{ ################################################################################ } { # # } { # ���������� � ��������� ������ �������� IM-History - HistoryToDBUpdater v1.0 # } { # # } { # License: GPLv3 # } { # # } { # Author: Grigorev Michael (icq: 161867489, email: sleuthhound@gmail.com) # } { # # } { ################################################################################ } unit Main; interface uses Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Variants, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms, Dialogs, StdCtrls, ComCtrls, XMLIntf, XMLDoc, Global, IniFiles, uIMDownloader, ShellApi, ImgList; type TMainForm = class(TForm) GBUpdater: TGroupBox; ProgressBarDownloads: TProgressBar; LAmountDesc: TLabel; LAmount: TLabel; LSpeedDesc: TLabel; LSpeed: TLabel; ButtonSettings: TButton; ButtonUpdate: TButton; SettingsPageControl: TPageControl; TabSheetConnectSettings: TTabSheet; TabSheetLog: TTabSheet; GBConnectSettings: TGroupBox; LProxyAddress: TLabel; LProxyPort: TLabel; LProxyUser: TLabel; LProxyUserPasswd: TLabel; CBUseProxy: TCheckBox; EProxyAddress: TEdit; EProxyPort: TEdit; EProxyUser: TEdit; CBProxyAuth: TCheckBox; EProxyUserPasswd: TEdit; LogMemo: TMemo; LFileDesc: TLabel; LFileDescription: TLabel; LFileMD5Desc: TLabel; LFileMD5: TLabel; LFileNameDesc: TLabel; LFileName: TLabel; IMDownloader1: TIMDownloader; LStatus: TLabel; TabSheetSettings: TTabSheet; GBSettings: TGroupBox; LLanguage: TLabel; CBLang: TComboBox; LIMClientType: TLabel; CBIMClientType: TComboBox; LDBType: TLabel; CBDBType: TComboBox; ImageList_Main: TImageList; LPlatformType: TLabel; procedure FormCreate(Sender: TObject); procedure FormShow(Sender: TObject); procedure FormClose(Sender: TObject; var Action: TCloseAction); procedure FormDestroy(Sender: TObject); procedure ButtonSettingsClick(Sender: TObject); procedure ButtonUpdateStartClick(Sender: TObject); procedure ButtonUpdateStopClick(Sender: TObject); procedure CBUseProxyClick(Sender: TObject); procedure CBProxyAuthClick(Sender: TObject); procedure IMDownloader1StartDownload(Sender: TObject); procedure IMDownloader1Break(Sender: TObject); procedure IMDownloader1Downloading(Sender: TObject; AcceptedSize, MaxSize: Cardinal); procedure IMDownloader1Error(Sender: TObject; E: TIMDownloadError); procedure IMDownloader1Accepted(Sender: TObject); procedure IMDownloader1Headers(Sender: TObject; Headers: String); procedure IMDownloader1MD5Checked(Sender: TObject; MD5Correct, SizeCorrect: Boolean; MD5Str: string); procedure CBLangChange(Sender: TObject); procedure CBIMClientTypeChange(Sender: TObject); procedure CBDBTypeChange(Sender: TObject); procedure ButtonUpdateEnableStart; procedure ButtonUpdateEnableStop; procedure FindLangFile; procedure CoreLanguageChanged; procedure InstallUpdate; procedure SetProxySettings; procedure AntiBoss(HideAllForms: Boolean); procedure RunIMClient(IMClientName: String; IMProcessArray: TProcessInfoArray); procedure RunAllIMClients; function StartStepByStepUpdate(CurrStep: Integer; INIFileName: String): Integer; private { Private declarations } FLanguage : WideString; procedure OnControlReq(var Msg : TWMCopyData); message WM_COPYDATA; // ��� �������������� ��������� procedure OnLanguageChanged(var Msg: TMessage); message WM_LANGUAGECHANGED; procedure LoadLanguageStrings; function EndTask(TaskName, FormName: String): Boolean; public { Public declarations } RunAppDone: Boolean; C1, C2: TLargeInteger; iCounterPerSec: TLargeInteger; TrueHeader: Boolean; CurrentUpdateStep: Integer; HeaderMD5: String; HeaderFileSize: Integer; HeaderFileName: String; MD5InMemory: String; IMMD5Correct: Boolean; IMSizeCorrect: Boolean; INISavePath: String; SavePath: String; SystemLang: String; IMCancelCopy: Boolean; DropboxProcessInfo: TProcessInfoArray; QIPProcessInfo: TProcessInfoArray; RnQProcessInfo: TProcessInfoArray; SkypeProcessInfo: TProcessInfoArray; MirandaProcessInfo: TProcessInfoArray; property CoreLanguage: WideString read FLanguage; end; function CopyProgressFunc(TotalFileSize: Int64; TotalBytesTransferred: Int64; StreamSize: Int64; StreamBytesTransferred: Int64; dwStreamNumber: DWORD; dwCallbackReason: DWORD; hSourceFile: THandle; hDestinationFile: THandle; lpData: Pointer): DWORD; stdcall; var MainForm: TMainForm; implementation {$R *.dfm} procedure TMainForm.FormClose(Sender: TObject; var Action: TCloseAction); var INI: TIniFile; Path: WideString; IsFileClosed: Boolean; sFile: DWORD; begin // ���������� ��� ������ ����-���� Global_MainForm_Showing := False; // ���������� �������� DBType := CBDBType.Items[CBDBType.ItemIndex]; IMClientType := CBIMClientType.Items[CBIMClientType.ItemIndex]; DefaultLanguage := CoreLanguage; Path := ProfilePath + ININame; if FileExists(Path) then begin try // ���� ���� ���� ��������� �������� ��� ��� �����-������ ������� IsFileClosed := False; repeat sFile := CreateFile(PChar(Path),GENERIC_READ or GENERIC_WRITE,0,nil,OPEN_EXISTING,FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL,0); if (sFile <> INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) then begin CloseHandle(sFile); IsFileClosed := True; end; until IsFileClosed; // End INI := TIniFile.Create(Path); if ParamCount = 0 then begin INI.WriteString('Main', 'DBType', DBType); INI.WriteString('Main', 'IMClientType', IMClientType); INI.WriteString('Main', 'DefaultLanguage', DefaultLanguage); end; INI.WriteString('Proxy', 'UseProxy', BoolToIntStr(CBUseProxy.Checked)); INI.WriteString('Proxy', 'ProxyAddress', EProxyAddress.Text); INI.WriteString('Proxy', 'ProxyPort', EProxyPort.Text); INI.WriteString('Proxy', 'ProxyAuth', BoolToIntStr(CBProxyAuth.Checked)); INI.WriteString('Proxy', 'ProxyUser', EProxyUser.Text); INI.WriteString('Proxy', 'ProxyUserPasswd', EncryptStr(EProxyUserPasswd.Text)); INI.WriteString('Updater', 'UpdateServer', UpdateServer); finally INI.Free; end; end; if