/* Copyright (c) 2005 Victor Pavlychko (nullbyte@sotline.net.ua) Copyright (C) 2012-24 Miranda NG team (https://miranda-ng.org) This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation version 2 of the License. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see . */ #include "stdafx.h" extern HANDLE htuLog; ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Filters bool Filter::check(ItemData *item) const { if (!item) return false; if (!(flags & EVENTONLY)) { if (item->dbe.flags & DBEF_SENT) { if (!(flags & OUTGOING)) return false; } else { if (!(flags & INCOMING)) return false; } switch (item->dbe.eventType) { case EVENTTYPE_MESSAGE: if (!(flags & MESSAGES)) return false; break; case EVENTTYPE_FILE: if (!(flags & FILES)) return false; break; case EVENTTYPE_STATUSCHANGE: if (!(flags & STATUS)) return false; break; default: if (!(flags & OTHER)) return false; } } if (flags & (EVENTTEXT | EVENTONLY)) { if (item->m_bLoaded) return CheckFilter(item->wtext, text); if (!item->fetch()) return false; return CheckFilter(ptrW(DbEvent_GetTextW(&item->dbe)), text); } return true; }; ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Event ItemData::ItemData() { memset(this, 0, sizeof(*this)); m_grouping = g_plugin.bMsgGrouping ? -1 : GROUPING_NONE; savedHeight = -1; } ItemData::~ItemData() { mir_free(wtext); if (dbe.szReplyId) mir_free((char*)dbe.szReplyId); if (data) MTextDestroy(data); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// static bool isEqual(const ItemData *p1, const ItemData *p2) { if (p1->hContact != p2->hContact) return false; if (p1->dbe.eventType != p2->dbe.eventType) return false; if ((p1->dbe.flags & DBEF_SENT) != (p2->dbe.flags & DBEF_SENT)) return false; if (p1->dbe.timestamp / 86400 != p2->dbe.timestamp / 86400) return false; return true; } ItemData* ItemData::checkPrev(ItemData *pPrev, HWND hwnd) { m_grouping = GROUPING_NONE; if (!pPrev || !g_plugin.bMsgGrouping) return this; // we don't group anything but messages if (!fetch()) return this; if (dbe.eventType != EVENTTYPE_MESSAGE) return this; if (isEqual(this, pPrev)) { if (pPrev->m_grouping == GROUPING_NONE) { pPrev->m_grouping = GROUPING_HEAD; if (pPrev->m_bLoaded) pPrev->setText(hwnd); } m_grouping = GROUPING_ITEM; } return this; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ItemData* ItemData::checkNext(ItemData *pPrev, HWND hwnd) { m_grouping = GROUPING_NONE; if (!pPrev || !g_plugin.bMsgGrouping) return this; // we don't group anything but messages if (!fetch()) return this; if (dbe.eventType != EVENTTYPE_MESSAGE) return this; pPrev->fetch(); if (isEqual(this, pPrev)) { if (pPrev->m_grouping == GROUPING_NONE) { pPrev->m_grouping = GROUPING_HEAD; if (pPrev->m_bLoaded) pPrev->setText(hwnd); } m_grouping = GROUPING_ITEM; if (m_bLoaded) setText(hwnd); } return this; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// static bool isEqualGC(const ItemData *p1, const