//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // NewStory -- new history viewer for Miranda IM // (c) 2005 Victor Pavlychko (nullbyte@sotline.net.ua) // Visit http://miranda-im.org/ for details on Miranda Instant Messenger //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #include "stdafx.h" MWindowList hNewstoryWindows = 0; int evtEventAdded(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { HWND hwnd = WindowList_Find(hNewstoryWindows, (UINT_PTR)wParam); SendMessage(hwnd, UM_ADDEVENT, wParam, lParam); return 0; } int evtEventDeleted(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { HWND hwnd = WindowList_Find(hNewstoryWindows, (UINT_PTR)wParam); SendMessage(hwnd, UM_REMOVEEVENT, wParam, lParam); return 0; } int evtEventEdited(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { HWND hwnd = WindowList_Find(hNewstoryWindows, (UINT_PTR)wParam); SendMessage(hwnd, UM_EDITEVENT, wParam, lParam); return 0; } void InitHistory() { hNewstoryWindows = WindowList_Create(); HookEvent(ME_DB_EVENT_ADDED, evtEventAdded); HookEvent(ME_DB_EVENT_DELETED, evtEventDeleted); HookEvent(ME_DB_EVENT_EDITED, evtEventEdited); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Main history dialog enum { HIST_SHOW_IN = 0x001, HIST_SHOW_OUT = 0x002, HIST_SHOW_MSGS = 0x004, HIST_SHOW_FILES = 0x008, HIST_SHOW_URLS = 0x010, HIST_SHOW_STATUS = 0x020, HIST_SHOW_OTHER = 0x040, HIST_AUTO_FILTER = 0x080, }; enum { WND_OPT_TIMETREE = 0x01, WND_OPT_SEARCHBAR = 0x02, WND_OPT_FILTERBAR = 0x04 }; enum { WND_SPACING = 4, TBTN_SIZE = 25, TBTN_SPACER = 10 }; enum { TBTN_USERINFO, TBTN_USERMENU, TBTN_MESSAGE, TBTN_TIMEREE, TBTN_SEARCH, TBTN_FILTER, TBTN_DATEPOPUP, TBTN_COPY, TBTN_DELETE, TBTN_EXPORT, TBTN_LOGOPTIONS, TBTN_COUNT }; int tbtnSpacing[TBTN_COUNT] = { 0, 0, TBTN_SPACER, 0, 0, 0, TBTN_SPACER, 0, 0, -1, 0 }; struct InfoBarEvents { HWND hwndIco, hwndIcoIn, hwndIcoOut; HWND hwndTxt, hwndTxtIn, hwndTxtOut; }; void LayoutFilterBar(HDWP hDwp, int x, int y, int w, InfoBarEvents *ib) { hDwp = DeferWindowPos(hDwp, ib->hwndIco, 0, x, y, 16, 16, SWP_NOZORDER); hDwp = DeferWindowPos(hDwp, ib->hwndTxt, 0, x + 16 + WND_SPACING, y, w - 16 - WND_SPACING, 16, SWP_NOZORDER); hDwp = DeferWindowPos(hDwp, ib->hwndIcoIn, 0, x + 16, y + 16 + WND_SPACING, 16, 16, SWP_NOZORDER); hDwp = DeferWindowPos(hDwp, ib->hwndTxtIn, 0, x + 32 + WND_SPACING, y + 16 + WND_SPACING, w - WND_SPACING - 32, 16, SWP_NOZORDER); hDwp = DeferWindowPos(hDwp, ib->hwndIcoOut, 0, x + 16, y + (16 + WND_SPACING) * 2, 16, 16, SWP_NOZORDER); DeferWindowPos(hDwp, ib->hwndTxtOut, 0, x + 32 + WND_SPACING, y + (16 + WND_SPACING) * 2, w - WND_SPACING - 32, 16, SWP_NOZORDER); } const char* pSettings[] = { LPGEN("FirstName"), LPGEN("LastName"), LPGEN("e-mail"), LPGEN("Nick"), LPGEN("Age"), LPGEN("Gender"), LPGEN("City"), LPGEN("State"), LPGEN("Phone"), LPGEN("Homepage"), LPGEN("About") }; class CHistoryDlg : public CDlgBase { HMENU m_hMenu; uint16_t showFlags; bool gonnaRedraw; bool isContactHistory; MCONTACT m_hContact; int lastYear = -1, lastMonth = -1, lastDay = -1; HTREEITEM hLastYear = 0, hLastMonth = 0, hLastDay = 0; bool disableTimeTreeChange = false; // window flags uint32_t m_dwOptions = 0; // toolbar buttons HWND m_hwndBtnToolbar[TBTN_COUNT]; // main controls HWND m_hwndTimeTree; // searchbar HWND m_hwndBtnCloseSearch; // statusbar HWND m_hwndStatus; // filter bar HWND m_hwndChkDateFrom, m_hwndChkDateTo; HWND m_hwndDateFrom, m_hwndDateTo; InfoBarEvents ibMessages, ibFiles, ibUrls, ibTotal; void ShowHideControls() { int cmd = (m_dwOptions & WND_OPT_FILTERBAR) ? SW_SHOW : SW_HIDE; ShowWindow(ibMessages.hwndIco, cmd); ShowWindow(ibMessages.hwndIcoIn, cmd); ShowWindow(ibMessages.hwndIcoOut, cmd); ShowWindow(ibMessages.hwndTxt, cmd); ShowWindow(ibMessages.hwndTxtIn, cmd); ShowWindow(ibMessages.hwndTxtOut, cmd); ShowWindow(ibFiles.hwndIco, cmd); ShowWindow(ibFiles.hwndIcoIn, cmd); ShowWindow(ibFiles.hwndIcoOut, cmd); ShowWindow(ibFiles.hwndTxt, cmd); ShowWindow(ibFiles.hwndTxtIn, cmd); ShowWindow(ibFiles.hwndTxtOut, cmd); ShowWindow(ibUrls.hwndIco, cmd); ShowWindow(ibUrls.hwndIcoIn, cmd); ShowWindow(ibUrls.hwndIcoOut, cmd); ShowWindow(ibUrls.hwndTxt, cmd); ShowWindow(ibUrls.hwndTxtIn, cmd); ShowWindow(ibUrls.hwndTxtOut, cmd); ShowWindow(ibTotal.hwndIco, cmd); ShowWindow(ibTotal.hwndIcoIn, cmd); ShowWindow(ibTotal.hwndIcoOut, cmd); ShowWindow(ibTotal.hwndTxt, cmd); ShowWindow(ibTotal.hwndTxtIn, cmd); ShowWindow(ibTotal.hwndTxtOut, cmd); ShowWindow(m_hwndDateFrom, cmd); ShowWindow(m_hwndDateTo, cmd); ShowWindow(m_hwndChkDateFrom, cmd); ShowWindow(m_hwndChkDateTo, cmd); ShowWindow(GetDlgItem(m_hwnd, IDC_IB_SEPARATOR), cmd); cmd = (m_dwOptions & WND_OPT_SEARCHBAR) ? SW_SHOW : SW_HIDE; ShowWindow(m_hwndBtnCloseSearch, cmd); ShowWindow(btnFindNext.GetHwnd(), cmd); ShowWindow(btnFindPrev.GetHwnd(), cmd); ShowWindow(edtSearchText.GetHwnd(), cmd); if (cmd) SetFocus(edtSearchText.GetHwnd()); cmd = (m_dwOptions & WND_OPT_TIMETREE) ? SW_SHOW : SW_HIDE; ShowWindow(m_timeTree.GetHwnd(), cmd); } void LayoutHistoryWnd() { int i; RECT rc; GetClientRect(m_hwnd, &rc); int x, y; // tmp vars int w = rc.right - rc.left; int h = rc.bottom - rc.top; HDWP hDwp = BeginDeferWindowPos(51); // toolbar int hToolBar = TBTN_SIZE + WND_SPACING; x = WND_SPACING; int btnReverse = -1; for (i = 0; i < TBTN_COUNT; ++i) { hDwp = DeferWindowPos(hDwp, m_hwndBtnToolbar[i], 0, x, WND_SPACING, TBTN_SIZE, TBTN_SIZE, SWP_NOZORDER); x += TBTN_SIZE + tbtnSpacing[i]; if (tbtnSpacing[i] < 0) { btnReverse = i; break; } } x = w - WND_SPACING - TBTN_SIZE; for (i = TBTN_COUNT - 1; i > btnReverse; --i) { hDwp = DeferWindowPos(hDwp, m_hwndBtnToolbar[i], 0, x, WND_SPACING, TBTN_SIZE, TBTN_SIZE, SWP_NOZORDER); x -= TBTN_SIZE + tbtnSpacing[i - 1]; } // infobar // hDwp = DeferWindowPos(hDwp, hwndIcoProtocol, 0, // w-100+WND_SPACING, WND_SPACING, // 16, 16, // SWP_NOZORDER); // hDwp = DeferWindowPos(hDwp, hwndTxtNickname, 0, // w-100+WND_SPACING*2+16, WND_SPACING, // 100, 16, // SWP_NOZORDER); // hDwp = DeferWindowPos(hDwp, hwndTxtUID, 0, // w-100+WND_SPACING*2+16, WND_SPACING*2+16, // 100, 16, // SWP_NOZORDER); // filter bar int hFilterBar = 0; if (m_dwOptions & WND_OPT_FILTERBAR) { hFilterBar = WND_SPACING + (16 + WND_SPACING) * 3; LayoutFilterBar(hDwp, WND_SPACING + (WND_SPACING + 75) * 0, WND_SPACING * 2 + hToolBar, 75, &ibMessages); LayoutFilterBar(hDwp, WND_SPACING + (WND_SPACING + 75) * 1, WND_SPACING * 2 + hToolBar, 75, &ibFiles); LayoutFilterBar(hDwp, WND_SPACING + (WND_SPACING + 75) * 2, WND_SPACING * 2 + hToolBar, 75, &ibUrls); LayoutFilterBar(hDwp, WND_SPACING + (WND_SPACING + 75) * 3, WND_SPACING * 2 + hToolBar, 75, &ibTotal); GetWindowRect(m_hwndChkDateFrom, &rc); x = rc.right - rc.left; GetWindowRect(m_hwndDateFrom, &rc); y = hToolBar + WND_SPACING + (WND_SPACING + (16 + WND_SPACING) * 3 - (rc.bottom - rc.top) * 2 - WND_SPACING) / 2; hDwp = DeferWindowPos(hDwp, m_hwndChkDateFrom, 0, w - x - (rc.right - rc.left) - WND_SPACING * 2, y, x, rc.bottom - rc.top, SWP_NOZORDER); hDwp = DeferWindowPos(hDwp, m_hwndDateFrom, 0, w - (rc.right - rc.left) - WND_SPACING, y, rc.right - rc.left, rc.bottom - rc.top, SWP_NOZORDER); hDwp = DeferWindowPos(hDwp, m_hwndChkDateTo, 0, w - x - (rc.right - rc.left) - WND_SPACING * 2, y + (rc.bottom - rc.top) + WND_SPACING, x, rc.bottom - rc.top, SWP_NOZORDER); hDwp = DeferWindowPos(hDwp, m_hwndDateTo, 0, w - (rc.right - rc.left) - WND_SPACING, y + (rc.bottom - rc.top) + WND_SPACING, rc.right - rc.left, rc.bottom - rc.top, SWP_NOZORDER); hDwp = DeferWindowPos(hDwp, GetDlgItem(m_hwnd, IDC_IB_SEPARATOR), 0, WND_SPACING, hToolBar + WND_SPACING, w - WND_SPACING * 2, 2, SWP_NOZORDER); } // general GetWindowRect(m_hwndStatus, &rc); int hStatus = rc.bottom - rc.top; hDwp = DeferWindowPos(hDwp, m_hwndStatus, 0, 0, h - hStatus, w, hStatus, SWP_NOZORDER); // search bar int hSearch = 0; if (m_dwOptions & WND_OPT_SEARCHBAR) { GetWindowRect(edtSearchText.GetHwnd(), &rc); hSearch = rc.bottom - rc.top; hDwp = DeferWindowPos(hDwp, m_hwndBtnCloseSearch, 0, WND_SPACING, h - hSearch - hStatus - WND_SPACING, TBTN_SIZE, hSearch, SWP_NOZORDER); hDwp = DeferWindowPos(hDwp, edtSearchText.GetHwnd(), 0, TBTN_SIZE + WND_SPACING * 2, h - hSearch - hStatus - WND_SPACING, w - WND_SPACING * 4 - TBTN_SIZE * 3, hSearch, SWP_NOZORDER); hDwp = DeferWindowPos(hDwp, btnFindPrev.GetHwnd(), 0, w - WND_SPACING - TBTN_SIZE * 2, h - hSearch - hStatus - WND_SPACING, TBTN_SIZE, hSearch, SWP_NOZORDER); hDwp = DeferWindowPos(hDwp, btnFindNext.GetHwnd(), 0, w - WND_SPACING - TBTN_SIZE * 1, h - hSearch - hStatus - WND_SPACING, TBTN_SIZE, hSearch, SWP_NOZORDER); hSearch += WND_SPACING; } // time tree bar int hTimeTree = 0; if (m_dwOptions & WND_OPT_TIMETREE) { hTimeTree = 100; // need to calculate correctly hDwp = DeferWindowPos(hDwp, m_timeTree.GetHwnd(), 0, WND_SPACING, WND_SPACING + hToolBar + hFilterBar, hTimeTree, h - WND_SPACING * 2 - hFilterBar - hToolBar - hSearch - hStatus, SWP_NOZORDER); } hDwp = DeferWindowPos(hDwp, m_histControl.GetHwnd(), 0, WND_SPACING + hTimeTree, WND_SPACING + hToolBar + hFilterBar, w - WND_SPACING * 2 - hTimeTree, h - WND_SPACING * 2 - hFilterBar - hToolBar - hSearch - hStatus, SWP_NOZORDER); EndDeferWindowPos(hDwp); } void UpdateTitle() { if (m_hContact != INVALID_CONTACT_ID) SetWindowText(m_hwnd, ptrW(TplFormatString(TPL_TITLE, m_hContact, 0))); else SetWindowText(m_hwnd, TranslateT("History search results")); } void TimeTreeBuild() { if (!(m_dwOptions & WND_OPT_TIMETREE)) return; m_timeTree.DeleteAllItems(); auto *pArray = (HistoryArray *)m_histControl.SendMsg(NSM_GETARRAY, 0, 0); int numItems = pArray->getCount(); int CurYear = 0, CurMonth = 0, CurDay = 0, PrevYear = -1, PrevMonth = -1, PrevDay = -1; HTREEITEM hCurYear = 0, hCurMonth = 0, hCurDay = 0; for (int i = 0; i < numItems; i++) { auto *pItem = pArray->get(i, true); if (pItem->dbe.timestamp == 0) continue; struct tm ts = { 0 }; time_t timestamp = pItem->dbe.timestamp; errno_t err = localtime_s(&ts, ×tamp); /* statically alloced, local time correction */ if (err != 0) return; CurYear = ts.tm_year + 1900; CurMonth = ts.tm_mon + 1; CurDay = ts.tm_mday; wchar_t buf[50]; TVINSERTSTRUCT tvi; tvi.hParent = nullptr; tvi.item.mask = TVIF_TEXT | TVIF_PARAM; if (CurYear != PrevYear) { _itow(CurYear, buf, 10); tvi.item.pszText = buf; tvi.item.lParam = 0; hCurYear = TreeView_InsertItem(m_timeTree.GetHwnd(), &tvi); PrevYear = CurYear; } if (CurMonth != PrevMonth) { tvi.hParent = hCurYear; tvi.item.pszText = TranslateW(months[CurMonth - 1]); tvi.item.lParam = CurMonth; hCurMonth = TreeView_InsertItem(m_timeTree.GetHwnd(), &tvi); PrevMonth = CurMonth; } if (CurDay != PrevDay) { _itow(CurDay, buf, 10); tvi.hParent = hCurMonth; tvi.item.pszText = buf; tvi.item.lParam = 0; hCurDay = TreeView_InsertItem(m_timeTree.GetHwnd(), &tvi); PrevDay = CurDay; } } disableTimeTreeChange = true; HTREEITEM root = m_timeTree.GetRoot(); m_timeTree.SelectItem(root); } CCtrlBase m_histControl; CCtrlEdit edtSearchText; CCtrlMButton btnUserInfo, btnSendMsg, btnUserMenu, btnCopy, btnOptions, btnFilter; CCtrlMButton btnCalendar, btnSearch, btnExport, btnFindNext, btnFindPrev, btnDelete, btnTimeTree; CCtrlTreeView m_timeTree; public: CHistoryDlg(MCONTACT _hContact) : CDlgBase(g_plugin, IDD_HISTORY), m_hContact(_hContact), m_timeTree(this, IDC_TIMETREEVIEW), m_histControl(this, IDC_HISTORYCONTROL), edtSearchText(this, IDC_SEARCHTEXT), btnCopy(this, IDC_COPY, g_plugin.getIcon(ICO_COPY), LPGEN("Copy")), btnExport(this, IDC_EXPORT, g_plugin.getIcon(ICO_EXPORT), LPGEN("Export...")), btnDelete(this, IDC_DELETE, Skin_LoadIcon(SKINICON_OTHER_DELETE), LPGEN("Delete...")), btnFilter(this, IDC_FILTER, g_plugin.getIcon(ICO_FILTER), LPGEN("Filter")), btnSearch(this, IDC_SEARCH, g_plugin.getIcon(ICO_SEARCH), LPGEN("Search...")), btnOptions(this, IDC_LOGOPTIONS, g_plugin.getIcon(ICO_OPTIONS), LPGEN("Options")), btnSendMsg(this, IDC_MESSAGE, g_plugin.getIcon(ICO_SENDMSG), LPGEN("Send message")), btnCalendar(this, IDC_DATEPOPUP, g_plugin.getIcon(ICO_CALENDAR), LPGEN("Jump to