#ifndef _CLCDSCREEN_H_ #define _CLCDSCREEN_H_ #include "CLCDGfx.h" #include "CLCDObject.h" class CLCDScreen { public: // Constructor CLCDScreen(); // Destructor ~CLCDScreen(); // Initializes the screen virtual bool Initialize(); // Shutdown the scren virtual bool Shutdown(); // Updates the screen virtual bool Update(); // Draws the screen virtual bool Draw(CLCDGfx *pGfx); // Sets the screen's time until expiration void SetExpiration(DWORD dwTime); // Check if the screen has expired bool HasExpired(); // Sets the alert status of the screen void SetAlert(bool bAlert); // gets the alert status of the scren bool GetAlert(); // adds an object to the screen's object list bool AddObject(CLCDObject *pObject); // removes an object from the screen's object list bool RemoveObject(CLCDObject *pObject); // get the screen's height int GetHeight(); // get the screen's width int GetWidth(); // called when the screens size has changed virtual void OnSizeChanged(); public: // Called when an LCD-button is pressed virtual void OnLCDButtonDown(int iButton); // Called when an LCD-button event is repeated virtual void OnLCDButtonRepeated(int iButton); // Called when an LCD-button is released virtual void OnLCDButtonUp(int iButton); // Called when the screen is activated virtual void OnActivation(); // Called when the screen is deactivated virtual void OnDeactivation(); // Called when the screen has expired virtual void OnExpiration(); private: SIZE m_Size; bool m_bAlert = false; DWORD m_dwExpiration = INFINITE; vector m_Objects; }; #endif