/* Copyright (c) 2005 Victor Pavlychko (nullbyte@sotline.net.ua) Copyright (C) 2012-24 Miranda NG team (https://miranda-ng.org) This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation version 2 of the License. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see . */ #include "stdafx.h" struct NSWebCache { NSWebCache(NSWebPage *_1, const wchar_t *_2, ItemData *_3) : pPage(_1), pItem(_3), wszPath(_2) {} ItemData *pItem; NSWebPage *pPage; CMStringW wszPath; }; static int CompareFiles(const NSWebCache *p1, const NSWebCache *p2) { return mir_wstrcmp(p1->wszPath, p2->wszPath); } static mir_cs g_csMissingFiles; static OBJLIST g_arMissingFiles(10, CompareFiles); INT_PTR SvcFileReady(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM) { NSWebCache tmp(0, (const wchar_t *)wParam, 0); mir_cslock lck(g_csMissingFiles); if (auto *pCache = g_arMissingFiles.find(&tmp)) { pCache->pPage->load_image(tmp.wszPath, pCache->pItem); pCache->pItem->m_doc = 0; pCache->pItem->savedHeight = -1; pCache->pItem->setText(); g_arMissingFiles.remove(pCache); } return 0; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// static std::set g_installed_fonts; static int CALLBACK EnumFontsProc(const LOGFONTW *lplf, const TEXTMETRIC *, DWORD, LPARAM) { g_installed_fonts.insert(lplf->lfFaceName); return 1; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Litehtml interface struct { const char *name; int color_index; } static colors[] = { { "ActiveBorder", COLOR_ACTIVEBORDER }, { "ActiveCaption", COLOR_ACTIVECAPTION }, { "AppWorkspace", COLOR_APPWORKSPACE }, { "Background", COLOR_BACKGROUND }, { "ButtonFace", COLOR_BTNFACE }, { "ButtonHighlight", COLOR_BTNHIGHLIGHT }, { "ButtonShadow", COLOR_BTNSHADOW }, { "ButtonText", COLOR_BTNTEXT }, { "CaptionText", COLOR_CAPTIONTEXT }, { "GrayText", COLOR_GRAYTEXT }, { "Highlight", COLOR_HIGHLIGHT }, { "HighlightText", COLOR_HIGHLIGHTTEXT }, { "InactiveBorder", COLOR_INACTIVEBORDER }, { "InactiveCaption", COLOR_INACTIVECAPTION }, { "InactiveCaptionText", COLOR_INACTIVECAPTIONTEXT }, { "InfoBackground", COLOR_INFOBK }, { "InfoText", COLOR_INFOTEXT }, { "Menu", COLOR_MENU }, { "MenuText", COLOR_MENUTEXT }, { "Scrollbar", COLOR_SCROLLBAR }, { "ThreeDDarkShadow", COLOR_3DDKSHADOW }, { "ThreeDFace", COLOR_3DFACE }, { "ThreeDHighlight", COLOR_3DHILIGHT }, { "ThreeDLightShadow", COLOR_3DLIGHT }, { "ThreeDShadow", COLOR_3DSHADOW }, { "Window", COLOR_WINDOW }, { "WindowFrame", COLOR_WINDOWFRAME }, { "WindowText", COLOR_WINDOWTEXT } }; std::string NSWebPage::resolve_color(const std::string &color) const { for (auto &clr : colors) { if (!t_strcasecmp(color.c_str(), clr.name)) { char str_clr[20]; DWORD rgb_color = GetSysColor(clr.color_index); mir_snprintf(str_clr, "#%02X%02X%02X", GetRValue(rgb_color), GetGValue(rgb_color), GetBValue(rgb_color)); return str_clr; } } return ""; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// NSWebPage::NSWebPage(NewstoryListData &_1) : ctrl(_1) { m_hClipRgn = NULL; m_tmp_hdc = GetDC(NULL); if (g_installed_fonts.empty()) { EnumFonts(m_tmp_hdc, NULL, EnumFontsProc, 0); g_installed_fonts.insert(L"monospace"); g_installed_fonts.insert(L"serif"); g_installed_fonts.insert(L"sans-serif"); g_installed_fonts.insert(L"fantasy"); g_installed_fonts.insert(L"cursive"); } } NSWebPage::~NSWebPage() { clear_images(); { mir_cslock