ItemData *p2) { if (p1->dbe.eventType != p2->dbe.eventType) return false; if (!p1->wszNick || !p2->wszNick) return false; if (wcscmp(p1->wszNick, p2->wszNick)) return false; if (p1->dbe.timestamp / 86400 != p2->dbe.timestamp / 86400) return false; return true; } ItemData* ItemData::checkPrevGC(ItemData *pPrev, HWND hwnd) { m_grouping = GROUPING_NONE; if (!pPrev || !g_plugin.bMsgGrouping) return this; if (dbe.eventType != EVENTTYPE_MESSAGE) return this; if (isEqualGC(this, pPrev)) { if (pPrev->m_grouping == GROUPING_NONE) { pPrev->m_grouping = GROUPING_HEAD; if (pPrev->m_bLoaded) pPrev->setText(hwnd); } m_grouping = GROUPING_ITEM; } return this; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void ItemData::checkCreate(HWND hwnd) { if (data == nullptr) { setText(hwnd); MTextSetParent(data, hwnd); MTextActivate(data, true); } } bool ItemData::isLink(HWND hwnd, POINT pt, CMStringW *pwszUrl) const { int cp = MTextSendMessage(0, data, EM_CHARFROMPOS, 0, LPARAM(&pt)); if (cp == -1) return false; if (!isLinkChar(hwnd, cp)) return false; if (pwszUrl) { CHARRANGE sel = { cp, cp }; while (isLinkChar(hwnd, sel.cpMin-1)) sel.cpMin--; while (isLinkChar(hwnd, sel.cpMax)) sel.cpMax++; if (sel.cpMax > sel.cpMin) { pwszUrl->Truncate(sel.cpMax - sel.cpMin + 1); TEXTRANGE tr = { 0 }; tr.chrg = sel; tr.lpstrText = pwszUrl->GetBuffer(); int iRes = MTextSendMessage(0, data, EM_GETTEXTRANGE, 0, (LPARAM)&tr); if (iRes > 0) pwszUrl->Trim(); else pwszUrl->Empty(); } } return true; } bool ItemData::isLinkChar(HWND hwnd, int idx) const { if (idx < 0) return false; CHARRANGE sel = { idx, idx + 1 }; MTextSendMessage(hwnd, data, EM_EXSETSEL, 0, LPARAM(&sel)); CHARFORMAT2 cf = {}; cf.cbSize = sizeof(cf); cf.dwMask = CFM_LINK; uint32_t res = MTextSendMessage(hwnd, data, EM_GETCHARFORMAT, SCF_SELECTION, LPARAM(&cf)); return ((res & CFM_LINK) && (cf.dwEffects & CFE_LINK)) || ((res & CFM_REVISED) && (cf.dwEffects & CFE_REVISED)); } bool ItemData::fetch(void) { // if this event is virtual (for example, in group chats), don't try to laod it if (!hEvent) return false; if (!dbe) { if (!dbe.fetch(hEvent)) return false; if (dbe.szReplyId) dbe.szReplyId = mir_strdup(dbe.szReplyId); } return true; } void ItemData::fill(int tmpl) { switch (tmpl) { case TPL_MESSAGE: dbe.eventType = EVENTTYPE_MESSAGE; break; case TPL_MSG_HEAD: m_grouping = GROUPING_HEAD; dbe.eventType = EVENTTYPE_MESSAGE; break; case TPL_MSG_GRP: m_grouping = GROUPING_ITEM; dbe.eventType = EVENTTYPE_MESSAGE; break; case TPL_FILE: dbe.eventType = EVENTTYPE_FILE; break; case TPL_SIGN: dbe.eventType = EVENTTYPE_STATUSCHANGE; break; case TPL_AUTH: dbe.eventType = EVENTTYPE_AUTHREQUEST; break; case TPL_ADDED: dbe.eventType = EVENTTYPE_ADDED; break; case TPL_PRESENCE: dbe.eventType = EVENTTYPE_JABBER_PRESENCE; break; default: dbe.eventType = 9247; break; } } int ItemData::getTemplate() const { switch (dbe.eventType) { case EVENTTYPE_MESSAGE: