/* New Away System - plugin for Miranda IM Copyright (c) 2005-2007 Chervov Dmitry Copyright (c) 2004-2005 Iksaif Entertainment Copyright (c) 2002-2003 Goblineye Entertainment This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ #include "stdafx.h" #include "MsgTree.h" #include "Properties.h" #define PARSE_INTERVAL 10000 HANDLE g_hTerminateUpdateMsgsThread = NULL; HANDLE g_hUpdateMsgsThread = NULL; void __cdecl UpdateMsgsThreadProc(void *) { int numAccs; PROTOACCOUNT **accs; Proto_EnumAccounts(&numAccs, &accs); while (WaitForSingleObject(g_hTerminateUpdateMsgsThread, 0) == WAIT_TIMEOUT && !Miranda_Terminated()) { DWORD MinUpdateTimeDifference = (DWORD)g_MoreOptPage.GetDBValueCopy(IDC_MOREOPTDLG_UPDATEMSGSPERIOD) * 1000; // in milliseconds for (int i = 0; i < numAccs; i++) { PROTOACCOUNT *p = accs[i]; if (CallProtoService(p->szModuleName, PS_GETCAPS, PFLAGNUM_1, 0) & PF1_MODEMSGSEND && !IsAnICQProto(p->szModuleName)) { int Status = CallProtoService(p->szModuleName, PS_GETSTATUS, 0, 0); if (Status < ID_STATUS_OFFLINE || Status > ID_STATUS_OUTTOLUNCH) { Status = g_ProtoStates[p->szModuleName].m_status; } if (CallProtoService(p->szModuleName, PS_GETCAPS, PFLAGNUM_3, 0) & Proto_Status2Flag(Status) && g_ProtoStates[p->szModuleName].CurStatusMsg.GetUpdateTimeDifference() >= MinUpdateTimeDifference) { TCString CurMsg(GetDynamicStatMsg(INVALID_CONTACT_ID, p->szModuleName)); if ((TCString)g_ProtoStates[p->szModuleName].CurStatusMsg != (const TCHAR*)CurMsg) { // if the message has changed g_ProtoStates[p->szModuleName].CurStatusMsg = CurMsg; CallAllowedPS_SETAWAYMSG(p->szModuleName, Status, CurMsg); } } } } SleepEx(PARSE_INTERVAL, true); } } static void __stdcall DummyAPCFunc(ULONG_PTR) { return; } void InitUpdateMsgs() { int UpdateMsgs = (int)g_MoreOptPage.GetDBValueCopy(IDC_MOREOPTDLG_UPDATEMSGS); if (g_hUpdateMsgsThread && !UpdateMsgs) { _ASSERT(WaitForSingleObject(g_hUpdateMsgsThread, 0) == WAIT_TIMEOUT); SetEvent(g_hTerminateUpdateMsgsThread); QueueUserAPC(DummyAPCFunc, g_hUpdateMsgsThread, 0); // wake up the thread, as it's most probably in SleepEx() now WaitForSingleObject(g_hUpdateMsgsThread, INFINITE); g_hUpdateMsgsThread = NULL; CloseHandle(g_hTerminateUpdateMsgsThread); } else if (!g_hUpdateMsgsThread && UpdateMsgs) { g_hTerminateUpdateMsgsThread = CreateEvent(NULL, TRUE, FALSE, NULL); g_hUpdateMsgsThread = (HANDLE)mir_forkthread(UpdateMsgsThreadProc, NULL); } } void ChangeProtoMessages(char* szProto, int iMode, const TCString &Msg) { TCString CurMsg(Msg); if (szProto) { if (Msg == NULL) CurMsg = GetDynamicStatMsg(INVALID_CONTACT_ID, szProto); CallAllowedPS_SETAWAYMSG(szProto, iMode, CurMsg); g_ProtoStates[szProto].CurStatusMsg = CurMsg; } else { // change message of all protocols int numAccs; PROTOACCOUNT **accs; Proto_EnumAccounts(&numAccs, &accs); for (int i = 0; i < numAccs; i++) { PROTOACCOUNT *p = accs[i]; if (!db_get_b(NULL, p->szModuleName, "LockMainStatus", 0)) { if (Msg == NULL) CurMsg = GetDynamicStatMsg(INVALID_CONTACT_ID, p->szModuleName); CallAllowedPS_SETAWAYMSG(p->szModuleName, iMode, CurMsg); g_ProtoStates[p->szModuleName].CurStatusMsg = CurMsg; } } } static struct { int Status; char *Setting; } StatusDbSettings[] = { ID_STATUS_OFFLINE, "Off", ID_STATUS_ONLINE, "On", ID_STATUS_AWAY, "Away", ID_STATUS_NA, "Na", ID_STATUS_DND, "Dnd", ID_STATUS_OCCUPIED, "Occupied", ID_STATUS_FREECHAT, "FreeChat", ID_STATUS_INVISIBLE, "Inv", ID_STATUS_ONTHEPHONE, "Otp", ID_STATUS_OUTTOLUNCH, "Otl", ID_STATUS_IDLE, "Idl" }; for (int i = 0; i < _countof(StatusDbSettings); i++) { if (iMode == StatusDbSettings[i].Status) { db_set_ts(NULL, "SRAway", CString(StatusDbSettings[i].Setting) + "Msg", CurMsg); db_set_ts(NULL, "SRAway", CString(StatusDbSettings[i].Setting) + "Default", CurMsg); // TODO: make it more accurate, and change not only here, but when changing status messages through UpdateMsgsTimerFunc too; and when changing messages through AutoAway() ? break; } } // InitUpdateMsgs(); } int GetRecentGroupID(int iMode) { // returns an ID of a group where recent messages are stored, accordingly to current settings and status mode. // -1 if the group is not found // COptPage MoreOptData(g_MoreOptPage); COptPage MsgTreeData(g_MsgTreePage); COptItem_TreeCtrl *TreeCtrl = (COptItem_TreeCtrl*)MsgTreeData.Find(IDV_MSGTREE); TreeCtrl->DBToMem(CString(MOD_NAME)); if (!g_MoreOptPage.GetDBValueCopy(IDC_MOREOPTDLG_PERSTATUSMRM)) return g_Messages_RecentRootID; for (int Order = 0; Order < TreeCtrl->Value.GetSize(); Order++) // find a group named accordingly to the current status if (TreeCtrl->Value[Order].ParentID == g_Messages_RecentRootID && TreeCtrl->Value[Order].Flags & TIF_GROUP && !mir_tstrcmpi(TreeCtrl->Value[Order].Title, iMode ? pcli->pfnGetStatusModeDescription(iMode, 0) : MSGTREE_RECENT_OTHERGROUP)) return TreeCtrl->Value[Order].ID; return -1; } int ICQStatusToGeneralStatus(int bICQStat) { switch (bICQStat) { case MTYPE_AUTOONLINE: return ID_STATUS_ONLINE; case MTYPE_AUTOAWAY: return ID_STATUS_AWAY; case MTYPE_AUTONA: return ID_STATUS_NA; case MTYPE_AUTODND: return ID_STATUS_DND; case MTYPE_AUTOBUSY: return ID_STATUS_OCCUPIED; case MTYPE_AUTOFFC: return ID_STATUS_FREECHAT; default: return 0; } } TCString VariablesEscape(TCString Str) { if (!Str.GetLen()) { return _T(""); } enum eState { ST_TEXT, ST_QUOTE }; eState State = ST_QUOTE; TCString Result(_T("`")); const TCHAR *p = Str; while (*p) { if (*p == '`') { if (State == ST_TEXT) { Result += _T("````"); State = ST_QUOTE; } else { Result += _T("``"); } } else { Result += *p; State = ST_TEXT; } p++; } if (State == ST_QUOTE) { Result.GetBuffer()[Result.GetLen() - 1] = '\0'; Result.ReleaseBuffer(); } else { Result += '`'; } return Result; }