FileExists(INISavePath) then DeleteFile(INISavePath); // ����� ��� � ��� if EnableDebug then LogMemo.Lines.SaveToFile(ProfilePath + DebugLogName); end; procedure TMainForm.FormCreate(Sender: TObject); var CmdHelpStr: WideString; begin RunAppDone := False; TrueHeader := False; IMMD5Correct := False; IMSizeCorrect := False; CurrentUpdateStep := 0; // ���������� ��������� ���� if MatchStrings(GetSysLang, '�������*') or MatchStrings(GetSysLang, 'Russian*') then SystemLang := 'Russian' else SystemLang := 'English'; // ��������� �� ���������� ������� if SystemLang = 'Russian' then begin CmdHelpStr := '��������� ������� ' + ProgramsName + ' v' + ProgramsVer + ' ' + PlatformType + ':' + #13 + '--------------------------------------------------------------' + #13#13 + 'HistoryToDBUpdater.exe <1>' + #13#13 + '<1> - (�������������� ��������) - ���� �� ����� �������� HistoryToDB.ini (��������: "C:\Program Files\QIP Infium\Profiles\username@qip.ru\Plugins\QIPHistoryToDB\")'; end else begin CmdHelpStr := 'Startup options ' + ProgramsName + ' v' + ProgramsVer + ' ' + PlatformType + ':' + #13 + '------------------------------------------------' + #13#13 + 'HistoryToDBUpdater.exe <1>' + #13#13 + '<1> - (Optional) - The path to the configuration file HistoryToDB.ini (Example: "C:\Program Files\QIP Infium\Profiles\username@qip.ru\Plugins\QIPHistoryToDB\")'; end; // �������� ������� ���������� if (ParamStr(1) = '/?') or (ParamStr(1) = '-?') then begin MsgInf(ProgramsName, CmdHelpStr); Exit; end else begin if ParamCount >= 1 then begin ProfilePath := IncludeTrailingPathDelimiter(ParamStr(1)); end else begin ProfilePath := ExtractFilePath(Application.ExeName); end; PluginPath := ExtractFilePath(Application.ExeName); // ��������� ������� SavePath := GetUserTempPath + 'IMHistory\'; INISavePath := SavePath + 'HistoryToDBUpdate.ini'; IMDownloader1.DirPath := PluginPath; // ������������� ����������� EncryptInit; // ������ ��������� LoadINI(ProfilePath, false); // ��������� ��������� ����������� if ParamCount >= 1 then FLanguage := DefaultLanguage else FLanguage := SystemLang; LangDoc := NewXMLDocument(); if not DirectoryExists(PluginPath + dirLangs) then CreateDir(PluginPath + dirLangs); if not FileExists(PluginPath + dirLangs + defaultLangFile) then begin if SystemLang = 'Russian' then CmdHelpStr := '���� ����������� ' + PluginPath + dirLangs + defaultLangFile + ' �� ������.' else CmdHelpStr := 'The localization file ' + PluginPath + dirLangs + defaultLangFile + ' is not found.'; MsgInf(ProgramsName, CmdHelpStr); // ����������� ������� EncryptFree; Exit; end; CoreLanguageChanged; // ��������� ������ ������ FindLangFile; // ��� �������������� ��������� MainFormHandle := Handle; SetWindowLong(Handle, GWL_HWNDPARENT, 0); SetWindowLong(Handle, GWL_EXSTYLE, GetWindowLong(Handle, GWL_EXSTYLE) or WS_EX_APPWINDOW); // ��������� ���� ���������� LoadLanguageStrings; // ��������� �������� RunAppDone := True; end; end; procedure TMainForm.FormDestroy(Sender: TObject); begin if RunAppDone then begin // ����������� ������� EncryptFree; end; end; procedure TMainForm.FormShow(Sender: TObject); var I: Integer; begin // ���������� ��� ������ ����-���� Global_MainForm_Showing := True; // ������������ ���� AlphaBlend := AlphaBlendEnable; AlphaBlendValue := AlphaBlendEnableValue; // ��. ��������� LAmount.Caption := '0 '+GetLangStr('Kb'); LFileName.Caption := GetLangStr('Unknown'); LFileDescription.Caption := GetLangStr('Unknown'); LFileMD5.Caption := GetLangStr('Unknown'); LSpeed.Caption := '0 '+GetLangStr('KbSec'); CBUseProxy.Checked := False; EProxyAddress.Enabled := False; EProxyPort.Enabled := False; CBProxyAuth.Enabled := False; SettingsPageControl.ActivePage := TabSheetSettings; SettingsPageControl.Visible := False; MainForm.Height := SettingsPageControl.Height + 5; if (DBType = 'Unknown') or (ParamCount = 0) then begin CBDBType.Enabled := True; CBDBType.Items.Add('Unknown'); CBDBType.Items.Add('mysql'); CBDBType.Items.Add('postgresql'); CBDBType.Items.Add('oracle'); CBDBType.Items.Add('sqlite-3'); CBDBType.Items.Add('firebird-2.0'); CBDBType.Items.Add('firebird-2.5'); if ParamCount = 0 then begin for I := 0 to CBDBType.Items.Count-1 do if CBDBType.Items[I] = DBType then CBDBType.ItemIndex := I end else CBDBType.ItemIndex := 0; // ���������� ��������� ButtonSettingsClick(Self); end else begin CBDBType.Enabled := False; CBDBType.Items.Add(DBType); CBDBType.ItemIndex := 0; end; if (IMClientType = 'Unknown') or (ParamCount = 0) then begin CBIMClientType.Enabled := True; CBIMClientType.Items.Add('Unknown'); CBIMClientType.Items.Add('QIP'); CBIMClientType.Items.Add('RnQ'); CBIMClientType.Items.Add('Skype'); CBIMClientType.Items.Add('Miranda'); CBIMClientType.Items.Add('MirandaNG'); if ParamCount = 0 then begin for I := 0 to CBIMClientType.Items.Count-1 do if CBIMClientType.Items[I] = IMClientType then CBIMClientType.ItemIndex := I end else CBIMClientType.ItemIndex := 0; // ���������� ��������� ���� �� ���� �������� ����� if not SettingsPageControl.Visible then ButtonSettingsClick(Self); end else begin CBIMClientType.Enabled := False; CBIMClientType.Items.Add(IMClientType); CBIMClientType.ItemIndex := 0; end; // ��������� LPlatformType.Caption := IMClientPlatformType; // ������ CBUseProxy.Checked := IMUseProxy; EProxyAddress.Text := IMProxyAddress; EProxyPort.Text := IMProxyPort; CBProxyAuth.Checked := IMProxyAuth; EProxyUser.Text := IMProxyUser; EProxyUserPasswd.Text := IMProxyUserPagsswd; // ������ ������� ���������� LogMemo.Lines.Add(ProgramsName + ' v' + ProgramsVer + ' ' + PlatformType); end; procedure TMainForm.ButtonSettingsClick(Sender: TObject); begin if not SettingsPageControl.Visible then begin MainForm.Height := GBUpdater.Height + SettingsPageControl.Height + 55; SettingsPageControl.Visible := True; end else begin SettingsPageControl.Visible := False; MainForm.Height := SettingsPageControl.Height + 5; end; end; procedure TMainForm.ButtonUpdateStartClick(Sender: TObject); var AllProcessEndErr: Integer; begin IMCancelCopy := False; AllProcessEndErr := 0; if (DBType = 'Unknown') or (IMClientType = 'Unknown') then MsgInf(Caption, GetLangStr('SelectDBTypeAndIMClient')) else begin LogMemo.Clear; // ���� ��������� ������������� ���� Dropbox {if IsProcessRun('Dropbox.exe') then begin if SystemLang = 'Russian' then MsgString := '� ������ ������� ��������� Dropbox.' + #13 + '���� �� ����������� � ��� ������������� IM-�������, �� ��� ����������� ����������' + #13 + '���� ����������� ������� ���������� � �������.' + #13 + '������� Dropbox?' else MsgString := 'Find the program in the memory of Dropbox.' + #13 + 'If you use it to synchronize the IM-client, to properly' + #13 + 'update all the components necessary to close the plug.' + #13 + 'Close Dropbox?'; case MessageBox(MainForm.Handle, PWideChar(MsgString), PWideChar(Caption),36) of 6: DropboxProcessInfo := EndProcess('Dropbox.exe', True); end; end;} // ���� ���������� ���������� ������� � ��������� �� if not EndTask('HistoryToDBSync.exe', 'HistoryToDBSync for ' + IMClientType + ' (' + MyAccount + ')') then Inc(AllProcessEndErr); if not EndTask('HistoryToDBViewer.exe', 'HistoryToDBViewer for ' + IMClientType + ' (' + MyAccount + ')') then Inc(AllProcessEndErr); if not EndTask('HistoryToDBImport.exe', 'HistoryToDBImport for ' + IMClientType + ' (' + MyAccount + ')') then Inc(AllProcessEndErr); // ���� ��� �������� �����, �� ����������� if AllProcessEndErr = 0 then begin // ���� ��� ���������� IM-�������� � ��������� �� if IMClientType = 'QIP' then begin LogMemo.Lines.Add(Format(GetLangStr('EndProcess'), ['qip.exe'])); QIPProcessInfo := EndProcess('qip.exe', 0, True); end; if IMClientType = 'Miranda' then begin if IMClientPlatformType = 'x86' then begin LogMemo.Lines.Add(Format(GetLangStr('EndProcess'), ['miranda32.exe'])); MirandaProcessInfo := EndProcess('miranda32.exe', 1, True); end else begin LogMemo.Lines.Add(Format(GetLangStr('EndProcess'), ['miranda64.exe'])); MirandaProcessInfo := EndProcess('miranda64.exe', 1, True); end; end; if IMClientType = 'MirandaNG' then begin if IMClientPlatformType = 'x86' then begin LogMemo.Lines.Add(Format(GetLangStr('EndProcess'), ['miranda32.exe'])); MirandaProcessInfo := EndProcess('miranda32.exe', 0, True); end else begin LogMemo.Lines.Add(Format(GetLangStr('EndProcess'), ['miranda64.exe'])); MirandaProcessInfo := EndProcess('miranda64.exe', 0, True); end; end; if IMClientType = 'RnQ' then begin if IsProcessRun('rnq.exe') then begin RnQProcessInfo := EndProcess('rnq.exe', 0, True); LogMemo.Lines.Add(Format(GetLangStr('EndProcess'), ['rnq.exe'])); end; if IsProcessRun('R&Q.exe') then begin RnQProcessInfo := EndProcess('R&Q.exe', 0, True); LogMemo.Lines.Add(Format(GetLangStr('EndProcess'), ['R&Q.exe'])); end; end; if IMClientType = 'Skype' then begin SkypeProcessInfo := EndProcess('skype.exe', 0, True); LogMemo.Lines.Add(Format(GetLangStr('EndProcess'), ['skype.exe'])); end; // �������� ���������� TrueHeader := False; CurrentUpdateStep := 0; SetProxySettings; if IMClientPlatformType = 'x86' then IMDownloader1.URL := UpdateServer + '&platform=windows-x86' else IMDownloader1.URL := UpdateServer + '&platform=windows-x64'; IMDownloader1.DownLoad; end else MsgInf(Caption, GetLangStr('ManualUpdate')); end; end; { ������������� ��������� ������ } procedure TMainForm.SetProxySettings; begin if CBUseProxy.Checked then begin IMDownloader1.Proxy := EProxyAddress.Text + ':' + EProxyPort.Text; if CBProxyAuth.Checked then begin IMDownloader1.ProxyAuthUserName := EProxyUser.Text; IMDownloader1.ProxyAuthPassword := EProxyUserPasswd.Text; end else begin IMDownloader1.ProxyAuthUserName := ''; IMDownloader1.ProxyAuthPassword := ''; end; end else begin IMDownloader1.Proxy := ''; IMDownloader1.AuthUserName := ''; IMDownloader1.AuthPassword := ''; end; end; procedure TMainForm.IMDownloader1Accepted(Sender: TObject); var MaxSteps: Integer; begin LStatus.Caption := GetLangStr('DownloadSuccessful'); LStatus.Hint := 'DownloadSuccessful'; LStatus.Repaint; LAmount.Caption := CurrToStr(IMDownloader1.AcceptedSize/1024)+' '+GetLangStr('Kb'); LAmount.Repaint; if not TrueHeader then begin LFileName.Caption := GetLangStr('Unknown'); LFileDescription.Caption := GetLangStr('Unknown'); LFileMD5.Caption := GetLangStr('Unknown'); LStatus.Caption := GetLangStr('InvalidResponseHeader'); LStatus.Hint := 'InvalidResponseHeader'; LStatus.Repaint; ButtonUpdateEnableStart; end else begin LStatus.Caption := GetLangStr('IsChecksum'); LStatus.Hint := 'IsChecksum'; LStatus.Repaint; if MD5InMemory <> 'FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF' then begin LogMemo.Lines.Add(GetLangStr('MD5FileInMemory') + ' ' + MD5InMemory); LogMemo.Lines.Add(GetLangStr('FileSizeInMemory') + ' ' + IntToStr(IMDownloader1.OutStream.Size)); end; if IMMD5Correct and IMSizeCorrect then begin if MD5InMemory <> 'FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF' then begin LStatus.Caption := GetLangStr('ChecksumConfirmed'); LStatus.Hint := 'ChecksumConfirmed'; LStatus.Repaint; LogMemo.Lines.Add(GetLangStr('ChecksumConfirmed')); end else begin LStatus.Caption := GetLangStr('ChecksumFileEqServer'); LStatus.Hint := 'ChecksumFileEqServer'; LStatus.Repaint; LogMemo.Lines.Add(GetLangStr('ChecksumFileEqServer')); end; // ���� ������ ��� - ���������� INI ����� if CurrentUpdateStep = 0 then INISavePath := SavePath + HeaderFileName; // ��������� ������� ��� ���������� if not DirectoryExists(SavePath) then CreateDir(SavePath); // ������� ������ ���� if CurrentUpdateStep = 0 then begin if FileExists(INISavePath) then DeleteFile(INISavePath); end; if FileExists(SavePath + HeaderFileName) then DeleteFile(SavePath + HeaderFileName); // ��������� ����� try if MD5InMemory <> 'FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF' then begin IMDownloader1.OutStream.SaveToFile(SavePath + HeaderFileName); LStatus.Caption := GetLangStr('FileSavedAs') + ' ' + HeaderFileName; LStatus.Hint := 'FileSavedAs'; LStatus.Repaint; LogMemo.Lines.Add(GetLangStr('FileSavedAs') + ' ' + HeaderFileName); end; Inc(CurrentUpdateStep); if CurrentUpdateStep > 0 then MaxSteps := StartStepByStepUpdate(CurrentUpdateStep, INISavePath); except on E: Exception do begin LStatus.Caption := GetLangStr('ErrFileSavedAs') + ' ' + HeaderFileName; LStatus.Hint := 'ErrFileSavedAs'; LStatus.Repaint; LogMemo.Lines.Add(GetLangStr('ErrFileSavedAs') + ' ' + HeaderFileName); end; end; end else begin if not IMMD5Correct then begin LStatus.Caption := GetLangStr('ChecksumNotConfirmed'); LStatus.Hint := 'ChecksumNotConfirmed'; LStatus.Repaint; LogMemo.Lines.Add(GetLangStr('ChecksumNotConfirmed')); end; if not IMSizeCorrect then begin LStatus.Caption := GetLangStr('SizeNotConfirmed'); LStatus.Hint := 'SizeNotConfirmed'; LStatus.Repaint; LogMemo.Lines.Add(GetLangStr('SizeNotConfirmed')); end; ButtonUpdateEnableStart; end; end; end; function TMainForm.StartStepByStepUpdate(CurrStep: Integer; INIFileName: String): Integer; var UpdateINI: TIniFile; MaxStep, IMClientCount, IMClientDownloadFileCount: Integer; DatabaseCount, DatabaseDownloadFileCount, I, UpdateServerInServiceMode: Integer; IMClientName, IMClientNum, UpdateURL: String; DatabaseName, DatabaseNum, TmpUpdateServer: String; FileListArray: TArrayOfString; DownloadListArray: TArrayOfString; begin Result := 0; if FileExists(INIFileName) then begin UpdateINI := TIniFile.Create(INIFileName); UpdateServerInServiceMode := UpdateINI.ReadInteger('HistoryToDBUpdate', 'UpdateServerInServiceMode', 0); LogMemo.Lines.Add('UpdateServerInServiceMode = ' + IntToStr(UpdateServerInServiceMode)); //������ ���������� �������� �� ��������� ������������ if UpdateServerInServiceMode = 1 then begin LogMemo.Lines.Add(Format(GetLangStr('UpdateServerInServiceMode'), [' '])); IMDownloader1.BreakDownload; MsgInf(Caption, Format(GetLangStr('UpdateServerInServiceMode'), [#13])); Result := -1; // ���. ������ ButtonUpdateEnableStart; // ������ IM-������� RunAllIMClients; // ����� Close; Exit; end; // ����� ������� ���������� TmpUpdateServer := UpdateINI.ReadString('HistoryToDBUpdate', 'UpdateServer', UpdateServer); if TmpUpdateServer <> UpdateServer then UpdateServer := TmpUpdateServer; // End MaxStep := UpdateINI.ReadInteger('HistoryToDBUpdate', 'FileCount', 0); IMClientCount := UpdateINI.ReadInteger('HistoryToDBUpdate', 'IMClientCount', 0); if EnableDebug then LogMemo.Lines.Add('����� IM-�������� � INI-����� = ' + IntToStr(IMClientCount)); IMClientDownloadFileCount := 0; SetLength(DownloadListArray, 0); if IMClientCount > 0 then begin IMClientName := ''; while (IMClientCount > 0) and (IMClientName <> CBIMClientType.Items[CBIMClientType.ItemIndex]) do begin IMClientName := UpdateINI.ReadString('HistoryToDBUpdate', 'IMClient'+IntToStr(IMClientCount)+'Name', ''); IMClientNum := UpdateINI.ReadString('HistoryToDBUpdate', 'IMClient'+IntToStr(IMClientCount)+'File', ''); if EnableDebug then begin LogMemo.Lines.Add('IM-������ = ' + IMClientName); LogMemo.Lines.Add('������ ������ = ' + IMClientNum); end; Dec(IMClientCount); end; FileListArray := StringToParts(IMClientNum, [',']); SetLength(DownloadListArray, Length(FileListArray)); DownloadListArray := FileListArray; IMClientDownloadFileCount := Length(FileListArray); if EnableDebug then begin for I := 0 to High(FileListArray) do LogMemo.Lines.Add('� ����� ��� '+IMClientName+' = ' + FileListArray[I]); end; end; DatabaseCount := UpdateINI.ReadInteger('HistoryToDBUpdate', 'DatabaseCount', 0); DatabaseDownloadFileCount := 0; if EnableDebug then LogMemo.Lines.Add('����� ����� Database � INI-����� = ' + IntToStr(DatabaseCount)); if DatabaseCount > 0 then begin DatabaseName := ''; while (DatabaseCount > 0) and (DatabaseName <> CBDBType.Items[CBDBType.ItemIndex]) do begin DatabaseName := UpdateINI.ReadString('HistoryToDBUpdate', 'Database'+IntToStr(DatabaseCount)+'Name', ''); DatabaseNum := UpdateINI.ReadString('HistoryToDBUpdate', 'Database'+IntToStr(DatabaseCount)+'File', ''); if EnableDebug then begin LogMemo.Lines.Add('Database = ' + DatabaseName); LogMemo.Lines.Add('������ ������ = ' + DatabaseNum); end; Dec(DatabaseCount); end; FileListArray := StringToParts(DatabaseNum, [',']); SetLength(DownloadListArray, Length(DownloadListArray) + Length(FileListArray)); DatabaseDownloadFileCount := Length(FileListArray); for I := 0 to High(FileListArray) do begin DownloadListArray[IMClientDownloadFileCount+I] := FileListArray[I]; if EnableDebug then LogMemo.Lines.Add('� ����� ��� '+DatabaseName+' = ' + FileListArray[I]); end; end; if EnableDebug then begin LogMemo.Lines.Add('����� ����� = ' + IntToStr(Length(DownloadListArray))); for I := 0 to High(DownloadListArray) do LogMemo.Lines.Add('DownloadListArray['+IntToStr(I)+'] = ' + DownloadListArray[I]); end; MaxStep := IMClientDownloadFileCount + DatabaseDownloadFileCount; Result := MaxStep; if EnableDebug then LogMemo.Lines.Add('����� ����� = ' + IntToStr(MaxStep)); if CurrentUpdateStep > MaxStep then begin LStatus.Caption := GetLangStr('AllUpdatesDownloaded'); LStatus.Hint := 'AllUpdatesDownloaded'; LStatus.Repaint; LogMemo.Lines.Add('========================================='); LogMemo.Lines.Add(GetLangStr('AllUpdatesDownloaded')); InstallUpdate; LStatus.Caption := GetLangStr('AllUpdatesInstalled'); LStatus.Hint := 'AllUpdatesInstalled'; LStatus.Repaint; LogMemo.Lines.Add('========================================='); LogMemo.Lines.Add(GetLangStr('AllUpdatesInstalled')); // ���. ������ ButtonUpdateEnableStart; // ������ IM-������� RunAllIMClients; Close; Exit; end; LogMemo.Lines.Add('================= ' + GetLangStr('Step') + ' '+IntToStr(CurrStep)+' ================='); LogMemo.Lines.Add(GetLangStr('NumberFilesUpdate') + ' = ' + IntToStr(MaxStep)); if MaxStep > 0 then begin UpdateURL := UpdateINI.ReadString('HistoryToDBUpdate', 'File'+DownloadListArray[CurrStep-1], ''); if (UpdateURL <> '') and (CurrStep <= MaxStep) then begin LogMemo.Lines.Add(GetLangStr('FileToUpdate') + ' = ' + UpdateURL); if MatchStrings(UpdateURL, '*file=*Lang') then IMDownloader1.DirPath := PluginPath + dirLangs else if MatchStrings(UpdateURL, '*file=*-update-*-to-*') then IMDownloader1.DirPath := PluginPath + dirSQLUpdate else IMDownloader1.DirPath := PluginPath; IMDownloader1.URL := UpdateURL; IMDownloader1.DownLoad; end else CurrentUpdateStep := 0; end; end else LogMemo.Lines.Add(GetLangStr('UpdateSettingsFileNotFound') + ' ' + INIFileName); end; procedure TMainForm.InstallUpdate; var SR: TSearchRec; begin LAmount.Caption := '0 '+GetLangStr('Kb'); LFileName.Caption := GetLangStr('Unknown'); LFileDescription.Caption := GetLangStr('Unknown'); LFileMD5.Caption := GetLangStr('Unknown'); LSpeed.Caption := '0 '+GetLangStr('KbSec'); // ���������� if FindFirst(SavePath + '*.*', faAnyFile or faDirectory, SR) = 0 then begin repeat if (SR.Attr = faDirectory) and ((SR.Name = '.') or (SR.Name = '..')) then // ����� �� ���� ������ . � .. begin Continue; // ���������� ���� end; if MatchStrings(SR.Name, 'HistoryToDBUpdater.exe') then begin LStatus.Caption := Format(GetLangStr('UpdateFile'), [SR.Name]); LStatus.Hint := 'UpdateFile'; LStatus.Repaint; LogMemo.Lines.Add(Format(GetLangStr('UpdateFile'), [SR.Name])); if CopyFileEx(PChar(SavePath + SR.Name), PChar(PluginPath + 'HistoryToDBUpdater.upd'), Addr(CopyProgressFunc), nil, Addr(IMCancelCopy), COPY_FILE_RESTARTABLE) then begin DeleteFile(SavePath + SR.Name); LogMemo.Lines.Add(Format(GetLangStr('UpdateFileDone'), [SR.Name])); end else LogMemo.Lines.Add(Format(GetLangStr('UpdateFileErr'), [SR.Name])); end; if MatchStrings(SR.Name, '*.xml') then begin LStatus.Caption := Format(GetLangStr('UpdateLangFile'), [SR.Name]); LStatus.Hint := 'UpdateLangFile'; LStatus.Repaint; LogMemo.Lines.Add(Format(GetLangStr('UpdateLangFile'), [SR.Name])); if FileExists(PluginPath + dirLangs + SR.Name) then DeleteFile(PluginPath + dirLangs + SR.Name); if CopyFileEx(PChar(SavePath + SR.Name), PChar(PluginPath + dirLangs + SR.Name), Addr(CopyProgressFunc), nil, Addr(IMCancelCopy), COPY_FILE_RESTARTABLE) then begin DeleteFile(SavePath + SR.Name); LogMemo.Lines.Add(Format(GetLangStr('UpdateLangFileDone'), [SR.Name])); end else LogMemo.Lines.Add(Format(GetLangStr('UpdateFileErr'), [SR.Name])); end; if MatchStrings(SR.Name, '*.sql') then begin LStatus.Caption := Format(GetLangStr('UpdateSQLFile'), [SR.Name]); LStatus.Hint := 'UpdateSQLFile'; LStatus.Repaint; LogMemo.Lines.Add(Format(GetLangStr('UpdateSQLFile'), [SR.Name])); if not DirectoryExists(PluginPath + dirSQLUpdate) then CreateDir(PluginPath + dirSQLUpdate); if FileExists(PluginPath + dirSQLUpdate + SR.Name) then DeleteFile(PluginPath + dirSQLUpdate + SR.Name); if CopyFileEx(PChar(SavePath + SR.Name), PChar(PluginPath + dirSQLUpdate + SR.Name), Addr(CopyProgressFunc), nil, Addr(IMCancelCopy), COPY_FILE_RESTARTABLE) then begin DeleteFile(SavePath + SR.Name); LogMemo.Lines.Add(Format(GetLangStr('UpdateSQLFileDone'), [SR.Name])); end else LogMemo.Lines.Add(Format(GetLangStr('UpdateFileErr'), [SR.Name])); end; if MatchStrings(SR.Name, '*.exe') then begin LStatus.Caption := Format(GetLangStr('UpdateFile'), [SR.Name]); LStatus.Hint := 'UpdateFile'; LStatus.Repaint; LogMemo.Lines.Add(Format(GetLangStr('UpdateFile'), [SR.Name])); if FileExists(PluginPath + SR.Name) then DeleteFile(PluginPath + SR.Name); if CopyFileEx(PChar(SavePath + SR.Name), PChar(PluginPath + SR.Name), nil, nil, Addr(IMCancelCopy), COPY_FILE_RESTARTABLE) then begin DeleteFile(SavePath + SR.Name); LogMemo.Lines.Add(Format(GetLangStr('UpdateFileDone'), [SR.Name])); end else LogMemo.Lines.Add(Format(GetLangStr('UpdateFileErr'), [SR.Name])); end; if MatchStrings(SR.Name, '*.dll') then begin LStatus.Caption := Format(GetLangStr('UpdateFile'), [SR.Name]); LStatus.Hint := 'UpdateFile'; LStatus.Repaint; LogMemo.Lines.Add(Format(GetLangStr('UpdateFile'), [SR.Name])); if FileExists(PluginPath + SR.Name) then DeleteFile(PluginPath + SR.Name); if CopyFileEx(PChar(SavePath + SR.Name), PChar(PluginPath + SR.Name), Addr(CopyProgressFunc), nil, Addr(IMCancelCopy), COPY_FILE_RESTARTABLE) then begin DeleteFile(SavePath + SR.Name); LogMemo.Lines.Add(Format(GetLangStr('UpdateFileDone'), [SR.Name])); end else LogMemo.Lines.Add(Format(GetLangStr('UpdateFileErr'), [SR.Name])); end; if MatchStrings(SR.Name, '*.msg') then begin LStatus.Caption := Format(GetLangStr('UpdateFile'), [SR.Name]); LStatus.Hint := 'UpdateFile'; LStatus.Repaint; LogMemo.Lines.Add(Format(GetLangStr('UpdateFile'), [SR.Name])); if FileExists(PluginPath + SR.Name) then DeleteFile(PluginPath + SR.Name); if CopyFileEx(PChar(SavePath + SR.Name), PChar(PluginPath + SR.Name), nil, nil, Addr(IMCancelCopy), COPY_FILE_RESTARTABLE) then begin DeleteFile(SavePath + SR.Name); LogMemo.Lines.Add(Format(GetLangStr('UpdateFileDone'), [SR.Name])); end else LogMemo.Lines.Add(Format(GetLangStr('UpdateFileErr'), [SR.Name])); end; if MatchStrings(SR.Name, '*.txt') then begin LStatus.Caption := Format(GetLangStr('UpdateFile'), [SR.Name]); LStatus.Hint := 'UpdateFile'; LStatus.Repaint; LogMemo.Lines.Add(Format(GetLangStr('UpdateFile'), [SR.Name])); if FileExists(PluginPath + SR.Name) then DeleteFile(PluginPath + SR.Name); if CopyFileEx(PChar(SavePath + SR.Name), PChar(PluginPath + SR.Name), Addr(CopyProgressFunc), nil, Addr(IMCancelCopy), COPY_FILE_RESTARTABLE) then begin DeleteFile(SavePath + SR.Name); LogMemo.Lines.Add(Format(GetLangStr('UpdateFileDone'), [SR.Name])); end else LogMemo.Lines.Add(Format(GetLangStr('UpdateFileErr'), [SR.Name])); end; until