lck(g_csMissingFiles); for (auto &it : g_arMissingFiles.rev_iter()) if (it->pPage == this) g_arMissingFiles.remove(g_arMissingFiles.indexOf(&it)); } for (auto &it : m_fonts) delete_font(it.second.font); if (m_hClipRgn) DeleteObject(m_hClipRgn); ReleaseDC(NULL, m_tmp_hdc); } void NSWebPage::draw() { ctrl.ScheduleDraw(); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // former win32_container static LPCWSTR get_exact_font_name(LPCWSTR facename) { if (!lstrcmpi(facename, L"monospace")) return L"Courier New"; if (!lstrcmpi(facename, L"serif")) return L"Times New Roman"; if (!lstrcmpi(facename, L"sans-serif")) return L"Arial"; if (!lstrcmpi(facename, L"fantasy")) return L"Impact"; if (!lstrcmpi(facename, L"cursive")) return L"Comic Sans MS"; return facename; } static void trim_quotes(std::string &str) { if (str.front() == '"' || str.front() == '\'') str.erase(0, 1); if (str.back() == '"' || str.back() == '\'') str.erase(str.length() - 1, 1); } uint_ptr NSWebPage::create_font(const char *font_list, int size, int weight, font_style italic, unsigned int decoration, font_metrics *fm) { std::wstring font_name; string_vector fonts; split_string(font_list, fonts, ","); bool found = false; for (auto &name : fonts) { trim(name); trim_quotes(name); Utf2T wname(name.c_str()); if (g_installed_fonts.count(wname.get())) { font_name = wname; found = true; break; } } if (!found) font_name = Utf2T(get_default_font_name()); font_name = get_exact_font_name(font_name.c_str()); LOGFONT lf = {}; wcscpy_s(lf.lfFaceName, LF_FACESIZE, font_name.c_str()); lf.lfHeight = -size; lf.lfWeight = weight; lf.lfItalic = (italic == font_style_italic) ? TRUE : FALSE; lf.lfCharSet = DEFAULT_CHARSET; lf.lfOutPrecision = OUT_DEFAULT_PRECIS; lf.lfClipPrecision = CLIP_DEFAULT_PRECIS; lf.lfQuality = DEFAULT_QUALITY; lf.lfStrikeOut = (decoration & font_decoration_linethrough) ? TRUE : FALSE; lf.lfUnderline = (decoration & font_decoration_underline) ? TRUE : FALSE; HFONT hFont = CreateFontIndirect(&lf); if (fm) { SelectObject(m_tmp_hdc, hFont); TEXTMETRIC tm = {}; GetTextMetrics(m_tmp_hdc, &tm); fm->ascent = tm.tmAscent; fm->descent = tm.tmDescent; fm->height = tm.tmHeight; fm->x_height = tm.tmHeight / 2; // this is an estimate; call GetGlyphOutline to get the real value fm->draw_spaces = italic || decoration; } return (uint_ptr)hFont; } void NSWebPage::delete_font(uint_ptr hFont) { DeleteObject((HFONT)hFont); } const char *NSWebPage::get_default_font_name() const { return "Times New Roman"; } int NSWebPage::get_default_font_size() const { return 16; } int NSWebPage::text_width(const char *text, uint_ptr hFont) { SIZE size = {}; SelectObject(m_tmp_hdc, (HFONT)hFont); Utf2T wtext(text); GetTextExtentPoint32(m_tmp_hdc, wtext, (int)mir_wstrlen(wtext), &size); return size.cx; } void NSWebPage::draw_text(uint_ptr hdc, const char *text, uint_ptr hFont, web_color color, const position &pos) { apply_clip((HDC)hdc); HFONT oldFont = (HFONT)SelectObject((HDC)hdc, (HFONT)hFont); SetBkMode((HDC)hdc, TRANSPARENT); SetTextColor((HDC)hdc, RGB(color.red, color.green, color.blue)); RECT rcText = { pos.left(), pos.top(), pos.right(), pos.bottom() }; DrawText((HDC)hdc, Utf2T(text), -1, &rcText, DT_SINGLELINE | DT_NOPREFIX | DT_BOTTOM | DT_NOCLIP); SelectObject((HDC)hdc, oldFont); release_clip((HDC)hdc); } int NSWebPage::pt_to_px(int pt) const { return MulDiv(pt, GetDeviceCaps(m_tmp_hdc, LOGPIXELSY), 72); } void NSWebPage::draw_solid_fill(uint_ptr _hdc, const background_layer &bg, const web_color &color) { HDC hdc = (HDC)_hdc; apply_clip(hdc); fill_rect(hdc, bg.border_box.x, bg.border_box.y, bg.border_box.width, bg.border_box.height, color); release_clip(hdc); } void NSWebPage::draw_linear_gradient(uint_ptr, const background_layer &, const background_layer::linear_gradient &) {} void NSWebPage::draw_radial_gradient(uint_ptr, const background_layer &, const background_layer::radial_gradient &) {} void NSWebPage::draw_conic_gradient(uint_ptr, const background_layer &, const background_layer::conic_gradient &) {} void NSWebPage::draw_list_marker(uint_ptr hdc, const list_marker &marker) { apply_clip((HDC)hdc); int top_margin = marker.pos.height / 3; if (top_margin < 4) top_margin = 0; int draw_x = marker.pos.x; int draw_y = marker.pos.y + top_margin; int draw_width = marker.pos.height - top_margin * 2; int draw_height = marker.pos.height - top_margin * 2; switch (marker.marker_type) { case list_style_type_circle: { draw_ellipse((HDC)hdc, draw_x, draw_y, draw_width, draw_height, marker.color, 1); } break; case list_style_type_disc: { fill_ellipse((HDC)hdc, draw_x, draw_y, draw_width, draw_height, marker.color); } break; case list_style_type_square: { fill_rect((HDC)hdc, draw_x, draw_y, draw_width, draw_height, marker.color); } break; } release_clip((HDC)hdc); } Bitmap* NSWebPage::load_image(const wchar_t *pwszUrl, ItemData *pItem) { mir_cslockfull lck(m_csImages); auto img = m_images.find(pwszUrl); if (img != m_images.end() && img->second) return (Bitmap *)img->second; if (uint_ptr newImg = get_image(pwszUrl, false)) { add_image(pwszUrl, newImg); return (Bitmap *)newImg; } NSWebCache tmp(this, pwszUrl, pItem); mir_cslock lck2(g_csMissingFiles); if (!g_arMissingFiles.find(&tmp)) g_arMissingFiles.insert(new NSWebCache(tmp)); return g_plugin.m_pNoImage; } void NSWebPage::load_image(const char *src, const char */*baseurl*/, bool redraw_on_ready) { std::wstring url = Utf2T(src); mir_cslockfull lck(m_csImages); if (m_images.count(url) == 0) { lck.unlock(); if (uint_ptr img = get_image(url.c_str(), redraw_on_ready)) add_image(url.c_str(), img); } } void NSWebPage::add_image(LPCWSTR url, uint_ptr img) { mir_cslock lck(m_csImages); m_images[url] = img; } Bitmap* NSWebPage::find_image(const wchar_t *pwszUrl) { mir_cslock lck(m_csImages); auto img = m_images.find(pwszUrl); if (img != m_images.end() && img->second) return (Bitmap *)img->second; return nullptr; } void NSWebPage::get_image_size(const char *src, const char * /*baseurl*/, size &sz) { std::wstring url = Utf2T(src); mir_cslock lck(m_csImages); images_map::iterator img = m_images.find(url); if (img != m_images.end() && img->second) get_img_size(img->second, sz); else sz.width = sz.height = 48; } void NSWebPage::clear_images() { mir_cslock lck(m_csImages); for (auto &img : m_images) if (img.second) delete (Bitmap *)img.second; m_images.clear(); } void NSWebPage::set_clip(const position &pos, const border_radiuses &) { m_clips.push_back(pos); } void NSWebPage::del_clip() { if (!m_clips.empty()) m_clips.pop_back(); } void NSWebPage::apply_clip(HDC hdc) { if (m_hClipRgn) { DeleteObject(m_hClipRgn); m_hClipRgn = NULL; } if (!m_clips.empty()) { POINT ptView = { 0, 0 }; GetWindowOrgEx(hdc, &ptView); position clip_pos = m_clips.back(); m_hClipRgn = CreateRectRgn(clip_pos.left() - ptView.x, clip_pos.top() - ptView.y, clip_pos.right() - ptView.x, clip_pos.bottom() - ptView.y); SelectClipRgn(hdc, m_hClipRgn); } } void NSWebPage::release_clip(HDC hdc) { SelectClipRgn(hdc, NULL); if (m_hClipRgn) { DeleteObject(m_hClipRgn); m_hClipRgn = NULL; } } element::ptr NSWebPage::create_element(const char *, const string_map &, const document::ptr &) { return 0; } void NSWebPage::get_media_features(media_features &media) const { position client; get_client_rect(client); media.type = media_type_screen; media.width = client.width; media.height = client.height; media.color = 8; media.monochrome = 0; media.color_index = 256; media.resolution = GetDeviceCaps(m_tmp_hdc, LOGPIXELSX); media.device_width = GetDeviceCaps(m_tmp_hdc, HORZRES); media.device_height = GetDeviceCaps(m_tmp_hdc, VERTRES); } void NSWebPage::get_language(std::string &language, std::string &culture) const { language = "en"; culture = ""; } void NSWebPage::transform_text(std::string &text, text_transform tt) { if (text.empty()) return; LPWSTR txt = _wcsdup(Utf2T(text.c_str())); switch (tt) { case text_transform_capitalize: CharUpperBuff(txt, 1); break; case text_transform_uppercase: CharUpperBuff(txt, lstrlen(txt)); break; case text_transform_lowercase: CharLowerBuff(txt, lstrlen(txt)); break; } text = T2Utf(txt); free(txt); } void NSWebPage::link(const document::ptr &, const element::ptr &) {} ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // GDI+ part (former gdiplus_container) static Color gdiplus_color(web_color color) { return Color(color.alpha, color.red, color.green, color.blue); } void NSWebPage::draw_ellipse(HDC hdc, int x, int y, int width, int height, web_color color, int) { Graphics graphics(hdc); graphics.SetCompositingQuality(CompositingQualityHighQuality); graphics.SetSmoothingMode(SmoothingModeAntiAlias); Pen pen(gdiplus_color(color)); graphics.DrawEllipse(&pen, x, y, width, height); } void NSWebPage::fill_ellipse(HDC hdc, int x, int y, int width, int height, web_color color) { Graphics graphics(hdc); graphics.SetCompositingQuality(CompositingQualityHighQuality); graphics.SetSmoothingMode(SmoothingModeAntiAlias); SolidBrush brush(gdiplus_color(color)); graphics.FillEllipse(&brush, x, y, width, height); } void NSWebPage::fill_rect(HDC hdc, int x, int y, int width, int height, web_color color) { Graphics graphics(hdc); SolidBrush brush(gdiplus_color(color)); graphics.FillRectangle(&brush, x, y, width, height); } void NSWebPage::get_img_size(uint_ptr img, size &sz) { Bitmap *bmp = (Bitmap *)img; if (bmp) { sz.width = bmp->GetWidth(); sz.height = bmp->GetHeight(); } } void NSWebPage::draw_image(uint_ptr _hdc, const background_layer &bg, const std::string &src, const std::string& /*base_url*/) { if (src.empty() || (!bg.clip_box.width && !bg.clip_box.height)) return; std::wstring url = Utf2T(src.c_str()); Bitmap *bgbmp = find_image(url.c_str()); if (!bgbmp) bgbmp = g_plugin.m_pNoImage; Graphics graphics((HDC)_hdc); graphics.SetInterpolationMode(Gdiplus::InterpolationModeNearestNeighbor); graphics.SetPixelOffsetMode(Gdiplus::PixelOffsetModeHalf); Region reg(Rect(bg.border_box.left(), bg.border_box.top(), bg.border_box.width, bg.border_box.height)); graphics.SetClip(®); Bitmap *scaled_img = nullptr; if (bg.origin_box.width != (int)bgbmp->GetWidth() || bg.origin_box.height != (int)bgbmp->GetHeight()) { scaled_img = new Bitmap(bg.origin_box.width, bg.origin_box.height); Graphics gr(scaled_img); gr.SetPixelOffsetMode(Gdiplus::PixelOffsetModeHighQuality); gr.DrawImage(bgbmp, 0, 0, bg.origin_box.width, bg.origin_box.height); bgbmp = scaled_img; } switch (bg.repeat) { case background_repeat_no_repeat: { graphics.DrawImage(bgbmp, bg.origin_box.x, bg.origin_box.y, bgbmp->GetWidth(), bgbmp->GetHeight()); } break; case background_repeat_repeat_x: { CachedBitmap bmp(bgbmp, &graphics); int x = bg.origin_box.x; while (x > bg.clip_box.left()) x -= bgbmp->GetWidth(); for (; x < bg.clip_box.right(); x += bgbmp->GetWidth()) { graphics.DrawCachedBitmap(&bmp, x, bg.origin_box.y); } } break; case background_repeat_repeat_y: { CachedBitmap bmp(bgbmp, &graphics); int y = bg.origin_box.y; while (y > bg.clip_box.top()) y -= bgbmp->GetHeight(); for (; y < bg.clip_box.bottom(); y += bgbmp->GetHeight()) { graphics.DrawCachedBitmap(&bmp, bg.origin_box.x, y); } } break; case background_repeat_repeat: { CachedBitmap bmp(bgbmp, &graphics); int x = bg.origin_box.x; while (x > bg.clip_box.left()) x -= bgbmp->GetWidth(); int y0 = bg.origin_box.y; while (y0 > bg.clip_box.top()) y0 -= bgbmp->GetHeight(); for (; x < bg.clip_box.right(); x += bgbmp->GetWidth()) { for (int y = y0; y < bg.clip_box.bottom(); y += bgbmp->GetHeight()) { graphics.DrawCachedBitmap(&bmp, x, y); } } } break; } delete scaled_img; } // length of dash and space for "dashed" style, in multiples of pen width const float dash = 3; const float space = 2; static void draw_horz_border(Graphics &graphics, const border &border, int y, int left, int right) { if (border.style != border_style_double || border.width < 3) { if (border.width == 1) right--; // 1px-wide lines are longer by one pixel in GDI+ (the endpoint is also drawn) Pen pen(gdiplus_color(border.color), (float)border.width); if (border.style == border_style_dotted) { float dashValues[2] = { 1, 1 }; pen.SetDashPattern(dashValues, 2); } else if (border.style == border_style_dashed) { float dashValues[2] = { dash, space }; pen.SetDashPattern(dashValues, 2); } graphics.DrawLine(&pen, Point(left, y + border.width / 2), Point(right, y + border.width / 2)); } else { int single_line_width = (int)round(border.width / 3.); if (single_line_width == 1) right--; Pen pen(gdiplus_color(border.color), (float)single_line_width); graphics.DrawLine(&pen, Point(left, y + single_line_width / 2), Point(right, y + single_line_width / 2)); graphics.DrawLine(&pen, Point(left, y + border.width - 1 - single_line_width / 2), Point(right, y + border.width - 1 - single_line_width / 2)); } } static void draw_vert_border(Graphics &graphics, const border &border, int x, int top, int bottom) { if (border.style != border_style_double || border.width < 3) { if (border.width == 1) bottom--; Pen pen(gdiplus_color(border.color), (float)border.width); if (border.style == border_style_dotted) { float dashValues[2] = { 1, 1 }; pen.SetDashPattern(dashValues, 2); } else if (border.style == border_style_dashed) { float dashValues[2] = { dash, space }; pen.SetDashPattern(dashValues, 2); } graphics.DrawLine(&pen, Point(x + border.width / 2, top), Point(x + border.width / 2, bottom)); } else { int single_line_width = (int)round(border.width / 3.); if (single_line_width == 1) bottom--; Pen pen(gdiplus_color(border.color), (float)single_line_width); graphics.DrawLine(&pen, Point(x + single_line_width / 2, top), Point(x + single_line_width / 2, bottom)); graphics.DrawLine(&pen, Point(x + border.width - 1 - single_line_width / 2, top), Point(x + border.width - 1 - single_line_width / 2, bottom)); } } void NSWebPage::draw_borders(uint_ptr hdc, const borders &borders, const position &draw_pos, bool) { apply_clip((HDC)hdc); Graphics graphics((HDC)hdc); if (borders.left.width != 0) { draw_vert_border(graphics, borders.left, draw_pos.left(), draw_pos.top(), draw_pos.bottom()); } if (borders.right.width != 0) { draw_vert_border(graphics, borders.right, draw_pos.right() - borders.right.width, draw_pos.top(), draw_pos.bottom()); } if (borders.top.width != 0) { draw_horz_border(graphics, borders.top, draw_pos.top(), draw_pos.left(), draw_pos.right()); } if (borders.bottom.width != 0) { draw_horz_border(graphics, borders.bottom, draw_pos.bottom() - borders.bottom.width, draw_pos.left(), draw_pos.right()); } release_clip((HDC)hdc); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // NSWebPage own functions uint_ptr NSWebPage::get_image(LPCWSTR url_or_path, bool) { if (!mir_wstrncmp(url_or_path, L"file://", 7)) url_or_path += 7; IStream *pStream = 0; HRESULT hr = SHCreateStreamOnFileEx(url_or_path, STGM_READ | STGM_SHARE_DENY_NONE, 0, FALSE, 0, &pStream); if (!SUCCEEDED(hr)) return 0; auto *pImage = new Gdiplus::Bitmap(pStream); pStream->Release(); if (pImage->GetLastStatus() != Ok) { delete pImage; return 0; } return (uint_ptr)pImage; } void NSWebPage::get_client_rect(position &pos) const { pos = size(ctrl.cachedWindowWidth, ctrl.cachedWindowHeight); } void NSWebPage::import_css(std::string &, const std::string &, std::string &) { } void NSWebPage::on_anchor_click(const char *pszUtl, const element::ptr &) { Utf2T wszUrl(pszUtl); DWORD dwType; const wchar_t *p = (!mir_wstrncmp(wszUrl, L"file://", 7)) ? wszUrl.get() + 7 : wszUrl.get(); if (GetBinaryTypeW(p, &dwType)) { CMStringW wszText(FORMAT, L"%s\r\n\r\n%s", TranslateT("This url might launch an executable program or virus, are you sure?"), wszUrl.get()); if (IDYES != MessageBoxW(0, wszText, TranslateT("Potentially dangerous URL"), MB_ICONWARNING | MB_YESNO)) return; } Utils_OpenUrlW(wszUrl); } void NSWebPage::set_base_url(const char *) { } void NSWebPage::set_caption(const char *) { } void NSWebPage::set_cursor(const char *pszCursor) { if (!mir_strcmp(pszCursor, "pointer")) SetCursor(LoadCursor(NULL, IDC_HAND)); else SetCursor(LoadCursor(NULL, IDC_ARROW)); }