/* NewXstatusNotify YM - Plugin for Miranda IM Copyright (c) 2007-2011 yaho This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ #ifndef XSTATUS_H #define XSTATUS_H #define NOTIFY_NEW_XSTATUS 1 #define NOTIFY_NEW_MESSAGE 2 #define NOTIFY_REMOVE 4 #define NOTIFY_OPENING_ML 8 #define TYPE_ICQ_XSTATUS 1 #define TYPE_JABBER_MOOD 2 #define TYPE_JABBER_ACTIVITY 3 #define XSTATUS_MUSIC 11 #define MAX_TITLE_LEN 256 #define MAX_TEXT_LEN 2048 // Database setting names #define DB_LASTLOG "LastLog" // Sounds #define XSTATUS_SOUND_CHANGED "XStatusChanged" #define XSTATUS_SOUND_MSGCHANGED "XStatusMsgChanged" #define XSTATUS_SOUND_REMOVED "XStatusRemove" // tabSRMM stuff (logging to message window) #define EVENTTYPE_STATUSCHANGE 25368 // Default templates #define DEFAULT_POPUP_DELIMITER _T("%B") #define DEFAULT_POPUP_NEW TranslateT("changed %N to: %T%D%I") #define DEFAULT_POPUP_CHANGEMSG TranslateT("changed %N message to:%D%I") #define DEFAULT_POPUP_REMOVE TranslateT("removed %N") #define DEFAULT_POPUP_STATUSMESSAGE LPGEN("changed his/her status message to %n") #define DEFAULT_LOG_DELIMITER _T(": ") #define DEFAULT_LOG_NEW TranslateT("changed %N @ %T%D%I") #define DEFAULT_LOG_CHANGEMSG TranslateT("changed %N message @ %I") #define DEFAULT_LOG_REMOVE TranslateT("removed %N") #define DEFAULT_LOG_OPENING TranslateT("has %N @ %T%D%I") // Variables help text #define VARIABLES_HELP_TEXT TranslateT("These variables are available:\r\n\r\n\ %N\textra status name (Xstatus, Mood, Activity)\r\n\ %T\textra status title\r\n\ %I\textra status text\r\n\ %D\tdelimiter\r\n\ %B\tline break (can be used as delimiter)") #define VARIABLES_SM_HELP_TEXT TranslateT("These variables are available:\r\n\r\n\ %n\tNew Status Message\r\n\ %o\tOld Status Message\r\n\ %c\tCustom Nickname\r\n\ \\n\tline break\r\n\ \\t\ttab stop") typedef struct tagXSTATUSCHANGE { MCONTACT hContact; char *szProto; int type; int action; TCHAR *stzTitle; TCHAR *stzText; } XSTATUSCHANGE; typedef struct tagDBEVENT { MCONTACT hContact; HANDLE hDBEvent; } DBEVENT; typedef struct tagPROTOTEMPLATE { TCHAR *ProtoName; TCHAR ProtoTemplate[MAX_PATH]; } PROTOTEMPLATE; TCHAR *GetDefaultXstatusName(int statusID, char *szProto, TCHAR *buff, int bufflen); XSTATUSCHANGE *NewXSC(MCONTACT hContact, char *szProto, int xstatusType, int action, TCHAR *stzTitle, TCHAR *stzText); void ExtraStatusChanged(XSTATUSCHANGE *xsc); void FreeXSC(XSTATUSCHANGE *xsc); int OnWindowEvent(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam); #endif