/* Copyright (C) 2012 Mataes This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License along with this file; see the file license.txt. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ #include "stdafx.h" CExportFeed::CExportFeed() : CSuper(hInst, IDD_FEEDEXPORT), m_feedslist(this, IDC_FEEDSLIST), m_feedsexportlist(this, IDC_FEEDSEXPORTLIST), m_addfeed(this, IDC_ADDFEED), m_removefeed(this, IDC_REMOVEFEED), m_addallfeeds(this, IDC_ADDALLFEEDS), m_removeallfeeds(this, IDC_REMOVEALLFEEDS), m_ok(this, IDOK) { m_addfeed.OnClick = Callback(this, &CExportFeed::OnAddFeed); m_removefeed.OnClick = Callback(this, &CExportFeed::OnRemoveFeed); m_addallfeeds.OnClick = Callback(this, &CExportFeed::OnAddAllFeeds); m_removeallfeeds.OnClick = Callback(this, &CExportFeed::OnRemoveAllFeeds); m_ok.OnClick = Callback(this, &CExportFeed::OnOk); m_feedslist.OnDblClick = Callback(this, &CExportFeed::OnFeedsList); m_feedsexportlist.OnDblClick = Callback(this, &CExportFeed::OnFeedsExportList); } void CExportFeed::OnInitDialog() { Utils_RestoreWindowPositionNoSize(m_hwnd, NULL, MODULE, "ExportDlg"); for (MCONTACT hContact = db_find_first(MODULE); hContact; hContact = db_find_next(hContact, MODULE)) { wchar_t *message = db_get_wsa(hContact, MODULE, "Nick"); if (message != nullptr) { m_feedslist.AddString(message); mir_free(message); } } m_removefeed.Disable(); m_removeallfeeds.Disable(); m_ok.Disable(); if (!m_feedslist.GetCount()) { m_addfeed.Disable(); m_addallfeeds.Disable(); } } void CExportFeed::OnAddFeed(CCtrlBase*) { if (!m_removefeed.Enabled()) m_removefeed.Enable(); if (!m_removeallfeeds.Enabled()) m_removeallfeeds.Enable(); if (!m_ok.Enabled()) m_ok.Enable(); int cursel = m_feedslist.GetCurSel(); wchar_t item[MAX_PATH]; m_feedslist.GetItemText(cursel, item, _countof(item)); m_feedsexportlist.AddString(item); m_feedslist.DeleteString(cursel); if (!m_feedslist.GetCount()) { m_addfeed.Disable(); m_addallfeeds.Disable(); } } void CExportFeed::OnRemoveFeed(CCtrlBase*) { if (!m_addfeed.Enabled()) m_addfeed.Enable(); if (!m_addallfeeds.Enabled()) m_addallfeeds.Enable(); int cursel = m_feedsexportlist.GetCurSel(); wchar_t item[MAX_PATH]; m_feedsexportlist.GetItemText(cursel, item, _countof(item)); m_feedslist.AddString(item); m_feedsexportlist.DeleteString(cursel); if (!m_feedsexportlist.GetCount()) { m_removefeed.Disable(); m_removeallfeeds.Disable(); m_ok.Disable(); } } void CExportFeed::OnAddAllFeeds(CCtrlBase*) { if (!m_removefeed.Enabled()) m_removefeed.Enable(); if (!m_removeallfeeds.Enabled()) m_removeallfeeds.Enable(); if (!m_ok.Enabled()) m_ok.Enable(); int count = m_feedslist.GetCount(); for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { wchar_t item[MAX_PATH]; m_feedslist.GetItemText(i, item, _countof(item)); m_feedsexportlist.AddString(item); } for (int i = count - 1; i > -1; i--) m_feedslist.DeleteString(i); m_addfeed.Disable(); m_addallfeeds.Disable(); } void CExportFeed::OnRemoveAllFeeds(CCtrlBase*) { if (!m_addfeed.Enabled()) m_addfeed.Enable(); if (!m_addallfeeds.Enabled()) m_addallfeeds.Enable(); int count = m_feedsexportlist.GetCount(); for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { wchar_t item[MAX_PATH]; m_feedsexportlist.GetItemText(i, item, _countof(item)); m_feedslist.AddString(item); } for (int i = count - 1; i > -1; i--) m_feedsexportlist.DeleteString(i); m_removefeed.Disable(); m_removeallfeeds.Disable(); m_ok.Disable(); } void CExportFeed::OnFeedsList(CCtrlBase*) { if (!m_removefeed.Enabled()) m_removefeed.Enable(); if (!m_removeallfeeds.Enabled()) m_removeallfeeds.Enable(); if (!m_ok.Enabled()) m_ok.Enable(); int