/* NewXstatusNotify YM - Plugin for Miranda IM Copyright (c) 2001-2004 Luca Santarelli Copyright (c) 2005-2007 Vasilich Copyright (c) 2007-2011 yaho This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ #include "stdafx.h" CLIST_INTERFACE *pcli; HINSTANCE hInst; LIST<DBEVENT> eventListXStatus(10); LIST<DBEVENT> eventListStatus(10); LIST<DBEVENT> eventListSMsg(10); HANDLE hStatusModeChange, hHookContactStatusChanged, hToolbarButton; HGENMENU hEnableDisableMenu; STATUS StatusList[STATUS_COUNT]; STATUS StatusListEx[STATUSEX_COUNT]; HWND SecretWnd; int hLangpack; int ContactStatusChanged(MCONTACT hContact, WORD oldStatus, WORD newStatus); PLUGININFOEX pluginInfoEx = { sizeof(PLUGININFOEX), __PLUGIN_NAME, PLUGIN_MAKE_VERSION(__MAJOR_VERSION, __MINOR_VERSION, __RELEASE_NUM, __BUILD_NUM), __DESCRIPTION, __AUTHOR, __COPYRIGHT, __AUTHORWEB, UNICODE_AWARE, // EBF19652-E434-4D79-9897-91A0FF226F51 { 0xebf19652, 0xe434, 0x4d79, { 0x98, 0x97, 0x91, 0xa0, 0xff, 0x22, 0x6f, 0x51 } } }; BOOL WINAPI DllMain(HINSTANCE hinstDLL, DWORD, LPVOID) { hInst = hinstDLL; return TRUE; } extern "C" __declspec(dllexport) PLUGININFOEX* MirandaPluginInfoEx(DWORD) { return &pluginInfoEx; } extern "C" __declspec(dllexport) const MUUID MirandaInterfaces[] = { MIID_USERONLINE, MIID_LAST }; BYTE GetGender(MCONTACT hContact) { char *szProto = GetContactProto(hContact); if (szProto) { switch (db_get_b(hContact, szProto, "Gender", 0)) { case 'M': case 'm': return GENDER_MALE; case 'F': case 'f': return GENDER_FEMALE; default: return GENDER_UNSPECIFIED; } } return GENDER_UNSPECIFIED; } HANDLE GetIconHandle(char *szIcon) { char szSettingName[64]; mir_snprintf(szSettingName, "%s_%s", MODULE, szIcon); return IcoLib_GetIconHandle(szSettingName); } static int __inline CheckStr(char *str, int not_empty, int empty) { if (str == nullptr || str[0] == '\0') return empty; else return not_empty; } static int __inline CheckStrW(WCHAR *str, int not_empty, int empty) { if (str == nullptr || str[0] == L'\0') return empty; else return not_empty; } static int CompareStatusMsg(STATUSMSGINFO *smi, DBCONTACTWRITESETTING *cws_new, char *szSetting) { DBVARIANT dbv_old; int ret = -1; switch (cws_new->value.type) { case DBVT_ASCIIZ: smi->newstatusmsg = (CheckStr(cws_new->value.pszVal, 0, 1) ? nullptr : mir_a2u_cp(cws_new->value.pszVal, CP_ACP)); break; case DBVT_UTF8: smi->newstatusmsg = (CheckStr(cws_new->value.pszVal, 0, 1) ? nullptr : mir_a2u_cp(cws_new->value.pszVal, CP_UTF8)); break; case DBVT_WCHAR: smi->newstatusmsg = (CheckStrW(cws_new->value.pwszVal, 0, 1) ? nullptr : mir_wstrdup(cws_new->value.pwszVal)); break; case DBVT_DELETED: default: smi->newstatusmsg = nullptr; break; } if (!db_get_s(smi->hContact, "UserOnline", szSetting, &dbv_old, 0)) { switch (dbv_old.type) { case DBVT_ASCIIZ: smi->oldstatusmsg = (CheckStr(dbv_old.pszVal, 0, 1) ? nullptr : mir_a2u_cp(dbv_old.pszVal, CP_ACP)); break; case DBVT_UTF8: smi->oldstatusmsg = (CheckStr(dbv_old.pszVal, 0, 1) ? nullptr : mir_a2u_cp(dbv_old.pszVal, CP_UTF8)); break; case DBVT_WCHAR: smi->oldstatusmsg = (CheckStrW(dbv_old.pwszVal, 0, 1) ? nullptr : mir_wstrdup(dbv_old.pwszVal)); break; default: smi->oldstatusmsg = nullptr; break; } if (cws_new->value.type == DBVT_DELETED) { if (dbv_old.type == DBVT_WCHAR) ret = CheckStrW(dbv_old.pwszVal, COMPARE_DEL, COMPARE_SAME); else if (dbv_old.type == DBVT_UTF8 || dbv_old.type == DBVT_ASCIIZ) ret = CheckStr(dbv_old.pszVal, COMPARE_DEL, COMPARE_SAME); else ret = COMPARE_DEL; } else if (dbv_old.type != cws_new->value.type) ret = (mir_wstrcmp(smi->newstatusmsg, smi->oldstatusmsg) ? CheckStrW(smi->newstatusmsg, COMPARE_DIFF, COMPARE_DEL) : COMPARE_SAME); else if (dbv_old.type == DBVT_ASCIIZ) ret = (mir_strcmp(cws_new->value.pszVal, dbv_old.pszVal) ? CheckStr(cws_new->value.pszVal, COMPARE_DIFF, COMPARE_DEL) : COMPARE_SAME); else if (dbv_old.type == DBVT_UTF8) ret = (mir_strcmp(cws_new->value.pszVal, dbv_old.pszVal) ? CheckStr(cws_new->value.pszVal, COMPARE_DIFF, COMPARE_DEL) : COMPARE_SAME); else if (dbv_old.type == DBVT_WCHAR) ret = (mir_wstrcmp(cws_new->value.pwszVal, dbv_old.pwszVal) ? CheckStrW(cws_new->value.pwszVal, COMPARE_DIFF, COMPARE_DEL) : COMPARE_SAME); db_free(&dbv_old); } else { if (cws_new->value.type == DBVT_DELETED) ret = COMPARE_SAME; else if (cws_new->value.type == DBVT_WCHAR) ret = CheckStrW(cws_new->value.pwszVal, COMPARE_DIFF, COMPARE_SAME); else if (cws_new->value.type == DBVT_UTF8 || cws_new->value.type == DBVT_ASCIIZ) ret = CheckStr(cws_new->value.pszVal, COMPARE_DIFF, COMPARE_SAME); else ret = COMPARE_DIFF; smi->oldstatusmsg = nullptr; } return ret; } wchar_t* GetStr(STATUSMSGINFO *n, const wchar_t *tmplt) { if (n == nullptr || tmplt == nullptr || tmplt[0] == '\0') return nullptr; CMStringW res; size_t len = mir_wstrlen(tmplt); for (size_t i = 0; i < len; i++) { if (tmplt[i] == '%') { i++; switch (tmplt[i]) { case 'n': if (n->compare == COMPARE_DEL || mir_wstrcmp(n->newstatusmsg, TranslateT("<no status message>")) == 0) res.Append(TranslateT("<no status message>")); else AddCR(res, n->newstatusmsg); break; case 'o': if (n->oldstatusmsg == nullptr || n->oldstatusmsg[0] == '\0' || mir_wstrcmp(n->oldstatusmsg, TranslateT("<no status message>")) == 