/* Copyright (c) 2005 Victor Pavlychko (nullbyte@sotline.net.ua) Copyright (C) 2012-24 Miranda NG team (https://miranda-ng.org) This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation version 2 of the License. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see . */ #include "stdafx.h" int g_iPixelY; wchar_t *weekDays[7] = { LPGENW("Sunday"), LPGENW("Monday"), LPGENW("Tuesday"), LPGENW("Wednesday"), LPGENW("Thursday"), LPGENW("Friday"), LPGENW("Saturday") }; wchar_t *months[12] = { LPGENW("January"), LPGENW("February"), LPGENW("March"), LPGENW("April"), LPGENW("May"), LPGENW("June"), LPGENW("July"), LPGENW("August"), LPGENW("September"), LPGENW("October"), LPGENW("November"), LPGENW("December") }; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // HTML generator static uint32_t color2html(COLORREF clr) { return (((clr & 0xFF) << 16) | (clr & 0xFF00) | ((clr & 0xFF0000) >> 16)); } static wchar_t* font2html(LOGFONTA &lf, wchar_t *dest) { mir_snwprintf(dest, 100, L"font-family: %S; font-size: %dpt; font-weight: %s %s", lf.lfFaceName, abs((signed char)lf.lfHeight) * 74 / g_iPixelY, lf.lfWeight >= FW_BOLD ? L"bold" : L"normal", lf.lfItalic ? L"; font-style: italic;" : L""); return dest; } static void AppendImage(CMStringW &buf, const CMStringW &wszUrl, const CMStringW &wszDescr, ItemData *pItem, UINT uMaxHeight = 300) { if (g_plugin.bShowPreview) { int iHeight = uMaxHeight; pItem->pOwner->webPage.load_image(wszUrl); if (Bitmap *pImage = pItem->pOwner->webPage.find_image(wszUrl)) if (pImage->GetHeight() < uMaxHeight) iHeight = pImage->GetHeight(); buf.AppendFormat(L"\"%s\"/
", iHeight, wszUrl.c_str(), wszDescr.c_str(), wszDescr.c_str()); } else buf.AppendFormat(L"%s", wszUrl.c_str(), wszDescr.c_str()); } static void AppendString(CMStringW &buf, const wchar_t *p, ItemData *pItem) { bool wasSpace = false; for (; *p; p++) { if (*p == ' ') { if (wasSpace) buf.Append(L" "); else { buf.AppendChar(' '); wasSpace = true; } continue; } wasSpace = false; if (*p == '\r' && p[1] == '\n') { buf.Append(L"
"); p++; } else if (*p == '\n') buf.Append(L"
"); else if (*p == '\"') buf.Append(L"""); else if (*p == '&') buf.Append(L"&"); else if (*p == '>') buf.Append(L">"); else if (*p == '<') buf.Append(L"<"); else if (*p == '%') buf.Append(L"%"); else if (*p == '[') { p++; if (*p == 'c') { int colorId = -1; if (p[2] == ']') { colorId = _wtoi(p + 1); p += 2; } else if (p[3] == ']') { colorId = _wtoi(p + 1); p += 3; } switch (colorId) { case 0: buf.Append(L""); continue; case 1: buf.Append(L""); continue; case 2: case 3: case 4: case 5: case 6: buf.AppendFormat(L"", color2html(g_plugin.clCustom[colorId-2])); continue; } } wchar_t *pEnd = L""; if (*p == '/') { pEnd = L"/"; p++; } if (*p == 'b' && p[1] == ']') { buf.AppendFormat(L"<%sb>", pEnd); p++; } else if (*p == 'i' && p[1] == ']') { buf.AppendFormat(L"<%si>", pEnd); p++; } else if (*p == 'u' && p[1] == ']') { buf.AppendFormat(L"<%su>", pEnd); p++; } else if (*p == 's' && p[1] == ']') { buf.AppendFormat(L"<%ss>", pEnd); p++; } else