#define __MAJOR_VERSION				0
#define __MINOR_VERSION				6
#define __RELEASE_NUM				0
#define __BUILD_NUM					1


#define __PLUGIN_NAME				"Non-IM Contact"
#define __FILENAME					"NimContact.dll"
#define __DESCRIPTION 				"Non-IM Contact allows you to add 'contacts' that can act as shortcuts to other programs, or links to web pages.\r\nThe contacts name can be read from a text file (includes any ASCII file).\r\nThis plugin is a combination of Favorites and Text Reader plugins both made by me)"
#define __AUTHOR                 "Jonathan Gordon"
#define __AUTHOREMAIL				"ICQ 98791178, MSN jonnog@hotmail.com"
#define __AUTHORWEB					"http://miranda-ng.org/p/NimContact/"
#define __COPYRIGHT					"� 2003-2004 Jonathan Gordon, jdgordy@gmail.com"