date")), btnUserInfo(this, IDC_USERINFO, g_plugin.getIcon(ICO_USERINFO), LPGEN("User info")), btnUserMenu(this, IDC_USERMENU, g_plugin.getIcon(ICO_USERMENU), LPGEN("User menu")), btnFindNext(this, IDC_FINDNEXT, g_plugin.getIcon(ICO_FINDNEXT), LPGEN("Find next")), btnFindPrev(this, IDC_FINDPREV, g_plugin.getIcon(ICO_FINDPREV), LPGEN("Find previous")), btnTimeTree(this, IDC_TIMETREE, g_plugin.getIcon(ICO_TIMETREE), LPGEN("Conversations")) { m_timeTree.OnSelChanged = Callback(this, &CHistoryDlg::onSelChanged_TimeTree); edtSearchText.OnChange = Callback(this, &CHistoryDlg::onChange_SearchText); btnCopy.OnClick = Callback(this, &CHistoryDlg::onClick_Copy); btnExport.OnClick = Callback(this, &CHistoryDlg::onClick_Export); btnDelete.OnClick = Callback(this, &CHistoryDlg::onClick_Delete); btnFilter.OnClick = Callback(this, &CHistoryDlg::onClick_Filter); btnSearch.OnClick = Callback(this, &CHistoryDlg::onClick_Search); btnOptions.OnClick = Callback(this, &CHistoryDlg::onClick_Options); btnSendMsg.OnClick = Callback(this, &CHistoryDlg::onClick_Message); btnCalendar.OnClick = Callback(this, &CHistoryDlg::onClick_Calendar); btnFindNext.OnClick = Callback(this, &CHistoryDlg::onClick_FindNext); btnFindPrev.OnClick = Callback(this, &CHistoryDlg::onClick_FindPrev); btnUserInfo.OnClick = Callback(this, &CHistoryDlg::onClick_UserInfo); btnUserMenu.OnClick = Callback(this, &CHistoryDlg::onClick_UserMenu); btnTimeTree.OnClick = Callback(this, &CHistoryDlg::onClick_TimeTree); showFlags = g_plugin.getWord(m_hContact, "showFlags", 0x7f); m_dwOptions = g_plugin.getDword(0, "dwOptions"); m_autoClose = CLOSE_ON_CANCEL; m_hMenu = LoadMenu(g_plugin.getInst(), MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDR_POPUPS)); TranslateMenu(m_hMenu); HMENU hMenu = GetSubMenu(m_hMenu, 0); CheckMenuItem(hMenu, ID_FILTER_INCOMING, (showFlags & HIST_SHOW_IN) ? MF_CHECKED : MF_UNCHECKED); CheckMenuItem(hMenu, ID_FILTER_OUTGOING, (showFlags & HIST_SHOW_OUT) ? MF_CHECKED : MF_UNCHECKED); CheckMenuItem(hMenu, ID_FILTER_MESSAGES, (showFlags & HIST_SHOW_MSGS) ? MF_CHECKED : MF_UNCHECKED); CheckMenuItem(hMenu, ID_FILTER_FILES, (showFlags & HIST_SHOW_FILES) ? MF_CHECKED : MF_UNCHECKED); CheckMenuItem(hMenu, ID_FILTER_URLS, (showFlags & HIST_SHOW_URLS) ? MF_CHECKED : MF_UNCHECKED); CheckMenuItem(hMenu, ID_FILTER_STATUS, (showFlags & HIST_SHOW_STATUS) ? MF_CHECKED : MF_UNCHECKED); CheckMenuItem(hMenu, ID_FILTER_OTHER, (showFlags & HIST_SHOW_OTHER) ? MF_CHECKED : MF_UNCHECKED); CheckMenuItem(hMenu, ID_FILTER_AUTO, (showFlags & HIST_AUTO_FILTER) ? MF_CHECKED : MF_UNCHECKED); } bool OnInitDialog() override { // get handles m_hwndBtnToolbar[TBTN_USERINFO] = btnUserInfo.GetHwnd(); m_hwndBtnToolbar[TBTN_USERMENU] = btnUserMenu.GetHwnd(); m_hwndBtnToolbar[TBTN_MESSAGE] = btnSendMsg.GetHwnd(); m_hwndBtnToolbar[TBTN_SEARCH] = btnSearch.GetHwnd(); m_hwndBtnToolbar[TBTN_COPY] = btnCopy.GetHwnd(); m_hwndBtnToolbar[TBTN_EXPORT] = btnExport.GetHwnd(); m_hwndBtnToolbar[TBTN_DELETE] = btnDelete.GetHwnd(); m_hwndBtnToolbar[TBTN_LOGOPTIONS] = btnOptions.GetHwnd(); m_hwndBtnToolbar[TBTN_FILTER] = btnFilter.GetHwnd(); m_hwndBtnToolbar[TBTN_DATEPOPUP] = btnCalendar.GetHwnd(); m_hwndBtnToolbar[TBTN_TIMEREE] = btnTimeTree.GetHwnd(); m_hwndBtnCloseSearch = GetDlgItem(m_hwnd, IDC_SEARCHICON); m_hwndStatus = CreateWindowEx(0, STATUSCLASSNAME, NULL, WS_CHILD | WS_VISIBLE | SBARS_SIZEGRIP, 0, 0, 0, 0, m_hwnd, NULL, g_plugin.getInst(), NULL); SendMessage(m_hwndStatus, SB_SETMINHEIGHT, GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYSMICON), 0); // filterbar SendMessage(m_hwndBtnToolbar[TBTN_FILTER], BUTTONSETASPUSHBTN, 0, 0); SendMessage(m_hwndBtnToolbar[TBTN_SEARCH], BUTTONSETASPUSHBTN, 0, 0); m_hwndChkDateFrom = GetDlgItem(m_hwnd, IDC_CHK_DATE_FROM); m_hwndChkDateTo = GetDlgItem(m_hwnd, IDC_CHK_DATE_TO); m_hwndDateFrom = GetDlgItem(m_hwnd, IDC_DATE_FROM); m_hwndDateTo = GetDlgItem(m_hwnd, IDC_DATE_TO); ibMessages.hwndIco = GetDlgItem(m_hwnd, IDC_ICO_MESSAGES); ibMessages.hwndTxt = GetDlgItem(m_hwnd, IDC_TXT_MESSAGES); ibMessages.hwndIcoIn = GetDlgItem(m_hwnd, IDC_ICO_MESSAGES_IN); SendMessage(ibMessages.hwndIcoIn, BUTTONSETASFLATBTN, 0, 0); SendMessage(ibMessages.hwndIcoIn, BUTTONSETASPUSHBTN, 0, 0); SendMessage(ibMessages.hwndIcoIn, BM_SETCHECK, BST_CHECKED, 0); ibMessages.hwndTxtIn = GetDlgItem(m_hwnd, IDC_TXT_MESSAGES_IN); ibMessages.hwndIcoOut = GetDlgItem(m_hwnd, IDC_ICO_MESSAGES_OUT); SendMessage(ibMessages.hwndIcoOut, BUTTONSETASFLATBTN, 0, 0); SendMessage(ibMessages.hwndIcoOut, BUTTONSETASPUSHBTN, 0, 0); SendMessage(ibMessages.hwndIcoOut, BM_SETCHECK, BST_CHECKED, 0); ibMessages.hwndTxtOut = GetDlgItem(m_hwnd, IDC_TXT_MESSAGES_OUT); ibFiles.hwndIco = GetDlgItem(m_hwnd, IDC_ICO_FILES); ibFiles.hwndTxt = GetDlgItem(m_hwnd, IDC_TXT_FILES); ibFiles.hwndIcoIn = GetDlgItem(m_hwnd, IDC_ICO_FILES_IN); SendMessage(ibFiles.hwndIcoIn, BUTTONSETASFLATBTN, 0, 0); SendMessage(ibFiles.hwndIcoIn, BUTTONSETASPUSHBTN, 0, 0); SendMessage(ibFiles.hwndIcoIn, BM_SETCHECK, BST_CHECKED, 0); ibFiles.hwndTxtIn = GetDlgItem(m_hwnd, IDC_TXT_FILES_IN); ibFiles.hwndIcoOut = GetDlgItem(m_hwnd, IDC_ICO_FILES_OUT); SendMessage(ibFiles.hwndIcoOut, BUTTONSETASFLATBTN, 0, 0); SendMessage(ibFiles.hwndIcoOut, BUTTONSETASPUSHBTN, 0, 0); SendMessage(ibFiles.hwndIcoOut, BM_SETCHECK, BST_CHECKED, 0); ibFiles.hwndTxtOut = GetDlgItem(m_hwnd, IDC_TXT_FILES_OUT); ibUrls.hwndIco = GetDlgItem(m_hwnd, IDC_ICO_URLS); ibUrls.hwndTxt = GetDlgItem(m_hwnd, IDC_TXT_URLS); ibUrls.hwndIcoIn = GetDlgItem(m_hwnd, IDC_ICO_URLS_IN); SendMessage(ibUrls.hwndIcoIn, BUTTONSETASFLATBTN, 0, 0); SendMessage(ibUrls.hwndIcoIn, BUTTONSETASPUSHBTN, 0, 0); SendMessage(ibUrls.hwndIcoIn, BM_SETCHECK, BST_CHECKED, 0); ibUrls.hwndTxtIn = GetDlgItem(m_hwnd, IDC_TXT_URLS_IN); ibUrls.hwndIcoOut = GetDlgItem(m_hwnd, IDC_ICO_URLS_OUT); SendMessage(ibUrls.hwndIcoOut, BUTTONSETASFLATBTN, 0, 0); SendMessage(ibUrls.hwndIcoOut, BUTTONSETASPUSHBTN, 0, 0); SendMessage(ibUrls.hwndIcoOut, BM_SETCHECK, BST_CHECKED, 0); ibUrls.hwndTxtOut = GetDlgItem(m_hwnd, IDC_TXT_URLS_OUT); ibTotal.hwndIco = GetDlgItem(m_hwnd, IDC_ICO_TOTAL); ibTotal.hwndTxt = GetDlgItem(m_hwnd, IDC_TXT_TOTAL); ibTotal.hwndIcoIn = GetDlgItem(m_hwnd, IDC_ICO_TOTAL_IN); SendMessage(ibTotal.hwndIcoIn, BUTTONSETASFLATBTN, 0, 0); SendMessage(ibTotal.hwndIcoIn, BUTTONSETASPUSHBTN, 0, 0); SendMessage(ibTotal.hwndIcoIn, BM_SETCHECK, BST_CHECKED, 0); ibTotal.hwndTxtIn = GetDlgItem(m_hwnd, IDC_TXT_TOTAL_IN); ibTotal.hwndIcoOut = GetDlgItem(m_hwnd, IDC_ICO_TOTAL_OUT); SendMessage(ibTotal.hwndIcoOut, BUTTONSETASFLATBTN, 0, 0); SendMessage(ibTotal.hwndIcoOut, BUTTONSETASPUSHBTN, 0, 0); SendMessage(ibTotal.hwndIcoOut, BM_SETCHECK, BST_CHECKED, 0); ibTotal.hwndTxtOut = GetDlgItem(m_hwnd, IDC_TXT_TOTAL_OUT); // Ask for layout Utils_RestoreWindowPosition(m_hwnd, m_hContact, MODULENAME, "wnd_"); PostMessage(m_hwnd, WM_SIZE, 0, 0); WindowList_Add(hNewstoryWindows, m_hwnd, m_hContact); UpdateTitle(); ADDEVENTS tmp = { m_hContact, 0, -1 }; m_histControl.SendMsg(NSM_ADDEVENTS, WPARAM(&tmp), 0); m_histControl.SendMsg(WM_KEYDOWN, VK_END, 0); Window_SetIcon_IcoLib(m_hwnd, g_plugin.getIconHandle(ICO_NEWSTORY)); SendMessage(GetDlgItem(m_hwnd, IDC_SEARCHICON), STM_SETICON, (WPARAM)g_plugin.getIcon(ICO_SEARCH), 0); SendMessage(ibMessages.hwndIco, STM_SETICON, (LPARAM)g_plugin.getIcon(ICO_SENDMSG), 0); SendMessage(ibMessages.hwndIcoIn, BM_SETIMAGE, IMAGE_ICON, (LPARAM)g_plugin.getIcon(ICO_MSGIN)); SendMessage(ibMessages.hwndIcoOut, BM_SETIMAGE, IMAGE_ICON, (LPARAM)g_plugin.getIcon(ICO_MSGOUT)); SendMessage(ibFiles.hwndIco, STM_SETICON, (LPARAM)Skin_LoadIcon(SKINICON_EVENT_FILE), 0); SendMessage(ibFiles.hwndIcoIn, BM_SETIMAGE, IMAGE_ICON, (LPARAM)g_plugin.getIcon(ICO_MSGIN)); SendMessage(ibFiles.hwndIcoOut, BM_SETIMAGE, IMAGE_ICON, (LPARAM)g_plugin.getIcon(ICO_MSGOUT)); SendMessage(ibUrls.hwndIco, STM_SETICON, (LPARAM)Skin_LoadIcon(SKINICON_EVENT_URL), 0); SendMessage(ibUrls.hwndIcoIn, BM_SETIMAGE, IMAGE_ICON, (LPARAM)g_plugin.getIcon(ICO_MSGIN)); SendMessage(ibUrls.hwndIcoOut, BM_SETIMAGE, IMAGE_ICON, (LPARAM)g_plugin.getIcon(ICO_MSGOUT)); SendMessage(ibTotal.hwndIco, STM_SETICON, (LPARAM)g_plugin.getIcon(ICO_UNKNOWN), 