0) res.Append(TranslateT("<no status message>")); else AddCR(res, n->oldstatusmsg); break; case 'c': if (n->hContact == NULL) res.Append(TranslateT("Contact")); else res.Append(pcli->pfnGetContactDisplayName(n->hContact, 0)); break; case 's': if (n->hContact == NULL) res.Append(TranslateT("<unknown>")); else res.Append(StatusList[Index(db_get_w(n->hContact, n->proto, "Status", ID_STATUS_ONLINE))].lpzStandardText); break; default: i--; res.AppendChar(tmplt[i]); break; } } else if (tmplt[i] == '\\') { i++; switch (tmplt[i]) { case 'n': res.AppendChar('\r'); res.AppendChar('\n'); break; case 't': res.AppendChar('\t'); break; default: i--; res.AppendChar(tmplt[i]); break; } } else res.AppendChar(tmplt[i]); } if (res.GetLength() > 2044) { res.Truncate(2044); res.Append(L"..."); } return mir_wstrndup(res, res.GetLength()); } bool SkipHiddenContact(MCONTACT hContact) { return (!opt.HiddenContactsToo && (db_get_b(hContact, "CList", "Hidden", 0) == 1)); } void LogSMsgToDB(STATUSMSGINFO *smi, const wchar_t *tmplt) { ptrW str(GetStr(smi, tmplt)); T2Utf blob(str); DBEVENTINFO dbei = {}; dbei.cbBlob = (DWORD)mir_strlen(blob) + 1; dbei.pBlob = (PBYTE)blob; dbei.eventType = EVENTTYPE_STATUSCHANGE; dbei.flags = DBEF_READ | DBEF_UTF; dbei.timestamp = (DWORD)time(nullptr); dbei.szModule = MODULE; MEVENT hDBEvent = db_event_add(smi->hContact, &dbei); if (opt.SMsgLogToDB_WinOpen && opt.SMsgLogToDB_Remove) { DBEVENT *dbevent = (DBEVENT *)mir_alloc(sizeof(DBEVENT)); dbevent->hContact = smi->hContact; dbevent->hDBEvent = hDBEvent; eventListSMsg.insert(dbevent); } } void GetStatusText(MCONTACT hContact, WORD newStatus, WORD oldStatus, wchar_t *stzStatusText) { if (opt.UseAlternativeText) { switch (GetGender(hContact)) { case GENDER_MALE: wcsncpy(stzStatusText, StatusList[Index(newStatus)].lpzMStatusText, MAX_STATUSTEXT); break; case GENDER_FEMALE: wcsncpy(stzStatusText, StatusList[Index(newStatus)].lpzFStatusText, MAX_STATUSTEXT); break; case GENDER_UNSPECIFIED: wcsncpy(stzStatusText, StatusList[Index(newStatus)].lpzUStatusText, MAX_STATUSTEXT); break; } } else wcsncpy(stzStatusText, StatusList[Index(newStatus)].lpzStandardText, MAX_STATUSTEXT); if (opt.ShowPreviousStatus) { wchar_t buff[MAX_STATUSTEXT]; mir_snwprintf(buff, TranslateW(STRING_SHOWPREVIOUSSTATUS), StatusList[Index(oldStatus)].lpzStandardText); mir_wstrcat(mir_wstrcat(stzStatusText, L" "), buff); } } void BlinkIcon(MCONTACT hContact, HICON hIcon, wchar_t *stzText) { CLISTEVENT cle = {}; cle.flags = CLEF_ONLYAFEW | CLEF_UNICODE; cle.hContact = hContact; cle.hDbEvent = hContact; cle.hIcon = hIcon; cle.pszService = "UserOnline/Description"; cle.szTooltip.w = stzText; pcli->pfnAddEvent(&cle); } void PlayChangeSound(MCONTACT hContact, const char *name) { if (opt.UseIndSnd) { DBVARIANT dbv; wchar_t stzSoundFile[MAX_PATH] = { 0 }; if (!db_get_ws(hContact, MODULE, name, &dbv)) { wcsncpy(stzSoundFile, dbv.ptszVal, _countof(stzSoundFile)-1); db_free(&dbv); } if (stzSoundFile[0]) { //Now make path to IndSound absolute, as it isn't registered wchar_t stzSoundPath[MAX_PATH]; PathToAbsoluteW(stzSoundFile, stzSoundPath); Skin_PlaySoundFile(stzSoundPath); return; } } if (db_get_b(0, "SkinSoundsOff", name, 0) == 0) Skin_PlaySound(name); } int ContactStatusChanged(MCONTACT hContact, WORD oldStatus, WORD newStatus) { if (opt.LogToDB && (!opt.LogToDB_WinOpen || CheckMsgWnd(hContact))) { wchar_t stzStatusText[MAX_SECONDLINE] = { 0 }; GetStatusText(hContact, newStatus, oldStatus, stzStatusText); T2Utf blob(stzStatusText); DBEVENTINFO dbei = {}; dbei.cbBlob = (DWORD)mir_strlen(blob) + 1; dbei.pBlob = (PBYTE)blob; dbei.eventType = EVENTTYPE_STATUSCHANGE; dbei.flags = DBEF_READ | DBEF_UTF; dbei.timestamp = (DWORD)time(nullptr); dbei.szModule = MODULE; MEVENT hDBEvent = db_event_add(hContact, &dbei); if (opt.LogToDB_WinOpen && opt.LogToDB_Remove) { DBEVENT *dbevent = (DBEVENT *)mir_alloc(sizeof(DBEVENT)); dbevent->hContact = hContact; dbevent->hDBEvent = hDBEvent; eventListStatus.insert(dbevent); } } bool bEnablePopup = true, bEnableSound = true; char *szProto = GetContactProto(hContact); WORD myStatus = (WORD)CallProtoService(szProto, PS_GETSTATUS, 0, 0); if (!mir_strcmp(szProto, META_PROTO)) { //this contact is Meta MCONTACT hSubContact = db_mc_getMostOnline(hContact); char *szSubProto = GetContactProto(hSubContact); if (szSubProto == nullptr) return 0; if (newStatus == ID_STATUS_OFFLINE) { // read last online proto for metacontact if exists, // to avoid notifying when meta went offline but default contact's proto still online DBVARIANT dbv; if (!db_get_s(hContact, szProto, "LastOnline", &dbv)) { szSubProto = NEWSTR_ALLOCA(dbv.pszVal); db_free(&dbv); } } else db_set_s(hContact, szProto, "LastOnline", szSubProto); if (db_get_b(0, MODULE, szSubProto, 1) == 0) return 0; szProto = szSubProto; } else { if (myStatus == ID_STATUS_OFFLINE || db_get_b(0, MODULE, szProto, 1) == 0) return 0; } if (!opt.FromOffline || oldStatus != ID_STATUS_OFFLINE) { // Either it wasn't a change from Offline or we didn't enable that. char buff[8]; mir_snprintf(buff, "%d", newStatus); if (db_get_b(0, MODULE, buff, 1) == 0) return 0; // "Notify when a contact changes to one of..." is unchecked } if (SkipHiddenContact(hContact)) return 0; // check if that proto from which we received statuschange notification, isn't in autodisable list if (opt.AutoDisable) { char statusIDs[12], statusIDp[12]; mir_snprintf(statusIDs, "s%d", myStatus); mir_snprintf(statusIDp, "p%d", myStatus); bEnableSound = db_get_b(0, MODULE, statusIDs, 1) ? FALSE : TRUE; bEnablePopup = db_get_b(0, MODULE, statusIDp, 1) ? FALSE : TRUE; } if (bEnablePopup && db_get_b(hContact, MODULE, "EnablePopups", 1) && !opt.TempDisabled) { WORD wStatus = (WORD)CallProtoService(szProto, PS_GETSTATUS, 0, 0); wchar_t str[MAX_SECONDLINE] = { 0 }; if (opt.ShowStatus) GetStatusText(hContact, newStatus, oldStatus, str); if (opt.ReadAwayMsg && wStatus != ID_STATUS_INVISIBLE && StatusHasAwayMessage(szProto, newStatus)) db_set_ws(hContact, MODULE, "LastPopupText", str); PLUGINDATA *pdp = (PLUGINDATA *)mir_calloc(sizeof(PLUGINDATA)); pdp->oldStatus = oldStatus; pdp->newStatus = newStatus; pdp->hAwayMsgHook = nullptr; pdp->hAwayMsgProcess = nullptr; ShowChangePopup(hContact, Skin_LoadProtoIcon(szProto, newStatus), newStatus, str, pdp); } if (opt.BlinkIcon && !opt.TempDisabled) { HICON hIcon = opt.BlinkIcon_Status ? Skin_LoadProtoIcon(szProto, newStatus) : Skin_LoadIcon(SKINICON_OTHER_USERONLINE); wchar_t str[256]; mir_snwprintf(str, TranslateT("%s is now %s"), pcli->pfnGetContactDisplayName(hContact, 0), StatusList[Index(newStatus)].lpzStandardText); BlinkIcon(hContact, hIcon, str); } if (bEnableSound && db_get_b(0, "Skin", "UseSound", TRUE) && db_get_b(hContact, MODULE, "EnableSounds", 1) && !opt.TempDisabled) { if (oldStatus == ID_STATUS_OFFLINE) PlayChangeSound(hContact, StatusListEx[ID_STATUS_FROMOFFLINE].lpzSkinSoundName); else PlayChangeSound(hContact, StatusList[Index(newStatus)].lpzSkinSoundName); } if (opt.LogToFile) { wchar_t stzDate[MAX_STATUSTEXT], stzTime[MAX_STATUSTEXT], stzText[MAX_TEXT_LEN]; GetTimeFormat(LOCALE_USER_DEFAULT, 0, nullptr, L"HH':'mm", stzTime, _countof(stzTime)); GetDateFormat(LOCALE_USER_DEFAULT, 0, nullptr, L"dd/MM/yyyy", stzDate, _countof(stzDate)); mir_snwprintf(stzText, TranslateT("%s, %s. %s changed status to %s (was %s)\r\n"), stzDate, stzTime, pcli->pfnGetContactDisplayName(hContact, 0), StatusList[Index(newStatus)].lpzStandardText, StatusList[Index(oldStatus)].lpzStandardText); LogToFile(stzText); } return 0; } int ProcessStatus(DBCONTACTWRITESETTING *cws, MCONTACT hContact) { WORD newStatus = cws->value.wVal; if (newStatus < ID_STATUS_MIN || newStatus > ID_STATUS_MAX) return 0; char *szProto = GetContactProto(hContact); if (mir_strcmp(cws->szModule, szProto)) return 0; // we don't want to be notified if new chatroom comes online if (db_get_b(hContact, szProto, "ChatRoom", 0) == 1) return 0; WORD oldStatus = DBGetContactSettingRangedWord(hContact, "UserOnline", "LastStatus", ID_STATUS_OFFLINE, ID_STATUS_MIN, ID_STATUS_MAX); if (oldStatus == newStatus) return 0; //If we get here, the two statuses differ, so we can proceed. db_set_w(hContact, "UserOnline", "LastStatus", newStatus); // A simple implementation of Last Seen module, please don't touch this. if (opt.EnableLastSeen && newStatus == ID_STATUS_OFFLINE && oldStatus > ID_STATUS_OFFLINE) { SYSTEMTIME systime; GetLocalTime(&systime); db_set_w(hContact, "SeenModule", "Year", systime.wYear); db_set_w(hContact, "SeenModule", "Month", systime.wMonth); db_set_w(hContact, "SeenModule", "Day", systime.wDay); db_set_w(hContact, "SeenModule", "Hours", systime.wHour); db_set_w(hContact, "SeenModule", "Minutes", systime.wMinute); db_set_w(hContact, "SeenModule", "Seconds", systime.wSecond); db_set_w(hContact, "SeenModule", "Status", oldStatus); } //If *Miranda* ignores the UserOnline event, exit! if (CallService(MS_IGNORE_ISIGNORED, hContact, IGNOREEVENT_USERONLINE)) return 0; //If we get here, we have to notify the Hooks. ContactStatusChanged(hContact, oldStatus, newStatus); NotifyEventHooks(hHookContactStatusChanged, hContact, (LPARAM)MAKELPARAM(oldStatus, newStatus)); return 1; } int ProcessExtraStatus(DBCONTACTWRITESETTING *cws, MCONTACT hContact) { XSTATUSCHANGE *xsc; STATUSMSGINFO smi = { 0 }; char *szProto = GetContactProto(hContact); smi.hContact = hContact; if (strstr(cws->szSetting, "/mood/") || strstr(cws->szSetting, "/activity/")) { // Jabber mood or activity changed if (!ProtoServiceExists(szProto, JS_PARSE_XMPP_URI)) return 0; char *szSetting; int type; if (strstr(cws->szSetting, "/mood/")) { type = TYPE_JABBER_MOOD; szSetting = "LastJabberMood"; } else { type = TYPE_JABBER_ACTIVITY; szSetting = "LastJabberActivity"; } if (strstr(cws->szSetting, "title")) { smi.compare = CompareStatusMsg(&smi, cws, szSetting); if (smi.compare == COMPARE_SAME) { replaceStrW(smi.newstatusmsg, nullptr); replaceStrW(smi.oldstatusmsg, nullptr); } if (cws->value.type == DBVT_DELETED) db_unset(hContact, "UserOnline", szSetting); else db_set(hContact, "UserOnline", szSetting, &cws->value); xsc = NewXSC(hContact, szProto, type, smi.compare, smi.newstatusmsg, nullptr); ExtraStatusChanged(xsc); } else if (strstr(cws->szSetting, "text")) { char dbSetting[128]; mir_snprintf(dbSetting, "%s%s", szSetting, "Msg"); smi.compare = CompareStatusMsg(&smi, cws, dbSetting); if (smi.compare == COMPARE_SAME) { replaceStrW(smi.newstatusmsg, nullptr); replaceStrW(smi.oldstatusmsg, nullptr); } if (cws->value.type == DBVT_DELETED) db_unset(hContact, "UserOnline", dbSetting); else db_set(hContact, "UserOnline", dbSetting, &cws->value); xsc = NewXSC(hContact, szProto, type, smi.compare * 4, nullptr, smi.newstatusmsg); ExtraStatusChanged(xsc); } return 1; } if (strstr(cws->szSetting, "XStatus")) { if (mir_strcmp(cws->szModule, szProto)) return 0; if (mir_strcmp(cws->szSetting, "XStatusName") == 0) { smi.compare = CompareStatusMsg(&smi, cws, "LastXStatusName"); if (smi.compare == COMPARE_SAME) { replaceStrW(smi.newstatusmsg, nullptr); replaceStrW(smi.oldstatusmsg, nullptr); } if (cws->value.type == DBVT_DELETED) db_unset(hContact, "UserOnline", "LastXStatusName"); else db_set(hContact, "UserOnline", "LastXStatusName", &cws->value); xsc = NewXSC(hContact, szProto, TYPE_ICQ_XSTATUS, smi.compare, smi.newstatusmsg, nullptr); ExtraStatusChanged(xsc); } else if (!mir_strcmp(cws->szSetting, "XStatusMsg")) { smi.compare = CompareStatusMsg(&smi, cws, "LastXStatusMsg"); if (smi.compare == COMPARE_SAME) { replaceStrW(smi.newstatusmsg, nullptr); replaceStrW(smi.oldstatusmsg, nullptr); } if (cws->value.type == DBVT_DELETED) db_unset(hContact, "UserOnline", "LastXStatusMsg"); else db_set(hContact, "UserOnline", "LastXStatusMsg", &cws->value); xsc = NewXSC(hContact, szProto, TYPE_ICQ_XSTATUS, smi.compare * 4, nullptr, smi.newstatusmsg); ExtraStatusChanged(xsc); } return 1; } return 0; } int ProcessStatusMessage(DBCONTACTWRITESETTING *cws, MCONTACT hContact) { STATUSMSGINFO smi; bool bEnablePopup = true, bEnableSound = true; char *szProto = GetContactProto(hContact); smi.proto = szProto; smi.hContact = hContact; smi.compare = CompareStatusMsg(&smi, cws, "LastStatusMsg"); if (smi.compare == COMPARE_SAME) goto skip_notify; if (cws->value.type == DBVT_DELETED) db_unset(hContact, "UserOnline", "LastStatusMsg"); else db_set(hContact, "UserOnline", "LastStatusMsg", &cws->value); //don't show popup when mradio connecting and disconnecting if (_stricmp(szProto, "mRadio") == 0 && !cws->value.type == DBVT_DELETED) { wchar_t buf[MAX_PATH]; mir_snwprintf(buf, L" (%s)", TranslateT("connecting")); T2Utf pszUtf(buf); mir_snwprintf(buf, L" (%s)", TranslateT("aborting")); T2Utf pszUtf2(buf); mir_snwprintf(buf, L" (%s)", TranslateT("playing")); T2Utf pszUtf3(buf); if (_stricmp(cws->value.pszVal, pszUtf) == 0 || _stricmp(cws->value.pszVal, pszUtf2) == 0 || _stricmp(cws->value.pszVal, pszUtf3) == 0) goto skip_notify; } // check per-contact ignored events if (db_get_b(hContact, MODULE, "EnableSMsgNotify", 1) == 0) bEnableSound = bEnablePopup = false; // we're offline or just connecting WORD myStatus = (WORD)CallProtoService(szProto, PS_GETSTATUS, 0, 0); if (myStatus == ID_STATUS_OFFLINE) goto skip_notify; char dbSetting[64]; mir_snprintf(dbSetting, "%s_enabled", szProto); // this proto is not set for status message notifications if (db_get_b(NULL, MODULE, dbSetting, 1) == 0) goto skip_notify; mir_snprintf(dbSetting, "%d", IDC_CHK_STATUS_MESSAGE); // status message change notifications are disabled if (db_get_b(NULL, MODULE, dbSetting, 1) == 0) goto skip_notify; if (SkipHiddenContact(hContact)) goto skip_notify; // check if our status isn't on autodisable list if (opt.AutoDisable) { char statusIDs[12], statusIDp[12]; mir_snprintf(statusIDs, "s%d", myStatus); mir_snprintf(statusIDp, "p%d", myStatus); bEnableSound = db_get_b(0, MODULE, statusIDs, 1) ? FALSE : bEnableSound; bEnablePopup = db_get_b(0, MODULE, statusIDp, 1) ? FALSE : bEnablePopup; } // check flags if ((!(templates.PopupSMsgFlags & NOTIFY_REMOVE_MESSAGE) && (smi.compare == COMPARE_DEL)) || (!(templates.PopupSMsgFlags & NOTIFY_NEW_MESSAGE) && (smi.compare == COMPARE_DIFF))) bEnablePopup = false; if (db_get_b(0, MODULE, szProto, 1) == 0 && !opt.PSMsgOnConnect) bEnablePopup = false; if (bEnablePopup && db_get_b(hContact, MODULE, "EnablePopups", 1) && !opt.TempDisabled) { // cut message if needed wchar_t *copyText = nullptr; if (opt.PSMsgTruncate && (opt.PSMsgLen > 0) && smi.newstatusmsg && (mir_wstrlen(smi.newstatusmsg) > opt.PSMsgLen)) { wchar_t buff[MAX_TEXT_LEN + 3]; copyText = mir_wstrdup(smi.newstatusmsg); wcsncpy(buff, smi.newstatusmsg, opt.PSMsgLen); buff[opt.PSMsgLen] = 0; mir_wstrcat(buff, L"..."); replaceStrW(smi.newstatusmsg, buff); } wchar_t *str; if (smi.compare == COMPARE_DEL) { char protoname[MAX_PATH]; mir_snprintf(protoname, "%s_TPopupSMsgRemoved", szProto); DBVARIANT dbVar = { 0 }; if (db_get_ws(NULL, MODULE, protoname, &dbVar)) { str = GetStr(&smi, DEFAULT_POPUP_SMSGREMOVED); } else { str = GetStr(&smi, dbVar.ptszVal); db_free(&dbVar); } } else { char protoname[MAX_PATH]; mir_snprintf(protoname, "%s_TPopupSMsgChanged", szProto); DBVARIANT dbVar = { 0 }; if (db_get_ws(NULL, MODULE, protoname, &dbVar)) { str = GetStr(&smi, DEFAULT_POPUP_SMSGCHANGED); } else { str = GetStr(&smi, dbVar.ptszVal); db_free(&dbVar); } } ShowChangePopup(hContact, Skin_LoadProtoIcon(szProto, db_get_w(hContact, szProto, "Status", ID_STATUS_ONLINE)), ID_STATUS_STATUSMSG, str); mir_free(str); if (copyText) { mir_free(smi.newstatusmsg); smi.newstatusmsg = copyText; } } if (opt.BlinkIcon && opt.BlinkIcon_ForMsgs && !opt.TempDisabled) { HICON hIcon = opt.BlinkIcon_Status ? Skin_LoadProtoIcon(szProto, db_get_w(hContact, szProto, "Status", ID_STATUS_ONLINE)) : Skin_LoadIcon(SKINICON_OTHER_USERONLINE); wchar_t str[256]; mir_snwprintf(str, TranslateT("%s changed status message to %s"), pcli->pfnGetContactDisplayName(hContact, 0), smi.newstatusmsg); BlinkIcon(hContact, hIcon, str); } if (bEnableSound && db_get_b(0, "Skin", "UseSound", TRUE) && db_get_b(hContact, MODULE, "EnableSounds", 1) && !opt.TempDisabled) { if (smi.compare == COMPARE_DEL) PlayChangeSound(hContact, StatusListEx[ID_STATUS_SMSGREMOVED].lpzSkinSoundName); else PlayChangeSound(hContact, StatusListEx[ID_STATUS_SMSGCHANGED].lpzSkinSoundName); } BOOL bEnableLog = opt.SMsgLogToDB && db_get_b(hContact, MODULE, "EnableSMsgLogging", 1); if (bEnableLog && (!opt.SMsgLogToDB_WinOpen || CheckMsgWnd(hContact))) LogSMsgToDB(&smi, smi.compare == COMPARE_DEL ? templates.LogSMsgRemoved : templates.LogSMsgChanged); if (opt.SMsgLogToFile && db_get_b(hContact, MODULE, "EnableSMsgLogging", 1)) { wchar_t stzDate[MAX_STATUSTEXT], stzTime[MAX_STATUSTEXT], stzText[MAX_TEXT_LEN]; GetTimeFormat(LOCALE_USER_DEFAULT, 0, nullptr, L"HH':'mm", stzTime, _countof(stzTime)); GetDateFormat(LOCALE_USER_DEFAULT, 0, nullptr, L"dd/MM/yyyy", stzDate, _countof(stzDate)); wchar_t *str; if (smi.compare == COMPARE_DEL) str = GetStr(&smi, templates.LogSMsgRemoved); else str = GetStr(&smi, templates.LogSMsgChanged); mir_snwprintf(stzText, L"%s, %s. %s %s\r\n", stzDate, stzTime, pcli->pfnGetContactDisplayName(hContact, 0), str); LogToFile(stzText); mir_free(str); } skip_notify: replaceStrW(smi.newstatusmsg, nullptr); replaceStrW(smi.oldstatusmsg, nullptr); return 1; } int ContactSettingChanged(WPARAM hContact, LPARAM lParam) { if (hContact == NULL) return 0; char *szProto = GetContactProto(hContact); if (szProto == nullptr) return 0; DBCONTACTWRITESETTING *cws = (DBCONTACTWRITESETTING *)lParam; if (db_get_w(hContact, szProto, "Status", ID_STATUS_OFFLINE) != ID_STATUS_OFFLINE) if (ProcessExtraStatus(cws, hContact)) return 0; if (!strcmp(cws->szSetting, "Status")) if (ProcessStatus(cws, hContact)) return 0; if (!strcmp(cws->szModule, "CList") && !strcmp(cws->szSetting, "StatusMsg")) if (ProcessStatusMessage(cws, hContact)) return 0; return 0; } int StatusModeChanged(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { char *szProto = (char *)lParam; if (opt.AutoDisable && (!opt.OnlyGlobalChanges || szProto == nullptr)) { if (opt.DisablePopupGlobally && ServiceExists(MS_POPUP_QUERY)) { char szSetting[12]; mir_snprintf(szSetting, "p%d", wParam); BYTE hlpDisablePopup = db_get_b(0, MODULE, szSetting, 0); if (hlpDisablePopup != opt.PopupAutoDisabled) { BYTE hlpPopupStatus = (BYTE)CallService(MS_POPUP_QUERY, PUQS_GETSTATUS, 0); opt.PopupAutoDisabled = hlpDisablePopup; if (hlpDisablePopup) { db_set_b(0, MODULE, "OldPopupStatus", hlpPopupStatus); CallService(MS_POPUP_QUERY, PUQS_DISABLEPOPUPS, 0); } else { if (hlpPopupStatus == FALSE) { if (db_get_b(0, MODULE, "OldPopupStatus", TRUE) == TRUE) CallService(MS_POPUP_QUERY, PUQS_ENABLEPOPUPS, 0); else CallService(MS_POPUP_QUERY, PUQS_DISABLEPOPUPS, 0); } } } } if (opt.DisableSoundGlobally) { char szSetting[12]; mir_snprintf(szSetting, "s%d", wParam); BYTE hlpDisableSound = db_get_b(0, MODULE, szSetting, 0); if (hlpDisableSound != opt.SoundAutoDisabled) { BYTE hlpUseSound = db_get_b(NULL, "Skin", "UseSound", 1); opt.SoundAutoDisabled = hlpDisableSound; if (hlpDisableSound) { db_set_b(0, MODULE, "OldUseSound", hlpUseSound); db_set_b(0, "Skin", "UseSound", FALSE); } else if (hlpUseSound == FALSE) db_set_b(0, "Skin", "UseSound", db_get_b(0, MODULE, "OldUseSound", 1)); } } } return 0; } void InitStatusList() { int index = 0; //Online index = Index(ID_STATUS_ONLINE); mir_wstrncpy(StatusList[index].lpzMStatusText, TranslateT("(M) is back online!"), MAX_STATUSTEXT); mir_wstrncpy(StatusList[index].lpzFStatusText, TranslateT("(F) is back online!"), MAX_STATUSTEXT); mir_wstrncpy(StatusList[index].lpzUStatusText, TranslateT("(U) is back online!"), MAX_STATUSTEXT); mir_wstrncpy(StatusList[index].lpzStandardText, TranslateT("Online"), MAX_STANDARDTEXT); mir_strncpy(StatusList[index].lpzSkinSoundName, "UserOnline", MAX_SKINSOUNDNAME); mir_wstrncpy(StatusList[index].lpzSkinSoundDesc, LPGENW("User: Online"), MAX_SKINSOUNDDESC); mir_wstrncpy(StatusList[index].lpzSkinSoundFile, L"global.wav", MAX_PATH); StatusList[index].colorBack = db_get_dw(NULL, MODULE, "40072bg", COLOR_BG_AVAILDEFAULT); StatusList[index].colorText = db_get_dw(NULL, MODULE, "40072tx", COLOR_TX_DEFAULT); //Offline index = Index(ID_STATUS_OFFLINE); mir_wstrncpy(StatusList[index].lpzMStatusText, TranslateT("(M) went offline! :("), MAX_STATUSTEXT); mir_wstrncpy(StatusList[index].lpzFStatusText, TranslateT("(F) went offline! :("), MAX_STATUSTEXT); mir_wstrncpy(StatusList[index].lpzUStatusText, TranslateT("(U) went offline! :("), MAX_STATUSTEXT); mir_wstrncpy(StatusList[index].lpzStandardText, TranslateT("Offline"), MAX_STANDARDTEXT); mir_strncpy(StatusList[index].lpzSkinSoundName, "UserOffline", MAX_SKINSOUNDNAME); mir_wstrncpy(StatusList[index].lpzSkinSoundDesc, LPGENW("User: Offline"), MAX_SKINSOUNDDESC); mir_wstrncpy(StatusList[index].lpzSkinSoundFile, L"offline.wav", MAX_PATH); StatusList[index].colorBack = db_get_dw(NULL, MODULE, "40071bg", COLOR_BG_NAVAILDEFAULT); StatusList[index].colorText = db_get_dw(NULL, MODULE, "40071tx", COLOR_TX_DEFAULT); //Invisible index = Index(ID_STATUS_INVISIBLE); mir_wstrncpy(StatusList[index].lpzMStatusText, TranslateT("(M) hides in shadows..."), MAX_STATUSTEXT); mir_wstrncpy(StatusList[index].lpzFStatusText, TranslateT("(F) hides in shadows..."), MAX_STATUSTEXT); mir_wstrncpy(StatusList[index].lpzUStatusText, TranslateT("(U) hides in shadows..."), MAX_STATUSTEXT); mir_wstrncpy(StatusList[index].lpzStandardText, TranslateT("Invisible"), MAX_STANDARDTEXT); mir_strncpy(StatusList[index].lpzSkinSoundName, "UserInvisible", MAX_SKINSOUNDNAME); mir_wstrncpy(StatusList[index].lpzSkinSoundDesc, LPGENW("User: Invisible"), MAX_SKINSOUNDDESC); mir_wstrncpy(StatusList[index].lpzSkinSoundFile, L"invisible.wav", MAX_PATH); StatusList[index].colorBack = db_get_dw(NULL, MODULE, "40078bg", COLOR_BG_AVAILDEFAULT); StatusList[index].colorText = db_get_dw(NULL, MODULE, "40078tx", COLOR_TX_DEFAULT); //Free for chat index = Index(ID_STATUS_FREECHAT); mir_wstrncpy(StatusList[index].lpzMStatusText, TranslateT("(M) feels talkative!"), MAX_STATUSTEXT); mir_wstrncpy(StatusList[index].lpzFStatusText, TranslateT("(F) feels talkative!"), MAX_STATUSTEXT); mir_wstrncpy(StatusList[index].lpzUStatusText, TranslateT("(U) feels talkative!"), MAX_STATUSTEXT); mir_wstrncpy(StatusList[index].lpzStandardText, TranslateT("Free for chat"), MAX_STANDARDTEXT); mir_strncpy(StatusList[index].lpzSkinSoundName, "UserFreeForChat", MAX_SKINSOUNDNAME); mir_wstrncpy(StatusList[index].lpzSkinSoundDesc, LPGENW("User: Free for chat"), MAX_SKINSOUNDDESC); mir_wstrncpy(StatusList[index].lpzSkinSoundFile, L"free4chat.wav", MAX_PATH); StatusList[index].colorBack = db_get_dw(NULL, MODULE, "40077bg", COLOR_BG_AVAILDEFAULT); StatusList[index].colorText = db_get_dw(NULL, MODULE, "40077tx", COLOR_TX_DEFAULT); //Away index = Index(ID_STATUS_AWAY); mir_wstrncpy(StatusList[index].lpzMStatusText, TranslateT("(M) went away"), MAX_STATUSTEXT); mir_wstrncpy(StatusList[index].lpzFStatusText, TranslateT("(F) went away"), MAX_STATUSTEXT); mir_wstrncpy(StatusList[index].lpzUStatusText, TranslateT("(U) went away"), MAX_STATUSTEXT); mir_wstrncpy(StatusList[index].lpzStandardText, TranslateT("Away"), MAX_STANDARDTEXT); mir_strncpy(StatusList[index].lpzSkinSoundName, "UserAway", MAX_SKINSOUNDNAME); mir_wstrncpy(StatusList[index].lpzSkinSoundDesc, LPGENW("User: Away"), MAX_SKINSOUNDDESC); mir_wstrncpy(StatusList[index].lpzSkinSoundFile, L"away.wav", MAX_PATH); StatusList[index].colorBack = db_get_dw(NULL, MODULE, "40073bg", COLOR_BG_NAVAILDEFAULT); StatusList[index].colorText = db_get_dw(NULL, MODULE, "40073tx", COLOR_TX_DEFAULT); //NA index = Index(ID_STATUS_NA); mir_wstrncpy(StatusList[index].lpzMStatusText, TranslateT("(M) isn't there anymore!"), MAX_STATUSTEXT); mir_wstrncpy(StatusList[index].lpzFStatusText, TranslateT("(F) isn't there anymore!"), MAX_STATUSTEXT); mir_wstrncpy(StatusList[index].lpzUStatusText, TranslateT("(U) isn't there anymore!"), MAX_STATUSTEXT); mir_wstrncpy(StatusList[index].lpzStandardText, TranslateT("Not available"), MAX_STANDARDTEXT); mir_strncpy(StatusList[index].lpzSkinSoundName, "UserNA", MAX_SKINSOUNDNAME); mir_wstrncpy(StatusList[index].lpzSkinSoundDesc, LPGENW("User: Not available"), MAX_SKINSOUNDDESC); mir_wstrncpy(StatusList[index].lpzSkinSoundFile, L"na.wav", MAX_PATH); StatusList[index].colorBack = db_get_dw(NULL, MODULE, "40075bg", COLOR_BG_NAVAILDEFAULT); StatusList[index].colorText = db_get_dw(NULL, MODULE, "40075tx", COLOR_TX_DEFAULT); //Occupied index = Index(ID_STATUS_OCCUPIED); mir_wstrncpy(StatusList[index].lpzMStatusText, TranslateT("(M) has something else to do"), MAX_STATUSTEXT); mir_wstrncpy(StatusList[index].lpzFStatusText, TranslateT("(F) has something else to do"), MAX_STATUSTEXT); mir_wstrncpy(StatusList[index].lpzUStatusText, TranslateT("(U) has something else to do"), MAX_STATUSTEXT); mir_wstrncpy(StatusList[index].lpzStandardText, TranslateT("Occupied"), MAX_STANDARDTEXT); mir_strncpy(StatusList[index].lpzSkinSoundName, "UserOccupied", MAX_SKINSOUNDNAME); mir_wstrncpy(StatusList[index].lpzSkinSoundDesc, LPGENW("User: Occupied"), MAX_SKINSOUNDDESC); mir_wstrncpy(StatusList[index].lpzSkinSoundFile, L"occupied.wav", MAX_PATH); StatusList[index].colorBack = db_get_dw(NULL, MODULE, "40076bg", COLOR_BG_NAVAILDEFAULT); StatusList[index].colorText = db_get_dw(NULL, MODULE, "40076tx", COLOR_TX_DEFAULT); //Do not disturb index = Index(ID_STATUS_DND); mir_wstrncpy(StatusList[index].lpzMStatusText, TranslateT("(M) doesn't want to be disturbed!"), MAX_STATUSTEXT); mir_wstrncpy(StatusList[index].lpzFStatusText, TranslateT("(F) doesn't want to be disturbed!"), MAX_STATUSTEXT); mir_wstrncpy(StatusList[index].lpzUStatusText, TranslateT("(U) doesn't want to be disturbed!"), MAX_STATUSTEXT); mir_wstrncpy(StatusList[index].lpzStandardText, TranslateT("Do not disturb"), MAX_STANDARDTEXT); mir_strncpy(StatusList[index].lpzSkinSoundName, "UserDND", MAX_SKINSOUNDNAME); mir_wstrncpy(StatusList[index].lpzSkinSoundDesc, LPGENW("User: Do not disturb"), MAX_SKINSOUNDDESC); mir_wstrncpy(StatusList[index].lpzSkinSoundFile, L"dnd.wav", MAX_PATH); StatusList[index].colorBack = db_get_dw(NULL, MODULE, "40074bg", COLOR_BG_NAVAILDEFAULT); StatusList[index].colorText = db_get_dw(NULL, MODULE, "40074tx", COLOR_TX_DEFAULT); //Out to lunch index = Index(ID_STATUS_OUTTOLUNCH); mir_wstrncpy(StatusList[index].lpzMStatusText, TranslateT("(M) is eating something"), MAX_STATUSTEXT); mir_wstrncpy(StatusList[index].lpzFStatusText, TranslateT("(F) is eating something"), MAX_STATUSTEXT); mir_wstrncpy(StatusList[index].lpzUStatusText, TranslateT("(U) is eating something"), MAX_STATUSTEXT); mir_wstrncpy(StatusList[index].lpzStandardText, TranslateT("Out to lunch"), MAX_STANDARDTEXT); mir_strncpy(StatusList[index].lpzSkinSoundName, "UserOutToLunch", MAX_SKINSOUNDNAME); mir_wstrncpy(StatusList[index].lpzSkinSoundDesc, LPGENW("User: Out to lunch"), MAX_SKINSOUNDDESC); mir_wstrncpy(StatusList[index].lpzSkinSoundFile, L"lunch.wav", MAX_PATH); StatusList[index].colorBack = db_get_dw(NULL, MODULE, "40080bg", COLOR_BG_NAVAILDEFAULT); StatusList[index].colorText = db_get_dw(NULL, MODULE, "40080tx", COLOR_TX_DEFAULT); //On the phone index = Index(ID_STATUS_ONTHEPHONE); mir_wstrncpy(StatusList[index].lpzMStatusText, TranslateT("(M) had to answer the phone"), MAX_STATUSTEXT); mir_wstrncpy(StatusList[index].lpzFStatusText, TranslateT("(F) had to answer the phone"), MAX_STATUSTEXT); mir_wstrncpy(StatusList[index].lpzUStatusText, TranslateT("(U) had to answer the phone"), MAX_STATUSTEXT); mir_wstrncpy(StatusList[index].lpzStandardText, TranslateT("On the phone"), MAX_STANDARDTEXT); mir_strncpy(StatusList[index].lpzSkinSoundName, "UserOnThePhone", MAX_SKINSOUNDNAME); mir_wstrncpy(StatusList[index].lpzSkinSoundDesc, LPGENW("User: On the phone"), MAX_SKINSOUNDDESC); mir_wstrncpy(StatusList[index].lpzSkinSoundFile, L"phone.wav", MAX_PATH); StatusList[index].colorBack = db_get_dw(NULL, MODULE, "40079bg", COLOR_BG_NAVAILDEFAULT); StatusList[index].colorText = db_get_dw(NULL, MODULE, "40079tx", COLOR_TX_DEFAULT); //Extra status index = Index(ID_STATUS_EXTRASTATUS); StatusList[index].colorBack = db_get_dw(NULL, MODULE, "40081bg", COLOR_BG_AVAILDEFAULT); StatusList[index].colorText = db_get_dw(NULL, MODULE, "40081tx", COLOR_TX_DEFAULT); //Status message index = Index(ID_STATUS_STATUSMSG); StatusList[index].colorBack = db_get_dw(NULL, MODULE, "40082bg", COLOR_BG_AVAILDEFAULT); StatusList[index].colorText = db_get_dw(NULL, MODULE, "40082tx", COLOR_TX_DEFAULT); //From offline index = ID_STATUS_FROMOFFLINE; mir_strncpy(StatusListEx[index].lpzSkinSoundName, "UserFromOffline", MAX_SKINSOUNDNAME); mir_wstrncpy(StatusListEx[index].lpzSkinSoundDesc, LPGENW("User: from offline (has priority!)"), MAX_SKINSOUNDDESC); //Status message removed index = ID_STATUS_SMSGREMOVED; mir_strncpy(StatusListEx[index].lpzSkinSoundName, "StatusMsgRemoved", MAX_SKINSOUNDNAME); mir_wstrncpy(StatusListEx[index].lpzSkinSoundDesc, LPGENW("Status message removed"), MAX_SKINSOUNDDESC); //Status message changed index = ID_STATUS_SMSGCHANGED; mir_strncpy(StatusListEx[index].lpzSkinSoundName, "StatusMsgChanged", MAX_SKINSOUNDNAME); mir_wstrncpy(StatusListEx[index].lpzSkinSoundDesc, LPGENW("Status message changed"), MAX_SKINSOUNDDESC); //Extra status removed index = ID_STATUS_XREMOVED; mir_strncpy(StatusListEx[index].lpzSkinSoundName, XSTATUS_SOUND_REMOVED, MAX_SKINSOUNDNAME); mir_wstrncpy(StatusListEx[index].lpzSkinSoundDesc, LPGENW("Extra status removed"), MAX_SKINSOUNDDESC); //Extra status message changed index = ID_STATUS_XMSGCHANGED; mir_strncpy(StatusListEx[index].lpzSkinSoundName, XSTATUS_SOUND_MSGCHANGED, MAX_SKINSOUNDNAME); mir_wstrncpy(StatusListEx[index].lpzSkinSoundDesc, LPGENW("Extra status message changed"), MAX_SKINSOUNDDESC); //Extra status changed index = ID_STATUS_XCHANGED; mir_strncpy(StatusListEx[index].lpzSkinSoundName, XSTATUS_SOUND_CHANGED, MAX_SKINSOUNDNAME); mir_wstrncpy(StatusListEx[index].lpzSkinSoundDesc, LPGENW("Extra status changed"), MAX_SKINSOUNDDESC); //Extra status message removed index = ID_STATUS_XMSGREMOVED; mir_strncpy(StatusListEx[index].lpzSkinSoundName, XSTATUS_SOUND_MSGREMOVED, MAX_SKINSOUNDNAME); mir_wstrncpy(StatusListEx[index].lpzSkinSoundDesc, LPGENW("Extra status message removed"), MAX_SKINSOUNDDESC); } void CALLBACK ConnectionTimerProc(HWND hwnd, UINT uMsg, UINT_PTR idEvent, DWORD) { if (uMsg == WM_TIMER) { KillTimer(hwnd, idEvent); //We've received a timer message: enable the popups for a specified protocol. char szProto[256]; if (GetAtomNameA((ATOM)idEvent, szProto, sizeof(szProto)) > 0) { db_set_b(0, MODULE, szProto, 1); DeleteAtom((ATOM)idEvent); } } } int ProtoAck(WPARAM, LPARAM lParam) { ACKDATA *ack = (ACKDATA *)lParam; if (ack->type == ACKTYPE_STATUS) { WORD newStatus = (WORD)ack->lParam; WORD oldStatus = (DWORD_PTR)ack->hProcess; if (oldStatus == newStatus) return 0; char *szProto = (char *)ack->szModule; if (newStatus == ID_STATUS_OFFLINE) { //The protocol switched to offline. Disable the popups for this protocol db_set_b(NULL, MODULE, szProto, 0); } else if (oldStatus < ID_STATUS_ONLINE && newStatus >= ID_STATUS_ONLINE) { //The protocol changed from a disconnected status to a connected status. //Enable the popups for this protocol. ATOM idTimer = AddAtomA(szProto); if (idTimer) SetTimer(SecretWnd, idTimer, (UINT)opt.PopupConnectionTimeout * 1000, ConnectionTimerProc); } } return 0; } INT_PTR EnableDisableMenuCommand(WPARAM, LPARAM) { db_set_b(0, MODULE, "TempDisable", opt.TempDisabled = !opt.TempDisabled); if (opt.TempDisabled) Menu_ModifyItem(hEnableDisableMenu, LPGENW("Enable status notification"), GetIconHandle(ICO_NOTIFICATION_OFF)); else Menu_ModifyItem(hEnableDisableMenu, LPGENW("Disable status notification"), GetIconHandle(ICO_NOTIFICATION_ON)); CallService(MS_TTB_SETBUTTONSTATE, (WPARAM)hToolbarButton, opt.TempDisabled ? 