if (!wcsncmp(p, L"img=", 4)) { p += 4; int iMaxHeight = 0; const wchar_t * pHeightBegin = nullptr; if (pHeightBegin = wcsstr(p, L" height=")) { auto* p1 = pHeightBegin + 8; if (auto* p2 = wcschr(p1, ']')) { CMStringW wszHeight(p1, int(p2 - p1)); iMaxHeight = _wtoi(wszHeight); } } if (auto *p1 = wcschr(p, ']')) { CMStringW wszUrl(p, int((pHeightBegin ? pHeightBegin : p1) - p)); p1++; if (auto *p2 = wcsstr(p1, L"[/img]")) { CMStringW wszDescr(p1, int(p2 - p1)); AppendImage(buf, wszUrl, wszDescr, pItem, iMaxHeight ? iMaxHeight : 300); p = p2 + 5; } } else p--; } else if (!wcsncmp(p, L"img]", 4)) { p += 4; if (auto *p1 = wcsstr(p, L"[/img]")) { CMStringW wszUrl(p, int(p1 - p)); AppendImage(buf, wszUrl, L"", pItem); p = p1 + 5; } else p--; } else if (!wcsncmp(p, L"url=", 4)) { p += 4; if (auto *p1 = wcschr(p, ']')) { CMStringW wszUrl(p, int(p1 - p)); p1++; if (auto *p2 = wcsstr(p1, L"[/url]")) { CMStringW wszDescr(p1, int(p2 - p1)); buf.AppendFormat(L"%s", wszUrl.c_str(), wszDescr.c_str()); p = p2 + 5; } } else p--; } else if (!wcsncmp(p, L"url]", 4)) { p += 4; if (auto *p1 = wcsstr(p, L"[/url]")) { CMStringW wszUrl(p, int(p1 - p)); buf.AppendFormat(L"%s", wszUrl.c_str(), wszUrl.c_str()); p = p1 + 5; } else p--; } else if (!wcsncmp(p, L"code]", 5)) { p += 5; if (auto *p1 = wcsstr(p, L"[/code]")) { CMStringW wszUrl(p, int(p1 - p)); buf.AppendFormat(L"
", wszUrl.c_str()); p = p1 + 6; } } else { buf.AppendChar('['); if (*pEnd == '/') p--; p--; } } else buf.AppendChar(*p); } } CMStringW ItemData::formatHtml(const wchar_t *pwszStr) { CMStringW str; str.Append(L""); str.Append(L"\n"); if (qtext) { str.Append(L"
"); AppendString(str, qtext, this); str.Append(L"
\n"); } CMStringW wszOrigText((pwszStr) ? pwszStr : formatString()); if (dbe.flags & DBEF_JSON) { wszOrigText.Append(L"\r\n"); auto &json = dbe.getJson(); for (auto &it : json["r"]) wszOrigText.AppendFormat(L"%s: %d ", Utf2T(it.name()).get(), it.as_int()); } SMADD_BATCHPARSE sp = {}; SMADD_BATCHPARSERES *spRes = nullptr; if (g_plugin.bHasSmileys) { sp.Protocolname = Proto_GetBaseAccountName(hContact); sp.flag = SAFL_PATH | SAFL_UNICODE; sp.str.w = wszOrigText; sp.hContact = hContact; spRes = (SMADD_BATCHPARSERES *)CallService(MS_SMILEYADD_BATCHPARSE, 0, (LPARAM)&sp); } CMStringW szBody(wszOrigText); UrlAutodetect(szBody); AppendString(str, szBody, this); if (spRes) { int iOffset = 0; for (int i = 0; i < (int)sp.numSmileys; i++) { auto &smiley = spRes[i]; if (!mir_wstrlen(smiley.filepath)) continue; CMStringW wszFound(wszOrigText.Mid(smiley.startChar, smiley.size)); int idx = str.Find(wszFound, iOffset); if (idx == -1) continue; str.Delete(idx, smiley.size); CMStringW wszNew(FORMAT, L"\"%s\"", smiley.filepath, wszFound.c_str(), wszFound.c_str()); str.Insert(idx, wszNew); iOffset = idx + wszNew.GetLength(); } CallService(MS_SMILEYADD_BATCHFREE, 0, (LPARAM)spRes); } str.Append(L""); // Netlib_LogfW(0, str); return str; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // RTF generator static void