/* Copyright (c) 2005 Victor Pavlychko (nullbyte@sotline.net.ua) Copyright (C) 2012-24 Miranda NG team (https://miranda-ng.org) This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation version 2 of the License. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see . */ #include "stdafx.h" uint32_t toggleBit(uint32_t dw, uint32_t bit) { if (dw & bit) return dw & ~bit; return dw | bit; } bool CheckFilter(wchar_t *buf, wchar_t *filter) { // MessageBox(0, buf, filter, MB_OK); int l1 = (int)mir_wstrlen(buf); int l2 = (int)mir_wstrlen(filter); for (int i = 0; i < l1 - l2 + 1; i++) if (CompareString(LOCALE_USER_DEFAULT, NORM_IGNORECASE, buf + i, l2, filter, l2) == CSTR_EQUAL) return true; return false; } int GetFontHeight(const LOGFONTA &lf) { return 2 * abs(lf.lfHeight) * 74 / g_iPixelY; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// struct { wchar_t *pStart, *pEnd; size_t cbStart, cbEnd; } static bbcodes[] = { { L"[b]", nullptr }, { L"[/b]", nullptr }, { L"[i]", nullptr }, { L"[/i]", nullptr }, { L"[u]", nullptr }, { L"[/u]", nullptr }, { L"[s]", nullptr }, { L"[/s]", nullptr }, { L"[color=", L"]" }, { L"[/color]", nullptr }, { L"[c0]", nullptr }, { L"[c1]", nullptr }, { L"[c2]", nullptr }, { L"[c3]", nullptr }, { L"[c4]", nullptr }, { L"[c5]", nullptr }, { L"[c6]", nullptr }, { L"[$hicon=", L"$]" }, { L"[url]", L"[/url]" }, { L"[url=", L"]", }, { L"[img]", L"[/img]" }, { L"[img=", L"]" }, }; void RemoveBbcodes(CMStringW &wszText) { if (wszText.IsEmpty()) return; if (bbcodes[0].cbStart == 0) for (auto &it : bbcodes) { it.cbStart = wcslen(it.pStart); if (it.pEnd) it.cbEnd = wcslen(it.pEnd); } for (int idx = wszText.Find('[', 0); idx != -1; idx = wszText.Find('[', idx)) { bool bFound = false; for (auto &it : bbcodes) { if (wcsncmp(wszText.c_str() + idx, it.pStart, it.cbStart)) continue; wszText.Delete(idx, (int)it.cbStart); if (it.pEnd) { int idx2 = wszText.Find(it.pEnd, idx); if (idx2 != -1) { wszText.Delete(idx, idx2 - idx); wszText.Delete(idx, (int)it.cbEnd); } } bFound = true; break; } // just an occasional square bracket? skip it if (!bFound) idx++; } } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// static int countNoWhitespace(const wchar_t *str) { int c; for (c = 0; *str != '\n' && *str != '\r' && *str != '\t' && *str != ' ' && *str != '\0'; str++, c++); return c; } static int DetectUrl(const wchar_t *text) { int i; for (i = 0; text[i] != '\0'; i++) if (!((text[i] >= '0' && text[i] <= '9') || iswalpha(text[i]))) break; if (i <= 0 || wcsncmp(text + i, L"://", 3)) return 0; i += countNoWhitespace(text + i); for (; i > 0; i--) if ((text[i - 1] >= '0' && text[i - 1] <= '9') || iswalpha(text[i - 1]) || text[i - 1] == '/') break; return i; } void UrlAutodetect(CMStringW &str) { int level = 0; for (auto *p = str.c_str(); *p; p++) { if (!wcsncmp(p, L"[img=", 5) || !wcsncmp(p, L"[img]", 5) || !wcsncmp(p, L"[url]", 5) || !wcsncmp(p, L"[url=", 5)) { p += 4; level++; } if (!wcsncmp(p, L"[/img]", 6) || !wcsncmp(p, L"[/url]", 6)) { p += 5; level--; } else if (int len = DetectUrl(p)) { if (level == 0) { int pos = p - str.c_str(); CMStringW url = str.Mid(pos, len); str.Insert(pos + len, L"[/url]"); str.Insert(pos, L"[url]"); p = str.c_str() + pos + len + 11; } } } }