My Details plugin

What it does:
- Show your current configuration, per protocol, for avatar, nickname, status and away message
- It shows each protocol at a time, cicling throught then
- Allows to set nickname (per protocol or for all protocols) and away messages (per protocol or for all protocols - need NewAwaySystem, SimpleAway or core module)

Some comments:
1. SimpleAway does not show a dialog to set a message for all protocols. Someones it does not show the dialog (I requested it in the thread
2. For core away system, only some protocols works (probabily the same as SimpleAway). But for the ones that it works, the message in the frame is the old message. I know, it sucks... But if you use ersatz plugin this problem doesn't happen:

To request support to other away system: If someone wants to use another away system, please request in its thread to add support for 2 services:
1. Get current status message for a protocol, given its name
2. Set current status message for a protocol, given its name and the message

To report bugs/make suggestions, go to the forum thread:

- If you want integration with clist, an frame enabled clist, such as clist_modern or clist_nicer+
- Away systens supported: Core, NewAwaySystem or SimpleAway

- Global page
- Add custom presets
- Resize on mouse hover
- clist_modern_layered integration -> try this:
- New drawing code (please, do not request things like order of items or spacing, it is in TODO list, but will take time to be made)
- Options to XStatus setup
- Icons instead of ... on mouse over
- Options to show/hide itens