{ ############################################################################ } { # # } { # MirandaNG HistoryToDB Plugin v2.5 # } { # # } { # License: GPLv3 # } { # # } { # Author: Grigorev Michael (icq: 161867489, email: sleuthhound@gmail.com) # } { # # } { ############################################################################ } unit Global; interface uses Windows, SysUtils, IniFiles, Messages, XMLIntf, XMLDoc, FSMonitor, DCPcrypt2, DCPblockciphers, DCPsha1, DCPdes, DCPmd5, ActiveX, MapStream; type TCopyDataType = (cdtString = 0, cdtImage = 1, cdtRecord = 2); TCopyDataStruct = packed record dwData: DWORD; cbData: DWORD; lpData: Pointer; end; //TByteArr = Array of Byte; TArrayOfString = Array of String; const htdPluginShortName = 'MirandaNGHistoryToDB'; htdDescription_RU = '�������� ������� ��������� � ���� ������.'; htdDescription_EN = 'Storing the history in the database.'; htdAuthor_EN = 'Michael Grigorev'; htdAuthor_RU = 'Michael Grigorev'; htdAuthorEmail = 'sleuthhound@gmail.com'; htdCopyright_EN = '(c) 2011-2013 Michael Grigorev'; htdCopyright_RU = '(c) 2011-2013 Michael Grigorev'; htdHomePageURL = 'http://www.im-history.ru/'; htdVerMajor = {MAJOR_VER}2{/MAJOR_VER}; htdVerMinor = {MINOR_VER}5{/MINOR_VER}; htdVerRelease = {SUB_VER}0{/SUB_VER}; htdVerBuild = {BUILD}0{/BUILD}; htdVersion = htdVerMajor shl 24 + htdVerMinor shl 16 + htdVerRelease shl 8 + htdVerBuild; {$IFDEF WIN32} htdPlatform = 'x86'; {$ELSE} htdPlatform = 'x64'; {$ENDIF} htdDBName = 'MirandaNGHistoryToDB'; htdIMClientName = 'MirandaNG'; {htdFLUpdateURL = 'http://addons.miranda-im.org/feed.php?dlfile=0'; htdFLVersionURL = 'http://addons.miranda-im.org/details.php?action=viewfile&id=0'; htdFLVersionPrefix= '<span class="fileNameHeader">'+htdPluginShortName+' '; htdUpdateURL = 'http://www.im-history.ru/get.php?file=MirandaNGHistoryToDB'; htdVersionURL = 'http://www.im-history.ru/get.php?file=MirandaNGHistoryToDB-Version'; htdVersionPrefix = htdPluginShortName+' version '; htdChangelogURL = 'http://www.im-history.ru/changelog/miranda.html';} // Generate your own unique id for your plugin. // Do not use this UUID! // Use Shift+Ctrl+G or uuidgen.exe to generate the uuuid MIID_HISTORYTODBDLL:TGUID = '{1F83C057-C59F-483B-B82E-1AE5CA6138EB}'; MS_MHTD_SHOWHISTORY: PAnsiChar = 'MirandaNGHistoryToDB/ShowHistory'; MS_MHTD_GETVERSION: PAnsiChar = 'MirandaNGHistoryToDB/GetVersion'; MS_MHTD_SHOWCONTACTHISTORY: PAnsiChar = 'MirandaNGHistoryToDB/ShowContactHistory'; DefaultDBAddres = 'db01.im-history.ru'; DefaultDBName = 'imhistory'; ININame = 'HistoryToDB.ini'; DefININame = 'DefaultUser.ini'; MesLogName = 'HistoryToDBMes.sql'; ErrLogName = 'HistoryToDBErr.log'; ImportLogName = 'HistoryToDBImport.sql'; ContactListName = 'ContactList.csv'; ProtoListName = 'ProtoList.csv'; DebugLogName = 'HistoryToDBDebug.log'; MSG_LOG : WideString = 'insert into uin_%s values (null, %s, ''%s'', ''%s'', ''%s'', ''%s'', %s, ''%s'', ''%s'', ''%s'', null);'; MSG_LOG_ORACLE : WideString = 'insert into uin_%s values (null, %s, ''%s'', ''%s'', ''%s'', ''%s'', %s, %s, ''%s'', ''%s'', null)'; CHAT_MSG_LOG : WideString = 'insert into uin_chat_%s values (null, %s, ''%s'', ''%s'', ''%s'', ''%s'', %s, %s, %s, ''%s'', ''%s'', null);'; CHAT_MSG_LOG_ORACLE : WideString = 'insert into uin_chat_%s values (null, %s, %s, ''%s'', ''%s'', ''%s'', %s, %s, %s, ''%s'', ''%s'', null)'; // ��������� ���� (01/01/1970) Unix Timestamp ��� ������� ����������� UnixStartDate: TDateTime = 25569.0; // ���� ��� ���������� ������� ���������� HistoryToDBSync � HistoryToDBViewer EncryptKey = 'jsU6s2msoxghsKsn7'; // ��� �������������� ��������� WM_LANGUAGECHANGED = WM_USER + 1; dirLangs = 'langs\'; defaultLangFile = 'English.xml'; ThankYouText_Rus = '���� ���������� �� �������� ������������ �������.' + #13#10 + '������ ������� (UksusoFF) �� �������� ������������ ������� � ����� ����.' + #13#10 + '����� �������� �� �������� ������������ �������.' + #13#10 + '�������� �. (HDHMETRO) �� �������� ������������ �������.' + #13#10 + 'Providence �� �������� ������������ ������� � ����� ����.' + #13#10 + 'Cy6 �� ������ � ���������� ������� ������� RnQ.'; ThankYouText_Eng = 'Anna Nikiforova for active testing of plug-in.' + #13#10 + 'Kirill Uksusov (UksusoFF) for active testing of plug-in and new ideas.' + #13#10 + 'Igor Guryanov for active testing of plug-in.' + #13#10 + 'Vyacheslav S. (HDHMETRO) for active testing of plug-in.' + #13#10 + 'Providence for active testing of plug-in and new ideas.' + #13#10 + 'Cy6 for help in implementing the import history RnQ.'; var hppCodepage: Cardinal; hppVersionStr: AnsiString; MetaContactsEnabled: Boolean; MetaContactsProto: