm1) { device = *i; if (device == m_pConnectedDevice) { HandleErrorFromAPI(ERROR_DEVICE_NOT_CONNECTED); } m_lcdDevices.erase(i); delete device; break; } } } break; } } } //************************************************************************ // Update function //************************************************************************ bool CLCDConnectionLogitech::Update() { // check for lcd devices if (LGLCD_INVALID_DEVICE == m_hDevice) { if (m_bReconnect) { Connect(); } } BYTE buffer[9]; if (HIDReadData(buffer)) { int button = 0; // mr key if (buffer[7] & 0x40) { button = 20; // lightbulb key } else if (buffer[1] & 0x80) { button = 21; } // m1,m2,m3 for (int i = 0, w = 1; i < 3; i++, w *= 2) { if (buffer[6 + i] & w) { button = 30 + i; } } // g1 to g18 if (buffer[8] & 0x40) { button = 18; } else { for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++) { int p = 1, w = 1; if (j == 1) { p = 2; } else if (j == 2) { w = 4; } for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++, w *= 2) { if (buffer[p + i] & w) { button = 1 + j * 6 + i; } } } } if (button != 0) { TRACE(_T("GKey pressed: %d \n"), button); } } return true; } //************************************************************************ // returns the id of the specified button //************************************************************************ int CLCDConnectionLogitech::GetButtonId(int iButton) { if (m_pConnectedDevice->GetIndex() == LGLCD_DEVICE_BW) { switch (iButton) { case 0: return LGLCDBUTTON_BUTTON0; break; case 1: return LGLCDBUTTON_BUTTON1; break; case 2: return LGLCDBUTTON_BUTTON2; break; case 3: return LGLCDBUTTON_BUTTON3; break; case 4: return LGLCDBUTTON_BUTTON4; break; case 5: return LGLCDBUTTON_BUTTON5; break; case 6: return LGLCDBUTTON_BUTTON6; break; case 7: return LGLCDBUTTON_BUTTON7; break; } } else { switch (iButton) { case 0: return LGLCDBUTTON_LEFT; break; case 1: return LGLCDBUTTON_RIGHT; break; case 2: return LGLCDBUTTON_OK; break; case 3: return LGLCDBUTTON_CANCEL; break; case 4: return LGLCDBUTTON_UP; break; case 5: return LGLCDBUTTON_DOWN; break; case 6: return LGLCDBUTTON_MENU; break; } } return 0; } //************************************************************************ // Returns the state of the specified Button //************************************************************************ bool CLCDConnectionLogitech::GetButtonState(int iButton) { if (!GetConnectionState() == CONNECTED) return false; DWORD dwButton = GetButtonId(iButton); if (m_dwButtonState & dwButton) return true; return false; } //************************************************************************ // Hides the applet //************************************************************************ bool CLCDConnectionLogitech::HideApplet() { if (!GetConnectionState() == CONNECTED) return false; DWORD rc; rc = lgLcdUpdateBitmap(m_hDevice, &m_lcdBitmap.hdr, LGLCD_ASYNC_UPDATE(LGLCD_PRIORITY_IDLE_NO_SHOW)); if (rc != ERROR_SUCCESS) return false; return true; } //************************************************************************ // Draws the specified bitmap on the LCD //************************************************************************ bool CLCDConnectionLogitech::Draw() { if (!GetConnectionState() == CONNECTED || !m_hDrawEvent) return false; memcpy(m_pPixels, m_pDrawingBuffer, m_iPixels); SetEvent(m_hDrawEvent); return true; } //************************************************************************ // Temporarily brings the applet to foreground //************************************************************************ void CLCDConnectionLogitech::SetAlert(bool bAlert) { m_iPriority = bAlert ? LGLCD_PRIORITY_ALERT : LGLCD_PRIORITY_NORMAL; } //************************************************************************ // Activates the applet on the LCD //************************************************************************ void CLCDConnectionLogitech::SetAsForeground(bool