0 : TTBST_PUSHED); return 0; } void InitMainMenuItem() { CMenuItem mi; SET_UID(mi, 0x22b7b4db, 0xa9a1, 0x4d43, 0x88, 0x80, 0x4c, 0x23, 0x20, 0x31, 0xc6, 0xa0); mi.flags = CMIF_UNICODE; if (ServiceExists(MS_POPUP_ADDPOPUPT)) mi.root = Menu_CreateRoot(MO_MAIN, LPGENW("Popups"), 0); mi.pszService = MS_STATUSCHANGE_MENUCOMMAND; hEnableDisableMenu = Menu_AddMainMenuItem(&mi); opt.TempDisabled = !opt.TempDisabled; EnableDisableMenuCommand(0, 0); } IconItem iconList[] = { { LPGEN("Reset"), ICO_RESET, IDI_RESET }, { LPGEN("Popups"), ICO_POPUP, IDI_POPUP }, { LPGEN("Sounds"), ICO_SOUND, IDI_SOUND }, { LPGEN("Notification enabled"), ICO_NOTIFICATION_OFF, IDI_NOTIFICATION_OFF }, { LPGEN("Notification disabled"), ICO_NOTIFICATION_ON, IDI_NOTIFICATION_ON }, { LPGEN("Extra status notify"), ICO_XSTATUS, IDI_XSTATUS }, { LPGEN("Disable all"), ICO_DISABLEALL, IDI_DISABLEALL }, { LPGEN("Enable all"), ICO_ENABLEALL, IDI_ENABLEALL }, { LPGEN("Variables"), ICO_VARIABLES, IDI_VARIABLES }, { LPGEN("Status message notify"), ICO_STATUS_MESSAGE, IDI_STATUS_MESSAGE }, { LPGEN("Extra status logging"), ICO_LOGGING_XSTATUS, IDI_LOGGING_XSTATUS }, { LPGEN("Status message logging"), ICO_LOGGING_SMSG, IDI_LOGGING_SMSG } }; void InitIcolib() { Icon_Register(hInst, LPGEN("New Status Notify"), iconList, _countof(iconList), MODULE); } void InitSound() { for (int i = ID_STATUS_MIN; i <= ID_STATUS_MAX; i++) Skin_AddSound(StatusList[Index(i)].lpzSkinSoundName, LPGENW("Status Notify"), StatusList[Index(i)].lpzSkinSoundDesc); for (int i = 0; i <= ID_STATUSEX_MAX; i++) Skin_AddSound(StatusListEx[i].lpzSkinSoundName, LPGENW("Status Notify"), StatusListEx[i].lpzSkinSoundDesc); } int InitTopToolbar(WPARAM, LPARAM) { TTBButton tbb = {}; tbb.pszService = MS_STATUSCHANGE_MENUCOMMAND; tbb.dwFlags = (opt.TempDisabled ? 0 : TTBBF_PUSHED) | TTBBF_ASPUSHBUTTON; tbb.name = LPGEN("Toggle status notification"); tbb.hIconHandleUp = iconList[3].hIcolib; tbb.hIconHandleDn = iconList[4].hIcolib; tbb.pszTooltipUp = LPGEN("Enable status notification"); tbb.pszTooltipDn = LPGEN("Disable status notification"); hToolbarButton = TopToolbar_AddButton(&tbb); return 0; } int ModulesLoaded(WPARAM, LPARAM) { InitMainMenuItem(); HookEvent(ME_USERINFO_INITIALISE, UserInfoInitialise); HookEvent(ME_MSG_WINDOWEVENT, OnWindowEvent); HookEvent(ME_TTB_MODULELOADED, InitTopToolbar); SecretWnd = CreateWindowEx(WS_EX_TOOLWINDOW, L"static", L"ConnectionTimerWindow", 0, CW_USEDEFAULT, CW_USEDEFAULT, CW_USEDEFAULT, CW_USEDEFAULT, HWND_DESKTOP, nullptr, hInst, nullptr); int count = 0; PROTOACCOUNT **accounts = nullptr; Proto_EnumAccounts(&count, &accounts); for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) if (Proto_IsAccountEnabled(accounts[i])) db_set_b(NULL, MODULE, accounts[i]->szModuleName, 0); return 0; } static int OnShutdown(WPARAM, LPARAM) { DestroyWindow(SecretWnd); return 0; } extern "C" int __declspec(dllexport) Load(void) { mir_getLP(&pluginInfoEx); pcli = Clist_GetInterface(); //"Service" Hook, used when the DB settings change: we'll monitor the "status" setting. HookEvent(ME_DB_CONTACT_SETTINGCHANGED, ContactSettingChanged); //We create this Hook which will notify everyone when a contact changes his status. hHookContactStatusChanged = CreateHookableEvent(ME_STATUSCHANGE_CONTACTSTATUSCHANGED); HookEvent(ME_SYSTEM_MODULESLOADED, ModulesLoaded); HookEvent(ME_SYSTEM_PRESHUTDOWN, OnShutdown); //We add the option page and the user info page (it's needed because options are loaded after plugins) HookEvent(ME_OPT_INITIALISE, OptionsInitialize); //This is needed for "NoSound"-like routines. HookEvent(ME_CLIST_STATUSMODECHANGE, StatusModeChanged); HookEvent(ME_PROTO_ACK, ProtoAck); InitIcolib(); LoadOptions(); InitStatusList(); InitSound(); db_set_resident("MetaContacts", "LastOnline"); db_set_resident("NewStatusNotify", "LastPopupText"); // register special type of event // there's no need to declare the special service for getting text // because a blob contains only text DBEVENTTYPEDESCR evtype = { sizeof(evtype) }; evtype.module = MODULE; evtype.eventType = EVENTTYPE_STATUSCHANGE; evtype.descr = LPGEN("Status change"); evtype.eventIcon = iconList[3].hIcolib; evtype.flags = DETF_HISTORY | DETF_MSGWINDOW; DbEvent_RegisterType(&evtype); CreateServiceFunction(MS_STATUSCHANGE_MENUCOMMAND, EnableDisableMenuCommand); return 0; } extern "C" int __declspec(dllexport) Unload(void) { DestroyHookableEvent(hHookContactStatusChanged); return 0; }