AnsiString; WriteErrLog, AniEvents, EnableHistoryEncryption, ShowPluginButton, AddSpecialContact, BlockSpamMsg: Boolean; EnableDebug, EnableCallBackDebug, ExPrivateChatName, GetContactList: Boolean; SyncMethod, SyncInterval, SyncMessageCount, MaxErrLogSize: Integer; DBType, DBName, DBUserName, DefaultLanguage: String; //Global_AccountUIN: WideString; //Global_AccountName: WideString; //Global_CurrentAccountUIN: WideString; //Global_CurrentAccountName: WideString; Global_CurrentAccountProtoID: Integer; Global_CurrentAccountProtoName, Global_CurrentAccountProtoAccount: WideString; Glogal_History_Type: Integer; //Global_ChatName: WideString; Global_AboutForm_Showing: Boolean; DllPath, DllName, ProfilePath, MyAccount: String; MessageCount: Integer; // ��� �������������� ��������� CoreLanguage: String; AboutFormHandle: HWND; ExportFormHandle: HWND; LangDoc: IXMLDocument; PluginPath: String = ''; // ���������� Cipher: TDCP_3des; Digest: Array[0..19] of Byte; Hash: TDCP_sha1; // ���-����� TFMsgLog: TextFile; MsgLogOpened: Boolean; TFErrLog: TextFile; ErrLogOpened: Boolean; TFDebugLog: TextFile; DebugLogOpened: Boolean; TFContactListLog: TextFile; ContactListLogOpened: Boolean; TFProtoListLog: TextFile; ProtoListLogOpened: Boolean; TFImportLog: TextFile; ImportLogOpened: Boolean; ExportFormDestroy: Boolean; // MMF FMap: TMapStream; function BoolToIntStr(Bool: Boolean): String; function UnixToDateTime(USec: Longint): TDateTime; function PrepareString(const Source : PWideChar) : WideString; function MatchStrings(Source, Pattern: String): Boolean; function ReadCustomINI(INIPath, CustomParams, DefaultParamsStr: String): String; function EncryptMD5(Str: String): String; function EncryptStr(const Str: String): String; function SearchMainWindow(MainWindowName: pWideChar): Boolean; function OpenLogFile(LogPath: String; LogType: Integer): Boolean; function GetMyFileSize(const Path: String): Integer; function ExtractFileNameEx(FileName: String; ShowExtension: Boolean): String; function WideStringToString(const ws: WideString; codePage: Word): AnsiString; function AnsiToWideString(const S: AnsiString; CodePage: Cardinal; InLength: Integer = -1): WideString; function WideToAnsiString(const WS: WideString; CodePage: Cardinal; InLength: Integer = -1): AnsiString; function Utf8ToWideChar(Dest: PWideChar; MaxDestChars: Integer; Source: PAnsiChar; SourceBytes: Integer; CodePage: Cardinal = CP_ACP): Integer; function StrContactProtoToInt(Proto: AnsiString): Integer; function UnixToLocalTime(tUnix :Longint): TDateTime; function GetUserTempPath: WideString; procedure IMDelay(Value: Cardinal); procedure EncryptInit; procedure EncryptFree; procedure WriteInLog(LogPath: String; TextString: String; LogType: Integer); procedure CloseLogFile(LogType: Integer); procedure LoadINI(INIPath: String); procedure OnSendMessageToAllComponent(Msg: String); procedure OnSendMessageToOneComponent(WinName, Msg: String); procedure WriteCustomINI(INIPath, CustomParams, ParamsStr: String); procedure ProfileDirChangeCallBack(pInfo: TInfoCallBack); // ��� �������������� ��������� procedure CoreLanguageChanged; procedure MsgDie(Caption, Msg: WideString); procedure MsgInf(Caption, Msg: WideString); function GetLangStr(StrID: String): WideString; implementation uses Menu; function BoolToIntStr(Bool: Boolean): String; begin if Bool then Result := '1' else Result := '0' end; // ������� ����������� Unix Timestamp � DateTime function UnixToDateTime(USec: Longint): TDateTime; begin Result := (Usec / 86400) + UnixStartDate; end; // ������� ��� ������������� ������������ � ������ function PrepareString(const Source : PWideChar) : WideString; var SLen,i : Cardinal; WSTmp : WideString; WChar : WideChar; begin Result := ''; SLen := Length(WideString(Source)); if (SLen>0) then begin for i:=1 to SLen do begin WChar:=WideString(Source)[i]; case WChar of #$09 :{tab} WSTmp:=WSTmp+'\t'; #$0A :{line feed} WSTmp:=WSTmp+'\n'; #$0D :{carriage return} WSTmp:=WSTmp+'\r'; #$27 :{single quote mark aka apostrophe?} WSTmp:=WSTmp+WChar+WChar; #$22, {double quote mark aka inch sign?