0); SendMessage(ibTotal.hwndIcoIn, BM_SETIMAGE, IMAGE_ICON, (LPARAM)g_plugin.getIcon(ICO_MSGIN)); SendMessage(ibTotal.hwndIcoOut, BM_SETIMAGE, IMAGE_ICON, (LPARAM)g_plugin.getIcon(ICO_MSGOUT)); SetFocus(m_histControl.GetHwnd()); ShowHideControls(); TimeTreeBuild(); return true; } void OnDestroy() override { g_plugin.setWord(m_hContact, "showFlags", showFlags); g_plugin.setDword(0, "dwOptions", m_dwOptions); Utils_SaveWindowPosition(m_hwnd, m_hContact, MODULENAME, "wnd_"); Window_FreeIcon_IcoLib(m_hwnd); WindowList_Remove(hNewstoryWindows, m_hwnd); if (m_hwndStatus != nullptr) { DestroyWindow(m_hwndStatus); m_hwndStatus = nullptr; } } void onClick_Calendar(CCtrlButton *pButton) { RECT rc; GetWindowRect(pButton->GetHwnd(), &rc); CalendarTool_Show(m_hwnd, rc.left, rc.bottom); } void onClick_Copy(CCtrlButton *) { m_histControl.SendMsg(NSM_COPY, 0, 0); } void onClick_Delete(CCtrlButton *) { CallService(MS_HISTORY_EMPTY, m_hContact, 0); m_histControl.SendMsg(NSM_CLEAR, 0, 0); UpdateTitle(); TimeTreeBuild(); } void onClick_TimeTree(CCtrlButton*) { if (m_dwOptions & WND_OPT_TIMETREE) m_dwOptions &= ~WND_OPT_TIMETREE; else m_dwOptions |= WND_OPT_TIMETREE; LayoutHistoryWnd(); ShowHideControls(); TimeTreeBuild(); } void onClick_Export(CCtrlButton *) { wchar_t FileName[MAX_PATH]; VARSW tszMirDir(L"%miranda_userdata%\\NewStoryExport"); if (db_mc_isMeta(m_hContact)) { CMStringW SubContactsList, MessageText; bool FirstTime = true; int subcount = db_mc_getSubCount(m_hContact); for (int i = 0; i < subcount; i++) { MCONTACT hSubContact = db_mc_getSub(m_hContact, i); char *subproto = Proto_GetBaseAccountName(hSubContact); ptrW subid(Contact::GetInfo(CNF_UNIQUEID, hSubContact, subproto)); if (FirstTime) SubContactsList.Append(subid); else SubContactsList.AppendFormat(L"\r\n%s", subid); FirstTime = false; } MessageText.AppendFormat(TranslateT("It is metacontact. For export use one of this subcontacts:\r\n%s"), SubContactsList.c_str()); MessageBox(m_hwnd, MessageText, TranslateT("Export warning"), MB_OK | MB_ICONWARNING); return; } char* proto = Proto_GetBaseAccountName(m_hContact); ptrW id(Contact::GetInfo(CNF_UNIQUEID, m_hContact, proto)); ptrW nick(Contact::GetInfo(CNF_DISPLAY, m_hContact, proto)); const char* uid = Proto_GetUniqueId(proto); OPENFILENAME ofn = { 0 }; ofn.lStructSize = sizeof(ofn); CMStringW tszFilter, tszTitle, tszFileName; tszFilter.AppendFormat(L"%s (*.json)%c*.json%c%c", TranslateT("JSON files"), 0, 0, 0); tszTitle.AppendFormat(TranslateT("Export %s history"), nick); ofn.lpstrFilter = tszFilter; ofn.hwndOwner = nullptr; ofn.lpstrTitle = tszTitle; ofn.lpstrFile = FileName; ofn.nMaxFile = MAX_PATH; ofn.nMaxFileTitle = MAX_PATH; ofn.Flags = OFN_HIDEREADONLY | OFN_SHAREAWARE | OFN_PATHMUSTEXIST | OFN_OVERWRITEPROMPT; ofn.lpstrInitialDir = tszMirDir; *FileName = '\0'; ofn.lpstrDefExt = L""; if (!GetSaveFileName(&ofn)) return; //create file if (PathFileExistsW(FileName)) DeleteFile(FileName); HANDLE hFile = CreateFile(FileName, GENERIC_WRITE | GENERIC_READ, FILE_SHARE_READ, nullptr, OPEN_ALWAYS, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, nullptr); if (hFile == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { // this might be because the path isent created // so we will try to create it if (!CreatePathToFileW(FileName)) hFile = CreateFile(FileName, GENERIC_WRITE | GENERIC_READ, FILE_SHARE_READ, nullptr, OPEN_ALWAYS, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, nullptr); } //export contact info JSONNode pRoot, pInfo, pHist(JSON_ARRAY); pInfo.set_name("info"); if (proto) pInfo.push_back(JSONNode("proto", proto)); if (id != NULL) pInfo.push_back(JSONNode(uid, T2Utf(id).get())); for (auto& it : pSettings) { wchar_t *szValue = db_get_wsa(m_hContact, proto, it); if (szValue) pInfo.push_back(JSONNode(it, T2Utf(szValue).get())); mir_free(szValue); } pRoot.push_back(pInfo); pHist.set_name("history"); pRoot.push_back(pHist); std::string