switch (m_grouping) { case GROUPING_HEAD: return TPL_MSG_HEAD; case GROUPING_ITEM: return TPL_MSG_GRP; } return TPL_MESSAGE; case EVENTTYPE_FILE: return TPL_FILE; case EVENTTYPE_STATUSCHANGE: return TPL_SIGN; case EVENTTYPE_AUTHREQUEST: return TPL_AUTH; case EVENTTYPE_ADDED: return TPL_ADDED; case EVENTTYPE_JABBER_PRESENCE: return TPL_PRESENCE; default: return TPL_OTHER; } } int ItemData::getCopyTemplate() const { switch (dbe.eventType) { case EVENTTYPE_MESSAGE: return TPL_COPY_MESSAGE; case EVENTTYPE_FILE: return TPL_COPY_FILE; case EVENTTYPE_STATUSCHANGE: return TPL_COPY_SIGN; case EVENTTYPE_AUTHREQUEST: return TPL_COPY_AUTH; case EVENTTYPE_ADDED: return TPL_COPY_ADDED; case EVENTTYPE_JABBER_PRESENCE: return TPL_COPY_PRESENCE; default: return TPL_COPY_OTHER; } } void ItemData::getFontColor(int &fontId, int &colorId) const { switch (dbe.eventType) { case EVENTTYPE_MESSAGE: fontId = !(dbe.flags & DBEF_SENT) ? FONT_INMSG : FONT_OUTMSG; colorId = !(dbe.flags & DBEF_SENT) ? COLOR_INMSG : COLOR_OUTMSG; break; case EVENTTYPE_FILE: fontId = !(dbe.flags & DBEF_SENT) ? FONT_INFILE : FONT_OUTFILE; colorId = !(dbe.flags & DBEF_SENT) ? COLOR_INFILE : COLOR_OUTFILE; break; case EVENTTYPE_STATUSCHANGE: fontId = FONT_STATUS; colorId = COLOR_STATUS; break; case EVENTTYPE_AUTHREQUEST: fontId = FONT_INOTHER; colorId = COLOR_INOTHER; break; case EVENTTYPE_ADDED: fontId = FONT_INOTHER; colorId = COLOR_INOTHER; break; case EVENTTYPE_JABBER_PRESENCE: fontId = !(dbe.flags & DBEF_SENT) ? FONT_INOTHER : FONT_OUTOTHER; colorId = !(dbe.flags & DBEF_SENT) ? COLOR_INOTHER : COLOR_OUTOTHER; break; default: fontId = !(dbe.flags & DBEF_SENT) ? FONT_INOTHER : FONT_OUTOTHER; colorId = !(dbe.flags & DBEF_SENT) ? COLOR_INOTHER : COLOR_OUTOTHER; break; } } void ItemData::load(bool bLoadAlways) { if (!bLoadAlways && m_bLoaded) return; if (!fetch()) return; m_bLoaded = true; hContact = dbe.hContact; // save true contact switch (dbe.eventType) { case EVENTTYPE_MESSAGE: markRead(); __fallthrough; case EVENTTYPE_STATUSCHANGE: wtext = mir_utf8decodeW((char *)dbe.pBlob); break; case EVENTTYPE_FILE: { DB::FILE_BLOB blob(dbe); if (blob.isOffline()) { m_bOfflineFile = true; if (blob.isCompleted()) m_bOfflineDownloaded = 100; else m_bOfflineDownloaded = uint8_t(100.0 * blob.getTransferred() / blob.getSize()); CMStringW buf; buf.Append(blob.getName() ? blob.getName() : TranslateT("Unnamed")); if (auto *pwszDescr = blob.getDescr()) { buf.Append(L" - "); buf.Append(pwszDescr); } if (uint32_t size = blob.getSize()) buf.AppendFormat(TranslateT(" %u KB"), size < 1024 ? 