#ifndef __history_control_h__ #define __history_control_h__ #define NEWSTORYLIST_CLASS "NewstoryList" enum { NSM_FIRST = WM_USER + 100, // wParam = fist item // lParam = iLast item // result = number of total selected items NSM_SELECTITEMS = NSM_FIRST, // result = id NSM_GETCARET, // wParam = text NSM_FINDNEXT, NSM_FINDPREV, // wParam = wtext NSM_FINDNEXTW, NSM_FINDPREVW, // NSM_COPY, NSM_EXPORT, NSM_DOWNLOAD, // NSM_GETCOUNT, NSM_GETARRAY, // NSM_SEEKTIME, // NSM_SET_OPTIONS, // options were changed NSM_LAST }; struct NewstoryListData : public MZeroedObject { NewstoryListData(HWND); HistoryArray items; int scrollTopItem; // topmost item int scrollTopPixel; // y coord of topmost item, this should be negative or zero int caret; int selStart = -1; int cachedMaxTopItem; // the largest ID of top item to avoid empty space int cachedMaxTopPixel; int cachedWindowWidth = -1, cachedWindowHeight = -1; int cachedMaxDrawnItem = -1; int cachedScrollbarPos = -1; unsigned int cachedScrollbarPage = -1; int totalCount; RECT rcLastPaint; bool bWasShift, bSortAscending, bWasAtBottom; HWND hwnd; HWND hwndEditBox; CTimer redrawTimer; CSrmmBaseDialog *pMsgDlg = nullptr; void OnContextMenu(int index, POINT pt); void OnResize(int newWidth, int newHeight); void OnTimer(CTimer *pTimer); void AddChatEvent(SESSION_INFO *si, const LOGINFO *lin); void AddEvent(MCONTACT hContact, MEVENT hFirstEvent, int iCount); void AddResults(const OBJLIST &results); void AddSelection(int iFirst, int iLast); bool AtBottom(void) const; bool AtTop(void) const; void BeginEditItem(int index, bool bReadOnly); void Clear(); void ClearSelection(int iFirst, int iLast); void DeleteItems(void); void EndEditItem(bool bAccept); void EnsureVisible(int item); void FixScrollPosition(bool bForce = false); ItemData* GetItem(int idx); int GetItemFromPixel(int yPos); int GetItemHeight(int index); void LineUp(); void LineDown(); ItemData* LoadItem(int idx); void PageUp(); void PageDown(); int PaintItem(HDC hdc, int index, int top, int width); void RecalcScrollBar(); void ScheduleDraw(); void ScrollTop(); void ScrollBottom(); void SetCaret(int idx, bool bEnsureVisible = true); void SetContact(MCONTACT hContact); void SetDialog(CSrmmBaseDialog *pDialog); void SetPos(int pos); void SetSelection(int iFirst, int iLast); void ToggleBookmark(); void ToggleSelection(int iFirst, int iLast); }; void InitNewstoryControl(); #endif // __history_control_h__