cursel = m_feedslist.GetCurSel(); wchar_t item[MAX_PATH]; m_feedslist.GetItemText(cursel, item, _countof(item)); m_feedsexportlist.AddString(item); m_feedslist.DeleteString(cursel); if (!m_feedslist.GetCount()) { m_addfeed.Disable(); m_addallfeeds.Disable(); } } void CExportFeed::OnFeedsExportList(CCtrlBase*) { if (!m_addfeed.Enabled()) m_addfeed.Enable(); if (!m_addallfeeds.Enabled()) m_addallfeeds.Enable(); int cursel = m_feedsexportlist.GetCurSel(); wchar_t item[MAX_PATH]; m_feedsexportlist.GetItemText(cursel, item, _countof(item)); m_feedslist.AddString(item); m_feedsexportlist.DeleteString(cursel); if (!m_feedsexportlist.GetCount()) { m_removefeed.Disable(); m_removeallfeeds.Disable(); m_ok.Disable(); } } void CExportFeed::OnOk(CCtrlBase*) { wchar_t FileName[MAX_PATH]; VARSW tszMirDir(L"%miranda_path%"); OPENFILENAME ofn = { 0 }; ofn.lStructSize = sizeof(ofn); wchar_t tmp[MAX_PATH]; mir_snwprintf(tmp, L"%s (*.opml)%c*.opml%c%c", TranslateT("OPML files"), 0, 0, 0); ofn.lpstrFilter = tmp; ofn.hwndOwner = nullptr; ofn.lpstrFile = FileName; ofn.nMaxFile = MAX_PATH; ofn.nMaxFileTitle = MAX_PATH; ofn.Flags = OFN_HIDEREADONLY | OFN_SHAREAWARE | OFN_PATHMUSTEXIST | OFN_OVERWRITEPROMPT; ofn.lpstrInitialDir = tszMirDir; *FileName = '\0'; ofn.lpstrDefExt = L""; if (GetSaveFileName(&ofn)) { HXML hXml = xmlCreateNode(L"opml", nullptr, FALSE); xmlAddAttr(hXml, L"version", L"1.0"); HXML header = xmlAddChild(hXml, L"head", nullptr); xmlAddChild(header, L"title", L"Miranda NG NewsAggregator plugin export"); header = xmlAddChild(hXml, L"body", nullptr); int count = m_feedsexportlist.GetCount(); for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { wchar_t item[MAX_PATH]; m_feedsexportlist.GetItemText(i, item, _countof(item)); MCONTACT hContact = GetContactByNick(item); wchar_t *title = db_get_wsa(hContact, MODULE, "Nick"), *url = db_get_wsa(hContact, MODULE, "URL"), *siteurl = db_get_wsa(hContact, MODULE, "Homepage"), *group = db_get_wsa(hContact, "CList", "Group"); HXML elem = header; if (group) { wchar_t *section = wcstok(group, L"\\"); while (section != nullptr) { HXML existgroup = xmlGetChildByAttrValue(header, L"outline", L"title", section); if (!existgroup) { elem = xmlAddChild(elem, L"outline", nullptr); xmlAddAttr(elem, L"title", section); xmlAddAttr(elem, L"text", section); } else { elem = existgroup; } section = wcstok(nullptr, L"\\"); } elem = xmlAddChild(elem, L"outline", nullptr); } else elem = xmlAddChild(elem, L"outline", nullptr); xmlAddAttr(elem, L"text", title); xmlAddAttr(elem, L"title", title); xmlAddAttr(elem, L"type", L"rss"); xmlAddAttr(elem, L"xmlUrl", url); xmlAddAttr(elem, L"htmlUrl", siteurl); mir_free(title); mir_free(url); mir_free(siteurl); mir_free(group); } xmlToFile(hXml, FileName, 1); xmlDestroyNode(hXml); } } void CExportFeed::OnClose() { Utils_SaveWindowPosition(m_hwnd, NULL, MODULE, "ExportDlg"); if (pExportDialog) pExportDialog = nullptr; } CImportFeed::CImportFeed(CCtrlListView *m_feeds) : CSuper(hInst, IDD_FEEDIMPORT), m_importfile(this, IDC_IMPORTFILEPATH), m_browsefile(this, IDC_BROWSEIMPORTFILE), m_feedslist(this, IDC_FEEDSLIST), m_feedsimportlist(this, IDC_FEEDSIMPORTLIST), m_addfeed(this, IDC_ADDFEED), m_removefeed(this, IDC_REMOVEFEED), m_addallfeeds(this, IDC_ADDALLFEEDS), m_removeallfeeds(this, IDC_REMOVEALLFEEDS), m_ok(this, IDOK) { m_list = m_feeds; m_browsefile.OnClick = Callback(this, &CImportFeed::OnBrowseFile); m_addfeed.OnClick = Callback(this, &CImportFeed::OnAddFeed); m_removefeed.OnClick = Callback(this, &CImportFeed::OnRemoveFeed); m_addallfeeds.OnClick = Callback(this, &CImportFeed::OnAddAllFeeds); m_removeallfeeds.OnClick = Callback(this, &CImportFeed::OnRemoveAllFeeds); m_ok.OnClick = Callback(this, &CImportFeed::OnOk); m_feedslist.OnDblClick = Callback(this, &CImportFeed::OnFeedsList); m_feedsimportlist.OnDblClick = Callback(this, &CImportFeed::OnFeedsImportList); } void CImportFeed::OnInitDialog() { Utils_RestoreWindowPositionNoSize(m_hwnd, NULL, MODULE, "ImportDlg"); m_removefeed.Disable(); m_removeallfeeds.Disable(); m_ok.Disable(); m_addfeed.Disable(); m_addallfeeds.Disable(); } void CImportFeed::OnBrowseFile(CCtrlBase*) { wchar_t FileName[MAX_PATH]; VARSW tszMirDir(L"%miranda_path%"); OPENFILENAME ofn = { 0 }; ofn.lStructSize = sizeof(ofn); wchar_t tmp[MAX_PATH]; mir_snwprintf(tmp, L"%s (*.opml, *.xml)%c*.opml;*.xml%c%c", TranslateT("OPML files"), 0, 0, 0); ofn.lpstrFilter = tmp; ofn.hwndOwner = nullptr; ofn.lpstrFile = FileName; ofn.nMaxFile = MAX_PATH; ofn.nMaxFileTitle = MAX_PATH; ofn.Flags = OFN_HIDEREADONLY; ofn.lpstrInitialDir = tszMirDir; *FileName = '\0'; ofn.lpstrDefExt = L""; if (GetOpenFileName(&ofn)) { int bytesParsed = 0; HXML hXml = xmlParseFile(FileName, &bytesParsed, nullptr); if (hXml != nullptr) { HXML node = xmlGetChildByPath(hXml, L"opml/body/outline", 0); if (!node) node = xmlGetChildByPath(hXml, L"body/outline", 0); if (node) { while (node) { int outlineAttr = xmlGetAttrCount(node); int outlineChildsCount = xmlGetChildCount(node); wchar_t *xmlUrl = (wchar_t *)xmlGetAttrValue(node, L"xmlUrl"); if (!xmlUrl && !outlineChildsCount) { HXML tmpnode = node; node = xmlGetNextNode(node); if (!node) { do { node = tmpnode; node = xmlGetParent(node); tmpnode = node; node = xmlGetNextNode(node); if (node) break; } while (mir_wstrcmpi(xmlGetName(node), L"body")); } } else if (!xmlUrl && outlineChildsCount) node = xmlGetFirstChild(node); else if (xmlUrl) { for (int i = 0; i < outlineAttr; i++) { if (!mir_wstrcmpi(xmlGetAttrName(node, i), L"text")) { wchar_t *text = mir_utf8decodeW(_T2A(xmlGetAttrValue(node, xmlGetAttrName(node, i)))); bool isTextUTF; if (!text) { isTextUTF = false; text = (wchar_t *)xmlGetAttrValue(node, xmlGetAttrName(node, i)); } else isTextUTF = true; m_feedslist.AddString(text); m_addfeed.Enable(); m_addallfeeds.Enable(); if (isTextUTF) mir_free(text); } } HXML tmpnode = node; node = xmlGetNextNode(node); if (!node) { do { node = tmpnode; node = xmlGetParent(node); tmpnode = node; node = xmlGetNextNode(node); if (node) break; } while (mir_wstrcmpi(xmlGetName(tmpnode), L"body")); } } } } else MessageBox(m_hwnd, TranslateT("Not valid import file."), TranslateT("Error"), MB_OK | MB_ICONERROR); xmlDestroyNode(hXml); m_importfile.SetText(FileName); } else MessageBox(m_hwnd, TranslateT("Not valid import file."), TranslateT("Error"), MB_OK | MB_ICONERROR); } } void CImportFeed::OnAddFeed(CCtrlBase*) { if (!m_removefeed.Enabled()) m_removefeed.Enable(); if (!m_removeallfeeds.Enabled()) m_removeallfeeds.Enable(); if (!m_ok.Enabled()) m_ok.Enable(); int cursel = m_feedslist.GetCurSel(); wchar_t item[MAX_PATH]; m_feedslist.GetItemText(cursel, item, _countof(item)); m_feedsimportlist.AddString(item); m_feedslist.DeleteString(cursel); if (!m_feedslist.GetCount()) { m_addfeed.Disable(); m_addallfeeds.Disable(); } } void CImportFeed::OnRemoveFeed(CCtrlBase*) { if (!m_addfeed.Enabled()) m_addfeed.Enable(); if (!m_addallfeeds.Enabled()) m_addallfeeds.Enable(); int cursel = m_feedsimportlist.GetCurSel(); wchar_t item[MAX_PATH]; m_feedsimportlist.GetItemText(cursel, item, _countof(item)); m_feedslist.AddString(item); m_feedsimportlist.DeleteString(cursel); if (!m_feedsimportlist.GetCount()) { m_removefeed.Disable(); m_removeallfeeds.Disable(); m_ok.Disable(); } } void CImportFeed::OnAddAllFeeds(CCtrlBase*) { if (!m_removefeed.Enabled()) m_removefeed.Enable(); if (!m_removeallfeeds.Enabled()) m_removeallfeeds.Enable(); if (!m_ok.Enabled()) m_ok.Enable(); int count = m_feedslist.GetCount(); for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { wchar_t item[MAX_PATH]; m_feedslist.GetItemText(i, item, _countof(item)); m_feedsimportlist.AddString(item); } for (int i = count - 1; i > -1; i--) m_feedslist.DeleteString(i); m_addfeed.Disable(); m_addallfeeds.Disable(); } void CImportFeed::OnRemoveAllFeeds(CCtrlBase*) { if (!m_addfeed.Enabled()) m_addfeed.Enable(); if (!m_addallfeeds.Enabled()) m_addallfeeds.Enable(); int count = m_feedsimportlist.GetCount(); for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { wchar_t item[MAX_PATH]; m_feedsimportlist.GetItemText(i, item, _countof(item)); m_feedslist.AddString(item); } for (int i = count - 1; i > -1; i--) m_feedsimportlist.DeleteString(i); m_removefeed.Disable(); m_removeallfeeds.Disable(); m_ok.Disable(); } void CImportFeed::OnFeedsList(CCtrlBase*) { if (!m_removefeed.Enabled()) m_removefeed.Enable(); if (!m_removeallfeeds.Enabled()) m_removeallfeeds.Enable(); if (!m_ok.Enabled()) m_ok.Enable(); int cursel = m_feedslist.GetCurSel(); wchar_t item[MAX_PATH]; m_feedslist.GetItemText(cursel, item, _countof(item)); m_feedsimportlist.AddString(item); m_feedslist.DeleteString(cursel); if (!m_feedslist.GetCount()) { m_addfeed.Disable(); m_addallfeeds.Disable(); } } void CImportFeed::OnFeedsImportList(CCtrlBase*) { if (!m_addfeed.Enabled()) m_addfeed.Enable(); if (!m_addallfeeds.Enabled()) m_addallfeeds.Enable(); int cursel = m_feedsimportlist.GetCurSel(); wchar_t item[MAX_PATH]; m_feedsimportlist.GetItemText(cursel, item, _countof(item)); m_feedslist.AddString(item); m_feedsimportlist.DeleteString(cursel); if (!m_feedsimportlist.GetCount()) { m_removefeed.Disable(); m_removeallfeeds.Disable(); m_ok.Disable(); } } void CImportFeed::OnOk(CCtrlBase*) { wchar_t FileName[MAX_PATH]; m_importfile.GetText(FileName, _countof(FileName)); int bytesParsed = 0; HXML hXml = xmlParseFile(FileName, &bytesParsed, nullptr); if (hXml != nullptr) { bool isTextUTF = false, isURLUTF = false, isSiteURLUTF = false, isGroupUTF = false; HXML node = xmlGetChildByPath(hXml, L"opml/body/outline", 0); if (!node) node = xmlGetChildByPath(hXml, L"body/outline", 0); int count = m_feedsimportlist.GetCount(); int DUPES = 0; if (node) { while (node) { int outlineAttr = xmlGetAttrCount(node); int outlineChildsCount = xmlGetChildCount(node); wchar_t *xmlUrl = (wchar_t *)xmlGetAttrValue(node, L"xmlUrl"); if (!xmlUrl && !outlineChildsCount) { HXML tmpnode = node; node = xmlGetNextNode(node); if (!node) { do { node = tmpnode; node = xmlGetParent(node); tmpnode = node; node = xmlGetNextNode(node); if (node) break; } while (mir_wstrcmpi(xmlGetName(node), L"body")); } } else if (!xmlUrl && outlineChildsCount) node = xmlGetFirstChild(node); else if (xmlUrl) { wchar_t *text = nullptr, *url = nullptr, *siteurl = nullptr, *group = nullptr; BYTE NeedToImport = FALSE; for (int i = 0; i < outlineAttr; i++) { if (!mir_wstrcmpi(xmlGetAttrName(node, i), L"text")) { text = mir_utf8decodeW(_T2A(xmlGetAttrValue(node, xmlGetAttrName(node, i)))); if (!text) { isTextUTF = 0; text = (wchar_t *)xmlGetAttrValue(node, xmlGetAttrName(node, i)); } else isTextUTF = 1; for (int j = 0; j < count; j++) { wchar_t item[MAX_PATH]; m_feedsimportlist.GetItemText(j, item, _countof(item)); if (!mir_wstrcmpi(item, text)) { NeedToImport = TRUE; break; } } continue; } if (!mir_wstrcmpi(xmlGetAttrName(node, i), L"xmlUrl")) { url = mir_utf8decodeW(_T2A(xmlGetAttrValue(node, xmlGetAttrName(node, i)))); if (!url) { isURLUTF = false; url = (wchar_t *)xmlGetAttrValue(node, xmlGetAttrName(node, i)); } else isURLUTF = true; if (GetContactByURL(url) && NeedToImport) { NeedToImport = FALSE; DUPES++; } continue; } if (!mir_wstrcmpi(xmlGetAttrName(node, i), L"htmlUrl")) { siteurl = mir_utf8decodeW(_T2A(xmlGetAttrValue(node, xmlGetAttrName(node, i)))); if (!siteurl) { isSiteURLUTF = false; siteurl = (wchar_t *)xmlGetAttrValue(node, xmlGetAttrName(node, i)); } else isSiteURLUTF = true; continue; } if (text && url && siteurl) break; } if (NeedToImport) { HXML parent = xmlGetParent(node); wchar_t tmpgroup[1024]; while (mir_wstrcmpi(xmlGetName(parent), L"body")) { for (int i = 0; i < xmlGetAttrCount(parent); i++) { if (!mir_wstrcmpi(xmlGetAttrName(parent, i), L"text")) { if (!group) group = (wchar_t *)xmlGetAttrValue(parent, xmlGetAttrName(parent, i)); else { mir_snwprintf(tmpgroup, L"%s\\%s", xmlGetAttrValue(parent, xmlGetAttrName(parent, i)), group); group = tmpgroup; } break; } } parent = xmlGetParent(parent); } wchar_t *ptszGroup = nullptr; if (group) { ptszGroup = mir_utf8decodeW(_T2A(group)); if (!ptszGroup) { isGroupUTF = false; ptszGroup = group; } else isGroupUTF = 1; } MCONTACT hContact = db_add_contact(); Proto_AddToContact(hContact, MODULE); db_set_ws(hContact, MODULE, "Nick", text); db_set_ws(hContact, MODULE, "URL", url); db_set_ws(hContact, MODULE, "Homepage", siteurl); db_set_b(hContact, MODULE, "CheckState", 1); db_set_dw(hContact, MODULE, "UpdateTime", DEFAULT_UPDATE_TIME); db_set_ws(hContact, MODULE, "MsgFormat", TAGSDEFAULT); db_set_w(hContact, MODULE, "Status", CallProtoService(MODULE, PS_GETSTATUS, 0, 0)); if (m_list != nullptr) { int iItem = m_list->AddItem(text, -1); m_list->SetItem(iItem, 1, url); m_list->SetCheckState(iItem, 1); } if (ptszGroup) { db_set_ws(hContact, "CList", "Group", ptszGroup); Clist_GroupCreate(0, ptszGroup); } if (isGroupUTF) mir_free(ptszGroup); } if (isTextUTF) mir_free(text); if (isURLUTF) mir_free(url); if (isSiteURLUTF) mir_free(siteurl); HXML tmpnode = node; node = xmlGetNextNode(node); if (!node) { do { node = tmpnode; node = xmlGetParent(node); tmpnode = node; node = xmlGetNextNode(node); if (node) break; } while (mir_wstrcmpi(xmlGetName(tmpnode), L"body")); } } } } xmlDestroyNode(hXml); wchar_t mes[MAX_PATH]; if (DUPES) mir_snwprintf(mes, TranslateT("Imported %d feed(s)\r\nNot imported %d duplicate(s)."), count - DUPES, DUPES); else mir_snwprintf(mes, TranslateT("Imported %d feed(s)."), count); MessageBox(m_hwnd, mes, TranslateT("News Aggregator"), MB_OK | MB_ICONINFORMATION); } } void CImportFeed::OnClose() { Utils_SaveWindowPosition(m_hwnd, NULL, MODULE, "ImportDlg"); if (pImportDialog) pImportDialog = nullptr; } CFeedEditor::CFeedEditor(int iItem, CCtrlListView *m_feeds, MCONTACT Contact) : CSuper(hInst, IDD_ADDFEED), m_feedtitle(this, IDC_FEEDTITLE), m_feedurl(this, IDC_FEEDURL), m_checktime(this, IDC_CHECKTIME), m_checktimespin(this, IDC_TIMEOUT_VALUE_SPIN), m_checkfeed(this, IDC_DISCOVERY), m_useauth(this, IDC_USEAUTH), m_login(this, IDC_LOGIN), m_password(this, IDC_PASSWORD), m_tagedit(this, IDC_TAGSEDIT), m_reset(this, IDC_RESET), m_help(this, IDC_TAGHELP), m_ok(this, IDOK), m_iItem(iItem) { m_list = m_feeds; m_hContact = Contact; m_checkfeed.OnClick = Callback(this, &CFeedEditor::OnCheckFeed); m_useauth.OnChange = Callback(this, &CFeedEditor::OnUseAuth); m_reset.OnClick = Callback(this, &CFeedEditor::OnReset); m_help.OnClick = Callback(this, &CFeedEditor::OnHelp); m_ok.OnClick = Callback(this, &CFeedEditor::OnOk); } void CFeedEditor::OnInitDialog() { if (m_iItem == -1 && m_hContact == NULL) SetWindowText(m_hwnd, TranslateT("Add Feed")); else SetWindowText(m_hwnd, TranslateT("Change Feed")); m_checktime.SetMaxLength(3); m_checktimespin.SetRange(999, 0); if (m_iItem > -1 && m_hContact == 0) { wchar_t SelNick[MAX_PATH], SelUrl[MAX_PACKAGE_NAME]; m_list->GetItemText(m_iItem, 0, SelNick, _countof(SelNick)); m_list->GetItemText(m_iItem, 1, SelUrl, _countof(SelNick)); for (MCONTACT hContact = db_find_first(MODULE); hContact; hContact = db_find_next(hContact, MODULE)) { ptrW dbNick(db_get_wsa(hContact, MODULE, "Nick")); if ((dbNick == NULL) || (mir_wstrcmp(dbNick, SelNick) != 0)) continue; ptrW dbURL(db_get_wsa(hContact, MODULE, "URL")); if ((dbURL == NULL) || (mir_wstrcmp(dbURL, SelUrl) != 0)) continue; m_hContact = hContact; m_feedtitle.SetText(SelNick); m_feedurl.SetText(SelUrl); m_checktime.SetInt(db_get_dw(hContact, MODULE, "UpdateTime", DEFAULT_UPDATE_TIME)); wchar_t *szMsgFormat = db_get_wsa(hContact, MODULE, "MsgFormat"); if (szMsgFormat) { m_tagedit.SetText(szMsgFormat); mir_free(szMsgFormat); } if (db_get_b(hContact, MODULE, "UseAuth", 0)) { m_useauth.SetState(1); m_login.Enable(); m_password.Enable(); wchar_t *szLogin = db_get_wsa(hContact, MODULE, "Login"); if (szLogin) { m_login.SetText(szLogin); mir_free(szLogin); } pass_ptrA pwd(db_get_sa(hContact, MODULE, "Password")); m_password.SetTextA(pwd); } g_arFeeds.insert(this); Utils_RestoreWindowPositionNoSize(m_hwnd, hContact, MODULE, "ChangeDlg"); break; } } else if (m_iItem == -1 && m_hContact == NULL) { m_feedurl.SetText(L"http://"); m_tagedit.SetText(TAGSDEFAULT); m_checktime.SetInt(DEFAULT_UPDATE_TIME); Utils_RestoreWindowPositionNoSize(m_hwnd, NULL, MODULE, "AddDlg"); } else if (m_hContact != NULL) { ptrW dbNick(db_get_wsa(m_hContact, MODULE, "Nick")); ptrW dbURL(db_get_wsa(m_hContact, MODULE, "URL")); m_feedtitle.SetText(dbNick); m_feedurl.SetText(dbURL); m_checktime.SetInt(db_get_dw(m_hContact, MODULE, "UpdateTime", DEFAULT_UPDATE_TIME)); wchar_t *szMsgFormat = db_get_wsa(m_hContact, MODULE, "MsgFormat"); if (szMsgFormat) { m_tagedit.SetText(szMsgFormat); mir_free(szMsgFormat); } if (db_get_b(m_hContact, MODULE, "UseAuth", 0)) { m_useauth.SetState(1); m_login.Enable(); m_password.Enable(); wchar_t *szLogin = db_get_wsa(m_hContact, MODULE, "Login"); if (szLogin) { m_login.SetText(szLogin); mir_free(szLogin); } pass_ptrA pwd(db_get_sa(m_hContact, MODULE, "Password")); m_password.SetTextA(pwd); } g_arFeeds.insert(this); Utils_RestoreWindowPositionNoSize(m_hwnd, m_hContact, MODULE, "ChangeDlg"); } } void CFeedEditor::OnCheckFeed(CCtrlBase*) { m_checkfeed.Disable(); m_checkfeed.SetText(TranslateT("Wait...")); wchar_t *tszTitle = nullptr; ptrW strfeedurl(m_feedurl.GetText()); if (strfeedurl || mir_wstrcmp(strfeedurl, L"http://") != 0 || mir_wstrcmp(strfeedurl, L"") != 0) tszTitle = (wchar_t*)CheckFeed(strfeedurl, this); else MessageBox(m_hwnd, TranslateT("Enter Feed URL"), TranslateT("Error"), MB_OK); m_feedtitle.SetText(tszTitle); mir_free(tszTitle); m_checkfeed.Enable(); m_checkfeed.SetText(TranslateT("Check Feed")); } void CFeedEditor::OnReset(CCtrlBase*) { if (MessageBox(m_hwnd, TranslateT("Are you sure?"), TranslateT("Tags Mask Reset"), MB_YESNO | MB_ICONWARNING) == IDYES) m_tagedit.SetText(TAGSDEFAULT); } void CFeedEditor::OnHelp(CCtrlBase*) { CMStringW wszTagHelp; wszTagHelp.Format(L"%s - %s\n%s - %s\n%s - %s\n%s - %s\n%s - %s\n%s - %s\n%s - %s", L"##", TranslateT("The