1 : unsigned(blob.getSize() / 1024)); wtext = buf.Detach(); markRead(); break; } wchar_t buf[MAX_PATH]; File::GetReceivedFolder(hContact, buf, _countof(buf)); CMStringW wszFileName = buf; wszFileName.Append(blob.getName()); // if a filename contains spaces, URL will be broken if (wszFileName.Find(' ') != -1) { wchar_t wszShortPath[MAX_PATH]; if (GetShortPathNameW(wszFileName, wszShortPath, _countof(wszShortPath))) { wszFileName = wszShortPath; wszFileName.MakeLower(); } } wszFileName.Replace('\\', '/'); wszFileName.Insert(0, L"file://"); wtext = wszFileName.Detach(); } break; default: wtext = DbEvent_GetTextW(&dbe); break; } if (dbe.szReplyId) if (MEVENT hReply = db_event_getById(dbe.szModule, dbe.szReplyId)) { DB::EventInfo dbei(hReply); if (dbei) { CMStringW str(L"> "); if (dbei.flags & DBEF_SENT) { if (char *szProto = Proto_GetBaseAccountName(hContact)) str.AppendFormat(L"%s %s: ", ptrW(Contact::GetInfo(CNF_DISPLAY, 0, szProto)).get(), TranslateT("wrote")); } else str.AppendFormat(L"%s %s: ", Clist_GetContactDisplayName(hContact, 0), TranslateT("wrote")); ptrW wszText(DbEvent_GetTextW(&dbei)); if (mir_wstrlen(wszText) > 43) wcscpy(wszText.get() + 40, L"..."); str.Append(wszText); str.Append(L"\r\n"); str.Append(wtext); mir_free(wtext); wtext = str.Detach(); } } dbe.unload(); } void ItemData::markRead() { if (!(dbe.flags & DBEF_SENT)) dbe.wipeNotify(hEvent); } void ItemData::setText(HWND hwnd) { if (data) MTextDestroy(data); data = MTextCreateEx2(hwnd, htuLog, formatRtf().GetBuffer(), MTEXT_FLG_RTF); MTextSetProto(data, hContact); savedHeight = -1; } // Array HistoryArray::HistoryArray() : pages(50), strings(50, wcscmp) { } HistoryArray::~HistoryArray() { clear(); } void HistoryArray::clear() { for (auto &str : strings) mir_free(str); strings.destroy(); pages.destroy(); iLastPageCounter = 0; } void HistoryArray::addChatEvent(SESSION_INFO *si, const LOGINFO *lin) { if (si == nullptr) return; int numItems = getCount(); auto &p = allocateItem(); p.hContact = si->hContact; if (si->pMI->bDatabase && lin->hEvent) { p.hEvent = lin->hEvent; p.load(); } else { CMStringW wszText; bool bTextUsed = Chat_GetDefaultEventDescr(si, lin, wszText); if (!bTextUsed && lin->ptszText) { if (!wszText.IsEmpty()) wszText.AppendChar(' '); wszText.Append(g_chatApi.RemoveFormatting(lin->ptszText)); } p.wtext = wszText.Detach(); p.m_bLoaded = true; p.m_bHighlighted = lin->bIsHighlighted; p.dbe.timestamp = lin->time; if (lin->bIsMe) p.dbe.flags |= DBEF_SENT; switch (lin->iType) { case GC_EVENT_MESSAGE: case GC_EVENT_INFORMATION: p.dbe.eventType = EVENTTYPE_MESSAGE; break; case GC_EVENT_SETCONTACTSTATUS: p.dbe.eventType = EVENTTYPE_STATUSCHANGE; break; case GC_EVENT_JOIN: case GC_EVENT_PART: case GC_EVENT_QUIT: p.dbe.eventType = EVENTTYPE_JABBER_PRESENCE; break; default: p.dbe.eventType = EVENTTYPE_OTHER; break; } } if (lin->ptszNick) { p.wszNick = strings.find(lin->ptszNick); if (p.wszNick == nullptr) { p.wszNick = mir_wstrdup(lin->ptszNick); strings.insert(p.wszNick); } p.checkPrevGC((numItems == 0) ? nullptr : get(numItems - 1), hwndOwner); } } bool HistoryArray::addEvent(MCONTACT hContact, MEVENT hEvent, int count) { if (count == -1) count = MAXINT; int numItems = getCount(); auto *pPrev = (numItems == 0) ? nullptr : get(numItems - 1); if (count == 1) { auto &p = allocateItem(); p.hContact = hContact; p.hEvent = hEvent; pPrev = p.checkPrev(pPrev, hwndOwner); } else { DB::ECPTR pCursor(DB::Events(hContact, hEvent)); for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { hEvent = pCursor.FetchNext(); if (!hEvent) break; auto &p = allocateItem(); p.hContact = hContact; p.hEvent = hEvent; pPrev = p.checkPrev(pPrev, hwndOwner); } } return true; } void HistoryArray::addResults(const OBJLIST &pArray) { int numItems = getCount(); auto *pPrev = (numItems == 0) ? nullptr : get(numItems - 1); for (auto &it : pArray) { auto &p = allocateItem(); p.hContact = it->hContact; p.hEvent = it->hEvent; p.m_bIsResult = true; pPrev = p.checkPrev(pPrev, hwndOwner); } } ItemData& HistoryArray::allocateItem() { if (iLastPageCounter == HIST_BLOCK_SIZE) { pages.insert(new ItemBlock()); iLastPageCounter = 0; } else if (pages.getCount() == 0) pages.insert(new ItemBlock); auto &p = pages[pages.getCount() - 1]; return p.data[iLastPageCounter++]; } int HistoryArray::find(MEVENT hEvent) { int i = 0; for (auto &it : pages) for (auto &p : it->data) { if (p.hEvent == hEvent) return i; i++; } return -1; } ItemData* HistoryArray::get(int id, bool bLoad) const { int pageNo = id / HIST_BLOCK_SIZE; if (pageNo >= pages.getCount()) return nullptr; auto *p = &pages[pageNo].data[id % HIST_BLOCK_SIZE]; if (bLoad && !p->m_bLoaded) p->load(); return p; } int HistoryArray::getCount() const { int nPages = pages.getCount(); return (nPages == 0) ? 0 : (nPages - 1) * HIST_BLOCK_SIZE + iLastPageCounter; } int HistoryArray::find(int id, int dir, const Filter &filter) { int count = getCount(); for (int i = id + dir; i >= 0 && i < count; i += dir) if (filter.check(get(i))) return i; return -1; } ItemData* HistoryArray::insert(int pos) { int count = getCount(); ItemData *pNew = &allocateItem(); ItemData *pPrev = get(count-1, false); for (int i = count; i >= pos; i--) { memcpy(pNew, pPrev, sizeof(ItemData)); pNew = pPrev; pPrev = get(i - 1, false); } ItemData tmp; memcpy(pNew, &tmp, sizeof(tmp)); return pNew; } void HistoryArray::remove(int id) { int pageNo = id / HIST_BLOCK_SIZE; if (pageNo >= pages.getCount()) return; auto &pPage = pages[pageNo]; int offset = id % HIST_BLOCK_SIZE; ItemData tmp; memcpy(&tmp, pPage.data + offset, sizeof(ItemData)); if (offset != HIST_BLOCK_SIZE - 1) memmove(&pPage.data[offset], &pPage.data[offset+1], sizeof(ItemData) * (HIST_BLOCK_SIZE - 1 - offset)); for (int i = pageNo + 1; i < pages.getCount(); i++) { auto &prev = pages[i - 1], &curr = pages[i]; memcpy(&prev.data[HIST_BLOCK_SIZE - 1], curr.data, sizeof(ItemData)); memmove(&curr.data, &curr.data[1], sizeof(ItemData) * (HIST_BLOCK_SIZE - 1)); memset(&curr.data[HIST_BLOCK_SIZE - 1], 0, sizeof(ItemData)); } if (iLastPageCounter == 1) { pages.remove(pages.getCount() - 1); iLastPageCounter = HIST_BLOCK_SIZE; } else iLastPageCounter--; }