AppendUnicodeToBuffer(CMStringA &buf, const wchar_t *p) { for (; *p; p++) { if (*p == '\r' && p[1] == '\n') { buf.Append("\\par "); p++; } else if (*p == '\n') { buf.Append("\\par "); } else if (*p == '\t') { buf.Append("\\tab "); } else if (*p == '\\' || *p == '{' || *p == '}') { buf.AppendChar('\\'); buf.AppendChar((char)*p); } else if (*p == '[') { p++; if (*p == 'c') { if (p[2] == ']') { buf.AppendFormat("\\cf%c ", p[1]); p += 2; continue; } if (p[3] == ']') { buf.AppendFormat("\\cf%d ", _wtoi(p + 1)); p += 3; continue; } } char *pEnd = ""; if (*p == '/') { pEnd = "0"; p++; } if (*p == 'b' && p[1] == ']') { buf.AppendFormat("\\b%s ", pEnd); p++; } else if (*p == 'i' && p[1] == ']') { buf.AppendFormat("\\i%s ", pEnd); p++; } else if (*p == 'u' && p[1] == ']') { buf.AppendFormat("\\ul%s ", pEnd); p++; } else if (*p == 's' && p[1] == ']') { buf.AppendFormat("\\strike%s ", pEnd); p++; } else { buf.AppendChar('['); if (*pEnd == '0') p--; p--; } } else if (*p < 128) { buf.AppendChar((char)*p); } else { buf.AppendFormat("\\u%d ?", *p); } } } CMStringA NewstoryListData::GatherSelectedRtf() { CMStringA buf; buf.Append("{\\rtf1\\ansi\\deff0{\\fonttbl "); for (int i=0; i < FONT_COUNT; i++) buf.AppendFormat("{\\f%d\\fnil\\fcharset0 %s;}", i, g_fontTable[i].lf.lfFaceName); buf.AppendFormat("}{\\colortbl \\red%u\\green%u\\blue%u;\\red%u\\green%u\\blue%u;", 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0); for (auto cl : g_plugin.clCustom) { COLORREF cr = (cl == -1) ? 0 : cl; buf.AppendFormat("\\red%u\\green%u\\blue%u;", GetRValue(cr), GetGValue(cr), GetBValue(cr)); } for (int i = 0; i < COLOR_COUNT; i++) { COLORREF cr = g_colorTable[i].cl; buf.AppendFormat("\\red%u\\green%u\\blue%u;", GetRValue(cr), GetGValue(cr), GetBValue(cr)); } for (int i = 0; i < FONT_COUNT; i++) { COLORREF cr = g_fontTable[i].cl; buf.AppendFormat("\\red%u\\green%u\\blue%u;", GetRValue(cr), GetGValue(cr), GetBValue(cr)); } buf.Append("}"); int eventCount = totalCount; for (int i = 0; i < eventCount; i++) { ItemData *p = GetItem(i); if (!p->m_bSelected) continue; int fontID, colorID; p->getFontColor(fontID, colorID); buf.AppendFormat("{\\uc1\\pard \\cb%d\\cf%d\\f%d\\b0\\i0\\fs%d ", COLOR_BACK + 7, colorID+COLOR_COUNT+7, fontID, GetFontHeight(g_fontTable[fontID].lf)); CMStringW wszText(p->formatString()); wszText.Replace(L"[c0]", CMStringW(FORMAT, L"[c%d]", colorID + COLOR_COUNT + 7)); wszText.Replace(L"[c1]", CMStringW(FORMAT, L"[c%d]", 7 + ((p->dbe.flags & DBEF_SENT) ? COLOR_OUTNICK : COLOR_INNICK))); AppendUnicodeToBuffer(buf, wszText); buf.Append("\\par }"); } buf.Append("}"); return buf; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Template formatting for the control CMStringW TplFormatString(int tpl, MCONTACT hContact, ItemData *item) { if (tpl < 0 || tpl >= TPL_COUNT) return CMStringW(); auto &T = templates[tpl]; if (T.value == nullptr) T.value = mir_wstrdup(T.defvalue); TemplateVars vars; for (auto &it : T.vf) if (it) it(&vars, hContact, item); CMStringW buf; for (wchar_t *p = T.value; *p; p++) { if (*p == '%') { wchar_t *var = vars.GetVar((p[1] & 0xff)); if (var) buf.Append(var); p++; } else buf.AppendChar(*p); } return buf; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Template formatting for options dialog CMStringW ItemData::formatStringEx(wchar_t *sztpl) { CMStringW buf; int tpl = getTemplate(); if (tpl < 0 || tpl >= TPL_COUNT || !sztpl) return buf; TemplateVars vars; auto &T = templates[tpl]; for (auto &it : T.vf) if (it) it(&vars, hContact, this); for (wchar_t *p = sztpl; *p; p++) { if (*p == '%') { wchar_t *var = vars.GetVar((p[1] & 0xff)); if (var) buf.Append(var); p++; } else buf.AppendChar(*p); } return buf; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // TemplateVars members TemplateVars::TemplateVars() { memset(&vars, 0, sizeof(vars)); } TemplateVars::~TemplateVars() { for (auto &V : vars) if (V.val && V.del) mir_free(V.val); } // Loading variables void vfGlobal(TemplateVars *vars, MCONTACT hContact, ItemData *) { // %%: simply % character vars->SetVar('%', L"%", false); // %n: line break vars->SetVar('n', L"\x0d\x0a", false); // %S: my nick (not for messages) char* proto = Proto_GetBaseAccountName(hContact); ptrW nick(Contact::GetInfo(CNF_DISPLAY, 0, proto)); vars->SetVar('S', nick, true); } void vfContact(TemplateVars *vars, MCONTACT hContact, ItemData *) { // %N: buddy's nick (not for messages) wchar_t *nick = (hContact == 0) ? TranslateT("System history") : Clist_GetContactDisplayName(hContact, 0); vars->SetVar('N', nick, false); wchar_t buf[20]; // %c: event count mir_snwprintf(buf, L"%d", db_event_count(hContact)); vars->SetVar('c', buf, true); } void vfSystem(TemplateVars *vars, MCONTACT hContact, ItemData *) { // %N: buddy's nick (not for messages) vars->SetVar('N', TranslateT("System event"), false); // %c: event count wchar_t buf[20]; mir_snwprintf(buf, L"%d", db_event_count(hContact)); vars->SetVar('c', buf, true); } void vfEvent(TemplateVars *vars, MCONTACT, ItemData *item) { wchar_t buf[100]; // %N: Nickname if (!item->m_bIsResult && (item->dbe.flags & DBEF_SENT)) { if (!item->wszNick) { char *proto = Proto_GetBaseAccountName(item->hContact); ptrW nick(Contact::GetInfo(CNF_DISPLAY, 0, proto)); vars->SetNick(nick); } else vars->SetNick(item->wszNick); } else { wchar_t *nick = (item->wszNick) ? item->wszNick : Clist_GetContactDisplayName(item->hContact, 0); vars->SetNick(nick); } // %D: direction symbol if (item->dbe.flags & DBEF_SENT) vars->SetVar('D', L"<<", false); else vars->SetVar('D', L">>", false); // %t: timestamp SYSTEMTIME st; if (!TimeZone_GetSystemTime(nullptr, item->dbe.timestamp, &st, 0)) { int iLocale = Langpack_GetDefaultLocale(); GetDateFormatW(iLocale, 0, &st, L"dd.MM.yyyy, ", buf, _countof(buf)); GetTimeFormatW(iLocale, 0, &st, L"HH:mm", buf + 12, _countof(buf)); vars->SetVar('t', buf, true); // %h: hour (24 hour format, 0-23) GetTimeFormatW(iLocale, 0, &st, L"HH", buf, _countof(buf)); vars->SetVar('h', buf, true); // %a: hour (12 hour format) GetTimeFormatW(iLocale, 