} #$5C, {backslash itself} #$60 :{another single quote mark} WSTmp:=WSTmp+'\'+WChar; else WSTmp := WSTmp + WChar; end; end; Result := WSTmp; end; end; // LogType = 0 - ��������� ����������� � ���� MesLogName // LogType = 1 - ������ ����������� � ���� ErrLogName // LogType = 2 - ��������� ����������� � ���� DebugLogName // LogType = 3 - ��������� ����������� � ���� ContactListName // LogType = 4 - ��������� ����������� � ���� ProtoListName // LogType = 5 - ��������� ����������� � ���� ImportLogName function OpenLogFile(LogPath: String; LogType: Integer): Boolean; var Path: WideString; begin if LogType = 0 then Path := LogPath + MesLogName else if LogType = 1 then begin Path := LogPath + ErrLogName; if (LogType > 0) and (GetMyFileSize(Path) > MaxErrLogSize*1024) then DeleteFile(Path); end else if LogType = 2 then Path := LogPath + DebugLogName else if LogType = 3 then begin Path := LogPath + ContactListName; if FileExists(Path) then begin try DeleteFile(Path); except end; end; end else if LogType = 4 then begin Path := LogPath + ProtoListName; if FileExists(Path) then begin try DeleteFile(Path); except end; end; end else Path := LogPath + ImportLogName; {$I-} try if LogType = 0 then Assign(TFMsgLog, Path) else if LogType = 1 then Assign(TFErrLog, Path) else if LogType = 2 then Assign(TFDebugLog, Path) else if LogType = 3 then Assign(TFContactListLog, Path) else if LogType = 4 then Assign(TFProtoListLog, Path) else Assign(TFImportLog, Path); if FileExists(Path) then begin if LogType = 0 then Append(TFMsgLog) else if LogType = 1 then Append(TFErrLog) else if LogType = 2 then Append(TFDebugLog) else if LogType = 3 then Append(TFContactListLog) else if LogType = 4 then Append(TFProtoListLog) else Append(TFImportLog); end else begin if LogType = 0 then Rewrite(TFMsgLog) else if LogType = 1 then Rewrite(TFErrLog) else if LogType = 2 then Rewrite(TFDebugLog) else if LogType = 3 then Rewrite(TFContactListLog) else if LogType = 4 then Rewrite(TFProtoListLog) else Rewrite(TFImportLog); end; Result := True; except on e : Exception do begin CloseLogFile(LogType); Result := False; Exit; end; end; {$I+} end; // LogType = 0 - ��������� ����������� � ���� MesLogName // LogType = 1 - ������ ����������� � ���� ErrLogName // LogType = 2 - ��������� ����������� � ���� DebugLogName // LogType = 3 - ��������� ����������� � ���� ContactListName // LogType = 4 - ��������� ����������� � ���� ProtoListName procedure WriteInLog(LogPath: String; TextString: String; LogType: Integer); var Path: WideString; begin if LogType = 0 then begin if not MsgLogOpened then MsgLogOpened := OpenLogFile(LogPath, 0); Path := LogPath + MesLogName end else if LogType = 1 then begin if not ErrLogOpened then ErrLogOpened := OpenLogFile(LogPath, 1); Path := LogPath + ErrLogName; if (LogType > 0) and (GetMyFileSize(Path) > MaxErrLogSize*1024) then begin CloseLogFile(LogType); DeleteFile(Path); if not OpenLogFile(LogPath, LogType) then Exit; end; end else if LogType = 2 then begin if not DebugLogOpened then DebugLogOpened := OpenLogFile(LogPath, 2); Path := LogPath + DebugLogName; end else if LogType = 3 then begin if not ContactListLogOpened then ContactListLogOpened := OpenLogFile(LogPath, 3); Path := LogPath + ContactListName; end else if LogType = 4 then begin if not ProtoListLogOpened then ProtoListLogOpened := OpenLogFile(LogPath, 4); Path := LogPath + ProtoListName; end else begin if not ImportLogOpened then ImportLogOpened := OpenLogFile(LogPath, 5); Path := LogPath + ImportLogName; end; {$I-} try if LogType = 0 then WriteLn(TFMsgLog, TextString) else if LogType = 1 then WriteLn(TFErrLog, TextString) else if LogType = 2 then WriteLn(TFDebugLog, TextString) else if LogType = 3 then WriteLn(TFContactListLog, TextString) else if LogType = 4 then WriteLn(TFProtoListLog, TextString) else WriteLn(TFImportLog, TextString); except on e : Exception do begin CloseLogFile(LogType); Exit; end; end; if MsgLogOpened then CloseLogFile(0); {$I+} end; procedure CloseLogFile(LogType: Integer); begin {$I-} if LogType = 0 then begin CloseFile(TFMsgLog); MsgLogOpened := False; end else if LogType = 1 then begin CloseFile(TFErrLog); ErrLogOpened := False; end else if LogType = 2 then begin CloseFile(TFDebugLog); DebugLogOpened := False; end else if LogType = 3 then begin CloseFile(TFContactListLog); ContactListLogOpened := False; end else if LogType = 4 then begin CloseFile(TFProtoListLog); ProtoListLogOpened := False; end else begin CloseFile(TFImportLog); ImportLogOpened := False; end; {$I+} end; // ���� ���� �� ����������, �� ������ ������� ����� ������� ������ -1 function GetMyFileSize(const Path: String): Integer; var FD: TWin32FindData; FH: THandle; begin FH := FindFirstFile(PChar(Path), FD); Result := 0; if FH = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE then Exit; Result := FD.nFileSizeLow; if ((FD.nFileSizeLow and $80000000) <> 0) or (FD.nFileSizeHigh <> 0) then Result := -1; //FindClose(FH); end; // ��������� ��������� procedure LoadINI(INIPath: String); var Path: WideString; Temp: String; INI: TIniFile; begin // ��������� ������� �������� if not DirectoryExists(INIPath) then CreateDir(INIPath); Path := INIPath + ININame; if FileExists(Path) then begin Ini := TIniFile.Create(Path); DBType := INI.ReadString('Main', 