output = pRoot.write_formatted(); DWORD dwBytesWritten; WriteFile(hFile, output.c_str(), (int)output.size(), &dwBytesWritten, nullptr); SetFilePointer(hFile, -3, nullptr, FILE_CURRENT); // export events bool bAppendOnly = false; DB::ECPTR pCursor(DB::Events(m_hContact)); while (MEVENT hDbEvent = pCursor.FetchNext()) { DB::EventInfo dbei; dbei.cbBlob = -1; if (!db_event_get(hDbEvent, &dbei)) { if (bAppendOnly) { SetFilePointer(hFile, -3, nullptr, FILE_END); WriteFile(hFile, ",", 1, &dwBytesWritten, nullptr); } JSONNode pRoot2; pRoot2.push_back(JSONNode("type", dbei.eventType)); if (mir_strcmp(dbei.szModule, proto)) pRoot2.push_back(JSONNode("module", dbei.szModule)); pRoot2.push_back(JSONNode("timestamp", dbei.timestamp)); wchar_t szTemp[500]; TimeZone_PrintTimeStamp(UTC_TIME_HANDLE, dbei.timestamp, L"I", szTemp, _countof(szTemp), 0); pRoot2.push_back(JSONNode("isotime", T2Utf(szTemp).get())); std::string flags; if (dbei.flags & DBEF_SENT) flags += "m"; if (dbei.flags & DBEF_READ) flags += "r"; pRoot2.push_back(JSONNode("flags", flags)); ptrW msg(DbEvent_GetTextW(&dbei, CP_ACP)); if (msg) pRoot2.push_back(JSONNode("body", T2Utf(msg).get())); output = pRoot2.write_formatted(); output += "\n]}"; WriteFile(hFile, output.c_str(), (int)output.size(), &dwBytesWritten, nullptr); } bAppendOnly = true; } // Close the file CloseHandle(hFile); MessageBox(m_hwnd, TranslateT("Complete"), TranslateT("History export"), MB_OK | MB_ICONINFORMATION); } void onClick_Filter(CCtrlButton *) { if (m_dwOptions & WND_OPT_FILTERBAR) m_dwOptions &= ~WND_OPT_FILTERBAR; else m_dwOptions |= WND_OPT_FILTERBAR; ShowHideControls(); LayoutHistoryWnd(); } void onClick_FindNext(CCtrlButton *) { m_histControl.SendMsg(NSM_FINDNEXT, ptrW(edtSearchText.GetText()), 0); } void onClick_FindPrev(CCtrlButton *) { m_histControl.SendMsg(NSM_FINDPREV, ptrW(edtSearchText.GetText()), 0); } void onClick_Message(CCtrlButton *) { CallService(MS_MSG_SENDMESSAGE, m_hContact, 0); } void onClick_Options(CCtrlButton *pButton) { RECT rc; GetWindowRect(pButton->GetHwnd(), &rc); switch (TrackPopupMenu(GetSubMenu(m_hMenu, 1), TPM_RETURNCMD, rc.left, rc.bottom, 0, m_hwnd, NULL)) { case ID_LOGOPTIONS_OPTIONS: g_plugin.openOptions(L"History", L"NewStory", L"Advanced"); break; case ID_LOGOPTIONS_TEMPLATES: g_plugin.openOptions(L"History", L"NewStory", L"Templates"); break; } PostMessage(m_hwnd, WM_SIZE, 0, 0); } void onClick_Search(CCtrlButton *) { if (m_dwOptions & WND_OPT_SEARCHBAR) m_dwOptions &= ~WND_OPT_SEARCHBAR; else m_dwOptions |= WND_OPT_SEARCHBAR; ShowHideControls(); LayoutHistoryWnd(); } void onClick_UserInfo(CCtrlButton *) { CallService(MS_USERINFO_SHOWDIALOG, m_hContact, 0); } void onClick_UserMenu(CCtrlButton *pButton) { RECT rc; GetWindowRect(pButton->GetHwnd(), &rc); HMENU hMenu = Menu_BuildContactMenu(m_hContact); TrackPopupMenu(hMenu, 0, rc.left, rc.bottom, 0, m_hwnd, NULL); DestroyMenu(hMenu); } void onChange_SearchText(CCtrlEdit*) { if (m_bInitialized) if (showFlags & HIST_AUTO_FILTER) PostMessage(m_hwnd, UM_REBUILDLIST, 0, 0); } INT_PTR DlgProc(UINT msg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) override { if ((msg >= NSM_FIRST) && (msg < NSM_LAST)) { LPARAM result = m_histControl.SendMsg(msg, wParam, lParam); SetWindowLongPtr(m_hwnd, DWLP_MSGRESULT, result); return result; } switch (msg) { case WM_MEASUREITEM: LPMEASUREITEMSTRUCT lpmis; lpmis = (LPMEASUREITEMSTRUCT)lParam; if (lpmis->CtlType == ODT_MENU) return Menu_MeasureItem(lParam); lpmis->itemHeight = 25; return TRUE; case WM_SIZE: LayoutHistoryWnd(); return TRUE; case WM_CHARTOITEM: if (!