FindNext(SR) <> 0; FindClose(SR); end; end; procedure TMainForm.IMDownloader1Break(Sender: TObject); begin LStatus.Caption := GetLangStr('DownloadStopped'); LStatus.Hint := 'DownloadStopped'; LAmount.Caption := CurrToStr(IMDownloader1.AcceptedSize/1024)+' '+GetLangStr('Kb'); LAmount.Repaint; ButtonUpdateEnableStart; end; procedure TMainForm.IMDownloader1Downloading(Sender: TObject; AcceptedSize, MaxSize: Cardinal); begin QueryPerformanceCounter(C2); ProgressBarDownloads.Max := MaxSize; ProgressBarDownloads.Position := AcceptedSize; LStatus.Caption := GetLangStr('Loading'); LStatus.Hint := 'Loading'; LAmount.Caption := CurrToStr(AcceptedSize/1024)+' '+GetLangStr('Kb'); LAmount.Repaint; LSpeed.Caption := CurrToStr((AcceptedSize/1024)/((C2 - C1) / iCounterPerSec))+' '+GetLangStr('KbSec'); LSpeed.Repaint; end; procedure TMainForm.IMDownloader1Error(Sender: TObject; E: TIMDownloadError); var S, HS: String; begin case E of deInternetOpen: begin S := GetLangStr('ErrInternetOpen'); HS := 'ErrInternetOpen'; end; deInternetOpenUrl: begin S := GetLangStr('ErrInternetOpenURL'); HS := 'ErrInternetOpenURL'; end; deDownloadingFile: begin S := GetLangStr('ErrDownloadingFile'); HS := 'ErrDownloadingFile'; end; deRequest: begin S := GetLangStr('ErrRequest'); HS := 'ErrRequest'; end; end; LStatus.Caption := S; LStatus.Hint := HS; LogMemo.Lines.Add(S); LAmount.Caption := CurrToStr(IMDownloader1.AcceptedSize/1024)+' '+GetLangStr('Kb'); LAmount.Repaint; if not TrueHeader then begin LFileName.Caption := GetLangStr('Unknown'); LFileDescription.Caption := GetLangStr('Unknown'); LFileMD5.Caption := GetLangStr('Unknown'); end; ButtonUpdateEnableStart; end; { ��������� ���������� � ����� ������ ���������: ���_�����|�������_�����|MD5Sum_�����|������_����� } procedure TMainForm.IMDownloader1Headers(Sender: TObject; Headers: string); var HeadersStrList: TStringList; I: Integer; Size: String; Ch: Char; ResultFilename, ResultFileDesc, ResultMD5Sum, ResultHeaders: String; ResultFileSize: Integer; begin //LogMemo.Lines.Add(Headers); HeadersStrList := TStringList.Create; HeadersStrList.Clear; HeadersStrList.Text := Headers; HeadersStrList.Delete(HeadersStrList.Count-1); // ��������� ������� �������� ������ CRLF if HeadersStrList.Count > 0 then begin ResultFilename := 'Test'; ResultFileDesc := 'Test'; ResultMD5Sum := '00000000000000000000000000000000'; ResultFileSize := 0; LogMemo.Lines.Add(GetLangStr('ParseHeader')); for I := 0 to HeadersStrList.Count - 1 do begin //LogMemo.Lines.Add(HeadersStrList[I]); // ������ ������ ���� // Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="���-�����" // ����� ������ ��������� � ��������� HTTP-������� // ������ ��� ������ get.php if pos('content-disposition', lowercase(HeadersStrList[I])) > 0 then begin ResultFilename := HeadersStrList[I]; Delete(ResultFilename, 1, Pos('"', HeadersStrList[I])); Delete(ResultFilename, Length(ResultFilename),1); //LogMemo.Lines.Add('Filename: '+ResultFilename); end; // ������ ������ ���� // Content-Description: Desc if pos('content-description', lowercase(HeadersStrList[I])) > 0 then begin ResultFileDesc := HeadersStrList[I]; Delete(ResultFileDesc, 1, Pos(':', HeadersStrList[I])); Delete(ResultFileDesc, 1,1); //LogMemo.Lines.Add('Description: '+ResultFileDesc); end; // ������ ������ ���� // Content-MD5Sum: MD5 if pos('content-md5sum', lowercase(HeadersStrList[I])) > 0 then begin ResultMD5Sum := HeadersStrList[I]; Delete(ResultMD5Sum, 1, Pos(':', HeadersStrList[I])); Delete(ResultMD5Sum, 1,1); //LogMemo.Lines.Add('MD5: '+ResultMD5Sum); end; // ������ ������ ���� // Content-Length: ������ if pos('content-length', lowercase(HeadersStrList[i])) > 0 then begin Size := ''; for Ch in HeadersStrList[I]do if Ch in ['0'..'9'] then Size := Size + Ch; ResultFileSize := StrToIntDef(Size,-1);// + Length(HeadersStrList.Text); end; end; ResultHeaders := ResultFilename + '|' + ResultFileDesc + '|' + ResultMD5Sum + '|' + IntToStr(ResultFileSize) + '|'; if(ResultHeaders <> 'Test|Test|00000000000000000000000000000000|' + IntToStr(ResultFileSize) + '|') then begin LogMemo.Lines.Add(GetLangStr('HeaderData')); LogMemo.Lines.Add(GetLangStr('FileName') + ' ' + ResultFilename); LogMemo.Lines.Add(GetLangStr('FileDesc') + ' ' + ResultFileDesc); LogMemo.Lines.Add('MD5: ' + ResultMD5Sum); LogMemo.Lines.Add(GetLangStr('FileSize') + ' ' + IntToStr(ResultFileSize)); LFileName.Caption := ResultFilename; LFileDescription.Caption := ResultFileDesc; LFileMD5.Caption := ResultMD5Sum; HeaderFileName := ResultFilename; HeaderMD5 := ResultMD5Sum; HeaderFileSize := ResultFileSize; if (CurrentUpdateStep = 0) and FileExists(PluginPath+HeaderFileName) then DeleteFile(PluginPath+HeaderFileName); TrueHeader := True; end else begin LogMemo.Lines.Add(GetLangStr('InvalidResponseHeader')); LogMemo.Lines.Add(GetLangStr('InvalidResponseHeaderDesc')); HeaderFileName := 'Test'; HeaderMD5 := '00000000000000000000000000000000'; HeaderFileSize := 0; TrueHeader := False; end; end; HeadersStrList.Free; end; procedure TMainForm.IMDownloader1MD5Checked(Sender: TObject; MD5Correct, SizeCorrect: Boolean; MD5Str: string); begin MD5InMemory := MD5Str; IMMD5Correct := MD5Correct; IMSizeCorrect := SizeCorrect; end; procedure TMainForm.IMDownloader1StartDownload(Sender: TObject); begin QueryPerformanceFrequency(iCounterPerSec); QueryPerformanceCounter(C1); ButtonUpdateEnableStop; LStatus.Caption := GetLangStr('InitDownload'); LStatus.Hint := 'InitDownload'; LAmount.Caption := '0 '+GetLangStr('Kb'); LSpeed.Caption := '0 '+GetLangStr('KbSec'); LogMemo.Lines.Add(GetLangStr('InitDownloadFromURL') + ' ' + IMDownloader1.URL); end; procedure TMainForm.ButtonUpdateStopClick(Sender: TObject); begin // ��������� ������� IMDownloader1.BreakDownload; //������������� ������� ����������� IMCancelCopy := True; end; procedure TMainForm.CBUseProxyClick(Sender: TObject); begin if CBUseProxy.Checked then begin EProxyAddress.Enabled := True; EProxyPort.Enabled := True; CBProxyAuth.Enabled := True; end else begin EProxyAddress.Enabled := False; EProxyPort.Enabled := False; CBProxyAuth.Enabled := False; end; end; procedure TMainForm.CBProxyAuthClick(Sender: TObject); begin if CBProxyAuth.Checked then begin EProxyUser.Enabled := True; EProxyUserPasswd.Enabled := True; end else begin EProxyUser.Enabled := False; EProxyUserPasswd.Enabled := False; end; end; procedure TMainForm.ButtonUpdateEnableStart; begin ButtonUpdate.OnClick := ButtonUpdateStartClick; ButtonUpdate.Caption := GetLangStr('UpdateButton'); ButtonUpdate.Hint := 'UpdateButton'; ButtonSettings.Enabled := True; CBIMClientType.Enabled := True; CBDBType.Enabled := True; end; procedure TMainForm.ButtonUpdateEnableStop; begin ButtonUpdate.OnClick := ButtonUpdateStopClick; ButtonUpdate.Caption := GetLangStr('StopButton'); ButtonUpdate.Hint := 'StopButton'; ButtonSettings.Enabled := False; CBIMClientType.Enabled := False; CBDBType.Enabled := False; end; procedure TMainForm.CBDBTypeChange(Sender: TObject); begin DBType := CBDBType.Items[CBDBType.ItemIndex]; end; procedure TMainForm.CBIMClientTypeChange(Sender: TObject); begin IMClientType := CBIMClientType.Items[CBIMClientType.ItemIndex]; end; { ����� ����� } procedure TMainForm.CBLangChange(Sender: TObject); begin FLanguage := CBLang.Items[CBLang.ItemIndex]; DefaultLanguage := CBLang.Items[CBLang.ItemIndex]; CoreLanguageChanged; end; { ��������� ������ �������� ������ � ���������� ������ } procedure TMainForm.FindLangFile; var SR: TSearchRec; I: Integer; begin CBLang.Items.Clear; if FindFirst(PluginPath + dirLangs + '\*.*', faAnyFile or faDirectory, SR) = 0 then begin repeat if (SR.Attr = faDirectory) and ((SR.Name = '.') or (SR.Name = '..')) then // ����� �� ���� ������ . � .. begin Continue; // ���������� ���� end; if MatchStrings(SR.Name, '*.xml') then begin // ��������� ���� CBLang.Items.Add(ExtractFileNameEx(SR.Name, False)); end; until FindNext(SR) <> 0; FindClose(SR); end; if CBLang.Items.Count > 0 then begin for I := 0 to CBLang.Items.Count-1 do begin if CBLang.Items[I] = CoreLanguage then CBLang.ItemIndex := I; end; end else begin CBLang.Items.Add(GetLangStr('NotFoundLangFile')); CBLang.ItemIndex := 0; CBLang.Enabled := False; end; end; { ����� ����� ���������� �� ������� WM_LANGUAGECHANGED } procedure TMainForm.OnLanguageChanged(var Msg: TMessage); begin LoadLanguageStrings; end; { ������� ��� �������������� ��������� } procedure TMainForm.CoreLanguageChanged; var LangFile: String; begin if CoreLanguage = '' then Exit; try LangFile := PluginPath + dirLangs + CoreLanguage + '.xml'; if FileExists(LangFile) then LangDoc.LoadFromFile(LangFile) else begin if FileExists(PluginPath + dirLangs + defaultLangFile) then LangDoc.LoadFromFile(PluginPath + dirLangs + defaultLangFile) else begin MsgDie(ProgramsName, 'Not found any language file!'); Exit; end; end; Global.CoreLanguage := CoreLanguage; SendMessage(MainFormHandle, WM_LANGUAGECHANGED, 0, 0); //SendMessage(AboutFormHandle, WM_LANGUAGECHANGED, 0, 0); except on E: Exception do MsgDie(ProgramsName, 'Error on CoreLanguageChanged: ' + E.Message + sLineBreak + 'CoreLanguage: ' + CoreLanguage); end; end; { ��� �������������� ��������� } procedure TMainForm.LoadLanguageStrings; begin if IMClientType <> 'Unknown' then Caption := ProgramsName + ' for ' + IMClientType + ' (' + MyAccount + ')' else Caption := ProgramsName; if ButtonUpdate.Hint = 'UpdateButton' then begin ButtonUpdate.Caption := GetLangStr('UpdateButton'); ButtonUpdate.Hint := 'UpdateButton'; end else begin ButtonUpdate.Caption := GetLangStr('StopButton'); ButtonUpdate.Hint := 'StopButton'; end; ButtonSettings.Caption := GetLangStr('SettingsButton'); LIMClientType.Caption := GetLangStr('IMClientType'); LDBType.Caption := GetLangStr('LDBType'); LLanguage.Caption := GetLangStr('Language'); TabSheetSettings.Caption := GetLangStr('GeneralSettings'); TabSheetConnectSettings.Caption := GetLangStr('ConnectionSettings'); TabSheetLog.Caption := GetLangStr('Logs'); GBSettings.Caption := GetLangStr('GeneralSettings'); GBConnectSettings.Caption := GetLangStr('ConnectionSettings'); CBUseProxy.Caption := GetLangStr('UseProxy'); LProxyAddress.Caption := GetLangStr('ProxyAddress'); LProxyPort.Caption := GetLangStr('ProxyPort'); CBProxyAuth.Caption := GetLangStr('ProxyAuth'); LProxyUser.Caption := GetLangStr('ProxyUser'); LProxyUserPasswd.Caption := GetLangStr('ProxyUserPasswd'); EProxyAddress.Left := LProxyAddress.Left + LProxyAddress.Width + 5; LProxyPort.Left := EProxyAddress.Left + EProxyAddress.Width + 5; EProxyPort.Left := LProxyPort.Left + LProxyPort.Width + 5; GBUpdater.Caption := GetLangStr('Update'); LStatus.Caption := GetLangStr(LStatus.Hint); LAmountDesc.Caption := GetLangStr('Amount'); LSpeedDesc.Caption := GetLangStr('Speed'); LFileNameDesc.Caption := GetLangStr('FileName'); LFileDesc.Caption := GetLangStr('FileDesc'); LAmount.Left := LAmountDesc.Left + LAmountDesc.Width + 5; LSpeed.Left := LSpeedDesc.Left + LSpeedDesc.Width + 5; LFileName.Left := LFileNameDesc.Left + LFileNameDesc.Width + 5; LFileDescription.Left := LFileDesc.Left + LFileDesc.Width + 5; if ButtonSettings.Enabled then begin LFileName.Caption := GetLangStr('Unknown'); LFileDescription.Caption := GetLangStr('Unknown'); LFileMD5.Caption := GetLangStr('Unknown'); end; end; function TMainForm.EndTask(TaskName, FormName: String): Boolean; begin Result := False; if IsProcessRun(TaskName, FormName) then begin LogMemo.Lines.Add(Format(GetLangStr('InMemoryFoundProcess'), [TaskName, IntToStr(GetProcessID(TaskName))])); LogMemo.Lines.Add(GetLangStr('SendExitCommand')); OnSendMessageToOneComponent(FormName, '009'); Sleep(1200); LogMemo.Lines.Add(Format(GetLangStr('SearchProcessInMemory'), [TaskName])); if