'DBType', 'mysql'); // mysql ��� postgresql DBUserName := INI.ReadString('Main', 'DBUserName', 'username'); SyncMethod := INI.ReadInteger('Main', 'SyncMethod', 1); SyncInterval := INI.ReadInteger('Main', 'SyncInterval', 0); Temp := INI.ReadString('Main', 'WriteErrLog', '1'); if Temp = '1' then WriteErrLog := True else WriteErrLog := False; Temp := INI.ReadString('Main', 'ShowAnimation', '1'); if Temp = '1' then AniEvents := True else AniEvents := False; Temp := INI.ReadString('Main', 'EnableHistoryEncryption', '0'); if Temp = '1' then EnableHistoryEncryption := True else EnableHistoryEncryption := False; Temp := INI.ReadString('Main', 'AddSpecialContact', '1'); if Temp = '1' then AddSpecialContact := True else AddSpecialContact := False; DefaultLanguage := INI.ReadString('Main', 'DefaultLanguage', 'Russian'); SyncMessageCount := INI.ReadInteger('Main', 'SyncMessageCount', 50); Temp := INI.ReadString('Main', 'ShowPluginButton', '1'); if Temp = '1' then ShowPluginButton := True else ShowPluginButton := False; Temp := INI.ReadString('Main', 'BlockSpamMsg', '0'); if Temp = '1' then BlockSpamMsg := True else BlockSpamMsg := False; Temp := INI.ReadString('Main', 'EnableExPrivateChatName', '0'); if Temp = '1' then ExPrivateChatName := True else ExPrivateChatName := False; Temp := INI.ReadString('Main', 'EnableDebug', '0'); if Temp = '1' then EnableDebug := True else EnableDebug := False; Temp := INI.ReadString('Main', 'EnableCallBackDebug', '0'); if Temp = '1' then EnableCallBackDebug := True else EnableCallBackDebug := False; MaxErrLogSize := INI.ReadInteger('Main', 'MaxErrLogSize', 20); end else begin INI := TIniFile.Create(path); // �������� ��-��������� DBType := 'mysql'; DBName := DefaultDBName; DBUserName := 'username'; SyncMethod := 1; SyncInterval := 0; SyncMessageCount := 50; WriteErrLog := True; AniEvents := True; ShowPluginButton := True; EnableHistoryEncryption := False; AddSpecialContact := True; BlockSpamMsg := False; EnableDebug := False; EnableCallBackDebug := False; MaxErrLogSize := 20; // ��������� ��������� INI.WriteString('Main', 'DBType', DBType); INI.WriteString('Main', 'DBAddress', DefaultDBAddres); INI.WriteString('Main', 'DBSchema', 'username'); INI.WriteString('Main', 'DBPort', '3306'); INI.WriteString('Main', 'DBName', DefaultDBName); INI.WriteString('Main', 'DBUserName', DBUserName); INI.WriteString('Main', 'DBPasswd', 'skGvQNyWUHcHohJS2+2r4A=='); INI.WriteInteger('Main', 'SyncMethod', SyncMethod); INI.WriteInteger('Main', 'SyncInterval', SyncInterval); INI.WriteInteger('Main', 'SyncTimeCount', 40); INI.WriteInteger('Main', 'SyncMessageCount', SyncMessageCount); INI.WriteInteger('Main', 'NumLastHistoryMsg', 6); INI.WriteString('Main', 'WriteErrLog', BoolToIntStr(WriteErrLog)); INI.WriteString('Main', 'ShowAnimation', BoolToIntStr(AniEvents)); INI.WriteString('Main', 'EnableHistoryEncryption', BoolToIntStr(EnableHistoryEncryption)); INI.WriteString('Main', 'DefaultLanguage', CoreLanguage); INI.WriteString('Main', 'HideHistorySyncIcon', '0'); INI.WriteString('Main', 'ShowPluginButton', BoolToIntStr(ShowPluginButton)); INI.WriteString('Main', 'AddSpecialContact', BoolToIntStr(AddSpecialContact)); INI.WriteString('Main', 'BlockSpamMsg', BoolToIntStr(BlockSpamMsg)); INI.WriteInteger('Main', 'MaxErrLogSize', MaxErrLogSize); INI.WriteString('Main', 'AlphaBlend', '0'); INI.WriteString('Main', 'AlphaBlendValue', '255'); INI.WriteString('Main', 'EnableDebug', '0'); INI.WriteString('Main', 'EnableCallBackDebug', '0'); INI.WriteString('Fonts', 'FontInTitle', '183|-11|Verdana|0|96|8|Y|N|N|N|'); INI.WriteString('Fonts', 'FontOutTitle', '8404992|-11|Verdana|0|96|8|Y|N|N|N|'); INI.WriteString('Fonts', 'FontInBody', '-16777208|-11|Verdana|0|96|8|N|N|N|N|'); INI.WriteString('Fonts', 'FontOutBody', '-16777208|-11|Verdana|0|96|8|N|N|N|N|'); INI.WriteString('Fonts', 'FontService', '16711680|-11|Verdana|0|96|8|Y|N|N|N|'); INI.WriteString('Fonts', 'TitleParagraph', '4|4|'); INI.WriteString('Fonts', 'MessagesParagraph', '2|2|'); INI.WriteString('HotKey', 'GlobalHotKey', '0'); INI.WriteString('HotKey', 'SyncHotKey', 'Ctrl+Alt+F12'); INI.WriteString('HotKey', 'ExSearchHotKey', 'Ctrl+F3'); INI.WriteString('HotKey', 'ExSearchNextHotKey', 'F3'); end; INI.Free; end; { ��������� ������ �������� ��������� � ���� �������� } procedure WriteCustomINI(INIPath, CustomParams, ParamsStr: String); var Path: String; INI: TIniFile; begin Path := INIPath + ININame; if FileExists(Path) then begin INI := TIniFile.Create(Path); try INI.WriteString('Main', CustomParams, ParamsStr); finally INI.Free; end; end else begin if EnableDebug then WriteInLog(ProfilePath, FormatDateTime('dd.mm.yy