title of the item."), L"#<description>#", TranslateT("The item synopsis."), L"#<link>#", TranslateT("The URL of the item."), L"#<author>#", TranslateT("Email address of the author of the item."), L"#<comments>#", TranslateT("URL of a page for comments relating to the item."), L"#<guid>#", TranslateT("A string that uniquely identifies the item."), L"#<category>#", TranslateT("Specify one or more categories that the item belongs to.")); MessageBox(m_hwnd, wszTagHelp, TranslateT("Feed Tag Help"), MB_OK); } void CFeedEditor::OnOk(CCtrlBase*) { ptrW strfeedtitle(m_feedtitle.GetText()); if (!strfeedtitle || mir_wstrcmp(strfeedtitle, L"") == 0) { MessageBox(m_hwnd, TranslateT("Enter Feed name"), TranslateT("Error"), MB_OK); return; } ptrW strfeedurl(m_feedurl.GetText()); if (!strfeedurl || mir_wstrcmp(strfeedurl, L"http://") == 0 || mir_wstrcmp(strfeedurl, L"") == 0) { MessageBox(m_hwnd, TranslateT("Enter Feed URL"), TranslateT("Error"), MB_OK); return; } ptrW strtagedit(m_tagedit.GetText()); if (!strtagedit || mir_wstrcmp(strtagedit, L"") == 0) { MessageBox(m_hwnd, TranslateT("Enter message format"), TranslateT("Error"), MB_OK); return; } MCONTACT hContact; if (m_iItem == -1 && m_hContact == NULL) { hContact = db_add_contact(); Proto_AddToContact(hContact, MODULE); db_set_b(hContact, MODULE, "CheckState", 1); } else hContact = m_hContact; db_set_ws(hContact, MODULE, "Nick", strfeedtitle); db_set_ws(hContact, MODULE, "URL", strfeedurl); db_set_dw(hContact, MODULE, "UpdateTime", (DWORD)m_checktime.GetInt()); db_set_ws(hContact, MODULE, "MsgFormat", strtagedit); db_set_w(hContact, MODULE, "Status", CallProtoService(MODULE, PS_GETSTATUS, 0, 0)); if (m_useauth.IsChecked()) { db_set_b(hContact, MODULE, "UseAuth", 1); db_set_ws(hContact, MODULE, "Login", m_login.GetText()); db_set_s(hContact, MODULE, "Password", m_password.GetTextA()); } else { db_unset(hContact, MODULE, "UseAuth"); db_unset(hContact, MODULE, "Login"); db_unset(hContact, MODULE, "Password"); } if (m_iItem == -1 && m_list != nullptr && m_hContact == NULL) { int iItem = m_list->AddItem(strfeedtitle, -1); m_list->SetItem(iItem, 1, strfeedurl); m_list->SetCheckState(iItem, 1); } else if (m_iItem > -1) { m_list->SetItem(m_iItem, 0, strfeedtitle); m_list->SetItem(m_iItem, 1, strfeedurl); } } void CFeedEditor::OnClose() { g_arFeeds.remove(this); Utils_SaveWindowPosition(m_hwnd, NULL, MODULE, m_iItem == -1 ? "AddDlg" : "ChangeDlg"); if (pAddFeedDialog == this) pAddFeedDialog = nullptr; } void CFeedEditor::OnUseAuth(CCtrlBase*) { m_login.Enable(m_useauth.GetState()); m_password.Enable(m_useauth.GetState()); } void COptionsMain::UpdateList() { for (MCONTACT hContact = db_find_first(MODULE); hContact; hContact = db_find_next(hContact, MODULE)) { UpdateListFlag = TRUE; wchar_t *ptszNick = db_get_wsa(hContact, MODULE, "Nick"); if (ptszNick) { int iItem = m_feeds.AddItem(ptszNick, -1); wchar_t *ptszURL = db_get_wsa(hContact, MODULE, "URL"); if (ptszURL) { m_feeds.SetItem(iItem, 1, ptszURL); m_feeds.SetCheckState(iItem, db_get_b(hContact, MODULE, "CheckState", 1)); mir_free(ptszURL); } mir_free(ptszNick); } } UpdateListFlag = FALSE; } COptionsMain::COptionsMain() : CPluginDlgBase(hInst, IDD_OPTIONS, MODULE), m_feeds(this, IDC_FEEDLIST), m_add(this, IDC_ADD), m_change(this, IDC_CHANGE), m_delete(this, IDC_REMOVE), m_import(this, IDC_IMPORT), m_export(this, IDC_EXPORT), m_checkonstartup(this, IDC_STARTUPRETRIEVE) { CreateLink(m_checkonstartup, "AutoUpdate", DBVT_BYTE, 1); m_add.OnClick = Callback(this, &COptionsMain::OnAddButtonClick); m_change.OnClick = Callback(this, &COptionsMain::OnChangeButtonClick); m_delete.OnClick = Callback(this, &COptionsMain::OnDeleteButtonClick); m_import.OnClick = Callback(this, &COptionsMain::OnImportButtonClick); m_export.OnClick = Callback(this, &COptionsMain::OnExportButtonClick); m_feeds.OnItemChanged = Callback(this, &COptionsMain::OnFeedListItemChanged); m_feeds.OnDoubleClick = Callback(this, &COptionsMain::OnFeedListDoubleClick); } void COptionsMain::OnInitDialog() { CDlgBase::OnInitDialog(); m_change.Disable(); m_delete.Disable(); m_feeds.SetExtendedListViewStyle(LVS_EX_FULLROWSELECT | LVS_EX_CHECKBOXES); m_feeds.AddColumn(0, TranslateT("Feed"), 160); m_feeds.AddColumn(1, TranslateT("URL"), 276); UpdateList(); } void COptionsMain::OnApply() { for (MCONTACT hContact = db_find_first(MODULE); hContact; hContact = db_find_next(hContact, MODULE)) { ptrW dbNick(db_get_wsa(hContact, MODULE, "Nick")); for (int i = 0; i < m_feeds.GetItemCount(); i++) { wchar_t nick[MAX_PATH]; m_feeds.GetItemText(i, 0, nick, _countof(nick)); if (mir_wstrcmp(dbNick, nick) == 0) { db_set_b(hContact, MODULE, "CheckState", m_feeds.GetCheckState(i)); if (!m_feeds.GetCheckState(i)) db_set_b(hContact, "CList", "Hidden", 1); else db_unset(hContact, "CList", "Hidden"); } } } } void COptionsMain::OnAddButtonClick(CCtrlBase*) { if (pAddFeedDialog == nullptr) { pAddFeedDialog = new CFeedEditor(-1, &m_feeds, NULL); pAddFeedDialog->SetParent(m_hwnd); pAddFeedDialog->Show(); } } void COptionsMain::OnChangeButtonClick(CCtrlBase*) { int isel = m_feeds.GetSelectionMark(); CFeedEditor *pDlg = new CFeedEditor(isel, &m_feeds, NULL); pDlg->SetParent(m_hwnd); pDlg->Show(); } void COptionsMain::OnDeleteButtonClick(CCtrlBase*) { if (MessageBox(m_hwnd, TranslateT("Are you sure?"), TranslateT("Contact deleting"), MB_YESNO | MB_ICONWARNING) == IDYES) { wchar_t nick[MAX_PATH], url[MAX_PATH]; int isel = m_feeds.GetSelectionMark(); m_feeds.GetItemText(isel, 0, nick, _countof(nick)); m_feeds.GetItemText(isel, 1, url, _countof(url)); for (MCONTACT hContact = db_find_first(MODULE); hContact; hContact = db_find_next(hContact, MODULE)) { ptrW dbNick(db_get_wsa(hContact, MODULE, "Nick")); if (dbNick == NULL) break; if (mir_wstrcmp(dbNick, nick)) continue; ptrW dbURL(db_get_wsa(hContact, MODULE, "URL")); if (dbURL == NULL) break; if (mir_wstrcmp(dbURL, url)) continue; db_delete_contact(hContact); m_feeds.DeleteItem(isel); break; } } } void COptionsMain::OnImportButtonClick(CCtrlBase*) { if (pImportDialog == nullptr) { pImportDialog = new CImportFeed(&m_feeds); pImportDialog->Show(); pImportDialog->SetParent(m_hwnd); } } void COptionsMain::OnExportButtonClick(CCtrlBase*) { if (pExportDialog == nullptr) { pExportDialog = new CExportFeed(); pExportDialog->Show(); pExportDialog->SetParent(m_hwnd); } } void COptionsMain::OnFeedListItemChanged(CCtrlListView::TEventInfo *evt) { int isel = m_feeds.GetSelectionMark(); if (isel == -1) { m_change.Disable(); m_delete.Disable(); } else { m_change.Enable(); m_delete.Enable(); } if (((evt->nmlv->uNewState ^ evt->nmlv->uOldState) & LVIS_STATEIMAGEMASK) && !UpdateListFlag) NotifyChange(); } void COptionsMain::OnFeedListDoubleClick(CCtrlBase*) { int isel = m_feeds.GetHotItem(); if (isel != -1) { CFeedEditor *pDlg = new CFeedEditor(isel, &m_feeds, 0); pDlg->SetParent(m_hwnd); pDlg->Show(); } } int OptInit(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM) { OPTIONSDIALOGPAGE odp = { 0 }; odp.hInstance = hInst; odp.flags = ODPF_BOLDGROUPS | ODPF_UNICODE; odp.szGroup.w = LPGENW("Network"); odp.szTitle.w = LPGENW("News Aggregator"); odp.pDialog = new COptionsMain(); Options_AddPage(wParam, &odp); return 0; }