IsProcessRun(TaskName, FormName) then begin LogMemo.Lines.Add(Format(GetLangStr('InMemoryFoundProcess'), [TaskName, IntToStr(GetProcessID(TaskName))])); LogMemo.Lines.Add(Format(GetLangStr('KillProcess'), [TaskName])); if KillTask(TaskName, FormName) = 1 then begin LogMemo.Lines.Add(Format(GetLangStr('KillProcessDone'), [TaskName])); Result := True; end else begin if Global_IMProcessPID <> 0 then begin LogMemo.Lines.Add(Format(GetLangStr('NotKillProcess'), [TaskName])); LogMemo.Lines.Add(Format(GetLangStr('SeDebugPrivilege'), [TaskName])); if ProcessTerminate(Global_IMProcessPID) then begin LogMemo.Lines.Add(Format(GetLangStr('SeDebugPrivilegeDone'), [TaskName])); Result := True; end else begin LogMemo.Lines.Add(Format(GetLangStr('NotKillSeDebugPrivilege'), [TaskName])); Result := False; end; end; end; end else begin LogMemo.Lines.Add(Format(GetLangStr('InMemoryNotFoundProcess'), [TaskName])); Result := True; end; end else begin LogMemo.Lines.Add(Format(GetLangStr('InMemoryNotFoundProcess'), [TaskName])); Result := True; end; end; { ����� ����������� ������ �� ������� �� ������� WM_COPYDATA } procedure TMainForm.OnControlReq(var Msg : TWMCopyData); var ControlStr, EncryptControlStr: String; copyDataType : TCopyDataType; GotChars: Integer; begin copyDataType := TCopyDataType(Msg.CopyDataStruct.dwData); if copyDataType = cdtString then begin GotChars := Msg.CopyDataStruct.cbData div SizeOf(Char); SetLength(EncryptControlStr, GotChars); Move(Msg.CopyDataStruct.lpData^, PChar(EncryptControlStr)^, GotChars * sizeof(Char)); if EnableDebug then WriteInLog(ProfilePath, FormatDateTime('dd.mm.yy hh:mm:ss', Now) + ' - ��������� OnControlReq: �������� ����������� ����������� ���������: ' + EncryptControlStr, 1); ControlStr := DecryptStr(EncryptControlStr); if EnableDebug then WriteInLog(ProfilePath, FormatDateTime('dd.mm.yy hh:mm:ss', Now) + ' - ��������� OnControlReq: ����������� ��������� ������������: ' + ControlStr, 1); //Msg.Result := 2006; if ControlStr = 'Russian' then begin FLanguage := 'Russian'; CoreLanguageChanged; end else if ControlStr = 'English' then begin FLanguage := 'English'; CoreLanguageChanged; end; // 001 - ���������� ��������� �� ����� HistoryToDB.ini if ControlStr = '001' then begin // ������ ��������� LoadINI(ProfilePath, true); end; // 004 - ����� ����-���� if ControlStr = '0040' then // �������� ����� AntiBoss(False); if ControlStr = '0041' then // ������ ����� AntiBoss(True); // 003 - ����� �� ��������� {if (ControlStr = '003') and (ButtonUpdate.Enabled) then Close;} // 009 - ���������� ����� �� ��������� if ControlStr = '009' then begin IMDownloader1.BreakDownload; Close; end; end; end; { ��������� ������ ����-���� } procedure TMainForm.AntiBoss(HideAllForms: Boolean); begin if not Assigned(MainForm) then Exit; if HideAllForms then begin ShowWindow(MainForm.Handle, SW_HIDE); MainForm.Hide; //ShowWindow(AboutForm.Handle, SW_HIDE); //AboutForm.Hide; end else begin // ���� ����� ���� ����� �������, �� ���������� � if Global_MainForm_Showing then begin ShowWindow(MainForm.Handle, SW_SHOW); MainForm.Show; // ���� ����� ��������, �� ������������� � ������ ���� ���� if MainForm.WindowState = wsMinimized then begin MainForm.FormStyle := fsStayOnTop; MainForm.WindowState := wsNormal; MainForm.FormStyle := fsNormal; end; if MainForm.WindowState = wsNormal then begin MainForm.FormStyle := fsStayOnTop; MainForm.FormStyle := fsNormal; end; end; {if Global_AboutForm_Showing then begin ShowWindow(AboutForm.Handle, SW_SHOW); AboutForm.Show; end;} end; end; procedure TMainForm.RunIMClient(IMClientName: String; IMProcessArray: TProcessInfoArray); var i: Integer; begin for i := Low(IMProcessArray) to High(IMProcessArray) do begin if LowerCase(IMClientName) = LowerCase(IMProcessArray[i].ProcessName) then begin if FileExists(IMProcessArray[i].ProcessPath) then begin LogMemo.Lines.Add(Format(GetLangStr('StartProgram'), [IMProcessArray[i].ProcessPath + IMProcessArray[i].ProcessParamCmd])); ShellExecute(0, 'open', PWideChar(IMProcessArray[i].ProcessPath), PWideChar(' '+IMProcessArray[i].ProcessParamCmd), nil, SW_SHOWNORMAL); Sleep(500); if IsProcessRun(IMProcessArray[i].ProcessName) then LogMemo.Lines.Add(Format(GetLangStr('StartProgramDone'), [IMProcessArray[i].ProcessPath])) else LogMemo.Lines.Add(Format(GetLangStr('StartProgramFail'), [IMProcessArray[i].ProcessPath])); end; end; end; end; procedure TMainForm.RunAllIMClients; begin if IMClientType = 'QIP' then RunIMClient('qip.exe', QIPProcessInfo); if (IMClientType = 'Miranda') or (IMClientType = 'MirandaNG') then {$IfDef WIN32} RunIMClient('miranda32.exe', MirandaProcessInfo); {$Else} RunIMClient('miranda64.exe', MirandaProcessInfo); {$EndIf} if IMClientType = 'RnQ' then begin RunIMClient('R&Q.exe', RnQProcessInfo); RunIMClient('rnq.exe', RnQProcessInfo); end; if IMClientType = 'Skype' then begin if SystemLang = 'Russian' then begin if FileExists(PluginPath + 'installupdater-ru.cmd') then ShellExecute(0, 'open', PWideChar(PluginPath + 'installupdater-ru.cmd'), nil, nil, SW_HIDE) else RunIMClient('skype.exe', SkypeProcessInfo); end else begin if FileExists(PluginPath + 'installupdater-en.cmd') then ShellExecute(0, 'open', PWideChar(PluginPath + 'installupdater-en.cmd'), nil, nil, SW_HIDE) else RunIMClient('skype.exe', SkypeProcessInfo); end; end; // ������ Dropbox {if not IsProcessRun('Dropbox.exe') then RunIMClient('Dropbox.exe', DropboxProcessInfo);} end; function CopyProgressFunc(TotalFileSize: Int64; TotalBytesTransferred: Int64; StreamSize: Int64; StreamBytesTransferred: Int64; dwStreamNumber: DWORD; dwCallbackReason: DWORD; hSourceFile: THandle; hDestinationFile: THandle; lpData: Pointer): DWORD; stdcall; begin MainForm.ProgressBarDownloads.Position := 100 * TotalBytesTransferred div TotalFileSize; Application.ProcessMessages; CopyProgressFunc := PROGRESS_CONTINUE; end; end.