hh:mm:ss', Now) + ' - ��������� WriteCustomINI: ' + GetLangStr('SettingsErrSave'), 2); MsgDie(htdPluginShortName, GetLangStr('SettingsErrSave')); end; end; { ������� ������ �������� ��������� �� ����� �������� } function ReadCustomINI(INIPath, CustomParams, DefaultParamsStr: String): String; var Path: String; INI: TIniFile; begin Path := INIPath + ININame; if FileExists(Path) then begin INI := TIniFile.Create(Path); try Result := INI.ReadString('Main', CustomParams, DefaultParamsStr); finally INI.Free; end; end else begin if EnableDebug then WriteInLog(ProfilePath, FormatDateTime('dd.mm.yy hh:mm:ss', Now) + ' - ��������� ReadCustomINI: ' + GetLangStr('SettingsErrRead'), 2); MsgDie(htdPluginShortName, GetLangStr('SettingsErrRead')); end; end; { ��������� ��� �������� ��������� ��������� } { ����������� �������: 001 - ���������� ��������� �� ����� HistoryToDB.ini 002 - ������������� ������� 003 - ������� ��� ���������� ������� 0040 - �������� ��� ���� ������� (����� AntiBoss) 0041 - ������ ��� ���� ������� (����� AntiBoss) 005 - �������� ���� �������� 0050 - ��������� ���������� MD5-����� 0051 - ��������� ���������� MD5-����� � �������� ���������� 0060 - ������� ������ ������� 0061 - ������ ������� �������� 007 - �������� �������-���� � �� 008 - �������� ������� ��������/���� ������ �������: ��� ������� ��������: 008|0|UserID|UserName|ProtocolType ��� ������� ����: 008|2|ChatName 009 - ��������� ������� ��� ���������� �������. 010 - ������ SQL-insert �������� � ������ } procedure OnSendMessageToAllComponent(Msg: String); var HToDB: HWND; copyDataStruct : TCopyDataStruct; EncryptMsg, WinName: String; begin if EnableDebug then WriteInLog(ProfilePath, FormatDateTime('dd.mm.yy hh:mm:ss', Now) + ' - ������� OnSendMessageToAllComponent: �������� ������� "' + Msg + '" ���� ����������� �������.', 2); EncryptMsg := EncryptStr(Msg); // ���� ���� HistoryToDBViewer � �������� ��� ������� WinName := 'HistoryToDBViewer for ' + htdIMClientName + ' ('+MyAccount+')'; HToDB := FindWindow(nil, pWideChar(WinName)); if HToDB <> 0 then begin copyDataStruct.dwData := {$IFDEF WIN32}Integer{$ELSE}LongInt{$ENDIF}(cdtString);; copyDataStruct.cbData := Length(EncryptMsg) * SizeOf(Char);; copyDataStruct.lpData := PChar(EncryptMsg); SendMessage(HToDB, WM_COPYDATA, 0, {$IFDEF WIN32}Integer{$ELSE}LongInt{$ENDIF}(@copyDataStruct)); if EnableDebug then WriteInLog(ProfilePath, FormatDateTime('dd.mm.yy hh:mm:ss', Now) + ' - ������� OnSendMessageToAllComponent: �������� ������� "' + Msg + '" ���� ' + WinName, 2); end; // ���� ���� HistoryToDBSync � �������� ��� ������� WinName := 'HistoryToDBSync for ' + htdIMClientName + ' ('+MyAccount+')'; HToDB := FindWindow(nil, pWideChar(WinName)); if HToDB <> 0 then begin copyDataStruct.dwData := {$IFDEF WIN32}Integer{$ELSE}LongInt{$ENDIF}(cdtString);; copyDataStruct.cbData := Length(EncryptMsg) * SizeOf(Char);; copyDataStruct.lpData := PChar(EncryptMsg); SendMessage(HToDB, WM_COPYDATA, 0, {$IFDEF WIN32}Integer{$ELSE}LongInt{$ENDIF}(@copyDataStruct)); if EnableDebug then WriteInLog(ProfilePath, FormatDateTime('dd.mm.yy hh:mm:ss', Now) + ' - ������� OnSendMessageToAllComponent: �������� ������� "' + Msg + '" ���� ' + WinName, 2); end; // ���� ���� HistoryToDBImport � �������� ��� ������� WinName := 'HistoryToDBImport for ' + htdIMClientName + ' ('+MyAccount+')'; HToDB := FindWindow(nil, pWideChar(WinName)); if HToDB <> 0 then begin copyDataStruct.dwData := {$IFDEF WIN32}Integer{$ELSE}LongInt{$ENDIF}(cdtString);; copyDataStruct.cbData := Length(EncryptMsg) * SizeOf(Char);; copyDataStruct.lpData := PChar(EncryptMsg); SendMessage(HToDB, WM_COPYDATA, 0, {$IFDEF WIN32}Integer{$ELSE}LongInt{$ENDIF}(@copyDataStruct)); if EnableDebug then WriteInLog(ProfilePath, FormatDateTime('dd.mm.yy hh:mm:ss', Now) + ' - ������� OnSendMessageToAllComponent: �������� ������� "' + Msg + '" ���� ' + WinName, 2); end; // ���� ���� HistoryToDBUpdater � �������� ��� ������� WinName := 'HistoryToDBUpdater for ' + htdIMClientName + ' ('+MyAccount+')'; HToDB := FindWindow(nil, pWideChar(WinName)); if HToDB <> 0 then begin copyDataStruct.dwData := {$IFDEF WIN32}Integer{$ELSE}LongInt{$ENDIF}(cdtString);; copyDataStruct.cbData := Length(EncryptMsg) * SizeOf(Char);; copyDataStruct.lpData := PChar(EncryptMsg); SendMessage(HToDB, WM_COPYDATA, 0, {$IFDEF WIN32}Integer{$ELSE}LongInt{$ENDIF}(@copyDataStruct)); if EnableDebug then WriteInLog(ProfilePath, FormatDateTime('dd.mm.yy hh:mm:ss', Now) + ' - ������� OnSendMessageToAllComponent: �������� ������� "' + Msg + '" ���� ' + WinName, 2); end; end; procedure OnSendMessageToOneComponent(WinName, Msg: String); var HToDB: HWND; copyDataStruct : TCopyDataStruct; AppNameStr, EncryptMsg: String; begin // ���� ���� WinName � �������� ��� ������� HToDB := FindWindow(nil, pWideChar(WinName)); if HToDB <> 0 then begin EncryptMsg := EncryptStr(Msg); copyDataStruct.dwData := {$IFDEF WIN32}Integer{$ELSE}LongInt{$ENDIF}(cdtString); copyDataStruct.cbData := Length(EncryptMsg) * SizeOf(Char); copyDataStruct.lpData := PChar(EncryptMsg); SendMessage(HToDB, WM_COPYDATA, 0, {$IFDEF WIN32}Integer{$ELSE}LongInt{$ENDIF}(@copyDataStruct)); if EnableDebug then WriteInLog(ProfilePath, FormatDateTime('dd.mm.yy hh:mm:ss', Now) + ' - ������� OnSendMessageToOneComponent: �������� ������� "' + Msg + '" ���� ' + WinName, 2); end; end; { ����� ���� ��������� } function SearchMainWindow(MainWindowName: pWideChar): Boolean; var HToDB: HWND; begin // ���� ���� HToDB := FindWindow(nil, MainWindowName); if HToDB <> 0 then Result := True else Result := False end; {������� ������������ ��������� ���� �����. ������ ������ ����� ���� �����, �� ��� �� ������ ��������� �������� ������������ (* � ?). ������ ������ (������� �����) ����� ��������� ��������� ����� �������. ��� �������: MatchStrings('David Stidolph','*St*') ��������� True. ����� ������������� C-���� Sean Stanley ����� �������� �� Delphi David Stidolph} function MatchStrings(Source, Pattern: String): Boolean; var pSource: array[0..255] of Char; pPattern: array[0..255] of Char; function MatchPattern(element, pattern: PChar): Boolean; function IsPatternWild(pattern: PChar): Boolean; begin Result := StrScan(pattern, '*') <> nil; if not Result then Result := StrScan(pattern, '?') <> nil; end; begin if 0 = StrComp(pattern, '*') then Result := True else if (element^ = Chr(0)) and (pattern^ <> Chr(0)) then Result := False else if element^ = Chr(0) then Result := True else begin case pattern^ of '*': if MatchPattern(element, @pattern[1]) then Result := True else Result := MatchPattern(@element[1], pattern); '?': Result := MatchPattern(@element[1], @pattern[1]); else if element^ = pattern^ then Result := MatchPattern(@element[1], @pattern[1]) else Result := False; end; end; end; begin StrPCopy(pSource, source); StrPCopy(pPattern, pattern); Result := MatchPattern(pSource, pPattern); end; // ��� �������������� ��������� procedure MsgDie(Caption, Msg: WideString); begin //{$IFDEF UNICODE} //MessageBoxW(GetForegroundWindow, PWideChar(Msg), PWideChar(Caption), MB_ICONERROR); //{$ELSE} //MessageBoxA(GetForegroundWindow, PAnsiChar(Msg), PAnsiChar(Caption), MB_ICONERROR); //{$ENDIF} MessageBox(GetForegroundWindow, PWideChar(Msg), PWideChar(Caption), MB_ICONERROR); end; // ��� �������������� ��������� procedure MsgInf(Caption, Msg: WideString); begin //{$IFDEF UNICODE} //MessageBoxW(GetForegroundWindow, PWideChar(Msg), PWideChar(Caption), MB_ICONINFORMATION); //{$ELSE} //MessageBoxA(GetForegroundWindow, PAnsiChar(Msg), PAnsiChar(Caption), MB_ICONINFORMATION); //{$ENDIF} MessageBox(GetForegroundWindow, PWideChar(Msg), PWideChar(Caption), MB_ICONINFORMATION); end; // ��� �������������� ��������� function GetLangStr(StrID: String): WideString; begin if (not Assigned(LangDoc)) or (not LangDoc.Active) then begin Result := ''; Exit; end; if LangDoc.ChildNodes['strings'].ChildNodes.FindNode(StrID) <> nil then Result := LangDoc.ChildNodes['strings'].ChildNodes[StrID].Text else Result := 'String not found.'; end; { ���������� ��������� ������ � �������� ������� } procedure ProfileDirChangeCallBack(pInfo: TInfoCallBack); var SettingsFormRequest: String; begin SettingsFormRequest := ReadCustomINI(ProfilePath, 'SettingsFormRequestSend', '0'); if EnableCallBackDebug then WriteInLog(ProfilePath, FormatDateTime('dd.mm.yy hh:mm:ss', Now) + ' - ��������� ProfileDirChangeCallBack: �������� SettingsFormRequestSend = ' + SettingsFormRequest + ' | FAction = ' + IntToStr(pInfo.FAction) + ' | FOldFileName = ' + pInfo.FOldFileName + ' | FNewFileName = ' + Trim(pInfo.FNewFileName), 2); if (pInfo.FAction = 3) and (Trim(pInfo.FNewFileName) = 'HistoryToDB.ini') and (SettingsFormRequest = '0') then begin IMDelay(500); LoadINI(ProfilePath); CoreLanguage := DefaultLanguage; if EnableCallBackDebug then WriteInLog(ProfilePath, FormatDateTime('dd.mm.yy hh:mm:ss', Now) + ' - ��������� ProfileDirChangeCallBack: ��������� HistoryToDB.ini ����������. | ����� ���� ��������� = ' + CoreLanguage, 2); // ������������� COM � ���������� ��������������� // �� ����� ��� �����, �� ���� ����� �� ������, �� ��� ������ CoreLanguageChanged // ������� ������ "�� ��� ���������� ����� CoInitialize" // CoInitialize �������� � ������ ActiveX CoInitializeEx(nil, COINIT_MULTITHREADED); // ������������� �������� ���� CoreLanguageChanged; // ������������ COM (������) CoUninitialize(); CoUninitialize(); // ������������� ���� RebuildMainMenu; // MMF if SyncMethod = 0 then begin if not Assigned(FMap) then begin if EnableCallBackDebug then WriteInLog(ProfilePath, FormatDateTime('dd.mm.yy hh:mm:ss', Now) + ' - ��������� ProfileDirChangeCallBack: ������� TMapStream', 2); FMap := TMapStream.CreateEx('HistoryToDB for QIP ('+MyAccount+')',MAXDWORD,2000); end; end else begin if Assigned(FMap) then begin FMap.Free; FMap := nil; end; end; end; end; // ������� MD5 ������ function EncryptMD5(Str: String): String; var Hash: TDCP_md5; Digest: Array[0..15] of Byte; I: Integer; P: String; begin if Str <> '' then begin Hash:= TDCP_md5.Create(nil); try Hash.HashSize := 128; Hash.Init; Hash.UpdateStr(Str); Hash.Final(Digest); P := ''; for I:= 0 to 15 do P:= P + IntToHex(Digest[I], 2); finally Hash.Free; end; Result := P; end else Result := 'MD5'; end; // ���������� ����������� procedure EncryptInit; begin Hash:= TDCP_sha1.Create(nil); try Hash.Init; Hash.UpdateStr(EncryptKey); Hash.Final(Digest); finally Hash.Free; end; Cipher := TDCP_3des.Create(nil); try Cipher.Init(Digest,Sizeof(Digest)*8,nil); except on E: Exception do if EnableDebug then WriteInLog(ProfilePath, FormatDateTime('dd.mm.yy hh:mm:ss', Now) + ' - ��������� EncryptInit: ' + E.Message, 2); end; end; // ����������� ������� procedure EncryptFree; begin if Assigned(Cipher) then begin Cipher.Burn; Cipher.Free; end; end; // ������������� ������ function EncryptStr(const Str: String): String; begin Result := ''; if Str <> '' then begin Cipher.Reset; Result := Cipher.EncryptString(Str); end; end; { ������� ��� ��������� ����� ����� �� ���� ��� ��� � ��� �����������. ���������� ��� �����, ��� ��� � ��� �����������. ������� ���������: FileName - ��� �����, ������� ���� ���������� ShowExtension - ���� TRUE, �� ������� ��������� �������� ��� ����� (��� ������� ���� ������� � ����), � ����������� ����� �����, �����, ��������� �������� ��� �����, ��� ���������� ����� �����. } function ExtractFileNameEx(FileName: String; ShowExtension: Boolean): String; var I: Integer; S, S1: string; begin I := Length(FileName); if I <> 0 then begin while (FileName[i] <> '\') and (i > 0) do i := i - 1; S := Copy(FileName, i + 1, Length(FileName) - i); i := Length(S); if i = 0 then begin Result := ''; Exit; end; while (S[i] <> '.') and (i > 0) do i := i - 1; S1 := Copy(S, 1, i - 1); if s1 = '' then s1 := s; if ShowExtension = True then Result := s else Result := s1; end else Result := ''; end; function WideStringToString(const ws: WideString; codePage: Word): AnsiString; var l: integer; begin if ws = '' then Result := '' else begin l := WideCharToMultiByte(codePage, WC_COMPOSITECHECK or WC_DISCARDNS or WC_SEPCHARS or WC_DEFAULTCHAR, @ws[1], -1, nil, 0, nil, nil); SetLength(Result, l - 1); if l > 1 then WideCharToMultiByte(codePage, WC_COMPOSITECHECK or WC_DISCARDNS or WC_SEPCHARS or WC_DEFAULTCHAR, @ws[1], -1, @Result[1], l - 1, nil, nil); end; end; function AnsiToWideString(const S: AnsiString; CodePage: Cardinal; InLength: Integer = -1): WideString; var InputLength, OutputLength: Integer; begin Result := ''; if S = '' then exit; if Codepage = CP_UTF8 then begin Result := UTF8ToWideString(S); // CP_UTF8 not supported on Windows 95 end else begin if InLength < 0 then InputLength := Length(S) else InputLength := InLength; OutputLength := MultiByteToWideChar(Codepage, 0, PAnsiChar(S), InputLength, nil, 0); SetLength(Result, OutputLength); MultiByteToWideChar(Codepage, MB_PRECOMPOSED, PAnsiChar(S), InputLength, PWideChar(Result), OutputLength); end; end; function WideToAnsiString(const WS: WideString; CodePage: Cardinal; InLength: Integer = -1): AnsiString; var InputLength, OutputLength: Integer; begin Result := ''; if WS = '' then exit; if Codepage = CP_UTF8 then Result := UTF8Encode(WS) // CP_UTF8 not supported on Windows 95 else begin if InLength < 0 then InputLength := Length(WS) else InputLength := InLength; OutputLength := WideCharToMultiByte(Codepage, 0, PWideChar(WS), InputLength, nil, 0, nil, nil); SetLength(Result, OutputLength); WideCharToMultiByte(Codepage, 0, PWideChar(WS), InputLength, PAnsiChar(Result), OutputLength, nil, nil); end; end; function StrContactProtoToInt(Proto: AnsiString): Integer; var ProtoType: Integer; begin { ��������� 0 - ICQ 1 - Google Talk 2 - MRA 3 - Jabber 4 - QIP.Ru 5 - Facebook 6 - VKontacte 7 - Twitter 8 - Social (LiveJournal) 9 - AIM 10 - IRC 11 - MSN 12 - YAHOO 13 - GADU 14 - SKYPE 15 - MetaContacts 16 - Unknown } if MatchStrings(LowerCase(Proto), 'icq*') then ProtoType := 0 else if MatchStrings(LowerCase(Proto), 'google talk*') then ProtoType := 1 else if MatchStrings(LowerCase(Proto), 'mrad*') then ProtoType := 15 