bSetAsForeground) { // TODO: Activate when 1.02 is out DWORD dwSet = bSetAsForeground ? LGLCD_LCD_FOREGROUND_APP_YES : LGLCD_LCD_FOREGROUND_APP_NO; m_bSetAsForeground = bSetAsForeground; if (LGLCD_INVALID_DEVICE != m_hDevice) { lgLcdSetAsLCDForegroundApp(m_hDevice, bSetAsForeground); } } //************************************************************************ // returns wether the applet is currently activated //************************************************************************ bool CLCDConnectionLogitech::IsForeground() { return m_bIsForeground; } //************************************************************************ // Returns the display size //************************************************************************ SIZE CLCDConnectionLogitech::GetDisplaySize() { SIZE size = { 0, 0 }; if (!GetConnectionState() == CONNECTED) return size; return m_pConnectedDevice->GetDisplaySize(); } //************************************************************************ // Returns the number of buttons for the display //************************************************************************ int CLCDConnectionLogitech::GetButtonCount() { if (!GetConnectionState() == CONNECTED) return 0; return m_pConnectedDevice->GetButtonCount(); } //************************************************************************ // Returns the number of available colors //************************************************************************ int CLCDConnectionLogitech::GetColorCount() { if (!GetConnectionState() == CONNECTED) return 0; return m_pConnectedDevice->GetColorCount(); } //************************************************************************ // Get the pointer to the pixel buffer //************************************************************************ PBYTE CLCDConnectionLogitech::GetPixelBuffer() { if (!GetConnectionState() == CONNECTED) return NULL; return (PBYTE)m_pDrawingBuffer; } //************************************************************************ // CLCDConnectionLogitech::HandleErrorFromAPI //************************************************************************ void CLCDConnectionLogitech::HandleErrorFromAPI(DWORD dwRes) { switch (dwRes) { // all is well case ERROR_SUCCESS: break; // we lost our device case ERROR_DEVICE_NOT_CONNECTED: TRACE(_T("CLCDConnectionLogitech::HandleErrorFromAPI(): Device was unplugged, closing device\n")); Disconnect(); SetReconnect(true); SetVolumeWheelHook(false); break; default: TRACE(_T("CLCDConnectionLogitech::HandleErrorFromAPI(): FATAL ERROR, closing device and connection\n")); Disconnect(); SetReconnect(true); lgLcdDisconnect(m_hConnection); m_hConnection = LGLCD_INVALID_CONNECTION; SetVolumeWheelHook(false); break; } } //************************************************************************ // returns the connection state //************************************************************************ int CLCDConnectionLogitech::GetConnectionState() { return m_bConnected ? CONNECTED : DISCONNECTED; } bool CLCDConnectionLogitech::HIDInit() { if (GetConnectionState() != CONNECTED || m_pConnectedDevice->GetIndex() != LGLCD_DEVICE_BW) //LGLCD_DEVICE_FAMILY_KEYBOARD_G15) return false; // Logitech G15 int VendorID = 0x046d; int ProductID = 0xc222; //Use a series of API calls to find a HID with a specified Vendor IF and Product ID. HIDD_ATTRIBUTES Attributes; SP_DEVICE_INTERFACE_DATA devInfoData; bool LastDevice = FALSE; int MemberIndex = 0; LONG Result; DWORD Length = 0; PSP_DEVICE_INTERFACE_DETAIL_DATA detailData = NULL; HANDLE hDevInfo = NULL; GUID HidGuid; ULONG Required = 0; bool MyDeviceDetected = false; /* API function: HidD_GetHidGuid Get the GUID for all system HIDs. Returns: the GUID in HidGuid. */ HidD_GetHidGuid(&HidGuid); /* API function: SetupDiGetClassDevs Returns: a handle to a device information set for all installed devices. Requires: the GUID returned by GetHidGuid. */ hDevInfo = SetupDiGetClassDevs (&HidGuid, NULL, NULL, DIGCF_PRESENT | DIGCF_INTERFACEDEVICE); devInfoData.cbSize = sizeof(devInfoData); //Step through the available devices looking for the one we want. //Quit on detecting the desired device or checking all available devices without success. MemberIndex = 0; LastDevice = FALSE; do { /* API function: SetupDiEnumDeviceInterfaces On return, MyDeviceInterfaceData contains the handle to a SP_DEVICE_INTERFACE_DATA structure for a detected device. Requires: The DeviceInfoSet returned in SetupDiGetClassDevs. The HidGuid returned in GetHidGuid. An index to specify a device. */ Result = SetupDiEnumDeviceInterfaces (hDevInfo, 0, &HidGuid, MemberIndex, &devInfoData); if (Result != 0) { //A device has been detected, so get more information about it. /* API function: SetupDiGetDeviceInterfaceDetail Returns: an SP_DEVICE_INTERFACE_DETAIL_DATA structure containing information about a device. To retrieve the information, call this function twice. The first time returns the size of the structure in Length. The second time returns a pointer to the data in DeviceInfoSet. Requires: A DeviceInfoSet returned by SetupDiGetClassDevs The SP_DEVICE_INTERFACE_DATA structure returned by SetupDiEnumDeviceInterfaces. The final parameter is an optional pointer to an SP_DEV_INFO_DATA structure. This application doesn't retrieve or use the structure. If retrieving the structure, set MyDeviceInfoData.cbSize = length of MyDeviceInfoData. and pass the structure's address. */ //Get the Length value. //The call will return with a "buffer too small" error which can be ignored. Result = SetupDiGetDeviceInterfaceDetail (hDevInfo, &devInfoData, NULL, 0, &Length, NULL); //Allocate memory for the hDevInfo structure, using the returned Length. detailData = (PSP_DEVICE_INTERFACE_DETAIL_DATA)malloc(Length); //Set cbSize in the detailData structure. detailData->cbSize = sizeof(SP_DEVICE_INTERFACE_DETAIL_DATA); //Call the function again, this time passing it the returned buffer size. Result = SetupDiGetDeviceInterfaceDetail (hDevInfo, &devInfoData, detailData, Length, &Required, NULL); // Open a handle to the device. // To enable retrieving information about a system mouse or keyboard, // don't request Read or Write access for this handle. /* API function: CreateFile Returns: a handle that enables reading and writing to the device. Requires: The DevicePath in the detailData structure returned by SetupDiGetDeviceInterfaceDetail. */ m_hHIDDeviceHandle = CreateFile (detailData->DevicePath, FILE_GENERIC_READ | FILE_GENERIC_WRITE, FILE_SHARE_READ | FILE_SHARE_WRITE, (LPSECURITY_ATTRIBUTES)NULL, OPEN_EXISTING, FILE_FLAG_OVERLAPPED, NULL); /* API function: HidD_GetAttributes Requests information from the device. Requires: the handle returned by CreateFile. Returns: a HIDD_ATTRIBUTES structure containing the Vendor ID, Product ID, and Product Version Number. Use this information to decide if the detected device is the one we're looking for. */ //Set the Size to the number of bytes in the structure. Attributes.Size = sizeof(Attributes); Result = HidD_GetAttributes (m_hHIDDeviceHandle, &Attributes); //Is it the desired device? MyDeviceDetected = FALSE; if (Attributes.VendorID == VendorID) { if (Attributes.ProductID == ProductID) { //Both the Vendor ID and Product ID match. MyDeviceDetected = TRUE; } else CloseHandle(m_hHIDDeviceHandle); } else CloseHandle(m_hHIDDeviceHandle); //Free the memory used by the detailData structure (no longer needed). free(detailData); } else LastDevice = TRUE; MemberIndex = MemberIndex + 1; } //do while ((LastDevice == FALSE) && (MyDeviceDetected == FALSE)); if (MyDeviceDetected) { PHIDP_PREPARSED_DATA PreparsedData; HidD_GetPreparsedData (m_hHIDDeviceHandle, &PreparsedData); HidP_GetCaps (PreparsedData, &m_HIDCapabilities); HidD_FreePreparsedData(PreparsedData); } //Free the memory reserved for hDevInfo by