((GetKeyState(VK_CONTROL) & 0x80) || (GetKeyState(VK_MENU) & 0x80))) { wchar_t s[] = { LOWORD(wParam), 0 }; SetWindowText(GetDlgItem(m_hwnd, IDC_SEARCHTEXT), s); SendMessage(GetDlgItem(m_hwnd, IDC_SEARCHTEXT), EM_SETSEL, 1, 1); SetFocus(GetDlgItem(m_hwnd, IDC_SEARCHTEXT)); } return -1; case WM_DRAWITEM: LPDRAWITEMSTRUCT lpdis; lpdis = (LPDRAWITEMSTRUCT)lParam; if (lpdis->CtlType == ODT_MENU) return Menu_DrawItem(lParam); return (lpdis->itemID != -1); case WM_COMMAND: if (Clist_MenuProcessCommand(LOWORD(wParam), MPCF_CONTACTMENU, m_hContact)) return TRUE; break; /* GetWindowRect(GetDlgItem(m_hwnd, LOWORD(wParam)), &rc); // uint32_t itemID = 0; bool doFilter = true; switch (TrackPopupMenu(GetSubMenu(hMenu, 1), TPM_RETURNCMD, rc.left, rc.bottom, 0, m_hwnd, NULL)) { case ID_FILTER_INCOMING: { showFlags = toggleBit(showFlags, HIST_SHOW_IN); CheckMenuItem(GetSubMenu(hMenu, 1), ID_FILTER_INCOMING, showFlags&HIST_SHOW_IN ? MF_CHECKED : MF_UNCHECKED); break; } case ID_FILTER_OUTGOING: { showFlags = toggleBit(showFlags, HIST_SHOW_OUT); CheckMenuItem(GetSubMenu(hMenu, 1), ID_FILTER_OUTGOING, showFlags&HIST_SHOW_OUT ? MF_CHECKED : MF_UNCHECKED); break; } case ID_FILTER_MESSAGES: { showFlags = toggleBit(showFlags, HIST_SHOW_MSGS); CheckMenuItem(GetSubMenu(hMenu, 1), ID_FILTER_MESSAGES, showFlags&HIST_SHOW_MSGS ? MF_CHECKED : MF_UNCHECKED); break; } case ID_FILTER_FILES: { showFlags = toggleBit(showFlags, HIST_SHOW_FILES); CheckMenuItem(GetSubMenu(hMenu, 1), ID_FILTER_FILES, showFlags&HIST_SHOW_FILES ? MF_CHECKED : MF_UNCHECKED); break; } case ID_FILTER_URLS: { showFlags = toggleBit(showFlags, HIST_SHOW_URLS); CheckMenuItem(GetSubMenu(hMenu, 1), ID_FILTER_URLS, showFlags&HIST_SHOW_URLS ? MF_CHECKED : MF_UNCHECKED); break; } case ID_FILTER_STATUS: { showFlags = toggleBit(showFlags, HIST_SHOW_STATUS); CheckMenuItem(GetSubMenu(hMenu, 1), ID_FILTER_STATUS, showFlags&HIST_SHOW_STATUS ? MF_CHECKED : MF_UNCHECKED); break; } case ID_FILTER_OTHER: { showFlags = toggleBit(showFlags, HIST_SHOW_OTHER); CheckMenuItem(GetSubMenu(hMenu, 1), ID_FILTER_OTHER, showFlags&HIST_SHOW_OTHER ? MF_CHECKED : MF_UNCHECKED); break; } case ID_FILTER_AUTO: { showFlags = toggleBit(showFlags, HIST_AUTO_FILTER); CheckMenuItem(GetSubMenu(hMenu, 1), ID_FILTER_AUTO, showFlags&HIST_AUTO_FILTER ? MF_CHECKED : MF_UNCHECKED); break; } default: { doFilter = false; break; } } if (doFilter) PostMessage(m_hwnd, UM_REBUILDLIST, 0, 0); break;*/ case WM_USER + 0x600: if (wParam) m_histControl.SendMsg(NSM_SEEKTIME, wParam, 0); } return CDlgBase::DlgProc(msg, wParam, lParam); } void onSelChanged_TimeTree(CCtrlTreeView::TEventInfo *) { wchar_t* val1, *val2, *val3; int yearsel = 0, monthsel = 0, daysel = 1; bool monthfound = false; if (disableTimeTreeChange) disableTimeTreeChange = false; else { HTREEITEM hti1 = m_timeTree.GetSelection(); TVITEMEX tvi = { 0 }; tvi.hItem = hti1; tvi.mask = TVIF_HANDLE | TVIF_TEXT | TVIF_PARAM; tvi.cchTextMax = MAX_PATH; tvi.lParam = 0; tvi.pszText = (wchar_t*)_alloca(MAX_PATH * sizeof(wchar_t)); m_timeTree.GetItem(&tvi); val1 = tvi.pszText; if (tvi.lParam) { monthsel = tvi.lParam; monthfound = true; } HTREEITEM hti2 = m_timeTree.GetParent(hti1); if ((!monthfound) && (!hti2)) yearsel = _wtoi(val1); if ((!monthfound) && (hti2)) daysel = _wtoi(val1); if (hti2) { tvi.hItem = hti2; tvi.lParam = 0; m_timeTree.GetItem(&tvi); val2 = tvi.pszText; if (tvi.lParam) { monthsel = tvi.lParam; monthfound = true; } else yearsel = _wtoi(val2); HTREEITEM hti3 = m_timeTree.GetParent(hti2); if (hti3) { tvi.hItem = hti3; tvi.lParam = 0; m_timeTree.GetItem(&tvi); val3 = tvi.pszText; yearsel = _wtoi(val3); } } struct tm tm_sel; tm_sel.tm_hour = tm_sel.tm_min = tm_sel.tm_sec = 0; tm_sel.tm_isdst = 1; tm_sel.tm_mday = daysel; if (monthsel) tm_sel.tm_mon = monthsel - 1; else tm_sel.tm_mon = 0; tm_sel.tm_year = yearsel - 1900; PostMessage(m_hwnd, WM_USER + 0x600, mktime(&tm_sel), 0); } } // case UM_REBUILDLIST: // if (showFlags & HIST_TIMETREE) // ShowWindow(GetDlgItem(m_hwnd, IDC_TIMETREE), SW_SHOW); // ShowWindow(GetDlgItem(m_hwnd, IDC_HISTORYCONTROL), SW_SHOW); // ShowWindow(GetDlgItem(m_hwnd, IDC_SEARCHICON), SW_SHOW); }; INT_PTR svcShowNewstory(WPARAM hContact, LPARAM) { HWND hwnd = (HWND)WindowList_Find(hNewstoryWindows, hContact); if (hwnd && IsWindow(hwnd)) { SetWindowPos(hwnd, HWND_TOP, 0, 0, 0, 0, SWP_NOMOVE | SWP_NOSIZE); SetFocus(hwnd); } else (new CHistoryDlg(hContact))->Show(); return 0; }