else if MatchStrings(LowerCase(Proto), 'mra*') then ProtoType := 2 else if MatchStrings(LowerCase(Proto), 'jabber*') then ProtoType := 3 else if (LowerCase(Proto) = 'qip.ru') then ProtoType := 4 else if MatchStrings(LowerCase(Proto), 'facebook*') then ProtoType := 5 else if MatchStrings(LowerCase(Proto), 'vkontakte*') then ProtoType := 6 else if MatchStrings(LowerCase(Proto), '���������*') then ProtoType := 6 else if MatchStrings(LowerCase(Proto), 'twitter*') then ProtoType := 7 else if MatchStrings(LowerCase(Proto), 'livejournal*') then ProtoType := 8 else if MatchStrings(LowerCase(Proto), 'aim*') then ProtoType := 9 else if MatchStrings(LowerCase(Proto), 'irc*') then ProtoType := 10 else if MatchStrings(LowerCase(Proto), 'msn*') then ProtoType := 11 else if MatchStrings(LowerCase(Proto), 'yahoo*') then ProtoType := 12 else if MatchStrings(LowerCase(Proto), 'gadu*') then ProtoType := 13 else if MatchStrings(LowerCase(Proto), 'skype*') then ProtoType := 14 else if MatchStrings(LowerCase(Proto), 'metacontacts*') then ProtoType := 15 else ProtoType := 16; Result := ProtoType; end; { �������� �� �������� ��������� } procedure IMDelay(Value: Cardinal); var F, N: Cardinal; begin N := 0; while N <= (Value div 10) do begin SleepEx(1, True); //Application.ProcessMessages; Inc(N); end; F := GetTickCount; repeat //Application.ProcessMessages; N := GetTickCount; until (N - F >= (Value mod 10)) or (N < F); end; function Utf8ToWideChar(Dest: PWideChar; MaxDestChars: Integer; Source: PAnsiChar; SourceBytes: Integer; CodePage: Cardinal = CP_ACP): Integer; const MB_ERR_INVALID_CHARS = 8; var Src,SrcEnd: PAnsiChar; Dst,DstEnd: PWideChar; begin if (Source = nil) or (SourceBytes <= 0) then begin Result := 0; end else if (Dest = nil) or (MaxDestChars <= 0) then begin Result := -1; end else begin Src := Source; SrcEnd := Source + SourceBytes; Dst := Dest; DstEnd := Dst + MaxDestChars; while (PAnsiChar(Src) < PAnsiChar(SrcEnd)) and (Dst < DstEnd) do begin if (Byte(Src[0]) and $80) = 0 then begin Dst[0] := WideChar(Src[0]); Inc(Src); end else if (Byte(Src[0]) and $E0) = $E0 then begin if Src + 2 >= SrcEnd then break; if (Src[1] = #0) or ((Byte(Src[1]) and $C0) <> $80) then break; if (Src[2] = #0) or ((Byte(Src[2]) and $C0) <> $80) then break; Dst[0] := WideChar(((Byte(Src[0]) and $0F) shl 12) + ((Byte(Src[1]) and $3F) shl 6) + ((Byte(Src[2]) and $3F))); Inc(Src, 3); end else if (Byte(Src[0]) and $E0) = $C0 then begin if Src + 1 >= SrcEnd then break; if (Src[1] = #0) or ((Byte(Src[1]) and $C0) <> $80) then break; Dst[0] := WideChar(((Byte(Src[0]) and $1F) shl 6) + ((Byte(Src[1]) and $3F))); Inc(Src, 2); end else begin if MultiByteToWideChar(CodePage, MB_ERR_INVALID_CHARS, Src, 1, Dst, 1) = 0 then Dst[0] := '?'; Inc(Src); end; Inc(Dst); end; Dst[0] := #0; Inc(Dst); Result := Dst - Dest; end; end; // ����������� Unix Timestamp � ��������� ����� � ������ ����� � �������� �� ������ ����� function UnixToLocalTime(tUnix :Longint): TDateTime; var TimeZone :TTimeZoneInformation; Bias :Integer; begin if (GetTimeZoneInformation(TimeZone) = TIME_ZONE_ID_DAYLIGHT) then Bias := TimeZone.Bias + TimeZone.DaylightBias else Bias := TimeZone.Bias + TimeZone.StandardBias; Result := EncodeDate(1970,1,1) - Bias / 1440 + tUnix / 86400; end; { ������� ��� �������������� ��������� } procedure CoreLanguageChanged; var LangFile: String; begin if CoreLanguage = '' then Exit; try LangFile := PluginPath + dirLangs + CoreLanguage + '.xml'; if FileExists(LangFile) then LangDoc.LoadFromFile(LangFile) else begin if FileExists(PluginPath + dirLangs + defaultLangFile) then LangDoc.LoadFromFile(PluginPath + dirLangs + defaultLangFile) else begin MsgDie(htdPluginShortName, 'Not found any language file!'); Exit; end; end; SendMessage(AboutFormHandle, WM_LANGUAGECHANGED, 0, 0); SendMessage(ExportFormHandle, WM_LANGUAGECHANGED, 0, 0); except on E: Exception do begin if EnableDebug then WriteInLog(ProfilePath, FormatDateTime('dd.mm.yy hh:mm:ss', Now) + ' - Error on CoreLanguageChanged: ' + Trim(E.Message) + ' | CoreLanguage: ' + CoreLanguage, 2); MsgDie(htdPluginShortName, 'Error on CoreLanguageChanged: ' + E.Message + sLineBreak + 'CoreLanguage: ' + CoreLanguage); end; end; end; { ������� ���������� ���� �� ���������������� ��������� ����� } function GetUserTempPath: WideString; var UserPath: WideString; begin Result := ''; SetLength(UserPath, MAX_PATH); GetTempPath(MAX_PATH, PChar(UserPath)); GetLongPathName(PChar(UserPath), PChar(UserPath), MAX_PATH); SetLength(UserPath, StrLen(PChar(UserPath))); Result := UserPath; end; begin hppVersionStr := AnsiString(Format('%d.%d.%d.%d',[htdVerMajor,htdVerMinor,htdVerRelease,htdVerBuild])); end.