0, &st, L"hh", buf, _countof(buf)); vars->SetVar('a', buf, true); // %m: minute GetTimeFormatW(iLocale, 0, &st, L"mm", buf, _countof(buf)); vars->SetVar('m', buf, true); // %s: second GetTimeFormatW(iLocale, 0, &st, L"ss", buf, _countof(buf)); vars->SetVar('s', buf, true); // %o: month GetDateFormatW(iLocale, 0, &st, L"MM", buf, _countof(buf)); vars->SetVar('o', buf, true); // %d: day of month GetDateFormatW(iLocale, 0, &st, L"dd", buf, _countof(buf)); vars->SetVar('d', buf, true); // %y: year GetDateFormatW(iLocale, 0, &st, L"yyyy", buf, _countof(buf)); vars->SetVar('y', buf, true); // %w: day of week (Sunday, Monday... translatable) vars->SetVar('w', TranslateW(weekDays[st.wDayOfWeek]), false); // %p: AM/PM symbol vars->SetVar('p', (st.wHour > 11) ? L"PM" : L"AM", false); // %O: Name of month, translatable vars->SetVar('O', TranslateW(months[st.wMonth-1]), false); } } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // %M: the message string itself void vfMessage(TemplateVars *vars, MCONTACT, ItemData *item) { vars->SetVar('M', item->getWBuf(), false); } void vfFile(TemplateVars *vars, MCONTACT, ItemData *item) { vars->SetVar('M', item->getWBuf(), false); } void vfSign(TemplateVars *vars, MCONTACT, ItemData *item) { vars->SetVar('M', item->getWBuf(), false); } void vfAuth(TemplateVars *vars, MCONTACT, ItemData *item) { vars->SetVar('M', item->getWBuf(), false); } void vfAdded(TemplateVars *vars, MCONTACT, ItemData *item) { vars->SetVar('M', item->getWBuf(), false); } void vfPresence(TemplateVars* vars, MCONTACT, ItemData* item) { vars->SetVar('M', item->getWBuf(), false); } void vfDeleted(TemplateVars *vars, MCONTACT, ItemData *item) { vars->SetVar('M', item->getWBuf(), false); } void vfOther(TemplateVars *vars, MCONTACT, ItemData *item) { auto *pText = item->getWBuf(); vars->SetVar('M', mir_wstrlen(pText) == 0 ? TranslateT("Unknown event") : pText, false); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void TemplateVars::SetNick(wchar_t *v) { CMStringW wszNick(FORMAT, L"[c1]%s[c0]", v); auto &V = vars['N']; if (V.del) mir_free(V.val); V.val = wszNick.Detach(); V.del = true; } void TemplateVars::SetVar(uint8_t id, wchar_t *v, bool d) { auto &V = vars[id]; if (V.del) mir_free(V.val); V.val = (d) ? mir_wstrdup(v) : v; V.del = d; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// HICON TemplateInfo::getIcon() const { return (iIcon < 0) ? Skin_LoadIcon(-iIcon) : g_plugin.getIcon(iIcon); } TemplateInfo templates[TPL_COUNT] = { { "tpl/interface/title", LPGENW("Interface"), IDI_NEWSTORY, LPGENW("Window title"), LPGENW("%N - history [%c messages total]"), 0, 0, { vfGlobal, vfContact, 0, 0, 0 } }, { "tpl/msglog/msg", LPGENW("Message log"), IDI_SENDMSG, LPGENW("Messages"), L"[b]%N, %t:[/b]\r\n%M", 0, 0, { vfGlobal, vfContact, vfEvent, vfMessage, 0 } }, { "tpl/msglog/msg_head", LPGENW("Message log"), IDI_SENDMSG, LPGENW("Group head"), L"[b]%N, %t:[/b] %M", 0, 0, { vfGlobal, vfContact, vfEvent, vfMessage, 0 } }, { "tpl/msglog/msg_grp", LPGENW("Message