/* Copyright (c) 2005 Victor Pavlychko (nullbyte@sotline.net.ua) Copyright (C) 2012-23 Miranda NG team (https://miranda-ng.org) This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation version 2 of the License. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see . */ #include "stdafx.h" ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Basic options page class class CBaseOptsDlg : public CDlgBase { protected: CBaseOptsDlg(int iDlgId) : CDlgBase(g_plugin, iDlgId) { m_OnFinishWizard = Callback(this, &CBaseOptsDlg::OnFinish); } void OnFinish(void *) { WindowList_BroadcastAsync(g_hNewstoryLogs, NSM_SET_OPTIONS, 0, 0); } }; ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // General options dialog class CGeneralOptsDlg : public CBaseOptsDlg { CCtrlCheck chkGrouping, chkVScroll, chkDrawEdge, chkSortOrder; public: CGeneralOptsDlg() : CBaseOptsDlg(IDD_OPT_ADVANCED), chkVScroll(this, IDC_VSCROLL), chkDrawEdge(this, IDC_DRAWEDGE), chkGrouping(this, IDC_GROUPING), chkSortOrder(this, IDC_SORT_ASCENDING) { CreateLink(chkVScroll, g_plugin.bOptVScroll); CreateLink(chkGrouping, g_bOptGrouping); CreateLink(chkDrawEdge, g_bOptDrawEdge); CreateLink(chkSortOrder, g_plugin.bSortAscending); } bool OnApply() override { g_plugin.bDrawEdge = g_bOptDrawEdge; g_plugin.bMsgGrouping = g_bOptGrouping; return true; } }; ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Template options dialog class CTemplateOptsDlg : public CBaseOptsDlg { TemplateInfo *m_curr = 0; ItemData m_tempItem; void UpdatePreview(CCtrlButton *) { replaceStrW(m_curr->tmpValue, m_edit.GetText()); m_tempItem.fill(int(m_curr - templates)); // copy data from template to event CMStringW wszText(m_tempItem.formatStringEx(m_curr->tmpValue)); preview.SetText(wszText); gpreview.SendMsg(MTM_UPDATEEX, MTEXT_FLG_RTF, LPARAM(m_tempItem.formatRtf(wszText).c_str())); } CCtrlBase preview, gpreview; CCtrlEdit m_edit; CCtrlMButton btnDiscard, btnPreview, bthVarHelp, btnReset; CCtrlTreeView m_tree; public: CTemplateOptsDlg() : CBaseOptsDlg(IDD_OPT_TEMPLATES), m_edit(this, IDC_EDITTEMPLATE), m_tree(this, IDC_TEMPLATES), preview(this, IDC_PREVIEW), gpreview(this, IDC_GPREVIEW), btnReset(this, IDC_RESET, Skin_LoadIcon(SKINICON_OTHER_UNDO), LPGEN("Reset to default")), btnDiscard(this, IDC_DISCARD, g_plugin.getIcon(IDI_RESET), LPGEN("Cancel edit")), bthVarHelp(this, IDC_VARHELP, g_plugin.getIcon(IDI_VARHELP), LPGEN("Variables help")), btnPreview(this, IDC_UPDATEPREVIEW, g_plugin.getIcon(IDI_PREVIEW), LPGEN("Update preview")) { btnReset.OnClick = Callback(this, &CTemplateOptsDlg::onClick_Reset); btnDiscard.OnClick = Callback(this, &CTemplateOptsDlg::onClick_Discard); btnPreview.OnClick = Callback(this, &CTemplateOptsDlg::UpdatePreview); bthVarHelp.OnClick = Callback(this, &CTemplateOptsDlg::onVarHelp); m_tree.OnSelChanged = Callback(this, &CTemplateOptsDlg::onSelChanged); } bool OnInitDialog() override { HIMAGELIST himgTree = ImageList_Create(GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXSMICON), GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYSMICON), ILC_COLOR32 | ILC_MASK, 1, 1); m_tree.SetImageList(himgTree, TVSIL_NORMAL); ImageList_AddIcon(himgTree, g_plugin.getIcon(IDI_TPLGROUP)); m_tempItem.wszNick = TranslateT("Test contact"); m_tempItem.wtext = mir_wstrdup(TranslateT("The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.")); m_tempItem.dbe.flags = DBEF_TEMPORARY | DBEF_BOOKMARK; m_tempItem.dbe.szModule = MODULENAME; m_tempItem.dbe.eventType = EVENTTYPE_MESSAGE; m_tempItem.dbe.timestamp = time(0); HTREEITEM hGroup = 0, hFirst = 0; const wchar_t *pwszPrevGroup = nullptr; for (auto &it : templates) { if (mir_wstrcmp(it.group, pwszPrevGroup)) { if (hGroup) m_tree.Expand(hGroup, TVE_EXPAND); TVINSERTSTRUCT tvis = {}; tvis.hInsertAfter = TVI_LAST; tvis.item.mask = TVIF_TEXT | TVIF_STATE | TVIF_PARAM | TVIF_IMAGE | TVIF_SELECTEDIMAGE; tvis.item.state = tvis.item.stateMask = TVIS_BOLD; tvis.item.pszText = TranslateW(it.group); tvis.item.lParam = 0; hGroup = m_tree.InsertItem(&tvis); if (!hFirst) hFirst = hGroup; } TVINSERTSTRUCT tvis; tvis.hParent = hGroup; tvis.hInsertAfter = TVI_LAST; tvis.item.mask = TVIF_TEXT | TVIF_PARAM | TVIF_IMAGE | TVIF_SELECTEDIMAGE; tvis.item.pszText = TranslateW(it.title); tvis.item.iSelectedImage = tvis.item.iImage = ImageList_AddIcon(himgTree, it.getIcon()); tvis.item.lParam = (LPARAM)⁢ m_tree.InsertItem(&tvis); pwszPrevGroup = it.group; } if (hGroup) m_tree.Expand(hGroup, TVE_EXPAND); m_tree.SelectItem(hFirst); m_tree.EnsureVisible(hFirst); return true; } bool OnApply() override { if (m_curr != nullptr) replaceStrW(m_curr->tmpValue, m_edit.GetText()); for (auto &it : templates) { if (it.tmpValue) { replaceStrW(it.value, it.tmpValue); it.tmpValue = nullptr; } } SaveTemplates(); return true; } void OnDestroy() override { for (auto &it : templates) replaceStrW(it.tmpValue, nullptr); } void onClick_Reset(CCtrlButton *) { if (m_curr) { replaceStrW(m_curr->tmpValue, nullptr); replaceStrW(m_curr->value, nullptr); m_edit.SetText(TranslateW(m_curr->defvalue)); } UpdatePreview(0); NotifyChange(); } void onClick_Discard(CCtrlButton *) { replaceStrW(m_curr->tmpValue, 0); if (m_curr->value) m_edit.SetText(m_curr->value); else m_edit.SetText(TranslateW(m_curr->defvalue)); UpdatePreview(0); } void onVarHelp(CCtrlButton *) { CMStringW wszVarHelp; wszVarHelp.Format(L"%s - %s\n%s - %s\n%s - %s\n%s - %s\n%s - %s\n%s - %s\n%s - %s\n%s - %s\n%s - %s\n%s - %s\n%s - %s\n%s - %s\n%s - %s\n%s - %s\n%s - %s\n%s - %s\n%s - %s\n%s - %s\n%s - %s\n%s - %s", L"%%", TranslateT("simply % character"), L"%n", TranslateT("a \"hard\" line break (cr/lf - will break indent)"), L"%S", TranslateT("my nickname"), L"%N", TranslateT("buddy\'s nickname"), L"%c", TranslateT("event count"), L"%I", TranslateT("icon"), L"%i", TranslateT("direction icon"), L"%D", TranslateT("direction symbol"), L"%t", TranslateT("timestamp"), L"%h", TranslateT("hour (24 hour format, 0-23)"), L"%a", TranslateT("hour (12 hour format)"), L"%m", TranslateT("minute"), L"%s", TranslateT("second"), L"%o", TranslateT("month"), L"%d", TranslateT("day of month"), L"%y", TranslateT("year (4 digits)"), L"%w", TranslateT("day of week (Sunday, Monday... translatable)"), L"%p", TranslateT("AM/PM symbol"), L"%O", TranslateT("name of month, translatable"), L"%M", TranslateT("the message string itself")); MessageBox(m_hwnd, wszVarHelp, TranslateT("Variables help"), MB_OK); } void onSelChanged(CCtrlTreeView::TEventInfo *) { TVITEMEX tvi; tvi.hItem = m_tree.GetSelection(); tvi.mask = TVIF_PARAM; m_tree.GetItem(&tvi); if (tvi.lParam == 0) { m_edit.Disable(); preview.Disable(); gpreview.Disable(); btnDiscard.Disable(); btnPreview.Disable(); bthVarHelp.Disable(); HTREEITEM hItem = m_tree.GetChild(tvi.hItem); if (hItem) m_tree.Expand(tvi.hItem, TVE_EXPAND); return; } m_edit.Enable(); preview.Enable(); gpreview.Enable(); btnDiscard.Enable(); btnPreview.Enable(); bthVarHelp.Enable(); if (m_curr != nullptr) replaceStrW(m_curr->tmpValue, m_edit.GetText()); m_curr = (TemplateInfo *)tvi.lParam; if (m_curr->tmpValue) m_edit.SetText(m_curr->tmpValue); else if (m_curr->value) m_edit.SetText(m_curr->value); else m_edit.SetText(TranslateW(m_curr->defvalue)); UpdatePreview(0); } }; int OptionsInitialize(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM) { OPTIONSDIALOGPAGE odp = {}; odp.position = 100000000; odp.szGroup.a = LPGEN("History"); odp.szTitle.a = LPGEN("NewStory"); odp.flags = ODPF_BOLDGROUPS; odp.szTab.a = LPGEN("Templates"); odp.pDialog = new CTemplateOptsDlg(); g_plugin.addOptions(wParam, &odp); odp.szTab.a = LPGEN("Advanced"); odp.pDialog = new CGeneralOptsDlg(); g_plugin.addOptions(wParam, &odp); return 0; }