SetupDiClassDevs. SetupDiDestroyDeviceInfoList(hDevInfo); return MyDeviceDetected; } bool CLCDConnectionLogitech::HIDDeInit() { if (!m_hHIDDeviceHandle) return false; CloseHandle(m_hHIDDeviceHandle); m_hHIDDeviceHandle = NULL; return true; } SG15LightStatus CLCDConnectionLogitech::GetLightStatus() { SG15LightStatus status; status.bMKey[0] = false; status.bMKey[1] = false; status.bMKey[2] = false; status.bMRKey = false; status.eKBDBrightness = KBD_OFF; status.eLCDBrightness = LCD_OFF; if (GetConnectionState() != CONNECTED || m_pConnectedDevice->GetIndex() != LGLCD_DEVICE_BW) //m_lcdDeviceDesc.deviceFamilyId != LGLCD_DEVICE_FAMILY_KEYBOARD_G15) return status; byte *data = new byte[m_HIDCapabilities.FeatureReportByteLength]; data[0] = 0x02; data[1] = 0x02; data[2] = 0x00; data[3] = 0x00; HidD_GetFeature(m_hHIDDeviceHandle, data, m_HIDCapabilities.FeatureReportByteLength); // data[1] = Keys status.eKBDBrightness = (EKBDBrightness)data[1]; // data[2] = LCD switch (data[2]) { case 0x02: status.eLCDBrightness = LCD_ON; break; case 0x01: status.eLCDBrightness = LCD_MEDIUM; break; default: status.eLCDBrightness = LCD_OFF; break; } // MKeys status.bMKey[0] = !(data[3] & G15_M1_LIGHT); status.bMKey[1] = !(data[3] & G15_M2_LIGHT); status.bMKey[2] = !(data[3] & G15_M3_LIGHT); // MRKey status.bMRKey = !(data[3] & G15_MR_LIGHT); delete[] data; return status; } void CLCDConnectionLogitech::SetMKeyLight(bool bM1, bool bM2, bool bM3, bool bMR) { if (GetConnectionState() != CONNECTED || m_pConnectedDevice->GetIndex() != LGLCD_DEVICE_BW) //m_lcdDeviceDesc.deviceFamilyId != LGLCD_DEVICE_FAMILY_KEYBOARD_G15) return; byte *data = new byte[m_HIDCapabilities.FeatureReportByteLength]; data[0] = 0x02; data[1] = 0x04; data[2] = 0x00; if (!bM1) data[2] |= G15_M1_LIGHT; if (!bM2) data[2] |= G15_M2_LIGHT; if (!bM3) data[2] |= G15_M3_LIGHT; if (!bMR) data[2] |= G15_MR_LIGHT; data[3] = 0x00; HidD_SetFeature(m_hHIDDeviceHandle, data, m_HIDCapabilities.FeatureReportByteLength); delete[] data; } void CLCDConnectionLogitech::SetLCDBacklight(ELCDBrightness eBrightness) { if (GetConnectionState() != CONNECTED || m_pConnectedDevice->GetIndex() != LGLCD_DEVICE_BW) //m_lcdDeviceDesc.deviceFamilyId != LGLCD_DEVICE_FAMILY_KEYBOARD_G15) return; byte *data = new byte[m_HIDCapabilities.FeatureReportByteLength]; data[0] = 0x02; data[1] = 0x02; data[2] = eBrightness; data[3] = 0x00; HidD_SetFeature(m_hHIDDeviceHandle, data, m_HIDCapabilities.FeatureReportByteLength); delete[] data; } void CLCDConnectionLogitech::SetKBDBacklight(EKBDBrightness eBrightness) { if (GetConnectionState() != CONNECTED || m_pConnectedDevice->GetIndex() != LGLCD_DEVICE_BW) //m_lcdDeviceDesc.deviceFamilyId != LGLCD_DEVICE_FAMILY_KEYBOARD_G15) return; byte *data = new byte[m_HIDCapabilities.FeatureReportByteLength]; data[0] = 0x02; data[1] = 0x01; data[2] = eBrightness; data[3] = 0x00; HidD_SetFeature(m_hHIDDeviceHandle, data, m_HIDCapabilities.FeatureReportByteLength); free(data); } void CLCDConnectionLogitech::SetVolumeWheelHook(bool bEnable) { if (bEnable == m_bVolumeWheelHook) return; m_bVolumeWheelHook = bEnable; if (bEnable) m_hKeyboardHook = SetWindowsHookEx(WH_KEYBOARD_LL, CLCDConnectionLogitech::KeyboardHook, GetModuleHandle(NULL), 0); else if (m_hKeyboardHook) UnhookWindowsHookEx(m_hKeyboardHook); } LRESULT CALLBACK CLCDConnectionLogitech::KeyboardHook(int Code, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { if (Code == HC_ACTION && wParam == WM_KEYDOWN) { KBDLLHOOKSTRUCT *key = reinterpret_cast(lParam); if (key->vkCode == VK_VOLUME_UP || key->vkCode == VK_VOLUME_DOWN) { if (m_pInstance->IsForeground()) { if (key->vkCode == VK_VOLUME_UP) CLCDOutputManager::GetInstance()->OnLCDButtonDown(LGLCDBUTTON_UP); else if (key->vkCode == VK_VOLUME_DOWN) CLCDOutputManager::GetInstance()->OnLCDButtonDown(LGLCDBUTTON_DOWN); return 1; } } } return CallNextHookEx(m_pInstance->m_hKeyboardHook, Code, wParam, lParam); }