log"), IDI_SENDMSG, LPGENW("Grouped messages"), L"[b]%h:%m:%s:[/b] %M", 0, 0, { vfGlobal, vfContact, vfEvent, vfMessage, 0 } }, { "tpl/msglog/file", LPGENW("Message log"), -SKINICON_EVENT_FILE, LPGENW("Files"), L"[b]%N, %t:[/b]%n%M", 0, 0, { vfGlobal, vfContact, vfEvent, vfFile, 0 } }, { "tpl/msglog/status", LPGENW("Message log"), IDI_SIGNIN, LPGENW("Status changes"), L"[b]%N, %t:[/b]%n%M", 0, 0, { vfGlobal, vfContact, vfEvent, vfSign, 0 } }, { "tpl/msglog/presense", LPGENW("Message log"), IDI_UNKNOWN, LPGENW("Presence requests"), L"%B[b]%N, %t:[/b]%n%M", 0, 0, { vfGlobal, vfContact, vfEvent, vfPresence, 0 } }, { "tpl/msglog/other", LPGENW("Message log"), IDI_UNKNOWN, LPGENW("Other events"), L"%B[b]%N, %t:[/b]%n%M", 0, 0, { vfGlobal, vfContact, vfEvent, vfOther, 0 } }, { "tpl/msglog/authrq", LPGENW("Message log"), IDI_UNKNOWN, LPGENW("Authorization requests"), L"[b]%N, %t:[/b]%n%M", 0, 0, { vfGlobal, vfEvent, vfSystem, vfAuth, 0 } }, { "tpl/msglog/added", LPGENW("Message log"), IDI_UNKNOWN, LPGENW("'You were added' events"), L"[b]%N, %t:[/b]%n%M", 0, 0, { vfGlobal, vfEvent, vfSystem, vfAdded, 0 } }, { "tpl/msglog/deleted", LPGENW("Message log"), IDI_UNKNOWN, LPGENW("'You were deleted' events"), L"[b]%N, %t:[/b]%n%M", 0, 0, { vfGlobal, vfEvent, vfSystem, vfDeleted, 0 } }, { "tpl/copy/msg", LPGENW("Clipboard"), IDI_SENDMSG, LPGENW("Messages"), L"%N, %t:\x0d\x0a%M%n", 0, 0, { vfGlobal, vfContact, vfEvent, vfMessage, 0 } }, { "tpl/copy/file", LPGENW("Clipboard"), -SKINICON_EVENT_FILE, LPGENW("Files"), L"%N, %t:\x0d\x0a%M%n", 0, 0, { vfGlobal, vfContact, vfEvent, vfFile, 0 } }, { "tpl/copy/status", LPGENW("Clipboard"), IDI_SIGNIN, LPGENW("Status changes"), L"%N, %t:\x0d\x0a%M%n", 0, 0, { vfGlobal, vfContact, vfEvent, vfSign, 0 } }, { "tpl/copy/presence", LPGENW("Clipboard"), IDI_UNKNOWN, LPGENW("Presence requests"), L"%N, %t:\x0d\x0a%M%n", 0, 0, { vfGlobal, vfContact, vfEvent, vfPresence, 0 } }, { "tpl/copy/other", LPGENW("Clipboard"), IDI_UNKNOWN, LPGENW("Other events"), L"%N, %t:\x0d\x0a%M%n", 0, 0, { vfGlobal, vfContact, vfEvent, vfOther, 0 } }, { "tpl/copy/authrq", LPGENW("Clipboard"), IDI_UNKNOWN, LPGENW("Authorization requests"), L"%N, %t:\x0d\x0a%M%n", 0, 0, { vfGlobal, vfEvent, vfSystem, vfAuth, 0 } }, { "tpl/copy/added", LPGENW("Clipboard"), IDI_UNKNOWN, LPGENW("'You were added' events"), L"%N, %t:\x0d\x0a%M%n", 0, 0, { vfGlobal, vfEvent, vfSystem, vfAdded, 0 } }, { "tpl/copy/deleted", LPGENW("Clipboard"), IDI_UNKNOWN, LPGENW("'You were deleted' events"), L"%N, %t:\x0d\x0a%M%n", 0, 0, { vfGlobal, vfEvent, vfSystem, vfDeleted, 0 } } }; void LoadTemplates() { HDC hdc = GetDC(nullptr); g_iPixelY = GetDeviceCaps(hdc, LOGPIXELSY); ReleaseDC(nullptr, hdc); for (auto &it : templates) replaceStrW(it.value, g_plugin.getWStringA(it.setting)); } void SaveTemplates() { for (auto &it : templates) { if (it.value) { if (mir_wstrcmp(it.value, it.defvalue)) g_plugin.setWString(it.setting, it.value); else g_plugin.delSetting(it.setting); } else g_plugin.delSetting(it.setting); } }